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JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary




Bureau Publication No. 165

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




10 C E N T S P E R C O P Y
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3 (os* *1

Il irac
& ) lo tr*



A posture-training program for schools___________ \________________________
Teaching organization__________________________________________________________
Classification and grading of the children____________________ ______________
Methods of photographing the children______________________________________
Details of exercises__________ ___________________ ___________ ■______ ___ '________
Exercises suitable for primary grades_________________________________
Lesson I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Abdominal retraction.
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Correct position (1 ).
Lesson I I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Correct position (2 ).
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Rib stretching.
Lesson I I I :
Exercise i .— Sitting— Rib spread— Costal breathing.
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Alternate trunk bending sidewise.
Lesson I V :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Abdominal retraction against wall.
Exercise 2.— Standing against wall— Correct position.
Lesson V :
Exercise 1.— Standing against wall— Deep breathing.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Correct position.
Lesson V I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands on head— Correct position.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Trunk bending forward. t
Lesson Y I I :
Exercise 1.— Tiptoe walk.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Knee bending.
Lesson V I I I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Arms circling— Deep breathing.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Knee bending upward.
Exercises suitable for intermediate grades___________________________
Lesson I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Abdominal retraction.
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Alternate rib stretching.
Exercise 3.— Sitting— Diaphragmatic breathing.
Lesson I I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Rib spread— Costal breathing.
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Arms forward-upward— Rib stretching.
Exercise 3.— Sitting— Trunk bending forward.
Lesson I I I :
Exercise 1.— Standing against wall— Abdominal retraction.
Lesson I V :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Correct position.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Rib spread— Costal breathing.
Lesson V :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— H ands on head— Rib stretching.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Hands on head— Abdominal retrac­
Exercise 3.— Standing-— Hands
hips— Diaphragmatic
Lesson V I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Alternate rib stretching.
Exercise 2.— Standing— T all stretch.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Knee bending upward.
Exercise 4.— Standing— Hands on head— Diaphragmatic

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





Details o f exercises— Continued.
Exercises suitable for intermediate grades— Continued.
Lesson V I I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands on hips— Trunk bending
Exercise 2.— Standing— Tall walk.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Leg raising.
Exercise 4.— Standing— Hands on head— Diaphragmatic
Lesson V I I I :
Exercise 1.— Marching.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Arm s forward-upward— Trunk bend­
ing forward.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Deep knee bending.
Exercise 4.— Standing— Arm circling with deep breathing.
Exercise suitable for junior high school grades_____________________
Lesson I :
Exercise 1.— Standing against wall— Abdominal retraction.
Lesson I I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands back o f neck— Abdominal
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Correct position.
Exercise 3.— Sitting— Diaphragmatic breathing.
Lesson I I I :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Correct position.
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Lower back against chair— Alternate
rib stretching.
Lessoif I V :
Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands back o f neck— Correct po­
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Alternate rib stretching.
Exercise 3.— Sitting— Hands
head— Diaphragmatic
Lesson V :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Arms forward-upward— Rib stretch­
Exercise 2.— Sitting— Trunk bending forward.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Diaphragmatic breathing.
Lesson V I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Hands on head— Abdominal retrac­
Exercise 2.— Standing— Alternate rib stretching.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Arms
fo r w a r d -u p w a r d — R i b
Exercise 4.— Sitting— Hands
head— Diaphragmatic
Lesson V I I :
Exercise 1.— Sitting— Hands on head— Correct position.
Exercise 2.— Tiptoe walk.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Trunk bending forward.
Exercise 4.— Standing— Alternate knee bending Upward.
Exercise 5.— Standing— Hands
on hips— Diaphragmatic
Lesson V II I :
Exercise 1.— Marching.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Arms forward-upward— Trunk bend­
Exercise 3.— Standing— Hands
on head— Diaphragmatic
Exercise 4.— Standing— Arms
forward-upward— Alternate
leg raising.
Exercise 5.— Standing— Hands
on head— Diaphragmatic
Advantages of the school for posture teaching_____________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






1. Skeletal form of a person with good body mechanics___ ______
2. Skeletal form of a person with poor body mechanics__________
3. Posture standards— Stocky-type girls__________________________
4. Posture standards— Stocky-type boys___________ i ______________
5. Posture standards— Thin-type girls_____________ 1_______________
6. Posture standards— Thin-type boys________________
7. Posture standards— Intermediate-type girls__’_________________
8. Posture standards— Intermediate-type boys___________________
9. Sitting— Abdominal retraction___________________________________
10. Sitting— Rib stretching-_ __________ ,______________ ____________ _
11. Sitting— Alternate trunk bending sidewise______________________
12. Standing— Trunk bending forward___________ ___________________
13. Standing— Knee bending_________________________________________
14. Sitting— Diaphragmatic breathing_______________________________
15. Standing— Rib spread— Costal breathing_______________________
16. Standing— Tall stretch____________________________________________
17. Standing— Leg raising____________________________________________
18. Standing— Hands back of neck— Abdominal retraction^._____
19. Standing— Alternate knee bending upward- .......... .. —
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




U. S.


L abor,
C h il d r e n ’s B u r e a u ,

e p a r t m e n t op

W ashington, Septem ber 11, 1926.
S i r : Transmitted herewith is a handbook of posture exercises by

Dr. Armin Klein, director o f the posture clinic of the Massachu­
setts General Hospital, and Miss Leah C. Thomas, director, corrective
gymnasium, Smith College. The exercises are intended primarily for
schools but are adapted for training groups o f children wherever
proper direction is available. It is believed, therefore, that this book
will be useful because of the growing recognition o f the value of a
posture program in the school curriculum.
Respectfully submitted.
G r a c e A b b o t t , Chief.
Hon. J a m e s J . D a v i s ,
Secretary o f Labor.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Correct body mechanics has been taught by orthopedists for many
years. The subjects o f instruction usually have been individuals
suffering from ailments due to continued habits o f poor body car­
riage. The instruction was sought and given only as a means of
relief from symptoms referable to deranged physiology. O f course
many experienced a cessation o f symptoms once they learned good
posture. Posture training limited to such individuals or small groups,
however, represented only a transitional phase. Such work is in­
adequate to serve the needs o f the community because it reaches a
relatively small number o f persons and because it is corrective rather
than preventive. I f the acquisition o f good posture can relieve cer­
tain symptoms and complaints it would seem logical to prevent their
occurrence by substituting for the usual habits o f poor body carri­
age new habits o f proper body carriage. A t least it would seem
economical to take the experiences gained and the lessons learned1
in teaching good body mechanics to individuals and small groups,
as in posture clinics, and apply them to larger groups. The best
opportunity for this group instruction in good body mechanics is
found where the largest numbers come together to be instructed—the
Teaching body mechanics, however, to classroom groups o f about
48 children is somewhat more difficult than teaching individuals.
The personal contact between the teacher and the child is not so close
in large groups in school. The conscious effort o f the teacher, there­
fore, to keep each pupil interested in his individual possibilities
must be proportionately greater. But this conscious effort on the
part o f the teacher must be accompanied by an enthusiasm which will
communicate itself to the pupils and inspire each one with the will
to acquire good posture. In a class where this has happened the
pupils will readily learn to carry themselves correctly.
The acquisition o f habits o f good body mechanics can come only
after prolonged and repeated exercise and practice. The funda­
mentals must be learned first; other details follow. This is also the
method o f teaching football in the universities. First the athlete
learns how to hold the ball, how to fall on the ball, how to tackle, and
other major points. Once he has become proficient in these essentials
he may then proceed to the finer and more intricate details o f team
play. The instruction in the fundamentals o f body mechanics, as the
1 Persons interested in teaching posture in schools will find it of value to read first the
manual on Posture Clinics (U. S. Children’s Bureau Publication No. 164), so as to acquire
a foundation for large-group instruction by learning bow to teach the individual.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



