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5400- 7/995-93

Health Diagnosing
Occupations and Assistants
Reprinted from the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1992-93 Edition
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletin 2400-7
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




• •




(D.O.T. 079.101-010)

Nature of the Work
Chiropractors, also known as chiropractic doctors, treat patients
whose health problems are associated with the body’s muscular, ner­
vous, and skeletal systems, especially the spine. Interference with
these systems is believed to impair normal functions and lower resis­
tance to disease. Chiropractors hold that misalignment of spinal ver­
tebrae or irritation of the spinal nerves can alter many important body
functions by affecting the nervous system.
The chiropractic approach to health care is holistic, stressing the
patient’s overall well-being. It recognizes that many factors affect
health, including exercise, diet, rest, environment, and heredity. Chi­
ropractors use natural, nondrug, nonsurgical health treatments, and
rely on the body’s inherent recuperative abilities. They also recom­
mend lifestyle changes—in eating and sleeping habits, for example—
to their patients. When appropriate, chiropractors consult with and
refer patients to other health practitioners.
Like other health practitioners, chiropractors follow a standard rou­
tine to secure the information needed for diagnosis and treatment:
They take the patient’s medical history, conduct physical, neurologi­
cal, and orthopedic examinations, and may order laboratory tests. Xrays are an important diagnostic tool because of the emphasis on the
spine and its proper function. Chiropractors also employ a postural
and spinal analysis unique to chiropractic diagnosis.
In cases where difficulties can be traced to involvement of muscu­
loskeletal structures, chiropractors manually manipulate or adjust the
spinal column. Many chiropractors also use other forms of treatment
such as water, light, massage, ultrasound, electric, and heat therapy.
In addition, straps, tapes, braces, and other support mechanisms may
be used. Counseling about nutrition, exercise, stress management,
and other matters is provided as necessary. Chiropractors do not pre­
scribe drugs or perform surgery. State laws and regulations specify
the types of services chiropractors may provide.
Some chiropractors specialize in areas related to athletic injuries,
neurology, orthopedics, nutrition and internal disorders. Others spe­
cialize in taking and interpreting X-rays and other diagnostic images.
Almost all chiropractors are solo or group practitioners, who also
have the administrative responsibilities of running a practice. In larg­
er offices, chiropractors delegate these tasks to office managers and
chiropractor assistants. Chiropractors in private practice are ultimate­
ly responsible for developing a clientele, hiring employees, and keep­
ing records.

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
All 50 States and the District of Columbia regulate the practice of
chiropractic and grant licenses to chiropractors who meet educational
requirements and pass a State board examination. Many States have
reciprocity agreements that permit chiropractors licensed in another
State to obtain a license without further examination.
The scope of the practice permitted and the educational require­
ments for a license vary considerably from one State to another, but
in general, State licensing boards require completion of a 4-year chi­
ropractic college course following at least 2 years of undergraduate
education, although some States require a 4-year bachelors’ degree.
All State boards recognize academic training in chiropractic colleges
accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education.
For licensure, all State boards recognize either all or part of the
three-part test administered by the National Board of Chiropractic
Examiners. State examinations may supplement the National Board
tests, depending on State requirements.
To maintain licensure, almost all States require completion of a spec­
ified number of hours of continuing education each year. Continuing
education programs are offered by chiropractic colleges, the American
Chiropractic Association (ACA), International Chiropractors Associa­
tion (ICA), and State chiropractic associations. Special councils within
the ACA and ICA also offer programs leading to clinical specialty cer­
tification, called “diplomate” certification, in areas such as orthopedics,
neurology, sports injuries, occupational and industrial health, nutrition,
radiology, thermography, and internal disorders.
In 1990, 14 of the 17 chiropractic colleges in the United States
were fully accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education. All
chiropractic colleges require applicants to have at least 2 years of
undergraduate study, including courses in English, the social sciences
or humanities, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, physics, and
psychology. Many applicants have a bachelors’ degree, which may
eventually become the minimum entry requirement.
Chiropractic colleges emphasize courses in skeletal manipulation
and spinal adjustments. All, however, offer a broader curriculum con­
sisting of basic and clinical sciences in addition to the chiropractic
courses. During the first 2 years, most chiropractic colleges empha­
size classroom and laboratory work in basic science subjects such as
anatomy, physiology, public health, microbiology, pathology, and
biochemistry. The last 2 years stress physical and laboratory diagno-

Working Conditions
Chiropractors work in offices that are clean and comfortable. The
average workweek is about 43 hours. Chiropractors who work for
themselves are free to set their own hours. Since they must accommo­
date their patients, however, they may work evenings or weekends.
Chiropractors who take X-rays must take appropriate precautions
against the dangers of repeated exposure to radiation.
In 1990, an estimated 42,000 persons practiced chiropractic. About
70 percent of active chiropractors are in solo practice. The remainder
are in group practice or work for other chiropractors. A small number
teach, conduct research at chiropractic colleges, or work in hospitals
and HMO’s.
Many chiropractors are located in small communities, but the pro­
portion in larger communities is increasing. There are geographic
imbalances in the distribution of chiropractors, in part because many
establish practices close to colleges of chiropractic. The Western and
Southwestern States have a higher concentration of chiropractors rel­
ative to the population than the Middle Atlantic States.

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Chiropractors evaluate posture and spinaI structure.

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Washington, D.C. 20402

sis, neurology, orthopedics, geriatrics, physiotherapy, and nutrition, in
addition to adjustment techniques and clinical experience. Students
completing chiropractic education earn the degree of Doctor of Chi­
ropractic (D.C.).
Chiropractic requires keen observation to detect physical abnor­
malities and considerable hand dexterity but not unusual strength or
endurance. Chiropractors should be able to work independently and
handle responsibility. As in other health-related occupations, sympa­
thy, understanding, and the desire to help others are desirable quali­
ties for dealing effectively with patients.
Newly licensed chiropractors have a number of options: They can
apply for a residency program, set up a new practice, purchase an
established one, enter into partnership with an established practitioner,
or take a salaried position with an established chiropractor to acquire
the experience and the funds needed to equip and open an office.
Job Outlook
Demand for chiropractic is related to the ability of patients to pay,
either directly or through health insurance, and to public awareness of
the profession, which is growing. The rapidly expanding older popu­
lation, with their increased likelihood of mechanical and structural
problems, will also increase demand. Many job openings will result
from the need to replace chiropractors who retire or die. According to
a 1990 survey by the American Chiropractic Association, most chiro­
practors felt supply and demand were in rough balance in their geo­
graphic area.
In 1990, the median income for chiropractors was about $74,000,
after expenses, according to the ACA. In chiropractic, as in other
types of independent practice, earnings are relatively low in the
beginning, and increase as the practice grows. In 1990, the lowest 10
percent of chiropractors had net incomes of $24,000 or less, and the
highest 10 percent earned $180,000 or more. Earnings are also influ­
enced by the characteristics and qualifications of the practitioner, and
geographic location. Self-employed chiropractors must provide for
their own health insurance and retirement.

obtain dental records. Assistants hand the dentist the proper instru­
ments and materials and keep patients’ mouths dry and clear by using
suction or other devices. Assistants also sterilize and disinfect instru­
ments and equipment; prepare tray setups for dental procedures; pro­
vide postoperative instruction; and instruct patients in oral health
care. Some dental assistants prepare materials for making impres­
sions and restorations, expose radiographs, and process dental X-ray
film as directed by the dentist. State law determines which clinical
tasks a dental assistant may perform, but in most States they may
remove sutures, apply anesthetic and caries-preventive agents to the
teeth and oral tissue, remove excess cement used in the filling pro­
cess, and place rubber dams on the teeth to isolate them for individual
Those with laboratory duties make casts of the teeth and mouth
from impressions taken by dentists, clean and polish removable appli­
ances, and make temporary crowns. Dental assistants with office
duties arrange and confinn appointments, receive patients, keep treat­
ment records, send bills, receive payments, and order dental supplies
and materials.
Dental assistants should not be confused with dental hygienists,
who are licensed to perform a wider variety of clinical tasks. (See the
statement on dental hygienists elsewhere in the Handbook.)
Working Conditions
Dental assistants work in a well-lighted, clean environment. Handling
radiographic equipment poses dangers, but the hazards can be mini­
mized by proper use of lead shielding and safety procedures. Like­
wise, dental assistants wear gloves and masks to protect themselves
from infectious diseases like hepatitis.
Dental assistants, like dentists, work either standing or sitting.
Their work area is usually near the dental chair, so that they can

Related Occupations
Chiropractors diagnose, treat, and work to prevent disorders and
injuries. So do physicians, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, veteri­
narians, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.
Sources of Additional Information
General information on chiropractic as a career is available from:
•• American Chiropractic Association, 1701 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA
International Chiropractors Association, 1110 North Glebe Rd., Suite 1000,
Arlington, VA 22201.

For a list of chiropractic colleges, as well as general information on
chiropractic as a career, contact:
*• Council on Chiropractic Education, 4401 Westown Pky., Suite 120, West
Des Moines, IA 50265.

For information on State education and licensure requirements,
*■ Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, 901 54th Ave., Suite 101,
Greeley. CO 80634.

For information on requirements for admission to a specific chiro­
practic college, as well as scholarship and loan information, contact
the admissions office of the individual college.

Dental Assistants
(D.O.T. 079.371-010)

Nature of the Work
Dental assistants perform a variety of clinical, office, and laboratory
duties. In their clinical duties, dental assistants work at chairside as
dentists examine and treat patients. They make patients as comfort­
able as possible in the dental chair, prepare them for treatment, and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Almost 1 out of 3 dental assistants work part-time.


arrange instruments, materials, and medication, and hand them to the
dentist when needed.
Most dental assistants have a 32- to 40-hour workweek which may
include work on Saturday or evenings.
Dental assistants held about 176,000 jobs in 1990. Almost 1 out of 3
worked part time, sometimes in more than one dentist’s office.
Almost all dental assistants work in private dental offices. Some
work in dental schools, private and government hospitals, State and
local public health departments, or in clinics.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Most assistants learn their skills on the job, though some are trained
in dental assisting programs offered by community and junior col­
leges, trade schools, and technical institutes. Some assistants are
trained in Armed Forces schools. Assistants must be a dentist’s “third
hand;” therefore, dentists look for people who are reliable, can work
well with others, and have manual dexterity. High school students
interested in careers as dental assistants should take courses in biolo­
gy, chemistry, health, typing, and office practices.
The American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental
Accreditation approved 246 formal training programs in 1990.
Accredited dental assisting programs include classroom, laboratory,
and preclinical instruction in dental assisting skills and related theory.
In addition, students gain practical experience in dental schools, clin­
ics, or dental offices. Most programs take 1 year or less to complete
and lead to a certificate or diploma. Two-year programs offered in
community and junior colleges lead to an associate degree. All pro­
grams require a high school diploma or its equivalent, and some
require typing or a science course for admission. Some private voca­
tional schools offer 4- to 6-month courses in dental assisting, but
these are not accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Certification is available through the Dental Assisting National
Board. Certification is an acknowledgment of an assistant’s qualifica­
tions and professional competence, but usually is not required for
employment. In several States that have adopted standards for dental
assistants who perform radiologic procedures, completion of the cer­
tification examination meets those standards. Candidates may qualify
to take the certification examination by graduating from an accredited
training program or by having 2 years of full-time experience as a
dental assistant. In addition, applicants must have taken a course in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Without further education, advancement opportunities are limited.
Some dental assistants working the front office become office man­
agers. Others, working chairside, go back to school to become dental
Job Outlook
Employment of dental assistants is expected to grow faster than the
average for all occupations through the year 2005. Population growth,
higher incomes, more dental insurance, and greater retention of natural
teeth by middle-aged and older people will fuel demand for dental ser­
vices. Also, in the future, dentists are likely to employ more assistants,
for several reasons. Older dentists, who are less likely to employ assis­
tants, will leave and be replaced by recent graduates, who are more
likely to use one, or even two. In addition, as the current surplus of
dentists abates, dentists’ workloads will increase. As this happens,
they are expected to hire more assistants to perform routine tasks, so
they may use their own time for more profitable procedures.
Opportunities should be good for people entering the occupation.
The slow growth in the youth labor force—traditionally the principal
source of supply for dental assisting—means that relatively fewer
young adults will be available for entry level jobs such as this. Quali­
fied applicants should have little trouble locating a job, while
employers may find it necessary to raise wages, offer better benefits,
or try to attract older workers.
Most job openings for dental assistants will arise from the need to
replace assistants who leave the occupation. Each year many assis­
tants leave the job to take on family responsibilities, return to school,
or transfer to another occupation.

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In 1990, median weekly earnings for dental assistants working full
time were about $300. According to the American Dental Associa­
tion, the average hourly wage in 1989 for all dental assistants was
$8.90. For chairside dental assistants without experience, the average
was $6.90 an hour.
Related Occupations
Dental assistants perform a variety of duties that do not require the
dentist’s professional knowledge and skill. Workers in other occupa­
tions supporting health practitioners include medical assistants, chiro­
practor assistants, ophthalmic medical assistants, optometric
assistants, podiatric assistants, and veterinary technicians.
Sources of Additional Information
Information about career opportunities, scholarships, accredited den­
tal assistant programs, and requirements for certification is available
»• American Dental Assistants Association, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Suite
3400, Chicago, IL 60611.
Commission on Dental Accreditation, American Dental Association, 211
E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1814, Chicago, IL 60611.
Dental Assisting National Board, Inc., 216 E. Ontario St., Chicago, IL

Dental Hygienists
(D.O.T. 078.361-010)

Nature of the Work
Who works on your teeth? It may be a dental hygienist. Dental
hygienists provide preventive dental care and teach patients how to
practice good oral hygiene.
Depending on State legal restrictions, dental hygienists provide a
wide range of services. They examine the patient’s teeth and mouth,
recording the presence of diseases or abnormalities. They remove cal­
culus, stain, and plaque from above and below the gumline; apply
caries-preventive agents such as fluorides and pit and fissure sealants;
expose and develop dental X-rays; place temporary fillings and peri­
odontal dressings; remove sutures; and polish and recontour amalgam
restorations. In some States, hygienists administer local anesthetics and
nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia, and place and carve filling materials.
Dental hygienists also help patients develop and maintain good
oral health. For example, they may explain the relationship between
diet and oral health, teach patients how to select toothbrushes, and
show patients how to floss their teeth. Some hygienists develop and
promote community dental health programs. This may include teach­
ing groups of people how to practice good oral hygiene.
Dental hygienists use a variety of instruments in the course of their
work. They use hand and rotary instruments to clean teeth, X-ray
machines to take dental pictures, syringes with needles to administer
local anesthetics, and models of teeth to explain oral hygiene.
Working Conditions
Flexible scheduling is a distinctive feature of this job. Full-time, part­
time, evening, and weekend work is widely available. Dentists fre­
quently hire hygienists to work only 2 or 3 days a week, so hygienists
may hold jobs in more than one dental office.
Dental hygienists work in clean, well-lighted offices. Important
health safeguards include strict adherence to proper radiological pro­
cedures, compliance with recommended aseptic technique, and uti­
lization of appropriate protective devices when administering nitrous
oxide/oxygen analgesia. Dental hygienists also wear safety glasses,
surgical masks and gloves to protect themselves from infectious dis­
eases such as hepatitis. The occupation is one of several covered by
the Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1981,
which encourages the States to adopt uniform standards for the train­
ing and certification of individuals who perform medical and dental
radiological procedures.

for error within a patient’s mouth. Recommended high school courses
for aspiring dental hygienists are biology, health, chemistry, psychol­
ogy, speech, and mathematics.
Job Outlook
Employment of dental hygienists is expected to grow much faster
than the average for all occupations through the year 2005 in
response to increasing demand for dental care. Demand will be stim­
ulated by population growth, greater retention of natural teeth by
middle-aged and elderly people, rising real incomes, and greater
availability of dental insurance. Additional job openings will result
from the need to replace workers who leave the occupation.
Also, in the future, dentists are likely to employ more hygienists,
for several reasons. Older dentists, who are less likely to employ den­
tal hygienists, will leave and be replaced by recent graduates, who are
more likely to employ a hygienist part time, or even full time. In
addition, as the surplus of dentists abates, dentists’ workloads will
increase. As this happens, they are expected to hire more hygienists
to perform preventive dental care such as cleaning, so they may use
their own time for more profitable procedures like surgery.
Enrollments in dental hygiene programs declined during the
1980’s, reducing the number of new graduates entering the field.
Unless the number increases sharply, opportunities are expected to
remain very good.

Dental hygienists often work flexible hours.

Dental hygienists held about 97,000 jobs in 1990. Because multiple
jobholding is common in this field, the number of jobs greatly
exceeds the number of hygienists. About half of all dental hygienists
usually worked part time—less than 35 hours a week.
Almost all dental hygienists work in private dental offices. Others
work in public health agencies, school systems, hospitals, and clinics.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Dental hygienists must be licensed by the State in which they prac­
tice. To qualify for licensure, a candidate must graduate from an
accredited dental hygiene school and pass both a written and a clini­
cal examination. The American Dental Association Joint Commission
on National Dental Examinations administers the written examination
that is accepted by all States and the District of Columbia. The indi­
vidual State or regional testing agency administers the clinical exami­
nation. In addition, examinations on legal aspects of dental hygiene
practice are required by most States. Alabama also allows candidates
to take its examination if they have been trained through a State-regu­
lated on-the-job program in a dentist’s office.
In 1991, 205 programs in dental hygiene were accredited by the
Commission on Dental Accreditation. Although some programs lead
to a bachelor’s degree, most grant an associate degree. A few institu­
tions offer both types of programs. Six universities offer master’s
degree programs in dental hygiene.
Completion of an associate degree program is sufficient for prac­
tice in a private dental office. A bachelor’s or master’s degree is usu­
ally required for positions that involve research, teaching, or clinical
practice in public or school health programs.
About half of the dental hygiene programs prefer applicants who
have completed at least 1 year of college. Some of the bachelor’s
degree programs require applicants to have completed 2 years. How­
ever, requirements vary from school to school. These schools offer
laboratory, clinical, and classroom instruction in subjects such as
anatomy, physiology, chemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, nutri­
tion, radiography, histology (the study of tissue structure), periodontology (the study of gum diseases), pathology, dental materials,
clinical dental hygiene, and social and behavioral sciences.
Dental hygienists should work well with others, particularly
patients who may be under stress. Personal neatness, cleanliness, and
good health are important qualities. Dental hygienists must have
manual dexterity because they use dental instruments with little room
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Earnings of dental hygienists are affected by geographic location,
employment setting, and education and experience. Dental hygienists
who work in private dental offices may be paid on an hourly, daily,
salary, or commission basis.
According to the American Dental Association, the average hourly
salary for dental hygienists was $17.50 in 1989. The average starting
salary was $15.20 an hour.
Fringe benefits vary substantially by practice setting, and may be
contingent upon full-time employment. Dental hygienists who work
for school systems, public health agencies, the Federal Government,
or State agencies usually have substantial benefits.
Related Occupations
Workers in other occupations supporting health practitioners in an
office setting include dental assistants, ophthalmic medical assistants,
podiatric assistants, office nurses, medical assistants, and physician
Sources of Additional Information
For information on a career in dental hygiene and the educational
requirements to enter this occupation, contact:
Division of Professional Development, American Dental Hygienists’ Asso­
ciation, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3400, Chicago, IL 60611.
•" SELECT, American Dental Association/American Association of Dental
Schools, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1804, Chicago, IL 60611.

For information about accredited programs and educational
requirements, contact:
«■ Commission on Dental Accreditation, American Dental Association, 211
E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1814, Chicago, IL 60611.

The State Board of Dental Examiners in each State can supply
information on licensing requirements.

(D.O.T. 072, except .117)

Nature of the Work
“Dentists” conjures images of drilling and filling cavities. Dentists
perform those tasks, but they also perform many other procedures to
diagnose and treat problems of the teeth and tissues of the mouth.
Dentists examine X-rays, place protective plastic sealants on chil­
dren’s teeth, straighten teeth, and repair fractured teeth. They also
perform corrective surgery of the gums and supporting bones to treat




they grow older. A considerable number continue in part-time prac­
tice well beyond the usual retirement age.
Most dentists are “solo practitioners,” that is they own their own
businesses and work alone or with a small staff. Some dentists have
partners, and a few work for other dentists as associate dentists.
Dentists wear masks, gloves, and safety glasses to protect them­
selves and their patients from infectious diseases like hepatitis.
Dentists held about 174,000 jobs in 1990. Because some dentists hold
more than one job, the number of jobs exceeds the number of all
active dentists—about 149,000 in 1990, according to the U.S. Public
Health Service.
Almost 9 out of 10 dentists are in private practice. Others work in
private and public hospitals and clinics.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
All 50 States and the District of Columbia require dentists to be
licensed. To qualify for a license in most States, a candidate must
graduate from a dental school accredited by the Commission on Den­
tal Accreditation and pass written and practical examinations. Candi­
dates may fulfill the written part of the State licensing by passing the
National Board Dental Examinations. Individual States or regional
testing agencies give the practical examinations.
Currently, about 15 States require dentists to obtain a specialty
license before practicing as a specialist. Requirements include 2 to 4
years of graduate education and, in some cases, completion of a spe­
cial State examination. Advanced-level education also is necessary in
the other States, but the dental profession, not the State licensing
authority, defines the specialist’s practice. Most State licenses permit
dentists to engage in both general and specialized practice. Dentists
who want to teach or do research usually spend an additional 2 to 4
years in advanced dental training in programs operated by dental
schools or hospitals.
Dental schools require a minimum of 2 years of college-level pre­
dental education. However, the majority of dental students have at
least a bachelor’s degree. Predental education includes courses in
both the sciences and humanities.

Dentists provide instruction in flossing, brushing, and other dental care.

The decline of dental school enrollments
points to opportunities for young

gum diseases. Dentists remove teeth and make molds and measure­
ments for dentures to replace missing teeth. Some dentists make den­
tures and crowns; however, most send the specifications to dental
laboratories. Dentists provide instruction in diet, brushing, flossing,
the use of fluorides, and other aspects of dental care, as well.
Dentists use a variety of equipment. They use X-ray machines,
drills, and hand tools like mouth mirrors, brushes, and scalpels. They
administer anesthetics. Dentists also write prescriptions for antibi­
Dentists in private practice oversee a variety of administrative
tasks, including bookkeeping and buying equipment. They may
employ and supervise dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental
laboratory technicians. (These occupations are described elsewhere in
the Handbook.)
Most dentists are general practitioners who handle a wide variety
of dental needs. Other dentists practice in one of eight specialty areas.
Orthodontists, the largest group of specialists, straighten teeth. The
next largest group, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, operate on the
mouth and jaws. The remainder specialize in pediatric dentistry (den­
tistry for children); periodontics (treating the gums); prosthodontics
(making artificial teeth or dentures); endodontics (root canal therapy);
dental public health (community dental health); and oral pathology
(diseases of the mouth).
Working Conditions
Most dental offices are open 4 or 5 days a week. Some dentists work
evenings and weekends to meet their patients’ needs. Dentists work,
on average, 37 hours a week, according to the American Dental
Association. Younger dentists may work fewer hours as they build up
their practice, while established dentists often work fewer hours as

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

First-year enrollments



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All dental schools require applicants to take the Dental Admissions
Test (DAT). They consider scores earned on the DAT, the applicants’
overall grade point average (GPA), science course GPA, and informa­
tion gathered through recommendations and interviews when select­
ing students.
Dental school generally lasts 4 academic years, although one insti­
tution condenses the program into 3 calendar years, and another pro­
gram lasts 5 years. Studies begin with classroom instruction and
laboratory work in basic sciences including anatomy, microbiology,
biochemistry, and physiology. Beginning courses in clinical sciences,
including laboratory technique courses, also are provided at this time.
During the last 2 years, the student gains practical experience by
treating patients, usually in dental clinics under the supervision of
licensed dentists.
Most dental schools award the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery
(D.D.S). An equivalent degree, Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.),
is conferred by the rest.
Dentistry requires diagnostic ability and manual skills. Dentists
should have good visual memory, excellent judgment of space and
shape, and a high degree of manual dexterity, as well as scientific
ability. Good business sense, self-discipline, communiciation skills,
and the ability to instill confidence are helpful for success in private
practice. High school students who want to become dentists should
take courses in biology, chemistry, health, and mathematics.
Some recent dental school graduates work for established dentists
as associates for a year or two in order to gain experience and save
money to equip an office of their own. Most dental school graduates,
however, purchase an established practice or open a new practice
immediately after graduation. Each year about one-fourth to one-third
of new graduates enroll in postgraduate training programs to prepare
for a dental specialty.

During recessions, some patients put off dental work, so dentists
may have less work and lower earnings.
A relatively large proportion of dentists are self-employed. Like
other business owners, these dentists must provide their own health
insurance, life insurance, and retirement benefits.

Job Outlook
Employment of dentists is expected to grow more slowly than the
average for all occupations through the year 2005. Nevertheless, job
prospects should continue to improve because the number of dental
school graduates has dropped sharply since the early 1980’s and is
not likely to increase through 2005. Dental school enrollments began
dropping in 1979, (see chart) as it became clear that keen competition
for patients had developed. This surplus of dentists was attributable
to the very large numbers of dental graduates that resulted from a
Federal decision during the 1960’s to support expansion of the
Nation’s dental schools.
Demand for dental care should grow substantially. As members of
the baby boom generation advance into middle age, a large number
will need maintenance on complicated dental work like bridges. Plus,
elderly people are more likely to retain their teeth than their predeces­
sors, so they will require much more care than in the past. The
younger generation will continue to need preventive check-ups
despite treatments like fluoridation ofthe water supply which
decrease dental caries. Furthermore, many people, who presently can
not afford the dental care they need, may seek out dental care since
more people will have dental insurance and greater disposable
incomes in the future.
However, the employment of dentists is not expected to grow as
rapidly as the demand for dental services. Because of surpluses, many
dentists today are not working as many hours as they would like and
could take on more patients. Also, as their practices expand, dentists
are likely to hire more dental hygienists and dental assistants to han­
dle routine services that they now perform themselves.
Unlike other occupations, replacement needs create relatively few
job openings for dentists since dentists tend to remain in the profes­

Nature of the Work
Medical assistants help physicians examine and treat patients and per­
form routine tasks to keep offices running smoothly. Medical assis­
tants should not be confused with physician assistants, who examine,
diagnose, and treat patients, under the direct supervision of a physi­
cian. Physician assistants are discussed elsewhere in the Handbook.
The duties of medical assistants vary from office to office, depend­
ing on the location and size of the practice and the physician’s special­
ty. In small practices, medical assistants are usually “generalists,”
handling both clerical and clinical duties and reporting directly to the
office manager or physician. Those in large practices tend to specialize
in a particular area under the supervision of department administrators.
Medical assistants perform many clerical duties. They answer tele­
phones, greet patients, update and file patient medical records, fill out
insurance forms, handle correspondence, schedule appointments,
arrange for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handle
billing and bookkeeping.
Clinical duties vary according to State law and include taking and
recording vital signs and medical histories; explaining treatment pro­
cedures to patients; preparing patients for examination; and assisting
during the examination. Medical assistants collect and prepare labo­
ratory specimens or perform basic laboratory tests on the premises;
dispose of contaminated supplies; and sterilize medical instruments.
They instruct patients about medication and special diets, prepare and
administer medications as directed by a physician, authorize drug
refills as directed, telephone prescriptions to a pharmacy, draw blood,
prepare patients for X-rays, take EKG’s, remove sutures, and change
Medical assistants may also arrange examining room instruments
and equipment, purchase and maintain supplies and equipment, and
keep waiting and examining rooms neat and clean.
Assistants who specialize have additional duties. Podiatric medical
assistants make castings of feet, expose and develop X-rays, and
assist podiatrists at surgery. Ophthalmic medical assistants help oph­
thalmologists provide medical eye care. They use precision instru­
ments to administer diagnostic tests, measure and record vision, and
test the functioning of eyes and eye muscles. They also show patients
how to use eye dressings, protective shields, and safety glasses, and
insert, remove, and care for contact lenses. Under the direction of the

The net median income of dentists in private practice was about
$80,000 a year in 1989, according to the American Dental Associa­
tion. Net median income of those in specialty practices was about
$110,000 a year, and for those in general practice, $75,000 a year.
Dentists in the beginning years of their practice often earn less, while
those in mid-careers earn more.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Related Occupations
Dentists examine, diagnose, and treat diseases and abnormalities.
So do clinical psychologists, optometrists, physicians, veterinarians,
and podiatrists.
Sources of Additional Information
For information on dentistry as a career and a list of accredited dental
schools, contact:
•" SELECT Program, American Dental Association, 211 E. Chicago Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60611.
«• American Association of Dental Schools, 1625 Massachusetts Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20036.

The American Dental Association also will furnish a list of State
boards of dental examiners. Persons interested in practicing dentistry
should obtain the requirements for licensure from the board of dental
examiners of the State where they plan to work.
Prospective dental students should contact the office of student
financial aid at the schools to which they apply for information on
scholarships, grants, and loans, including Federal financial aid.

Medical Assistants
(D.O.T. 079.364-010, and -014, .367-010, and .374-018, 355.667-010)


physician, they may administer medications, including eye drops.
They also maintain optical and surgical instruments and assist the
ophthalmologist in surgery.
Working Conditions
Medical assistants work in a well-lighted, clean environment. They
constantly interact with other people, and may have to handle several
responsibilites at once.
Most full-time medical assistants work a regular 40-hour week.
Some work evenings and weekends.
Medical assistants held about 165,000 jobs in 1990. Three out of five
were employed in physicians’ offices, and about 1 in 5 worked in
offices of other health practitioners such as chiropractors,
optometrists, and podiatrists. Others worked in hospitals, nursing
homes, and other health care facilities.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Medical assisting is one of the few health occupations open to indi­
viduals with no formal training. Although education in medical
assisting is available at both the secondary and postsecondary levels,
such training—while generally preferred—is not always required. It
is still sometimes the case that medical assistants are trained on the
job. Applicants usually need a high school diploma or the equivalent.
High school courses in mathematics, health, biology, typing, book­
keeping, computers, and office skills are helpful. Volunteer experi­
ence in the health care field may also be helpful.
Formal programs in medical assisting are offered in vocationaltechnical high schools, postsecondary vocational schools, community
and junior colleges, and in colleges and universities. College-level
programs usually last 1 to 2 years and lead to an associate degree.
Vocational programs can take up to 1 year and lead to a diploma or
certificate. Courses cover anatomy, physiology, and medical termi­
nology as well as typing, transcription, recordkeeping, accounting,
and insurance processing. Students learn laboratory techniques, clini­
cal and diagnostic procedures, pharmaceutical principles and medica­
tion administration, and first aid. They are also instructed in office
practices, patient relations, and medical law and ethics. Accredited
programs may include an externship that provides practical experi­
ence in physicians’ offices, hospitals, or other health care facilities.

Two agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education
accredit programs in medical assisting: The American Medical Asso­
ciation’s Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation
(CAHEA) and the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
(ABHES). In 1991, there were 186 medical assisting programs
accredited by CAHEA and 127 accredited by ABHES. The Joint
Review Committee for Opthalmic Medical Personnel has approved 12
programs in opthalmic medical assisting.
Although there is no licensing for medical assistants, some States
require a test or a short course before performing procedures such as
taking x-rays, drawing blood, or giving injections. Employers prefer
to hire experienced workers or certified applicants who have passed a
national examination, indicating that certain standards of competence
have been met. The American Association of Medical Assistants
awards the Certified Medical Assistant credential; the American
Medical Technologists awards the Registered Medical Assistant cre­
dential; the American Society of Podiatric Medical Assistants awards
the Podiatric Medical Assistant Certified credential; and the Joint
Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology awards
the Ophthalmic Medical Assistant credential at three levels: Certified
Ophthalmic Assistant, Certified Ophthalmic Technician, and Certi­
fied Ophthalmic Medical Technologist.
Because medical assistants deal with the public, a neat, wellgroomed appearance and a courteous, pleasant manner are needed.
Medical assistants must be good at putting patients at ease, listening
to them, and explaining physicians’ instructions. Conscientiousness
and respect for the confidential nature of medical information are
required. Clinical duties require a reasonable level of manual dexteri­
ty and visual acuity.
Medical assistants may be able to advance to office manager or
become ward clerks, medical record clerks, phlebotomists, or EKG
technicians in hospitals. Medical assistants may qualify for a wide
variety of administrative support occupations, or may teach medical
assisting. Some, with additional schooling, enter other health occupa­
tions such as nursing and medical technology.
Job Outlook
Employment of medical assistants is expected to grow much faster
than the average for all occupations through the year 2005 as the
health services industry expands.
Employment growth will be driven by the increased medical needs
of an aging population, growth in the number of health practitioners,
more diagnostic testing, and the increased volume and complexity of
paperwork. Most job openings, however, will result from the need to
replace experienced assistants who leave the occupation.
In view of the high turnover as well as the preference of many
physicians for trained personnel, job prospects should be excellent for
medical assistants with formal training or experience, particularly
those with formal certification.
The earnings of medical assistants vary widely, depending on experi­
ence, skill level, and location. According to a survey conducted by
the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation, the
average starting salary for graduates of the medical assistant pro­
grams they accredit was about $14,000 a year in 1990. According to
limited information, experienced medical assistants averaged several
thousand dollars more.
Related Occupations
Workers in other medical support occupations include medical secre­
taries, hospital admitting clerks, pharmacy helpers, medical record
clerks, dental assistants, occupational therapy aides, and physical
therapy aides.


Medical assistants is one of the fastest growing occupations.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Sources of Additional Information
Information about career opportunities, CAHEA-accredited educa­
tional programs in medical assisting, and requirements for the Certi­
fied Medical Assistant exam is available from:
The American Association of Medical Assistants, 20 North Wacker Dr.,
Suite 1575, Chicago, IL 60606.

Information about career opportunities and requirements for taking the
Registered Medical Assistant certification exam are available from:
•" Registered Medical Assistants of American Medical Technologists, 710
Higgins Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068.

For a list of ABHES-accredited educational programs in medical
assisting, write:
*■ Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, Oak Manor Office,
29089 U.S. 20 West, Elkhart, IN 46514.

Information about career opportunities, training programs, and re­
quirements to become a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant is available from:
Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology, 2025
Woodlane Dr., St. Paul, MN 55125-2995.

Information about careers for podiatric assistants is available from:
<•" American Society of Podiatric Medical Assistants, 2124 S. Austin Blvd.,
Cicero, IL 60650.

(D.O.T. 079.101-018)

Nature of the Work
Over half the people in the United States wear glasses or contact lens­
es. Optometrists (doctors of optometry, also known as O.D.’s) pro­
vide most of the primary vision care these people and others need.
Optometrists examine people’s eyes to diagnose vision problems
and eye disease. They treat vision problems, and in most States, they
treat certain eye diseases as well. Optometrists use instrumentation
and observation to examine eye health and to test patients’ visual
acuity, depth and color perception, and their ability to focus and coor­
dinate the eyes. They analyze test results and develop a treatment
plan. Optometrists prescribe eyeglasses, contact lenses, vision thera­
py, and low-vision aids. They use drugs for diagnosis in all States
and, as of 1991, they may use drugs to treat some eye diseases in 28
States. Optometrists often provide post-operative care to cataract
patients. When optometrists diagnose conditions such as diabetes or
high blood pressure, that require treatment beyond the optometric
scope of practice, they refer patients to other health practitioners.
Optometrists should not be confused with ophthalmologists or dis­
pensing opticians. Ophthalmologists are physicians who diagnose and
treat eye diseases and injuries. Ophthalmologists perform surgery and
prescribe drugs, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. Dispensing opticians
fit and adjust eyeglasses and in some States may fit contact lenses
according to prescriptions written by ophthalmologists or
optometrists, but they do not examine eyes or prescribe treatment.
(See statements on physicians and dispensing opticians elsewhere in
the Handbook.)
Most optometrists are in general practice. Some specialize in work
with the elderly, with children, or with partially sighted persons who
use microscopic or telescopic lenses. Others develop and implement
ways to protect workers’ eyes from on-the-job strain or injuiy. Some
specialize in contact lenses, sports vision, or vision therapy. Still oth­
ers teach, do research, or consult.
Most optometrists are private practitioners who also handle the
business aspects of running an office, such as developing a patient
base, hiring employees, keeping records, and ordering equipment and
supplies. Optometrists who operate franchise optical stores may also
have some of these duties.

optometrists hold two or more jobs. For example, an optometrist may
have a private practice, but also work in another practice, clinic, or
vision care center.
Although many optometrists are in solo practice, a growing num­
ber are in partnership or group practice. Some optometrists work as
salaried employees in the offices of established optometrists, health
maintenance organizations (HMO’s), retail optical stores, ophthal­
mologists, and the Veterans Administration.
Some optometrists are consultants to industrial safety programs,
insurance companies, manufacturers of ophthalmic products, HMO’s,
and others.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
All States and the District of Columbia require that optometrists be
licensed. Applicants for a license must have a Doctor of Optometry
degree from an accredited optometry school and pass a written and
clinical State board examination. In many States, applicants can sub­
stitute the examinations of the National Board of Examiners in
Optometry, usually taken during the student’s academic career, for
part or all of the written examination. Some States allow applicants to
be licensed without lengthy examination if they have a license in
another State. In 47 States and the District of Columbia, optometrists
must earn continuing education credits to renew their licenses.
Licenses are renewed every 1 to 2 years.
The Doctor of Optometry degree requires completion of a 4-year
program at an accredited optometry school preceded by at least 2 or 3
years of preoptometric study at an accredited college or university
(most optometry students hold a bachelor’s degree). In 1991, 16 U.S.
schools and colleges of optometry were accredited by the Council on
Optometric Education of the American Optometric Association.
Requirements for admission to schools of optometry include cours­
es in English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. A few
schools require or recommend courses in psychology, history, sociol­
ogy, speech, or business. All applicants must take the Optometry
Admissions Test (OAT), which measures academic ability and scien­
tific comprehension. Most applicants take the test after their sopho­
more or junior year. Competition for admission is keen.
Optometry programs include classroom and laboratory study of
health and visual sciences, and clinical training in the diagnosis and
treatment of eye disorders. Included are courses in pharmacology,
optics, biochemistry, and systemic disease.
Business ability, self-discipline, and the ability to deal tactfully
with patients are important for success.
Optometrists wishing to teach or perform research may study for a
master’s or Ph.D. degree in visual science, physiological optics, neu­
rophysiology, public health, health administration, health information
and communication, or health education. One-year postgraduate clin­
ical residency programs are available for optometrists who wish to
specialize in family practice optometry, pediatric optometry, geriatric
optometry, low-vision rehabilitation, vision therapy, contact lenses,
hospital based optometry, and primary care optometry.

Working Conditions
Optometrists work in places—usually their own offices—that are
clean, well lighted, and comfortable. The work requires attention to
detail and manual dexterity. Self-employed optometrists have some
flexibility in their hours of work, and many choose to work over 40
hours a week. Many work Saturdays and evenings to suit the needs of
patients, but emergency calls are few.
Optometrists held about 37,000 jobs in 1990. The number of jobs is
greater than the number of practicing optometrists because some
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Many optometrists are self-employed.


Job Outlook
Employment of optometrists is expected to grow about as fast as the
average for all occupations through the year 2005 in response to the
vision care needs of a growing and aging population. The maturing of
the baby-boom generation, together with rapid growth in the elderly
population and the coverage of optometric services by Medicare, will
drive this growth. Persons over the age of 45 visit optometrists and
ophthalmologists more frequently because of the onset of vision
problems in middle age and the increased likelihood of cataracts,
glaucoma, diabetes, and hypertension in old age. Employment of
optometrists will also grow due to greater recognition of the impor­
tance of vision care, rising personal incomes, and growth in employee
vision care plans.
Employment of optometrists would grow more rapidly were it not
for anticipated productivity gains which will allow each optometrist
to see more patients. These will result from greater use of optometric
assistants and other support personnel, and the introduction of new
Replacement needs are low. In this occupation, replacement needs
arise almost entirely from retirements and deaths. Optometrists general­
ly remain in practice until they retire; few transfer to other occupations.
According to the American Optometric Association, net earnings of
new optometry graduates in their first year of practice averaged about
$45,000 in 1990. Overall, optometrists averaged about $75,000
Incomes vary depending upon location, specialization, and other
factors. Salaried optometrists tend to earn more initially than
optometrists who set up their own independent practice. However, in
the long run, those in private practice generally earn more.
Related Occupations
Workers in other occupations who apply scientific knowledge to pre­
vent, diagnose, and treat disorders and injuries in humans or animals
are chiropractors, dentists, physicians, podiatrists, veterinarians,
speech-language pathologists, and audiologists.
Sources of Additional Information
For information on optometry as a career, and a listing of accredited
optometric educational institutions, as well as required pre-optometry
courses write to:
American Optometric Association, Educational Services, 243 North Lind­
bergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141.

The Board of Optometry in each State can supply information on
licensing requirements.
For information on specific admission requirements and sources of
financial aid, contact the admissions officer of individual optometry

Physician Assistants
(D.O.T. 079.364-018)

Nature of the Work
As their title suggests, physician assistants (PA’s) support physicians.
However, they should not be confused with medical assistants (see
elsewhere in the Handbook). PA’s are formally trained to perform
many of the routine but time-consuming tasks physicians usually do.
They take medical histories, perform physical examinations, order
laboratory tests and X-rays, make preliminary diagnoses, and give
inoculations. They also treat minor injuries by suturing, splinting, and
casting. In 30 States and the District of Columbia, physician assis­
tants may prescribe medications. PA’s may have managerial duties
too. Some order medical and laboratory supplies and equipment; oth­
ers oversee technicians and assistants.
Physician assistants always work under the supervision of a physi­
cian. The proximity of supervision, however, depends upon the local­

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

ity. For example, some PA’s, working in rural or inner city clinics
where a physician may be available just 1 or 2 days each week, may
provide most of the health care needs for patients, consulting with the
supervising physician by telephone. Other PA’s may make “house
calls” or go on “hospital rounds” to check on patients and report back
to the physician.
PA’s assist physicians in specialty areas, such as family practice,
internal medicine, general and thoracic surgery, emergency medicine,
and pediatrics. PA’s specializing in surgery, also called surgeon’s
assistants, provide pre- and post-operative care and may work as first
or second assistants during major surgery.
Working Conditions
Although PA’s generally work in a climate-controlled, well-lighted
environment, those in surgery often stand for long periods, and others
do considerable walking.
The workweek and schedule vary according to practice setting and
are often comparable to that of their supervising physician. A few
emergency room PA’s work 24-hour shifts twice weekly, and others
work three 12-hour shifts each week. The workweek of PA’s in physi­
cians’ offices may include weekends, night hours, or early morning
hospital rounds to visit patients. PA’s in clinics usually work a 5-day,
40-hour week.
Physician assistants held about 53,000 jobs in 1990. Most PA’s work
in physicians’ offices and clinics. Others work in hospitals. The rest
work for public health clinics, nursing homes, prisons, and rehabilita­
tion centers.
About 30 percent of all PA’s provide health care to communities
having fewer than 50,000 residents and where physicians may be in
limited supply, according to the American Academy of Physician
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Almost all States require that new PA’s complete an accredited,
formal education program. In 1991, there were 55 such educational
programs for physician assistants, including three programs for sur­
geon assistants. Thirty-seven of these programs offered a baccalaure­
ate degree or a degree option. The rest offered either a certificate, an
associate degree, or a master’s degree.
Admission requirements vary, but many programs require 2 years
of college and some work experience in the health care field. About
half of all applicants hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
PA programs generally last 2 years. Most are located in medical
schools, schools of allied health, or 4-year colleges; a few are in com­
munity colleges and in hospitals. Many accredited PA programs have
clinical teaching affiliations with medical schools.
PA education includes classroom instruction in biochemistry, nutri­
tion, human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, clinical pharmacolo­
gy, clinical medicine, geriatric and home health care, disease
prevention, and medical ethics. Students obtain supervised clinical
training in several areas, including family medicine, inpatient and
ambulatory medicine, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology,
geriatrics, emergency medicine, internal medicine, ambulatory psy­
chiatry, and pediatrics. Sometimes, one or more of these “rotations”
are served under the supervision of a physician who is seeking to hire
a PA. Sometimes these rotations lead to a permanent employment.
PA postgraduate residency training programs, as yet unaccredited,
are available in emergency medicine, gynecology, critical care
medicine, surgery, pediatrics, neonatology, and occupational
medicine. Candidates must be graduates of an accredited program
and be certified by the National Commission on Certification of
Physician Assistants.
As of 1990, 49 States, the District of Columbia, and Guam had leg­
islation governing the qualifications or practice of physician assis­
tants. Mississippi did not. Forty-five States required physician
assistants to pass a certifying exam that is only open to graduates of
an accredited educational program.
In some States, the duties of a physician assistant are determined
by the supervising physician; in others, they are determined by the

Sources of Additional Information
A free brochure, Physician Assistants, PArtners in Health Care, is
available from:
American Academy of Physician Assistants, 950 North Washington St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314.

For a list of accredited programs and for a catalog of individual PA
training programs, contact:
Association of Physician Assistant Programs, 950 North Washington St.,
Alexandria, VA 22313.

For eligibility requirements and a description of the Physician
Assistant National Certifying Examination, write to:
*■ National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, Inc., 2845
Henderson Mill Rd. NE., Atlanta, GA 30341.

Employment opportunities are expected to be excellent for physician

State’s regulatory agency. There is variation in State practice laws
and regulations; therefore, aspiring PA’s should investigate the laws
and regulations in the States where they wish to practice.
Physician assistants need to exhibit leadership, self-confidence,
and emotional stability, and be willing to continue studying through­
out their career to keep up with medical advances.
Some PA’s pursue additional education in order to practice in a
specialty area such as surgery, neonatology, or emergency medicine.
Others—as they attain greater clinical knowledge and experience—
advance to added responsibilities and higher earnings. However, by
the very nature of the profession, individual PA’s are always super­
vised by physicians.
Job Outlook
Employment opportunities are expected to be excellent for physician
assistants, particulary in areas or settings, like rural and inner city
clinics, that have difficulty attracting enough physicians.
Employment of PA’s is expected to grow faster than the average for
all occupations through the year 2005 due to anticipated expansion of
the health services industry and an emphasis on cost containment.
Physicians and institutions are expected to employ more PA’s to pro­
vide primary care and assist with medical and surgical procedures,
thus freeing physicians to perform more complicated and revenue
generating tasks. The public and third party payers also seem to
approve of PA’s use. For example, Medicare now allows physicians
to bill the government for services provided by their PA’s to hospital
and nursing home patients.
Besides the traditional office-based setting, PA’s should find a
growing number of jobs in institutional settings such as hospitals,
academic medical centers, public clinics, and prisons. The growth of
HMO’s and group medical practices should also lead to more jobs
since they use PA’s for basic medical tasks because their salaries are
lower than those of physicians.
In 1990, the median salary for physician assistants working in hospi­
tals and medical schools was about $33,971, according to a national
survey conducted by the University of Texas Medical Branch.
According to the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the
average salary for all physician assistants in 1991 was between
$40,000 and $44,999.
The average salary for PA’s working in the Federal government
was $39,625 in 1991.
Related Occupations
Other health workers who provide direct patient care that requires a
similar level of skill and training include nurse practitioners, physical
therapists, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, and speech
and hearing clinicians.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

(D.O.T. 070 and 071)

Nature of the Work
Physicians perform medical examinations, diagnose illnesses, and
treat people suffering from injury or disease. They advise patients
on diet, hygiene, and preventive health care. Those in private prac­
tices handle or oversee the business aspects of running an office.
There are two types of physicians: The M.D.—Doctor of
Medicine—and the D.O.—Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. M.D.’s
are also known as allopathic physicians. While M.D.’s and D.O.’s
may use all accepted methods of treatment, including drugs and
surgery, D.O.’s place special emphasis on the body's musculoskele­
tal system. They believe that good health requires proper alignment
of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves.
Most M.D.’s specialize. (See table 1.) Pediatricians, general and
family practitioners, and general internists are often called primary
care physicians since they are the first health professionals patients
usually consult. They tend to see the same patients on a regular
basis for a variety of ailments and preventive treatment. When
appropriate, they refer patients to other specialists. D.O.’s tend to be
primary care providers although they can be found in all specialties.
Working Conditions
Physicians often work long, irregular hours. Almost half work more
than 60 hours a week, but one-fourth generally work a 40-hour
week. Most specialists work fewer hours than general practitioners
and family practitioners. In general, as doctors approach retirement
age, they may accept fewer new patients and tend to work shorter
Salaried physicians who are employees of Health Maintenance
Organizations (HMO’s) or group practices work about the same
number of hours a week as self-employed physicians. However,
salaried physicians spend fewer hours in direct patient care.
Physicians (M.D.’s and D.O.’s) held about 580,000 jobs in 1990.
About 2 out of 3 were in office-based practice, including clinics and
HMO’s; about one-fifth were employed in hospitals; and most oth­
ers practiced in the Federal Government.
While physicians have traditionally been solo practitioners, a
growing number are partners or salaried employees of group prac­
tices. Organized as clinics, HMO’s, or as groups of physicians, med­
ical groups can afford expensive medical equipment and realize
other business advantages.
The Northeast has the highest ratio of physicians to population;
the South, the lowest. D.O.’s tend to practice in small cities and
towns and in rural areas. M.D.’s, on the other hand, tend to locate in
urban areas, close to hospital and educational centers. Some rural
areas remain underserved, although the situation is changing some­
what. Currently, more medical students are being exposed to prac­
tice in rural communities with the direct support of educational
centers and hospitals in more populous areas.


Table 1. Distribution of M.D.’s by specialty, 1989


General and family practice........................................................


Medical specialties:
Cardiovascular diseases...........................................................
Internal medicine......................................................................
Pediatric allergy........................................................................
Pediatric cardiology..................................................................
Pulmonary diseases..................................................................


Surgical specialties:
Colon and rectal surgery..........................................................
General surgery........................................................................
Neurological surgery................................................................
Obstetrics and gynecology......................................................
Orthopedic surgery...................................................................
Plastic surgery..........................................................................
Thoracic surgery.......................................................................


Other specialties:
Aerospace medicine.................................................................
Child psychiatry.......................................................................
Diagnostic radiology................................................................
Emergency medicine................................................................
Forensic pathology...................................................................
General preventive medicine...................................................
Nuclear medicine......................................................................
Occupational medicine............................................................
Public health.............................................................................
Physical medicine and rehabilitation......................................
Radiation oncology..................................................................
Other specialty..........................................................................


SOURCE: American Medical Association

have at least a bachelor’s degree, and many have advanced degrees.
A few medical schools offer a combined college and medical school
program that lasts 6 years instead of the customary 8 years.
Required premedical study includes undergraduate work in
physics, biology, and inorganic and organic chemistry. Students
should also take courses in English, other humanities, mathematics,
and the social sciences.
There are 141 medical schools in the United States—126 teach
allopathic medicine and award a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.); 15 teach
osteopathic medicine and award the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
(D.O.). Acceptance to medical school is very competitive. Applicants
must submit transcripts, scores from the Medical College Admission
Test (MCAT), and letters of recommendation. An interview with an
admissions officer may also be necessary. Character, personality,
leadership qualities, and participation in extracurricular activities also
are considered.
Students spend the first 2 years of medical school primarily in labo­
ratories and classrooms taking courses such as anatomy, biochemistry,
physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, medical ethics,
and laws governing medicine. They also learn to take case histories,
perform examinations, and recognize symptoms. During the last 2
years, students work with patients under the supervision of experi­
enced physicians in hospitals and clinics to learn acute, chronic, pre­
ventive, and rehabilitative care. Through rotations in internal medicine,
obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery, they
gain experience in the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
Following medical school, almost all M.D.’s go directly on to gradu­
ate medical education, called a residency. The National Board of Medi­
cal Examiners (NBME) gives a standard examination for all students,
including foreign medical school graduates, applying for an M.D. resi­
dency. All D.O.’s serve a 12-month rotating internship after gradua­
tion. The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners gives an
examination for internship application. Following their internship,
many D.O.’s take a residency program in a specialty area, too.
M.D.’s and D.O.’s seeking board certification in a specialty may
spend up to 6 years—depending on the specialty—in residency train­
ing. A final examination immediately after residency, or after 1 or 2
years of practice, is also necessary for board certification by the
American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS) or the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA). Physicians can be board-certified in
24 different areas: Allergy and immunology; anesthesiology; colon
and rectal surgery; dermatology; emergency medicine; family prac­
tice; internal medicine; neurological surgery; neurology; nuclear
medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopaedic
surgery; otolaryngology; pathology; pediatrics; physical medicine
and rehabilitation; plastic surgery; preventative medicine; psychiatry;
radiology; surgery; thoracic surgery; and urology. For those training
in a subspecialty, another 1 to 2 years of residency is usual.
To teach or do research, physicians may acquire a master’s or
Ph.D. in such fields as biochemistry or microbiology. They may oth­
erwise spend 1 year or more in research or in an advanced clinical
training fellowship.

Osteopathic physicians are located chiefly in States that have
osteopathic hospitals. In 1991, 4 out of 5 D.O.’s were practicing in 16
States. Michigan had the most D.O.’s, followed by Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Florida, Texas, and New Jersey.
Training and Other Qualifications
All States, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories require
physicians to be licensed. Licensure requirements for both D.O.’s and
M.D.’s include graduation from an accredited medical school (usually
4 years), completion of a licensing examination, and between 1 and 6
years of graduate medical education, that is, a residency for M.D.’s
and an internship for D.O.’s. Although physicians licensed in one
State can usually get a license to practice in another without further
examination, some States limit reciprocity. Graduates of foreign med­
ical schools can generally begin practice in the United States after
completing a U.S. hospital residency training program.
The minimum educational requirement for entry to a medical or
osteopathic school is 3 years of college; most applicants, however,

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Physicians often work long, irregular hours.

A physician’s training is costly. In 1987-88, the annual tuition for
public medical schools averaged approximately $13,100; for private
medical schools it was approximately $25,600. Room, board, and other
expenses are extra. While education costs have increased, student finan­
cial assistance has not. Scholarships have become harder to find. Loans
are available, but subsidies to reduce interest rates are limited.
People who wish to become physicians must have a desire to serve
the ill, be self-motivated, and be able to survive the pressures and
long hours of premedical and medical education. For example, medi­
cal residents often work 24-hour shifts and 80 hours a week or more.
Efforts, however, are being made to limit the hours residents work.
Prospective physicians must also be willing to study throughout their
career to keep up with medical advances. Physicians should have a
good bedside manner, be emotionally stable, and be able to make
decisions in emergencies.
Job Outlook
Employment of physicians is expected to grow faster than the average
for all occupations through the year 2005 due to continued expansion of
the health industry. The population is growing and aging, and health
care needs increase sharply with age. In addition, new technologies per­
mit physicians to do more tests, perform more procedures, and treat
conditions previously regarded as untreatable. Despite efforts to control
costs, the payment of most services through private insurance, Medi­
care, and Medicaid will continue to encourage growth. The need to
replace physicians is lower than for most occupations because almost
all physicians remain in the profession until they retire.
Job prospects are better for primary care physicians such as family
practitioners and internists, and for geriatric and preventive care spe­
cialists, than for those in some nonprimary care specialties such as
surgery and radiology. However, changes in Federal Medicare and
Medicaid reimbursement, which are designed to encourage more
physicians to provide primary care services, may equalize prospects.
There are shortages of physicians in some rural and low income
areas. This is because physicians find these areas unattractive due to
low earnings potential, isolation from medical colleagues, or other
reasons, not because of any overall shortage.
Some health care analysts believe that there is, or that there will
soon be a general oversupply of physicians; others disagree. In ana­
lyzing job prospects, it should be kept in mind that an oversupply
may not necessarily limit the ability of physicians to find employ­
ment or to set up and maintain a practice. It could result in physicians
performing more procedures than otherwise so as to keep up their
incomes, or it could result in their providing more time to each
patient, giving more attention to preventive care, and providing more
services in rural and poor areas. It is also possible that where surplus­
es are due to specialty imbalances, physicians in surplus specialities
would provide more services in shortage ones.
Unlike their predecessors, newly trained physicians face radically
different choices of where and how to practice. Many new physicians
are likely to avoid solo practice and take salaried jobs in group medi­
cal practices, clinics, and HMO’s in order to have regular work hours
and the opportunity for peer consultation. Others will take salaried
positions simply because they cannot afford the high costs of estab­
lishing a private practice while paying off student loans.
Graduates of foreign medical schools have long been a source of
physicians in the United States. It seems unlikely, however, that they
will continue to augment the supply of U.S.-trained physicians to the
extent they have had in the past. This is due to such factors as more
difficult qualifying entrance exams for foreign-trained students seek­
ing U.S. residencies and keener competition for a residency once hav­
ing passed the exams.
Physicians have among the highest earnings of any occupation.
According to the American Medical Association, average income,
after expenses, for all physicians was about $155,800 in 1989; those
under 36 years of age averaged $113,300. Earnings vary according to
specialty; the number of years in practice; geographic region; hours
worked; and skill, personality, and professional reputation. Selfemployed physicians—those who own or are part owners of their
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medical practice—had an average income of $175,300, while those
who were employed by others earned an average of $119,200 a year.
As shown in table 2, average income of physicians, after expenses,
varies by specialty.

Table 2. Average income of M.D.’s after expenses, 1989
All physicians.......................................................................... $155,800
Internal medicine....................................................................
General practice/family practice...........................................


SOURCE: American Medical Association

Salaries of medical residents averaged $25,858 in 1990-91 for
those in their first year of residency to $33,277 for those in their sixth
year, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Physicians who establish their own practice make a sizable finan­
cial investment to equip a modem office.
Related Occupations
Physicians work to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases, disorders,
and injuries. Professionals in other occupations that require similar
kinds of skill and critical judgment include audiologists, chiroprac­
tors, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, speech pathologists, and vet­
Sources of Additional Information
For a list of allopathic medical schools, as well as general informa­
tion on premedical education, financial aid, and medicine as a career,
American Medical Association, 515 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60610.
Association of American Medical Colleges, Publications Department, 2450
N St. NW„ Washington, DC 20037.
For general information on osteopathic medicine as a career, contact:
•- American Osteopathic Association, Department of Public Relations, 142
East Ontario St., Chicago, IL 60611.
American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, 6110 Execu­
tive Blvd., Suite 405, Rockville, MD 20852.

Information on Federal scholarships and loans is available from the
directors of student financial aid at schools of allopathic and osteo­
pathic medicine.
Information on licensing is available from State boards of examiners.

(D.O.T. 079.101-022)

Nature of the Work
The human foot is a complex structure, containing twenty-six bones,
plus muscles, nerves, ligaments, and blood vessels, designed for bal­
ance and mobility. Podiatrists, also known as doctors of podiatric
medicine (DPM’s), diagnose and treat disorders and diseases of the
foot and lower leg to keep this part of the body working properly.
Podiatrists treat the major foot conditions; Corns calluses, ingrown
toenails, and bunions; as well as, hammertoes, ankle and foot injuries,
and foot complaints associated with diseases such as diabetes. In
treating these problems, podiatrists prescribe drugs, order physical
therapy, and perform surgery. They also fit corrective inserts called
orthotics and design custom-made shoes. Podiatrists may use a force


plate to help design the orthotics and shoes. They have patients walk
across the plate that is connected to a computer, which “reads” the
patients’ feet. From the computer readout, podiatrsts may order the
correct design.
In diagnosing a foot problem, podiatrists may order X-rays and
laboratory tests. Podiatrists refer patients to other health practitioners
when they spot systemic diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, and
heart disease, of which first symtoms may appear in the foot. For
example, diabetics are prone to foot ulcers and infections due to their
poor circulation.
Most podiatrists are in private practice, which means that they run
a small business. They handle administrative duties like hiring
employees, ordering supplies, and overseeing recordkeeping.
Most podiatrists have a general practice. Some podiatrists special­
ize in surgery. Others specialize in orthopedics and public health.
Besides these certified specialties, podiatrists may practice a subspe­
cialty such as sports medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, radiology,
and diabetic foot care.
Working Conditions
Podiatrists usually work independently in their own offices. They
work about 38 hours a week, on the average. Podiatrists with solo
practices set their own hours, but to meet the needs of their patients,
they may have some evening and weekend hours. Podiatrists who are
employed in hospitals or clinics may work nights and weekends and
be on call.
Podiatrists held about 16,000 jobs in 1990. Traditionally, podiatrists
have been solo practitioners and most still are; however, some are
entering into partnerships and group practices. Some podiatrists are
employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and offices and clinics of
physicians clinics. The Veterans Administration and public health
departments employ podiatrists, too.
Geographic imbalances are pronounced in podiatric medicine. This
reflects the fact that most podiatry graduates establish their practices
in or near one of the seven States that have colleges of podatric
medicine. This has left large areas of the country—particularly the
South, the Southwest, and nonmetropolitan areas—with few podia­
trists. In these areas, foot care is typically provided by primary care
physicians and orthopedists.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
All States and the District of Columbia require a license for the prac­
tice of podiatric medicine. Each defines its own licensing require­
ments. Generally, however, the applicant must be a graduate of an
accredited college of podiatric medicine and pass written and oral
examinations. Twenty-two States also require completion of an
accredited residency program. Some States permit applicants to sub­
stitute the examination of the National Board of Podiatric Examiners,

A podiatrist operates to correct a hammertoe.

Digitized for
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given in the second and fourth years of podiatric medical college, for
part or all of the written State examination. Certain States grant
reciprocity to podiatrists who are licensed in another State.
The seven colleges of podiatric medicine are located in California,
Florida, Illinois, Iowa, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Prerequi­
sites for admission include the completion of at least 90 semester
hours of undergraduate study, an acceptable grade point average, and
suitable scores on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). All
of the colleges require 8 semester hours each of biology, inorganic
chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics and 6 hours of English.
Most entrants surpass the minimum qualifications. Although not
mandated, over 95 percent of podiatric students possessed a bache­
lor’s degree.
Colleges of podiatric medicine offer a 4-year program whose core
curriculum is similar to that in other schools of medicine. Classroom
instruction in basic sciences, including anatomy, chemistry, patholo­
gy, and pharmacology, is given during the first 2 years. Third- and
fourth-year students have clinical rotations in private practices, hospi­
tals, and clinics. During these rotations, they acquire clinical skills—
learning how to take general and podiatric histories, to perform
routine physical examinations, to interpret tests and findings, to make
diagnoses, and to perform therapeutic procedures. Graduates are
awarded the degree of doctor of podiatric medicine, DPM.
Most graduates complete a 1- to 3-year residency program after
receiving the DPM degree. Residency programs are hospital based.
The first-year resident receives advanced training in podiatric
medicine and surgery and serves clinical rotations in anesthesiolo­
gy, internal medicine, pathology, radiology, emergency medicine,
and orthopedic and general surgery. Second- and third-year residen­
cies provide more extensive training in one of the three specialty
There are three recognized certifying boards for the specialty
areas; The American Board of Podiatric Surgery, the American Board
of Podiatric Orthopedics, and the American Board of Podiatric Public
Health. A fourth board in general practice is being developed. Certifi­
cation means that the DPM meets higher standards than those
required for licensure. Each board requires advanced training, com­
pletion of written and oral examinations, and experience as a practic­
ing podiatrist.
People planning a career in podiatry should have scientific apti­
tude, manual dexterity, interpersonal skills, and a good business
Job Outlook
Employment of podiatrists is expected to grow much faster than the
average for all occupations through the year 2005 as more people
turn to podiatrists for foot care. The growing population of the elderly
and increased enthusiam for sports will spur demand. The elderly
have accumulated more wear and tear on their feet and lower legs
than most younger people, so they are prone to foot ailments. In addi­
tion, the growing popularity of jogging, racquetball, and other sports
is expected to result in more podiatric injuries that require medical
attention. Even less strenuous activities, like step aerobics, are likely
to add to the demand for podiatric care.
Like dental services, podiatric care is more dependent on dispos­
able income than other medical services. Medicare and most private
health insurance programs cover acute medical and surgical foot ser­
vices as well as diagnostic X-rays, fracture casts, and leg braces.
However, routine foot care—including the removal of corns and cal­
luses—is not ordinarily paid for by health insurance. Since disposable
income is expected to rise, more people are expected to pay for podi­
atric care out-of-pocket.
Establishing a new podiatric practice will be the most difficult in
the areas surrounding the seven colleges of podiatric medicine and in
the Northeast since podiatrists are concentrated in these locations.
According to a survey conducted by Podiatry Management, the medi­
an net income of podiatrists was about $73,746 in 1990. Newly
licensed podiatrists generally earn less than the median; well estab­
lished ones earn more.

Related Occupations
Podiatrists work to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases, disorders,
and injuries. Workers in other occupations that require similar skills
include chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, physicians, and veteri­
Sources of Additional Information
For information on podiatric medicine as a career, contact:
American Podiatric Medical Association, 9312 Old Georgetown Rd.,
Bethesda, MD 20814-1621.

Information on colleges of podiatric medicine, entrance require­
ments, curriculums, and student financial aid is available from:
American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine, 1350 Piccard Dr.,
Suite 322, Rockville, MD 20850-4307.

(D.O.T. 073. except .361-010)

Nature of the Work
Veterinarians care for pets, livestock, sporting and laboratory animals,
and protect humans against diseases carried by animals. Veterinarians
diagnose medical problems, dress wounds, set broken bones, perform
surgery, prescribe and administer medicines, and vaccinate animals
against diseases. They also advise owners on care and breeding.
Most veterinarians are in private practice. Some have a general
practice, treating all kinds of animals. The majority, however, just
treat small companion animals such as dogs, cats, and birds. Others
treat both small and larger animals, and some treat only large ani­
mals, such as cattle and horses.
Veterinarians in companion animal medicine provide services in
20,000 animal hospitals or clinics; 80 of these only treat cats and
some only treat birds.
Veterinarians for large animals treat and care for cattle, horses,
sheep, and swine. They also advise ranchers and farmers on the care,
breeding, and management of livestock. Others specialize in fish and
Veterinarians contribute to human as well as animal health. A num­
ber of veterinarians engage in research, food safety inspection, or
education. Some work with physicians and scientists on research to
prevent and treat diseases in humans. Veterinarians are also in regula­
tory medicine or public health. Those who are livestock inspectors
check animals for disease, advise owners on treatment, and may quar­
antine animals. Veterinarians who are meat inspectors examine
slaughtering and processing plants, check live animals and carcasses
for disease, and enforce government food purity as well as sanitation
regulations. Some veterinarians care for zoo or aquarium animals or
for laboratory animals.
Veterinarians help prevent the outbreak and spread of animal dis­
eases, some of which—like rabies—can be transmitted to humans,
and perform autopsies on diseased animals. Some specialize in epi­
demiology or animal pathology, to control diseases transmitted
through food animals, and problems of residues from herbicides, pes­
ticides, and antibiotics in animals used for food.
Working Conditions
Veterinarians usually treat pets in hospitals and clinics. Often these
facilities are noisy. Those in large animal practice usually work out of
well-equipped mobile clinics and drive considerable distances to
farms and ranches. Veterinarians can be exposed to disease and infec­
tion and may be kicked, bitten, or scratched.
Those in private practice often work long hours. They may set their
own schedules and may work nights and weekends. Large animal vet­
erinarians may work outdoors in all kinds of weather.
Veterinarians held about 47,000 jobs in 1990. Almost half were self
employed, in solo or group practices. Most others were employees of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Almost half of all veterinarians were self-employed, in solo or group
a practice. The Federal Government employed about 2,000 civilian
veterinarians, chiefly in the U.S. Departments of Agriculture,
Defense, and Health and Human Services. Other employers of veteri­
narians are State and local governments, colleges of veterinary
medicine, medical schools, research laboratories, animal food compa­
nies, and pharmaceutical companies. A few veterinarians work for
zoos. Most veterinarians caring for zoo animals are private practition­
ers who contract with zoos to provide services, usually on a part-time
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
All States and the District of Columbia require that veterinarians be
licensed. To obtain a license, applicants must have a Doctor of Veteri­
nary Medicine (D.V.M. or V.M.D.) degree from an accredited college
of veterinary medicine and pass a State board examination. Some
States issue licenses without further examination to veterinarians
already licensed by another State.
For research and teaching jobs, a master’s or Ph.D. degree usually
is required. Veterinarians who seek specialty certification in a field
such as opthalmology, pathology, surgery, radiology, or laboratory
animal medicine must complete 3-year residency program, and pass
an examination.
The D.V.M. degree requires a minimum of 6 years of college con­
sisting of at least 2 years of preveterinary study that emphasizes the
physical and biological sciences and a 4-year veterinary program.
Most successful applicants have completed 4 years of college. In
addition to academic instruction, training includes clinical experience
in diagnosing and treating animal diseases, performing surgery, and
performing laboratory work in anatomy, biochemistry, and other sci­
entific and medical subjects.
In 1991, all 27 colleges of veterinary medicine were accredited by
the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Asso­
ciation (AVMA). Admission is highly competitive. Applicants usual­
ly have grades of “B” or better, especially in sciences. Applicants
must take the Veterinary Aptitude Test, Medical College Admission
Test, or the Graduate Record Examination and submit evidence they
have experience working with animals. Colleges usually give prefer­
ence to in-State applicants, because most are State supported. There
are regional educational agreements in which States without veteri­
nary schools send students to designated regional schools. In other
areas, schools give priority to applicants from nearby States that do
not have veterinary schools.


To meet State licensure requirements, foreign-trained veterinarians
must fulfill the English language and clinical evaluation requirements
of the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates.
Most veterinarians begin as employees or partners in established
practices. With experience, they may set up their own practice or pur­
chase an established one.
Newly trained veterinarians may become U.S. Government meat
and poultry inspectors, disease-control workers, epidemiologists,
research assistants, or commissioned officers in the U.S. Public
Health Service. A State license may be required.
Veterinarians need good manual dexterity. They should be able to
calm animals that are upset, and get along with animal owners, and
be able to make decisions in emergencies.
Job Outlook
Employment of veterinarians is expected to grow faster than the aver­
age for all occupations through the year 2005. Rising incomes and the
movement of baby boomers into the 34-59 year age group, where pet
ownership is highest, should cause the number of pets to increase
rapidly. Pet owners may also be more willing to pay for more inten­
sive care than in the past. In addition, emphasis on scientific methods
of breeding and raising livestock and poultry, and continued support
for public health and disease control programs will contribute to the
demand for veterinarians. Jobs will also occur as veterinarians retire.
The outlook is good for veterinarians with specialty training.
Demand for specialists in toxicology, laboratory animal medicine,
and pathology is expected to remain strong, as is the demand for fac­
ulty at colleges of veterinary medicine. Most jobs for specialists will
be in metropolitan areas. Prospects for veterinarians who specialize in

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farm animals is also good, because most veterinarians prefer working
in metropolitan areas.
Newly graduated veterinarians working in the private practices of
established veterinarians had an average salary of $27,000 in 1990,
according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Veteri­
narians in private practices generally earned between $50,000 and
$100,000 a year.
Newly graduated veterinarians employed by the Federal Govern­
ment started at $31,116 a year in 1991. The average annual salary of
all veterinarians in the Federal Government was $45,893 in 1991.
Related Occupations
Veterinarians prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases, disorders, and
injuries in animals. Workers who do this for humans include audiolo­
gists, chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, physicians, podiatrists, and
speech pathologists. Other occupations that involve working with
animals include animal trainers, zoologists, marine biologists, natu­
ralists, and veterinary technicians.
Sources of Additional Information
For more information on careers in veterinary medicine, write to:
American Veterinary Medical Association, 1931 N. Meacham Rd., Suite
100, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360.

For information on scholarships, grants, and loans, contact the finan­
cial aid officer at the veterinary schools to which you wish to apply.
For information on veterinary education, write to:
m- Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, 1023 15th St. NW.,
Third Floor, Washington, DC 20005.