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FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation,
Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Historic
Commitment to Tribal Nations
June 21, 2022

Recognizing the significant public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on
Tribal communities, President Bidenʼs American Rescue Plan included over $30 billion for Tribal
governments – the largest single one-time infusion of federal dollars into Indian Country todate. The U.S. Treasury Department has played a pivotal role in administering these funds,
including $20 billion in fiscal relief to Tribes, support for Tribal e orts to help members stay in
their homes, and investments in small businesses and broadband. Today, as Secretary Yellen
makes her first visit to Tribal lands as Secretary, Treasury is taking two steps that will deepen
the Departmentʼs commitment to Tribal Nations – with President Bidenʼs announcement of
his intent to appoint Lynn Malerba, Lifetime Chief of the Mohegan Tribe, as Treasurer of the
United States Treasurer as well as the establishment of a new O ice of Tribal and Native
A airs that will report to her.

Today, President Biden announced his intent to appoint Marilynn “Lynn” Malerba, Lifetime
Chief of the Mohegan Indian Tribe, as Treasurer of the United States. Chief Malerba is the first
female chief of her Tribal nation and will be the first Native American Treasurer at the Treasury
Department. Chief Malerba brings decades of community and economic development
experience for Tribal and underserved communities to her new role and previously served as a
member for the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee. For the first time in history, a Tribal
leader and Native womanʼs signature will be on our currency. Chief Malerba will also oversee
the U.S. Mint, which released the Wilma Mankiller Quarter earlier this month, honoring the first
female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.



FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

Further, Treasury is announcing the establishment of a new O ice of Tribal and Native A airs,
which will report to the Treasurer and coordinate Tribal relations throughout the Department.
At its outset, this o ice will be sta ed by employees that are currently in the O ice of
Recovery Programsʼ Tribal Policy and Engagement Team. Treasury created this Tribal team in
2021 as part of its e orts to develop Treasuryʼs growing relationship with Tribal nations. The
new O ice of Tribal and Native A airs will work across Treasuryʼs portfolio on issues related
to Tribal nations, and Treasury intends to work with Congress to ensure this o ice has the
resources it needs to carry out its mission.

F UNDS [ 1 ]
Historic fiscal relief to support Tribal governments responding to the pandemic: As part
of the American Rescue Plan, the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) provided a
$20 billion Tribal allocation to Tribal governments – the largest single infusion of federal
dollars into Indian Country. Tribal governments and their communities face some of the
countryʼs worst economic conditions and poorest health outcomes – which were exacerbated
by the pandemic –and lack the resources to generate revenue comparable to state and local
governments. As a response, SLFRF has provided governments with the resources to fight
the pandemic and support families and business struggling with its public health and
economic impacts, maintain vital public services amid declines in revenue resulting from the
crisis, and give governments the tools for long-term growth and opportunity.
Tribal governments have used this funding to develop a ordable housing, expand access to
clean drinking water, increase food security, and provide job training and child care, as well as
on small business grants and other e orts to support further economic recovery. Examples of
SLFRF projects include:
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is investing SLFRF in several substantial housing projects. With
housing costs on the rise, the Tribe saw SLFRF as an important tool to address
overcrowding, a lack of a ordable housing on the reservation, and a rapidly growing
The Ketchikan Indian Community is using SLFRF to provide premium pay to 195 Tribal
government essential workers that included sectors such as behavioral, childcare, and
elder care.



FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

The Santa Rosa Rancheria is constructing several water, sewer, and fire prevention
programs to not only improve the Tribeʼs infrastructure but also to protect the
surrounding community from wildfires.
In response to extensive Tribal feedback, Treasury adopted flexibility in the SLFRF final rule,
including by allowing governments to elect a “standard allowance” of up to $10 million of
revenue loss to spend on government services and permitting governments to use these
revenue loss funds as non-federal match. Treasury presumes households and populations
receiving services provided by Tribal governments, as well as small businesses and nonprofits
operated by Tribal governments or on Tribal lands, to be disproportionally impacted by the
public health and negative economic impacts of the pandemic. Additionally, Treasury tiered
Tribal compliance and reporting for Tribes allocated less than $30 million in SLFRF funding,
only requiring them to submit annual project and expenditure reports rather than quarterly
The SLFRF built upon the $8 billion Treasury implemented under the Coronavirus Relief Fund
(CRF), established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Additionally, ARPA established the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF)
which provides a $500 million Tribal set aside, for the use of any governmental purpose,
except for lobbying activity to serve as a general revenue enhancement program. Treasury is
currently developing this program and will release more information soon.
Providing support to tribes to keep families in their homes: In response to acute housing
challenges across Indian Country that were exacerbated by the pandemic, Treasury has
provided $800 million for Tribal governments, Tribally Designated Housing Authorities
(TDHEs), and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands to assist eligible, low-income
households on or o Tribal lands with rental and utility payments and housing stability
services as part of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program. Treasury has made
payments to 301 Tribal governments and TDHEs administering programs under the program,
which was created under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. Tribes have been able to
assist thousands of renters, including:
The Fort Belknap Tribal Housing Authority is assisting eligible households, anyone
living on the reservation and Tribal members living o the reservation, with rental
payments and arrears, and utility costs arrears, as well as other eligible expenses. To date,
it has served almost 300 households though ERA.



FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

The Housing Authority of the Sac and Fox Nation is assisting households, native and
non-native, with rental and utility payments. It has been able to assist many previously
homeless applicants to find housing and has prevented evictions and housing
displacement. With ERA funds, the Housing Authority has assisted nearly 250 households
with rental payments and nearly 220 households with utility payments.
In addition, the ARPA established the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), which provides a
$496 million set-aside for Tribal governments, Tribally Designated Housing Authorities
(TDHEs), and the Department of Hawaiian Homeland for assistance with mortgage payments,
homeownerʼs insurance, utility payments, and other qualified expenses related to mortgages
and housing for low-income households a ected by the pandemic. Tribes have supported
homeowners on and o Tribal lands with mortgage payments, gas, electric, internet, water,
and insurance assistance.
Investing in Tribal small businesses: ARPA provides funding for Tribal governments to
participate in the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), including a $500 million
allocation specific to Tribal governments. This program allows jurisdictions to establish small
business capital programs, such as equity/venture capital programs, loan participation
programs, loan guarantee programs, collateral support programs, and capital access
programs (CAPs). SSBCI will provide credit and investment opportunities for Tribal enterprises
and small business owners. Treasury is currently reviewing applications that have been
submitted, and Treasury will accept Tribal applications for SSBCI funding until September 1,
Expanding access to a ordable broadband in Indian Country: Under the American Rescue
Plan, Treasury established the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) – which provides a $100 million set
aside allocated in equal shares to Tribal governments and the State of Hawaii for the
Department of Hawaiian Homelands and Native Hawaiian Education Programs. Tribal
governments and Native communities face various barriers to deploying broadband to their
communities, including lack of funding and insu icient data, resulting in over half of rural
Tribal communities lacking fixed broadband coverage, according to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). Treasury has coordinated with the National
Telecommunications and Information Agencyʼs (NTIA) Tribal Broadband Connectivity Fund for
a cross-agency approach to deploy broadband in Indian Country. Tribal governments have
used CPF funding on broadband infrastructure projects, multi-purpose facilities, connectivity
devices, and projects to access high-speed internet. Specific Tribal project examples include:



FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

The Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe will increase capacity and improve broadband
connectivity by upgrading existing infrastructure with dedicated fiber-optic backhaul.
The Eklutna Native Village will develop a multi-use center that will host health
screenings, vocational trainings, and cultural education events.
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe will upgrade their network infrastructure hardware and
so ware.
Treasuryʼs Increased Engagement With Tribal Nations: The O ice of Recovery Programs
was created in 2021 to oversee the Departmentʼs implementation of economic relief and
recovery programs. As part of this work, Treasury established a Tribal Policy and Engagement
team – comprised of four Tribal citizens with experience in Tribal policy, government, and
economic development – to help lead the implementation of over $30 billion in direct Tribal
recovery set-asides authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
(CARES Act), Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), and the American Rescue Plan Act
of 2021 (ARPA). Since the establishment of the Tribal team in 2021, Treasury has substantially
increased its consultation and government-to-government engagement with Tribal nations,
resulting in incorporation of Tribal sovereignty and self-governance into program
implementation in support of public health and economic recovery.
Consultations and Engagement: Treasury has prioritized Tribal engagement by increasing
the amount of Tribal consultations and engagements, trainings, and compliance support
measures significantly over the past year.
Since the beginning of 2021, Treasury has held 15 Tribal consultations and over 100
engagement sessions ranging from compliance training to regional information sessions.
In recognition that many Tribes lack access to broadband, Treasury has instituted one-onone outreach to supplement email notifications, through calls and engagement with Tribal
organizations on the ground.
Treasury has partnered with BIA regions and the White House Council on Native American
A airs to disseminate information and coordinate with other Federal agencies.
Treasury has held national and regional information sessions and webinars to support
more interactive engagement, -- including in partnership with Tribal organizations –while
establishing o ice hours for selected programs.
Policy Implementation: Over the past year, Treasury has sought to integrate Tribal leader
feedback into policy implementation to ensure the needs and unique status of Tribal
governments are reflected in our deployment of recovery funds to Tribal nations. For example,



FACT SHEET: During Visit to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Secretary Yellen Highlights U.S. Treasury Department’s Histor…

based on Tribal feedback, Treasury has incorporated the use of self-certified tribal data into
the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and the Emergency Rental Assistance program.
Treasuryʼs government-to-government engagements have also shaped the Departmentʼs
approach to providing customized guidance for Tribes as well as incorporating flexibility that
defers to Tribal expertise on the communities they serve on- and o -reservation, Tribal and
non-Tribal. In response to Tribal feedback on the multiple roles that Tribal enterprises serve in
Tribal economies, for example, the State Small Business Credit Initiative permits certain Tribal
enterprise revenues to count toward key financing requirements. Likewise, the final rule for
the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program simplifies administration so small
businesses operated by Tribal governments or on Tribal lands are presumed to be
disproportionately impacted by the public health and negative economic impacts of the
Engagement with Tribal leaders has also shaped Treasuryʼs understanding of the impact of
the pandemic on Tribal workforces. As a result, Treasury has consistently extended Tribal
deadlines across programs where it has discretion to enable more Tribes to apply for funding,
streamlined Tribal applications in programs like the Capital Projects Fund, or reduced and/or
tiered reporting for Tribal governments in recognition of the varying capacities of Tribes,
which range in size from communities of 10 citizens to over 400,000.

[1] The examples included throughout this fact sheet are based on recipient reports and publicly-available information, and their
inclusion in this document does not constitute an explicit approval of these projects by Treasury.
