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OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY OF SCIENTISTS A STU DY of C H EM IST S B IO L O G IS T S an d P H Y SIC IST S w ith PH.D. DEGREES Bulletin UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Martin P. D u r k i n , OF LABOR BUREAU Secretary UNITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In Ewan Cooperation STATES OF LABOR Clague, with. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1121 STATISTICS Com m issioner OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY OF SCIENTISTS A STUDYof CHEMISTS BIOLOGISTS and PHYSICISTS with PH.D. DEGREES For sale by the Superintendent of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D O TTED STA TE! Ewan Clague, Com missioner February 1 9 5 3 In cooperation with UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 35 cents LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor S ta tistic s, Washington, D.C., February25, 1953, The Secretary of Labor: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the occupational m obility of chemists, b io lo g ists, and p h y sicists, holding‘Ph.D. degrees. The study was conducted in the Bureau’s Division of Manpower and Employment S ta tistic s in cooperation with the United States Department of Defense. The coordinating agency of the Department of Defense was the Manpower Branch, Human Resources D ivision, O ffice of Naval Research. The study was conducted and prepared by Theresa R. Shapiro. Ewan Clague, Commissioner. Hon. Martin P. Durkin, Secretary of Labor. ii CONTENTS Introduction . . .......................................... . . ..................................................... Summary and conclusions .................................... ........................ ............ .... • • Scope and method ......................................................... .................................... The sc ie n tists s tu d ie d ...................................................................... Measurement of m o b ility ........... ............................................................. Transfers between fie ld s of sp ecialisation ........................................... The number of fie ld s in which the sc ie n tists had w orked.... Patterns of transfer between sp ecia lties ..................................... F irst and second sp ecia lties aS indicators o f exp erien ce... The sp ecia lties of the f ir s t j o b s ......... .................................... Role of education in determining s c ie n tis ts sp e cia ltie s . . Some im plications ......................... Transfers between functions .......................................................................... The extent of functional mobility'...................................................... Patterns of functional movemens ........................................................ Transfers between types of employers ........................................................ Geographic m obility ............................................................................................ Geographic movement as students .......................................... Migration as em ployees.............. Comparison of State of employment with State o f education.. State and regional gains and lo sses ............................................... Appendix.................................................................................................. Occupational outlook and related publications of the Bureau of Labor S ta tistic s ........................... Page 1 1 6 6 10 14 15 19 22 25 27 30 31 32 35 38 45 45 47 49 51 54 61 TEXT T A BLES 1. 2. 3. 4* 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. F ields of current employment of the sc ie n tists in the study, 1948 .................................................................................................................... Types of employers for whom sc ie n tists were working, by fie ld of highest competence, 1948 ...................................................... Region of current employment o f scien tists 3n the study and of a ll Ph.D. chemists, b io lo g ists, and p h y sicists, X94<5 . . . . D istribution o f sc ie n tists according to number of jobs and number o f employers included in the s tu d y ...................... Age of s c ie n tis ts , by number o f jobs included in the stu d y.. Total number of employers for whom sc ie n tists had worked and proportion of these employers covered by the study ........... Number of general fie ld s of sp ecialisation in which scien t is t s were employed on jobs included in the s tu d y ............. Number of sp ecific fie ld s of sp ecialization in which scien t is t s were employed on jobs included in the s tu d y ............. General fie ld s of sp ecialization in which sc ie n tists worked on a ll jobs included in study, by fie ld of sc ie n tists' current employment................. ............................................................. Hi 7 8 9 11 12 13 16 18 20 iv TEXT TABLES-CONTINUED Page Number of jobs scientists held in specific fields of highest com petence................f ............................................ Percent of jobs included in study which were in the scien t is t s ' fie ld s of highest and second highest competence.* Comparison of sc ie n tists' fie ld of highest competence with th eir fie ld of sp ecialization on f ir s t job .......................... Comparison of major subjects for doctor's and bachelor's degrees .................................................................................................... S cien tists with bachelor's and doctor's degrees in same major subject, by interval between award of bachelor's and doctor's degree ............. ............................................................. Comparison of major subjects for bachelor's and doctor's degrees with sc ie n tists' general fie ld s of highest com petence ............................................................................................ Current functions performed by scientists in study, by fie ld of highest competence, 1948 ......................... .. Number o f functions performed by sc ie n tists on jobs in cluded in s tu d y ......................*........................................................... Number of functions performed by scientists on jobs in cluded in study, by current function .................. Comparison of previous functions with present function,for sc ie n tists with 3 or 4 jobs in th is study ........................ Number of types of employers for whom scientists worked on jobs included in s t u d y .... ............................ Number of types of employers for whom scientists worked on jobs included in study, by type of current employer .... Types of employers for whom sc ie n tists worked on second job in study compared with type o f employer on f ir s t job . . . Types of employers for whom sc ie n tists worked on third job in study compared with type of employer on fourth job .. Percent of sc ie n tists who received Ph.D.'s in same State as bachelor's degree, and percent currently employed in State of bachelor's degree « . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percent of sc ie n tists receiving Ph.D. in same region as bachelor's degree, by region ........................................................ Number o f States in which sc ie n tists worked on jobs in cluded in s tu d y .................................................................................. Comparison o f State of f ir s t professional job and current employment with State of bachelor's and doctor's degrees Number of sc ie n tists granted bachelor's or doctor's degrees or currently employed in each region ....................................... Number o f sc ie n tists granted a;bachelor's or doctor's de gree or currently employed in each State, 1948 .................. 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 36 39 40 A3 AA 46 47 48 50 51 52 y APPENDIX TABLES Page A. B. C. D. E. Specific fields of specialization in which scientists cur rently employed in chemistry, physics, and biology, worked on all their jobs included in the s t u d y ........ Comparison of major subjects for doctor's and bachelor's degrees ................... ............................ Major subject for Ph.D., by specific field of highest com petence ................... .......................... . Function on first job by current function, of scientists having 3 or jobs in study ..................... . State of Ph.D., by State of bachelor's degree for scien tists receiving Ph.D. and bacnelor's degrees in dif ferent States ............................ ............. A 55 57 53 59 60 INTRODUCTION The study of occupational mobi lity can have a wide variety of pur poses. It may contribute to the de velopment of a realistic theory of vfages, the measurement of social class fluidity,or an analysis of the adjustment of the supply of labor to changes in demand. In the present mobilization period, interest in mo bility studies centers mainly on the information they may provide regard ing the actual and potential supply of qualified workers in key occupa tions, such as the sciences or the skilled trades, and the sources from which additional workers can be re cruited for fields of employment suffering from critical shortages of personnel. 1/ The present study is a first attempt at research on the mobility of scientists. Because it is a pilot study, the aim has been to explore as many different aspects of mobili ty as possible and to test a variety of analytical approaches. The sample is both small and selective and the study does not yield definitive an swers to the complicated problems of the supply and recruitment of scien tists. It has been possible,however, to reach broad conclusions concerning the extent to which Ph.D. scientists shift from one specialty to another, between different types of scientific functions, kinds of employers, and parts of the counti*y. 1/ Other studies being carried on by the Bureau of Labor Statistics cover such occupations as tool and die makers, molders, and electronics technicians. This report begins with a sum mary of the findings and conclusions. The scope and method of the study is presented in the second chapter. The third chapter analyzes the extent to which scientists shift between scien tific fields, the fields in which they are employed when they transfer, the value of scientists' reports of their fields of highest competence as 8n indication of their experience in different specialties, and the part which graduate and undergraduate majors play in scientists’ careers. The fourth and fifth chapters are devoted to transfers among functions and types of employers. These sec tions of the report deal with such questions as: In what kind of work does a Ph.D. scientist normally begin his professional career? Does such work influence his subsequent expe rience? Are scientists stereotyped as teachers, research men, government employees, or do they move freely among these activities and types of employers? The report concludes with a discussion of scientists' gsograjhic mobility, both as students and as employees, and of the net effect of their geographic movements in terms of personnel gains and losses for the areas in which they received their education. S u m m a r y a n d C o n c lu s io n s Scope and Method.— This pilot study analyzes the greater part of the work histories of 1,122 Ph.D.’s in chemistry, physics, and biology, who constituted about 5 percent of the Nation's Ph.D.’s in each of these fields at the time of the survey in 194#. The analysis covers the first professional position, the current one, and the two jobs intermediate - 1 - - 2of longest duration. The employers for whom the scientists had worked on these jobs represented slightly more than four-fifths of all those with whom they had held full-time positions. ology or chemistry. More than a third of the men working in physics had experience in another science, com pared with 22 percent of those in bi ology, and 15 percent of those em ployed in chemistry. Scientists were considered to have changed jobs when they shifted their field of specialisation, type of activity, employer, or State of employment, because this approach facilitated the analysis of various types of mobility considered in this report. Hence, the number of employ ers recorded was smaller than the number of jobs (an average of 2.9 employers compared with 3.2 jobs per scientist). However, when all the jobs in the study are considered together, it is seen that such experience covered only minor parts of the sci entists* work histories. Not more than a third of the jobs recorded for the men working in chemistry had been outside the branch of chemistry in which they were working at the time of the study, and only a fourth of all the jobs recorded for the biol ogists fell outside the particular branch of biology in which they were currently employed. Among scientists employed in several specialties— namely, organic chemistry, biochem istry, botany, and entomology— the proportion of jobs outside the spe cific specialty of current employ ment was lower than the average in the corresponding disciplines. Transfers Between Fields of Spe cialization.— Studies of occupational mobility have disclosed a fairly close relation between the amount of train ing required to enter an occupation and the degree of attachment to it: unskilled and semiskilled workers tend to change occupations rather frequently, but skilled workers and professional people are characterized by a high degree of occupational sta bility. In view of the long spe cialized training Ph.D. scientists receive, it would be expected that their careers would be concentrated within limited scientific areas. Nevertheless, three-fifths of the biologists and chemists in the study (for whom this information could be recorded) had some experience out side the specific specialty (i.e., organic chemistry, bacteriology) in which they were currently employed. Moreover, one out of four specialists in all three sciences covered by the study had at sometime worked in an entirely different discipline. Physics had drawn a higher proportion of men from other sciences than either bi Fields of Competence as Indi cators of Experience.— Because Fh. D.' s tend to specialize, the fields which they consider those of their high est competence are, in general, a good indication of their experience. All the scientists in the survey were asked to check, on a list of speci alties, their fields of highest and second highest competence, because one of the main purposes of the sur vey of "American Men of Science" was the preparation of a roster of key scientists. A comparison of the fields of the jobs included in the study with the specific fields re ported as of first and second compe tence showed only 4 percent of the jobs to be outside these areas. Close to two-thirds all the jobs studied <£ - 3were within the specific field highest competence. of Some of the scientists' exper ience outside their fields of highest competence represented nothing more than the first job adjustments of new graduates. Fifty-two percent of these first professional jobs, compared with 62 percent of all the jobs studied,were in the specific fields in which these scientists now con sider themselves most competent. Some 16 percent of title first jobs, conpared with 9 percent of all the irecorded i jobs,were in entirely differ ent disciplines from those -of the scientists' first specialties. The Role of Education in Deter mining Scientists' Specialties.— For most of these scientists, the inter est in the branch of science in which they had come to specialize was al ready developed when they entered their junior year in college. Four out of five had majored both as undergraduates and taken their Ph.D. degrees in the branch of science (chemistry, physics, or biology) in which they considered themselves most competent at the time of the survey. For the 17 percent mho shifted their major subject between the baccalaureate and the doctorate, the major for the higher degree usually proved to be the more important in later life. Fourteen percent, how ever, had changed their major when they became Ph.D. candidates and were still specialists in their Ph.D. field at the time of the study. Only 2 percent of the scientists had a field of highest competence and a bachelor's degree in the same science but a Ph.D. degree in a different field. 247228 0 - 53 -2 Transfers Between Functions♦— Implicit in a doctor's degree is a mastery of techniques and a body.of knowledge, which acts as a barrier to movement between scientific fields, but which facilitates shifts among different kinds cf work within a par ticular area of specialization. The two principal activities of the scientists in the sample were teach ing and research: At the time of the survey, 38 percent were college teachers, 30 percent were doing re search, and 21 percent were in tech nical administration, which normally include both research end supervisory duties. Many of the college teachers (more than AO percent of those for whom three or four jobs were recorded) had at sometime worked as research scientists. The obverse is also true; more than a third of the research scientists (with three or four jobs within the scope of the study) and 42 percent of the comparable group of technical administrators had at some time held regular college teaching posts. For 30 percent of the scientists in the sample, a third kind of work was also recorded. In many cases this experience was gained an the man's first professional job. A third ofalL the scientists began their careers as assistant college teachers cr labora tory assistants. Another 16 percent had started out either in inspection testing cr similar routine profession al work or as high school teachers. Transfers Between Types of Em ployers .— As would be inferred from the transfers between teaching and research, most of the scientists had worked for at least two different types of employers. Three-fifths of all the scientists and three-fourths - of the group for whom four employers were recorded had experience in at least two different types of employ ment. An analysis of the transfers be tween types of employers from the first to the second recorded job and from the third to the fourth indicates that educators were less likely to change their type of employer de spite the relatively low salaries paid by colleges and universities. About half the Government employees stayed in the Government, less than two-thirds of the private-industry scientists continued in private in dustry, but nearly three-fourths of the educators remained cn the campus. Moreover, the largest proportions of those who left either Government or private industry entered educational institutions. The scientists' de-r cisions to remain in or enter uni versity employment was probably influ enced as much by the kind of alterna tives available to them as by a preference for this type of employ ment. A lower proportion of the chem ists (who have wide opportunities in industry) than of either biologists or physicists, remained on the campus in these shifts. Geographic Mobility.— Scientists begin their geographic movements while they are still students. More than 60 percent of the approximately 12,000 Ph.D. biologists, chemists, and physicists included in the, Bio graphical Directory iof American Men of Science obtained their bachelor's and doctor's degrees in different States: More than half obtained their baccalaureates and doctorates in en tirely different sections of the country. u The scientists continued to migrate after they had completed their education. More than AO percent of all the scientists in the sample on which this study is based and close to two-thirds of those with four jobs studied had worked in at least three different States. A comparison of these figures with those shown for the geographic movements of other occupations indicates that Ph.D. scientists are one of the most mobile segments of the population. As would be expected in view of the high geographic mobility of the scientists, only a fourth were cur rently employed in the States where they had received their bachelor's degrees, and only one out of three was employed either in the 8tate of his baccalaureate or that of his dootorate. Regional Gains and Losses Between Education and Current Employment.