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Vol. 14 No. 24

Des Moines, Iowa

September 30,1985

Gov. Branstad at Iowa Bankers Convention:

bargoes and inflationary expecta­
tions o f the past, plus continuing
high interest rates, a grow ing na­
tional budget deficit which is now
approaching two trillion dollars, and
an over-valued dollar, which now
looks like it may com e down with
some action that’s being taken,
som ething that’s been long overdue.
These factors have raised the farm­
ers cost o f production, reduced their
markets, and literally ruined the
value o f their assets. These prob­
lems were brought on by the federal
governm ent and ju st as the federal
governm ent must put it’s fiscal
house in order, it also must take ac­
tion to address the consequences o f
not having done so in the past.
The continuing deterioration and
the recent admissions by the Farm
Credit System that they cannot han­
dle their problem internally provides
further evidence o f the need for fed­
eral action. This action is needed
now to help farmers and to help all
lenders, not ju st the Farm Credit
System . The Farm Credit System
leaders for months denied they had a
problem or that they needed outside
help. Now, they admit it. Yet, it
would be neither fair nor sufficient
for the federal governm ent to bail
out the Federal Farm Credit System
without addressing the problems
that farmers and other lenders are
having in the financial area.
I will continue to work and to

Action Needed Now to Help Farmers
And All Lenders, Not Just the FCS
(Ed. N ote: Iow a Gov. Terry Branstad has been a vocal leader in the ef­
fort to convince the Adm inistration
and Congress o f the severity and im­
pa ct o f the current m idw est farm cri­
sis. H e addressed the Iow a Bankers
A ssociation 99th annual convention
in D es M oines last week. H is re­
marks from that address follow.)
E ARE facing a very challeng­
ing time and you in the finan­
cial services industry are particular­
ly challenged right at this period o f
time. Each o f us here today is very
much aware o f our state’s econom y
and our dependence on agriculture.
Your institutions and many o f your
custom ers have been directly af­
fected by the troubles in the farm
econom y. State governm ent has, as
well. In fact, ju st last week I made a
substantial reduction o f 3.85% in all
state budgets to bring state spend­
ing in line with the realities o f exist­
ing revenue.
I appreciate the sensitivity with
which you have handled, both per­
sonally and professionally, the
stress and the problem s that exist in
our rural communities and, in fact,
even in our larger cities all across
the state. Leaders from your associ­
ation have worked with us and spent
literally hundreds o f hours form ulat­


ing and reviewing both state and
federal policies and how we can m ost
effectively address our nation’s agri­
cultural problem s. And your associ­
ation has played a m ajor role in help­
ing finance our Rural Concerns H ot­
line which is helping farmers and
people who are going through stress
to get counseling and good advice as
they cope with the personal and fi­
nancial problem s they are going
In a large part, due to a concerned
effort o f the Iowa Bankers A ssocia­
tion and others, we were able to pro­
vide more operating loan guarantees
(FmHA) in this state in 1985 than
any other state in the country. W ith­
out your help and your involvem ent
in this program and without your
patience and forbearance and under­
standing many Iowa farmers would
not have been able to plant a crop
this spring. Unfortunately, the fed­
eral officials went back on their
word and refused to include farm
ownership loans in this guarantee
program. I think that was a tragic
mistake and the agricultural credit
crisis continues to grow and threa­
tens to drag down more farmers,
small businesses, and financial insti­
W e’re all familiar with the many
causes o f this farm credit crisis—em­ (Turn to page 4, please . . .)

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Ready to meet your correspondent needs.

