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Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 16 No. 21 September 7,1987 surance seminars offered by Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc.: These seminars will cover 1) Property/Casualty and 2) Life/AcciHE boards of directors of the would be subject to stockholder and dent and Health in separate ses sions, and each has been approved Omaha and St. Paul Farm other necessary approvals.” This decision results from input for 10 hours of continuing education Credit Districts announced Septem b e r 1 that management of the two the Omaha and St. Paul banks have credits. Sessions are Oct. 12 at the organizations has been directed to gathered from stockholders at meet Hilton Inn, Sioux City; Oct. 14 at the Sheraton Inn, Cedar Rapids, and prepare a letter of intent to consoli ings held during August. Oct. 16 at the Adventureland Inn, “ The Omaha and St. Paul dis date the two Banks for Coopera tives. The boards further directed tricts have each been aggressively Des Moines. Registration is at 7:15 •management to continue the study seeking ways to cut costs, improve a.m. with the seminars beginning at of consolidating the districts’ Fed operational efficiency and improve 8:00. Contact Charlotte Kraai, IBIS, eral Land Banks (FLBs) and Federal service to borrowers,” said Mr. 104 E. Locust, Des Moines, IA Intermediate Credit Banks (FICBs) Miehe. “ With this proposed consoli 50308; or call (515) 286-4396. The dation, we are taking the next logi toll-free number in Iowa is 1-800in order to streamline operations. 532-1423, and out-of-state is 1-800• The St. Paul and Omaha Banks cal step.” The letter of intent and Federal 247-5065. provide credit and other financial services to farmers, ranchers and Land Bank and Federal Intermedi * * * farmer-owned cooperatives in eight ate Credit Bank study will be re The Central Iowa Chapter of the states. The Omaha district consists viewed by the district boards at □ American Society for Personnel Ad • o f Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota their September meetings. ministration will sponsor its First and Wyoming. The St. Paul district Annual State Conference and Expo consists of Minnesota, North Da Iowa News sition September 30-October 2 at kota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Citizens Savings Bank, Gilman, the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines. “ For the past several months, the •Omaha and St. Paul boards of direc has announced its Golf Day, rained The conference theme is “ Taking tors have been studying potential out on Aug. 26, has been resche Human Resources to the Top” and ways to consolidate portions or all of duled for Sept. 9. It will be held at will feature many nationally-known the Oakland Acres Golf Course, speakers, according to Janet E. the two districts,” said Howard G. west of Grinnell on Highway 6. Burch, vice president-personnel for Whitmore, chairman of the Omaha Shotgun start is at noon, cocktail Banks of Iowa, Inc., Des Moines, •district board of directors. hour at 5:00, and a prime rib dinner who is the conference chairperson. “ Preliminary study of consolida The conference commences at tion of the two operations identified at 6:00. Cost is $35 or $12.50 for significant efficiencies and advan cocktails and dinner only. Make re 12:30 p.m. on September 30 and con tages that would benefit the stock- servations by today, Sept. 7, by call cludes with a luncheon and noted ing the bank at (515) 498-7714. speaker on October 2. Included in • holders,” said E. Charles Miehe, * * * the speakers fist are: Dr. Jac Fitzchairman of the St. Paul district Once again, a reminder of the in enz, president of Saratoga Instituteboard of directors. “ Consolidation Om aha and S t. Paul Farm Credit •D istricts Considering a M erger T F irsT ier. Correspondent Services ^ 111111 More of what it takes to serve you well. i s F irs T ie r B an ks Lincoln • Omaha Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC Digitized for FirsTier FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. l l f l l fllU V Member FDIC Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. John Rigler ■H ■ ---------------- -------------------- -— ■ m — ft 4 i Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Mark Conway Human Resource Value Analysts, a software and consulting firm; Dr. Charlene Bell, a prominent educator, licensed psychologist, consultant and speaker from Des Moines; Dr. Roy Park, president of Applied Management Associates, Ltd., An keny, la.; Carole Baumgarten, ex ecutive director of Des Moines YWCA; Dan Hunter, an Iowa singer, songwriter and humorist, and Madelyn Jennings, vice presi dent of personnel with Gannett Co., Inc., in Arlington, Va. There will be two panels with leading CEOs and attorneys. All human resources directors are invited to attend and may contact Ms. Burch at (515) 245-6320 for re gistration information. ■ Estate Appraisals Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS æ #m Jerry Trudo MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accomplish Great Things Call 319-398-4306 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 HUBBARD: Roger L. Severson and Ronald K. Raney have been elected to the board of directors of the Security State Bank in Hubbard. Mr. Severson has been with the bank for three years and is executive vice president. Mr. Raney, with the bank four years, is currently vice president and ag loan officer. Nebraska News SIDNEY: Charles R. Leffler, Jr., became president and