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Vol. 12 No. 20 Des Moines, Iowa September 5,1983 Bush Task Force Sends Up “ Balloon” : Force. FD IC Chairman W illiam Isaac wants Senate Banking Com m itte e C hairm an Jake G arn (R.-Utah) to consider the issues of mission which would assume the deposit reform, financial regulatory regulatory functions now performed structure, and expanded powers for by the Comptroller, FD IC and the banks and thrifts all at the same Fed. The definition of “ large” so far time. Mr. Isaac also wants to con could encompass banks from $350 solidate regulatory functions of the million to $1 billion assets and FH LBB , the Fed and Comptroller above. Any bank falling below that into one independent agency, charg established minimum would fall ed with licensing and regulation of under a new, five-member board the industry. The FD IC would re which would take over most of the main an independent agency and functions of the FH LBB and some would absorb the FSLIC, perform functions of the FDIC. examinations and take enforcement Under this plan, the F ed’s actions. regulatory authority would ter Comptroller Conover favors con minate, but it would retain authori s o lid a tio n to a five-m em b er ty to implement monetary policy regulatory board. The Fed opposes and to function as a lender of last the liftin g of its regulatory func resort by operating the discount tions. The FH LB B wants no part of window. a plan that would disassemble it in Mr. Breeden also wants to con any way. □ solidate the FD IC and FSLIC into one deposit agency; the SEC would Iowa News regulate all securities activities of banks and thrifts; Justice Depart Farmers and farm business people ment would handle all reviews of w ill have a chance to learn more bank or thrift mergers on antitrust about using computers in their grounds, and the Federal Trade specialized farming enterprises at a Commission would enforce all con series of conferences known as sumer protection laws. No changes F A R M (Farm and Agricultural on credit union regulation were in Resources Management) to be held cluded. at five locations across Iowa this The House and Senate Banking fall. B ob J o lly , IS U e x te n sio n Committees already have several bills before them and it is believed economist and F A R M ‘83 coor they w ill pursue those bills before dinator has announced the following taking up any further recommenda dates and locations: Sept. 7—Washington, contact tions emanating from the Task Place Small Banks Under FH LB B NE O PTIO N before the Vice Presidential Task Group on Regulation of Financial Services would create a two-tier system of regulation by placing regulation of most banks in a new banking com mission, then expanding the powers of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to include regulation of small community banks and thrifts. This is reportedly the “ favored” option of Richard Breeden, deputy counsel to Vice President George Bush, and staff director of the task force. No particular plan has yet been selected by the task force members. They include the federal financial regulators, along with leaders of the Council of Economic Advisors, the Office of Management and Budget, the Justice Department and the Treasury Department. However, recommendations from the staff are to be made to task force members in September, and that group is then supposed to make legislative recommendations to the President for re-designing the pre sent financial regulatory system. Those recommendations to the President are expected in October, and after his review and changes would go to Congress. Under the Breeden concept, which first surfaced in May, large banks and S&Ls would be regulated by a new, five-member federal bank com O CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM ” where common transactions are handled uncommonly we//. ■ M il 1 FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M S tre e t • L in c o ln , N e b ra s k a 68501 • M e m b e r, F .D .I.C . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M k H Norwest Bank Des Moines , N.A. mmmmm mm mymm mm m. m Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC Yearn work: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. Bernie Kersey Dorothea Wolfe “ The Implications of the Gam-St. Germain Depository Institutions A ct of 1982” to be held September 15 at the Hotel Fort Des Moines, C a p ita l/ S ta te R oom s and Wedgewood Room. Speaker for the seminar is Rod Dixon, an examiner in charge of the Des Moines sub-region. He has been with two bank holding companies in eight years; one in Des Moines and one in Colorado. He has been ex aminer for 17 years and the past seven he has been an instructor in OCC Schools, teaching laws and regulations and financial analysis. R egistration will begin at 6:00 on the 15th, with the actual seminar * * * The Des Moines Chapter of A IB running from 7:00-9:00. Cost is in conjunction with The Central $8.50 for A IB and B A I members, Iowa Chapter of B A I are presenting $10.00 for non-members. Registra tion deadline is September 8. Gene Vincent, Davenport Area Ex tension crop production specialist, at 319/391-3227. Sept. 8—Cherokee, contact Gary Vogt, Sioux C ity Area Extension m an agem en t s p e c ia lis t, at 712/258-0651. Sept. 9—Red Oak, contact Mark Hanna, Council Bluffs Area Exten sion soil, water and waste manage ment specialist, at 712/328-0077. Sept. 13—Fayette, contact B ill Huemoeller, Dubuque Area Exten sion management specialist, at 319/582-3466. The first conference was already held August 30 in Ames. ASK JOHN MANGOLD to m ake M N B w ork for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants A National Bank IS I M em ber F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS O F IOW A' BANK A U R E L IA : M ajority interest in First Trust and Savings Bank was sold to a local investor group last week by Mrs. H. H. D eyloff. The sale involved 740 shares held by Mrs. D eyloff and the estate of the late H. H. D eyloff, former president and chairman who died December 15,1981. A ll 1,200 shares are locally owned by the new group. A ll officers remain the same, including Pres. Rex W hitney and managing officer Duane Gaudian, vice president and cashier. CLEG H O RN: Bradley Carlson has been named president of Cleghom State Bank. He succeeds Arnold Jensen, who recently retired after 16 years with the bank. Mr. Jensen has been in banking 36 years. Mr. Carlson has been with Cleghom State Bank for eight years. E S T H E R V ILLE : Phil Kennedy has joined the staff of United Central Bank & Trust Company as vice president and agricultural represen tative. Mr. Kennedy has been employed at Home State Bank of Jefferson where he was agricultural loan officer and farm manager for four years. SAC C IT Y : Gary Gilliland w ill be join in g Sac C ity S tate Bank September 15 as vice president. He replaces Larry Reding who resigned last June to accept a position with a Des Moines bank. Mr. Gilliland has been employed by the National Bank of Monmouth, Illinois, for the past 14 years. SW E A C IT Y : Lee Davidson, presi dent of North Kossuth Investment Co. and chairman of the Swea City State Bank, has announced the pro posed sale of the controlling interest in the bank to W illiam Phelps and James Rock of Swea City, and Charles Phelps and Dan Phelps of Red Oak. Dennis P. M ittag w ill con tinue to serve as president of the bank and as acting executive officer. A ll other personnel w ill remain the same. The sale is subject to regulatory approval. Mr. Davidson joined the bank in 1960 and is retir ing after 45 years in the banking business. Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion nominating committee has recommended the following can didates for the 1984-85 association officer positions: Galen T. Pate, president, Signal H ills State Bank, W est St. Paul, and currently first vice president, has been nominated to succeed Herbert A. Lund as president. Clinton D. Kurtz, president, Professional ... Responsive... Call Mark Christen for any correspondent service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 Valley National Bank ill A BANKS OF IOWA BANK DES M O INES, IOW A 50304 Member FDIC And you thought you knew where the collateral was. collateral. W hy run the risk of doing all your usual thorough paper work and documentation and then find your collateral has gone to market? Without your knowledge. That’s where Collateral Control comes in. Whether it’s agricultural products, manufactured goods or anything that can be counted — Collateral Control w ill help your bank secure working capital loans. Today’s creative lenders are putting together more and more loan packages that include a revolving line of credit against receivables and inventory. And in the process they’re discovering what some banks have known all along. That asset-based lending can be perhaps the most secure form of lending. See how your bank — with the help of Collateral Control — can grow and profit with asset-based lending. Do not assume that you have a situation too difficult to manage. If you can put a fence around it or a roof over it, Collateral Control has the service to fit your specific need. COLLATERAL CONTROL CORPORATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o w availab le — com p reh en sive all n e w co lla tera l m anage m ent booklet. Send m e a fre e copy. ................ ...........................T itle ____________________ N am e— InstitutionA d d ress___ Citv- Mail to: . State. COLLATERAL CONTROL CORPORATION Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-5-83 -Z ip. Corporate Office 444 Lafayette Rd. St. Paul, M N 55101 1-800/328-4136 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis An Open Invitation to London 1983 International Financial Seminar December 1-10, 1983 L and A rra n ge m en ts The first N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r International Seminar has been announced by Ben Haller, Jr., publisher o f T h e N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r . This gathering o f banking executives and associates will present the opportunity to enjoy London in early December, the height o f the colorful theatre and holi day season, while participating in professional study ses sions under the auspices o f London School o f Economics. Technical visits and discussion periods at participating banks, Building Societies, and Lloyds o f London also are planned, as well as social activities with British counter parts. The program will include deluxe hotel accommodations at London’s Brittania Hotel for six nights, plus two nights at the traditional White Hart Inn in the Cathedral City o f Salisbury, a wonderful welcome to the Holiday season. Breakfast each morning, special dinners, receptions, sightseeing and a unique and profitable educational ex perience make this a never to be forgotten travel adventure for all. The land package is just 8549 per person, based on double occupancy o f rooms and the seminar fee is 8175 per participating financial executive. T r a v e l A rra n ge m en ts Air fares are now being finalized for Holiday Season travel, and your flights will be on regularly scheduled airlines. Your prompt response will bring you full details and air fare quotation from your home city. A Dickensian Holiday atmosphere will prevail through this exciting and educational week with a stop at “The Olde Curiosity Shop,” and lunch at the Dickens Inn as part o f the planned activities. Face to face meetings with your British peers will present a view o f the financial world from the other side o f the Atlantic. Without a doubt, the holiday spirit and the lights and decorations o f world famous retailers such as Herrods, FortnumMason, and Simpsons will be tempting to Christmas shoppers and browsers alike. In te rn a tio n a l Fin an cial S em in ar c/o Travel & Promotions, Ltd. 8527 University Blvd. Suite 7 D es Moines, Iowa 50311 December 1-10, 1983 T ax D e d u ctib le E d u ca tio n a l E xp en ses Treasury regulations permit appropriate tax deductions for educational expenses undertaken to maintain or im prove skills required for one’s employment or profession, and Certificates o f Attendance will be presented to active participants. □ □ □ Yes, I’m interested in the International Financial Seminar in England. Enclosed is my check for the Seminar Registra tion Fee o f 8175. Please send complete details with air fare from (home city)________________________________________ . Nam e(s) Address City-----Home Phone Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State. Z ip . Office Phone Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-5-83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # • Citizens State Bank, Norwood, has been proposed for first vice president to succeed Mr. Pate. Roy W. Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank, Eden Prairie, is the recommended can didate for second vice president. R. Scott Jones, president, Goodhue County National Bank, Red Wing, is the candidate for treasurer, to suc ceed James R. Jorstad. / * * * The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion 1983 district meetings will be held at seven locations during Septem ber and w ill focus on deregulation proposals, D IDC ac tions effective October 1, reporting requirements of T E F R A and M B A programs and activities, in addition to the district business meeting. The .meetings will begin at 3:00 p.m. followed by a 5:45 reception and 6:30 dinner and program. Dates and locations for the meetings follows: D istrict 9—September 20, H oli day Inn, Fergus Falls; D istrict 6—September 21, Sunwood Inn, St. Cloud; D istrict 8—September 22, H oli day Inn, Duluth; Districts 3-4-5—September 26, Registry Hotel, Bloomington; D is tr ic t 1 — S ep tem b er 27, Ramada Inn, Rochester; D istrict 2—September 28, Orchid Inn, Sleepy Eye, and D istrict 7—September 29, Best Western, Montevideo. M IN N E T O N K A : A free Sunday afternoon concert by the Minnesota O rch e stra is sch ed u led fo r September 11 at 3:00 p.m. at Ridgedale Center. The concert is be ing underwritten by National City Bank of Ridgedale to celebrate the grand opening of its new head quarters at 1809 Plymouth Road South. Nebraska News O M AH A: Dennis J. Hanneman has been e le cted v ic e p resid en tcommercial loans, at American Na tio n a l Bank. M r. Hannem an previously served as a commercial loan officer for three years in B ill ings, Montana. STROM SBURG: Stewart K. Jobes was recently appointed vice presi dent of the First National Bank. He will be in charge of the bank’s loan portfolio. He most recently was with Kearney State Bank in Kearney. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 COUNT ON SU PERIO R: Farmers State Bank vice president Lloyd Boersma retired recently after a 63 year bank ing career at the Superior bank. Mr. Boersma, who also served as director, was vice president and director of the Hardy State Bank in Hardy as well. Farmers State Bank has also announced the employment of Edward J. Meekins as vice presi dent. He previously was president of the M itchell Home Savings and Loan Association in Mitchell, S.D. T A LM A G E : The telephone number for The Bank of Talmage is listed in correctly in the 1983 edition of The Nebraska Bank Directory. The cor rect number is: 402 264-2795. (The prefix is listed incorrectly as 254.) Illinois News The Illinois Bankers Association has scheduled four one-day seminars aimed at providing bankers with a wide range of detailed information on bank acquisitions. A similar mini-presentation at the IB A Convention in June attracted a standing-room only audience so at tendance at the four upcoming seminars w ill be limited. The dates and locations are: Sept. 20—Jumer’s Castle Lodge Peoria; Sept. 27—Holiday Inn, M t. Ver non; Sept. 28—H oliday Inn East, Springfield, and Sept. 29—M arriott, Oak Brook. A ll seminars begin at 8:30 a.m. For more information call Fred Straub at 217/789-9340. A R L IN G T O N H E IG H TS: Bette B. Perna has joined The Bank & Trust Company of Arlington Heights as senior vice president and cashier, community banking department. Mrs. Pema formerly was affiliated with American National Bank & Trust Company of Chicago as vice president, com m ercial banking department. Wyoming News The 1983 W yom ing Bankers Association Consumer Credit Con ference has been scheduled for September 15 and 16, Hitching Post Inn, Cheyenne. This year’s committee, chaired by Brad Pickering, First W yom ing Bank, N .A. East, Cheyenne, has chosen “ Deregulation” as the theme for the conference. Parrelleling deregulation in their own industries w ill be Bruce Becker o f Am erican B ell and Chuck Demonez o f Frontier A irlines. H ighlighting what is ahead for the banking industry w ill be James Hatch, one of A B A ’s experts on banking deregulation and its effects. The Program w ill continue with a An important new profit center for your bank: ■ Contact: Leroy Bell or Milt Hennick a co m p uterized local b illin ^ cred it service 319 291-5412 - National Bank of Waterloo 315 East 5th S t • W aterloo, IA 5 0 7 0 4 Member Federal Reserve System FDIC session on pricing and marketing, w ith three W yom ing bankers d is c u s s in g th e “ W y o m in g ” marketplace. The business program w ill close with a “ collection panel” session where conferees pose ques tions and field answers from a panel of veritable collection experts. This year’srslant will be on “ Working Out of Larger Credits.” The Wyomingaires w ill be on hand to provide entertainment for Thursday even ing. D r. H ugh McGinley, professor of psychology, w ill speak at the luncheon on Friday. A t the Friday banquet, G il Hamblet will close with his humorous rendi tion of “ Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously.” CASPER: Robert T. Noel, executive vice president of Affiliated Bank Corporation, w ill assume the posi tion of president and chief operating officer and a director of The Wyom ing National Bank, filling the post vacated by the resignation of Robert L. Hays. Mr. Noel will continue to serve ABC as its executive vice pres ident and director. Mr. Noel joined ABC in 1982, following a banking background in California, Colorado and, since 1971, Wyoming. W ANT ADS Rates are$5.00 per line per Insertion. Add $3.00 tortile letters per Insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th Street Des Moines, iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163_______________ POSITION AVAILABLE AG LENDER AND OPERATIONS fo r 35 m illion bank in cen tral Nebraska. Would like to have 2-5 years ag lending and operations experience. Responsible also fo r IRA and Keogh accounts. Salary open, w ith experience. Please send resume to file UBT, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR— m inim um 3 years exp., preferably w ith financial institution or ad agency, and ex cellent w riting skills. Send resume to Personnel Dept., American Federal, 601 Grand, Des Moines, la. 50307 (PA) PRESIDENT— North Iowa bank w ith $20 m illion plus assets. Salary negotiable. Send resume to file UBW, c/o N orthwestern Banker.____________________________ (PA) ASSISTANT CONTROLLER— Four-year a c c o u n tin g degree, a CPA or working toward a CPA. W ould like 1 to 2 years experience w ith a public accounting firm . Send resume to Diane Good, National Bank o f Waterloo, 100 E. Park Ave., Waterloo, IA 50704._____________________ (PA) Immediate opening fo r SENIOR OPERATIONS OFFICER of $65 m illion bank In northeast Iowa. Position w ill require leadership skills in all areas o f banking. Strong accoun ting and controls background a must. Send resume to file UBX, c/o Northwestern Banker.__________________ (PA) Ag Banking Personnel Let us help you. C a ll th e ag lending personnel s p e c ia lis ts w ith o u t cost or ob lig atio n . C o n fi d e n tia l. E m ployers pay us to hire the best. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO fo r western Illinois com m unity bank. Requires minimum of five yèars experience w ith emphasis on ag lending.......................................................... Salary to $36,000 EXECUTIVE position w ith northern Iowa bank. Must be good adm inistrator, lender, and civic leader.Salary $40,000 Commercial Lender fo r $60 m illion com m unity bank located in town of 5,000. Must have demonstrated lending ability to sm all business.............................Salary to $40,000 Commercial Lender for major eastern Iowa bank. Requires minimum of five years experience................. Salary $36,000 Commercial Lender for southeastern Iowa bank. Requires su fficient experience to head department in $45 m illion bank.............................................S t ................ Salary $36,000 Linda: 515/394-5827 Jeannie: 515/263-9598 if New Hampton, la. 50659 no answer, 712/779-3567 ■ Massena, Iowa 50853 3017 G4REERS, IN C . J THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER Ag Lender for southern Minnesota com m unity bank. Ex cellent opportunity fo r person w ith experience in either bank or PCA..................................................Salary to $30,000 Ag Lender for com m unity bank in northeast Iowa dairy region. W ill consider either bank or PCA experience........... ..................................................................... Salary to $25,000 Commercial Lender for major Iowa bank. Requires three or more years experience and college degree. Salary to $32,000 Ag Lender fo r north central Iowa bank. Requires degree - and tw o or more years experience............ Salary to $25,000 One and two bedroom condos on Main Street in Frisco, Colorado at pre-construction prices. Ag Lender for northwest Iowa com m unity bank. Requires experience w ith bank or PCA. Insurance licenses s p lu s ... ........................................................................... Salary $25,000 Call: 1-800-922-2590 Dwayne Smith Paradise Properties Box S Dillon, Colorado 80435 Compliance specialist to head department for large midwest b a n k .....................................................Salary open. (FS) CEO to head small suburban bank in Nebraska. Salary open. Bank Farm Manager to head department in major midwest b a n k .....................................................................Salary open. W rite or call Malcolm Freeland, c/o Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, la. 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. <zJ~fo[d.£X and. (Z^hioaLats.*. BANKING If you would like to evaluate your career, my clients across the country have a wide range of needs in operations, lending, and trust. Salaries are in the $20-80,000 range. C lients pay our service charge. C all or write: W alt Heyne, Dunhill of Fayetteville Box 1570, Rogers, Arkansas 72756 Phone: 501/636-8578 Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions P.O . Box 450 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal EXECUTIVE BANK RECRUITING Why Not a Higher Paying Position? Call us and lets talk about your banking career. FOR SALE RENT, RENT, Single pocket NCR 775 as low as $95.00 per month. Other bank equipment available. Call Bill, Bankers Elec. Equip. 308/384-5995._________________________ (FS) Three (3) nests of safe deposit boxes, 260 boxes in all. I am tired of w alking around them and looking at them. Best of fer I have 2 weeks after this ad is run owns them. Ralph Adams President, Chambers State Bank, Chambers, Nebr. 68725. Phone: 402/482-5222._______________________ (FS) IBM 32 Pocket, 803 Proof Machine. Make offer. Contact: Carol Horn, First National Bank, St. Joseph, Mo. Phone: 816/279-2721. (FS) BANKERS AVAILABLE CEO w ith proven high performance record in com m unity bank seeks new opportunity......................... Salary $45,000 Commercial Lenders w ith experience ranging from three to 20 years.................................................... Salary to $50,000 Senior Ag Lenders w ith experience ranging from 5 to 20 years............................................................. Salary to $40,000 Junior Ag Lenders w ith one to five years experience. ......................................................................Salary to $25,000 & R.E.B. & Associates Executive Search Consultants 13625 C. St., Omaha, Nebraska 68144 Phone: 402/333-8248 or 333-6604 POSITIONS AVAILABLE OPERATIONS—handle reports, personnel, asset/liability, management for $60MM com m unity bank. Degree pre ferred. $32K REAL ESTATE LOAN—manage estate loan function (mostly residential) for medium size holding company. $30K AGRILOAN—a ffilia te of major holding company seeks ex perienced ag lender to handle all ag credits and some commercial. $30K COMMERCIAL LOAN—$60MM suburban bank seeks jun ior commercial lender w ith two-three years bank lending experience. $28K EXECUTIVE OFFICER— large com m unity bank desires senior commercial lender w ith adm inistrative experience. Second position. $40K AGRI-REP—junior management position w ith $30MM rural bank. Requires degree and one-two yrs. bank ex perience. $18K Administrative Officers w ith major banking experience. ......................................................................Salary to $50,000 INSTALLMENT LOAN—$30MM rural bank w ith $4MM in stallm ent portfolio. Some real estate lending duties in volved. $20K SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Installment Lenders w ith over five years banking ex perience....................................................... Salary to $25,000 To inquire about a position, forward resume' and salary re quirements or contact: Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide Operations people w ith over five years experience............. .....................................................................Salary to $30,000 CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE If you are considering an additional officer, we have dozens of- qualified applicants listed in most job cate gories. W rite or call Malcolm Freeland c/o Freeland Finan cial Services, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, IA 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the B anking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 12 No. 20 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis