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/L/3.3:^ ?r.OL^GEUERAXY IV fi?. BULLETIN NO 229 OCCUPATIONS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Selected References U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • Women’s Bureau In Collaboration With FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY . STATE COLLEGE library 5L Office of Education BULLETIN OF THE WOMEN'S BUREAU NO. 229 OCCUPATIONS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Selected References JULY 1943 . JUNE 1948 BY LOUISE MOORE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WOMEN'S BUREAU • FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY OFFICE OF EDUCATION • • Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary Frieda S. Miller, Director * Oscar R. Ewing, Administrator Earl J. McGrath, Commissioner UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1949 For sole by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 30 cents LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, June 1, 19 U9. Sir: I have the honor of transmitting this bibliography on occupations for girls and women. It includes books, pamphlets, and periodical articles about occupations for girls and women, published during the period, July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1948. Former bibliographies in this series, which was begun in 1934, have been issued by the Federal Security Agency, Office of Edu cation. They have served to answer inquiries sent to the Office of Education and to the Women’s Bureau by vocational guidance counselors, teachers, students, trade union workers, and others interested in helping girls and women to select suitable occupa tions, to find vocational training, to enter the world of work and succeed in their selected fields. This bibliography was prepared by Louise Moore, Specialist, Trade and Industrial Education for Girls and Women, under the general supervision of Mr. Walter H. Cooper, Chief, Trade and Industrial Education Service, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency. It is issued by the Women’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, as part of their service to girls and women seeking information about various fields of work. Respectfully submitted, Frieda Hon. Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary of Labor. hi S. Miller, Director. CONTENTS Page Letter of Transmittal.......................................... Ill Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Occupational Information ............................................................................................. 2 Occupational Biographies and Fiction............................. 57 Training Opportunities .......... 64 Vocational Guidance Principles, Programs, and Practices ............................... 70 Women’s Status With Respect to Work and Education..... ............................ 74 Surveys ............................................................................................................................... 77 Bibliographies ....... 80 Author Index .................................................................................................................... 83 Occupational Information Index.................................................................................. 89 Subject Index ......................................................... .............. :..... ................................ 101 V ' * :: Laura A. Thompson, whose activities as Librarian, United States Department of Labor, 1917-1947, helped to enlarge public understanding of women’s work and to extend their employment opportunities. VI OCCUPATIONS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Selected References INTRODUCTION HIS bibliography covers the period, July 1943 to June 1948, and includes references to occupations in which women pre T dominate, according to the latest census figures, as well as publica tions with specific discussions of women’s work in occupations where they form a minority. While the literature in the field for the period was examined as fully as was possible with the re search facilities available, the bibliography is selective. It con tains references only to books, pamphlets, and periodicals issued in the United States. It excludes publications dealing specifically with women’s war production work in the latter years of World War II and with discussions of the changes that occurred during the first period after the termination of the war. Publications are also excluded which describe courses of instruction and discuss problems of analysis of occcupations, such as those developed as a basis for curriculums in vocational schools. All references to each occupation described in any of the pub lications reviewed will be found listed under the name of that occupation in the Occupational Information Index, pages 89 to 100. References to other subjects pertaining to vocations for women and girls have been grouped under various headings in the Subject Index, pages 101 to 102. Many of the publications listed are available in school libraries and in city libraries. Usually the Extension Division of the State Library can supply books and periodicals to which references are made when they are not locally available. Many of the pamphlets reviewed are free or can be obtained at small cost from the publisher. The bibliography includes: Descriptions of occupations addressed particularly to girls and women. Descriptions of occupations in which women predominate according to census or other statistics. (i) 2 References for girls and women, offering suggestions about planning their work, obtaining employment, and succeed ing in their chosen fields. Biographies and autobiographies of women identified with particular occupations. Fiction, showing in story form the preparation and work done in a particular occupation of interest to girls and women. Directories of schools and colleges open to women and of institutions offering training in occupations followed by women. Information on student and scholarship aid open to girls and women, especially those interested in particular voca tions. Descriptions of training opportunities open to girls and women. A discussion of vocational guidance principles applied par ticularly to girls and women, with some references on general guidance practices. Surveys of work of girls and women and of their attitudes toward work and training. A discussion of women’s status, of attitudes toward women and their occupations, and of legislation about women. Information about particular problems of women: Discrim ination; status of married women, of Negro women, and of handicapped women. Bibliographies and references of interest to girls and women considering occupations. OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION This section of the bibliography includes descriptions of occupa tions vcritten for girls and women, or with sections dealing specifically with opportunities for women in the fields described; and occupational surveys which give particular attention to the work of girls and women or in fields in which women predomi nate. Publications with suggestions to girls and women about the best means of attaining success as workers in their chosen fields are also included. 3 1. Accountancy. New York, N. Y., Pace Institute, 1946. 40 p., illus. An outline of the work of an accountant in public and in private practice, with information about preparation needed, scope and future of the work, and demand for women accountants. 2. Adams, Margaret E. Counseling for a job with a future. Journal of the national association of deans of women, 8: 37-39, October 1944. Qualifications, salaries, and training for a professional worker with Girl Scouts are discussed. 3. Air transportation jobs and you. New York, N. Y., United Air Lines Inc., 1946. 20 p., illus. Brief descriptions of the following occupations open to women are given: Stenographer, mail clerk, receptionist, file clerk, key punch operator, comptometer operator, accountant, drafts man, laboratory technician, food worker, stewardess, and communications clerk. 4. Allen, Dorothy M. A day with a rural public health nurse. nursing, 38: 483-486, September 1946. Public health The characteristic work done in one rural community during a day by a puhlic health nurse is described in detail. 5. American Association of Medical Record Librarians. Medical record library science. Chicago, 111., The Association, not dated. Pages not num bered. A folder describing the work of a medical record librarian, desirable personal characteristics education and training needed, and scholarships. A list of approved schools for medical record librarians is included. 6. American Association of Medical Social Workers. Medical social workers needed. Washington, D. C., The Association, 1945. 7 p. Included are: Areas of medical social service; description of the work of the medical social worker; preparation for this service. A list of accredited schools of social work is included. 7. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Anesthesiology, a special ized field for professional registered nurses. Chicago, 111., The Association, not dated. Pages not numbered. This folder includes a list of requirements for admission to a course for a nurse anesthetist facilities of schools teaching this subject, advantages of the occupation, and a brief history of the nurse anesthetist. 8. American Association of Schools of Social Work. profession. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1945. 52 p. Social work as a Written to help the college student explore the possibilities, requirements, and undergraduate education recommended for social work, this pamphlet defines social work, discusses its future lists desirable personal requirements, discusses employment opportunities in various fields and gives details of education and training needed. A list of member schools of the American Association of Schools of Social Work is included. 9. American Association of Social Workers. Personnel—training, recruit ing. New York, N. Y., The Association. Reprinted from The Compass March 1944. 6 p. A review of the principles underlying professional social work, education and training needed, and recruiting principles. 10- --------- Social work as a profession. not dated. 33 p. New York, N. Y., The Association, A definition of social work and a discussion of its professional nature, scope, and future are followed by information about employment opportunities, various special fields, and by suggestions concerning education desirable and professional education available. A list of member schools of the American Association of Schools of Social Work and a bibliography are included. 4 11. American Chemical Society. Vocational guidance in chemistry and chemical engineering. Washington, D. C., The Society, 1944. 20 p., illus. (Rev. ed.) The work of a chemist and of a chemical engineer is defined, types of work are outlined, and opportunities for employment, earnings, desirable qualifications, training and education, and cost of training are discussed. The opportunities for women are given special consideration. 12. American Council on Education. The crisis in teaching. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1946. 15 p. The need for teachers, the advantages and disadvantages of teaching as a profession, and suggestions of the best means of attracting competent teachers are discussed. 13. --------- and American Commission on Teacher Education. our times. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1944. 178 p. Teachers for This report discusses the social significance of teaching and teacher education, and the qualities to be sought for in teachers of children and of young people. 14. American Dental Association. Council on Dental Education. Dentistry as a professional career. By Harlan H. Horner. Chicago, 111., The Asso ciation, 1946. 68 p. The work of the dental hygienist and that of the dental assistant are outlined, and a list of colleges where courses are given is supplied, in this volume about dentistry. 15. American Dietetic Association. Courses for student dietitians approved by the executive board. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1946. 5 p. A list of administrative, food clinic, and hospital courses, approved by the American Dietetic Association. 16. --------35 p., illus. Dietetics as a profession. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1944. A definition of the work of a dietitian is followed by a description of fields of employment, preparation required, salaries, conditions of work, hours, and desirable personal qualifications of the candidate. An appendix includes a short bibliography. 17. American Home Economics Association. Along the home economics highway. Washington, D. C., The Association, 1946. Pages not numbered, illus. Short articles on the following careers in home economics: Dress designing, journalism, test kitchen work, hotel foods work, food photography, research work, equipment work, sales work, teaching of home economics, agricultural extension work, and newspaper columnist. 18.--------- Business home economics, expanding field. By Katherine Goeppinger. Washington, D. C., The Association, 1944. 3 p. (Reprint from the Journal of home economics, 36: 428-430, September 1944.) A summary of 58 questionnaires answered by home economists, businessmen, and others interested in the subject, this article discusses briefly the following fields for home economists : Work in child service centers, the personnel field, the field of textile research, the field of equipment, work in foods and nutrition and industrial feeding, and jobs in journalism. 19. --------tion, 1944. Home economics horoscope. Washington, D. C., The Associa 4 p. The following careers in home economics are reviewed: Research, merchandising, foods inspection, agricultural extension work, public health work, journalism in the field of home economics, institutional management, teaching home economics, and child development work. 20. --------- Home economics teaching as a career. The Association, not dated. Pages not numbered, illus. Washington, D. C., This short description of the work of a home economics teacher includes information about various types of work done and personal qualifications desirable. 5 21. --------- Student guide books to home economics in business. ton, D. C., The Association, 1945. 32 p., illus. Washing A guide to business fields open to the college graduate with a home economics degree. Careers in the following fields for women with home economics training are discussed, and information is given about training, desirable personal characteristics, and aptitude for the job: Advertising promotion consultant for food, equipment, and textile companies ; equipment specialist; home economics advisor; foods worker for manufacturer or grower ; home service worker ; utilities company worker; hotel foods service worker; magazine and newspaper journalist; and radio broadcaster. 22. American industries. Boston, Mass., Bellman Publishing Co., Inc. (1) Air transportation industry. By Stuart G. Tipton. 1947. 68 p., illus. (No. 15.) (2) The automobile accessory industry. By Ralph H. Warnhoff. 1946. 32 p., illus. (No. 8.) (3) Candy industry. By Calvin K. Kazanjian. 1946. 36 p., illus. (No. 2.) (4) The greeting card industry. By Ernest Dudley Chase. 1946. 32 p., illus. (No. 7.) (5) The loan industry. By John J. Quigley. 1947. 32 p., illus. (No. 12.) (6) The men’s suit industry. By L. Neville Rieman. 1947. 48 p., illus. (No. 11.) (7) The pharmaceutical industry. By Robert A. Hardt. 1946. 32 p., illus. (No. 9.) (8) The phonograph record industry. By John Ball, Jr. 1947. 47 p., illus. (No. 13.) (9) Refrigeration industry. By David C. Choate. 1946. 32 p., illus. (No. 6.) (10) The seed industry. By Edgar J. Clissold. 1946. 47 p., illus. (No. 3.) Each publication contains a short biography of the author showing his competence in the field, a brief history of the occupation, facts about trends, a description of the processes or jobs in the industry, information about earnings, training available, advantages and disadvantages of the work, and opportunities for women. Lists of trade associations and trade publications, as well as a bibliography, are included. In some cases, schools or colleges offering courses in the field are listed. 23. American Institute of Laundering. Occupational possibilities in the power laundry industry. Joliet, 111., The Institute, 1944. 10 p. processed. (Special report no. 133.) This report includes a short history of the laundry industry, an outline of the nature of the work, a list of qualifications for different jobs, information about wages, opportunities for men and for women, training opportunities for advanced positions, and reference material. 24. American Library Association. Books and people; a career in library service. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1945. 5 p. This folder describes library service and offers information about different types of libraries and a discussion of salaries, types of positions, and training. A list of library schools is included. 25. --------- Public libraries in the life of the nation. By Beatrice Sawyer Rossell. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1943. 102 p., illus. Designed to give some idea of the opportunities in libraries of all kinds, this book describes services in cities, rural regions, and schools, and offers information about wages, types of work done, and training required. 6 26. --------- Training for library work. 6 p. processed. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1946. Special fields of service and the education and training necessary to fill these positions are discussed. A list of institutions offering training in general and in special fields of librarianship is included. 27. American Meteorological Society. The Society, 1947. 79 p. processed. Weather horizons. Boston, Mass., One chapter, devoted to women in meteorology, tells of the advantages and disadvantages of the work and describes the activities at a meteorological station. It also discusses teaching and research; allied fields such as soil conservation ; industrial meteorology ; and popular writing and speaking. A list of the colleges and universities with departments of meteorology is included, with information about courses and opportunities for advanced study. 28. American Nurses’ Association. Nursing Information Bureau. Nurs ing is a great profession. New York, N. Y., The Association, not dated. 23 p. In popular style the booklet gives information about professional nursing as an occupation and lists desirable personal characteristics, preparation needed, methods of selecting a training school, costs, scholarships, and special fields of nursing. 29. --------- Nursing Information Bureau in cooperation with The National League of Nursing Education and The National Organization for Public Health Nursing. Facts about nursing, 1948. New York, N. Y., The Association, 106 p. Information is offered about the number and distribution of nurses, enrollments in schools of nursing, the number of graduates, tuition, programs for advanced work for graduate nurses, and opportunities for the professional nurse in hospitals, in government agencies, in private duty nursing, in public health, and in industry. Data are provided about counseling and placement, employment conditions, and earnings, and about voluntary auxiliary workers, attendants, and practical nurses. There is also information about nursing in other countries. 30. --------- Nursing Information Bureau cooperating with The National League of Nursing Education and The National Organization for Public Health Nursing. Nursing, a profession for college women. New York, N. Y., The Association, 1945. 35 p. A definition of the duties of a professional nurse is followed by a discussion of opportunities in different fields of nursing, rates of pay, opportunities for advancement, hours, and living conditions. Short chapters are devoted to: Age and education required for admission to nursing training, types of schools of nursing, cost of training, and placement opportunities. A short bibliography is included. 31. American Occupational Therapy Association. Occupational therapy, a pioneering profession. New York, N. Y., The Association, 1947. 17 p., illus. The work of an occupational therapist is described, and information is given about desirable personal qualifications, training, and opportunities. A list of schools of occupational therapy is included. 32. American Optometric Association, Inc. burgh, Pa., The Association, 1945. 7 p. Optometrie education. Pitts A definition of optometry is followed by information about educational requirements and opportunities for women. A list of schools of optometry is included. 33.--------- Optometry. Minneapolis, Minn., The Association, 1946. 22 p. A definition of optometry is followed by a short history of the profession, educational requirements, a list of approved colleges, an analysis of the curriculum, and a short bibliography. One section is devoted to opportunities in the field for women. 34. American Osteopathic Association. The osteopathic profession and its colleges. By Lawrence W. Mills. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1947. 24 p., illus. Special attention is given to women in osteopathy in this pamphlet offering facts about the history of osteopathy and describing personal characteristics desirable and education and training required. A list of colleges teaching osteopathy is included. 7 35. --------- Osteopathy as a profession. 1945. 23 p., illus. ^ This pamphlet includes a short history of osteopathy, a list of desirable personal qualifications, education requirements, an outline of a professional course, as well as requirements for licensure in different States, and information about earnings. Some mention is made of women in the profession. 36. --------4 p. * Chicago, 111., The Association, Women in osteopathy. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1946 An account of osteopathic schools of medicine is followed by a list of personal characteristics desirable in an osteopathic physician, education and training required, and a summary of future trends and openings. A list of osteopathic colleges is included. 37. American Physiotherapy Association. Physical therapy, a service and a career. New York, N. Y., The Association, not dated. 15 p., illus. A definition of the work of a physical therapist is followed by a list of desirable personal characteristics, an account of training needed, scholarships available, and a list of approved schools. 38. American Public Health Association. Employment opportunities in public health. New York, N. Y., The Association, 1945. 30 p. Among the opportunities in public health work described in this pamphlet are the following: Public health dentist, school physician, administrator of specialized health activities, laboratory worker in health education, vital statistician, nutritionist, and public health nurse. A list of institutions offering graduate work in public health nursing and public health engineering and sanitary engineering is included. 39. American Registry of X-ray Technicians. Training of X-ray techni cians, 1946-1947. Minneapolis, Minn., The Registry, 1947. 11 p. An account of the general qualifications of a trainee is followed by information about desirable characteristics, minimum schooling, training course curricula,' and rules and regulations governing the registration of X-ray technicians. 40. American Society of Clinical Pathologists. The registry of medical technologists. Muncie, Ind., The Society, 1946. 21 p. A short history of medical technology is followed by details of training required for medical technologists. 41. American Woman’s Society of Certified Public Accountants and Ameri can Society of Women Accountants. The position of the woman accountant in the post-war era. By Jennie M. Palen. New York, N. Y„ The Society, 1946. 16 p. Desirable personal characteristics of women interested in accounting and the possibilities for entrance of larger numbers of women are discussed. Some accounts of the experiences of employers of women accountants are included. 42. Amiss, John M. and Sherman, Esther. New careers in industry. York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 227 p., illus. % Among the careers for women which are described are the following: dietetics, and personnel work. 43. Anderson, Betty. 261-263, January 1947. The country weekly. New Secretarial work, Mademoiselle, 24: 150-151, The qualities needed to succeed as an editor of a country paper are listed, and descriptions are given of the methods for finding a preparatory job, preparation, and kinds of work done on a country weekly. 44. Andrews, A. E. Statistical study of women mathematicians in the six editions of American Men of Science. Journal of educational sociology, 17: 543-550, May 1944. A study of women mathematicians listed in 6 editions of Men of Science concludes that there are women mathematicians of worth, and that if women are given the same motivation and opportunities as men, women are equally capable in the field of mathematics. 8 45. Andriola, Joseph. 25-26, January 1944. Social work needs you. Independent woman, 33: 10, An account of the need for trained social workers, training necessary, wages, hours, and responsibilities- A list of organizations and information about scholarships are included. 46. An apple for the teacher. 1944. Mademoiselle, 18: 120, 178-183, February This article describes some of the modern methods of teaching, gives information about desirable personal qualifications of a teacher, training, salaries, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. 47. Arthur, Julietta. Dolls with a purpose. 351, 368, December 1947. Independent woman, 26: 350 A description of the work of Diana Forman, maker of dolls representing Biblical characters. 48. --------- Jobs for women over 35. 1947. 253 p. New York, N. Y., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Written to direct attention to the opportunities that exist for the mature woman in business and in a scant number of the professions and their byways, and to point out where these opportunities are to be found, this book discusses jobs where age is a vantage point and those where age is not a handicap. Short vocational biographies of women over 35 who successfully entered occupations, a bibliography, and a list of women’s organizations and of community agencies interested in vocations for women increase the interest and usefulness of the publication. 49. --------- The woman everybody wants. January 1948. Independent woman, 27: 12-14, The advantages of practical nursing as a career are described with a discussion of the courses offered in various localities, the cost of training, and earnings of the trained practical nurse. 50. An artist turns to international trade. October 1947. Independent woman, 26: 287, A short article about the building of an import-export business by a former concert artist. 51. Art opportunities today. 1944. 4 p. New York, N. Y., Related Arts Service, Well known artists in different fields offer brief summaries of present day opportunities. 52. Baker, Helen. Employee counseling. Princeton, N. J., Industrial Rela tions Section, Princeton University, 1944. 64 p. The methods of choosing counselors, desirable previous experience, duties, relations to the organization, and the probable future trends of counseling are discussed in this publication. 53. Baker, Morris B. Airline traffic and operations. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947. 430 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Chapter 6, Airline Hostess, explains the duties, training, and requirements for this work. 54. Baltimore Department of Education. Division of Vocational Education. The nurse. Baltimore, Md., The Department, 1943. 7 p. A short description of the occupation is qualifications, training, including entrance nursing school, duties and responsibilities earnings and advantages and disadvantages 55.-------------------- The physician. 7 p. (Reprint.) followed by information about desirable personal requirements to schools of nursing, selecting a while training, State registration, opportunities, of the occupation. A bibliography is included. Baltimore, Md., The Department, 1944. A short description of the occupation is followed by information relative to the variety of opportunities for those with special training, personal qualifications, general training required, expense of training, requirements for admission to practice, earnings, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. Special mention is made of opportunities for women. A bibliography is included. 9 56.-------------------- The secretary and stenographer. Department, 1943. Pages not numbered. Baltimore, Md., The A short history and description of the occupation are followed by information about duties and responsibilities, personal qualifications, training, opportunities, advantages and disadvantages of the occupation, and earnings. A bibliography is included. 57. Bane, Lita and Chapin, Mildred R. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1945. Introduction to home economics. 260 p. Chapter VIII discusses various professions open to the home economist and mentions special aptitudes, desirable personal characteristics, and advantages and disadvantages of these occupations. Among these are: Dietitian, nutritionist, commercial foods service worker, institutional administrator, home economist of food companies and industries, home service director, demonstrator, writer, and research worker in home economics. 58. Barshay, Shirley. 267, January 1947. Jobs on the Hill. Mademoiselle, 24: 152-153, 264 Advantages and disadvantages of work for U. S. Senators and Representatives are outlined, and information is given about methods of obtaining jobs and the work done. 59. Becker, Edwin J. April 1946. Ladies afield. Independent woman, 25: 106-108, Study and conservation of wildlife offer opportunities for women in the fields of game management, forestry, museum work, field biology, and taxidermy. The article contains brief biographies of several women notable in this field and discusses openings and preparation for the work. 60. Belding, Anson W. 234-236, October 1944. What! be a teacher. Journal of education, 127: General information is given about teaching as a profession, its demands, rewards, and advantages and disadvantages. 61. Belleau, Wilfred E. Chiropody as a career. Publishing House, 1947. 29 p. Milwaukee, Wis., Park An outline of the work of a chiropodist is followed by a list of approved colleges, information about cost of training, desirable personal characteristics, licensure, conditions of work, and earnings. Opportunities for women are discussed in a separate section. A list of colleges approved by the National Association of Chiropodists is included. 62. --------House, 1946. Osteopathy as a career. 33 p. Milwaukee, Wis., Park Publishing The author offers the following information: A short history of osteopathy, the nature of the work, training needed, length of course and its cost, licensure, advantages and disadvantages, and opportunities for women. A list of professional organizations, a list of approved colleges, and a bibliography are included. 63. Bernays, Edward L. 244, January 1944. Shortage of pharmacists. Occupations, 22: 242 Pharmacy offers attractive opportunities to women and to men. A short table shows average earnings of women and of men pharmacy graduates. 64. Biegeleisen, Jacob I. Careers in commercial art. E. P. Dutton & Co., 1944. 276 p., illus. New York, N. Y., In animated style the author gives details of the work of the artist in various fields. Training, wages, advantages and disadvantages are outlined. Biographical sketches of leaders in the several fields are included. Suggestions for applying for a job and succeeding on it are given. 65. Bios vocational series. Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Bios. (1) Medical illustration; profession serving medical progress. By Ruth B. Coleman. 1947. 10 p. (No. 6.) (2) The medical records librarian. By Edna K. Huffman. 1947. 7 p. (No. 8.) 10 (3) Professional nursing as a career. By Thelma P. Laird. 1947. 8 p. (No. 7.) (4) The profession of medical technology. By Ruth Drummond. 1947. 22 p. (No. 5.) These are reprints from Bios, in which a description of the occupation is followed by information about training needed, earnings, and, in some cases, certification requirements, and a list of approved schools. 66. Blackwood, Ethel M. History book characters of Le Vieux Carre. Independent woman, 25: 337-338, November 1946. This is a description of the character doll business carried on in New Orleans. 67. Bloomfield, Daniel. A retail business of one’s own. and education, 15: 1-3, Pall 1944. Women’s work Requirements for successfully running a retail business are outlined. 68. Bowers, Harold J. Let us consider teaching. Department of Education, 1944. 26 p. Columbus, Ohio, State This pamphlet contains information about the demand for teachers, the importance of the profession, its advantages, personal qualifications desirable, opportunities for training offered in Ohio, and a bibliography. 69. Brenner, Margaret L. Government careers. ics, 37: 94-95, February 1945. Journal of home econom The home economist who is a specialist has more opportunities in government service than one from the general home economics field. Suggestions for making application to the U. S. Civil Service Commission are included. 70. Brewer, John M. and Landy, Edward. Occupations today. Mass., Ginn & Co., 1943. 377 p., illus. (Rev. ed.) Boston, This vocational guidance text offers specific information about the following occupations for women : Farm work, work in aviation, government employment, nursing, journalism, teaching, social work, librarianship, stenography, telephone operating, sales work, and restaurant work. 71. Brown, Clara M. and Arnesen, Ruth V. Employment opportunities for women with limited home economics training. Minneapolis, Minn., Burgess Publishing Co., 1944. 44 p. processed. This is a survey of business firms in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., which was made to discover how one or two years of college work in home economics helps in wage earning. Among the organizations where such preparation is found helpful are: Department stores, child care organizations, cafeterias and restaurants, retail food stores, advertising agencies, and clothing manufacturers. 72. Bryan, Alice I. and Boring, Edwin G. Women in American psychology; factors affecting their professional careers. American psychologist, 2: 3-20, January 1947. This is a study of 245 women psychologists, their salaries, their attitudes toward their profession, the prejudice against them as workers, and the effect of marriage on their careers. 73. --------- --------- Women in American psychology; statistics from the O. P. P. questionnaire. American psychologist, 1: 71-79, March 1946. This study of 1,371 professional psychologists shows that women psychologists are employed in schools, educational systems, clinics, guidance centers, hospitals, and custodial institutions. Information about salaries and opportunities is offered. 74. Burger, Samuel. Careers in aviation. Publisher, 1946. 209 p. New York, N. Y., Greenberg, Chapter XI is devoted to women in aviation: Flight stewardess, registration agent, ticket agent, passenger agent, operations clerk, dietitian, traffic manager, traffic representative, and commercial pilot. Information is given about the job, its requirements, and its pay. 11 75. Business as a career. New York, N. Y., New York University, 1945. 48 p. (Bulletin vol. 45, no. 31.) This review of various fields of business offers information about desirable personal qualifications, preparation, advantages, and disadvantages of each type of work. A business opportunity chart with an analysis of the different fields and a list of typical positions are included. 76. Butler, Vera M., Jewett, Ida A. and Stroh, Mary Margaret. Better selection of better teachers. Austin, Tex., Delta Kappa Gamma Society, 1943. 110 p. This compilation of answers to a questionnaire returned by 5,749 teachers reviews the reasons for choosing teaching as a career and contains information about education received, desirable personal characteristics of a teacher, and suggestions for the better selection of teachers. A bibliography is included. 77. Campbell. Dorcas E. Careers for women in banking and finance. York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1944. 260 p., illus. New Women have increasing opportunities as workers and as officers in trust companies and in commercial banks. A discussion of women’s chances as brokers and as accountants is included, as are also biographies of women who have succeeded in various financial fields. Information is offered about education and training required for advancement, desirable personal qualifications, and probable future of the occupations. 78. Campbell, William G. and Bedford, James H. You and your future job. Los Angeles, Calif,, Society for Occupational Research, Ltd., 1944. 368 p., illus. Short descriptions are offered of work in the following categories: Agriculture ; industry and trades; factory and shop work; clerical and financial work ; merchandising and selling; independent business ; health and healing ; domestic and personal service; transportation and communication ; protection and defense; arts and crafts ; entertainment and writing; colleges and the professions; social and religious work; government service; and earning money at home. Chapter 18, Opportunities for Women, gives additional particulars about the following: Airplane and train hostess ; office work and banking ; entertainment; photography ; commercial art; the printing trade ; religious work ; teaching; law ; social and personnel work ; agriculture ; chemistry ; selling and merchandising ; domestic and personal service ; factory work ; and hotel and cafe hostess. Wages, education of trainees, conditions of work, and opportunities for advancement are discussed. 79. Career opportunities in aviation; a handbook of vocational information. Washington, D. C., National Council of Technical Schools, 1947. 31 p. Following general information about aviation, very brief descriptions of occupations are given, including those in which women are employed. 80. Careers for women. 80 p., illus. Syracuse, N. Y., Syracuse University, not dated. Brief descriptions of various occupations open to women are followed by information on preparation and qualifications, opportunities for work, and lists of courses preparatory to the field offered in Syracuse University. 81. Careers in New York State government. Albany, N. Y., Dept, of Civil Service, 48 p. Career series 1944. (Bulletin 2.) Among the non-professional services described are the following: Clerk, telephone operator, hospital attendant, x-ray technician. Qualifications and examinations are discussed. 82. Carey, Robert E., ed. Osteopathy as a career. York State Osteopathic Society, Inc., 1946. 31 p. Yonkers, N. Y., New Osteopathy is defined, a brief history is offered, and a discussion follows of the advantages and disadvantages of the profession, educational requirements, training and its cost, specialties in the field for the osteopathic physician, and earnings. A list of approved colleges of osteopathy is included, and there is a special section devoted to the opportunities for women in the field. 12 83. Chambers, Bernice G., ed. Keys to a fashion career. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 238 p., illus. The training and duties of workers in the manager, fabric stylist, designer, advertising commentator, and proprietor of a fashion characteristics, and experience are discussed. fields are included. 84. Chapman, Edith. 213, July 1948. New York, N. Y., fashion field are described: Buyer, merchandise and publicity executive, magazine writer, radio business. Job descriptions, desirable personal Brief biographies of women successful in these Dollars for daisies. Independent woman, 27: 203, This is an account of the success of one woman in raising flowers for a living. 85. Chase, Marie C. A closed door opens. 310-312, October 1943. Independent woman, 22: 295, This account of successful women in brokers’ offices includes some information about personal qualifications, earnings, and advantages and disadvantages of the work. 86. Cleveland, Reginald M. and Latham, Frank B. N. Y., D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc., 1946. 259 p. Jobs ahead. New York, Opportunities in the following fields are outlined, and special attention is given to openings for women. In some instances, facts are offered as to training needed and earnings: Science, pure and applied; medicine; nursing; physical therapy; dentistry; dental assistant; dental hygiene; pharmacy ; engineering; building industry; airplane stewardess; salesmanship ; and independent business. 87. Cobb, Meta R. A field that knows no employment lag. woman, 26: 94-96, April 1947. Independent The work of an occupational therapist is described, and information is given about training, desirable personal qualifications, and earnings. 88. Coith, Herbert. So you want to be a chemist. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1943. 128 p. New York, N. Y., In conversational style, the author discusses the work of the chemist in industry, in research work, and in products service. Facts are given about the preparation of a chemist and desirable personal traits, as well as value of graduate work, and types of employment available. 89. College graduates are needed in library service. New Jersey College for Women, 1947. 3 p. folder. New Brunswick, N. J., A brief description of the duties of a librarian, including special librarian, is followed by a summary of positions available, a list of qualifications and education needed, and a short bibliography. 90. Colton, Helen. So the stars may shine. 272-278, November 1947. Mademoiselle, 27: 146-147, Designers of costumes for movie stars, shoppers, wardrobe girls, costume sketchers, and stock girls are used in Hollywood. Descriptions of the jobs, some biographical sketches of persons successful in their fields, and information about training and desirable personal characteristics are offered. 91. Compson, Carolin. Clothes; start picking up pins. 146-147, 305-309, October 1945. Mademoiselle, 21: Knowledge which a designer must have, earnings in the field of garment designing, and training needed are discussed. 