COO of Security National Bank, effective September 1. Wayne Hoskinson, who has been president and COO of the Harrison branch, continues as president there and also has been named senior executive vice presi dent of Security National. He has moved to Sidney. Clifford E. Keslar has joined the Harrison branch as executive vice president and COO. He was most recently senior vice president in First Wyoming BankWheatland in Wyoming. Robert C. Conrad, vice chairman, has been placed in charge of all marketing for Security National. The changes were announced by Charles R. Leffler, Sr., who continues as chairman and CEO of Security National Bank. WAUNETA: John M. Green will re sign as president of Wauneta Falls Bank as soon as a replacement is ar ranged for him and he will then ac cept appointment as executive direc tor of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity at central headquarters in Oxford, Ohio. A replacement is being sought BANKING Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 for Mr. Green’s position on the Neb raska Bankers Association Execu tive Council, representing Group 4. | Minnesota News A t its recent convention in Breezy Point, the Independent Bankers of Minnesota elected officers for the< coming year. They are: President— Edward Zapp, v.p., Zapp National Bank, St. Cloud; 1st Vice Presi dent-G ene LaFrance, pres., Elysian State Bank; 2nd Vice Presi- { dent—Tom Grinnell, pres., State Bank of Loretto; Past President— Kermit Mahlum, pres., First Na tional Bank, St. Peter; Treasurer— G. Jack Hillstrom, pres., Maple- < wood State Bank. The IBoM ’s ex ecutive director, Norbert McCrady, announced he will be retiring from that position in March of 1988. MAZEPPA: The FDIC has ap-( proved the transfer of insured de posits and fully secured or preferred deposits of the People’s State Bank of Mazeppa to The First State Bank of Red Wing. The failed bank’s sole * office reopened on Aug. 22 as a branch of the assuming bank. When the bank closed, it had assets of $16.5 million and deposits of $15.3 million. The FDIC decided to ar range an insured deposit transfer because of an inability to determine 'Professional assistance in hiring and career advancement" car eer s quality service by experienced professionals Strength Eastern |owa Merchants National Bank IS Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F o IC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , BANKS OF IOWA BANK 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 Jean Eden Sandi Garner 515 - 276-1151 515 - 832-1258 Tues / Wed / Fri Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer. 1928 In U.S.A. won the Olympics AmeliaEarhartbecame thefirst femalepilot to cross Atlantic Ocean and UnitedMissouri opened its InvestmentBankingDivision U nited M issouri Bank announced Investm ent Banking Services in ’28. It didn’t make national headlines. It did make a difference. Since then, United M issouri has helped thousands o f banks build their investm ent portfolios. It has done it b y thoroughly analyzing the market, skillfully w eighing yield versus risk and carefully avoiding inappropriate investm ent strategies. As a result, U nited M issouri custom ers have consis ten tly e x p e rie n ce d p o sitiv e resu lts th rou gh years o f econ om ic change. Tbday, U nited M issouri’s Investm ent Banking Division still makes a difference. It can make a difference for you. Call United Missouri concerning your bank’s investment portfolio. A nd, pick the proven perform er. lb U N IT E D M IS S O U R I B A N K of Kansas C ity, n.a. Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ MT P.O. Box 419226, Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 816-556-7200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HAVE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE AND SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST STREET DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 1-800-532-1423 or (515) 286-4344 KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 SOUTH DAKOTA BA NKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Are you FORCED to write one type of insurance with a company at a higher premium, just so they will write another type of policy for you? IF SO... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OWNED BY BANKERS - SERVING BANKERS ' We Can Help With Your Employment Needs! DON:WCHOOLERlF AND- fO ^A S S O C IA T E S "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" Our firm specializes in officer personnel for midwestern banks. We provide person nel searches for outstate banks as well as metropolitan banks; independent banks and holding company banks; and banks of any asset size. Our candidate base in cludes Presidents, Senior Management Officers, General and Specialized Lenders, Operations Personnel, Support Personnel, Marketing Personnel, and Trust Officers. Experience levels range from early career through fully seasoned banker. Can didates primarily represent the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. ASSOCIATES potential losses in contingent liabilities of the failed bank. Mary-Beth Kuester, W BA, Box 232, Madison, W I 53701. MINNEAPOLIS: Norwest Corpora tion has named Stephen W. Hansen senior vice president and director of human resources. He had been with ^ the Dayton Hudson Corporation in Minneapolis as senior vice president of B. Dalton Bookseller. APPLETON: Valley Bancorporation has announced plans to reorga nize over the next 14 months. The plans call for the creation of regional banks by combining a number of separate operating units to form multi-office consolidated banks. 