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Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles P. Rettig, Pens an Op-Ed for The Washington Post Urging Co…

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles P. Rettig,
Pens an Op-Ed for The Washington Post Urging Congress to
Provide IRS with Vital Funding
November 11, 2021

Today, The Washington Post published an op-ed by Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
Service, Charles P. Rettig. In the piece, Commissioner Rettig urges Congress to enact the
administrationʼs proposal to provide the IRS with $80 billion in vital funding over the next
Commissioner Rettig notes: “The Administration estimates $400 billion in additional revenue
can be generated over the next decade from enforcement e orts focused on higher-end
incomes, shrinking the tax gap. This figure is no surprise: If given the resources we need, we
will be able to make a sizable dent in noncompliance over several years. A properly funded and
trained workforce will also have a significant deterrent e ect on cheating”.
He concludes: “We desperately need su icient resources to be able to appropriately serve and
support you and our country. The funding proposal o ers a historic opportunity to help the IRS
help others. Congress must act”.
Read the full op-ed below.
WASHINGTON POST: OPINION - IRS commissioner: We desperately need resources so the
agency can serve you and our country
By Charles P. Rettig

Charles P. Rettig is the 49th commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. He was appointed
in 2018 a er nearly four decades as an attorney specializing in tax law.



Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles P. Rettig, Pens an Op-Ed for The Washington Post Urging Co…

Over the past decade, the IRS budget has been decimated. Todayʼs historically low level of
funding means that the agency is not equipped to provide the American people the service
they deserve or to fully enforce the tax laws against those who evade them.
This should be recognized as the crisis it is. The IRS plays a pivotal role in our countryʼs overall
success: Last year, it collected more than $4 trillion, providing about 95 percent of the nationʼs
gross revenue. As IRS commissioner, Iʼm proud to note that the ability of the United States to
provide its citizens with meaningful services and benefits — including defense, infrastructure,
education and support for families — depends in large part on the agencyʼs work.
That is why, as IRS commissioner, I strongly urge Congress to enact the administrationʼs
proposal to provide us with $80 billion in vital funding over the next decade.
Suggestions that the agency may not be fully capable of e iciently using these funds ignore
the fact that the IRS workforce is the same size as in 1970, though the population has grown
by 60 percent and the complexity of the economy has increased exponentially. And they ignore
the ever-growing set of responsibilities — such as the distribution of pandemic-related
stimulus payments — that the IRS is required to carry out.
The status quo is untenable: Itʼs frustrating to taxpayers, itʼs frustrating to our employees and
itʼs frustrating to me. Today, we have fewer than 15,000 people to handle more than 240
million calls received in the first half of this year alone. We have fewer auditors than at any
time since World War II. Dozens of the assistance centers across the country that provide
face-to-face service sit empty because we donʼt have the resources to hire sta . Many of
these are located in vulnerable, underserved areas, which I passionately believe need help.
Three years ago, I joined the IRS workforce with the goal to improve the tax system for
everyone. Within the past year, we made historic progress in multilingual outreach e orts and
in underserved communities. We have the desire to do more, but such e orts are significantly
diminished as we continue to face enormous resource, sta ing and technology challenges.
Likewise, limited resources and ever-expanding responsibilities have reduced our ability to
enforce the tax laws against sophisticated taxpayers who dodge their obligations by using
intricate financial arrangements reported on complex tax returns, o en involving multitiered
entities. Resource limitations make it di icult for us to identify and maintain meaningful audit



Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles P. Rettig, Pens an Op-Ed for The Washington Post Urging Co…

coverage of high-income taxpayers, partnerships and large corporations, despite their outsize
contribution to the tax gap. Indeed, audits of taxpayers with annual income over $1 million
dropped by more than 60 percent in the past decade. The result of a diminished IRS means at
least 15 percent of taxes owed to the government are uncollected each year.
Make no mistake — many wealthy taxpayers and large corporations readily pay what they
owe, but many do not. Every American should agree that it is unacceptable for our nationʼs tax
administrator to be “outgunned” when appropriately challenging aggressive moves by some
of the most sophisticated taxpayers. Stable funding would allow us to finally build and train
an e ective workforce to collect the taxes owed.
The administration estimates $400 billion in additional revenue can be generated over the
next decade from enforcement e orts focused on higher-end incomes, shrinking the tax gap.
This figure is no surprise: If given the resources we need, we will be able to make a sizable
dent in noncompliance over several years. A properly funded and trained workforce will also
have a significant deterrent e ect on cheating.
But the administrationʼs funding request is about much more than enforcement. This longterm investment would help build the modern IRS that Americans deserve. Imagine a system
where any person with a laptop or a phone wouldnʼt have to call the IRS to ask about their
refund or return because that information would be easily available in their personal online
accounts, in the language of their choice.
IRS employees want to do more to help taxpayers. We want to be able to answer the phones
and respond to questions. We want to be ready, when the next national crisis hits, to deliver
economic relief quickly — as our employees have worked long hours to do during the
pandemic. We remain committed to ensuring that the tax system is enforced fairly, Americans
receive the quality of services they deserve, and that no one feels safe cheating on their
But to do all this, we need help. We desperately need su icient resources to be able to
appropriately serve and support you and our country.
The funding proposal o ers a historic opportunity to help the IRS help others. Congress must



Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles P. Rettig, Pens an Op-Ed for The Washington Post Urging Co…
