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Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for
Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory
Committee August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022

Economic data were mixed in the second quarter of 2022. Real GDP contracted mildly for a
second consecutive quarter, but employment continued to rise. Firms added an average of
375,000 jobs per month and the unemployment rate remained near a half-century low. Surging
energy and food prices—due in part to Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine—pushed up headline
inflation to new highs, though core inflation remained elevated as well. At the same time,
housing data suggested the start of a market correction as high house prices and rising
interest rates constrained demand for new and existing homes.
As in the first quarter, the economic environment was framed by the emergence of new
coronavirus variants, tightening monetary policy, negative impacts from Russiaʼs invasion of
Ukraine, and supply-demand mismatches. Production was constrained by physical disruption
of transportation and other aspects of supply chains, including COVID-related lockdowns, and
continued shortages of production materials, such as semiconductors for motor vehicles.
Inflation at the headline and core levels has continued to climb this year, but at the margins,
there is some easing of prices in some markets: the federal government has taken a variety of
steps to reduce gasoline prices and tightness in grain markets may be loosening.

According to the advance estimate of second quarter GDP (released Thursday, July 28), real
GDP declined by 0.9 percent at an annual rate, following a 1.6 percent drop in the first quarter.
The pullback in economic activity in the second quarter primarily reflected a significantly
slower build-up of private inventories, in addition to less residential investment and
government spending. By contrast, net exports and personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) both contributed positively to GDP growth. Despite two consecutive quarters of
modest contraction, real GDP was still up 1.6 percent over the last four quarters.



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

Real private domestic final purchases (PDFP)—the sum of personal consumption, business
fixed investment, and residential investment—was flat in the second quarter, a er rising 3.0
percent at an annual rate in the first quarter. This measure, which excludes final public and
international demand for goods and services, as well as the change in private inventories, is
typically a better indicator of the private sectorʼs capacity to generate self-sustaining
growth. A flat reading for PDFP indicates a slowing in underlying growth.
Real PCE—the largest component of PDFP and roughly two-thirds of real GDP—rose by 1.0
percent in the second quarter on an annualized basis, slowing from a 1.8 percent increase in
the first quarter. Consumption reflected the rotation from goods to services as households
slowly returned to pre-pandemic patterns of spending. Consumption of services rose 4.1
percent due to recovering demand for food services and accommodations, recreation,
transportation, and health care. Meanwhile, consumption of goods fell by 4.4 percent as
spending on both durable and nondurable goods pulled back from elevated levels. Household
expenditures on durable goods were 2.6 percent lower, while spending on nondurables
dropped 5.5 percent. The latter partly reflected higher prices for gasoline as well as for food
and beverages consumed at home. Although households are returning to pre-pandemic styles
of consumption, the rotation remains incomplete. The composition of total PCE remains
weighted more heavily toward goods than services: as of the second quarter of 2022, the
share of goods in total PCE was 4 percentage points higher than the pre-pandemic (20152019) average.
Business fixed investment (BFI) declined 0.1 percent in the second quarter, a er surging by
10.0 percent at an annual rate in the first quarter. This was the first decline in BFI a er seven
consecutive quarterly advances. Investment in structures posed a much larger drag on
growth, dropping 11.7 percent in the latest quarter, a er slipping 0.9 percent in the first
quarter. Equipment investment decreased 2.7 percent in the second quarter, following a 14.1
percent jump in the previous quarter. Investment in intellectual property products, which was
the sole positive contributor to business investment spending, rose 9.2 percent at an annual
rate in the second quarter, slowing modestly from a 11.2 percent advance in the first quarter.
Real residential investment—the third and final component of PDFP—fell by 14.0 percent at an
annual rate in the second quarter, following a 0.4 percent increase in the previous quarter.
Lower investment was broad-based. Single-family structures spending fell 4.2 percent while
multi-family structures investment was down 5.6 percent. Other structures investment—that