27 locations will be combined to form five banks. Illinois News South Dakota News FULTON: Rod Wolforth has joined the Fulton State Bank as vice presi dent. His lending background in cludes employment with Aberdeen Production Credit A ssociation, Security State Bank in Madison, State Bank of Waubay and Farm Credit Services in Mobridge. Wyoming News EVANSTON: The FDIC has ap proved the transfer of insured de posits and fully secured or preferred • Wisconsin News deposits of the American National The Wisconsin Bankers Associa Bank of Evanston to Pioneer Bank tion is offering a Consumer Finan of Evanston. The failed bank’s sole cial Information Update Conference office reopened on Aug. 21 as a ^ on Sept. 28 at the Concourse Hotel branch of Pioneer Bank. When in Madison. Topics include con American National closed, it had sumer education, interstate bank total assets of $8.5 million and ing, home equity loans, economic deposits of $8.3 million. The FDIC development, mergers and acquisi- decided to arrange an insured de 0 tions, financial management, mari posit transfer because no bids were tal property, and banking techno received for a purchase and assump logy. For more information, contact tion transaction. l! ji For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 ThereJs A D ifference In Banks... Valley National Bank ft Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC □avid L. Hansen, CCP HAMILTON 417-882-2265 2272 E. Sunshine Springfield, MO 65804 • NORTHBROOK: Ernest C. Roessler has been named senior vice pres ident and chief financial officer of W.N. Lane Interfinancial. He joins Lane Banks after serving 24 years # with Pittsburgh-based Mellon Bank, N.A., most recently as senior vice president. Lisa K. Gromer has been named the corporation’s vice presi dent and director of marketing. She # previously served as senior vice president and marketing group man ager at Liberty National Bank & Trust Company in Louisville, Ky. Specialists in Bank Recruiting and Consulting Since 1971 i JAMES F.fflacLEAN Vice President É H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President 100 Court Ave., Suite 306 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/282-0221 Colorado News DENVER: Charles R. Hazelrigg has been named chief operating officer of United Banks of Colorado, in ad dition to his duties as president of the company. He will assume re sponsibility for all banking subsi diaries other than United Bank of Denver. In addition, Carroll D. Speckman has been elected presi dent, COO and a director of United Bank of Denver. Mr. Hazelrigg has been with United Banks since 1958. Mr. Speckman has been with United Bank of Denver for 31 years. 3 4 POSITION AVAILABLE EVP $63MM Bank. Overall Bank functions. 8 + yrs. exp. Develop, implement, supervise and document policies. Position leads to CEO. Send resume to File No. WKC c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VP of $32mm S. Iowa bank with major responsibilities in lending. Expertise in ag and comm’l lending. Minimum 5 yrs. exp. Right person could work into management posi tion. Salary negotiable based on experience. Send resume to File No. WKJ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VICE PRES, for large Iowa bank in very progressive county seat town. Join mgmt. team, supervise $35mm + loan dept, requires 4-10 yrs. ag loan exp., strong credit analysis skills. $30-$40,000 + excellent benefits. Send resume to File No. WKK c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER/AG—2-3 yrs. consumer finance exp., ag background. Will do cons, lending/light comm./cash flows. College degree. Western Neb. Write Adams Bank & Trust, Box 720, Ogallala, NE 69153. Attn.: Jim Prange. (PA) ATTENTION AGENTS: LET’S GROW TOGETHER! Do you currently write more than $1 million an nually of Credit Life and Accident and Health In surance through financial institutions? Can you move your million-dollar business to another insurer? We’re Balboa Life and Casualty, an A + /rated carrier writing more than $100 million nationwide, with a complete line of highly-successful creditrelated coverages. We’re looking for reputable and financiallystable agents to represent us in Hawaii, Montana, or Wyoming. If you qualify, we’re ready to offer you an exclu sive company relationship in these states. We can grow and prosper together. Let’s talk right away. Call or write: Dave Bridges, Senior Vice President Balboa Life and Casualty 3349 Michelson Drive Irvine, CA 92715-1606 (714) 553-0700 (800) 854-6115 outside California FOR SALE POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE—Opportunity for an aggres- ^ sive, motivated lender with 2-3 yrs. exp. to join a profitable bank group. ............................................................ To $26,000. JUNIOR AG LENDER with strong ag credit training and lending skills needed for progressive $90mm Iowa bank. .................................................................................. To $23,000 REAL ESTATE LENDER— Illinois bank needs an experienced banker with knowledge of secondary marketing. 0 .................................................................................. To $25,000 TRUST OFFICER— Profitable financial group needs an ex perienced Employee Benefits Officer to provide leadership and serve as consultant for their member banks. Requires a blend of technical and business development skills. .................................................................................. To $45,000 Financial Careers, Inc. • Two Ruan Center/Sulte 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. cdioddex a n d c d h io c L a tz i. NCR 775 SINGLE POCKET PROOF MACHINE. Good sec ond unit. 308-254-5536, ext. 16. American National Bank, Sidney, NE. (FS) LEFEBURE NOTE CASE, 24”W x 24” deep x 40” high, 5 locking drawers with two removable trays in each with compressors. $500.00. Page County State Bank, Clarinda, IA., Kenneth F. Whitmore, (712) 542-5661. (FS) LEASE A DATALINE for $19.50 per month. Provides a bank lobby TV monitor giving stock/commodity prices, interest rates, Fed Funds, etc. Call Elmer Eggers. (515) 483-2213. (FS) POSITION AVAILABLE Rapidly expanding $30MM Independent Bank seeks REAL ESTATE/COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER. This individual must have a minimum of 5 to 7 years of ex perience and be fully knowledgeable in real estate lending, secondary market, FHA programs, commer cial lending, SBA progams, loan analysis and collec tions. Applicants must be congenial and possess the de sire and dedication to achieve success. Strong loan officer experience and business development skills required. Compensation will be commensurate to ex perience and education. Applicants will be taken until October 1,1987. Send resume to Sharon Berger, Personnel/Executive Secre tary, P.O. Box 2197, Bismarck, ND 58502. POSITIONS AVAILABLE SR. LENDER—Need several years of comm. & ag lending. Degree preferred. SW Iowa. $40K Range. CONSUMER LOAN MGR.— Need 5-10 yrs. exp. West Illinois location, $150 million bank. $30K Range. CORP. CHIEF CREDIT OFFICER— Need several years of extensive comm. & ag exp. - Omaha, ma jor bank. $40-50K. All fees are paid by our client employers. Richard L. Beem, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide S e rv in g b a n k e rs q u ie tly a n d e ffic ie n tly . Specializing in the Purchasing and Sale o f Banks 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT Terrific opty! A clean bank with a consistent record of in- ® creased earnings. With $15mm in assets, this Central MN holding company bank needs an accomplished manager with 10+ years com’l lending experience for this #1 spot. Will deal with customer base ranging from ag to cosmo politan client base. To $75K. Job #NW2210. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Finding your career at a standstill? Profitable $120mm bank just 1 % hrs. from the Twin Cities seeks a dynamic manager with 8 + years mid-market com’l lending exp. and outstanding mgmt. abilities. Must have strong credit analysis skills. A great career pathing oppty. with the chance to be #1 within 2 years. To$70K. Job#NW2213. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE AG LENDER 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 Are you tired of being told to “be patient”? Isn’t it time you took your next career step? Holding co. bank in Eastern Montana seeks an ag lender with 1 + years exp. Degree preferred. To$25K. Job#NW2214. £ FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR JAN PETERS POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR SALE VP COMM’L Reach for the top! Highly visible position managing 7-8 lenders and strong support staff for large successful bank. Qualifications nesc. are 5 + yrs working w/$15M or larger portfolio and supervisory exp. $45K. RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 TRUST OFFICER One of the most profitable banks in the state seeks 2 + yr employee benefits pro who has mktg & client skills. Excel lent road out of public or into dept, head position. Mid $30’s. AG LENDER Immediate opening for aggressive 2 yr lender w/insurance lisc., farm call exp and knowledge of FmHA’s. Bank is well capitalized (10% + ) and very profitable. Rural community near county seat town, offers shot at presidency. $22K. SR V.P. Unlimited potential! #2 position in $55M bank in communi ty of 25K. Will oversee all lending, 80% of which is comm’l, the rest is consumer and real estate. Need 4 + yrs comm’l. Strong community involvement and sound comm’l train ing. $42 K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS ROBERT MCBLF O F IO W A . M C . 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID IS ROBERT MHLF 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID • POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG BANKING PERSONNEL • • • • • Specialists in ag-oriented bankers. Experts in personnel since 1968. Serving Iowa and the Midwest. Professional and confidential. Employer retained. aqn careers, inc. AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS 515-394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 712-779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 COMML LOAN - $50MM suburban bank with excellent growth and earnings history. Handle majority of commer cial credits. Report directly to President. $38K CEO • suburban de novo bank. Experience as CEO or COO required. Strong commercial loan and business development skills desired. Open A ^ LOAN REVIEW - large urban bank affiliated with major midwestern holding company. Degree and 2-3 yrs. loan review/workout experience desired. $30K TRUST OFFICER - medium size community bank with growing trust dept. JD preferred but not mandatory. $27K £ COMML LOAN - $100MM community bank. Supervise com mercial lending function. Future advancement possible. $45 K Additional positions available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Voi. 16 No. 21 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Digitized forSt., FRASER #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •