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Occupational Employment in Selected Nonmanufacturing Industries AJ i: ^ U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics March 1981 Bulletin 2088 A Occupational Employment in Selected Nonmanufacturing Industries U.S. Department of Labor Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner March 1981 Bulletin 2088 Preface This bulletin provides data from a 1978 survey of occupational employment in mining; construction; fi nance, insurance, and real estate; and selected services industries. Wholesale and retail trade; transportation; communications; and electric, gas, and sanitary services were surveyed in 1979, and results will be published later this year. Results of the 1977 survey of manufacturing industries were published in Occupational Employment in Manufacturing Industries, 1977 Bulletin 2057. This periodic survey is part of a Federal-State coop erative program of occupational employment statistics (OES). The OES program also includes preparation of the National/State Industry-Occupational Matrix—a set of tables showing employment cross-classified by oc cupation and industry for the Nation and each State. In addition, the program includes Federal assistance to State employment security agencies in developing pro jections of occupational employment for States and areas. Hi The OES program provides information for many data users, including individuals and organizations en gaged in planning vocational educational programs, training programs supported by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, and higher education. OES data also are used to prepare information for ca reer counseling, for job placement activities performed at State employment security offices, and for personnel planning and market research conducted by private enterprises. This bulletin was prepared in the Office of Employ ment Structure and Trends, Division of Occupational and Administrative Statistics, by Barbara L. Keitt un der the direction of Thomas C. Shirk. John Shew and Warren Macurdy provided statistical and data process ing support. Unless specifically identified as copyright, material in this publication is in the public domain and may, with appropriate credit, be reproduced without permission. Contents Page Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1 Summary...................................................................................................................................... 3 Industry divisions M ining.......................................................................................................................................... Mining, except oil and gas extraction................................................................................. Oil and gas extraction.......................................................................... .............................. Construction...................................................................................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate....................................... Banks and credit agencies.................................................................................................... Security and commodity brokers and investment services.................................................. Insurance and real estate...................................................................................................... Services.............................................................................. Hotels and other lodging places.......................................................................................... Personal services................................................................................................................... Business services................................................................................................................... Automotive repair, services, and garages............................................................................. Miscellaneous repair services................................................................................................ Motion pictures........................ Amusement and recreation services..................................................................................... Health services, except hospitals...................... Legal services.......................... Museums and botanical and zoological gardens........................ Social services.............................. Membership organizations.................................................................................................... Miscellaneous services........................................... Tables: 1. Employment in selected nonmanufacturing industries, 1978........................ 2. Employment in selected nonmanufacturing industries by major occupational group, 1978....................... Employment, relative error, and percentage of establishments reporting selected occupations: 3. Mining industry, except oil and gas extraction, May1978 ........................................ 4. Metal mining, May 1978 . . ....................................................... 5. Bituminous coal and lignite mining, May 1978......................................................... 6. Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals,exceptfuels, May 1 9 7 8 .................. 7. Oil and gas extraction, May 1978............... 8. Construction, June 1978.............................................................................................. 9. General building contractors, June 1978 ............................................................. 10. Heavy construction contractors, June 1978 ............................................................... 11. Special trade contractors, June 1978...................................................... v 6 6 6 18 30 30 30 30 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 4 5 7 10 12 14 16 19 22 25 28 Contents— Continued Banking, May 1978................................................................................. Credit agencies, except banks, May 1978................................................................... Security, and commodity brokers and services, June 1978........................................ Holding and other investment offices, June 1978 ...................................................... Insurance carriers, May 1978 .................................................................................... Insurance agents, brokers, and service, May 1978 ................................................... Real estate, May 1978 ................................................................................................ Combined real estate, insurance, loans, and law offices, May 1978 ......................... Hotels and other lodging places, May 1978............................................................... Personal services, May 1978........................................................................................ Business services, June 1978........................................................................................ Automotive repair, services, and garages, May 1978 ................................................ Miscellaneous repair services, June 1978 ................................................................... Motion pictures, April 1978.......................................................................... Amusements and recreation services, April 1978 ...................................................... Health services, except hospitals, May 1978 .............................................................. Legal services, June 1978............................................................................................ Social services, May 1978............................................................................................ Museums, botanical and zoological gardens, April1978 ............................................ Membership organizations, April 1978........................................................................ Miscellaneous services, June 1978.............................................................................. Page 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 51 53 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 69 70 72 Appendixes: A. Survey methods and reliability of estimates............................................................... B. OES survey data available from State agencies.......................................................... 75 78 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. vi Introduction (DOT) and the system used for the 1970 Census of Population. Occupational titles and descriptions in the survey are based primarily on the Dictionary o f Occu pational Titles. 1The DOT was used to develop the def initions of detailed classification available. Summary categories and residual groups generally follow the cate gories used in the 1970 census. “Crosswalks” have been developed between the two systems so that users may integrate OES data with data from sources using the Census classification. The industrial classification system is that described in the 1972 edition of the Standard Industrial Classifi cation Manual,2 whereby reporting establishments are classified into industries on the basis of major product or activity. The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) sur vey is designed to collect data on occupational employ ment of wage and salary workers by industry in nonagricultural establishments. The Bureau of Labor Sta tistics provides the procedures and technical assistance for the survey, State employment security agencies col lect the data, and the Employment and Training Ad ministration provides administrative support. In 1978, 43 States (including the District of Columbia) partici pated in the survey compared with 29 States in 1975 and 22 in 1973. BLS conducted a supplemental survey in 1978, with the financial aid of the National Science Foundation, to collect data in nonparticipating States and to develop national estimates. This bulletin presents national data only. Data on oc cupational employment in each of the participating States are available from the State employment securi ty agencies (appendix B). Concepts An establishment is an economic unit which produces goods or services. Generally, it is at a single physical location and is engaged predominantly in one type of economic activity. Where a single physical location en compasses two or more distinct activities, these are treated as separate establishments if separate payroll records are available and certain other criteria are met. Employment includes full- and part-time workers; workers on paid vacations or other types of leave; work ers on unpaid short-term absences (i.e., illness, bad weather, temporary layoff, jury duty); salaried officers, executives, and staff of incorporated firms; employees temporarily assigned to other units; and employees for whom a unit is their permanent (home) duty station, regardless of whether the unit prepares their paycheck. Excluded from coverage are proprietors (owners and partners of unincorporated firms), self-employed, un paid family workers, and workers on extended leave (i.e., pensioners and members of the Armed Forces). Occupation refers to the occupation in which employ ees are working rather than the occupation for which they may have been trained. For example, an employ ee trained as an engineer but working as a drafter is reported as a drafter. Survey procedures The survey is conducted over a 3-year cycle; manu facturing industries are surveyed in one year and non manufacturing industries in the other two years. Data are collected from a sample of establishments primari ly by mail; telephone followups and personal visits are made when an establishment response is critical to the survey. The survey is based on a probability sample, stratified by industry and size of employment, designed to represent the total or “universe” of establishments covered by the survey. Data are requested for the pay period including the 12th of the reference month, which is standard for all Federal agencies collecting employ ment data. For the 1978 survey, the reference month was April, May, or June (appendix A). For the 1978 survey, 38 separate questionnaires were used, each having detailed occupations related specifi cally to a particular industry’s activity. For example, “credit analyst” was surveyed in only two industries— banking and insurance. Cross-industry estimates, there-fore, cannot be developed for most detailed occupations because not all detailed occupations were included on every survey questionnaire. This bulletin presents cross industry data for major occupational groups. 1Dictionary o f Occupational Titles, fourth edition (U.S. Employment Service, U.S. Department of Labor, 1977.) 1Standard Industrial Classification Manual (Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, 1972), as amended in Supplement, 1977. Occupational and industrial classification The OES classification system combines two widely used systems—the Dictionary o f Occupational Titles 1 Working supervisors (those spending 20 percent or more of their time at work similar to that done by workers under their supervision) are reported in the occupation most closely related to their work. Part-time workers, learners, and apprentices are report ed in the occupation in which they ordinarily work. Multiple jobholders (employees who work in two or more occupations) are reported in the occupation that requires the highest level of skill or in the occupation where the most time is spent if there is no measurable difference in skill requirements. A more detailed statement describing the survey is presented in appendix A. Employment is based upon survey results adjusted to reflect total industry employment. The percent of total employment refers to total employment in the industry. Relative error measures the level of confidence placed on each estimate. The percent of establishments report ing a particular occupation indicates the frequency of occurrence of the occupation. Occupations with fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are not shown separately but are included in the appropriate residual categories. Employment is rounded to the nearest ten. The rel ative error and the percent of respondents reporting the occupation are rounded to the nearest whole percent. The percent of total employment was computed from rounded employment data. Data presented This bulletin presents occupational employment for 2-digit SIC industries. Health services (SIC 80), how ever, excludes data for SIC 806.3 Data are presented for each industry under the following headings: Em ployment, percent of total employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting the occupation. 3Additional occupational employment data at the more detailed 3-digit SIC level are available upon request from the Office of Em ployment Structure and Trends. Definitions for all occupations sur veyed are also available upon request. 2 Summary and serve food and beverages. Over 60 percent of serv ice workers covered by the survey were in cleaning occupations or in personal services. Food preparation and food serving workers accounted for 20 percent of service employment; protective service workers, 10 percent. Professional occupations, accounting for 2.8 million workers, ranked fourth in employment in 1978. This group include occupations concerned with the theoret ical and practical aspects of human endeavor in such fields as art, science, engineering, medicine, law and business relations. The survey categorized professional occupations as either scientific or nonscientific. Nonscientific occupations accounted for 86 percent of these workers. Five occupations with significant employment were: Accountants and auditors, 314,700; professional nurses, 181,800; physicians and surgeons, 144,300; pre school teachers, 143,600; and lawyers, 118,600. Managers and officers include persons concerned with policymaking, planning, and staffing, directly or through subordinates, the activities of an establishment or enterprise. Occupations in this group include office, sales, and plant managers; and corporate officers. Managers and officers were the fifth largest group in nonmanufacturing. Significant numbers of these work ers were employed in four industries: Construction, banks and credit agencies, insurance and real estate, and business services. Technical occupations accounted for about 4 percept of the employment covered by this survey. This group includes workers who assist in health care; in engineer ing and scientific research, development, and testing; and in operating and programming technical equipment and systems. Forty-six percent of technical employees were in health services (excluding hospitals). About 708,000 workers were in sales occupations. Of these, insurance sales agents, associates, and represent atives constituted the largest group, 225,000 or 32 percent. Sales agents, associates, and representatives (other than insurance and real estate) made up the second largest group, 201,200, followed by real estate sales agents, associates, and representatives, 95,000. In 1978, employment in the selected nonmanufactur ing industries covered by this survey was 22.3 million or a little over 25 percent of all wage and salary em ployment in the Nation. As shown in table 1, 55 per cent of surveyed employment was in service industries. Finance, insurance, and real estate industries and con struction accounted for most of the rest; mining ac counted for less than 5 percent. For the survey, workers were classified into seven major occupational groups: Managers and officers; pro fessional workers; technical workers; service workers; maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers; clerical workers; and sales workers. The maintenance, construction, repair, material han dling, and powerplant occupational group includes all skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers performing machine and manual work. In 1978, this group was the largest surveyed (table 2). One out of every three sur veyed workers was engaged in an occupation associ ated with construction, whether in the construction in dustry itself or in other industries. The survey showed that 89 percent of carpenters, plumbers, and pipefitters, and 80 percent of all electricians worked in construction. Clerical occupations, the second largest group, are concerned with preparing, transcribing, systematizing, and preserving written communications and records; distributing information; collecting accounts; allocating; expediting; and computing materials and production costs. Clerical occupations are classified into two sub groups—office clerical and plant clerical. The majority of clerical occupations are office ori ented. In 1978, the largest single occupation in all non manufacturing industries surveyed was secretary, with 969,000 workers. Other clerical occupations with sig nificant employment for the group and sector as a whole were: General office clerks, with 781,300; tellers, 387,800; and hand bookkeepers, 319,600. Service workers constituted the third largest group of workers in 1978. The service group includes work ers who provide personal and protective services to in dividuals in institutions and commercial establishments; maintain and clean interiors of buildings; and prepare 3 Table 1. Employment In selected nonmanufacturing industries, 1978 industry Employment Percent distribution T o tal................................................................. 22,345,860 100.0 Mining, total ................................................................ Mining, except oil and gas extraction................. Oil and gas extraction........................................... 882,200 460,930 421,270 3.9 2.1 1.9 Construction, to tal..................................................... *4,506,610 20.2 Finance, insurance, and real estate, to ta l............. Banks and credit agencies........................... ........ Security, commodity brokers and investment services.............................................................. Insurance and real es tate..................................... 4,697,910 1,918,390 21.0 8.6 293,280 2,486,240 1.3 11.1 Services, to ta l............................................................. Hotels and other lodging places.......................... Personal services............... .................................... Business services................. ....................... ....... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services.............................. Motion pictures........................................................ Amusement and recreation services................... Health services, except hospitals........................ Legal services......................................................... Social services........................................................ Museums, botanical and zoological gardens..... Membership organizations.................................... Miscellaneous services......................................... 12,259,140 980,770 910,400 2,609,890 543,560 262,530 206,360 693,860 2,236,280 437,400 971,770 29,470 1,504,260 872,590 54.9 4.4 4.1 11.7 2.4 1.2 .9 3.1 10.0 2.0 4.3 .1 6.7 3.9 4 Table 2. Employment In selected nonmanufacturing industries by major occupational group, 1978 Industry Total ............................................. Mining, except oil and gas extraction Oil and gas extraction......................... Construction......................................... Banks and credit agencies................. Security, commodity brokers and investment services..................... . Insurance and real estate................... Hotels and other lodging p la c e s ....... Personal services................................ Business services................................ Auto repair, services, and garages .... Miscellaneous repair services............ Motion pictures.................................... Amusement and recreation services . Health services, except hospitals...... Legal services...................................... Social services..................................... Museums, botanical and zoological gardens........................................... Membership organizations.................. Miscellaneous services....................... Managers and officers Professional workers Technical work Service work ers ers Clerical work ers Sales workers 2,385,420 23,670 38,450 425,820 369,720 2,830,170 16,850 52,430 160,940 122,200 847,050 6,610 15,750 44,390 13,870 3,969,890 5,370 4,830 44,560 50,100 5,991,860 1 379,680 2 244,510 3,459,290 12,490 5,613,700 27,380 62,620 323,330 1,335,070 707,770 1,370 2,680 48,280 14,940 52,670 373,490 61,850 94,530 218,540 73,070 34,350 26,440 52,480 119,630 23,760 99,040 39,970 250,600 20,910 48,770 295,300 5,850 2,440 27,890 97,090 448,830 152,230 249,900 3,260 25,330 1,600 630 137,830 330 17,430 5,670 890 387,530 120 13,900 5,710 236,810 663,820 330,730 764,850 6,870 3,030 52,470 317,460 748,740 6,580 344,740 6,260 216,790 75,110 267,210 346,370 368,810 156,580 31,420 108,050 109,200 300 90,540 129,920 1,033,530 148,260 141,320 749,230 75,740 34,090 45,070 98,650 419,900 254,310 163,760 55,490 349,690 9,220 27,210 97,770 12,890 14,610 17,400 19,240 2,450 100 9,890 3,170 201,470 93,270 5,090 499,030 333,850 1,330 9,730 160,850 8,740 362,070 12,410 4,390 58,540 56,320 5,170 354,680 211,670 1,580 18,740 4,220 2 Includes petroleum and gas production workers. 1 Includes mining and processing occupations. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers 5 Mining construction, and related occupations, 28,000 or 6 per cent; managers and officers, 23,700 or 5 percent; and mine machinery mechanics, 16,800 or 4 percent. Tables 4 through 6 show occupational employment for the mining of metals, bituminous coal and lignite, and nonmetallic minerals. In 1978, mining employed 882,200 workers or 4 per cent of all workers in the surveyed industries. Mining, which includes exploration for and production of liq uid and solid raw materials, was classified into two ma jor industry groups: Mining, except oil and gas extrac tion; and oil and gas extraction. Employment was di vided almost equally between the two. Oil and gas extraction Mining, except oil and gas extraction This industry (SIC 13) includes establishments pri marily engaged in producing crude petroleum, natural gas and gasoline, cycle condensate; and in the recovery of oil sands and shale. As shown in table 7, the five most populous occupa tions in oil and gas extraction were: Roustabouts, with 59,100 or 14 percent of total industry employment; man agers and officers, 38,400 or 9 percent; rotary drill op erator helpers, 26,900 or 6 percent; rotary drill opera tors, 14,900 or 4 percent; and secretaries, 14,400 or 3 percent. This group of industries (SIC’s 10, 11, 12, and 14) includes establishments primarily engaged in metal min ing, anthracite mining, bituminous coal and lignite min ing and mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. As shown in table 3, the five most populous occupa tions in mining, except oil and gas extraction, were: Heavy equipment operators, with 47,500 or 10 percent of total industry employment; truck drivers, 30,700 or 7 percent; nonworking supervisors for maintenance, 6 Table 3. Mining industry, except oil and gas extraction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 10,11, 12, 14) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ................................. ........................ 460,930 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 23,670 5.14 n.a. 82 Professional occupations .............................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer............................................... Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer....... ............................ Metallurgist and/or metallurgical engineer Mining engineer........................................... Safety engineer......................... .................. All other engineers................................. . Mathematical scientist................................ Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist .................. All other physical scientists....................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Lawyer ........................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 16,850 180 410 460 490 460 2,740 1,270 900 100 910 1,960 190 3.66 .04 .09 .10 .11 .10 .59 .28 .20 .02 .20 .43 .04 n.a. 17 9 8 10 6 8 7 n.a. 37 6 8 n.a. n.a. 2 5 4 5 4 17 12 n.a. 1 7 11 n.a. 350 1,500 2,780 180 910 1,060 .08 .33 .60 .04 .20 .23 15 5 7 23 7 n.a. 3 18 20 1 9 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter............................................................ Surveyor ....................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians.................................... All other technicians................................... 6,610 470 1,430 1,170 1,210 1,610 720 1.43 .10 .31 .25 .26 .35 .16 n.a. 12 10 6 n.a. 6 n.a. n.a. 4 10 10 n.a. 7 n.a. Service occupations.............................. ......... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service only ........ All other service workers ........................... 5,370 2,200 2,570 120 230 250 1.17 .48 .56 .03 .05 .05 n.a. 5 6 18 26 n.a. n.a. 18 13 1 2 n.a. 379,680 5,690 2,940 3,070 16,830 7,550 2,690 30,690 490 5,220 490 82.37 1.23 .64 .67 3.65 1.64 .58 6.66 .11 1.13 .11 n.a. 8 9 12 7 8 n.a. 3 42 6 17 n.a. 27 9 7 23 16 n.a. 59 1 20 2 1,040 1,680 3,180 1,750 560 2,110 7,900 4,500 2,110 1,450 630 1,290 1,500 2,420 9,370 880 9,410 .23 .36 .69 .38 .12 .46 1.71 .98 .46 .31 .14 .28 .33 .53 2.03 .19 2.04 15 34 12 13 21 25 10 9 13 12 16 9 3 2 5 8 1 3 5 20 3. 6 2 8 7 7 7 Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations................. Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel m echanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mine machinery m echanic......................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver................................................... Auger machine operator.................. ........... Blaster, mining and quarrying.................... Bonder and/or w ire r................................... Header, bottomer, car dropper and/or ea g er........................................................ Braker, train .................................................. Brattice builder............................................. Carpenter....................................................... Cement m aso n............................................ Coal w asher.......................................... ....... Continuous mining machine operator....... Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Cutting machine operator........................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Dispatcher, mine c a r .................................... Dredge operator........................................... Drier operator, coal or o r e ......................... Driller, hand................................................... Driller, machine............................................. Dump operator.............................................. Electrician......... ............................................ See footnotes at end of table. 7 11 5 13 6 28 3 20 Table 3. Mining industry, except oil and gas extraction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 10,11, 12, 14) Occupation Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Fire boss..................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Heavy equipment operator......................... R igg er........................................................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector....................................................... Lamp keeper and/or repairer.................... Loading machine operator, underground . Long wall miner operator........................... Long wall miner operator helper............... Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Dinkey operator........................................... O iler............................................................... Painter, maintenance.................................. Panelboard operator and/or grinding mill panelboard operator............................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Rock splitter, quarry.................................... Reagent tender............................................ Rock dust sprayer....................................... Roof bolter................................................... Shaker tender.............................................. Shutt'e car operator.................................... Stationary boiler fire r.................................. Stationary engineer..................................... Tipple operator............................................ Track la y e r................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor h elper........................................... Belt repairer................................................. Sawyer, sto n e.............................................. Separator te n d e r......................................... Conveyor operator or tender..................... Yard engineer.............................................. Mill and/or grinder operator,minerals....... Pump operator............................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................. .............. Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h and....................................... Cashier............... ........................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............. ............................... Receptionist................................................. Secretary............. ......................