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Daniel M. Tangherlini, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Management and Chief Financial Officer Opening Statement A…

Press Center

Daniel M. Tangherlini, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Management and Chief Financial Officer Opening Statement As Prepared for Delivery
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance

Chairman Baucus, Ranking Member Grassley, distinguished members of the Committee, I am honored to have my nomination come
before you today. I am grateful to President Obama and Secretary Geithner for asking me to serve at the Treasury Department at this
critical moment for our nation's economy. I also want to thank your staff for meeting with me last week and discussing management issues
and my qualifications for the position for which I have been nominated.
I am particularly grateful to my wife of 14 years, Theresa, and to our children, Cassandra (12) and Francesca (9), for their support and
willingness in allowing me to continue to serve in government with all its attendant sacrifices. Theresa serves in her own way, as a
pediatric nurse practitioner in private practice in suburban Virginia. Cassandra and Francesca are committed students, girl scouts and
soccer players.
I cannot say that service to our Nation and our people is an idea I came to on my own. My family has a long tradition of public service. My
grandfather, who immigrated to this country from Italy, served in the Army during the First World War, was wounded in battle, and later
spent his career as a machinist at the Charlestown Navy Yards in Boston. My father followed him into the Army and fought in the Second
World War, including the Battle of the Bulge. He later worked on the long-term defense of our nation by studying inertial guidance
systems both in graduate school and when he worked as a defense contractor. My uncle worked as a civilian in the Navy for his career.
And my brothers both serve: my younger brother as a Paramedic/Firefighter in San Francisco and my older brother as a professor at
I came to Washington in 1991 eager to work in government and serve the Nation. As a newly appointed Presidential Management
Fellow, I accepted my first job with the Office of Management and Budget as a Budget Preparation Specialist. I stayed at OMB for six
years, working in a variety of capacities, including a year as a special assistant to the Associate Director for General Government and
Finance. After my next job with the U.S. Department of Transportation, I began what would become a 10-year stint with the Government
of the District of Columbia – not including nearly a year that I spent with Metro. Working for Mayor Williams and, later, Mayor Fenty, I had
the pleasure to watch the fortunes of our Nation's Capital turn nearly full-circle. I also learned the significant role government can play in
people's lives – both positive and negative.
I bring to this challenge nearly twenty years of experience from not just working in government, but experience in working to change
government for the better. In my work as Chief Financial Officer at the Metropolitan Police Department I learned that strong programmatic
financial management is the key to unlocking greatly improved results. I also gained my first experience as a manager, during which time
I learned that all employees have skills and talents that great organizations learn to encourage, support and leverage. As Director of the
Department of Transportation I learned that challenges are also opportunities and that high-quality, personalized customer service will go a
long way toward building the support and credibility one needs for the hard choices. This lesson was reinforced for me every day when I
served as Interim General Manager at Metro, where I was responsible for safely and efficiently moving more than 1 million people a day to
and from their destinations. Most recently, as City Administrator/Deputy Mayor, I was continually reminded how precious are the
resources – human capital, financial, and otherwise – that we are entrusted with by the public, and how powerful our responsibility is to
use them as efficiently and effectively as we can.
I am humbled and honored to have the possibility of serving the nation in this new capacity should I be confirmed. If you and your
colleagues in the Senate give me the opportunity to serve as Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer for the
United States Treasury Department, I promise to apply myself fully to the best of my ability to justify your trust and confidence.
Thank you for allowing me to appear before you today. I would be pleased to answer any questions.



Daniel M. Tangherlini, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Management and Chief Financial Officer Opening Statement A…