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Ye am work:
one of the reasons
we’re first in Iowa.
John Cretzmeyer

Tom Quinlin

Video Conference Reminder
A s detailed in the September 9
W eekly N ew sletter, a one-day video
conference is being presented in
more than 50 cities nationwide in
the next tw o months on the subject
o f “ M oney Laundering.“ The impor­
tance o f this subject that is crucial
to stopping the conversion o f money
from drug trafficking and other cri­
minal activities into supposedly
respected bank accounts is high­
lighted by the fact that Vice Presi­
dent George Bush will personally in­
troduce the program at the start o f
the day. Banks are obliged under the
Crime Control A ct o f 1984 to cooper­
ate with law bodies to stop M oney
Laundering and this video confer-

ence is aimed at giving them better
Coming conferences include these
locations. Bankers may get further
details from their state associations.
Oct. 3—Springfield, 111. H oliday Inn
East, 3100 S. Dirksen Parkway.
O ct. 4—Oak Brook, 111. Drake Oak
Brook Hotel, 2301 York Road.
Oct. 9—Des M oines, la. Savery
H otel, 4th & Locust.
Oct. 17—Omaha, Nebr. M arriott
H otel, 1022 Regency Circle.
Oct. 29—Pierre, S.D. Best W estern
K ing’s Inn, 220 S. Pierre St.
Nov. 12—Wausau, W is. Holiday Inn,
201 North 17th Ave.
N ov. 14—Denver, Colo. Clarion
Hotel, 3202 Quebec St.
N ov. 14—W ichita, Kan. A irport Hil­
ton, 2098 Airport Rd.

Iowa News


J. Bruce Meriwether, president,
First National Bank, Dubuque, was
installed as president o f the Iowa
Bankers A ssociation during the
IB A ’s 99th annual convention in
Des M oines last week. He succeeds
W illiam Logan, president, The State
Central Bank, Keokuk. The new
president-elect is Russell S. Howard,
Jr., president, Mahaska State Bank,
Oskaloosa. The new treasurer is
Fred W . Hagem ann, president,
State Bank o f W averly. Neil Milner
continues as executive vice presi­
dent in Des Moines headquarters.
* * *

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ALLISON : Charles J. G affey has
been named the new president and
chairman at the State Bank o f Alli­
son. He com es to the bank with 25
years o f financial experience. He
was m ost recently president o f the
M ortgage Company o f Sarasota,
Sarasota, Florida. He succeeds Rus­
sell Olson.
Kennedy has been appointed senior
vice president, credit administration
o f First National Bank o f Council
Bluffs. He has over 20 years bank­
ing experience with Norwest Ban­
corp Inc. and Citibank.
M ASSEN A: A t Union National
Bank, Sara Thornton has been pro­
m oted to vice president. Her former
position as cashier has been filled by
the election o f Karen Uehling. In ad­
dition, D avid Bissell was elected a
M USCATINE: Paul N. Payne has
been elected vice president/COO and
board member at First National
Bank o f M uscatine. He was also
elected to the board o f First Na­
tional Bank in Fairfield and will
serve as president and director o f
Iowa First Bancshares Corp., the
holding com pany that owns both
banks. Since 1982 Mr. Payne has

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The South Central Iowa Group o f
the National Association o f Bank
Women met Sept. 11 at Ottumwa.
Featured speaker was Linda Poli,
lead instructor at Indian Hills Com­
munity College in Ottumwa, who
presented a program on managing
stress. New officers installed were
as follow s: President—Susan L.
Sodey, vice president, Union Bank &
Trust Co., Ottumwa; Vice Presi­
dent—M arilyn W atts, assistant vice
president, South Ottumwa Savings
Bank, Ottumwa; Secretary—Pat
McClellan, operations officer, Iowa
State Bank & Trust, Fairfield, and
Treasurer—M ary Hartman, assis­
tant cashier, Iowa Trust & Savings
Bank, Oskaloosa.


Send Your News Today to the


TELL US A B O U T. . .

1535 Linden Street, S u ite 201
DES M O IN E S , IO W A 50309

Staff Changes
Business Campaigns
Mergers, Consolidations
New Departments at the Bank
Remodeling or New Building

BANK .......................................... ....................................................
OFFICER ................................................................... ;........TITLE

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Open Houses
Anniversary Parties
Deaths or Retirements
Speeches Made by Bank Officers
Special Announcements to the Public


been executive vice president o f the
Clinton National Bank.
U RBAN A: Carolyn R. Humeston
has been appointed manager o f Peo­
ples Bank and Trust Company’s Urbana office. She will also supervise
Peoples’ new Shellsburg and Bran­
don offices. She has 16 years bank­
ing experience, m ost recently with
Brenton Bank and Trust in Vinton.
U RBAN D ALE: Hans Loeffler has
been appointed vice president and
manager o f commercial loans at
First Interstate Bank o f Urbandale.
He was previously vice president
and manager o f installment lending
at First Interstate Bank o f Des
Moines (formerly United Central
Bank) where he has served for the
past 14 years.

