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Former Secretaries of the Treasury Send Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit | U.S. Department of th…

Former Secretaries of the Treasury Send Letter to Congressional
Leadership on the Debt Limit
September 22, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, former U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury sent a letter to all members of
Congressional leadership regarding the debt limit.
The full text of the letter is available here

and also available below.

September 22, 2021
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Madam Speaker,
For 232 years, our nation has consistently paid all of its bills, in full and on time.
Unshakeable creditworthiness has long been a wellspring of strength for our nation, and
protecting it is a sacrosanct responsibility. No Congress or President has allowed our country
to default. We recognize that in recent years, as our politics have become more polarized and
divisive, addressing the debt limit has become more contentious and politically fraught. This
makes it all the more important that Congress and the Administration begin the process to
extend the nation’s borrowing authority without delay.
As former Treasury secretaries, we write to express our deep sense of urgency that
Congressional leadership, working with the Administration and the President, move swi ly
to initiate and complete a viable legislative process necessary to raise the debt limit.
Failing to address the debt limit, and allowing an unprecedented default, could cause
serious economic and national security harm.
Even a short-lived default could threaten economic growth. It creates the risk of roiling
markets, and of sapping economic confidence, and it would prevent Americans from



Former Secretaries of the Treasury Send Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit | U.S. Department of th…

receiving vital services. It would be very damaging to undermine trust in the full faith and
credit of the United States, and this damage would be hard to repair.
Short of actual default, even delaying resolution until default is imminent can be
detrimental. This would be true in any circumstances, but it is particularly true now as the
timing of borrowing needs are especially uncertain, given the impact of the pandemic and
the policy actions enacted by Congress in response. An accidental default could occur if the
debt limit is not raised in time. And there is no viable way to manage payments across the
federal government to prevent a default if there are insu icient resources available absent
action on the debt limit. Moreover, postponing action to raise the debt limit until too close
to the deadline undermines confidence in our political system at home and abroad.

W. Michael Blumenthal

Robert E. Rubin

Lawrence H. Summers

Henry M. Paulson, Jr.

Timothy F. Geithner

Jacob J. Lew


Former Secretaries of the Treasury Send Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit | U.S. Department of th…

Identical letter sent to:
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, House Republican Leader
The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Senate Majority Leader
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican Leader

The Honorable Richard E. Neal, Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means
The Honorable Kevin Brady, Ranking Member, House Committee on Ways and Means
The Honorable Ron Wyden, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance
The Honorable Mike Crapo, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Finance