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

is, manufactured homes, group housing, and ancillary spending like brokersʼ commissions—
dropped 22.2 percent in the second quarter.
The remaining components of GDP represent public sector demand, international demand,
and buildup or drawdown of private inventories. Of these, the change in private inventories
(CIPI) posed the largest drag on the economyʼs performance in the second quarter. Although
firms added $82 billion (constant 2012 dollars) to inventories in the second quarter, the
buildup was less than half the $189 billion first quarter increase. As a result, CIPI subtracted
2.0 percentage points from real GDP growth in the second quarter. Inventories tend to be a
volatile component of GDP and have remained volatile through the pandemic; in the second
quarter, slower private inventory investment was led by slower growth of retail inventories,
particularly at general merchandise stores and a drawdown in automotive inventories.
On the international side, the trade deficit narrowed by $70.0 billion to $1,474.7 billion in the
second quarter, adding 1.4 percentage points to GDP growth. Total exports of goods and
services surged by 18.0 percent at an annual rate, led by industrial supplies and materials as
well as services (travel). Meanwhile, total import growth slowed to 3.1 percent. The second
quarter improvement in the trade deficit was the first since the middle of 2020.
For public-sector demand of goods and services, total government spending declined 1.9
percent at an annual rate in the second quarter, a er decreasing 2.9 percent in the previous
quarter. Federal government consumption and investment fell by 3.2 percent, accounting for
about two-thirds of the decrease in public spending. The nondefense category drove the
decline at the federal level, largely reflecting the sale of crude oil from the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which was tabulated as a decrease in nondefense consumption
Meanwhile, defense spending rose 2.5 percent, a er five consecutive
quarters of decline, and state and local government consumption declined 1.2 percent in the
second quarter.

Labor markets remained very tight in the second quarter. A er generating 6.7 million payroll
jobs last year and 1.6 million jobs in the first quarter, the economy added another 1.1 million in
the second quarter. As of June, a total of 21.5 million jobs have been recovered during the
current recovery, or 98 percent of those lost during the two-month recession in early 2020.
Private sector payrolls now exceed pre-pandemic levels. The unemployment rate, meanwhile,
has remained at 3.6 percent since March, just one-tenth of a percent above the half-century



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

low of 3.5 percent seen just before the onset of the pandemic. The broadest measure of
unemployment—the U-6 rate, a measure of labor underutilization that includes
underemployment and discouraged workers in addition to the unemployed—has also
continued to decline in 2022, reaching 6.7 percent in June. This is the lowest U-6 rate in the
history of the series, which dates from January 1994. As of June 2022, the long-term (27 or
more weeks) unemployment rate, expressed as a percentage of the labor force, also dropped
sharply last year and, this rate had declined to 0.8 percent, or only 0.1 percentage point above
the pre-pandemic low.
By contrast, recovery in labor force participation stalled in the second quarter of 2022. A er
climbing to 62.4 percent in March, or 1.0 percentage point below the pre-pandemic rate, the
total labor force participation rate (LFPR) eased to 62.2 percent in June. For prime-age (ages
25 to 54) workers, the LFPR in June was 82.3 percent, down 0.2 percentage points from March
and 0.8 percentage points below the nearly twelve-year high of 83.1 percent reached in
January 2020. For those older than 55 years of age, the LFPR stood at 38.4 percent in June,
reversing all of the improvement seen in the first quarter. Between 2016 and 2019, the LFPR
for those older than 55 averaged 40.1 percent, but over the past 2½ years, this rate has
averaged 38.8 percent, possibly suggesting a downward shi in labor force participation
among older adults due to such factors as Covid concerns and rising retirement rates.
Labor market conditions remain historically tight as labor supply has not matched labor
demand, which has been at or near record highs since February 2021. Just before the
pandemic, the number of job openings were at a near-peak at 7.4 million at the end of October
2019. By the end of May 2022 (latest available data), job openings stood at 11.3 million,
roughly 50 percent above the pre-pandemic high. Given the mismatch, workers retain
considerable leverage with regard to job mobility and wage demands. By the end of May
2022, the number of job quits ticked down to 4.3 million but was still roughly 20 percent above
the pre-pandemic high, and the o icial number of unemployed persons per job opening was at
a record low of 0.5 for the third consecutive month in May. For the two years immediately
preceding the pandemic, the unemployed person per job opening ratio ranged between 0.8
and 1.0.
Persistent tightness in labor markets continues to support strong nominal wage growth. For
production and nonsupervisory workers, nominal average hourly earnings increased 6.4
percent over the year through June 2022—though this is somewhat slower than the 6.7
percent pace registered earlier this year from January to March. The Employment Cost Index



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

(ECI), which better controls for changes in labor composition and is a more comprehensive
measure of total compensation, showed private sector wages increasing 5.7 percent over the
twelve months ending in June 2022, accelerating from the previous quarterʼs twelve-month
pace of 5.0 percent and marking the fastest yearly rate since the fourth quarter of 1982.

Inflation strengthened in the second quarter of 2022. Over the twelve months through June
2022, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 9.1 percent. The CPI for energy goods and services
surged 41.6 percent over the year through June, accounting for a third of the headline
increase and marking the largest year-over-year increase since the Russian invasion of Ukraine
in late February. Food prices rose 10.4 percent over the year, contributing about 15 percent of
the overall increase in June, and reflecting rising prices for energy as well as fertilizers and
other agricultural input costs and ongoing supply chain disruptions. Stripping out the volatile
food and energy components, core inflation was 5.9 percent over the twelve months through
June, slowing marginally for the third consecutive month.
With regard to monthly developments, the CPI for all items has generally trended higher thus
far in 2022. More than half of inflation experienced so far in 2022 is accounted for by food and
energy. A er slowing to 0.3 percent in April, reflecting a modest and temporary retreat in
energy price inflation, the headline rate has since accelerated on sharply higher energy and
food prices, rising 1.3 percent in June. Looking at specific commodities in the wake of the
Russian invasion, the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) advanced nearly 33 percent from
the day before the invasion through early June, and the price of natural gas increased almost
106 percent over the same period. Depending upon the variety, the price of wheat increased
over that same period by as much as 47 percent. Meanwhile, the average price of U.S. regular
gasoline jumped about 42 percent from the same point in February through mid-June. Since
then, however, regular gasolineʼs price has declined 9.4 percent through mid-July and wheat
prices have fallen been 20 and 25 percent, depending upon the variety. Despite the notable
easing in commodity prices in recent weeks, gasoline and other energy prices remain
significantly elevated relative to year-ago levels, and food price inflation may remain elevated
as high energy prices filter through agriculture supply chains.
Core CPI growth has accelerated in each month of the second quarter and rose by 0.7 percent
in June. Among the components of core goods CPI, new and used car prices have begun to
increase again—albeit at a slower pace than seen last year. Among services, the shelter price



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

index—which accounts for about 40 percent of the core CPI—has been running in the range of
0.5 percent to 0.6 percent for the past five months. In June, CPI rent of primary residence
jumped 0.8 percent and ownersʼ equivalent rent surged 0.7 percent accounting for 40 percent
of monthly core CPI inflation. In recent months, the ownersʼ equivalent rent portion of shelter
has dominated shelter inflation, but would-be home buyers appear to be turning to the rental
market amid rising mortgage rates and high house prices. With evidence that new leases are
being contracted at increasingly higher rates—monthly increases in the mid-teens in some
metropolitan areas—the shelter component is expected to keep core inflation rates elevated
in the near-term.
The Federal Reservesʼ preferred measure of inflation is the PCE price index. The PCE price
index assigns di erent weights for di erent components than does the CPI and uses a
di erent methodology in its calculation, the drivers of both measures remain similar. As with
the CPI, the headline PCE accelerated to 1.0 percent in June, and the core PCE measure
advanced 0.6 percent. Inflation as measured by the PCE and core PCE price indices is running
at a lower rate than CPI inflation, largely due to the higher weight of health care services in
PCE, which has seen more normal rates of price increases. PCE inflation typically runs at a
slower pace than CPI inflation due to the methodological and weighting di erences. From
2000 to 2019, headline PCE inflation was 0.3 percentage points slower than CPI inflation on a
year-over-year basis, while core PCE inflation was typically 0.2 percentage points slower than
core CPI inflation. Since spring 2021, however, the gaps have widened considerably. As of
June 2022, PCE inflation was 6.8 percent on a year-over-year basis, or 2.3 percentage points
below CP inflation. The gap between core measures has also widened—though to a lesser
extent. Core PCE inflation was 5.3 percent over the year ending June, compared to 5.9
percent inflation as measured by the core CPI.

In the second quarter, housing markets began to see minor easing of the supply-demand
imbalances that were aggravated by the pandemic. Rising mortgage rates and still-rapid
price appreciation have weighed on home purchases. Existing and new home sales have been
trending lower since the beginning of the year. In June, existing home sales—which account
for 90 percent of all home sales—declined 5.4 percent over the month and were down 14.2
percent on a twelve-month basis. New single-family home sales declined 8.1 percent in June
and were down 17.4 percent over the year through June. Lower sales have led to higher
inventories of homes available for sale: since falling to an all-time low of 850,000 homes in



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

January and February 2022, existing home inventories have risen to nearly 1.3 million homes as
of June. Inventories are now equivalent to 3.0 months of sales, roughly double the seriesʼ low
of 1.6 months from January, but still low relative to the average 3.9 months of supply in 2019.
For new homes, the inventory of new single-family homes available for sale has risen well
above the 7-month supply deemed consistent with a balanced market; at the end of June,
there were 9.3 monthsʼ supply of new homes on the market.
So far, the decrease in demand has had only a small e ect on house price appreciation, though
house prices are measured with a lag. The Case-Shiller national house price index—which
measures sales prices of existing homes—was up 19.7 percent over the year ending in May
2022, faster than the 16.9 percent advance over the year through May 2021, and a nearly fivefold increase over the 4.4 percent, twelve-month rate seen through May 2020. The FHFA
house price index rose 18.3 percent over the year ending in May 2022, in line with the 18.2
percent pace over the year through May 2021 but more than three times the 5.2 percent rise
registered over the year through May 2020. Although each index in May 2022 registered its
slowest monthly pace in roughly six months, both indices have risen above 1 percent monthly
since August 2020.
Meanwhile, new construction weakened in the second quarter. A er falling by 1.7 percent
from December to March, single-family housing starts dropped 17.5 percent from March to
June. Single-family permits were down 16.6 percent in the second quarter, despite a gain of
4.0 percent the previous quarter. However, the multi-family sector, albeit volatile, rebounded
in the second quarter, with multi-family starts up 9.9 percent, a er a 5.6 percent decline in the
previous quarter. Moreover, the total number of homes under construction as of June 2022
(single-family and multi-family) was at a series high (data series begins in 1970), while the
number of new housing units that have been authorized, but not yet started (i.e., the backlog
of new construction) stood at 285,000 in June 2022, just below the all-time high of 290,000
units reached in March (data begin in 1999).

Since the previous Economy Statement to the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee, the
pandemic has become a less acute risk to the economic outlook—though it still poses
headwinds to the economy. Although new strains of the Omicron variant are more able to
infect vaccinated people, vaccines are proving e ective against serious complications and
hospitalization rates are well below those seen during previous variant waves.



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

Inflation: Inflation remains the dominant downside risk to the economy, as it has led to lower
real spending, declining real wages, and historically pessimistic consumer sentiment.
Headline inflation is being elevated by the global e ects of Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine.
Core inflation also remains high and has yet to show clear signs of easing. Inflation for
owner-occupied housing, resulting from the sharp jumps in house prices in recent years, has
put a high floor for core inflation, and rising demand for rental properties is putting upward
pressure on rents. Core inflation is broad-based across both goods and services. Prices for
core goods remain stubbornly high, and lean inventories of durable goods—particularly
inventories of motor vehicles—mean minor supply-chain disruptions can lead to sharp prices
increases. However, policies to reduce inflation may result in further asset market volatility,
lower consumption and investment growth, and slower job growth.
Energy Commodity Prices: Following Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine, energy commodity prices
spiked, contributing to the sharp rise of inflation and reduced demand for non-energy goods
and services. Although prices of oil, natural gas, and gasoline remain high, prices started to
decline at the end of the second quarter. Since mid-June, for example, consumers have seen a
14.3 percent decline in the price of regular retail gasoline, which will push down monthly
inflation in July.
However, additional energy commodity price volatility poses a risk to U.S. economic growth.
High energy prices feed into large aspects of agriculture and manufacturing supply-chains,
further weakening the ability of supply to meet demand. Sharp price jumps also quickly reduce
householdsʼ purchasing power, potentially causing a pull back in other areas of consumption.
In addition, commodity price shocks are likely to have an outsized shock on other advanced
economies, which can weaken international demand for U.S. goods and service exports,
further slowing economic grown.
Russiaʼs unlawful invasion is the primary cause of high global prices. Accordingly, the U.S.
Treasury has been working recently with finance ministers in the G-7 to implement price caps
on Russian oil, representing a significant step in advancing the Administrationʼs twin goals of
sharply reducing Russian revenue and avoiding further disruptions to global energy supplies.

Real GDP declined 0.9 percent at an annual rate in the second quarter of 2022, a er dropping
1.6 percent in the first quarter. PDFP growth, which had accelerated strongly in the first
quarter despite a 1.6 percent decline in real GDP, slowed in the latest quarter to a flat



Economy Statement by Benjamin Harris, Assistant Secretary for Economy Policy, for the Treasury Borrowing Advisory C…

reading. However, the second quarterʼs setback was a function of slower inventory
investment; absent inventories, Real Final Sales of Domestic Product grew 1.1 percent,
reflecting strong growth in exports and a further increase in consumer spending.


The federal governmentʼs sale of SPR crude oil has a net z ero e ect on GDP. The negative impact on public consumption

was o set by a positive impact to private crude oil inventories.