Minnesota News
M IN N EAPOLIS: A t National City
Bancorporation, James H. Hearon,
III has been prom oted from execu­
tive vice president and COO to presi­
dent and COO. He will continue as
the chairman o f the board and CEO
o f National City Bank o f Minneapo­
lis. In addition, David L. Andreas
was named senior vice president o f
National City Bancorporation. He
has been a vice president since 1980.
M IN N EAPOLIS: The Minneapolis
Chapter o f the Am erican Institute
o f Banking will be conducting sev­
eral seminars in upcom ing weeks.
A ll seminars will be held at the A IB
Education Center in Minneapolis.
The dates and seminars follow: '
Oct. 2—Managing Stressful Situa­
tions and People Under Stress; Oct.
3—Procedure W riting; Oct. 1 0 C u stom er R e la tio n s/T e le p h o n e
Transactions; Oct. 16—Compliance
Issues Update, Oct. 17—How to Get
More Done.
OW ATONNA: Tim othy M. McManimon has been elected vice president
o f the commercial loan department
at Norwest Bank Owatonna, N.A.
He joined the bank in 1983 and was
m ost recently assistant vice presi­
GOV. B RA N STAD . . .
(continued from page 1)
fight for federal action for a solution
to the farm credit problem —one that
will help farmers and will help farm­
ers who receive their financing from
commercial banks as well as the
Federal Land Banks and the P.C.As.

One approach that I believe de
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

serves consideration is a federally
chartered entity that could serve as
a mechanism to purchase problem
loans at a discounted rate and also
as a mechanism to write down inter­
est rates and make it possible for
these farmers to be able to continue
their operations. This mechanism
could provide a reasonable alterna­
tive to m assive farm foreclosures
that would otherwise occur this fall
and winter. And such an entity
could serve as a holding mechanism
to keep land that’s already been re­
possessed o ff the market, thereby
giving farmers an opportunity to
lease it and to eventually purchase it
Unfortunately, as the Federal
Farm Credit System loan losses
have mounted, that system has not
follow ed the footsteps o f many o f
you in the com m ercial banking in­
dustry in this state who have worked
with your custom ers, who have pro­
vided forebearance and, in fact,
there is very much a likelihood of
wholesale liquidation by the Farm
Credit System o f a number o f farm
operations this fall and winter. That
prospect is looking more and more
certain as the days go by. Frankly,
the marketplace ju st can’t stand a
substantial dumping o f assets at
this time. W e need to prevent the
Farm Credit System from doing this
until federal action can be taken.
One mechanism that would make
that possible is the moratorium law
which was amended by this year’s
general assembly. A s m ost o f you
know, the old 1939 law, the 1939
moratorium law, is basically un­
workable. However, with the help o f
Iowa State U niversity and with the
help o f your organization and others
in the financial and agricultural
policy areas, that law was updated
and amended during the 1985 ses­
sion o f the legislature. The new law
provides a very lim ited moratorium
for one year and only for those situa­
tions where it’s already in the liqui­
dation process and the farmers can
show they are current on paying
their interest but unable to make the
full principal payment. M ost com ­
mercial lenders have been working
with the farmers in that situation
already. This policy would apply to
those like the Farm Credit System
that are not quite as willing to work
with the individual borrowers. This
is a policy that m ost o f you have
been practicing individually and one
that I think makes sense.
Clearly, we in agriculture and the