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ T ypist............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,890 28,010 47,500 220 1,500 460 830 6,700 350 1,450 2,910 8,070 8,870 2,380 7,540 360 0.41 6.08 10.31 .05 .33 .10 .18 1.45 .08 .31 .63 1.75 1.92 .52 1.64 .08 11 4 4 16 8 12 11 6 20 23 6 14 5 13 6 8 5 39 67 1 8 3 4 20 1 1 9 24 18 3 24 3 2,380 890 790 280 940 12,030 910 12,320 200 800 3,430 2,420 11,480 1,030 3,220 260 650 4,200 990 5,320 1,600 5,680 .52 .19 .17 .06 .20 2.61 .20 2.67 .04 .17 .74 .53 2,49 .22 .70 .06 .14 .91 .21 1.15 .35 1.23 7 10 13 14 16 8 12 8 11 17 10 8 5 12 11 17 12 7 12 4 8 n.a. 10 3 4 2 2 6 3 6 1 3 4 32 7 4 1 2 19 2 24 6 n.a. 20,260 41,120 4.40 8.92 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 27,380 5.94 n.a. n.a. 200 320 490 90 410 1,670 1,180 80 270 4,850 290 1,640 490 260 4,550 120 410 820 840 600 560 470 .04 .07 .11 .02 .09 .36 .26 .02 .06 1.05 .06 .36 .11 .06 15 10 .99 .03 .09 .18' .18 .13 .12 .10 See footnotes at end of table. Relative error (in percentage)2 8 9 n.a. 17 8 7 24 23 5 12 5 7 14 7 12 6 10 9 n.a. 12 10 9 2 4 4 n.a. 3 15 14 1 2 36 4 20 7 4 30 2 8 6 7 n.a. 4 4 Table 3. Mining industry, except oil and gas extraction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 10,11, 12, 14) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Weigher, recordkeeping.............................. Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ....... .............................. Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 2,790 0.61 5 26 3,160 530 290 .69 .11 .06 5 8 n.a. 15 4 n.a. 1,370 .30 n.a. n.a. 1,290 80 .28 .02 9 16 12 1 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. Relative error (in percentage)2 9 Table 4. Metal mining: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 10) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 100 T o ta l........................ ............................. 92,540 100.00 Managers and officers................................... 2,800 3.03 n.a. 80 Professional occupations.............................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer.................................... ........... Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer................................... Metallurgist and/or metallurgical engineer Mining engineer........................................... Safety engineer.............. ............................. All other engineers...................................... Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist.................. All other physical scientists....................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing................................. ............. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 6,250 50 100 160 240 360 810 230 270 430 1,550 50 6.75 .05 .11 .17 .26 .39 .88 .25 .29 .46 1.67 .05 n.a. 18 6 7 5 3 4 3 n.a. 6 9 n.a. n.a. 5 9 8 16 22 38 24 n.a. 19 50 n.a. 150 360 700 280 510 .16 .39 .76 .30 .55 7 7 5 4 n.a. 10 28 35 24 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter........................................................... Surveyor............................. .......................... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians.................... ................ All other technicians................................... 2,360 180 410 380 450 650 290 2.55 .19 .44 .41 .49 .70 .31 n.a. 13 7 5 n.a. 7 n.a. n.a. 12 32 28 n.a. 21 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service workers........................... 1,570 710 610 80 170 1.70 .77 .66 .09 .18 n.a. 4 4 16 n.a. n.a. 28 20 6 n.a. 74,310 1,890 920 810 2,640 2,960 740 5,090 820 80.30 2.04 .99 .88 2.85 3.20 .80 5.50 .89 n.a. 11 11 17 11 9 n.a. 5 11 n.a. 25 15 8 25 23 n.a. 32 17 220 350 60 640 950 60 140 60 480 930 2,820 180 2,920 6,170 3,820 50 240 120 60 1,160 1,560 .24 .38 .06 .69 1.03 .06 .15 .06 .52 1.00 3.05 .19 3.16 6.67 4.13 .05 .26 .13 .06 1.25 1.69 12 15 22 5 8 13 20 22 12 17 6 13 4 5 5 8 15 22 11 9 4 6 5 2 19 20 5 3 3 10 8 45 4 34 39 35 2 7 Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations................... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mine machinery mechanic......................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Blaster, mining and quarrying........ ............ Header, bottomer, car dropper and/or eager ....................................................... Braker, tra in ................................................. Brattice builder.............................................. Carpenter....................................................... Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Dispatcher, mine c a r................................... Dredge operator.................. ........................ Drier operator, coal or o r e ..................... Driller, hand.................................................. Driller, machine............................................ Dump operator............................................. Electrician........................ ............................. Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Heavy equipment operator......................... R ig g er............................................................ Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector...................... ................................. Lamp keeper and/or repairer.................... Loading machine operator, underground. Machinist....................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 10 - 3 7 17 21 Table 4. Metal mining: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 10) Occupation Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es............................................... Dinkey operator........................................... O iler................................................................ Painter, maintenance.................................. Panelboard operator and/or grinding mill panelboard operator................... .......... Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Reagent tender..... ....................................... Roof bolter.................................................... Shaker tender.............................................. Shuttle car operator.................................... Stationary boiler fir e r .................................. Stationary engineer..................................... Track la y e r......................... :......................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor helper............................................ Belt repairer................ ................................. Separator te n d e r........ Conveyor operator or te nder..................... Yard engineer.............................................. Mill and/or grinder operator,minerals....... Pump operator.............................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 760 2,800 430 860 190 0.82 3.03 .46 .93 .21 8 4 12 4 9 13 28 7 19 10 730 510 170 520 150 320 110 180 980 2,740 220 100 320 350 530 1,810 180 3,790 .79 .55 .18 .56 .16 .35 .12 .19 1.06 2.96 .24 .11 .35 .38 .57 1.96 .19 4.10 12 3 16 47 9 17 8 3 7 6 8 19 16 9 13 4 14 n.a. 10 10 9 4 3 5 4 6 8 24 16 3 -6 9 4 25 6 n.a. 7,400 9,300 8.00 10.05 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk............................... ........... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist.................................................. Secretary....................................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ T y p is t............ ................................................ Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 5,190 140 170 70 140 380 110 560 50 . 280 120 70 990 100 270 190 200 180 180 5.61 .15 .18 .08 .15 .41 .12 .61 .05 .30 .13 .08 1.07 .11 .29 .21 .22 .19 .19 n.a. 9 9 n.a. 9 7 13 6 9 6 5 11 6 5 6 10 n.a. 10 14 n.a. 13 12 n.a. 10 27 10 28 6 26 13 9 52 17 14 12 n.a. 10 8 790 50 150 .85 .05 .16 5 22 n.a. 26 2 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... 60 .06 n.a. n.a. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available, 11 Table 5. Bituminous coal and lignite mining: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 12) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o tal...................................................... 244,650 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 10,610 * 4.34 n.a. 100 Professional occupations.............................. Civil engineer................................................ Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer................................... Mining engineer...... .................................. Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Mathematical scientist................................ Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist.................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Law yer........ .................................................. Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 7,150 190 190 110 1,530 930 540 70 230 160 2.92 .08 .08 .04 .63 .38 .22 .03 .09 .07 n.a. 17 18 39 13 9 n.a. n.a. 19 34 n.a. 13 10 8 42 38 n.a. n.a. 13 6 180 620 1,240 120 490 550 .07 .25 .51 .05 .20 .22 28 11 15 34 13 n.a. 5 34 40 5 20 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter............................................................ Surveyor............................................ ........... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians......... ........................... All other technicians................................... 2,710 190 800 690 560 240 230 1.11 .08 .33 .28 .23 .10 .09 n.a. 26 18 10 n.a. 22 n.a. n.a. 7 22 30 n.a. 8 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... All other service workers ........................... 2,230 670 1,380 180 .91 .27 .56 .07 n.a. 14 11 n.a. n.a. 29 32 n.a. 210,100 1,640 1,190 1,580 12,580 2,400 1,460 8,860 480 3,350 460 85.88 .67 .49 .65 5.14 .98 .60 3.62 .20 1.37 .19 n.a. 24 19 22 9 20 n.a. 8 43 8 18 n.a. 23 19 16 59 14 n.a. 60 3 50 10 780 1,190 3,100 840 420 2,000 7,740 1,700 1,830 60 420 130 700 4,300 470 5,210 1,840 17,750 30,030 380 140 .32 .49 1.27 .34 .17 .82 3.16 .69 .75 .02 .17 .05 .29 1.76 .19 2.13 .75 7.26 12.27 .16 .06 19 48 12 27 27 26 10 23 15 26 22 27 25 10 22 10 11 6 7 19 24 11 8 29 19 4 19 31 22 16 3 8 5 8 49 10 50 27 74 88 8 5 Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations................... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mine machinery mechanic......................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Auger machine operator............................. Blaster, mining and quarrying.................... Bonder and/or w ire r................................... Header, bottomer, car dropper and/or eager........................................................ Braker, train ................................................. Brattice builder............................................. Carpenter....................................................... Cement m ason............................................ Coal w asher.................................................. Continuous mining machine operator....... Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Cutting machine operator........................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Dispatcher, mine c a r................................... Drier operator, coal or o r e ......................... Driller, hand................................................... Driller, machine............................................. Dump operator.............................................. Electrician...................................................... Fire boss........................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Heavy equipment operator......................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector........................................... ............. See footnotes at end of table. 12 Table 5. Bituminous coal and lignite mining: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 12) Occupation Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Lamp keeper and/or repairer.................... Loading machine operator, underground . Long wall miner operator........................... Long wall miner operator helper............... Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Dinkey operator........................................... O iler........................................ ....................... Painter, maintenance.................................. Panelboard operator and/or grinding mill panelboard operator........... .................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Rock dust sprayer....................................... Roof bolter................................................... Shaker tender.............................................. Shuttle car operator.................................... Stationary engineer..................................... Tipple operator............................................ Track la y e r.................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor h elper........................................... Belt repairer................................................. Separator te n d e r......................................... Conveyor operator or tender..................... Yard engineer.............................................. Pump operator............................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Percent of total employ ment Employment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 760 3,310 330 1,400 790 3,770 4,290 1,860 5,100 50 0.31 1.35 .13 .57 .32 1.54 1.75 .76 2.08 .02 12 11 21 23 17 29 9 17 9 37 17 32 5 6 20 19 36 11 57 3 400 200 940 11,460 390 11,750 300 3,230 1,380 5,940 740 3,050 190 1,570 260 1,130 660 .16 .08 .38 4.68 .16 4.80 .12 1.32 .56 2.43 .30 1.25 .08 .64 22 38 16 9 25 9 39 11 12 10 16 12 30 18 33 11 n.a. 10 4 13 35 8 34 7 50 19 61 23 22 4 16 4 23 n.a. 7,250 22,550 2.96 9.22 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator......... ............................. Keypunch operator...................................... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h and....................................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk .............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist.................................................. Secretary....................................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Weigher, recordkeeping.............................. Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 11,630 4.75 n.a. n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... :n .46 .28 .04 .04 .08 .08 .24 .07 .08 .88 .05 .26 .10 .06 . .83 .07 .18 .20 .16 .10 .07 .33 32 23 19 34 18 34 33 10 23 10 13 25 15 15 19 16 n.a. 27 21 14 16 8 42 15 11 20 n.a. 9 8 27 1,880 120 90 .77 .05 .04 9 21 n.a. 44 6 n.a. 220 .09 n.a. n.a. 220 .09 35 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information 4 6 8 6 22 8 6 51 7 90 110 190 200 580 180 190 2,160 130 640 240 140 2,020 160 430 480 400 240 160 800 13 33 7 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available, Table 6. Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 14) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l..................................................... 120,740 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 10,110 8.37 n.a. 358 Professional occupations............ .................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer............................................... Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer................................... Metallurgist and/or metallurgical engineer Mining engineer........................................... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist .................. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 3,380 130 120 100 140 60 380 100 130 240 250 520 800 140 270 2.80 .11 .10 .08 .12 .05 .31 .08 .11 .20 .21 .43 .66 .12 .22 n.a. 23 14 11 13 15 12 11 n.a. 10 26 8 8 10 n.a. n.a. 7 11 10 11 6 30 14 n.a. 15 18 53 56 14 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter........................................................... Surveyor ....................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians.................................... All other technicians................................... 1,530 100 210 100 200 720 200 1.27 .08 .17 .08 .17 .60 .17 n.a. 18 12 11 n.a. 11 n.a. n.a. 9 13 10 n.a. 18 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. All other service workers ........................... 1,510 790 550 50 120 1.25 .65 .46 .04 .10 n.a. 6 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. 59 34 n.a. n.a. Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations................... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mine machinery mechanic......................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Blaster, mining and quarrying.................... Braker, train ................................................. Carpenter...................................................... Coal w asher................................................. Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Cutting machine operator........................... Delivery and/or route worker .......... .......... Dispatcher, mine c a r................................... Dredge operator.......................................... Drier operator, coal or o r e ......................... Driller, hand.................................................. Driller, machine............................................ Dump operator............................................. Electrician..................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Heavy equipment operator......................... R igg er........................................................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector....................................................... Loading machine operator, underground . Machinist ................................. ..................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Dinkey operator.... ........ .............................. O iler................................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................. 92,710 2,120 780 640 1,580 2,180 470 16,300 1,020 130 230 70 1,830 120 1,330 60 1,190 890 760 2,190 220 1,240 3,970 13,240 130 880 190 2,210 530 3,480 1,720 90 1,420 120 76.78 1.76 .65 .53 1.31 1.81 .39 13.50 .84 .11 .19 .06 1.52 .10 1.10 .05 n.a. 6 9 13 8 8 n.a. 4 7 28 11 38 7 20 13 29 n.a. 125 26 21 69 67 n.a. 298 64 3 13 2 87 4 31 2 50 29 32 92 8 47 144 317 3 35 11 86 18 125 57 4 78 7 See footnotes at end of table. 14 .99 9 .74 .63 1.81 .18 1.03 3.29 10.97 .11 .73 .16 1.83 .44 2.88 1.42 .07 1.18 .10 10 16 6 17 7 4 3 21 10 18 7 16 7 9 22 8 13 Table 6. Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 14) Occupation Mining, processing, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Panelboard operator and/or grinding mill panelboard operator............................. Plumber and/or pipefitter................. .......... Rock splitter, quarry.............................. ...... Reagent tender............................................ Roof bolter................................................... Shaker tender.............................................. Shuttle car operator.................................... Stationary boiler firer .................................. Stationary engineer..................................... Tipple operator............................................ Track la y e r.................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor helper........................................... Belt repairer................................................. Sawyer, stone.............................................. Separator te n d e r......................................... Conveyor operator or tender..................... Yard engineer.............................................. Mill and/or grinder operator,minerals....... Pump operator.............................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,240 180 770 80 50 340 240 60 310 130 70 2,620 70 60 230 100 2,280 200 3,440 280 1,420 1.03 .15 .64 .07 .04 .28 .20 .05 .26 .11 .06 2.17 .06 .05 .19 .08 1.89 .17 2.85 .23 1.18 10 22 13 24 29 17 23 21 22 18 35 6 14 34 16 25 6 19 5 19 n.a. 47 5 23 4 2 10 3 2 4 6 3 123 6 2 5 3 104 7 131 7 n.a. 6,230 8,980 5.16 7.44 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations........................................ Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, ha n d ....................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, office ................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk .............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Ty p is t............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Weigher, recordkeeping.............................. Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or work......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 10,430 8.64 n.a. n.a. 100 70 130 70 700 890 50 2,100 120 700 130 50 1,520 140 120 170 260 140 120 1,940 .08 .06 .11 .06 .58 .74 .04 1.74 .10 .58 .11 .04 1.26 .12 .10 .14 .22 .12 .10 1.61 13 15 16 24 9 7 20 5 13 6 8 15 9 7 16 11 n.a. 10 18 4 11 9 9 4 51 75 5 157 12 71 17 8 103 21 11 15 n.a. 11 11 140 470 360 80 .39 .30 .07 10 9 n.a. 28 18 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... All other sales workers............................... 1,070 .89 n.a. n.a. 1,030 40 .85 .03 8 n.a. 66 n.a. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 15 Table 7. Oil and gas extraction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 13) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l.......................................................... 421,270 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 38,450 9.13 n.a. 73 Professional occupations.............................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer............................................... Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Mechanical engineer................................... Petroleum engineer..................................... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Mathematical scientist................................ Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist.................. All other physical scientists....................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Lawyer ........................................................... Lease bu yer................................................. Personnel and labor relations specialists . Title clerk...................................................... Claim ag en t.................................................. All other professional workers................... 52,430 650 700 1,290 680 9,810 390 1,850 540 570 12,000 170 12.45 .15 .17 .31 .16 2.33 .09 .44 .13 .14 2.85 .04 n.a. 26 17 43 27 8 14 n.a. 40 47 9 n.a. n.a. 2 2 3 3 22 2,200 2,070 9,910 980 3,260 1,520 900 140 2,800 .52 .49 2.35 .23 .77 .36 .21 .03 .66 28 14 8 14 11 10 14 43 n.a. 4 12 24 5 13 8 3 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Computer, prospecting and/or computer, seismograph........................................... Core analyst................................................. Drafter........................................................... Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Observer, electrical prospecting, and/or gravity prospecting.............................. Scout............................................................. Surveyor ....................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians.................................... Airplane pilot................................................ All other technicians................................... 15,750 1,460 3.74 .35 n.a. 18 n.a. 5 830 130 4,170 1,060 .20 .03 .99 .25 28 49 9 35 2 1 14 4 490 200 490 3,4i n ' 1,610 800 1,100 .12 .05 .12 .81 .38 .19 .26 35 32 31 n.a. 21 17 n.a. 2 2 3 n.a. 3 5 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers .................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service workers........................... 4,830 2,220 340 1,030 750 490 T.15 .53 .08 .24 .18 .12 na. 17 25 34 29 n.a. n.a. 11 2 2 3 n.a. 244,510 2,310 1,440 4,200 880 12,240 140 3,850 190 2,690 58.04 .55 .34 1.00 .21 2.91 .03 .91 .05 .64 n.a. 13 18 13 n.a. 12 44 30 35 34 n.a. 13 6 13 n.a. 22 1 5 2 3 12,120 1,020 13,790 430 2,690 1,890 5,790 2.88 .24 3.27 .10 .64 .45 1.37 9 15 7 33 27 22 17 12 5 35 1 2 4 13 Petroleum and gas production, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations........................ ....................... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic.......................................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Bulk station operator ................................... Cable driller.................................................. Carpenter....................................................... Clean out driller.... ....................................... Derrick operator, petroleum and gas extraction................................................ Electrician...................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Formation testing operator.................... . G a g e r........... ................................................. Natural gastreating unit operator.............. Heavy equipment operator.......................... See footnotes at end of table. 16 6 n.a. 1 1 18 n.a. Table 7. OH and gas extraction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 13) Occupation Petroleum and gas production, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations—Continued Instrument repairer...................................... Liquefication and regasification plant operator................................................... Machinist....................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Mud plant operator..................................... Oil pumper.................................................... Painter, maintenance.................................. Pumper, h e a d .............................................. Rotary drill operator...................... .............. Rotary drill operator helper........................ Roustabout................................................... Service unit operator, oil w e ll.................... Stationary engineer..................................... Technical operator, oil and g a s ................. Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Well pu ller..................................................... Surveyor h elper........................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,000 0.24 21 3 540 780 4,420 2,260 1,240 12,040 360 6,810 14,910 26,920 59,080 8,750 1,390 1,650 4,560 4,850 350 4,160 .13 .19 1.05 .54 .29 2.86 .09 1.62 3.54 6.39 14.02 2.08 .33 .39 1.08 1.15 .08 .99 30 33 16 34 30 12 47 13 9 11 7 1S 23 37 18 25 35 n.a. 1 2 14 4 1 18 2 12 20 13 40 8 3 3 14 5 2 n.a. 12,100 10,670 2.87 2.53 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator............................................ ...... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk ........................................... Bookkeeper, h and....................................... Cashier.......................................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, office ............................ ....... Mail cle rk....................................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist........................................... ...... Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ......................................... ................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd .......................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 62,620 14.86 n.a. n.a. 200 1,750 1,480 720 1,730 5,400 3,840 160 1,040 13,510 760 240 1,060 790 1,840 14,370 310 1,600 2,620 3,060 3,170 1,170 210 .05 .42 .35 .17 .41 1.28 .91 .04 .25 3.21 .18 .06 .25 .19 .44 3.41 .07 .38 .62 .73 .75 .28 .05 43 16 14 n.a. 16 11 11 36 13 8 13 30 12 12 12 8 15 13 13 11 n.a. 19 33 1 6 6 n.a. 5 12 21 1 6 36 5 2 11 7 15 38 4 13 12 14 n.a. 4 2 860 600 130 .20 .14 .03 16 20 n.a. 6 5 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate................. ..................... All other sales workers............................... 2,680 .64 n.a. n.a. 2,670 10 .63 .00 17 n.a. 11 n.a. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate "All other” categories. 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 17 Construction This industry division includes new construction, ad ditions, alterations, and repair work. In 1978, the construction industry employed 4.5 mil lion workers or 20 percent of all workers covered by the survey. Over 75 percent of these workers were in maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. As shown in table 8, the five most populous occupations in the construction in dustry were: Carpenters, with 527,600 or 12 percent of total industry employment; managers and officers, 425,800 or 9 percent; heavy equipment operators, 239,200 or 5 percent; electricians, 234,000 or 5 percent; and plumbers and pipefitters, 197,000 or 4 percent. Construction workers are employed in one of three industry segments—general building contractors (SIC 15), heavy construction contractors (SIC 16), or special trade contractors (SIC 17). See tables 9, 10, and 11. 18 Table 8. Construction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 15, 16, 17) Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Total ......................................................... 4,506,610 100.00 -- 100 Managers and officers......................... .......... 425,820 9.45 n.a. 68 Professional occupations.............................. Civil engineer ................................................ Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Mechanical engineer................................... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Purchasing agent and/or buyer ................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Cost estimator, engineering....................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers............ ....... 160,940 18,780 7,640 13,360 1,580 8,660 3.57 .42 .17 .30 .04 .19 n.a. 7 19 13 12 n.a. n.a. 4 1 2 1 n.a. 1,470 8,760 25,890 67,890 1,620 5,290 .03 .19 .57 1.51 .04 .12 18 4 2 1 13 n.a. 0 5 11 24 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer............. ................... Drafter.... ....................................................... Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Surveyor ......................... .............................. All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 44,390 1,430 21,780 12,380 3,630 2,830 2,340 .98 .03 .48 .27 .08 .06 .05 n.a. 16 11 8 7 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 4 1 1 n.a. n.a. Service occupations ........................................ Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper............... ........... Food service workers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service workers ........................... 44,560 33,450 3,210 1,980 2,290 3,630 .99 .74 .07 .04 .05 .08 n.a. 4 11 26 16 n.a. n.a. 9 1 0 0 n.a. 3,459,290 15,220 10,380 11,080 18,620 76.76 .34 .23 .25 .41 n.a. 4 5 6 6 n.a. 5 3 3 4 53,330 8,570 119,020 12,510 32,010 450 1,360 17,660 94,090 6,240 15,620 527,590 100,560 3,370 820 2,650 1,680 25,150 2,100 750 2,670 1,580 37,030 234,010 6,710 1,770 8,320 2,050 69,000 1.18 .19 2.64 .28 .71 .01 .03 .39 2.09 .14 .35 11.71 2.23 .07 .02 .06 .04 .56 .05 .02 .06 .04 .82 5.19 .15 .04 .18 .05 1.53 3 n.a. 2 8 5 27 29 8 2 8 5 1 2 8 16 11 39 4 10 45 42 25 4 1 13 13 20 13 2 5 n.a. 19 2 2 0 0 1 8 1 1 30 12 1 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 13 Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................. ................ Diesel mechanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic.......................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Air hammer operator................................... Asbestos and insulation w orker................ Asphalt heater tender................................. Blaster, construction................................... Boilermaker.................................................. Bricklayer....................................................... Cabinetmaker............................................... Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer............. Carpenter...................................................... Cement m ason............................................ Concrete mixer operator............................ Concrete wall grinder operator.................. Concrete rubber ....... ................................... Conduit mechanic........................................ Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Dredge pipe installer................................... Dredge operator.......................................... Driller, machine............................................ Dry wall applicator........................ ............... Electrician...................................................... Fence erector.............................................. Fine grader.................................................... Fitter, pipelaying.......................................... Floor sanding machine operator............... Supervisor, nonworking .............................. See footnotes at end of table. 19 Table 8. Construction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 15, 16, 17) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Form setter, metal road fo rm .................... Form tamper operator and/or tamping machine operator.................................. Furnace installer and repairer, hot a ir ...... Glazier........................................................... Heavy equipment operator......................... R igger........................................................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector....................................................... Lather............................................................ Line installer repairer.................................. Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Metal fabricator............................................ Millwright................................................... . Oil burner installer and servicer.............. Oiler............................................................... Painter, maintenance.................................. Paperhanger................................................. Pipelayer....................................................... Plasterer....................................................... Plumber and/or pipefitter............. .............. Reinforcing iron w orker.............................. Roofer........................................................... Trench sewer shaper.................................. Sewer ta p p e r............................................... Sheet metal worker..................................... Stationary engineer..................................... Stone mason................................................ Layout worker, structural s te e l.................. Structural steel worker................................ Taper............................................................. Tile se tter..................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor helper........................................... Asphalt mixing machine tender................. Asphalt plant operator................................ Asphalt raker................................................ Installer and/or floor la y e r......................... Terrazzo worker........................................... Asbestos and insulation worker helper.... Bricklayer helper.......................................... Carpenter he lp e r......................................... Cement mason helper................................ Electrician helper......................................... Painter help e r.............................................. Plasterer helper.............................. ............. Plumber and/or pipefitter helper............... Roofer helper............................................... Stone mason help e r................................... Tile setter helper......................................... Cabinetmaker helper................................... Terrazzo worker h e lp e r.............................. All other helpers, skilled trades................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................. .............. Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 3,110 0.07 14 1 610 14,270 11,830 239,190 6,410 2,640 2,900 10,830 20,920 980 6,850 20,090 17,530 2,430 6,080 127,070 4,670 32,240 15,640 197,020 32,800 75,120 890 800 97,460 590 4,170 4,650 50,790 28,360 13,300 36,380 2,390 510 1,880 8,140 16,940 1,940 5,160 64,420 158,100 50,940 41,160 12,660 8,060 48,120 25,570 2,060 8,120 1,280 1,630 22,890 22,860 .01 .32 .26 5.31 .14 .06 .06 .24 .46 .02 .15 .45 .39 .05 .13 2.82 .10 .72 .35 4.37 .73 1.67 .02 .02 2.16 .01 .09 .10 1.13 .63 .30 .81 .05 .01 .04 .18 .38 .04 .11 1.43 3.51 1.13 .91 .28 .18 1.07 .57 .05 .18 .03 .04 .51 .51 20 6 8 2 11 10 24 6 11 22 10 7 6 11 7 1 6 6 5 2 6 2 34 39 2 40 9 13 5 4 6 5 9 23 12 9 5 13 12 3 2 3 3 5 6 3 3 12 7 16 15 n.a. n.a. 0 1 1 19 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 11 1 3 2 11 3 5 0 0 7 0 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 15 6 4 3 1 5 3 0 1 0 0 n.a. n.a. 43,620 378,250 .97 8.39 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 323,330 7.17 n.a. n.a. 2,440 1,640 1,560 1,160 790 .05 .04 .03 .03 .02 6 7 8 n.a. 12 1 1 1 n.a. 0 See footnotes at end of table. Relative error (in percentage)2 20 Table 8. Construction: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 15, 16, 17) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, han d ....................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, office ................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Procurement cle rk....................................... Receptionist...... ........................................... Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................ Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk ................................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 5,610 64,990 1,720 101,510 580 21,500 850 1,020 1,870 89,880 850 1,960 5,750 2,200 4,600 1,430 1,500 0.12 1.44 .04 2.25 .01 .48 .02 .02 .04 1.99 .02 .04 .13 .05 .10 .03 .03 6 1 11 2 23 2 9 19 7 2 11 5 7 8 n.a. 10 8 2 26 1 30 0 12 1 0 1 31 0 2 2 1 n.a. 1 1 6,590 1,330 .15 .03 5 n.a. 3 n.a. 48,280 1.07 n.a. n.a. 46,560 1,720 1.03 .04 2 14 10 0 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. Relative error (in percentage)2 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 21 Table 9. General building contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 15) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 100 T o ta l..................................................... 1,302,060 100.00 Managers and officers................................... 153,010 11.75 n.a. 71 Professional occupations.............................. Civil engineer................................................ Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Mechanical engineer.......................... ......... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Cost estimator, engineering....................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 44,340 5,330 600 2,040 460 2,030 3.41 .41 .05 .16 .04 .16 n.a. 7 18 16 12 n.a. n.a. 5 1 1 1 n.a. 310 1,820 8,760 20,910 490 1,590 .02 .14 .67 1.61 .04 .12 16 6 4 2 8 n.a. 1 4 13 25 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter........................................................... Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Surveyor....................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 11,130 470 7,840 470 920 640 790 .85 ,04 .60 .04 .07 .05 .06 n.a. 12 7 43 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 8 0 2 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service workers ........................... 23,380 16,980 1,420 1,460 930 2,590 1.80 1.30 .11 .11 .07 .20 n.a. 6 13 31 16 n.a. n.a. 11 1 0 1 n.a. 947,240 1,360 290 740 660 72.75 .10 .02 .06 .05 n.a. 8 20 15 14 n.a. 3 1 1 1 2,600 560 16,370 820 3,560 2,170 23,750 2,180 380 382,550 29,730 380 660 3,050 530 4,060 10,020 160 340 1,930 22,140 650 24,300 410 1,170 660 340 4,140 .20 .04 1.26 .06 .27 .17 1.82 .17 .03 29.38 2.28 .03 .05 .23 .04 .31 11 n.a. 4 13 13 16 4 14 27 1 3 23 15 1 n.a. 17 1 1 1 11 2 0 80 17 0 1 4 1 2 5 0 0 0 15 0 17 0 2 1 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic.......................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic.......................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Air hammer operator................................... Asbestos and insulation w orker................ Boilermaker.................................................. Bricklayer............................. ......................... Cabinetmaker................................................ Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer............. Carpenter...................................................... Cement m aso n............................................. Concrete mixer operator............................ Concrete rubber.......................................... Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Dry wall applicator....................................... Electrician.................................. ................... Fence erector.............................................. Fine grader................................................... Fitter, pipelaying.......................................... Supervisor, nonworking............................. Form setter, metal road fo rm .................... Heavy equipment operator......................... R igg er............................................................ Industrial truck operator........................ Inspector..................... .................................. Lather..................................... ....................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... .77 .01 .03 .15 1.70 .05 1.87 .03 .09 .05 .03 .32 See footnotes at end of table. 22 7 20 11 6 44 25 19 4 31 4 21 11 16 29 14 0 3 Table 9. General building contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 15) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Metal fabricator....................... ..................... Millwright....................................................... O iler................................................................ Painter, maintenance.................................. Pipelayer........................................................ Plasterer........................................................ Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Reinforcing iron w o rker.............................. R oofer............................................................ Sheet metal worker..................................... Stone mason................................................ Layout worker, structural s te e l.................. Structural steel worker................................ Taper............................................................. Tile s e tte r...................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor h elper........................................... Asphalt raker................................................ Installer and/or floor la y e r......................... Asbestos and insulation worker helper.... Bricklayer helper.......................................... Carpenter help e r.......................................... Cement mason helper................................ Electrician helper.......................................... Painter h e lp e r.............................................. Plasterer helper............................................ Plumber and/or pipefitter helper............... Roofer helper................................................ Stone mason h e lp e r................................... Cabinetmaker helper................................... All other helpers, skilled trades................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator..... ................................. Keypunch operator....................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting cle rk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier........................................................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Order c le rk ........................ ........................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Procurement cle rk ........................................ Receptionist.................................................. Secretary....................................................... Switchboard operator................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Ty p is t............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 8,500 5,450 620 17,450 1,650 640 13,620 11,260 4,490 6,770 280 370 10,300 4,140 140 7,040 590 150 400 1,250 13,460 126,120 13,880 2,780 2,800 180 3,810 1,320 160 450 7,380 4,230 0.65 .42 .05 1.34 .13 .05 1.05 .86 .34 .52 .02 .03 .79 .32 .01 .54 .05 .01 .03 .10 1.03 9.69 1.07 .21 .22 .01 .29 .10 .01 .03 .57 .32 10 10 11 5 23 21 7 6 11 11 24 33 8 10 46 8 11 47 40 18 5 2 5 10 9 28 10 16 36 28 n.a. n.a. 2 2 1 11 0 1 5 6 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 7 45 8 2 3 0 2 1 0 0 n.a. n.a. 6,300 126,600 .48 9.72 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 104,050 7.99 n.a. n.a. 320 670 470 330 340 2,470 28,390 180 580 26,660 300 2,530 300 220 1,090 32,010 370 990 1,030 900 1,620 480 340 .02 .05 .04 .03 .03 .19 2.18 .01 .04 2.05 .02 .19 .02 .02 .08 2.46 .03 .08 .08 .07 .12 .04 .03 13 7 8 n.a. 13 7 2 32 15 3 37 4 9 13 9 2 13 5 9 11 n.a. 12 13 1 2 1 n.a. 1 4 35 0 1 28 0 7 1 1 3 37 1 4 2 2 n.a. 1 1 1,320 140 .10 .01 9 n.a. 2 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. Relative error (in percentage)1 23 Table 9. General building contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 15) Occupation Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk ................................................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 18,910 1.45 n.a. n.a. 18,250 660 1.40 .05 5 27 11 0 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available, 24 Table 10. Heavy construction contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 16) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l...................................................... 937,710 100.00 -- 100 Managers and officers.................................... 72,760 7.76 n.a. 36 Professional occupations.............................. Civil engineer................................................ Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Mechanical engineer................................... Safety engineer............................................ All other engineers...................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Cost estimator, engineering....................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . All other professional workers................... 51,390 9,090 4,400 6,700 1,100 6,180 5.48 .97 .47 .71 .12 .66 n.a. 13 33 26 17 n.a. n.a. 7 1 1 3 n.a. 1,110 2,700 4,910 11,000 1,070 3,130 .12 .29 .52 1.17 .11 .33 24 10 8 6 19 n.a. 1 5 8 14 2 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter............................................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Surveyor ........................................................ All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 15,080 840 8,080 350 2,670 2,000 1,140 1.61 .09 .86 .04 .28 .21 .12 n.a. 26 27 24 9 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 2 0 3 n.a. n.a. Service occupations........................................ Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service workers ........................... 6,630 3,250 1,320 460 1,300 300 .71 .35 .14 .05 .14 .03 n.a. 12 15 50 25 n.a. n.a. 5 1 0 1 n.a. 731,270 10,840 7,560 7,980 2,480 77.98 1.16 .81 .85 .26 n.a. 6 7 8 13 n.a. 12 9 8 2 220 1,410 62,140 9,870 950 390 1,260 5,580 1,500 40,570 17,400 440 150 520 1,430 13,100 460 710 2,620 1,410 12,010 910 1,260 6,210 23,700 1,610 .02 .15 6.63 1.05 .10 .04 .13 .60 .16 4.33 1.86 .05 .02 .06 .15 1.40 .05 .08 .28 .15 1.28 .10 .13 .66 2.53 .17 37 n.a. 3 10 26 30 31 17 32 6 6 21 41 30 45 7 31 47 43 28 15 45 16 26 6 18 0 n.a. 26 5 0 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 11 2 420 .04 27 1 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic........................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic.......................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver................................................... Air hammer operator................................... Asbestos and insulation w orker................ Asphalt heater tender................................. Blaster, construction................................... Boilermaker................................................... Bricklayer....................................................... Carpenter....................................................... Cement m ason............................................. Concrete mixer operator............................ Concrete wall grinder operator.................. Concrete rubber ........................................... Conduit mechanic........................................ Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Dredge pipe installer.................................... Dredge operator........................................... Driller, machine............................................. Electrician...................................................... Fence erector............................................... Fine grader.................................................... Fitter, pipelaying........................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Form setter, metal road fo rm .................... Form tamper operator and/or tamping machine operator.................................. See footnotes at end of table. 25 Table 10. Heavy construction contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 16) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Heavy equipment operator......................... Rigger ........................................................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector....................................................... Line installer repairer.................................. Machinist............ .......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Metal fabricator............................................ Millwright....................................................... O iler................................................ ............... Painter, maintenance.................................. Pipelayer........................................................ Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Reinforcing iron w orker.............................. Trench sewer shaper.................................. Sewer tapper ............................................... Sheet metal worker..................................... Layout worker, structural s te e l.................. Structural steel worker................................ Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor he lp e r........................................... Asphalt mixing machine tender................. Asphalt plant drier operator....................... Asphalt plant operator................................ Asphalt raker................................................ Asbestos and insulation worker helper.... Carpenter helper ......................................... Cement mason helper................................ Electrician helper......................................... Painter helper .............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter helper............... All other helper;, skilled trades................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator......... All other office machine operators ........... Stenographer ............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, office ................... ................ Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Procurement cle rk....................................... Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 150,140 2,490 1,030 1,880 12,680 350 1,970 550 3,220 5,070 1,570 29,530 20,540 6,110 680 620 480 1,560 6,620 15,500 1,800 440 320 1,770 6,990 630 9,790 7,450 1,890 340 4,220 8,960 11,600 16.01 .27 .11 .20 1.35 .04 .21 .06 .34 .54 .17 3.15 2.19 .65 .07 .07 .05 .17 .71 1.65 .19 .05 .03 .19 .75 .07 1.04 .79 .20 .04 .45 .96 1.24 2 20 23 36 17 37 14 47 16 8 14 7 11 12 41 49 36 32 14 9 11 24 24 12 10 36 9 14 21 26 18 n.a. n.a. 33 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 6 1 10 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 7 2 1 1 3 5 0 4 4 0 0 1 n.a. n.a. 12,090 163,280 1.29 17.41 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 59,190 6.31 n.a. n.a. 300 860 970 120 690 440 2,890 6,210 1,110 13,450 110 7,100 550 760 600 12,970 380 860 2,050 1,260 1,730 720 600 .03 .09 .10 .01 .07 .05 .31 .66 .12 1.43 .01 .76 .06 .08 .06 1.38 .04 .09 .22 .13 .18 .08 .06 20 11 11 44 n.a. 19 10 5 16 10 30 4 12 26 13 9 17 9 17 12 n.a. 17 15 1 2 2 0 n.a. 1 4 12 1 13 0 14 1 1 2 14 1 3 2 2 n.a. 1 1 1,790 670 .19 .07 12 n.a. 2 n.a. Employment See footnotes at end of table. 26 Table 10. Heavy construction contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 16) Occupation Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk .................................................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation n.a. 1,390 0.15 n.a. 1,210 180 .13 .02 14 49 2 0 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 27 Table 11. Special trade contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 17) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l...................................................... 2,266,850 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 200,060 8.83 n.a. 183 Professional occupations.............................. Civil engineer................................................ Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Mechanical engineer.................................... All other engineers....................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Cost estimator, engineering....................... All other professional workers................... 65,220 4,360 2,640 4,620 480 4,240 12,230 35,980 670 2.88 .19 .12 .20 .02 .19 .54 1.59 .03 n.a. 7 10 6 n.a. 4 2 1 n.a. n.a. 4 3 6 n.a. 11 25 61 n.a. Technical occupations................................... D rafter............................................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 18,170 5,850 11,560 240 520 .80 .26 .51 .01 .02 n.a. 7 9 n.a. n.a. n.a. 8 3 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... All other service workers ........................... 14,560 13,220 470 870 .64 .58 .02 .04 n.a. 4 47 n.a. n.a. 22 0 n.a. 1,780,800 3,020 2,520 2,360 15,480 78.56 .13 .11 .10 .68 n.a. 6 7 14 7 n.a. 5 4 2 15 50,500 6,600 40,520 1,820 27,500 9,910 68,830 3,860 15,200 104,470 53,430 2,550 560 1,470 9,000 1,110 32,960 211,980 5,640 2,010 23,170 850 14,210 11,770 64,750 3,510 440 360 10,440 8,160 530 740 11,030 8,860 2,430 380 2.23 .29 1.79 .08 1.21 .44 3.04 .17 .67 4.61 2.36 .11 .02 .06 .40 .05 1.45 9.35 .25 .09 1.02 .04 .63 .52 2.86 .15 .02 .02 .46 .36 .02 .03 .49 .39 .11 .02 3 n.a. 3 12 6 10 2 10 5 2 3 10 18 15 6 10 4 1 14 13 3 26 6 8 3 15 18 21 7 10 33 24 9 9 11 29 19 n.a. 38 2 7 2 20 2 5 37 23 2 1 1 6 2 9 37 2 1 28 0 6 3 32 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 4 3 2 0 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic........................................... Engineering equipment mechanic............. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic.......................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Air hammer operator................................... Asbestos and insulation w orker................ Boilermaker................................................... Bricklayer....................................................... Cabinetmaker................................................ Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer............. Carpenter....................................................... Cement mason ............................................ Concrete mixer operator............................ Concrete wall grinder operator.................. Concrete rubber........................................... Crane, derrick, and/or hoist operator....... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Dry wall applicator....................................... Electrician...................................................... Fence erector.............................................. Floor sanding machine operator............... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Form setter, metal road fo rm .................... Furnace installer and repairer, hot a ir ...... Glazier............................................................ Heavy equipment operator......................... R igg er...................................... ..................... Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector........................................................ Lather............................................................. Line installer repairer.................................. Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Metal fabricator.......................................... Millwright........................................................ Oil burnerinstaller andservicer................... O iler................................................................ See footnotes at end of table. 28 Table 11. Special trade contractors: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 17) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Painter, maintenance.................................. Paperhanger.................................................. Pipelayer........................................................ Plasterer........................................................ Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Reinforcing iron w orker.............................. R oofer............................................................ Sheet metal worker..................................... Stone mason................................................ Layout worker, structural s te e l.................. Structural steel worker................................ Taper.............................................................. Tile s e tte r..................................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Asphalt raker................................................ Installer and/or floor la y e r......................... Terrazzo worker........................................... Asbestos and insulation worker helper.... Bricklayer helper.......................................... Carpenter h e lp e r......................................... Cement mason helper................................ Electrician helper......................................... Painter h e lp e r.............................................. Paperhanger h e lp e r.................................... Plasterer helper........................................... Plumber and/or pipefitter helper............... Roofer helper............ ................................... Stone mason h e lp e r................................... Tile setter helper......................................... Cabinetmaker helper................................... Terrazzo worker h e lp e r...... ........................ All other helpers, skilled trades................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 108,040 4,580 1,060 14,750 162,860 15,440 70,600 90,210 3,780 2,720 33,870 24,220 13,150 13,840 990 16,540 1,910 3,280 50,350 22,190 29,610 36,500 9,520 290 7,840 40,100 24,260 1,900 8,090 830 1,630 6,970 9,140 4.77 .20 .05 .65 7.18 .68 3.11 3.98 .17 .12 1.49 1.07 .58 .61 .04 .73 .08 .14 2.22 .98 1.31 1.61 .42 .01 .35 1.77 1.07 .08 .36 .04 .07 .31 .40 1 6 22 5 2 10 2 2 10 11 7 4 6 7 17 5 13 17 3 3 4 3 5 16 7 3 3 13 7 19 15 n.a. n.a. 32 5 1 6 38 3 21 27 2 2 6 9 6 9 1 6 1 1 17 14 13 17 8 0 4 19 12 1 4 1 1 n.a. n.a. 25,950 88,860 1.14 3.92 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... All other office machine operators........... Accounting clerk........................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ........................................ General clerk, office .................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk .............. Secretary....................................................... Typist .................. .......................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ AH other plant clerical workers.................. 160,070 7.06 n.a. n.a. 1,820 240 240 30,390 61,400 11,870 44,900 2,670 1,750 230 560 .08 .01 .01 1.34 2.71 .52 1.98 .12 .08 .01 .02 6 n.a. 20 2 1 2 1 5 n.a. 28 12 4 n.a. 1 64 86 29 81 5 n.a. 1 1 3,480 520 .15 .02 6 n.a. 6 n.a. Sales occupations........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate....................................... Sales c le rk ............................ ....................... 27,970 1.23 n.a. n.a. 27,090 880 1.20 .04 3 17 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information 30 1 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available, 29 Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate In 1978, finance, insurance, and real estate establish ments employed 4.7 million workers or 21 percent of all workers covered by the survey. Banks and credit agencies employed 1.9 million workers; security and commodity brokers and investment services, 0.3 million workers; and insurance and real estate, 2.5 million. Fifty percent of all workers in this industry division were in clerical occupations. In 1978, 46 percent of employees in holding and oth er investment offices were in clerical occupations. As shown in table 15, the five most populous occupations were: Managers and officers, with 27,500 or 27 percent of total'industry employment; secretaries, 12,600 or 12 percent; general clerks (office), 6,900 or 7 percent; ac countants and auditors, 6,800 or 6 percent, and account ing clerks, 3,100 or 3 percent. Insurance and real estate Banks and credit agencies This industry group (SIC’s and 60 and 61) includes establishments primarily engaged in deposit banking and closely related functions, and in extending credit and other forms of loans. As shown in table 12, clerical occupations accounted for over 70 percent of the employment in banking. The five most populous occupations in banking were: Tel lers, with 313,800 or 22 percent of total industry em ployment; managers and officers, 257,600 or 18 percent; general clerks (office), 106,100 or 8 percent; secretaries, 67,300 or 5 percent; and clerical supervisors (office or plant), 52,200 or 4 percent. Two-thirds of the workers in credit agencies were in clerical occupations. As shown in table 13, the five most populous occupations were: Managers and officers, with 112,700 or 22 percent of total industry employment; tellers, 74,000 or 14 percent; general clerks (office), 35,500 or 7 percent; credit clerks, 31,000 or 6 percent; and collectors, 25,700 or 5 percent. Security and commodity brokers and investment services This industry (SIC’s 62 and 67) includes establish ments engaged in underwriting, purchase, sale, or bro kerage of securities and other financial contracts; ex changes; and holding and other investment institutions. About 65 percent of the employees in this group were in security and commodity brokers and services. As shown in table 14, the five most populous occupations in security and commodity brokers and services were: Securities sales agents, with 43,300 or 23 percent of to tal industry employment; managers and officers, 25,200 of 13 percent; secretaries, 18,200 or 10 percent; broker age clerks, 11,200 or 6 percent; and general clerks (of fice), 9,000 or 5 percent. 30 This industry group (SIC’s 63-66) includes insurance carriers of all types; agents and brokers dealing in in surance, and organizations offering services to insur ance companies and policyholders; real estate opera tors, owners and lessors of real property, developers, agents, and brokers; and establishments regularly en gaged in any combination of insurance, real estate, loans, and law where no one of these activities dominates the business. In 1978, insurance carriers employed over 45 percent of all insurance and real estate workers. Fifty-five per cent of employees of insurance carriers were in clerical occupations. As shown in table 16, the five most pop ulous occupations in insurance carriers were: Insurance sales agents, associates, and representatives, with 166,600 or 14 percent of total industry employment; managers and officers, 136,100 or 12 percent; general clerks (office), 98,400 or 8 percent; typists, 53,400 or 5 percent; and secretaries, 51,100 or 4 percent. The five most populous occupations for insurance agents, brokers, and services, as shown in table 17, were: Managers and officers, with 78,600 or 20 percent of to tal industry employment; insurance sales agents, asso ciates, and representatives, 54,700 or 14 percent; gen eral clerks (office), 37,200 or 9 percent; secretaries, 27,500 or 7 percent; and underwriters, 24,900 or 6 percent. About one-fourth of real estate workers were em ployed in service occupations; another one-fourth were in maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. As shown in table 18, the five most populous occupations in real estate were: Managers and officers, with 153,400 or 17 percent of total industry employment; janitors, porters, and clean ers, excluding maids, 101,500 or 11 percent; real estate sales agents, associates, and representatives, 86,600 or 10 percent; general utility maintenance repairers, 85,700 or 10 percent; and gardeners and groundskeepers, 65,100 or 7 percent. About two-fifths of the workers in combined real es tate, insurance, loans, and law offices were in clerical occupations. As shown in table 19, the five most pop ulous occupations were: Managers and officers, with 5,400 or 20 percent of total industry employment; real estate sales agents, associates, and representatives, 4,900 or 18 percent; general clerks (office), 3,100 or 12 per cent; secretaries, 2,500 or 9 percent; and insurance sales agents, associates, and representatives, 2,000 or 7 percent. 31 Table 12. Banking: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 60) Occupation T o ta l...................................................... Managers and officers............................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,407,660 100.00 - 100 257,640 18.30 n.a. 99 82,260 440 2,840 170 740 5.84 .03 .20 .01 .05 n.a. 21 11 n.a. 13 n.a. 1 9 n.a. 2 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers.......................... ........................... Financial analyst.......................................... All other mathematical scientists.............. Economist...................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Budget analyst............................................. Credit analyst, c h ie f..................................... Credit analyst................................................ Law yer........................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Appraiser, real e s ta te ................................. Travel agent and/or travel accommodations appraiser.................. All other professional workers................... 7,250 1,480 15,840 1,260 3,460 7,860 1,130 3,940 3,770 2,700 .52 .11 1.13 .09 .25 .56 .08 .28 .27 .19 14 4 4 9 7 6 11 6 5 7 13 17 40 8 17 23 6 21 24 13 300 29,080 .02 2.07 17 n.a. 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Engineering technician ............................... All other technicians................................... 11,290 7,400 190 3,700 .80 .53 .01 .26 n.a. 7 23 n.a. n.a. 17 1 n.a. Service occupations........................................ Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service w orkers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ All other service w orkers........................... 40,010 23,020 11,840 3,680 770 700 2.84 1.64 .84 .26 .05 .05 n.a. 3 5 11 14 n.a. n.a. 51 19 10 4 n.a. 9,770 940 180 260 340 260 750 2,840 190 290 1,080 650 570 300 .69 .07 .01 .02 .02 .02 .05 .20 .01 .02 .08 .05 .04 .02 n.a. n.a. 18 10 16 12 9 6 11 11 12 23 17 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 2 1 2 6 13 2 2 6 2 3 n.a. 820 300 .06 .02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,000,400 830 71.07 .06 n.a. 11 n.a. 6 11,920 9,920 12,270 4,800 42,820 .85 .70 .87 .34 3.04 7 5 8 11 3 24 21 22 8 65 210 .01 10 2 3,900 .28 8 15 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanics and re p a ire rs.......................... Truck driver.................................................. Carpenter....................................................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Electrician...................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Painter, maintenance.................................. Parking lot attendant................................. Stationary engineer..................................... Chauffeur....................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Addressing machine operator.................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator....................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator......... Proof machine operator.............................. Inserting and/or labeling machine operator................................................... Coin machine operator and/or currency sorter........................................................ See footnotes at end of table. 32 Table 12. Banking: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 60) Occupation Clerical occupations— Continued All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk...................... ...... ........ Bookkeeper, h and........................................ Adjustment clerk........................................... Cashier........................................................... Checking clerk, bank records.................... Collector........................................................ Credit reporter............................................. File clerk........................................................ Insurance c le rk ............................................ General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Mail cle rk ....................................................... Messenger, b a n k......................................... New accounts te lle r.................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Procurement cle rk........................................ Receptionist.................................................. Safe deposit c le rk ........................................ Secretary....................................................... Statement c le rk ............................................ Statistical c le rk ............................................. Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................................................... T e lle r.............................................................. Transit c le rk .................................................. Travel c le rk ................................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Credit clerk.................................................... Mortgage closing c le rk ............................... Sorting clerk, b a n k ...................................... Loan clo ser................................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 8,600 7,140 27,040 14,180 7,820 3,110 12,200 15,530 4,980 20,560 2,600 106,140 8,050 3,730 34,610 840 2,300 2,930 460 6,630 8,700 67,280 27,650 2,990 6,010 4,740 9,220 313,780 8,580 400 26,900 52,210 14,910 5,880 4,440 9,190 57,670 750 400 0.61 .51 1.92 1.01 .56 .22 .87 1.10 .35 1.46 .18 7.54 .57 .26 2.46 .06 .16 .21 .03 .47 .62 4.78 1.96 .21 .43 .34 .65 22.29 .61 .03 1.91 3.71 1.06 .42 .32 .65 4.10 .05 .03 n.a. 6 6 6 7 21 6 4 8 4 5 1 4 10 3 12 8 5 8 6 4 2 4 31 5 5 4 1 6 16 6 4 4 6 7 6 n.a. 23 12 n.a. 19 45 27 16 5 20 41 16 37 16 50 34 13 61 5 18 23 5 28 37 76 45 6 39 25 32 92 20 1 .32 63 42 28 11 25 n.a. 1 3 1,910 670 .14 .05 5 n.a. 14 n.a. 6,290 .45 n.a. n.a. 6,150 140 .44 .01 11 31 Employment 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information 11 0 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 33 Table 13. Credit agencies, except banks: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 61) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l...................... ............................... 510,720 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers .................................... 112,070 21.94 n.a. 213 Professional occupations .............................. Financial analyst.......................................... Social scientist............................................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing....................................... ....... Purchasing agent and/or buyer ................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Budget analyst............................................. Credit analyst, c h ie f.................................... Credit analyst................................................ Law yer..... ..................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Appraiser, real estate ................................. All other professional workers................... 39,940 360 90 7.82 .07 .02 n.a. 19 n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. 1,390 600 7,320 260 3,050 12,610 700 980 2,180 6,140 4,260 .27 .12 1.43 .05 .60 2.47 .14 .19 .43 1.20 .83 7 11 3 24 7 4 9 5 6 3 n.a. 11 7 44 3 20 43 5 10 18 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ All other technicians................................... 2,580 2,060 520 .51 .40 .10 n.a. 7 n.a. n.a. 11 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper...................... . Food service w orkers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service only ........ All other service workers ....................... . 10,090 8,060 980 660 90 300 1.98 1.58 .19 .13 .02 .06 n.a. 4 10 17 14 n.a. n.a. 45 5 3 1 n.a. 2,730 80 80 230 100 1,290 50 160 380 .53 .02 .02 .05 .02 .25 .01 .03 .07 n.a. n.a. 27 10 18 7 33 15 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 3 1 8 0 1 n.a. 140 220 .03 .04 n.a. n.a. rv.a. n.a. 334,660 65.53 n.a. n.a. 2,620 1,680 2,310 670 370 .51 .33 .45 .13 .07 6 6 6 15 21 19 10 12 3 2 120 1,200 2,560 13,030 8,490 1,170 14,750 1,610 25,700 930 5,240 2,910 35,500 2,400 340 .02 .23 .50 2.55 1.66 .23 2.89 .32 5.03 .18 1.03 .57 6.95 .47 .07 18 n.a. 7 3 3 12 4 13 3 13 4 4 3 4 25 1 n.a. 13 58 51 4 36 6 81 4 30 19 84 19 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic and/or repairer...... .................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Inspector....................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Parking lot attendant................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator......... Proof machine operator.............................. Inserting and/or labeling machine operator.................................................. All other office machine operators ........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Adjustment clerk........................................... Cashier........................................................... Checking clerk, bank records.................... Collector........................................................ Credit reporter ............................................. File clerk....................................................... Insurance c le rk ............................................ General clerk, office ................................... Mail cle rk ...................................................... Messenger, ba n k................... ...................... See footnotes at end of table. 34 32 3 Table 13. Credit agencies, except banks: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 61) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued New accounts te lle r.................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk .............. Personnel clerk............................................. Procurement cle rk........................................ Receptionist.................................................. Safe deposit c le rk ........................... ............ Secretary............. ......................................... Statement clerk ............................................ Statistical c le rk ............................................. Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................................................... T e lle r.............................................. ............... Transit c le rk .................................................. Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Credit clerk.................................................... Mortgage closing c le rk ............................... Sorting clerk, b a n k ...................................... Loan clo ser.................................................. All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................... ................ All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations....................... ............. Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... All other sales workers............................... Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 13,020 200 710 740 150 3,850 940 20,030 1,890 310 1,360 3,410 1,660 74,010 190 10,220 17,980 31,270 13,950 160 7,730 6,370 100 170 2.55 .04 .14 .14 .03 .75 .18 3.92 .37 .06 .27 .67 .33 14.49 .04 2.00 3.52 6.12 2.73 .03 1.51 1.25 .02 .03 3 20 6 5 12 4 8 2 10 16 6 3 5 1 31 4 2 3 3 16 4 n.a. 26 24 38 2 9 9 2 31 6 82 9 3 16 36 17 81 1 35 68 87 57 1 21 n.a. 0 1 460 180 .09 .04 9 n.a. 4 n.a. 8,650 1.69 n.a. n.a. 8,530 120 1.67 .02 5 n.a. 28 n.a. Employment on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information 35 Table 14. Security, and commodity brokers and services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 62) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o tal..................................................... 189,610 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 25,150 13.26 n.a. 90 Professional occupations............. „............... Financial analyst.......................................... Statistician..................................................... Economist.......... ........................................... Market research analyst............................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing ............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Budget analyst.............................................. Law yer........................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Broker’s floor representative, securities trader and/or securities, specialist..... All other professional workers................... 19,580 3,980 770 120 760 10.33 2.10 .41 .06 .40 n.a. 9 20 22 16 n.a. 15 6 2 4 1,280 250 3,100 140 450 380 .68 .13 1.63 .07 .24 .20 21 12 9 21 16 15 5 4 19 2 6 4 5,110 3,240 2.70 1.71 11 n.a. 18 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ All other technicians.................................... 1,620 1,160 460 .85 .61 .24 n.a. 13 n.a. n.a. 7 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. All other service workers ........................... 1,080 480 340 170 90 .57 .25 .18 .09 .05 n.a. 18 19 25 n.a. n.a. 5 2 1 n.a. 1,830 120 260 .97 .06 .14 n.a. 29 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 120 1,330 .06 .70 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 87,990 46.41 n.a. n.a. 350 1,250 2,120 440 1,440 1,030 2,970 1,220 2,540 11,190 190 1,020 1,080 9,000 1,680 2,490 1,690 1,890 940 490 410 .18 .66 1.12 .23 .76 .54 1.57 .64 1.34 5.90 .10 .54 .57 4.75 .89 1.31 .89 1.00 .50 .26 .22 18 14 11 14 n.a. 16 9 9 13 7 40 11 12 8 9 15 10 9 21 12 13 5 7 12 5 n.a. 7 18 9 18 36 1 18 8 36 17 8 13 13 4 7 5 2,210 860 18,180 880 660 790 1.17 .45 9.59 .46 .35 .42 9 9 4 15 21 10 8 15 72 6 3 11 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators ........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk........................................... Dividend c le rk .............................................. Bookkeeper, hand....................................... Brokerage c le rk ............................................ Capital analyst............................................. Cashier........................................................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Securities cashier, exchange..................... Trade recorder............................................. Mail cle rk....................................................... Margin c le rk .................................................. Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................. Purchase and sales clerk and/or securities order c le rk ............................ Receptionist.................................................. Secretary...................................................... Security description c le rk ........................... Statistical c le rk ............................................. Switchboard operator.................................. See footnotes at end of table. 36 Table 14. Security, and commodity brokers and services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978~Continued (SIC 62) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger.................................................... Transfer clerk............................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales agent, financial service/bank.......... Sales agent, securities...................... ......... Broker and market operator, commodities Portfolio m anager........................................ All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... Sales clerk ................................................... Percent of total employ ment Employment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,720 4,140 1,660 3,780 3,490 3,720 120 80 0.91 2.18 .88 1.99 1.84 1.96 .06 .04 8 10 10 10 9 n.a. 46 35 30 18 12 19 21 n.a. 1 1 150 120 .08 .06 27 n.a. 1 n.a. 52,360 250 43,300 3,860 1,850 27.61 .13 22.84 2.04 .98 n.a. 32 4 19 10 n.a. 2 59 13 10 2,880 220 1.52 .12 n.a. 47 n.a. 1 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 37 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. Table 15. Holding and other investment offices: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 67) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l..................................................... 103,660 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 27,520 26.55 n.a. 70 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ...................................................... Financial analyst.......................................... Statistician.................................................... Physical scientists ........................... ............ Economist..................................................... Market research analyst............................. All other social scientists........................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Budget analyst.............................................. Law yer........................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Broker’s floor representative, securities trader and/or securities, specialist..... All other professional workers................... 20,360 600 630 120 590 70 450 180 19.64 .58 .61 .12 .57 .07 .43 .17 n.a. 31 14 21 n.a. 45 24 n.a. n.a. 2 5 2 n.a. 1 3 n.a. 720 400 6,780 200 1,280 670 .69 .39 6.54 .19 1.23 .65 14 22 5 16 14 19 6 4 32 2 9 5 220 7,450 .21 7.19 33 n.a. 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer............................. Engineering technician............................... All other technicians................................... 1,630 830 340 460 1.57 .80 .33 .44 n.a. 15 30 n.a. n.a. 6 2 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service w orkers................................. All other service w orkers........................... 4,640 2,010 250 1,190 1,190 4.48 1.94 .24 1.15 1.15 n.a. 16 41 n.a. n.a. n.a. 9 2 n.a. n.a. 4,410 210 220 1,260 330 4.25 .20 .21 1.22 .32 n.a. n.a. 43 15 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 7 n.a. 1,320 1,070 1.27 1.03 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 41,960 40.48 n.a. n.a. 480 910 1,230 170 550 850 3,080 2,800 210 400 590 6,870 570 620 210 .46 .88 1.19 .16 .53 .82 2.97 2.70 .20 .39 .57 6.63 .55 .60 .20 21 15 13 29 n.a. 21 9 7 23 28 32 22 15 11 16 4 5 7 2 n.a. 5 19 20 2 3 4 21 7 9 3 190 850 12,600 80 300 230 .18 .82 12.16 .08 .29 .22 49 13 5 40 34 17 0 9 52 1 2 3 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... All other mechanics and repairers............ Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h and....................................... Brokerage c le rk ........................................... Cashier........................................................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Mail cle rk....................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Purchase and sales clerk and/or securities order c le rk ............................ Receptionist................................................. Secretary....................................................... Security description cle rk ........................... Statistical c le rk ............................................ Switchboard operator............ ...................... See footnotes at end of table. 38 Table 15. Holding and other Investment offices: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 67) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................... ............................... Transfer clerk................................................ Ty p is t............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations............... ........................... Sales agent, financial service/bank.......... Sales agent, securities............................... Broker and market operator, commodities Portfolio m anager..... ................................... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... All other sales workers............................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,070 500 60 2,130 1,520 2,250 110 220 1.03 .48 .06 2.05 1.47 2.17 .11 .21 9 15 44 12 15 n.a. 38 37 13 5 1 13 10 n.a. 1 1 260 50 .25 .05 31 n.a. 1 n.a. 3,140 230 510 80 500 3.03 .22 .49 .08 .48 n.a. 34 25 43 27 n.a. 1 1 0 3 1,630 190 1.57 .18 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 39 Table 16. Insurance carriers: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 63) Occupation. Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 100 1,169,800 100.00 Managers and officers................................. 136,120 11.64 n.a. 94 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ..................................................... Actuary.......................................................... Financial analyst.......................................... Statistician ..................................................... All other mathematical scientists.............. Economist..................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Appraiser...................................................... Budget analyst............................................. Credit analyst............................................... Hospital insurance representative............. Investigator, insurance................................ Law yer................................................. ......... Librarian, professional................................. Nurse, professional ...................................... Paralegal personnel.................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Physician and/or surgeon.......................... Public relations practitioner........................ Safety inspector........................................... Title examiner and/or abstractor.............. Special agent, insurance............................ Claim examiner, property and/or casualty insurance................................................ Building inspector, fire insurance.............. Underwriter................................................... All other professional workers............... 173,440 2,760 3,740 1,310 1,920 340 210 14.83 .24 .32 .11 .16 .03 .02 n.a. 15 11 16 33 n.a. 24 n.a. 5 6 3 3 n.a. 1 10,770 1,080 32,020 450 940 300 620 4,750 4,100 420 1,400 610 3,880 880 1,320 3,880 4,170 16,410 .92 .09 2.74 .04 .08 .03 .05 .41 .35 .04 .12 .05 .33 .08 .11 .33 .36 1.40 10 8 22 31 14 20 12 13 7 15 18 16 11 29 10 12 5 21 9 6 23 1 3 1 2 5 11 2 5 2 11 3 5 8 7 16 14,110 1,380 43,940 15,730 1.21 .12 3.76 1.34 7 20 4 n.a. 15 3 31 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ D rafter...... ..................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. Ail other technicians................................... 20,760 15,120 250 210 5,180 1.77 1.29 .02 .02 .44 n.a. 12 25 n.a. n.a. n.a. 11 1 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid ............................................................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service o n ly ........ Elevator operator......................................... All other service workers ........................... 13,800 1,060 6,520 1,950 2,500 880 200 690 1.18 09 .5t> .17 .21 .08 .02 .06 n.a. 1R n.a. 18 16 25 34 n.a. n.a. 2 n.a. 3 3 2 0 n.a. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, maintenance.......... .................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Carpenter..... ................................................. Compositor and/ or typesetter................... Electrician...................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............. ................................ Painter, maintenance............ ...................... Press operator and/or plate printer.......... Stationary engineer...................... ............... Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. AH other skilled craft and kindred workers 8,410 220 230 250 330 510 320 500 1,420 230 210 1,950 460 520 300 .72 .02 .02 .02 .03 .04 .03 .04 .12 .02 .02 .17 .04 .04 .03 n.a. 31 n.a. . 37 30 14 27 16 11 43 20 15 21 19 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 1 1 2 1 3 5 1 1 5 1 2 n.a. T o ta l..................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 40 Table 16. Insurance carriers: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 63) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations All other operatives and semiskilled workers .................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 740 220 0.06 .02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator....................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................ ................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Actuarial cle rk............................................... Bookkeeper, h and....................................... Cancellation clerk........................................ Cashier................................ .......................... Claim adjuster............................................... Claims c le rk .................................................. Collector..................................... .................. Correspondence c le rk ................................ Credit reporter.............................................. File clerk.......... ............................................. Insurance c le rk ............................................. General clerk, office ................................... Mail cle rk ....................................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk.............. .............................. Policy change clerk..................................... R a te r.............................................................. Real estate cle rk ................ ......................... Receptionist.................................................. Secretary............................. ......................... Statistical c le rk ............................................. Switchboard operator.............. .................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................................................... Title searcher.............................................. Typist ............................................................. Worksheet clerk ........................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Insurance checker........................................ Credit cle rk.................................................... Claim examiner, life, accident, and health insurance................................................. Loan clo ser................................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. 643,250 54.99 n.a. n.a. 1,740 11,190 18,410 2,430 5,580 13,560 25,370 2,160 6,900 1,620 7,760 34,190 31,790 3,070 14,430 220 41,650 2,700 98,360 11,480 910 2,580 2,360 14,340 33,050 450 3,390 51,070 3,250 2,250 4,720 2,600 3,100 53,430 9,920 35,730 9,550 310 .15 .96 1.57 .21 .48 1.16 2.17 .18 .59 .14 .66 2.92 2.72 .26 1.23 .02 3.56 .23 8.41 .98 .08 .22 .20 1.23 2.83 .04 .29 4.37 .28 .19 .40 .22 .27 4.57 .85 3.05 .82 .03 11 12 5 , 9 n.a. 8 6 16 8 11 7 7 5 18 8 24 4 48 5 5 14 13 7 7 4 20 10 4 18 8 5 9 7 4 10 4 8 28 7 15 17 7 n.a. 21 29 5 19 5 21 21 28 4 11 1 36 2 50 22 3 10 11 17 22 1 14 58 5 11 27 8 5 44 9 39 ' 11 1 32,660 2,520 35,610 1,130 730 2.79 .22 3.04 .10 .06 7 12 n.a. 21 15 20 3 n.a. 1 3 2,300 680 .20 .06 9 n.a. 7 n.a. Sales occupations........................................... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, real es tate......... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, insurance........... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... Sales c le rk .................................................... 174,020 14.88 n.a. n.a. 3,290 .28 45 1 166,640 14.25 4 49 3,890 200 .33 .02 n.a. 30 n.a. 1 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 41 Table 17. Insurance agents, brokers, and service: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 64) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l..................................................... 398,320 100.00 -- 100 Managers and officers............................. ...... 78,550 19.72 n.a. 122 Professional occupations............................ . Engineers ...................................................... Actuary ...,.................. .................................. Financial analyst........ ............................... Statistician........... ......................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing......................... ..................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer ................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Appraiser................. ..................................... Credit analyst................................ ............... Investigator, insurance................................ Law yer.......................................................... Nurse, professional..................................... Paralegal personnel.................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Safety inspector........................................... Title examiner and/or abstractor.............. Special agent, insurance............. ............... Claim examiner, property and/or casualty insurance ................................................. Building inspector, fire insurance.............. Underwriter............................ ....................... All other professional workers............... . 46,300 650 870 160 310 11.62 .16 .22 .04 .08 n.a. 36 23 40 27 n.a. 2 1 0 1 530 130 4,230 510 50 2,450 370 1,280 120 240 120 1,050 230 1,290 .13 .03 1.06 .13 .01 .62 .09 .32 .03 .06 .03 .26 .06 .32 15 13 5 24 49 14 17 27 23 13 29 20 41 19 2 1 15 1 0 4 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 3,980 1,070 24,860 1,800 1.00 .27 6.24 .45 9 25 3 n.a. 10 1 37 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Drafter........................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 1,870 980 40 80 770 .47 .25 .01 .02 .19 n.a. 14 32 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3 0 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid .............................................................. All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.................. ........ Food service w orkers................................. All other service workers ......................... 3,370 570 2,250 80 220 250 .85 .14 .56 .02 .06 .06 n.a. 15 n.a. 45 40 n.a. n.a. 2 n.a. 0 0 n.a. 1,070 560 70 210 .27 .14 .02 .05 n.a. 26 28 n.a. n.a. 120 110 .03 .03 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 210,420 52.83 n.a. n.a. 3,230 900 1,880 140 440 4,980 8,470 170 9,840 210 1,790 13,620 12,020 250 .81 .23 .47 .04 .11 6 9 9 15 n.a. 1.25 2.13 .04 2.47 .05 .45 3.42 3.02 .06 3 25 3 17 7 6 3 19 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Press operator and/or plate printer.......... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... Ail other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations........ ............................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator............................................. . Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk................. ......................... Actuarial cle rk.............................................. Bookkeeper, hand....................................... Cancellation clerk......................... ............... Cashier........................................................... Claim adjuster.............................................. Claims clerk ................................................. Collector........................................................ See footnotes at end of table. 42 5 1 0 n.a. 12 4 4 1 n.a. 16 28 1 36 1 7 15 39 1 Table 17. Insurance agents, brokers, and service: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 64) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Correspondence c le rk ........................ ........ Credit reporter.............................................. File clerk........ ............................................... Insurance c le rk ............................................. General clerk, o ffic e ................................. Mail cle rk ....................................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping clerk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Policy change clerk..................................... R a te r.............................................................. Receptionist.................................................. Secretary....................................................... Statistical c le rk ............... ............................. Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................................................... Ty p is t............................................................. Worksheet c le rk ........................................ . Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Insurance checker........................................ Claim examiner, life, accident, and health insurance................................... ............. All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations........................................... Placer............................................................. Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, real estate......... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, insurance........... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... All other sales workers............................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 1,010 540 11,150 430 37,220 1,360 80 220 250 9,800 17,030 3,170 27,470 330 870 4,130 330 14,930 630 10,960 2,280 0.25 .14 2.80 .11 9.34 .34 .02 .06 .06 2.46 4.28 .80 6.90 .08 .22 1.04 .08 3.75 .16 2.75 .57 28 47 3 28 3 6 29 12 10 5 4 5 3 17 9 4 15 4 13 4 13 2 0 33 1 55 6 0 2 2 20 33 14 57 1 4 25 2 31 1 28 3 5,150 2,740 100 50 1.29 .69 .03 .01 9 n.a. 46 27 9 n.a. 0 0 210 40 .05 .01 13 n.a. 1 n.a. 56,740 1,060 14.24 .27 n.a. 18 n.a. 1 220 .06 40 0 54,720 13.74 3 66 710 30 .18 .01 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 43 Table 18. Real estate: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 65) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l..................................................... 891,170 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 153,430 17.22 n.a. 221 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ...................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............. ................................ Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Landscape architect.................................... Architect ........................................................ Budget analyst.............................................. Credit analyst................................................ Lawyer ........................................................... Nurse, professional..................................... Paralegal personnel.................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Title examiner and/or abstractor.............. Appraiser, real e s ta te ................................. Special agent, insurance............................ All other professional workers................ 29,870 1,040 3.35 .12 n.a. 13 n.a. 3 220 430 8,660 200 300 150 100 460 880 90 170 680 5,070 7,120 110 4,190 .02 .05 .97 .02 .03 .02 .01 .05 .10 .01 .02 .08 .57 .80 .01 .47 20 12 4 28 20 19 47 13 17 27 13 11 4 11 36 n.a. 1 3 32 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 2 3 12 10 0 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ D rafter................................................... ........ Surveyor....................................................... All other engineering technicians.............. Licensed practical nu rse............................ All other technicians................................... 2,700 340 660 160 240 430 870 .30 .04 .07 .02 .03 .05 .10 n.a. 16 16 21 n.a. 23 n.a. n.a. 2 3 1 n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid ............................................................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service w orkers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service only ........ Elevator operator......................................... All other service workers ................. .......... 218,370 31,350 101,500 34,080 17,070 9,220 8,360 16,790 24.50 3.52 11.39 3.82 1.92 1.03 .94 1.88 n.a. 4 n.a. 4 7 5 9 n.a. n.a. 42 n.a. 32 7 25 5 n.a. 206,420 440 470 840 730 11,270 260 860 2,480 150 85,660 8,310 12,160 550 150 400 2,280 190 65,130 2,460 23.16 .05 .05 .09 .08 1.26 .03 .10 .28 .02 9.61 .93 1.36 .06 .02 .04 .26 .02 7.31 .28 n.a. 13 30 n.a. 16 7 34 12 10 43 2 7 5 14 46 25 13 34 2 n.a. n.a. 2 1 n.a. 2 20 1 3 8 0 110 15 26 2 0 1 3 1 75 n.a. 3,210 8,420 .36 .94 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 169,410 19.01 n.a. n.a. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver................................................... Carpenter....................................................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Electrician...................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Inspector........................................................ Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Painter, maintenance.................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Press operator and/or plate printer........... Stationary boiler fir e r .................................. Stationary engineer..................................... Surveyor h elper............................................ Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations..................... .................. See footnotes at end of table. 44 Table 18. Real estate: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 65) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, hand........................................ Cashier.......................................................... Collector........................................................ File clerk........................................................ General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Mail cle rk....................................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................. Real estate cle rk......................................... Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger.................................................... Title searcher............................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Loan clo ser................................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. Sales occupations........................................... Business broker...................................... . Real estate broker...................................... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, real estate..... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, insurance........... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... Sales clerk .................................................... Employment Percent of total employ ment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 370 560 1,210 120 140 2,570 11,160 23,910 1,250 390 890 30,950 390 340 770 180 9,620 10,680 40,420 3,440 8,240 640 3,820 7,720 1,900 2,720 4,140 100 210 0.04 .06 .14 .01 .02 .29 1.25 2.68 .14 .04 .10 3.47 .04 .04 .09 .02 1.08 1.20 4.54 .39 .92 .07 .43 .87 .21 .31 .46 .01 .02 20 11 12 29 n.a. 8 4 3 14 16 10 3 11 24 7 12 6 4 2 12 5 11 6 5 22 8 n.a. 28 27 2 3 4 1 n.a. 8 35 79 3 2 4 69 3 1 6 2 21 34 102 7 26 4 9 21 5 8 n.a. 0 1 350 210 .04 .02 25 n.a. 2 n.a. 110,970 770 12,380 12.45 .09 1.39 n.a. 16 6 n.a. 2 25 86,580 9.72 4 45 1,370 .15 44 1 8,780 1,090 .99 .12 n.a. 19 n.a. 2 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information Relative error (in percentage)1 on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 45 Table 19. Combined real estate, insurance, loans, and law offices: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 66) Occupation Employment Percent of total employ ment Relative error (in percentage)1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation T o ta l..................................................... 27,000 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 5,390 19.96 n.a. 26 Professional occupations .............................. Accountant and/or auditor......................... Investigator, insurance................................ Law yer........................................................... Title examiner and/or abstractor.............. Appraiser, real e s ta te ......... ........................ Underwriter.................................. ................. All other professional workers................... 1,010 170 90 60 100 360 100 130 3.74 .63 .33 .22 .37 1.33 .37 .48 n.a. 13 20 37 19 8 28 n.a. n.a. 2 1 0 1 3 0 n.a. Technical occupations............................. ...... 10 .04 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid .............................................................. All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... All other service workers ........................... 1,260 120 1,020 120 4.67 .44 3.78 .44 n.a. 20 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. 940 130 350 40 3.48 .48 1.30 .15 n.a. 30 12 n.a. n.a. 1 2 n.a. 170 250 .63 .93 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, han d ....................................... Cashier.......................................................... Insurance cle rk ............................................. General clerk, office ................................... Real estate cle rk......................................... Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................. All other office clerical workers................. 10,430 38.63 n.a. n.a. 240 70 310 390 1,100 210 90 3,130 580 360 2,540 290 790 330 .89 .26 1.15 1.44 4.07 .78 .33 11.59 2.15 1.33 9.41 1.07 2.93 1.22 11 n.a. 11 7 3 11 34 4 7 7 4 7 8 n.a. 2 n.a. 2 4 11 2 0 14 4 4 15 3 5 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Placer............................................................. Real estate broker................................. . Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, real estate......... Sales agent, sales associate, and/or sales representative, insurance........... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... 7,960 400 70 29.48 1.48 .26 n.a. 10 43 n.a. 2 0 4,910 18.19 5 11 2,000 7.41 4 13 580 2.15 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Carpenter...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. 1 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information n.a. n.a. on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 46 Services This industry division includes establishments which provide a wide variety of services for individuals, busi nesses, government, and other organizations. In 1978, 12.3 million or 55 percent of all workers covered by the survey were employed in services. Oc cupational employment for these industries is shown in tables 20 through 32. pations. As shown in table 22, the five most populous occupations were: Guards and doorkeepers, with 304,700 or 12 percent of total industry employment; managers and officers, 218,500 or 8 percent; general clerks (office), 112,900 or 4 percent; secretaries, 96,000 or 4 percent; and typists, 79,500 or 3 percent. Automotive repair, services, and garages Hotels and other lodging places Establishments in this industry (SIC 75) furnish au tomotive repair, rental, leasing, and parking services to the general public. In 1978, the industry employed 543,600 workers. About two-thirds were in maintenance, construction, and related occupations. As shown in table 23, the five most populous occupations were: Auto mechanics, with 94,200 or 17 percent of total industry employment; man agers and officers, 73,100 or 13 percent; auto body re pairers, 53,700 or 10 percent; vehicle cleaners, 45,300 or 8 percent; and auto painters, 23,400 or 4 percent. This industry (SIC 70) includes commercial and in stitutional establishments engaged in furnishing on a fee basis lodging, or lodging and meals, and camping space and facilities. In 1978, hotels and other lodging places employed 980,800 workers. Over two-thirds of all lodging work ers were employed in service occupations. As shown in table 20, the five most populous occupations were: Maids, with 212,200 or 22 percent of total industry em ployment; waiters and waitresses, 141,500 or 14 per cent; desk clerks, 72,700 or 7 percent; managers and officers, 61,800 or 6 percent; and kitchen helpers, 48,200 or 5 percent. Miscellaneous repair services Personal services Establishments in this industry include beauty and barber shops, portrait photographic studios, laundries, dry cleaning plants, and other businesses providing per sonal services. Personal services workers numbered 910,400 in 1978. Over 35 percent of personal services workers were em ployed in service occupations. As shown in table 21, the five most populous ooccupations were: Cosmetol ogists and hairstylists, with 204,500 or 22 percent of total industry employment; managers and officers, 94,500 or 10 percent; counter clerks, 53,200 or 6 per cent; laundry pressers (machine), 40,100 or 4 percent; and delivery and route workers, 36,700 or 4 percent. Establishments in this industry (SIC 76) repair items such as household electrical appliances; furniture; watches, clocks, and jewelry; and bicycles, leather goods, typewriters, and locks and guns. In 1978, miscellaneous repair services employed 262,500 workers; 60 percent were in maintenance, con struction, repair, material handling, and powerplant oc cupations. As shown in table 24, the five most popu lous occupations were: Managers and officers, with 34,400 or 13 percent of total industry employment; wel ders and flamecutters, 22,900 or 9 percent; electrical and electronics technicians, 15,900 or 6 percent; elec tric motor repairers, 13,700 or 5 percent; and television servicers and repairers, and radio and tape recorder re pairers, 12,800 or 5 percent. Motion pictures This industry includes establishments producing and distributing motion pictures, exhibiting motion pictures in commercially operated theaters, and furnishing serv ices to the motion picture industry. In 1978, the industry employed 206,400 workers; onefourth were in service occupations. As shown in table 25, the five most populous occupations were: Ushers, lobby attendants, ticket takers, and drive-in theater at tendants, with 26,600 or 13 percent of total industry Business services Establishments in this industry (SIC 73) render serv ices on a fee or contract basis, such as management and counsulting; advertising; mailing; employment and per sonal supply services; photofinishing; building mainte nance; protective services; equipment rental and leas ing; and commercial research, development, and testing. In 1978, business services employed 2.6 million work ers; about 30 percent were employed in service occu 47 employment; managers and officers, 26,400 or 13 per cent; cashiers, 21,300 or 10 percent; motion picture projectionists, 18,100 or 9 percent; and sales clerks, 14.900 or 7 percent. Amusement and recreation services Establishments in this industry (SIC 79) provide amusement or entertainment for a fee or admission charge. In 1978, amusement and recreation services employed 693.900 workers. About 45 percent were in service oc cupations. As shown in table 26, the five most popu lous occupations were: Waiters and waitresses, with 59,200 or 9 percent of total industry employment; man agers and officers, 52,500 or 8 percent; gardeners and groundskeepers, 43,500 or 6 percent; cashiers, 41,400 or 6 percent; and instrumental musicians, 35,500 or 5 percent. Health services, except hospitals This industry (SIC 80, except 806) includes licensed, practitioners who provide health care in their offices; nursing and personal care facilities; medical laborato ries; outpatient care facilities; and other allied services. In 1978, health services, excluding hospitals, em ployed 2.2 million workers. Over 30 percent were in service occupations. As shown in table 27, the five most populous occupations were: Nurse aides and orderlies, with 423,200 or 19 percent of total industry employ ment; professional nurses, 160,200 or 7 percent; physi cians and surgeons, 142,600 or 6 percent; managers and officers, 119,600 or 5 percent; and dental assistants, 114.600 or 5 percent. Social services Establishments in this industry (SIC 83) provide so cial or rehabilitation services to the handicapped, dis advantaged, and others with social and personal problems. In 1978, social services employed 971,800 workers; 35 percent were in service occupations. As shown in table 29, the five most populous occupations were: Child care workers, with 121,200 or 12 percent of total in dustry employment; managers and officers, 99,000 or 10 percent; preschool and kindergarden teachers, 79,600 or 8 percent; teacher aides and educational assistants, 49,900 or 5 percent; and caseworkers; 43,600 or 4 percent. Membership organizations This industry (SIC 86) includes organizations opera ting on a membership basis to promote the interests of members. It includes, among others, trade associations, labor organizations, and political and religious organizations. In 1978, membership organizations employed 1.5 mil lion workers. Service and clerical occupations each ac counted for 24 percent of industry employment. As shown in table 31, the five most populous occupations were: Managers and officers, with 201,500 or 13 per cent of total industry employment; secretaries, 131,700 or 9 percent; janitors, porters, and cleaners, 123,000 or 8 percent; clergy, 105,700 or 7 percent; and preschool and kindergarten teachers, 63,300 or 4 percent. Legal services Establishments in this industry (SIC 81) are headed by members of the bar and offer legal services and advice. In 1978, legal services employed 473,000 workers; over half were in clerical occupations. As shown in ta ble 28, the five most populous occupations were: Sec retaries, with 170,900 or 39 percent of total industry employment; lawyers, 105,600 or 24 percent; managers and officers, 23,800 or 5 percent; paralegal personnel, 20.600 or 5 percent; and law clerks, 20,600 or 5 percent. Miscellaneous services Establishments in this industry (SIC 89) perform serv ices such as those rendered by engineers, architects, ac countants, artists, lecturers, and writers. In 1978, miscellaneous services employed 872,600 workers. Professional occupations accounted for 38 per cent of employment in the industry. As shown in table 32, the five most populous occupations were: Account ants and auditors, with 121,000 or 14 percent of total industry employment; managers and officers, 93,300 or 11 percent; drafters, 83,400 or 10 percent; secretaries, 55,600 or 6 percent; civil engineers, 42,800 or 5 percent; and architects, 25,200 or 3 percent. Museums and botanical and zoological gardens This industry (SIC 84) includes museums, art galler ies, and botanical and zoological gardens which are not operated commercially. In 1978, the industry employed 29,500 workers; 30 percent were in service occupations. As shown in table 30, the five most populous occupations were: Guards and doorkeepers, with 3,500 or 12 percent of total in dustry employment; managers and officers, 3,200 or 11 percent; guides, 2,400 or 8 percent; janitors, porters, and cleaners, 1,630 or 6 percent; and teachers and instructors in nonvocational education, 1,600 or 5 percent. 48 Table 20. Hotels and other lodging places: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 70) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ................... ...................................... 980,770 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 61,850 6.31 n.a. 82 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ...................................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Director, c a m p .............................................. Musician, instrumental................................ Nurse, professional...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Group recreation w o rker...... ...................... All other professional workers................... 20,910 680 1,230 5,910 110 1,820 780 580 930 7,650 1,220 2.13 .07 .13 .60 .01 .19 .08 .06 .09 .78 .12 n.a. 14 4 4 24 10 23 5 7 7 n.a. n.a. 2 9 22 1 4 2 4 5 5 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Engineering technician ........................ ....... Licensed practical n u rse.................. .......... All other technicians................................... 1,600 160 550 450 440 .16 .02 .06 .05 .04 n.a. 22 14 23 n.a. n.a. 1 1 1 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid ........................................................... House cle an e r...................... ....................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Baker, bread and/or pastry....................... Bartender...... ................................................ Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant........................... Butcher and/or meat cutter........................ Host/hostess,restaurant, lounge or coffee sh o p ............... ......................................... Kitchen helper.............................................. Waiter/waitress............... ............................. Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........... ....................... Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods........................................................ Cook, restaurant.......................................... Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant...................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker.... All other food service w orkers.................. Bellhop, baggage porter, doorkeeper, and/or room service attendant........... Supervisor, nonworking-service o n ly ........ Housekeeper................................................. Recreation facility attendant................. Elevator operator.......................................... Lifeguard........................................................ Checkroom and/or locker room attendant All other service workers ........................... 663,820 212,180 24,700 13,320 8,080 1,830 28,660 67.68 21.63 2.52 1.36 .82 .19 2.92 n.a. 1 3 n.a. 5 6 3 n.a. 83 31 n.a. 15 7 40 36,590 640 3.73 .07 3 7 28 3 13,510 48,170 141,490 1.38 4.91 14.43 3 2 2 29 46 48 3,760 .38 9 6 12,280 35,820 1.25 3.65 4 2 19 45 1,760 9,670 4,080 .18 .99 .42 13 4 n.a. 2 18 n.a. 18,940 8,060 16,750 3,610 1,150 4,100 690 13,980 1.93 .82 1.71 .37 .12 .42 .07 1.43 3 5 3 11 17 9 10 n.a. 23 16 51 4 1 9 2 n.a. 75,110 280 610 850 7.66 .03 .06 .09 n.a. 27 15 n.a. n.a. 1 2 n.a. 890 5,450 180 10,730 130 2,660 190 1,490 .09 .56 .02 1.09 .01 .27 .02 .15 13 4 26 4 18 7 20 12 2 11 1 21 1 4 1 2 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers........... Marker, classifier,wet wash assembler,detacher, and/or checker .. Washer, machine and/or starcher............ Dry cleaning machine operator................. Laundry operator,small establishment...... Presser, machine.......................................... Laundry presser, machine.......................... Truck driver................................................... Bus driver...................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 49 Table 20. Hotels and other lodging places: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 70) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Carpenter...................................................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Electrician...................................................... Supervisor, nonworking .............................. Inspector.......................................... ............. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es............................................... Painter, maintenance.................................. Parking lot attendant .................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Stationary boiler firer ................................... Stationary engineer............. ........................ Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. Chauffeur...................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 8 28 8 5 20 2 9 5 10 8 18 11 5 13 n.a. 5 1 4 8 1 54 3 10 3 3 1 2 18 3 n.a. 1,300 130 1,020 1,350 190 25,840 880 2,790 2,710 480 120 850 7,680 940 620 0.13 .01 .10 .14 .02 2.63 .09 .28 .28 .05 .01 .09 .78 .10 .06 1,460 3,290 .15 .34 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................... ................ Cashier........................................................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Desk c le rk ..................................................... Order c le rk .................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........... . Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist..................................... ............ Secretary....................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Travel c le rk .................................................. Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or plant ............. Ail other office clerical workers................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. 148,260 15.12 n.a. n.a. 740 210 170 290 270 6,650 8,370 19,400 640 5,320 72,700 280 2,060 710 1,280 8,770 9,090 1,450 820 1,330 2,970 1,540 660 .08 .02 .02 .03 .03 .68 .85 1.98 .07 .54 7.41 .03 .21 .07 .13 .89 .93 .15 .08 .14 .30 .16 .07 7 17 15 n.a. 13 4 3 3 12 8 2 16 4 5 9 3 4 12 16 7 6 n.a. 6 4 1 1 n.a. 1 20 31 26 3 16 69 1 12 5 5 28 15 4 2 5 11 n.a. 4 2,400 140 .24 .01 5 n.a. 8 n.a. Sales occupations........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk .................................................... 9,220 .94 n.a. n*a. 4,690 4,530 .48 .46 6 10 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 15 8 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 50 Table 21. Personal services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 72) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ................................. ........................ 910,400 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 94,530 10.38 n.a. 58 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ...................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing............................................... Photographer, portrait and/or commercial Accountant and/or auditor......................... Dietitian and/or nutritionist......................... Embalmer.......................... ........................... Musician, instrumental............. ................... Nurse, professional..................................... Tax preparer................................................ All other professional workers................... 48,770 100 5.36 .01 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 330 10,910 6,820 1,300 10,790 1,020 520 14,690 2,290 .04 1.20 .75 .14 1.19 .11 .06 1.61 .25 13 11 4 35 2 6 40 13 n.a. 0 3 8 0 10 2 0 1 n.a. Technical occupations...... ............................. 630 .07 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid .................... .......................................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service w orkers................................. Child care attendant................................... B arber............................................................ Cosmetologist and/or hairstylist................ Funeral attendant........................................ Manicurist.............................. ..................... Masseur or m asseuse................................ Scalp treatment operator................ ........... Wig dresser................................................... Bootblack ...................................................... Shampooer.................................................... Instructor, reducing ..................................... Lifeguard............................ ........................... Checkroom and/or locker room attendant Mortuary beautician..................................... All other service workers ........................... 330,730 8,650 14,280 1,020 890 1,090 26,440 204,540 10,020 8,140 5,070 4,320 330 920 10,540 23,920 400 1,870 1,290 7,000 36.33 .95 1.57 .11 .10 .12 2.90 22.47 1.10 .89 .56 .47 .04 .10 1.16 2.63 .04 .21 .14 .77 n.a. 3 n.a. 22 26 20 3 1 3 4 13 9 21 14 3 8 28 18 6 n.a. n.a. 10 n.a. 1 0 0 7 38 8 6 1 1 0 1 7 2 0 0 2 n.a. 267,210 1,640 5,350 210 1,370 710 1,670 950 2,000 970 29.35 .18 .59 .02 .15 .08 .18 .10 .22 .11 n.a. 5 4 n.a. 8 18 42 13 50 29 n.a. 2 6 n.a. 1 0 1 0 1 1 13,270 5,140 2,190 11,360 3,360 12,920 1,550 6,690 4,640 29,130 40,060 3,960 2,810 4,020 400 36,680 1.46 .56 .24 1.25 .37 1.42 .17 .73 .51 3.20 4.40 .43 .31 3 8 6 3 11 5 12 1 3 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Laundry machine mechanic....................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Developer and/or projection printer......... Negative cutter and/or spotter.................. Multiple-photographic printer operator..... Print developer, machine ........................... Photo checker and assembler................... Photographer helper................................... Marker, classifier,wet wash assembler,detacher, and/or checker .. Spotter, dry cleaning................................... Spotter, washable materials ...................... Washer, machine and/or starcher............ Tumbler operator.......................................... Dry cleaning machine operator................. Dry cleaner, hand........................................ Laundry operator,small establishment...... Presser, hand................................................ Presser, machine.......................................... Laundry presser, machine.......................... Rug cleaner, hand........................................ Rug cleaner, machine............................... Shoe repairer................................................ Truck driver................................................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... .44 .04 4.03 See footnotes at end of table. 51 4 6 2 4 3 11 6 5 2 2 10 10 5 39 2 4 16 13 1 1 1 0 15 Table 21. Personal services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 72) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Folder, laundry............................................. Inspector.......... ............................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Mender.......................................................... Photograph retoucher, airbrush artist, and/or photograph colorist.................. Production packager, hand or machine .... Custom sew er.............................................. Sewing machine operator, regular equipment-garment............................... Sewing machine operator, special equipment and/or automatic equipment-garment............................... Alteration ta ilo r...... ...................................... Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. Chauffeur...................................................... Ambulance driver and/or attendant.......... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 4,960 16,020 6,380 2,820 9,090 0.54 1.76 .70 .31 1.00 3 3 4 7 3 5 8 6 3 9 1,270 6,740 920 .14 .74 .10 44 4 23 1 5 0 1,250 .14 24 0 950 8,380 2,130 3,920 330 510 .10 .92 .23 .43 .04 .06 32 4 5 4 20 n.a. 0 7 3 3 0 n.a. 2,620 5,870 .29 .64 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, han d ....................................... Cashier.......................................................... Counter clerk ............................................... General clerk, office ................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping packer........................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. 141,320 150 170 140 2,420 3,360 7,060 53,230 25,360 2,770 22,150 5,400 640 500 7,380 2,200 3,820 280 15.52 .02 .02 .02 .27 .37 .78 5.85 2.79 .30 2.43 .59 .07 .05 .81 .24 .42 .03 n.a. 17 23 n.a. 9 6 17 2 4 4 3 6 10 13 n.a. 7 5 24 n.a. 0 0 n.a. 2 5 4 19 19 5 19 7 1 1 n.a. 3 3 0 4,200 90 .46 .01 7 n.a. 3 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk ................................................... 27,210 2.99 n.a. n.a. 19,180 8,030 2.11 .88 7 10 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 9 2 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 52 Table 22. Business services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 73) Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total .......................................................... 2,609,890 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 218,540 8.37 n.a. 79 Professional occupations .............................. Aeronautical engineer................................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer............................................... Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer................................... Metallurgist and/or metallurgical engineer Petroleum engineer..................................... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers...................................... Financial analyst.......................................... Mathematician.............................................. Statistician.................................................... Chemist........................... .............................. Geologist and/or geophysicist.................. Physicist......................................................... All other physical scientists....................... Agricultural scientist.................................... Biological scientist....................................... All other life scientists................................ Economist...................................................... Market research analyst............................. Psychologist................................................. Urban and regional planner....................... All other social scientists........................... Systems analyst, business......................... Systems analyst, scientific and technical . Photographer................................................ Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Media bu yer.................................................. Commercial artist ........................................ Writer and/or editor.................................... Employment interviewer............................. Media analyst...................... ......................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Reporter and/or correspondent................ Designer........................................................ All other professional workers................... 295,300 3,820 4,750 2,980 21,690 3,590 10,190 1,450 750 560 5,710 1,490 2,090 2,030 6,390 1,390 3,670 970 610 1,930 490 2,160 5,530 1,560 1,200 1,440 16,620 14,000 7,990 3,050 21,070 5,950 22,840 14,740 30,570 2,860 2,260 10,510 2,450 3,920 48,030 11.31 .15 .18 .11 .83 .14 .39 .06 .03 .02 .22 .06 .08 .08 .24 .05 .14 .04 .02 .07 .02 .08 .21 .06 .05 .06 .64 .54 .31 .12 .81 .23 .88 .56 1.17 .11 .09 .40 .09 .15 1.84 n.a. 31 18 23 15 26 15 29 28 46 n.a. 26 24 21 16 29 27 n.a. 49 28 n.a. 34 17 33 34 n.a. 7 10 12 15 7 8 3 6 6 12 25 12 30 22 n.a. n.a. 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 n.a. 1 1 1 1 1 0 n.a. 0 0 n.a. 0 2 0 0 n.a. 6 3 4 2 14 3 9 7 5 2 1 3 0 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer, business ............... Computer programmer, scientific and technical.................................................. D rafter............................................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Mechanical engineering technician........... Industrial engineering technician............... All other engineering technicians.............. Science technicians.................................... Licensed practical nurse ............................. All other technicians................................... 137,830 27,990 5.28 1.07 n.a. 5 n.a. 8 12,580 18,300 22,770 4,420 1,150 6,990 12,420 23,170 8,040 .48 .70 .87 .17 .04 .27 .48 .89 .31 9 12 10 20 41 n.a. 17 13 n.a. 3 3 3 1 0 n.a. 1 1 n.a. Service occupations.................................. . Cleaner, heavy.............................................. Cleaner, light................................................. Maid ............................................................... Window w asher............................................ House c le an e r............................... .............. All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service workers......... .*....................... D etective........................... ..................... 764,850 60,110 93,270 12,120 10,540 11,530 191,130 304,690 14,220 11,320 29.31 2.30 3.57 .46 .40 .44 7.32 11.67 .54 .43 n.a. 4 4 11 10 13 n.a. 2 23 17 n.a. 7 8 1 3 2 n.a. 8 1 Occupation See footnotes at end of table. 53 2 Table 22. Business services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 73) Occupation Service occupations— Continued Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ Protective signal operator.......................... All other service workers ........................... Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Protective signal installer and/or repairer. Mechanic, automotive................................. Diesel mechanic........................................... Electrical instrument repairer..................... Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Developer and/or projection printer......... Negative cutter and/or spotter.................. Multiple-photographic printer operator..... Print developer, m achine........................... Photo checker and assembler................... All other darkroom workers....................... Truck driver.................................................. Billposter........................................................ Blueprinting machine operator................... Carpenter...................................................... Compositor and/ or typesetter.................. Delivery and/or route worker .................... Electrician..................................................... Exterminator.................................................. Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Fumigator ...................................................... Inspector....................................................... Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Photograph retoucher, airbrush artist, and/or photograph colorist.................. Painter, maintenance................................ Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Press operator and/or plate printer.......... Sign erector................................................... Stationary engineer...................................... Termite treater............................................. Termite treater helper................................. Welder and/or flamecutter..................... M a iler............................................................. Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. Bindery worker, assembly.......................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Addressing machine operator.................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator......... Inserting and/or labeling machine operator.............. .................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer................................................ Accounting clerk........................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Call out operator.................... ..................... Cashier......................................................... Collector........................................................ Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 9,840 2,410 43,670 0.38 .09 1.67 10 29 n.a. 4 1 n.a. 346,370 3,780 1,660 2,750 940 3,200 7,030 14,960 2,010 8,450 520 7,910 1,590 27,840 1,710 1,900 2,030 2,350 32,190 2,260 22,160 20,820 1,660 9,800 3,480 7,400 800 13.27 .14 .06 .11 .04 .12 .27 .57 .08 .32 .02 .30 .06 1.07 .07 .07 .08 .09 1.23 .09 .85 .80 .06 .38 .13 .28 .03 n.a. 25 29 26 36 19 n.a. 10 15 14 46 14 n.a. 12 18 10 20 11 8 20 6 5 19 20 21 15 32 n.a. 1 1 1 0 1 n.a. 4 1 2 0 1 n.a. 5 1 1 1 1 9 1 4 10 1 1 1 3 0 610 1,970 1,060 4,820 3,420 1,110 6,260 1,640 1,470 2,680 4,390 5,510 13,890 .02 .08 .04 .18 .13 .04 .24 .06 .06 .10 .17 .21 .53 49 16 30 9 14 25 8 15 26 13 17 16 n.a. 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 2 n.a. 30,420 76,020 1.17 2.91 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 749,230 1,410 28.71 .05 n.a. 10 n.a. 1 3,710 27,770 60,130 2,230 .14 1.06 2.30 ;09 11 4 4 22 2 10 12 0 7,030 3,910 4,180 16,180 22,140 23,590 3,050 4,380 14,980 .27 .15 .16 .62 .85 .90 .12 .17 .57 9 8 n.a. 6 4 4 10 32 4 1 3 n.a. 5 14 21 2 1 6 See footnotes at end of table. Relative error (in percentage)2 54 Table 22. Business services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 73) Occupation Clerical occupations—Continued Credit reporter............................................. Media clerk, estimator, and/or b iller........ File clerk........................................................ Foreign credit reporter................................ General clerk, o ffic e ................................... In file operator............................................. Mail cle rk...................................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk..................................... ....... Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Statistical c le rk ............................................ Survey worker.............................................. Switchboard operator............................. ..... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist..................................... ....................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping packer........................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ........................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or work......... All other plant clerical workers................. Sales occupations......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 8,840 2,850 24,740 400 112,930 5,910 4,970 1,810 8,660 1,150 15,140 96,000 960 28,100 43,660 19,490 79,520 17,900 30,110 13,450 5,420 9,370 0.34 .11 .95 .02 4.33 .23 .19 .07 .33 .04 .58 3.68 .04 1.08 1.67 .75 3.05 .69 1.15 .52 .21 .36 9 7 7 15 4 8 12 14 4 18 4 3 47 14 10 11 4 6 n.a. 8 20 8 3 2 8 1 28 2 2 1 11 1 13 38 0 1 6 13 19 12 n.a. 6 1 5 20,650 1,110 1,400 .79 .04 .05 13 24 n.a. 6 1 n.a. 97,770 3.75 n.a. n.a. 78,390 19,380 3.00 .74 4 13 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. Relative error (in percentage)2 55 29 4 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. Table 23. Automotive repair, services, and garages: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 75) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 543,560 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 73,070 13.44 n.a. 70 Professional occupations.......... .................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Instructor, automobile driving..................... All other professional workers................... 5,850 100 4,710 210 830 1.08 .02 .87 .04 .15 n.a. 28 4 29 n.a. n.a. 0 8 0 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ All other technicians................................... 330 190 140 .06 .03 .03 n.a. 43 n.a. n.a. 0 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... All other service workers ........................... 6,870 5,700 290 880 1.26 1.05 .05 .16 n.a. 4 21 n.a. n.a. 10 0 n.a. 368,810 94,220 53,680 16,500 1,780 14,670 180 45,300 1,380 9,780 170 4,710 4,780 14,180 23,450 22,320 10,500 4,750 6,540 12,840 1,620 67.85 17.33 9.88 3.04 .33 2.70 .03 8.33 .25 1.80 .03 .87 .88 2.61 4.31 4.11 1.93 .87 1.20 2.36 .30 n.a. 2 2 5 n.a. 6 21 2 16 3 21 9 8 3 3 2 6 10 7 4 12 n.a. 39 26 7 n.a. 8 0 19 2 14 0 3 5 14 19 5 5 1 4 9 1 4,500 4,840 7,550 1,350 .83 .89 1.39 .25 10 9 13 n.a. 2 3 2 n.a. 5,400 1,820 .99 .33 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 75,740 120 490 5,200 11,610 13,200 13,100 19,200 590 1,860 7,660 850 60 150 13.93 .02 .09 .96 2.14 2.43 2.41 3.53 n.a. 32 48 n.a. 0 0 9 20 .34 1.41 .16 .01 .03 n.a. 30 20 1,230 280 140 .23 .05 .03 9 18 n.a. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Body repairer, automotive.......................... Diesel m echanic.......................................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Automobile repair service estim ator...... Cleaner, vehicle........................................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Inspector....................................................... Machinist................ ...................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Painter, automotive.................................. . Parking lot attendant................................. Tire fabricator and/or repairer................... Trailer and/or van rental attendant.......... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.... Painter, production...................................... Automobile seat cover, convertible or vinyl top installer............................ ....... Glass installer, automotive......................... Rental car deliverer..................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.... ............................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, ha n d ....................................... Car rental clerk...... ...................................... Cashier...... .................................................... General clerk, office ................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk .............. Receptionist .................................................. Secretary...................................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ....... ......... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... A ll other plan t c le r ic a l workers.................. .11 See footnotes at end of table. 56 4 2 4 5 7 11 3 8 25 2 6 4 4 13 n.a. 0 0 2 1 n.a. Table 23. Automotive repair, services, and garages: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 75) Occupation Sales occupations....................... ................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk ................ ................................... Employment1 Percent of total employment Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation n.a. 12,890 2.37 n.a. 12,440 450 2.29 .08 4 28 14 0 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. Relative error (in percentage)2 57 Table 24. Miscellaneous repair services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 76) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 262,530 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 34,350 13.08 n.a. 69 Professional occupations.............................. Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... All other engineers.................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer ................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... All other professional workers................... 2,440 170 130 140 1,720 280 .93 .06 .05 .05 .66 .11 n.a. 26 n.a. 13 5 n.a. n.a. 0 n.a. 1 7 n.a. Technical occupations................................... D rafter............................................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... All other engineering technicians.............. Taxidermist................................................... All other technicians................................... 17,430 530 15,890 140 540 330 6.64 .20 6.05 .05 .21 .13 n.a. 9 3 n.a. 26 n.a. n.a. 2 15 n.a. 0 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... All other service workers ........................... 3,030 2,780 40 210 1.15 1.06 .02 .08 n.a. 6 38 n.a. n.a. 9 0 n.a. 156,580 4,880 240 59.64 1.86 .09 n.a. 7 28 n.a. 6 0 820 13,690 350 540 120 490 90 4,680 180 5,880 .31 5.21 .13 .21 .05 .19 .03 1.78 .07 2.24 18 4 19 19 43 19 42 7 35 6 1 10 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 6 1,180 .45 15 1 7,920 3.02 5 7 12,780 6,200 3,200 4,080 2,400 770 600 1,020 3,320 4.87 2.36 1.22 1.55 .91 .29 .23 .39 1.26 4 5 n.a. 5 11 12 18 9 8 11 6 n.a. 11 2 1 1 3 4 4,120 2,400 350 40 110 230 1,330 8,470 620 6,420 340 230 1,630 1.57 .91 .13 .02 .04 .09 .51 3.23 .24 2.45 .13 .09 .62 8 4 24 36 23 32 10 5 13 4 25 25 12 4 8 0 0 0 0 1 11 1 9 0 1 2 2,520 .96 5 6 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Bicycle repairer............................................ Camera repairer and/or motion picture camera repairer..................................... Electric motor repairer................................ Electric tool repairer.................................... Electrical instrument repairer..................... Farm equipment mechanic ........................ Gasoline engine or mower repairer.......... Gunsmith ....................................................... Locksmith..................................................... Marine mechanic and/or repairer............. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer..................................... Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic.............. ............ Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer Gas and electric appliance repairer.......... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Boilermaker.................................................. Cabinetmaker............................................... Carpenter...................................................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Electrician..................................................... Filer, grinder, buffer, chipper, cleaner, and/or polisher...................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Furnace installer and repairer, hot a ir ...... Industrial truck operator............ ................. Inspector....................................................... Instrument repairer...................................... Jeweler and/or silversmith......................... Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Musical instrument repairer........................ Painter, maintenance.................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Sewing m a c h in e operator, regular equipment-nongarment........................ See footnotes at end of table. 58 Table 24. Miscellaneous repair services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978—Continued (SIC 76) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations Sewing machine operator, special equipment and/or automatic equipment-nongarment........................ Sheet metal worker..................................... Watchmaker.................................................. Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Furniture finisher........................................... Furniture upholsterer................................... Septic tank servicer and/or sewer pipe cleaner........................................... ......... Saw filer......................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers.................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 390 400 1,280 22,920 3,140 8,880 0.15 .15 .49 8.73 1.20 3.38 16 20 10 3 6 3 1 0 1 18 4 10 4,910 100 2,090 1.87 .04 .80 8 46 n.a. 3 0 n.a. 3,720 4,510 1.42 1.72 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations........................................ Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Accounting clerk.............................. ............ Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier.............................. ............................ Counter c le rk ............................................... General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Receptionist.................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Ty p is t............................................................. All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping packer............................................ Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ............................................ Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 34,090 12.99 n.a. n.a. 490 40 100 30 8,720 350 80 9,120 120 7,920 100 2,510 340 70 120 3,340 .19 .02 .04 .01 3.32 .13 .03 3.47 .05 3.02 .04 .96 .13 .03 .05 1.27 9 31 16 33 2 12 35 2 45 2 37 4 n.a. 25 28 4 2 0 0 0 32 1 0 24 0 28 0 9 n.a. 0 0 12 330 220 90 .13 .08 .03 12 19 n.a. 1 1 n.a. Sales occupations........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate.......................... ............ Sales c le rk ................................................... 14,610 5.57 n.a. n.a. 8,320 6,290 3.17 2.40 3 7 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other" categories. 19 8 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 59 Table 25. Motion pictures: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978 (SIC 78) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 206,360 100.00 -- 100 Managers and officers................................... 26,440 12.81 n.a. 88 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ...................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Photographer............................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u y e r................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Actor or actress........................................... Commercial artis t........................................ Writer and/or editor.................................... Film ed ito r.................................................... Law yer........................................................... Motion picture narrator............................... Music director.............................................. Musician, instrumental................................ Painter, artistic............................................. Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Singer............................................................ Designer....................................................... All other professional workers................... 27,890 250 13.52 .12 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 140 3,630 590 1,360 10,280 1,060 720 2,300 150 150 130 4,790 200 70 340 540 90 1,100 .07 1.76 .29 .66 4.98 .51 .35 1.11 .07 .07 .06 2.32 .10 .03 .16 .26 .04 .53 23 27 14 15 26 34 37 20 31 43 36 42 35 25 33 39 42 n.a. 1 6 5 9 1 5 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Sound recording and reproduction technician......................... ...................... All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians........................ ........... 5,670 170 710 2.75 .08 .34 n.a. 23 37 n.a. 1 2 2,650 470 1,670 1.28 .23 .81 31 n.a. n.a. 5 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Kitchen helper.............................................. Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods ........................................................ Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant...................................... All other food service workers .................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only ........ Makeup artist............................................... Usher, lobby attendant, ticket taker, and/or drive-in theater attendant........ All other service workers ........................... 52,470 12,170 1,720 250 25.43 5.90 .83 .12 n.a. 3 15 32 n.a. 57 7 1 2,520 1.22 14 7 4,540 3,390 440 250 2.20 1.64 .21 .12 8 n.a. 24 48 10 n.a. 1 1 26,610 580 12.89 .28 3 n.a. 55 n.a. 31,420 15.23 n.a. n.a. 620 140 2,370 730 780 320 260 200 1,230 510 380 580 90 18,100 990 .30 .07 1.15 .35 .38 .16 .13 .10 .60 .25 .18 .28 .04 8.77 .48 26 n.a. n.a. 34 44 35 42 50 23 25 41 40 33 2 n.a. 2 n.a. n.a. 1 1 2 1 1 5 3 0 1 0 67 n.a. 2,010 2,110 .97 1.02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Camera repairer and/or motion picture camera repairer..................................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Darkroom workers....................................... Truck driver................................................... Carpenter....................................................... Delivery and/or route w o rke r.................... Electrician..................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Inspector....................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Painter, maintenance.................................. Property handler.......................................... Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Motion picture projectionist........................ All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers........... ,....................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. See footnotes at end of table. 60 Table 25. Motion pictures: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978—Continued (SIC 78) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Clerical occupations....................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier.......................................................... Film booker................................ .................. File clerk....................................................... General clerk, o ffic e ................................... Order c le rk ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ T ypist............................................................ Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator.......... Shipping packer............................. .............. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. 45,070 250 360 430 250 1,530 1,020 21,280 1,420 220 4,280 550 220 70 490 5,270 330 660 1,030 1,360 1,070 550 580 1,080 21.84 .12 .17 .21 .12 .74 .49 10.31 .69 .11 2.07 .27 .11 .03 .24 2.55 .16 .32 .50 .66 .52 .27 .28 .52 n.a. 45 35 n.a. 42 17 15 2 13 33 14 40 20 27 26 13 28 17 18 26 n.a. 33 31 22 n.a. 2 1 n.a. 1 6 9 65 9 3 17 2 3 1 4 22 1 5 7 4 n.a. 3 4 6 580 190 .28 .09 23 n.a. 3 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... 17,400 8.43 n.a. n.a. 2,460 14,940 1.19 7.24 20 4 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 10 32 61 Table 26. Amusements and recreation services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978 (SIC 79) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 693,860 10(7.00 -- 100 Managers and officers................................... 52,480 7.56 n.a. 78 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers ..................................................... Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Actor or actress........................................... Announcer, radio and television................ Athlete, professional................................... Coach, professional athletes..................... Com edian..................................................... Dance instructor.......................................... Dancer ........................................................... Music director.............................................. Musician, instrumental................................ Nurse, professional........................ ............. Painter, artistic............................................. Public relations practitioner........................ Sports instructor.......................................... Singer............................................................. Umpire ........................................ .................. Designer....................................................... Athletic trainer ............................................. Group recreation w o rker............................ All other professional workers................... 97,090 80 240 3,600 5,510 940 5,800 140 260 9,770 3,560 730 35,520 140 70 3,800 16,020 2,590 1,360 1,080 820 2,510 2,550 13.99 .01 .03 .52 .79 .14 .84 .02 .04 1.41 .51 .11 5.12 .02 .01 .55 2.31 .37 .20 .16 .12 .36 .37 n.a. n.a. 14 4 11 12 7 42 29 4 12 18 4 14 39 4 5 15 17 12 19 14 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 13 1 2 2 0 0 6 1 2 10 0 0 10 25 2 1 2 2 2 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... All other engineering technicians.............. All other technicians................................... 890 400 180 310 .13 .06 .03 .04 n.a. 35 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... M a id ............................................................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Bartender...................................................... Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant........................... Host/hostess,restaurant, lounge or coffee s h o p ........................................................ Kitchen helper.............................................. Waiter/waitress............................................ Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria.................................. Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods ....................................................... Cook, restaurant.......................................... Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant...................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker.... All other food service workers.................. Child care attendant................................... Costumer....................................................... Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ......... Housekeeper................................................ Masseur or m asseuse................................ Recreation facility attendant...... ................ Game operator, ride operator and/or concession worker................................ Usher,1 lobby attendant, ticket taker, and/or drive-in theater attendant........ Instructor, reducing..................................... Guide, sightseeing or establishment......... Lifeguard........................................................ Checkroom and/or locker room attendant All other service workers ........................... 317,460 5,730 26,180 13,010 25,900 45.75 .83 3.77 1.88 3.73 n.a. 8 n.a. 4 2 n.a. 7 n.a. 10 13,750 1.98 4 13 4,910 18,230 59,250 .71 2.63 8.54 29 3 2 7 21 33 6,630 .96 4 9 15,160 12,140 2.18 1.75 4 3 20 19 630 220 300 7,470 150 6,810 1,420 320 17,210 .09 .03 .04 1.08 .02 .98 .20 .05 2.48 45 25 n.a. 3 42 4 7 16 5 0 0 n.a. 15 0 12 5 1 14 23,000 3.31 8 4 13,330 340 2,500 13,440 5,360 24,070 1.92 .05 .36 1.94 .77 3.47 7 38 16 6 4 n.a. 4 0 1 10 9 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 62 35 Table 26. Amusements and recreation services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978—Continued (SIC 79) Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 108,050 170 2,240 6,780 15.57 .02 .32 .98 n.a. 42 8 2 n.a. 0 4 18 5,300 470 330 1,040 400 1,600 1,970 16,680 70 5,020 440 5,750 9,620 720 43,540 400 .76 .07 .05 .15 .06 .23 .28 2.40 .01 .72 .06 .83 1.39 .10 6.28 .06 10 n.a. 33 13 31 8 10 3 23 10 14 8 2 16 2 n.a. 4 n.a. 1 1 0 3 3 26 0 3 1 3 17 1 27 n.a. 2,050 3,460 .30 .50 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Office machine operators.......................... Accounting clerk................................... ....... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier.......................................................... Desk clerk, bowling floor.......... .................. General clerk, office ................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................ Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ............................................ All other plant clerical workers.................. 98,650 190 3,410 6,720 41,440 15,960 10,260 1,840 3,170 7,930 1,050 1,880 70 2,370 1,880 90 14.22 .03 .49 .97 5.97 2.30 1.48 .27 .46 1.14 .15 .27 .01 .34 .27 .01 n.a. n.a. 4 3 3 2 4 5 7 3 7 6 37 8 n.a. 34 n.a. n.a. 11 24 19 20 22 8 8 21 2 5 0 5 n.a. 0 200 190 .03 .03 19 n.a. 1 n.a. Sales occupations ........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... Vendor ........................................................... 19,240 2.77 n.a. n.a. 4,030 12,440 2,770 .58 1.79 .40 8 11 11 Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Mechanic, maintenance.......................... Pinsetter mechanic,automatic.................... Coin machine servicer and/or vending machine repairer................................... All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Carpenter...................................................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Electrician..................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Painter, maintenance.................................. Parking lot attendant................................. Custom sew er..... ......................................... Animal caretaker......................................... Pin ch aser..................................................... Racker, poolroom........................................ Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Employment1 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 6 9 2 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 63 Table 27. Health services, except hospitals: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 80 except 806) Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Total ........ ................................................. 2,236,280 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 119,630 5.35 n.a. 44 Professional occupations .............................. Chemist......................................................... Biological scientist....................................... Psychologist................................................. Accountant and/or auditor......................... Caseworker.................................................. Chiropractor ................................................. Dentist........................................................... Dietitian and/or nutritionist......................... Nurse, professional..................................... Occupational therapist................................ Optometrist................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Pharmacist.................................................... Physical therapist....................................... . Physician and/or surgeon.......................... Podiatrist....................................................... All other therapists...................................... Manual arts, music, and/or recreational therapist.............................. .................... Speech pathologist and/or audiologist.... Corrective therapist..................................... Inhalation therapist...................................... All other professional workers........... ........ 448,830 260 440 6,360 8,220 14,680 3,050 48,030 8,280 160,220 4,110 8,850 310 820 11,000 142,560 3,330 550 20.07 .01 .02 .28 .37 .66 .14 2.15 .37 7.16 .18 .40 .01 .04 .49 6.37 .15 .02 n.a. 28 29 7 4 4 10 1 3 1 5 5 12 9 5 1 10 n.a. n.a. 0 0 2 7 7 1 20 9 33 3 4 0 1 7 32 2 n.a. 11,400 4,790 410 3,430 7,730 .51 .21 .02 .15 .35 2 7 16 15 n.a. 8 3 0 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Science technicians.................................... Dental assistant........................................... Licensed practical nurse ............................ Physician’s assistant................................... Surgical technician...................................... Radiologic technician....................... ........... Medical record librarian.............................. Dental hygienist........................................... Medical laboratory technologist............... Biochemistry technologist .......................... Microbiology technologist........................... Cytotechnologist.......................................... Histologic technologist................................ Medical laboratory technician.................... Electrocardiograph technician.................. Electroencephalograph technician............ Dietetic technician....................................... Blood bank technology specialist............. Physical therapy assistant.......................... Radiologic technologist and/or nuclear medical technologist............................. All other medical and dental technologists and technicians............. All other technicians................................... 387,530 400 114,610 106,380 15,670 260 21,620 830 50,640 20,000 570 760 1,970 970 26,330 2,270 780 5,240 2,660 9,360 17.33 .02 5.13 4.76 .70 .01 .97 .04 2.26 .89 .03 .03 .09 .04 1.18 .10 .03 .23 .12 .42 n.a. n.a. 1 1 5 26 4 10 1 3 16 8 8 13 3 10 21 4 10 5 n.a. n.a. 29 23 5 0 8 1 20 6 0 1 1 1 9 1 0 5 1 5 1,040 .05 17 0 3,430 1,740 .15 .08 Service occupations....................... ................ Maid .............................................................. All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.................. ........ Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant........................... Kitchen helper...................................... ........ Waiter/waitress............................................ Cook, institution........................................... All other food service workers .................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only ........ Housekeeper................................................ Nurse aide and/or orderly ......................... Psychiatric aid e............................................ 748,740 52,710 40,770 2,010 260 72,260 10,450 37,670 390 460 18,330 423,170 630 Occupation See footnotes at end of table. 64 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 33.48 2.36 1.82 .09 n.a. 2 n.a. 7 n.a. 17 n.a. 1 .01 3.23 .47 1.68 .02 .02 .82 18.92 .03 44 1 7 1 n.a. 12 3 1 26 0 11 1 12 n.a. 0 10 15 0 Table 27. Health services, except hospitals: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 80 except 806) Occupation Service occupations—Continued Social service a id e ...................................... Medical assistant......................................... Occupational therapy assistant................. All other service workers ........................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 8,440 73,460 680 7,050 0.38 3.28 .03 .32 5 2 13 n.a. 5 18 0 n.a. 109,200 19,950 5,410 7,230 18,300 35,620 4.88 .89 .24 .32 .82 1.59 n.a. 2 4 4 2 3 n.a. 9 3 3 12 7 12,750 6,990 630 .57 .31 .03 5 5 n.a. 4 5 n.a. 1,420 900 .06 .04 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator........... ........................... Keypunch operator...... ................................ Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier.... ...................................................... File clerk....................................... ................ General clerk, office .................................... Insurance clerk, medical ..;........... .............. Receptionist.... ............................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ................................. ........................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ All other office clerical workers................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers.......... :....... 419,900 18.78 n.a. n.a. 8,700 600 1,410 1,870 5,800 37,630 5,950 17,520 47,880 35,240 114,530 90,470 3,820 10,570 20,310 12,130 3,580 1,050 .39 .03 .06 .08 .26 1.68 .27 .78 2.14 1.58 5.12 4.05 .17 .47 .91 .54 .16 .05 4 14 9 6 5 2 5 3 2 2 1 2 4 4 3 4 n.a. 9 5 0 1 2 3 24 4 8 19 16 47 35 3 7 11 8 n.a. 1 500 340 .02 .02 12 n.a. 0 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk .................................................... 2,450 .11 n.a. n.a. 2,210 240 .10 .01 7 35 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Washer, machine and/or starcher............ Laundry presser, machine.......................... Delivery and/or route worker .................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Dental laboratory technician...................... Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic................................................ Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 1 0 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 65 Table 28. Legal services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1978 (SIC 81) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish- “ ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 437,400 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 23,760 5.43 n.a. 34 Professional occupations.............................. Accountant and/or auditor......................... Law cle rk..................................................... . Law yer................. ......................................... Librarian, professional................................. Paralegal personnel................................. Title examiner and/or abstractor.............. All other professional workers................... 152,230 3,010 20,560 105,630 830 20,630 420 1,150 34.80 .69 4.70 24.15 .19 4.72 .10 .26 n.a. 8 3 1 7 3 22 n.a. n.a. 7 36 76 4 30 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... D rafter........................................................... All other technicians................................... 120 80 40 .03 .02 .01 n.a. 42 n.a. n.a. 0 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Food service workers................................. Detective ...................................................... AH other service workers ........................... 6,580 5,960 60 410 150 1.50 1.36 .01 .09 .03 n.a. 5 30 21 n.a. n.a. 15 0 1 n.a. 300 180 .07 .04 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 10 110 .00 .03 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations............................ ........... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator..................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators ............ Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.............. ............................ Bookkeeper, hand....................................... File clerk............................................ ........... General clerk, office ...................... ............. Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator................................... Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger.............................. .................... Title searcher............................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ AH other office clerical workers................. Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... 254,310 58.14 n.a. n.a. 2,100 370 100 1,140 7,170 4,300 11,680 6,480 8,380 9,260 170,870 1,520 11,120 7,710 220 9,720 210 1,910 .48 .08 .02 .26 1.64 .98 2.67 1.48 1.92 2.12 39.06 .35 2.54 1.76 .05 2.22 .05 .44 6 12 19 n.a. 6 4 3 4 5 3 1 7 3 3 26 4 16 n.a. 7 1 0 n.a. 8 12 32 15 15 23 96 4 31 17 0 14 1 n.a. 50 .01 25 0 Sales occupations........................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... AH other sales workers............................... 100 .02 n.a. n.a. 50 50 .01 .01 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................ . All other laborers and unskilled workers .. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 66 Table 29. Social services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978 (SIC 83) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 100.00 - 100 99,040 10.19 n.a. 85 Professional occupations.............................. Statistician.................................................... Psychologist................................................. Sociologist..................................................... All other social scientists........................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing ............................................... Teacher, preschool or kindergarten......... Teacher and/or instructor, vocational education or training............................. Teacher and/or instructor, nonvocational education.......................................... ...... Vocational and educational counselor..... All other teachers........................................ Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Budget analyst............................................. Director, c a m p ............................................. Caseworker.................................................. Clergy............................................................. Dietitian and/or nutritionist......................... Law yer........................................................... Nurse, professional..................................... Occupational therapist................................ Personnel and labor relations specialists . Physical therapist........................................ Public relations practitioner........................ Director of religious activities and/or director, religious education................. Community organization worker................ Welfare investigator.................................... All other therapists...................................... Group recreation w o rker............................ Manual arts, music, and/or recreational therapist................................................... All other professional workers................... 249,900 160 2,970 400 160 25.72 .02 .31 .04 .02 n.a. 34 12 35 n.a. n.a. 0 6 1 n.a. 110 79,580 .01 8.19 33 5 0 30 9,420 .97 23 4 7,620 19,660 3,620 1,720 7,950 1,380 240 43,570 850 4,530 620 13,250 1,070 2,200 1,620 2,530 .78 2.02 .37 .18 .82 .14 .02 4.48 .09 .47 .06 1.36 .11 .23 .17 .26 22 10 n.a. 11 6 10 21 5 32 8 28 8 29 23 33 14 5 14 n.a. 5 19 4 1 29 3 12 1 16 2 4 3 7 260 16,070 190 1,440 15,670 .03 1.65 .02 .15 1.61 38 9 28 n.a. 12 1 12 0 n.a. 15 980 10,060 .10 1.04 32 n.a. 1 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer................................ Engineering technician............................... Licensed practical nu rse.... ........................ Medical and dental technicians and technologists.......................................... All other technicians................................... 13,900 420 120 8,280 1.43 .04 .01 .85 n.a. 24 n.a. 5 n.a. 1 n.a. 11 1,980 3,100 .20 .32 40 n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations........................................ M a id ............................................................... House c le an e r............................................. All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Baker, bread and/or pastry....................... Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant........................... Kitchen helper.............................................. Waiter/waitress............................................. Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker.... Cook, institution............................................ All other food service w orkers.................. Child care attendant............... .................... Supervisor,nonworking-service o n ly ........ Nurse aide and/or orderly......................... Psychiatric aid e............................................. Child care worker............... ......................... Social service a id e ...................................... Medical assistant......................................... All other service w o rkers........................... 344,740 6,860 12,110 25,200 4,100 160 35.48 .71 1.25 2.59 .42 .02 n.a. 8 18 n.a. 20 23 n.a. 7 13 n.a. 4 1 5,300 18,070 5,800 460 27,550 2,160 13,200 4,920 40,260 1,020 121,250 25,810 770 29,740 .55 1.86 .60 .05 2.84 .22 1.36 .51 4.14 .10 12.48 2.66 .08 3.06 9 20 9 19 4 n.a. 11 19 5 32 5 16 21 n.a. 4 16 3 1 40 n.a. 5 7 10 0 31 17 1 n.a. Total .......................................................... 971,770 Managers and officers................................... * See footnotes at end of table. 67 Table 29. Social services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1978—Continued (SIC 83) Occupation Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic and/or repairer.......................... Marker, classifier,wet wash assembler,detacher, and/or checker .. Washer, machine and/or starcher............ Laundry presser, machine.......................... Truck driver................................................... Bus driver .................................................... . Carpenter....................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Painter, maintenance.................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter........................... Stationary boiler fir e r .................................. Bus driver, school ....................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 90,540 600 9.32 .06 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 540 2,540 670 3,900 2,910 5,390 8,990 10,560 970 290 300 7,460 950 .06 .26 .07 .40 .30 .55 .93 1.09 .10 .03 .03 .77 .10 35 14 19 23 17 17 14 7 23 42 31 13 n.a. 1 5 2 4 3 4 9 16 2 0 1 8 n.a. 15,660 28,810 1.61 2.96 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.................................................. Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... All other office machine operators........... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, han d ....................................... File clerk....................................................... General clerk, office ................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk .............. Personnel clerk............................................ Procurement cle rk....................................... Receptionist................................................. Secretary...................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Teacher aide and/or educational assistant...... ........................................... All other office clerical workers................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage yard........................................... All other plant clerical workers.................. 163,760 16.85 n.a. n.a. 2,660 490 750 210 4,410 13,160 2,380 17,560 1,640 2,170 500 6,630 31,580 1,440 4,800 12,070 4,400 .27 .05 .08 .02 .45 1.35 .24 1.81 .17 .22 .05 .68 3.25 .15 .49 1.24 .45 9 25 24 n.a. 9 4 20 21 13 21 26 9 4 15 7 14 23 8 1 1 n.a. 11 30 5 20 5 7 2 14 45 3 14 19 9 49,870 5,270 380 5.13 .54 .04 8 n.a. 45 21 n.a. 1 600 790 .06 .08 47 n.a. 1 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Contribution solicitor................................... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... Sales clerk ................................................... All other sales workers............................... 9,890 3,020 1.02 .31 n.a. 23 n.a. 3 2,540 4,310 20 .26 .44 .00 n.a. 39 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 68 Table 30. Museums, botanical and zoological gardens: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978 (SIC 84) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total .......................................................... 29,470 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers................................... 3,170 10.76 n.a. 90 Professional occupations.............................. Life scientist................................................. Teacher and/or instructor, nonvocational education................................................. Accountant and/or auditor......................... Archivist......................................................... Librarian, professional........ ......................... Curator, museum......................................... Designer........................................................ All other professional workers................... 5,090 70 17.27 .24 n.a. n.a. 1,600 220 250 430 1,250 360 910 5.43 .75 .85 1.46 4.24 1.22 3.09 8 7 5 8 n.a. 29 21 19 29 53 23 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Science technicians ..................................... Museum technician and/or restorer......... Technical assistant, library......................... All other technicians................................... 1,330 70 930 200 130 4.51 .24 3.16 .68 .44 n.a. n.a. 7 9 n.a. n.a. n.a. 36 14 n.a. Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner.................. Guard and/or doorkeeper.......................... Food service w orkers................................. Guide, sightseeing or establishment......... All other service workers ........................... 8,740 1,630 3,500 1,100 2,400 110 29.66 5.53 11.88 3.73 8.14 .37 n.a. 4 9 11 8 n.a. n.a. 63 41 12 33 n.a. 4,390 300 1,180 290 140 760 1,310 210 14.90 1.02 4.00 .98 .48 2.58 4.45 .71 n.a. 9 6 12 10 10 7 n.a. n.a. 18 42 11 9 10 33 n.a. 100 100 .34 .34 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier........................................................... General cterk, office ................................... Library assistant ............................ .............. Receptionist.................................................. Secretary....................................................... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Typist ............................................................. All other office clerical workers................. Production clerical occupations.... ............. 5,170 180 260 340 700 710 180 420 1,470 90 240 280 240 60 17.54 .61 .88 1.15 2.38 2.41 .61 1.43 4.99 .31 .81 .95 .81 .20 n.a. 12 10 5 12 8 11 7 4 18 8 7 n.a. n.a. n.a. 7 19 38 19 31 12 25 60 6 21 18 n.a. n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales c le rk .................................................... 1,580 5.36 n.a. n.a. 290 1,290 .98 4.38 9 9 16 36 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Carpenter................................... ................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Painter, maintenance.................................. Animal caretaker......................................... Gardener and/or groundskeeper.............. All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 8 7 n.a. n.a. T 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. Table 31. Membership organizations: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978 (SIC 86) Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Total ......................................................... 1,504,260 100.00 -- 100 Managers and officers................................... 201,470 13.39 n.a. 77 Professional occupations.............................. Engineers..................................................... Statistician..................................................... Economist................. .................................... Sociologist.... ................................................ All other social scientists...... ..................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing.............................................. Teacher, preschool or kindergarten ......... Teacher and/or instructor, vocational education or training............................. Teacher and/or instructor, nonvocational education ................................................. All other teachers........................................ Purchasing agent and/or b u yer................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Director, camp ..'........................................... Caseworker ................................................... Choirmaster.................................................. Clergy............................................................ Dietitian and/or nutritionist......................... Writer and/or editor.................................... Law cle rk...................................................... Lawyer ................................................... ....... Musician, instrumental................................ Nurse, professional............................... ...... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Public relations practitioner........................ Director of religious activities and/or director, religious education................. Community organization w orker................ Group recreation w o rker........... ................. All other professional workers................... 499,030 680 1,800 200 460 250 33.17 .05 .12 .01 .03 .02 n.a. n.a. 9 31 23 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 0 0 n.a. 220 63,280 .01 4.21 42 3 0 2 12,460 .83 8 3 60,560 13,860 1,530 12,390 3,970 12,560 42,550 105,720 220 9,920 250 1,690 35,760 2,820 14,080 5,790 4.03 .92 .10 .82 .26 .83 2.83 7.03 .01 .66 .02 .11 2.38 .19 .94 .38 4 n.a. 10 4 4 10 1 1 18 5 18 9 7 11 10 6 2 n.a. 1 13 4 3 8 13 0 9 0 2 6 1 7 8 30,100 7,340 37,780 20,790 2.00 .49 2.51 1.38 2 6 4 n.a. 4 4 7 n.a. Technical occupations.... ............................ Computer programmer................................ Engineering technician ............................... Science technicians...................... .............. Licensed practical nurse ............................. AH other medical and dental technologists and technicians............. All other technicians....................... ............ 9,730 1,610 3,300 310 1,690 .65 .11 .22 .02 .11 n.a. 16 n.a. n.a. 15 n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. 0 420 2,400 .03 .16 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Service occupations....................................... Maid .................... .......................................... All other janitors, porters, and cleaners .... Guard and/or doorkeeper........................... Bartender......... ............................................. Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant........................... Host/hostess,restaurant, lounge or coffee s h o p ........................................................ Kitchen helper.............................................. Waiter/waitress............................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods ....................................................... Cook, restaurant.......................................... Cook,'institution........................................... All other food service workers .................. Supervisor,nonworking-service only ........ Nurse aide and/or orderly......................... Recreation facility attendant..... ................. Game operator, ride operator and/or concession worker................................ 362,070 20,320 123,050 7,580 34,810 24.07 1.35 8.18 .50 2.31 n.a. 3 n.a. 7 3 n.a. 8 n.a. 5 13 7,410 .49 7 4 180 23,970 29,540 .01 1.59 1.96 40 5 4 0 8 9 3,650 7,160 18,450 860 4,980 4,920 5,990 .24 .48 1.23 .06 .33 .33 .40 6 4 3 n.a. 5 21 9 3 6 5 n.a. 4 0 3 2,770 .18 17 1 Occupation See footnotes at end of table. 70 Table 31. Membership organizations: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1978—Continued (SIC 86) Occupation Service occupations—Continued Child care worker........................................ Social service a id e ...................................... All other service w orkers..... ...................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 41,610 6,640 18,180 2.77 .44 1.21 3 9 n.a. 5 2 n.a. 58,540 220 390 1,430 1,480 200 730 430 25,170 . 580 1,470 3,540 720 9,790 3.89 .01 .03 .10 .10 .01 .05 .03 1.67 .04 .10 .24 .05 .65 n.a. 23 25 11 11 30 20 28 2 27 9 12 17 n.a. n.a. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12 0 1 1 1 n.a. 4,480 7,910 .30 .53 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations....................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Duplicating machine operator.................... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ..................................... Cashier................................ .......................... File clerk........................................................ General clerk, office ................................... Mail cle rk....................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................. Receptionist.................... ............................. Secretary....................................................... Statistical c le rk ............................................. Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Travel counselor, auto c lu b ....................... Travel c le rk ................................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Teacher aide and/or educational assistant.................................................. All other office clerical workers................. Shipping packer........................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ............................................ Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork......... All other plant clerical workers.................. 354,680 3,200 2,420 470 1,870 8,310 14,080 33,2t>u 2,180 6,810 49,500 8,290 2,390 170 14,430 131,710 230 2,760 9,840 5,750 230 28,790 870 23.58 .21 .16 .03 .12 .55 .94 2.21 .14 .45 3.29 .55 .16 .01 .96 8.76 .02 .18 .65 .38 .02 1.91 .06 n.a. 10 12 17 n.a. 4 4 1 9 4 4 5 5 16 3 2 30 7 3 8 32 3 19 n.a. 4 1 1 n.a. 6 12 31 1 6 24 7 6 0 13 56 0 3 12 2 0 18 1 16,320 6,530 280 1.08 .43 .02 4 n.a. 35 2 n.a. 0 2,500 1,180 320 .17 .08 .02 7 20 n.a. 4 0 n.a. Sales occupations.......................................... Contribution solicitor................................... All other sales agents, sales associates, and/or sales representatives............... Sales c le rk ............. ...................................... 18,740 3,010 1.25 .20 n.a. 14 n.a. 1 11,950 3,780 .79 .25 n.a. 12 n.a. 1 Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Laundry operator,small establishment...... Truck driver................................................... Bus driver...................................................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Inspector....................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility...... Helper, trad es............................ .................. Painter, maintenance.................................. Animal caretaker.... ..................................... Bus driver, school ....................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers................ ................................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. 71 Table 32. Miscellaneous services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations,1 June 1978 (SIC 89) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation Total ......................................................... 872,590 100.00 - 100 Managers and officers.............. ..................... 93,270 10.69 n.a. 62 Professional occupations .............................. Aeronautical engineer............... .................. Chemical engineer...................................... Civil engineer............................................... Electrical and/or electronic engineer....... Industrial engineer....................................... Mechanical engineer................................... Metallurgist and/or metallurgical engineer Mining engineer........................................... Petroleum engineer..................................... Safety engineer........................................... All other engineers............................... ....... Actuary.......................................................... Mathematician.............................................. Statistician..................................................... All other mathematical scientists.............. Chemist......................................................... Geologist and/or geophysicist.................. Oceanographer............................................ Physicist........................................................ All other physical scientists....................... Life scientist................................................. Economist............. ........................................ Market research analyst............................. Psychologist................................................. All other social scientists........................... Systems analyst, business......................... Systems analyst, scientific and technical . Teacher, preschool or kindergarten ......... Photographer............................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer ................ Accountant and/or auditor......................... Landscape architect.................. .................. Architect ....................................................... Budget analyst............................................. Caseworker................................................... Commercial artis t........................................ Cost estimator, engineering....................... Writer and/or editor.................................... Law yer...................... .................................... Librarian, professional................................. Nurse, professional..................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists . Designer ............................................. .......... Tax preparer................................................ All other professional workers................... 333,850 1,300 3,880 42,790 18,860 2,960 20,960 760 250 700 450 7,690 1,760 950 590 220 1,900 2,720 300 970 1,400 5,660 810 500 1,020 2,020 3,810 2,550 690 590 2,300 121,000 2,540 25,240 500 1,550 3,720 4,780 4,310 750 1,280 1,140 1,520 9,070 11,260 13,830 38.26 .15 .44 4.90 2.16 .34 2.40 .09 .03 .08 .05 .88 .20 .11 .07 .03 .22 .31 .03 .11 .16 .65 .09 .06 .12 .23 .44 .29 .08 .07 .26 13.87 .29 2.89 .06 .18 .43 .55 .49 .09 .15 .13 .17 1.04 1.29 1.58 n.a. 25 11 3 6 14 5 24 34 25 32 n.a. 14 21 22 n.a. 14 12 28 18 n.a. 12 18 17 19 n.a. 9 13 28 12 7 1 10 5 13 20 12 8 8 14 7 17 6 8 5 n.a. n.a. 0 2 21 10 2 10 0 0 1 1 n.a. 1 1 1 n.a. 2 2 0 1 n.a. 2 1 1 1 n.a. 4 2 0 2 4 46 3 13 1 1 3 6 5 1 4 1 4 5 12 n.a. Technical occupations................................... Computer programmer, business.............. Computer programmer, scientific and technical.................................................. Core analyst.................................................. D rafter............................................................ Electrical and/or electronic technicians .... Surveyor................................................ ....... Specification writer, engineering ............... Civil engineering technician....................... All other engineering technicians.............. Physical science technician....................... Biological science technician..................... All other science technicians..................... Licensed p r a c tic a l nu rse............................ All other technicians..... .............................. 160,850 3,450 18.43 .40 n.a. 8 n.a. 6 2,990 130 83,390 6,150 24,270 1,320 21,200 7,040 3,090 3,300 1,080 180 3,260 .34 .01 9.56 .70 2.78 .15 2.43 .81 .35 .38 .12 .02 .37 13 42 2 9 9 13 5 n.a. 14 15 n.a. 34 n.a. 3 0 36 3 16 2 13 n.a. 2 1 n.a. 0 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 72 Table 32. Miscellaneous services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations,1June 1978—Continued (SIC 89) Occupation Service occupations....................................... Janitor, porter, and/or cleaner....... ........... Guard and/or doorkeeper................ .......... Food service w orkers................................. Supervisor,nonworking-service only ......... Social service aide ....................................... All other service workers ........................... Maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ... Mechanic, automotive................................. Mechanic, maintenance.............................. All other mechanics and repairers............ Truck driver.................................................. Blueprinting machine operator................... Carpenter...................................................... Delivery and/or route w o rker.................... Electrician..................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.............................. Industrial truck operator............................. Inspector........................................ ............... Machinist...................................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility......... Helper, trad es.............................................. Painter, maintenance.................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter............ ............... Stationary engineer................................... Welder and/or flamecutter......................... Surveyor h elper............................. .............. AH other skilled craft and kindred workers All other operatives and semiskilled workers......................... .......................... All other laborers and unskilled workers .. Clerical occupations....................................... Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator................................................... Computer operator...................................... Keypunch operator...................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator......... All other office machine operators........... Stenographer............................................... Accounting clerk.......................................... Bookkeeper, h a n d ....................................... Cashier........................................................... File clerk.............. ......................................... General clerk, office ................................... Mail cle rk ....................................................... Order c le rk ....................................... ............ Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk.............. Personnel clerk............................................ Receptionist................................................. Secretary.............................................. ........ Statistical c le rk ................................... ......... Switchboard operator.................................. Switchboard operator receptionist............ Messenger..................................................... Typist ............................................................. Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t............ Proofreader, clerical.................................... All other office clerical workers................. Production clerk and/or coordinator......... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ........................................... All other plant clerical workers ................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation 12,410 6,880 1,120 740 240 1,320 2,110 1.42 .79 .13 .08 .03 .15 .24 n.a. 6 15 19 17 19 n.a. n.a. 11 1 1 1 1 n.a. 56,320 170 1,050 350 240 1,180 910 400 460 1,230 100 2,510 1,360 1,950 380 180 820 260 650 31,200 3,610 6.45 .02 .12 .04 .03 .14 .10 .05 .05 .14 .01 .29 .16 .22 .04 .02 .09 .03 .07 3.58 .41 n.a. 44 16 n.a. 21 8 19 24 16 11 26 12 16 14 19 21 23 21 23 4 n.a. n.a. 0 1 n.a. 0 3 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 15 n.a. 3,200 4,110 .37 .47 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 211,670 24.26 n.a. n.a. 3,180 8,090 7,980 810 3,470 5,560 16,360 20,430 360 3,990 23,780 2,560 1,260 1,420 1,020 7,160 55,610 1,360 1,040 6,500 1,880 23,130 3,860 1,450 6,650 1,060 640 .36 .93 .91 .09 .40 .64 1.87 2.34 .04 .46 2.73 .29 .14 .16 .12 .82 6.37 .16 .12 .74 .22 2.65 .44 .17 .76 .12 .07 9 4 7 29 n.a. 6 .4 3 27 9 3 8 35 6 5 4 2 15 7 3 8 3 6 13 n.a. 12 10 4 14 9 1 n.k 8 21 33 1 6 28 6 1 5 4 16 61 2 3 19 4 29 6 2 n.a. 1 1 760 300 .09 .03 11 n.a. 2 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. Relative error (in percentage)2 73 Table 32. Miscellaneous services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations,1 June 1978—Continued (SIC 89) Occupation Sales occupations.......................................... Sales representative, sales agent, and/or sales associate...................................... Sales clerk ................................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Percent of establish ments reporting the occupation n.a. 4,220 0.48 n.a. 3,940 280 .45 .03 8 25 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “All other” categories. Relative error (in percentage)2 5 0 2 The relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. Not available. 74 Appendix A. Survey Methods and Reliability of Estimates The universe was stratified into SIC and size classes.The size classes were determined by employment as follows: Scope of survey The survey covered private nonmanufacturing estab lishments in Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 10-17, 60-67, 70-79, 80 (except 806), 81, 83, 84, 86, and 89. Geographically, the survey covered all 50 States plus the District of Columbia. Size class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method of collection Survey schedules were mailed to most sample estab lishments; personal visits were made to some larger com panies. Two additional mailings were sent to nonrespondents at approximately 6-week intervals. Nonrespondents con sidered critical to the survey (due to size) were called by telephone or visited. The sampling frame for this survey was the list of units in the specified SIC’s as reported to the State employment security agency. Because each State selected its own sam ple, dates of the sampling frame varied according to the last updates to the frame and the time sampling took place. The reference date for the frame used for sampling in the 8 supplemental States was the first quarter of 1977. The reporting week of the survey, depending on the SIC of the sampled unit, was the week that included April 12, May 12, or June 12, 1978, as shown in table A -l. Survey 100 130 150 600 620 630 700 720 730 SIC coverage and reference dates of survey SIC 10, 13 15, 60, 62, 63, 70 72 73 11, 12, 14 16, 17 61 67 64, 65, 66 Reference date May 12 May 12 June 12 May 12 June 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 June 12 Survey 750 760 780 790 801 810 830 840 860 890 SIC 75 76 78 79 80 (except 806) 81 83 84 86 89 ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ............... .. ................... ................... ................... 0-3 4-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1,000 and over Reporting units with 0-3 employees were not sampled in all States, but units with 4-9 employees were sampled more heavily to represent the employment in the smaller size class. Reporting units with 250 or more employees were included in the sample with certainty. Sample sizes intended to produce State estimates with target relative errors of 10, 15, 17.5, and 20 percent at one standard deviation were developed for noncertainty size classes. This was done for groups of SIC’s based on averages of occupational rates and coefficients of variation (CV’s) from the previous survey for a set of typical occupations. This SIC sample size was allocated to the size classes proportional to size class employment. The sample was selected systematically with equal probability within each State/SIC/size class cell. The sample size for 8 supplemental States was devel oped by first determining the sample size required for national estimates in each 2-digit SIC with a target rela tive error of 15 percent at one standard deviation. This was done by averaging CV’s and occupational rates for a set of scientific, technical, and engineering occupations from the previous survey. Establishments with 1,000 or more employees were included with certainty. This na tional SIC sample size was then allocated to the noncoop erating State/size class cells proportional to employment. The above allocations resulted in a total initial sample size for all States of 333,115 reporting units. Sampling procedure Table A-1. Employees Reference date May 12 June 12 April 12 April 12 May 12 June 12 May 12 April 12 April 12 June 12 75 Response ®ijk Mi The population value of total employment (Mj) was obtained from the BLS monthly survey of employment, hours, and earnings in nonagricultural establishments. The standard form for the sampling variance for a combined ratio estimate is: Estimation A weight was determined for each sample unit from which a usable response was received. Each weight was composed of two factors. The first factor is the inverse of the probability of selection. For questionnaires that were not returned or otherwise not usable, a nonresponse ad justment, the second factor, was made to correct for these nonrespondents. For each of the 3-digit State/SIC/size class sampling cells, a nonresponse factor was calculated that was equal to: V(p) A ij Where: V(p) i j N ij Weighted sample employment of all eligible units in sample Weighted sample employment of all responding eligible units fy Sample employment was taken from the sampling frame. If the factor in a cell was greater than a predetermined maximum factor, which increased as the number of re spondents in a cell increased, the cell was collapsed with other homogeneous cells within the SIC until the factor for the combined cells was not greater than the appropri ate maximum factor. If the collapsing procedure termi nated (i.e. no more cells were available for collapse) be fore satisfying the above constraint, then the appropriate maximum factor was used. For size classes 1-6, homogen eous cells were determined to be other size cells within the SIC and State. For size classes 7-9, homogeneous cells were determined to be other State cells within the SIC and size. The weight for each establishment was the prod uct of the two factors. A combined ratio estimate of occupational employ ment was used to develop national estimates. The auxil iary variable used was total employment. The estimating formula is: ny Spij Seij Pij S J_k_____ i SS wijk ejjk i J k wijk S S N ij2 Dy = = = Gy = Hy = Fy = (Mi) / ( f f * * "*) V..2 V*J = 2 k Fjjk = ( P y k- R i e y k ) Tu By Mi Jk Where: p (1 — fji) . A ij 1J ny = Spij + R? Seij - 2Ri Pij Spij Seij = variance of p == 3-digit industry within a 2-digit industry = size class ==: total number of units in the i-th industry and j-th size class sampling fraction in the i-th industry and j-th size class number of sample units in the i-th industry and j-th size class = standard deviation of p within the i-th industry and j-th size class = standard deviation of e within the i-th industry and j-th size class correlation coefficient between p and e within the i-th industry and j-th size class. = The variances for the occupational estimates were esti mated from the following formula: Var(P) = ?i j? -r1 y vv y2 ? 2 wijk Pijk p occupational employment in i-th industry, j-th size class and k-th establishment total employment in i-th industry, j-th size class and k-th estab lishment benchmark total employment in i-th industry Pijk There were 321,916 final eligible units in the sample (i.e. excluding establishments that were out of business, out of scope, etc.). Usable responses were obtained from 214,686 units, producing a response rate of 66.7 percent based on units and 62.8 percent based on weighted employment. Subsequent to preparation of national estimates, States received additional data to prepare State estimates. Response rates in most States *were significantly higher than the response rate used to develop national estimates. 2- digit industry occupational employment estimate 3- digit industry within a 2-digit industry size class Where: establishment weight after nonresponse adjustment 76 My [B y] • [Dy] • [F y]2 (M y -e y )/(M y ) (Gy)/(Hy) W yk • Lyk “ (Py-Riey) benchmark total employment in the i-th industry and j-th size class ?2 Wjjk Pijk"| Jk f f 2 2 wijkeijk tained from the sample design for this survey. The com plete coverage value would be included in the range: J/Uk 1. From one standard error below to one standard error above the derived estimate for 68 percent of all samples. 2. From 1.6 standard errors below to 1.6 standard errors above the derived estimate for 90 percent of all samples. 3. From two standard errors below to two standard errors above the derived estimate for 95 percent of all samples. 4. From three standard errors below to three stand ard errors above the derived estimate for nearly all samples. All other terms are defined earlier. This formula is almost a computational form of the earlier standard formula. One simplifying assumption has been made, as follows: Wijk = Cy for all k in a given ij cell That is, the weights are equal to a constant c within a given 3-digit industry/size cell. At this time, the total effect of this assumption on the variance estimates has not been measured. Reliability of estimates An inference that the complete coverage value would be within the indicated ranges would be correct in approx imately the relative frequencies shown. For example, suppose an estimated total is shown as 5,000 with an associated relative error of 2 percent. Then the standard error is 100 (2 percent of 5,000) and there is a 68-percent chance that the complete coverage total would be between 4,900 and 5,100 and it is almost certain that the complete coverage total would be between 4,700 and 5,300. Relative errors primarily indicate the magnitude of the sampling error, but do not measure biases in the data due to nonsampling error. Efforts were made to reduce the biases due to errors in recording, coding, and processing the data. The adjustment made for nonrespondents as sumed that the characteristics of the nonrespondents were the same as those of the respondents. To the extent this is not true, bias is introduced in the data. The magnitude of these biases is not known. Particular care should be exercised in interpreting small estimates, estimates based on a small number of cases, or small differences between estimates because the sampling errors are relatively large and the magnitude of the biases is unknown. Estimates from the sample may differ from results of a complete survey of all establishments in the sampled lists. Two types of errors, sampling and nonsampling, are pos sible in an estimate based on a sample survey. Sampling error occurs because observations are made only on a sample, not on the entire population. Nonsampling error can be attributed to many sources, e.g., inability to obtain information about all cases in the sample; differences in the respondents’ interpretation of questions; inability of respondents to provide correct information; errors in re cording, coding, or processing; errors in estimating values for missing data; and failure to represent all units in the population. Standard errors of estimates provide guides to the po tential size of sampling errors. Estimates of the standard errors, computed from the sample data, are presented in the form of variance and relative errors. The variance is the standard error squared and the relative error is the standard error divided by the estimated value to which it refers. The sample estimate and its standard error enable one to construct confidence intervals or ranges that would include the complete coverage survey value for specified percentages of all the possible samples that could be ob 77 Appendix B. OES Survey Data Available from State Agencies State data on occupational employment in selected nonmanufacturing industries are available as indicated in the following table. These reports may be obtained from the State employment security agencies listed on the in side back cover of this publication. Table B-1. OES survey data available by State and year State A lab am a............................................. A laska................................................ Arizona................................................ Arkansas............................................. California............................................. Colorado............................................. Connecticut....................................... Delaware............................................. District of Columbia......................... Florida................................................ G eorgia.............................................. H aw a ii................................................ Id a h o .................................................. Illinois.................................................. Indiana................................................ Kentucky............................................. Louisiana............................................. M aine.................................................. Maryland............................................ Massachusetts..................................... Michigan.............................................. Minnesota........................................... 1973 1975 1978 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (D X X X X X X X X X (1) X X X X X X (1) X X X X X X X X X State Mississippi......................................... M issouri............................................. Nevada ............................................... New Hampshire................................. New Jersey......................................... New M exico........................... ........... New Y o r k ........................................... North Carolina................................... North Dakota..................................... Oklahoma........................................... Oregon ............................................... Pennsylvania..................................... Rhode Island..................................... South Carolina................................... South Dakota..................................... Tennessee ......................................... Texas................................................... Utah.................................................... Virginia................................................. West Virginia....................................... Wisconsin........................................... Wyoming............................................. (1) Report in progress. ☆ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78 1981 7 2 0 -0 2 5 /4 9 0 2 1 -3 1973 1975 1978 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics REGION I-BOSTON John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Bldg. Government Center—Room 1603A. Boston, Mass. 02203 REGION V-CHICAGO 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. 60604 REGION II-NEW YORK 1515 Broadway—Suite 3400 New York, N.Y. 10036 REGION VI-DALLAS 555 Griffin Sq., 2nd FI. Dallas, Tex. 75202 REGION III-PHILADELPHIA 3535 Market Street P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 REGION VII & VIII-KANSAS CITY 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 REGION IV-ATLANTA 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30367 REGION IX & X-SAN FRANCISCO 450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 State Agencies Cooperating in the O ES Program BLS Region IV X IX VI IX VIII I III ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE III DIST. OF COL. IV IV IX X V FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS V IV VI I III I V V INDIANA KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA IV VII IX I II VI II IV VIII VI X III MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA I RHODE ISLAND IV SOUTH CAROLINA VIII SOUTH DAKOTA IV TENNESSEE VI TEXAS VIII UTAH III VIRGINIA III WEST VIRGINIA V WISCONSIN VIII WYOMING -Department of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Building, Montgomery 36130 -Department of Labor, Employment Security Division, P.O. Box 1149, Juneau 99802 -Department of Economic Security, Labor Market Information, P.O. Box 6123, Phoenix 85005 -Department of Labor, Employment Security Division, P.O. Box 2981, Little Rock 72203 -Employment Development Department, P.O. Box 1679, Sacramento 95808 -Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training, 251 East 12th Avenue, Denver 80203 -Labor Department, Employment Security Division, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield 06109 -Department of Labor, University Plaza Office Complex, Bldg. D, Chapman Rd., Route 273, Newark .19713 -D.C. Department of Labor, Division of Labor Market Information, Research, and Analysis, 605 G Street, N.W., Washington 20001 -Department of Labor and Employment Security, Caldwell Bldg., Tallahassee 32301 -Department of Labor, Labor Information Systems, 254 Washington Street, S.W., Atlanta 30334 -Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, P.O. Box 3680, Honolulu 96811 -Department of Employment, Research and Analysis Division, P.O. Box 35, Boise 83707 -Bureau of Employment Security, Research and Analysis Division, 910 South Michigan Avenue, 12th Floor, Chicago 60605 -Employment Security Division, 10 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis 46204 -Department of Human Resources, 275 E. Main Street, 2nd Floor West, Frankfort 40621 -Department of Labor, P.O. Box 44094, Capitol Station, Baton Rouge 70804 -Department of Manpower Affairs, Employment Security Commission, 20 Union Street, Augusta 04330 -Department of Human Resources, 1100 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore 21201 -Division of Employment Security, Research and Statistics Division, Charles F. Hurley Bldg., Boston 02114 -Employment Security Commission, Research and Statistics Division, 7310 Woodward Avenue, Detroit 48202 -Department of Economic Security, Research and Statistical Services Office, 390 North Robert Street, St. Paul 55101 -Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 1699, Jackson 39205 -Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of Employment Security, P.O. Box 59, Jefferson City 65101 -Employment Security Department, Employment Security Research Division, 500 E. Third Street, Carson City 89713 -Department of Employment Security, 32 South Main Street, Concord 03301 -Department of Labor and Industry, Division of Planning and Research, OES Survey, P.O. Box 359, Trenton 08625 -Department of Human Services, Employment Service Division, P.O. Box 1928, Albuquerque 87103 -N.Y. State Department of Labor, Division of Research and Statistics, State Campus—Building 12, Albany 12201 -Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 25903, Raleigh 27611 -Employment Security Bureau, P.O. Box 1537, Bismarck 58505 -Employment Security Commission, Research and Planning, Room 310, Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, Oklahoma City 73105 -Department of Human Resources, Employment Division, 875 Union Street, N.E., Salem 97130 -Department of Labor and Industry, Research and Statistics Division, Seventh and Forster Streets, Harrisburg 17120 -Department of Employment Security, 24 Mason Street, Providence 02903 -Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 995, Columbia 29202 -Department of Labor, Research and Statistics Division, 607 North Fourth Street, Aberdeen 57401 -Department of Employment Security, Room 519, Cordell Hull Office Building, Nashville 37219 -Employment Commission, TEC Building, 15th and Congress Avenue, Austin 78778 -Department of Employment Security, P.O. Box 11249, Salt Lake City 84147 -Employment Commission, Manpower Research Division, P.O. Box 1358, Richmond 23211 -Department of Employment Security, State Office Building, 112 California Avenue, Charleston 25305 -Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations, 201 East Washington Avenue, Madison 53707 -Employment Security Commission, Reports and Analysis Section, P.O. Box 2760, Casper 82601