92. Comstock, Louisa M. How to get your household help back. homes and gardens, 24: 27, 134-137, April 1946. Better An account of some of the problems of household service, containing suggestions about standards, working conditions, and the best way of making domestic work more attractive. 93. Connolly, V. Job for a lady. An account of a policewoman’s duties. Colliers, 113: 18-19, 48, June 10, 1944. 13 94. Cook, Beatrice Gray. 1945. Visiting nurse. Hygeia, 23: 30-31, 42, January The work of a visiting nurse and her relations to doctors and patients are discussed. 95. A counseling aid for high school deans of girls and counselors. Cincin nati, Ohio, University of Cincinnati, 1947. 59 p. processed. These are career articles written by women graduates of the College of Engineering and Commerce and the School of Applied Arts, University of Cincinnati, about the following fields: Stenography, advertising, personnel, investments, government, accountancy, employment service, statistics, teaching, military service, American Red Cross, city planning, interior decorating, display work, layout work, department store work, medical research, chemistry, and textile research. 96. Craig, Hazel T. Creative careers in home economics. Practical Home Economics, 1947. 32 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Among the fields of opportunities listed for home economists are the following: Textiles and clothing; foods and nutrition, social work and child development; housing and equipment; consumer education and family economics ; journalism and research ; and government service. An outline summary of careers and a bibliography complete the pamphlet. 97. Cunningham, R. M. 105-108, September 1944. You are needed in a laboratory. Coronet, 16: A short description is given of some of the duties of a clinical laboratory technician with facts about opportunities for employment, training required, and wages. 98. Curriculum in dental hygiene. Michigan, 1944. 20 p., illus. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of This description of the university course includes an outline of the work of the dental hygienist and a summary of education and training needed. 99. Daly, Maureen. High school career series. Philadelphia, Pa., Ladies’ home journal. 6 p. processed. (1) Advertising. 1946. (No. 20.) (2) Airline hostessing. 1948. (No. 15.) (3) Dancing. 1948. (No. 16.) (4) Fashion design. 1948. (No. 5.) (5) Fine and commercial art. 1948. (No. 10.) (6) Home economics. 1948. (No. 2.) (7) Journalism. 1948. (No. 3.) (8) Law. 1946. (No. 9.) (9) Library science. 1946. (No. 8.) (10) Medicine. 1948. (No. 14.) (11) Merchandising. 1948. (No. 18.) (12) Modeling. 1948. (No. 1.) (13) Music. 1946. (No. 17.) (14) Nursing. 1948. (No. 7.) (15) Physical therapy. 1948 (No. 11.) (16) Public relations. 1948. (No. 19.) (17) Radio. 1948. (No. 21.) (18) Secretarial work.1948. (No. 4.) (19) Social work. 1948. (No. 13.) (20) Teaching. 1946. (No. 6.) (21) Theatre. 1948. (No. 12.) For each occupation, the following are listed: Personal characteristics desirable in the worker, training, earnings, and advantages and disadvantages of the work. The series is addressed to girls. 14 100. Daughters for Harvard. Time, 44: 90, Oct. 9, 1944. A short account of women doctors in the United States and their difficulties in obtaining professional training. 101. Davis, Shelby Cullom. Household servants are gone forever. ican magazine, 139: 32-33, 89-92, March 1945. Amer A changed status of women household workers is foreseen with more training, more regular hours, and a different social position. 102. Day, Betsy. May 1947. Rhyme doesn’t pay. Poetry writing brings in scanty financial rewards. several of them women, who succeeded financially. Mademoiselle, 25: 183, 284-287, Short accounts are given of some poets, 103. Deming, Dorothy. Careers for nurses. Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947. 358 p., illus. New York, N. Y., McGraw- Written for young graduates, and describing the opportunities open to nurses, the book gives information about desirable personal characteristics, and advantages and disadvantages of the following fields: Hospital nursing, rural hospital nursing, out-patient department nursing, maternity nursing, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, orthopedic nursing, communicable disease nursing, private duty nursing, public health nursing, school and camp nursing, industrial nursing, the nurse in a doctor’s office, and nursing in government institutions. A bibliography is included. 104. --------- The practical nurse. Fund, 1947. 370 p. New York, N. Y., The Commonwealth The work of a practical nurse, training, and earnings, are outlined in this full discussion of the present and probable future status of practical nursing. 105. --------- Practical nurses—a professional responsibility. journal of nursing, 44: 36-43, January 1944. American This article discusses the need for practical nurses, need of standards and of licensure, courses given in various schools, and attitudes of professional nurses toward practical nurse training. 106. --------- Tomorrow’s opportunities in tuberculosis nursing. journal of public health, 34: 957-961, September 1944. American The author tells of the need for more nurses trained in the care of tuberculosis patients and of opportunities in this field. 107. Denis, Paul. Your career in the show business. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1948. 239 p., illus. New York, N. Y., A variety of occupations are briefly described. Preparation, chances for success, and earnings are outlined in the fields of acting, singing, dancing, radio and television, and motion picture acting. Also included is information about the fields of directing, costume designing, writing, and lecturing. 108. Dentistry as a career for women. Nashville, Tenn., Meharry Medical College, not dated. Pages not numbered, illus. The advantages and disadvantages of dentistry as a career for Negro women are discussed. 109. Dessner, Clyde M. So you want to be a model. Dillon & Co., 1943. 56 p., illus. Chicago, 111., Morgan- The work of the professional model in the fashion and photographic fields is discussed. Information is offered about education desirable, physical characteristics, pay, hours, and the advantages and disadvantages of the work. 110. Douglass, Harl R. Future of education as a calling. National asso ciation of secondary school principals, bulletin, 32: 187-194, April 1948. The occupation of teacher is compared favorably with other occupations in security, earnings, and hours, as well as working conditions. 15 111. Do you want a job in publishing? ber 1946. Glamour, 16: 203, 340 346, Septem Openings in the fields of publishing magazines, books, and newspapers are discussed. The work of the editorial staff, the copy reader, the advertising manager, the reporter, the columnist, the librarian, and the purchasing agent is included in this brief outline. 112. Dudycha, George J. Careers in psychology. logical Service Press, 1948. 8 p. Ripon, Wis., Psycho The author lists positions in psychology open to women, in this account of the work of a psychologist. Included also are a list of desirable characteristics, and information about education required for various positions, and earnings to be expected. 113. Duties of nurses in industry; report of a committee. of public health, 33: 865-881, July 1943. American journal This account of a survey of the work of industrial nurses includes activities of these nurses, source of supply, qualifications, salaries, and the use of part-time nursing services for small industries. 114. East, Fae. 287, June 1946. Beyond national boundaries. Mademoiselle, 23: 182, 282 Opportunities for service in foreign countries require special aptitudes and preparation which the article classifies and lists. 115. --------- Advising, a wider horizon. 299, October 1945. Mademoiselle, 21: 152-153, 298 The work of a home demonstration agent is described, and information is given about earnings, training needed, and advantages and disadvantages of the work. 116. Educational qualifications of nutritionists in health agencies. Amer ican journal of public health, 36: 45-50, January 1946. (Reprint published by the American Public Health Association.) This is a statement of education, experience, and desirable personal qualifications of a nutritionist in a health agency. 117. Electrical appliances. Scholastic teacher, prep. 2: 5-7, Apr. 21, 1947. This article contains brief descriptions of various jobs in the manufacture of such appliances as electric blankets and electronic equipment, where women do most of the work. 118. Ellis, Amanda M. What price teaching? Independent woman, 24: 247, 263-264, September 1945. Wages of a school teacher, advantages, and disadvantages of the profession are discussed. 119. Erdman, Loula G. 51-54, October 1947. Pm going to stick to teaching. Reader’s digest, 51: An experienced teacher tells why she finds teaching a satisfactory life work. 120. Eustis, Helen. 358, August 1946. As one writer to another. Mademoiselle, 23: 199, 355 Advice is given to writers about how best to succeed, with some information about the advantages and disadvantages of the author’s life. 121. Evans, Eva Knox. So you’re going to teach. Rosenwald Fund, 1943. 52 p., illus. Chicago, 111., Julius Some suggestions are offered to young teachers about their work and their attitude toward pupils and community. 122. Faber, A. D. ber 1944. Puppetry as a vocation. Occupations, 23: 93-96, Novem A discussion of the opportunities offered to women and to men in puppetry. puppetry, training, hours, and earnings are discussed. Types of 16 123. Facts about jobs. New York, N. Y., Charm. Not dated. Processed. (1) The field of fashion design. 9 p. (Fact sheet no. 1.) (2) The field of modeling. 3 p. (Fact sheet no. 8.) (3) Independent services. 7 p. (Fact sheet no. 10.) (4) Information librarian. 5 p. (Fact sheet no. 5.) (5) Jobs in commercial research. 6 p. (Fact sheet no. 4.) (6) Jobs in resorts and resort hotels. 5 p. (Fact sheet no. 2.) (7) Jobs in transportation. 12 p. (Fact sheet no. 6.) (8) Jobs overseas. 6 p. (Fact sheet no. 7.) (9) The travel business. 5 p. (Fact sheet no. 3.) The series is addressed to girls. For each occupation information is given about the characteristics of the field of work, desirable personal abilities which help the worker toward success, training, and earnings. In some fact sheets, a list of trade associations, of trade journals, and of schools offering preparation for the field are supplied. 124. Family Welfare Association of America. York, N. Y., The Association, 1945. 22 p., illus. Family case work. New A description of the occupation of family case worker, desirable personal characteristics, training needed, and fellowships and scholarships available. A list of accredited schools of social work is included. 125. Fashion is a woman’s world. 1947. Mademoiselle, 25: 107, 187-188, June The advantages and disadvantages of a fashion career are briefly outlined. and rewards are discussed. The difficulties 126. Federal Security Agency. National Advisory Police Committee on Social Protection. Technique of law enforcement in the use of policewomen with special reference to social protection. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1945. 93 p. Chapter VI of this manual lists the Qualifications of a policewoman, physical and educational requirements, and desirable personal characteristics. 127. --------- Office of Education. Osteopathy. By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1948. 11 p. (Guidance leaflet no. 23.) (Rev. ed.) This pamphlet includes a definition and a brief history of osteopathy, with information about the number and distribution of osteopathic physicians, earnings, licensure, an outline of professional training courses, and a list of colleges approved by the American Osteopathic Association. A short list of references is included. 128.--------------------Pharmacy. By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, IT. S. Government printing office, 1945. 20 p. (Guidance leaflet no. 14.) (Rev. ed.) A discussion of pharmacy as a career is followed by a listing of desirable personal character istics and information about opportunities, earnings, numbers and distribution of pharmacists, State requirements for licensure, and a list of schools of pharmacy. Attention is given to opportunities for women. 129.-------------------ruary 1946. The school social worker. School life, 28: 29-30, Feb The school social worker offers consultation service, liaison service, treatment service, and group interpretation for children not adjusted to their school environment. Qualifications of the worker, preparation, and experience are discussed. 130. ------------------- Suggestions for securing teaching positions. By Ben jamin W. Frazier. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1947. 9 p. processed. (Circular no. 224, 7th rev.) Information is given about meeting teacher certification requirements; finding vacancies; securing positions in the continental United States, in the District of Columbia, in outlying possessions, in Indian schools, and in foreign countries ; demands for teachers in different subjects and grade levels ; and teachers’ salaries in different States. 17 131.Summary of teacher certification requirements 1947 1948. By Benjamin W. Frazier. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1948. processed. (Circular no. 233, 5th rev.) 9 p., Summaries by States are given of educational requirements for the lowest grade, regular elementary, junior high school, and academic high school certificates; and for professional education and student teaching for experienced high school teachers. Tendencies and trends in regular certification and information about emergency certificates are summarized. 132.------------------- Teacher placement, registration, and related services, 1948. By Benjamin W. Frazier. Washington, D.C., The Office, 1948. 10 p. processed. (Circular no. 209, 7th rev.) Included are Nation-wide services for placing groups of teachers in the United States and in foreign countries ; State-wide services, and some information about the use of commercial teachers’ agencies. 133.------------------- Teachers are needed. By Walter J. Greenleaf. ington, U. S. Government printing office, 1944. 25 p., illus. Wash This pamphlet, designed to be used by school counselors, furnishes information about types of teaching, salaries, certification requirements, and sources of facts on teacher training. Charac teristics of a successful teacher and desirable tests are discussed. The counselor is given some special suggestions about interviewing teacher candidates, and about maintaining files of infor mation for candidates. Suggested forms and a bibliography are included in the appendix. 134.------------------- Teaching as a career. By Benjamin W. Frazier. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. 43 p., illus. (Bulletin no 11.) Designed to be of service to young people needing information about the choice of a career, this pamphlet offers information about the general nature of the profession, the work of a teacher, fields of specialisation, working and living conditions, desirable personal characteristics, and education and training required for certification. 135.------------------- Visiting teacher services. ment printing office, 1946. 14 p. Washington, U. S. Govern A description of the work of a visiting teacher and her place in the school system. 136.------------------- What are good teachers like ? School life, 30: 4-9, June 1948. By Frances V. Rummell. Stories of several teachers and their success, with some accounts of their methods, are included. 137.--------- Public Health Service. The public health nurse and you. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. Pages not numbered, illus. Designed to interest students in a career in public health nursing, this pamphlet offers infor mation about the activities of a nurse, desirable personal characteristics, preparation, wages, and trends of employment. 138. Fisher, Katharine. Wanted: more home economists for business. Journal of home economics, 39: 324-326, June 1947. Textile and food manufacturers and the building trades use home economists. Opportunities exist also in radio script writing and in preparing material for visual education. 139. Fisher, Marguerite J. Prospects for women in the foreign service. Occupations, 24: 84-86, November 1945. In the Consular and Diplomatic Corps of the State Department, the Career Officer Corps is open to women. This article discusses the reasons why so few women have been appointed. 140. Fladoes, Karen. Conclusive evidence. Journal of home economics, 38: 156-157, March 1946. Women trained in home economics work in the equipment field, in public relations, and as operators of tearooms. 18 141. Fleming, Mary O. Teaching home economics as a career. home economics, 26: 83, 128, February 1948. Practical A short discussion of desirable personal characteristics of a teacher of home economics, with facts about the advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. 142. Frankel, Alice Helen. Handbook of job facts. Research Associates, 1948. 148 p., illus. Chicago, 111., Science This publication is divided into three parts: Professional, semiprofessional, and managerial occupations ; clerical, sales, agricultural, fishing, forestry, and skilled occupations ; and service, semiskilled and unskilled occupations. In chart form are indicated the proportions of women and ol Negroes in each occupation, education needed, trends, ways of entering the field, possibilities for advancement, special personal qualifications needed, and earnings. 143. From school are we. tion, 1945. 20 p., illus. Bel Air, Md„ Harford County Teachers7 Associa In popular style this pamphlet describes the work of a school teacher, its advantages and disadvantages, and satisfactions. 144. Gelinas, Agnes. Nursing and nursing education. Commonwealth Fund, 1946. 72 p. New York, N. Y., Chapter 2 describes in some detail the duties of the professional nurse in private practice, in institutions, and in the public health field. 145. A gem of a job. Mademoiselle, 22: 256, 257, April 1946. The work of a gemologist is described with information about preparation and opportunities. 146. The ghost talks. Mademoiselle, 23: 181, 321 324, October 1946. A description of the work of a ghost writer, its requirements and rewards. 147. Gildersleeve, Virginia C. What chance for a professional career? Independent woman, 23: 275, 290, September 1944. A brief review is given of future possibilities for women trained as chemists, physicists, social workers, physicians, nurses, nutritionists, and engineers. 148. Girl reporter. Mademoiselle, 19: 106-107, 244-248, October 1944. Opportunities open to women on newspapers are outlined with information about training and wages. Sources of further information are indicated. 149. Girl Scouts. Professional opportunities in girl scouting. N. Y., Girl Scouts, Inc., 1945. 24 p. New York, The publication defines the Girl Scout professional worker, describes positions, and furnishes information about qualifications, education, experience, age, training, salary range, training offered, hours, and opportunities for advancement. 150. Givens, Willard E. edition, 2: 7, May 19, 1947. Teaching as a career. Scholastic prep, teacher The advantages of teaching as a career are outlined. Wages and desirable personal character istics of a teacher are discussed. 151. Globalingo. Mademoiselle, 18: 138-139, 235-241, April 1944. New methods for teaching foreign languages are discussed. 152. Goeppinger, Katherine. Business home economics, expanding field. Journal of home economics, 36: 428-430, September 1944. A discussion of openings in various fields for women with home economics training. Among them are: Child service center worker, personnel worker, worker in restaurants, worker in textile establishments, worker in the equipment field, and worker in the field of journalism. 153. --------- New opportunities for home economists. economics, 38: 592-593, November 1946. Journal of home A brief outline of opportunities for trained home economists in television, in the direction of educational films, in foods service for railroads, steamships, and airlines, and in public utilities. 19 154. Gone are the days. Seventeen, 4: 82-83, 148-156, August 1945. A description of different types of teaching with information about the education and prepara tion required. 155. Gove, Gladys P. There’s a future in laundries. Independent woman, 24: 102-103, 113-115, April 1945. A discussion of the opportunities for women as managers and owners, as well as workers in power laundries, including some information about capital needed, development during the past years and future trends of the laundry business. Some information is given about women success ful in this field of work. 156. Greeting card art; how you can sell it. New York, N. Y., Gartner and Bender, Inc., Art Bureau, not dated. 7 p. A short description of the field of design for greeting cards, with information about earnings and methods of entering the occupation. 157. Hall, Charles Gilbert and Merkle, Rudolph A. The sky’s the limit. New York, N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1943. 195 p., illus. Chapter XII of the book describes the duties of the airline hostess, lists personal requirements of the job and describes training and pay. Information is also given about opportunities for women in laboratory and research work and for dietitians in airplane companies. 158. Hall, Gladys. 1947. Dietitian. International altrusan, 25: 7-9, December The Executive Secretary of the American Dietetic Association offers information about the preparation needed by a dietitian, including college work and internship. Opportunities open to dietitians are described. 159. Hardy, Kay. Costume design. Co., Inc., 1948. 277 p. New York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Chapter 1 offers information about basic training needed for a career in fashion designing in the wholesale field, the retail field, and the theatrical field ; also about the work of a stylist, a fashion reporter, and a fashion advertiser. 160. Hastings, J. High school graduates in industrial laboratories. nal of chemical education, 22: 202-203, April 1945. Jour A laboratory of a large electrical industry has used inexperienced high school girl graduates as laboratory assistants, training them on the job. The girls have given satisfactory service. 161. Henry, George H. What must teachers get besides money? home journal, 64: 56, 89, 91, 92, 93, September 1947. Ladies The author describes the advantages and disadvantages of teaching as an occupation. 162. Henry, J. Fred. Your future in aviation. Hall, Inc., 1945. 329 p. New York, N. Y., Prentice- Among the positions open to women, which are described in this book, are the following: Ticket agent, stenographer, secretary, clerical worker, meteorologist, government research worker, and public relations worker. 163. Herlinger, H. V. ber 1944. And gladly teach. Occupations, 23: 147-151, Decem An account of an experiment made in 1943-1944, designed to interest high school students in teaching as a career. This article gives particulars as to methods used in the research and results obtained. 164. Hinkel, Ralph E. and Baron, Leo. An educational guide in air trans portation. Kansas City, Mo., Transcontinental & Western Air Lines, Inc., 1943. 140 p., illus. The vocational descriptions in this publication include the following occupations in which girls are acceptable as employees: Airline hostess, meteorologist, dispatch clerk, radio operator, passenger agent, ticket agent, food service worker, stenographer, secretary, file clerk, typist. 20 receptionist, switchboard operator, clerk, personnel worker, teletype operator, accounting clerk, traffic representative, publicity representative. Brief descriptions of the work, training required, desirable personal characteristics, and earnings are included. A bibliography is appended. 165. Hoffman, Betty H. 175, October 1945. Meet a model. Ladies home journal, 62: 159-162, The life and work of Connie Joannes Dickman, photographer’s model, are described. 166. Greene, Alice Craig and Charles, Margaret Bramwell. Ladies of the lot. Mademoiselle, 22: 148, 289-296, December 1945. The motion picture industry requires costume designers, animated cartoon workers, script writers, publicity workers, music cutters, and musicians. Some description is offered of the work, and biographies of women successful in these fields are given. 167. The home economist in business. 1-8, Spring 1946. Women’s work and education, 17: Opportunities for the woman trained in home economics exist in the foods field, in textiles, and in such areas as restaurant and tearoom management, demonstration of food products, testing of household appliances, writing advertisements, and radio advertising. The training, experience, desirable personal characteristics, and earnings in each field are discussed. 168. Home life is their business. tember 1946. Seventeen, 5: 166-167, 228, 230-231, Sep The work of a home economist in utilities companies, as a home demonstration agent, as a food chemist, and as a teacher is outlined briefly with information on the desirable preparation and personal characteristics needed. 169. Horner, Harian H. Dental education today. of Chicago Press, 1947. 420 p. Chicago, 111., University Courses for dental hygienists in a number of colleges are outlined, with requirements for admission and for graduation. 170. Hotel jobs. (New York) Industrial bulletin, 27: 22-23, February 1948. Brief descriptions are offered of the work of the following: Hotel workers, chambermaid, bath maid, inspectress, floor supervisor, and linen room supervisor. 171. Houck, Mary P. Housework isn’t so bad. 20, 81-82, Mar. 2, 1946. Saturday evening post, 218: A houseworker describes her job and tells why she likes it. 172. Huebener, Theodore. Vocational opportunities for foreign language students. Buffalo, N. Y., National Federation of Modern Language Teachers, 1946. 32 p. (Modern language journal, supplementary service #1.) (2d rev. ed.) Except in teaching, facility in a foreign language alone is not a primary asset. Opportunities for women in the foreign field are limited. 173. Huff, Darrell and Huff, Frances. Twenty careers of tomorrow. York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1945. 281 p., illus. New Short accounts are given of a number of occupational opportunities. Among those for women are: Automobile manufacturing worker, dentist, doctor, electronics worker, worker in the United States Department of Agriculture, marketing research worker, metallurgist, plastics worker, script writer, radio worker, refrigeration sales promotion worker, research worker in textiles, hostesses and food workers for airplane companies, and furniture manufacturing worker. 174. Huff, Darrell. World of fabric jobs. Seventeen, 4: 86-87, February 1945. A short account of job possibilities in the fields of textile chemistry, designing, selling, and research. 21 175. Hu us, Helen. I went back to teaching. of university women, 39: 96-97, January 1946. Journal, American association A former WAVE ensign gives her reasons for returning to the teaching profession. 176. Institute of Women’s Professional Relations. Special librarianship as a career. By Ruth Savord. New London, Conn., The Institute, 1945. 16 p. The work done by a special librarian is described, and the qualifications for a librarian in this field are outlined, together with information about education and training required, earnings, advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. A short bibliography and a list of accredited library schools are included. 177. Institute for Research. Careers. Chicago, 111., The Institute. (1) Antique shop operation as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 151.) (2) Bacteriology as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 145.) (3) Biochemistry as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 156.) (4) Candy store operation as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 144.) (5) Career as a college professor. 1947. Pages not numbered. (No. 164.) (6) Career as a home economist in the textile and clothing field. 1947. 24 p. (No. 171.) (7) Career as an industrial nurse. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 139.) (8) A career as a medical records librarian. 1943. Pages not numbered. (No. 5.) (9) Career as a newspaper reporter. 1947. 20 p. (No. 174.) (10) Career as a physicist. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 143.) (11) Career as a primary teacher. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 141.) (12) Career as a printer; the printing business. 1946. Pages not num bered. (No. 140.) (13) Career as a public health nurse. 1948. 22 p. (No. 187.) (14) Career as an X-ray technician. 1943. Pages not numbered. (No. 14.) (15) Careers for women as advertising copy writers. 1944. Pages not numbered. (No. 133.) (16) Careers for women in advertising art. 1944. Pages not numbered. (No. 134.) (17) Careers for women in office work. 1945. Pages not numbered. (No. 135.) (18) Careers for women in public relations work. 1944. Pages not num bered. (No. 136.) (19) Careers for women with the air lines. 1948. 19 p. (No. 137.) (20) Careers in the American Red Cross. 1943. Pages not numbered. (No. 13.) (21) Careers in business administration. 1948. 28 p. (No. 178.) (22) Careers in the fur industry. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 142.) (23) Careers in travel service. 1948. 20 p. (No. 184.) (24) Careers in the U. S. Employment Service. 1943. Pages not num bered. (No. 15.) (25) Commercial and industrial art as a career. 1944, Pages not num bered. (No. 14.) 22 (26) Executive housekeeping as a career. 1948. 20 p. (No. 181.) (27) Fashion and photographic modeling as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 150.) (28) Food shops and small grocery operation as a career. 1947. 20 p. (No. 176.) (29) High school teaching as a career. 1948. 20 p. (No. 183.) (30) Horticulture as a career. 1944. Pages not numbered. (No. 21.) (31) Manufacturing as a career. 1944. Pages not numbered. (No. 32.) (32) Opticians and optical mechanics. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 146.) (33) Politics as a career. 1947. 24 p. (No. 169.) (34) Psychology as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 154.) (35) Publicity work as a career. 1948: 24 p. (No. 186.) (36) Radio acting as a career. 1947. Pages not numbered. (No. 158.) (37) Radio announcing and news broadcasting careers. 1947. 23 p. (No. 173.) (38) Research careers in the medical field. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 148.) (39) School and college librarianship as a career. 1947. Pages not num bered. (No. 159.) (40) Writing as a career (free-lance). 1947. Pages not numbered. (No. 167.) (41) Writing for radio as a career. 1946. Pages not numbered. (No. 153.) For each occupation, the following information is given: Description of the occupation, its history, the different types of jobs, training needed for these jobs, earnings, and personal qualifi cations desirable in workers. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed, and particular atten tion is given to the opportunities for women. A bibliography is included, and for some occupa tions, a list of professional organizations and a list of professional periodicals are added. Most of the series are illustrated. 178. Interstate Commerce Commission. Number of females employed by class I steam railways month of January, 1948. Washington, D. C., The Com mission, 1948. 4 p. processed. (Statement no. 4812.) This statement shows the number and percent of employees of steam railways who were women in various categories in January 1947 and in January 1948. The largest percentage were in clerical and allied positions. 179. It’s a gift. By John W. Studebaker. 187, February 1944. Mademoiselle, 18: 121, 183, 184, The rewards of teaching are discussed, and changes in education which make teachers more a part of the community life are outlined. There is information about the advantages and disad vantages of the occupation. 180. I want to work on a magazine. ber 1945. Seventeen, 4: 74-75, 122, 161, Septem The article analyzes magazine work, including editing, management, production, and selling. It discusses briefly the advantages and disadvantages of work in these fields. 181. Johnson, Harriett. Your career in music. New York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1944. 319 p., illus. The qualities needed for success as a musician are discussed in the following fields: Concert artist, teacher, orchestra musician, singer, opera singer, organist, and musical librarian. Train ing, conditions of work, and earnings are discussed. Women’s work in each of these fields received some attention. 23 182. Joint Orthopedic Advisory Service. The nurse in the orthopedic field. New York, N. Y., The Service, 1946. 11 p. The differences between physical therapy and orthopedic nursing are defined. Opportunities open to orthopedic nurses are outlined, with information about preparation for the work and scholarships offered. 183. Jones, Edward Safford. Occupations unlimited. & Stewart Publishing Corporation, 1948. 249 p. Buffalo, N. Y„ Foster A review of possibilities for advancement for workers in many fields, with suggestions about personal characteristics needed for various types of jobs and some information about salaries and training. 184. Jones, Tom. Graphic arts in medical education. cal library association, 32: 385-390, July 1944. Bulletin of the medi A short account of the training of a medical illustrator and the future of medical illustrating. 185. Jones, Virginia Lacy. Wanted 18,000 librarians; field for Negroes. Opportunity, 25: 215-217, 232, October 1947. Opportunities in the library field for Negroes include schools and colleges, public libraries, and special libraries. Training and salaries are discussed. 186. Josephs, Ray. January 1948. Talk pay-dollars. Mademoiselle, 26: 124, 174-175, Women are successful as managers of lecturers and of lecture bureaus. A description of the demands of the occupation, preparation, and earnings is included. 187. Kahm, Harold S. Careers for modern women. Knickerbocker Publishing Co., 1946. 128 p. New York, N. Y., Short accounts are given of many lines of independent businesses and occupations, with sug gestions about how to prepare for them. Advantages and disadvantages and earnings are dis cussed, and a short bibliography is included in each section. 188. Kasper, Sydney H. Job guide; a handbook of official information about employment opportunities in leading industries. Washington, D. C., Public Affairs Press, 1945. 193 p. For each type of industry information is given about the nature of the job, training and edu cation desirable, physical requirements, working conditions, union affiliation, wages and hours, hazards, and opportunities for women. Among the industries which employ many women are: Woolen and worsted textiles ; cotton textiles ; radio and radar equipment manufacturing; and manufacturing of plastics. 189. Keatley, Vivien B. 26: 16-18, January 1947. They called me lady ranger. Independent woman, A description of the work of a woman headquarters guard on a ranger station. 190. Kelley, Etna M. Women in photography. Popular photography, 16: 20-23, 56-57, 108-114, June 1945. Women succeed in the field of photography in research work and in selling, as well as in camera work and in photofinishing. The article contains short accounts of the women successful in special fields of photography. . 191. Koivisto, Helmi L. Subprofessional jobs for women with limited home economics training. Journal of home economics, 37: 495-497, October 1945. A review of the survey made by Clara M. Brown and Ruth V. Arnesen. Hostess work, selling work, food preparation and service, and store demonstration work are occupations considered by employers to be suitable for women with limited home economics training. 192. Kotite, Edward A. Graphic Enterprises, 1947. Jobs and small businesses. 128 p. New York, N. Y., From page 102 to 110 there are descriptions of the work of a nurse and of a physical therapist, followed by information about desirable personal characteristics, training, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. 24 193. Kriedt, Philip H. and Bentson, Margaret. Jobs in industrial relations. Minneapolis, Minn., University of Blinnesota, Industrial Relations Center, 1947. 57 p. (Bulletin 3.) A description of industrial relations jobs in labor and management, including duties, responsi bilities, education, experience, and desirable personal characteristics. Jobs open to women include the following: Union counselor, union educational director, director of employee counseling, employee service director, employment manager, job analyst, medical director, industrial nurse, union organizer, personnel director, public relations director, union public relations director, union shop steward, personnel statistician, personnel technician, training director, and employ ment interviewer. 194. Lang, Stera. Civil Service; woman’s sphere too. san, 25: 12-16, 22, March 1948. International altru- This account of women in Civil Service positions lists several types of jobs, with requirements and earnings. 195. Lasseter, Ethleen. 38-40, 52, February 1947. Opportunity unlimited. Independent woman, 26: Opportunities for women in the field of accounting are described. A brief outline of desirable personal characteristics, duties, earnings, and training is offered. Requirements are given for certified public accountant. Brief biographies of women eminent in the field and a bibliography are included. 196. Lazare, Christopher. Jobs and futures in book publishing. moiselle, 21: 126-127, 207-212, June 1945. Made The work of an editorial assistant and of an editor of books is discussed. Information is offered about preparation, experience, and openings for women. Short biographies of women successful in the field are included. 197. Leach, Mary B. The future of bank women. Banking, journal of the American bankers’ association, 38: 46-47, 126, May 1946. The results of interviews with personnel officers of banks about the women employed during the v/ar and their future are described. The opportunities for advancement of women to bank officials is considered good. 198. Lederman, Minna. October 1944. Music to live by. Mademoiselle, 19: 156, 222 225, Some particulars are given about training and opportunities for women in the field of music. 199. Lee, Eleanore. Opportunities for the home economist in the home decoration field. Practical home economics, 24: 473, 502, 504, October 1946. Opportunities in the following fields are briefly described: Selling home furnishings ; making slip covers and draperies ; designing fabrics ; and teaching of home decoration. 200. Lee, Rosalind. Mother fortune of America’s Christmas dolls. pendent woman, 23: 370-371, 386, December 1944. Inde An account of the success of a woman in designing and manufacturing character dolls. 201. Leeming, Joseph. Money-making hobbies. Lippincott Co., 1948. 194 p. Philadelphia, Pa., J. B. Various suggestions for hobbies, which can be used for money making. 202. Lerrigo, Ruth and Beull, Bradley. Social work and the Joneses. New York, N. Y., Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 1944. 32 p. (Public Affairs Pam phlet no. 97.) Information is offered about social work as an occupation. Training required, preparation, and community responsibilities are discussed. 203. Level, Hildegard. Women behind the screen. 27: 170-172, 188-189, June 1948. Independent woman, Included are short accounts of the work of a motion picture screen costume designer, a concert master, a film producer, a script girl, a research worker, a screen writer, and a hairdresser. 25 204. Levin, Beatrice Schwartz. Films in your future. Independent woman, 26: 344-346, December 1947. A brief review of the opportunities for women in documentary films. 20B. Library service needs recruits. 1944. Occupations, 23: 151-153, December An opportunity exists in the library field. The following are discussed: Personal qualities desir able in a librarian, salaries, education, training, and opportunities for specialization. A bibliog raphy is included. 206. Library work; a profession for girls. 13-18, 1944. Senior scholastic, 44: 38, Mar. Opportunities are open for librarians ; the various fields of specialization are outlined. 207. Liebers, Arthur. Careers in federal service for the college trained. Chicago, 111., Wilcox & Follett Co., 1948. 116 p. Pertinent information regarding opportunities in government service includes facts about many positions, some open only to women and others where women are acceptable. Among those open to women are: Nurse officer, dietitian, physical therapist, librarian, vocational adviser, accountant, and personnel worker. Education and experience requirements, range of salary, and examples of examinations are included. 208. Lindman, Ina S. Training for home economics in business. Journal of home economics, 38: 207-210, April 1946. A home economist’s work in a test kitchen and in an experimental kitchen is described. Infor mation is given about desirable personal characteristics of a worker, courses needed, and probable future of the field. 209. Littell, Robert. Teachers’ pay—a national disgrace. Reader’s digest, 47: 89-92, October 1945. Facts about teachers’ salaries in many communities are given with comments as to the effects on the teaching profession and the dangers to the future of the nation. 210. Loft, Jacob. The printing trade. New York, N. Y., Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1944. 301 p. Some information about women in the printing trades is offered in this study, which includes the history of the printing business from about 1900 and information about labor relations, union provisions, and trends in the trade. 211. Lorraine, Lois. February 1946. Gem of a job. Independent woman, 25: 40-42, 60, The work of a gemologist is described. Information is given about courses which can be taken and advantages of the work. 212. Lowther, Florence D. L. and Downes, Helen R. Women in medicine. Journal of the American medical association, 129: 514-515, Oct. 13, 1945. A study of 1,240 women graduates of medical colleges, showing the proportion in full-time medical practice, in fields of specialization, and in the field of teaching in medical schools. 213. Lyon, Marguerite. Merrill Co., 1943. 302 p. And so to Bedlam. Indianapolis, Ind., Bobbs- In conversational style, the author gives facts about the organization of an advertising agency and anecdotes illustrating various phases of the experiences of an advertising agency worker. 214. McBride, Mary Margaret, ed. How to be a successful advertising woman. New York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1948. 259 p., illus. The training, experience, earnings, and trends of employment for women in advertising writ ing and in advertising art, in research, in mail order advertising, in public relations, and in radio are discussed. Brief biographies of women successful in the field are included. 26 215. McCuskey, Dorothy. I choose teaching. tion journal, 36: 174-175, March 1947. National education associa The rewards and pleasures of a teacher’s life are discussed. 216. McDonagh, Richard P. 194, 197-199, October 1944. Radio script writing. Mademoiselle, 19: 112, This short account of the work of a radio script writer includes information of special interes* to girls. 217. Macdonald, M. Gray. Handbook of nursing in industry. Pa., W. B. Saunders Co., 1944. 226 p. Philadelphia, Chapter II offers information about desirable characteristics of an industrial nurse and educa tional qualifications requisite. The work of an industrial nurse is presented in detail. 218. MacGibbon, Elizabeth Gregg. Fitting yourself for business. York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947. 456 p. New This book of advice to workers who want to succeed in the business world describes the follow ing jobs : Clerk, typist, filing clerk, PBX operator, receptionist, stenographer, bookkeeper, calcu lating machine operator, and business machine operator. Chances for advancement are discussed. 219. McGrath, Bethel J. Nursing in commerce and industry. N. Y., Commonwealth Fund, 1946. 356 p., illus. New York, Industrial nursing is defined. Chapter 4 describes the duties of an industrial nurse and lists desirable qualifications. 220. McKimmon, Jane Simpson. When we’re green we grow. N. C., University of North Carolina Press, 1945. 353 p., illus. Chapel Hill, This account of the work of a home demonstration agent in North Carolina includes some his tory of the development of the home demonstration field and a description of many successful projects. Information is given about training and education for home demonstration agents. 221. McLatchie, Muriel. Medical illustration. Modern hospital, 67: 61- 63, July 1946. The varied kinds of work of a medical illustrator are described, with information about train ing, desirable personal characteristics, and earnings. 222. McNabb, Betty Wood. Keeping the medical record. Mademoiselle, 25: 336-338, September 1947. The work of a medical record librarian is described with information about desirable personal characteristics, training, and experience. A list of accredited schools is included. 223. Manning, Hazel. Textiles and merchandising. nomics, 37: 139-140, March 1945. Journal of home eco Opportunities for women in the merchandising of textiles are briefly outlined. 224. Mayer, Sarah Greer. 124, 190, June 1947. A fashion career; I love it. Mademoiselle, 25: This is a short description of the job of promotion director and fashion coordinator. 225. Mayer, Thomas L. Qualifications of a technical librarian. journal, 69: 990-991, Nov. 15, 1944. Library This article discusses the training of a technical librarian, and the present need for such li brarians ; it suggests engineering graduates as a source of supply. 226. Medical technology; a profession for women. Memorial Hospital, not dated. 8 p. folder. Muncie, Ind., Ball This folder offers information about the work, training, and opportunities open to medical technologists. 27 227. Meyer, Dickey (C. L. M. Chapelle). Girls at work in aviation. York, N. Y., Doubleday Doran & Co., Inc., 1943. 209 p., illus. New In the aviation field, women are acceptable as meteorologists, radio operators, fabric workers, draftsmen, personnel workers, public relations workers, traffic women, and airplane hostesses! The duties of the positions as well as the education and training needed are outlined. * . 228. Miller, Frieda S. Can we lure Martha back to the kitchen? U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau. Reprint from the New York Times Magazine, Aug. 11, 1946. 4 p. processed. This is a short account of the occupation of household workers, its present status, its advantages and disadvantages. 229. Miller, Queena Davison. The little clown that stole the show. pendent woman, 26: 231, 300, October 1947. Inde An account of the work of two women who originate, manufacture, and market rag dolls. 230. Millstein, Gilbert. 120, Mar. 25, 1946. The modeling business. Life, 20: 111 114 116 118 A realistic account of the work done by a clothing model and by a photographer’s model. 231. Mitchell, Irma Frances. A different career for a woman. national aitrusan, 21: 7, May 1944. Inter A woman foreman and linotype operator describes her duties in a combination weekly and commercial printing plant. 232. Morehead, Anne. 106-108, April 1948. Lady of the notebook. Independent woman 27 The advantages and disadvantages of the work of a private secretary are described in popular terms. 233. Morris, Mark (Schnapper, Morris Bartel). Washington, D. C., Progress Press, 1946. 354 p. Career opportunities. A compilation of occupational briefs published by the National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, the War Manpower Commission, and other government agencies Among the jobs of particular interest to women are: Bookkeeping, stenography, secretarial work office machine operation, registered nurse, social worker, librarian, high school teacher, and dietitian. Information about the job and its requirements, preparation, and earnings is included. 234. Motz, Annabelle Bender. Whom do women teachers teach ? tary school journal, 46: 505-512, May 1946. Elemen This study shows the proportion of women teachers in elementary schools, in high schools in colleges, in professional schools, and in normal schools; offers information about women teachers who are married; and about the relative salaries received by men and by women teachers. 235. Munford, Malcomb B. Go north, young woman, if— woman, 23: 300-301, 316-317, October 1944. * Independent Opportunities in various fields are open to women in Alaska. Short biographies of women who have been successful in pioneering are included. There is a brief discussion of the advantagres and disadvantages of work as hotel proprietor. 236. Murphy, Sarah hi. What opportunities for the greeting1 card artist? Occupations, 26: 176-178, December 1947. Most greeting card artists are women. Requirements of the job, training, and earnings are discussed. 237. Murphy, Walter J. Women in chemical industry. education, 15: 4-8, Winter 1944. Women’s work and Included is a discussion of the need for women chemists in the fields of technical library work, patent research, and advertising of consumer products. Training needed is outlined. 28 238. National Association of Chiropodists. Chiropody. ington, D. C., The Association, not dated. 4 p. (Podiatry.) Wash This folder contains information about the number of chiropodists in the United States, educational requirements, professional training, desirable personal characteristics, and earn ings. A list of accredited colleges of chiropody is included. Some attention is given to oppor tunities for women. 239. Young Women’s Christian Association, National Board. Do you want to work with people? Are you interested in a job with a future? New York, N. Y., The National Board, 1945. 4 p. folder. A short description of the work of YWCA secretaries with information about salaries paid, requisite training and experience, and personal qualifications needed by a secretary. 240. --------32 Going our way? New York, N. Y., The National Board, 1945. p. A history of the Young Women’s Christian Association and a description of various oppor tunities for a worker. Particulars are included about desirable personal characteristics, training, chances for advancement, and salaries. 241. National Council of Business Schools. Accountancy as a career. George A. Spaulding. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1944. 13 p. By A definition of accounting and a description of the work of a public and of a private accountant, information about qualifications and preparation for the occupation, and about wages are followed by suggestions for a course in higher accountancy and information about probable future of the occupation. 242. --------- Professional opportunities in the general sales promotion field. By Ben H. Henthorn. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1945. 18 p. The sales promotion field is defined, and information is given about salesmanship and sales management, advertising and sales promotion, and business correspondence. Desirable personal characteristics of workers, training, and earnings are discussed. 243. --------- Sales promotion as a career field. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1945. 18 p. By Ben H. Henthorn. A description of the fields of advertising, selling, and business correspondence, with sug gestions about training. Some attention is given to the openings for women in these fields. 244. —----- Secretaryship as a career field. ington, D. C., The Council, 1944. 23 p. By Elgie G. Purvis. Wash The following are discussed: The duties of a secretary, different types of employment, advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of service, earnings, and personal character istics valuable to a secretary. Specific vocational training is outlined. 245. National Education Association. Salaries of city school employees 1946-1947. Washington, D. C., The Association, Research Division, 1947. (Research Bulletin XXV, no. 1, February 1947.) A study of salaries, made biennially, includes 2,096 school systems. The salaries paid during 1930-31 and in 1946-47 are compared. Information is given about the salaries of teachers, principals, members of the administrative and supervisory staffs, and other employees of the school systems. 246. National Funeral Directors Association of the United States, Inc. Funeral service as a vocation. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1945. 24 p. A short history of funeral service is followed by a list of desirable personal characteristics of mortuary personnel, education, and training needed, and a list of schools and colleges of embalming and mortuary science. There is a section on women in funeral service. 247. National League of Nursing Education. Handbook for career coun selors on the profession of nursing. New York, N. Y., The League, 1948. 31 p. . This publication contains basic factual and explanatory information about the profession of nursing for high school, college, and other counselors and includes a review of types of 29 positions open to professional nurses; income; hours of work; and qualifications, scholastic, physical, and personal. Also included is information about basic training of the professional nurse and methods for selecting a school of nursing. 248. National Organization for Public Health Nursing. Your career: will it be in public health nursing? New York, N. Y., The Organization, not dated. 4 p., illus. Information is given about training and opportunities for public health nurses, wages, hours, and advantages of the profession. 249. National Recreation Association. Recreation leadership as a field of work. New York, N. Y., The Association, not dated. 6 p. processed. The purposes of recreational leadership are outlined, and information is given about types of positions, including positions open to women, qualifications, preparation, earnings, and methods of obtaining employment. 250. --------- Recreation leadership standards. ciation, 1944. 30 p. New York, N. Y., The Asso Among the positions of special interest to women is that of supervisor of girls' and women’s activities. The qualifications, the wages, and the duties of this position are discussed. 251. Neuschutz, Louise M. A job for every woman. H. W. Wilson Co., 1948. 206 p. New York, N. Y., Written for women interested in self-created jobs, the book suggests methods of analyzing aptitudes and education for wage earning, and the requirements, training, and earnings in the following fields: Practical nursing, hospital personal service, household service, food prepara tion, saleswoman for magazines, contract typing, teacher of special subjects, needleworker, interior decorator, free lance writer, gardener, caretaking for pets, and independent business. Each section is followed by a bibliography. 252. ---------- Jobs for the physically handicapped. Bernard Ackerman, Inc., 1944. 240 p. New York, N. Y., Lists of occupations for men and for women with different types of handicaps are followed by details of various successful ventures undertaken by the handicapped. Among these are: Proprietorship of shops, production of hand-made articles, and production of foods. A bibliography is included. 253. A new field beckons the American artist. and Bender, Inc., not dated. 7 p. New York, N. Y., Gartner . A short account of the growth of the greeting card industry and methods for preparing and submitting designs, with information about earnings. 254. The newspaper, its making and its meaning. By members of the staff of the New York Times. New York, N. Y., Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1945. 207 p. This account of the work of a newspaper includes reporting, the job of the specialist, and the work of the editor. There is some information specifically about the opportunities for women in the newspaper field. 255. New York State Department of Labor. Division of Industrial Rela tions. Women in Industry and Minimum Wage. Domestic service employ ment in New York State. Albany, N. Y., The Department, 1946. 40 p. processed. This study of domestic service employment includes statistics, an examination of trends, and information about hours, wages, and working conditions. 256. New York State Education Department, Guidance Bureau. The prac tical nurse. Port Byron, N. Y., The Chronicle, 1945. 5 p. (Occupational brief no. 59.) (Reprint.) This folder includes a short definition of the duties of a practical nurse, desirable qualifica tions, education, training, licensing, wages, hours, and a list of training schools in New York. 30 257. The registered professional nurse. Port Byron, N. Y., The Chronicle, 1945. 5 p. (Occupational brief no. 57.) (Reprint.) This folder includes the following: Definition of the duties of a professional nurse, education and training needed, and physical requirements. A bibliography is included. 258. Occupational Index, Inc. Occupational abstracts. New York University. 6 p. Folder. New York, N. Y., (1) Accountant. 1944. (No. 32.) (2) Advertising. By Florence L. Rome and Robert Hoppock. 1946. (No. 33.) (3) Air transportation. By Helen R. Blank. 1946. (No. 95.) (4) Architect, 1944. (No. 34.) (5) Automobile salesman. 1944. (No. 69.) (6) Beekeeping. By Leo Baldwin. 1945. (No. 79.) (7) Banking. 1945. (No. 3.) (8) Book illustration. By Sarah A. Beard and Virginia Milling. 1944. (No. 76.) (9) Bookkeeping. By Samuel Spiegler. 1945. (No. 5.) (2d rev. ed.) (10) Bus and truck driver. 1944. (No. 54.) (2d rev. ed.) (11) Children’s librarian. By Sarah A. Beard. 1943. (No. 68.) (12) Dental hygiene. By Florence L. Rome. 1946. (No. 7.) (13) Dental technician. By Florence L. Rome. 1946. (No. 43.) (14) Dentist. By Florence L. Rome. 1946. (No. 56.) (15) Detective. 1944. (No. 44.) (16) Dressmaker. 1945. (No. 21.) (17) Electronics. 1944. (No. 70.) (18) Foreign service. By Jack Soudakoff. 1947. (No. 105.) (19) Foreign trade. By Helen R. Blank. 1946. (No. 96.) (20) Free lance writer. 1944. (No. 45.) (2d rev. ed.) (21) Frozen food lockers. By Gloria Wynne.- 1945. (No. 86.) (22) Funeral director. 1945. (No. 16.) (2d rev. ed.) (23) Gasoline filling stations. 1944. (No. 77.) (24) Guidance and personnel services. By Ruth Strang and Robert Hop pock. 1945. (No. 81.) (25) Immigration services. By Gloria H. D. Nelom. 1947. (No. 108.) (26) Industrial recreation. By Jack Granofsky. 1947. (No. 107.) (27) Insurance salesman. 1945. (No. 22.) (2d rev. ed.) (28) Journalism. By Samuel Spiegler. 1945. (No. 47.) (2d rev. ed.) (29) Landscape architect. 1944. (No. 9.) (30) Lawyer. By Ruth Selina. 1945. (No. 87.) (31) Librarian. By Alma A. Klaw. 1947. (No. 104.) (32) Linotype operator. 1944. (No. 23.) (33) Medical illustration. By Anna L. Cohen. 1948. (No. 114.) (34) Medical laboratory technologist. By Elizabeth A. Boeshore. 1945. (No. 83.) (35) Medical secretary. By Margaret T. Llano. 1947. (No. 100.) (36) Medical social work. By Florence L. Rome. 1946. (No. 98.) (37) Medicine. By Helen R. Blank. 1945. (No. 82.) (38) Meteorologist. By Margaret M. Dunbar and Mary Bulla. 1948. (No. 109.) (39) Motion picture actor. 1945. (No. 24.) (40) Nurseries. By Beatrice Novick. 1947. (No. 103.) 31 (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) Nursing. 1946. (No. 68.) (Rev. ed.) Occupational therapy. 1944. (No. 72.) Office machine operator. By Florence L. Rome. 1947. (No. 66.) Peace agencies. By Carleton Mabee. 1946. (No. 92.) Pharmacy. By Florence L. Rome. 1946. (No. 25.) Physical therapy. By Florence L. Rome. 1945. (No. 80.) Plant pathologist. By Margaret M. Chaplin and Beatrice Novick. 1948. (No. 110.) Plastics. 1944. (No. 73.) Police officer. 1945. (No. 14.) (2d rev. ed.) Politics. By William K. Miller. 1948. (No. 111.) Practical nursing. By Florence L. Rome. 1947. (No. 99.) Prefabricated housing. By Perry P. Breiger. 1947. (No. 106.) Psychiatry. By Florence L. Rome. 1947. (No. 101.) Public health medicine. By Florence L. Rome. 1948. (No. 112.) Public health nursing. By Joan A. Levis. 1944. (No. 75.) Real estate. By Lawrence Aplin. 1944. (No. 78.) Recreation. By Helen R. Blank. 1946. (No. 90.) Rural teacher. 1944. (No. 15.) (2d rev. ed.) Social work. By Florence L. Rome. 1945. (No. 88.) Stenographic work. By Samuel Spiegler. 1945. (No. 51.) (2d rev. ed.) Teaching. 1945. (No. 29.) Television. By John E. Crawford. 1944. (No. 74.) Travel bureaus. By Helen R. Blank. 1946. (No. 94.) Upholstery. By H. Alan Robinson. 1948. (No. 113.) Veterans’ counselor. By Ruth Selina. 1945. (No. 85.) Vocational rehabilitation. By Sarah A. Beard and Jane Titus. 1944 (No. 71.) (Rev. ed.) Each abstract contains a short account of the occupation, a list of personal characteristics desirable in the worker, training needed, methods of entering the occupation and advancing in it, the number and distribution of workers, including the proportion of workers who are women, and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the work. A bibliography is included. In some of the sections, special attention is given to opportunities for women. 259. Occupational opportunities for young women trained in vocational homemaking skills. Madison, Wise., Wisconsin State Board of Vocational and Adult Education, 1945. 26 p. processed. A list is offered of various occupations for which homemaking training is a preparation, with a discussion of the skills and technical knowledge required. 260. Occupational planning for college women. Columbia, Mo., Stephens College, Vocational Guidance Council, 1945. Pages not numbered. Details are given of the vocational guidance program at Stephens College, together with information about many occupations open to women for which preparatory work in the college is offered. Among these are: Teacher, professional nurse, dietitian, social worker, psychologist, personnel worker, speech pathologist, dentist, physician, saleswoman, journalist] industrial designer, accountant, radio continuity writer, textile designer, typist, and stenotypist] 261. Occupations for college women. consin, 1944. 50 p. Madison, Wis., University of Wis This survey for the use of high school students and their advisers offers information about various kinds of work for which the University prepares women. It contains brief descriptions of the following occupations, and suggests preparatory courses: Journalism, medicine and related fields, nursing, pharmacy, education, nutrition, social work, recreation, law, public service, agriculture, technical work, and library science. 32 262. Olds, Ben and Herr, Dan. post, 219: 17, 81, 82, Jan. 4, 1947. Where’s that nurse? Saturday evening The article gives some reasons for the present nursing shortage. + 263. Olsen, Jeanne. 1946. Careers in nutrition. Mademoiselle, 23: 190-191, July The career of a public health nutritionist is described, with information about personal characteristics desirable, education needed, and earnings. 264. Parsons, Esther J. In the doctor’s office; the art of the medical as sistant. Philadelphia, Pa., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1945. 295 p., illus. Chapters I and II offer facts about the duties of a medical assistant, opportunities, and desirable personal characteristics. 265. Patterson, Harriet Louise H. I am a woman minister. companion, 74: 4, 123, 132, August 1947. Woman’s home A woman minister tells of her preparation and of her work. 266. Patterson, Helen M. and Hyde, Grant M. Writing and selling special feature articles. New York, N. Y., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1945. 578 p. Chapter I offers information about the career of feature writing, preparation desirable, personal characteristics needed, earnings, and opportunities for both men and women in the field. 267. Pearlman, Lester M. December 1947. Occupational trends. Occupations, 26: 149 153, This review of changes in occupations during the war and the post-war period includes information about probable needs for women in factories, as clerical workers, as saleswomen, as domestic and service workers, and in professional fields. 268. Peckham, Betty. Women in aviation. Nelson & Sons, 1945. 164 p., illus. New York, N.Y., Thomas Part of the book is devoted to the work of women in aviation during World War II. Chap ters are also devoted to the following peacetime occupations: Air hostess, communications worker, meteorologist, employees of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, teachers of aviation, and workers in airline offices. For most occupations, information is given about duties, qualifications, training, and earnings. 269. Pierce, Joseph A. Negro business and business education. N. Y„ Harper & Bros., 1947. 338 p. New York, Opportunities for Negro women exist in the following fields: Beauty culture, secretarial work, stenographic work, typing, sales work, bookkeeping, cashier work, work in food establishments, work in cleaning and pressing establishments, work in laundries, and in the field of ownership of independent businesses. 270. Polishook, William M., Beigley, Clyde and Wheland, Howard E. ments of general business. Boston, Mass., Ginn & Co., 1945. 388 p. Ele Chapters 19-21 give, information about various kinds of business jobs, qualifications, per sonality and training needed, and some suggestions about applications and interviews. 271. Pollack, Philip. Careers in science. & Co., Inc., 1945. 222 p., illus. New York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton Education and experience required in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, and geology are outlined, and salaries are discussed. There are short biographies of men and of women eminent in various scientific fields. Chapter XI, devoted to “a woman’s place in the laboratory,” includes accounts of the work of women physicists, chemists, astronomers, structural engineers, aeronautical engineers, electrical engineers, chemical engineers, geologists, paleontologists, and meteorologists. 272. Porter, Annie. A career in credit management. san, 21: 14-15, January 1944. International altru- A discussion of the responsibilities of credit managers and of the opportunities for women in this field. 33 273. Positions in youth-serving agencies. Occupations, 24: 16-19, October 1945. This article lists the professional positions common to youth-serving agencies with their Qualifications. Among the agencies are a number serving girls. 274. Positions in youth-serving organizations. Youth Serving Organizations, Inc., 1945. 12 p. New York, N. Y., Associated Included is a list of qualifications for various positions serving youth, including YWCA, Campfire Girls, and Girl Scouts. 275. Potter, Thelma M. An analysis of the work of general clerical em ployees. New York, N. Y., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1944. 100 p. This study of the work done by general clerical employees in five types of businesses shows the amount of time devoted to typing and preparing for duplication, filing, calculating machine work, and use of other machines. Recommendations for training clerical employees are included. 276. Prall, Charles E. and Cushman, C. Leslie. Teacher education in serv ice. Washington, D. C., American Council on Education, 1944. 503 p. This cooperative study of teacher education, 1939-1942, describes and analyzes specific practices employed in the affiliated centers, and sets forth the authors’ own interpretations and conclusions. 277. Pratt, Margaret. The successful secretary. Lee & Shepard Co., 1946. 144 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Lothrop, The author offers suggestions about training for secretarial work, describes desirable personal characteristics, and gives brief accounts of the work of seven secretaries to prominent persons with their observations about the advantages and disadvantages of their occupation. 278. --------- Grover, Frederick O. and Rifkin, Lillian. When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher. New York, N. Y., Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1944. 45 p., illus. Short descriptions of the work of school teachers in nursery schools, in kindergartens, in the elementary grades, and in high schools are followed by a brief account of requirements for teaching regular and special school subjects. 279. The private secretary; her qualifications and requirements. Mass., Katharine Gibbs School, 1946. 16 p. Boston, A list of qualifications for obtaining a position, educational background desirable in a secre tary, technical proficiency; desirable personal traits, and desirable behavior are discussed. 280. Professional opportunities in Girl Scouting. Scouts, Inc., Personnel Division, 1945. 24 p. New York, N. Y., Girl This pamphlet defines a Girl Scout professional worker and briefly discusses duties of workers of various types. Included are an outline of qualifications and training, and informa tion on salaries and advancement opportunities. 281. Qualifications of an industrial nurse. New York, N. Y., National Association of Manufacturers, Industrial Relations Department, 1945. 7 p. This pamphlet outlines the qualifications of an industrial nurse, her training, experience, and personal characteristics which are desirable. 282. Radusch, Dorothea F. Zontian, 27: 5-6, May 1947. Something you can get your teeth into. The A woman dentist tells of the advantages and disadvantages of the profession. 283. Rady, Myrtle J. Careers ahead in pharmacy. 248-250, 264-265, September 1945. Independent woman, 24: Opportunities for women in pharmacy are outlined with brief accounts of some successful women pharmacists. Information is given about training, earnings, and outlook for the future. A bibliography is included. 34 284. Ragase, Bob. Safe eating for their tax money. 26: 338-340, December 1947. Independent woman, An account of a woman food inspector. 285. Reed, Estey I. A hobby that became a business. 27: 44-46, February 1948. Independent woman, Making models of horses and other animals became the means of a livelihood for a handi capped woman. 286. Reyher Becky. Do you belong in a museum? 203, 333-336, December 1946. Mademoiselle, 24: 202 Work in a museum as a public relations director, curator, educational director, and as a director of a children’s museum is discussed, and information is given about the preparation needed. Short biographies of women successful in the field are included. 287. Rice, Betty A. Opportunities for the physical therapist. 22: 114-116, November 1943. Occupations, A list of approved schools for physical therapy technicians is included in this discussion of the duties of a physical therapist. Salary, opportunities for employment, and opportunities for advancement are included. 288. Rice, Craig. September 1946. Crime can be a career. Mademoiselle, 23: 165, 334-338, A writer of murder mysteries offers advice to other writers. 289. Richert, G. Henry. Retailing principles and practices. N. Y., Gregg Publishing Co., 1947. 435 p., illus. New York, Chapter I, Retailing as a Career, describes various jobs in the field, and gives details of wages, hours of work, training, and opportunities for advancement. 290. --------- and Humphrey, Clyde W. Retailing as a career. N. Y., Gregg Publishing Co., 1946. 24 p., illus. New York, Written for persons considering retailing as a life career, this pamphlet describes various positions in retailing and offers information about wages, hours, training, vacations, and opportunities for advancement. 291. Rifkin, Lillian. When I grow up I’ll be a doctor. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1943. 45 p., illus. New York, N. Y., In simple language, this book describes the work of a doctor, preparation, and some facts about specialization. Special reference is made to the work of women doctors. 292. Rivers, Don. Your career in advertising. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1947. 223 p., illus. New York, N. Y., E. P. Chapter 13 in this discussion of many phases of advertising, is devoted to problems of women in the field, including personal characteristics required, best ways of entering the occupation, and chances for advancement. 293. Robbins, Zila and Medary, Marjorie, eds. All in the day’s work. York, N. Y., D. Appleton-Century Co., 1944. 338 p. New Offering specific information, and written by various authors, this book tells of the develop ment of the blueberry as a commercial crop and about the opportunities for women in the fields of telegraphy and telephoning. 294. Rochester Institute of Technology. Vocational guidance series pam phlets. Rochester, N. Y., The Institute. (1) If you are considering applied art. By Clifford McCormick. 1946. 16 p. (No. 4.) (2) If you are considering costume design. By Edwina B. Hogadone. 1944. 23 p. (No. 5.) (3) If you are considering food administration. By Georgie C. Hoke. 1946. 23 p. (No. 8.) 35 (4) If you are considering industrial chemistry. Peursem. 1946. 19 p. (No. 3.) (5) If you are considering interior decoration. Stampe. 1946. 22 p. (No. 11.) (6) If you are considering photography. By C. B. p. (No. 2.) (Rev. ed.) (7) If you are considering publishing and printing. 1945. 19 p. (No. 10.) (8) If you are considering retailing. By Edwina 15 p. (No. 1.) (Rev. ed.) By Ralph L. Van By Jean MacCargo Neblette. 1946. 31 By Byron G. Culver B. Hogadone. 1945. In each pamphlet, different jobs in the occupation are discussed. Information is given about preparation, types of employment, working conditions, and earnings in the field. Usually advan tages and disadvantages are discussed, and desirable personal characteristics of a worker are indicated. In some of the pamphlets, particular attention is given to opportunities for women. 295. Rockwell, Helen B. If you’d insure your future, make insurance your career. The Zontian, 27: 15-16, May 1947. A life insurance underwriter tells of opportunities for women as life insurance salesmen. 296. Roe, Constance. We learned to live again. 217: 24-25, 85-86, Dec. 16, 1944. Saturday evening post An account of two women, who, returning to their family farm, made a success of agriculture. 297. Role of the teacher. Journal, American association of university women, 39: 101, January 1946. A plan for in-service training for promising young men and young women as instructors or assistants developed by the Association of American Colleges. 298. Rue, Clara Blanche. Public health nurse in the community. phia, Pa., W. B. Saunders Co., 1944. 283 p. Philadel Chapter 14 of this text, The Broad Aspects of Public Health Nursing, offers information about the qualifications of a public health nurse, basic professional preparation, postgraduate preparation recommended, employment opportunities, responsibilities, salary, working hours, retirement benefits, working conditions, opportunities for professional improvement, and opportunities for advancement. 299. Russell Sage Foundation. The recent trend of salaries in child welfare agencies. By Ralph G. Hurlin. New York, N. Y., The Foundation, 1944. 14 p. The result of a survey of 242 agencies engaged in child welfare activities is discussed. The survey gave information about qualifications and salaries of supervisors, case workers, and houseparents. 300. Sachs, Gertrude Gordon. Jobs and futures. selle, 22: 158-159, 302-304, November 1945. Accounting. Mademoi Accounting as a field for women is described, with information about opportunities in different types of accounting, preparation required, desirable personal qualifications, and earnings. 301. Sager, Evelyn. 106, 109, April 1946. Profile of success. Ladies home journal, 63: 32-33 Short accounts are given of the following occupations with suggestions about desirable per sonal characteristics and the preparation needed: Merchandiser, advertising writer, fashion designer, office executive, and journalist. 302. Salaries in city school systems. 34: 118-119, May 1945. National education association journal A study of salaries in 1,897 cities during the year 1944-1945. 36 303. Salley, Ruth E. Some factors affecting the supply and demand for pre-school teachers in New York City. New York, N. Y., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1943. 98 p. A study of the supply of and demand for teachers in pre-school and primary grades in New York City, 1935-1940. 304. San Francisco Employers’ Council. Office workers; salaries and per sonnel practices, San Francisco Bay area, midyear 1947. San Francisco, Calif., The Council, Department of Research and Analysis, 1947. 32 p. A study of wages of workers in the San Francisco Bay Area in the fields of clerical work, office machine operation, stenography, and bookkeeping, with information about vacations, sick leave with pay, and health insurance. 305. Sargent, Emilie G. Nursing, a service to humanity. lege placement, 8: 5-10, December 1947. School and col Desirable personal characteristics of a nurse are listed, and information is given about choice of a nursing school, special fields of nursing, and trends of the occupation. 306. Schreiber, Flora Rheta. Blind date with mike. emoiselle, 29: 48, 49, 253-257, April 1945. Jobs in radio. Mad Suggestions about obtaining an audition and work on the radio. 307. --------- • Jobs and futures in television. 339-344, September 1945. Mademoiselle, 21: 174-175, A review of possible jobs in the field of television together with recommended preparation. 308.--------- Jobs and futures in reel life. 281, June 1946. Mademoiselle, 23: 136-137, 272 The making of industrial, educational, and documentary films offers opportunities which the author describes. Preparation, types of jobs, and suggestions about entering the work are discussed. 309. Schulze, Else L. Wanted, more library chemists. education, 23: 176-178, April 1946. Journal of chemical The following are outlined: The duties of a library chemist, training as a chemist and as a librarian, and opportunities in the field. 310. Schwalbe, Phillis Lee. 227-231, June 1947. Fashion as editing. Mademoiselle, 25: 130, Advantages and disadvantages of the job of fashion editor are outlined. Desirable training and education of such an editor are discussed. 311. Schwin, Mary Lowell. tian, 27: 11-12, May 1947. Home economics goes into business. The Zon- Opportunities for women trained as home economists exist in many food establishments, equipment firms, newspapers, and retail stores. 312. Science Research Associates, Inc. American job series. Industrial monographs. Chicago, 111., The Associates. (1) Advertising as an occupation. By Edwin W. Davis. 1948. 48 p. (No. 9.) (Rev. ed.) (2) A career in engineering. By Lowell O. Stewart. 1943. 49 p. (No. 30.) (3) Careers in labor relations. By Florence Peterson. 1947. 48 p. (No. 32.) (Rev. ed.) (4) Careers in public health. By Adrian G. Gould. 1947. 48 p. (No. 35.) (Rev. ed.) (5) Clerical occupations. By Lester J. Schloerb and Leland L. Medsker, 1947. A 48 p. (No. 11.) (3d rev. ed.). 37 (6) Instrument makers. By Edward Schmid and Michael Brand. 1943. 48 p. (No. 34.) (7) Jobs in rural service. By Paul W. Chapman. 1947. 48 p. (No. 23.) (2d rev. ed.) (8) Teaching as a career. By Cyril 0. Houle. 1944. 48 p. (No. 5.) (2d rev. ed.) (9) Your future in chemistry. By V. F. Kimball and M. R. Bhagwat. 1947. 48 p. (No. 37.) (Rev. ed.) In most of these illustrated monographs, a short history of the occupation precedes a dis cussion of different types of jobs in the field, training needed, qualifications desirable in the worker, earnings, and methods of entering and progressing in the occupation. Particular attention is given to opportunities for women. A bibliography is included in each. 313. Occupational briefs. Chicago, 111., The Associates. brief, 4 p., illus., processed. (1) Accountants. 1948. (No. 6.) (2) Agents and credit workers. 1944. (No. 72.) (3) Aluminum industry workers. 1946. (No. 163.) (4) Architects. 1944. (No. 58.) (5) Aviation jobs. 1944. (No. 68.) (6) Bank workers. 1946. (No. 140.) (7) Barbers and beauticians. 1945. (No. 96.) (8) Biological scientists. 1947. (No. 173.) (9) Bookbinders. 1945. (No. 110.) (10) Bookkeepers and cashiers. 1948. (No. 5.) (11) Building maintenance workers. 1944. (No. 57.) (12) Cannery workers. 1945. (No. 118.) (13) Chemists. 1944. (No. 29.) (14) Cleaning and dyeing workers. 1945. (No. 94.) (15) Clergymen and religious workers. 1945. (No. 91.) (16) Clothing manufacturing workers. 1945. (No. 83.) (17) College professors. 1944. (No. 66.) (18) Commercial travelers. 1945. (No. 74.) (19) Consumer cooperative workers. 1945. (No. 107.) (20) County extension workers. 1945. (No. 108.) (21) Dairy farmers. 1944. (No. 32.) (22) Dairy workers. 1947. (No. 190.) (23) Dancers. 1947. (No. 191.) (24) Dental hygienists. 1947. (No. 198.) (25) Dentists. 1945. (No. 112.) (26) Dietitians. 1947. (No. 195.) (27) Diplomatic service workers. 1945. (No. 92.) (28) Direct mail advertising workers. 1946. (No. 159.) (29) Display workers. 1948. (No. 2.) (30) Draftsmen. 1944. (No. 49.) (31) Drug and cosmetic industry workers. 1946. (No. 166.) (32) Editors and reporters. 1945. (No. 89.) (33) Electric appliance industry workers. 1947. (No. 179.) (34) Electricians and electrical workers. 1944. (No. 25.) (35) Electronics. 1944. (No. 51.) (36) Export and import workers. 1947. (No. 186.) (37) F. B. I. agents. 1947. (No. 206.) (38) Florists. 1946. (No, 168.) Each 38 (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) Food dehydration workers. 1946. (No. 172.) Food store workers. 1944. (No. 70.) Foreign correspondents. 1947. (No. 20.) Foremen. 1944. (No. 21.) Foundrymen. 1944. (No. 41.) Free-lance writers. 1945. (No. 121.) Funeral directors and embalmers. 1945. (No. 99.) Furniture workers. 1945. (No. 82.) Furriers. 1947. (No. 177.) Greeting card industry workers. 1947. (No. 194.) Guidance workers. 1947. (No. 196.) Home economists. 1944. (No. 64.) Hotel workers. 1945. (No. 111.) Household workers. 1945. (No. 95.) House-to-house canvassers. 1945. (No. 75.) Industrial designers. 1947. (No. 192.) Insurance salesmen. 1947. (No. 174.) Interior decoration and window display. 1944. (No. 59.) Laboratory technicians. 1944. (No. 63.) Landscapers, nurserymen, florists. 1944. (No. 60.) Laundry workers. 1945. (No. 93.) Leather workers. 1945. (No. 84.) Librarians. 1945. (No. 115.) Literary agents. 1947. (No. 182.) Magazine publishing workers. 1948. (No. 234.) Meat packing workers. 1945. (No. 119.) Motion picture workers. 1945. (No. 120.) Office clerks. 1943. (No. 11.) Office machine operators. 1943. (No. 7.) Operatives. 1943. (No. 19.) Ophthalmologists. 1947. (No. 221.) Optometrists. 1945. (No. 114.) Owning your own retail shop. 1946. (No. 160.) Packaging industry workers. 1947. (No. 187.) Paper and pulp workers. 1945. (No. 80.) Personnel workers. 1944. (No. 54.) Pharmacists. 1945. (No. 101.) Photographers. 1944. (No. 50.) Physical education teachers. 1945. (No. 154.) Physical scientists. 1947. (No. 178.) Physicians and surgeons. 1944. (No. 36.) Plastics workers. 1945. (No. 79.) Politicians. 1945. (No. 106.) Postal workers. 1945. (No. 100.) Practical nurses. 1945. (No. 98.) Psychiatrists. 1946. (No. 162.) Psychologists. 1945. (No. 104.) Public administration. 1944. (No. 52.) Public relations workers. 1945. (No. 88.) Purchasing agents and buyers. 1945. (No. 76.) Radio jobs. 1944. (No. 24.) Railroad workers. 1944. (No. 22.) Recreation workers. 1945. (No. 90.) 39 (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) Restaurant workers. 1947. (No. 176.) Salesmen. 1946. (No. 164.) Scientific glass instrument makers. 1946. (No. 161.) Shoe industry workers. 1947. (No. 200.) Social scientists. 1946. (No. 158.) Social workers. 1944. (No. 38.) Special librarians. 1946. (No. 167.) Statistical workers. 1947. (No. 185.) Stenographers and typists. 1943. (No. 8.) Stewardesses. 1947. (No. 203.) Tailors and dressmakers. 1945. (No. 97.) Teachers. 1944. (No. 65.) Telephone and telegraph operators. 1943. (No. 9.) Television workers. 1945. (No. 117.) Textile workers. 1945. (No. 81.) Therapists. 1944. (No. 62.) Tobacco workers. 1945. (No. 86.) Trained nurses. 1944. (No. 37.) Transportation equipment workers. 1945. (No. 85.) Unskilled laborers. 1943. (No. 18.) Variety store workers. 1945. (No. 77.) Vocational rehabilitation workers. 1944. (No. 53). X-ray technicians. 1947. (No. 189.) A brief description of the occupation, and in some cases a history, are followed hy informa tion about the number of workers in the field ; specialties, or different types of jobs ; require ments for training; earnings; and advantages and disadvantages. Opportunities for women receive particular attention. Some of the briefs discuss trends of the occupation, and each contains a short bibliography. 314. Science Research Associates. Occupational reprints. Chicago, 111., The Associates. (1) Archeology as a career for women. By Kathleen M. Kenyon. 2 p. Reprint from Women’s employment, Jan. 7, 1944. (Reprint no. 161.) (2) The home economist; her day. Reprint from American cookery, 49: 34-35, March 1944. (Reprint no. 159.) (3) Homemaking teacher as counselor; qualifications and responsibilities. By A. Eleanor Neuhoff. 2 p. Reprint from Illinois vocational progress, 2: 34-35, 44, September 1944. (Reprint no. 181.) (4) Jobs in geography. By Robert Strausz-Hupe. Reprint from Women’s work and education, 15: 4, Fall 1944. (Reprint no. 175.) (5) Opportunities for chemists in literature service work. By Lura Shorb and Lewis W. Beck. 4 p. Reprint from Journal of chemical education, 21: 315-318, July 1944. (Reprint no. 174.) (6) Our veterans need more nurses. Reprint from American journal of nursing, 44: 724-727, August 1944. (Reprint no. 177.) (7) Passing the book. By Margaret Howser Charles. Reprint from Mademoiselle, 17: 162-163, 251-260, September 1943. (Reprint no. 149.) Librarian’s work as a career. (8) Photo retouching as a career. 2 p. Reprint from She, August 1944. (Reprint no. 172.) (9) The role of women in banking. By Catherine S. Pepper. Reprint from International altrusan, 22: 5-7, December 1944. (Occupa tional reprint no. 182.) 40 (10) Something for the girls, too. By Ruth Branigan. 4 p., illus. Re print from School and college placement, 4: 11-16, March 1944. (Reprint no. 160.) Retail selling as an occupation. (11) Work analysis of the functions and duties of the medical library staff. By Jennie R. Greenbaum. Reprint from the Bulletin of the medical library association, 31: 339-343, October 1943. (Reprint no. 162.) Each reprint contains a short description of a job, with a review of the special opportunities that it offers to women. 315. Shorthand reporting as a profession. r.ot dated. 48 p., illus. Chicago, III., The Gregg College, A description of the work of a court reporter and of a convention reporter, with information about earnings, preparation needed, education, and opportunities for women. 316. Shosteck, Robert, and Baer, Max F. Careers in retail business owner ship. Washington, D. C., B’nai B’rith Vocational Service Bureau, 1946. 346 p. Opportunities for women receive special attention in the following fields of independent business: Dairy products store; confectionery store; ice cream store; drug store; women’s apparel store; millinery store; jewelry store; flower store; gift shop ; news and magazine business. The nature of the independent business, size and growth, outlook, capital, sales and income, and advantages and disadvantages are discussed. 317. Simmons College vocational guidance series for young women. Boston, Mass., The College. Simmons College bulletin. 3 p. each. (1) The business home economist in the food industry. 1946. (2) Department store; training department staff. 1947. (3) The home economics teacher. 1948. (4) Industrial writing; writing and editing company publications. 1946. (5) The medical laboratory technician. 1947. (6) The medical social worker. 1947. (7) The physical therapist. 1948. (8) Reading consultant; the librarian in adult education. 1947. (9) The secretary in the Inter-American field. 1946. Each folder outlines the work of the occupation, tells of personal qualifications desirable in the worker, and gives information about earnings in the field and courses recommended in school and in college as preparation for entrance. A short bibliography is included in each folder. 318. Smedley, Doree and Ginn, Ann. Your career as a food specialist. York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1943. 199 p., illus. New Careers for girls are described in the fields of nutrition and dietetics with food com panies and with trade associations; as writers and as radio broadcasters on foods and with food companies; as food workers and managers in hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, and tea rooms ; as workers in industrial cafeterias; and as food managers for airline companies. The work of the hospital dietitian, the nutritionist in government service, the laboratory research worker, and the home demonstration agent is discussed. The authors outline the training required for different types of work, the salaries and wages given, and the advan tages and disadvantages of each field of employment. 319. --------- and Robinson, Lura. Careers for women in real estate and life insurance. New York, N. Y., Greenberg Publisher, 1946. 192 p. This book includes the following: Desirable personal characteristics for women entering these fields, advantages and disadvantages, and short accounts of business careers of successful women in the field, with information about different types of real estate selling and the different fields of insurance. 41 320.------------------- Careers in business for women. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1945. 224 p., illus. New York, N. Y., In conversational style, and with illustrations from the careers of successful business women, the authors furnish information about the following occupations: Stenographer, secre tary, stenotypist, telephone operator, telegraph operator, P B X operator, industrial relations worker, bookkeeper, banker, statistician, accountant, and business executive. A bibliography is included. 321. Smith, Bradley. 11, 1946. Household ambassadors. Liberty, 23: 22-23, 75, May The training given to a home demonstration agent and an outline of the work she is expected to do. 322. Smith, Frances Aves and Engelhardt, Nickolaus L., Jr. Opportunities for youth in air transportation. New York, N. Y., Air-age education research, 1944. Pages not numbered, illus. This pamphlet contains short descriptions of various types of work done by employees in air transportation. Those open to women are: Selling tickets and reserving space, fleet service clerk, stock clerk, fleet service cleaner, passenger agent, stewardess, teletype operator, accountant and auditor, secretary, clerk, typist, and stenographer. Duties, responsibilities, training, and education are briefly discussed. 323. Smith, Paul E. and Breen, George E. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1947. 336 p., illus. Selling in stores. New York, A textbook on retail selling; chapter I is devoted to retailing as an occupation. 324. Smythe, D. M. Careers in personnel work. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1946. 253 p., illus. New York, N. Y., E. P. A definition of the duties of a personnel worker is followed by a list of qualifications and information on preparation which is desirable, fields of activity, advantages and disadvantages of the occupation, and opportunities in the future. Chapter X gives an account of women in the field of personnel and contains biographies of several outstanding women personnel workers. 325. Spero, Sterling D. Government jobs and how to get them. phia, Pa., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1945. 358 p. Philadel Part I lists Federal jobs and offers information on required education and experience, duties, age, and physical requirements, location of job, and starting salary. Part II describes the organization of government service, general qualifications, procedure for getting a job, condi tions of work, veterans’ preference, and the history of Federal civil service. Some information is offered on State and municipal civil service systems. Many of these positions are open to women. 326. Spiegler, Samuel. Your life’s work. Cincinnati, Ohio, Riverdale Press, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1943. 450 p. Among the women’s occupations described are the following: Domestic work, clerical work, office machine work, garment work, cosmetology, airplane stewardess, teaching, library work, nursing, and social work. A general summary of each field is followed by information about advantages and disadvantages, preparation, and earnings. 327. Stebbins, Kathleen B. The challenge of special librarianship. and college placement, 7: 42-48, December 1946. School Educational requirements for the special librarian are listed, together with information about training, earnings, and trends of the occupation. 328. Steele, Evelyn. Careers for girls in science and engineering. York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1943. 189 p., illus. New This book outlines opportunities for women in the fields of civil, mechanical, electrical, and aeronautical engineering. Women’s chances for success as physicians, chemists, geologists, and biologists are discussed. Educational requirements and opportunities for employment and for advancement are described. The author emphasizes the fact that women are still pioneers in many of these science and engineering fields. Brief biographies of women successful as chemists and as engineers are included. 42 329. --------13, 1944. Library work, a profession for girls. Scholastic, 44: 38, Mar. A short account of the various types of library work, together with information about opportunities in the field. 330. --------- and Blatt, H. K. Careers in social service. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1946. 256 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Designed to give an over-all vocational picture of the fields of social work, this book defines social work and discusses opportunities in family case work, child welfare, school social work, probation and parole, medical social work, psychiatric social work, group work, com munity organization, public welfare, social service research, social administration, social legislation, occupational therapy, vocational guidance, and public housing. Information is offered on education, training, chances for advancement, and salaries in the different fields. A list of schools of social work and of organizations active in social work and a bibliography are included. 331. Stein, Ruth. June 1947. Authors anonymous. Mademoiselle, 25: 114, 179-184, Desirable personal characteristics, training, and experience needed for a successful copy writer are outlined. Short biographies of women successful in the field are followed by infor mation about methods of entering the field and chances for advancement in it. 332. Stern, Edith M. Dollars for spare hours. 73: 12, 14, 162, December 1946. Woman’s home companion, This article describes the handcraft shop run by the New York Division of the Women’s National Farm and Garden Association to sell hand-made products. 333. Stewart, Isabel M. The education of nurses. Macmillan Co., 1943. 399 p. New York, N. Y., The Addressed to persons in charge of nursing education, this book discusses preparation of teachers of nursing, need for recognizing teaching and leadership ability, and present day trends in the development of the profession of nursing. The principal problems of training are outlined from an administrative point of view. 334. Stoddard, Hope. Fine musicianship knows no sex. woman, 26: 316-318, 331, November 1947. Independent An account of women members of symphony orchestras, including short biographies and a list of the instruments they play. 335. Strieby, Irene M. The meaning of technical library training. journal, 70: 463-467, May 15, 1945. Library Technical librarians serve industrial organizations, securing information for the use of the staff. Information is offered about training and education needed. 336. Stroh, Mary Margaret. Find your own frontier. A study of the pro fession of teaching. Austin, Tex., Delta Kappa Gamma Society, 1948. 52 p., illus. Written with the cooperation of the National Commission on Teacher Education and Pro fessional Standards, and addressed to young persons choosing a career, this publication tells of the rewards of teaching, advantages and disadvantages, specialties, earnings, and preparation needed. 337. Studebaker, John W. Your future in teaching. teacher edition, 2: 3, 37, May 19, 1947. Scholastic prep, Opportunities in teaching, salaries, desirable personal characteristics, and training are discussed. 338. The study and practice of law. Chicago, 111., The University of Chicago Law School, not dated. 56 p. (Reprint and pamphlet series, no. 7.) Facts are offered about job opportunities which are open to lawyers, qualifications for admission to the bar, and earnings to be expected. Some attention is given to opportunities for women. 43 339. Suter, Henry Charles. 25: 358-360, December 1946. Uncle Sam’s G-women. Independent woman The work of women in the Federal Bureau of Investigation includes photography, recording of fingerprint data, cryptanalysis, coding, filing, and identification. Information is given about qualifications needed and desirable preparation for the work. 340. Tattersall, Louise M. and Altenderfer, Marion E. Paid auxiliary nurs ing workers employed in general hospitals. American journal of nursing 44: 752-756, August 1944. This survey of paid auxiliary nursing workers in 1,665 general and related special hospitals in July 1943 includes information about the number of paid auxiliary nursing workers per patient, ratio of paid auxiliary nursing workers to general staff nurses, and other related data. 341. Thai, Helen M. Careers for youth in life insurance. New York, N. Y., Institute of Life Insurance, Educational Division, 1947. 71 p., illus. Some facts about the importance of life insurance are followed by information about the advantages of the field and details about the work of various positions. Many of the positions are filled by women. 342. A thousand women in architecture. 113, March 1948; 103: 108-115, June 1948. Architectural record, 103: 105 Some biographical details are given of successful women architects, with information about architecture as a career for women. 343. Three great weavers. House and garden, 90: 64, 83, August 1946. Mrs. Elsa Gullberg of Sweden, interested in the preservation of old weaving techniques and her work in handweaving ; Dorothy Liebes of California, who works in developing textiles ; and Mr. Gautan Sarabhai of India are all great weavers. A discussion of their work is included in this article. 344. Thruelsen, Richard. Women at work. Airline hostess. ning post, 219: 32-33, 69-70, 72, 74, 76, May 24, 1947. Saturday eve This article discusses the training, responsibilities, and the advantages and disadvantages of the work of an airline hostess by telling of the life and work of one hostess. 345- --------- Women at work. Executive secretary. post, 220: 30-31, 70-72, 74, Dec. 20, 1947. Saturday evening A brief biography of a secretary to an executive, outlining her duties. 346. --------- Women at work. Registered nurse. 220: 34, 35, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, Apr. 3, 1948. Saturday evening post The work of a registered nurse is described by giving the biography of one nurse, with details of her responsibilities. 347.--------- Women at work. Young actress. 220: 32-33, 77-80, 85, 86, 89, Sept. 6, 1947. Saturday evening post The work of one actress is described to show the experiences common to the occupation. 348. Todd, Jane. Sample picture of woman-owned small business. pendent woman, 25: 372-374, December 1946. Inde Women have been successful in many types of independent business enterprises. This article describes a survey of such businesses made by the New York State Department of Commerce. 349. Torrop, Hilda M. 340-342, March 1945. Practical nursing as a vocation. Occupations 23: A definition of a practical nurse. Training facilities available, cost of training, licensure, salaries, and hours are discussed in this article. A short bibliography is included. 350. Training to teach. 19, 1947. Scholastic prep, teacher edition, 2: 13 44 Mav ’ ’ Traits of a good teacher are described. Requirements for certification of teachers and preparation are discussed. 44 351. Triggs, Frances O. Personnel work in schools of nursing. phia, Pa., W. B. Saunders Co., 1945. 237 p. Philadel A textbook for counselors in nursing schools. A bibliography is included. 352. Trotta, Geri. Fashion, not New York. Mademoiselle, 25: 132, 133, 202-209, June 1947. The work of designers in cities other than New York is described. Training, experience, wages, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation are outlined. Short biographies of successful designers are included. 353. U. S. Civil Service Commission. Working for the Federal Government. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1945. 64 p., illus. After an explanation of the work of the Civil Service Commission, the pamphlet offers information about applications, examinations, pay, advancement, and retirement benefits. Various types of jobs are discussed, among them, the following, where many women are employed : Clerical: scientific aids ; nursing ; engineering ; engineering drafting : auditing ; and accounting. 354. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce. Establishing and operating a beauty shop. By Edith E. Gordon. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. 135 p., illus. (Industrial, small business, series no. 25.) Information for prospective operators of beauty shops on going into business, selecting a location, layout of the shop, equipment, laws, taxes, insurance, types of service, customer relations, advertising, record keeping, expense control, and personnel. 355. U.S. Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Infor mation concerning the clerical and clerical-technical positions in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Washington, D. C., The Bureau, 1946. 2 p. proc essed. Women are employed in the clerical and clerical-technical positions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Information about age, physical condition required, educational and job qualifications, wages, and hours. 356. U.S. Department of Labor. Serious shortage of civilian nurses by 1960 threatens. Labor information bulletin, 15: 19, January 1948. The increasing need for nurses is analyzed with reference to requirements of hospitals and private duty opportunities. 357. --------- Bureau of Labor Statistics. Candy and other confectionery: wage structure January 1947. Monthly labor review, 66: 395—397, April 1948. Wages of men and of women in the confectionery industry are given with data about earnings in various occupations in several localities, hours worked, bonuses, and paid vacations. 358.------------------- Earnings of bank employees, spring and summer of 1943. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1944. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 774.) A study of more than 28,000 employees in 1,312 banks, trust companies, and savings and loan associations. Data on wages and hours are arranged by occupations, and information ia given separately for men and for women. 359.------------------- Earnings of power laundry workers in large cities, July 1947. Monthly labor review, 65: 554-555, November 1947. A study of wages of men and of women in various jobs in laundries in 33 large cities in July 1947. 360.---------------------Earnings of women and male minors in New York retail stores, 1945. Monthly labor review, 62: 230-232, February 1946. Included are data on earnings of women in various types of retail stores in large New York cities in 1945. 45 361.------------------- The economic status of nurses. By Lily Mary David. Monthly labor review, 65: 20-27, July 1947. (Same information given in American journal of nursing, 47: 456-462, July 1947.) This study of the answers of 21,700 nurses to a questionnaire about hours and earnings in October 1946 contains information about the advantages and disadvantages of nursing as a profession. 362. --------- --------- Economic status of registered professional nurses 1946-1947. By Lily Mary David. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1948. (Bulletin no. 931.) This study of the status of nurses includes information about the fields of nursing, hours of work, earnings, variations in working conditions, and a summary of the types of duties performed. Facts are also given about the attitudes of nurses toward their profession, and about their age, experience, and education. 363.------------------- Employment opportunities in aviation occupations. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 45 p., illus. (Bulletin no. 837-2.) Among the occupations in aviation open to women are the following: Flight stewardess and teletypist. Information as to hours, duties, and earnings is offered. 364. ------------------- Employment outlook in hotel occupations. Washing ton, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 14 p. (Occupational outlook series bulletin no. 905.) A description of the duties of hotel workers in different jobs, which includes trends of the occupation, earnings, and working conditions. 365.------------------- • Employment outlook in the plastics industry. By Sol Swerdloff. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1948. 20 p., illus. (Occupational outlook series bulletin no. 929.) The bulletin describes duties, training, earnings, and working conditions in the plastics industry and discusses trends in employment. Some attention is given to opportunities for women. 366. ------------------- Employment outlook in printing occupations. Wash ington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 36 p., illus. (Occupational outlook series bulletin no. 902.) Some information about women in the printing industry, particularly in the fields of proof reading and bindery work is included. 367. ---------- --------- Hosiery manufacture; earnings in September 1947. Monthly labor review, 66: 516-518, May 1948. Data on hours of work and wages of men and of women hosiery workers in several localities and on various jobs. 368.------------------- Hotel wages in large cities, June 1947. review, 65: 450, October 1947. Monthly labor Data about wages paid to men and to women employees in hotels in 31 large cities in the United States. 360.------------------- Job prospects in plastics products industry. By Sol Swerdloff and Caiman R. Winegarden. Monthly labor review, 65: 293-301, September 1947. This analysis of the plastics industry and its probable future development gives some information about women, employed in office work, in finishing, and in inspecting. 310.------------------- Office workers; salaries, hours of work, supplementary benefits. Washington, D. C., The Bureau, 1948. Processed. Atlanta, Ga. 40 p. Boston, Mass. 23 p. 46 Buffalo, N. Y. 28 p. Chicago, 111. 30 p. Dallas, Tex. 20 p. Denver, Colo. 18 p. Milwaukee, Wis. 31 p. New York, N. Y. 53 p. San Francisco and Oakland, Calif. Seattle, Wash. 16 p. 33 p. These studies of the earnings of men and of women office workers in ten cities include information about hourly rates, supplementary benefits, hours of work, pay for holidays and vacations, sick leave provisions, and insurance and pension plans. 371. siery industry. Post-war employment prospects for women in the ho Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1945. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 835.) A description of the jobs in full-fashioned and seamless hosiery manufacture and informa tion about future prospects for women in these jobs. 372. Post-war outlook for physicians. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. 21 p. (Bulletin no. 863.) Since a shortage of physicians is anticipated, particularly in some specialized fields, the outlook for physicians seems especially bright. Some information is offered about earnings. The percentage of women graduates of all medical colleges to total graduates is given. 373.Salaries and working conditions, Atlanta office workers, 1947. Monthly labor review, 66: 512-514, May,1948. Wages in different office occupations, hours of work, paid vacations, and other supplementary benefits are discussed. 374.Salaries in public libraries, November 1943. labor review, 58: 1272—1274, June 1944. Monthly A report of a survey of salaries paid in public libraries in various cities in November 1943. 375. Union wages and hours in the printing trade, July 1, 1946. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 67 p. (Bulletin no. 912.) Wages and hours of bindery women received separate treatment in this report. 376. Wages and hours of women in retail trade in New York, 1944. Monthly labor review, 61: 299-300, August 1945. A review of wages and hours of women in various types of stores in New York in 1944. 377Wages in the glassware industry, January 1947. By Joseph M. Sherman. Monthly labor review, 65: 549-551, November 1947. A study of the wages of men and of women in the glassware industry. 37gWages in home offices of life insurance companies. Kermit B. Mohn. Monthly labor review, 66: 10-13, January 1948. By Information is arranged by regions and by types of occupations. Wages earned by men and by women are given, with information about hours, paid vacations, and paid sick leave. 379.Wages in the rayon industry, May 1944. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1945. 17 p. (Bulletin no. 806.) This bulletin describes the operations and gives details of hours and earnings of men and of women in the industry, in which less than half of the employees are women. 3gQWages in women’s blouse and waist industry, January 1947. Monthly labor review, 65: 314-316, September 1947. This study of 7,573 workers in 173 establishments gives information about wages paid to men and to women in several localities and on various jobs in the industry. 47 381.------------------- Will prewar domestic workers return ? review, 62: 930-931, June 1946. Monthly labor A short review of the field of domestic employment in New York, including data on wages and hours. 382.--------------------Women’s dress manufacture; earnings in August 1947. Monthly labor review, 66: 518-520, May 1948. Wages for men and for women in different occupations in women’s dress manufacture are discussed, with information about pay for holidays and vacations. 383.------------------- Wood and upholstered furniture earnings in September 1947. Monthly labor review, 66: 399-401, April 1948. Earnings for men and for women in various occupations in the furniture industry in several localities with information about hours and paid vacations. 384.------------------- Working conditions of private duty and staff nurses. By Lily Mary David. Monthly labor review, 65: 544-548, November 1947. Data obtained from a study made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Women’s Bureau, and the National Nursing Council. Information about earnings, working conditions, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. 385.------------------- Working conditions of public health nurses. By Lily Mary David. Monthly labor review, 65: 302-303, September 1947. (Same information given in American journal of nursing 47: 585-588, December 1947.) A study of 1,350 public health nurses. attitudes toward the occupation. Information about salaries, hours, vacations, and 386. --------- National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel. U.S. Employment Service. Agricultural and biological sciences. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 39 p. (Description of professions series, pamphlet no. 1.) Women nutritionists considerably outnumbered men in the National Roster of 1946. The work of the nutritionist is briefly outlined, educational qualifications are listed, and sources of employment indicated. 387.------------------------------Chemistry as a profession. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. 19 p., illus. (Vocational booklet no. 2.) This brief description of chemistry and its applications and the account of what chemists do, their training, and their employment gives some attention to opportunities for women in the occupation. 388. —--------------------------- Chemical enigneering as a profession. Wash ington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. 21 p., illus. (Vocational book let no. 3.) This brief description of the field of chemical engineering, of the kind of work chemical engineers do, how they are trained, and how they are employed, mentions opportunities for women. 389.------------------------------ Geology as a profession. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. 19 p., illus. (Vocational booklet no. 1.) The booklet includes the following: A description of the work of a geologist, related fields of employment, qualifications, training, sources of employment, earnings, and a bibli ography. A special section is devoted to opportunities for women. 390.------------------------------ The medical Government printing office, 1947. 20 p. pamphlet no. 4.) professions. Washington, U.S. (Description of professions series, The occupations in which women predominate in this field are dietitian and registered nurse. A brief description of the occupation is followed by information about types of specialization, professional affiliation, educational requirements, and sources of employment. 48 391.------------------------------ Medical service occupations. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 9 p. (Description of professions series, pamphlet no. 3.) The following occupations in which women predominate are described: Dental hygienist, medical laboratory technician, occupational therapist, and physical therapist. A description of each occupation, data about educational qualifications, certification, professional affiliations, Civil Service ratings, requirements, and sources of employment are discussed. 392.------------------------------ Meteorology as a profession. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1946. (Vocational Booklet no. 4.) 17 p., illus. This description of the work of a meteorologist includes information about openings, pay, and opportunities for advancement, as well as qualifications and training. A special section is devoted to opportunities for women. 393.------------------------------ Miscellaneous professional fields. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 29 p. (Description of professions series, pamphlet no. 5.) This pamphlet contains information about two fields in which women predominate, librarian and social worker. A description of the work, fields of specialization, educational qualifications, professional affiliations, civil service status, and sources of employment are discussed. 394. --------- U.S. Employment Service. Placing domestic workers—a chal lenge to the United States Employment Service. Employment service re view, 13: 5-13, November 1946. Articles on the status, problems, pay, training, and needs of the household in several localities. 395. formation, 1944. employee Industry Series. Plastic products. Labor market in 6 p. processed. (Industry series 28-23.) A description of the industry in general with a detailed description of some of the jobs, earnings, and hours, and some information about opportunities for women. 396. --------- Women’s Bureau. Community household employment pro grams. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1948. 70 p. (Bulletin no. 221.) Although the purpose of this report is to improve conditions of household employment for both employees and employers, it contains much information about wages, hours, and working conditions of household employees. 397. ------------------- The industrial nurse and the woman worker. By Jen nie Mohr. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1944. 46 p. (Spe cial bulletin no. 19.) Responsibilities of the industrial nurse for the safety and health of women workers are discussed. 398.--------------------Old age insurance for household workers. Washing ton, U.S. Government printing office, 1948. 20 p. (Bulletin no. 220.) A study of household employment, including numbers, demand and supply, and wages. Special emphasis is laid on the legal situation of domestic workers and on their old age problems. 399.------------------- The outlook for women in the medical and other health services. By Marguerite WykofT Zapoleon. Washington, U.S. Government printing office. (1) Dental hygienists. 1945. 17 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-10.) (2) Medical laboratory technicians. 1944. 10 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-4). (3) Medical record librarians. 1945. 9 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-6.) (4) Occupational therapists. 1944. 15 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-2.) 49 (5) Physical therapists. 1944. 14 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-1.) (6) Physicians’ and dentists’ assistants. 1945. 15 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-11.) (7) Practical nurses and hospital attendants. 1945. 20 p., illus. (Bulle tin 203-5.) (8) Professional nurses. 1945. 66 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-3.) (9) Trends and their effect upon the demand for women workers. 1946. 55 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-12.) (10) Women dentists. 1945. 21 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-9.) (11) Women physicians. 1945. 28 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-7.) (12) X-ray technicians. 1945. 14 p., illus. (Bulletin 203-8.) In each bulletin, the following information is given: Definition of the occupation; prewar number and distribution of workers ; wartime changes ; present trends; earnings, hours, and opportunities for advancement; and opportunities for older women, for married women, for Negro women, and for women with physical handicaps. Requirements for civil service positions are listed. In some of the bulletins, lists of approved schools for training are included ; and information is offered about professional organizations, requirements for licensure, and requirements for entrance to approved schools of training. Each bulletin contains a bib liography. No. 12 of the series includes a summary of the information contained in the other bulletins, provides comparative charts, and offers information about opportunities in each of the fields discussed in relation to special circumstances, such as geographical location. 400.------------------- The outlook for women in science. By Marguerite Wykoif Zapoleon, Elsie Katcher Goodman, and Mary H. Brilla. Washington, U.S. Government printing office. (1) The outlook for women in architecture and engineering. 1948. 88 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-5.) (2) The outlook for women in the biological sciences. 1948. 87 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-3.) (3) The outlook for women in chemistry. 1948. 65 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-2.) (4) The outlook for women in geology, geography, and meteorology. 1948. 52 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-7.) (5) The outlook for women in mathematics and statistics. 1948. 21 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-4.) (6) The outlook for women in occupations related to science. 1948. 33 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-8.) (7) The outlook for women in physics and astronomy. 1948. 32 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-6.) (8) The outlook for women in science. 1949. 81 p., illus. (Bulletin 223-1.) Each bulletin contains a definition of the occupation, information about prewar distribution of women in the occupation, war demand and supply, and wartime changes. Facts are given about the following: Earnings, hours and advancement, professional organizations, early post war employment, postwar demand and supply, future outlook, training, and handicaps, with suggestions to women wishing to enter the occupation. A bibliography is included in each of the bulletins. Requirements are listed for civil service positions, and in some of the series, a list of requirements for graduation from approved schools is supplied. No. 1 of the series is a summary of the information contained in all the other bulletins, with some additional facts and suggestions for women interested in entering different fields, 401.State labor laws for women with wartime modifications. Washington, U.S. Government printing office. Part I. Analysis of hour laws. 1945. 110 p. (Bulletin no. 202-1.) Part II. Analysis of plant facilities laws. 1946. 43 p. (Bulletin no, 202-2.) 50 Part III. Analysis of regulatory laws, prohibitory laws, maternity laws. 1945. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 202-3.) Part IV. Analysis of industrial home work laws. 1945. 26 p. (Bulletin no. 202-4.) Part V. Explanation and appraisal. 1946. 66 p. (Bulletin no. 202-5.) For each State, provisions of the laws as they affect women are summarized, and modifications or changes in provisions in effect during the war period are noted. 402.------------------- Typical women’s jobs in the telephone industry. Wash ington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 52 p., illus. (Bulletin no. 207-A.) A description of important jobs held by women in the telephone industry. 403.--------------------- The woman telephone worker. Washington, U.S. Gov ernment printing office, 1946. 38 p. (Bulletin no. 207.) A description of the different types of work done by women employed by telephone com panies is followed by information about schooling, age, length of service, marital status, wages, and working conditions. 404. --------- ---------- Women in aviation. By Frances W. Kerr. ton, D. C., The Bureau, 1946. 10 p. processed. Washing Women’s opportunities in aviation lie in such fields as instructor in private flying schools; stewardess ; ticket reservation clerk ; secretarial worker ; and Civil Aeronautics Administration worker. Some information is offered about training and salaries, and brief biographies of women well known in the field of aviation are included. 405.------------------- Women workers in power laundries. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1947. 71 p., illus. (Bulletin no. 215.) A description of laundry operations in 258 laundries, together with the number of women employed in various jobs, wages, hours, and working conditions. 406.------------------- Working women’s budgets in twelve States. Washing ton, U.S. Government printing office, 1948. 36 p. (Bulletin no. 226.) Cost of living budgets are defined, with information about development of cost of living budgets for minimum wage purposes. Tables follow showing the cost of each budget in 12 States, with explanation of how the budget was derived. 407. Van Cleef, Eugene. Getting into foreign trade. Ronald Press, 1946. 133 p. New York, N. Y., Few opportunities exist for women in export jobs. There are some opportunities for secretaries in export departments and for women in governmental foreign service, in the field of code clerk, and in research and publication. 408. Vincent, Esther H. Medical librarianship offers career. nal, 72: 935-938, June 15, 1947. Library jour The medical librarian’s work, training, and responsibility are discussed. 409. Visher, Stephen Sargent. Scientists starred 1903-1943 in “American Men of Science.” Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1947. 556 p. In Chapter 3 is given a list of 52 women who were starred in “American Men of Science,” 1903-1943. Included are anatomists, anthropologists, astronomers, botanists, chemists, geolo gists, mathematicians, physicists, psychologists, and zoologists. 410. Vocational and professional monographs. Boston, Mass., Bellman Pub lishing Co., Inc. (1) Air hostess. By Jack Stark. 1946. 24 p. (No. 69.) (2) Astronomy. By Freeman D. Miller. 1947. 32 p. (No. 72.) (3) Banking. By Albert Griffin. 1945. 28 p. (No. 53.) 51 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) ' (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) Beauty culture. By Irving Lester Bander. 1946. 23 p. (No. 13.) Book publishing. By Grace Bechtold. 1946. 24 p. (No. 63.) Cartography. By Hubert A. Bauer. 1945. 31 p. (No. 60.) Casualty insurance. By John 0. Nilan. 1945. 24 p. (No. 59.) Cooking. By Alice Bradley. 1946. 17 p. (No. 15.) Costume design. By Marion Neelsen. 1946. 24 p. (No. 16.) The drug and cosmetic industry. By Clare Olin Ewing. 1944. 24 p (No. 47.) Fire insurance. By Thomas E. Sears, Jr. 1947. 31 p. (No. 14.) Girl scouting as a profession. By Margaret E. Adams. 1945. 21 p. (No. 57.) Home economics. By Katheryne T. Healey. 1946. 24 p. (No. 66.) Interior decoration. By Sherrill Whiton. 1946. 16 p. (No. 31.) The iron and steel industry. By Ralph H. Watson. 1945 31 p (No. 26.) Job education; finding and getting a job through planning. By War ren E. Benson. 1946. 32 p. (No. 75.) Library work. By Ruth Shaw Leonard and Margaret Paige Hagen. 1945. 24 p. (No. 1.) (Rev. ed.) Linotype operation. By Harry L. Gage. 1947. 40 p. (No. 73.) Management engineering. By Nathaniel W. Barnes. 1946. 12 p. (No. 40.) The meat packing industry. By Edwin L. Heckler. 1944 23 p (No. 46.) Medicine. By Dwight O’Hara. 1946. 24 p. (No. 4.) (4th rev ed.) ‘ Modeling. By Harry Conover. 1946. 23 p. (No. 31.) Mortuary science. By Charles Donald Merrill. 1946. 23 p. (No. 67.) The motion picture industry. By Terry Ramsaye. 1945. 24 p (No. 52.) Music. By Everett B. Helm. 1946. 24 p. (No. 6.) Nursing. By Cecelia L. Schulz. 1946. 20 p. (No. 41.) Optometry. By H. Ward Ewalt, Jr. 1946. 31 p. (No. 61.) Patent law as a profession. By Karl Fenning. 1945 24 p (No. 56.) Personnel administration. By Clark C. Sorensen 1947 23 p (No. 70.) Pharmacy. By Earl P. Guth. 1945. 24 p. (No. 51.) Physical education. By George Makechnie. 1946. 24 p. (No. 68.) Physiotherapy. By Thomas Francis Hennessey. 1946 23 p (No 65.) ' Planning jobs and jobs in planning. By Otto H. Ehrlich. 1945 40 p (No. 54.) Portrait and commercial photography. By Benjamin M Pearson 1946. 21 p. (No. 62.) The program side of radio. By George Jennings. 1946. 16 p. (No. 44.) Public relations. By Edward L. Bernays. 1945. 23 p. (No. 58.) Real estate. By Horace H. Hume. 1946. 39 p. (No. 64.) Record photography in industry. By Wallace L. Cornwell 1945 23 p., illus. (No. 55.) 52 (39) Religion. By James A. Nichols, Jr. 1945. 24 p. (No. 18.) (40) Secretarial science. By Mildred J. Langston. 1945. 23 p. 50.) (41) Social work. By R. Clyde White. 1946. 24 p. (No. 19.) (42) Teaching. By William H. Burton. 194G. 24 p. (No. 12.) (No. Each monograph contains a short biography of the author, showing his competence in the field about which he is writing. Information is given about the history of the occupation, with a list of personal qualifications desirable in the worker. Particulars are furnished about training needed, employment possibilities, earnings, chances for advancement, and advantages and disadvantages of the work. In occupations where women do not predominate, special attention is given to opportunities for them. A bibliography is included in each monograph. Many of them also include a list of institutions offering training, a list of professional organi zations, and a list of professional periodicals. 411. Vocational guidance manuals. New York, N. Y., Vocational Guidance Manuals, Inc. (1) Opportunities in acting. By William Thorpe (Frank Vreeland). 1946. 92 p. (2) Opportunities in architecture. By William Thorpe (Frank Vree land). 1946. 92 p. (3) Opportunities in market research. By John H. Platten, Jr. 1946. 69 p. (4) Opportunities in travel. By Don Short. 1946. 78 p. In each manual, the author describes the various jobs in the occupation and tells about wages, advantages and disadvantages of the work, training needed, and opportunities for women in the field. A bibliography is included. 412. Vocational information for prospective bookkeepers and accountants. Business education world, 26: 310-312, February 1946. In outline form, information is offered about advantages and disadvantages, earnings, prepa ration, and trends of bookkeeping as an occupation. 413. Vocational information for prospective stenographers. cation world, 25: 557-560, June 1945. Business edu An outline is given of the activities of a stenographer, including preparation needed, atti tudes, earnings, trends of the occupation, and advantages and disadvantages. 414. Von Wien, Florence. Playwrights who are women. woman, 25: 12-14, January 1946. Independent A brief account of the work of contemporary women playwrights. 415. --------- Women who are stage designers. 134-136, May 1946. Independent woman, 25: This article discusses the work of a stage designer, which may include both scenery and costume design. The author gives some biographical information about well known women stage designers. 416. --------- Women who press-agent the plays. 10-12, January 1947. Independent woman, 26: This description of the work of a press agent includes information about desirable personal characteristics, wages, and advantages and disadvantages of the occupation. 417. War Manpower Commission. Division of Occupational Analysis. Job descriptions of office occupations. Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1945. 204 p. A history of office occupations with information on present status, methods of getting a job and chances for advancement. A job analysis of the principal office occupations is included. 53 418. Warren, Althea H. Vocations without regrets. letin, 18: 25-28, September 1943. Wilson library bul Librarianship as a career offers many satisfactions. A great variety of positions is open because of varying special needs of different groups of readers. 419. Wayland, Mary Marvin, McManus, R. Louise Metcalf, Faddis, Margene O. and Stewart, Isabel M. The hospital head nurse. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1944. 274 p. (2d ed.) The following are discussed: The place of the head nurse in the hospital, duties and respon sibilities, training and experience needed, and desirable personal characteristics. The relationship of the head nurse to the non-nursing staff is outlined, and an analysis is given of the duties of the members of the non-nursing and non-medical staff. 420. Weaver, Elaine Knowles. Needed: equipment workers. home economics, 40: 199-200, April 1948. Journal of A short description of opportunities for home economists trained in the field of household equipment. 421. Weaver, Polly. The air conditioned secretary. 218-219, 314, 316, March 1947. Mademoiselle, 24: Short accounts are given of secretaries whose work takes them by air to various countries. 422. --------1947. Alaska is work. Mademoiselle, 25: 176, 177, 345-348, May A description of the opportunities in Alaska for teachers, secretaries, nurses, social workers, and government workers. 423.--------- Architecture; jobs and partnerships. 218, 330-336, February 1947. Mademoiselle, 24: 216 The training of an architect is discussed, and information is given about experience, be ginning jobs, and advantages and disadvantages of the field for women. 424. --------1946. Career in the bud. Mademoiselle, 22: 190-191, 312-313, April Floriculture as a career is described, and information is given about desirable preparation and personal characteristics ; some information is included about landscape architecture as a career. 425. --------March 1945. Cooking with words. Mademoiselle, 20: 152-153, 261-265, A home economist who can write commands a larger salary. This article contains sug gestions about preparation, openings, and salaries for such a writer. 426. --------- Design for a modern career. 311, February 1946. Mademoiselle, 22: 174-175, 307 A definition of interior decorating and its demands is followed by information about preparation and experience which are requisite. The career of a museum worker in interior decoration is discussed also. 427. --------- The gift of healing. 176-179, December 1943. Mademoiselle, 18: 114-115, 171, 172, Occupational therapy and physical therapy are defined, and the fields of work are outlined. Desirable personal characteristics, training, and pay are discussed. 428. --------- Going up. Mademoiselle, 22: 156-157, 268-269, January 1946. Short biographies of women successful in the field of merchandising and copy writing, with information about wages, preparation, and schools offering preparatory courses. 429.--------- Happily ever after. cember 1947. Mademoiselle, 27: 170-171, 232-235, De The writing of children’s books as a vocation is discussed by telling of the professional careers of four successful authors; information is included about marketing of manuscripts. 54 430. --------- The house; redesigned for living. 300-304, 310, October 1945. Mademoiselle, 21: 150-151, The work of a household engineer, a new field, is described. Preparation needed, sources of employment, and short biographies of successful women are included. Information about industrial designing of household articles is offered. 431. --------October 1947. Mettle, clay, and metal. Mademoiselle, 26: 206-207, 244-248, v Craft work in various fields is described, with short biographical sketches of successful craftsmen. 432. --------- Seeing things through a camera. 325-326, October 1946. Mademoiselle, 23: 208-209, Openings in photography are described, specialties in the field are discussed, and informa tion is given about advantages and disadvantages. Short biographies of several successful women photographers are included. 433. --------- Take your medicine now. 127-130, 133 134, 136, June 1944. Mademoiselle, 19: 102-103, 124, Particulars are given about medicine as an occupation for women. The training required, specialization that is possible, and earnings are discussed. 434.--------- Time and wife savers. April 1947. Mademoiselle, 24: 220-221, 346-348, This short account of various types of personal service businesses includes descriptions of shopping service, party catering, and baby sitting. 435. --------1948. Woman, the x factor. Mademoiselle, 27: 145-147, February Women scientists and their problems are discussed, with short career histories of some women successful in the field. Some reasons are given why women are not given more opportunities for better jobs in science. 436. Weeks, Bertha M. vember 1945. Filing as a vocation. Occupations, 24: 79-83, No A short description of various types of materials to be filed is followed by a discussion of qualifications, working conditions, advantages and disadvantages of the occupation, advance ment possibilities, wages, and future of the occupation. 437. Welch, Mary Scott. 264-268, February 1948. From poll to poll. Mademoiselle, 27: 150-151, Market research includes the work of a librarian, a statistician, questionnaire writer, inter viewer, field supervisor, and analyst. The analysis of the work done by each is given with information about education needed, personal qualifications, and earnings. 438. Wells, Barbara. Feminine arm of the law. 34-36, 58, February 1948. Independent woman, 27: This description of the work of a policewoman includes information about age, educational requirements, and training. 439. Wessels, Florence. Women in journalism. 33: 169-182, Summer 1947. Women lawyers’ journal, Women are publishers, presidents, general managers, and editors of newspapers, as well as reporters. Short accounts are given of well known journalists with information about per sonal requirements, desirable education, and experience needed. 440. Western Personnel Service. Western Personnel Institute. Pasadena, Calif. (1) The carrier traffic manager; a transportation specialist. 1944. 28 p. (2) Foreign service. An occupational brief. 1947. 43 p. (3) Law enforcement; a profession for peace. 1945. 47 p., illus. % . 55 (4) Opportunities for psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychiatric social workers. An occupational brief. 1948. 38 p. (5) Personnel work; a survey of current trends. 1946. 33 p. (6) Social anthropology. By Margaret Mead. 1945. Pages not num bered. A definition of the duties of a worker in the field and of the various jobs is followed by information about opportunities, working conditions, training needed, earnings, and oppor tunities for advancement. Special attention is given to opportunities for women. Bibliographies are usually included. 441. Westmoreland, M. G. Clinical laboratory technicians. 196-197, 231-232, March 1944. Hygeia, 22: Training requirements for clinical laboratory technicians, salaries paid, and future oppor tunities in the occupation. 442. --------1944. Medical record librarians. Hygeia, 22: 24-25, 48, January The training of a medical record librarian is outlined and some information is offered about the work. 443. ---------• Physical therapy technicians. February 1944. Hygeia, 22: 112-113, 122-123, Technical training of a physical therapist and opportunities for employment are discussed. 444. --------- X-ray technicians. Hygeia, 22: 276-277, April 1944. This description of the work of an x-ray technician includes training needed and trends of the occupation. 445. Wheeler, Joseph L. Progress and problems in education for librarianship. New York, N. Y., Carnegie Corporation, 1946. 107 p. This report of matters affecting present-day training for librarianship, with reference to library schools, contains information about desirable personal characteristics of librarians, training, and salaries. 446. White, Barbara. Opportunities for the physical therapist. tions, 26: 245-247, January 1948. Occupa Opportunities for physical therapists exist in governmental agencies, in industry, in child care institutions, and in public schools. The Educational Secretary of the American Physical Therapy Association gives information about requirements for entrance into physical therapy schools and a list of approved schools. 447. Whitman, Howard. M. D. for men only? 73: 32, 73, 76, 77, November 1946. Woman’s home companion, The difficulties experienced by women who wish to be doctors are described. Difficulties exist in getting training and in finding opportunities for internship, as well as for prac ticing after graduation. 448. Woellner, Robert C. and Wood, M. Arvilla. Requirements for certifica tion of teachers and administrators in elementary and secondary schools and junior colleges 1948-1949. Chicago, 111., University of Chicago Press, 1948. Pages not numbered, processed. (13th ed.) Considering only regular initial certification requirements, the book is arranged by States, and offers information about requirements for obtaining secondary school teacher certificates, elementary teacher certificates, and administrative certificates. 449. Wolseley, Roland B. and Campbell, Lawrence R. Exploring journalism. New York, N. Y., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1944. 482 p., illus. Chapter 4 of this survey of the field of journalism gives information about careers in the field and the reasons why journalism satisfies as a vocation. The opportunities in different fields, qualifications, physical and mental, of a journalist, training offered in colleges with a list of colleges, and getting a job and advancing in it are all discussed. Several paragraphs are devoted to opportunities for women in journalism. 56 450. Woolf, James D. Getting a job in advertising. Ronald Press Co., 1946. 103 p. New York, N. Y., The Chapter 13 outlines opportunities in advertising for women with agencies, with retail stores, with mail order houses, and in publicity. The author gives information about requirements of the job, education needed, and fields of advertising. 451. Women in banking. 1946. 48 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Association of bank women, Information is offered about the number of women in various positions in the banking field, particularly in executive work. Included are demands of these positions, opportunities for training in banking, and probable future of women in the occupation. 452. Women on the railroads. 1947. Scholastic teacher, prep., 1: 14, 15, Apr. 14, Some information is offered about the types of jobs held by women on railroads and about wages, chances for advancement, and desirable personal qualifications. 453. Women’s garment industry. Scholastic teacher, 1: 5-7, Dec. 9, 1946. A short account of the women’s garment industry, including conditions of work, history, and wages of workers. 454. Women wanted in textile testing, designing, advertising. teacher, 1: 10-11, Dec. 9, 1946. Scholastic A short account of the work of a textile tester, a textile designer, a copy writer, and a merchandise worker. 455. Woodford, Lois W. Trends in industrial employment of women chem ists. Journal of chemical education, 22: 236 238, May 1945. A summary of opportunities for women chemists. 456. Woodhouse, Chase Going. Wagnalls Co., 1943. 196 p. The big store. New York, N. Y., Funk & The different types of positions in a department store and a chain store are described, including selling, buying, publicity, store operation, finance, and control. For the different jobs, information is offered about education required, wages, chances for advancement, and advantages and disadvantages. The Appendix contains a list of universities and professional schools offering specialized training for department store work. A bibliography is included. 457. --------- and Cloud, Hilda. The home economist in public service. Women’s work and education, 16: 1-5, Summer 1945. Opportunities for women trained in home economics in the following fields are described: Home supervisor, food inspector, home demonstrator, school lunch supervisor, and industrial feeding specialist. The work, preparation required, and earnings are discussed. 45g. ____________ Some job opportunities for the home economist. Women’s work in education, 16: 1-6, Fall 1945. The work of the home economist in institutional dietetics, the American Red Cross, in services for young children, in high schools and colleges, in public housing, and in social work is outlined, with information about preparation, and salary schedules. 459. Wright, Barbara H. Minneapolis school counselors analyze their jobs. Occupations, 24: 214-219, January 1946. This analysis includes duties performed and knowledge and skills needed by counselors in junior and in senior high schools and by deans of students. 460. Wrigley, Arthur B. Practical nursing; a promising occupation for women. Journal of the American vocational association, 22: 10-11, January 1947. A definition of a practical nurse, and a discussion of the need for these workers. 57 461. Yarrell, Zuleika. Women in medicine. ogy, 17: 492- 497, April 1944. Journal of educational sociol Opportunities tor women in medicine are outlined, particularly in the fields of public health, research, psychiatry, and psychosomatic medicine. * 462. Zapoleon, Marguerite Wykoff. Education and employment opportunities for women. The annals, 251: 165-173, May 1947. Specialized preparation of women for various occupations is discussed: Teaching, nursing, medicine and pharmacy, dentistry and dental hygiene, law, engineering, architecture, chemistry, social work, library work, home economics, clerical, sales, service, and manufacturing occu- ^ pations. OCCUPATIONAL BIOGRAPHIES AND FICTION This section includes biographies and autobiographies of women whose work has lain in particular occupational fields, and fiction showing the occupational life of girls and women. 463. Baker, Louise (Maxwell). Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 213 p. Out on a limb. New York, N. Y., McGraw- The autobiography of a writer, crippled in early youth, describing the effect of her handi cap upon her life and work. 464. Beatty, Jerome. 104, November 1943. So that mothers may live. Reader’s digest, 43: 101 This short account of the work of Dr. Ida Scudder tells of her medical activities for women in India. 465. Best, Anna L. It wasn’t a better mousetrap, but— woman, 27: 15, January 1948. Independent This short account of the career of Dee Givens tells of her success as an originator and manufacturer of baby specialties. 466. Boyce, Burke. 247 p. Miss Mallett. New York, N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1948. A story of a schoolteacher’s life, work, and aspirations. 467. Boylston, Helen Dore. Carol on Broadway. Brown & Co., 1944. 222 p., illus. Boston, Mass., Little, The adventures of the heroine in finding a position on the New York stage. 468.--------- Carol on tour. p., illus. Boston, Mass., Little, Brown & Co., 1946. 205 The adventures of the heroine while an actress on the road. 469. Brewer, Faith. November 1947. * She called it luck. Independent woman, 26: 320-322, A short account of the life and work of Hazel Kingsbury, photographer. 470. Bryan, Florence Horn. Susan B. Anthony, champion of women’s rights. New York, N. Y., Julian Messner, Inc., 1947. 186 p., illus. * A biography of Susan B. Anthony, worker for woman suffrage. 471. Carhartt, Corinne. Immortalizing the hands of the immortals. pendent woman, 26: 98-100, April 1947. Inde Information about the work of Ray Shaw, the sculptor. 472. Chandler, Caroline A. Dr. Kay Winthrop, intern. Dodd, Mead & Co., 1947. 195 p. New York, N. Y., A description of the experiences of the heroine as an intern in a large hospital. 58 473. --------- Susie Stuart, home front doctor. Mead & Co., 1943. 187 p. New York, N. Y., Dodd, The heroine’s work in medical research and her experiences in the clinic are described in this novel. 474. Chase, Genevieve. Four young teachers. Mead & Co., 1947. 300 p. New York, N. Y., Dodd, * Four girls observe different Helds of teaching, and decide to take work which will prepare them to become teachers. 475. Cobb, Meta R. and Hudson, Holland. Joan chooses occupational therapy. New York, N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1944. 214 p. . A novel about the training and work of an occupational therapist. 476. Creswell, Lena. ber 1945. Zoo lady. Independent woman, 24: 351, 364, Decem A description of the work of Mrs. Belle J. Benchley, Curator, San Diego Zoo. 477. Dache, Lilly. Talking through my hats. McCann, Inc., 1946. 265 p. New York, N. Y., Coward- A famous milliner tells of her life, her working experience, and her customers. 478. de Leeuw, Adele. 1944. 210 p. Dr. Ellen. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., This novel describes various steps in the heroine's medical training. 479. --------- Future for sale. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1946. 211 p. A story about store work, its adventures, shown in the experiences of the heroine. 480. --------1945. With a high heart. and its advantages and disadvantages, as New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 207 p. The work of a librarian, its difficulties, as well as its rewards and interests, are described in this novel. 481. Deming, Dorothy. Pam Wilson, registered nurse. Dodd, Mead & Co., 1946. 277 p. New York, N. Y., This story tells of the experiences of the heroine during her first year as a professional nurse. 482. Dodd, Sue. July 1947. She cooked up a new career. Independent woman, 26: 189, An account of the work of Vera Arnold, inventor and manufacturer of special glazes and paints. , 483. Doolittle, Dorothy Bailey. Women in science. education, 22: 171-174, April 1945. Journal of chemical * Short biographies of women successful in various fields of science, chemistry, astronomy, physiology, and medical research. 484. Erdman, Loula Grace. Fair is the morning. mans Green & Co., 1945. 186 p. New York, N. Y., Long- A story about a rural teacher who succeeded in making the school the center of commu nity activities. 485. Eskil, Ragna B. 6-8, January 1948. She steps one rung higher. The life and work of the sculptor, Nellie V. Walker. Independent woman, 27: • 59 486. Feder, Joseph Marvin and Tribble, Evelyn H. Judy Page, medical technologist. New York, N. Y,, William-Frederick Press, 1946. 219 p. A novel about the training and work of a medical technologist. 487. Floyd, Olive. Sons, 1944. 270 p. Doctora in Mexico. New York, N. Y., G. P. Putnam’s An account of the life and work of Dr. Katherine Neel Dale, an American doctor in Mexico. 488. Foster, Inez Whiteley. At home with the first lady of the circus. Independent woman, 25: 148-150, May 1946. A short account of the life and work of Edith Ringling. 489. --------- Success secret of best-selling author. 9-10, January 1948. Independent woman, 27: The author, Margaret Lee Runbeck, gives some career advice to would-be writers in this short account of her life and work. 490. Gallagher, Louise Barnes. Mary Bray, fashion designer. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1945. 210 p. New York, The work and experiences of the heroine as a designer of women’s clothes. 491. Gardner, Mary Sewall. millan Co., 1946. 298 p. Katharine Kent. New York, N. Y., The Mac . The work and adventures of a public health nurse are described in this novel. 492. Goff, Alice C. Women can be engineers. Bros., Inc., 1946. 227 p. processed. Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brief biographies of 18 women well known in the fields of civil engineering, mining engineer ing, aeronautical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineer ing, industrial engineering, geology, construction engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, refrigeration engineering, and manufacture of electrical equipment. 493. Gordon, J. 114, April 1946. Emily slicks the chicks. American magazine, 141: 30, 31, A short account of the style career of Emily Wilkins, designer of teen-age fashions. 494. Gove, Gladys F. High power woman-power on the job. woman, 22: 200-201, July 1943. Independent Brief biographies of women notable in several fields of work, including a physician, an economist, and an engineer. 495. Grimball, Frances R. Old Charleston lives again in houses rescued by Miss Sue. Independent woman, 25: 298-300, October 1946. An account of work done in Charleston, South Carolina, by Susan Pringle Frost, who is a real estate worker and restorer of old houses. 496. Grumbine, M. Evalyn. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1944. Patsy succeeds in advertising. 264 p. New York, The heroine’s work and experiences as an advertising director. 497. Hall, Marjory. 1944. 188 p„ illus. After a fashion. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co A novel describing the career of a department store worker. 498. --------- Model child. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1945. 211 p. A novel about the life and work of a fashion model. 499. Harrington, Ruth Lee. Cartoon champion of the bobby soxers. pendent woman, 26: 200-201, 206, July 1947. A short account of the life and work of Marty Links, the cartoonist. Inde 60 500. Hawks, Josephine. She runs an all-woman bank. 22: 298, 313, October 1943. Independent woman, A short biography of a woman who is a successful bank president. 501. Hinkley, Laura L. House, 1946. 374 p. Ladies of literature. New York, N. Y., Hastings This publication contains short biographies of Fanny Burney, Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and George Eliot. 502. Hogeboom, Amy. Ann comes to New York. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1944. 210 p. New York, N. Y., The story of the work and adventures of a young newspaper reporter. 503. Hood, Flora Mae. Impresaria of native folk art. 26: 128-130, 152, May 1947. Independent woman, An account of the work of Sarah Gertrude Knott, promoter of regional folk festivals. 504. Howard, Margaret. She’s “Pinky” to 193,700 constant readers. pendent woman, 25: 262- 264, September 1946. Inde This is an account of the life and work of Frances Belford Wayne, newspaper feature writer. 505. Hughes, Lora Wood. Mifflin Co., 1946. 305 p. No time for tears. Boston, Mass., Houghton This autobiography of a professional nurse offers a good deal of information about the personal characteristics desirable and the judgment which a professional nurse must exercise. 506. Keen, Raya. Co., 1946. 318 p. She shall have music. Philadelphia, Pa., J. B. Lippincott A novel which describes the life and work of a ballet dancer. 507. Kerr, Laura. 1946. 209 p., illus. Dr. Elizabeth. New York, N. Y., Thomas Nelson & Sons, This biography of Elizabeth Blackwell, pioneer woman physician, is in story form. 508. Knapp, Sally E. New wings for women. Y. Crowell Co., 1946. 179 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Thomas Brief biographies of women who have achieved success as pilot, meteorologist, aircraft designer, flight nurse, stewardess, aviation editor, flight instructor, aeronautical engineer, and glider pilot. 509. --------- Women doctors today. Co., 1947. 184 p. New York, N. Y., Thomas Y. Crowell Short biographies of 12 women physicians. 510. Lansing, Elisabeth. Nancy Naylor, visiting nurse. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1947. 241 p. New York, N. Y., The work and adventures of the heroine, a visiting nurse in a small community. 511. Lawrence, Gertrude. Doran Co., 1945. 238 p. A star danced. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday The autobiography of Gertrude Lawrence, the actress. 512. Liggett, Lila N. Artist on the warpath. 46-47, 61, February 1944. Independent woman, 23: An account of the career and work of Tonita Pena, the Indian woman artist. 513. --------May 1947. Topside coal miner. Independent woman, 26: 125-126, 144, A description of the work of Veda Burford, a coal mine safety supervisor. 61 514. McBride, Mary Margaret. Dodd, Mead & Co., 1945. 191 p. Tune in for Elizabeth. New York, N. Y., A story about the work and experiences of a radio interviewer. 515. McCleery, Ada Belle. 494-495, 532, 534, July 1944, Women in science and medicine. Hygeia, 22: Short biographies of women scientists and physicians. 516. Malvern, Gladys. Gloria, ballet dancer. Messner, Inc., 1946. 184 p. New York, N. Y., Julian A novel about the training and work of a ballet dancer. 517. Manning, Marie (Beatrice Fairfax). York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1944. Ladies now and then. 254 p. New The autobiography of a successful newspaper woman. 518. Miller, Basil. Ten girls who became famous. Zondervan Publishing House, 1946. 72 p. Grand Rapids, Mich., Short biographies of Florence Nightingale, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, Frances Willard, and several famous women missionaries. 519. Miller, Henry Wise. Inc., 1945. 229 p., illus. All our lives. New York, N. Y., Howard-McCann, A biography of Alice Duer Miller, the author, written by her husband. 520. Moore, Grace. You’re only human once. day, Doran & Co., Inc., 1944. 275 p. Garden City, N. Y., Double A singer and movie star tells her life story. 521. Olds, Helen Diehl. Lark, radio singer. Messner, Inc., 1946. 256 p., illus. New York, N. Y., Julian The adventures of the heroine during her preparation for a professional radio career. 522. Paul, Marcia. Mary Allen, publicity girl. Messner, Inc., 1947. 215 p. New York, N. Y., Julian The career of the heroine as a publicity writer and promoter. 523. Paxton, Annabel. Women in Congress. Press, Inc., 1945. 134 p., illus. Richmond, Va., The Dietz Brief biographies of women who have served in both houses of Congress. 524. Pesotta, Rose. & Co., 1944. 435 p. Bread upon the water. New York, N. Y., Dodd, Mead The autobiography of a union organizer in the garment industry. 525. Peterson, Houston, ed. Great teachers portrayed by those who studied under them. New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers University Press, 1946. 351 p. Short accounts of the life and work of two women teachers are included in this collection of reminiscences and biographies. 526. Pickett, Grace. At eighty-six, the sensation of the art world. pendent woman, 25: 368-370, December 1946. Inde Facts about the life and work of Anna Mary Robertson Moses. 527. --------- First among women sculptors. 27, January 1946. Independent woman, 25: 5-7, A short biographical sketch of Anna Hyatt Huntington, the sculptor. 528. --------- Twelve women painters of distinction. 25: 336-338, 348, November 1946. Independent woman, Short biographical sketches and accounts of the work of 12 women artists in the United States. 62 529. Ross, Nancy Wilson. H. Knopf, 1944. 199 p. Westward the women. New York, N. Y., Alfred Accounts of pioneer women including the life of Bethenia Owens-Adair, a physician in Oregon. 530. Rubin, Victor. 26, 1946. Portia from Pittsburgh. Colliers, 118: 44, 48-51, Oct. The career of Anne Alpern, a lawyer in Pittsburgh. 531. Ryan, Mary Ellen. Not such a silly girl. 352-354, 363, December 1945. Independent woman, 24: A short biography of Egna Enters as an actress, artist, and writer. 532. --------- Solomon could have been a lady. 297, 317, October 1946. Independent woman, 25: An account of the work of a woman judge, Mrs. Georgia P. Bullock. 533. Stebbins, Lucy Poate. A Victorian album. University Press, 1946. 226 p. New York, N. Y., Columbia Biographies of several women writers. 534. Stoddard, Anne, ed. Topflight famous American women. N. Y., Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1946. 224 p. New York, Short biographies of Katherine Cornell, actress : Dorothy C. Stratton, of the SPARS ; Dorothy Lathrop, artist; Ruth Nichols, aviator; Mildred McAfee Horton, college president; Lillian M. Gilbreth, engineer; Mary Lewist, stylist; Alice T. Hobart, writer : Marion Anderson, singer; Margaret Bourke-White, photographer; Carrie Chapman Catt, suffrage leader ; Bessie Beatty, radio commentator; and Mabel Louise Robinson, writer. 535. Strasburger, Coral Hollingsworth. She made a career out of the classi fieds. Independent woman, 26: 133 134, May 1947, Information about the career of Maude O’Bryan Roustrom, columnist. 536. Stroh, Mary Margaret. Gamma Society, 1947. 60 p. Eyes to see. Austin, Tex., Delta Kappa The rewards of teaching and the personality which a good teacher brings to her work are out lined in this collection of biographies of teachers in many types of communities. 537. Swarthout, Gladys. Mead & Co., 1943. 278 p. Come soon tomorrow. New York, N. Y., Dodd, The training and work of the heroine as a singer. 538. Temple, Shirley. My young life. Publishing Co., 1945. 253 p., illus. Garden City, N. Y., Garden City The autobiography of a film star. 539. Tucker, Sophie (Abuza). Some of these days. Doubleday Doran & Co., 1945. 309 p. Garden City, N. Y., The autobiography of a singer, motion picture actress, and entertainer. 540. Turner, Mary Ellis. Karen Long, medical technician. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1944. 211 p. New York, This novel describes the preparation of the heroine for work as a medical technician. 541. U. S. Department of Labor. Women’s Bureau. Women in radio. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. 30 p. (Bulletin 222.) Brief biographies of women, well-known nationally on their own radio networks, are presented, together with a short description of the work in each field. Among the fields are the following: Commentator, actress, producer, director, station program manager, sports commentator, musi cian, retail advertiser, network executive, network librarian, director of press information, public relations representative, worker in advertising agencies, script writer, radio monitor, liaison director, and television writer. 63 542. Van Hoosen, Bertha. & Cudahy, 1947. 324 p. Petticoat surgeon. New York, N. Y., Pellegrini The autobiography of a woman surgeon, this volume gives information about her training and experience and the development of medical work for women. 543. Von Wien, Florence. The theatre of Martha Graham. woman, 26: 65-66, March, 1947. Independent A short biography and description of the work of a dancer. 544. --------March 1946. Women who direct plays. Independent woman, 25: 80-82, The work of Antoinette Perry as stage director is described, and some facts about her career and the careers of other women stage directors are given. 545. --------- Women who produce plays. 58, February 1946. Independent woman, 25: 48-50, Information about several successful women producers of plays. 546. Waite, Helen E. Butterfly takes command. Philadelphia, Pa., MacraeSmith Co., 1944. 297 p., illus. The heroine decides on library work as a career after acting as a library assistant, where her adventures are described. 547. Waugh, Dorothy. Girl cartoonist shows us our foibles. woman, 25: 70-71, 93-94, March 1946. Independent An account of the work and training of Mary Gibson, cartoonist. 548. Wells, Barbara. Creates chart to teach body control. woman, 26: 319, 333, November 1947. Independent A short account of the work of Ruth Aust, physiotherapist. 549. Wells, Helen. Cherry Ames; private duty nurse. Grosset & Dunlap, 1946. 216 p. New York, N. Y., The adventures and work of Cherry Ames on private duty nursing. 550. --------Dunlap, 1946. Cherry Ames, veterans’ nurse. 216 p. New York, N. Y., Grosset & The adventures of Cherry Ames in a veterans’ hospital. 551. Whitney, Phyllis A. Mifflin Co., 1945. 272 p. The silver inkwell. Boston, Mass., Houghton The story of a girl who succeeds in her ambition to become a writer of children’s stories. 552. --------1943. 193 p. A window for Julie. Boston, Mass,, Houghton Mifflin Co., A novel describing the work and experiences of a girl in the window display division of a department store. 553. Williams, Beryl (Epstein). Fashion is our business. Pa., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1945. 205 p., illus. Philadelphia, Short biographies of American designers with some details of their special methods and reasons for their success. 554.---------- People are our business. Co., 1947. 180 p. • Philadelphia, Pa., J. B. Lippincott Short biographies of persons whose work lies chiefly with people: Children’s librarian, psy chiatric social worker, employment placement consultant, industrial relations director, union secretary, and occupational therapist. 64 555. Williamson, Anne A. Fifty years in starch. ray & Gee, 1948. 245 p., illus. Culver City, Calif., Mur A nurse tells of her life and work. 556. Yost, Edna. American women of nursing. Lippincott Co., 1947. 197 p. Philadelphia, Pa., J. B. After a short history of nursing, the author gives brief biographies of ten women who achieved success as nurses and shows the demands of this career in various special and general fields. 557. Young, Miriam Burt. Mother wore tights. Hill Book Co., Inc., 1944. 255 p., illus. New York, N. Y., McGraw- A description of the life of a vaudeville actress. TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES This section includes lists of schools and colleges which admit women students; institutions offering vocational courses in occu pations in which women predominate, or for which preparation is available to them; scholarships and student aid available to girls and women. 558. Accredited library schools. H 84-85, Dec. 15, 1944. American library association bulletin, 38: A list of library schools classified and accredited by the Board of Librarianship, American Library Association. 559. American art annual. Vol. XXXVI. American Federation of Art, 1945. 492 p. Part I. Washington, D. C., The section on art schools, arranged alphabetically by States, contains information for each school about costs, enrollment, whether men or women or both are accepted as students, types of courses given, and areas of art in which instruction is offered. 560. American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Institutions giving professional training in health and physical education in the United States. Washington, D. C., The Association, 1947. 9 p. processed. A list of colleges and universities offering a bachelor’s degree, with physical education as a major subject. 561. American Association of Social Workers. Social work fellowships and scholarships offered during the year 1948-1949. New York, N. Y., The Asso ciation, 1947. Pages not numbered. Fellowships, scholarships, and loans offered in member schools of the American Association of Schools of Social Work arranged alphabetically by the name of the institution ; other scholarships and fellowships listed by the name of the sponsoring organization. Data about amounts of fellow ships and scholarships, conditions of the grants, and sources of further information. 562. American Medical Association. Council on Medical Education and Hospitals. Approved colleges of arts and sciences. Chicago, 111., The Asso ciation, 1946. 17 p. The American Medical Association furnishes the “list of approved colleges of arts and sciences as a guide to medical schools in the selection of students and also to assist the prospective medical student in choosing a college for his premedical training.” A number of women’s colleges and coeducational colleges are included. 563. --------- Council on Medical Education and Hospitals. medical school. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1946. 14 p. Choice of a This summary of information about the study of medicine includes a discussion of premedical education, accrediting of subjects in the approved curriculum of a medical school, information 65 about cost, internship, and licensure, and a list of approved medical schools in the United States. One section is devoted to women in medicine. 564. American Nurses’ Association. operation with The National League of Organization for Public Health Nursing. and graduate nurses. New York, N. Y., Nursing Information Bureau in co Nursing Education and the National Educational funds for student nurses The Association, 1947. 15 p. Scholarships and loan funds for students and for graduate nurses are listed by organizations offering such assistance. Amounts available, conditions, and data about methods of application are included. 565. --------- Nursing Information Bureau. Schools of nursing approved by the respective State boards of nurse examiners. New York, N. Y., The Association, 1947. 31 p. Approved schools of nursing are listed alphabetically by States and cities, with information about age of admittance, academic requirements and policy regarding admission of married women as students. 566. Approved schools for medical record librarians. ican medical association, 137: 1459, Aug. 14, 1948. Journal of the Amer A list of schools approved by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association, with information about college affiliation, length of course, date when classes begin, entrance requirements, cost of course, enrollment, and certificate or degree granted. 567. Approved schools for medical technologists. medical association, 137: 1462-1466, Aug. 14, 1948. Journal of the American Schools are listed by States, with information about college affiliation, minimum prerequisite college training, length of course, enrollments, date when classes begin, and tuition. 568. Approved schools for occupational therapy technicians. American medical association 137: 1460, Aug. 14, 1948. Journal of the Schools are listed by States, with information about college affiliation, length of course, date when classes begin, entrance requirements, tuition, certificate or diploma granted, and number of graduates in 1947. 569. Approved schools for physical therapy technicians. American medical association, 137: 1461, Aug. 14, 1948. Journal of the Schools are listed by States, and information is given about entrance requirements, length of course, date when classes begin, enrollments, tuition, and certificate or diploma granted. 570. Approved schools for X-ray technicians. Journal of the American medical association, 137: 1456-1459, Aug. 14, 1948. Schools are listed by States, with information about entrance requirements, length of course, enrollments, date when classes begin, tuition, and degree or certificate granted. 571. Bogue, Jesse P. American junior colleges. Washington, D. C., Amer ican Council on Education, 1948. 537 p. (2d ed.) Accredited junior colleges are listed alphabetically with information about history, cost, enroll ment, and fields of instruction. Junior colleges for men and for women are separately listed in one section. Information is offered about professional and terminal curricula. Many of these terminal courses are of particular interest to women. 572. Brown, Milton, ed. Vocational training directory for the Philadelphia area. Philadelphia, Pa., B nai B’rith group vocational guidance service, 1944. 110 p. Schools are grouped by occupations taught, with information about tuition, length of course, admission date, entrance requirements, and placement facilities. Many of the vocations are of interest to women. 66 573. Brumbaugh, A. J. American universities and colleges. Washington, D. C., American Council on Education, 1948. 1054 p. (5th ed.) An alphabetical list of 820 accredited universities and colleges, with information about their history, faculty, enrollment of men and women, degree requirements, and physical assets. The chapter on professional education includes the following specialized fields of interest to women: Education, home economics, nursing education, social work, and library work. 574. Dewart, Donald. Educational institutions of New England. Mass., Bellman Publishing Co., Inc., 1946. 512 p. Boston, Written to provide educational information about all schools and colleges, both academic and vocational, in each State in New England, this publication includes the following data about each institution: Courses olfered including librarian, social worker, designer, nurse, beauty culture worker, musician, secretary, and teacher; costs ; number on faculty; number of students ; geo graphical location of school; an index of courses by occupations. 575. Educational preparation for public administration. Administration Clearing House, 1946. 19 p. processed. Chicago, 111., Public A list of colleges and universities offering programs of training in public administration. 576. Federal Radio Education Committee directory of college radio courses. Washington, D. C., The Committee, 1947. 25 p. processed. (Published with the cooperation of the U. S. Office of Education.) A number of institutions exclusively for women and many coeducational institutions are in cluded in this list of colleges and universities offering courses in different branches of radio. Listing is alphabetically by institutions and by States. 577. Federal Security Agency. Office of Education. Accredited higher institutions, 1944. By Ella B. Ratcliffe. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1945. 144 p. (Bulletin 1944, no. 3.) Accreditation of universities, colleges, junior colleges, teacher training institutions, with a iist of institutions accredited, accreditation of professional and technical schools, and a list of these schools so accredited will be found in this publication. Among these institutions are those in the fields of library science, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, and social work. S'78-------------------- Accredited programs in public health nursing. education, 2: 8, Nov. 1, 1945. Higher A list of 32 institutions in which programs of study in public health nursing have been approved by the National Organization for Public Health Nursing. 579.-------------------- Directory, colleges and universities offering graduate courses leading to master’s and doctor’s degrees 1940-1945. Washington, D. C., The Office, not dated. 15 p. processed. The institutions are listed by States, with information about the number of master’s and doc tor’s degrees granted 1940-1945. Many women’s colleges and coeducational institutions are included. 580.------------------- Educational directory 1948-1949, Part III, higher educa tion. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1948. 173 p. Colleges, universities, professional and technological schools, teachers’ colleges and normal schools, and junior colleges are listed alphabetically by States. Information about the number enrolled, accreditation, and whether the institution is for women, for men, or for both. 581-------------------- - Offerings in the fields of guidance and personnel work in colleges and universities, summer 1948. By Clifford P. Froehlieh. Wash ington, D. C., The Office, 1948. 31 p. processed. (Misc. 3162, rev. 1948.) Institutions offering courses in guidance and personnel work during the summer of 1948 listed alphabetically by States, with dates when courses are offered, and information about credits given. Conferences, workshops, and institutes are included. 582.- ------------------- A partial list of public day trade or vocational schools for girls, or schools which have a girls’ department. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1946. 15 p. processed. A list of public vocational schools for girls arranged by States and cities. 67 583.------------------- What school or college? By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1948. 4 p. processed. (Misc. 3276.) The following are listed: Directories of colleges and universities approved by accrediting asso ciations, including institutions offering professional training ; accredited secondary school direc tories ; directories of institutions teaching vocations ; directories of schools in several geographical areas ; and directories of correspondence schools. 584. Feiker, Frederick M. Opportunities lor trained men and women in the textile and related industries. Washington, D. C., The Textile Foundation for the National Council of Textile School Deans, not dated. Pages not numbered. This pamphlet describes opportunities in the textile industry for trained men and women and provides a list of textile schools. 585. Good, Carter V. A guide to colleges, universities, and professional schools in the United States. Washington, D. C., American Council on Educa tion, 1945. 681 p. Institutions are listed alphabetically by States, and information is given about size, enrollment, and courses offered. Information is also given about whether the institutions are for women only, for men, or for both men and women. Professional schools are listed alphabetically by professions. 586. Guide to scholarships. A directory of information on scholarships available through the undergraduate colleges located in New York City. New York, N. Y., Federation Employment Service, 1948. 25 p. processed. This directory lists scholarships available through the colleges located in New York City which offer courses leading to a bachelor’s degree through the University of the State of New York and through a selected list of foundations. For each of the 52 colleges, listed alphabetically, the following information is given: Major fields of study; kind and number of scholarships and the amount of each; length of scholarship, eligibility requirements, and directions about making application. An index of the list of majors offered in the schools is provided. Among the institu tions are many for women only, or for both men and women. 587. Hughes, John H. Educational and training opportunities. A coun selor’s handbook. Augusta, Maine, Maine State Department of Education, Division of Vocational Education, 1946. 56 p. A directory of all types of schools and colleges in the State of Maine. 588. Hurt, Huber William and Abbott, Marion. Yonkers, N. Y., Christian E. Burckel, 1947. 400 p. The college blue book. Colleges, including junior colleges, are listed alphabetically by States, with information about enrollment of men and of women, accreditation, subjects taught, and fees. Professional and tech nical schools are listed separately. Among these are training schools for nurses, for teachers, and for social workers. 589. Institute of Women’s Professional Relations. Directory of colleges, universities, and professional schools offering training in occupations con cerned with business and industry. Compiled by Mary M. Pendergrast. New London, Conn., Connecticut College, Research Headquarters, 1947. 645 p. processed. The institutions are arranged under the following headings: Business, home economics, and industry. They are listed geographically by States with information for each institution about entrance requirements, length of course, degrees granted, tuition fees, living expenses, and fel lowships and loan funds available. Women’s colleges and coeducational institutions are included. 590. --------- Directory of colleges, universities, and professional schools offering training in occupations concerned with health. Compiled by Claire B. Benenson. New London, Conn., The Institute, 1945. 346 p. processed. The institutions offering training in each occupation are listed by States, and information is given about entrance requirements, length of course, degrees, tuition fees, living expenses, and fellowships and loan funds available. The names of the schools to which women are not admitted are listed in the introduction to each chapter, which includes also names of professional organi zations in the field. 68 591. --------- Directory of colleges, universities, and professional schools offering training in professions other than those concerned with health and the arts. Compiled by Claire B. Benenson. New London, Conn., The Institute, Research Headquarters, Connecticut College, 1944. 550 p. processed. Volume II of a series of lists of institutions offering specialized training, this publication arranges by States, institutions offering training in the following: Education, child development and parent education, training of teachers of exceptional children, training of teachers for the physically handicapped and for speech correction, schools for teaching techniques of audio-visual instruction and for training in student personnel work ; institutions for teaching physical educa tion, library work, journalism, social work, law, public administration, and engineering ; graduate work in natural sciences, including anthropology, astronomy, bacteriology, botany, chemistry, genetics, geography, geology, mathematics, physics, and zoology. Information is given in most cases about the location of the institution, the name of the dean, entrance requirements, length of course, degree granted, and estimated expenses. The names and addresses of professional associations and organizations are given for each field of training. + * 592. --------- Fellowships and other aid for advanced work. Compiled by Mary M. Pendergrast. New London, Conn., The Institute, Research Head quarters, Connecticut College, 1947. 471 p. processed. Institutions which offer fellowships, scholarships, assistantships, and special grants for pro fessional or advanced work which have a value of $100 or more for the academic year are listed alphabetically by States. Awards open only to men or only to women are designated. Section II lists organizations other than colleges, universities, and professional schools offering awards. One of the indexes lists subjects for study or research for which scholarship aid is available. 593. Lovejoy, Clarence E. Lovejoy’s complete guide to American colleges and universities. New York, N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1948. 158 p. Institutions are listed alphabetically by States. Information about accreditation, enrollment of men and of women, cost, scholarships, and degrees granted. 594. Miller, Adeline E. and Canon, Genevieve Orr. Schools of the eastern United States. New Castle, Pa., State Schools, 1946. 322 p. Institutions, listed alphabetically by States, are classified as professional and technical, teachers’ colleges and normal schools, schools for colored students, junior colleges, preparatory and spe cialized schools, nurses’ training schools, and schools of beauty culture. Information is offered about courses and costs and whether men or women or both are accepted as students. 595. National Association of Schools of Music. List of members of the National Association of Schools of Music. Memphis, Tenn., Memphis College of Music, The Association, 1947. 24 p. An alphabetic list of member schools and associate members. Junior colleges and preparatory schools are listed with addresses and indication of affiliation with other educational institutions. Information about degrees conferred in music. Many of the institutions are for girls, or are coeducational. 596. National Council of Business Schools. Directory of private business schools in the United States. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1948. 48 p. Part I lists private business schools offering one or more of the Council’s standard courses of * study. Part II lists the standards of practice required. 597. National Home Study Council. Home study blue book. By J. F. Noffsinger. Washington, D. C., The Council, 1948. 31 p., illus. (12th ed.) This directory includes a list of approved schools and courses for home study. Many of the vocational courses are of interest to women. 598. Patterson, Homer L. Patterson’s American educational directory. Chicago, 111., American Educational Co., 1947. 1024 p. Colleges and schools are listed by geographical location and by type of training offered. Infor mation about colleges for women and preparatory schools for girls, as well as about coeducational institutions. Types of courses offered, including vocational courses, date of establishment of each institution, and the name of the president or school head. % 69 599. Photographic information. Photographic schools, photographic soci eties. By Mary Sullivan. Cincinnati, Ohio, Minicam Photography, 1947. 44 p. Schools which offer courses in photography are listed by States. Information is given about the names of the instructor, details of the course, and cost of tuition. Many of the institutions admit women. 600. Revised directory of training opportunities in West Virginia. Charles ton, W. Va., State Board of Vocational Education, Occupational Information and Guidance Service, 1947, Pages not numbered, processed. Institutions on both high school and college level are included in this list of public and private schools and colleges. Information about whether both men and women are admitted, or whether the students are men or women only ; and about entrance requirements; courses offered ; tuition ; scholarships ; degrees, diplomas, or certificates granted. 601. Ritter, Mortimer C. Fashion institute of technology and design. cupations, 23: 457-459, May 1945. Oc This description of the training of workers on a post secondary level for the apparel field includes a brief description of the methods for choosing students, a description of the program, and an outline of plans for the development of the institute. A bibliography is included. 602. Sargent, Porter. A handbook of private schools for American boys and girls. Boston, Mass., Porter Sargent, 1947. 1050 p. (30th ed.) This directory includes special listings of private schools and junior colleges for girls and of coeducational schools and junior colleges, with subgroupings by cost, by special courses, and by vocational preparatory courses. Attention is given to those which offer scholarship aid. Brief descriptions of the schools are arranged by regions and include enrollment, faculty, date of estab lishment, tuition, length and type of course, control, and accreditation. Among the schools that offer specialized training are those for the training of secretaries, musicians, and persons interested in dramatic arts, cooking, household management, and physical education. 603. Society of Industrial Designers. Courses in industrial design. A list of schools. New York, N. Y., Society of Industrial Designers, Inc., 1947. 12 p. processed. (Education Bulletin no. 1.) This list is of institutions offering professional education in industrial design includes infor mation about costs, living accommodations, and courses given. Many of the institutions admit women. 604. Struck, Theodore. Vocational education for a changing world. York, N. Y., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1945. 550 p. New Chapter 21, devoted to women in gainful employment, discusses women in various occupations, including agriculture, business, and the professions, and gives information about courses offered in girls’ trade schools. • 605. Tuttle, Marguerite. A guide to education for professional careers. New York, N. Y., The Author (28 W. 44 St.), 1947. 120 p., illus. 4 Institutions are arranged by the profession taught, and information is offered about the fol lowing: Location, aims, director, courses, tuition, admission requirements, accreditation, certifi cation, faculty, enrollment, equipment, calendar, and placement facilities. Institutions for women, and coeducational institutions are included. 606. U. S. Department of Labor. National Roster of Scientific and Spe cialized Personnel. U. S. Employment Service. Directory of colleges and universities offering graduate degrees and some form of graduate aid. Wash ington, D. C., The Roster, 1946. 52 p. processed. Colleges listed alphabetically by States, showing subjects or groups of subjects in which grad uate degrees are offered and types of graduate aid available. Many women’s colleges and co educational institutions are included. 70 607. U. S. Department of Labor. Women’s Bureau, in collaboration with Federal Security Agency. Office of Education. Training for jobs for women and girls working, looking for work. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. Pages not numbered. Information about training opportunities for women and girls in public vocational schools. 608. University of the State of New York. Opportunities for higher educa tion in New York State. By Philip A. Cowen. Albany, N. Y., State Educa tion Department, 1944. Part I. Degree granting institutions and junior colleges. Ill p. Part II. Non-degree granting institutions. 77 p. Brief descriptions of different types of institutions, which are grouped alphabetically in each volume ; some are for men, some for women, and some are coeducational. Information about requirements for admission, enrollments, expenses, vocational preparation offered, and degrees granted. 609. Vocational training opportunities in New York State. Albany, N. Y., University of the State of New York, 1946. 160 p. (Rev. ed.) Vocational training provisions for men and boys, girls and women in private trade schools, business schools and institutions, public schools, schools of nursing, State agricultural and tech nical institutions, correspondence and other specialized schools. Information about requirements for admission, length of course, and cost. Occupations for which special preparation is offered to women are: Beauty operator, nurse, stenographer, cook, tailor, dressmaker, and waitress. 610. Where to find vocational training in New York City, a directory. York, N. Y., New York Vocational Advisory Service, 1946. 107 p. New Indexed by subjects taught and by schQols, this directory gives names and locations of schools, both public and private, in New York and vicinity. These institutions are of college grade and of less than college grade. Among them are schools for women and coeducational schools. Infor mation is offered about entrance requirements, length of course, accreditation, degrees, and costs. 611. Wooden, Ethel. Women’s work is in interesting places. vocational journal, 21: 5-7, April 1946. American This description of courses offered to girls at the Whitney Vocational High School in Toledo includes brief accounts of the different occupations taught. 612. Your guide. The official camp and school directory. Official Surveys, 1948. 416 p. New York, N. Y., Camps and schools are listed separately. They are arranged alphabetically by States, with information about whether the institution is for boys, for girls, or for both, religious affiliation, age of students, and enrollment. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE PRINCIPLES, PROGRAMS, AND PRACTICES This section of the bibliography includes texts on vocational guidance, both general publications and those written particularly for counselors of girls and women; descriptions of vocational guid ance programs for girls in colleges and in secondary schools; and testing techniques designed for particular occupations and for general occupational guidance. 613. Bennett, George K. and Gordon, H. Phoebe. Personality test scores and success in the field of nursing. Journal of applied psychology, 28: 267-278, June 1944. This is an account of the results of a study of test scores yielded by the Bernreuter Personality Inventory and the Minnesota Personality Scale for a group of nurses. 71 614. Brooke, Esther E. & Bros., 1947. 228 p. Guide to career success. New York, N. Y Harper Written to make career decisions easier and surer, this book offers suggestions about techniques of preparation for work and of applying for a job and succeeding on it. 615. --------- and Roos, Mary. Bros., 1943. 274 p. Career guide. • New York, N. Y., Harper & This text on vocational guidance offers some information on the following occupations for women: Social work, sales work, beautician, and house work. 616. Carter, Harold D. Vocational interests and job orientation. Stanford University, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1944. 86 p. (Applied psy chology monograph no. 2.) Published by the American Association for Applied Psychology, this treatise reviews the litera ture regarding “interests” from 1931 to 1944. “Interest inventories now in general use are considered with emphasis on their use for high school students.” Special mention is made of the use of the Strong Vocational Interest Blanks for women and of the Minnesota Interest Test for girls. 617. Cassidy, Rosalind and Kozman, Hilda Clute. Counseling girls in a changing society. New York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947. 441 p. The authors are concerned with the new viewpoints about women and their place in society the necessity for the orientation of girls, and methods of guidance, including occupational guid ance. Viewpoints of counselors of girls are stressed, and community services are emphasized. 618. Chambers, M. Youth-serving organizations. National non-govern mental associations. Washington, D. C., American Council on Education 1948 162 p. ' Youth membership organizations, as well as adult organizations concerned with youth, are listed, with information about membership, purpose, activities, publications, staff, and finances. Among the organizations are many interested in guidance and help for girls and women. 619. Chisholm, Leslie L. Guiding youth in the secondary school. York, N. Y., American Book Co., 1945. 433 p. New Designed to help an individual pupil to meet and solve his problems and help him develop an insight into the method of solving future problems of a similar nature, this book is a text for any high school teacher in guidance. Some attention is given to occupational guidance. 620. Cox, Rachel Danaway. Counselors and their work. Archives Publishing Co. of Pennsylvania, 1945. 246 p. Harrisburg, Pa., This study of 100 selected counselors in the secondary school, made at the suggestion of a com mittee appointed by the Section on Preparation for Guidance Service of the National Vocational Guidance Association, includes a description of the work of the counselor, relation to the com munity, a summary of the duties, and the training, education, and experience desirable. A bibliography is included. 621. Darley, John G. Testing and counseling in the high school guidance program. Chicago, 111., Science Research Associates, 1947. 222 p. Written for teachers who work with students and for school administrators who want to understand what to expect of counseling, the book discusses understanding students, use of tests, identifying students’ problems, and obtaining community cooperation in a guidance program. 622. Erickson, 1 lifford E,, ed. A basic text for guidance workers. York, N. Y., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1947. 566 p. New Written for all teachers interested in guidance services and designed to furnish counselors a beginning reference for their work, the chapters contributed by various authors consider such subjects as testing pupils, group guidance techniques, the community occupational survey place ment and follow-up services, and organizing the guidance program. Bibliographies on occupa tions are included. 72 623. --------- and Happ, Marion Crosley. Guidance practices at work. York, N. Y„ McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 325 p. New This book offers descriptions of specific practices carried on in schools as part of their guidance programs, which include organizing the guidance program, effective orientation practice, occu pational information, and vocational guidance. A bibliography is included. 624. --------- and Smith, Glenn E. Organization and administration of guid ance services. New York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1947. 276 p. Emphasized are the responsibilities of guidance counselors and the fundamentals of a guid ance program, the basic elements of such a program, which include the use of resources ; the activating of the program, including the selection and use of tests and the collection of occupa tional material; the selection and training of the staff ; and the evaluating of the effectiveness of the program. 625. Forrester, Gertrude. Methods of vocational guidance. D. C. Heath & Co., 1944. 460 p., illus. ^ Boston, Mass., This textbook on vocational guidance offers specific help to the teacher of business subjects. Suggestions are given for the use of books, films, and other sources of vocational information, particularly about occupations in the business field. 626. Hamrin, S. A. Guidance talks to teachers. Knight & McKnight, 1947. 249 p. Bloomington, 111., Mc Addressed to teachers, this book stresses the obligation of teachers as guidance workers, the necessity for studying the individual, giving assistance to individual students in guidance, use of tests, and community assistance to be used in guidance programs. 627. Holmes, Lulu. September 1946. Vocational guidance for women. Education, 67: 19-21, An account of an experiment in student-sponsored help in vocational guidance of women stu dents in the State College of Washington. 628. Jones, Arthur J. Principles of guidance. Hill Book Co., Inc., 1945. 592 p. (3d ed.) New York, N. Y., McGraw- This book attempts to formulate and explain the fundamental principles underlying guidance, enabling teachers to see the relationships of guidance to other phases of education. Among the topics considered are: Need for guidance and its meaning and purpose ; methods of study of individuals ; methods of educational and vocational guidance; and the duties and preparation of school counselors. 629. Kitson, Harry D. How to find the right vocation. Harper & Bros., 1947. 163 p., illus. (3d rev. ed.) New York, N. Y., Chapter XIII discusses women’s chances for a career in various occupations. Also discussed are prejudices, changes in public attitudes, and opportunities. 630. --------- I find my vocation. Inc., 1947. 278 p., illus. New York, N. Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Chapter XXI of this text for classes in occupations discusses particular problems of young women, offers suggestions about occupations where women have succeeded, and lists national organizations which help young women choose and succeed in careers. 631. Lyle, Betty. 53 p. And so to work. New York, N. Y., Woman’s Press, 1943. Written to help girls get a perspective on the kinds of work essential to life and to help them to make decisions about jobs, this pamphlet gives general information about job seeking, per sonal inventory, and attitudes. 632. New York State Counselors’ Association. Practical handbook for counselors. Chicago, 111., Science Research Associates, 1945. 160 p. Vocational counseling is discussed in this handbook designed to assist in guiding young people toward a fuller and better way of living and working. Among the topics treated are: Tests, case studies, group activities in guidance, aids to college students, and suggestions for the profes sional development of the counselor. * f 78 633. Pollock, Dorothy. Occupational planning for college women. tions, 24: 406-410, April 1946. Occupa This description of occupational information and guidance services at Stephens College, Mis souri, includes information about the plan sheets used to assist students who are making vocational choices. 634. Potts, Edith M. March 1945. ** Testing prospective nurses. Occupations, 23: 328-334, A description of the tests offered by the Division of Testing for Schools of Nursing of the Psychological Corporation to select students from among applicants to schools of nursing and to assist in the guidance of students after admission. 635. Reed, Anna Y. Guidance and personnel services in education. N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1944. 496 p. Ithaca, This is a textbook for vocational counselors. Its aim is to present the “whence, how, and when of the guidance and personnel movement and to question its whither.” Some desirable personal characteristics of the counselor are discussed. 636. Schaul, Martin W. An employment directory to jobs in New York City. New York, N. Y., Savings Bank Association of the State of New York, 1946. 63 p. This pamphlet lists employment offices, public and private, community agencies, unions, and other sources of jobs, and gives advice about the use of sources of job information. It also fur nishes general advice about methods of applying for jobs. Many of the fields of work are of interest to women. 637. Strang, Ruth. Educational guidance; its principles and practice. York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1947. 268 p. New Principles of guidance are presented in dramatic form, showing by actual interviews how school guidance workers have dealt with a variety of common counseling problems. The book also includes discussions of the nature of educational guidance, ways of understanding individuals, and methods of acquiring knowledge of educational opportunities. 638. Strong, Edward K. Vocational interests of men and women. ford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1943. 746 p. Stan A report of an investigation to discover whether persons in various occupations can be differen tiated in terms of interests and whether such procedures can be made useful in vocational guidance. 639. Stroup, Herbert. Exploring the field of social work. 101-103, November 1944. Occupations, 23: This description of a course, “Introduction to the Field of Social Work,” explains how work was organized to help students interested in social work to decide whether this was really their vocation. 640. Traxler, Arthur E. Techniques of guidance; tests, records, and coun seling in a guidance program. New York, N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1945. 394 p. The central idea is the importance of gathering as much relevant information as possible about each pupil, organizing it and using it in the distribution and adjustment of individual pupils. Stress is laid upon occupational guidance, use of tests, and follow-up of students. * 641. Triggs, Frances 0. Further comparisons of interest measurement by the Kuder preference record and the Strong vocational interest blanks for women. Journal of educational research, 38: 193-200, November 1944. A study of women’s patterns of interest in certain occupational areas. 642. U. S. Department of Labor. Women’s Bureau. Your job future after college. Washington, D. C., The Bureau, 1948. 8 p. (Rev. ed.) Suggestions for college women about their choice of fields of work, with some information about relative demands for women workers in various occupations and professions. 74 643.------------------- Your job future after high school. Government printing office, 1949. 8 p. Washington, U. S. Suggestions for high school girls about the best way to study fields of work open to women. Information is given about choosing an occupation and about work offering greatest number of opportunities. Persons and organizations with facilities for offering help are indicated. 644. Warters, Jane. High school personnel work today. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 277 p. New York, N. Y., The aim of this book is to enable the reader to understand student personnel work, bringing together the important concepts of high school personnel work and coordinating these concepts. Stress is laid on occupational guidance. 645. Wright, Barbara H. Practical handbook for group guidance. 111., Science Research Associates, 1948. 225 p., illus. Chicago, Special stress is laid on occupational guidance in this handbook, which is intended to help high school teachers who are advisers for home rooms, clubs, or class groups. The use of individual records and the study of individual needs are stressed. 646. Yale, John R. How to build an occupational information library. cago, 111., Science Research Associates, 1946. 166 p. (Rev. ed.) Chi Besides suggestions for filing occupational information, this volume contains information about collecting material for the occupational information file, lists of sources of material, books, maga zines, and audio-visual aids, and includes a list of publications contained in the Army Vocational Education Kit. WOMEN’S STATUS WITH RESPECT TO WORK AND EDUCATION This section includes references descriptive of the present status of women with respect to education and work. It includes also references to difficulties encountered by women and girls because of race, marital status, age, and physical handicaps. References to legislation about women and to health and safety of women workers are also included. 647. Baetjer, Anna Medora. Women in industry; their health and efficiency. Clearmont, Calif., Saunders Press, 1946. 344 p. Prepared in the army industrial hygiene laboratory, and issued under the auspices of the Divi sion of Medical Science and the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research of the National Research Council, this book is a compilation of medical and other authorities’ opinions about the health of women as affected by industrial work and their efficiency, particularly in comparison with that of men. The experience with women war workers furnishes particularly valuable data. 648. Barzun, Jacques. Co., 1945. 321 p. Teacher in America. Boston, Mass., Little, Brown & This discussion of teaching in America contains in Chapter 17 the author’s idea about college education for women. “Education adds to the indignity of being considered, as most women are, half-skilled replaceable labor with no future.’’ (p. 243.) “The whole of women’s curriculum, even in good places and with strict requirements, has no intelligible shape.’’ (p. 245.) 649. Boldt, Elisabeth and Codden, Vivian. selle, 25: 81, 135-142, July 1947. Working mothers. Mademoi Two women discuss full- and part-time careers for mothers with young children. 650. Boykin, Leander L. guidance of Negro youth? How can we improve the vocational education and Occupations, 26: 165-170, December 1947. Special attention is directed to the needs for vocational training of Negro women and girls in this article which describes occupational openings for Negro youth. 75 651. Brady, Dorothy S. 53-60, May 1947. Equal pay for women workers. The annals, 251: Progress in obtaining equal pay for equal work is outlined ; the reasons for inequalities and present trends toward elimination are discussed. " 652. Clark, Irene H. To you in “middle management.” 24: 37, 52, February 1945. Independent woman Advice to the woman manager on proper attitudes and relations to employer and workers. ' 653. Close, Kathryn. 292, June 1948. Grandpa wants to work. Survey graphic, 37: 288 Some special problems of older women are discussed in this article about the needs of aging persons for work and participation in community life. 654. Copp, Tracy. 174-177, May 1947. Vocational rehabilitation of women. The annals, 251: The Assistant Director of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation describes the services pro vided by State and Federal laws for the rehabilitation of the handicapped. Statistics are offered of the numbers of handicapped women receiving assistance, enabling them to become wage earners. 655. de Gruchy, Clare. Creative old age. Consulting Center, 1946. 143 p., illus. San Francisco, Calif., Old Age Case studies, some of them of women, from the records of the Old Age Counseling Center in San Francisco, showing methods used and results obtained in utilizing the capacities of the old and in promoting their better adjustment. 656. Drummond, Kathryn. 329-330, November 1946. Are wives people? Independent woman, 25: An article about the present dependent state of a wife and mother, her value to society, and the need for her asserting her power in the new world which the author believes is here. 657. Ellis, Ellen Deborah. March 1946. What chance for women ? Forum, 105: 590-594, A discussion of the equality of opportunity and of the equality of pay between men and women. There is also a discussion of the responsibility of women preparing for professions to realize the importance to other women of their success or failure. 658. Fortune survey; women in America. Fortune, 34: 5-6, September 1946. A poll held by Fortune to discover the attitude of both men and women toward women’s work seems to show that this attitude causes discrimination against women in industry, business, and the professions. 659. Gainfully employed women and the home. Woman’s Foundation, 1945. 15 p. New York, N. Y., The This consultants’ report includes recommendations about the woman worker who is a home maker ; her attitudes toward her dual responsibilities ; the community’s responsibility to her ; hours, pay, working conditions which will be best for her; and her attitudes toward her work and toward women in positions of responsibility. > 660. Hall, Emilie. October 1944. Can it be done ? Independent woman, 23: 308-309, 322, A woman manager of a newspaper bureau describes her activities as a housekeeper and wage earner. 661. Hamman, Mary. The Mademoiselle handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946. 196 p., illus. New York, N. Y., In popular style, the author offers information and advice to women workers about office etiquette, attitudes, clothing, and money management. 662. Hanson, Rhoda Pratt. I’m leaving home part time. woman, 25: 363-364, 379, December 1946. Independent A woman who worked during the war as a journalist describes her plan for continuing to work part time. 76 663. Harding, T. Swann. woman, 23: 132, May 1944. Womanpower vs. manpower. Independent A discussion of why women fail in business. They fail to keep their personal and business lives apart. 664. Hoffman, Betty H. nal, 63: 20-23, July 1946. How much should they earn? Ladies home jour ' Report of a poll taken to see how various people feel about wages of women. The majority think that men and women should receive the same pay for the same work. 665. Hohman, Leslie B. Working wives make the best wives. journal, 61: 90, 106-107, January 1944. Ladies home * The author discusses some of the problems which arise when wives work outside the home. 666. Hurst, Fannie. Women; sleeping beauty of politics. woman, 25: 194-196, July 1946. Independent The author believes that women must learn to enter and become effective in politics in order to obtain status and advance as workers. 667. Lawton, George. Aging successfully. University Press, 1946. 266 p. New York, N. Y., Columbia Chapter IV discusses the particular problems of older women. Suggestions about jobs for them, about changing jobs, and about the best methods for attaining success as workers. 668. --------- Women go to work at any age. national, 1947. 47 p. Chicago, 111., Altrusa Inter This booklet, written as a guide to help older women deal with their employment problems, offers information about personal adjustments necessary, employers’ attitudes, and types of jobs most profitably followed by women 35 and over. 669. --------- and Stewart, Maxwell S. When you grow older. New York, N. Y., Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 1947. 31 p. (Public affairs pamphlet no. 131.) This pamphlet contains information on occupations for older men and women and suggestions on overcoming the hazards of old age, with special mention of guidance clinics and long-range retirement programs. Prejudice against older women as employees is discussed. A bibliography is included. 670. Leach, Ruth M. Jobs and the woman. Association of Manufacturers, 1945. 17 p. New York, N. Y., National This pamphlet describes the past experience of women in wage earning and the probable future in manufacturing and service industries. 671. Miller, Frieda S. 14-16, 36, February 1947. Why women work. American federationist, 54: Discrimination against women persists, although many opportunities exist, particularly in factories and in the service fields. Advantages and disadvantages for women in wages and work ing conditions are discussed. 672. More older women work; more married women work. 114-116, Mar. 20, 1948. Business week, Statistics and charts showing the proportion of women working, their age and marital status. 673. Placement opportunities for the “older” nurse. nursing, 47: 152, March 1947. American journal of The results of questionnaires showed the fields of opportunities for older nurses in which age is an advantage. 674. Robinson, Mary V. Nov. 25, 1946. Women workers then and now. Prep, 1: 9-10, A short account of the status of women workers, their numbers, jobs open to them, discrimina tion against Negroes, and against older women and married women. * 77 675. See, Ingram. Press, 1947. 118 p. Want a job or a better job? New York, N. Y., Ronald Some special advice to women is included in this book offering information of value to job seekers. - 676. Skinner, Josephine. Master file and the U. S. census on equal pay. Independent woman, 23: 111, April 1944. A short discussion of the inequalities of pay of men and of women doing the same work. •% 677. Stevens, Robley D. Those perverse women who want to work. Journal American association of university women, 39: 97-98, January 1946. This article discusses the difficulties women experience because of sex discrimination. 678. U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Effects of war casualties on economic responsibilities of women. Monthly labor review, 62: 181-186, February 1946. The effect of war casualties will be to increase the necessity for many more women to become self-supporting, and remain self-supporting. 679.------------------- Employment and the older worker. By Mary T. Waggaman. Monthly labor review, 62: 386-396, March 1946. Problems of the older worker in obtaining employment with techniques of job hunting and of counseling are discussed. Particular attention is given to the problems of older women workers. 680. --------- Older women workers get praise from industry. formation bulletin, 2: 5-6, April 1944. Labor in Since 1910, the proportion of women, 45 and over, in the labor force has steadily increased. Many employers report that the women over 40 are equal in efficiency and superior in cooperation to younger women. 681. --------- Women’s Bureau. The legal status of women in the United States of America. Cumulative supplement 1938-1945. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1946. 31 p. (Bulletin no. 157-A.) A summary of legislative enactments relative to women’s status in the various States. 682. You can’t have a career and be a good wife. 91, 107, January 1944. Ladies home journal, 61: A discussion of the difficulties of being at the same time a successful wife and a successful wage earner. SURVEYS 9 This section includes surveys of women workers in groups of occupations rather than single occupations; opinion surveys of girls and women; surveys of students’ vocational preferences; surveys of trends in occupations for girls and women; and sur veys of opinion relative to the comparative status of various occupations. 683. Anderson, H. Dewey and Davidson, Percy E. Recent occupational trends in American labor. Stanford University, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1945. 133 p. An analysis of the 1940 census figures on occupations. This monograph offers statistical infor mation about the distribution of women in various occupations and the increases and decreases between 1930 and 1940. 78 684. Armstrong, W. Earl, Hollis, Ernest V., and Davis, Helen E. The college and teacher education. Washington, D. C., American Council on Education, 1944. 311 p. This report of a study of teacher education, made from 1938-1944, by the Commission on Teacher Education, considers the various problems of training teachers, including experiments in new curricula. 685. Baudler, Lucille and Paterson, Donald G. Social status of women’s occupations. Occupations, 26: 421-424, April 1948. A study of the ranking of women’s occupations according to opinions of social prestige, which showed that occupations on a professional level, which require long periods of training or expe rience, rank the highest. 686. Deen, Evelyn H. Bucknell co-eds ask for more counseling. tions, 24: 23 24, October 1945. Occupa The need for vocational information and vocational counseling on a high school level was shown by a survey of 492 women students in Bucknell University. 687. Every college major leads to a career. 1946. Glamour, 15: 197-206, August A chart with a brief summary, showing the facts about many professions for which some college courses are a preparation. 688. Hahn, Milton E. and Brayfield, Arthur H. Job exploration workbook. Chicago, 111., Science Research Associates, 1945. 95 p. An outline of plans for a student survey of occupations and for practice in applying for a position. 689. Harding, T. Swann. 21-22, January 1947. Looking ahead to 1950. Independent woman, 26: The author feels that by I960 the greater proportion of the Nation’s women workers will be middle-aged, and that 46 percent of all women between 20 and 29 will be in the labor force; as a consequence, there will be a rapid acceleration of the scientific organization of the labor of the home. 690. McKinnon, Mary. Who’s who in “Who’s Who.” 25: 304, 305, 315, October, 1946. Independent woman, Statistics about the women in 1944-1945 “Who’s Who,” their occupations, ages, and marital status. 691. Miller, Frieda S. May 1947. Women in the labor force. The annals, 251: 35-43, A study of occupational fields employing large numbers of women ; age and marital status of women workers ; and the reasons why women work. 692. New York State Department of Labor. Women who work at night. Albany, N. Y., The Department, 1948. 47 p. processed. A study of 347 women working at night, including their hours, their attitudes, and the advan tages and disadvantages of night work. 693. Punke, Harold H. What they think about such matters as the home and gainful employment of married women. Journal of home economics, 35 642-643, December 1943. The article gives the results of a survey of 1,500 questionnaires returned by high school pupils, giving their opinions about the question of married women’s working. 694. Trends in white collar compensation. ord, 5: 221-225, May 1948. Conference board business rec A study of earnings in 1946 of workers in offices, hotels, restaurants, and retail stores. 79 695. U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Earnings of office workers in New York State factories, October 1944. Monthly labor re view, 60: 1283-1284, June 1945. Data about the average weekly earnings of women office workers and production workers in various types of manufacturing in New York in 1944 compared with the same information in 1943. 696. — ------- -—— Earnings of women in Illinois industries June 1945. Monthly labor review, 61: 953-954, November 1945. - Weekly earnings and weekly hours of work in Illinois industries of men and of women are discussed. 697.--------------------Equal pay for women workers. 63: 380-389, September 1946. Monthly labor review, Proportion of women and men in Federal service, in State service, and in teaching is indicated. There is a review of State equal pay laws. 698.------------------- Hours and earnings of men and women in Michigan factories, August 1944. Monthly labor review, 60: 159-161, January 1945. A study of hours and earnings in the manufacturing industries in Michigan in August 1944, including durable and nondurable goods. 699.------------------- Meat products industries; Monthly labor review, 66: 283-286, March 1948. wage structure 1947. Data on wages of men and of women by occupations in various localities are given, with information about hours worked and paid vacations. 700.------------------- Postwar labor turn-over among women factory workers. Monthly labor review, 64: 411-419, March 1947. Statistics are given about women’s employment in the durable and in the nondurable goods industries, showing the increasing proportion in the former field. 701.------------------- Postwar trends in Negro employment. By Seymour L. Wolfbein. Monthly labor review, 65: 663-665, December 1947. Statistics about the employment of Negro men and Negro women in different occupations. 702.------------------- Employment Statistics Division. Women in factories, October 1939—June 1946. Washington, D. C., The Bureau, 1946. 16 p. processed. The monthly changes in the employment of women are shown in the durable and nondurable industry groups, together with the numbers and the percentage of women in each group and in different industries in each group. 703.------------------- Women workers and recent economic changes. By Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon. Monthly labor review, 65: 666, 671, December 1947. , * * Information about the numbers of women in the labor force, their ages, marital status, and trends of employment, 1940-1947. . . , 704.------------------- m cooperation with Federal Security Agency. Office of Education. Occupational data for counselors. By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1945. 36 p. (Bulletin no. 817.) Based on the census of 1940, this bulletin presents occupational information selected and ar ranged for counselors and other persons engaged in giving guidance information. Suggestions for interpreting census data, definitions and explanations and summaries of occupational data. A list of selected references and an index of occupations are included. 705. --------- Women in white-collar jobs steadily increasing. formation bulletin, 14: 12, December 1947. Labor in This short article gives information about the numbers of women in white-collar occupations, including office work, work in stores, and work as proprietors, managers, and executives. It includes data about earnings. 80 706. --------- Women’s Bureau. Earnings of women in selected manufac turing industries, 1946. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. 14 p. (Bulletin no. 219.) A study of wages of women workers in textile, footwear, tobacco, paper container, and cos tume jewelry industries. 707.------------------- Employment opportunities and characteristic industrial occupations for women. By Elisabeth D. Benham. Washington, U. S. Gov ernment printing office, 1944. 50 p. (Bulletin no. 201.) This study of occupations for women during the war in assembly, inspecting, and machine operating, and in packing, wrapping, tool crib work, and storeroom work, considers also prob able peacetime occupations for women in similar fields in the electrical industry and in assembly and testing of professional and scientific instruments. Making of small metal products, automo biles, aircraft, and of fabricated plastic products are also discussed as fields of work for women. A bibliography is included. 708.------------------- Handbook of facts on women workers. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1948. 79 p. (Bulletin no. 225.) A book of facts about women workers ; numbers, wages, salaries, standards for the employment of women, economic responsibilities of women workers, State labor laws affecting women, polit ical and civil status of women, and women’s education and vocational training. A bibliography and a list of women’s national organizations are included. 709.------------------- Women’s occupations through seven decades. By Janet M. Hooks. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. 260 p. (Bulletin no. 218.) Trends in women’s occupations from 1870 to 1940 are discussed, with supporting statistical tables. Among the subjects developed are the following: Trends in the numbers of women workers, trends among age groups, changes in the marital status of workers, occupational prog ress made, and changes in individual occupations of women. 710. Wightwick, M. Irene. Vocational interest patterns; a developmental study of a group of college women. New York, N. Y., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1945. 231 p. A study of 115 college women, made in 1941, covering 8 years, which was designed to secure data about the degree of permanence and the predictive value of expressed vocational choice, and measured vocational interest; to ascertain the relation between vocational interest and job satisfaction ; to study the functions of avoeational interests in the individual pattern ; and to analyze individual cases to discover possible similarities and deviations in vocational interest patterns. BIBLIOGRAPHIES References are to bibliographies about women’s occupations, or those with sections devoted to these occupations; and to voca tional guidance publications referring particularly to women’s work and training. 711. American Dietetic Association. A bibliography of dietetic careers. Chicago, 111., The Association, 1947. 15 p. Books and periodical articles listed under several headings, such as careers in dietetics, the hospital dietitian, the dietitian in the school lunchroom, the dietitian in business, and the dieti tian in industry. 712. Campbell, D. September 1945. Reading on women. Wilson library bulletin, 20: 17, A bibliography on women, including their work in various countries and at various times, and in a number of occupations and professions. 81 713. Choosing a career. phia, 1946. Philadelphia, Pa., The Free Library of Philadel 27 p. ^ Books and periodicals about careers are listed under various headings. Among the careers in which many women are employed are the following: Trained nurse, librarian, teacher, clerical worker, secretary, telegraph and telephone operator, saleswoman, dressmaker, and beautician. One division is devoted to women’s occupations. * 714. Federal Security Agency. Office of Education. Government mono graphs on occupations. By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1948. 8 p. processed. (Misc. 3296.) Various government publications about occupations, with information about the issuing agency and the cost. 715. Guidance bibliography. Books for the counselor’s pro fessional library. By Clifford P. Froehlich and Walter J. Greenleaf. ington, D. C., The Office, 1947. 6 p. processed. (Misc. 2363-71.) Wash An annotated list of books to assist counselors in the performance of their day-to-day duties in planning and in evaluating their work. 716. Guide to occupational choice and training. By Walter J. Greenleaf. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1947. 150 p., illus. (Vocational division bulletin no. 236. Occupational information and guidance series no. 15.) Part I oilers suggestions for the use of occupational materials in guidance programs. Part II contains an annotated list of books arranged by occupations ; an annotated list of publications for counselors : a list of school directories ; and a list of audio-visual aids for guidance programs. 717.----------------- Occupational books 1947-1948. By Walter J. Green leaf. Washington, D. C., The Office, 1949. 4 p. processed. (Misc. 3286.) Listed by occupations, books published during 1947 and 1948 are briefly annotated. Many of the occupations are of interest to women. 718.-------------------- and War Manpower Commission, Bureau of Training. Guide to counseling materials. Washington, U. S. Government printing office, 1945. 37 p. A descriptive list of materials published by the various bureaus and services of the headquar ters office of the War Manpower Commission is included in the bibliography, which contains material about many occupations in which large numbers of women are employed. 719. Forrester, Gertrude. Occupational pamphlets; an annotated bibliog raphy. New York, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co., 1948. 354 p. 1 This is a revision of Occupations: A Selected List of Pamphlets. Included are pamphlets pub lished in series, arranged according to the publishers of the series : pamphlets listed by occupa tions ; information about occupations ; apprenticeship ; charts and posters ; choosing a career; occupations for the handicapped; and information on seeking a job. The name of the publication, the author, the date of publication, pages, and price are included. Many of the references are to occupations in which many women are employed. > 720. Georgia State Department of Education. A list and sources of informa tional materials on occupations. Atlanta, Ga., The Department, Vocational Educational Service, 1948. 56 p. processed. References are arranged under names of occupations, which are in alphabetical order. Many of the occupations are of special interest to women. 721. Hilton, M. Eunice, ed. Guide to guidance. Washington, D. C., Na tional Association of Deans of Women of the National Education Association. Vol. V, 1943. 67 p. Vol. VI, 1944. 83 p. 82 Vol. VII, 1945. 62 p. Vol. VIII, 1946. 58 p. Vol. IX, 1947. 58 p. These are selected bibliographies, published annually, of publications of interest to deans, counselors, advisors, teachers, and administrators. A number of references to publications about occupations in which women predominate are included. 722. Longarzo, L. Cornelius. Vocational guide for women. New York, N. Y., Catholic Youth Organization of the Archdiocese of New York Inc ' 1945. 119 p. This index, bibliography, and source book of women’s occupations in the Bronx and Manhat tan, contains references arranged by occupations, as well as the location in various libraries of the Bronx and Manhattan of the books referred to. 723. Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. Occupational informa tion. Compiled by Emery Stoopes. Los Angeles, Calif., Superintendent’s Office, Division of Research and Guidance, 1947. 45 p. processed. (Rev. ed.) This bibliography of books, pamphlets, periodicals and film titles is arranged by occupations, and contains some annotations. 724. Meredith, Mamie. Books on vocations for women. education, 20: 25-26, June 1945. Journal of business A list of publications about careers for women, their desirable attitudes toward jobs, business etiquette, and behavior. 725. Michigan State College. A selected bibliography of guidance mate rials. East Lansing, Mich., The College, 1947. 7 p. processed. Materials of special interest to guidance counselors are arranged in three sections: A coun selor’s personal library, materials available for the counseling staff, and a recommended list for the general school library. Some sections of the books listed are of special interest to counselors of girls and women. 726. U. S. Department of Labor. Aids in counseling. Government printing office, 1946. 6 p. Washington, U. S. A bibliography which includes a number of publications about occupations for women. 727. --------- Women’s Bureau. Bibliography on night work for women. Washington, D. C., The Bureau, 1946. 39 p. processed. Excerpts from various publications, governmental and private, are included, giving informa tion on the effect on women of night work, the productivity of the night shift, and shift rotation. 728. Vocations. Ames, Iowa, Iowa State College, 1948. 26 p. processed. Iu Part I publications are grouped as follows: Choosing a vocation, careers for women, appli cations for positions, other guides to vocational information, vocational periodicals, and voca tional pamphlet series. In Part II occupations are arranged alphabetically, and references are given for each vocation. f AUTHOR INDEX [Numbers refer to items rather than to page numbers] A Abbott, Marion, 588. Adams, Margaret E., 2, 410 (12). Allen, Dorothy M., 4. Altenderfer, Marion E., 340. Amiss, John, 42. Anderson, Betty, 43. Anderson, H. Dewey, 683. Andrews, A. E., 44. Andriola, Joseph, 45. Aplin, Lawrence, 258 (56). Armstrong, W. Earl, 684. Arnesen, Ruth V., 71. Arthur, Julietta K., 47, 48, 49. B Baer, Max F., 316. Baetjer, Anna Medora, 647. Baker, Helen, 52. Baker, Louise, 463. Baker, Morris B., 53. Baldwin, Leo, 258 (6). Ball, John, Jr., 22 (8). Bander, Irving Lester, 410 (4). Bane, Lita, 57. Barnes, Nathaniel W., 410 (19). Baron, Leo, 164. Barshay, Shirley, 58. Barzun, Jacques, 648. Baudler, Lucille, 685. Bauer, Hubert A., 410 (6). Beard, Sarah A., 258 (8), 258 (11), 258 (66). Beatty, Jerome, 464. Bechtold, Grace, 410 (5). Beck, Lewis, 314 (5). Becker, Edwin J., 59. Bedford, James H., 78. Beigeleisen, Jacob I., 64. Belding, Anson W., 60. Belleau, Wilfred E., 61, 62. Benenson, Claire B., 590, 591. Benham, Elisabeth D., 707. Bennett, George K., 613. Benson, Warren E., 410 (16) Bentson, Margaret, 193. Bernays, Edward L., 63, 410 (36). Best, Anna L., 465. Beull, Bradley, 202. Bhagwat, M. R., 312 (9). Biegley, Clyde, 270. Blackwood, Ethel M., 66. Blank, Helen R., 258 (3), 258 (19), 258 (37), 258 (57), 258 (63). Blatt, H. K., 330. Bloomfield, Daniel, 67. Boeshore, Elizabeth A., 258 (34). Bogue, Jesse P., 571. Boldt, Elizabeth, 649. Boring, Edwin G., 72, 73. Bowers, Harold J., 68. Boyce, Burke, 466. Boykin, Leander L., 650. Boylston, Helen Dore, 467, 468. Bradley, Alice, 410 (8). Brady, Dorothy S., 651. Brand, Michael, 312 (6). Branigan, Ruth, 314 (10). Brayfield, Arthur H., 688. Breen, George E., 323. Breiger, Perry P., 258 (52). Brenner, Margaret L., 69. Brewer, Faith, 469. Brewer, John M., 70. Brilla, Mary H., 400 (1), 400 (2), 400 (3), 400 (4), 400 (5), 400 (6), 400 (7), 400 (8). Brooke, Esther E., 614, 615. Brown, Clara M., 71. Brown, Milton, 572. Brumbaugh, A. J., 573. Bryan, Alice I., 72, 73. Bryan, Florence Horn, 470. Bulla, Mary, 258 (38). Burger, Samuel, 74. Burton, William H., 410 (42). Butler, Vera M., 76. C Campbell, D., 712. Campbell, Dorcas E., 77. Campbell, Lawrence R., 449. Campbell, William G., 78. Canon, Genevieve Orr, 594. Carey, Robert E., 82. Carhartt, Corinne, 471. Carter, Harold D., 616. Cassidy, Rosalind, 617. Chambers, Bernice G., 83. Chambers, M., 618. Chandler, Caroline A., 472, 473. Chapelle, C. L. M. See Meyer, Dickey. Chapin, Mildred R., 57. Chaplin, Margaret M., 258 (47). Chapman, Edith, 84. Chapman, Paul W., 312 (7). Charles, Margaret B., 166. Charles, Margaret Howser, 314 (7). Chase, Ernest Dudley, 22 (4). Chase, Genevieve, 474. Chase, Marie C., 85. Chisholm, Leslie L., 619. Choate, David C., 22 (9). Clark, Irene H., 652. Cleveland, Reginald M., 86. 84 Clissold, Edgar J.,' 22 (10). Close, Kathryn, 663. Cloud, Hilda, 457, 458. . Cobb, Meta R., 87, 475. Codden, Vivian, 649. Cohen, Anna L., 258 (33). Coith, Herbert, 88. Coleman, Ruth B., 65 (1). Colton, Helen, 90. Compson, Carolin, 91. Comstock, Louisa M., 92. Connolly, V., 93. Conover, Harry, 410 (22). Cook, Beatrice Gray, 94. Copp, Tracy, 654. Cornwell, Wallace L., 410 (38) Cowen, Philip A., 608. Cox, Rachel Danaway, 620. Craig, Hazel T., 96. Crawford, John E., 258 (62). Cresswell, Lena, 476. Culver, Byron G., 294 (7). Cunningham, R. M., 97. Cushman, C. Leslie, 276. D Dache, Lilly, 477. Daly, Maureen, 99. Darley, John G., 621. David, Lily Mary, 361, 362, 384, 385. Davidson, Percy E., 683. Davis, Edwin W., 312 (1). Davis, Helen E., 684. Davis, Shelby Cullom, 101. Day, Betsy, 102. Deen, Evelyn H., 686. De Gruchy, Clare, 655. De Leeuw, Adele, 478, 479, 480. Deming, Dorothy, 103, 104, 105, 106, 481. Denis, Paul, 107. Dessner, Clyde M., 109. Dewart, Donald, 574. Dodd, Sue, 482. Doolittle, Dorothy Bailey, 483. Douglass, Harl R., 110. Downes, Helen R., 212. Drummond, Kathryn, 656. Drummond, Ruth, 65 (4). Dudycha, George J., 112. Dunbar, Margaret M., 258 (38). E East, Fae, 114, 115. Ehrlich, Otto H., 410 (33). Ellis, Amanda M., 118. Ellis, Ellen Deborah, 657. Englehardt, Nickolaus L., Jr., 322. Erdman, Loula G., 119, 484. Erickson, Clifford E., 622, 623, 624. Eskil, Ragna B., 485. Eustis, Helen, 120. Evans, Eva Knox, 121. Ewalt, H. Ward, Jr., 410 (27). Ewing, Clare Olin, 410 (10). F Faber, A. D., 122. Faddis, Margene O., 419. Fairfax, Beatrice. See Manning, Marie. Feder, Joseph Marvin, 486. Feiker, Frederick M., 584. Fenning, Karl, 410 (28). Fisher, Katharine, 138. Fisher, Marguerite J., 139. Fladoes, Karen, 140. Fleming, Mary O., 141. Floyd, Olive, 487. Forrester, Gertrude, 625, 719. Foster, Inez Whiteley, 488, 489. Frankel, Alice Helen, 142. Frazier, Benjamin W., 130, 131, 132, 134. Froehlich, Clifford P., 581, 715. G Gage, Harry L., 410 (18). Gallagher, Louise Barnes, 490. Gardner, Mary Sewall, 491. Gelinas, Agnes, 144. Gildersleeve, Virginia C., 147. Ginn, Ann, 318. Givens, Willard E., 150. Goeppinger, Katherine, 18, 152, 153. Goff, Alice C., 492. Good, Carter V., 585. Goodman, Elsie Katcher, 400 (1), 400 (2), 400 (3), 400 (4), 400 (5), 400 (6), 400 (7), 400 (8). Gordon, Edith E., 354. Gordon, H. Phoebe, 613. Gordon, J., 493. Gould, Adrian G., 312 (4). Gove, Gladys F., 155, 494. Granofsky, Jack, 258 (26). Greenbaum, Jennie R., 314 (11). Greene, Alice Craig, 166. Greenleaf, Walter J., 127, 128, 133, 583, 704, 714, 715, 716, 717. Griffin, Albert, 410 (3). Grimball, Frances R., 495. Grover, Frederick O., 278. Grumbine, E. Evalyn, 496. Guth, Earl P., 410 (30). H Hagen, Margaret Paige, 410 (17). Hahn, Milton E., 688. Hall, Charles Gilbert, 157. Hall, Emilie, 660. Hall, Gladys, 158. Hall, Marjorie, 497, 498. Hamman, Mary, 661. Hamrin, S. A., 626. Hanson, Rhoda Pratt, 662. Happ, Marion, 623. Harding, T. Swann, 663, 689. Hardt, Robert A., 22 (7). Hardy, Kay, 159. Harrington, Ruth Lee, 499. Hastings, J., 160. r t 85 Hawks, Josephine, 500. Healey, Katheryne T., 410 (13). Heckler, Edwin L., 410 (20). Helm, Everett B., 410 (25). Hennessey, Thomas Francis, 410 (32). Henry, George H., 161. Henry, J. Fred, 162. Henthorn, Ben H., 242, 243. Herlinger, H. V., 163. Herr, Dan, 262. Hilton, M. Eunice, 721. Hinkel, Ralph E., 164. Hinkley, Laura L., 501. Hoffman, Betty H., 165, 664. Hogadone, Edwina B., 294 (2), 294 (8). Hogeboom, Amy, 502. Hohman, Leslie B., 665. Hoke, Georgie C., 294 (3). Hollis, Ernest V., 684. Holmes, Lulu, 627. Hood, Flora Mae, 503. Hooks, Janet M., 709. Hoppock, Robert, 258 (2), 258 (24). Horner, Harlan H., 14, 169. Houck, Mary P., 171. Houle, Cyril O., 312 (8). Howard, Margaret, 504. Hudson, Holland, 475. Huebner, Theodore, 172. Huff, Darrell, 173, 174. Huff, Frances, 173. Huffman, Edna K., 65 (2). Hughes, John H., 587. Hughes, Lora Wood, 505. Hume, Horace H., 410 (37). Humphrey, Clyde W., 290. Hurlin, Ralph G., 299. Hurst, Fannie, 666. Hurt, Huber William, 588. Huus, Helen, 175. Hyde, Grant M., 266. Knapp, Sally E., 508, 509. Koivisto, Helmi L., 191. Kotite, Edward A., 192. Kozman, Hilda Clute, 617. Kriedt, Philip H., 193. L Laird, Thelma F., 65 (3). Landy, Edward, 70. Lang, Stera, 194. Langston, Mildred J., 410 (40). Lansing, Elisabeth, 510. Lasseter, Ethleen, 195. Latham, Frank B., 86. Lawrence, Gertrude, 511. Lawton, George, 667, 668, 669. Lazare, Christopher, 196. Leach, Mary B., 197. Leach, Ruth M., 670. Lederman, Minna, 198. Lee, Eleanore, 199. Lee, Rosalind, 200. Leeming, Joseph, 201. Leonard, Ruth Shaw, 410 (17). Lerrigo, Ruth, 202. Level, Hildegard, 203. Levin, Beatrice Schwartz, 204. Levis, Joan A., 258 (55). Liebers, Arthur, 207. Liggett, Lila N., 512, 513. Lindman, Ina S., 208. Littell, Robert, 209. Llano, Margaret, 258 (35). Loft, Jacob, 210. Longarzo, L. Cornelius, 722. Lorraine, Lois, 211. Lovejoy, Clarence E., 593. Lowther, Florence D. L., 212. Lyle, Betty, 631. Lyon, Marguerite, 213. M J Jennings, George, 410 (35). Jewett, Ida A., 76. Johnson, Harriett, 181. Jones, Arthur J., 628. Jones, Edward Safford, 183. Jones, Tom, 184. Jones, Virginia Lacy, 185. Josephs, Ray, 186. * \ K Kahm, Harold S., 187. Kasper, Sydney H., 188. Kazanjian, Calvin K., 22 (3). Keatley, Vivien B., 189. Keen, Raya, 506. Kelley, Etna M., 190. Kenyon, Kathleen M., 314 (1). Kerr, Frances W., 404. Kerr, Laura, 507. Kimball, V. F., 312 (9). Kitson, Harry D., 629, 630. Klaw, Alma A., 258 (31). Mabee, Carleton, 258 (44). Macdonald, M. Gray, 217. MacGibbon, Elizabeth Gregg, 218. Makechnie, George, 410 (31). Malvern, Gladys, 516. Manning, Hazel, 223. Manning, Marie (Beatrice Fairfax), 517. Maxwell, Louise Baker. See Baker, Louise. Mayer, Sarah Greer, 224. Mayer, Thomas L., 225. McBride, Mary Margaret, 214, 514. McCleery, Ada Belle, 515. McCormick, Clifford, 294 (1). McCuskey, Dorothy, 215. McDonagh, Richard P., 216. McGrath, Bethel J., 219. McKimmon, Jane Simpson, 220. McKinnon, Mary, 690. McLatchie, Muriel, 221. McManus, R. Louise Metcalf, 419. McNabb, Betty Wood, 222. Mead, Margaret, 440 (6). Medary, Marjorie, 293. 86 Medsker, Leland L., 312 (5). Meredith, Mamie, 724. Merkle, Rudolph A., 157. Merrill, Charles Donald, 410 (23). Meyer, Dickey, 227. Miller, Adeline E., 594. Miller, Basil, 518. Miller, Freeman D., 410 (2). Miller, Frieda S., 228, 671, 691. Miller, Henry Wise, 519. Miller, Queena, 229. Miller, William K., 258 (50). Milling, Virginia, 258 (8). Mills, Lawrence W., 34. Millstein, Gilbert, 230. Mitchell, Irma Frances, 231. Mohn, Kermit B., 378. Mohr, Jennie, 397. Moore, Grace, 620. Morehead, Anne, 232. Morris, Mark (Schnapper, Morris Bartel), 233. Motz, Annabelle Bender, 234. Munford, Malcomb B., 235. Murphy, Sarah E., 236. Murphy, Walter J., 237. N Neblette, C. B., 294 (6). Neelsen, Marion, 410 (9). Nelom, Gloria H. D., 258 (25). Neuhoff, A. Eleanor, 314 (3). Neuschutz, Louise M., 251, 252. Nichols, James A., Jr., 410 (39). Nilan, John O., 410 (7). Noffsinger, J. F., 597. Novick, Beatrice, 258 (40), 258 (47). O O'Hara, Dwight, 410 (21). Olds, Ben, 262. Olds, Helen Diehl, 521. Olsen, Jeanne, 263. P Palen, Jennie M., 41. Parsons, Esther, 264. Paterson, Donald G., 685. Patterson, Harriet Louise H., 265. Patterson, Helen M., 266. Patterson, Homer L., 598. Paul, Marcia, 522. Paxton, Annabel, 523. Pearlman, Lester M., 267. Pearson, Benjamin M., 410 (34). Peckham, Betty, 268. Pendergrast, Mary M., 589, 592. Pepper, Catherine S., 314 (9). Pesotta, Rose, 624. Peterson, Florence, 312 (3). Peterson, Houston, 525. Pickett, Grace, 526, 527, 528. Pidgeon, Mary Elizabeth, 703. Pierce, Joseph A., 269. Platten, John H., Jr., 411 (3). Polishook, William, 270. Pollack, Philip, 271. Pollock, Dorothy, 633. Porter, Annie, 272. Potter, Thelma M., 275. Potts, Edith M., 634. Prall, Charles E., 276. Pratt, Margaret, 277, 278. Punke, Harold, 693. Purvis, Elgie G., 244. Q Quigley, John J., 22 (5). R Radusch, Dorothea F., 282. Rady, Myrtle J., 283. Ragase, Bob, 284. Ramsaye, Terry, 410 (24). Ratcliffe, Ella B., 577. Reed, Anna Y., 635. Reed, Estey, 285. Reyher, Becky, 286. Rice, Betty A., 287. Rice, Craig, 288. Richert, G. Henry, 289, 290. Rieman, L. Neville, 22 (6). Rifkin, Lillian, 278, 291. Ritter, Mortimer C., 601. Rivers, Don, 292. Robbins, Zila, 293. Robinson, H. Alan, 258 (64). Robinson, Lura, 319, 320. Robinson, Mary V., 674. Rockwell, Helen B., 295. Roe, Constance, 296. Rome, Florence L„ 258 (2), 258 (12), 258 (13), 258 (14), 258 (36), 258 (43), 258 (45), 258 (46), 258 (51), 258 (53), 258 (54), 258 (59). Roos, Mary, 615. Ross, Nancy Wilson, 529. Rossell, Beatrice Sawyer, 25. Rubin, Victor, 630. Rue, Clara Blanche, 298. Rummell, Frances W., 136. Ryan, Mary Ellen, 531, 632. S Sachs, Gertrude Gordon, 300. Sager, Evelyn, 301. Salley, Ruth E., 303. Sargent, Emilie G., 305. Sargent, Porter, 602. Savord, Ruth, 176. Scliaul, Martin W., 636. Schloerb, Lester J., 312 (5). Schmid, Edward, 312 (6). Schnapper, Morris Bartel. See Morris, Mark. Schreiber, Florence Rheta, 306, 307, 308. Schulz, Cecelia L., 410 (26). Schulze, Else L., 309. Schwalbe, Phillis Lee, 310. Schwin, Mary Lowell, 311. Sears, Thomas E., Jr., 410 (11). See, Ingram, 675. Selina, Ruth, 258 (30), 258 (66). 0 f 87 Sherman, Esther, 42. Sherman, Joseph M., 377. Shorb, Lura, 314 (5). Short, Don, 411 (4). Shosteck, Robert, 316. Skinner, Josephine, 676. Smedley, Doree, 318, 319, 320. Smith, Bradley, 321. Smith, Frances Aves, 322. Smith, Glenn E., 624. Smith, Paul E., 323. Smythe, D. M., 324. Sorensen, Clark C., 410 (29). Soudakoff, Jack, 258 (18). Spaulding, George A., 241. Spero, Sterling D., 325. Spiegler, Samuel, 258 (9), 258 (28), 258 (60), 326. Stampe, Jean MacCargo, 294 (5). Stark, Jack, 410 (1). Stebbins, Kathleen B., 327. Stebbins, Lucy Poate, 533. Steele, Evelyn, 328, 329, 330. Stein, Ruth, 331. Stern, Edith M., 332. Stevens, Robley D., 677. Stewart, Isabel M., 333, 419. Stewart, Lowell O., 312 (2). Stewart, Maxwell S., 669. Stoddard, Anne, 534. Stoddard, Hope, 334. Stoops, Emery, 723. Strang, Ruth, 258 (24), 637. Strasburger, Coral Hollingsworth, 535. Strausz-Hupe, Robert, 314 (4). Strieby, Irene M., 335. Stroh, Mary Margaret, 76, 336, 536. Strong, Edward K., 638. Stroup, Herbert, 639. Struck, Theodore, 604. Studebaker, John W., 179, 337. Sullivan, Mary, 699. Suter, Henry Charles, 339. Swarthout, Gladys, 537. Swerdloff, Sol, 365, 369. T Tattersall, Louise M., 340. Temple, Shirley, 538. Thai, Helen M., 341. Thorpe, William (Vreeland, Frank), 411 (1), 411 (2). Thruelsen, Richard, 344, 345, 346, 347. Tipton, Stuart G., 22 (1). Titus, Jane, 258 (66). Todd, Jane, 348. Torrop, Hilda M., 349. Traxler, Arthur E., 640. Tribble, Evelyn H., 486. Triggs, Frances O., 351, 641. Trotta, Geri, 352. Tucker, Sophie (Abuza), 539. Turner, Mary Ellis, 540. Tuttle, Marguerite, 606, V Van Cleef, Eugene, 407. Van Hoosen, Bertha, 542. Van Peursem, Ralph L., 294 (4). Vincent, Esther H., 408. Visher, Stephen Sargent, 409. Von Wien, Florence, 414, 415, 416, 543, 544, 545. Vreeland, Frank. See Thorpe, William. W Waggaman, Mary T., 679. Waite, Helen E., 546. Warnhoff, Ralph H., 22 (2). Warren, Althea H., 418. Warters, Jane, 644. Watson, Ralph H., 410 (15). Waugh, Dorothy, 547. Way land, Mary Marvin, 419. Weaver, Elaine Knowles, 420. Weaver, Polly, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435. Weeks, Bertha M., 436. Welch, Mary Scott, 437. Wells, Barbara, 438, 548. Wells, Helen, 549, 550. Wessels, Florence, 439. Westmoreland, M. G., 441, 442, 443, 444. Wheeler, Joseph L., 445. Wheland, Howard E., 270. White, Barbara, 446. White, R. Clyde, 410 (41). Whitman, Howard, 447. Whitney, Phyllis A., 551, 552. Whiton, Sherrill, 410 (14). Wightwick, M. Irene, 710. Williams, Beryl (Epstein), 553, 554. Williamson, Anne A., 555. Winegarden, Caiman R., 369. Woellner, Robert C., 448. Wolfbein, Seymour L., 701. Wolseley, Roland E., 449. Wood, M. Arvilla, 448. Wooden, Ethel, 611. Woodford, Lois W., 455. Woodhouse, Chase Going, 456, 457, 458. Woolf, James D., 450. Wright, Barbara H., 459, 645. Wrigley, Arthur B., 460. Wynne, Gloria, 258 (21). Y Yale, John R., 646. Yarrell, Zuleika, 461. Yost, Edna, 556. Young, Miriam Burt, 557. Z Zapoleon, Marguerite Wykoff, 399 (1), 399 (2), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 (6), 399 (7)’ 399 (8), 399 (9), 399 (10), 399 (11), 399 (12), 400 (1), 400 (2), 400 (3), 400 (4), 400 (5), 400 (6), 400 (7), 400 (8), 462, OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION INDEX [Numbers refer to items rather than to page numbers. Numbers from 463-557 refer to biography and fiction] A Accompanist, 99 (13). Accountant, 1, 3, 41, 75, 77, 95, 177 (24), 195, 241, 258 (1), 260, 300, 312 (5), 320, 370, 605. Airlines, 268, 322. Auto accessory industry, 22 (2). Actress, 107, 142, 531, 534, 539, 557, 605. Documentary and educational films, 308. Educational films. See actress, documentary and educational films. Motion picture, 99 (21), 107, 258 (39), 347, 520, 538, 690. Radio, 177 (36), 306, 410 (35), 541. Screen. See actress, motion picture. Stage, 99 (21), 347, 411 (1), 467, 468, 511. Television, 107, 307, 313 (105). Actuarial worker, 400 (5). Administrator, Business, 177 (21). Dietitian, 313 (26). Food, institution, 57. Hospital, 590. Nursing, 333. Public, 313 (86), 575, 591. School, 448. Social work, 330. Advertising, 21, 71, 75, 95, 99 (1), 214, 294 (8), 312 (1). Agency worker, 213. Copy writer, 177 (15). See also copy writer. Worker, 258 (2), 450, 496, 605. Direct mail, 313 (28). Fashion, 159. Home economics, 450. Magazines, 313 (63). Radio, 214, 242, 243, 541. See also sales man, advertising, space and time, radio. Radio, home economics, 167. Adviser, home economics, 21. Agent, Casualty insurance. See salesman, casualty insurance. Fire insurance. See salesman, fire insurance. Life insurance. See salesman, life insurance. Literary. See literary agent. Passenger, airlines, 74, 79, 123 (7), 164, 258 (3), 313 (5). Reservations, airlines, 22 (1), 74, 79. Purchasing, 111. Ticket, airlines, 74, 162, 164, 177 (19), 258 (3), 268, 313 (5), 322. Ticket, bus lines, 123 (7). Agricultural extension worker, 17, 19, 494. Agricultural worker, 70, 78, 261, 293, 296, 605. Agronomist, 400 (2). Aide, engineering. See engineering aide. Aircraft industry worker, 707. Airlines reservations agent. See agent, reserva tions, airlines. Alterations worker, garments, 258, (16). Aluminum industry worker, 313 (3). American Red Cross worker, 95, 177 (20). Analyst, Business, 410 (33). Chemical, 387. Commercial research, 123 (5). Industry, 410 (33). Job, 193. News, radio, 177 (37). Textiles, 177 (6). Trade, refrigeration, 22 (9). Anesthetist, nurse. See nurse, anesthetist. Announcer, Radio, 177 (37), 306. Television, 307, 313 (105). Anthropologist, 313 (96), 440 (6), 591. Arbitrator, labor, 312 (3). Archeologist, 314 (1). Architect, 258 (4), 313 (4), 342, 400 (1), 400 (8), 411 (2), 423, 462, 492, 605. Landscape, 258 (29), 400 (1), 411 (2), 424, 605. Artist, 64, 65 (1), 99 (5), 142, 512, 526, 528, 531, 534, 547, 559, 605. Advertising, 64, 99 (1), 177 (16), 242, 243, 258 (2), 292. Cartoonist. See cartoonist. Commercial, 78, 99 (5), 177 (25). Concert. See concert artist. Greeting card, 22 (4), 156, 236, 253, 313 (48). Magazines, 313 (63). Poster, 64, 177 (16). Store, 456. Window display, 64. Assistant, dental. See dental assistant. Assistant, laboratory, physics. See physics lab oratory assistant. Assistant, laboratory, chemical. See chemical laboratory assistant. Assistant, medical. See medical assistant. Assistant, nursery school. See nursery school assistant. Assistant to physician. See physician’s assist ant. Astronomer, 271, 313 (78), 328, 400 (7), 400 (8), 410 (2). Astrophysicist, 328. Attendant, hospital, 81, 399 (7), 399 (9). Auditor, 313 (1), 322, 353. See also accountant. Author. See writer. Auto accessory worker, 22 (2) . Automobile worker, 173, 313 (110), 707, Aviator, 534. 90 B Baby sitter, 251, 434. Bacteriologist, 80, 312 (7), 313 (8), 313 (22), 400 (2), 591. Industrial, 177 (2), 313 (8). Medical, 177 (2). Public health, 177 (2). Research, 177 (2). Baker, 142. Banker, 77, 78, 258 (7), 410 (3), 500. Bank worker, 22 (5), 142, 197, 313 (6), 314 (9), 320, 358, 410 (3). Beautician. See beauty operator. Beauty operator, 78, 142, 251, 269, 313 (7), 326, 354, 410 (4), 574, 609, 713. Beekeeper, 258 (6). Bindery worker. See bookbinder. Biochemist, 177 (3), 312 (9). Biologist, 271, 313 (8), 328. Biophysicist, 328. Bookbinder, 142, 210, 313 (9), 366, 375. Bookkeeper, 218, 233, 258 (9), 269, 270, 289, 290, 304, 312 (5), 313 (10), 313 (66), 320, 358, 370, 412, 417, 451. Book mender, 48. Book publisher, 410 (5). Botanist, 400 (2), 483, 591. Broadcaster, radio, 21, 318. Brokerage office worker, 85. Broker, real estate, 48. See also realtor. Building industry worker, 86. Buyer, 83. Art, 177 (25). Department store, 99 (11), 294 (8), 456. Merchandise, 80, 313 (88). Retail store, 289, 290. Time and space, advertising, 292. C Cafeteria worker, 71, 318, 456. Calculating machine operator. See operator, calculating machine. Candy manufacturing worker, 22 (3). Cannery worker, 313 (12). Canvasser, house to house, 313 (53). Cartographer, 400 (4), 410 (6). Cartoonist, 64, 499, 547. Case worker, social work, 10, 99 (19), 124, 299, 330, 410 (41). Cashier, 142, 269, 289, 290, 313 (10), 417, 456. Bank, 77. Casualty insurance agent. See salesman, casu alty insurance. Cateress, 48, 259, 434. Certified public accountant, 241, 258 (1), 313 (1). See also accountant. Chambermaid. See maid, chamber. Charwoman, 313 (11). Chef, 313 (92). Chemical laboratory assistant, 160. Chemist, 11, 22 (7), 78, 80, 95, 147, 237, 271, 313 (13), 313 (22), 313 (78), 328, 387, 400 (3), 400 (8), 455, 462, 483, 492, 515, 591. Agricultural, 313 (8). Cosmetics, 312 (9). Food, 312 (9). Industrial, 88, 294 (4). Nutrition, 312 (9). Pharmaceutical, 313 (75). Plastics, 258 (48). Textiles, 152, 174, 312 (9). Child development worker. See child welfare worker. Child service worker. See child welfare worker. Child welfare worker, 10, 18, 19, 71, 330. Chiropodist, 61, 238. Choreographer, 99 (3). City planner, 95. Cleaner, building, 313 (11). Cleaning, dyeing, and pressing worker, 269, 313 (14), 718. Clergyman, 265. Clerical worker, 267, 275, 304, 313 (100), 326, 400 (6), 410 (23), 462, 705, 713. Clerk, 22 (2), 164, 177 (24), 218, 322, 358. Accounting, airlines, 164. Actuarial, 341. Adjustment, 290. Billing, 177 (17). Central office, telephone, 403. Communications, airlines, 3. Correspondence, 290. Cost, 177 (17). Credit, 417. Dispatch, airlines, 164, 258 (3). File, 3, 164, 177 (17), 218, 270, 313 (66), 341, 370, 436. Government. See government worker. Ledger, 177 (17). Mail, 3, 312 (5), 313 (66), 456. Operations, airlines, 74. Order, 177 (17). Payroll, 177 (17). Personnel, 417. Postal, 313 (82). Production, 417. Railroad, information, 123 (7). Reservations, airlines, 177 (19), 322, 404. Shipping, 177 (17). Statistical, 22 (1), 417. Steamship office, 123 (7). Stock, 177 (17), 322. Traffic, telephone, 403. Clothing, manufacturing worker, 21, 71, 78, 142. See also garment manufacturing worker. Coach, athletic, 410 (31). Collector, 313 (2). Loans, 22 (5). Columnist, newspaper. See newspaper column ist. . Radio. See radio columnist. Commentator, radio. See radio commentator. Commercial artist. See artist, commercial. Commercial foods worker, 57. Communications worker, airline, 268. Community survey worker, 48. Composer, music, 410 (25). Comptometer operator. See operator, business machines, and operator, comptometer. Concert artist, 99 (13), 410 (25). 91 Concertmaster, motion pictures, 203. Conductor, orchestra, 181. Radio, 541. Confectionery worker, 357. See also candy manufacturing worker. Congresswoman, 523. Conservationist, wildlife, 59. Consultant, food, equipment, textiles, 21, 140. Consumer, cooperative worker, 313 (19). Continuity writer, radio. See writer, continuity, radio. Cook, 251, 410 (8), 609. Restaurant, 191, 313 (92). Coordinator, fashion, 224. Copy writer, 64, 99 (1), 99 (11), 99 (16), 111, 173, 177 (15), 242, 258 (2), 292, 331, 428, 450, 454, 456. Correspondent, 177 (17). Business, 242. Foreign, 313 (41). Cosmetics, industry worker, 313 (31), 410 (10). Cosmetologist. See beauty operator. Costume jewelry manufacturing worker, 706. Cotton textile worker. See textile worker. Counselor, camp, 410 (31). Education, 440 (5). Employee, 52. Guidance, 258 (24), 581. High school, 459. Industry, 313 (49). Nursing, 351. Psychological, 112. Public relations, 410 (36). School, 313 (49), 313 (74), 314 (3), 620. Social agency, 313 (49). Student, 313 (74). Travel, 123 (9), 177 (23). Trade union, 193. Veterans’, 258 (65). Vocational, 330, 440 (4). Crafts worker. See handicrafts worker. Credit manager. See manager, credit. Worker, 48, 313 (2). Critic, dramatic, 107. Cryptanalysis worker, 339. Curator, museum, 286. Zoo, 476. D Dairy worker, 313 (22). Dancer, 99 (3), 506, 543, 605. Ballet, 107, 506. 516. Dean of students, 459. Decorator, Floral, 313 (38). Interior, 51, 95, 96, 142, 199, 251, 294 (1), 294 (5), 313 (56), 410 (14), 426, 605. Demonstrator, Foods, 57, 167, 410 (13). Industrial, 99 (6), 191. Dental assistant, 14, 86, 313 (25), 399 (6), 399 (9). Dental hygienist, 14, 78, 86, 98, 169, 258 (12), 313 (24), 313 (25), 391, 399 (1), 399 (9), 462, 590. Dentist, 38, 108, 147, 173, 258 (14), 260, 282, 313 (25), 399 (9), 399 (10), 462, 590. Department store worker, 71, 95, 142, 497. Designer, Aircraft, 508. Book jackets, 64. Commercial, 294 (1). Costume, 83, 91, 96, 99 (4), 123 (1), 410 (9), 415, 601. •Costume, motion pictures, 90, 107, 166, 203. Dolls, 200. Dress, 17, 90, 99 (4), 123 (1), 258 (16), 294 (2), 490, 493, 553, 574, 605. Ecclesiastic, 294 (1). Fashion, 64, 99 (4), 99 (6), 125, 159, 177 (25), 294 (2), 301, 410 (13), 352. Floral, 313 (38). Furs, 177 (22). Greeting cards, 313 (48). Industrial, 51, 64, 260, 294 (1), 313 (54), 430, 603. Industrial, refrigeration, 22 (9). Packages, 64. Stage, 64, 415. Textiles, 64, 138, 174, 260, 454, 605. Detailer, 313 (30). Detective, 258 (15). Dietitian, 15, 16, 42, 67, 96, 99 (6), 158, 233, 260, 313 (26), 314 (2), 390, 410 (8), 410 (13), 458, 590, 711. Airlines, 22 (1), 74, 157. Hospital, 294 (3), 313 (50), 318, 419. Hotel, 313 (51). Diplomatic service worker, 313 (27), 518. Foreign service, 313 (27). Director, Camp, 273, 410 (31). Children’s museum, 286. Consumer relations, textiles, 177 (6). Education, museum, 286. Education, pattern dept., 177 (6). Education, radio, 410 (35). Education, trade unions, 193. Educational films, home economics, 153. Employee counseling, 193. Employee services, 193. Fashion, store, 224. Funeral, 246, 258 (22), 313 (45), 410 (23). Health education, 273, 274. Home service, 57. Industrial relations, 554. Personnel, 193, 410 (29). Program, youth serving agencies, 273, 274. Program, radio, 313 (89). Publicity, 99 (16). Radio, 541. Social activities, resort hotel, 411 (4). Stage, 544. Television, 541. Training, 193. Display worker, 95, 313 (29), 313 (56). Window, 313 (56), 552. Doctor. See physician. Documentary films worker, 204. Domestic, 48, 92, 101, 142, 171, 228, 251, 255, 92 267, 313 (52), 313 (111), 326, 381, 394, 396, 398, 718. Draftsman, 79, 227, 313 (30), 328, 353, 400 (1). See also detailer. Dramatic worker, 80. Dressmaker, 142, 251, 258 (16), 313 (102), 713. Driver, bus, 258 (10). Drug industry worker, 313 (31), 410 (10). Dry cleaning and dyeing worker. See cleaning and pressing worker. Dyeing worker. See cleaning and pressing worker. E Economist, 494. Editor, 111. Aviation news, 508. Books, 196. Country paper, 43. Documentary and educational films, 308. Fashion, 177 (16), 310. Greeting cards, 22 (4). Managing, magazine, 313 (32). Newspaper, 313 (32), 439. Social work publications, 330. Technical fields 400 (6). Editorial assistant, book, 196. Editorial worker, magazine, 180. Educator, 534. See also teacher. Physical. See teacher, physical education. Public health, 38. Electrical appliance worker, 117, 313 (33). Electrical industry worker, 313 (34), 707. Electronics worker, 173, 258 (17), 313 (35). Embalmer, 246, 258 (22), 313 (45), 410 (23). Embroiderer, 251. Employment service worker, 95. Engineer, 86, 147, 400 (8), 462, 494, 534, 591. Aeronautical, 271, 328, 492, 508. Agricultural, 312 (2). Ceramic, 312 (2). Chemical, 271, 328, 388, 400 (1), 492. Civil, 312 (2), 328, 400 (1), 492. Construction, 492. Electrical, 271, 312 (2), 400 (1), 492. Household, 430. Industrial, 400 (1), 492, 515. Management, 410 (19)* Mechanical, 312 (2), 328, 400 (1), 492. Metallurgical, 400 (1), 410 (15). Mining, 400 (1),492. Prefabricated houses, 258 (52). Refrigeration, 492. Sanitation, 515. Structural, 271. Engineering aide, 400 (1). Entertainer. See actress, dancer, musician, singer. Entomologist, 271, 313 (8). Equipment, Specialist, 21. Worker, 17, 18. Examiner, immigration service, 258 (26), Executive, Business, 320, 652. Hotel, 177 (21). Office, 301. Experimental kitchen worker, 208. See also home economist, foods companies. Exporter, 50. Extension worker, home economics, 99 (6), 410 (13). See also government worker, home economist. F Fabric worker, airplanes, 227. Factory worker, 22 (8), 48, 177 (31), 267, 313 (72), 380, 382, 462, 692, 695, 696, 698, 700, 702, 706, 709. Farmer, 48. Dairy, 313 (21). Fashion coordinator. See coordinator, fashion. Designer. See designer, fashion. F.B.I. worker, 313 (37), 339, 355. Feature writer. See writer, special features. Field worker, commercial research, 123 (5). File clerk, airlines. See clerk, file. Finance worker, 85. Fingerprint classifier, 313 (37), 355. See also F.B.I. worker. Finisher, dressmaking, 123 (1). Laundry, 359. Fitter, dresses, 258 (16), 313 (102). Flight instructor. See instructor, flight. Floriculture, 84, 313 (58), 424. Florist, 22 (10), 313 (38). Food administrator. See administrator, food. Foods, dehydrated, worker, 313 (39). Frozen, locker workers. See frozen food locker workers. Specialist. See specialist, foods. Food store worker, 142. Foods worker, 21, 269, 318. Airlines, 3, 153, 164, 173, 258 (3), 318. Hotel, 17. Railroads, 153. Footwear worker, 706. Foreign correspondent. See correspondent, for eign. Service worker. See worker, foreign serv ice. Trade worker, 258 (19), 313 (36). Foreman, 231, 313 (42). Greenhouse, 177 (30). Forester, 59, 400 (2). Foundry worker, 313 (43). Free-lance writer. See writer, free lance. Frozen food locker worker, 258 (21). Funeral director. See director, funeral. Service worker, 246. Fur rancher, 59. Worker, 313 (47). Furniture manufacturing worker, 173, 313 (46), 383. G Game manager, game warden, 59. Propagation worker, 59. Gardener, 251. Landscape, 177 (30), 313 (58). 98 Garment, manufacturing worker, 258 (16), 313 (16), 326, 380, 453, 524, 718. Gasoline filling station worker, 258 (23). Gemologist, 145, 211. General manager, newspaper. See newspaper, general manager. Genetics worker, 591 Geographer, 400 (4), 400 (8), 591. Geologist, 271, 313 (78), 328, 389, 400 (4), 400 (8), 492, 591. Geophysicist, 328. Girl Scout worker, 2, 149, 280, 410 (12). Glass industry worker, 313 (94), 377. Government worker, 48, 58, 70, 80, 81, 95, 96, 99 (8), 123 (4), 142, 162, 173, 177 (24), 194, 207, 258 (25), 268, 312 (3), 312 (7), 313 (37), 313 (49), 313 (86), 313 (100), 313 (114), 318, 325, 328, 330, 339, 353, 355, 400 (6), 422, 534, 697. Accountant, 207, 313 (1), 353. Aeronautics, 404. Astronomy, 400 (7), 410 (2). Biological sciences, 400 (2). Career officer corps, 139. Chemist, 400 (3). Dental assistant, 399 (6). Dental hygienist, 313 (24), 391, 399 (1). Dietitian, 207, 313 (26). Engineer, 400 (1), Foreign service, 114, 123 (8), 139, 407. Geography, 400 (4). Geologist, 389. Home economist, 69, 220. Horticulture, 177 (30). Immigration service, 258 (25). Lawyer, 258 (30). Librarian, 123 (4), 207, 393. Medical laboratory technician, 399 (2). Meteorologist, 400 (4). Nurse, 177 (13), 207, 353, 399 (8). Occupational therapist, 391, 399 (4). Physician, 399 (11). Physicist, 400 (7). Plant pathologist, 258 (47). Personnel, 207, 313 (74), 410 (29), 440 (5). Pharmacist, 258 (45). Physical therapist, 207, 391, 399 (5), 399 (9), 446. Psychologist, 112. Public relations, 99 (16). Research, 123 (5), 162. Scientific aide, 353. Statistician, 177 (24), 313 (99), 400 (5). Textiles, 177 (6). Vocational adviser, 207. X-ray technician, 399 (12). Greeting card worker, 22 (4). Guard, forest ranger station, 189. Guidance worker. See counselor. Psychologist, 73. H Hair dresser, motion pictures, 203. See also beauty operator. Handicrafts worker, 48, 201, 252, 285, 431. Hand weaver. See weaver, hand. Historian, 313 (96). Home demonstration agent, 115, 220, 312 (7), 313 (20), 314 (2), 321, 457. Home economics advisor. See advisor, home economics. Home economist, 17, 99 (6), 142, 152, 168, 208, 313 (50), 330, 410 (13), 420, 457, 462, 571, 573, 589. See also dietitian ; government worker, home economist; home supervisor, county; nutritionist; teacher, home eco nomics. Business, 208, 311, 314 (2), 317 (1). Equipment firms, 311. Foods company, 57, 311. Government service. See government worker, home economist. Refrigeration industry, 22 (9). Home supervisor, county, 312 (7), 457. Horticulturist, 177 (30), 258 (40), 400 (2), 605. Hosiery worker, 367, 371. Hospital attendant. See attendant, hospital. Hostess, 259. Airline, 3, 22 (1), 53, 70, 74, 78, 86, 99 (2), 123 (7), 157, 164, 173, 177 (19), 227, 258 (3), 268, 313 (5), 313 (101), 322, 326, 344, 363, 404, 410 (1), 411 (4), 508. Hotel, 78. Mortuary, 246, 410 (23). Restaurant, 48, 191. Tea shop, 191, 290, 313 (92). Train, 78, 123 (7), 313 (101). Hotel executive. See executive, hotel. Worker, 142, 170, 313 (51), 318, 368, 718. Household worker. See domestic; cook; house keeper ; maid, nurse ; laundress. Housekeeper, 313 (52). Executive, college, 177 (26). Executive, hospital, 177 (26), 419. Executive, hotel, 48, 123 (6), 177 (26), 313 (51), 364. House mother, sorority, 48. Housing specialist, 330. Hygienist, dental. See dental hygienist. Industrial, 38. I Illustrator, 64. Books, 258 (8). Fashion, 64, 177 (16), 294 (2), 605. Medical, 65 (1), 184, 221, 258 (33). Technical, 400 (6). Importer, 50. Industrial relations worker, 320. Information worker, bus lines, 123 (7). Inspector, electrical appliances, 313 (33). Food, 19, 284, 457. Hotel, 170, 364. Plastics products, 365, 369. Instructor, Flight, 508. Link trainer, airlines, 177 (19). Instrument manufacturing worker, 312 (6). 94 Institutional worker. See dietitian, hospital; matron, jail; nurse, institutional. Insurance worker, 142, 400 (5). See also sales man, life insurance. Interior decorator. See decorator, interior. Interviewer, Employment, 193. Loan business, 22 (5). Market research, 411 (3). Radio, 514. Investment worker, 95. J Jeweler, 211. Jewelry worker, 142, 431. Journalist, 70, 75, 99 (7), 148, 258 (28), 260, 261, 301, 313 (32), 317 (4), 439, 449, 517, 535, 591, 660, 690. Home economics, 17, 18, 19, 96, 99 (6), 313 (50), 410 (13), 425. Magazine, 21. Newspaper, 21, 254. Judge, 532. K Key punch operator, airlines. key punch machine. See operator, L Laboratory assistant, chemistry. See Chemical laboratory assistant. Laboratory assistant, physics. See Physics lab oratory assistant. Laboratory worker, Biochemistry, 177 (3). Chemistry, 400 (3). Public health, 38. Textile, 173, 177 (6). Labor problems worker, 494. Labor relations manager. See manager, labor relations. Laundress, 251. Laundry worker, 23, 78, 142, 155, 269, 313 (59), 359, 405. Lawyer, 78, 99 (8), 258 (3), 261, 338, 462, 630, 591. Life insurance, 341. Patent, 410 (28). Layout worker, 95. Lecture bureau organizer, 251. Lecturer, dramatic, 107. Letterer, hand, 177 (16). Librarian, 24, 25, 26, 48, 70, 89, 99 (9), 183, 185, 205, 206, 233, 258 (31), 261, 314 (7), 326, 329, 374, 393, 410 (17), 418, 445, 462, 480, 546, 558, 573, 574, 591, 690, 713. Adult education, 317 (8). Botany library, 400 (2). Chemical reference, 11, 237, 309, 314 (5), 387, 400 (3). Children’s, 258 (11), 313 (61), 554. College, 177 (39), 313 (61). Commercial company, 123 (4). Elementary school, 177 (39). High school, 177 (39). Information, 123 (4). Medical, 314 (11), 408. Medical record, 5, 65 (2), 177 (8), 222, 399 (3), 399 (9), 442, 566, 590. Music, 181. Newspaper, 111. Radio network, 541. Reference, 313 (61). School, 99 (9). See also librarian, elemen tary school, librarian, high school. Special library, 99 (9), 176, 313 (61), 313 (98), 327. Technical, 225, 335, 389, 400 (6). Linen room worker, hotel, 170, 313 (51). Link trainer instructor. See Instructor, Link trainer, airlines. Linotype operator, 231, 258 (32), 410 (18). Literary agent, 313 (62). M Maid, Bath, 170. Chamber, 170. Hotel, 170, 364. Nurse, 259. Ward, hospital, 419. Mail clerk, airlines. See clerk, mail. Manager, Advertising, 99 (1), 111. Auto accessory industry, 22 (2). Cafeteria, 167, 318. Credit, 272. Employment, 193. Food, 294 (3). Folk art festival, 503. Game. See game manager. Hotel, 123 (6). Information, travel bureau, 258 (63). Institutional, 19, 313 (50). Labor relations, 312 (3). Lecture bureau, 186. Lecturers, 186. Magazine, 180. Merchandise, 83, 456. Nursery (agriculture), 313 (58). Personnel, 75. Phonographic records department, 22 (8). Radio station, 541. Restaurant, 21, 167. Traffic, airlines, 74, 177 (19). Traffic, industrial, 440 (1). Travel information service, 177 (23). Travel services, 123 (9). Manufacturing. See bookbinder, candy manu* facturing worker; cannery worker; cloth ing manufacturing worker; electrical appli ance worker; electronics worker; foods, dehydrated, worker; furniture manufactur ing worker ; glass industry worker; hosiery worker; jewelry worker; millinery worker ; plastics manufacturing worker; rayon in dustry worker ; shoe industry worker ; textile worker; commercial foods worker. Manufacturer, Candy, 177 (4). 95 Dolls, 229. Electrical equipment, 492. Glazes and paints, 482. Slip covers and draperies, 199. Market research worker. See research worker, marketing. Refrigeration, 22 (9). Mathematician, 44, 313 (78), 400 (5), 400 (8), 483, 591. Matron, jail, 440 (3). Meat packing industry worker, 142, 313 (64), 410 (20), 699. Mechanic, optical, 177 (32). Medical assistant, 264. Medical research worker, 95, 177 (38), 400 (3), 483. Mender, 251. Men’s clothing worker, 22 (6). Merchandiser, 99 (11), 301, 428. Home economics, 19. Textiles, 454. Message writer, airlines, 177 (19). Messenger, office, 313 (66). Metallurgist, 173, 313 (78), 328. Meteorologist, 27, 79, 162, 164, 177 (19), 227, 258 (3), 258 (38), 268, 271, 313 (78), 328, 392, 400 (4), 400 (8), 508. Micropaleontologist, 400 (4). Milliner, 477. Minister. See Clergyman. Missionary, 410 (39), 464, 487, 518. Model, Commercial art, 99 (12). Fashion, 109, 123 (2), 230, 290, 410 (22), 498. Illustration, 99 (12). Photographic, 99 (12), 109, 123 (2), 165, 177 (27), 230, 410 (22). Retail house, 99 (12), 177 (27), 289, 410 (22). "Wholesale house, 99 (12), 177 (27), 410 (22). Monitor, radio, 541. Mortician, 78. Motion picture workers, 166, 204, 313 (65), 410 (24). See also documentary films worker; actress, motion pictures. Museum worker, 59, 286, 426. Musician, 80, 142, 181, 410 (25), 595, 602. See also concert artist; conductor, orchestra; or ganist ; pianist; composer, music. Motion pictures, 166. Radio, 313 (89), 410 (35), 541. Symphony orchestra, 334. Mycologist, 400 (2). N Newspaper, Columnist, 17, 111, 535. General manager, 439. Publisher. See publisher, newspaper. Worker, 43, 662. Novelist, 501, 533. See also writer. Nurse, 70, 86, 192, 261, 326, 422, 494, 615, 709. Administrator. See administrator, nursing. Aide, 399 (7). American Red Cross, 177 (20). Anesthetist, 7, 103. Camp, 103. Child’s, 609. See also maid, nurse. Communicable diseases, 103. Doctor’s office, 103. Flight, 508. See also hostess, airlines. Head, 247, 419. Hospital. See nurse, institutional. Industrial, 38, 42, 103, 113, 177 (7), 193, 217, 219, 247, 281, 312 (4), 397. Institutional, 103, 144, 362. Maid. See maid, nurse. Maternity, 103. Midwife, 103. Orthopedic, 182. Outpatient department, 103. Pediatric, 103. Practical, 29, 48, 49, 104, 105, 142, 247, 251, 256, 258 (51), 313 (83), 340, 349, 399 (7), 399 (9), 419, 460, 609, 709. Private duty, 99 (14), 103, 144, 362, 384, 410 (26), 549. Professional, 28, 29, 30, 54, 65 (3), 78, 86, 99 (14), 106, 142, 147, 183, 233, 247, 257, 258 (41), 260, 262,305, 313 (109), 314 (6), 333, 346, 351, 356, 361, 362, 390, 399 (8), 399 (9), 410 (26), 462, 481, 505, 518, 550, 555, 556, 564, 565, 571, 573, 609, 613, 634, 673, 713. Psychiatric, 103. Public Health, 4, 38, 99 (14), 103, 137, 144, 177 (13), 192, 247, 248, 258 (55), 298, 312 (4), 362, 385, 410 (26), 491, 578. Rural, 4, 103. School, 103. Staff, 362, 384. Tuberculosis, 106. Visiting, 94, 510. Nursery school assistant, 251. Nursery worker (agriculture), 258 (40). Nutritionist, 38, 57, 96, 99 (6), 116, 147, 261, 263, 312 (4), 314 (2), 318, 386. O Observer, telephone service, 403. Occupational therapist. See therapist, occupa tional. Oculist, 313 (69). Office executive. See executive, office. Office holder, political, 177 (33). Officer, bank, 197. Office worker, 78, 258 (3), 267, 312 (5), 370, 373, 378, 596, 625, 694, 695, 709, 718. See also bookkeeper; clerical worker; clerk; credit worker; dental assistant; operator, office ma chines ; receptionist; secretary ; statistician ; stenographer ; typist. Operator, Addressograph, 417. Beauty shop, 354, 615. Billing machine, 417. Bookkeeping machine, 177 (17), 313 (67), 341. Business machine. See operator, office ma chine ; operator, billing machine ; operator, 96 calculating machine; Operator, comptom eter ; operator, dictating machine; opera tor, duplicating machine; operator, key punch machine; operator, tabulating ma chine. Calculating machine, 218, 275, 313 (67). Comptometer, 3, 177 (17). Dictating machine, 177 (17). Duplicating machine, 177 (24). Elevator, 313 (11). Key punch machine, 3, 177 (17), 313 (67). Linotype. See linotype operator. Office machine, 142, 218, 233, 258 (43), 270, 304, 312 (5), 326, 370, 417. P.B.X., 218, 313 (66), 320. Power sewing machine, 313 (16), 313 (68). Radio, airlines, 164. Radio, ground station, 79. Tabulating machine, 123 (5), 177 (17), 417. Tearoom. See tearoom operator. Telegraph, 142, 293, 320, 713. Telephone, 70, 81, 142, 177 (17), 177 (24), 293, 313 (104), 320, 402, 403, 713. Teletype, aviation, 79, 164, 177 (19), 258 (3), 322, 363. Teleprinter, 313 (104). Ophthalmologist, 313 (69). Optical instrument manufacturing worker, 313 (94). Optician, 177 (32). Optometrist, 32, 33, 313 (70), 410 (27), 590. Organist, 181, 410 (25). Organizer, trade union, 193, 524. Organizer, union. See organizer, trade union. Osteopathic physician, 34, 35, 36, 62, 82, 127, 399 (9), 590. P Packaging industry worker, 313 (72). Painter. See artist. Paleontologist, 271. Parole worker, 330. Part time worker, 290. Passenger agent, airlines. See agent, passenger, airlines. , Patent searcher, 400 (3), 400 (6). Pathologist, Plant, 80, 258 (47), 400 (2). Speeeh, 260. P.B.X. operator. See operator, P.B.X. Peace agency worker. See worker, peace agency. Peddler, 313 (53). Pedodontist, 313 (25). Personal shopper, 123 (3). Personnel manager. See manager, personnel. Personnel worker, 18, 42, 78, 95, 142, 147, 152, 155, 177 (24), 258 (24), 260, 261, 294 (8), 324, 410 (29), 440 (5), 494, 581, 591. Airlines, 22 (1), 164, 227. Department store, 456. Government. See government worker, per sonnel. Industrial, 313 (74). School, 313 (74). See also counselor, edu cation ; counselor, high school; counselor, guidance; counselor, school; counselor, vocational; dean of students; teacher, visiting. Youth groups, 80. Pharmacist, 63, 86, 128, 258 (45), 261, 283, 313 (75) , 399 (9), 410 (30), 462, 590. Pharmaceutical worker, 22 (7). Photofinisher, 190. Photogrammetrist, 400 (4). Photographer, 78, 142, 177 (16), 294 (6), 313 (76), 432, 469, 534, 599, 605. Color, 294 (6). Commercial, 294 (6), 410 (34). F.B.I., 313 (37), 339. Foods, 17. Illustrative, 294 (6). Industrial, 190. Portrait, 294 (6), 410 (34). Record, 410 (38). Scientific, 190. Physical therapist. See therapist, physical. Physician, 55, 86, 99 (10), 100, 147, 173, 212, 258 (37), 260, 261, 291, 313 (79), 372, 399 (9), 399 (11), 410 (21), 433, 447, 462, 464, 472, 473, 478, 487, 494, 507, 509, 515, 529, 542, 562, 563, 615. Industrial, 193. Industrial hygiene, 38. Maternal and child health, 38. Mental hygiene, 38. Osteopathic. See osteopathic physician. Public health, 258 (54). Psychiatrist, 461. School, 38. Specialist, 99 (10), 399 (11), 410 (21). Physician’s assistant, 399 (6), 399 (9). Physicist, 147, 177 (10), 271, 313 (78), 328, 400 (7), 400 (8), 492, 591. Physics laboratory assistant, 160. Physiologist, plant, 400 (2). Physiotherapist. See therapist, physical. Pianist, 198. Pilot, Airplane, 74, 508. Glider, 508. Placement worker, 554. Plant pathologist. See pathologist, plant. Plastics manufacturing worker, 173, 258 (48), 313 (80), 365, 369, 395, 707. Playground assistant, 251. Playwright, 414. Podiatrist. See chiropodist. Poet, 102, 501, 519. Policewoman, 93, 126, 258 (49), 438, 440 (3). County, 440 (3). Political scientist, 313 (96). Political worker, 177 (33), 313 (81). Politician, 177 (33), 258 (50), 313 (81), 523, 666. Postal worker, 313 (82). Power sewing machine operator. See operator, power sewing machine. President, college, 534. Press agent, 99 (16), 416. Principal, school, 245. 97 * Printer, 78, 210, 294 (7). Printing industry worker, 366. See also book binder, printer, proofreader. Producer, films, 203. Plays, 645. Radio, 541. Radio program, 410 (35). Production worker, magazine, 180. Professor, college. See teacher, college. Proofreader, 177 (12), 366. Proprietor, 48, 50, 86, 123 (3), 177 (1), 187, 201, 269, 285, 348, 434, 482, 492, 705, 709. Antique shop, 177 (1). Beauty shop, 354. Circus, 488. Confectionery business, 177 (4), 316. Cosmetics business, 313 (31). Dairy store, 316. Doll manufacturing business, 47, 66, 200, 229. Drug store, 316. Fashion business, 83. Flower shop, 316. Food business, 177 (28), 252. Gift shop, 316. Handcrafts shop, 332. Hotel, 235. Jewelry store, 316. Laundry, 23, 155. Manufacturing business, 465. Millinery store, 316. News and magazine business, 316. Pet shop, 251. Rental library, 251. Seed farm, 22 (10). Store, 67, 235, 313 (71). Telephone exchange, 123 (3). Women’s apparel store, 316. Psychiatrist, 258 (53), 313 (84), 399 (11), 440 (4), 461. Psychologist, 72, 73, 80, 112, 142, 177 (34), 260, 261, 313 (85), 440 (4). Clinical, 112. Publicity worker, 83, 164, 177 (35), 292. Publicity writer, motion pictures, 166. Public relations worker, 99 (16), 140, 162, 177 (18), 214, 227, 313 (87), 410 (36), 541. Public utilities worker, 152. Public welfare worker, 330. See also social worker. Publisher, 111. Book. See book publisher. Newspaper, 439. Pulp and paper manufacturing worker, 313 (73). Puppeteer, 122. R Rabbit raiser, 48. Radar worker, 313 (35). Radio advertising worker. See advertising worker, radio. Radio broadcaster. See broadcaster, radio. Radio columnist, 541. Radio commentator, 83, 410 (35), 534, 541. Home economics, 410 (13). Radio interviewer. See interviewer, radio. Radio monitor. See monitor, radio. Radio network executive, 410 (35), 541. Radio news analyst. See analyst, news, radio. Radio production worker, 189. Radio worker, 99 (6), 99 (17), 173, 227, 313 (89), 541, 576. F.B.I., 313 (37). Railway worker, 178, 313 (90), 452. Rancher, fur, 48. Ranger, 189. Rayon worker, 379. Real estate worker, 258 (56), 410 (37). Realtor, 48, 319, 410 (37), 495. Receptionist, 3, 164, 177 (17), 218, 313 (66), 410 (35). Recreation worker, 249, 250, 258 (26), 258 (57), 261, 313 (77), 313 (91). Refrigeration industry worker, 22 (9). Rehabilitation worker. See vocational rehabili tation worker. Religious worker, 78, 313 (15), 410 (39). See also clergyman, missionary. Reporter, Club, 177 (9). Convention, 251, 315. Court, 315. Fashions, 159. Newspaper, 99 (7), 111, 148, 177 (9), 254, 313 (32), 439, 502, 504. Radio, 177 (37). Society, 177 (9), 313 (32). Research worker, Advertising, 99 (1), 214, 258 (2). Airlines, 157. Biochemistry, 177 (3). Chemistry, 237, 312 (9), 400 (3). Commerical fields, 123 (5). Dietetics, 313 (26). Documentary and educational films, 308. Drugs and cosmetics, 313 (31). Equipment, 152, 420. Finance, 85. Food laboratory, 318. Geology, 400 (4). Home economics, 17, 19, 57, 96, 99 (6), 313 (50), 314 (2), 410 (13). Marketing, 173, 242, 411 (3), 437. Medical. See medical research worker. Motion picture, 203. Patents, 237. Pharmaceutical industry, 22 (7). Social work, 10, 330. Textiles, 18, 95, 173, 174. Restaurant worker, 18, 21, 70, 71, 152, 318, 694, 718. See also cafeteria worker; cook; dieti tian ; hostess, restaurant; manager, food; manager, restaurant; waitress. Retail store executive, 456. Retail store worker, 22 (3), 71, 75. See also buyer, department store; buyer, retail store ; saleswoman, retail; saleswoman, store. 98 Retoucher, Photographic, 190, 314 (8). Greeting cards, 22 (4). S Safety, Supervisor, 513. Worker, 494. Sales department worker, magazine, 180. Salesman, Automobile, 258 (5). Casualty insurance, 410 (7). Fire insurance, 313 (55), 410 (11). General insurance, 48. Insurance, 313 (2). Life insurance, 48, 251, 258 (27), 295, 313 (55), 319, 341. Sales promotion worker, 22 (7), 173, 242, 294 (2). Saleswoman, 17, 70, 86, 96, 142, 191, 223, 259, 260, 267, 269, 289, 290, 313 (40), 313 (93), 313 (112), 314 (10), 323, 360, 376, 462, 479, 694, 705, 713. Advertising, space and time, radio, 99 (1), 214. Candy, 177 (4). Furs, 177 (22). Home furnishings, 199. Magazine subscriptions, 251. Phonograph records, 22 (8). Radio, 410 (35). Real estate. See realtor. Retail, 75, 428, 456, 718. See also sales woman, store. Store, 48, 78, 294 (8). Textiles, 174, 223. Traveling, 313 (18). Sample hand, dressmaking, 123 (1). Scientist, 86, 271, 313 (8), 400 (3), 409, 435, 483. See also agronomist; anthropologist; archeologist; astronomer ; bacteriologist; bio chemist ; biologist; botanist; chemist; ento mologist ; gemologist; geographer ; geologist; horticulturist; mathematician; meteorolo gist ; paleontologist; pathologist, plant; pa thologist, speech ; physicist. Animal husbandry, 400 (2). Biological, 400 (2), 400 (8). Soil, 400 (2). Script girl, motion pictures, 203. Script writer, radio. See writer, radio script. Sculptor, 99 (5), 471, 485, 527, 605. Secretary, 42, 48, 56, 70, 99 (18), 177 (17), 232, 233, 244, 258 (60), 269, 277, 279, 312 (5), 320, 341, 345, 400 (6), 410 (40), 421, 422, 574, 602, 605, 713. Airline industry, 164, 322, 404. Export department, commercial, 407. Inter-American affairs, 317 (9). Medical, 48, 258 (35), 264, 605. Radio, 99 (17). Technical, 400 (6). Trade union. See trade union secretary. Y.W.C.A. See Y.W.C.A. secretary. Seed industry worker, 22 (10). Seed technologist. See technologist, seed. Senator, 523. Service workers. See beauty operator; cateress ; charwoman; cleaning, dyeing, and pressing worker ; cook ; hotel worker ; domestic ; laun dry worker ; maid ; operator, elevator ; res taurant worker. Shoe industry worker, 313 (60), 313 (95). Shopper, Comparison, 48, 177 (6). Professional, 434. Shop steward, union, 193, 312 (3). Show card writer, 64. Singer, 107, 181, 198, 520, 534, 537, 539. Radio, 520, 521. Sketcher, costumes, motion picture industry, 90. Social work administrator. See administrator, social work. Social work, case worker. See case worker, so cial work. Social worker, 8, 9, 10, 45, 70, 99 (19), 124, 142, 147, 183, 202, 233, 239, 258 (59), 260, 261, 299, 313 (97), 326, 330, 393, 410 (13), 410 (41), 462, 561, 571, 573, 574, 591, 615, 639. Group, 10, 330. Health services, 202. Hospital, 419. Medical, 6, 10, 258 (36), 317 (6), 330, 410 (41). Psychiatric, 10, 330, 410 (41), 440 (4), 554. School, 129, 135, 330. Sociologist, 313 (96). Specialist, Audio-visual education, 591. Foods, 80. Household equipment, 420. Industrial feeding, 457. Marketing, 410 (33). Speech pathologist. See pathologist, speech. Sportscaster, radio, 177 (37). Stage designer. See designer, stage. Statistician, 75, 95, 193, 313 (99), 320, 400 (5), 400 (8), 410 (33), 437. Public health, 38. Stenographer, 56, 70, 95, 142, 177 (17), 177 (24), 218, 233, 258 (60), 269, 270, 304, 312 (5), 313 (100), 320, 355, 370, 413, 417, 609. Airlines, 3, 22 (1), 162, 164, 322. Bank, 22 (5), 197, 313 (6), 358. Foreign languages, 172. Foreign service, 123 (8). Public, 123 (3). Radio station, 410 (35). Travel services, 123 (9). Stenotypist, 260, 320. Steward, hotel, 123 (6). Stewardess, airlines. See hostess, airlines. Stewardess, flight. See hostess, airlines. Stock girl, motion picture industry, 90. Store worker. See buyer; department store worker ; proprietor ; saleswoman, store. Stylist, 83, 159, 177 (6), 497, 534. Suffrage worker, 534. %• 99 Supervisor, Floor, hotel, 170. Playground, 410 (31). Public employment service, 177 (24). Public health, 247. School lunch, 457. Social work, 299. Telephone, 403. Surgeon, 313 (79), 542. Surveyor, 400 (1). Switchboard operator, 258 (3). See also opera tor, P.B.X. ; operator, telephone. Radio, 541. Rural, 258 (58), 484. Science, 400 (6). Social sciences, 313 (96). Textiles, 177 (6). Visiting, 135. Tearoom operator, 140, 318. Technician, Aero-medical, 268. Clinical laboratory, 97, 317 (5), 441. Dental, 258 (13). Laboratory, 177 (2), 237, 313 (57), 605. Laboratory, airlines, 3. T Medical laboratory, 40, 65 (4), 97, 177 (14), Tabulating machine operator. See operator, tab 226, 258 (34), 317 (5), 391, 399 (2), 399 ulating machine. (9), 486, 540, 567, 590. Tariff worker, airlines, 164. Personnel, 193. Taxidermist, 59. Public health, 317 (5). Teacher, 12, 13, 46, 48, 60, 68, 70, 76, 78, 95, Research, 328. 110, 118, 119, 121, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, X-ray, 39, 81, 177 (14), 313 (114), 399 (9), 143, 147, 150, 154, 161, 163, 175, 179, 183, 209, 399 (12), 444, 570, 590. 215, 234, 245, 258 (61), 260, 261, 276, 278, Technologist, seed, 400 (2). 297, 302, 312 (8), 313 (103), 326, 336, 337, Telegraph operator. See operator, telegraph. 350, 410 (42), 422, 448, 462, 466, 474, 525, Telephone operator. See operator, telephone. 534, 536, 571, 573, 574, 591, 684, 690, 697, 709, Teletypist. See operator, teletype. 713. Television worker, 99 (17), 258 (62), 307. Art, 51, 99 (5). Home economics, 153. Astronomy, 400 (7). Teller, bank, 22 (5), 197, 451. Aviation, 268. See also instructor, flight; Temperance worker, 518. instructor, Link trainer, airlines; Tester, teacher, flying, private school. Household appliances, 167. Bacteriology, 177 (2). Textiles, 454. Biochemistry, 177 (3). Test kitchen worker, 17. Botany, 400 (2). Textile research worker. See research worker, Chemistry, 387, 400 (3). textiles. College, 99 (20), 130, 142, 177 (5), 313 Textile designer. See designer, textiles. (17), 400 (5). Textile worker, 21, 142, 313 (106), 379, 584, College mathematics, 400 (5). 706, 718. Dancing, 99 (3), 251, 313 (23). Therapist, occupational, 31, 87, 142, 147, 258 Elementary grades, 313 (103). (42), 261, 313 (107), 330, 391, 399 (4), 399 Exceptional children, 591. (9), 427, 475, 554, 568, 590, 605. Foreign countries, 123 (8), Therapist, physical, 37, 86, 99 (15), 142, 192, Flying, private school, 404. 258 (46), 261, 287, 313 (107), 317 (7), 391, Foreign languages, 172. 399 (5), 399 (9), 410 (32), 427, 443, 446, Gardening, 177 (30). 548, 569, 590. Geography, 314 (4), 400 (4). Thermometer manufacturing industry worker, Geology, 400 (4). 313 (94). Health education, 410 (31). Ticket agent, airlines. See agent, ticket, air High school, 99 (20), 142, 177 (29), 233. lines. Home decoration, 199. Tobacco worker, 313 (108). Home economics, 17, 19, 20, 96, 99 (6), Tracer, 313 (30). See also detailer. 141, 312 (7), 313 (50), 314 (2), 314 (3), Trade union organizer. See organizer, trade 317 (3), 410 (13), 458. union. Horticulture, 177 (30). Trade union, Intermediate grades, 99 (20). Secretary, 654. Junior college, 313 (17). Worker, 524. Kindergarten, 99 (20). Traffic representative, airlines, 74, 164, 177 Mathematics, 400 (5). (19). Music, 99 (13), 181, 410 (25). Traffic worker, airlines, 227. Nursery school, 303, 313 (103), 591, 605. Training department worker, department store, Physical education, 313 (77), 410 (31), 560, 317 (2). 591, 602, 605. Training director. See director, training. Physics, 400 (7). Translator, 151, 313 (37). Primary grades, 99 (20), 177 (11). Chemical, 314 (5). Psychology, 73, 112. Transportation worker, 440 (1). 100 Travel bureau worker, 177 (23), 258, (63). Trust officer, bank, 451. Typist, 142, 164, 177 (17), 218, 251, 260, 269, 270, 275, 312 (6), 313 (100), 322, 358, 370, 417. U Underwriter, insurance. See salesman, life in surance ; salesman, fire insurance ; salesman, casualty insurance. Upholstery worker, 258 (64). V Veterans’ counselor. See counselor, veterans’. Veterinarian, 399 (9). Violinist, 198. Vocalist, for band, 99 (13). Vocational guidance worker. See counselor, vocational. Vocational rehabilitation worker, 313 (113). W Writer, 120, 463, 489, 501, 519, 531, 533, 534. See also novelist; poet. Advertising, 301. Advertising, home economics, 167. Advertising, motion pictures, 107. Advertising, textiles, 174. Chemical, 400 (3). Children’s books, 429, 551. Continuity, radio, 260. Copy. See copy writer. Editorial, magazines, 313 (63). Fashion, magazines, 83. Food, 318. Free lance, 142, 177 (40), 251, 258 (20), 266, 313 (44). Free lance, radio, 177 (41). Ghost, 146. Greeting cards, 313 (48). Home economics, 57, 425. Hymns, 518. Mystery stories, 288. Plays. See playwright. Publicity, 522. Radio script, 99 (17), 166, 173, 177 (41), 216, 313 (44), 541. Script, motion pictures, 203. Script, home economics, 138. Show cards. See show card writer. Special features, 266. Technical fields, 400 (6). Television, 307, 313 (105), 541. Waitress, 191, 251, 313 (51), 313 (92), 609. Head, 78. Wardrobe girl, motion picture industry, 90. Watch factory worker, 142. Weaver, hand, 251, 343, 431. See also handi crafts worker. Welfare worker, 19. Woman suffrage worker, 470. Women’s blouse manufacturing worker, 380. See also factory worker. X Women’s dress manufacturing worker, 382. See also factory worker. X-ray laboratory worker, F.B.I., 313 (37). Worker, X-ray technician. See technician, X-ray. Department store. See department store Y worker. Foreign service, 114, 258 (18), 440 (2). Y.W.C.A., Genetics. See genetics worker. Secretary, 313 (15). Laboratory, textiles. See laboratory worker, Worker, 239, 240. textiles. Z Peace agency, 258 (44). Public health, 590. Zoologist, 400 (2), 591. SUBJECT INDEX [Numbers refer to items rather than to page numbers] A Attitude toward responsibility, 652, 657, 661, 663, 666, 724. Autobiography, occupational, 463, 477, 505, 511, 517, 520, 524, 538, 542, 555. F B Bibliography, guidance practices, 620, 621, 623, 624, 625, 626, 628, 632, 637, 715, 716, 725, 728. Bibliography, occupational, 320, 328, 646, 704, 707, 711, 712, 713, 714, 716, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 728. Biography, occupational, 64, 83, 84, 90, 155, 166, 190, 196, 265, 277, 464, 465, 469, 470, 476, 482, 483, 485, 487, 488, 489, 492, 493, 495, 499, 500, 501, 503, 504, 507, 508, 509, 513, 515, 518, 519, 523, 525, 527, 528, 529, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 541, 543, 544, 547, 548, 553, 554, 556, 557. 658, 664, 666, 671, 676, 677, 691, 697. Equal pay for women. See employment of women, status, discrimination. Etiquette, business and school, 661, 663, 724. See also job success. 622, 721, 669, 719, Fiction, occupational, 466, 467, 468, 472, 473, 474, 475, 478, 479, 480, 481, 484, 486, 490, 491, 496, 497, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 516, 521, 522, 537, 540, 546, 549, 550, 552. G 165, 471, 494, 512, 530, 545, C Certification and licensure requirements, 448. College women, opportunities, 278, 318, 399 (2), 399 (3), 400 (1), 400 (2), 400 (3), 400 (4), 400 (5), 400 (6), 400 (7), 400 (8), 449, 648. College women and occupations, 10, 11, 16, 30, 63, 73, 89, 158, 207, 225, 237, 258 (34), 260, 261, 271, 280, 309, 313 (96), 399 (10), 399 (11), 451, 456, 458, 632, 642, 648, 687. D Directories, Colleges and universities, 573, 574, 677, 579, 580, 583, 585, 587, 588, 593, 594, 598, 600, 606, 608, 610, 612. Correspondence schools, 583, 597. Junior colleges, 571, 574, 577, 580, 587, 588, 594, 602. Organizations interested in youth, 618, 636. Private schools, 598, 600, 602, 610. Schools, 574, 587, 598, 612. Specialized training facilities, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 61, 62, 65 (2), 65 (4), 124, 128, 176, 177 (39), 222, 238, 330, 399 (1), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 410 (31), 411 (1), 428, 446, 456, 558, 559, 560, 562, 563, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 572, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 581, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 591, 594, 595, 596, 597, 599, 600, 602, 603, 605, 608, 609, 610. Vocational schools, 572, 574, 582, 583, 600, 610. Guidance programs, College, 627, 633, 639. Schools, 619, 623, 624. H Handicaps and occupations, 252, 285, 399 399 (2), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 399 (7), 399 (8), 399 (9), 399 (10), (11), 399 (12), 400 (8), 463, 654. Health and women workers, 397, 647, 727. High school students and occupations, 619, 644. (1), (6), 399 643, J Job hunting, 410 (16), 614, 631, 636, 675, 688. Job success, 121, 183, 218, 279, 400 (1), 400 (3), 400 (8), 410 (16), 614, 630, 631, 642, 643, 652, 659, 667, 668, 675. L Legislation affecting women, 401, 406, 654, 681, 708. M Married women, employment of, 72, 312 (8), 399 (1), 399 (2), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 (6), 399 (7), 399 (8), 399 (9), 399 (10), 399 (11), 399 (12), 400 (8), 649, 659, 660, 662, 665, 670, 672, 683, 691, 693, 709. N Negro women, opportunities for, 103, 108, 185, 269, 312 (4), 399 (1), 399 (2), 399 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 (6), 399 (7), 399 399 (9), 399 (10), 399 (11), 399 (12), (8), 509, 650, 701. Night work for women, 692, 727. 142, (3), (8), 400 E O Employment of women, status, discrimination, 100, 312 (8), 435, 447, 629, 648, 651, 656, 657, Occupational information, filing of, 646. Occupational publications describing many oc- 102 cupations, 48, 70, 78, 86, 142, 173, 183, 188, 233, 252, 326, 328, 462, 554, 687, 708, 709. Older women and occupations, 48, 251, 399 (1), 399 (2), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 (6), 399 (7), 399 (8), 399 (9), 399 (10), 399 (11), 399 (12), 400 (8), 526, 653, 655, 667, 668, 669, 672, 673, 679, 680. S Special groups problem, 326. Special problems, women workers, 406. Student aid, colleges, and professional schools, 45, 182, 561, 564, 586, 589, 592, 606. Survey of attitude toward women workers, 658. Surveys, Earnings, hours, 245, 299, 302, 304, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 367, 368, 370, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 403, 405, 406, 694, 695, 696, 698, 699, 706. Job opportunities, 18, 71. Occupational interests, 638, 710. Occupations, 191, 212, 234, 276, 303, 340, 361, 372, 398, 459, 620, 673, 684, 688, 705. Prestige of occupations, 362, 685. Students, 686, 710. Workers, 76, 620, 674, 683, 700, 704, 708. T Techniques, counseling, 624. Tests, Aptitude, job selection, 613, 621, 622, 624, 626, 632, 634. Vocational interest, 616, 632, 640, 641. Texts, Guidance programs, 615, 628, 635, 637. Occupational, 70, 625, 629, 630, 645. Personal development and vocational choice, 615, 617, 619, 621, 622, 626, 628, 630, 637, 640, 644, 645. Trade and industrial training, 601, 604, 607, 611, 708. Trends, women’s occupations, employment, 267, 364, 365, 366, 371, 399 (1), 399 (2), 399 (3), 399 (4), 399 (5), 399 (6), 399 (7), 399 (8), 399 (9), 399 (10), 399 (11), 399 (12), 400 (1), 400 (2), 400 (3), 400 (4), 400 (5), 400 (6), 400 (7), 400 (8), 670, 678, 683, 689, 701, 702, 703, 707, 709. l V Vocational rehabilitation, 654. W Women in “Who’s Who,’’ occupational infor mation, 44, 409, 690. w r CURRENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE WOMEN’S BUREAU PACTS ON WOMEN WORKERS—issued monthly. 4 pages. (Latest statis tics on employment of women; earnings; labor laws affecting women; news items of interest to women workers; women in the international scene.) HANDBOOK OF FACTS ON WOMEN WORKERS. 25c. Bull. 225. 79 pp. 1948. THE AMERICAN WOMAN—Her Changing Role as Worker, Homemaker, Citizen. (Women’s Bureau Conference, 1948.) Bull. 224. 210 pp. 1948. EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK AND TRAINING FOR WOMEN The Outlook for Women in Occupations in the Medical and Other Health Services, Bull. 203: 1. Physical Therapists. 14 pp. 1945. 10c. 2. Occupational Therapists. 15 pp. 1945. 10c. 3. Professional Nurses. 66 pp. 1946. 15c. 4. Medical Laboratory Technicians. 10 pp. 1945. 10c. 5. Practical Nurses and Hospital Attendants. 20 pp. 1945. 10c. 6. Medical Record Librarians. 9 pp. 1945. 10c. 7. Women Physicians. 28 pp. 1945. 10c. 8. X-Ray Technicians. 14 pp. 1945. 10c. 9. Women Dentists. 21 pp. 1945. 10c. 10. Dental Hygienists. 17 pp. 1945. 10c. 11. Physicians’ and Dentists’ Assistants. 15 pp. 1945. 10c. 12. Trends and Their Effect Upon the Demand for Women Workers. 55 pp. 1946. 15c. The Outlook for Women in Science, Bull. 223: 1. Science. [General introduction to the series.] 81 pp. 1949. 20c. 2. Chemistry. 65 pp. 1948. 20c. 3. Biological Sciences. 87 pp. 1948. 25c. 4. Mathematics and Statistics. 21 pp. 1948. 10c. 5. Architecture and Engineering. 88 pp. 1948. 25c, 6. Physics and Astronomy. 32 pp. 1948. 15c. 7. Geology, Geography, and Meteorology. 52 pp. 1948. 15c. 8. Occupations Related to Science. 33 pp. 1948. 15c. The Outlook for Women in Police Work. Bull. 231. 31 pp. 1949. 15c. Your Job Future After College. Leaflet. 1947. (Rev. 1948.) Your Job Future After High School. Leaflet. 1949. Occupations for Girls and Women—Selected References. Bull. 229. (Instant publication.) Training for Jobs—for Women and Girls. [Under public funds available for vocational training purposes.] Leaflet 1. 1947. EARNINGS Earnings of Women in Selected Manufacturing Industries. 14 pp. 1948. 10c. (103) 1946, Bull. 219. 104 LABOR LAWS Summary of State Labor Laws for Women. 8 pp. 1949. Multilith. Minimum Wage State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders, 1942: An Analysis. Bull. 191. 52 pp. 1942. 20c. Supplement, July 1, 1942—January 1, 1949. Bull. 227. (In press.) State Minimum-Wage Laws. Leaflet 1, 1948. Model Bill for State minimum-wage law for women. Mimeo. Map showing States having minimum-wage laws. (Desk size; wall size.) Equal Pay Equal Pay for Women. Leaflet 2. 1947. (Rev. 1948.) Chart analyzing State equal-pay laws and Model Bill. Mimeo. Texts of State laws (separates). Mimeo. Model Bill for State equal-pay law. Mimeo. Selected References on Equal Pay for Women. 10 pp. 1949. Mimeo. Movement for Equal-Pay Legislation in the United States. 5 pp. 1949. Multilith. Hours of Work and Other Labor Laws State Labor Laws for Women, with Wartime Modifications, Dec. 15, 1944. Bull. 202: I. Analysis of Hour Laws. 110 pp. 1945. 15c. II. Analysis of Plant Facilities Laws. 43 pp. 1945. 10c. III. Analysis of Regulatory Laws, Prohibitory Laws, Maternity Laws. 12 pp. 1945. 5c. IV. Analysis of Industrial Home-Work Laws. 26 pp. 1945. 10c. V. Explanation and Appraisal. 66 pp. 1946. 15c. Supplements through 1948. Mimeo. Working Women and Unemployment Compensation. Leaflet. (In prepa ration.) Maps of United States showing State hour laws, daily and weekly. (Desk size; wall size.) LEGAL STATUS OF WOMEN International Documents on the Status of Women. Bull. 217. 116 pp. 1947. 25c. Legal Status of Women in the United States of America, January 1, 1948. United States Summary. Bull. 157. (In preparation.) Reports for States, territories and possessions (separates). Bulls. 157-1 through 157-54. 5c and 10c each. The Political and Civil Status of Women in the United States of America. Summary, including Principal Sex Distinctions as of January 1, 1948. Leaflet. 1948. Women’s Eligibility for Jury Duty. Leaflet. 1948. Reply of United States Government to Questionnaire of United Nations Economic and Social Council on the Legal Status and Treatment of Women. Part I. Public Law. In 6 sections: A and B, Franchise and Public Office; C, Public Services and Functions; D, Educational and Professional Oppor tunities; E, Fiscal Laws; F, Civil Liberties; and G, Nationality. Mimeo. HOUSEHOLD EMPLOYMENT Old-Age Insurance for Household Workers. Bull. 220. 20 pp. 1947. 10c. Community Household Employment Programs. Bull. 221. 70 pp. 1948. 20c. p- 105 RECOMMENDED STANDARDS for women’s working conditions, safety, and health: Standards of Employment for Women. Leaflet 1. 1946. 5c each. (Rev. 1948.) When You Hire Women. Sp. Bull. 14. 16 pp. 1944. 10c. The Industrial Nurse and the Woman Worker. Bull. 228. (Partial revision of Sp. Bull. 19. 1944.) 48 pp. 1949. 15c. Women’s Effective War Work Requires Good Posture. Sp. Bull. 10. 6 pp. 1943. 5c. Washing and Toilet Facilities for Women in Industry. Sp. Bull. 4. 11 pp. 1942. 5c. Lifting and Carrying Weights by Women in Industry. Sp. Bull. 2. (Rev. 1946.) 12 pp. 5c. Safety Clothing for Women in Industry. Sp. Bull. 3. 11 pp. 1941. 10c. Supplements: Safety Caps; Safety Shoes. 4 pp. ea. 1944. 5c ea. Poster—Work Clothes for Safety and Efficiency. WOMEN UNDER UNION CONTRACTS Maternity-Benefits Under Union-Contract Health Insurance Plans. Ball. 214. 19 pp. 1947. 10c. COST OF LIVING BUDGETS Working Women’s Budgets in Twelve States. Bull. 226. 36 pp. 1948. 15c. EMPLOYMENT Employment of Women in the Early Postwar Period, with Background of Pre war and War Data. Bull. 211. 14 pp. 1946. 10c. Women’s Occupations Through Seven Decades. Bull. 218. 260 pp. 1947. 45c. (Condensed popular version, Bull. 232, in press.) Women Workers After VJ-Day in One Community—Bridgeport, Conn. Bull. 216. 37 pp. 1947. 15c. Baltimore Women War Workers in the Postwar Period. 61 pp. 1948. Mimeo. INDUSTRY Women Workers in Power Laundries. Bull. 215. 71 pp. 1947. 20c. The Woman Telephone Worker [1944]. Bull. 207. 28 pp. 1946. 10c. Typical Women’s Jobs in the Telephone Industry [1944]. Bull. 207-A. 52 pp. 1947. 15c. Women in the Federal Service, 1923-1947. Part I. Trends in Employment. Bull. 230-1. (In press.) Part II. Occupational Information. Bull. 230-11. (In preparation.) Nigth Work for Women in Hotels and Restaurants. Bull. 233. (In press.) WOMEN IN LATIN AMERICA Women Workers in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Bull. 195. 15 pp. 1942. 5c. Women Workers in Brazil. Bull. 206. 42 pp. 1946. 10c. Women Workers in Paraguay. Bull. 210. 16 pp. 1946. 10c. Women Workers in Peru. Bull. 213. 41 pp. 1947. 10c. Social and Labor Problems of Peru and Uruguay. 1944. Mimeo. Women in Latin America: Legal Rights and Restrictions. (Address before the National Association of Women Lawyers.) THE WOMEN’S BUREAU—Its Purpose and Functions. Leaflet. 1949. Write the Women’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington 25, D. C., for complete list of publications available for distribution. £-tr. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1949—840648