name implies, deals with the foundation of the subject. It is, there­
fore, above all things important that the training in the funda­
mentals o f good body mechanics—the maintenance o f the normal
curves o f the spine and the retraction o f the lower abdomen, with the
chest held up and the chin pulled in—be emphasized strongly and
also be made as attractive as possible.
Not only must the children understand in general what consti­
tutes good posture, but each child must realize what he as an indi­
vidual needs to do in order to achieve it. To make this clear he
should see a silhouette o f his own body and should have explained
to him the ways in which the silhouette shows his posture to be
defective. W ith this knowledge o f his specific problem he can be
spurred on to pass willingly through the period o f constant and
sometimes monotonous repetition o f the fundamental exercises.
Monotony, o f course, is not really necessary. It may be avoided by
interspersing games or story plays that permit relaxation and some
freedom o f motion. The fundamentals must be learned, however,
and the instruction should include as much repetition as is necessary
to insure this result.
Different children may take different periods o f time to learn
correct posture, partly because individuals differ in their degree o f
faulty posture and in their ability to control matter with mind—to
coordinate their muscular efforts. Then again the variation in time
may be due to differences in anatomical structure.
Though the fundamental requirements o f good posture (the back
with normal curves, abdomen with lower part retracted, chest held
up, and head up with chin in) are the same for all, the exercises
through which these fundamentals are learned should be adapted
to each type o f physique—the thin, the stocky, and the intermediate.
The long thin type of child, who tends to increase the curve o f his
lumbar spine and the forward inclination o f the pelvis, needs exer­
cises designed to “ flatten” the lumbar spine and to tilt the pelvis
backward. The broad, heavy-set child, tilting back at the dorsolumbar junction, localizes his trouble in the dorsal region. He,
therefore, needs exercises designed at first to stretch the ribs and
through them to make flexible the dorsal region o f the spine;
other exercises should bring the back up where it belongs. This
does not necessarily mean that children in the classroom need be
given individually specialized exercises. But exercises given for the
whole room should include all the exercises necessary for all the
types—thin, broad, or neutral. A ll the types can take all the
The exercises should be planned to develop conscious control o f
the voluntary muscles which keep the body erect. For some chil­
dren whose musculature is very weak and flabby a certain amount of
development o f muscular strength would be required. But this need
for strength is not to be emphasized in the posture program.2 The
slight amount o f strength that the exercises require will usually be
2 Plans for development o f muscular strength should be made for children who know
how to use their bodies correctly and can be carried out in gymnasiums or on outdoor
athletic fields. The posture program is concerned primarily with proper body carriage
as an essential basis for good physiological functioning o f the body, attained with the
barest minimum of instruction. Such a program is feasible in classrooms without dis­
rupting the curriculum; in fact the physical instruction serves as an adjunct to the
mental instruction.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



developed in the effort to attain conscious control over the skeletal
muscles that maintain correct posture.
After the fundamental exercises have been repeated sufficiently
often to make possible conscious control o f the muscles governing
good posture— after the child has learned how to 44flatten ” his back,
retract his lower abdomen, and hold his chest high and his chin
back and in—he should acquire with continued repetition o f the same
exercises the ability to maintain good posture subconsciously. When
he achieves this he has made good posture a habit.
Then the day’s exercises should include a much greater variety.
They may be practically a “ setting-up ” drill, varied by dancing,
games, or sports; but emphasis must always be placed on the proper
alignment o f the body while the advanced exercises are being done.
One or two o f the fundamental posture exercises should be practiced
in each lesson if necessary, and good posture during the advanced
exercise must be stressed. For that is the final object—to instill the
principles o f proper body carriage while sitting, standing, walking,
or performing any other activity.
This groundwork o f good posture can be acquired by most classes,
roughly speaking, within about eight weeks, or less for the older
children. In the junior high school grades (the seventh, eighth, and
ninth), the time necessary may often be only about three weeks, or
about 15 working days o f 10 minutes each. In the lowest grades
(the first and second), the time required for teaching the funda­
mentals may be very much longer.
To get the best results the organization to teach body mechanics in
grade schools should consist o f an orthopedist, supervising physicaleducation teachers, and the grade teachers—to mention the most im­
portant last. Good results may be obtained by a staff consisting o f
supervising physical-education teachers and grade teachers, or o f
grade teachers alone, provided the supervisors and the grade teachers
have a thorough understanding of the basic principles o f good body
mechanics. I f the grade teacher must work alone, posture work
should be undertaken only after she has become familiar with the
fundamental principles and the exercises by personal instruction or
thorough study.
The orthopedist, the nominal head o f the organization, examines
the children at the beginning and the end o f the school year. His
interest will naturally be attracted to the mechanical aspects o f the
findings revealed by his medical examination. He classifies the chil­
dren as to type of physique—thin, intermediate, or stocky. He also
grades the children in regard to posture, according to the presence
or absence o f specified indexes o f good posture. (See p. 6.) Then
he records any deformities of the chest or spine and static deformi­
ties of the lower limbs. He notes the parts o f the trunk where res­
piration is featured, whether the expansion of the diaphragm^ or the
elevation o f the ribs is the most striking part of the respiratory
process. He completes his examination with anthropometric meas­
urements. (A questionnaire for his guidance is published at the end
o f this report.) Then he photographs the children. (For method
2199°— 26------2
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see p. 15.) He should also talk to the teachers and pupils to arouse
their interest and increase their knowledge o f the subject. During
the term in addition to routine executive duties he acts chiefly in an
advisory capacity in regard to the many orthopedic problems that
arise in the course o f the instruction in good body mechanics.
The supervisor (or supervisors, depending on the number o f chil­
dren under instruction), the person in active charge o f the organiza­
tion, should be a physical instructor with “ posture ” training. It is
hardly necessary to add that this supervisor will be valuable in
direct proportion to the amount o f his or her experience in the
actual teaching o f body mechanics even i f that experience has been
with individuals rather than groups. During the examinations the
supervisor helps the physician, especially (if she is a woman) in
making the anthropometric part o f the examination and in photo­
graphing the girls. After that she teaches posture to the grade
teachers, for it is important that the teachers themselves know how
to use their bodies correctly before they are allowed to teach others
to do so. After a week o f this preliminary instruction the supervisor
may turn to the pupils to teach them the rudiments o f good body
mechanics. Throughout the year she supervises the grade teachers
m the actual teaching o f posture. She should visit each room at
least once a week for 15 minutes.
The grade teachers are the most important persons in the entire
organization. They teach posture daily to the children. The period
o f formal instruction may be only 10 minutes each day. The grade
teachers, however, watch the attitudes o f the children during the
entire day to see that they use their bodies correctly. It is the
teacher who shows the child his silhouette or profile photograph
and points out the defects in his body carriage. She shows him the
mechanically correct position o f the body, the “ A ” posture, and
stimulates him to try to acquire it.
I f no orthopedist is available, the supervisor will have to grade
and classify the children in addition to her other duties, assuming
the responsibilities ordinarily assigned to the physician. I f no spe­
cial physical instructor is available or i f the number of children
under instruction is too small to warrant the employment o f any­
one but the grade teacher, she can make profile photographs or sil­
houettes o f the body forms o f her children and then classify them
according to body type and posture. Then with these as a basis, if
§he has learned the fundamentals o f good posture, she can proceed
to teach good body mechanics.
A ll members o f the organization have the same task. Each tries
with the help o f his own personality to make correct posture better
understood and easier to master.
The body is in good mechanical position when the weight o f it
rests evenly on the heads o f the femurs—i. e., the hip joints. In
this position the head is balanced above the shoulders, the chest is
elevated, and the breastbone is the part o f the body farthest for­
ward. The lower abdomen is retracted and flat, and the back curves
are within normal limits. In the standing position the hip joints in
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



F ig. 2
Skeletal form o f a person with good body mechanics (fig. 1) and o f a person with
poor body mechanics (fig. 2)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



lateral view are directly in line with the knees and ankle joints. In
this ideal standing posture a perpendicular dropped from the ear
or just behind it would fall through the shoulder, hip, and ankle
joints. Because the head is held erect, because the chest is up, be­
cause the curves o f the spine are not exaggerated, and because the
lower abdominal muscles are retracted, the person whose posture is
diagrammatically shown in skeleton form in Figure 1 will function
with good balance and form, gracefully, smoothly, efficiently, alertly.
A body with variations from the ideal pictured in Figure 1—that
is, with forward head, drooping chest, hollow back, and protuberant
abdomen—has poor posture, the degree depending on the amount o f
variation. (Fig. 2.) Because the head is dropped downward and
forw ard; because the chest falls down and inward, becoming flat and
angular at the sides; because the normal curves o f the spine are exaggerated; and because the abdominal muscles are relaxed, the per­
son whose posture is diagrammatically shown in skeleton form in
Figure 2 is forced to maintain his equilibrium by overexertion o f his
spinal muscular supports and flexed or overextended knees. He is a
slouchy, ungraceful, inefficient, uninspiring individual whose func­
tioning may be impaired as a result o f poor body mechanics.
Some persons use their bodies like the ideal pictured in Figure 1,
the alignment o f their body parts being perfect; others do fairly
well, but not so well as the first group; some stand poorly, and some
very poorly. Thus individuals fall readily into four grades o f body
carriage: Excellent, good, poor, and bad posture; or “A ,
and “ D .”
The indexes o f grade A posture have already been stated in the
description o f the ideal Figure 1. In grade B posture the head and
chin are inclined slightly forward. As a result the chest drops a
little and the upper part o f the back inclines somewhat backward.
The abdomen, though perhaps rounded, does not protrude. The
lower or lumbar spine follows, as it were, the abdomen, and the hol­
low back shows its first signs o f appearance. In grade C posture, the
head is plainly forward and the chin protrudes. The curve from the
back o f the head to the lower end o f the shoulder blades is elongated
and accentuated. The chest has dropped until it is “ flat.” The re­
laxed abdomen protrudes also, and the lower back is hollow. In
grade D posture the head is allowed to drop forward. The chin is
dropped. The chest is sunken. The upper trunk has swayed back­
ward. To maintain equilibrium the forward inclination of the lower
spine is markedly increased. The back curves are therefore ex­
tremely exaggerated. W ith the sinking o f the chest the abdomen
drops, relaxed and protuberant. The knees are sometimes bent for­
ward, sometimes sprung backward. The relaxation is complete.
With classification according to grade o f body carriage comes an
appreciation o f the severity o f body defects that the pupil must
overcome to improve his posture. Obviously a child with a D rating
has further to go than the C child, who in turn has further to go
than the B child before they all acquire A posture. The_ examiner
therefore can prognosticate which groups o f children, other things
being equal, will take longer to learn to maintain a correct attitude.
His findings can be passed on to the instructors to enable them to
train their pupils in body mechanics more sympathetically and in
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



StocKy-Type Girls

Excellent Good







Children's Burenui united states Department of Labor, Washington,D.C, 1926.
Fio. 3
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



StocKy-Type Boys

Excellent Good



C h ild re n 's

Bureau, United

S ta te s

F ig. 4
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





o f L a b or, W a s h in g t o n ,D .C ,i9 £ 5 .



Thirv-Type Girl3

Excellent Good








Children's Bureau, United States Department of Labor, Washington,D.C,l9 £0.
F ig. 5
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Thin-Typ® Boys

Excellent Good




Head up-chin in.
l.H e a d s ig h tly
(Head balanced
above shoulders,
hips,and anKles)





1. Head forw ard.

Head markedly
forw ard.

2 . C hest Slightly
low ered.

2.Chest flat.

2. Chest depressed

3. Low er abd om en in,
and f l a t .

3. Low er abdomen in
(b u t not fla t)

3. Abdomen relaxed

-4s Back c u rv e s w ith­
in norm al lim its.

A BacK curves slightly

■4. BacK curves exag­

a Abdom en complete­
ly relaxed and pro­
tu b e r a n t.
A BacK curves extreme
ly exaggerated.

Chest up

(B r e a s t bone t h e
part o f body f a r ­
th e st forw ard )

(Part of body far­
thest forward.)

in creased .

C h ild ren ’s B u r e a u , United S t a t e s D e p a r tm e n t o f .Labor, W a s h i n g t o n , D.C, 1926.
P ig . 6
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Excellent Good







C h ild re n 's B u r e a u , U nited S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t o f L a b o r, W a s h i n g t o n , D.C,I925.

F ig . 7
2199°— 26------3
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Intermedi a te -Typ e Boy 3





B u r e a u , United S t a t e s

Fio. 8
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


o f L a b or, W a s k i n -g t o n , D.C,I9 S6.



telligently. The pupils themselves are stimulated to correct their
poor posture. Since the characteristics o f the posture grades are
defined, the child when graded knows exactly what he must correct.
I f he has ordinary ambition he will be stimulated to correct his body
defects in order to advance his rating.
It becomes apparent, however, that gradations in the manner o f
body carriage vary with individuals. Generally speaking, the indexes
o f bad posture are the same in two given persons, although they may
appear to differ greatly. Basic differences in body structure will
determine the specific appearance o f the various grades o f posture.
Stocky individuals, as they assume the relaxed attitude, lean backward from the middle o f the back, the dorso-lumbar junction. Thin
individuals with poor use of their bodies sway backward from the
lowest part o f the spine. The pelvis at the same time is tipped for­
ward. Individuals o f the intermediate type, as they deviate from
good poise, bend backward not at the middle o f the back as do the
broad, stocky persons, nor at the lowest part o f the spine as do the thin
persons, but midway in the lower back or lumbar spine. These three
types o f anatomical structure—broad, intermediate, and thin— are
easily recognized if seen “ pure.”
The thin type has a torso long and slender or delicate and narrow.
The length in the lumbar region is striking. Frequently there may
even be six lumbar vertebrae instead of the usual five. The neck is
long and thin also. The elongated spine gives more flexibility, and
this explains the marked slump, or ptosis, possible in these people.
They sometimes look as if some heavy force were pushing them
down from above; so much so that they sway far backward in the
upper back and protrude far forward in the lower back, the pelvis
tipping forward with the low spine. The shoulders may become
markedly rounded and forward and the shoulder blades scaphoid.
The extremities and their muscles are usually long and slender.
The broad type includes the heavy looking, “ broad-backed” per­
sons with large skeletons. The neck is short and “ chunky.” The
torso is broad and relatively short. The lumbar region is short,
sometimes because there are only four lumbar vertebrae instead o f the
usual five and sometimes because the sacrum is set well down between
the hip bones. Because o f the very construction o f the spine the
lumbar curve is less marked. Flexibility is lacking in this sturdily
built spine. The extremities are large and broad. This is the type
that tends to be obese.
In the intermediate type the torso is a compromise in length and
breadth between the other two types. The normal rounded curves
o f the spine, if they become exaggerated, appear mild and gradual.
The sharp “ corners ” o f the thin type and the large fatty deposits
o f the broad type are missing. The neck may be almost as long as
that o f the thin type; or it may be short, though hardly so thick
xrn ‘i t
as in
broad type. The musculature is »firm.
Flexibility o f the spine, though not so marked as in the thin type, is
much greater than in the broad type. This intermediate class is
heterogeneous; it should include all individuals that do not readily
fall into one o f the other two groups. Ordinarily, after study and
experience, the fundamental characteristics o f the thin and stocky
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



types will be seen to predominate sufficiently in the individuals ex­
amined to warrant classification in one o f these groups. When, how­
ever, the characteristics peculiar to these types do not so stand out,
classification in the intermediate group is logical. In this group
should fall those who might have a tendency toward thin or broad
characteristics but do not actually possess them.
When classification as to body form has been completed it is clear
what may be expected o f the .individuals o f different types. The
broad type usually are fitted anatomically for slow, heavy, “ labo­
rious ” work; the thin type for work requiring speed or agility; and
the intermediate type for either kind ox work, according to whether
their physical characteristics incline more to one group or the other.
I f in the industrial world employees were selected according to the
anatomical types best fitted for special kinds o f work they would
be more efficient individuals, more efficient employees, and more
efficient members o f society.
It should be remembered that with classification of body type
comes appreciation o f the effort necessary for any person to maintain
good body carriage. The broad type leaning backward only in the
upper spine has to be taught principally to mobilize the chest and
to keep it up, to straighten the spine. Attention in that case should
be concentrated on exercise o f the upper thorax and head. A slight
amount o f “ pelvic r o ll” is usually necessary to balance the lower
back. Then the body mechanics is corrected.
The problem with the thin type is greater. The long, thin,
willowy bodies are easily contorted into almost grotesque shapes.
The force o f gravity is most effective here. As has been mentioned,
some persons o f this type appear to be laboring under the effects
o f a compressing load at the upper end o f the spine. First the
pelvis must be rolled backward; usually it has tipped so far for­
ward that it is rather difficult to get it back to its ideal inclination.
Then the upper chest must be balanced over the pelvis and lower
back. This again is often quite difficult. A t first, in bringing the
thorax and head into proper position, the pupil is likely to lose
the correct position he has just learned for the pelvis and lower
back. But with patience on the part o f the instructor and diligence
and assiduity on the part o f the pupil good body mechanics is finally
learned. It is most difficult for the thin type, however, and this
should be understood in training them.
The persons o f the intermediate type are hardly so limber and
willowy as the thin type, but are more flexible than the broad type.
Some individuals perhaps will find it hard to roll the pelvis and
lower back into proper position; others will find it more difficult
to balance the chest and head on the fixed lower back and pelvis.
Instruction should be directed to the difficulty and concentrated
there. The very fact that the patient can not easily correct the
maladjustment o f posture associated with his anatomical structure
is a clear indication that individualization o f instruction is essential.
The examiner classifying individuals according to grades o f posture
and physique can, from his knowledge of the workings o f the d if­
ferent types, direct the attention o f the instructor to the part o f
the body where correction is most needed.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The best and least expensive method for photographing large num­
bers o f children is that advocated by Norman F radd8 by means o f
his “ silhouetteograph camera.” The equipment includes a screen o f
architect’s tracing linen mounted on a frame about 7 feet high and
3 feet wide, and illuminated by a 1,000-watt electric light placed 3
to 5 feet behind it. The child stands sidewise directly in front of
the screen, so that a photograph produces a profile silhouette. The
silhouetteograph camera is placed about 10 feet in front o f the child.
This camera takes the picture directly on sensitized bromide paper
with an exposure o f about five seconds. One o f the features o f the
camera is its movable plate holder, which allows multiple exposure
on the bromide paper, the number depending on the size of the
picture desired. Stencil numbers on the screen identify the pictures.
A picture can be taken, developed, and fixed in two or three minutes.
I f a large number are done at one time, the time necessary for each
picture is reduced and the cost can be brought down to about 1 cent
per picture.
Profile tracings o f the body form can also be made by means of
a schematograph like the one sold by the American Posture League.
The writer has used a schematograph made by salvaging an old
square-cased camera, which cost about $6 and some spare moments.
The lens was left as found. Directly back o f it, however, in the
film chamber was put an ordinary mirror facing the aperture back
o f the lens and fixed at an angle o f 45° to the bottom o f the case.
The top o f the film chamber was removed and replaced by a pidce
o f glass. When an undressed patient was placed in front o f the
camera, with the side o f his body toward the lens and with lights
shining on the back and front o f him, a piece o f tissue paper placed
on the new glass top o f the camera would show the image o f the
patient as reflected by the mirror below. The contour o f the image
when traced on the paper would give a graphic record o f the body
contour o f the individual before the camera. A tracing o f this
record as a pattern on black paper and then cut from the black paper
on the outline would give as a final result a black silhouette.
The exercises by means o f which posture is taught to children
in school are here presented for the use o f grade teachers, arranged
in progressive groups or lessons. Once a lesson is learned the teacher
may add it to the group previously learned and constantly repeated,
and may then proceed to the next lesson. In this way progress may
be made steadily from lesson to lesson. A t the same time the
teacher may select from the group previously learned exercises to
be repeated daily so that they will never be forgotten. Each lesson
should be mastered in about two weeks. Each exercise, while being
learned, should be repeated 10 to 20 times.
3 Fradd, Norman W .: “ A new method of recording posture.”
Joint Surgery, Vol. V, No. 4 (October, 1923), pp. 757, 758.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Journal of Bone and




