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^ o?. 3 ; _ / < ? 7£ Occupational Training in Selected Metalworking Industries, 1974 A Report on a Survey of Selected Occupations U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics and Employment and Training Administration 0 1977 BLS Bulletin 1976 ETA R&D Monograph 53 0 ■ ^ GO. Occupational Training in Selected Metalworking Industries, 1974 A Report on a Survey of Selected Occupations U.S. Department of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Julius Shiskin, Commissioner Employment and Training Administration Ernest G. Green Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training 1977 BLS Bulletin 1976 ETA R&D Monograph 53 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D .C . 20402 Stock No. 029-001-02127-5 Preface This report presents the results of a survey of occupational training provided by employers for 14 occupations in four metalworking industries. The survey was conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics with funds provided by the Employment and Training Administration, Office of Research and Development. The report was prepared by H. James Neary, Division of Occupational Outlook, under the supervision of Max Carey. Lafayette Grisby was the project monitor for the Office of Research and Development. Material in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission of the Federal Government. Please credit the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Employment and Training Administration and cite the name and number of the publication. in Contents Page In trod u ction ................................................................................................................................................................................ Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................................... Data collection ................................................................................................................................................................. Reliability ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 2 Highlights ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Chapter 1. Occupational training in 1974 S um m ary............................................................................................................................................................................. Enrollments and completions by industry .................................................................................................................... Purpose of tr a in in g ............................................................................................................................................................. Type of tr a in in g ................................................................................................................................................................. Registered apprentices .................................................................................................................................................... Length of training ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 1 4 5 5 6 7 9 Chapter 2. Employers’ reasons for training decisions.....................................................................................................................11 Why training was provided.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Why training was not p r o v id e d .............................................................................................................................................11 Chapter 3. Trainee selection and benefits .....................................................................................................................................14 Factors used to select trainees .............................................................................................................................................14 Benefits to employees who complete train in g.....................................................................................................................15 Compensation for training time outside of regular work h o u r s .........................................................................................16 Training r e c o r d s .....................................................................................................................................................................16 Chapter 4. Training content, facilities, and staff .........................................................................................................................18 Content of training programs .............................................................................................................................................18 Development of course content .........................................................................................................................................18 Program evalu ation .................................................................................................................................................................18 Training facilities and staff .................................................................................................................................................18 Training c o s t s ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Tables: 1. Establishments: By size and in d u stry .................................................................................................................... Enrollments and completions: 2. By occupation ........................................................................................................................................................ 3. By industry ............................................................................................................................................................ 4. By occupation and industry ................................................................................................................................ 5. By purpose of training and industry .................................................................................................................... 6 . By purpose of training and o c c u p a tio n ................................................................................................................ 7. By type of training and in d u stry............................................................................................................................ 8 . By type of training and occupation .................................................................................................................... 9. Enrollments in qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and in d u s tr y ........................ 10. Completions of qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and in d u stry........................ 11. Enrollments in qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and occu p ation ..................... v 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 Contents—Continued Page Tables—Continued 12. Completions of qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and occupation ................ 9 13. Apprenticeship enrollments and completions: By occupation ........................................................................ 9 14. On-the-job training: By duration ......................................................................................................................... 9 15. Off-production-site training: By d u r a tio n ................................................................................................................. 10 16. Reasons for providing structured training: By industry .........................................................................................12 17. Reasons for not providing structured training: By industry .................................................................................13 18. Factors used to select employees for structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of tr a in in g ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 19. Primary factor used to select employees for structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of training ................................................................................................................................................. 15 20. Establishments having collective bargaining agreements that stipulate training selection factors: By size of establishment and in d u str y .........................................................................................................................15 21. Benefits received by employees completing structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of tr a in in g ................................................................................................................................................................. 16 22. Training records: By size of establishment .............................................................................................................17 23. Subject matter of structured training: By purpose and type of training.................................................................18 24. Groups helping to determine subject matter of structured training: By size of establishment ........................ 19 25. Evaluation of training: By size of establishment .....................................................................................................19 26. Evaluation methods: By size of establishm en t.........................................................................................................19 27. Training facilities: By size of establishment ............................................................................................................ 20 28. Outside training facilities: By size of establishm ent................................................................................................ 20 29. Training for instructors: By size of establishment ................................................................................................ 21 30. Training cost records: By size of establishment .................................................................................................... 21 Appendixes: A. Reference tables .........................................................................................................................................................22 B. Scope and method of survey .....................................................................................................................................32 C. Survey of occupational training in in d u s t r y .............................................................................................................35 vi Introduction Responding to the report of a presidential task force1 which in 1967 called attention to the serious information gap on occupational training in private industry, the Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor, provided funds to the Bureau of Labor Statistics to conduct a pilot survey of employer training in private industry. The objective of that survey was to study the feasibility of collecting data on enrollments and comple tions of occupational training provided by private employers, and to determine the best method of collecting such data. The Bureau concluded in the pilot survey that “data on training activities in private industry can be collected effectively.” 21 In addition, a mail survey was recommended as the basic collection method. This report presents the results of a survey that stemmed from the pilot survey. The new survey was designed both to obtain useful data and to resolve problems associated with conducting a national survey of occupational training provided by employers in private industry. Manual occupations requiring substantial training were selected for study because employers generally provide training in such occupations. The following 14 occupations, which account for a significant proportion of employment among the highly skilled manual occupations, were selected: Crane, derrick, and h o ist op erator E lectrician E lectro p la ter F iler, grinder, b u ffer , ch ip p er, clean er, or p olish er L ayou t w ork er, m eta l M achine t o o l setter Definitions The pilot survey indicated that “training” would have to be defined very precisely for good survey results. “On-thejob training”, for example, covers a wide range, from learn ing a job skill in a highly structured apprenticeship program to simply “learning by doing” or “picking it up”. With the assistance of a group of consultants experienced in occupa tional training in industry,3 training was defined as a struc tured program provided by employers for their employees that is designed to permit employees to acquire or improve skills in the 14 selected occupations. Training could be given on the job, in a classroom or especially equipped training site, or, as in an apprenticeship program, through a combination of on-the-job experience and related classroom training. Training was differentiated from work experience as a source of learning by specifying that training required an instructor, whereas experience rested solely upon the activ ity of the learner. Teaching machines and programmed learning devices could substitute for a human instructor. However, a supervisor or a fellow employee providing in struction incidental to his or her main responsibilities was not defined as an instructor. In those instances, time spent on the job during a learning period was defined as work experience and not training. Training must also have had an identifiable plan designed to develop a worker’s skill or level of competence. Excluded from the definition of train ing were courses and programs not primarily concerned with teaching occupational skills, such as safety orientation, company policies and practices, and supervisory or manage ment practices. Training was classified as either qualifying training or skill improvement training. Qualifying training was defined as “training given to qualify newly hired or other em ployees for work in an occupation.” Skill improvement training was defined as “training given to improve the skills of a worker in the occupation in which he or she is current ly employed.” Specific definitions also were provided for on-the-job training (OJT) and off-production-site training (OPST). On-the-job training was defined as a training process that M achinist M ech an ic, m a in ten a n ce M illw right P attern m ak er, m e ta l/w o o d P lu m ber a n d /o r p ip efitter S h eet-m eta l w orker T o o l and die m ak er, m etal W elder and fla m ec u tte r Four metalworking industries—fabricated metal prod ucts; machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery; and transportation equipment—were selected for study because they employed a significant proportion of all workers in these occupations. 1A G overn m en t C o m m itm e n t to O ccu pation al Training in In dus try: R e p o r t o f the Task F orce on O ccu pation al Training in In du stry 3Felician F. Foltman, New York State School o f Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University; Gary B. Hansen, Department of Economics, Utah State University; and Karl R. Kunze, Kunze Asso ciates, Ventura, California. (Washington, D.C., August 1968). 2H. James Neary, “The BLS Pilot Survey o f Training in Indus try,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , February 1974, p. 31. 1 takes place p rim a rily on the job during actual production operations. OJT may include instruction given off the pro duction site. Apprenticeship training was to be reported in the qualifying-OJT category. O ff-p ro d u c tio n -site training was defined as a training process that usually takes place in a training facility such as a classroom or especially equipped site used primarily for training and operated by the com pany, either on or off the firm’s premises, or by other organizations such as a technical institute, community col lege, or university. Training at a facility not operated by the firm was included in the survey only if the company paid part of the training cost or the employee’s wages during class time. R eliability Statistical results of the survey should be used as indica tors of general magnitude rather than as precise measures because standard errors were quite high.4 In many cases the standard error was more than one-half the estimate. In general, the standard error of estimates for large establish ments was lower than the standard error of estimates for small establishments. High standard errors were expected, however, because of the small size of the measured variable and the small pro portion of establishments providing training. The data nevertheless are useful because little or no information on employer training was available before the survey. Data collection Data were collected during 1975 and early 1976 on training provided by employers during 1974. Collection was primarily by mail, supplemented by some personal visits. (See appendix B for additional information.) 4 The standard error measures the variation that may occur by chance because a sample is surveyed rather than the universe. (For further discussion and standard error table, see appendix B.) 2 Highlights *Enrollments in registered apprenticeship programs ac counted for about 46 percent of qualifying on-the-job train ing in the 14 occupations. *On-the-job programs were of much longer duration than programs held off the production site. *Establishments provided training primarily because they felt job skills could best be taught in their own train ing programs and because the education and/or training background of their employees was inadequate. *Employee interest in an occupation was the primary factor used to select employees for training. *Employees in about three-fifths of the establishments providing structured training in the 14 occupations were promoted upon satisfactory completion of the training. *About one-fifth of the establishments with structured training did not maintain records of their employees’ train ing experience; most were small establishments. *About three-fourths of the establishments providing structured training periodically evaluated their programs. Of these, four-fifths used supervisory feedback as an evalua tion method. *Many companies used both their own and outside facil ities for training. About 94 percent used company-owned facilities; 43 percent used other facilities. *Only 2 percent of the 99,300 training instructors taught full time. *About five-sixths of the establishments with training did not have a specific budget allocation for training. *Only 15 percent of all establishments in the four metal working industries selected provided structured occupa tional training in the 14 occupations studied in 1974. *The proportion of establishments offering structured training generally increased as employment size increased. *Establishments with 1,000 employees or more ac counted for 44 percent of all enrollments in structured training. *Nearly one-half of the 133,700 workers enrolled in structured training in the 14 occupations received training in the machinist and welder occupations. *Only about 5 percent of all establishments with no structured training in the selected occupations provided training in other occupations. *The 77,700 employees completing structured training in the selected occupations in 1974 represented about 6 percent of total January 1975 employment in those occu pations in the industries studied. Ratios ranged from 11 percent for welders to 2 percent for patternmakers. *About 71 percent of all structured training was con ducted to qualify employees for work in an occupation whereas 29 percent was conducted to improve skills of workers in current jobs. *More than two-thirds of all structured occupational training was provided on the job. *Welders was the only occupation with more training off the production site than on the job. 3 Chapter 1. Occupational Training in 1974 Summary Table 2. Only 15 percent of all establishments in the four select ed metalworking industries provided structured training in one of the 14 occupations or more in 1974. Structured training was more prevalent in large establishments; the pro portion of establishments offering training generally in creased as establishment employment size increased. For example, about one-fourth of the establishments with 250 to 499 employees provided structured training in the occu pations, compared to nearly two-fifths of those with 500 to 999 employees and one-half of those with 1 ,000 or more (table 1). The proportion of establishments that provided struc tured training varied by industry. About 18 percent of the establishments in the machinery, except electrical, industry reported this training compared with 12 percent in fabricat ed metal products, 12 percent in electrical machinery, and 10 percent in transportation equipment. Within an indus try, the proportion of establishments offering training gen erally increased as employment size increased. Of 133,700 employees enrolled in training in the 14 occupations in 1974, about 25 percent were being trained as welders, nearly 25 percent as machinists, and between 5 and 10 percent each as sheet-metal workers, electricians, tool and die makers, and maintenance mechanics. Only three of the remaining occupations accounted for more than 3 percent of the enrollees (table 2). Table 1. Enrollm ents and completions: By occupation (N u m b e r and p e rce n t d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected in d u s trie s 1 , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Occupation Per cent Number Per cent 100.0 77,737 100.0 1,964 11,398 1,777 1.5 8.5 1.3 1,838 6,385 1,109 2.4 8.2 1.4 4,123 3,443 4,490 31,431 7,419 3,588 3.1 2.6 3.4 23.5 5.5 2.7 2,648 2,452 3,481 15,447 4,112 861 3.4 3.2 4.5 19.9 5.3 1.1 1,829 1.4 318 .4 6,024 12,138 10,250 4.5 9.1 7.7 3,066 8,483 2,728 3.9 10.9 3.5 33,827 25.3 24,811 31.9 Number Total, selected o ccupations................. 