heartland o f this country are going
through a very painful transition in
our econom y. It’s a transition that
has im plications far beyond the lives
o f those who are directly involved in
agriculture, in tilling the soil and
feeding the people in this country
and the world. W e have a number o f
challenges facing us and we’re cer­
tainly not out o f the woods; in fact, I
suspect the next six months to be
one o f the m ost stressful and difficult tim es in the history o f your as­
sociation and probably in your per­
sonal involvem ent in providing fi­
nancial services to the people o f this
state. I know it’s a stressful time for
those o f us in public office in this
state dealing with the im pact o f the
problem s on our state’s econom y. It
is pervasive.
Yet, during the last year, I think
you can all be proud o f the leader­
ship that the Iowa Bankers Associa­
tion has provided in this state. Due
to your involvem ent and your willingness to work with us in public of­
fice and with your individual bor­
rowers to serve as true partners, you
have lived up to your m otto o f being
a partner and friend and I know
sometimes people point the finger at
you and blame you for the problems
and we know that’s not true. W e
know that what is happening is be­
yond your control, is beyond our
control and som ething that we all
have to live with and w e’ve got to
work through.
W e need to continue to work
together. W e need to strengthen
that partnership. W e need to meet
the challenges that are before us.
I ’m confident that we can. I know it
won’t be easy. W e’re asking a lot.
People are going to have to make
some difficult sacrifices. W e’re go­
ing to have to make some tough
choices. That’s what the times call
for. I ’m confident that w e’re up to it,
that we can do it.
But, we’re going to have to have
your understanding and your help
as we deal with these problems.
Y ou’re going to have to have our
understanding and our help. A ll o f
us are in this together and we all
need to work together and I ’m confi­
dent that if we do that, as we have
for the last year, we will meet the
challenge and we can not only sur­
vive this crisis or this problem time
in our history, we can com e out
stronger and better as a result o f it.
W e need your continued help and cooperation and I ’m confident we will
receive it. Thank you.
















Getting it done for you.

Ernie Yake

Bill Sprenger

Tom Jennings





it t i

Commerce Bank of Kansas aty A

Nebraska News




The Nebraska Bankers Association is sponsoring an Operations
Compliance Conference to be held at
four locations in October. It is de­
signed for cashiers, assistant cash­
iers, operations personnel and customer service staff. Registration/continental breakfast will begin each
day at 8:30 a.m., with m orning ses­
sions from 9:00-12:00. Lunch will be
from noon to 1:00 p.m ., and afternoon sessions will conclude at 4:15.
A dvance registration, including
meals and materials, is $65 for the
first registrant and $55 for each ad­
ditional. Dates and locations are as
follow s: O ct. 9—N orfolk Villa Inn,
Oct. 10—Kearney Ramada Inn, Oct.
16—Scottsbluff Inn and O ct. 17—
Lincoln Hilton. Register through
the N BA office in Lincoln.









Thirteen area bank-women offi­
cers, making up the N.E. Nebraska
Chapter o f the National Association
o f Bank Women, met on Sept. 12.
New officers installed were as fol­
low s: Chairman—B everly E tter,
vice president, State National Bank
o f W ayne; Vice Chairman—Marilyn
Heier, personal banking officer,
N.W . Bank o f N orfolk; Secretary—
Beverly H itchcock, vice president,
Farmers State Bank, Carroll, and
Treasurer—Evelyn W ebster, cashier,
Pender State Bank, Pender. A letter
o f recognition was read, announcing
the chapter as the winner o f the
Group Excellence Award for awards
and scholarships. N ext meeting,
honoring new and prospective mem­
bers, will be O ct. 10th at Becker’s
ELBA: The FDIC is preparing to
pay o ff insured depositors in Elba
State Bank. It was closed on Sept.
18 by Roger Hirsch, acting director
o f the Nebraska Dept, o f Banking,
and the FDIC was named receiver.
A ccording to Mr. Hirsch, the bank’s
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Telephone (816) 234-2000

failure was due to losses in agricul­
tural loans and inability to recapita­
lize. The bank’s assets totalled ap­
proxim ately $4.2 million with about
$3.7 m illion on deposit in approxi­
m ately 300 accounts. The FDIC de­
termined a payoff o f insured deposi­
tors was required because no bids
were received for the failed bank.

North Dakota News
BISM ARCK : John A . Bridgeford,
Jr. has been elected vice president
and manager o f the commercial loan
department o f First Bank Bismarck.
He was form erly a vice president
and manager o f the executive and
professional department at First
Bank Fargo.

Wisconsin News
BROW N DEER: Capital One Corp./
Brown Deer Bank has named three
o f its commercial banking officers to
new vice presidential positions.
Michael Klemz has been prom oted
to senior vice president. He joined
the bank in 1984 as vice president in
charge o f commercial banking, and
will retain that responsibility. Dale
Guenther, who joined the bank in
1981, has been named a vice presi­
dent in the commercial hanking de­
partment. Terie K. Leicht, who
joined Capital One Corp. earlier this
year as a commercial banking offi­


cer, has been prom oted to assistant
vice president.
ELKHORN: Earl A . Paddock has
been appointed president and chief
executive o f Marine Bank South­
west, N .A. He succeeds William J.
M orrissey, who was elected chair­
man o f the board. Mr. Paddock
joined the bank in 1967, and has
served as vice president o f commer­
cial lending since 1976. It was also
announced that effective Sept. 18,
Burlington Marine Bank and Ma­
rine Bank Southwest, N .A. will be
consolidated. The com bined bank
will use the latter name, and have to­
tal assets o f $101 million.

Colorado News
CLIFTON: The FDIC began on
Sept. 9 to pay o ff insured depositors
in the Bank o f Clifton. The bank was
closed on Sept. 6 by Colorado State
Bank Commissioner Richard B.
D oby, and the FDIC was named re­
ceiver. Deposits amounted to about
$10.1 million in 3,200 deposit ac­
counts, including $24,000 in 12 ac­
counts that exceeded the federal in­
surance lim it o f $100,000. Owners of
the uninsured deposits will share
proportionately with the FDIC in
the proceeds realized from liquida­
tion o f the assets o f the failed bank.
The FDIC determined that a payoff
was required because no bids were
received for the bank.

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1535 Linden St.f Suite 201
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
Phone 515/244-8163

2 • AQ LENDER8 • 2-5 years experience. N.C. and
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Ag Banking Specialists
Let us help w ith your career advancement or staffing
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CEO for $60 million Independent bank In midwest. Excel­
lent opportunity for person with good track record............
......................................................................... Salary $65,000.
SENIOR AQ OFFICER for major midwest correspondent
bank. Must have ag loan experience In larger b ank............
..................................................................... Salary to $42,000.
TRUST OFFICER for $50 million bank In eastern Iowa.
Must have law degree and two or more years experience .
..................................................................... Salary to $30,000.
COMMERCIAL LENDER with three or more years experi­
ence for $75 million bank In midwest city of 100,000..........
..................................................................... Salary to $35,000.

Linda 515/394-5827
New Hampton, la. 50659

Jean 515/263-9598 (W/F)
712/779-3567 (M/T/TH)
Massena, Iowa 50853

30/7 G4REERS, INC.


AQ LENDER for $45 million bank In northern Missouri. Pre­
fer two or more years experience plus college degree ___
..................................................................... Salary to $30,000.
COMMERCIAL LENDERS for Illinois banks located In
North & Central a re a s ...............................Salary to $35,000.
FARM MANAGER for $160 million Illinois bank..................
............................................................................. Salary open.
AQ LENDER for major Central Illinois b a n k .........................
..................................................................... Salary to $35,000.

SR. OPERATIONS OFFICER • All operations and
cashier duties. E. Central Iowa. $90mm bank. To

*2 OFFICER for bank In university city.. . Salary to $42,000.

PRESIDENT - Need experience as a CEO of a
small bank. Position Is In a$25mm bank In Central
Kansas, near Wichita. To $50K.

AUDITOR for $180 million midwest bank. CPA a + but not
required............................................................ Salary $25,000.

COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE person for major multi-bank
gro u p ................................................................... Salary open.

CASHIER w/some lending exp. for suburban bank In la___
..................................................................... Salary to $30,000.

CONTROLLER - CPA for a bank In E. Iowa. To

CEO to head $60 million troubled bank........ Salary $65,000.

Richard L Seem, CPC
11246 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Phone: 4021330-3260

Member National Personnel Associates
We're Nationwide

SR AQ LOAN ADMINISTRATOR— Mid-western bank hold­
ing company seeks strong Ag Lender to oversee entire Ag
Loan Portfolio. Must have record of sound credit judg­
ment, ability to deal with problem credits, thorough work­
ing knowledge of loan documentation and related laws In
the areas of UPC, bankruptcy, real estate, ATC. Must also
have complete understanding of Community Bank Operatlons. Contact File WDR, d o Northwestern Banker. (PA)
COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—2-3 years minimum ex­
perience required, excellent career opportunity. Contact
either Larry Gelslnger or John Bowen, Hawkeye Bank &
Trust, Spencer, IA 51301 or call (712) 262-1940._______ (PA)
LOAN OFFICER—2-5 years experience. Farm lending
background essential. Send resume to American State
Bank, P.O. Box 280, Erskine, MN 56535._____________ (PA)

#2 PERSON for $100 million Illinois bank.Salary to $50,000.
AQ LENDER for$50 million Illinois bank.Salary to $35,000.
Please call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk In care of:

Freeland Financial Service
NCR 776 16 POCKET, NCR 8271 COMPUTER, NCR 6420
NCR CRT 796, NCR CRT C-7901. Call Randy or Ralph (712)

1,114 In. capac., runs well. Tom, ISBS, Inc. (515) 223-8332.
_______________________________________________ (FS)
Reader, 1 S1200 Burroughs 8 Pocket Proof. Best offer.
Phone (402) 755-2224.


" S u ccessful Banking is Q uality P e rs o n n e r

PRESIDENT $10mm bank, 8,000 population, lim­
ited ag, large growth potential ................. $50,000.
bank, excellent town and location, strong organi­
zation ........................................................... $35,000.


Ozark a r e a ................................................... $40,000.

EVP • Large bank in productive environment seeks profes­
sional with 6 + yrs hands-on knowledge of operations and
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$50mm + Institution.
CONSUMER LENDER • Fast-paced growing non-banking
fln’l Institution Is looking for exp consumer lenders with
mgmt potential. Stable, profitable firm offers exceptional
career oppty.
Mid-Upper Teens.
KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414

(MN ►
<M ►

317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 244-4414

Employer pays fee.

KODAK RELIANT 550 MICROFILMER with endorser. Purchased 12/82. Excellent condition. Call (402)455-4337. (FS)

INVESTMENT OFFICER—for small regional mid-western
bank. Needs 10 years experience. Investment portfolio of
$250 million. Must have excellent credentials. Salary com­
mensurate with experience. Contact file WDS c/o, North­
western Banker.

#2 MAN - Growing holding co seeks knowledgeable ag
lender/generalist with 3 + yrs bkg exp. Community bank
position near large metro area. Offers high responsibility
and promotions. Some operations skills a plus.

1010 Equitable Bldg. Dee Mollies, IA 60309

excellent location, colleges, strong bank, middle
market p ré d its ............................... $30,000435,000.


PRESIDENT $50mm + bank, requires proven tech­
nical social, and leadership skills, Independent
bank, 20,000 population............................. $50,000.

COMM’L LOAN • $100MM suburban bank with aggressive
new ownership. Prefer five to seven yrs. experience In sim­
ilar size bank.

HEAD OF LENDING $200 + bank, requires mature
administrator, 5 years In a bank over $100mm, 15
yrs. In banking, d e g re e ............................... $75,000.

COMM’L LOAN/BIZ DEV • $80MM suburban bank affiliated
with major holding company. Emphasis on new business
development but need solid credit background.

strong commercial, some ag, population 30,000,
high ROA bank ........................................... $50,000.

SENIOR LENDER - $150MM suburban bank with large
comm’l and real estate portfolio. Second position In bank
with opportunity to advance.

ALL AROUND BANKER $25mm bank, lending, op­
erations, administration, 10,000 population, high
earnings b a n k ...............................$30,000435,000.

REAL ESTATE LOAN - Junior position In large suburban
bank. Will assume some duties In construction and
comm’l real estate depts. plus handle residential loans.

college town, Independent b a n k ............... $40,000.
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(417) 882-2266

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In agri-credits. Prefer background in cattle financing. $30K
Additional positions available for experienced bankers.

2024 Swift • Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116
_______ “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 14 No. 24 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden
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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis