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Dietetics, Nursing, Pharmacy,
and Therapy Occupations
Reprinted from the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1992-93 Edition
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bulletin 2400-8
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

MG 1 3 1992

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Dietitians and Nutritionists
(D.O.T. 077 except .121-010)

Nature of the Work

Dietitians and nutritionists plan nutrition programs and supervise the
preparation and serving of meals. They help prevent and treat illness­
es by promoting healthy eating habits. They scientifically evaluate a
client’s diet and suggest modifications such as cutting back on salt for
those with high blood pressure or reducing fat and sugar intake for
overweight persons.
Dietitians run food service systems for institutions such as hospi­
tals and schools and promote sound eating habits through education
and research. Major areas of practice are clinical, community, and
administrative (management) dietetics. Dietitians also work as educa­
tors and researchers.
Clinical dietitians provide nutritional services for patients in insti­
tutions such as hospitals and nursing homes. They assess a patient’s
nutritional needs, develop and implement a nutrition program, and
evaluate and report the results. They also confer with doctors and
other health care professionals in order to coordinate medical and
nutritional needs. Some clinical dietitians specialize in the manage­
ment of obese patients, care of the critically ill, or care of renal and
diabetic patients. In addition, clinical dietitians in nursing homes or
small hospitals may also run the food service department.
Community dietitians counsel individuals and groups on nutritional
practices designed to prevent disease and to promote good health.
Working in such places as public health clinics, home health agen­
cies, and health maintenance organizations, they evaluate individual
needs, establish nutritional care plans, and instruct individuals and
their families. Dietitians working in a home health setting may also
provide instruction on grocery shopping and preparation of special
infant formulas.
Popular interest in nutrition has led to opportunities in food manu­
facturing, advertising, and marketing, where dietitians analyze foods,
prepare literature for distribution, or report on issues such as dietary
fiber or vitamin supplements.
Administrative dietitians are responsible for large-scale meal plan­
ning and preparation in such places as health care facilities, company
cafeterias, prisons, and schools. They select, train, and direct other
dietitians and food service workers; budget for and purchase food,
equipment, and supplies; enforce sanitary and safety regulations; and
prepare records and reports.
Research dietitians are usually employed in academic medical cen­
ters or educational institutions. Using established research methods
and analytical techniques, they conduct studies on subjects that link
diet and health.
Working Conditions

Most dietitians work about 40 hours a week, although some weekend
or shift work is possible. About 1 dietitian in 5 works part time.
Dietitians and nutritionists spend much of their time in clean, welllighted, and well-ventilated areas. However, some dietitians spend
time in hot, steamy kitchens. Dietitians and nutritionists may be on
their feet for most of the workday.

Dietitians and nutritionists held about 45,000 jobs in 1990. About
half were in hospitals and nursing homes.
State and local governments provided about 1 job in 5, in prisons,
health departments and other public health related areas. Other jobs
were in social service agencies, including residential care facilities,
school systems, colleges and universities, employer-sponsored food
service programs, and the Federal Government—mostly in the Veter­
ans Administration. Others were employed by firms that provide food
services on contract to such facilities as colleges and universities, air­
lines, and company cafeterias.

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Dietitians design individual nutrition programs.

Some dietitians were self-employed, working as consultants to
facilities like hospitals and nursing homes and also seeing individual
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

The basic educational requirement is a bachelor’s degree with a
major in dietetics, foods and nutrition, or food service systems man­
agement. Students take courses in foods, nutrition, institution man­
agement, chemistry, biology, microbiology, and physiology. Other
courses are business, mathematics, statistics, computer science, psy­
chology, sociology, and economics.
The Commission on Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic
Association awards the Registered Dietitian credential to those who
pass a certification exam after completing their academic education
and supervised experience. As of 1990, there were 301 bachelor’s
degree programs and about 130 graduate programs for those interest­
ed in research, advanced clinical positions, or public health—where a
graduate degree is usually needed. Supervised practice experience
can be acquired in one of three ways. There are 59 coordinated pro­
grams that combine academic and supervised practice experience in a
4-year program. The other two options require completion of 900
hours of supervised practice experience—either in one of the 96
accredited internships or in one of the 73 approved preprofessional
practice programs. Internships are full-time programs lasting 9 to 12
months, while preprofessional practice programs can be pursued part
time over a 2-year period or full time for 6 months.
Recommended high school courses include biology, chemistry,
health, home economics, mathematics, and communications.

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Experienced dietitians may advance to assistant, associate, or
director of a dietetic department or become a consultant. Clinical spe­
cialization offers another path to career advancement. Other dietitians
leave the occupation and become sales representatives for equipment
or food manufacturers.

supervise nursing aides. In doctors’ offices and clinics, including
health maintenance organizations, they may also make appointments,
keep records, and perform other clerical duties. L.P.N.’s who work in
home health may also prepare meals and teach family members sim­
ple nursing tasks.

Job Outlook

Working Conditions

Employment of dietitians is expected to grow as fast as the average
for all occupations through the year 2005 as demand grows for meals
and nutritional counseling in such settings as hospitals, nursing
homes, schools, prisons, community health programs, and health
clubs. Public interest in nutrition and the emphasis on health educa­
tion and prudent lifestyles will add to the demand. Many job open­
ings will also result from the need to replace experienced workers
who leave the occupation.
Employment of dietitians in hospitals will grow slowly as more
hospital food service operations are contracted out to private firms.
On the other hand, rapid growth in employment is expected in nurs­
ing homes as the number of very old people rises sharply; in contract
providers of food services; in residential care facilities; and in other
social services.

Most licensed practical nurses in hospitals and nursing homes work a
40 hour week, but since patients need round-the-clock care, some
work nights, weekends, and holidays. They often stand for long peri­
ods and help patients move in bed, stand, or walk. They also face the
stress of working with sick patients and their families.
Hospital-based L.P.N.’s face hazards from caustic chemicals, radia­
tion, and infectious diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis. L.P.N.’s also
are subject to back injuries when moving patients and shock from
electrical equipment.
L.P.N.'s employed in nursing homes often face heavy workloads
due to chronic understaffing. In addition, the people they take care of
may be confused, irrational, agitated, or uncooperative.
In private homes, L.P.N.’s usually work 8 to 12 hours a day and go
home at night. Private duty nursing affords a great deal of freedom in
setting one’s own work hours.


According to a national survey conducted by the University of Texas
Medical Branch, the median salary for dietitians in hospitals and
medical schools was about $27,268 a year in 1990. The average mini­
mum was about $23,320 and the average maximum was about
The starting salary in the Federal Government for those with bach­
elor’s degree was $16,973 in 1991. The average salary for all federal­
ly employed registered dietitians was $36,247.


Licensed practical nurses held about 644,000 jobs in 1990. About a
quarter worked part time. Almost half of all L.P.N.’s worked in hospi­
tals, almost one-quarter worked in nursing homes and a tenth in doc­
tors’ offices and clinics. Others worker for temporary help agencies,
home health care services or government agencies.

Related Occupations

Dietitians and nutritionists apply the principles of nutrition in a vari­
ety of situations. Workers with duties similar to those of administra­
tive dietitians include home economists and food service managers.
Nurses and health educators often provide services related to those of
community dietitians.
Sources of Additional Information

For a list of academic programs, scholarships, and other information
about dietetics, contact:
»■ The American Dietetic Association, 216 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 800,
Chicago, IL 60606-6995.

Licensed Practical Nurses


(D.O.T. 079.374-014)

Nature of the Work

Licensed practical nurses (L.P.N.’s), or licensed vocational nurses
(L.V.N.’s) as they are called in Texas and California, care for the sick,
injured, convalescing, and handicapped, under the direction of physi­
cians and registered nurses. (The work of registered nurses is
described elsewhere in the Handbook.)
Most L.P.N.’s provide basic bedside care. They take such vital
signs as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. They
also treat bedsores, prepare and give injections and enemas, apply
dressings, give alcohol rubs and massages, apply ice packs and hot
water bottles, and insert catheters. They help patients with bathing,
dressing, and personal hygiene, feed them and record food and liquid
intake and output, keep them comfortable, and care for their emotion­
al needs. In States where the law allows, they may administer pre­
scribed medicines or start intravenous fluids. Some L.P.N.’s help
deliver, care for, and feed infants. Some experienced L.P.N.’s super­
vise nursing assistants and aides.
L.P.N.’s in nursing homes, in addition to providing routine bedside
care, may also help evaluate residents’ needs, develop care plans, and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


L.P.N.’s training takes about 1 year.

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Sources of Additional Information

All States require L.P.N.’s to pass a licensing examination after com­
pleting a State-approved practical nursing program. A high school
diploma is usually required for entry, but some programs accept peo­
ple who have completed less.
In 1989, approximately 1,200 State-approved programs provided
practical nursing training. Trade, technical, or vocational schools
offered almost half of these programs, while community and junior
colleges provided more than a third. Some programs were offered in
high schools, hospitals, and colleges and universities.
Most practical nursing programs last about 1 year and include both
classroom study and clinical practice. Classroom study covers basic
nursing concepts, principles, and related subjects, including anatomy,
physiology, medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, obstetrics, psychi­
atric nursing, administration of drugs, nutrition, and first aid. Super­
vised clinical experience is usually in a hospital, but sometimes also
includes other settings.
L.P.N.’s should have a caring, sympathetic nature. They should be
emotionally stable because work with the sick and injured can be
stressful. As part of a health care team, they must be able to follow
orders and work under close supervision.

A list of State-approved training programs and information about
practical nursing are available from:
Communications Department, National League for Nursing, 350 Hudson
St., New York, NY 10014.
<•“ National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service, Inc., 1400
Spring St., Suite 310, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

For information about a career in practical nursing, contact:
«■ National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses, Inc., P.O. Box 1088,
Raleigh, NC 27619.

Information about employment opportunities in Veterans Adminis­
tration medical centers is available from local VA medical centers
and also from:
»■ Title 38 Employment Division, (054D), Veterans Administration, 810 Ver­
mont Ave. NW„ Washington, DC 20420.

For information on nursing careers in hospitals, contact:
<•" American Hospital Association, Division of Nursing, 840 North Lake
Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60611.

For a copy of Health Careers in Long-Term Care, write:
American Health Care Association, 1201 L St. NW., Washington, DC

Job Outlook

Employment of L.P.N.’s is expected to increase much faster than the
average for all occupations through the year 2005, in response to the
long-term care needs of a rapidly growing population of very old
people and to the general growth of health care.
Nursing homes will offer the most new jobs for L.P.N.’s as the
number of aged and disabled persons in need of long-term care rises
rapidly. In addition to caring for the aged, nursing homes may be
called on to care for the increasing number of patients who have been
released from the hospital before they are fully recovered. Finally,
recent State and Federal regulations require nursing homes to employ
more L.P.N.’s.
Very rapid growth is also expected in such residential care facilities
as board and care homes, old age homes, and group homes for the
mentally retarded.
Employment of L.P.N.’s in hospitals is not expected to increase
much, largely because the number of inpatients, with whom most
work, is not expected to increase much. If hospitals continue to face a
scarcity of R.N.’s, however, they may employ more L.P.N.’s than pro­
Employment is projected to grow very rapidly in physicians’
offices and clinics, including health maintenance organizations—a
fast-growing segment of the health care industry—and in the tempo­
rary help sector. A growing number of licensed practical nurses will
also provide home care. As in most other occupations, replacement
needs will be the main source of job openings.
Job prospects depend on supply as well as demand. The number of
people completing L.P.N. training dropped sharply during the mid
1980’s, but has begun to increase again. Unless the number increases
very sharply, job prospects should remain good.

Nursing Aides and Psychiatric Aides
(D.O.T. 354.374-010, .377-010, and .677-010; 355.377-014 and -018, .674­
014, -018, and-026)

Nature of the Work

Median weekly earnings of L.P.N.’s who worked full time in 1990
were $377. The middle 50 percent earned between $312 and $456.
The lowest 10 percent earned less than $267; the top 10 percent,
more than $539.
L.P.N.’s in nursing homes had median earnings of $9.92 an hour in
1991, according to a survey by the Hospital Compensation Service,
Hawthorne, NJ.
L.P.N.’s employed full-time in private hospitals averaged $10.21
an hour, excluding premium pay for overtime and for work on
weekends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Among 19
metropolitan areas studied separately, earnings ranged from $9.67 in
Dallas to $14.43 in San Francisco. Part-time L.P.N.’s averaged
$10.70 a hour.

Nursing aides and psychiatric aides help care for physically or men­
tally ill, injured, disabled, or infirm individuals confined to hospitals,
nursing or residential care facilities, and mental health settings.
(Homemaker-home health aides, whose duties are similar but who
work in clients’ homes, are discussed elsewhere in the Handbook.)
Nursing aides, also known as nursing assistants or hospital atten­
dants, work under the supervision of nursing and medical staff. They
answer patients’ call bells, deliver messages, serve meals, make beds,
and feed, dress, and bathe patients. Aides may also give massages,
provide skin care to patients who cannot move, take temperatures,
pulse, respiration, and blood pressure, and help patients get in and out
of bed and walk. They may also escort patients to operating and
examining rooms, keep patients’ rooms neat, set up equipment, or
store and move supplies. Aides observe patients’ physical, mental,
and emotional conditions and report any change to the nursing or
medical staff.
Nursing aides employed in nursing homes are sometimes called
geriatric aides. They are often the principal caregivers in nursing
homes, having far more contact with residents than other members of
the staff do. Since residents may stay in a nursing home for months or
even years, aides are expected to develop ongoing relationships with
them and respond to them in a positive, caring way.
Psychiatric aides are also known as mental health assistants, psy­
chiatric nursing assistants, or ward attendants. They care for mentally
impaired or emotionally disturbed individuals. They work under a
team that may include psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses,
social workers, and therapists. In addition to helping patients dress,
bathe, groom, and eat, psychiatric aides socialize with them, and lead
them in educational and recreational activities. Psychiatric aides may
play games such as cards with the patients, watch television with
them, or participate in group activities such as sports or field trips.
They observe patients and report any signs which might be important
for the professional staff to know. If necessary, they help restrain
unruly patients, and accompany patients to and from wards for exam­
ination and treatment. Because they have the closest contact with
patients, psychiatric aides have a great deal of influence on patients’
outlook and treatment.

Related Occupations

Working Conditions

Other jobs that involve working closely with people while helping
them include emergency medical technician, social service aide,
human service worker, and teacher aide.

Most full-time aides work about 40 hours a week, but because
patients need care 24 hours a day, some aides work evenings, nights,
weekends, and holidays. Many work part-time. Aides spend many


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Opportunities for advancement within these occupations are limit­
ed. Aides may be able to enter other health occupations, but generally
need additional formal training. Some employers and unions provide
opportunities by simplifying the educational paths to advancement.
Experience as an aide can also help individuals decide whether to
pursue a career in the health care field.
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Job Outlook

Employment of nursing aides will grow rapidly as more people enter
nursing homes.
hours standing. Since they may have to move partially paralyzed
patients in and out of bed or help them stand or walk, aides must
guard against back injury.
Nursing aides often have unpleasant duties; they empty bed pans,
change soiled bed linens, and care for disoriented and irritable
patients. Psychiatric aides are often confronted with violent patients.
While their work can be emotionally draining, many aides gain satis­
faction from assisting those in need.

Nursing aides held about 1,274,000 jobs in 1990, and psychiatric
aides held about 100,000 jobs. About one-half of all nursing aides
worked in nursing homes, and about one-fourth worked in hospitals.
Some worked in residential care facilities or in private households.
Most psychiatric aides worked in State and county mental institu­
tions, psychiatric units of general hospitals, private psychiatric facili­
ties, community mental health centers, residential facilities for the
developmentally disabled, halfway houses, and drug abuse and alco­
holism treatment programs.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

In many cases, neither a high school diploma nor previous work
experience is necessary for a job as a nursing or psychiatric aide. A
few employers, however, require some training or experience. Hospi­
tals may require experience as a nursing aide or home health aide.
Nursing homes often hire inexperienced workers with the understand­
ing that they complete 75 hours of mandatory training and pass a
competency evaluation program within 4 months of employment.
Aides who complete the program are placed on the State registry of
nursing aides. Some States require psychiatric aides to complete a
formal training program.
These occupations can offer young people an entry into the world
of work. The flexibility of night and weekend hours also provides
high school and college students a chance to work during the school
year. The work is also open to middle-aged and older men and
Nursing aide training is offered in high schools, vocational-techni­
cal centers, many nursing homes, and community colleges. Courses
cover body mechanics, nutrition, anatomy and physiology, infection
control, and communications skills. Personal care skills such as the
bathing, feeding, and grooming of patients are also taught.
Some facilities, other than nursing homes, provide classroom
instruction for newly hired aides, while others rely exclusively on
informal on-the-job instruction from a licensed nurse or an experi­
enced aide. Such training may last several days to a few months.
From time to time, aides may also attend lectures, workshops, and in­
service training.
Applicants should be healthy, tactful, patient, understanding, emo­
tionally stable, dependable, and have a desire to help people. They
should also be able to work as part of a team, and be willing to per­
form repetitive, routine tasks.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Job prospects for nursing aides should be very good through the year
2005. Employment of nursing aides is expected to grow much faster
than the average for all occupations in response to an emphasis on
rehabilitation and the long-term care needs of a rapidly growing pop­
ulation of those 75 years old and older. Employment will increase as
a result of the expansion of nursing homes and other long-term care
facilities for people with chronic illnesses and disabling conditions,
many of whom are elderly. Also increasing employment of nursing
aides will be modem medical technology which, while saving more
lives, increases the need to provide extended care. As a result, nurs­
ing and personal care facilities are expected to grow very rapidly, and
to provide most of the new jobs for nursing aides.
Employment of psychiatric aides is expected to grow faster than
the average for all occupations. Employment will rise in response to
the sharp increase in the number of older persons—many of whom
will require mental health services. Employment of aides in private
psychiatric facilities, community mental health centers, and halfway
houses is likely to grow because of increasing public acceptance of
formal treatment for drug abuse and alcoholism, and a lessening of
the stigma attached to those receiving mental health care. While
employment in private psychiatric facilities may grow, employment
in public mental hospitals is likely to be stagnant due to constraints
on public spending.
Replacement needs will constitute the major source of openings for
aides. Turnover is high, a reflection of modest entry requirements,
low pay, and lack of advancement opportunities.

Median annual earnings of nursing and psychiatric aides who worked
full time in 1990 were about $13,100. The middle 50 percent earned
between $10,100 and $17,300. The lowest 10 percent earned about
$8,100 or less. The top 10 percent earned $22,400 or more.
Nursing aides who worked full-time in private hospitals averaged
$7.63 per hour, excluding premiums paid for overtime, and for work
on weekends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Among 19
metropolitan areas studied separately, earnings ranged from $6.47 in
Dallas to $10.98 in New York. Part-time nursing aides averaged
$7.05 per hour.
Aides working in nursing homes earned a median annual salary of
about $11,500 in 1991, according to a survey by the Hospital Com­
pensation Service, Hawthorne, NJ.
Aides in hospitals generally receive at least 1 week’s paid vaca­
tion after 1 year of service. Paid holidays and sick leave, hospital
and medical benefits, extra pay for late-shift work, and pension
plans also are available to many hospital and some nursing home
Related Occupations

Nursing aides and psychiatric aides help people who need routine
care or treatment. So do homemaker-home health aides, childcare
attendants, companions, occupational therapy aides, and physical
therapy aides.
Sources of Additional Information

For information on nursing careers in hospitals, contact:
<*■ American Hospital Association, Division of Nursing, 840 North Lake
Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60611.

For a copy of Health Careers in Long-Term Care, write:
»■ American Health Care Association, 1201 L St. NW., Washington, DC

Information about employment also may be obtained from local
hospitals, nursing homes, and psychiatric facilities.

Occupational Therapists
(D.O.T. 076.21-010,076.167-010)

Nature of the Work

Occupational therapists help individuals with mentally, physically,
developmentally, or emotionally disabling conditions to develop,
recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. They not only help
patients improve basic motor functions and reasoning abilities, but also
to compensate for permanent loss of function. With support and direc­
tion, patients leam (or relearn) many of the day-to-day skills necessary
to establish an independent, productive, and satisfying lifestyle.
Occupational therapists use activities of all kinds as treatment,
ranging from cooking to using a computer. Therapists may first help
patients leam to care for their daily needs, such as dressing and eat­
ing, and then progress to helping them find and hold a job. Practical
activities increase strength and dexterity, while paper and pencil
games may be used to improve visual acuity and the ability to discern
patterns. A patient suffering short-term memory loss, for instance,
might be encouraged to make lists to aid recall. One with coordina­
tion problems might be given extra tasks to improve eye-hand coordi­
nation. Computer programs have been designed to help patients
improve decisionmaking, abstract reasoning, problem solving, and
perceptual skills, as well as memory, sequencing, and coordination—
all of which are important for independent living.
For those with permanent functional disabilities, such as spinal
cord injuries, cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy, therapists pro­
vide such adaptive equipment as wheelchairs, splints, and aids for
eating and dressing. They also design or make special equipment
needed at home or at work. Therapists develop and teach patients to
operate computer-aided adaptive equipment, such as microprocessing
devices that permit individuals with severe limitations to communi­
cate, walk, or operate telephones and television sets.
Recording patients’ activities and progress is an important part of
an occupational therapist’s job. Accurate records are essential for
evaluating patients, reporting to physicians, and billing.
Some occupational therapists work exclusively with individuals in
a particular age group or with particular disabilities. In schools, for
example, they evaluate children’s abilities, recommend therapy, mod­
ify classroom equipment, and in general, help children participate as
fully as possible in school programs and activities.
Occupational therapists in mental health settings treat mentally ill,
mentally retarded, or emotionally disturbed individuals. Disabling
conditions may include alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, eating
disorders, and stress-related disorders. To treat these problems, thera­
pists choose activities that help people leam to cope with daily life.
Activities often emphasize time management skills, budgeting, shop­
ping, homemaking, and use of public transportation.
Working Conditions

Occupational therapists in hospitals and other health care settings
generally work a regular 40-hour week. Those in schools may also
participate in meetings and other activities, during and after the
school day. In large rehabilitation centers, therapists may work in
spacious rooms equipped with machines, tools, and other devices that
may generate noise. Therapists may work in a kitchen when using
food preparation as therapy. The job can be physically tiring because
therapists are on their feet much of the time. Those providing home
health care may spend several hours a day driving from appointment
to appointment. Therapists also face hazards such as backstrain from
lifting and moving patients and equipment.

Occupational therapists held about 36,000 jobs in 1990. The largest
number of jobs were in hospitals, including many in rehabilitation
and psychiatric hospitals. School systems are the second largest
employer of occupational therapists. Other major employers include
nursing homes, community mental health centers, adult day care pro­
grams, outpatient clinics, and residential care facilities.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Most occupational therapists work in hospitals.
A small but rapidly growing number of occupational therapists are
in private practice. Some are solo practitioners, while others are in
group practices. They see patients referred to them by physicians or
other health professionals, or provide contract or consulting services to
nursing homes, adult day care programs, and home health agencies.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

A bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy is the minimal require­
ment for entry into this field. In addition, 36 states, Puerto Rico, and
the District of Columbia require a license to practice occupational
therapy. To obtain a license, applicants must have a degree or a post­
baccalaureate certificate from an accredited educational program and
pass a national certification examination given by the American
Occupational Therapy Certification Board. Those who pass the test
are awarded the title of registered occupational therapist.
In 1990, entry level education was offered in 65 bachelor’s degree
programs; 10 post-baccalaureate certificate programs, for students
with a degree other than occupational therapy; and 15 entry level
master’s degree programs. Most schools have full-time programs,
although a growing number also offer weekend or part-time
Occupational therapy coursework includes physical, biological,
and behavioral sciences and the application of occupational therapy
theory and skills. Completion of 6 months of supervised clinical
internship is also required.
Persons considering this profession should take high school cours­
es in biology, chemistry, physics, health, art, and the social sciences.
College admissions offices also look with favor on applicants who
have paid or volunteer experience in the health care field. They know
that exposure to the health care field, especially occupational therapy,
helps prevent any misconceptions a student might have about the
Warmth and patience are needed to inspire both trust and respect.
Ingenuity and imagination in adapting activities to individual needs
are assets. Individuals working in home health care must be able to
successfully adapt to a variety of settings.
Job Outlook

Employment of occupational therapists is expected to increase much
faster than the average for all occupations through the year 2005 due
to anticipated growth in demand for rehabilitation and long-term care

Several factors are increasing the need for rehabilitative services.
Medical advances are now making it possible for more patients with
critical problems to survive. These patients, however, may need
extensive therapy. Also, there is the anticipated demand generated by
the baby-boom generation’s move into middle age, a period during
which the incidence of heart attack and stroke increases. Additional
services will also be demanded by the population 75 years of age and
above, a rapidly growing age group that suffers from a very high inci­
dence of disabling conditions. Finally, additional therapists will be
needed to help prepare handicapped children to enter special educa­
tion programs, as required by recent Federal legislation.
Due to rapid industry growth and more intensive care, hospitals will
continue to employ the largest number of occupational therapists. Hos­
pitals will also need occupational therapists to staff their expansion
into home health care, rehabilitation programs, and outpatient clinics.
Schools will remain the second largest employer of occupational
therapists. Moderate growth will result from expansion of the schoolage population and extended services for handicapped students.
The field of private practice will continue to provide opportunities
for occupational therapists willing to provide services to individual
clients, and follow-up and long-term services to patients recently
released from the hospital. Private practitioners will also find oppor­
tunities working as a contractor or consultant to hospitals, nursing
homes, rehabilitation centers, group homes, and industries. Encourag­
ing movement into private practice is a legislative change permitting
occupational therapists to bill Medicare directly for services provid­
ed. Previously, such billings were submitted through a Medicareapproved facility such as a hospital or home health agency
The home health field is expected to grow very fast. The rapidly
growing number of people age 75 and older who are more likely to
need home health care, and the greater number of procedures and
lifesaving technologies which require at-home followup will encour­
age this growth.

According to a national survey conducted by the University of Texas
Medical Branch, the median annual salary for occupational therapists
in hospitals and medical schools was about $30,500 in 1990. The aver­
age minimum salary was $26,500 and the average maximum salary
was $38,500. Some States classify occupational therapists employed in
public schools as teachers and pay accordingly. According to the
National Education Association, elementary school teachers earned an
average of about $32,400 during the 1990-91 school year, and sec­
ondary school teachers earned an average of about $33,700.
Related Occupations

Occupational therapists use specialized knowledge to help individu­
als perform daily living skills and achieve maximum independence.
Other workers performing similar duties include orthotists, pros­
thetists, physical therapists, speech pathologists and audiologists,
rehabilitation counselors, recreational therapists, art therapists, music
therapists, dance therapists, horticultural therapists, and manual arts
Sources of Additional Information

For more information on occupational therapy as a career, a list of
education programs, and requirements for certification, write to:
American Occupational Therapy Association, P.O. Box 1725, 1383 Piccard
Dr., Rockville, MD 20849-1725.

(D.O.T. 074.161-010 and -014)

are tested for purity and strength. Compounding—the actual mixing
of ingredients to form powders, tablets, capsules, ointments, and
solutions—is only a small part of a pharmacist’s practice, because
most medicines are produced by pharmaceutical companies in the
prescribed dosage and form. Pharmacists also advise physicians and
other health practitioners on the selection, dosages, and effects and
side effects of medications.
Besides dispensing medicines, pharmacists in community (retail)
pharmacies answer customers’ questions about prescription drugs.
They also answer questions about over-the-counter drugs and make
recommendations after asking a series of health questions, such as
whether the customer is on any other medication. They also give
advice about durable medical equipment and home health care
Many pharmacists create computerized records of the patients’ drug
therapies and medical profiles. Pharmacists use these medication pro­
files to insure that harmful drug interactions do not occur and to moni­
tor patient compliance with the doctor’s instructions—by comparing,
when a refill is ordered, how long it took the patient to finish the drug
versus the prescribed dosage. Those who are small-business owners
buy and sell nonhealth-related merchandise, hire and supervise per­
sonnel, and oversee the general operation of the pharmacy.
Pharmacists in hospitals and clinics dispense medications and
advise the medical staff on the selection and effects of drugs, in some
cases making rounds with them. They may make sterile solutions,
buy medical supplies, teach health professions students, and perform
administrative duties. They also advise patients on the use of drugs,
monitor drug regimens, and evaluate drug use.
Pharmacotherapists specialize in drug therapy and work closely
with physicians. They may make hospital rounds with physicians—
talking to patients and monitoring pharmaceutical use.
Radiopharmacists or nuclear pharmacists, apply principles and
practices of pharmacy and radiochemistry to produce radioactive
drugs used for diagnosis and therapy.
Nutrition support pharmacists help determine and prepare drugs
needed for nutrition. Some pharmacists work in oncology (cancer)
and psychiatric drug treatment.
Working Conditions

Pharmacists usually work in a clean, well-lighted, and well-ventilated
area that resembles a small laboratory with shelves lined with hun­
dreds of drugs. Pharmacists spend most of their time on their feet.
When working with potentially dangerous or sterile pharmaceutical
products, pharmacists wear gloves and masks and work with special
protective equipment. Many community and hospital pharmacies are
open long hours or around the clock, so pharmacists may work
evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays.
About 1 out of 7 pharmacists worked part time. Most full-time
salaried pharmacists worked about 40 hours a week. Some however,
worked more than 50 hours a week. Most self-employed pharmacists
worked more than 50 hours a week.

Pharmacists held about 169,000 jobs in 1990. More than two thirds
were in community pharmacies, either independently owned, part of
a drug store chain, or part of a grocery or department store. Most
community pharmacists were salaried, but a substantial number were
self employed. One-quarter were in hospitals, and some were in
health maintenance organizations (HMO’s), clinics, and the Federal
Some pharmacists hold more than one job. They may work a stan­
dard week in their primary work setting and also work part-time else­
Although most rural areas and small towns have at least one phar­
macy, most pharmacists practice in or near cities.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Nature of the Work

Pharmacists measure, count, mix, and dispense drugs and medicines
prescribed by physicians, podiatrists, and dentists. Pharmacists must
understand the use, composition, and effects of drugs and how they
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

A license to practice pharmacy is required in all States, the District of
Columbia, and U.S. territories. To obtain a license, one must graduate
from an accredited college of pharmacy (a few States allow gradua­
tion from certain foreign pharmacy programs), pass a State board

Areas of graduate study include pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical
chemistry (physical and chemical properties of drugs and dosage
forms), pharmacology (effects of drugs on the body), pharmacognosy
(drugs derived from plant or animal sources), and pharmacy adminis­
tration. Courses in pharmacy administration are particularly helpful
to pharmacists in developing the skills needed to manage a communi­
ty or institutional pharmacy.
All colleges of pharmacy offer courses in pharmacy practice,
designed to teach students the skills involved in compounding and
dispensing prescriptions, and to strengthen their understanding of
professional ethics and responsibilities. In many cases, professional
training increasingly emphasizes direct patient care as well as consul­
tative services to other health professionals.
Prospective pharmacists should be orderly and accurate and have
the ability to gain the confidence of clients and patients.
In community pharmacies, pharmacists often begin as employees.
After they gain experience and secure the necessary capital, they may
become owners or part owners of pharmacies. A pharmacist in a
chain drug store may be promoted to store manager or chief supervi­
sory registered pharmacist, and later to a higher executive position
within the company. Hospital pharmacists who have the necessary
training and experience may advance to director of pharmacy ser­
vices or to other administrative positions. Pharmacists in industry
may advance in management, sales, research, quality control, adver­
tising, production, packaging, and other areas.
The job outlookfor pharmacists is excellent.

examination, and have a specified amount of practical experience or
serve an internship under a licensed pharmacist in a community or
hospital pharmacy. In 1991, all States except California and Florida
usually granted a license without reexamination to qualified pharma­
cists already licensed by another State. Many pharmacists are
licensed to practice in more than one State. Most States require con­
tinuing education for license renewal.
At least 5 years of study beyond high school are required to graduate
from programs accredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical
Education. Five years are needed for a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or a
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) degree, the degrees received by
most graduates. A Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree normally
requires at least 6 years, during which an intervening baccalaureate
degree is not awarded. Those who already hold the bachelor’s degree
may enter Pharm.D. programs, but the combined period of study is
usually longer than 6 years. Of the 74 colleges of pharmacy, 61 offer
the bachelor’s degree, 27 offer the bachelor’s and the professional doc­
toral degree; 13 schools offer only the Pharm D. degree.
Requirements for admission to colleges of pharmacy vary. A few
colleges admit students directly from high school. Some schools
require the applicant to have taken the Pharmacy College Admissions
Test (P-CAT). Most colleges of pharmacy, however, require 1 or 2
years of college-level prepharmacy education. Entry requirements
vary among colleges of pharmacy, but usually include mathematics
and basic sciences, such as chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as
courses in the humanities and social sciences.
The bachelor’s degree in pharmacy is generally acceptable for most
positions in community pharmacies. However, many employers prefer
the Pharm. D. degree. The Pharm.D. degree, which may be either an
entry level or graduate one, is increasingly important for employment
in hospitals. A master’s or Ph.D. degree in pharmacy or a related field
usually is required for research, and a Pharm.D., master’s, or Ph.D.
usually is necessary for administrative or faculty positions.
Fifty-six colleges of pharmacy offer the Master of Science degree
and 52 offer the Ph.D. degree. Although a number of pharmacy grad­
uates interested in further training pursue an advanced degree in phar­
macy, there are other options. Some enter 1- or 2-year residency
programs or fellowships. A pharmacy residency is an organized,
directed, postgraduate training program in a defined area of pharmacy
practice. A pharmacy fellowship is a directed, highly individualized
program designed to prepare the participant to become an indepen­
dent researcher.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Job Outlook

Employment of pharmacists is expected to grow about as fast as the
average for all occupations through the year 2005, mainly due to the
increased pharmaceutical needs of a larger and older population.
The increased number of middle-aged and older people will spur
demand in all practice settings. Projected rapid growth in the elderly
population is especially important because the number of prescriptions
influences demand for pharmacists, and people over the age of 65 use
twice as many prescription drugs, on the average, as younger people.
Other factors likely to increase demand for pharmacists through
the year 2005 include the likelihood of scientific advances that will
make more drug products available for the prevention, diagnosis, and
treatment of diseases; new developments in administering medica­
tion; and well-informed consumers, increasingly sophisticated about
health care and avid for detailed information about drugs and their
The number of pharmacists in hospitals is expected to grow as
pharmacists perform more consultations and have more direct contact
with patients. The increased severity of the typical hospital patient’s
illness, together with rapid strides in drug therapy, is likely to height­
en demand for clinical pharmacists in hospitals, HMO’s, and other
health care settings.
The job outlook for pharmacists is expected to be excellent. If cur­
rent supply-demand trends persist, shortages are likely in some com­
munities and practice settings. As in other occupations, most job
openings will result from the need to replace pharmacists who leave
the profession.

Median annual earnings of full-time, salaried pharmacists were
$41,300 in 1990. Half earned between $35,200 and $46,700. The
lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,500 and the top 10 percent
more than $52,400.
Pharmacists employed full-time in private hospitals averaged
$21.24 an hour, excluding premium pay for overtime and for work on
weekends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Among
metropolitan areas studied separately, earnings ranged from $19.21 in
Houston to $27.41 in San Francisco.
Pharmacists working in chain drug stores had an average base
salary of $45,800 per year in 1990, while pharmacists working in
independent drug stores averaged $41,900, health maintenance orga­
nizations (HMO’s) averaged $47,000, and hospital pharmacists aver­
aged $48,000, according to a survey by Drug Topics magazine
published by Medical Economics Company, Inc. The same survey
showed that pharmacists employed in the West earned higher

incomes than pharmacists in other regions of the country. Also, phar­
macists employed by chain drug stores and hospitals receive more
fringe benefits than those in independent drug stores. Pharmacists
who were owners of pharmacies often earn considerably more than
salaried pharmacists.
Related Occupations

Workers in other professions requiring similar educational training
and who work with pharmaceutical compounds or perform related
duties include scientists, pharmaceutical chemists, and pharmacolo­
Sources of Additional Information

Additional information on pharmacy as a career, preprofessional and
professional requirements, programs offered by all the colleges of
pharmacy, and student financial aid is available from:
*■ American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1426 Prince St., Alexan­
dria, VA 22314.

Information about hospital pharmacy can be obtained from:
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 4630 Montgomery Ave.,
Bethesda, MD 20814.

Information on requirements for licensure in a particular State is
available from the Board of Pharmacy of the State or from:
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, 1300 Higgins Rd., Su'te 103,
Park Ridge, IL 60068.

Information on specific college entrance requirements, curriculums, and financial aid is available from the dean of any college of

Some physical therapists treat a wide variety of problems; others
specialize in such areas as pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics, sports
physical therapy, neurology, and cardiopulmonary physical therapy.
Working Conditions

Physical therapists work in hospitals, clinics, and therapists’ offices
that have specially equipped facilities, or they treat patients in hospi­
tal rooms, homes, or schools.
Most physical therapists work a 40-hour week, which may include
some evenings and weekends. The job can be physically demanding
because therapists often have to stoop, kneel, crouch, lift, and stand
for long periods of time. In addition, therapists move heavy equip­
ment and lift patients or help them turn, stand, or walk. Work can be
demanding and frustrating when patients do not improve.

Physical therapists held about 88,000 jobs in 1990; about 1 in 4
worked part time.
Hospitals employed one-third and offices of other health practi­
tioners, including those of physical therapists, one-quarter of all
salaried physical therapists in 1990. Other jobs were in offices of
physicians, home health agencies, nursing homes, and schools. Some
physical therapists are in private practice, providing services to indi­
vidual patients or contracting to provide services in hospitals, rehabil­
itation centers, nursing homes, home health agencies, adult daycare
programs, and schools. These self-employed therapists may be in
solo practice or be part of a consulting group. Some physical thera­
pists teach in academic institutions and conduct research.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Physical Therapists
(D.O.T. 076.121-014)

Nature of the Work

Physical therapists improve the mobility, relieve the pain, and prevent
or limit the permanent physical disabilities of patients suffering from
injuries or disease. Their patients include accident victims and dis­
abled individuals with such conditions as multiple sclerosis, cerebral
palsy, nerve injuries, bums, amputations, head injuries, fractures, low
back pain, arthritis, and heart disease.
Therapists evaluate a patient’s medical history; test and measure
each patient’s strengths, weaknesses, range of motion, and ability to
function; and develop written treatment plans. These plans describe
the treatments to be provided, their purpose, and their anticipated out­
comes. In some cases, plans are based on physicians’ treatment
orders. As treatment continues, they document progress, conduct
periodic re-evaluations, and modify treatments, if necessary.
Treatment often includes exercise for patients who have been
immobilized and lack flexibility. Using a technique known as passive
exercise, therapists increase the patient’s flexibility by stretching and
manipulating stiff joints and unused muscles. Later in the treatment,
they encourage patients to use their own muscles to further increase
flexibility and range of motion before finally advancing to weights
and other exercises to improve strength, balance, coordination, and
Physical therapists also use electricity, heat, or ultrasound to
relieve pain or improve the condition of muscles or related tissues
just as cold and water are used to reduce swelling and treat burns.
They may also use traction or deep-tissue massage to relieve pain and
restore function. Therapists also teach and motivate patients to use
crutches, prostheses, and wheelchairs to perform day-to-day activities
and show them therapies to do at home.
Physical therapists document evaluations, daily progress, medical
team conferences, and reports to referring practitioners and insurance
companies. Such documentation is used to track the patient’s
progress, identify areas requiring more or less attention, justify
billings, and for legal purposes.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

All States require physical therapists to pass a licensure exam after
graduating from an accredited physical therapy program.
Entry level education in physical therapy is available in 78 bache­
lor’s degree and 44 master’s degree programs. Physical therapy educa­
tion, however, is undergoing a transition. Experts are coming to believe
that a master’s degree is better for teaching a growing body of knowl­
edge and for preparing students for independent practice. As a result, it
is likely that most bachelor’s degree programs will eventually be
extended to master’s degree programs, although for the next few years
most graduates will continue to be from bachelor’s degree programs.
The bachelor’s degree curriculum usually starts with introductory
science courses such as chemistry, anatomy, physiology, and neu­
roanatomy and then introduces specialized courses such as biome-


Some physical therapists are in private practice.

chanics, human growth and development, manifestations of disease
and trauma, evaluation and assessment techniques, research, and ther­
apeutic procedures. Besides classroom and laboratory instruction,
students receive supervised clinical experience, mostly in hospitals,
but also in rehabilitation centers, private practices, and schools.
Competition for entry to physical therapy programs is keen, so
interested students should attain superior grades in high school and
college, especially in science courses. Courses useful when applying
to physical therapy programs include anatomy, biology, chemistry,
social science, mathematics, and physics. Individuals wanting to
know more about physical therapy should do volunteer work in the
physical therapy department of a hospital or clinic. In fact, many
education programs require such experience for admission.
Physical therapists should enjoy working with people and be
patient, tactful, persuasive, resourceful, and emotionally stable to help
patients understand the treatments and adjust to their disabilities. Simi­
lar traits are also needed to deal with the patient’s family. Physical
therapists also need manual dexterity and physical stamina.
Physical therapists should expect to continue to develop profes­
sionally by participating in continuing education courses and work­
shops from time to time throughout their careers. A number of
States require continuing education for maintaining licensure.
Job Outlook

Employment of physical therapists is expected to grow much faster
than the average for all occupations through the year 2005. Growth
will occur as new medical technologies save more people, who then
need therapy; as new technologies permit more disabling conditions
to be treated; and as the population grows and ages.
The rapidly growing elderly population is particularly vulnerable
to chronic and debilitating conditions that will require more therapeu­
tic services. At the same time, the baby-boom generation will enter
the prime age for heart attack and strokes, increasing the demand for
cardiac and physical rehabilitation. More young people will also need
physical therapy as medical advances save the lives of a larger pro­
portion of newborns with severe birth defects. Future medical devel­
opments will also permit a higher percentage of trauma victims to
survive, creating additional demand for rehabilitative care.

Growth will also result from advances in medical technology
which permit treatment of more disabling conditions. In the past, for
example, the development of hip and knee replacements for those
with arthritis gave rise to employment for physical therapists to
improve flexibility and strengthen weak muscles.
The widespread interest in health promotion should also increase
demand for physical therapy services. A growing number of employ­
ers are using physical therapists to evaluate worksites, develop exer­
cise programs, and teach safe work habits to employees in the hope
of reducing injuries.
There have been shortages of physical therapists in recent years.
However, this situation should ease somewhat as the number of physi­
cal therapy education programs increases and more students graduate.

Physical therapists employed full-time in private hospitals averaged
$17.01 an hour, excluding premium pay for overtime and for week­
ends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Among metropolitan
areas studied separately, earnings ranged from $14.83 in St. Louis to
$20.52 in San Francisco.
Related Occupations

Physical therapists treat and rehabilitate persons with physical or
mental disabilities. They may use general or specialized exercises,
massage, heat, water, electricity, and various therapeutic devices to
help their patients gain independence. Others who work in the reha­
bilitation field include occupational therapists, speech pathologists
and audiologists, orthotists, prosthetists, respiratory therapists, chiro­
practors, acupuncturists, and athletic trainers.
Sources of Additional Information
Additional information on a career as a physical therapist and a list of
accredited educational programs in physical therapy are available from:
*• American Physical Therapy Association, 1111 North Fairfax St., Alexan­
dria, VA 22314.

Recreational Therapists
Physical therapists comprise the fastest
growing health care occupation.
Percentage growth, 1990-2005


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Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

(D.O.T. 076.124-014)

Nature of the Work

Recreational therapists employ medically approved activities to treat
or maintain the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of
patients. Activities include sports, games, dance, drama, arts and
crafts, music, and field trips. They help individuals build confidence,
socialize effectively, and remediate the effects of illness or disability.
Recreational therapists should not be confused with recreation work­
ers who organize recreational activities primarily for enjoyment.
(Recreation workers are discussed elsewhere in the Handbook.)
In clinical settings, such as hospitals and rehabilitation centers,
recreational therapists treat and rehabilitate individuals with specific
medical problems, usually in cooperation with physicians, nurses,
psychologists, social workers, and physical and occupational thera­
pists. In nursing homes, residential facilities, and community recre­
ation departments, they use leisure activities—mostly group
oriented—to improve general health and well-being, but may also
treat medical problems. In these settings they may be called activity
directors or therapeutic recreation specialists.
Recreational therapists assess patients, based on information from
medical records, medical staff, family, and patients themselves. They
then develop therapeutic activity programs consistent with patient
needs and interests. For instance, a patient having trouble socializing
may be helped to play games with others, or a patient with a rightside paralysis may be helped to use the left arm to throw a ball or
swing a racket.
Community based recreational therapists work in park and recre­
ation departments, special education programs, or programs for the
elderly or disabled. In these programs therapists help patients develop

leisure activities and provide them with opportunities for exercise,
mental stimulation, creativity, and fun.
Recreational therapists observe and record patients' participation,
reactions, and progress. These records are used by the medical staff
and others, to monitor progress, to justify changes or end treatment,
and for billing.
Working Conditions

Recreational therapists often plan events and keep records in offices
and provide services in special activity rooms. In community settings
they might also work with clients in a recreation room, on a playing
field, or in a swimming pool.
Therapists often lift and carry equipment as well as participate in
activities. Recreational therapists generally work a 40-hour week,
which may include some evenings, weekends, and holidays.

Recreational therapists held about 32,000 jobs in 1990. Two-fifths
were in hospitals and one-third were in nursing homes. Others were
in community mental health centers, adult day care programs, correc­
tional facilities, residential facilities, community programs for people
with disabilities, and substance abuse centers. Some therapists were
self-employed, generally contracting with nursing homes or commu­
nity agencies to develop and oversee programs.
TVaining, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

A bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation (or in recreation with an
option in therapeutic recreation) is the usual requirement for hospital
and other clinical positions. An associate degree in recreational thera­
py; training in art, drama, or music therapy; or qualifying work expe­
rience may be sufficient for activity director positions in nursing
A few States regulate this profession through licensure, certifica­
tion, or regulation of titles. Applicants for licensure must pass a State
exam after graduating from an accredited program. The National
Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification certifies therapeutic
recreation specialists and therapeutic recreation assistants. Specialists
must have a bachelor’s degree and pass a certification exam; assis­
tants need an associate degree. Some employers require individuals to
be certified; others prefer it.
There are about 200 programs that prepare recreational therapists.
As of 1990, 62 programs were accredited by the National Council on
Accreditation. Most offer bachelor’s degrees, although some offer
associate or master’s degrees.
In addition to therapeutic recreation courses in clinical practice and
helping skills, program design, management, and professional issues,
students study human anatomy, physiology, abnormal psychology,
medical and psychiatric terminology, characteristics of illnesses and
disabilities, and the concepts of mainstreaming and normalization.
Additional courses cover professional ethics, assessment and referral
procedures, and the use of adaptive and medical equipment. In addi­

tion, 360 hours of internship under the supervision of a certified ther­
apeutic recreation specialist are required.
Recreational therapists should be comfortable working with dis­
abled people and be patient, tactful, and persuasive. Ingenuity and
imagination are needed in adapting activities to individual needs and
good physical coordination is necessary when demonstrating or par­
ticipating in recreational events.
Job Outlook

Employment of recreational therapists is expected to grow faster than
the average for all occupations through the year 2005, because of
anticipated expansion in long-term care, physical and psychiatric
rehabilitation, and services for the disabled.
Hospitals will provide a large number of recreational therapy jobs
through the year 2005. A growing number of these will be in hospitalbased adult day care and out-patient programs, or in units offering
short-term mental health and alcohol or drug abuse services. Long-term
rehabilitation and psychiatric hospitals will provide additional jobs.
The rapidly growing number of older people is expected to spur
job growth for activity directors in nursing homes, retirement com­
munities, adult day care programs, and social service agencies. Con­
tinued growth is expected in community residential facilities as well
as day care programs for people with disablities.
Job prospects are expected to be favorable for those with a strong
clinical background.

Average earnings for recreation therapists in the Federal Govern­
ment were $30,559 a year in 1991.
In nursing homes, recreational therapists are often classified as
activity directors. According to limited data from a survey conducted
by the National Association of Activity Professionals, the average
salary of activity directors in nursing homes was between $15,000
and $25,000 a year in 1990.
Related Occupations

Recreational therapists design activities to help people with disabili­
ties lead more fulfilling and independent lives. Other workers who
have similar jobs are orientation therapists for the blind, art thera­
pists, drama therapists, dance therapists, music therapists, occupa­
tional therapists, and rehabilitation counselors.
Sources of Additional Information
For information on how to order materials describing careers and aca­
demic programs in recreational therapy, write to:
•" American Therapeutic Recreation Association, C.O. Associated Manage­
ment Systems, P.O. Box 15215, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-5215.
National Therapeutic Recreation Society, a branch of the National Recre­
ation and Park Association, 3101 Park Center Dr., Alexandria, VA 22302.

Certification information may be obtained from:
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, 49 South Main
St., Suite 001, Spring Valley, NY 10977.

Registered Nurses
(D.O.T. 075.124-010 and -014, .127-014, -018, -022, -026, and -030, .137­
010, .264-010 and -014, .371-010, .374-010, -014, -018, and -022)

Nature of the Work


Recreational therapists use sports and other activities to treat patients.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Registered nurses (R.N.’s) care for the sick and injured and help peo­
ple stay well. They are typically concerned with the “whole person,”
providing for the physical, mental, and emotional needs of their
patients. They observe, assess, and record symptoms, reactions, and
progress; assist physicians during treatments and examinations;
administer medications; assist in convalescence and rehabilitation;
instruct patients and their families in proper care; and help individu­
als and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health. While
State laws govern the tasks R.N.’s may perform, it is usually the work
setting which determines day-to-day job duties.

Hospital nurses form the largest group of nurses. Most are staff
nurses, who provide bedside nursing care and carry out the medical
regimen prescribed by physicians. They may also supervise licensed
practical nurses and aides. Hospital nurses usually are assigned to one
area such as surgery, maternity, pediatrics, emergency room, intensive
care, or treatment of cancer patients or may rotate among departments.
Nursing home nurses manage nursing care for residents with con­
ditions ranging from a fracture to Alzheimer’s disease. Although they
generally spend most of their time on administrative and supervisory
tasks, R.N.’s also assess residents’ medical condition, develop treat­
ment plans, supervise licensed practical nurses and nursing aides, and
perform difficult procedures such as starting intravenous fluids. They
also work in specialty-care departments providing services such as
long-term rehabilitaion for stroke and head injury patients.
Public health nurses work in government and private agencies and
clinics, schools, retirement communities and other community set­
tings. They instruct individuals and families and other groups in
health education, disease prevention, nutrition, childcare, and home
care of the sick or handicapped. They arrange for immunizations,
blood pressure testing, and other health screening. These nurses also
work with community leaders, teachers, parents, and physicians in
community health education. Some work in home health care, pro­
viding periodic services prescribed by a physician and instructing
patients and families.
Private duty nurses care for patients needing constant attention.
They work directly for families on a contract basis or for a nursing or
temporary help agency which assigns them to patients. They provide
services in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers.
Office nurses assist physicians in private practice, clinics, surgicenters, emergency medical centers, and health maintenance organi­
zations (HMO’s). They prepare patients for and assist with
examinations, administer injections and medications, dress wounds
and incisions, assist with minor surgery, and maintain records. Some
also perform routine laboratory and office work.
Occupational health or industrial nurses provide nursing care at
worksites, to employees, customers, and others with minor injuries
and illnesses. They provide emergency care, prepare accident reports,
and arrange for further care if necessary. They also offer health coun­
seling, assist with health examinations and inoculations, and work on
accident prevention programs.
Head nurses or nurse supervisors direct nursing activities. They
plan work schedules and assign duties to nurses and aides, provide or
arrange for training, and visit patients and observe nurses to insure
that care is properly carried out. They may also insure that records
are maintained and that equipment and supplies are ordered.
Working Conditions

Most nurses work in well-lighted, comfortable medical facilities.
Public health nurses travel, in all types of weather, to patients’
homes and to schools, community centers, and other sites. Nurses
need physical stamina because they spend considerable time walk­
ing and standing. They need emotional stability to cope with human
suffering, emergencies, and other stresses. Nurses work closely with
but subordinate to physicians. Because patients in hospitals and
nursing homes require care at all times, nurses in these institutions
may work nights, weekends, and holidays. Office, occupational
health, and public health nurses are more likely to work regular
business hours.
Nursing has its hazards, especially in hospitals and clinics where
nurses may care for individuals with infectious diseases such as hep­
atitis and AIDS. Nurses must observe rigid guidelines to guard
against these and other dangers such as radiation, chemicals used for
sterilization of instruments, and anesthesics. In addition, nurses face
back injury when moving patients, shocks from electrical equipment,
and hazards posed by compressed gases.

Registered nurses held about 1,727,000 jobs in 1990. About 2 out of
3 jobs were in hospitals. Others were in offices of physicians, nursing
homes, temporary help agencies, schools, and government agencies.
About one-fourth of all R.N.’s worked part time.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R.N.'s in hospitals may work nights, weekends, and holidays.

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

To obtain a nursing license, all States require graduation from an
accredited nursing school and passing a national licensing examina­
tion. Nurses may be licensed in more than one State, either by
examination or endorsement of a license issued by another State.
Licenses must be periodically renewed, and continuing education is
a requirement for renewal in some States.
In 1989, there were 1,457 entry level R.N. programs. There are
three major educational paths to nursing: Associate degree
(A.D.N.), diploma, and bachelor of science degree in nursing
(B.S.N.). A.D.N. programs, offered by community and junior col­
leges, take about 2 years. More than 60 percent of graduates in 1989
were from A.D.N. programs. B.S.N. programs, offered by colleges
and universities, take 4 or 5 years. More than 30 percent of gradu­
ates in 1989 were from these programs. Diploma programs, given in
hospitals, last 2 to 3 years. A small and declining number of gradu­
ates come from these programs. Generally, licensed graduates of
any of the three program types qualify for entry level positions as
staff nurses.
There have been attempts to raise the educational requirements
for an R.N. license to a bachelor’s degree and, possibly, create new
job titles. However, such proposals have been around for years.
These changes, should they occur, will be made State by State,
through legislation or regulation. Changes in licensure requirements
would not affect currently licensed R.N.’s, who would be “grandfa­
thered” in, no matter what their educational preparation. However,
individuals considering nursing should carefully weigh the pros and
cons of enrolling in a B.S.N. program, since advancement opportu­
nities are broader for those with a B.S.N. In fact, some career paths
are open only to nurses with bachelor’s or advanced degrees.
While A.D.N. or diploma preparation is enough for a nursing
home nurse to advance to director of nursing, baccalaureate prepara­
tion is generally necessary for supervisory or administrative posi­
tions in hospitals and for positions in community nursing and home
health care. Moreover, the B.S.N. is a prerequisite for admission to
graduate nursing programs. So individuals considering research,
consulting, teaching, and clinical specializations, which require
graduate training, should take a B.S.N. program.
A growing number of A.D.N. and diploma-trained nurses are enter­
ing baccalaureate programs to prepare for a broader scope of nursing
practice. Since many hospitals have tuition reimbursement programs,
individuals with limited resources can get a 2-year degree, find a hos­
pital position, and let their employer finance a B.S.N.

Nursing education include classroom instruction and supervised
training in hospitals and other health facilities. Students take courses
in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychol­
ogy and other behavioral sciences, and nursing.
Supervised clinical experience is provided in hospital depart­
ments such as pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery. A growing num­
ber of programs include courses in gerontological nursing and
clinical practice in nursing homes. Some provide clinical training in
public health departments and home health agencies.
Nurses should be caring and sympathetic. They must be able to
accept responsibility and direct or supervise others; they must be
able to follow orders precisely and have the judgment to determine
when consultation is required.
Promotion to increasingly responsible jobs is possible through
experience and good performance. Nurses can advance, in manage­
ment, to assistant head nurse or head nurse. From there, advance­
ment to assistant director, director, and vice president positions is
possible. Increasingly, management level nursing positions require a
graduate degree in nursing or health services administration. They
require leadership and negotiation skills. Graduate programs prepar­
ing executive level nurses usually last 1 to 2 years.
Within patient care, advancement may mean becoming a clinical
nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, nurse clinician, nurse midwife,
or nurse anesthetist. For these, 1 or 2 years of graduate education,
leading to a certificate or master’s degree, is required.
Some nurses move into the business side of health care. Their
nursing expertise and experience on a health care team equip them
to manage ambulatory, acute, home health, and chronic care ser­
vices. Some are employed by health care corporations in health
planning and development, marketing, and quality assurance.
Job Outlook

Job prospects in nursing should be very good for some time. Hospi­
tals in many parts of the country are reporting shortages of R.N.’s,
although shortages appear to be lessening. In addition, R.N. recruit­
ment has long been a problem in rural areas, in some big city hospi­
tals, and in specialty areas including intensive care, medical-surgical
nursing, rehabilitation, geriatrics, and long-term care.

More than a quarter of the 2.9 million new
jobs in health care occupations will be for
registered nurses.

Flow long the shortage of nurses will persist is difficult to say.
Employers have been forced to compete for their share of RNs by
increasing salaries and benefits. They also have reduced demand by
hiring support staff to perform lesser skilled or non-nursing duties
and taken other measures to make more efficient use of nurses. At
the same time, reports of excellent job prospects and rising wages
have caused enrollments in nursing programs to increase. Eventual­
ly, more new graduates and employers’ efforts should create a bal­
ance between jobseekers and openings.
Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow much faster
than the average for all occupations through the year 2005. Driving
this growth will be technological advances in patient care, which
permit a greater number of medical problems to be treated. Also, the
number of older people, who are much more likely than younger
people to need medical care, is projected to grow very rapidly.
Employment in hospitals, the largest sector, is expected to grow
only as fast as average. While the intensity of nursing care is likely
to increase, requiring more nurses per patient, the number of inpa­
tients (those who remain overnight) is not likely to increase much.
Also, patients are being released earlier and more procedures are
being done on an outpatient basis, both in and outside hospitals.
Most rapid growth is expected in hosptals’ outpatient facilities.
Employment in physicians’ offices and clinics, including HMO’s,
ambulatory surgicenters, and emergency medical centers is expected
to grow very rapidly as health care in general expands. In addition,
an increasing proportion of sophisticated procedures, which once
were performed only in hospitals, are being performed here, thanks
largely to advances in technology.
Home health care is also becoming an increasingly important
source of employment. This is in response to the prevalence of func­
tional disabilities among older persons, consumer preference for
care in the home, and technological advances which make it possi­
ble to bring increasingly complex treatments into the home.
Employment in nursing homes is expected to grow very fast due
to the projected sharp increase in the number of people in their
eighties and nineties, many of whom will require long-term care. In
addition, the financial pressure on hospitals to release patients as
soon as possible should produce more nursing home admissions for
posthospital care. People recovering from surgery, stroke, or other
major episodes will stay in nursing homes for a relatively brief time
but will continue to require the services of an R.N. to provide such
intensive services as intravenous therapy and respirator support.
Growth in units to provide specialized long-term rehabilitation for
stroke and head injury patients or to treat alzheimer’s victims will
also increase employment.

All other health
care operations

Staff nurses employed full-time in private hospitals averaged $16.20
an hour, excluding premium pay for overtime and for work on
weekends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Among 19
metropolitan areas studied separately, earnings ranged from $15.17
in Dallas to $21.82 in San Francisco. Part-time staff nurses averaged
$17.14 an hour. Full-time head nurses averaged $19.83 an hour,
clinical specialists, $21.02, nurse practitioners, 21.63, and nurse
anesthetists, $29.19.
R.N. staff nurses in nursing homes earned $12.96 an hour in
1991, according to a survey by the Hospital Compensation Service,
Hawthorne, NJ.
Many employers are offering flexible work schedules, child care,
educational benefits, bonuses, and other incentives.
Related Occupations

Workers in other occupations with responsibilities and duties related
to those of registered nurses include occupational therapists,
paramedics, physical therapists, physician assistants, and respiratory
Includes health diagnosing, assessment, technician, and service
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Sources of Additional Information

The National League for Nursing (NLN) publishes a variety of nurs­
ing and nursing education materials, including a list of nursing
schools and information on student financial aid. For a complete list

of NLN publications, write for a career information brochure. Send
your request to:
» Communications Department, National League for Nursing, 350 Hudson
St., New York, NY 10014.

For a brochure entitled Is Nursing for You?, send $1 to:
National Student Nurses’ Association, 555 West 57th St., Suite 1325,
New York, NY 10019.

Information on career opportunities as a registered nurse is avail­
able from:
American Nurses’ Association, 2420 Pershing Rd., Kansas City, MO

Information about employment opportunities in Veterans Admin­
istration medical centers is available from local Veterans Adminis­
tration medical centers and also from:
Title 38 Employment Division (054D), Veterans Administration, 810 Ver­
mont Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20420.

For information on nursing careers in hospitals, contact:
»■ American Hospital Association, Division of Nursing, 840 North Lake
Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60611.

Respiratory therapists perform chest physiotherapy on patients
who need help with removing mucus from their lungs to make it easi­
er for them to breathe. For example, during surgery, anesthesia
depresses respiration, so this treatment may be prescribed to help get
the patient’s lungs back to normal and prevent congestion. Chest
physiotherapy also is used on patients suffering from lung diseases,
such as cystic fibrosis, that cause increased amounts of sticky mucus
to collect in the lungs. Therapists place patients in positions to help
drain mucus from the lungs. Then they thump and vibrate patients’
rib cages and instruct patients to cough.
Respiratory therapists also administer aerosols_generally liquid
medications suspended in a gas that forms a mist which is inhaled.
Sometimes they teach patients how to administer aerosols them­
selves. They always must instruct patients how to inhale the aerosol
properly to assure its effectiveness.
Other duties include keeping records of the materials used and
charges to patients. Some therapists teach or supervise other respira­
tory therapy personnel too.

For a copy of Health Careers in Long-Term Care, write:
«■ American Health Care Association, 1201 L St. NW., Washington, DC

Respiratory Therapists
(D.O.T. 079.361)

Nature of the Work

A person may live without water for a few days and without food for
a few weeks. But without oxygen, a person will suffer serious brain
damage within a few minutes and death after 9 minutes or more. Res­
piratory therapists, also known as respiratory care practitioners, eval­
uate, treat, and care for patients with breathing disorders.
In evaluating patients, therapists test the capacity of the lungs and
analyze the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration and potential of
hydrogen (pH), a measure of the acidity or alkalinity level of the
blood. To measure lung capacity, therapists have patients breathe into
an instrument that measures the volume and flow of air during inhala­
tion and exhalation. By comparing the reading with the norm for the
patient’s age, height, weight, and sex, respiratory therapists can deter­
mine whether lung deficiencies exist. To analyze oxygen, carbon diox­
ide, and pH levels, therapists need an arterial blood sample, which
they generally draw themselves. Respiratory therapists place the sam­
ple in a blood gas analyzer, and relay the results to the physician.
Respiratory therapists treat all sorts of patients, be they premature
infants whose lungs are not fully developed or elderly people whose
lungs are diseased. Their treatment may give temporary relief to
patients with chronic asthma or emphysema to emergency care for
heart failure, stroke, drowning, or shock victims. For treatments, res­
piratory therapists most commonly use oxygen or oxygen mixtures,
chest physiotherapy, and aerosol medications. Therapists may place
an oxygen mask or nasal cannula on a patient and set the oxygen flow
at the level prescribed by the physician to increase a patient’s concen­
tration of oxygen. Therapists also connect patients who cannot
breathe on their own to ventilators which deliver pressurized air into
the lungs. They insert a tube into a patient’s trachea, or windpipe:
connect the tube to the ventilator; and set the rate, volume, and oxy­
gen concentration of the air entering the patient’s lungs. Therapists
regularly check on patients and equipment. If the patient appears to
be having difficulty or if the oxygen, carbon dioxide, or pfl level of
the blood is abnormal, they change the ventilator setting according
the doctor’s order. In addition, therapists continually check equip­
ment to ensure that there are no mechanical problems. In homecare,
therapists teach patients and their families how to use the mechanical
ventilators and other life support systems. Respiratory therapists visit
several times a month to inspect and clean the equipment and ensure
its proper use. Therapists also serve as troubleshooters, making emer­
gency visits if equipment problems arise.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Working Conditions

Respiratory therapists generally work a 40-hour week. Because hos­
pitals operate around the clock, therapists may work evenings, nights,
or weekends. Respiratory therapists spend long periods standing and
walking between patients’ rooms. In an emergency, they work under
a great deal of stress. Gases used by respiratory therapists are poten­
tially hazardous because they are used and stored under pressure.
However, adherence to safety precautions and regular maintenance
and testing of equipment minimize the risk of injury. As with many
health occupations, respiratory therapists who perform blood gas
analysis run a risk of catching an infectious disease, such as AIDS,
from accidental pricking of a needle. Careful adherence to proper
procedures minimizes the risk.

Respiratory therapists held about 60,000 jobs in 1990. About 9 out of
10 jobs were located in hospitals in departments of respiratory care,
anesthesiology, or pulmonary medicine. Durable medical equipment
rental companies, home health agencies, and nursing homes account­
ed for most of the remaining jobs.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Formal training is necessary for entry to this field. Training is offered
at the postsecondary level by hospitals, medical schools, colleges and
universities, trade schools, vocational-technical institutes, and the
Armed Forces. Some programs prepare graduates for jobs as respira­
tory therapists; other, shorter programs lead to jobs as respiratory
therapy technicians. In 1990, 271 programs for respiratory therapists
were accredited by the Committee on Allied Health Education and
Accreditation (CAHEA) of the American Medical Association.
Another 170 programs offered CAHEA-accredited preparation for
respiratory therapy technicians.


Respiratory therapists regularly check on patients with lung problems.

Formal training programs vary in length and in the credential or
degree awarded. Most of the CAHEA-accredited therapist programs
last 2 years and lead to an associate degree. Some, however, are 4year programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree. Technician programs
last about 1 year, and graduates are awarded certificates. Areas of
study for respiratory therapist programs include human anatomy and
physiology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, and mathematics.
Technical courses deal with procedures, equipment, and clinical tests.
People who want to enter this field should be sensitive to patients’
physical and psychological needs. Respiratory care workers must pay
attention to detail, follow instructions, and work as part of a team.
Operating complicated respiratory therapy equipment requires
mechanical ability and manual dexterity.
High school students interested in a career in respiratory care are
encouraged to take courses in health, biology, mathematics, chemistry,
and physics. Respiratory care involves basic mathematical problem­
solving—an ability to use percentages, fractions, logarithms, exponents,
and algebraic equations. An understanding of chemical and physical
principles such as general gas laws, the states of matter, chemical reac­
tions at the atomic level, and the periodic table is also important. Com­
puting medication dosages and calculating gas concentrations are just
two examples of the need for knowledge of science and mathematics.
Licensure, certification, and registration are methods used to assure
the skill and competence of health personnel. Licensure refers to the
process by which a government agency authorizes individuals to
engage in a given occupation or use a particular job title. Thirty-three
States license respiratory care personnel.
The National Board for Respiratory Care offers voluntary certifica­
tion and registration. Two credentials are awarded to respiratory care
practitioners who satisfy the requirements: Certified Respiratory
Therapy Technician (CRTT) and Registered Respiratory Therapist
(RRT). A distinctive feature of the credentialling process in respirato­
ry care is that everyone, therapists and technicians, starts out by
becoming a CRTT. Graduates of 2- and 4-year programs in respirato­
ry therapy, as well as graduates of 1-year technician programs, begin
by taking the CRTT examination. Regardless of the type of program,
it must have CAHEA accreditation. A separate examination, open
only to CRTT’s who meet the education and experience requirements,
leads to the award of the RRT.
Most employers require that applicants for entry level or generalist
positions hold the CRTT or be CRTT-eligible, that is, eligible to take
the certification examination. Positions in intensive care specialties,
and those that involve supervisory duties, usually require the RRT (or
RRT eligibility).
Respiratory therapists advance in clinical practice by moving from
care of ’’general” to ’’critical” patients, whom have significant prob­
lems in other organ systems such as the heart or kidneys. Respiratory
therapists may also advance to supervisory or managerial positions.
With additional education or experience, promotion to the position of
director of the respiratory therapy department is a possibility. Respi­
ratory therapists in home care and equipment rental firms may
become branch managers.
Many therapists have found careers as instructors in respiratory
therapy education programs and in hospitals. With additional aca­
demic preparation, they may advance to program professors or direc­
tors. Others leave the occupation to work as sales representatives or
as equipment designers for equipment manufacturers.

require the services of respiratory care practitioners. Projected rapid
growth in the number of patients with AIDS will also boost demand
for respiratory care since lung disease so often accompanies AIDS.
Developments within the profession will affect the kinds of skills
in greatest demand. Neonatal care and cardiopulmonary care have
already emerged as distinct specialties, and opportunities appear to
be highly favorable for respiratory therapists with the requisite
Very rapid growth is expected in home health agencies, equipment
rental companies, and firms that provide respiratory care on a con­
tract basis. Technological advances and changes in third-party (Medi­
care and insurance companies) payments should allow more
respiratory care to be provided at home. Because of reimbursement
policies, especially strong growth is expected in durable medical
equipment firms which rent respiratory equipment. However, it is
important to bear in mind that the very rapidly growing field of home
health care accounts for a relatively small share of respiratory therapy
jobs. As in other occupations, most job openings will result from the
need to replace workers who transfer to other jobs or stop working

Job Outlook

Nature of the Work

Employment of respiratory therapists is expected to increase much
faster than the average for all occupations through the year 2005
because of substantial growth of the middle-aged and elderly popula­
tion, a development that is virtually certain to heighten the incidence
of cardiopulmonary disease.
The elderly are the most common sufferers from respiratory ail­
ments and cardiopulmonary diseases such as pneumonia, chronic
bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease. As their numbers
increase, the need for respiratory therapists to care for them will
increase as well. In addition, advances in treating victims of heart
attacks, accident victims, and premature infants (many of whom
may be dependent on a ventilator during part of their treatment) will

Speech-language pathologists assess and treat persons with speech,
language, voice, and fluency disorders, while audiologists assess and
treat those with hearing and related disorders.
Speech-language pathologists work with people who can not make
speech sounds, or can not make them clearly; those with speech
rhythm and fluency problems, such as stuttering; people with speech
quality problems, such as inappropriate pitch or harsh voice; and
those with problems understanding and producing language. They
may also work with people who have oral motor problems that cause
eating and swallowing difficulties. Speech and language problems
may result from causes such as hearing loss, brain injury or deteriora­
tion, cerebral palsy, stroke, cleft palate, voice pathology, mental retar­
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Respiratory therapists who work full-time in private hospitals aver­
aged $12.60 an hour, excluding premium pay for overtime and for
work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts in January 1991. Average
hourly earnings ranged from $11.48 in Fort Worth-Arlington to
$18.02 in San Francisco. Therapists who worked part-time averaged
Related Occupations

Respiratory therapists, under the supervision of a physician, adminis­
ter respiratory care and life support to patients with heart and lung
difficulties. Other workers who care for, treat, or train people to
improve their physical condition include dialysis technicians, regis­
tered nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and radia­
tion therapy technologists.
Sources of Additional Information
Information concerning a career in respiratory care is available from:
American Association for Respiratory Care, 11030 Abies Ln., Dallas, TX

Information on gaining credentials as a respiratory therapy practi­
tioner can be obtained from:
The National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc., 8310 Nieman Rd., Lenexa,
KS 66214.

For the current list of CAHEA-accredited educational programs for
respiratory therapy occupations, write:
Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education, 1701 W.
Euless Blvd., Suite 200, Euless, TX 76040.

Speech-Language Pathologists
and Audiologists
(D.O.T. 076.101, .104, and .107)


dation, or emotional problems. Speech-language pathologists use spe­
cial instruments, as well as written and oral tests, to determine the
nature and extent of impairment, and to record and analyze speech
irregularities. For individuals with little or no speech, speech-lan­
guage pathologists select alternative communication systems, includ­
ing automated devices and sign language, and teach their use. They
teach other patients how to make sounds, improve their voices, or
increase their language skills.
Audiologists work with people who have hearing and related prob­
lems. They use audiometers and other testing devices to measure the
loudness at which a person begins to hear sounds, their ability to dis­
tinguish between sounds, and other tests of the nature and extent of
their hearing loss. Audiologists may coordinate these results with
medical, educational, and psychological information, make a diagno­
sis, and determine a course of treatment. Treatment may include exam­
ining and cleaning the ear canal, the fitting of a hearing aid, auditory
training, and instruction in speech or lip reading. They may also rec­
ommend use of amplifiers and alerting devices. Audiologists also test
noise levels in workplaces and conduct hearing protection programs.
Most speech-language pathologists and audiologists provide direct
clinical services to individuals with communication disorders. In
speech, language, and hearing clinics, they may independently devel­
op and carry out a treatment program. In medical facilities, they may
work with physicians, social workers, psychologists, and other thera­
pists to develop and execute a treatment plan. Speech-language
pathology and audiology personnel in schools also develop individual
or group programs, counsel parents, and assist teachers with class­
room activities, to meet the needs of children with speech, language,
or hearing disorders.
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists keep records on the
initial evaluation, progress, and discharge of clients. This helps pin­
point problems, tracks client progress, and justifies the cost of treat­
ment when applying for reimbursement. They counsel individuals
and their families about communication disorders and how to cope
with the stress and misunderstanding that often accompany them.
They also work with family members to recognize and change behav­
ior patterns that impede communication and treatment, and show
them communication-enhancing techniques to use at home.
Some speech-language pathologists and audiologists conduct
research on how people speak and hear. Others design and develop
equipment or techniques for diagnosing and treating problems.
Working Conditions

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists spend most of their
time at a desk or table in clean comfortable surroundings. The job is
not physically demanding, but does require attention to detail and
intense concentration. The emotional needs of clients and their fami­
lies may be demanding and there may be frustration when clients do
not improve. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists who
work on a contract basis may spend a substantial amount of time trav­
eling between facilities.

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists held about 68,000
jobs in 1990. About one-half provided services in preschools, ele­
mentary and secondary schools, or colleges and universities. More
than 10 percent were in hospitals. Others were in offices of physi­
cians; offices of speech-language pathologists and audiologists;
speech, language, and hearing centers; home health care agencies;
and other facilities. Some were in private practice, working either as
solo practitioners or in a group practice.
Some experienced speech-language pathologists or audiologists
contract to provide services in schools, hospitals, or nursing homes or
work as consultants to industry.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

A master’s degree in speech-language pathology or audiology is the
standard credential in this field. Of the 40 States that license audiolo­
gists, and the 39 States that license speech-language pathologists, all
require a master’s degree or equivalent; 275 to 300 hours of super­
vised clinical experience; a passing score on a national examination;
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

More than one-half of speech-language pathologists and audiologists
work in schools.
and 9 months of post-graduate professional experience. For licensure
renewal, 20 states have continuing education requirements. Medicaid,
Medicare, and private insurers generally require a license to qualify
for reimbursement.
In schools, people with bachelor’s degrees in speech-language
pathology may work with children who have communication prob­
lems. They may have to be certified by the State educational agency,
and may be classified as special education teachers rather than
speech-language pathologists or audiologists. Recent Federal legisla­
tion requires speech-language pathologists in school systems to have
a minimum of a master’s degree or equivalent. All States require
audiologists to hold a master’s degree or equivalent.
About 230 colleges and universities offered master’s programs in
speech-language pathology and audiology in 1991. Courses cover
anatomy and physiology of the areas involved in speech, language,
and hearing; the development of normal speech, language, and hear­
ing and the nature of disorders; acoustics; and psychological aspects
of communication. Graduate students also learn to evaluate and treat
speech, language, and hearing disorders and receive supervised clini­
cal training in communication disorders.
Those with a master’s degree can acquire the Certificate of Clinical
Competence (CCC) offered by the American Speech-Language-Hear­
ing Association. To earn the CCC, a person must have a master’s
degree, have 300 hours of supervised clinical experience, complete a
9-month post-graduate internship, and pass a national written exami­
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists should be able to
effectively communicate test results, diagnoses, and proposed treat­
ment in a manner easily understood by their clients. They also need
to be able to approach problems objectively and provide support to
clients and their families. Patience and compassion are important
since a client’s progress may be slow.
With experience, some salaried speech-language pathologists and
audiologists enter private practice; others become directors or admin­
istrators of services in schools, hospitals, health departments, and
clinics. Some become researchers.
Job Outlook

Employment of speech-language pathologists and audiologists is
expected to increase faster than the average for all occupations
through the year 2005. Their employment in the health care industry
is projected to grow faster than the average for all occupations, while
employment in education is expected to grow only as fast as the aver­
Employment in the health care industry will increase as a result of
several factors. Because hearing loss is strongly associated with older
age, rapid growth in the population age 75 and over will cause the
number of hearing-impaired persons to increase rapidly. In addition,
baby boomers are now entering middle age, when the possibility of
neurological disorders and their associated speech, language and

hearing impairments, increases. Medical advances are also improving
the survival rate of trauma victims, who then need treatment.
The number of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in
private practice, though small, is likely to rise sharply by the year
2005. Encouraging this growth is the increasing use of contract ser­
vices by hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.
Employment in schools will increase as elementary and secondary
school enrollments grow. Recent Federal legislation guaranteeing
special education and related services to all eligible children with dis­
abilities, while originally designed for school-age children, was
recently extended to include children from 3 to 5 years of age. This
legislation will also increase employment in day care centers, rehabil­
itation centers, and hospitals.

about $38,000, while experienced audiologists earned about $42,000.
Salaries also vary according to geographic location.
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists in hospitals and
medical schools earned a median annual salary of about $30,500,
according to a 1990 survey conducted by the University of Texas
Medical Branch.
Related Occupations

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists specialize in the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of speech, language, and hearing
problems. Workers in other rehabilitation occupations include occu­
pational therapists, physical therapists, recreational therapists, and
rehabilitation counselors.
Sources of Additional Information


According to a 1990 survey by the American Speech-Language­
Hearing Association, the median annual salary for speech-language
pathologists with 1 to 3 years experience was about $25,000; for
audiologists, it was about $26,000. Speech-language pathologists
with 16 years or more experience earned a median annual salary of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

State departments of education can supply information on certifica­
tion requirements for those who wish to work in public schools.
General information on speech-language pathology and audiology
is available from:
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 10801 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, MD 20852.


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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Regional Offices listed on the inside front cover, or the
Division of Occupational Outlook, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Washington, DC 20212.

Related Publications
Projections and
Training Data



A Statistical and Research Supplement
to the 1092-93 Occupational Outlook Handbook
U.S. Department ot Labor
Bureau ot Labor Statistics
April 1992
Bulletin 2401


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BLS Bulletin 2401

BLS Bulletin 2402

Occupational Projections and Training
Data, 1992 Edition

Outlook 1990-2005

This supplement to the Occupational Outlook Handbook pro­
vides the statistical and technical data supporting the infor­
mation presented in the Handbook. Education and training
planners, career counselors, and jobseekers can find valu­
able information that ranks occupations by employment
growth, earnings, susceptibility to unemployment, separation
rates, and part-time work.

Every 2 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics produces
detailed projections of the U.S. economy and labor force. This
bulletin presents the Bureau’s latest analyses of economic
and industrial growth, the labor force, and trends in occupa­
tional employment into the 21st century. An overview article
focuses on important issues raised by these projections.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

At press time, prices for
these publications were not
available. For prices and
ordering information, contact
any of the Bureau of Labor
Statistics Regional Offices
listed on the inside of the
front cover, or the Division of
Occupational Outlook,
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Washington, DC 20212.

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The Society for Technical Communication
Washington, DC Chapter
presents this


Melvin Fountain
Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Summer 1987

submitted to the 1987-1988 Technical Communications

'HuiilL a.£TU*e
Chapter President







Graphic Design
in the Age
of Computers
OUTLOOK: 1990-2005

in Style. ..
Excellence. The Occupational
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in Value.

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For only $6.50 you will receive
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Just what you need
to help people make a career
decision. Each issue is must
reading for career guidance
counselors, students, and
employment specialists who
want the latest word on
careers from the Bureau
of Labor Statistics.

Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

For sale by the
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402.
One-year subscription: $6.50;
2-year subscription: $13.00;
single issue: $2.50.
Make check payable to the
Superintendent of Documents,
and send to New Orders,
Superintendent of Documents,
P.O. Box 371954,
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.