— Certain regions of the country, nota bly the North Central and Middle Atlantic States granted many more doctorates than baccalaureates to the scientists, according to data for all the chemists, biologists, and physi cists with Ph.D. degrees. On the other hand, many more baccalaureates than doctorates were awarded in the South. This tendency for graduates of southern colleges to go to north ern schools for their graduate work has been a cause of concern in the South. This study shows, however, that Ph.D. scientists do not neces sarily work in the section of the country in which they receive their doctor's degrees. The number of scientists employed in the North Central States, at" the time of the survey, was not only less than the - number who had received doctor's de grees from North Central universi ties, but also less than the smaller number who had earned baccalaureates in the region. The opposite was true for the South. More of these Ph.D. scientists were working in this re gion in 1948 than had received bacca laureates there. Conclusions.— In summary, the study indicates that, despite the employment stability of Ph.D. scien tists, they must be characterized as a relatively mobile group in certain respects. By the time they reach middle age, a large proportion have had experience in at least three of the functions normally performed by scientists. Most of them— whether educators, government employees, or employees in private industry— have worked for at least one other type of employer. The majority have held positions in two or more States. Moreover, more than half have trans ferred at some time from one scien tific specialty to another. These findings have certain implications for personnel planning in the sciences. 1. Geographic location need not be a limiting factor in planning $ - research and development programs, at le a st with reference to the re cruitment of s c ie n tis ts , particular ly Ph.D .'s. S cien tists are usually w illin g to move to a new lo c a lity in order to advance th eir economic or professional in ter e sts. 2. The personnel supply in a particular branch of chemistry or biology may be su b stan tially aug mented through transfers from other branches of these respective d is c i p lin es. However, no sizable num ber of persons can be expected to sh ift from one major d iscip lin e to another. 3. Since most Ph.D. scientist have had widely varied experience in the activities normally carried out by scientists,— teaching, research, technical administration, etc.— the number engaged in a particular type of activity at any specific time is no indication of the number qualified to carry on this kind of work. Above all, many more Ph.D.’s have had ex perience in research than are actual ly employed in this kind of work at any given time. SCOPE AND METHOD H ie S c ie n tis ts S t u d ie d This study is a byproduct of a 194.8 mail questionnaire survey which had two maj or purposes; the establish ment of a roster of key scientists, for use by the Department of Defense, the National Research Council, and other agencies concerned with the supply of scientific personnel! and the provision of information for the 194.9 edition of the Biographical Directory of American Men of Science. A report on the educational back ground, recent employment, and earn ings of the scientists in the Direc tory has already been published. 2/ The present study is based on an analysis of the work histories reIported in the questionnaire of a sample group of men chemists, physi cists, and biologists with Ph.D.'s. The sample was restricted to scientists in three fields because the inclusion of a larger number of disciplines would have required an analysis beyond the scope of this pilot study. Women were excluded because a separate study of their job movements would have been necessary* in view or the special factors arrecoing their employment, and there were too few women in the group from whom the sample was drawn to permit such analysis. Scientists without Ph.D.'s were omitted because the Directory included only a small group of such scientists, who were presumably equal to Ph.D.'s in scientific attainment and therefore in no way representa tive of all the country's scientists with bachelor's and master's degrees. On the other hand, the Ph.D.'s in the Directory comprised a large pro portion (about two-thirds) of the Nation's scientists at this level of training. It is believed that, by taking a sample of this group, a good cross-section of all male Doctors of Philosophy in the studied sciences has been obtained. 3/ Altogether, the study includes 1,122 men who had earned the Fh.D. de gree by mid-1948, who were employed at the time they returned their question naires, and who reported their field of highest competence as some branch of physics, biology, or chemistry. 17 Employment. Education, and Earnings of American Men of Science. Bulletin No. 1027, 0. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1951. Prepared in cooperation with the 0. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C., 1951* A reproduc tion of the questionnaire, on which the present study is based, is at tached to the bacx cover of that re-1 port. - 6- 3/ See Bulletin No. 1027, U.S. Department of Labor, op.cit., p. 4. , for a discussion of the coverage of the Biographical Directory of American Men of Science. - 7The chemists were by far the largest group in the sample, 55 percent; the biologists were the next largest group, 30 percent. Although the physicists constituted only 15 per cent of the sample, they represented about the same proportion (approxi mately 5 percent) of the Nation's professionally active Ph.D.'s in their field as did the sample groups of chemists and biologists. 4/ The criterion used in deciding whether a scientist should be classi fied in , one of the three fields covered by this report was his own opinion as to his field of highest competence. In filling out tiequestion naire, each respondent was asked to check, from a list of about 600 fields of specialization, the one in which he considered himself most competent. All the men included in this study checked a branch of chemistry, physics, or biology. This means that some scientists with Ph.D. degrees in these fields were excluded because they no longer considered themselves Table 1.— Fields of current employment of the scientists in the study, 1948 Field of current employment Number Percent Total reporting .......... 1/ 1 ,0 6 6 100.0 Chemistry.... ..... ...... Physics .................. Biology Medicine and related fields ................ Engineering *............. Earth sciences ........... Agriculture .......... •••• Mathematics ............... Metallurgy ............... Electronics .............. General science ••••••••••• O t h e r .... ........... . 549 142 293 51.5 13.3 27.5 7 16 3 10 5 2 3 15 21 .7 1.5 .3 •9 .5 .2 .3 1.4 1.9 1/ Excludes 56 scientists for whom only 1 job was recorded. This was coded as the first rather than the current job in order to facili tate the entire analysis. primarily biologists, physicists, or chemists. It means also that 6 percent of the men in the sample were employed in fields other than biology, phy sics, or chemistry in mid-1948, when they filled out their questionnaires, although they still regarded one of these sciences as their first spe cialty (table 1). In selecting the questionnaires for inclusion in the present study, it was not possible to utilize random sampling techniques. However, the scientists in the sample were compared with all the Ph.D.'s in these fields as described in Bulletin No. 1027 with respect to several key charac teristics— median age aid distribution by type of employer and by region of employment. This comparison indicates that, with regard to these charac teristics at least, the men in the sample were representative of all Ph.D.'s in the given sciences. The median age of the scientists in the sample was AO years. The chemists and ohysicists had median ages of 39 and 4-1 years respective ly, identical with the medians for all Ph.D. chemists and physicists in the Directory. J7 The biologists in the sample had a median age of 42 years, only slightly lower than that for all Ph.D. biologists (43 years). 4/ The Bureau of Labor Statis tics estimated the number of pro fessionally active Ph.D.'s in each of these fields by applying appropriate death and retirement rates to figures of the number of doctorates granted in each of these subjects between 1912 and 1948. 5/ Bulletin No. 1027, U.S. De partment of Labor, op. cit., p. 11. It should be noted that, in the age tabulations in that study, physicists were grouped with electronics scien tists, some of whom were probably engineers. -8The sample also followed closely the larger group from which it was drawn in the proportion of scientists working in each type of employment (table 2). In both the larger and smaller groups, about half the chem ists were currently employed in pri vate industry and about a third were working on the campus. 6/ On the 6/ Ibid., p. 44* There are some differences between that study and the present one in the method of classifying employment; hence, exact comparisons between the two studies concerning the proportion of Ph.D. scientists employed by each type of employer are not possible. other hand, university employment predominated among the physicists and biologists. In biology, threefifths of the Ph.D.'s both in the sample and the Directory were employed in educational institu tions, and about a tenth were in private industry. An even higher proportion of the physicists in the sample, more than two—thirds, were employed in education. Among all Ph.D. physicists in the Directory, the proportion working for educational institutions may have been slightly lower than this, but it was above 60 per cent. Table 2.— Types of employers for whom scientists were working, by field of highest competence, 1948 Type of employer field of highest competence All scientists Chemistry | physics Biology Percent Educational institution ... Government.......... . Private indnstty ......... Independent consultant .... Self-employed ............ Nonprofit foundation ..... T o t a l ........... . Total number reporting .... 42 46.8 13.7 35.5 .7 .5 2.8 33.1 9.6 53.5 .5 .7 2.6 67.5 8.0 20.2 1.8 — 2.5 60.5 23.7 11.9 .3 .3 3.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1/ 1,066 574 163 329 1/ Excludes chemists, 3 physicists, and 11 biologists for whom only 1 job was recorded. This was coded as the first rather than the current job in order to facilitate the entire analysis. Table 3.— Region of current employment of eoientiete in the study and of all Ph.D. ohemists, biologists, and physicists, 19-48 3/ Scientists in this study Number Percent Region of currant employment New England............... .................. ...... Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont.......... .............. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut **»««•«»•........ •«. Middle Atlantic ....................... ............ New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania ........... . Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia »ee**«*e*«*... . Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee ... South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi........ . Florida... .......... ........•••••......... Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas .................. . North Central ...................................... Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan................... . Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin ........... ..... .......... . Mountain and Plains.......... ....... .............. . Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri........ .................. North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada ............ .............. Arizona, New Mexico ............... ......... ..... .... Pacific .............................................. . Washington, Oregon •.......... ........... . California .................. .......... ..... . ••••♦« Territories and foreign countries ............... ...a....... All Ph.D. chemists, biologists, and physicists 1/ Percent Number 2/ 1,066 100.0 13,197 100.0 72 9 63 425 301 124. 144 6.8 .9 5.9 39.8 28.2 11.6 13.5 5.6 2.9 .9 4.1 22.3 17.5 947 139 808 5,063 3,784 1,279 1,854 781 328 153 592 3,083 2,405 678 816 402 7.2 1.1 6.1 38.4 28.7 9.7 14.0 5.9 2.5 1.1 4.5 23.4 18.2 5.2 6.2 3.1 317 97 1,350 2.4 10*2 300 2.2 78 2.4 1.4 9.4 2.1 7.3 1,050 8.0 12 1.1 84 60 31 9 44 238 187 51 75 35 25 15 100 22 4.8 7.1 3.3 .7 1/ The data for all Ph.D. chemists, biologists, and physicists is based on Bulletin No. 1027, 0. S. De partment of Labor. 2/ Excludes 56 scientists for whom only 1 job was reported. .6 - 10 The geographic distribution of the scientists in this study likewise corresponded closely with that cf all Ph.D.'s in the same fields (table 3)» Fifty-seven percent of both the sample group and the scientists from whom this group was selected ware employed in the Middle Atlantic and East North Central States at the time of the survey (table 3). The southern states ranked third as a region of employ ment, with 14. percent of both men in the sample and all Ph.D. chemists, physicists, and biologists. cessarily indicate the entire extent of his mobility. People are also shifted from one research problem to another, are promoted, or are transferred to a different plant or department. In the present study, a job was defined as a continuous period of employment with one em ployer, in one field of specializa tion, with one type of activity, and in one State. This definition was dictated by the purpose of the study— to analyze scientists' mobility not only between specialties and types of employers, but also between functions and geographic areas. M e a s u r e m e n t o f M o b i li t y Much of the available informa tion on the occupational mobility of scientific personnel comes from studies which cover only a fraction of the respondents' work experience, although it is widely recognized that the ideal study would trace entire work histories. The difficulty of gath ering reliable information cover ing all of an individual's work ex perience is one reason the workhistory approach has been neglected. An equally serious obstacle is the tabulation and presentation of such data. The complexity and difficulty of tabulations on occupational mo bility increase in geometric ratio with the number of jobs which are considered per individual. Another difficult problem en countered in every study of occu pational mobility is the definition of "job" and "job change." It goes without saying that when a person changes employers he also changes jobs. But the number of employers for whom a man works does not' neo- The present study attempted to approximate the work histories of these scientists and at the same time keep the work of tabulation within the bounds of feasibility by limiting the analysis to a maximum of four jobs per scientists— the first pro fessional job after completion of college, the position held at the time of study, and the two inter mediate jobs of longest duration. Furthermore, rally full-time jobs which had lasted at least 3 months were studied. 7/ 2/ !Part-time work such as con sulting or night-school teaching (which sup lamented full-time jobs), summer and other jobs of less than 3 months'duration, and research fellow ships were excluded from the analvsi s. With these exceptions, four employers were recorded for every scientist who had worked for four or more employers. Hence, in some cases only part of the employment (the assignment of longest duration) with one or more of these employers was analyzed. - 11 Not all the scientists in the sam ple had held four jobs as defined by the study. Fewer than four jobs were recorded,for 45 percent of the men; on ly one or two jobs for 22 percent. The average number of jobs recorded was 3.2 per scientist (table 4)« Because the study was not limited to a specific time period and in cluded men of all ages, the number of jobs recorded for a scientist was inevitably influenced by his age and years of experience. The men for whom four jobs were recorded were the old est group in the study, with a median age of 42 years, compared with a median age of 40 years for those who had held three jobs, and 37 years for those for idiom one or two jobs were recorded. Even among the men past 50, however, there were some (17 percent) who had never changed their special ization, locale, or even the kind of activity they performed (table 5). Moreover, even among the youngest men in the study, those under 30, more than a third had held four jobs, as defined by the study. Thus, the num ber of jobs recorded for a scientist was in itself an indication of his employment mobility. Table A*— Distribution of scientists according to number of jobs and number of employers included in the study Percent of scientists Number of jobs Number of employers Total One Two Three Four 1 job .... 100.0 100.00 — — — 2 jobs ... 100.0 18.78 81.22 — — 3 jobs ... 100.0 3-92 26.27 69.81 — 1.63 8.79 27.8$ U jobs ... 100.00 247228 0 - 53-3 61.73 It follows from the definition of "job" used in this study that two or more jobs were recorded for some scientists who had worked for only one employer. For example, a chemist who h^d been the group leader in charge of developing a new product in the central laboratory of a large company was put in charge of the pilot plant set up in another city for the further development of the product, and later became manager of the plant in still another city where the product was put into mass produc tion. For the purpose of this study, that chemist had held three jobs as he worked in three different locali ties, although he continued to work for the same employer. There was & considerable number of such oases. Thirty percent of the scientists who had held three jobs had worked for only one or two employers, and 3&percent of those for whom four jobs were recorded had worked for fewer than four employers (table 4)• The average number of employers for whom the men had worked on the jobs included in the study was 2.9* Since, this figure is, can]y moderately lower than the aver age of 3.2 jobs per scientist, it is obvious that most of the mobility considered in this study involved a change of employers, rather than a shift merely in work assignment or work location. In order to evaluate the study’s coverage of the scientists' entire work experience, a comparison was made of the number of employers for whom the scientists had worked on the jobs included in the study with the total number for whom they had ever worked on a full-time basis. This comparison indicated that the scien tists in this study, like most pro fessional people, had a high degree of employment stability, and also - 12 Table 5*—Age of sc ie n tists, by number of jobs included in the study Age group A ll ages .......................... Under 30 30 - 34 35 - 39 4 0 -4 4 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 years Under 30 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 years years ............. years ............. years ............. y e a r s ............. years ............. years ............. years ............. years ............. years ............. and over . . . . years ............. years . . . . . . . y e a r s ........... .. years ............. y e a r s ............. years ............. years . . . . . . . years ............. years . . . . . . . and over . . . . Total . ............. .. Median age ...................... A ll sc ie n tists 1 / 1,114 86 244 223 197 130 97 81 30 22 4 7.7 21.9 20.0 17.7 11.7 8.7 7.3 2.7 2.0 .3 S cien tists having sp ecified number of jobs Three Four One Two job jobs jobs jobs Number 54 196 12 12 11 5 5 4 3 1 — 1 20 63 45 24 17 13 11 2 — 1 Percent 22.2 10.2 22.2 32.1 20.3 23.0 9.3 12.3 8.7 9.3 6.6 7.4 5.6 5.5 1.9 1 .0 — — 1.9 .5 610 23 48 49 26 23 12 8 5 — 31 109 119 119 82 57 55 19 17 2 9.1 23.6 18.9 19*3 10.2 9*1 4.7 3*1 2.0 ——* 5.1 17.9 19*5 19*5 13.4 9*4 9.0 3.1 2.8 .3 60 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 40 37 37 40 42 1 / Excludes 8 sc ie n tists who did not -report age 254 - 13 th a t the study covered a larg e pro portion of the s c ie n tis ts ' fu ll-tim e employment. The s c ie n tis ts , whose median age was 40 years, had worked fo r an average of 3.5 employers from the time o f th e ir f i r s t job u n til the time of the survey. 8 / Moreover, th ree-fo u rth s of the men had worked fo r four or fewer employers. I t follow s th a t th is study, though lim ited to four jobs per s c ie n tis t, covered most (s lig h tly more than 80 percent) of the employers fo r idiom the s c ie n tis ts had ever worked on a fu ll-tim e b asis (ta b le 6 ). fu rth e r, an examination of the questionnaires indicated th a t much of the excluded employment was in short-term work, p a rtic u la rly summer school teaching. 8 / The re la tiv e employment s ta b ility o f professio nal personnel is also shown in a study of occupational m obility in six c itie s , based on a sample of the e n tire working population in these areas. The study in d i cated th a t on the average the people in a l l the technical and professio nal occupations combined had worked fo r 1.9 employers in the 10-year period 1940-49* The study also showed th a t there was a much higher degree of employer m obility a t the lower s k ill le v e ls and th a t fo r the most mobile group in the population, the la b o re rs, the average number o f employers in the decade was 2.8 per in d iv id u al. See M obility of Workers in Six C ities. an unpublished rep o rt of the In d u s tria l Research Department, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, U niversity of Pennsylvania* Table 6.— Total number of employers for whom scientists had Worked and proportion of these employers covered by the study Scientists in the study Total number of employers Total reporting..... . 1 2 3 4 employer........... employers .......... employers •.......... employers..... ..... 5 employers...... ♦... 6 employers ........... employers •.•........ employers ........... employers .......... employers ........... 7 8 9 10 1 Employers covered by study Percent of all em ployers for whom scientists had worked Number Percent Number 1,122 100.0 3,224 1/ 81.0 114 246 262 212 133 73 40 25 14 3 9.9 22.0 23-4 18.9 11.9 6.5 3.6 2.2 1.3 •3 114 488 758 769 490 284 155 98 56 12 100.0 99.2 96.4 90.7 73.7 64.8 55.4 49.0 44*4 40.0 / Employment in summer jobs, other jobs of less than 3 months' duration, and research fellowships were excluded from the analysis. Therefore, some of the employers for idiom the scientists had worked on a full-time basis were not covered by the study, even in the case of scientists who reported no more than 4 employers. - u - TRANSFERS BETWEEN FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Are highly trained sc ie n tists so specialized that they function only in a lim ited sc ie n tific fie ld , or are they su ffic ien tly fle x ib le to transfer e a sily from one fie ld of sp ecialization to another in response to changing economic and so cia l re quirements? This i s th e,principal question to which a study of the occupational m obility of sc ie n tists must address it s e lf . The answer to th is question given by any study is inevitably greatly influenced by the way in which sc ie n tific fie ld s are defined and c la ss ifie d . The complex and in terrelated world of science can be subdivided into almost any number of d ifferen t sp e c ia ltie s. These spe c ia ltie s may also be grouped into a few broad d isc ip lin es. Obviously, a study which considered only sh ifts between broad d iscip lin es would tend to show fewer occupational transfers than one which analyzed movements between narrowly defined sc ie n tific fie ld s . The present report analyzes sc ie n tists' movements from one broad fie ld of science to another and also between the major subdivisions of these d iscip lin es. For convenience, biology, chemistry, physics, engi neering, and other broad sc ie n tific fie ld s are referred to in th is re port as ''general field s" of sp ecia li zation, and subdivisions of the general fie ld s are designated "speci f ic field s" of sp ecialization . 9 / The sp ecific f ie ld s , into which chem istr y was divided, are general chem is tr y , organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, an alytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. Biology-was divided into the tradi tion al fie ld s —general biology, bot any, bacteriology, entomology, and zoology. For technical reasons i t was not possible to subdivide phys ic s . A complete l i s t of the general and sp ecific fie ld s considered in th is report is given in the appendix (P* 5 4 ). 10/ 9 / The more common term "d iscip lin e" is used as a synonym fo r "general fie ld of sp ec ia liz a tio n " throughout the re p o rt. In the same way, the term "sp ecialty " is used interchangeably w ith "sp ecific f ie ld of sp e c ia liz a tio n ." lo / I t w ill be noted in th is l i s t that some o f the sp ecific fie ld s are broader than others. For example, both geology and pharmacy are c la ssifie d as sp ecific fie ld s whereas mathematics is considered a general fie ld o f spe c ia liza tio n . The c la ssific a tio n of sp e cia ltie s used in th is study was, per force, the one developed for the origin al questionnaire, which was not con structed for the purpose of studying occupational m obility. However, the problem of coding fie ld s of sp ecialization in such a way as to equate areas of equal scope on the aame d ig ita l le v e l has never been completely solved, and is probably not susceptible of complete solu tion . - 15 Most Ph.D. sc ie n tists work in sp ecia lties s t i l l narrower than the sp ecific fie ld s used in th is report. For example, more chemists work as sp e cia lists in p la stics and other synthetics than in organic chemistry as a whole. Many more zoologists work in invertebrate zoology than in general zoology. Precise informa tion as to a s c ie n tis t’s narrow spe c ia lty cannot be obtained for each job he has held by means of a ques tionnaire survey. Hence, the present study does not attempt to study sh ifts between detailed areas of sp ecialization . Such information was obtained,however, by means of in ter views, for about 4-00 Ph.D. chem ists, p h y sicists, and b io lo g ists. An anal y sis of these interviews is now in preparation. The N u m b e r o f F ie ld s in W h ic h the S c ie n t is t s H a d W o r k e d The extent to which Ph.D. s c i e n tists sh ift between sc ie n tific d iscip lin es is shown in table 7, which gives the number of general fie ld s of sp ecialization in which the 1,122 reporting sc ie n tists had worked in the course of the jobs in cluded in the study. One out of four had at sometime worked in a d ifferen t general fie ld from that in which he was currently employed. The propor tion was highest in physics and lowest in chemistry. More than a third of the men working in physics (37 per cent) had experience in another s c i ence, compared with 22 percent of those employed in biology and only 16 percent of those in chemistry. These figures suggest that the rapid ly expanding fie ld of physics has drawn on other sciences for it s per sonnel to a greater degree than has either chemistry or biology. The most mobile group in the study, how ever, were not the men currently em ployed in physics but the sc ie n tists (8 percent of the to ta l) working in fie ld s other than chem istry,biology, or physics at the time of the survey. Four out of every fiv e of them had worked in more than one general fie ld . Very few men, even in th is small group,had worked in a3 many as three d ifferen t general fie ld s . In some instances, experience in a second general field reflected a broadening of interest rather than a change of specialty.11/The promo tion of a professor of biology to the chairmanship of a science divi sion was recorded as a shift from biology into general science, even though the particular scientist con tinued to give some courses in biol ogy. In some other cases, the re corded transfer represented a scien tist's shift from research into 11/ A sc ie n tist was considered to be doing sc ie n tific work even when he was engaged in an adm inistrative capacity, provided that he supervised a group of sc ie n tists or administered a research program. I f , however, h is duties involved the business administration o f an organization or the management of a production u n it, he was c la ssifie d as working in a nonscient i f i c fie ld . As shown in table 9 few of these sc ie n tists had any experience in n on scien tific fie ld s . - 16 Table 7 .—Humber of general fie ld s of sp ec ia liz a tio n in which s c ie n tis ts were employed on jobs included in the study Percent of sc ie n tists Total Field of current number of Employed in sp ecified employment and sc ie n tists Total number of general fie ld s number of jobs reporting One Two Three 1,122 75.0 A ll fie ld s .................. 100.0 2A.1 0.9 — — 56 1 job ...................... 100.0 100.0 — 2 j o b s ........... .. 197 100.0 90.5 9.5 .8 81.7 100.0 3 jobs .................... 255 17.5 33.6 A jobs .................... 100.0 65.1 1.3 61A .7 Chemistry .................... 100.0 15.2 8A.1 589 — — 1 j o b ...................... 100.0 100.0 A2 — 95.8 118 2 jobs .................... 100.0 A.2 13.6 85.0 3 Jobs .................... 150 100.0 1.4 22.8 .7 A jobs .................... 100.0 76.5 279 35.6 Physics ...................... 1A7 100.0 63.0 1.4 — — 1 j o b ...................... 3 G/> Q/> —. 21 2 jobs .................... 85.7 100.0 1A.3 — 28 3 jobs .................... 100.0 63.0 37.0 2.1 56.8 A jobs .................... 100.0 A l.l 95 20.6 Biology ........................ 306 100.0 1.0 78.A — —— 1 job ...................... 11 100.0 100.0 — 2 jobs .................... A7 100.0 91-5 8.5 — 85.7 71 3 jobs .................... 100.0 1A-3 70.6 1.7 27.7 177 A jobs .................... 100.0 Other ............................ 1.2 80 100.0 16.3 82.5 — — — — —— 1 j ob . . . . . . . . . . . -----■ 2 jobs .................... 11 63*6 100.0 36.A — 6 3 jobs .................... 0 /) 0 /) G/> 11.1 A jobs .................... 1.6 100.0 63 87.3 1 / Number too sm all to w arrent calcu latin g percentages. Because, however, the study used a small sample, percentages were calculated fo r sm all to ta ls in th is and the follow ing ta b le s, provided these fig u res were more than 10. This was done to give the reader some idea of the d istrib u tio n in each case, even though the percentages as such have no sig n ifica n c e . - 17 managerial work, as a plant manager for instance, rather than active participation in a d ifferen t scien t if ic fie ld . For most of the scien t is t s , however, work in a second science involved either teaching or research experience in th is second fie ld . Table 8 shows the number of spe c ific fie ld s in which the sc ie n tists had worked, the second or third fie ld lying either within the general fie ld of his current employment or in a d ifferen t d iscip lin e. Almost 60 per cent of the chemists and b io lo g ists combined had worked in two or more sp ecific fie ld s of sp ecialization , and 15 percent in three or more fie ld s . By subtracting the figures in table 7 from the corresponding figures in table 8, a comparison can be made of the relative frequency of in traand in terd iscip lin e s h ifts . As would be expected, a larger number of s c i en tists had worked at sometime in d ifferen t branches of the general fie ld s in which they were currently employed than had crossed oyer into d ifferen t d iscip lin es. Only 16 per cent of the chemists had worked out side chemistry, but 42 percent had experience in two or more branches of that science. A smaller propor tion of the b io lo g ists than of the chemists had made in trad iscip lin e s h ifts, probably because the major branches of biology are le s s closely related to each other than is the case in chemistry. N evertheless, 33 percent of the men working in some branch o f biology at the time of the survey had experience in another branch of that fie ld , compared with 22 percent who had been employed outside biology. Experience outside the fie ld of a man’s current employment is le s s sign ifican t as an indication of po ten tia l m obility i f such experience is lim ited to h is f ir s t professional job than i f i t comes a t a la ter stage in his career. F irst jobs are often so lim ited in scope that the experi ence gained in them is by no means an indication of competence in the sp ecialty involved. I t is important to n ote, therefore, that for the majority of the sc ie n tists who had experience in a second fie ld of sp ecialization , th is experience was not confined to the f ir s t profes sional job. Two-thirds of the men who had worked in a second general fie ld had gained part or a ll of that experience in an intermediate job. Experience in a second d iscip lin e was confined to the f ir s t job for only a third of a ll the sc ie n tists with such experience. The finding with respect to experience outside the sp ecific fie ld of current employ ment is much the same. About 60 per cent of the sc ie n tists who had worked outside the sp ecialty in which they were employed a t the time of the survey had gained part or a ll of that experience a fter completing their f ir s t professional job. The fact that experience in a d iscip lin e ( outside the current and usual fie ld of employment was by no means confined to f ir s t job adjust ments is also indicated by a compari son of the number of fie ld s in which the sc ie n tists had worked with the number of jobs recorded for them. Only 10 percent of the sc ie n tists for whom two jobs were recorded had experience in more than one general fie ld . This proportion increased to 18 percent for the men with three studied jobs, who were on the average -18 - Table 8 .—Number of sp ecific fie ld s of sp ecialization in which sc ie n tists were employed on jobs included in the study Total Percent of sc ie n tists Field of current number of Employed iLn sp ecified employment and sc ie n tists number of siaecific fie ld s Total number of jobs reporting One Two Three Four All fie ld s .................. 1 job ...................... 2 jobs .................... 3 jobs .................... 4 jobs .................... Chemistry .................... 1 j o b ...................... 2 jobs .................... 3 jobs .................... 4 jobs .................... Physics ........................ 1 j o b ...................... 2 jobs .................... 3 jobs .................... 4 jobs .................... Biology ........................ 1 j o b ................ 2 jobs ...................... 3 jobs ...................... A jobs .................... Other ............................ 1 job . . . . . . . . . . . 2 j o b s .................... 3 jobs .................... A j o b s ................ 1,122 56 197 255 6H 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 589 42 118 150 279 H7 3 21 28 95 306 11 47 71 177 80 — 11 6 63 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 G/> 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 — 100.0 G/> 100.0 A3.5 100.0 72.9 44.2 28.6 4 2 .2 100.0 75.8 39.9 20.3 63.0 0 /) 85.7 63.0 56.8 45.6 100.0 70.2 48.6 34.5 10.0 — 27.3 (1/) 6.3 41.7 — 27.1 45.8 48.5 10.0 20.5 2 .4 43.2 — 24.2 50.0 54.4 28.8 13.4 — — 10.1 22.8 8.2 1.2 — — 2e5 — — 14.3 25.9 33.7 40.6 — 29.8 41.4 45.8 57.5 — 72.7 0 /) 52.4 1 / Number too small to warrant calculating percentages. 13.5 1.3 — — — — — 11.1 9.5 12.5 — — 10.0 17.5 27.5 — — — 35.0 — — — — — — — 1.3 — — — 2.2 5.0 —— — — 6-3 - 19 3 years older than the former and to 35 percent fo r the o ld est group in the sample, the men who had held a t le a s t four jobs (tab le 7 ). This tendency fo r an increasing number of s c ie n tis ts to gain experience in a second d isc ip lin e with a longer stay in the lab o r market applied equally to the b io lo g ists, chem ists,, and p h y sic ists. The same tendency is also shown in the data on tra n sfe rs between sp ecific fie ld s (tab le 8 ). P a t te r n s o f T r a n s f e r B e t w e e n S p e c ia ltie s Although a considerable propor tion of the sc ie n tists in th is study had worked at sometime outside th eir fie ld of current employment, their experience in other sp ecia lties usually represented only a small part of their employment h isto r ie s. This is shown by an analysis of the fie ld s in which 1,122 sc ie n tists had worked on 3,613 jobs covered by the study. A ll but 12 percent of these jobs were in the same general fie ld s as the s c ie n tis ts ’ current jobs (table 9)• The proportion of jobs outside the general fie ld of current employment was higher (15 percent) for the men working in physics them for those in chemistry or biology (7 and 8 percent respectively) confirming the points made in the previous section that there is a greater tendency for s c i e n tists to sh ift in to physics than into eith er chemistry or biology. Work outside the sc ie n tists' sp ecific fie ld of current employment talked larger in their work h isto ries than employment in other broad s c i e n tific d iscip lin es* About a third of a ll the jobs recorded for the men working in chemistry and a fourth of those held by the b io lo g ists were in sp ecific fie ld s other than the ones in which these sc ie n tists were em ployed at the time of the study (table A, p-55)• 12/ These previous positions were widely scattered among a variety of sp ecific sp e c ia ltie s, and only a small percent were in any one fie ld . In the case of the men currently working as organic chemists, for example, 74 percent of a ll the recorded jobs were in organic chemistry, 17 percent in general chemistry, and not more than 2 per cent in any other sp ecific fie ld . Because of the small number of jobs recorded as outside the scien t i s t s ’ fie ld of current employment, the data do not permit d efin ite con clusions as to patterns of transfer between sp e c ia ltie s. Insofar as 12/ This percentage varied widely among sp e c ia ltie s—from a low of only 15 percent for the botanists to a high of 4 1 percent for the general b io lo g ists. I t should be noted, however, that these differences among sp e cia ltie s were, in some measure, the resu lt merely of the d iffic u ltie s encountered in classifyin g jobs by field * I f a s c ie n tis t did not give enough information in h is questionnaire to determine the branch o f chemis try or biology in which he had worked on a given p osition , or i f h is work covered more than one branch of biology or chemistry, th is job was c la s s i fied under "general chemistry" or "general biology." The e ffe c t of th is procedure was also to overstate somewhat the number o f jobs recorded as in a d ifferen t sp ecific fie ld from the one held a t the time of the study* 247228 0 - 53 -4 Table 9*— General fields of specialization in which scientists worked on all jobs included in study, by field of scientists1 current employment Held of scientist's current employment Chemistry ...... Physics ••••••.••• Biology ....... Medicine and related fields* Engineering •••••* Earth sciences ••• Agriculture •••••• Mathematics •••••• Metallurgy... . Electronics .... General science •• Nonscientific fields ...... 1/ Total number of jobs studied 1,806 499 1,009 Percent of all jobs studied which were in — Medicine NonEngi Earth Agri Math Metal Elec General soienChem- Phya- Biol- and All neer science cul emat lurgy tron science tific fields istry ics ogy related ing ture ics ics fields fields 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.3 4.6 1 .3 0.9 84.8 .3 1.5 1.2 91*7 0.2 — 1.2 1.2 2.2 — 0*4 .1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 26.9 20.4 — 19 .2 53.9 1.8 — — 53.7 26 54 11 37 17 6 12 53 100.0 100.0 16.7 18.2 27.3 — — — 35.3 0/) — 8.3 33.4 17.0 7.5 83 100.0 49*4 a/) — 5.6 — — 40.5 — — — 28.3 — — — — 19.3 1.2 Number too small to warrant calculating percentages. — — 5 .9 — 54.5 — ~ — — 8.3 — — —■ — — — 0.3 — 2.1 0.6 1 .0 .1 0.1 — — 2.0 — — — — — — — — — 59.5 — — 38.8 — — — — — —— — — — — — — 0/) — —— — 1.3 2.4 2.3 0.4 1.4 •9 — 1.8 — — — — — — 50.0 — — — — — 37.8 — — — — 9.4 —— 1.2 28.9 — — — - 21 there was any tendency for men cur rently employed in one fie ld to have previous experience in some other sp ecific fie ld , the tendencies noted were very much what one would have expected. For example, physical chemists and an alytical chemists were more lik e ly to work as chemical en gineers than were other chemists. Biochemists,on the other hand, worked more often in bacteriology and botany than in any other fie ld s outside chemistry. Botanists sh ifted into agricultural sciences to a greater degree than did other b io lo g ists, whereas b acteriologists tended to sh ift into biochemistry and public health. P h ysicists more often worked in physical chemistry than in any other fie ld of chemistry, and in e le ctrica l engineering rather than in any other branch of engineering. For a ll these sc ie n tists job experi ence in a n on scien tific fie ld was extremely rare (table A, p. 55)* Unlike the great majority of sc ie n tists who had spent most of their working liv e s in one sp ecific fie ld of sp ecialization or in a clo sely related area, the small group who were not currently employed in chem istry,physics, or biology had worked in a wide variety of fie ld s . Among them are found people with experience in such apparently un related fie ld s as aeronautical engi neering and biology, business admin istra tio n and zoology, the lib eral arts and organic chemistry, and man power problems and biochemistry. Moreover, le s s than h alf of the jobs of th is group were in the sp ecific fie ld in which the sc ie n tists were working a t the time of the study. I t has been observed generally by students of labor m obility that a considerable part of the sh iftin g reflected in average m obility rates arises from the movement of a small part of the population. 13/ In any occupational group, there are some people who do not change jobs at a ll within a given time span, some who make several changes, and some who f a ll between these extremes. I t has not been possible in the present study to measure the degree of mo b ility of the individual sc ie n tists because the men in the sample were of d ifferen t ages and had had d ifferen t amounts o f exposure to the labor market. The fact that a particular group of sc ie n tists showed a much higher degree of occupational mobi li t y than the entire sample suggests, however,that, among Ph.D. sc ie n tists as among the general working popula tio n , there are wide individual d if ferences in m obility. I t should be considered also that one criterion for including a sc ie n tist in the study was that he reported a fie ld of highest com petence in eith er biology,chem istry, or physics. Hence, some of the Ph.D.’8 included in the Biographical Directory of American Men of Science. who held degrees in these subjects but who, by virtue of either recent or long experience in another area, no longer considered themselves pri marily p h y sicists, b io lo g ists, or chem ists, were excluded from the sam13/ For a discussion of the studies on labor m obility, see "Dif feren tia l Short-Run Labor Mobilities," by Herbert L. Heneman, Jr., Minnesota Manpower M ob ilities. Minneapolis, U niversity of Minnesota Press, 1950, pp. 47-50. - 22 p ie. For example, one questionnaire was discarded in the course of the editing because the respondent, a Ph.D. in chemistry, had never worked as a chemist, but pursued a career as a concert p ia n ist. Another re spondent whose questionnaire was ex cluded also held a Ph.D. in chemistry and had worked as a research chemist for several years after receiving his degree. At the beginning of World War II he started to work in a c tiv i tie s which required some knowledge of science but which were primarily ad m inistrative. After holding a series of adm inistrative p osts, he ceased to think of him self as a s c ie n tist, and reported h is highest fie ld of com petence as n o n scien tific. Both exam ples illu str a te the fa ct that some of the Ph.D. sc ie n tists who were most mo b ile , who had departed furthest from the fie ld s of th eir training and early experience, were excluded from th is study. A study of a ll people re ceiving Ph.D.'s in the sciences would show a higher degree of occupational m obility. F irst and Second Specialties as Indicators off Experience So far in th is chapter, m obility has been studied with the current job as a point of departure. The study of m obility may also be, and frequently i s , analyzed with the usual or normal occupation as a base point. This prooedure has the advan tage of grouping a ll the people who form part of the labor supply in a given occupation. The concept of usual or normal occupation, however, is widely re garded as too broad for use in c la ssi fying sc ie n tific personnel, particu la rly in the development of rosters. Instead, the related concept, "fields of competence," has been devised to serve a two-fold purposes the group ing of sc ie n tists and other pro fession al people under the categories in which they are best q u a lified , and the summarization of their experience. I t is thought also that the lis tin g of people under th eir fie ld s of high est competence brings in to one cate gory those who usually work in the same occupation. An intim ate knowledge of a l l the sciences and more detailed informa tion on sc ie n tists' backgrounds than a mail questionnaire survey can yield are required to determine sp ecia lties with precision. For th is reason, the device was developed of having the sc ie n tist him self choose h is fie ld of highest, second, and third-highest competence from a pre-coded l i s t of sp e c ia ltie s. The obvious lim itation of th is procedure i s that i t i s sub jectiv e. The respondent, i t has been argued, is not always the best judge of h is own competence. Further, some registrants w ill check the fie ld s in which they wish to work rather than the ones in which they have exper ience. Up to now, the arguments for and against the " field s of competence " technique fo r roster registration have remained in the realm of specu la tion . The present study offered the fir s t opportunity to discover whether the fie ld s, designated by the sc ie n tists as those of th eir highest and second highest competence, are satisfactory indicators of th eir ex perience. This analysis shows the highest fie ld of competence to be a useful shorthand for describing exper ience, at le a st for sc ie n tists with Ph.D. degrees. - 23 As noted In the f ir s t chapter, each sc ie n tist in the study liste d some area of chemistry, physics, or biology as h is fie ld of highest com petence. Seventy percent of both the chemists and the b io lo g ists were em ployed in th eir sp ecific fie ld s of highest competence a t the time of the survey (table 10). 14./ Host of the sc ie n tists also had worked in these fie ld s on a t le a st one previous job; 63 percent of the b io lo g ists and chemists combined, had held two or more jobs in th eir f ir s t sp ecial ty . About a third of the chemists and b io lo g ists had worked in th eir sp e cia ltie s on every job covered by the study. Among the sc ie n tists for whom four jobs were recorded, a large proportion had worked in their spe c ia lty on a t le a st three of these jobs. The proportion was higher in biology (58 percent) than in chem istr y (44 percent). Moreover, more than one-fourth of the b io lo g ists and 13 percent of the chemists had always worked in the sp ecific fie ld s currently regarded as those of th eir highest competence. Some of the sc ie n tists in the study apparently had never worked in th eir sp ecific fie ld of highest com petence. In most cases, these were teachers who had taught either gen eral courses or courses in more than one branch of th eir subject. Among the young men, of course, there were some who s t i l l considered the work on th eir Ph.D. th esis more s ig n ifi cant than th eir subsequent jobs, and who liste d th eir th esis fie ld as their fie ld of highest competence and th eir job fie ld as that of second highest competence. The fie ld of second highest com petence also played a part in the sc ie n tists' work h isto r ie s, although a much le ss important one than the f ir s t sp ecialty. This is seen in table 11, which shows that more than th ree-fifth s of a ll the jobs in cluded in the study were in the s c i e n tists' sp ecific fie ld s of highest competence and approximately another third in th eir fie ld s of second com petence. Together, the f ir s t and second sp e cia ltie s encompassed a ll but 4 percent of the jobs included in the study. The proportion of jobs outside the f ir s t and second sp ecialty com bined varied considerably among s c i e n tists in d ifferen t fie ld s. I t was 1 4 / I t w ill be recalled that sp ecific fie ld s of sp ecialization were not recorded for p h y sicists. A National S cien tific Register survey o f p h ysicists in 1951 showed a sim ilar proportion (65 percent) currently em ployed in the branch of physics which they had designated as th eir fie ld o f highest competence. Less than half (45 percent) the respondents in that survey had P h.D .'s. These findings are incorporated in Manpower Resources in Physics, 1951. S cien tific Manpower Series No. 3, Federal Security Agen cy, O ffice of Education, Washington, D.C., 1952. - 24 Table 1 0 .—Number of jobs sc ie n tists held in sp ecific fie ld s of highest competence Field of highest competence and number of jobs A ll f i e l d s ............. . 1 j o b ..................... 2 jobs ................... 3 jobs ................... 4 j o b s ................... Chemistry 1 job ..................... 2 jobs ................... 3 jobs ................... A jobs ................... Physics 1 / . . . . . . . . 1 j o b ..................... 2 jobs .................... 3 j o b s ......... .......... A jobs .................... Biology ...................... 1 j o b ...................... 2 jobs . . . . . . . . . . 3 jobs .................... A jobs .................... Percent of sc ie n tists Total Number of jobs in sp ecific number of sc ie n tists Total fie ld s of highest competence reporting None One Two Three Four 1,122 56 197 255 614 616 A2 122 151 301 166 3 26 29 108 340 11 49 75 205 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ( 2/ ) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.1 14.3 18.3 11.0 10.4 14.6 14.3 20.5 13.2 13.0 6.6 (2/) 11.5 3.4 5.6 10.3 9 .1 16.3 9.3 9.3 21.7 85.7 23.4 19.6 16.2 25.1 85.7 22.1 21.9 19.3 10.3 (2/) 19.3 13.8 5.6 21.2 90.9 28.6 17.3 17.1 27.6 25.5 58.3 29.0 19.6 30.1 MW 57.4 29.1 23.7 24.1 69.2 20.7 14.8 24.7 _ 55.1 32.0 16.1 — 40.4 29.8 23.7 ww — 3 5 .8 30.7 27.1 — 62.1 25.0 27.9 — 41.4 31.2 13.1 — — 24.0 6.5 _ 13.3 31.9 WWW — — 49.0 15.9 _ — 26.3 l / I t should be noted that physics was not further subdivided and i s considered a sp ecified f ie ld . 2 / Number too small to warrant calculating percentages. - 25 Table 11 .— Percent of jobs included in study which were in the scientists' fields of highest and second highest competence Percent c>f jobs in Specific field of second highest competence Field of highest competence Total number of jobs in study Specific All field of fieldf highest competence Same general Different general field field as from that of that of highest first highest competence competence 5.7 3.5 36.2 5.4 2.5 40.0 48.5 18.5 49.6 39.7 31.6 ____ 13.0 All fields ...... 3,613 100.0 62.4 28.4 Chemistry ...... 1,909 100.0 55.9 General ...... Analytical .... biochemistry ... Inorganic ..... Organic ........ Physical...... 65 136 227 129 830 522 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 56.9 50.8 69.2 38.0 59.6 49.8 All other fields .7 9.7 8.5 .1 3.1 — 2.6 3.9 .6 5.6 Physics ........ 566 100.0 1/78.6 - 13.4 8.0 Biology ........ 1,138 100.0 64.5 29.4 2.2 3.9 183 247 371 184 153 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.1 47.0 74.9 74.5 60.8 27.3 46.6 18.9 25.0 35.3 7.1 .8 1.1 .5 3.3 5.5 5.6 5.1 Bacteriology.... Biology, general Botany ........ Entomology ..... Zoology ....... — .6 1/ This figure includes all jobs in any branch of physics, because this field was not further subdivided. highest among the physicists (8 per cent) who tended to be the most mobile group in the study and lowest (zero) among the entomologists. Even for the physicists, however, it is clear that the fields of highest com petence are generally reliable indi cations of their work experience. For purposes of classifying scientists in broader terms, the gen eral field of highest competence is satisfactory, insofar as it is an ex cellent guide to the experience of most scientists. Ninety-one percent of all the jobs in the study were in the general fields in which the sci entists considered themselves most competent (table 11). Even in the case of the physicists, a relatively high proportion of whom had entered that field from other sciences, less than a fifth of the recorded jobs were outside physics. The S p e c ia lt ie s o f the F irst J o b s The finding, that information on scientists* fields of highest com petence serves as a good indication of their experience, is emphasized by the data on the specialties of their first jobs. A part of the scientists' limited experience out side their fields of highest compe tence was gained in their first pro fessional positions (as shown by the figures presented below). Needless to say, initial experience is much less significant as an indication of competence in a given specialty than is later more advanced work. Some new college graduates have - 26 no clear-cut career alms; others are forced by circumstances to take the first jobs offered. Moreover, in past years, recent graduates were not always as eagerly welcomed by pro spective employers as they have been during this period of defense pre parations. For all these reasons, a relatively high proportion of the first jobs held by these scientists were in entirely different disciplines from those in which they later spe cialized— 16 percent compared with 9 percent of all the jobs studied (table 12). Somewhat different factors ac count for the sizable number of scientists who started out in the same general fields but different specific specialties from those in which they currently consider them selves most competent. These scien tists often financed their graduate studies by working as laboratory assistants in the university depart ments in which they were taking their degrees. Many assistant teaching posts are for introductory courses, and the subjects taught in such a course may or may not be closely re lated to those in which the teach ing assistant is specializing. Hence, a considerable number of fledgling Ph.D.'s in organic chemistry, for example, may find themselves teach ing inorganic chemistry. Such cir cumstances are in some measure re sponsible for the fact that a higher proportion of the scientists' first jobs (4-8 percent) than of all their jobs (38 percent) were outside their specific fields of highest competence. It should be noted, however, that 52 percent of the respondents were employed in their fields of highest competence at the outset of their professional careers. The study indicates that about one out of every Table 12.— Comparison of scientists* field of highest competence with their field of speciali zation on first job Percent of scientists with first job in --r Total number reporting first job All fields All fields ........ 1/ 1,118 100.0 C h e m i s t r y ......... 615 General ......... Analytical ...... Biochemistry .... Inorganic ....... Organic ........ . Physical ........ 21 41 71 42 270 170 Physics ........... 164 Biology ........... 339 100.0 56.4 26.5 17.1 54 71 113 54 47 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 40.8 42.3 73.5 57.4 53.2 33.3 3B.0 8.8 35.2 34.0 25.9 19.7 17.7 7.4 12.8 Field of highest competence Bacteriology •••• Biology ......... B o t a n y .......... E n t o m o l o g y ...... Z o o l o g y .... . 1/ Specific field of highest competence Different specific field but same general fields as that of highest competence 52.1 32.2 15.7 100.0 44-6 43.9 11.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.7 36.6 52.1 28.6 47.4 40.0 19.0 46.3 28.2 50.0 45.9 48.2 14*3 17.1 19.7 21.4 6.7 11.8 100.0 71.3 — 28.7 Excludes 4 scientists who did not report field of employment on first job. Other general fields - 27 - Table 13.— Comparison of major subjects for doctor's and bachelor's degrees 1/ Major subject Total number for Ph.D. reporting degree Chemistry .. Physics .... Biology .... Other ..... 569 HO 309 42 Percent of scientists with bachelor's degrees in— All subjects Chemistry 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85H 3.6 5.2 16.7 Physics 0.9 77.2 — 2.4 Biology 1.1 — 72.3 23.8 Other 12.6 19.2 22.5 57.1 1/ Excludes 20 scientists who did not report major subject of Ph.D., 33 who did not report major subject for bachelor's degree, and 9 who reported neither. two Ph.D. scientists starts out and continues to work in the same spe cific field throughout the greater part of his professional life. R o le of Education in D e t e r m in in g S c ie n t is t s ’ S p e c ia lt ie s Although most of these scien tists had developed the interest that was to shape their lives by the time they were juniors in college, some changed their majors when they en tered graduate school. There was alas another much smaller group of scien tists who, by the time of the sur vey, were no longer specialists in the fields in which they had taken their doctor's degrees. Seventeen percent of the scien tists earned their baccalaureates and their doctorates in different fields (table 13). For most of the 247228 0 - 5 3 - 5 scientists, however, the field of graduate study was closely related to the scientist's undergraduate major. True, 1 man ha(d a bachelor's degree in architecture; another in business administration; 2 had begun in geology; and 18 had started out as students of the liberal arts. But the largest group of chemists who had not majored in chemistry as under graduates had studied chemical engi neering; the largest group of bio logists with undergraduate majors outside the biological sciences had specialized in agriculture; and more physics recruits from other fields came from mathematics than from any other subject (table B, p. 57). One reason wny most of these scientists majored in the same sub jects in both their graduate and undergraduate work is that they began their graduate studies either immedia- - 28 Table 14.— Scientists with bachelor's and doctor's degrees in same major subject,by interval between award of bachelor's and doctor's degree \J Number of years between receipt of bachelor's and of doctor's degree Total number reporting Total Percent of scientists With bachelor'8 and doctor's degree in— Same subject Different subjects Total .................... 2/1,069 100.0 83.2 16.8 Under 4 years ............ 4 - 6 years ............ 7 - 9 years ............ 1 0 - 1 4 years ............ 15 years or m o r e ...... .. 166 526 209 126 42 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 89.2 85.9 76.6 79-4 69.0 10.8 14.1 23.4 20.6 31.0 1/ For purposes of this table, the basis of comparison for the bachelor's and doctor's degrees was the general discipline, such as, chem istry, biology, and physics. 2/ Excludes 20 scientists who did not report date of Ph.D., 24 who did not report date of bachelor's degree, and 9 who reported neither date. ately or shortly after they received their bachelor's degrees. Two-thirds of them earned their doctorates within 6 years after receiving the bachelor's degree. 15/ The longer the interval between the receipt of a baccalaureate and a doctorate, the greater the likelihood of a shift in the student's major field. The proportion of scientists who changed majors was only 11 percent for the group who obtained their doctorates within 3 years aft er bachelor's degree, in contrast to 31 percent for the men who waited 15 years or longer to take their doctorates (table 14). For those men who had changed major subjects when they began gradu ate work, it was the graduate rather than the undergraduate major that more often played a determining role in the scientists’ careers (table 14). 15/ A study of all the scientists who earned their 1936 and 1948 showed that the modal time elppsed between doctor's degree was 4 years, the median 6 years, and the "The Production of Doctorates in the Sciences: 1936-48." American Council on Education. 1951, p. 95. doctorates between the bachelor's and mean 8 years. See Washington, D. C., - 29 Only 2 percent of the scientists were specialists, at the time of the stud$ in general fields in which they had majored as undergraduates but not as graduate students. On the other hand, 14. percent had altered their courses of study when they became candidates for the doctorate, and still regarded the general fields of their doctor's degrees as those of their highest competence (table 15^. In their decisions to transfer, from one discipline to another, scientists are apparently influenced to some extent by the demand for personnel. Physics expanded much more rapidly than either chemistry or biology in the period immediately prior to 194-8, the year when these data were obtained; and the men who classified themselves in 1948 as physicists were outstanding not only in the proportion who had earned their doctorates in a different field but also in the number who had first be gun to specialize in physics as graduate students. More than twice as large a proportion of physicists (12 percent) as of biologists and chemists had taken their doctorates in a different general field from that of their highest competence* Moreover, a relatively larger number of physicists (20 percent) than of biologists and chemists (13 percent) had majored in that field only at the graduate level. In most cases, Ph.D. candidates specialize in a particular branch of their general field. A graduate Table 15.— Comparison of major subjects for bachelor’s and doctor's degrees with scientists' general fields of highest competence Percent of scientists Major subject same as general field of highest compe- >ence For For For bache nei For both Ph.D. and bachelor's lor's ther Ph.D. degree degrees only de only gree { Field of highest competence Total number reporting Total >060 100.0 79-9 M.2 ■1.9 4*0 Chemistry ...... 578 100.0 81.6 14-.2 1.4 2.8 Physics ....... 154 100.0 68.2 19.5 1.3 11.0 Biology ....... 328 100.0 82.3 n.9 3.1 2.7 All fields .... \/ lA Excludes 20 scientists who did not report major subject for Ph.D., 33 who did not report major subject for bachelor's degree, and 9 who did not report major subject for either degree. - 30 - student of chemistry takes much of his work in one branch of chemistry. In the biological sciences, graduate work is almost entirely devoted to the major field of study. The ques tion arises, therefore, as to the extent to which such highly special ized training is utilized by the sci entists in later life. A partial answer to this ques tion is given in table C, p. 58 . Most biologists remained in the spe cific field in which they had taken their doctorates. Eighty-five per cent of the botanists, 94 percent of the entomologists, and 73 percent of the zoologists had received a doc torate in these respective fields. 16/ For technical reasons, the figures are less conclusive for the chemists, but it appears that few chemists spe cialize in a branch of chemistry other than that of their Ph.D. major. The largest group of chemists with train ing in a branch of chemistry outside their specific field of highest com petence was found among the analytical chemists; 21 percent had majored for their doctorate in organic, inorganic, or physical chemistry, or in biochem istry. So m e Im p lic a t io n s The foregoing analysis has shown that Ph.D. scientists can and do transfer from one branch of a scientific field to another and even between disciplines, but that most of them spend the greater part of their working lives in one special ty or in a closely related field. One group of scientists in the study (the 8 percent not currently employed in chemistry, physics, or biology) showed a high degree cf mobility. In addition, a small group of people with Ph.D.'s in the fields covered by the study whose activities had carried them so far afield that they no longer considered themselves primarily phys icists, chemists, or biologists, were excluded from the sample. By and large, however, Ph.D. scientists are sti'ongly attached to their fields of specialization. No statistical analysis can indicate to what extent this attach ment results from the attitudes of Ph.D. scientists toward their work and to what degree it is deter mined by the requirements of em ployers. The fact that most of the men chose their current specialties while still undergraduates suggests that the selection of these special ties expressed deep-rooted interests. Further, the minimum of 3 years of postgraduate study required for a Ph.D. degree represents too great a commitment to be set aside easily. It is well known, however, that once a professional person gains experience and competence in his field, he can not transfer to another field except at some sacrifice of either prestige or earnings. The fact that a doctor of philosophy has a highly specialized training is in itself a barrier to occupational mobility. 16/ Reliance should not be placed on the relatively low proportion of bacteriologists (65 percent) who appear to have received a degree in that field. One important branch of that field, parasitology, is, for some pur poses and in some schools, classified under zoology. This explains why 15 percent of the bacteriologists in this study had doctorates classified as in the field of zoology. - 31 - There is reason to believe that scientists with less academic train ing than Ph.D.'s have less attach ment to a given field of specialisa tion than do Ph.D.'s. A 1951 survey of physicists showed that 9 out of 10 Ph.D.'s had taken their highest degrees in this field, compared with 3 out of holders of master's degrees and slightly more than two-thirds of those holding only bachelor's de grees. 17/ Moreover, only a fourth of all the scientists in the sur U vey but close to half of those cur rently employed outside of physics held only bachelor's degrees. These findings suggest a close relation between the degree of attachment to a given scientific field and the extent of academic training in it. A study of occupational mobility which would include scientists at all levels of education would undoubtedly show a greater amount of occupational mobility than one, like the present, based on Ph.D.'s alone. TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNCTIONS The analysis of the extent to which scientists shift from one kind of activity to another and the pat tern of such movements requires a classification of the many kinds of work scientists do. This classifica tion, like that of scientific spe cialties, involves problems of defi nition. What is the distinction be tween research and development? Where does routine analysis end and re search begin? Where should the line be drawn between administration and other activities? These are some of the questions yet to be solved to the satisfaction of all or even a majority of students of scientific personnel. 17/ Manpower Resources Physics, 1951. op.cit., p. 11. in In the present study, classifi cation was determined by examining the information contained in the questionnaires and setting up as many categories of functions as could be distinguished. The following 16 categories were created: routine analysis and testing, and other rou tine professional work; design; de velopment; research; technical ad ministration; administration; college teaching; college teaching assistance (particularly laboratory assistance); other teaching (in elementary, secondary, technical, and vocational schools); sales and technical sales and service; technical writing; non technical editing and writing; wild life management; extension work; and consulting. A change in activity was re corded whenever a man's principal function shifted from one of the above-named types of activities to another. No analysis was made of secondary functions, such as parttime teaching or consulting, carried - 32 - Table 16.—Current functions performed by sc ie n tists in study, by fie ld of highest competence, 1948 Percent distribution Chemistry Physics Current function A ll fie ld s College teaching . . • • • .............................. College teaching a s s is ta n c e ...................... Other te a c h in g ................................................. Routine professional ivork.......................... Research .............................................................. Development........................................................ Design .................................................................. Technical administration ............................ Administration ................................................. Consulting ................. ........................................ S ales, technical sa le s, and services .. Estimating and cost analysis .................... Editing and writing ............................ .. Technical w r itin g ........................................... Extension w ork...................................... .... Wild l i f e management ............................ Other ........................................ ....................... 38.3 .4 .3 .1 30.0 2.0 .1 20.5 4.5 1.3 .7 .1 .1 .3 .3 .5 .5 26.3 .2 .5 — 34.0 1.8 — 28.0 5.0 1.8 1.3 .2 .2 .2 — .5 — .6 — — — T o t a l......................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 616 166 340 Total number rep o rtin g ................. ............... on along with other activities which occupied most of the scientists' time. At the time of the — 1,122 51.2 1.2 — 27.7 4.2 10.3 3.6 1.2 — — — — Biology 53.8 .6 .3 23.5 1,2 .3 11.7 4.1 .6 — — — — .3 .9 1.8 .9 The E x te n t o f F u n c tio n a l M o b ilit y survey, in 194.8 , more than half the biologists and physicists were employed mainly or solely as college teachers. Re search was, however, the predominant activity of the chemists} close to two-thirds either were doing work classed as research or were employed as technical administrators, with responsibility for directing re search activities. 18/ Only 5 per cent of the scientists held adminis trative positions, 2 percent were in development, and less than 2 percent were engaged in any of the other list types of activities (table 16). An analysis of the activities carried out by scientists on the jobs studied suggests that Ph.D. scien tists characteristically move from one type of activity to another. Four out of every five scientists in the sample had performed more than one of the functions listed above (table 17). Of the men who had held four jobs, three out of every five had worked in at least three dif ferent kinds of activities. Threefifths of those who had held only two jobs had ohanged functions be tween these jobs. 18/ Technical administration was defined to include supervision of a group of scientists, direction of research activities, and liaison between the research division of an organization and other divisions. Persons with responsibility for business administration, production, or construction were called administrators as were college presidents and deans. - 33 Some of these shifts in function represented progress up the promo tional ladder. Since administrative jobs are usually obtainable only a'ter long experience, it was among the scientists employed as administrators that the proportion who had performed in three or more different functions was highest (81 percent). 19/ Technics] *3/ The administrators were also the oldest group in the sample; their median age was 46 years com pared with 38 years for the research scientists and 40 years for the entire sample. Table 1 7 .—Number o f fu n ctio n s F ie ld o f h ig h e st competence and number o f jo b s A ll f ie ld s .............................. 1 job ................................... 2 job s ................................ 3 jo b s ................................. 4 job s ............................... C hem istry ................................ 1 job ................................... 2 job s ........................... 3 j o b s .................... ............ 4 j o b s ................................ P h ysics ................. ................... 1 j o b ................................... 2 jobs ................................ 3 j o b s ............... ................ 4 job s ................................ B io log y ..................................... 1 job ................................... 2 job s ................................ 3 jo b s ................................ 4 jo b s ................................ y T otal number o f s c ie n t is t s rep ortin g administration is usually an in termediate stage in professional advancement, and 54 percent of the technical administrators had three or more principal func tions in the course of the jobs covered by the study. The relative numbers of college teachers and research scientists with expe rience in as many as three dif ferent functions were considerably smaller (30 and 24 percent, re spectively), but high enough to indicate that only a part of the scientists* functional mobi lity was a reflection of profes sional advancement (table 18). performed by s c ie n t is t s on job s in clu d ed in study P ercent o f s c ie n t is t s T otal Number o f fu n ctio n s performed Three One Four Two 1,122 100.0 19.3 56 197 255 61 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 616 42 122 151 301 4 1 .8 41.8 — 31.5 — — — 14-1 7.0 58.2 53.7 35.6 32.2 44*0 100.0 20.2 41.9 29.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 38.3 166 3 26 — 7.4 — —— --- 1 — 13.4 a .o — — — 4.9 61.7 51.0 35.5 34-4 43.4 16.2 100.0 15.7 37.3 39.8 7.2 108 (2/) 100.0 100.0 100.0 (2/) 36.0 10.7 10.0 64.0 60.7 26.4 28.6 52.7 340 100.0 19.7 44.1 30.6 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 52.9 14-5 8.9 47.1 56.6 41.1 28.9 40.6 29 49 75 205 1 4 -6 — ■— — — — — — — — 10*9 5.6 — — — 9-4 1 /, Such a s c o lle g e tea ch in g , resea rch , and co n su ltin g . For com plete l i s t see ta b le 16. 2 / Number too sm all to warrant c a lc u la tin g p ercen ta ges. - 34 Table 18.— Number of functions performed by scientists on jobs included in study, by current function Current function and number of jobs Total reporting .... College teaching .. Research ........ Development ..... Technical administration •••• Administration .... Consulting Other ........... One j o b ....... . College teaching *. Research «••••••••• Other........... Two jobs ........... College teaching .. Research ......... Technical ad ministration .... Other ................ ................ College teaching *« Research....... .... Technical ad ministration .... Other ................ Four jobs ................ College teaching .. Research ............. Development ....... Technical ad ministration .... Administration .... Consulting .......... Other ................. Three jobs 1/ Total number of scientists reporting Percent of scientists Total Number of functions performed One Two Three 1,122 100.0 19.8 42.6 30.2 7.4 431 336 22.2 13.6 47.7 44.8 36.4 24.8 30.7 22 100.0 100.0 100.0 22.7 40.9 5.3 1.8 9.1 228 52 15 38 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.0 38.6 — 19.2 10.5 40.8 59.6 40.0 44.7 13.6 21.2 26.7 15.8 56 100.0 100.0 21 23 12 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 197 100.0 42.9 57.1 80 100.0 100.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 50.0 31 10 100.0 19.4 80.6 255 100.0 105 87 43 0/) — 33.3 29.0 — — — — — — — — — — 0/) — — _i — — — 14.5 53.5 32.0 100.0 100.0 14.3 25.3 62.8 22,9 27.6 — 47.1 — — 46.5 47.6 53.5 52.4 — 20 100.0 100.0 614 100.0 7.6 37.2 41.7 13.5 225 150 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.7 14.0 43.4 47.3 36.7 34*7 20.0 60.0 10.2 4.0 20.0 100.0 1.4 29.5 — 10.0 23.1 25.8 47.9 62.5 46.1 48.3 21.2 27.5 30.8 19.4 76 10 146 40 13 30 G/> 100.0 100.0 100.0 0/) G/> ~ — 6.5 Number too small to warrant computing percentages. Four ; — — — — — — - 35 - P a tte r n s of F u n c tio n a l M ovem ent Apart from transfers in func tions which represented normal ad vancement from the lower to the higher professional grades, the most frequent shifts were between teach More ing and research (table 19). than a third of the scientists who had held three or more jobs and who were currently engaged in research and technical administration had previously worked as regular college teachers, and more than 40 percent of the college teachers had at some time worked as full-time research scientists. Movement between college teaching and research was somewhat less common in chemistry than in physics and biology. Relatively few scientists had previous experience in work other than research and college teaching. About 7 percent of the scientists for whom three or four jobs were recorded and who were currently en gaged in research, administration, and technical administration, and 5 percent of the comparable group of college teachers had experience in development. About 13 percent of the college teachers had taught in high school. A few of the biologists had experience in wild life manage ment or in extension work. Seven percent of the physicists had worked as writers and editors. Only a hand ful in each scientific field had worked as sales and/or technical sales personnel, as designers, or as consultants (table 19). Much of the scientists' __ ex perience outside of research, oollege teaching, technical administration, and administration was gained in their first professional positions. A third of the scientists had begun their careers as college teaching assistants, usually with responsibi lity for the laboratory in a few science courses. 20/ Next to work as a college teaching assistant, the most frequent first activity of these scientists was research, in which a fourth of the scientists had begun their careers. Another sizable group (20 percent) had star ted as full-fledged college teachers. Surprisingly few (9 percent) had started out in the traditional be ginners' work of routine testing and analysis or routine classification. High school teaching, another occupa tion often regarded as transitional by the young men who start in it, had also engaged very few of these scientists at the onset of their careers (table D, p. 59). There was some relation ueuween the scientists' first job activities and their current ones. More than 70 percent of the college teachers but only about half the research scientists and technical administra tors had been employed initially in a teaching position of some kind. More than twice as high a proportion of the research scientists as of the college teachers had started out in 20/ Some men went back to school after having begun to work, and some of these financed their ad vanced' schooling through assistant teaching posts. For this reason, a larger proportion had some experience in assistant teaching in the course of the studied jobs than was the case for the first professional position. Table 19*— Comparison of previous functions with present function,for scientists with 3 or 4 jobs in this study Percent with prior experience in Field of highest competence and current function All fields: College teaching ...... R e s e a r c h .............. Technical administratioi Administration ........ Total number reporting Routine profes sional work College College teaching teaching assistance 238 10.6 11.0 189 49 12.2 8.2 Technical administratior fl+.m r>7i ........ 113 137 HO 31 11.5 10.9 H.3 9.7 Physics: College teaching ...... 72 8.3 47.2 2.8 45-9 30.8 Chemistry: College teaching ..... Research Research . . ............ .............. Technical administratior Administration ........ Biology: College teaching ..... Research .. ..............j Technical administratior Administration ................ 2/ 331 37 54.1 2 1.9 36 8.3 66.4 50.0 58.3 83.3 Technical administratior Administration ........ 27.5 46.9 2 .1 8 .2 11.5 9.5 29-3 3.5 58.1 9.7 5.6 16.7 15H (3/) __ — (2/) Research ........... .............. Technical administratior Administration ................ Physics: College teaching Research Technical administratior Administration ........... ........................... .. ................ Biology: College teaching ......... . 8.2 Technical administratior Administration 10.9 25.0 25.0 ............... 2 .1 j j : — 5.3 7.3 2.2 — ___ i if |: 1 |j !1 11 | — 2 .8 — 7* 1.4 __ — (2/) .7 1.6 ” 1 6.5 50.0 77.8 1 1 .1 Sales, Editing technical a nd sales, and writing services u — i 8.6 51.6 — — __ (2 /) — 1.6 8.3 — Extension work and wild life management 7.7 — Other 1.2 1.8 1.7 1.3 .5 1 .1 2 .0 2 .1 — — — — — (3/) (3/) __ - — __ — ( | t1 .5 .4 6.5 1.4 1 .1 0.6 2 .0 — .7 .7 — .7 — 1.7 1.8 2.9 .9 a /) Design 0.6 6 .1 — 16.7 41.1 79.7 55.6 58.3 .5 2 .0 .6 73.7 76.4 (2 /) 12.3 7.8 __ 7.9 92.3 U/) 0.6 .4 2.8 8.3 Estimating and cost analysis 0.6 .7 i __ 6 .1 i : | j 1i (2/) 27.8 25.0 __ 4.5 7.2 15.3 8.3 7.7 11.0 15.6 0.9 43.2 75.9 73.5 49.0 73.6 47.2 146 64 Consulting 13.0 5.5 5.3 4.1 ,, a 76.9 Adminis tration Develop ment 12.4 3.6 5.7 3.2 Q /) 8.8 11.0 Chemistry: College teaching 37.1 29.0 — Research 61.9 27.0 34-3 41.9 (17) .............. Research 53.1 6 12 Other teaching 66.5 36.3 41.8 57.1 ---------- 48.2 13 Technical adminis tration All fields: College teaching ...... 52.3 40.8 34-9 24.5 1/ i — 1.4 — 7.7 (2 /) .7 __ — 8.3 !| j 1 4.1 — ___. — — 6.5 — — — (2 /) — 5.6 — (2/) 4.2 6.2 5.6 8.3 1.4 1.8 .7 2 .1 2.8 1/ The percentages in this table are in each case based on the total number of scientists shown in the first column, but are not mutually exclusive. That is, a scientist with experience in 3 dif ferent jobs was listed 3 times. 2/ Excludes 249 sqientists for whom only 1 or 2 jobs were recorded and 66 with functions other than those shown. 3/ Number too small to warrant calculating percentages. Lj Including technical wilting. - 37 - research. A much higher proportion of the administrators than of any other group had started out as full-fledged college teachers. In considering these findings, however, it must be noted that some men whose first and current posi tions were both in teaching had held intermediate positions as research scientists. Likewise, some of the research scientists who had started out in this work had taught in a college at some point in their careers. This analysis of changes in the scientists• principal func tions takes no account of the sizable amount of part-time teach ing by men engaged mainly in re search nor the great volume of part-time research done by col lege teachers. A college teacher may have no contractual obliga tion to carry out a research project, but his standing in the academic community and his professional ad vancement depend to a great ex tent upon his research achieve ments and publications. It has been said that much of the dif ference between a research scien tist and a university professor is that the latter chooses his research problem and the former has it chosen for him. This view represents only part of the truth* more of the Nation's research is done in industrial and government laboratories than on the campus. However, the findings of this study suggest that a professor of, for example, organic chemistry and a research chemist in that field have more in common than an or ganic and an inorganic chemist. Although Ph.D. scientists can and sometimes do transfer from one specialty to another, such movement is much less common than shifts in function, particularly between re search and teaching. - 38 - TRANSFERS BETWEEN TYPES OF EMPLOYERS Scientists have a high degree of mobility with respect to the types of employers for whom they work, as well as the functions they perform. This is shown in the present study, even though the categories used in classifying the organizations employ ing the scientists were broad. 21/ These were: education, government, private industry, nonprofit founda tion, independent consulting work, and other self-employment. Three out of every five scientists in the study had held jobs in at least two of these categories (table 20). Of the scientists who had worked for four different em ployers in the course of the jobs studied, three-fourths had made one or more changes in type of employ ment: a sizable group (17 percent) had worked for three different kinds of employers, and a few had worked for a different type of employer on each of the four jobs. who The proportion of scientists had always worked for one type of employer was much higher among those currently employed in education than among those in other fields— 58 percent, compared with 20 percent (table 21). More over, differences in type-of-employer mobility among the groups in fields other than education were smaller than the difference between the educators and all the other scientists taken together. Apart from the extremely small number currently self-employed, the group of scientists who had been most mobile were the nonprofit foundation employees. Sixty percent of these employees had worked for two types of employers and 37 percent for three types. A higher proportion of scientists currently working for the govern ment than of scientists in private industry had worked for two or more classes of employers, but this difference was partly due to the fact that the government employees tended to be older than the private industry scientists. 22J 21/ The extent of mobility recorded depends in part on the number of categories in a given classification system. Thus, for purposes of the present analysis, 5 type-of-employer categories were used, 16 function categories, 48 location categories (States), and an even higher number of specific specialties. It follows then that the probability, purely in terms of chance, that any given scientist would work for more than one type of employer was smaller than that he would work in more than one specialty. 22/ The median age of the government employees was 43 years, of the educators 41 years, and of the scientists in private industry 39 years. - 39 - Table 20.— Number of types of employers for whom scientists worked on jobs included in study F i eld o f highest competence and n u m b e r of em ployers in study Total number of scientists reporting P e r c e n t of scientists Total N u m b e r of types o f e m p l o y e r s w o r k e d for One Two 49-7 Three Four ....... 1,122 100.0 41.0 e mployer ..... employers .... e m ployers .... e m ployers .... 113 279 349 381 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.5 30.9 25.5 49.5 58.5 56.7 — 10.6 17.0 C he m i s t r y ........ 616 100.0 38.3 52.6 8.8 1 emp l o y e r ..... 79 159 193 185 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 47.8 23.8 18.9 52.2 65.3 62.2 10.9 17.8 — ........... 166 100.0 45.8 43 »4 10.8 — 1 e m p l o y e r ..... 2 e mployers .... 3 empl o y e r s .... 4 empl o y e r s .... 9 39 45 73 a/) 100.0 100.0 100.0 (1/) 53.8 42.2 37.0 46.2 40.0 49.3 17.8 13.7 B i o l o g y .......... . 340 100.0 43.5 47.7 8.5 25 81 111 123 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 54.3 38.7 29.3 45.7 54.1 52.8 — A ll fields 1 2 3 4 2 emp l o y e r s .... 3 e m ployers .... 4 e m ployer s ..... P hysics 1 2 3 4 e m p l o y e r ..... emp l o y e r s .... e m ployers .... e m ployers .... 1/ 9.0 — — — — .8 .3 —— —— — — 1.1 — — 7.2 17.1 Number too small to warrant calculating percentages 0.3 — — — .3 — — .8 - -40 - Table 2 1 . — Num b e r of types of employers for w h o m s c i e ntists w o r k e d on jobs i ncluded i n study, b y type o f current e mployer Field of highest competence and type of current employer Total number of scientists reporting Percent of scientists Total Number of types of employers worked for One Three Two Four 1 /1,066 100.0 37.8 52.2 9.7 499 146 379 12 30 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 58.1 15.1 23-7 — 3.3 38.5 68.5 64.1 33.3 60.0 3-4 15.7 11.9 58.4 36.7 574 100.0 33.6 56.6 9.4 190 55 307 7 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 (1/) 100.0 53.9 14.5 27.0 — — 42.4 60.0 65.2 3.7 23.7 7.5 163 100.0 44*8 43.6 11.6 — Educational institution. Government.... . Private industry ...... Self-employed 2/ ..... Foundation ........... 110 13 33 3 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 39.1 69.2 51.5 1.8 23.1 30.3 — <2/> a/) 59.1 7.7 18.2 — (3/) m 0 /) (2/) 0/) Biology ................. 329 100.0 41.6 49.0 9.1 Educational institution. Government........... Private industry ....... Self-employed 2/ ..... Foundation ............ 199 78 39 2 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 61.8 16.7 2.5 — 34.2 74.3 66.7 — 81.8 4.0 9.0 30.8 All fields ............. Educational institution. Government ............ Private industry ...... Self-employed 2/ ...... Foundation ............ Chemistry.............. Educational institution. Government ............ Private industry ...... Self-employed 2/ ....... Foundation ........... Physics ................ 1/ 2/ 2/ a/) 100.0 (2/> 53.3 do 46.7 €2/) 18.2 E xcludes 56 scientists for w h o m o n l y 1 job was recorded. Includes independent consultants. N u m b e r too small to war r a n t c a l c u lating percentages. 0.3 — .7 .3 8.3 — .4 — 1.8 •3 — —— — — — .3 —* — a/) “ — - u tween their first and second jobs and their third and fourth jobs. About 70 percent of those who had been educators before these job changes remained on the campus there after, but less than half of those who had been government employees stayed in government (tables 22 and 23). 2 2 / The scientists in private industry were more likely to remain in the same type of employment than were the government employees, but less apt to do so than the educators. A comparison also has been made of the types of employers for whom the scientists had worked on the first and second recorded jobs and on the third and fourth jobs. Well over half the scientists for whom information was available did not change their type of employer be tween the first and second jobs (table 22). This was true also for the third and fourth jobs (table 23) • It should be noted, however, that a change in job, as defined in this study, did not always involve a change in the employing organization: about 19 percent of the scientists for whom a second job was recorded worked for the same organization on this job as on the first, and 38 per cent of those for whom four jobs were recorded did not change employers between the last two jobs. If the analysis had been limited to job shifts which involved a change in em ployer, the percentage of shifts found to represent transfers from one type of employer to another would undoubtedly have been higher. The figures in tables 22 and 23 also indicate that more than twothirds of the scientists who left the government, private industry, or a foundation for another type of em ployment entered educational insti tutions. The largest numbers en tering education from other types of employment came from private industry, but the proportion of government em ployees who left the government for education was higher than the cor responding proportion of private in dustry employees. The conclusion indicated pre viously that college faculty members were the group least prone to shift to other types of employment is borne out by the scientists’ movement's be The fact that the universities were able to compete successfully with other types of employers in at tracting and retaining scientists is noteworthy in .view of the low salary 23/ It should not be inferred that larger numbers of these scientists worked for universities on the second job than on the first or in the fourth job compared with the third. As between the first and second jobs, in fact, the absolute numbers employed in universities declined, because a cer tain number of scientists had been working as teaching assistants in. order to finance their studies and severed their university ties when they obtained their doctorates. Even as between the third and fourth jobs, however, the number who entered the universities from other types of employment just about balanced the number who left the universities. - 42 levels prevailing in educational in stitutions. 2 u f Apparently, the ad vantages of university employment, such as freedom of research, are suf ficiently strong to countervail, in the minds of many scientists, the economic handicaps such employment imposes. 25/ The extent of mobility and its direction is, however, as much a matter of economic opportunity as of personal preference. The decision to remain in university employment reflected, at least in some cases, nothing more than the lack of an alternative opportunity. Chemists, who are more widely used in industry than the other scientists, were the group who most often left universi ties for other types of employment. Less than two-thirds of the chemists but three-fourths of the biologists and physicists remained in education in the job changes recorded’in tables 22 and 23. Moreover, most of the chemists who left education, and close to half of those who trans ferred out of government went into private industry. On the other hand, among the biologists who have limited opportunities for industrial employment, those who left educa tional institutions most often en tered the government. These figures give no information on the trends in the employment of* Ph.D. scientists. That there has been an increase in the number of Ph.D. scientists in government and private industry is well known. These data suggest, however, that the recruits into government and industry have come in large measure from the ranks of the newly created doctors of philosophy rather than from among scientists already estab lished as educators. 26/ £*4/ The median salary in 1948 of the Ph.D.'s employed exclusively in educational institutions was $4,860 a year, of those working solely for government agencies, $6,280} and of private industry employees, $7,070. Bulletin No. 1027, op.cit., p. 45• It does not follow, however, that the individual scientist who shifted into education suffered a reduction in earnings. .25/ A survey of a group of scientists who left government jobs in 1948 indicated that these scientists considered university employment on the whole the most desirable for technical work. See Clark D. Ahlberg and John C. Honey, Attitudes of Scientists ana Engineers about their Govern ment Employment, Syracuse University, 1950, Vol. 1, p. 40. 26/ That there has been a distinct tendency among the young Ph.D. scientists to go into research rather than into teaching is clear from the findings of two recent surveys of physicists and chemists, conducted by the National Scientific Register. See Manpower Resources in Physics, 1951. op.cit., and Manpower Resources in Chemistry, 1951. a forthcoming report by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Scientific Register. Table 22.— Types of employers for whom scientists worked on second job in study compared with type of employer on first job Field of highest competence and type of employer on first job Total number reporting _ All fields 1 Educational institution . • Government Private industry ........ . F o u n d a t i o n ........ y 602 83 160 19 .... Percent employed on second job by All types of employers Educational institution Government 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 6 8 .9 1 2 .3 Private industry Independent consultant Founda tion Other 0.3 2.2 — — 2 .A — — A S .2 A3. A 38.1 57.9 10.6 10.5 16.3 6.0 51.3 21.1 7.0 33-3 11.5 (2/) 27.3 U.8 53.4 (2/) (2/) 11.0 (2/) —— Chemistry: Educational institution .. Government ............... Private industry ..••••••• F o u n d a t i o n .... . 286 27 131 8 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 (2/) 63.6 51.9 35.1 (2/) Physics: Educational institution •• G o v e r n m e n t .... . ......... Private industry ........ . F o u n d a t i o n ........... . 109 4 19 4 100.0 (2/) 100.0 (2/) 77.1 (2/) 47.4 (2/) 9.2 (2/) 5.2 (2/) 47 »A (2/) (2/) Biology: Educational institution .. Government ............... Private industry ......... Foundation ................ 207 52 10 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 (2/) 72.0 46.2 21.2 48.1 10.0 (2/) 3.4 1.9 30.0 (2/) 6 0 .0 (2/) ♦4- 10.5 1 .4 — — — — — — — 0*3 — — (2/) (£ /) 2.7 (2/) — (2/) — (2/) (2/) (2/) .5 2.9 3.8 __ — — _, (2/) (2/) (2/) — — — — — 1/ Excludes 151 scientists not reporting type of employer on either first or second job, and 56 for whom only one job was recorded. 2/ Number too small to warrant computing percentages. Table 23.— Types of employers for whom scientists worked on third job in study compared with type of employer on fourth job Field of highest competence and type of employer on third job Total number reporting 1/ Percent employed on fourth job by All types of employer Educational institution Government Private industry All fields: Educational institution .. G o v e r n m e n t ............... Private i n d u s t r y ......... Foundation ............... 299 132 186 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.9 31.8 17.7 36.4 8.7 46.2 6.5 9.1 18.0 19.7 68.3 18.1 Chemistry: Educational institution •» G o v e r n m e n t ............... Private industry ......... Foundation ................ 115 a 147 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 a /) 61.7 19.5 11.6 (2/) 6.1 51.2 5.5 (2/) 28.7 29.3 76.2 (2/) Physics: Educational institution .. Government ................ Private industry ••.•••••• Foundation ............... 74 u 23 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 (2/) 79.7 57.1 47.8 (2/) 5.4 21.4 4.4 (2/) 12.2 14.3 39.1 (2/) Biology: Educational institution .• Government ............... Private industry ......... Foundation .•••••......... 110 77 16 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 (2/) 74.6 33.8 31.3 (2/) 13.6 48.0 18.8 (2/) 10.9 15.6 37.5 (2/) 1/ 2/ U Excludes scientists who held fewer than jobs. Number too small to warrant computing percentages. Independent consultant Selfemployed Founda tion .. 0.7 .8 2.1 — — — 1.7 1.5 2.7 36.4 — _ 3 .5 — ... 2 .0 (2/) 2.7 7.2 2.7 2 .0 2.7 <2/) (2/) _ .. _ __ __ 8 .7 (2/) (2/) (2/) .9 2.6 — .. _ _ 6.2 (2/) 6.2 (2/) _ (2/) - 45 - GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY The remainder of this report deals with the kind of mobility most often studied; namely, movement from one part of the country to another. The analysis covers not only scien tists’ migration in the course of their employment but also their movements between States and regions in connection with their education, and the net effect of these movements on the scientists’ geographic dis tribution. In this analysis, it has been possible to supplement the in formation for the sample group of scientists with certain data for all Ph.D. chemists, biologists, and phys icists included in the Biographical Directory of American Men of Science. Geographic Movement as Students The concentration of graduate education in a relatively small num ber of universities and the correla tive tendency for students to change schools on entering graduate studies is well known. At least among sci ence students, however, movement for graduate work seems to go far beyond the limitations imposed by the avail ability of satisfactory facilities for advanced study. Even those students taking their baccalaureates in States with outstanding universi ties often journey to other States for graduate work. More than 60 percent of the approximately 12,000 chemists, phys icists, and biologists with Ph.D. degrees included in Bulletin 1027 obtained their bachelor’s and doc tor’s degrees in different States (table 24). There were only 5 States (California, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Wisconsin) which retained as graduate students more than half the scientists granted bachelor’s degrees within their boundaries. The States which lost the majority of their newly created bachelors of science in cluded such centers of education as Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsyl vania, Iowa, and Michigan. The pro portion of students going to other States for graduate study was high est, however, for the parts of the country with limited facilities for graduate work. Twenty-four States, 20 of them in either the South or the Mountain-Plains regions, saw at least four-fifths of the scientists granted B.S.'s by their institutions leave for advanced study elsewhere. In most cases, the students who changed schools between their bac calaureate and their doctorate moved to an entirely different section of the country for graduate work. More than half the 12,000 scientists sur veyed obtained their bachelor's and doctor's degrees in different re gions. As in the case of interstate movements, the proportion who trans ferred across regional lines was highest among those students who did their undergraduate work in sections of the country without extensive fa cilities for advanced study in the* sciences. Less than 30 percent of the men with baccalaureates from - A6 - Table 2 4 -—Percent of s c ie n t is t s who received P h .D .'s in same S tate as b ach elor's degree, and percent cu rren tly employed in S tate o f b ach elor's degree 1 / State of bachelor's degree United States ............................. Number of s c ie n tis ts reporting Percent who received doctor's degree in State o f bachelor's degree 2] Percent currently employed in State of bachelor's degree 2 / 2 / 12,198 38.6 23.0 _ 19.3 21.4 13.2 53.6 18.2 13.2 — 22.7 20.0 6 .9 21.8 15.8 11.3 11.2 11.7 31.2 7.6 20.1 20.5 21.2 Alabama ................................................... Arizona ................................................... Arkansas ................................................. C alifornia ............................................ Colorado ................................................. C on n ecticu t................................. .. Delaware ............................... ................. Florida ................................................... Georgia ................................................... Id a h o ....................................................... 57 28 76 685 154 257 7 75 120 58 I llin o is .......................................... Indiana ................................................... Iowa .......................................................... K ansas............................................ .. K entucky................................................. Louisiana ............................................... M aine....................................................... M aryland................................................. Massachusetts ...................................... Michigan ................................................. 980 506 400 312 103 61 105 229 777 506 M innesota.............................................. M is s is s ip p i......... ................................ Missouri ................................................. Montana ................................................... Nebraska ................................................. Nevada .......................................... ......... New Hampshire..................................... New Jersey ................................. New Mexico ............................................ New Y ork ......... ....................................... North Carolina .................................... North Dakota ........................................ Ohio ......................................................... Oklahoma .......................................... .. Oregon ..................................................... Pennsylvania ........................................ Rhode Island ........................................ South C a ro lin a ............................. South D akota........... ............................ Tennessee ................................. ............ Texas ....................................................... U ta h ................................................ .. Vermont ................................................... Virginia ................................................. Washington ............................... .. Wbst V irginia ...................... Wisconsin ................................... Wyoming ................................. ................. D istrict o f Columbia ...................... 405 74 268 90 213 4 139 171 18 1,165 159 50 930 92 154 855 124 102 96 104 248 175 46 190 212 99 426 18 75 — 1.3 66.6 18.8 48.3 — 29.3 4 .2 53.4 28.1 43.5 19.2 1.0 11.5 1 .0 57.6 43.9 42.9 45.7 — 27.2 22.1 — -— 45.6 — 58.5 — 40-9 2 .0 42.9 4 .4 8 *4 40.9 32.3 — — 15.4 33.9 1.1 2.2 34.7 36.8 13.1 16.5 18.9 12.7 8 .9 10.3 (V) 7 .9 26.3 (*/) 38.2 22.6 4.0 60.1 22.9 17.4 15.6 32.5 5.7 17.7 3.1 16.4 33.1 25.7 8 .7 17.4 16.5 23.2 18.1 24.0 21.3 — (V) 1 / Based on ch em ists, p h y sic is ts , and b io lo g is ts w ith Ph.D. degree included in B u lletin No. 1027, D. S. Department o f Labor. 2 / The percentages in columns 2 and 3 in each case were based on the number o f scien t i s t s who received a b ach elor's degree in each S ta te. Those cu rren tly employed in each S tate did not n e c e ssa r ily receive a doctorate in th a t S ta te. 3 / Excludes 542 s c ie n t is t s who received b ach elor's degrees or eq u iv alen t in foreign countries and 457 who did not report S tate o f b ach elor's degree. ij Number too sm all to warrant computing p ercentages. - 47 southern schools received their doc torates in the South, and the cor responding figure for graduates of colleges in the Mountain-Plains States was still lower (table 25). However, three-fourths of the men who earned bachelor's degrees in the North Central States obtained their doctorates in that region. Even those States attracting the largest number of graduate stu dents from other parts of the country lost young scientists to educational institutions outside their borders. New York institutions attracted more scientists with baccalaureates earned elsewhere than did those of any other State, according to figures for the small sample of 1 ,1 2 2 biologists, chemistsj and physicists with Ph.D. degrees. Men came from as far away Table 25.— Percent of scientists receiving Ph.D. in same region as bachelor's degree, by region 1/ Percent re* ceiving Ph.D. in region of bachelor's degree Region of bachelor's degree Number of scientists reporting Tkiited S t a t e s .... 2/ 12,072 55.8 1,417 2,468 1,553 4,123 1,477 1,034 48.3 68.1 28.7 74.0 19.0 57.7 New E n g l a n d ...... Middle Xtlantic ... South ...4....... . North C e n t r a l .... Mountain-Plains ... Pacific .......... 1/ The data for all Ph.D. chemists, biologists, and physicists is based on Bulletin No. 1027, 0. S. Department of Labor. 2/ Excludes 668 scientists who received baccalaureates or doctorates in foreign countries and 457 who did not report State of bachelor's degree. as Texas and California to do grad uate work in New York, but more than one-third of the New York college graduates went elsewhere for their doctorates (table E, p. 6 0 )• Illinois was next to New York in the number of scientists who earned their doc torates in that State though they had obtained their bachelor’s de grees elsewhere. Nevertheless, close to half of the men in the sam ple who were awarded bachelor’s de grees from Illinois colleges re ceived their doctor's degrees in other parts of the country. It seems reasonable to suppose that the desire to see the world played some part in the exodus of these young men for graduate study. Only a minority of the students who left the State where they had earned their baccalaureates received their doctorates in nearby States. Of the 26 who left Illinois, only 10 ob tained their doctorates from univer sities in contiguous States. Of the 27 who left New York, only 6 earned their degrees in adjacent States. Conversely, only a third of the stu dents who earned doctorates in Illinois after taking bachelor’s de grees elsewhere had received these first degrees in nearby States. Col lege graduates from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, and Connecticut, formed only about a fourth of the men in the sample who had earned doctor's but not bachelor’s degrees in New York (table E, p. 6o)* Migration as Employees A relatively high degree of geographic movement is characteristic of professional personnel in general. The 1940 Census showed., for example, - 4S - that one out of every four profes sional and semiprofessional men, compared to only one out of seven employed men in the country, had changed his State of residence be tween 1935 and 194-0. The data on the number of States in which the men in the sample group for this study had been employed suggests that Ph.D. scientists are even more mobile than the average professional man. 27/ More than 80 percent of these scientists had moved across State lines at least once in the course of the jobs studied, and more than 4-0 percent had worked in three or more States (table 26). 27/ Exactly comparable data are not available for either professional personnel or the population as a whole. However, in a study of manual workers of a New England city it was found that 76 percent of those for whom histories had been taken had never been employed outside of the State where they were currently working. See The Structure of Labor Markets, by Lloyd G. Reynolds. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1951. p. 37. Table 26.— Number of States in which scientists worked on jobs included in study Percent of scientists Field of highest competence and number of jobs Total number reporting Total Who 1rorked in designated numbe>r of States on jobs inclAided in the study One Three Four Two All fields ........ 1,122 1 0 0 .0 17.6 job ........... jobs ......... jobs ......... jobs ......... 56 197 255 6 14 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 100.0 32.0 14.5 6.7 68.0 45.9 30.9 — — *39.6 40*4 — 22.0 Chemistry ......... 616 1 0 0 .0 21.3 4 1 .6 28.2 8.9 42 122 151 301 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 100.0 33.6 1 4 .6 8.6 — 6 6 .4 4 4 .4 3 5 .9 41.0 37.2 18.3 166 1 0 0 .0 10.2 38.6 34.3 16.9 — — — — 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 job ........... jobs ......... jobs ......... j o b s ...... . Physics.... ...... 1 j o b .......... 2 jobs ••••••••., 3 jobs ......... 4 jobs ......... Biology ............ 1 j o b .......... 2 3 jobs .......... jobs ......... 4 jobs ......... 1/ 39.3 — 31.1 — — — 12.0 — __ — — 3 26 29 108 Q/) (i/) — 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 23.1 6.9 5.6 76.9 48.3 27.8 44*8 40.7 25.9 340 1 0 0 .0 14*4 35.6 34.7 15.3 (1/) — — 32.7 17.3 4.4 67.3 48.0 25.4 — — 11 49 75 205 Q/> 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 Number too small to warrant computing percentages. 34.7 44.9 — — — 25.3 - 49 _ There are several reasons for this high geographic mobility. The labor market for scientists is na tional rather than local, and scien tists* positions are usually secired through university and professional contacts rather than through friends, relatives, or local employment serv ices. It may be also that people who leave their home communities to attend schools in other parts of the country have less psychological resistance to further movement in connection with their employment than people who receive all their school ing in their home towns. It is also true that the professional advance ment of educators is in some degree dependent on their willingness to transfer between universities. In the present study, the chemists, who worked in private industry, in the majority of cases,were somewhat less mobile than the other scientists, who were most often employed in educa tional institutions. Although figures are not avail able on the relative mobility of scientists in different age groups, the study suggests that the-younger men had a greater tendency toward geographic mobility than the older men. It will be recalled that the median age of the men for whom only two jobs were recorded was 37 years, compared with 4.0 years for those who had held at least four positions. More than two-thirds of the scien tists who had held only two jobs mi grated into a different State when they entered their second position. The proportion of scientists migrat ing each time they changed jobs declined as the number of jobs increased. Only 4-0 percent of the scientists for whom three jobs were recorded worked in a different State on each of these positions. Only 22 percent of the group who had had four jobs had worked in four differ ent States (table 26). At all age levels, however,these scientists had a much higher rate of geographic mobility than the general population. Furthermore, an examination of the schedules indi cated that most of these movements across State lines represented move ments of at least several hundred miles. The high geographic mobility of the scientist suggests that the location of research or development projects in areas away from the greater centers of population, where most scientists live and work, need not be a barrier to the recruitment of qualified scientists, particular ly Ph.D.'s. Apparently, for a sci entist, the nature of the job and the salary it offers will usually outweigh the advantages or disad vantages of its location. Comparison of Stato of Employmont with Stato of Education Most scientists begin their careers in States where they have received at least part of their education. Two-thirds of those in the small sample began their first professional careers in the State where they had been awarded either their baccalaureate or doctorate (table 27). The men generally mi grated at least once in the course of their careers, and fewer than a third (30 percent) were working in the State of either their bachelor's or doctor's degree at the time of the survey. Table 27.— Comparison of State of first professional Job and current employment with State of bachelor's and doctor's degrees Percent of scientists employed in— Field of highest competence Number of scientists reporting Same State as that of either bachelor1s or doctor’s degree Different State * from that of ei ther bachelor’s or doctor’s degree First professional job All fields ............... Chemistry ............ Physics ............. Biology ............. 1/ 1,026 67.4 32.6 569 150 307 66 >4 66.7 69.4 33.6 33.3 30.6 Current employment (194#) All fields .............. . 2/ 1,004 30.5 69-5 Chemistry ........... P h y s i c s ......... .... B i o l o g y ........ ..... 539 150 315 29-4 33.8 30.7 70.6 66.2 69.3 1/ Excludes 26 scientists who did not report State of bachelor's did not report State of Ph.D., 17 who reported neither, and 28 who did of first job. Excludes 23 scientists who did not report State of bachelor's did not report State of Ph.D., 16 who reported neither,and 56 for whom recorded, which was coded as the first job. 7j The proportion of scientists currently employed in the State in which they received their bachelor's degree was only 23 percent, for all Ph.D. biologists, chemists, and phys icists included in Bulletin No. 1027. California, which had retained more than half the scientists granted bachelor's degrees by its colleges, was the leading State in this re spect. Four other States (Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas), currently employed more than 30 per cent of the men who had earned bach elor's degrees in the given State. At the low end of the scale were 15 States which had retained less than 15 percent of their bachelors of science. Most of these States were in the Mountain-Plains region or in New England (table 24). degree, 25 who not report State degree, 23 who only one job was The fact that a scientist takes his doctorate in the same State as his baccalaureate is not evidence that he will continue to live and work there. For example, threefifths of the men who were graduated from colleges in Wisconsin obtained doctorates in that State,- but fewer than a fifth who received bachelor's degrees in that State were currently employed there. On the other hand, some of the States which witnessed a great exodus of students for grad uate study later regained them. Less than 5 percent of the scien tists who received their bachelor’s degrees from Georgia colleges took their doctorates in that State, but a fifth were currently employed there. - 51 - S ta te a n d R e g io n a l G a in s The movement of scientists across State boundaries, for either grad uate training or employment is by no means all in one direction. In each State the gains and losses offset each other in some measure. Hence,it is necessary to align the States in terms of net loss and net gains in personnel, if an answer is to be provided to the much-discussed ques tion. Are professionally trained men being drained off from certain sections of the country? tists). This comparison showed pro nounced gains for two sections of the country— the Middle Atlantic and the North Central States— and sharp losses for the South and the MountainPlains regions (table 28). Quite a different picture was disclosed when the number of bachelor's degrees granted in each region was compared with the number of scientists cur rently employed there. More scien tists were employed in the South than had received bachelor's degrees from Southern schools. Fewer scientists were employed in North Central States than had received bachelor's degrees from North Central colleges. In order to answer this question, an analysis was made of the number of scientists who received bachelor's degrees in the different regions with the number who received .doctor's degrees (for the entire 12,000 scien Regional comparisons obscure differences among States.On the basis of losses and gains between the num bers of scientists educated and cur rently employed within their bounda ries, the 48 States can be divided an d L o sse s Table 28.— Number of scientists granted bachelor's or doctor's degrees or currently employed in each region 1/ Region New England ............ Middle Atlantic...... . South ................ . North Central .......... Mountain-Plains....... . Pacific ........4....... Number granted bachelor's degrees 1,448 2,502 1,560 4, 153 1,484 1,051 Number granted Ph.D. degrees 1,431 3,599 632 5,328 477 1,085 Number currently employed 947 5,063 1,854 3,083 816 1,350 1/ Based on chemists, physicists, and biologists with Ph.D. degree included in Bulletin No. 1027, U. S. Department of Labor. - 52 into four groups (table 29)* The first category includes those States where the number of scientists em ployed was greater than the number who had been awarded doctorates, and the latter figure in turn exceeded the number who had received their baccalaureates in the given State. The Middle Atlantic States, except Delaware and Pennsylvania, fall with in this category (Group I), as do California, Connecticut, and North Carolina. Table 29*— Number of scientists granted a bachelor's or doctor's degree or currently employed in each State (L948) 1/ State Number Number Number granted b a c h e l o r ^ granted currently Ph.D. employed degree State Number granted Number Number bachelor1s granted currently degree employed Ph.D. Group III Group I Connecticut...... New York ........ New Jersey ...... Maryland ........ District of Columbia a •.... North Carolina »• California ..... 257 1,165 171 229 430 1,841 306 594 262 1,854 898 466 75 159 685 145 210 359 182 1,050 Massachusetts Illinois .... Wisconsin • • • • Minnesota .... Iowa 11 r» 1 1 »? t 882 1,673 857 471 667 495 895 287 105 139 46 124 930 506 506 268 50 96 213 312 102 103 74 76 90 58 18 154 175 212 154 3 56 47 36 '51 702 340 468 224 28 25 67 111 58 90 48 50 42 29 17 89 78 189 111 922 M aine ........ New Hampshire+ V erm on t ...... Rhode Island.. O h i o ....... . I n d ia n a 855 7 190 99 120 75 104 57 61 92 248 18 28 4 713 — 132 21 8 27 45 1 *0 11 130 5 — 1,032 454 197 103 129 153 209 93 128 147 267 59 38 9 ...... Michigan .... Missouri .... North Dakota. • South Dakota.. Nebraska ••••• ITo n c<o c* South Carolina Kentucky ••••• Mississippi . . Arkansas ..... llillt 4 ftM fi Idaho ........ Wvomini? ...... Colorado ..... Utah ......... Washington ••• Ofecrnn . ...... 1 115 783 373 504 197 2 1 109 89 1 3 3 70 / 131 32 ------ — <c--------1/ Based on chemists, physicists, and biologists with Ph.D. degree included in Bulletin No. 1027, 0. S. Department of Inbor. 229 162 Group IV Group II Pennsylvania . • . . Delaware •••••••. Virginia ....... West Virginia . • . Georgia ......... Florida ......... Tennessee • • • • • .. Alabama ......... Louisiana ••••••• Oklahoma ........ T e x a s .... .. ..... New M e x i c o ..... Arizona ......... Nevada .... .... 777 980 426 405 400 - 53 In Group II, the number of sci entists currently employed also ex ceeded the number granted baccalau reates. In these States, however, the number awarded Ph.D.'s was small er than the number awarded B.S.'s. Most of the States in this category are in the South— Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Ala bama, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. This group also includes a few of the Mountain-Plains States— Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico; and two Middle Atlantic States— Pennsyl vania, and Delaware. The Southern States in this category granted bachelor's degrees to 1,046 of these scientists and doctor's degrees to 415, a decrease of 60 percent. How ever, 1,426 scientists were employed in these Southern States, an in crease of 36 percent over the number receiving bachelor's degrees there. The category with the fewest States was Group III. In the five States in this group, more scien tists were awarded Ph.D.'s than baccalaureates, but the number of scientists currently employed was smaller than the number granted bachelor•s degree s. Four of the se States— (Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) are in the Middle West, and for three of the four there was a sharp drop between the number of scientists educated and the num ber currently employed. Over twelve hundred (1,231) of the scientists were granted their bachelor’s degrees in Minnesota, Iowa, or Wisconsin, and close to two thousand (1,995) earned their doctorates in these States, but only 678 were employed there in 1948. The fifth State in the group, Massa chusetts, showed a similar loss be tween the number of scientists edu cated and the number employed. In the fourth and largest cate gory of States, the number of scien tists granted bachelor's degrees ex ceeded both the number- currently em ployed and the number granted doc torates. Most of the Mountain-Plains and New England States come within this category, as do the North Pacific States, a few Mid-Western States,and a small group of Southern States. Few Southern States, however, fell in Group IV. As was pointed out previously, the South as a whole, ac tually experienced an increase in the number of scientists granted bachelor's degrees as compared with the numbers currently employed. This makes it clear that the tendency for the graduates of Southern colleges to go to Northern schools for graduate work need not be a cause of concern in the South. Not all the native sons return, but recruits from other sections of the country more them make up the loss. - 54 - APPENDIX The list of specialties used in coding the scientists jobs and sub jects of study included more than 60 specific and/or general fields. The analysis indicated, however, that some of these fields were not appli cable. The following are the fields in which at least some the scientists had worked in the jobs covered by the study, or had majored in for either a bachelor's or a doctor's degree. The specific fields of specialization are listed under the general fields of which they are a part. Chemistry General Inorganic Organic Physical Analytical Biochemistry Metallurgy Physics Electronics Biology General Bacteriology Botany Entomology Zoology Agriculture Medicine Opthalmology Public health Radiology Fields related to medicine Nutrition and foods Anatomy Pathology Physiology Pharmacy Pharmacology Veterinary medicine Engineering Civil Chemical Aeronautical Electrical Mechanical Ordnance Power plant Earth sciences Geology Geophysics Meteorology Mathematics Astronomy General science Military applications of science Logistics Intelligence Special operations Nonscientific fields Architecture Business administration Liberal arts Manpower resources and planning Other non-scientific fields - 55 T able A .— S p e c if ic f i e l d s o f s p e c ia lis a t io n in w hich s c i e n t i s t s c u r r e n tly em ployed in c h e m istr y , p h y s ic s , and b io lo g y , worked on a l l t h e ir jo b s in clu d ed in th e stu d y Fields of specialization for studied jobs Chemistry All branches General Chemistryi General ............ Inorganic .......... Organic •••••••.... Physical • •......... B i o c h e m i s t r y ....... Analytical ......... 28.9 15.0 9.7 6.1 6 9 .6 3 .0 8 .2 5 .0 1 .7 5 .0 Physics •••........... .9 .8 Biology: General ••.......... Bacteriology ....... Botany .......... . Entomology Zoology ............ Medicine and related fields: Nutrition and foods. Anatomy Physiology ......... P a t h o l o g y .......... Pharmacology ....... Pharmacy ••»«»*•<«»• Public health ...... Ophthalmology ...... Engineering: Chemical Civil ............ . Electrical Mechanical ......... O r d n a n c e ....... • • •. Earth sciences: Geophysics Geology ............ Other scientific fields: Agriculture •••••••• Mathematics •••••••• Metallurgy ....... ... Electronics »»•«••». General science ...• 29.0 4.6 .3 .6 .5 20.0 6 4 .O 5.3 — — 5.3 .1 — — .1 .1 .1 — — — . .9 .1 .1 — — .5 — — — — .3 — — — — — — — — .2 .2 — — — — -— — — — — — .1 — .5 — — — In organic . .3 — — 17.0 1.6 74.0 1.3 1.1 1.8 — •2 .3 Phys ical 18.4 2.4 2.1 65.9 — 1 3 .0 24.5 2.9 2.0 1.0 2.4 69.7 2.2 59.8 3.0 1.3 — — — 1 .0 1 .0 — — — — — — — — — — — •3 — — — •3 — — — — .7 .2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2.9 — — — — — — — — — — — — 1.7 1 .0 — .2 .2 •4 — — — — 2.7 — — Analyt ical ♦4 3.5 — 2.4 .3 — — — — — Biochem istry .4 3.5 3.1 — — — — -- — Organic .3 .5 .1 1-3 .2 — — — — 1.5 2.8 2.7 1.2 .8 Nonscientific fields^. .4 .4 .2 .3 .8 1 .0 T o t a l ........... 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 100.0 400 74 633 368 230 101 Total number of jobs.. 1,8 0 6 — — 1.1 .3 — — — — — — — — 2 .9 - 56 T able A .— S p e c ific f i e l d s o f s p e c ia liz a t io n in w hich s c i e n t i s t s c u r r e n tly em ployed in ch e m istr y , p ly s ic s , and b io lo g y , worked on a l l t h e ir jobs in c lu d e d in th e stu d y — Con. Fields of specialization for studied jobs Chemistry: General ........ «... Inorganic .......... O r g a n i c ............ P h y s i c a l .......• • • • B i o c h e m i s t r y ....... Analytical • ...... .. Chemistry All branches 1.0 .2 .4 2.4 .A General •6 — — — In organic — — — — 1.9 — — — .2 .4 .3 •4 *4 Physics .............. 8^.8 .3 1.2 Biology: General ............ Bacteriology ....... Botany •••••••...... Entomology Zoology ............ •6 — — — 21.0 12.1 30.3 13.7 14.6 58.5 2.4 8.5 4*4 14.5 Medicine and related fields: Nutrition and foods. A n a t o m y ............ Physiology ......... P a t h o l o g y ....... Pharmacology ....... Pharmacy Public health ...... O p h t h a l m o l o g y .... . .6 — — .1 .1 •4 — — — — — — .4 1.9 — — — — — — — — 2.5 •4 Engineering: Chemical ......... . Civil .............. Electrical ......... Mechanical ......... Ordnance ........... 1.4 .2 .6 Barth sciences: G e o p h y s i c s ........ . Geology ............ •4 — — .1 — 2.1 .1 — — — 2.3 4.9 — — — — — — — — — — — — — .6 .7 Analyt ical — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — .6 7.8 .3 84.6 .3 .6 — — — — — — — — — — 1.6 — — 2.5 — 11.5 .8 2.3 3.9 73.1 — — .7 — — — — — — 5.9 2.0 2.0 79.5 5.9 — — — — — — — Biochem istry — — — — .6 .4 Phys ical — 12.0 69.8 4.4 .6 3.8 — — .1 •4 .1 — — Organic .7 — — — — 1.5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — — 3.4 .3 — — 1.3 — — _ — — — — — .6 1.3 5.4 — .6 — 1.5 — .3 Other scientific fields: Agriculture ........ Mathematics ........ Metallurgy • ........ E l e c t r o n i c s ..... .. General science •••• 1.0 -T2.0 2.4 Nonscientific f i el d s•• 1.4 •9 2.0 Total .......... . 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total number of jobs.. 499 1,009 247 158 322 152 130 Table B.— Comparison of major subjects for doctorfs and bachelor^ degrees Major s u b je c t fo r Ph.D . A ll f i e l d s • • • • C h e m istr y ........... P h y sics . . . . . • * B io log y ................ M edicine and r e la te d fie ld s . E n gin eerin g . . . Earth s c ie n c e s . A g ricu ltu re . . . M athem atics . . . M etallu rgy • • • • G eneral s c ie n c e . . . . . . Number o f T otal number M edicine re Phys B io l and re Chem p o rt is t r y ic s la te d ogy in g fie ld s lA , 0 6 0 5H 569 HO 309 486 5 16 17 6- — 2 in 239 5 108 — — 223 — 7 — — 3 — — — — — — — 1 3 — — — — 1 — 1 ——■* — 4 10 2 3 6 — — s c ie n t is t s w ith b a c h e lo r ^ degree in — B usi ArA gri Math General n ess Engi Earth Lib c h in eer s c ie n c e s c u l emat sc ie n c e ad er a l t e c in g tu re ic s m in is a r ts ture tr a tio n 13 54 2 7 — 1 2 /3 8 8 1 5 — — — — — 6 -— — 1 1 1 — — — — 57 25 22 1 18 1 A 1 AA U 7 1 2 9 3 8 — — 5 1 12 1 — — — — 2 — — — 1 — —, — — — — — — — 3 — 1 A — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 1/ Excludes 20 scientists who did not report major subject for Ph.D., 33 who did hot report major subject for bachelor1s degree, and 9 who reported neither. 2/ Thirty-six of the 38 b ac helor^ degrees in engineering were in chemical engineering. Table C.— Major subject for Ph.D. degree Chemistry ....... Major subject for Ph.D., by specific field of highest competence Chemistry In All General Organic organic brandies Bio Phys Analyt ical chem ical istry All branches 95.9 100.0 97.5 97.6 98.2 General ...... Inorganic .... Organic ....... Physical ..... Biochemistry .. Analytical .... 30.3 56.0 21.1 A 2 .7 12.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 50.0 35.0 5.0 7.5 — — 70.7 3.1 2.3 — .6 50.6 1.2 3.1 Physics ......... .3 — — — 1.2 1.1 — — _ __ — __ __ _____ —— — — — 1.5 — — — — — — — Biology........ . • General ...... Bacteriology .. B o t a n y ...... . Entomology .... Zoology ....... 3.2 32.9 16.9 8.7 3.9 .2 .2 .5 .2 4 .0 — — Biology Physics •A — .A .A .6 — 82.0 95.1 7.4 11.8 — 7.5 3.0 59.7 -- 34.2 7.3 7.3 4.9 2.4 39.0 2.3 — — .6 1.5 __ __ __ __ 3.7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 98.1 97.9 — — — 3.7 — — — .9 1.5 , — — — — — 88.4 .6 2.9 6.0 — .6 92.3 88.3 90.8 90.3 11.6 11.9 33.2 16.3 33-3 4.3 18.8 2.9 5.6 64.8 5.6 4.4 — 85.0 — — — .6 19.3 29.0 — — — .8 — 9.0 2.5 — 2.3 5.8 — — .8 — — — 1.8 — — — Earth sciences .. .2 — — 1.5 — Agriculture ..... .5 — Other sciences .. .2 Engineering .... Total ...... Total number reporting .... 1/ 100.0 1/ 593' 100.0 25 — — .9 — 1.5 1.5 2.4 — 2.1 — 1.8 — — — 1.8 .3 — — 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 a 163 337 69 — .A 2.5 — — — 100.0 100.0 40 256 100.0 100.0 164- 67 — 14.8 1.5 .3 Medicine and related fields. .9 „ 1.9 — 16.7 2.1 — 6.2 1.9 72.9 94.3 3.5 — — — — — .9 4*4 .9 — 2.1 1.9 — — — 100.0 100.0 54 Excludes 23 chemists, 3 physicists, and 3 biologists not reporting major subject for Ph.D. degree. — — 7.4 — A. 5 .6 5.1 — 1.5 Bacte Ento General riol Botany mol Zool ogy ogy ogy 113 53 100.0 48 T a b l e D . — F u n c t i o n on first job b y c u r r e n t function, of s c i entists h a v i n g 3 o r 4 j obs in study Current function Function on first job All functions Routine professional work .... College teaching assistance ... College teaching ......... . Other teaching.............. . R e s e a r c h ......... ....... . Development......... Design .................... . Technical administration..... Administration ............... Consulting ............. Estimating and cost analysis .. Sales, technical sales, and services.......... ....... Editing and w r i t i n g .... ..... Technical writing ............ Extension work ............... Wild life management .......... O t h e r ..................... . T o t a l ............ ...... Total number reporting...... . College teaching 8.5 32.8 19.9 7.1 24.8 2.4 .2 1.6 .2 — .1 8.2 39.9 21.4 10.6 14.5 2.4 •4 .2 .2 .2 .5 .9 .3 .6 — .3 .3 —.3 Research 9.7 29.4 16.4 5.1 32.3 1.7 .8 1.7 —— Technical adminis tration 9.5 27.0 22.2 3.7 29.7 2.1 — 3.2 .5 — — — Other 8.2 18.4 32.6 4.1 32.6 _ — 4.1 —— — — 3.0 36.4 9.1 9.1 27.3 7.6 —— 1.5 — .8 — — .4 — .3 .3 .6 Adminis tration .5 — — •8 .5 1.1 — 3.0 3.0 — 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1/ 873 331 238 189 49 66 1/ E x c l u d e s 24.3 scientists f o r w h o m o n l y 1 o r 2 J o b s w e r e recorded, a n d 6 who d i d n o t report func t i o n on f i r s t Job. 60 Table E.— State of Ph.D., by State of bachelor's degree for scientists receiving Ph.D. and bachelor'8 degrees in different States — — 35 — 10 — 3 -1 — — 33 9 6 1 — — .19 24 22 9 — 9 — 2 — 7 — 48 3 40 — 1 29 1 1 1 7 — — — — 3 4 1 24 — 5 3 10 19 10 11 1 5 2 10 4 26 25 21 24 2 3 11 8 19 30 20 10 25 9 12 16 10 1 27 11 5 54 7 10 45 8 18 10 8 9 17 4 11 13 12 18 1 id 1« g a •( j ’Pennsylvania | -Rhode Island j___________ ___________ J | | | ] ] ■-p(0p © 1o <asd n 4 [■ New Jersey New York North Carolina 1o * ■po 5 t 3 £ 3 H j | |j ;| « 6 c •©« ne r. 2 1 1 1 2 3 __ 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 - 1 - l 1 - 1 2 3 - - - 7 4 3 1 - 1 1 3 l 5 1 4 - l 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 - - 1 4 5 2 __ 5 7 3 1 2 1 4 - - - - - 2 1 _ _ - 1 1 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 2 2 3 - l l l 2 - 8 3 1 8 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 - 1 2 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 6 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 1 1 1 - 4 - 2 - - - - - - 2 | 1 i « & 1 2 - 2 - - 1 1 1 11 3 2 5 - 1 - 1 4 1 - 2 3 - - 1 3 1 4/ 1 4 1 _ 1 _ 1 - 1 3 - - 1 1 1- 3 2 - 1 l 6 1 2 - - 3 1 1- 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 4 Texas [Virginia | Missouri _ 1 _ 1 1 •3 3. Michigan 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - 2 2 1 1 - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 1 14 1 - - 3 - 1 - 2 1 l 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 n§ Maryland § ■&H e £ Kansas Wisconsin Alabama •••*«••* Arizona ............... Arkansas ............. California ......... Colorado •••••• • Connecticut •••• Delaware ............. D istrict of Columbia ......... Florida ............... Georgia • • ........... Idaho I llin o is • * . . . . . Indiana Kansas •*••»•••» Kentucky ............. Louisiana ........... Maine *..«••••«. Maryland ............. Massachusetts .. Michigan ............. Minnesota ........... M ississippi .*•• Missouri . . . . . . . Montana . . . . . . . . Nebraska ............. New Hampshire .. New Jersey ......... New Mexico ......... New York ............. North Carolina•• North Dakota ••. O h io ...................... Oklahoma •»•*.«• Oregon . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania ••• Rhode Island . . . South Carolina*. South Dakota . . . Tennessee ........... Texas . . . . . . . . . . Utah . . . . . . . . . . . Vermont ............... Virginia ............. Washington ......... West Virginia .. Wisconsin ........... Wyoming . . . . . . . . ceiving Ph.D. in d if ferent State from bache lo r 's degree 'Indiana State of bachelor'8 degree oeiving Ph.D. in same State as bache lo r 's degree State of Ph.D. for scientists receiving bachelor's and doctor's degrees in different States Number C alifornia .Colorado [[Connecticut Number 4 1 6 1 1 1 22 - - - - - - - _ - - 1- - - _ 1 1 1 2 - 1 1 12 2 - - - - - - - - - - _ 1 1 1 1 2 _ 3 1 1 - - 5 - 1 _ _ _ 1 1 2 - 1 - _ _ _ 3 2 1 _ 6 1 2 8 _ _ 4 1 _ 2 _ _ - _ 1 1 1 - 2 12 1 5 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 - 2 - 1 1 1 1 2 _ 3 - «_ _ 1 3 _ 2 2 __ _ _ 2 1 _ 1 __ _ _ 4 6 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 - _ _ _ - 1 1 _ 5 2 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ - _ _ _ _ - 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK ANP RELATED PUBLICATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS * Occupational Outlook Handbook: Employment Information on Major Occupa tions for Use in Guidance. Bulletin No. 998 (1951 Revised Edition). Illus. #3. Includes brief reports on more than 400 occupations of interest in vocational guidance, including professions; skilled trades; cleri cal, sales, and service occupations; and the major types of farming. Each report describes the employment trends and outlook, the training qualifications required, earnings^ and working conditions. Introduc tory sections summarize the majox trends in population and employment and in the broad industrial and occupational groups, as background for an understanding of the individual occupations. The Handbook is designed for use in counseling, in classes or units on occupations, in the training of counselors, and as a general reference. Its 575 pages are illustrated with 103 photographs and 85 charts. Scientific and Technical Occupations Engineers, Bulletin E m p loyment O u t l o o k for 988 (1949)* Illus. ... ........... ..... ......... 55 cents Ear t h Scientists, Empl o y m e n t Out l o o k for B u l l e t i n 1050 (1952). I l l u s .................................... 30 cents Technicians, E m p loyment Out l o o k for Bulletin 1131 (1953)* I l l u s ....... ....................... .. In press Ef f e c t o f Defense P r o g r a m on Employment O u t l o o k in En g i n e e r i n g (Supplement to B ulletin 988, E m p loyment O u t l o o k for Ehgineers) (1951) ...... ............. ................... 15 cents Factors A f f e c t i n g Earnings in Chemistry a n d Chemical Engineering B u l l e tin 881 (1948) ............ ................. ......... 10 cents Employment, Education, a n d Earnings o f Am e r i c a n M e n o f Science B u l l e t i n 1027 (1951) ......................................45 cents * Unless otherwise designated, these publications are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents at prices indicated. How to order publications: Address your order to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., with remittance in check or money order. Currency is sent at sender's risk. Postage stamps are not acceptable. Please do not order items listed as "in press." If you wish, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will notify you of their publication. Those reports which are listed as free may be obtained directly from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington 25, D. C., as long as the supply lasts. - 62 Scientific and Technical Occupations— Continued Manpower Resources in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1951 Bulletin No. 1132 (1953).................................. Employment, Education, and Income of Engineers, 1949-1950: A Survey of Engineering Society Members of Full Profes sional Grade (1953) ................... ................... Industrial Research and Development* A Preliminary Report (1953) ........................ ........................... In press Free Free Other Occupations and Industries Electric Light and Power Occupations, Employment Outlook in B ulletin 944 (1948). U l u s . ................................... Railroad Occupations, Employment Outlook in Bulletin 9&1 (1949)* Ulus. ............................. Petroleum Production and Refining, Employment Outlook in Bulletin 994 (1950). U l u s . .......... ......... ............... 30 cents 30 cents 30 cents M e n's Tai l o r e d Clothing Industry, E m p loyment O u t l o o k in Bulletin 1010 (1951). Illus.............................. Department Stores, Employment Outlook in Bulletin 1020 (1951). I l l u s ................................... 25 cents 20 cents Accounting, E m ployment Out l o o k in Bulletin 1048 (1952). U l u s ............. ............. . Merchant Marine, Employment Outlook in the Bulletin 1054 (1952). U l u s ...................... ........ 20 cents 30 cents Electronics M a n u f a cturing Industry, E m p l o y m e n t O u t l o o k in the Bulletin 1072 (1952). Illus. ..................... ....... Federal White Collar Workers* Occupations and Salaries, June 1951 BuUetin 1117 (1952) .... ................. .............. Printing Occupations, Employment Outlook in Bulletin 1126 (1953). Reprinted from the 1951 Occupational 25 cents Outlook Hand b o o k ................................................ Air Transportation, Employment Out l o o k in 25 cents Bulletin 1128 (1953)* Illus. Reprinted from the 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook......... ................. . Mechanics and Repairmen, Employment Outlook for Bulletin 1129 (1953). Illus. Reprinted from the 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook ............................ Metalworking Occupations, Employment Outlook in Bulletin 1130 (1953). Illus. Reprinted from the 1951 Occupational Outlook Handbook......... ,.................. Automobile Industry, Employment Outlook in the (1953). Illus. .............................................. . In press In press In press In press In press - *3 Other Occupations a n d I n d u s t r i e s — C o n tinued Effect of Defense Program on Employment Situation in Elementary and Secondary School Teaching (Supplement to Bulletin 972, Employment Outlook for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers ) (1951) ....... Occupational Outlook Information Series (by States) VA Pamphlet 7-2 (1947). (When ordering, specify State or States desired) .................................. each Employment and Economic Status of Older Hen and Women Bulletin 1092 (May 1952) ...... ......... ............... Negroes in the United States: Their Employment and Economic Status Bulletin 1119 (December 1952) ........................... Mobility of Tool and Die Makers, 1940-1951 Bulletin 1120 (1952) .......... ......................... Employment Opportunities for Student personnel Workers in Colleges and Universities (1951) ........................ Elementary and Secondary School Principalships: Chief Ad vancement Opportunity for Public School Teachers (1951) •• Employment Opportunities for Counselors in Secondary and Elementary Schools (1951) ..... ......................... * 15 cents 10 cents 30 cents 30 cents 35 cents free Free free * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1953 O - 247228