133,700 Crane, derrick, and hoist operator ........................ Electrician...................................... Electroplater................................. Filer, grinder, buffer, etc................................................ Layout worker, metal .............. Machine tool s e tte r..................... Machinist ...................................... Mechanic, m aintenance.............. M illw rig h t...................................... Patternmaker, metal/ w o o d ........................................ Plumber and/or pipe fitter ........................................ Sheet-metal w o rk e r..................... Tool and die m a k e r..................... Welder and flamecutter ......................................... Completions 1 F a b ric a te d m eta l p ro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t electrical m ac h in e ry; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c tric a l- N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l ite m s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . Establishments: By size and industry (E s tab lis h m e n ts p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g fo r selected occ u p a tio n s as a p e rce n t of all establishm ents in in d u s try, 1 9 7 4 ) Total, selected industries Fabricated metal products Machinery, except electrical Electrical machinery Transportation equipment Total providing training .......................... 14.7 12.3 18.2 11.7 10.4 1 -1 9 employees............................................................ 20-49 em p loyees......................................................... 50-99 em ployees......................................................... 100-249 em p loyees..................................................... 250-499 em ployees..................................................... 500-900 em ployees.................................................... 1,000 employees or more ......................................... 9.2 21.4 16.5 18.7 26.5 37.9 50.4 5.7 18.1 17.2 20.5 29.0 63.9 64.2 13.5 31.5 15.7 20.1 21.1 29.9 44.9 _ 8.1 18.6 15.7 34.0 29.9 41.5 5.4 6.1 13.2 16.3 19.3 32.8 72.9 Size 4 Table 3. Enrollments and completions: By industry or pipefitter, sheet-metal worker, millwright, metal layout worker, welder, and electrician were largest in the transpor tation equipment industry, amounting to roughly one-half to two-thirds of all workers in training for these occupa tions. The machinery industry (except electrical) employed tlie largest number of trainees enrolled as patternmakers, machinists, tool and die makers, maintenance mechanics, and filers and grinders. The fabricated metal products in dustry was the primary employer of those enrolled in elec troplater, crane operator, and machine tool setter programs. The electrical machinery industry was not the primary em ployer of enrollees in any of the selected occupations. Gen erally, the same industries that employed the most trainees in particular occupations also had the most workers com plete programs in those occupations. (See appendix tables A-2 to A-l 1). (N u m b e r and percen t d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d train in g in selected oc c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Industry Per cent Number Per cent 100.0 77,737 100.0 26,667 19.9 15,642 20.1 48,129 13,588 36.0 10.2 26,643 7,019 34.3 9.0 45,316 33.9 28,433 36.6 Number Total, selected industries..................... 133,700 Fabricated metal products................................... Machinery, except electrical ................................. Electrical m a ch in ery................... Transportation equip ment ......................................... Completions About 77,700 employees completed training, or about 58 percent of those enrolled. The occupational distribution of employees who completed programs was about the same as that of enrollees. The machinery, except electrical, industry accounted for 36 percent of the enrollees in the surveyed industries; trans portation equipment, 34 percent; fabricated metal prod ucts, 2 0 percent; and electrical machinery, 10 percent. The distribution of completions by industry was similar to that of enrollments (table 3). Purpose of training Employees enrolled in qualifying training programs out numbered those enrolled in skill improvement programs. Of the 133,700 employees enrolled in structured occupational training in 1974, about 95,000, or 71 percent, received qualifying training. Among the four industries, the propor tion of enrollees who received qualifying training ranged from 77 percent in transportation equipment to 59 percent in electrical machinery (table 5). The range among the 14 occupations was considerably broader. About 92 percent of the enrollees in tool-and-die-maker programs received quali fying training compared with only 56 percent in mainte nance mechanic programs (table 6 ). Enrollments and completions by industry Enrollments for training in specific occupations varied widely by industry (table 4). Enrollments for plumber and/ Table 4. Enrollments and completions: By occupation and industry (P ercent d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru c tu re d tra in in g , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Occupation Total Fabri Machin ery cated metal except electri pro ducts cal Electri cal machin ery Completions Trans porta tion Total equip ment Fabri Machin ery cated metal except pro electri ducts cal Electri cal machin ery Trans porta tion equip ment Total, selected occupations .......................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Crane, derrick, and hoist operator................................. 1.5 Electrician............................................................................ 8.5 Electroplater....................................................................... 1.3 Filer, grinder, buffer, e t c .................................................. 3.1 Layout worker, m e t a l...................................................... 2.6 3.4 Machine tool s e tte r........................................................... Machinist ............................................................................ 23.5 5.5 Mechanic, m aintenance.................................................... 2.7 M illw rig h t............................................................................ 1.4 Patternmaker, metal/wood ............................................. 4.5 Plumber and/or p ip e fitte r............................................... 9.1 Sheet-metal w o rk e r........................................................... 7.7 Tool and die m a k e r........................................................... Welder and flam ecu tter.................................................... 25.3 3.2 5.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 5.5 15.5 10.1 3.3 .2 2.5 5.0 8.5 29.2 1.4 3.3 .2 3.6 1.4 2.9 42.6 6.8 1.0 3.3 2.4 3.2 11.4 16.5 .9 20.6 2.5 1.3 1.0 2.9 28.7 4.5 2.1 .3 2.8 11.6 12.3 8.6 .6 12.1 .4 2.8 4.0 2.7 6.4 1.8 4.3 .3 8.5 17.0 1.8 37.3 2.4 8.2 1.4 3.4 3.2 4.5 19.9 5.3 1.1 .4 3.9 10.9 3.5 31.9 4.9 5.2 4.2 3.7 4.2 6.8 8.1 9.7 1.1 .2 .3 4.2 3.9 43.5 2.6 1.2 .3 3.9 2.1 3.7 41.5 7.3 .3 .9 3.4 3.4 5.8 23.6 1.8 24.2 4.0 2.4 1.6 3.6 26.3 2.6 2.3 .5 1.0 11.0 4.1 14.4 .9 12.5 .4 3.0 3.9 4.2 4.5 1.6 1.5 .1 7.1 21.6 1.0 37.6 N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . 5 Table 5. Enrollments and completions: By purpose of training and industry (P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n o f em p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Industry Completions Total Qualifying training Skill improvement training Total Qualifying training Skill improvement training Total, selected ind ustries.................................................. 100.0 71.0 29.0 100.0 64.0 36.0 Fabricated metal products ................................................................ Machinery, except electrical .............................................................. Electrical m a c h in e ry............................................................................ Transportation equipment ................................................................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.7 66.5 59.3 77.1 25.3 33.5 40.7 22.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.6 59.5 51.2 70.6 34.4 40.5 48.8 29.4 Sixty-four percent of the trainees completed qualifying training programs compared with 36 percent of those in skill improvement programs. transportation equipment, on the other hand, off-produc tion-site training accounted for more trainees than OJT. About 54 percent of the enrollees and 65 percent of the completions received OPST. OJT accounted for particularly large proportions of trainees (more than 90 percent) in programs for tool and die maker, millwright, crane operator, electroplater, filer and grinder, and patternmaker. Welder was the only occu pation for which a greater proportion (58 percent) of en rollees received training off the production site (table 8 ). About 73 percent of the enrollees in qualifying training were in OJT programs. This ratio ranged from 97 percent in electrical machinery to 47 percent in transportation equip ment. A lower proportion of the enrollees in skill improve ment training were in OJT programs. About 74 percent of the skill improvement training enrollees in electrical equip ment received OJT but only 43 percent in transportation equipment (table 9). On-the-job programs accounted for three-fifths of the qualifying completions and slightly more than one-half of Type of training Employees receiving on-the-job training outnumbered those receiving off-production-site training. Of the 133,700 employees receiving structured training, 69 percent were enrolled in on-the-job training programs and 31 percent in off-production-site programs. Of the 77,700 who complet ed structured programs, 58 percent were in OJT and 42 percent in OPST (table 7). On-the-job training predominated in three of the four metalworking industries. In electrical machinery, 8 8 per cent of the enrollees and 85 percent of those completing training received on-the-job training. Ratios for the fabricat ed metal products industry were 81 percent for enrollees and 71 percent for those completing training; and for ma chinery, except electrical, 77 percent and 67 percent. In Table 6. Enrollments and completions: by purpose o f training and occupation (P ercen t d is trib u tio n o f em p loyees in s tru ctu red train in g in selected in d u s trie s 1 , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Completions Total Qualifying training Skill improvement training Total Qualifying training Skill improvement training Total, selected occupations ............................................. 100.0 71.0 29.0 100.0 64.0 36.0 Crane, derrick, and hoist operator.................................................... Electrician............................................................................................... E lectroplater.......................................................................................... Filer, grinder, buffer, e t c ..................................................................... Layout worker, m e t a l.......................................................................... Machine tool s e tte r.............................................................................. Machinist ............................................................................................... Mechanic, m aintenance....................................................................... M illw rig h t............................................................................................... Patternmaker, metal/wood ................................................................. Plumber and/or p ip e fitte r................................................................... Sheet-metal w o r k e r............................................................................... Tool and die m a k e r............................................................................... Welder and flam ecu tter........................................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 78.4 63.1 82.7 79.0 75.2 69.7 65.9 55.6 78.0 87.6 79.7 75.3 91.5 68.7 21.6 36.9 17.3 21.0 24.8 30.3 34.1 44.4 22.0 12.4 20.3 24.7 8.5 31.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 77.9 49.5 83.4 76.5 69.9 65.1 66.7 33.5 80.4 77.4 68.2 73.3 78.0 61.2 22.1 50.5 16.5 23.5 30.1 34.9 33.3 66.5 19.6 22.6 31.8 26.7 22.0 38.8 Occupation fa b r ic a te d m eta l pro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t electrical m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c tric a l; N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . 6 Table 7. Enrollments and completions: By type of training and industry (N u m b e r and p e rce n t d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Completions Enrollments Industry Total On-the-job training Off-productionsite training Total On-the-job training Off-pro ductionsite training Number Total, selected industries...................................... 133,700 91,713 41,987 77,737 44,922 32,815 26,667 48,129 13,588 45,316 21,712 37,161 11,914 20,925 4,955 10,968 1,674 24,391 15,642 26,643 7,019 28,433 11,157 17,936 5,970 9,860 4,485 8,708 1,049 18,573 Fabricated metal products .................................................... Machinery, except electrical.................................................. Electrical machinery................................................................ Transportation equipment .................................................... Percent distribution Total, selected industries...................................... 100.0 68.6 31.4 100.0 57.8 42.2 Fabricated metal products .................................................... Machinery, except electrical.................................................. Electrical m achinery................................................................ Transportation equipment .................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 81.4 77.2 87.7 46.2 18.6 22.8 12.3 53.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 71.3 67.3 85,1 34.7 28.7 32.7 14.9 65.3 NO TE: Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . layout workers, and patternmakers had higher OPST enroll ments in skill improvement programs (tables 11 and 1 2 ). the skill improvement completions. The pattern of comple tions among industries was similar to that of enrollments (table 1 0 .) By occupation, trainees in qualifying and skill improve ment programs enrolled in on-the-job programs or off pro duction-site programs varied widely. Most occupations had higher proportions of enrollments and completions in OJT programs for both purposes of training. Only welders had higher enrollments in OPST training for both qualifying and skill improvement training. In addition, electricians, metal Table 8. Registered apprentices Qualifying on-the-job programs included about 31,900 trainees enrolled in registered apprenticeship programs. Registered apprentices, therefore, accounted for about 46 percent of total enrollments in those programs. Similarly, qualifying OJT programs included about 8,400 workers Enrollm ents and completions: By type of training and occupation (P ercent d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected in d u s trie s 1 , 1 9 7 4 ) Enrollments Completions Total On-the-job training Off-pro ductionsite training Total On-the-job* training Off-productionsite training Total, selected occupations................................. 100.0 68.6 31.4 100.0 57.8 42.2 Crane, derrick, and hoist operator ...................................... Electrician ................................................................................. Electroplater ............................................................................ Filer, grinder, buffer, etc......................................................... Layout worker, m e ta l.............................................................. Machine tool se tte r.................................................................. M ac h in is t................................................................................... Mechanic, maintenance ......................................................... M illw righ t................................................................................... Patternmaker, m e ta l/w o o d .................................................... Plumber and/or p ip e fitte r....................................................... Sheet-metal worker ................................................................ Tool and die maker ................................................................ Welder and flamecutter ......................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 92.1 62.0 91.9 91.4 52.5 82.2 79.2 83.3 92.2 90.8 66.5 68.2 92.7 41.8 7.9 38.0 8.1 8.7 47.5 17.8 20.8 16.7 7.8 9.2 33.5 31.8 7.3 58.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 92.5 44.8 88.6 89.7 47.2 78.3 69.5 74.3 72.9 86.2 44.5 60.6 86.9 38.5 7.5 55.2 11.4 10.2 52.8 21.7 30.5 25.7 26.9 13.8 55.5 39.4 13.1 61.5 fa b r ic a te d m etal prod ucts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t e le c trica l m ac h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c trica l; Occupation N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l equal to ta ls . 7 item s m ay n o t Table 9. Enrollments in qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and industry (P ercent d is trib u tio n of e m p loyees in s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g In d u s try S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l, selected in d u s tr ie s ........................................ 1 0 0 .0 7 2 .9 27.1 100.0 58.1 4 1 .9 F abricated m etal p r o d u c t s ........................................................ M a c h in e ry , exce p t e le c t r ic a l..................................................... E le c tric a l m a c h in e r y .................................................................... T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t ........................................................ 1 00.0 100.0 1 00.0 100.0 89.1 8 4 .6 9 7 .2 4 7 .2 10.9 15.4 2.7 5 2 .8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 58.7 62 .5 73.7 4 2 .7 4 1 .3 3 7 .5 2 6 .3 57 .3 NOTE: Because o f ro u n d in g , sum s o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . Table 10. Completions of qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and industry (P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n o f e m p lo y e e s in s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected oc c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l, selected in d u s tr ie s ........................................ 1 0 0 .0 60 .8 3 9 .2 100.0 52 .5 4 7 .5 F ab rica te d m etal p r o d u c t s ....................................................... M a c h in e ry , exce p t e le c t r ic a l..................................................... E le ctrica l m a c h in e r y .................................................................... T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t ....................................................... 100 .0 100 .0 100 .0 100 .0 82.1 7 4 .0 94 .9 33 .3 17.9 2 6 .0 5.1 6 6 .7 100.0 100 .0 100.0 1 00.0 50 .9 57 .5 74.7 3 8 .0 49.1 4 2 .5 25 .3 6 2 .0 In d u s try Table 11. Enrollments in qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and occupation (P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected in d u s trie s 1 , 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g O c cu p atio n T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g O ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p r o d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l, selected o c c u p a tio n s ................................... 1 00.0 72 .9 27.1 100.0 58.1 4 1 .9 Crane, d e rric k , and h o is t o p e ra to r ........................................ E le c tric ia n ..................................................................................... E le c tro p la te r ................................................................................ F ile r, g rin d e r, b u ffe r, e tc ............................................................. L a y o u t w o rk e r, m e t a l................................................................. M achine to o l s e t t e r ...................................................................... M a c h in is t ........................................................................................ M echanic, m aintenance ............................................................ M illw r ig h t ................................................................................... . . P a tte rn m a k e r, m etal / w o o d ....................................................... P lum ber a n d /o r p ip e f i t t e r .......................................................... S heet-m etal w o rk e r .................................................................... T o o l and die m aker .................................................................... W elder and fla m e c u t t e r ............................................................ 1 00.0 1 00.0 100 .0 100.0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 100 .0 100 .0 100 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 97.1 70.1 96 .7 9 6 .8 54.7 84.1 8 2 .8 9 6 .3 92.1 100 .0 6 2 .3 6 8 .8 9 5 .4 4 5 .2 2.9 2 9 .9 3.3 3.2 4 5 .3 16.0 17.2 3.7 7.9 100 .0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 100 .0 1 00.0 1 00.0 100 .0 1 00.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 100.0 7 3 .6 48.1 6 9 .2 70 .9 4 5 .7 7 7 .9 72.1 66 .9 9 2 .3 26 .4 8 2 .9 6 6 .2 6 3 .9 3 4 .2 26 .4 5 1 .9 31 .2 29.1 5 4 .2 22.1 2 7 .9 33.1 7.7 7 4 .0 17.1 33 .8 36.1 6 5 .8 fa b r ic a te d m etal pro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t electrical m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c tric a l; - 37.7 3 1 .2 4 .6 5 4 .8 N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l ite m s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . 8 Table 12. Completions of qualifying and skill improvement training: By type of training and occupation (P ercent d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected in d u s trie s ,1 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g O c c u p a tio n T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g O ff-p r o d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l O n -th e -jo b tra in in g O ff-p r o d u c tio n site tra in in g T o ta l, selected o c c u p a tio n s ................................... 100.0 60 .8 39 .2 1 00.0 52 .5 4 7 .5 Crane, d e rric k , and h o is t o p e ra to r ........................................ E le c tric ia n ..................................................................................... E le c tro p la te r ................................................................................ F ile r, g rin d e r, b u ffe r, etc .......................................................... L a y o u t w o rk e r, m e t a l................................................................. M achine to o l s e t t e r ...................................................................... M a c h in is t ........................................................................................ M echanic, m aintenance ............................................................ M illw r ig h t ........................................................................................ P a tte rnm a ke r, m e t a l/ w o o d ....................................................... P lum ber a n d /o r p ip e f it t e r .......................................................... Sheet-m etal w o rk e r .................................................................... T oo l and die m aker .................................................................... W elder and fla m e c u tte r ............................................................ 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 1 00.0 100.0 9 8 .2 4 0 .9 9 6 .4 9 5 .7 47.1 77 .9 70 .2 9 2 .0 75.1 100.0 27 .6 58 .9 9 7 .5 4 3 .2 1.8 59.1 3.5 4.2 52.9 22.1 29 .8 8.0 24 .9 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 100.0 72 .4 4 8 .6 4 8 .9 70 .2 4 7 .4 79 .0 6 8 .2 65 .4 6 3 .9 38 .9 8 0 .5 65.1 4 9 .5 31.1 2 7 .6 5 1 .4 51.1 29.8 5 2 .6 2 1 .0 31 .8 3 4 .6 36.1 61.1 19.5 34 .9 5 0 .5 6 8 .9 1 F a b ric a te d m eta l pro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t electrical m ac h in e ry; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c trica l; - 72 .4 41.1 2.5 56.8 N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . completing apprenticeships, or about 28 percent of comple tions in those programs. Two occupations—tool and die maker, and machinist—accounted for nearly one-half of the apprentice enrollments (47 percent) and apprentice comple tions (44 percent). Registered apprentices accounted for a very high propor tion of trainees in some occupations. Between 70 and 90 percent of trainees for the following occupations were in registered apprenticeship programs: Tool and die maker, plumber, electrician, and millwright (table 13). Length of training On-the-job training programs were of much longer dura tion than off-production-site training programs. About two-thirds of the employees receiving qualifying OJT were in programs of 1 year duration or longer (a training pro gram of 1,041-2,080 hours is usually considered a 1-year program). By comparison, one-half of the employees re ceiving qualifying OPST were in programs that lasted no more than 120 hours, and one-half of those receiving skill improvement OPST were in programs that lasted no more than 80 hours (tables 14 and 15). Table 13. Apprenticeship enrollments and completions: By occupation (E m p lo y e e s in registered a p p re n tic e s h ip prog ram s as a pe rce n t o f all em p lo y e e s in q u a lify in g o n -th e -jo b tra in in g in selected industries1 , 1974) O c c u p a tio n E n ro llm e n ts C o m p le tio n s T o ta l, selected o c c u p a tio n s ................................. 4 6 .0 27.7 Crane, d e rric k , and h o is t o p e r a t o r ..................................................... E le c tr ic ia n ....................................................... E le c tr o p la te r .................................................. F ile r, g rin d e r, b u ffe r, e t c ............................ L a y o u t w o rk e r, m e t a l ................................ M achine to o l s e t t e r ...................................... M ac h in is t ....................................................... M echanic, m a in te n a n c e .............................. M i l l w r i g h t ....................................................... P a tte rnm a ke r, m e ta l/w o o d ....................... P lum ber a n d /o r p i p e f i t t e r ......................... Sheet-m etal w o r k e r ...................................... T o o l and die m a k e r ...................................... W elder and fla m e c u t t e r .............................. 0.3 71.7 4 0 .4 4 .3 38.3 34 .8 42 .7 38 .3 7 0 .5 59.7 8 5 .7 34.7 8 7 .0 18.2 0.3 4 6 .9 42 .7 3.1 15.5 37 .0 27.6 13.4 34.8 54.8 77 .0 26.9 83.1 14.0 1 F a b ric a te d m etal p rod ucts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t electrical m ac h in e ry; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. Table 14. On-the-job training: By duration (P ercent d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected o c c upatio ns and selected in d u s trie s ,1 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g S kill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g T o ta l, all on-th e jo b tra in in g p ro grams ............................................... 100.0 1 00.0 1-80 hours ....................................................... 81 -1 6 0 hours .................................................. 161-320 hours ................................................ 3 2 1 -5 2 0 hours ................................................ 5 2 1 -1 ,0 4 0 h o u r s ............................................. 1 ,0 4 1 -2 ,0 80 hours ........................................ 2 ,0 8 1 -4 ,1 6 0 hours ........................................ 4 ,1 6 1 -6 ,2 4 0 hours ........................................ 6 ,2 4 1 -8 ,3 2 0 hours ........................................ Over 8 ,3 2 0 h o u r s ........................................... 5.9 6.0 8.4 2.6 10.5 8.4 9.5 11.9 29.4 7.4 2 4 .0 13.4 8.9 7.1 6.7 2.8 29 .9 2.7 4 .0 .5 D u ra tio n e le c trica l; 1 F abricated m etal p ro d u c ts ; m ach in e ry except ele ctrica l m a ch in e ry; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. 9 e le c tric a l; Table 15. Off-production-site training: By duration (P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n o f e m p loyees in s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s and selected in d u s trie s ,1 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g S k ill im p ro ve m e n t tra in in g ................................... 100.0 100.0 1—4 0 hours ................................................................................ 4 1 -8 0 h o u r s ................................................................................. 81 -120 h o u r s .............................................................................. 1 2 1 -1 6 0 h o u r s ............................................................................ 1 6 1 -2 0 0 h o u r s ........................................................................... 2 0 1 -2 4 0 h o u r s ........................................................................... 2 4 1 -5 2 0 h o u r s ........................................................................... 521-1 0 4 0 hours ...................................................................... O ver 1,0 40 h o u r s ...................................................................... 8.7 7.5 34.3 14.3 1.0 3.3 24.9 3.0 3.0 17.9 3 1 .8 14.4 2 9 .4 1.2 .3 2.2 2.8 D u ra tio n T o ta l, a ll o ff-p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g program s 1 F a b ric a te d m e ta l p ro d u c ts; m ac h in e ry , e xc e p t e le c tric a l; ele c trica l m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. 10 Chapter 2. Employers’ Reasons for Training Decisions (7) establishment does not have the capability to provide structured training; and (8) other reasons. Employers could select more than one reason but also were asked to indicate the primary reason for not providing structured training. More than one-half of the establishments not providing structured training reported that informal training satisfied their needs, and about one-third indicated that this was the primary reason for not having structured training (table 17). About three-eighths of the establishments revealed that structured training was unnecessary because they had only a few skilled jobs, and nearly one-fifth cited this as the primary reason. Almost three-tenths of the establishments preferred to recruit trained workers, and nearly one-sixth indicated this as the primary reason for not providing struc tured training. Although about one-fourth of the establish ments stated that they did not have training capability, only one-tenth declared this as the primary reason for not providing structured training. Relatively few establishments were influenced by the following reasons: Cost of struc tured training is prohibitive; the risk of training employees and losing them to other firms is too great; or the produc tion process shifts tasks away from skilled to lesser skilled workers who are already available. About one-sixth of the establishments had “other reasons” for not providing struc tured training, and about the same proportion indicated that these were primary. In general, the reasons for not providing training were similar across the selected indus tries. Establishments not providing training in any of the 14 selected occupations were asked if they provided training in any other occupation. Only 5 percent of the establishments reported such training but the proportion increased signifi cantly with establishment size, as shown in the following tabulation: Why training was provided Employers providing structured occupational training for any of the 14 occupations were asked to indicate the reasons that influenced their decision to provide such train ing from the following list: (1) Necessary job skills can best be learned through company training program; (2) a tight labor market is anticipated for these job skills; (3) occupa tional training is consistent with employee's career develop ment needs; (4) production methods have changed, are changing, or are expected to change, and accordingly, new skills must be developed by employees; (5) employees have inadequate educational and/or training backgrounds; and (6) other reasons. Employers could choose more than one reason but also were asked to indicate the primary reason. The reason most frequently given by employers for pro viding training was that necessary job skills could best be learned through the employer’s own training programs. About two-thirds of the establishments reported this as a reason, and about one-third recorded it as the primary rea son (table 16). Inadequate educational and/or training backgrounds of employees was mentioned as a reason by about one-half of the establishments and as the primary reason by about one-fourth. Although one-third of the es tablishments indicated employees’ career development needs as a reason for training, relatively few gave this as a primary reason. Relatively few establishments stated that training was given because production methods had changed or were expected to change. Almost one-fifth of the establishments cited “other reasons” for having struc tured training, and about one-eighth indicated these were primary reasons. In general, the pattern was similar among industries. Why training was not provided Employers not providing structured training related to any of the selected occupations were asked to indicate the reasons that influenced their decision not to provide such training from the following list: (1) Informal training satis fies needs; (2) prefer to recruit trained workers; (3) few skilled jobs—structured training is unnecessary; (4) produc tion process shifts tasks away from skilled to lesser skilled workers who are already available; (5) cost of structured training is prohibitive; (6) risk of training employees and then losing them to other firms is too great; Size o f establishment 11 Percen t p ro viding train ing in o ther occupations A ll establishm ents n o t p ro v id in g stru c tu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s ............................ 4 .8 1-19 em ployees .............................. 20-49 em ployees ............................ 50-99 e m p lo y e e s ............................ 100-249 e m p lo y e e s ....................... 2 5 0 -4 9 9 e m p lo y e e s ....................... 5 0 0 -9 9 9 e m p lo y e e s ....................... 1,000 em ployees or m ore .......... 3.3 4 .0 4 .2 12.4 12.8 18.1 25.2 Table 16. Reasons for providing structured training: By industry (E stab lis h m e n ts re p o rtin g reason as a p e rce n t o f all establishm ents p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g in selected occu p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected industries F abricated m etal p ro d u c ts M a ch in e ry, e xcept ele ctrica l E le ctrica l m ach in e ry T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t T o ta l p ro v id in g t r a in in g ............................................................... 1 00.0 100 .0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 A ll rea so n s:1 Necessary jo b sk ills can best be learned th ro u g h co m p a n y tra in in g pro g ra m ............................................. 6 6 .4 6 0 .8 72.1 58 .4 54.1 T ig h t la b o r m a rk e t is a n tic ip a te d fo r these jo b s k i l l s .......................................................................................................... 4 5 .0 4 5 .2 4 7 .4 4 4 .9 25.7 O c c u p a tio n a l tra in in g is c o n siste nt w ith em p lo ye e 's career d e v e lo p m e n t n e e d s .................................................................. 3 3 .0 3 0 .9 33 .0 4 3 .7 26.1 P ro d u c tio n m ethods have changed, are changing, o r are exp e cte d to change. A c c o rd in g ly , new s k ills m us t be developed by em ployees ................................................ 10.9 11.4 9 .9 15.7 9 .8 E m ployees have inadequate e d u c atio n a l a n d /o r tra in in g b a c kgrounds and, th e re fo re , req u ire c o m p a n y t r a i n i n g ................................................................................. 5 1 .4 36 .3 5 8 .0 51 .9 55 .7 O t h e r ....................................................................................................... 18.1 2 7 .9 12.3 28.1 12.6 P rim a ry reason: Necessary jo b s k ills can best be learned th ro u g h c o m p a n y tra in in g p r o g r a m ............................................................... 35 .3 4 1 .2 33 .0 36.7 2 9 .2 T ig h t la b o r m a rk e t is a n tic ip a te d fo r these jo b s k i l l s .................................................................................................. 19.6 19.5 2 0 .6 17.6 14.0 O c c u p a tio n a l tra in in g is c o n siste nt w ith em p lo ye e 's career d e v e lo p m e n t n e e d s ................................................................. 6.1 7.8 6.3 2.8 2.2 P ro d u c tio n m ethods have changed, are changing, or are exp e cte d to change. A c c o rd in g ly , new sk ills m ust be developed by e m p lo y e e s .................................................. 1.5 1.2 1.1 4 .6 2.0 c o m p a n y tra in in g . 25.4 11.0 3 1 .0 20 .8 4 2 .2 O th e r ....................................................................................................... 12.1 19.3 7 .9 17.5 10.4 Reason Em ployees have inadequate e d u c atio n a l a n d /o r tra in in g b a ckgrounds and, th e re fo re , req u ire 1 D ata appe a rin g un der " a ll reasons" categories are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents listed m o re th a n one reason fo r p ro v id in g s tru c tu re d o c c u p a tio n a l tra in in g . N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls , 12 Table 17. Reasons for not providing structured training: By industry (E stab lishm ents re p o rtin g reason as a p e rce n t o f all establishm ents n o t p ro v id in g s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected oc c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Reason T o ta l, n o t p ro v id in g t r a i n i n g ..................................................... T o ta l, selected industries F abricated m etal p ro d u c ts M a ch in e ry, e xce p t e lectrical E le ctrica l m a ch in e ry T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t 1 00.0 100 .0 100 .0 100.0 100 .0 5 3 .5 29 .2 59 .5 24 .8 4 9 .7 3 1 .4 4 9 .5 31.7 54 .8 31 .0 37 .4 4 4 .7 29 .6 44.1 38 .4 8.8 13.8 9.9 11.9 6.7 15.5 12.6 11.1 9 .0 15.4 8.5 5.9 11.7 5.4 7.5 24 .8 16.7 26.1 12.0 26.3 17.9 16.4 24.1 24 .2 18.5 33.1 15.6 4 1 .3 11.2 26 .9 2 0 .0 32.2 13.7 33.3 13.1 18.6 20.7 15.4 23 .4 19.5 2.5 3.8 3.7 4.1 1.5 3.7 2.5 2.6 2.5 4.7 1.8 1.0 2.9 .1 2.0 9.3 15.3 6.1 11.9 13.8 15.8 3.6 21.9 7.8 17.0 A ll reasons:1 In fo rm a l tra in in g satisfies needs ............................................. P refer to re c ru it tra in e d w o r k e r s ............................................. Few s k ille d jobs . . . s tru c tu re d tra in in g is u n n e c e s s a ry ................................................................................... P ro d u c tio n process s h ifts tasks aw ay fro m s k ille d jo b s to lesser s k ille d w o rk e rs w h o are already available ......................................................................... Cost o f s tru c tu re d tra in in g is p r o h ib it iv e .............................. R isk o f tra in in g em ployees and th e n losing them to o th e r firm s is to o g r e a t ....................................................... E sta b lish m e nt does n o t have th e c a p a b ility to p ro v id e s tru c tu re d t r a i n i n g ................................................ O t h e r .................................................................................................. P rim a ry reason: In fo rm a l tra in in g satisfies needs ............................................. P refer to re c ru it tra in e d w o r k e r s ........................................ Few s k ille d jobs . . . s tru c tu re d tra in in g is u n n e c e s s a ry ................................................................................... P ro d u c tio n process s h ifts tasks away fro m skille d jobs to lesser sk ille d w o rk e rs w h o are already a v a ila b le .......... Cost o f s tru c tu re d tra in in g is p r o h ib it iv e .............................. R isk o f tra in in g em ployees and then losing them to o th e r firm s is to o great ....................................................... E s ta b lish m e nt does n o t have th e c a p a b ility to p ro v id e s tru c tu re d tra in in g ..................................................... O t h e r .................................................................................................. 1 D a ta a ppearing un der " a ll reasons" categories are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents listed m o re th a n one reason fo r n o t c o n d u c tin g tra in in g . N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls , 13 Chapter 3. Trainee Selection and Benefits Establishments were also requested to indicate the pri mary employee selection factor and “employee’s interest” was checked most often for both purposes of training. The dominance of this factor generally decreased as establish ment size increased for both qualifying training and skill improvement (table 19). Establishments providing training were also asked if they had a collective bargaining agreement that stipulated factors for selecting employees for structured training programs. Only 19 percent of all establishments said yes to this ques tion but the positive response increased significantly by establishment size. Less than one-tenth of the establish ments with fewer than 50 employees reported having agree ments that stipulated training selection factors but about three-fifths of those establishments with 500 employees or more had such an agreement. The wide difference is caused by the greater likelihood of a large establishment having a collective bargaining agreement. The proportion of estab lishments with a collective bargaining agreement stipulating Factors used to select trainees Employers were asked to report on the factors used to select employees for training. Employee interest was the factor checked most often by employers, both for quali fying training (76 percent), and skill improvement training (80 percent). A favorable work record was reported as a selection factor by 42 percent of the establishments pro viding skill improvement training. The proportion of em ployers citing these two reasons as a factor used in selecting trainees was similar for establishments of all sizes (table 18). Tests (achievement, aptitude, etc.) were used as an em ployee selection factor more by establishments, particularly large establishments, providing qualifying training than skill improvement training. Length of service and affirmative action policies also were significant training selection fac tors. In general, large establishments used more selection criteria than small establishments. Table 18. Factors used to select employees for structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of training (E s tab lis h m e n ts p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g fo r selected o c c u p a tio n s re p o rtin g selection fa cto rs as a p e rc e n t o f all establishm ents re p o rtin g s tru c tu re d tra in in g , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose o f tra in in g and selection fa c to r Q u a lify in g tra in in g : Length o f s e r v ic e ...................................... Favorable w o rk r e c o r d ............................ T o m eet o r f u lf ill a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n p o lic ie s .................................................. E m p lo ye e 's in t e r e s t ................................. Tests (achievem ent, a p titu d e , e t c . ) ...................................... O th e r ............................................................. S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : Length o f s e r v ic e ...................................... F avorable w o rk r e c o r d ............................ T o m eet or f u lf ill a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n p o lic ie s .................................................. E m p lo ye e 's in t e r e s t ................................. Tests (achievem ent, a p titu d e , e t c . ) ...................................... O t h e r ............................................................ A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 1-19 2 0-49 50 -9 9 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1 ,0 00 o r m ore 2 4 .5 3 7 .2 7.9 28 .5 31 .3 3 5 .2 13.7 4 4 .8 3 2 .9 5 1 .5 3 6 .5 4 1 .0 66 .7 5 8 .5 4 6 .8 5 3 .4 21.7 7 6 .2 17.8 7 9 .0 12.4 7 8 .6 17.2 6 7 .6 2 9 .8 6 8 .5 4 8 .0 6 2 .7 5 1 .0 8 4 .2 47.1 78.3 17.1 18.2 4 .0 22.1 15.3 8 .3 19.8 2 6 .8 2 5 .2 2 0 .6 4 0 .7 19.5 3 8 .2 2 2 .0 5 5 .0 33 .7 24 .3 42.1 3.2 2 5 .3 30.3 6 8 .2 4 2 .5 6 3 .3 3 5 .6 3 0 .0 2 4 .2 3 2 .4 4 1 .7 5 4 .4 4 2 .8 4 6 .5 2 7 .2 8 0 .2 3.9 1 0 0 .0 21.3 100.0 5 4 .6 6 8 .2 37 .8 4 9 .0 55.7 4 9 .0 30.1 7 2 .8 3 4 .6 7 5 .5 4.7 15.3 5.4 5.4 5.3 4 .0 6.0 5.4 4 6 .7 5.0 16.0 13.6 30.1 11.9 32.1 1 F a b ric a te d m eta l pro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t ele c trica l m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. N u m b e r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t e le c tric a l; N O T E : D ata appearing in th is ta b le are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents selected trainees on th e basis o f m o re th a n one selection fa c to r. 14 Table 19. Primary factor used to select employees for structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of training (P ercent d is trib u tio n o f establishm ents p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g fo r selected o c c u p a tio n s re p o rtin g a p rim a ry selection fa c to r, 1974) Purpose o f tra in in g and selection fa c to r A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 N u m b e r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1,000 or m ore Q u a lify in g t r a i n i n g : ............................................. Length o f s e r v ic e ...................................... Favorable w o rk r e c o r d ............................ T o m eet o r f u lf ill a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n p o lic ie s .................................................. E m ployee's in t e r e s t ................................. Tests (achievem ent, a p titu d e , e t c . ) ...................................... O th e r ............................................................ 100.0 8 .6 14.1 100.0 1.8 11.9 100.0 11.1 14.6 1 00.0 6.1 22.4 100.0 12.9 13.6 100 .0 13.2 13.2 1 00.0 24.4 15.3 1 00.0 17.2 10.9 9 .6 4 8 .6 13.0 57.7 6 .4 53.3 2.0 4 2 .3 4 .6 36 .4 24.1 32.1 13.8 22.9 5.2 26.5 6 .6 12.5 4 .0 11.6 5.7 9 .0 4.1 23.1 15.9 15.3 5.2 12.1 8.0 14.7 23.1 16.5 S k ill im p ro v e m e n t t r a i n i n g : .............................. Length o f s e r v ic e ...................................... Favorable w o rk r e c o r d ............................ T o m eet or f u lf ill a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n p o lic ie s .................................................. E m ployee's i n t e r e s t ................................. Tests (achievem ent, a p titu d e , e t c . ) ...................................... O th e r ............................................................ 100 .0 5.4 14.8 100 .0 100.0 - - 19.6 100.0 1.1 15.1 100 .0 24.8 7.6 100 .0 4.4 10.2 1 00.0 8.7 2 7 .2 100 .0 10.7 11.9 5.3 69.7 4 7 .2 26.5 3.3 33 .3 4 2 .0 34.1 6.8 27.2 8.8 39 .0 4 .0 6.0 3.8 27.3 16.0 12.8 56.2 - 8 4 .0 1.3 9.3 1 F a b ric a te d m eta l pro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t e le c trica l m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. — - 5.3 e le c trica l; - - 26.2 9.3 2.5 24.5 N O T E : Because o f ro u n d in g , sums o f in d iv id u a l item s m ay n o t equal to ta ls . training selection factors also differed by industry (table 20). ing, and nearly one-eighth revealed that employees received some other benefit (table 21). Different patterns of benefits were recorded by size of establishment between employees completing qualifying training and skill improvement training. For example, in large establishments with 500 employees or more, about five-sixths of employers providing qualifying training indi cated employees were promoted upon completion, whereas in establishments of similar size offering skill improvement training, only about one-fourth stated that employees were promoted upon completion of the training. Certificates also were more likely to be awarded in large establishments of fering qualifying training. Benefits to employees who complete training Employers providing training were asked about the bene fits received by employees completing training. Almost three-fifths of the establishments reported that employees were promoted upon satisfactory completion. About twofifths reported that employees return to their regular jobs and may receive higher pay. Similarly, two-fifths indicated that a certificate is awarded upon completion of the train Table 20. Establishments having collective bargaining agreements that stipulate training selection factors: By size of establishment and industry (E stab lishm ents p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g fo r selected o c c upatio ns re p o rtin g selection fa cto rs in agreem ents as a p e rce n t o f all establishm ents re p o rtin g s tru c tu re d tra in in g , 1 9 7 4 ) N u m be r o f em ployees in establishm ent In d u s try A ll establishm ents 1-19 2 0 -49 5 0-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 500 -9 9 9 1,0 00 o r m ore T o ta l, selected industries ............................................. 18.7 7.4 9 .6 34 .3 2 6 .8 30.7 62.1 57.8 F abricated m etal p r o d u c t s ................................. M a c h in e ry, e xcept e le ctrica l ............................ E le ctrica l m a c h in e ry ........................................... T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t................................. 38.3 8.0 2 0 .5 23 .9 31.7 1.9 - 18.8 2.8 3 4 .5 50 .2 22.1 - - - 66 .6 11.1 16.8 9.9 60.1 37.3 6.1 35.1 6 0 .0 51.7 62 .5 8 2 .5 59 .9 73 .4 3 7 .0 6 0 .6 15 2 5 .3 Table 21. Benefits received by employees completing structured training: By size of establishment and purpose of training (E s tab lis h m e n ts p ro v id in g s tru c tu re d tra in in g fo r selected o c c u p a tio n s re p o rtin g b e n e fit as a p e rce n t o f all establishm ents re p o rtin g s tru ctu re d tra in in g , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 Purpose o f tra in in g and b e n e fit received A ll tra in in g : P ro m o tio n w hen tra in in g is c o m p le te d .............................................. R e tu rn to regular jo b b u t m ay receive a higher pay r a t e .......................................................... C o m p le tio n c e rtific a te aw arded ................................................ O t h e r ............................................................. Q u a lify in g tra in in g : P ro m o tio n w hen tra in in g is c o m p le te d ............................................. R e tu rn to regular jo b b u t m ay receive a higher pay r a t e .......................................................... C o m p le tio n c e rtific a te aw arded ................................................ O th e r ............................................................. S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : P ro m o tio n w hen tra in in g is c o m p le te d .............................................. R e tu rn to regular jo b b u t m ay receive a h igher pay r a t e .......................................................... C o m p le tio n c e rtific a te aw arded ................................................ O th e r ............................................................. N u m b e r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t 1-19 20 -4 9 5 0-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1,0 00 or m ore 5 7 .4 4 9 .7 50 .6 70 .4 6 6 .5 75 .4 73 .4 6 7 .9 4 0 .5 4 7 .7 4 7 .4 3 3 .0 3 2 .6 25 .2 2 0 .0 2 0 .9 4 1 .4 11.7 31.1 16.2 3 3 .2 6 .4 4 1 .5 7 .9 5 4 .2 10.5 6 7 .8 10.2 7 5 .0 17.2 6 9 .6 19.9 5 9 .4 4 3 .8 5 6 .6 74.2 7 7 .9 8 2 .0 8 4 .4 83.1 4 0 .6 51.7 41 .7 39 .3 3 1 .8 2 0 .6 15.4 18.2 4 3 .9 12.1 39 .5 17.9 34 .8 7 .8 4 2 .5 4.7 52.1 11.9 6 0 .9 7.9 7 9 .0 15.6 74 .3 16.4 51 .7 67 .7 21 .3 6 2 .0 5 3 .2 6 3 .4 2 5 .0 26.1 4 0 .7 35 .5 7 5 .0 20 .5 3 3 .8 3 3 .0 4 0 .4 29 .9 34.1 10.5 5 .4 10.8 25 .3 - 3 9 .6 14.3 5 7 .0 8.7 7 9 .8 13.9 56.7 2 5 .0 56.1 2 9 .9 ‘ F a b ric a te d m eta l p ro d u c ts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t e le c trica l m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c tric a l; N O T E : A ll co lu m n s are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents listed m ore than one b e n e fit fo r e m p loyees w h o c o m p le te d tra in in g . cent) of the establishments providing such training indicat ed that employees were paid. In general, the proportion Compensation for training time outside of regular work hours paying trainees for time spent outside of working hours did not vary significantly by size of establishment. One-third of the establishments having structured occu pational training programs provided training outside of reg ular work hours. In general, the proportion increased as the size of establishment increased, as seen in the following tabulation : Size o f establishment Training records About one-fifth of the establishments did not maintain records of their employees’ training experience. The lack of records appeared, to a great extent, in small establishments (table 22). In establishments with 1-19 employment, 36 percent reported that no training records were maintained, while only 3 percent with 1,000 employees or more stated that records were not kept. Small establishments repre sented a large part of the total number not maintaining records, as shown in the following tabulation: Percent o f establishments reporting training outside regular w ork hours A ll e stablishm ents in selected indus tries ........................................... 33 .5 1-19 em ployees ............................................. 2 0 -4 9 em ployees ........................................... 50 -9 9 em ployees ........................................... 1 0 0 -2 4 9 em ployees ...................................... 2 5 0 -4 9 9 em ployees ...................................... 5 0 0 -9 9 9 em ployees ...................................... 1 ,0 0 0 em ployees o r m o r e ............................ 26.0 30 .9 38.3 45.3 3 7 .4 53 .4 50.4 Size o f establishment Trainees did not always get paid for time spent in train ing outside of regular hours. Less than one-third (30 per 16 Percent d is trib u tio n A ll establishm ents n o t m a in ta in in g r e c o r d s ...................................... 100 1-49 em ployees ............................................. 50 -2 4 9 em ployees ........................................ 2 5 0 -9 9 9 em ployees ...................................... 1,0 00 em ployees or m o r e ............................ 85 13 1 1 Table 22. Training Records: By size of establishment (E stab lishm ents p ro v id in g s tru ctu re d tra in in g fo r selected occ u p a tio n s re p o rtin g on ite m as a p e rce n t o f all establishm ents re p o rtin g s tru ctu re d tra in in g , 1 9 7 4 ) Item A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 N u m b e r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1,000 or m ore ........................................ 22 .4 3 6 .2 21 .5 14.3 15.6 0.6 2.0 3.0 Records m ain ta in e d b y ; Personnel d e p a rtm e n t ............................ T ra in in g d e p a rtm e n t .............................. P ayroll d e p a rtm e n t ................................. E m p lo ye e 's s u p e rv is o r ............................ O t h e r ............................................................ 37 .5 5.9 18.2 4 2 .4 6.0 12.2 2.2 17.0 4 5 .8 4.7 4 0 .0 2.0 20.9 29.8 8.2 3 6 .8 4 .0 25.2 4 7 .0 2.2 61.1 10.2 2 2 .6 4 2 .8 5.1 8 2 .0 8.0 6.0 52 .9 7.6 75.7 18.0 6.3 6 8 .0 5.5 72 .3 4 3 .6 11.8 5 0 .6 10.0 No record m a in ta in e d 1 F a b ric a te d m etal p rod ucts; m a c h in e ry , e x c e p t e lectrical m ac h in e ry; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c trica l; N O T E : A ll c olu m n s are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents listed m ore th a n one d e p a rtm e n t in w h ic h tra in in g records w ere m a in ta in e d . As expected, in small firms the employee’s supervisor generally maintained records. In large establishments the personnel department was the primary recordkeeper, al though about one-half of the establishments with 1,000 employees or more offering structured occupational train ing also reported that the employee’s supervisor kept rec ords. Records were also kept in training departments, pri marily in large establishments. 17 Chapter 4. Training Content, Facilities, and Staff Table 23. Subject matter of structured training: By purpose and type of training Content of training programs Employers were asked to identify the subject matter of the training for the occupation for which the largest num ber of persons were enrolled, for both qualifying and skill improvement training. The most often listed training sub jects were “care and use of tools and equipment”, “ma chine operation”, “blueprint reading/drafting”, and “trade mathematics” (table 23). Relatively few employers provid ed training in leadership, communication skills, and labor and materials estimating. In general, subjects were listed in the same order of importance for both qualifying and skill improvement training and for all establishment sizes. (E s tab lis h m e n ts re p o rtin g subject m a tte r as a p e rc e n t o f all establish m en ts p ro v id in g s tru c tu re d tra in in g in selected o c c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Q u a lify in g tra in in g S u b je ct m a tte r A ll establish m ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 .................. Development of course content P ro d u c tio n and q u a lity c o n t r o l .............................. Care and use o f to o ls and e q u ip m e n t............... T rade m a th e m a tic s ............. B lu e p rin t re a d in g / d ra ftin g ............................ L a y o u t and p la n n in g p ro c e d u r e s ....................... M achine o p e ra tio n ............ The primary group helping plan the content of the train ing programs was department heads and supervisors. About three-fifths of the establishments providing training indicat ed that department heads and supervisors helped plan com pany training programs. Other groups playing a significant role were education specialists, union management commit tees, and trade associations (table 24). Union management committees, of course, were most prevalent in large estab lishments, which are more likely to have collective bargain ing agreements. E stim a tin g la b o r and m ate ria l re q u ire m e n ts . . S a fe ty p ro c e d u r e s ............... Preventive m aintenance, repair, and in sp e ctio n . . W o rk a ttitu d e s and h a b it s ................................. Leadership t r a i n i n g ............. C o m m u n ic a tio n skills O th e r su b je ct m a t t e r .......... Program evaluation About three-fourths of the establishments indicated that management periodically evaluated company training pro grams. The proportion of establishments reporting periodic evaluations increased as establishment size increased. About 9 out of 10 establishments with 1,000 employees or more periodically evaluated their training programs (table 25). More than four-fifths of these establishments mentioned supervisory feedback as an evaluation method. Only larger firms tend to use, to any great extent, followup studies of trainees, examinations, and outside evaluations by educa tors and consultants (table 26). O nth e jo b tra in in g O ffp ro d u ctio n site tra in in g O nth e jo b tra in in g O ff p ro d u c tio n site tra in in g 1 0 0 .0 100 .0 1 0 0 .0 100 .0 4 2 .9 25.1 73.7 22.1 49.9 4 2 .8 85 .3 26.0 54.3 6 9 .8 72 .3 53.7 78.7 7 4 .4 50.9 83.7 4 2 .0 51.2 28.1 8 1 .0 4 0 .6 8 0 .0 14.2 82.1 5.2 3 9 .2 11.6 58.8 14.7 3 8 .5 50.7 15.3 4 5 .0 36.3 6 5 .6 7.9 12.3 3.2 29 .4 3 .0 10.6 17.2 6 8 .3 10.3 13.7 3.9 17.2 4 .2 6.2 5.2 9 1 .6 53.7 ' 1 F a b ric a te d m etal pro d u c ts; m ac h in e ry , e x c e p t e le c trica l m a c h in e ry ; and tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t. e le c trica l; N O T E : A ll colu m n s are n o n a d d itiv e ; m an y establishm ents listed m o re th a n o n e jo b skill ta u g h t in s tru ctu re d o c c u p a tio n a l tra in in g program s. following list: The production shop of the establishment; a classroom in the establishment; an area of the establishment separate from the production shop, but equipped and de signed specifically for training; and other company-owned facility. Establishments also were asked to identify training facili ties or sites not owned by the company: Adult vocational or technical schools, high schools, community colleges, labor union facilities, vendors’ or manufacturers’ schools, correspondence schools, and other non-owned training fa cilities. Training facilities and staff Establishments were asked to identify the companyowned facilities or sites where training was given from the S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g 18 Table 24. Groups helping to determine subject matter of structured training: By size of establishment ( E s t a b lis h m e n t s r e p o r t i n g c o n s u lt in g h e lp as a p e r c e n t o f a ll e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1974) A ll establ ishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 C o n s u ltin g g roup T o ta l p ro v id in g tra in in g N u m be r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t 1-19 2 0-49 50-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 50 0 -9 9 9 1,000 or m ore .................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 1 00.0 100.0 1 00.0 Trade a s s o c ia tio n s ................................................ V e n d o rs o r m a n u fa c tu re rs o f p la n t e q u ip m e n t ....................................................... U nion-m anagem ent c o m m itte e s ....................... V o c a tio n a l or edu catio n specialists ............... In -p la n t analysis by d e p a rtm e n t heads and s u p e rv is o rs .................... ........................... C on su ltin g firm s .................................................. O th e r ......................................................................... 15.4 9.8 22.5 13.6 6.8 27 .0 22.2 11.1 10.7 18.6 29 .2 10.0 13.7 15.5 14.1 13.1 36 .5 10.1 22 .3 2 6 .0 5.3 17.4 23 .9 1.0 27.0 56.9 13.7 4 7 .6 4 9 .9 17.8 5 1 .0 4 8 .8 61.9 .6 14.0 6 3 .2 10.8 6 5 .5 .5 15.2 59 .5 1.5 9.4 53.5 .7 3 0 .5 4 9 .3 .7 10.4 53.8 .8 12.6 77 .5 3.6 13.1 f a b r ic a t e d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . e l e c t r ic a l; N O T E : A l l c o lu m n s a re n o n a d d it iv e ; m a n y e s t a b lis h m e n t s u s e d m o r e t h a n o n e c o n s u lt in g g r o u p t o h e lp d e t e r m i n e t h e c o u r s e c o n t e n t o f o c c u p a t i o n a l t r a i n in g p r o g r a m s . Table 25. Evaluation of training: By size of establishment ( P e r c e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g f o r s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s r e p o r t i n g e v a lu a t io n o f t r a i n in g , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 Item N u m be r o f em ployees in e stablishm ent 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 500 -9 9 9 1,000 or m ore .................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Program s evaluated by m anagem ent p e r io d ic a lly ....................................................... Program s n o t evaluated ...................................... 75.5 24.5 6 8 .5 31.5 74 .0 26.0 76 .5 23 .5 85 .7 14.3 9 0 .5 9.5 81.1 18.9 9 1 .4 8.6 T o ta l p ro v id in g tra in in g 1 F a b r ic a t e d Table 26. m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e l e c t r ic a l; e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . Evaluation methods: By size o f establishment ( E s t a b lis h m e n t s r e p o r t i n g m e t h o d as a p e r c e n t o f a ll e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) M e th o d T o ta l evaluating tra in in g p ro g ra m s ................................................ S upervisory fe e d b a c k ........................................... E x a m in a tio n o f trainee to test degree o f s k ill a c quired ............................................. F o llo w u p studies o f t r a in e e .............................. O utside e v a lu a tio n ................................................ O t h e r ......................................................................... A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 25 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1,000 o r m ore 100 .0 1 00.0 100 .0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8 2 .6 6 8 .3 91 .7 93.1 74.1 92.3 92.1 9 3 .9 22.2 30.4 13.5 13.2 12.0 18.6 11.2 15.0 17.5 37.1 16.8 8.8 27.5 28 .6 8 .6 16.8 33 .8 4 1 .9 7.9 4.5 25.2 27.2 10.5 25.6 39.6 35.5 28.6 22.5 58 .4 4 4 .9 2 2 .6 11.5 f a b r ic a t e d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . N u m be r o f em ployees in e stablishm ent e l e c t r ic a l; NO TE: A ll c o lu m n s a re n o n a d d it iv e ; m a n y e s t a b lis h m e n t s u t il iz e d m o r e t h a n o n e m e t h o d o f e v a lu a t in g t h e c o u r s e c o n t e n t o f o c c u p a t i o n a l t r a i n in g p r o g r a m s . 19 Table 27. Training facilities: By size of establishment ( E s t a b lis h m e n t s r e p o r t i n g f a c i l i t y as a p e r c e n t o f a ll e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 F a c ility N u m b e r o f em ployees in esta blish m e n t 1-19 2 0 -49 50 -9 9 100-249 2 5 0 -4 9 9 5 0 0 -9 9 9 1,0 00 o r m ore T o ta l re p o rtin g tra in in g fa c ilitie s ................................................ 100 .0 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 1 00.0 1 00.0 100.0 1 00.0 C o m pa n y -o w n ed fa c ility ................................... P ro d u c tio n shop ...................................... C lassroom ................................................... E q u ip p e d tra in in g r o o m ......................... O th e r c o m p a n y fa c ility ......................... 9 3 .7 91 .7 7.7 2.9 3.4 9 5 .6 9 5 .6 9 6 .5 9 5 .0 3 .4 6.0 8 8 .2 8 6 .3 3.0 3.0 7.6 8 3 .4 7 9 .6 19.0 3.0 2.9 9 0 .5 86.1 22 .5 4 .6 3.5 97.1 8 9 .0 25 .2 18.6 4.1 96.1 87 .7 49.1 27.7 2.2 O th e r th a n c o m p a n y -o w n e d fa c ility ............. A d u lt e d u c a tio n cen ter ......................... High school ................................................ C o m m u n ity college ................................. L a b o r u n io n f a c i l i t y ................................. V e n d o r's s c h o o l........................................ C orrespondence school ......................... O th e r ............................................................. 4 3 .5 27 .0 4.9 11.7 1.5 3.4 2.2 1.7 37 .8 19.0 1.5 12.9 1.5 3.8 1.5 1.5 4 0 .7 27 .8 3.1 10.5 1.3 1.0 2.0 4 0 .9 18.6 12.1 4 .5 3.9 4.3 3 .0 1.5 4 1 .9 30.5 8.5 8.7 — 1.7 .8 .8 6 4 .0 4 9 .9 9 .0 15.8 1.1 4.5 8.9 1.4 6 7 .6 5 2 .6 7.0 15.9 — 9.2 5.6 3.3 65 .4 4 1 .0 12.5 24 .5 3.3 10.1 11.9 1.5 1 F a b r ic a t e d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . — - - - e l e c t r ic a l; N O T E : A l l c o lu m n s a re n o n a d d it iv e ; m a n y e s t a b lis h m e n t s u s e d m o r e t h a n o n e s ite o r f a c i l i t y in w h ic h t o c o n d u c t s t r u c t u r e d o c c u p a t i o n a l t r a i n in g . (table 27). Company-owned classrooms and areas equipped specifi cally for training were concentrated in larger establish ments. None of the establishments with fewer than 20 em ployees had these training facilities. Small establishments, however, did use school facilities that were not company owned. Establishments with fewer than 20 employees, for example, constituted about two-fifths of the establishments that used vendors’ or manufacturers’ schools and nearly two-fifths of those using community colleges (table 28). About 99,300 persons taught 133,700 trainees in estab lishments providing structured training-about three-fourths as many teachers as students. However, almost all the in structors (98 percent) were supervisors and craft workers Company-owned training facilities were used by 94 per cent of the establishments providing training, and facilities not owned were used by 44 percent. Production shops out numbered all other company-owned facilities combined. About 92 percent of the establishments used production shops as training facilities, 8 percent used classrooms, and 3 percent used areas separate from the production shop which were equipped specifically for training. Adult vocational or technical school facilities were used by 27 percent of the establishments using other than com pany facilities. Community colleges were identified as train ing facilities by 12 percent. Other outside facilities, such as labor union facilities and correspondence schools, were mentioned by a relatively small percent of establishments Table 28. Outside training facilities: By size of establishment ( P e r c e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g f o r s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s r e p o r t i n g use o f o u t s id e t r a i n in g f a c il it ie s , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 E sta b lish m e nt size O utside fa c ility A d u lt e d u catio n center High school C o m m u n ity college Labor u n io n fa c ility V e n d o r's school C orres pondence school O ther T o ta l using outsid e tra in in g f a c i l i t y ................................................................. 100.0 100.0 1 00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1-19 em ployees ................................................................. 20-49 em ployees ............................................................... 50-99 em ployees ............................................................... 1 0 0-249 em pi oyees .......................................................... 2 5 0 -4 9 9 em ployees .......................................................... 5 0 0 -9 9 9 em ployees .......................................................... 1,000 o r m ore e m p lo y e e s ................................................ 30 .4 28.3 9 .8 9.4 8.9 6.7 6.4 24.6 31.2 7.2 11.0 11.2 8.4 6.5 10.6 18.9 25.7 16.9 11.1 6.1 10.8 38.5 27.3 4.0 7.2 8.2 5.9 8.9 33 .5 2 5 .4 26.6 39 .8 9.2 13.4 5.0 8.1 11.8 12.8 23.3 31.2 3 7 .0 9.5 4.8 5.3 8.5 3.7 1 F a b r ic a te d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e l e c t r ic a l; NO TE: e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . e q u a l to ta ls . 20 - 4.6 9.2 - 14.1 3.6 24.5 10.8 23.3 B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t Table 29. Training for instructors: By size of establishment ( P e r c e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g f o r s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s r e p o r t i n g t r a i n in g f o r in s t r u c t o r s , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 Item N u m be r o f em ployees in establishm ent 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 25 0 -4 9 9 500 -9 9 9 1,000 or m ore T o ta l p ro v id in g s tru c tu re d t r a in in g .................................................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Provide tra in in g fo r in s tru c to rs ...................... Do n o t p ro vid e tra in in g fo r in s tru c to rs . . . . 12.0 8 8 .0 7.1 9 2 .9 11.3 88.7 16.2 8 3 .8 12.4 8 7 .6 10.7 89.3 23.9 76.1 32.5 67 .5 1 F a b r ic a te d m e ta l p r o d u c t s ; m a c h in e r y , e x c e p t e le c t r ic a l; e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . teaching part time. About one-half of the establishments with structured training indicated that some of the training was given by trainers who were not on their payrolls, such as those employed in company training centers, colleges, and vocational schools. About 12 percent of the establishments with structured occupational training programs gave instructors some train ing. In general, large establishments tended to provide more training for instructors (table 29). tured training did not have a specific budget allocation for training. Even among large establishments, the proportion without an allocation was sizable, although a larger propor tion did have a budget specifically for training (table 30). Establishments with specific budget allocations were asked to identify specific training cost items for which separate and specific costs were available. Of all establish ments, 10 percent indicated that costs of tuition, books, supplies, etc. could be separately identified in training cost records; this was the highest percent of any specific item for all establishments in the four industries combined. Larg er establishments, with a greater tendency to have an estab lished budget than smaller establishments, also had a higher percentage of establishments reporting the availability of records. For any specific item, however, no more than onehalf of the establishments in any size group reported that cost data were available. Training costs The great interest in employer training costs prompted a survey question about the availability of training cost rec ords. About five-sixths of the establishments providing struc Table 30. Training cost records: By size of establishment ( E s t a b lis h m e n t s r e p o r t i n g t r a i n in g c o s t r e c o r d s as a p e r c e n t o f a ll e s t a b lis h m e n t s p r o v id in g s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) A ll establishm ents in selected in d u s trie s 1 Item T o ta l p ro v id in g tra in in g No tra in in g budget a llo c a tio n 1-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 5 0 0-999 1,000 o r m ore ................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ......................... 83.3 95.9 86.9 81.3 72.6 65.6 52 .6 37 .4 16.7 3.6 10.0 1.6 4.1 4.1 13.1 3.4 7.0 .5 18.7 2.8 5.8 — 27.4 2.5 21.7 7.8 34.4 2.2 27.9 4.2 4 7 .4 6.4 35.6 2.9 62.6 4.9 4 6 .9 7.3 4.1 1.5 2.6 2.0 1.7 5.6 4.5 8.6 12.9 - 8.6 5.8 8.3 11.0 10.4 10.3 5.8 6.5 13.2 .6 15.5 3.7 4.6 23.4 3.1 29.7 15.9 24.1 4 2 .4 4.1 W ith specific tra in in g budget a llo c a t io n 2 No separate cost records ke p t ............ T u itio n , b ooks, supplies, e tc .................. Trainee t r a n s p o r ta tio n ........................... Personnel costs (in s tru c to rs , s u p p o rt s ta ff, etc.) ........................... Cost o f tra in in g fa c ility ......................... Overhead c o s ts .......................................... Labor cost o f trainees ........................... O th e r ............................................................ 5.2 2.7 4.1 6.9 2.2 f a b r ic a t e d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . N um ber o f em ployees in establishm ent - — - .9 .9 e l e c t r ic a l; 2 D a ta a p p e a r in g u n d e r t h is c a t e g o r y a re n o n a d d it iv e ; m a n y e s t a b lis h m e n t s lis te d m o r e th a n o n e t r a i n in g c o s t it e m f o r w h ic h s p e c if ic c o s ts m a y be id e n t if ia b l e . 21 Appendix A Table A-1. Reference Tables Occupational employment, January 1975, and completions of structured training in selected occupations, 1974 E stim ated o ccu p a tio n a l e m p lo y m e n t January 1 975 C o m p le tio n s o f s tru c tu re d o ccu p a tio n a l tra in in g , 1974 T o ta l, selected o c c u p a tio n s in m e ta lw o rk in g industries (SIC 3 4 -3 7 ) .......................................................... 1 ,2 8 6 ,2 0 0 7 7 ,73 7 6.0 Crane, d e rric k , and h o is t o p e ra to rs ............................................................ E le c tric ia n s .......................................................................................................... E le c tr o p la te r s .................................................................................................... Filers, g rinders, b u ffe rs , etc ......................................................................... L a y o u t w o rk e rs , m e t a l ........................................................................... .. . . M achine to o l s e t t e r s ........................................................................................ M achinists .......................................................................................................... M echanics, m a in te n a n c e ................................................................................ M illw r ig h t s .......................................................................................................... P atternm akers, m e ta l/w o o d ......................................................................... P lum bers a n d /o r p ip e fitte rs ......................................................................... Sheet-m etal w o r k e r s ........................................................................................ T o o l and die m a k e r s ........................................................................................ W elders and fla m e c u t t e r s .............................................................................. 2 3 ,5 0 0 6 2 .4 5 0 2 7 ,6 5 0 1 0 4 ,9 0 0 3 6 ,9 5 0 6 2 ,4 5 0 3 5 9 ,6 0 0 7 7 ,9 5 0 2 8 ,45 0 1.7,800 2 8 ,4 0 0 1 1 4 ,1 0 0 1 2 1 ,6 5 0 2 2 0 ,4 0 0 1,838 6 ,3 8 5 1,109 2 ,6 4 8 2 ,4 52 3,481 15,447 4 ,1 1 2 861 318 3 ,0 6 6 8 ,4 83 2 ,7 28 24,811 7.8 10.2 4.0 2.5 6.6 5.6 4.3 5.3 3.0 1.8 10.8 7.4 2.2 11.3 O c c u p a tio n C o m p le tio n s as a percent o f o ccu p a tio n a l e m p lo y m e n t N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . Table A -2. Enrollments: By occupation and purpose and type of training—T o tal, selected industries1 ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected o ccu p atio n s Crane ope ra to rs E le c tri cians E le c tro platers Filers and grinders ............................................................ 1 3 3 ,7 0 0 1,9 64 1 1 ,39 8 1,777 4 ,1 2 3 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 9 1 ,7 1 3 4 1 ,98 7 94,951 6 9 ,19 4 25 ,75 7 3 8 ,74 9 2 2 ,52 0 16,22 9 1,809 156 1,539 1,495 44 42 5 313 112 7 ,0 63 4 ,3 3 5 7 ,1 93 5 ,0 4 0 2,1 53 4 ,2 0 5 2,0 23 2 ,1 82 1,633 144 1,469 1,421 48 308 213 96 3,767 357 3 ,2 5 6 3,1 52 104 867 615 252 Layout w o rke rs, m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g M echanics, m aintenance M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 3 ,4 4 3 4 ,4 9 0 31,431 7 ,4 19 3 ,5 8 8 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1,807 1,636 2 ,5 8 8 1,415 1,173 85 5 391 46 3 3 ,6 89 801 3 ,1 29 2 ,6 3 0 500 1,360 1,059 301 2 4 ,8 8 8 6,5 43 2 0 ,7 0 4 1 7 ,15 3 3,551 10,727 7 ,7 3 5 2 ,9 9 2 6 ,1 79 1,240 4 ,1 2 7 3 ,9 7 6 151 3 ,2 9 2 2,2 03 1,089 3,3 07 281 2,7 99 2 ,5 7 9 220 789 728 61 S ee f o o t n o t e a t e n d o f t a b le . 22 Table A-2. Enrollments: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Total, selected industries1—Continued (N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s tr u c tu r e d tr a in in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a tio n s , 1 9 7 4 ) P a tte rn m akers Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g Plum bers Sheet-M etal w o rke rs T o o l and die m akers W elders ............................................................ 1,829 6 ,0 2 4 12,13 8 10 ,25 0 3 3 ,82 7 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1,661 168 1,602 1,602 4 ,0 0 6 2 ,0 17 4 ,8 0 2 2,9 94 1,808 1,222 1,013 209 8 ,2 7 4 3 ,8 6 4 9 ,1 4 2 6,291 2,851 2 ,9 9 6 1,983 1,013 9,501 748 9 ,3 7 5 8 ,9 4 2 43 3 875 559 316 1 4,129 19,69 8 2 3 ,2 2 7 1 0,505 12,722 10,601 3,6 24 6 ,9 7 6 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g f a b r ic a t e d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . Table A -3. Enrollments: - 227 60 168 e l e c t r ic a l; N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d in g , s u m s o f i n d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . By occupation and purpose and type of training—Fabricated metal products industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g T o ta l, selected o c cu p atio n s Crane o perators E le c tri cians E le c tro platers F ilers and grinders ............................................................ 2 6 ,66 7 861 1,572 1,172 973 On th e j o b ...................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b ............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b ............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 2 1 ,7 1 2 4 ,9 5 5 19 ,92 4 1 7,757 2,167 6 ,7 43 3 ,9 55 2 ,7 88 861 74 6 746 115 115 — 1,270 302 799 745 54 773 525 248 1,163 9 1,043 1,034 9 129 129 - 972 1 92 0 920 54 53 1 M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g Layout w o rke rs, m etal M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 816 1,456 4 ,1 2 3 2 ,7 05 873 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 81 6 — 489 489 1,327 129 867 815 52 588 512 76 3 ,8 54 270 3 ,4 42 3 ,3 89 53 681 46 4 217 2,0 89 61 6 1,755 1,724 31 95 0 365 585 845 29 513 495 18 360 349 11 Plum bers Sheet-m etal w o rke rs T o o l and die makers Welders A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g — 327 327 P a tte rn makers ............................................................ 61 657 1,342 2 ,2 5 6 7 ,8 00 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .................................................. .. . . On the j o b ............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 57 4 40 40 657 538 538 119 119 — 1,316 26 1,260 1,260 82 56 26 2 ,1 2 4 132 2 ,1 22 2,017 106 134 108 26 4 ,3 6 2 3 ,4 38 5,3 88 3,5 45 1,844 2,411 817 1,595 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g 21 17 4 N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . 23 Table A-4. Enrollments: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Machinery, except electrical, industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g T o ta l, selected o ccu p atio n s Crane ope ra to rs E le c tri cians E le c tro platers F ilers and grinders ............................................................ 4 8 ,1 2 9 683 1 ,5 6 7 84 1,720 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 37,161 1 0,968 3 2 ,02 7 2 7 ,1 0 4 4 ,9 2 2 16,102 10,057 6 ,0 45 578 106 4 98 498 1,3 66 201 1,292 1,214 79 274 152 122 84 — 1,545 174 1,187 1,082 104 533 4 63 70 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g Layout w o rke rs m etal A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g - 186 80 106 84 84 — — — - M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 694 1,407 2 0 ,5 1 5 3 ,2 7 5 469 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 188 506 263 178 85 432 11 421 1,280 127 1,158 1,085 73 249 196 53 15,717 4 ,7 9 8 1 3,896 1 0 ,99 0 2 ,9 0 6 6 ,6 1 9 4 ,7 2 6 1,893 3 ,0 7 9 196 1,514 1,475 39 1,761 1,604 157 46 2 7 414 410 4 55 52 3 Plum bers Sheet-m etal w o rke rs T o o l and die m akers W elders P a tte rn m akers ............................................................ 1,606 1,156 1,522 5 ,4 9 9 7 ,9 32 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1,461 145 1,437 1,437 169 24 145 1,047 109 283 281 2 873 76 6 107 1,475 47 1,331 1,331 191 144 47 4 ,9 9 6 503 5 ,0 0 0 4 ,7 3 6 265 498 260 238 3,8 83 4 ,0 4 9 3 ,6 70 2,3 04 1,366 4 ,2 6 2 1,579 2,683 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o ta ls . 24 Table A-5. Enrollments: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Electrical machinery industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected o ccu p a tio n s Crane ope ra to rs E le c tri cians ............................................................ 13,58 8 127 2 ,7 98 345 175 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b ............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g ......................................................... On the j o b ............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1 1,914 1,674 8 ,0 59 7,837 221 5 ,5 29 4 ,0 77 1,452 120 7 120 120 7 — 7 2 ,2 8 6 512 1,213 1,163 50 1,585 1,123 462 255 90 272 233 39 73 22 52 161 14 157 157 18 5 14 Layout w o rke rs, m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g E le c tro platers M echanics, m aintenance Filers and grinders M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 142 389 3 ,8 9 4 607 279 On the j o b ...................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 140 2 133 133 9 7 2 284 105 271 271 118 13 105 3 ,4 07 487 1,260 1,187 74 2 ,6 3 4 2,221 413 535 72 389 376 13 219 159 59 239 40 234 232 2 45 7 37 Plum bers Sheet-m etal w o rke rs T o o l and die m akers W elders A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g P a tte rn m akers ............................................................ 43 37 6 1,575 1,666 1,172 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 24 19 19 19 37 6 363 363 13 13 1,524 50 1,503 1,494 9 71 30 41 1,625 41 1,555 1,520 35 111 105 6 936 236 568 568 604 368 236 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g 23 5 19 N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o ta ls . 25 — Table A-6. Enrollments: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Transportation equipment industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g T o ta l, selected o ccu p atio n s Crane ope ra to rs E le c tri cians E le c tro platers F ilers and grinders ............................................................ 4 5 ,3 1 6 293 5,461 176 1,256 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 2 0 ,92 5 24,391 3 4 ,94 2 16,495 18,447 10,375 4,431 5,9 44 249 44 175 131 44 118 118 2,141 3 ,3 2 0 3 ,8 8 8 1,917 1,971 1,573 224 1,350 132 44 70 70 1,088 168 993 99 3 Layout w o rke rs, m etal A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g - — 106 62 44 M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance — 263 95 168 M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 1,790 1,238 2 ,8 98 8 32 1,967 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ...................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 663 1,127 1,704 616 1,088 86 47 39 797 441 83 2 458 374 406 339 67 1,9 10 98 8 2 ,1 05 1,586 519 793 324 469 476 357 470 401 69 363 75 28 8 1,761 205 1,638 1,442 196 329 319 9 Sheet-m etal T o o l and die w o rke rs m akers P a tte rn Plum bers m akers A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g ............................................................ On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ NO TE: 119 3 ,8 3 5 7 ,6 9 9 829 1 6,923 119 1,927 1,908 3 ,6 1 8 1,812 1,806 217 115 102 3 ,9 5 8 3,741 5 ,0 47 2 ,2 0 6 2 ,8 42 2 ,6 5 2 1,753 899 75 6 73 697 670 27 132 86 46 4 ,9 4 8 1 1 ,97 5 13 ,60 0 4 ,0 8 8 9 ,5 1 2 3 ,3 2 3 860 2 ,4 63 - 105 105 13 13 - B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a l s . W elders 26 Table A-7. Completions: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Total, selected industries1 ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected o ccu p a tio n s Crane o perators E le c tri cians E le c tro platers ............................................................ 7 7 ,73 7 1,838 6 ,3 8 5 1,109 2 ,6 48 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 4 4 ,9 2 2 3 2 ,8 1 5 4 9 ,7 7 0 3 0 ,2 4 5 19,525 2 7 ,96 7 1 4,678 13,290 1,700 138 1,432 1,406 26 406 294 112 2 ,8 58 3,527 3 ,1 59 1,291 1,868 3 ,2 2 6 1,567 1,659 983 126 92 5 892 32 184 90 94 2 ,3 76 271 2,027 1,940 86 621 436 185 Layout w o rke rs, m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance ............................................................ 2 ,4 52 3,481 15,447 4 ,1 1 2 861 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s ite ........................................................................................ Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1,157 1,295 1,714 808 907 738 350 388 2 ,7 2 6 755 2,2 67 1,767 500 1,214 959 255 10,737 4 ,7 1 0 10,303 7,231 3 ,0 73 5 ,1 43 3 ,5 0 6 1,637 3 ,0 5 5 1,057 1,376 1,266 110 2 ,7 3 6 1,789 947 628 232 692 520 172 169 108 61 Sheet-m etal T ool and die w o rke rs makers Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g P a tte rn m akers P lum bers F ilers and grinders M illw rig h ts \VAVIck r i co if bc c lI Q ............................................................ 318 3 ,0 6 6 8 ,4 83 2 ,7 2 8 24,811 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 274 44 246 246 72 28 44 1,363 1,703 2 ,0 90 577 1,513 976 786 190 5,1 37 3 ,3 4 6 6 ,2 1 8 3 ,6 6 3 2 ,5 55 2 ,2 65 1,474 791 2 ,3 7 0 357 2,127 2,0 73 54 600 297 303 9 ,5 5 8 15,253 15,194 6 ,5 6 5 8 ,6 29 9 ,6 1 6 2,993 6,623 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g 1 F a b r ic a te d m e ta l p ro d u c ts ; m a c h in e r y , except e le c t r ic a l m a c h in e r y ; a n d t r a n s p o r t a t io n e q u ip m e n t . e l e c t r ic a l; N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l to ta ls . 27 Table A-8. Completions: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Fabricated metal products industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g T o ta l, selected o ccu p a tio n s Crane o p e ra to rs E le c tri cians E le c tro platers F ilers and grinders ............................................................ 1 5,642 76 0 821 6 58 579 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ............................................................................ On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 11,157 4 ,4 8 5 10,25 9 8 ,4 2 0 1,839 5 ,3 82 2 ,7 37 2 ,6 4 5 76 0 — 66 2 662 98 98 - 562 259 211 172 39 6 10 390 220 658 — 578 1 543 543 - Layout w o rk e rs , m etal A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g 623 623 35 35 - M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance 36 35 1 M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 655 1,0 56 1,271 1,519 177 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ............................................................................ On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 6 55 355 355 3 00 3 00 - 97 4 82 547 495 52 509 479 30 1,023 249 731 690 41 541 9 52 567 780 749 31 739 203 5 36 152 25 98 85 14 79 68 11 P a tte rn m akers A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g ............................................................ On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ..................................................................... . . On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O f f p r o d u c t i o n s ite T o o l and die m akers W elders 60 4 6 ,8 0 6 25 44 4 — 28 28 16 16 — 636 26 626 62 6 35 574 30 525 510 15 79 64 15 3 ,5 6 4 3 ,2 42 4 ,5 2 2 2 ,8 75 1,647 2,2 84 690 1,595 21 17 4 N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . Sheet-m etal w o rke rs 661 8 8 28 208 44 29 ......................................................................... P lum bers 333 9 26 Table A-9. Completions: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Machinery, except electrical, industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected o ccu p a tio n s Crane op e ra to rs ............................................................ 2 6 ,64 3 681 307 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 1 7,936 8 ,7 0 8 1 5,840 1 1,728 4,111 10 ,80 4 6,207 4 ,5 9 7 57 5 106 498 498 183 78 106 201 106 221 173 48 86 28 58 Layout w o rke rs, m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g E le c tri cians E le c tro platers Filers and grinders 68 1,050 68 901 149 665 579 86 385 322 62 68 68 - — - M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 56 4 980 11,047 1,958 89 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 166 398 206 159 46 358 7 351 854 127 79 2 718 73 188 135 53 7 ,5 2 5 3,5 23 8 ,1 0 4 5,4 87 2,6 17 2 ,9 43 2 ,0 3 8 905 1,806 151 370 333 37 1,587 1.473 114 85 3 85 85 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g P a tte rn m akers A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g P lum bers Sheet-m etal w o rke rs 3 - 3 T o o l and die makers Welders ............................................................ 229 916 91 2 1,551 6,291 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site .................................................. .. S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g ....................................................... ’. On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 208 21 208 208 21 — 21 80 7 109 56 54 2 860 753 107 89 4 19 89 0 890 23 4 19 1,302 249 1,237 1,227 11 314 76 238 2,543 3 ,7 4 8 2,439 1,249 1,191 3 ,8 52 1,294 2 ,5 58 N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o ta ls . 29 Table A-10. Completions: By occupation and purpose and type of training—Electrical machinery industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) T o ta l, selected o c cu p atio n s Crane o p e ra to rs ............................................................ 7 ,0 1 9 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ...................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ............................................................................ On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................. S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................. Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g E le c tricians E le c tro platers 127 1,700 28 2 170 5 ,9 70 1,049 3 ,5 9 4 3 ,4 12 182 3 ,4 2 6 2 ,5 5 8 867 120 7 120 120 7 1,4 95 205 52 5 481 44 1,176 1,015 161 199 84 209 177 32 73 22 52 157 14 157 157 Layout w o rk e rs , m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists M echanics, m aintenance 112 251 1,846 182 162 110 2 103 103 9 7 2 146 105 138 138 113 8 105 1,565 281 682 611 71 1,164 955 210 155 27 102 96 6 79 59 21 122 40 117 115 2 45 7 37 Plum bers Sheet-m etal w o rke rs T o o l and die m akers W elders ............................................................ On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ...................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ............................................................................ On th e j o b ......................................................................... .. . O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................. S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ P a tte rn m akers — 7 V F ilers and grinders — 14 — 14 M illw rig h ts ............................................................ 35 73 77 5 290 1,014 O n th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. 16 19 16 16 73 60 60 13 13 — 724 50 726 717 9 48 7 41 268 23 187 170 17 104 98 6 82 0 194 452 452 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g Off p r o d u c t io n s ite 19 — 19 ......................................................................... N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . 30 _ 562 368 194 Table A-11. Completions: By occupation and purpose and type o f training—Transportation equipment industry ( N u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s in s t r u c t u r e d t r a i n in g in s e le c te d o c c u p a t io n s , 1 9 7 4 ) Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g T o ta l, selected o c cu p atio n s Crane o p e ra to rs E le c tri cians E le c tro platers Filers and grinders ............................................................ 2 8 ,4 3 3 270 3 ,5 5 6 101 849 On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 9 ,8 6 0 18,573 2 0 ,0 7 8 6 ,6 85 1 3,393 8 ,3 5 5 3 ,1 75 5 ,1 80 244 26 152 126 26 118 118 60 0 2,9 57 2 ,2 0 2 465 1,737 1,355 135 1,219 58 42 25 25 76 33 42 741 108 662 662 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g - 187 78 108 Layout w o rke rs, m etal M achine to o l setters M achinists ............................................................ 1,121 1,194 1,282 45 4 433 On the j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On th e j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ 226 895 1,051 190 86 0 70 36 34 753 441 790 416 374 404 337 67 624 658 787 4 43 344 49 5 180 314 141 312 123 87 36 331 55 27 6 268 165 391 236 156 42 33 9 A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g ............................................................ On th e j o b ....................................................................................................... O ff p ro d u c tio n site ..................................................................................... Q u a lify in g t r a in in g ........................................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g .......................................................... On the j o b .............................................................................. O ff p ro d u c tio n site ............................................................ Sheet-m etal w o rk e rs T oo l and die m akers 25 2 ,0 32 6 ,1 3 5 282 1 0 ,69 9 25 438 1,594 1,945 434 1,511 87 5 82 2 ,8 8 4 3,251 3 ,9 7 6 1,430 2 ,5 4 6 2 ,1 5 9 1,453 705 226 56 178 167 12 104 60 44 2,631 8 ,0 68 7,781 1,990 5 ,7 92 2 ,9 18 641 2,277 14 14 11 11 — N O T E : B e c a u s e o f r o u n d i n g , s u m s o f in d iv i d u a l it e m s m a y n o t e q u a l t o t a ls . 31 M illw rig h ts P lum bers P a tte rn m akers A ll s tru c tu re d tra in in g M echanics, m Iadi 11n 1tI pC In IaQ nl IL»C p p 11 W elders Appendix B. Scope and Method of Survey Scope of survey field work related to the mail survey was completed by February 27, 1976. The survey of training in industry covered establish ments employing one worker or more in the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, in the following major industry groups as classified in the 1967 Standard Industrial Classifi cation (SIC) Manual. Fabricated metal products (SIC 34); machinery, except electrical (SIC 35); electrical machinery (SIC 36); and transportation equipment (SIC 37). The estimated number of establishments and total em ployment within the scope of this survey, the sample actu ally studied, and the usable responses are shown for each major industry group in table B-l. Sampling and estimating procedures The sampling procedures required the detailed stratifica tion of all establishments within the scope of the survey by industry and size of establishment. A nationwide sample of nearly 5,000 establishments was selected from the universe. Each of the four major industry groups included in the scope of the survey was sampled separately, with the sam pling rates depending on the employment size of the indus try. Within each major industry group, a greater proportion of large than of small establishments was included. In devel oping the estimates from the sample, each establishment was weighted according to its probability of selection. The weighted data were adjusted to total employment within the scope of the survey shown in table B -l. Timing of survey, and method of collection Data on enrollments and completions of employer train ing programs were requested for calendar year 1974. The reference data for total establishment employment and em ployment for 14 selected occupations within the establish ment was the payroll period that included January 12, 1975. Data were gathered primarily through mail returns, al though personal visits were also made in many instances. The initial mail request was completed by June 5, 1975. A second request to nonrespondents was completed by July 11, 1975. More than 700 questionnaires were delivered ini tially by personal visit, usually to corporate headquarters, primarily because records were not maintained at the estab lishment level for many firms. In addition, a subsample of nonrespondents to the mail survey, totaling nearly 550 establishments, was selected for field followup visits. All Estimates of sampling error The survey procedure yielded estimates of training with varying levels of sampling error, depending largely upon the frequency and magnitude of the training reported for an occupation and the proportion of establishments in the sur vey sample. Therefore, the larger establishments generally had lower sampling errors than small establishments. The standard error is primarily a measure of sampling variabili ty; that is, it is a measure of the variations in the estimate that might occur by chance because a sample rather than Table B-1. Number of establishments and workers within scope of survey, number studied, and usable responses, by industry group1 S tu d ie d W ith in scope o f survey In d u s try Usable responses N um ber o f e s ta blis h m e n ts 2 E m p lo y m e n t3 N u m be r o f establishm ents E m p lo y m e n t N u m be r o f establishm ents E m p lo y m e n t A ll selected in d u s t r ie s ....................... 9 2 ,0 1 7 7 ,0 4 7 ,8 0 0 4 ,7 7 6 4 ,1 0 3 ,0 8 8 2 ,8 29 2 ,0 5 9 ,7 0 0 F a b rica te d m etal p r o d u c t s ....................... M a ch in e ry , exce p t e le c tric a l .................. E le ctric a l m ac h in e ry ................................. T ra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t....................... 2 9 ,0 1 2 4 0 ,5 6 7 1 3 ,04 0 9 ,3 9 8 1 ,3 6 2 ,8 0 0 2 ,1 8 4 ,8 0 0 1 ,8 4 4 ,8 0 0 1 ,6 5 5 ,5 0 0 1,248 1,581 1,161 7 86 4 5 6 ,4 9 2 9 5 8 ,9 2 9 1 ,2 2 2 ,6 6 4 1 ,4 6 5 ,0 0 3 772 962 651 444 2 9 2 ,6 0 0 4 8 9 ,6 0 0 5 3 9 ,1 0 0 7 3 8 ,4 0 0 1T h e s tu d y c o v e r s e s t a b lis h m e n t s A la s k a a n d H a w a ii. in th e U n it e d S ta te s , e x c e p t 2 R e fe r e n c e p e r io d — 1 s t Q u a r t e r 1 9 7 5 . 3 E m p l o y m e n t b e n c h m a r k —J a n u a r y 1 9 7 5 . 32 Table B-2. Estimates and standard errors for employees receiving structured occupational training for each selected occupation, by type and purpose of training, 1974 Purpose and ty p e o f tra in in g Em ployees receiving tra in in g (w eighted) S tandard e rro r Em ployees receiving tra in in g (re p o rte d ) Em ployees receiving tra in in g (w eighted) 8 68 2 ,1 1 5 1,420 498 141 44 47 40 2,1 53 1,438 1,768 48 50 31 313 170 161 2 ,0 2 2 713 46 5 213 128 19 113 239 98 2,0 83 554 1,182 96 39 54 L a y o u t w o rkers, m etal M achine to o l setters 3 ,1 49 975 90 8 1,4 16 436 342 2 ,6 29 89 0 670 104 165 54 1,173 71 8 526 499 375 40 6 16 437 56 393 159 58 1,059 404 292 253 124 136 463 565 46 301 156 98 M echanics, m aintenance M illw rig h ts 17,14 8 3 ,3 4 6 3,8 24 3 ,9 7 7 726 1,357 2 ,5 7 8 341 1,336 3 ,5 5 2 3 ,0 2 5 1,321 149 79 62 220 120 98 7 ,7 3 5 1,952 8 58 2 ,2 0 2 2 ,2 25 406 728 243 351 2 ,9 4 5 948 767 1,088 456 300 60 43 27 P lu m b e rs /p ip e fitte rs 1,603 810 Sheet-m etal w o rkers 166 2 ,9 93 696 1,492 6,291 1,444 1,837 - - - 1,809 8 04 1,240 2,851 1,055 1,121 59 49 19 1,013 6 86 135 1,982 1,032 583 168 236 38 184 124 74 1,014 451 819 Welders and fla m e c u tte rs 8 ,9 4 2 1,559 1,769 1 0,458 1,932 3 ,7 9 0 432 272 103 1 1,922 1,562 6 ,9 2 5 559 23 4 185 3 ,6 24 1,197 776 317 322 53 6 ,9 65 3 ,1 93 4 ,9 6 0 the universe is surveyed. However, it does not measure non sampling errors such as processing errors or any systematic biases in the data. The standard error shows that the chances are about 68 out of 100 that an estimate from the sample would differ from a complete census by less than the standard error shown in table B-2. The chances are E le ctro p la te rs 5 ,0 3 9 T oo l and die makers Q u a lify in g tra in in g : On th e j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : On the jo b ..................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ Em ployees receiving tra in in g (re p o rte d ) 220 P atte rnm a ke rs, m e ta l/w o o d Q u a lify in g tra in in g : On th e j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ........................... Skill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : On the j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ S tandard e rro r 8 10 M achinists Q u a lify in g tra in in g : On th e j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : On th e j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ E m ployees receiving tra in in g (w eighted) 1,495 F ilers and grinders Q u a lify in g tra in in g : On the j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ........................... S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : On th e j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ Em ployees receiving tra in in g (re p o rte d ) E lectricia n s Crane ope ra to rs Q u a lify in g tra in in g : On the j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ S k ill im p ro v e m e n t tra in in g : On the j o b .................... O ff p ro d u c tio n s i t e ............................ S tandard e rro r about 19 out of 20 that the difference would be less than twice the standard error. The Bureau calculated estimates for standard error for employees receiving training for each occupation by type and purpose of training. Generally, standard errors ran fair ly high, but this was to be expected because of the small 33 size of the variable being measured and the small propor tion of establishments providing training. Estimates and their standard errors, shown in table B-2, should be interpreted as follows: Enrollments of crane operators in off-production-site training were reported as 40. The weighted estimate is 44 (reported number weighted by ratio of 110). The standard error for this weighted estimate is 47. Thus, the estimate within one standard error ranged from 401 to 91, or, chances are 68 out of 100 that the actual number of crane operators enrolled in off-production site training fell be tween 40 and 91. 1The actual reported number o f employees receiving training is the lower range o f the estimate in cases when the weighted estimate minus the standard error is lower than the actual reported number. 34 Appendix C. Survey of Occupational Training in Industry O.M.B. No. 044S-75008 Approval expires 12/75 BLS 3050 Jan.1975 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 (Change name and address if incorrect.) r 1 COPY FOR YOUR FILES J L Location Employment SURVEY OF OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING IN INDUSTRY The Bureau o f Labor Statistics will hold all informa tion furnished by the respondent in strict confidence. 35 Identification or location o f establishment for which infor mation is requested, if different from mailing address. 2 S U R V E Y O F T R A I N I N G IN IN D U S T R Y S E L E C T E D O C C U P A T IO N S , 1 9 7 4 CODE OCCUPATIONAL DEFINITIONS 01 CRANEMAN, DERRICKMAN, AND HOISTMAN (electric-monorail-crane operator; electric-bridge-or-gantry-crane operator; locomo tive-crane operator; tractor-crane operator; truck-crane operator; diesel, electric, compressed air, gasoline, or steam drum hoist opera tor; etc.): Operates various kinds of cranes and hoists to lift, move, and load materials, machines, and products. 02 ELECTRICIAN: Installs, maintains, and repairs wiring, electrical equipment, and fixtures. Insures that work is in accordance with relevant codes and may read blueprints. 03 ELECTROPLATER: Sets up, operates or tends plating equipment to coat metal or plastic objects electrolytically with metal to provide protective or decorative surfaces or to build up worn surfaces. Work may involve pickling or other cleaning of the object in preparation for electrolysis. 04 FILER, GRINDER, BUFFER, CHIPPER, CLEANER, AND/OR POLISHER: Include workers concerned with filing, grinding, buffing, chipping, cleaning, and polishing metal parts or objects other than by the use of production machines. 05 LAY-OUT MAN, METAL: Lays out reference points and dimensions on metal stock, structural shapes, or workpieces such as castings, plates, tubes, or machine parts to indicate processing to be done such as machining, welding, or assembly, analyzing specifications and computing dimensions according to knowledge of products, subsequent processing, shop mathematics, and lay out procedures. Exclude workers whose duties involve only tracing from templates. 06 MACHINE TOOL SET-UP MAN (lathe set-up man; drill-press set-up man; all-round set-up man; etc.): Sets up variety of machine tools, such as gear hobbers, lathes, milling machines, boring machines, and grinders, for other workers, and machines’ first-run piece. 07 MACHINIST (maintenance machinist; production machinist; etc.): Sets up and operates machine tools and fits and assembles parts to make or repair metal parts, mechanisms, tools, or machines of an establishment, applying knowledge of mechanics, shop mathematics, metal properties, and layout machining procedures. Studies specifications, such as blueprint, sketch, or description of part to be replaced, and plans sequence of operations. 08 MECHANIC, MAINTENANCE (EXCLUDE MILLWRIGHT): Repairs in accordance with diagrams, operation manuals, or manu facturer’s specifications, machinery and mechanical equipment of an establishment such as cranes, pumps, motors, conveyor systems, and production machines. 09 MILLWRIGHT (EXCLUDE MAINTENANCE MECHANICS): Installs new machinery and heavy equipment according to layout plans, blueprints, and other drawings in an establishment and dismantles and moves machinery and heavy equipment, when changes in plant layout are required. Uses a variety of handtools, hoists, dollies, and trucks. May construct foundations for machines. 10 PATTERNMAKER, METAL (aircraft loftsman, etc.): Lays o u t , machines, fits, and assembles castings and parts to metal foundry patterns, core boxes, and match plates, using handtools and machine tools, and analyzes specifications according to knowledge of patternmaking methods. PATTERNMAKER, WOOD (wood pattern repairman, ship loftsman, etc.): Plans, lays out, and constructs wooden unit or sec tional patterns used in forming sand molds for casting, analyzing blueprints and using handtools. 11 PLUMBER AND/OR PIPEFITTER: Assembles, installs, alters and/or repairs pipe systems (metal, plastic, ceramic, composition, etc.) that carry water, steam, air, or other liquids or gases. 12 SHEET METAL WORKER (coppersmith; tinsmith; fabricator, special items; roofer, metal; model maker, sheet metal; etc.): Fabricates, assembles, installs, and repairs sheet metal products and equipment, such as control boxes, drainpipes, and furnace casings. Work may involve any of the following: Sets up and operates fabricating machines to cut, bend, and straighten, sheet metal; shapes metal over anvils, blocks, or forms, using hammer; operates soldering and welding equipment to join sheet metal parts; inspects, assembles, and smooths seams and joints of burred surfaces. 13 TOOL AND DIE MAKER, METAL (EXCLUDE DIE SINKER AND DIE SETTER): Analyzes variety of specifications, lays out metal stock, sets up and operates machine tools, and fits and assembles parts to make and repair metalworking dies, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gages, and machinists’ handtools. 14 WELDER AND FLAMECUTTER (arc welder; gas welder; spot welder; solderer; leadbumer; resistance welder; etc.): Joins, sur faces, or otherwise makes or repairs structures or parts, using gas or electric welding, soldering, or brazing equipment with or without filler material; fusing to join or shape lead products or parts, using a gas torch; cutting or perforating metal, using gas or electric cutting equipment. 36 3 R E P O R T I N G I N S T R U C T IO N S C o m p le te th is q u e s tio n n a ir e fo r y o u r c o m p a n y o p e r a tio n ( e s t a b lis h m e n t ) id e n tif ie d o n th e m a ilin g la b e l. T o h e lp m u lti-e s ta b lis h m e n t e m p lo y e r s c o r r e c tly id e n tif y th is “ r e p o r tin g u n it ,” its p h y s ic a l lo c a t io n h a s b e e n p r in te d in t h e lo w e r le f t p o r tio n o f th e m a ilin g la b e l. O u r e s tim a te o f th e n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s e m p lo y e d at th is e s ta b lis h m e n t a p p e a r s in th e lo w e r rig h t c o r n e r o f th e la b e l. A . G E N E R A L IN F O R M A T IO N 1. W hat w a s th e p rin c ip a l p r o d u c t m a n u fa c tu r e d b y y o u r e s ta b lis h m e n t in 1 9 7 4 ? (P le a s e d e s c r ib e , i.e ., “ m a n u fa c tu r e o f a u to m a tic la th e s ;” “ m a n u fa c tu r e o f e le c tr o n ic c o m p o n e n t s .” ) NO. OF EMPLOYEES 2 . W hat is th e t o ta l n u m b e r o f e m p lo y e e s carried o n y o u r e s ta b lis h m e n t ’s p a y r o ll fo r th e p a y r o ll p e r io d w h ic h in c lu d e d January 12, 19751 .............................................................................. 3 . D id y o u r e s ta b lis h m e n t e m p lo y a n y w o r k e r s in a n y o f th e f o llo w in g o c c u p a t io n s as o f January 12, 1975, and if so, h o w m a n y ? ( D o n o t re p o r t th e sa m e e m p lo y e e in m o r e th a n o n e c a t e g o r y —se e j o b d e f in it io n s o n th e o p p o s it e p a g e .) NUMBER OF CODE OCCUPATION WORKERS 01 C ra n em a n , D e r r ic k m a n , an d H o i s t m a n .......................................................................................................................... ........................... 02 E l e c t r i c i a n ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................... 03 E le c tr o p la te r ................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................... 04 F ile r , G rin d er, B u ffe r , C h ip p e r , C lean er a n d /o r P o l i s h e r ........................... ...................................................... ........................... 05 L a y -O u t M a n , M e t a l ................................................................................................................................................................... ........................... 06 M a ch in e T o o l S e t-U p M a n ..................................................................................................................................................... ........................... 07 M a c h in ist ........................... 08 M e c h a n ic , M a in te n a n c e 09 M illw rig h t 10 P a tte r n m a k e r , M e ta l/W o o d ....................................................................................................................................................................................... (Exclude Millwright) ...................................................................................................... ........................... (Exclude Maintenance Mechanics) ...................................................................................................... ........................... .............................................................................................................................................. ........................... 11 P lu m b er a n d /o r P i p e f i t t e r ..................................................................................................................................................... ........................... 12 S h e e tm e ta l W o rk er ........................... 13 T o o l a n d D ie M ak er, M eta l (Exclude Die Sinker and Die Setter) .............................................................. ........................... 14 W eld er an d F la m e c u tte r ..................................................................................................................................................... ........................... ................................................................................................................................................................... 37 4 TRAINING DEFINITIONS A worker can acquire an occupational skill in various ways—general education, experience, training, or a combination of these. This survey deals exclusively with “training” as the means of acquiring job skills. For purposes of completing this form "training” is defined as a structured program provided by employers to their employees which is designed to permit employees to acquire or improve skills in the selected occu pations listed on page 3. A structured training program must: • have an identifiable plan designed to develop a worker’s specific skill or level o f competence. • involve the active presence o f an instructor or trainer during the training process. A teaching machine or some other programmed self-learning device may be substituted for a human instructor. In the case o f an APPRENTICESHIP program, the “trainer” is usually a supervisor or other fellow employee of the trainee. (See Qualifying Training, Page 6.) In cases of training not related to apprenticeship, a supervisor or fellow employee who, inci dental to his main responsibility, gives occasional, unscheduled instruction should not be con sidered an instructor or trainer. Structured training may: • be conducted by the establishment (or company), or by some other business firm, educational institution, or labor organization, either separately or in conjunction with your establishment or company. • take place before, during, or after work hours. • take place with or without compensation to the trainee. • involve government sponsorship and/or funding. Structured training includes APPRENTICESHIP training. This survey excludes skill acquisition or skill improvement that results from casual “leaming-by-doing” or “ picking it up.” Also excluded are courses and programs which are not primarily concerned with teaching occupational skills...such as programs which primarily deal with general orientation; safety orientation; com pany policies, practices, and programs; supervision; and supervisory or management practices. This questionnaire form separates training into two distinct categories as follows: 1. QUALIFYING TRAINING (Page 6)-G iven to qualify employees for work in an occupation. It may be given to employees with no previous work experience. It may also be given to expe rienced workers to qualify them to work in an occupation other than the one they hold. 2. SKILL IMPROVEMENT TRAINING (Page 7)-G iven only to experienced workers to improve their skills in the occupations they now hold. 38 5 B. OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING IN 1974 1. Did your establishment provide, in 1974, structured training for any of the occupations listed on page 3? Yes □ (s’ap to question C.) No □ 2. If you did not provide any structured training in 1974 for occupations listed on page 3, please identify any or all of the following conditions that influenced your decision not to provide such training. (Check one of more blocks below.) (1) □ Informal training satisfies our needs. (2) □ We prefer to recruit trained workers. (3) □ We have only a few skilled jobs...structured training is unnecessary. (4) □ (5) □ The cost of structured training is prohibitive. (6) □ The risk of training employees and then losing them to other firms is too great. (7) □ Our establishment does not have the capability to provide structured training. (8) □ Other (give brief description)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our production process shifts tasks away from skilled to lesser skilled workers who are already available. Primary 3. Which one of the factors listed above was the primary one in your decision not to provide structured occupational training in 1974, for occupations listed on page 3? List the number (1-8) of the primary factor................................................................... ------ ^actor----^ .......1-------------- 4. If you did not provide training for the listed occupations, did you provide, in 1974, structured training for any other occupation(s)? Yes □ No □ SKIP TO PAGE 12, QUESTION O. DO NOT COMPLETE QUESTIONS C. THRU N. C. REASONS FOR PROVIDING OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING 1. For all structured training related to the occupations listed on page 3, please identify below any or all of the reasons that influenced your establishment’s decision to provide such training in 1974. (1 ) □ Necessary job skills can best be learned through our own training program. (2 ) □ A tight labor market is anticipated for these job skills. (3 ) □ Occupational training is consistent with employee’s career development needs. (4 ) □ Production methods have changed, are changing, or are expected to change. Accordingly, new skills must be developed by our employees. (5 ) □ Employees have inadequate educational and/or training backgrounds and, therefore, require company training. (6 ) □ Other (give brief description) ______ ____________________________________________________ Primary Reason 2. Which reason listed above was primary in your decision to provide occupational training? (Enter the number-1 through 6 -o f the primary reason.)..................................................... 39 NO. 6 D. QUALIFYING TRAINING: | | | Training given to qualify newly hired or other employees for work in an occupation. Includes APPRENTICESHIP training. 1. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (O JT )—A training process that takes place primarily on the job during actual production operations. This training may include some instruction given off the production site. APPRENTICESHIP training including related classroom instruction should be reported in this category. 2. O FF PRODUCTION-SITE TRAINING (O PST )-A training process that usually takes place o ff the production site in a training facility such as a classroom or an equipped site used primarily for training. The training facility may be operated by the com pany, either on or o ff the firm ’s premises, or by other organizations, such as a technical institute, college, or university. Training undertaken at a facility not operated by the firm should be counted only i f the company pays the cost o f training in whole or in part, or pays employees wages while they are attending training classes. Include correspondence course training i f paid or reimbursed by the firm. Exclude APPRENTICESHIP training and its related classroom instruction...see OJT above. 3 CODE NOTE: Employees who receiv ed training in more than one training category or for more than one occupation, should be included in each count of training received COMPLETION OF TRAINING: Training is considered to have been completed when the trainee has achieved the obiectives o f the training process or program. 01 02 03 04 OCCUPATION (2) Craneman, Derrickman, and Hoistman D.2. D. 1. For occupations listed in Column 2, did your estab lishment provide, in 1974, any on-the-iob training to dualify an em ployee fo r work in these occupations? Yes □ No □ Yes □ If yes, please answer the questions below before proceed ing to D.2. If no, proceed to question D.2 at right. How many employees received OJT during 1974?* How many employees completed the OJT in 1974? (3) (4) For occupations listed in Column 2, did your establishment provide, in 1974, any train ing that consisted primarily o f instruction o f f the production site to qualify an em ployee fo r work in these occupations? Was the training reg What is the istered as an apprenticetotal length ship training (in hours) of program? the OJT program? Check one. (6) (5) Yes No No □ If yes, please answer the questions below before proceeding to E.l and E.2. If no, proceed to questions E.l and E.2 on the next page. How many employees received OPST during 1974?* How many employees completed the OPST in 1974? What is the total length (in hours) of the OPST program? (7) (8) (9) hrs. □ □ hrs. Electrician hrs. □ □ hrs. Electroplater hrs. □ □ hrs. Filer, Grinder, Buffer, etc. hrs. □ □ hrs. Lay-Out Man, Metal hrs. □ □ hrs. 06 Machine Tool Set-Up Man hrs. □ □ hrs. 07 Machinist hrs. □ □ hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. 05 Mechanic, Maintenance (exclude Millwright) Millwright (exclude Maintenance Mechanics) Patternm aker, Metal/Wood Plumber and/or Pipefitter hrs. □ D hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. Sheet Metal Worker hrs. □ □ hrs. 13 Tool and Die Maker hrs. □ □ hrs. 14 Welder and Flam ecutter hrs. □ □ hrs. 08 09 10 11 12 * If your establishment provided more than one kind of OJT or OPST training program fo r the same occupation, record the data by using the appropriate line above and one or more lines below. 40 hrs. □ □ hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. hrs. □ □ hrs. 7 E. SKILL IMPROVEMENT TRAINING: Training given to improve the job skills o f a worker in the occupation in which he or she is currently em ployed. 1. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (O J T )-A training process that takes place primarily on the job during actual pr oduction operations. This training mav include some instruction given o ff the production site. Exclude APPRENTICESHIP training and its related classroom instruction which should be included in D .l, page 6. 2. OFF PRODUCTION-SITE TRAINING (O P S T )-A training process that usually takes place off the produc tion site in a training facility such as a classroom or an equipped site used primarily for training. The training facility may be operated 1by the com pany, either on or o ff the firm’s premises, or by other organizations, such as a technical institute, college, or university . Training undertaken at a facility not operated by the firm should be counted only i f the company pays the cost o f training in wholi? or in part, or pays em- ployees wages while they are attending training classes. Include correspondence course training if paid or ireimbursed by the firm. Exclude APPRENTICESHIP training and its related classroom instruction...see D . l , page 6. NOTE: Employees w ho received training in more than one training category or for more than one occu pation should be included in each count o f training received. TRAINING: T r a in in g is c o n s id e r e d to h a v e b e e n com pleted when the trainee has achieved the objectives o f the train ing process or program. C0DE COMPLETION E.2. the-job training to improve the job skills o f a worker in the occupation in which he or she the production site to improve the job skills of a worker in the occupation in which he or she . For occupations listed in Column 2, did vour establishment provide, in 1974, any on - was then em ployed? OCCUPATION 01 02 For occupations listed in Column 2, did your establishment provide, in 1974, any train ing that consisted primarily of instruction off was then em ployed? Yes □ OF (2) Craneman, Derrickman, and Hoistman 3 E.l No □ Yes □ If yes, please answer the questions below be fore proceeding to E.2. If no, proceed to ques tion E.7 at right. No D If yes, please answer the questions below be fore proceeding to the next page. If no, pro ceed to the next page. How many em ployees received OJT during 1974?* How many em ployees com pleted the OJT in 1974? What is the total length (in hours) o f the OJT program? How many em ployees received OPST during 1974?* How many em ployees com pleted the OPST in 1974? What is the total length (in hours) o f the OPST program? (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) hrs. hrs. Electrician hrs. hrs. 03 Electroplater hrs. hrs. 04 Filer, Grinder, Buffer, etc. hrs. hrs. Lay-Out Man, Metal hrs. hrs. 06 Machine Tool Set-Up Man hrs. hrs. 07 Machinist hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. 05 08 09 10 u Mechanic, Maintenance (exclude Millwright) Millwright (exclude Maintenance Mechanics) Patternmaker, M etal/Wood Plumber and/or Pipefitter hrs. hrs. Sheet Metal Worker hrs. hrs. 13 Tool and Die Maker hrs. hrs. 14 Welder and Flamecutter hrs. hrs. 12 * If your establishment provided more than one kind of OJT or OPST training program for the same occupation, record the data by using the appropriate line above and one or more lines below. 41 hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. 8 PLEASE COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES IF YOU REPORTED ON PAGES 6 OR 7 THAT YOUR ESTABLISHMENT PROVIDED TRAINING IN 1974. INFORMATION YOU REPORT SHOULD RELATE DIRECTLY TO THE TRAINING PRO GRAM^) REPORTED ON PAGES 6 AND 7. F. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRAINING STAFF 1. Please estimate the number of persons on the payroll o f your establishment who spend any of their work time as “instructors’*in the training programs you reported on pages 6 and 7. Include supervisors and journeymen associated with apprenticeship training programs. (If “0,” skip to question F .4 .)....................................................................................................... 2. How many of the persons reported above spend aU of their work time as instructors in these programs?..................................................................................................................................................................... ............ 3. Is “instructor training” given to instructors reported in F.l above? Yes □ No □ 4. Is any of the instruction related to training programs reported on pages 6 and 7 given by persons who are not on your payroll, e.g., company training center staff, college faculty, etc.? Yes □ No □ REMARKS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ G. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAINING SITE (OR FACILITY) Please identify any or all of the following descriptions which apply to the facility or site where training is given. (Check one or more blocks.) COMPANY OWNED FACILITY □ The production shop of our establishment. □ A classroom in our establishment. □ An area of our establishment separate from the production shop, but equipped and designed specifically for training. □ Other company owned facility (give brief description)___________________________________________ FACILITY NOT OWNED BY COMPANY □ An adult vocational or technical school facility. □ A high school facility. □ A community college facility. □ A labor union facility. □ Vendor’s or manufacturer’s schools. □ Training received via correspondence school. □ Other (give brief description) ______________________________________ 42 9 H. TRAINING CONTENT AND EVALUATION 1. For any structured training program reported on page 6 or 7, please identify any or all of the following groups who helped determine the course content of the program. (Check one or more blocks.) □ Trade associations. □ Vendors or manufacturers of plant machinery and equipment. □ Union-management cooperation and/or committees (e.g., a joint apprenticeship committee). □ Vocational educators or other education specialists. □ In-plant analysis by department heads, supervisors, and foremen. □ Consulting firms. □ Other (give brief description) ________________________________________________________________ 2. Are occupational training programs periodically evaluated by management? ............Yes □ No □ (skip to question I.) 3. If yes, please identify any or all factors utilized to evaluate a typical occupational training program. (Check one or more blocks.) □ Supervisory feedback. □ Written or other types of examination of trainee to measure degree of skill acquired or level of competence. □ Follow-up studies of trainee. □ Outside educators or consulting firmevaluation. □ Other (give brief description)______ 1. TRAINING RECORDS How is an em ployee’s training experience recorded and/or maintained by your establishment? (Check one or more blocks.) □ No records maintained. □ Record maintained in our personnel department. □ Record maintained in our training department. □ Record maintained by our payroll department. D Record maintained by employee’s supervisor. □ Other (give brief description) ________________________________________________________________ 43 10 J. TRAINING COSTS 1. Does the establishment have a specific budget allocation for training? ........................ Yes □ No □ (skip to question K.) 2. If yes, identify any or all of the training cost items listed below for which separate and specific costs are recorded in the training records of your establishment. (Check one or more blanks.) □ No separate costs records are kept. □ Tuition, books, supplies, etc. □ Trainee transportation reimbursement. □ Personnel costs (instructors, support staff, consultants, etc.) □ Cost of training facility. □ Overhead costs charged to training. □ Labor cost of trainees. □ Other (give brief description) __________________________________________________________________ K. BENEFITS ACCRUING TO EMPLOYEES WHO COMPLETE TRAINING Please identify any or all of the following benefits which accrue to an employee who successfully completes training. # Check blocks in column (1) to identify benefits which accrue to an employee who successfully completes qualifying training in programs reported on page 6. (Check one or more blocks.) # Check blocks in column (2) to identify benefits which accrue to an employee who successfully completes skill improvement training in programs reported on page 7. (Check one or more blocks.) (1 ) (2) Qualifying Training (See page 6) Skill Improvement Training (See page 7) Benefit □ □ Promotion when training is satisfactorily completed or soon thereafter. □ □ Employee returns to his regular job but may receive a higher pay rate. □ □ Completion certificate placed in employee’s personnel file. □ □ Other (give brief description) ----------------------------------------------------- L. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION FOR TIME SPENT IN TRAINING 1. Does the establishment provide training outside o f the trainee’s regular working hours?....................................................................... Yes □ No □ 2. If yes, do most trainees receive pay for this time spent in training? Yes □ No □ 3. Does the establishment provide training off the production site during the trainee’s regular working h o u rs? ................................... Yes □ No □ 4. If yes, do most trainees receive pay for this time spent in training? Yes □ No □ 44 (skip to question L.3.) (skip to question M.) 11 M. SPECIFIC JOB SKILLS TAUGHT Column 1: If you reported “QUALIFYING TR AIN ING ” on page 6, please enter in colum n 1 below the title o f the one occupation in which the largest number o f people were trained. Then, by means o f checkmarks identify any subject-matter in the training program related to that occupation that accounts for at least 10% o f the trainees’ total instruction tim e. (If both OJT and OPST programs are reported on page 6 for the occupation being reported and the same number o f people were trained in each, com plete this section for the OPST program.) Column 2: If you reported “SKILL IMPROVEMENT TR A IN IN G ” on page 7, please enter in colum n 2 below the title o f the one occupa tion in which the largest number o f people were trained. Then, by means o f checkmarks, identify any subject-matter in the training program related to that occupation that accounts for at least 10% o f the trainees’ total instruction tim e. (If both OJT and OPST programs are reported on page 7 for the occupation being reported and the same number o f people were trained in each, com plete this section for the OPST program.) Write in the title o f the occupation for which you are supplying data. E L E t i T R 1 C IA M TRAINING CONTENT COLUM N 2 C O LL JM N 'l QUALIFYINCJ TRAINING Off-Production Site (OPST) On-the-Job (OJT) SKILL IMPROVEMENT TRAINING L A Y -O U T MAN, M E T A L Off-Production Site (OPST) On-the-Job (OJT) 1. Production and Quality Control / 2. Care and use o f Tools and Equipment i______________ ✓ / 3. Trade Mathematics 4. Blueprint Reading/Drafting S 5. Layout and Planning Procedures COLUM N 1 W rite in th e t it l e o f th e o c c u p a t io n fo r w h ic h y o u are s u p p ly in g d a ta . Q U A L IF Y IN G T R A IN IN G T R A IN IN G C O N T E N T 1. P r o d u c t io n a n d Q u a lity C o n tr o l 2. C are an d u se o f T o o ls a n d E q u ip m e n t 3. T rad e M a th e m a tic s 4. B lu e p r in t R e a d in g /D r a f t in g 5. L a y o u t an d P la n n in g P r o c e d u r e s 6. M a c h in e O p e r a tio n 7. E s tim a tin g L a b o r a n d M a ter ia l R e q u ir e m e n t s 8. S a fety P ro ced u res 9. P r e v e n tiv e M a in te n a n c e , R e p a ir , and I n s p e c tio n O n -th e -J o b O ff-P ro d u c tio n O n -th e -J o b O f f-P ro d u c tio n (O JT ) S ite ( O P S T ) (O JT ) S ite ( O P S T ) 1 0 . W ork A t t it u d e s a n d H a b its 11. L e a d e r sh ip T r a in in g 1 2. C o m m u n ic a t io n S k ills 13. O th e r S u b je c t M a tter (p le a s e s p e c if y ) COLUM N 2 S K IL L IM P R O V E M E N T T R A IN IN G i 45 12 N. METHOD OF SELECTING EMPLOYEES FOR TRAINING 1. Please identify any or all of the following factors which influence your selection of employees for training. # Check blocks in column (1) to identify selection factors for qualifying training reported on page 6. (Check one or more blocks.) # Check blocks in column (2) to identify selection factors for skill improvement training reported on page 7. (Check one or more blocks.) (2) Skill Improve ment Training (See page 7) (1) Qualifying Training (See page 6) _______________ SELECTION FACTORS______________ (i) □ □ Length of service with our establishment or company. (2) □ □ Favorable work record with our establishment or company. (3) □ □ To meet or fulfill affirmative action policies. (4) □ □ Employee’s interest in an occupation. (5) □ □ Tests (achievement, aptitude, etc.). (6) □ □ Other (give brief description) ------------------------------------- 2. Which one of the factors which you identified above is most important in the selection process? Enter the number (1 through 6) of the primary factor. NO. (a) Qualifying Training: NO. (b) Skill Improvement Training: 3. Does your establishment have a collective bargaining agreement with a labor union which stipulates any of the selection factors you identified in question N.l above? Yes □ No □ 0 . W H O M S H O U L D W E C O N T A C T if questions arise regarding this report? (Please print or type.) Name: Title: City/State: Area Code/Phone Number: T h a n k y o u fo r y o u r c o o p e r a t io n . P le a se be sure th a t th e fo r m w h ic h y o u retu rn to us is th e o n e w ith th e m a ilin g la b el a ffix e d to th e first p a g e. I f y o u w ish t o r e c e iv e a c o m p lim e n ta r y c o p y o f th e su rv e y r e p o rt w h ic h w e p lan t o p u b lis h , p le a se c h e c k h e r e . □ ☆ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE :1977 0-261-017 46 Bureau of Labor Statistics Regional Offices Region I 1603 JFK Federal Building Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 Phone: (617) 223-6761 Region IV 1371 Peachtree Street, NE. Atlanta, Ga. 30309 Phone: (404)881-4418 Region V Region II Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York, N Y 10036 Phone: (212)399-5405 Region III 3535 Market Street P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 Phone: (215) 596-1154 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, III. 60604 Phone: (312)353-1880 Region VI Second Floor 555 Griffin Square Building Dallas, Tex. 75202 Phone: (214) 749-3516 Regions VII and VIII* 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Phone: (816)374-2481 Regions IX and X** 450 Golden Gate Avenue Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 Phone: (415) 556-4678 ^Regions VII and VIII are serviced by Kansas City ** Regions IX and X are serviced by San Francisco U. S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 Postage and Fees Paid U.S. Department of Labor Third Class Mail Official Business Penalty for private use, $300 Lab-441