The children in the lowest grades (first and second) balance them­
selves correctly, when standing, only with difficulty. Sitting ex­
ercises are therefore given first to secure control over the abdominal
muscles. The little children are able to get a better upward stretch
o f the ribs and therefore better mobilization (greater flexibility) o f
the dorsal spine if allowed to lean against the backs o f their seats.
This supporting position also prevents exaggerated backward bend­
ing (to which these children are prone) when doing exercises
designed to stretch the intercostal spaces.
W ith practice in the exercises will come improvement in posture
at the end o f the first year. The children will not always overcome
the habit o f tightening the shoulder and neck muscles when attempt­
ing to stand well poised. They will, however, have strengthened
their abdominal muscles and have had many beneficial rib-stretching
exercises. The spines o f most children at the age o f 5 to T years
are very flexible and often “ flat ” to begin with. When conscious
control has been gained over the abdominal muscles it is usually
easy for the children to stand against the wall in perfect posture
simply by retracting or pulling in their lower abdomens.
A ll the exercises in the primary grades are taught informally.
A ll instructions to a child who is being corrected should be given
loud enough for all the children to hear. Thus they may all profit
from the corrections made on any individual pupil, and the teacher
can keep the entire class interested while she is teaching individuals.
T f the teacher understands the principles o f these exercises, she
can readily adapt them to many rhythmic songs and story plays
already in State syllabi o f physical education.


Exercise 1.— Sitting—Abdomi­
nal retraction.

The child sits leaning
against the back of his seat.
Pull in the abdominal
muscles and then relax
them. Continue this exer­
cise 10 times, as informal
commands such as “ in,”
“ out ” are given.
This exercise teaches the
children voluntary con­
scious control over their
F ig. 9a .— Correct posi­
lower abdominal muscles,
It also strengthens these
muscles and paves the way for similar but more difficult exercises.
When the abdominal muscles are being pulled in, the lower back
should be made to touch the back o f the seat.
The accompanying illustrations show the hollow back and the
protuberant abdomen characteristic o f the usual incorrect sitting
position, contrasted with the retracted abdomen and flat back o f the
correct position.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Exercise 2.— Sitting— Correct position (1).

The child sits leaning against the back o f his seat.
Pull in the abdominal muscles as in exercise 1, thus flattening the
lower back and fixing the base o f the spine. Then pull the chin in
and backward. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Relax.
This exercise teaches the correct sitting position.

Exercise 1.— Sitting— Correct position (2).

The child sits away from the back o f the seat with the abdominal
muscles retfacted, with the chin drawn in, and the lower back flat,
as described in the previous exercise. This is the starting position
for all the sitting exercises that follow and will here­
after be referred to as Position A ,
Pull in the abdominal muscles and then relax them.
Repeat this exercise 10 times.
While the child does this exercise the chest and
shoulders are as still as in the previous exercise.
This exercise teaches the correct sitting position
without the help o f a bench support.
Exercise 2.— Sitting—Rib stretching.

The child sits in Position A .
Raise the left arm forward-upward. Reach up
F ig. 10
with the left hand six times, so that a strong pull is
felt on the lower ribs o f the left side. Repeat this exercise on the
right side.
The rib stretching increases the flexibility o f the rib muscles and
by mobilizing the ribs renders the dorsal spine more limber. No
great degree o f accuracy ip the performance o f the exercises is to be
expected with the very small children in these primary grades.

Exercise 1.— Sitting—Rib spread— Costal breathing.

Position A . The child sits with hands flat against the sides o f the
lower ribs.
Inhale. (He may offer resistance to the ribs by pressing his hands
against them. This definite resistance makes the control o f the rib
muscles easier to acquire. He “ blows himself u p ” and makes his
hands move outward.) Exhale and lower the ribs.
(He blows out the breath and makes his hands come
closer together.)
This exercise increases the excursion (degree of ex­
pansion) o f the ribs and the diaphragm and in this way
enlarges the capacity o f the lungs.
Exercise 2.— Sitting—Alternate trunk bending sidewise.

Position A . The child sits with hands clasped on his
Bend the trunk sidewise to the left and then to the
FIG- 11
The motion in the spine centers at about the middle of the spine.
With the hands on top o f the head the child “ sits tall.” This raises
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



the ribs considerably. Bending to one side from this position then
gives a strong pull on the ribs o f the opposite side and also increases
the flexibility o f the middle o f the spine.

Exercise 1.— Standing—Abdominal retraction against wall.

The child stands with his heels 4 inches from the wall but with
hips, shoulders, and head touching the wall.4
Pull in the lower abdominal muscles and make the lower back
touch the wall. Relax the abdominal muscles and allow the lower
back curve to return.
The strong abdominal retraction while the child is leaning against
the wall for a guide is beneficial in strengthening the abdominal
muscles. It serves to increase the conscious control over these
muscles and so prepares the children for abdominal retraction when
standing without support. Most o f the children in these grades are
able to touch the lower back against the wall simply by contracting
their abdominal muscles. Their common habit of holding the
breath while pulling in their abdominal muscles should be guarded
against. Some children will not learn to do this exercise correctly
until they reach the third grade.
Exercise 2.— Standing against wall— Correct position.

The child stands with his heels 4 inches away from the wall but
with hips, shoulders, and head touching the wall and lower abdomi­
nal muscles retracted. The lower back is touching the wall. The
base o f the spine is therefore fixed in the correct position. The
children can be given the idea of pasting themselves against the
Pull the chin inward and backward. Relax.
This exercise elevates the chest and fixes the upper spine in cor­
rect position.

Exercise 1.— Standing against wall—Deep breathing.

The child stands against the wall as in the preceding exercise
but with his hands clasped on his head.
Take a deep breath and “ grow tall,” pushing against the hands
with the top o f the head.
The starting position o f this exercise is an excellent one in which
the diaphragm can act freely under conditions best suited to develop
good muscle tone.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Correct position.

The child stands at his desk with hands at sides—head up and
chin in.
Pull in the lower abdominal muscles. (This flattens the lower
back.) Relax the abdominal muscles. (This allows the curve to
i The children may be placed in a line against any flat, clear wall surface.
can then quickly pass from one child to another.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The teacher



Throughout this exercise the chest is up and forward while the
hips are rolled back on the hip joints as a pivot, without any sup­
port behind. The knees must not be flexed.
This exercise teaches the child how to hold the body correctly
poised when standing, as for recitations. It is the correct standing
position and hereafter will be referred to as Position B.

Exercise 1.—Standing— Hands on head— Correct position.

The child stands at his desk.
Place the hands on the head. Pull in the lower abdominal mus­
cles, flattening the lower back. Pull the chin inward and backward.
Return to the starting position.
Through this exercise the child will learn how to balance his body
correctly from a difficult starting position.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Trunk bending forward.

The child stands at his desk with hands at his sides in Position B.
Bend the trunk forward. Straighten the trunk.
The center o f motion should be at the hips, as if the spine were
not flexible but a solid rod.
The accompanying illustrations show the rounded back, the de­
pressed chest, and the drooped head characteristic o f the incorrect
position, in which the trunk has
“ buckled ” at a point just below the
ribs, contrasted with the flat back,
retracted abdomen, elevated chest,
and balanced head o f the correct
position. Except for the flexion at
the hips, the correct position is un­
changed from the correct standing

Exercise 1.—Tiptoe walk.

Walk around the room on tiptoe.
The abdominal muscles should be
in and the trunk bent slightly
Fig. 12a .— Cor
F ig. 12b .— Incorrect
from the hips in the position o f tip­
rect position
toeing toward some one to tell a
secret. This throws the body weight forward and impresses on th<
mind the idea o f carrying the chest forward with the hips back anc
the abdomen in when walking.
Exercise 2.—Standing—Knee bending.

The child stands in the aisle beside his desk in Position B.
Bend the knees and spread the thighs apart. W ith the arms
parallel and extended between the lower limbs, touch the fingers to
the ground near the toes. Keep the knees turned out. Return to
starting position.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The back is kept flat, the chest up and forward, and the head erect
throughout this exercise. The children enjoy this bobbing up and
down. They pretend they are frogs.
This exercise teaches the children to keep the
back flat while concentrating on a difficult exer­
cise. With the slight variation o f touching the
ground with the arms at the sides, the children
will also learn one o f the positions for picking
up objects from the floor.


1. — Standing — Arms circling — Deep

The child stands at the desk in »Position B.
Raise the arms forward and upward while
taking a deep breath. (W hile doing this the
child should “ grow tall.” ) Lower the arms
sidewise and exhale. ( I f the child while doing
this will imagine that he is a bird flying high
in the air he will still keep his head up and his
P ig. 13
chest high.)
This exercise gives an opportunity for deep breathing while the
body is held correctly poised.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Knee bending upward.

The child stands with his lower abdominal muscles retracted and
the lower back flattened.
Raise the left knee upward to a position almost at right angles
with the trunk. Straighten the leg. Repeat with the right leg.
Step forward, bending the knee upward at each step.
These children are turkey gobblers moving across the yard. They
grow bigger until they are full grown. Then they feel so important
that they stand tall and seem to strut around and enjoy themselves
immensely. This exercise is rather strenuous and makes the children
unconsciously breathe deeply and stretch tall.

The first exercises for the intermediate grades (third, fourth,
fifth, and sixth) are sitting exercises. The most satisfactory results
are obtained in this group because the children are willing to work
hard, are intelligent in their cooperation, and are able to coordinate
their muscles.

Exercise 1.— Sitting—Abdominal retraction.

The child sits and leans against the back o f his seat.
Pull in the lower abdominal muscles and so make the lower back
touch the back o f the seat. Relax.
I f the lumbar curve is at all exaggerated so that it can not be
flattened simply by pulling in the lower abdominal muscles, the
hips must be “ rolled ” backward and downward about the hip joints
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



as a pivot. This will straighten the lumbar curve. The shoulders
and chest are held perfectly still; all the motion occurs below the
waist line. This backward and downward rolling motion in the
lower back should be simultaneous with the contraction o f the ab­
dominal muscles. This method o f correcting the posture o f the
trunk is easier than those that follow, because the starting position
is a sitting one. Then the segments o f the spine naturally balance
more easily, because the pull on it from the anterior skeletal muscles
is removed.
This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and teaches the
child conscious control o f them. It also leads to an exercise which
flattens the lower back when standing. When the child has learned
to flatten his Tower back in this way he should pull his chin inward
and backward while doing this exercise. Pulling the chin back and
in raises the chest. This then gives the correct sitting position—
Position A .
Exercise 2.—Sitting—Alternate rib stretching.

The child sits away from the back o f the seat with his hands
clasped on the forward part o f the head. The head should be erect
and the elbows well back. The abdominal muscles should be con­
tracted as in Lesson I, exercise 1.
Raise the left shoulder, stretching upward so that a strong pull
can be felt on the lowest ribs on that side. Repeat this stretching
o f the ribs on the right side and then on both sides at the same time.
This exercise should be
done slowly without holding
the breath. It makes the
rib muscles flexible and
raises the diaphragm.
Exercise 3. — Sitting — D i a phragmatic breathing.

The child sits at his desk
in Position A .
Inhale. (This will cause
a bulging of the upper ab­
dominal muscles.) Exhale.
(This will cause a retraction
o f the abdominal muscles.)
Continue inhaling and ex­
haling 10 to 20 times.
F ig. 14a.— Inhale
This exercise teaches corF ig. 14b — Exhale
rect diaphragmatic breath­
ing. I f the chest is held in this position diaphragmatic breathing
will go on whether the child is sitting, standing, or walking.

Exercise 1.— Sitting—Rib spread—Costal breathing.

The child sits with his hands on the sides o f the lower ribs.
Inhale. (He may offer resistance to the ribs by pressing his hands
against them. This definite resistance makes the control o f the rib
muscles easier1to acquire. The child “ blows himself up ” and makes
his hands move outward.) Exhale and lower the ribs. (He blows
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



out the breath and makes his hands come closer together.) This ex­
ercise increases the excursion o f the ribs and the diaphragm and in
this way enlarges the capacity o f the lungs.
Exercise 2.— Sitting—Arms forward-upward—Rib stretching.

The child sits away from the back o f his chair in Position A .
Raise the arms forward and upward to make an angle o f 45° with
the axis o f the body. Stretch first with the left arm, then with the
right arm, and then with both arms.
This exercise raises the ribs. It therefore increases the mobility
o f the ribs and through them of the dorsal spine. This exercise is
a progression from the preceding ones in that the correct position
is held while attention is concentrated on the use o f the arms.
Exercise 3.—Sitting—Trunk bending forward.

The children sit in Position A .
Incline the trunk forward from the hips as if the spine were not
flexible but a straight rod.
This is the position that should be assumed by the pupils when
bending forward to write, to draw, or to do any other desk work.
The absence o f the rounded back and shoulders and the lowered
chest o f the incorrect position is strikingly noticeable.

Exercise 1.— Standing against wall—Abdominal retraction.

The child stands with his heels 4 inches from the wall but with
hips, shoulders, and head touching the wall.
Flatten the lower back against the wall by pulling in the abdom­
inal muscles while strongly contracting the buttock muscles. (This
causes a downward “ rolling” motion in the lower back that flat­
tens the lumbar curve. A ll motion occurs at the waist line and the
hips. The shoulders and chest are held perfectly still.) Relax the
contracted muscles and allow the lumbar curve to return.
A t first the children are unable to do this exercise correctly with­
out assistance. They must learn to contract simultaneously buttock
and abdominal muscles. This coordination may be learned quickly
if the teacher will place one hand on the lower abdominal muscles
and the other hand on the low back and actually “ roll dow n ” the
buttocks, apparently lengthening the back. After this has been re­
peated a few times the child will be able to do it for himself.
It is futile for the teacher to talk about this exercise or attempt
to explain i t ; it must be demonstrated on the individual pupil. The
entire class can do this exercise at the same time by using the flat
wall surface in the corridors. This is one o f the most important
posture exercises because it succeeds in giving the child conscious
control o f the two muscle groups that are fundamental in maintain­
ing correct posture—the abdominal and the buttock, or gluteal,
muscle groups. This exercise should be continued off and on
throughout the year. It can not be repeated too often.

Exercise 1.— Standing—Correct position.

The child stands at his desk with hands at sides, head up and
chin in.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Pull in the lower abdominal muscles and flatten the lower back
(count 1). Relax the abdominal muscles and allow the lower-back
curve to return (count 2).
This exercise teaches the child to flatten his back without the
support o f the wall or the back of the seat. It is important that the
abdominal contraction should not be
so exaggerated that the position looks
Exercise 2.— Standing—Rib spread— Costal

The child stands with hands on the
sides o f the lower ribs.
Inhale. (H e may offer resistance to
the ribs by pressing his hands against
them. This definite resistance makes
the control o f the rib muscles easier to
acquire. First he “ blows himself up ”
and makes his hands move outward.)
Exhale and lower the ribs. (H e blows
out the breath and makes his hands
come closer together.)
f ig . 1 'oa.— inhale
This exercise increases the excursion fig . 15b — Exhale
o f the ribs and the diaphragm and in
this way enlarges the capacity of the lungs. Note the increase of
the chest diameter in inspiration, as shown by the accompanying

Exercise 1.—Sitting—Hands on head—Rib stretching.

The child sits with hands on head and lower back flattened against
the back o f the seat.
Stretch by pulling the ribs and chest upward, not allowing the
lower back to move away from the back o f the seat. Relax.
W ith this, support one is able to pull upward forcefully on the
ribs. This pull should be felt on the dorsal spine.
Exercise 2.— Standing— Hands on head—Abdominal retraction.

The child stands in the aisle with hands on head, head up and
chin in.
Flatten the curve in the lower back by repeating the same exercise
as when standing against the wall in Position B.
This is a progression from the previous exercises in that the back
is held correctly in spite o f the increased tendency to hollow the lower
back when the hands are held clasped on the head.
Exercise 3.— Standing—Hands on hips— Diaphragmatic breathing.

The child stands at his desk with hands on hips and with chest
raised, head up and chin in.
Inhale. (This causes a bulging o f the upper abdominal muscles.)
Pull in the abdominal muscles and exhale. (This results in a re­
traction o f the upper abdominal muscles.)
W ith the correct and elevated position of the chest, free, dia­
phragmatic breathing will go on subconsciously.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Exercise 1.— Standing—Alternate rib stretching.

It is now understood that the following standing exercises are
done with the lower back rolled down and abdominal muscles con­
tracted—Position B. The child stands with hands clasped on for­
ward part o f head, head well back, chin in, elbows back.
Raise the left shoulder upward, stretching so that a strong pull
can be felt from the lowest rib. Repeat the stretch on the right
side, then stretch both sides at the same time. Take this exercise
This exercise gives a strong upward pull on the ribs and raises the
diaphragm, thus making room for the organs which are being raised
by the retraction o f the lower abdominal muscles.
Exercise 2.—Standing—Tall stretch.

The child stands at his desk—P osi­
tion B.
Raise the arms forward and up­
ward to form an angle of 45° with
the axis o f the body. Rise on the
toes and stretch tall, as i f trying to
reach an object just beyond reach.
Return to starting position.
A strong upward pull should be
felt from the lowest ribs and through
the middle of the back. This exer­
cise stretches practically all the trunk
muscles—in particular the anterior
.groups of muscles, which in poor
posture are often contracted.
Exercise 3. — Standing — Knee bending
b .— Incorrect
The child stands with hands on Fig. 16position
hips in Position B.
Bend the left knee upward and lower. Repeat with the right knee
This exercise teaches the child to hold the back flat while concen­
trating on a leg exercise.

F ig. 16a . — Cor
rect position

Exercise 4.— Standing—Hands on head— Diaphragmatic breathing.

The child stands with hands clasped on forward part of head, head
up, chin in.
Inhale. (The upper abdominal muscles will bulge.) Exhale.
(Allow the abdominal muscles to retract.)
Such a breathing exercise is inserted after an exercise which has
already stimulated respiration.

Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands on hips—Trunk bending forward.

The child stands with hands on hips.
Bend the trunk forward from the hips as if the spine were a solid
rod and not flexible. Straighten the trunk.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



This way o f bending the trunk should become habitual in a short
time. It prevents strain on the lower back, keeps the chest up, and
holds the abdominal organs in the same relatively high position as
when the child is standing.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Tall walk.

The child stands in Position B.
Raise the arms forward and upward to an angle o f 45° with the
trunk. Walk on tiptoe.
The raising of the arms in this position rather than overhead
prevents any tendency toward bending backward or hollowing the
lower back. The ribs are raised and the rib and upper back muscles
stretched. The diaphragm is lifted, making room for the viscera,
which are being supported by the contracted lower abdominal mus­
cles. Walking on tiptoes also brings in an element o f balance.
Exercise 3.—Standing—Leg raising.

The child stands with hands on hips, back
flat, and chin in ..
Raise the extended left leg forward.
Lower. Repeat with the right leg.
In this exercise the child learns to hold
the back flat while concentrating on body
balance and doing a leg exercise. Later more
difficult leg exercises can be given, followed
by a combination o f leg and arm exercises
done with the trunk held in perfect poise, as
in the accompanying illustration.
Exercise 4.— Standing— Hands on head— Diaphrag­
matic breathing.

The child stands with hands on head.
Raise the chest by holding head well
fig . 17
back with chin in. Inhale and extend
upper abdominal muscles. Exhale and retract the upper abdominal
This exercise is a progression from the other breathing exercises
because of the starting position.
Exercise 1.—Marching.


The children march around the room maintaining correct posture.
The knees should not be stiff and the arms should swing as when
the children are walking along the street.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Arms forward-upward—Trunk bending forward.

The child stands with arms raised forward and upward.
Bend the trunk forward from the hips, keeping the back flat.
Straighten trunk and repeat.
This exercise gives the pupils an opportunity to learn to maintain
correct posture while doing a difficult exercise.
Exercise 3.— Standing—Deep knee bending.

The child stands in Position B.
Bend the knees and spread the thighs apart. With the arms
parallel and extended between the lower limbs, touch the finger
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



tips to the floor near the toes. Keep the back flat but slightly
bent forward from the hips. (This exercise may be done in quick
rhythm.) Raise the trunk in perfect posture each time.
This exercise teaches the child to keep his back flat while stooping
or squatting; I f the finger tips are touched to the floor at the sides
o f the heels instead o f the toes, the child will learn the correct
position for picking up objects from the floor.
Exercise 4.— Standing—Arms circling, with deep breathing.

The children stand in Position B.
Raise the arms forward and upward and take in a deep breath.
Lower the arms sidewise and downward and exhale.

It is advisable in attempting to teach a group o f older children o f
the junior high school grades (seventh, eighth, and ninth) to show
first pictures o f correct and incorrect posture.5 Stress the advantages
o f the first and the disadvantages o f the second. In this way the
child is visually stimulated to appreciate good body mechanics and
to desire it for himself. He will then cooperate sympathetically
i f s'ufficient interest is centered in him. It is therefore essential,
though the instruction is by classroom groups, that attention be cen­
tered on the individuals in the groups. Their particular needs,
rather than the form o f the exercise ordered, must be the first con­
sideration. Greater interest should be shown in how the child uses
his body while doing an exercise than in how he does that particular
exercise. Development o f technical skill in any particular exercise
is to be desired but is not an end in itself. It must be remembered
always that the exercises are only a means to the goal o f health and
beauty through better body mechanics.
Many children in the junior high school grades have exaggerated
spinal curves closely resembling those o f adults. No matter how
willingly, intelligently, and hard these children may work, it will
actually take them much longer to flatten their lumbar curves than
it will the childrén o f the two younger groups. The spines and
their ligaments have become stiffer in the children o f the age usually
found in the junior high school group. I f it were possible, it would
be better to have the children start their posture training in the
stretching position on the floor. Since this procedure is impossible
in most classrooms the junior high school students begin with the
“ standing—abdominal-retraction” exercise. B y the time this exer­
cise has been learned control o f the abdominal muscles will have
been acquired. This principle o f abdominal retraction fundamen­
tally underlies all posture training. A ll the exercises for the junior
high school are arranged in order o f progression from the abdomi­
nal-retraction exercise.
6 The Children’ s Bureau has available for loan or purchase a two-reel film on posture
produced under the technical supervision of Doctor Klein. The film is intended primarily
for physicians and teachers, but the first reel is sufficiently general in its treatment to be
of interest to parents and to children of the upper grammar-school and high-school grades.
The film is so arranged that each reel may be shown separately.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Exercise 1.—Standing against wall—Abdominal retraction.

The child stands with heels 4 inches from the wall but with hips,
shoulders, and head touching the wall.
Flatten the lower back against the wall by pulling in the abdomi­
nal muscles while strongly contracting the buttock muscles.
This exercise causes a downward “ rolling ” motion in the lower
back that flattens the lumbar curve. The shoulders and chest are
held perfectly still, all the motion occurring at and below the waist
line. Most children will be able to do this exercise correctly only
when they become conscious o f a power o f coordination between
the buttock and abdominal muscles. This coordination may be
learned quickly i f the teacher will place one hand on the lower
back and the other on the lower abdominal muscles and actually
“ roll down ” the buttocks. After this has been repeated a few times
the child will be able to do the same thing alone.
It is almost futile for the teacher to talk about or to explain
this exercise; it must be demonstrated on the individual pupil. The
entire class can do this exercise at the same time by _using the flat
wall surface in the corridors. This is one o f the most important pos­
ture exercises, because it gives the child conscious control o f the two
muscle groups that are fundamental in maintaining correct posture-—
the abdominal aud the buttock, or gluteal, muscle groups. This
exercise should be continued off and on throughout the year. It can
not be repeated too often.

Exercise 1.— Standing— Hands back of neck—Abdom­
inal retraction.


Place the hands back of the neck, fingers
straight, finger tips touching. Repeat the same
exercise against the wall as was described in
Lesson I.
This exercise is much more difficult than the
one preceding because of the starting position.
Placing the hands at the back of the neck when
leaning against the wall raises the ribs, and it
is rather a strenuous exercise to flatten the lower
back while holding the ribs in this position.
The repetition o f flattening the lower back in
f i g . 18a.—
difficult starting positions will result later in f i g . i s b .—
Correct the child’s being able to flatten the back without
J S o i?
posi ion difficulty when standing in the normal position.
Digitized forThe
accompanying illustrations show the flat back in the correct
position and, in the incorrect position, the exaggerated back curve
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of St. Louis
caused Bank
by placing
the hands back o f the neck.



This exercise teaches the sitting position in which all sitting
exercises should be taken.
Exercise 3.—Sitting— Diaphragmatic breathing.

Raise the chest by sitting erect with head well back and chin in.
Hold the chest high while inhaling and exhaling. Inhale. (This
causes bulging o f the upper abdominal muscles.) Exhale. (This
results in retraction o f the upper abdominal muscles.)
Many children are able to maintain the high chest position through­
out the. exercise if one hand is placed on the chest. The deep
breathing is then continued without moving the hand up or down.
This exercise teaches correct diaphragmatic breathing with the chest
held in the best position for this form o f breathing.

Exercise 1.— Standing— Correct position.

Standing away from the wall with hands at sides, flatten the curve
in the lower back by retracting the lower abdominal muscles and
contracting the buttock muscles. (This fixes the lower part o f the
spine in the correct position.) While maintaining this position o f
the lower spine raise the head and pull the chin in. (This then fixes
the upper part of the spine in its correct position and elevates the
chest.) Flatten the lower-back curve on count one. Raise the head
and pull in the chin on count two. Relax on count three.
This exercise teaches the child how to assume the correct posture
quickly and without help.
Exercise 2.—Sitting—Lower back against chair—Alternate rib stretching.

Place hands on head and flatten lower back against back o f chair.
Raise left shoulder upward, stretching so that a strong pull can be
felt from the lowest ribs. Repeat this stretch on the ribs on the
right side. Then stretch upward on the ribs on both sides at the
same time. Take this exercise slowly. Do not hold the breath.
Rib-stretching exercises are very important because—
(1) They elevate and widen the chest. This is conducive to deeper,
freer action o f the diaphragm. When the chest is flat and narrow
the diaphragm is relaxed and its excursion is shallow.
(2) They stretch the rib muscles and mo^p the ribs through the
greatest possible arc, thus increasing the flexibility through the
middle section o f the spine where the ribs are attached. This in­
creased flexibility will make it easier for a child to “ stretch up ” and
“ stand tall ” with very little effort. It is especially beneficial to the
broad-type child who leans backward at the midsection o f his spine.

Exercise 1.—Standing— Hands back o f neck—Correct position.

Place hands at back o f neck. Flatten the curve in the lower
back by pulling in the abdominal muscles. A t the same time strongly
contract the buttock muscles. While maintaining this position o f ML
the lower spine raise the head and pull the chin in. Flatten the
lower-back curve on count one. Pull the chin in on count two. Relax
on count three.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



This exercise teaches the child how to assume the correct posture
from a difficult position.
Exercise 2.— Sitting—Alternate rib stretching.

Sit away from back o f chair with hands on head. Raise the left
shoulder upward, stretching so that a strong pull can be felt on the
lowest ribs. Repeat this stretch on the right side. Then stretch both
sides at the same time. Take this exercise slowly. Do not hold the
This stretching produces flexibility o f the ribs and raises the dia­
Exercise 3.— Sitting—Hands on head—Diaphragmatic breathing.

Clasp hands on top o f head just above the forehead. Pull on
the hands, raising the ribs. Inhale and extend upper abdominal
muscles. Exhale and retract upper abdominal muscles. Repeat 10
to 20 times before lowering ribs.
This exercise aims to gain the maximum elevation o f the ribs.
Thus i f the child will become habituated to a position o f his ribs
even short o f this maximum elevation he will still gain a rib eleva­
tion beneficial to good diaphragmatic breathing.

Exercise 1.— Sitting—Arms forward-upward—Rib stretching.

Stretch the left arm forward and upward, raising the ribs on the
left side. Repeat with right arm, raising the ribs on the right side.
Then stretch both arms, raising the ribs on both sides.
Throughout this exercise flatten the lower-back curve as much as
possible and hold the head and chest high. This same exercise may
be taken with the arms nearly vertical if the lower-back curve can
be held flattened against the back o f the chair throughout the exercise.
This exercise produces flexibility o f the ribs and elevates the lowest
Exercise 2.—Sitting—Trunk bending forward.

With back flat, head up, and chin in, bend the trunk forward from
the hips as if the spine were not flexible but a straight rod.
Children should be taught to write and draw* and do all other
desk work with the trunk bent forward in this way rather than
bending over the desk with back rounded, ribs and chest lowered, and
abdomen relaxed.
Exercise 3.— Standing—Diaphragmatic breathing.

With hands on sides o f lower ribs take a deep breath to expand
lower ribs laterally. Hold the ribs in this position while breathing
deeply. Exhale and retract upper abdominal muscles. Inhale and
extend upper abdominal muscles.
This exercise teaches correct diaphragmatic breathing.

Exercise 1.— Sitting—Hands on head—Abdominal retraction.

Lean against the back o f chair with hands clasped on top o f
head, so as to elevate the ribs. Pull in the lower abdominal muscles
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



and flatten the lower back (count one). Relax the abdominal mus­
cles and allow the curve to return (count tw o). Repeat 10 times
without lowering chest or ribs.
This teaches the child to flatten the lower back, which in the given
starting position is difficult.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Alternate rib stretching.

With hands clasped on head raise left shoulder, stretching up­
ward, so that a strong pull can be felt on the lowest ribs. Repeat
stretch on the right side, and then stretch both sides at the same
Take this exercise slowly.
This exercise gives a strong upward pull on the ribs and raises
the diaphragm, thus making room for the organs elevated by the re­
traction o f the lower abdominal muscles.
Exercise 3.— Standing—Arms forward-upward—Rib stretching.

Flatten the lower back, holding head up and chin in. Raise the
arms forward-upward to form an angle o f 45° with the trunk. Rise
on the toes and stretch tall from the finger tips. Return to starting
A strong upward pull should be felt through the lowest ribs and
through the middle o f the back.
This exercise puts the body in an overcorrected mechanically good
position from which, i f the child does slump only a little, the position
will still be excellent.
Exercise 4.— Sitting—Hands on head—Diaphragmatic breathing.

W ith hands clasped on head and chest elevated by holding the head
up and chin in inhale and extend upper abdominal muscles. E x­
hale and retract the upper abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 to 20
times before lowering chest.

Exercise 1.—Sitting—Hands bn head— Correct position.

Sit away from the back o f the chair with hands clasped on» top o f
head. Straighten the lower back. Relax and allow curve to return.
This exercise te^phes the child to flatten the back when the starting
position makes it difficult.
Exercise 2.—Tiptoe walk.

Walk on tiptoe with the arms raised forward-upward to form an
angle o f 45° with the axis o f the body.
In this position the diaphragm is lifted, making room for the
viscera, which are being held up by the contraction o f the anterior
abdominal muscles.
Flattening the lumbar curve brings into play the balancing mecha­
nism o f the back muscles in the lumbar region.
Exercise 3.— Standing—Trunk bending forward.

Bend the trunk forward from the hips, keeping the back flat.
Raise the trunk and repeat.
During the bending described the relative positions o f the pelvis,
thorax, and spine are not changed.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Exercise 4.—Standing—Alternate knee bending upward.

With arms raised forward-upward bend the left knee upward
and lower. Repeat with right leg.
This exercise is to accustom the child to hold the back flat and the
trunk in correct poise while taking leg exercises.
The accompanying illustration shows the head
correctly balanced above the shoulders and hips,
the chest elevated, the lower abdomen retracted,
and the back curves normal. Except for the
change in the position o f the arms and one leg,
the posture here is similar to the correct standing
position shown in Figure 18a.
Exercise 5.— Standing— Hands on hips— Diaphragmatic

With hands on hips, chest raised, head up, and
chin in, inhale and extend the upper abdominal
muscles. Exhale and retract the upper abdominal
muscles. Hold chest high while breathing deeply.
Repeat 10 to 20 times before lowering chest.

Exercise 1.—Marching.

March around the room, maintaining correct
Fig 19
The neck and arm muscles should be relaxed. The knees should
not be stiff.
Exercise 2.— Standing—Arms forward-upward—Trunk bending.
W ith arms raised forward-upward bend the trunk forward from
the hips, keeping the back flat. Straighten the trunk and repeat.
I f emphasis is placed on the upward stretch o f the ribs even while
bending forward, this exercise is difficult. It teaches excellent con­
trol o f the back muscles.
Exercise 3.— Standing— Hands on head—Diaphragmatic breathing.

With hands on head pull on hands, thus spreading ribs. Inhale
and extend upper abdominal muscles. Exhale and retract the upper
abdominal muscles.
Hold the ribs high while breathing deeply. Repeat 10 to 20 times
before lowering chest.
Exercise 4.— Standing—Arms forward-upward—Alternate leg raising.

W ith arms raised forward-upward, raise the left leg forward, and
lower. Repeat with right leg.
In this exercise the pupils learn to hold the back flat while com. bining an arm and leg exercise. A difficult element o f balance is
brought into this exercise with the starting position.
Exercise 5.— Standing—Hands on head—Diaphragmatic breathing.

W ith hands on head, raise chest by stretching tall. Inhale and
extend the upper abdominal muscles. Exhale and-retract the upper
abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 to 20 times before lowering chest.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Three definite steps are noticeable in the progress o f the junior
high school pupils in the course o f a year: (1) Ability to flatten
the lower back against wall; (2) ability to flatten the lower back
when standing away from the wall; (3) ability to hold the back flat
and to maintain correct body balance throughout the lesson.
The foregoing lesson plans should be followed by additional pro­
gressive exercises, similar to a setting-up drill, folk dancing,
rhythms, clogging, games, or sports, with emphasis always on
maintaining correct body mechanics throughout each lesson.
The foregoing exercises to develop the habit o f good posture in
school children are strikingly simple. They are not designed to
make athletes. Attention is fixed simply on proper alignment o f
the body as a whole, to insure correct position o f the vital organs
housed in the body. This will result in proper physiological func­
tioning o f the body*
No harm can come from prompting the smooth, “ frictionless ”
functioning o f the body.* A ll children who are able to go to school
can, therefore, take these exercises with benefit regardless o f “ tenden­
cies” that some may have toward certain diseases or afflictions.
These exercises have the advantage o f universal application.
The exercises are also easily introduced. No special apparatus is
necessary. The machinery and organization for this instruction
are already in the school. The grade teacher is the logical person
to teach body mechanics. She knows her children intimately. She
knows best how to “ put posture across” to them. Teachers have
been trained to teach, and “ posture ” is so simple that it really calls
for very little extra effort on their part to teach it. They have the
children under their direct supervision for about five hours daily.
To be sure, only about 10 minutes daily may be allotted for formal
instruction in body mechanics. The supervision over the child for
the rest o f the day, however, gives the teacher the exceptional oppor­
tunity o f watching the child at times other than the period o f formal
instruction in posture. She can correct him and exhort him to use
his body correctly while reading, writing, reciting, and playing.
The introduction of posture into the schools makes it possible to
continue the instruction throughout the grade-school life. It is then
possible to plan the training in body mechanics so that the funda­
mentals can be taught during attendance in the lower grades (per­
haps made attractive with games and story plays) and then con­
tinued through the upper grades with gradual advancement in
technique ànd with .the addition o f a setting-up type o f exercise as
well as games and sports. W ith so long a period for the inculcation
o f the principles o f posture it should be possible to assure the forma­
tion o f habits o f good body machanics.
The teaching o f other habits than those o f good body mechanics
is already done in the schools. It is accepted that habits formed
when the child is- young will tend to persist through life. Habits
o f posture i f acquired during the school age will prevent the occur­
rence o f many o f the sequelæ in later life—adults broken down under
strain and chronic invalids.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


. Posture training in school is also o f benefit at the time at which it
is given. It serves to break up the day for the children. Continuous
mental instruction throughout the session can lead only to mental
lassitude on the part o f ^the pupils. The period o f learning must
be broken by some exercises, and when this must be done indoors it
can be done best with posture exercises. In this way relaxation from
continued mental effort is accomplished, disrupting the routine pro­
cedure o f the classroom least. A fter the barest fundamentals have
been learned the exercises can all be gone through with the pupils
m their seats or standing in the aisles beside their desks.
School instruction in posture is just as logical as school instruction
m reading, writing, and arithmetic. I f posture training is made a
regular part o f the curriculum, the child will accept it as part o f
the instruction he has come to consider reasonable and necessary.
He may or may not show the results o f the teachings immediately.
But the child’s early life when the instinct o f imitation is marked,
when the body is limber, when the mind is impressionable, when the
influence o f suggestion and education is greatest, is the time to teach
proper body mechanics. Then he will grow up with acquired habits
o f correct body balance. His energy will be available to the maxi­
mum degree for his daily activities. His body will function with its
parts properly aligned, without unnecessary friction—an economical
and efficient unit.
Because o f its universal application, _its marked simplicity, the
ease with which it can be introduced without disrupting the curri­
culum j because it can be carried on over the entire grade-school life
o f the child and thereby bring about the formation o f the habit o f
correct body carriage; because it can serve as a means o f relaxation
for the pupil; and because school is the logical place for it, body
mechanics should be taught to every child in school



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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

F ield



O ff ic e


ty.................... —


3. W. B. 0 .: N. F. (spec.)

4. Sex: M. F. 5. School................










7. Date of examination....... Y ___ m___ d___ Y ___ m___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m___ d___ Y — , m ...- d .... Y ___ m ___ d___ Y -----m___ d___
Y — .m .-^ d — j Y . . . . m . . . . d . . . . Y
8. Date of birth__________ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y — , m .._ . d— . Y — m .__. d . . . . Y ___ m ___ d___ Y . . . . m ... _d— . Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___
Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___
9. Age_____________ _____ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m ___ d___ Y ___ m___ d___
Y . — m . . . . d . . . - Y ___ m ___ d___ Y . . . , m — .d — . Y ___ m ___ d___
10. Height__ _____ ________
...................... in. ...................... in.
11. Weight_________ _____ - .............. -..lbs.
12. Underweight_________


_______ lbs. ...... ...............lbs. ___________ lbs. ____________lbs.

---------lbs------ % ---------lbs. —

- ....... lbs........% ...........lbs------ % --------- lbs------ % ______lbs........% ---------lbs------ % ....... - l b s . — .%

13. School attendance:
14. Absent for1—
(a) Infectious

d ise a se s



Yes, No_________

Yes, No_________




24. Appearance


26. Standing position
27. Gen. (phys.

Yes, N o ................ Yes, N o ............. .

(d) Headaches..................... Yes, N o_________

Yes, N o_________

(e) Other illnesses (spec.).. Yes, No.................

Yes, N o ......... ...... Yes, No

Yes, N o................. Yes, N o .......... ...... Yes, No

Yes, N o................. Yes, N o_________

A. B. C. D.—

- . „ - '« t - l

A. B. C. D

Thin, In term., Broad—. Thin, Interm., Broad—.



28. Pronation___________________
(/) Constipation............ .
(Spec, how often cathar­
tic taken).___________
15. Medical work by out­
side agencies_______


23. Date __________________

25. Type _______________ __________

(ft) C olds..-........................ Yes, N o_________
(c) Sore throats........ .........



Yes, No _____________________

29. Abduction ________ _______
Y u II

30. Breathing___________________

Cos. Up.Abd.jLow.Abd. Cos. Up.Abd.jLow. Abd.

31. Retraction

Costal, Abdominal............. Costal, Abdominal_______


Circumference —

32. Abdomen at navel________
16. Scholarship...................

33. Axilla: (o) Neutral_______
(b) Inspiration__________

17. Deportment.................

(c) Expiration__________

(a) Restlessness..................

34. Xyphoid: (o) Neutral—

(ft) Concentration.............

(b) Inspiration__________

(c) Obedience.............. ......

(c) Expiration__________
D epth —

18. Grade A. B. C. D.

35. Xyphoid: (a) Neutral—
(b) Inspiration__________

22. Diagnosis:....... ...................................

(c) Expiration


36. Abdomen: (a) Normal. .
(b) Retracted....................
37. Breadth of chest at
38. Vital capacity .........................
39. Costal angle________________
40. Examined by ...........................

41. Photographed by ..................

2199°— 26.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

(Follow p, 33.)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis