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V o l. 15 N o . 23 S e p te m b e r 2 2 ,1 9 8 6 D es M o in e s , Io w a ABA Ag Task Force Report Sees Changing Farm, Town, Bank Structure LO NG-AW AITED research study to provide “A Strategic A A ssessm ent of Agriculture and Banking” was released on Septem ber 16 by the American Bankers A s sociation. The importance of the study was demonstrated by the fact that it was presented publicly for the first tim e on that date by Mike Fitch and Alan R. Tubbs, current chairman and immediate past chair man of the ABA Agricultural Bank ers Division, before the A g Bankers Breakfast at the Iowa Bankers A s sociation’s Centennial Convention in Des Moines. W ith them to offer supplemen tary information to bankers and the news media were Jeff Rodman, asso ciate director/manager of the ABA A g Bankers Division, and Sheldon Golub, the veteran ag communica tions representative in A BA ’s com munications division. Mr. Tubbs, who holds a PhD de gree in ag economics and taught that subject several years at Oklahome State University, has been a leading ag banker spokesman for several years in Iowa, for ABA pro jects and before Congress. He is president of First Central State Bank in DeW itt and executive vice president of Maquoketa State Bank in Maquoketa. Mr. Fitch is vice president for agribusiness affairs at W ells Fargo Bank, N.A., in San Francisco. Mr. Tubbs said the study will go “a long way in assisting individual banks and the industry plan for the future. It will be a road map that will be helpful in adopting legisla tive strategies and provide needed assistance to the Congress.” In relating why the study was undertaken, Mr. Tubbs said, “In 1985, we propsed that a research group study the trends in banking, the trends underway in agriculture, and the environment and conditions in which agricultural banks and other farm lenders operate. We thought it important that this study determine the nature of these struc tural changes, as well as the impact it might have on all the players.” He said the impetus for the study came not only from the needs of ag bank ers “but also from the uncertainty of C ongress” and A dm inistration executives who want to know “what role the various agricultural lenders should play in the future and what the future might look like. W ithout a research background and empirical evidence, it was very difficult to out line a road map for the future.” Consequently, the ABA board of directors in 1985 approved the re search study funding and commis sioned a research group headed by Dr. John Hopkin of Texas A&M University to do the research and prepare the results and recommen dations. Mr. Tubbs said Dr. Hopkin’s group “outlined a five compo nent study to address these critical issues. Component 1 assesses the major trends in banking and the fi nancial services industry. Compo nent 2 assesses the current and fu ture conditions in production agri culture. Component 3 assesses the agricultural credit delivery system and the major suppliers of agricul ture credit. Component 4 pulled the first three components together to outline the implications for banking and agriculture policy issues and finally, Component 5 establishes a framework for agricultural lenders to assess their current role and mar ket and to help them to strategically plan how to cope and adjust with the most probable changes found in banking and agriculture.” Mr. Tubbs said “A key to future agricultural profitability and the well-being of rural communities is the supply/demand balance of world foodstuffs.” Whereas it was com mon belief in the ’70s that a growing world population would keep food demand high, this study shows that the world ag production capacity continues to outstrip food demand “and that the 1970s were an aberra tion in the long-run trend toward lower real commodity and food prices. Further, it is quite probable that we are on the threshold of ma jor technological breakthroughs in plant and animal agriculture. It is possible we are entering a third era Call on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. ^FirsTierB ank Lincoln 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Firslier Bank, N.A., Lincoln, Member FDIC Ilklf Hill Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800)362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC Yearn work: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. »fl and W.A. Krause. Mr. McManigal is also on the board of the Community State Bank at Rockwell, and Kyle Krause is a director at the Iowa Bank & Trust in Bloomfield. W.A. Krause has an interest in eight other banks. The bank, which will be re named when approved by state and federal regulators, will be the first independently owned bank in Mason City since 1981. Nebraska News Tom Quinlin in production agriculture, the first being mechanization, the second chemical, and the third biotech nology." “Finally, as rural communities ex perience this transition, the banks in those communities who have relied on agriculture as their base will need to reassess their market. The re search group identifies three types of banks serving the new agricul tural structure and suggests what they may have to do to remain com petitive. Clearly, competition for sound agricultural credit will remain intense and the Farm Credit System will survive and eventually thrive and be a part of that future. Serious consideration must be given by the h a n k i n g community to future avail ability of long term loans and ser- vices now in the planning stages by the Farm Credit System . Banking must develop a game plan as to how to compete with this new Farm Credit System and how to use the emerging role the Farmers Home Administration should play in the future." Mr. Tubbs identified the three types of ag banks that will be needed as “traditional” banks to serve part-time or small farms; “van guard" banks to serve moderate-size farms and agribusiness; “megalith ic ” banks to serve large agribusiness. In his remarks, Mr. Fitch stated that “the report clearly points out that agricultural banking must form new coalitions to control its own des tiny by becoming pro-active in the political process on behalf of its farm customers, as well as itself. AG RESEARCH REPORT.. . (Turn to page 4, please) Iowa News ASK GARY BARTLETT to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1-800-332-5991 Merchants dfifc National Bank 121 M em ber F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOW A BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DES MOINES: J. Scott Konecny has been promoted to vice president, trust investm ent officer at Valley National Bank. He joined the bank in 1983 and m ost recently served as senior trust officer. MASON CITY: Hawkeye Bank & Trust has been sold to its CEO and six directors. They are James S. Niemants, C.W. McManigal, James F. Ollenburg, John E. Pauley, Wil liam C. Rosenfield, Kyle J. Krause The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion will sponsor a conference on Oct. 9 at the First National Bank in York. Registration/coffee is at 10:00 a.m. The morning session, entitled “Meet the Press," is at 10:30, and features Tom White, editor of the Lincoln Star. A noon luncheon will be served, followed by the afternoon session at 1:00 p.m. entitled “It’s the Thought that Counts." Speaker will be consultant Dan Banker of Edmond, Okla., who will discuss motivation. Adjournment will be at 2:00 p.m. Fee is $45 and includes materials and lunch. Registrations after Oct. 1 will be $65 and subject to space availability. Contact the NBA office to register. Wisconsin News First Interstate Bank of Wiscon sin will conduct its 27th annual Bankers’ Forum on Sept. 25 at the American Club in Kohler. Registra tion at 11:30 a.m. will be followed by a noon luncheon. The remaining schedule is: 1:30—“Direct Response Marketing Program and Marketing Insurance Products”; 2:30—“First Brokerage Services New Products and First Interstate Trust Com pany’s New Investm ent Options"; 3:30—break; 3:45—Panel D iscus sion: “A Focus on ‘Point of Differ ence’ Products Available to Respon dent Banks Through the First Inter state Network"; 4:45—Industry Up dates; 5:30—cocktail reception. Con tact Angela R. Mueller at First In terstate at (414) 459-2135. I t's easier to talk Iowa banking with people who live it — people like Brad Hansen and the corre spondent staff at Bankers Trust. C all 1-800-362-1688 or 515/245-2424. B ankers Trust Des Moines, IA Member FDIC Brad Hansen Assistant Vice President ATTENTION IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BLANKET BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? We have been able to solve many bonding problems for bankers at the lowest possible premium. Call or Write THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY 435 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 1-913-234-2631 Serving bankers for more than 75 years Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-22-86 4 MASI Offers First M ortgages and Secondary Market on Ag R.E. Loans e s p o n d i n g to agricultural bankers’ needs for both first mortgage ag real estate loans and a secondary ag real estate loan mar ket, MABSCO A g Services, Inc. (MASI) President Steve Stahly an nounced at the Iowa Bankers A sso ciation’s Centennial Convention in Des Moines last week that both pro grams will become available to Iowa and Illinois banks in mid-November and in the other 13 MASI states fol lowing that date as rapidly as pos sible. Mr. Stahly said MASI will con sider any ag real estate loan meeting its qualifications, with the exception of existing ag real estate loans in a bank. There will be no maximum lim it on the size of an individual loan, but there will be a minimum at this tim e of $120,000 per loan. He said banks will continue to originate and service the loans, which will be written at 60% of ap R AG RESEARCH REPORT.. . (Continued from page 2) Because I personally feel so strongly that agricultural bankers m ust form coalitions to help both them selves and their farm customers, one reve lation that I consider especially im portant is that contrary to the gen eral feeling that the demise of the small independent bank is certain, the research suggests that banking d e-reg u la tio n and str u c tu r a l changes in agriculture are, in fact, consistent with the existence of a large number of different types and sizes of banks. “Many of the events discussed in the study with regard to this transi tion in the structure of production agriculture are in process in the up per midwest. In fact, the upper mid west leads these structural changes. These changes are occurring because of reduced profitability, the eco nomies of size, and the distribution of the debt. The study concludes that the transition in farm structure will continue to occur with an exo dus of farms in moderate size cate gories and with an increase in large and part-time farms. It is these moderate size farms that dominate the upper midwest. We m ust learn to live with the profitability of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis praised value. MASI will fund up to 80% of that amount and the local bank will retain 20%. Each first mortgage ag real estate loan will be written for up to 30-year amortiza tion, with a three, four or five-year fixed rate. In essence, Mr. Stahly said, they will be balloon mortgages, with renewal based on loan perfor mance by the borrower. He said if the loans were written today the rates would be 9V*% for three years, 9.78% for four years and 10.25% for five years, with two origination points in each case. Mr. Stahly said MASI also will of fer a secondary market for ag real estate loans using a 30-year maxi mum amortization and a three-year fixed rate of 10% with two points. Many upper midwest bankers are being asked for long-term ag real estate loan assistance by farmers ex iting the Farm Credit System , and this new program from MASI offers agriculture as we find it today and not look for a return to the 1970s. “This structural transition in farming units will leave an impact on rural communities. Specifically, it will change retail trade patterns to the extent that more retail trade will be carried on in towns that the re search group refers to as regional trade centers. Smaller communities will suffer retail sale reductions and will need to critically assess what kind of a community they will become in the future. Other commu nities may determine that they can become a regional trade center. Re gional trade centers will be limited in number and under the emerging structure of agriculture, people will travel further to purchase farm sup plies, consumer goods and credit. Just as we need to plan what kinds of banks we will have, the rural com m unities m ust determ ine what kinds of communities they will be come. “Then, because I believe it to be critical that everyone understand the fundamental principle that the need for capital in agriculture is greatest when the cost/price squeeze is at its worst (it is only through capital investm ent in new equip ment and new technologies that we a way for local banks to tie-in their area customers, many of whom already obtain their short-term fi nancing needs at the local bank. Helping Mr. Stahly work out de tails of the lending pool with Rabo bank of the Netherlands were Les Peterson, chairman of MASI and president of Farmers State Bank in Trimont, Minn., and Ed Tubbs, im mediate past chairman of MASI and chairman of Maquoketa State Bank in Maquoketa, la. Rabobank has provided a $100 million lending pool to MASI for ag loans the past several years and in creased that total a year ago to $150 million. MASI loans rose to a high of $102 million and currently stand at about $88 million. Mr. Stahly said MASI is looking at packaging of smaller ag real estate loans in-house for direct placement with investors, but that step is probably two years away. A third step, he said, will be securitiza tion of ag loans for sale to banks and other investors in units of $100,000. That step would probably follow behind the loan packaging step, he -said. □ will be com petitive with those out side U.S. borders), I consider the project’s treatment of the need for securitization, particularly a secon dary market for farm real estate loans, to be especially important. I quote from the report, ‘banks will need to materially increase their capacity and willingness to make long-term farm real estate loans,’ and ‘the securitization of agricul tural credit provides one major means of access to the nation’s capital m arkets.’ Moreover, these quotes illustrate the responsiveness of the researchers to the industry’s pragmatic needs.” Mr. Fitch added that “ABA con siders this all-important research project to be merely the beginning of a process, (vs. a document to be read and shelved). For example, ABA has already formed an Industry Task Force to recommend to legislators and regulators m echanism s for development of a viable secondary market for farm real estate loans.” (Editor’s Note: See separate story on long-term ag real estate loans and secondary market announced at this same m eeting by MASI.) ABA states that the full report will be available to banks in mid- Oc tober. □ • 9 ^ • • £ • • J -1 S R . M A N A G E M E N T -^ Currently #2 person in $80mm bank in charge of all commercial and ag credits, supervision of loan offi cers. Interested in management of smaller bank. “ Aggressive and a good motivator...really gets the job done,” says reference. Over 10 yrs. experience in loans and administration. B.S. Bus. Admin, plus advanced banking schools. $48*$50,000. J-2 AG LE N D E R —Currently branch mgr. in charge of loans, opera tions, and business development at small branch bank. Has total of 4 yrs. banking experience, with first yr. spent as ag lender and asst, cashier. An energetic well-spoken individual. M.S. Ag plus bank schooling. $28,000. J-3 AG/COM M ERCIAL LE N D E R — Experienced loan officer responsi ble for $ 5 mm ag loans is seeking opportunities in bank. Offers 5 yrs. PCA experience. Former supervisors say, "Has gained hands-on experience in ag credit that should take 10 yrs. time to learn” and, “ Really understands work-outs, and is willing to put forth the effort that’s necessary.” B.S. Ag ISU. $25,000. J -4 J R . AG/0 PERATI0N S O FFIC E R — References say, "Exceptional! Bright and willing to work.” Offers 4 years bank exper. Started in small bank running in-house computer and helping with ag loan analysis and collections. Now handles general ledger and loan accounting, and is assistant to comptroller and auditor of Ban corp in $100MM ag bank. Has attended ag lending school and Chicago Board of Trade Marketing Seminar. IBM-PC Burroughs, and Hewlitt Packed computer experience. Desires position com bining operations and ag lending duties. Farm raised. B.S. De gree. $2 1 , 000. j -5 S R . V .P .— Over 7 yrs. with same $50mm. Responsible 1or ap proximately $ 5 mm ag & $5mm commercial loans. A ‘conservatively aggressive’ banker—able to recognize and add good loans, and work out problems. Strong on cash flows. Thorough understanding of wheat and cattle ranching. Qualified for C.E.O. or E.V.P. positions, or will consider V.P. with growth potential. B.S. Ag Econ. plus numerous ag and commercial lending schools. $36-$45,000. S-6 A S S T. V .P .— 12 yrs. bank exp. “ Good credit man, people have confidence in him and not afraid to say it like it is,” accord ing to reference. Overall lending exp., ins. licenses, community in volved. University of Iowa grad, with IA farm background. $30,000. S-7 A S S T. V .P ./C A S H IER — Currently employed at $32MM bank. Basically ag, but handles all types of lending & operations. SHARP, has confidence in himself, conservative and offers seven yrs. bank exp. Grad, of University of Iowa, with bank examiner exp. $34,000. S-8 LO A N O FFIC ER — Ag Finance grad. Four yrs. bank lending exp., all facets. “ Excellent personality, detail oriented and good in documentation,” according to reference. Top notch individual, willing to put in the hours to get the job done. $21,000 + . S-9 C ON SU M ER LE N D E R — A people person. Very good at working out payment arrangements. Has a great deal of integrity. “ Excel lent employee, good at credit analysis, and makes good deci sions,” according to V.P. 2 yrs. bank exp. $22,000 + . S-10 LO A N O FFIC ER — “ Enjoys his work, interested in people, very thorough...good at detail and documentation. Lots of potential.” expounded the Pres, of a bank who tried to hire him. Four yrs. bank exp., business administration degreee. $23,000. S-11 BRANCH DIREC TOR— “ He has gotten money out of people we never expected to.” quoting Senior Vice President. “ One of the best people to work for me...he knows credit,” says reference. Six years farm credit experience with a degree from the University of Wisconsin. Good supervisory qualities. $30,000. S-12 A S S T. C O. S UPERV ISOR— FmHA exp. Real estate brokers license. “ Does a really fine job for his amount of experience; takes responsibility and puts in the extra time to get the job done,” relates County Supervisor. A fine young man. I.S.U. grad. $23,000. S-13 V IC E P R E S .— A people person, doesn’t get hung up on detail and documentation—this party gets the job done. Makes good decisions and stands with them. Complete knowledge of all aspects of agriculture. Offers eight years of lending experience. University of Iowa grad. $35,000. J-14 C 0 N S U M ER /A G / C 0 M M E R C IA L L E N D E R — Three yrs. in $50 + mm bank; handles ag, consumer, R.E. and some commer cial loans. FmHA approved lender, licensed in insurance. Pre sents himself very professionally, exhibits maturity, self-confi dence, and intelligence. References report, “ Has gained a wealth of experience in short time, and eager to learn more...a sharp young banker with lots of potential.” FmHA official states, “ Caught on quickly to what we needed on guaranteed loans. One of the best I’ve worked with.” B.A. Finance. $23-$25,000. Our reputation of maintaining our candidates’ confidentiality enables us to attract a select group of ag bankers and lenders... those currently employed and not actively Job hunting but ready to make a move for the right opportunity. , JEAN EDEN 712/779-3567 Hwy. 92 W. Massena, IA 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Let us know your needs without commitment; we won’t 1hound9you with phone calls or 1flood’ you with resumes and there is no fee unless you hire. , Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-22-86 SANDl GARNER 515/394-5827 Hwy. 63 S. New Hampton, IA 50659 BANKERS AVAILABLE J 15 COMMERCIAL/AG LENDER—Offers 4 yrs. current lending ex perience, plus top recommendations! Presently responsible for $35mm commercial loans to ag businesses, handling credit lines of $50,000 to $3mm. Experienced in financial analysis, cash flows, loan documentation and workouts. Former PCA loan offi cer, strong micro computer skills, farm background, B.S. Bus. Admin, (high GPA). “ Enthusiastic, energetic, cooperative young man! Strong in both ag production and ag business lending. His personality is useful in building rapport with borrowers. A very promotable individual!” S25-$28,000. J-16 VICE PRESIDENT—Nearly 10 yrs. banking experience, cur rently in charge of $5mm ag and commercial loans. Also involved in operations and insurance. Set up farm loans on computer. Handles workouts and all FmHA guarantees. Supervisory experi ence also. Bus. Admin, plus additional banking schools. $33$35,000. J-17 BRANCH MGR/L0AN OFFICER—Seasoned banker offers all round experience in ag, consumer, and main street commercial lending, operations, staff management and knowledge of invest ments. Twenty yrs. experience, dapper appearance, personable and highly recommended. $25,000. J-18 SENIOR MANAGEM ENT/AG—Six yrs. experience in charge of up to $500mm in ag credits. Now administering a $180mm ag portfolio servicing two commercial banking units. Provides techni cal expertise to lenders and credit dept, on all aspects of ag and ag businesses. Skilled in staff supervision and development, credit analysis, loan assessment and strategic planning. Highly educated. $40,000 min. ® S-19 ASST. V .P ./A G . L .0 .—All facets of banking, been emmployed by $90 MM bank for past 5 years. References expounded on his professionalism, communication skills and his attention to detail. He’s moved up the ladder fast...excellent when it comes to credit analysis, he’s got everything at the tip of his fingers. Dairy back ground. I.S.U. grad. Definite asset to a lending institution. $30,000 + . _ • S-20 AG LOAN OFFICER—“ Of the seven or eight men I’ve trained, he’s one of the finer ones,” quoting a supervisor. References said he takes whatever has to be done and does it. His projections, cash flows, etc. are really put together well. Neat, conservative appearance. Farm raised. Auburn University grad. $25,000 + . ^ S-21 ASST. VICE PR ES.—Thirteen years of lending experience with very good management skills. Eager to get ahead and do a good job. Reference indicated, “ He can lend money...documentation is excellent; the best I’ve ever run into. Ag background, also fami liar with all other aspects of lending. A top notch individual. Neb raska grad. $35,000. ® # POSITIONS AVAILABLE Continuous demand for banking professionals. Our CONFIDENTIAL service allows you to explore career opportunities in banking without risk to your current position. No contacts are made without your prior knowledge and consent. All fees paid by employers. 1 AG LOAN OFFICER—Mid -size bank with strong cap. ratio and good rating from last exam. Duties will include farm calls, credit analysis, guaranteed loans and new business develop ment. Minimum of 2 yrs. bank, FmHA, or FCS experience required, plus good marketing skills. Choice location offers good school system and many recreational facilities. $23-$27,000. 2. MANAGEMENT—In charge of loans and admin istration of good earnings rural bank with very low percentage of problem loans. Excellent growth opportunity to oversee two additional banks. Owner interested only in conservative lenders with quality loan records. $35,000. 3. VICE PRES/AG CREDIT—Good advancement opportunity in growth-oriented $50mm bank, with long range commitment and plans for ex panding this $15mm ag dept. Requires a mini mum of 5 yrs. ag lending experience, strong documentation and PR skills, sound credit judg ment. Thriving midwestern town of 15,000, less than an hour from two metro areas. $35,000. 6. VICE PRES.—$15mm bank needs lender with 5 or more yrs. experience to help run family owned bank. Good report from recent exam. Strong ag knowledge required for this rural IA location. $30,000. 7. ASST. VICE PRES.—Very clean $30mm IA bank, located 1 hr. from major university. Pri marily ag loans, with some small commercial, real estate and installment work. Knowledge of call reports helpful. Requires 3 yrs. bank experi ence. $22-$25,000. 8. JR . A6 LOAN OFFICER—Excellent opportunity in well-run $90mm IA bank in attractive location. Work with cash flows, balance sheets, FmHA guarantees, etc. 1-2 yrs. ag loan experience re quired. $20-$27,000. 9. EXEC. VICE PRES.—Close to beautiful large city. $40 MM bank. Fine progressive town. Need to help run bank with president. Ag background best. $40,000 range. 10. BRANCH MANAGER—$20mm Bank. P.R. per son with supervisory qualities needed. Rich MN town. Benefits are excellent. $35,000 + . 4. AG LENDER—$50mm IA bank, suburban loca tion. #2 in $10mm ag dept., may handle share of 11. AG LOAN OFFICER —$65 MM bank needs an commercial and installment loans as well. Two ag loan officer right away. All normal ag lending yrs. ag lending (bank or FCS) experience, strong duties. Experience required. Town offers good school system. 18 hole golf course, swimming communication skills required. $23-$25,000. pool. $25,000. 5. AG LOAN OFFICER—Assume #3 spot in profit able and solid $25mm IA bank. Requires an out going, self-motivated individual with 2 yrs. ag lending experience, good grain and livestock knowlege. Interviewing now! $25,000 + bonus. 712/779-3744 Hwy. 92 W., Massen a, Iowa 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12. AG LOAN OFFICER—Needed in this community near a nice college town. Need to know ag credit, R.E. & some computer knowledge would be helpful. Firm personality, but flexible. Will relocate. Mid $20,000 area. (30 MM bank.) agri c areers, inc . 13. EXEC. VICE PRES.—Friendly town, with all the qualities to meet a family’s needs. Bank is $93 MM; in good shape. Party need to be a good lender and have experience in the ag and agri business area. Five to ten years experience. Good benefits. Mid $40,000 range. G 14. CEO—Great opportunity in $25 MM bank in good shape located near large city. Need an assertive, firm and outgoing person. Must have five to ten years experience. Bonus and nice bene fits $40,000*$50,000. ^ “ 15. OPERATIONS ASST./MANAGER—Profitable bank ($55 MM) needs supervisor who knows how to guide employees. Should know some installment and R.E. lending. BE THE BOSS. Nice community with a good school system. $30,000 a range. 16. AG LENDER—Exciting recreational area for sports enthusiast who wants to work in a lovely town. Everything a city has to offer on a smaller scale. $40mm bank needs a good ag lender who knows operations, computers, securities, etc. Firm, level headed individual with lots of P.R. Good insurance plan. $30,000 area. 17. AG LOAN OFFICER—$65 MM bank needs an ag loan office right away. Good advancement potential. Excellent benefits. Also the advantage of living in a small town with large city close by giving this job added charisma. Experience is needed. $25,000 range. 18. EXEC. VICE PRES.—A super public relations person is needed here. Party needs to know overall banking. $25 MM bank in a fine commu nity. Insurance background will help. Good benefits. $35,000 range. 515/394-3145 Hwy. 63 S., New H am pton, Iowa 50659 £ # - ® Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion will present its 1986 Bank Staff Seminar, “A Reflection of You,” at ten locations in October. The semi nar is intended to help bank staff members increase their skills and proficiency in communications with customers and each other. Mary Jo Paloranta, vice president, Staff Plus, Inc., will conduct the program. Dates and locations are: Oct. 1— Northland Lodge, Crookston; Oct. 2—Sawmill Inn, Grand Rapids; Oct. 7—-Sheraton Inn Northwest, Brook lyn Park; Oct. 8—Sheraton Park Place, St. Louis Park; Oct. 9—Radisson South, Bloomington; Oct. 14— Radisson Arrowwood, Alexandria; Oct. 15—Holiday Inn, St. Cloud; Oct. 21—Best Western, Marshall; Oct. 22—Holiday Inn Downtown, Mankato; Oct. 23—Kahler Hotel, Rochester. Contact the MBA for more information. * * * The MBA will sponsor three taxrelated programs for bankers this fall. All will incorporate expected tax reform changes which are pend ing in Congress. First, a Tax Reform Teleconference will be conducted on Oct. 2 at the Holiday Inn, Brooklyn Center. Second, there will be a Tax Planning for Loan Write-Offs Semi nar on Oct. 1 in Crookston, Oct. 14 in Alexandria, and Oct. 22 in Man kato. Third, there will be numerous IRA and Qualified Plan Seminars during October and November. The program will be conducted in nine locations on three topics: Essentials of IRAs, Advanced IRAs, and Qua lified Plans. Contact the MBA for more information. BLOOMINGTON: Jack W. Weber has been appointed vice president of MetroBank Bloomington/Minneapolis/Airport. He was formerly vice president of First Western Bank and manager of the Brooklyn Center Branch. ST. PAUL: Richard A. Klingen has been named chief executive officer of Norwest Bank St. Paul. He has been president and COO of the bank for five years. Prior to joining the bank, he was president and CEO of Nor west Bank MetroWest in Hopkins for eight years. Mr. Klingen suc ceeds Larry Buegler, who resigned his post last month. Inquire about FLEX-O-PAY® CALL: ■ a co m p u terized billing/credit sy ste m 1-800-772-2411 ■ g e n e ra te s additional incom e from p re s e n t sta ff and eq u ip m en t WRITE: ■ m ean s o f in creasin g y o u r local com m ercial b u sin e ss ■ plan d ev elo p ed b y b a n k e rs fo r b a n k e rs Oak Park, Elk Grove, and North west (Niles), along with The Northlake Bank in Northlake have been acquired by First Colonial Bankshares. Previously, the company was parent to four banks in Chicago and Rosemont. The addition of the four new banks will bring the total assets of First Colonial Bankshares to nearly $1 billion. L eR oy B ell T h e N ational B ank o f W aterloo R O . B ox 90, W aterloo, IA 50704 affiliate in Sydney, Australia, and m ost recently as division adminis trator in the asset-based lending division. North Dakota News The North Dakota Bankers A sso ciation will conduct its first Problem Loan Workout Seminar for the fol lowing dates and locations: Oct. 1 5 ELK GROVE: C. Paul Johnson has Holiday Inn, Bismarck; Oct. 1 6 been named chairman of the Avenue Holiday Inn, Grand Forks. This Bank of Elk Grove. William R. Du- seminar is recommended for top quaine has been named the bank’s management, CEO’s, commercial vice chairman and chief executive of and ag lending officers and loan ficer. Wayne J. Veselsky will remain review officers. The program runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with an as the bank’s president and COO. hour break for lunch at noon. Fee is NILES: C. Paul Johnson has also $95 before Oct. 1 and $115 after. been named chairman of the Avenue Register by Oct. 8 with the NDBA Bank of Northwest, Niles. Robert F. office. Sherman, chairman of All American * * * Bank, Chicago, has been named vice The NDBA, the Federal Reserve chairman and CEO. Frederick D. Bemson will remain as president Bank of Minneapolis and the Minot State College Center for Economic and COO. Education will co-sponsor a Teacher NORTHLAKE: At the Northlake —Banker Workshop on Oct. 3 at the Bank, president Tory A. Companella Doublewood Ramada Inn in Bis has been appointed chief operating marck. This session is intended for officer and William R. Duquaine has schools west of Jamestown and as been appointed chairman and CEO. north as Bottineau, but others are OAK PARK: A t Avenue Bank of welcome. There is no fee. The purpose Oak Park, C. Paul Johnson has been is to acquaint teachers with develop named chairman. Lyle E. Crear re ments in finance and economics and mains with the bank as president for bankers to determine how they can best assist teachers. The presen and CEO. tation introduces available pro ROSELLE: Neal D. Elkin was re grams and software on money man cently elected senior vice president agement for grades 4-12. Contact of Harris Bank Roselle. As chief the NDBA office for more informa lending officer, he has responsibility tion. for all lending areas but will concen * * * trate his efforts in commercial loans. NDBA member banks have been Mr. Elkin was with the Harris Bank in Chicago since 1962, where he invited to attend a Tax Reform Tele served as commercial loan officer, conference sponsored by the South executive director of a Harris Bank Dakota Bankers Association on Oct. Planning for future development and other management services SW ORDS ASSOCIATES. INC. P R O F E S S IO N A L B A N K IN G C O N S U L T A N T S Illinois News CHICAGO: The Avenue Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4900 OAK Banks of SUITE 301 KANSAS CITY, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 6 2, in Aberdeen. The program will be conducted between 10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Inn. Registration is $120. For more infor mation contact Debbie Gates at the SDBA, at (605) 224-1653. Later in the fall the NDBA may offer a pro gram on this subject. * * * POSITIONS AVAILABLE Ind. comm bank located in S.W. Iowa is seeking a proven AG LENDER. Must possess good business development skills with strong analytic and interpersonal skills. FmHA experience is a plus. Key position offering excellent growth potential. Very good community. Excellent salary and benefits. File No. WGT, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Agricultural consulting & marketing firm looking for ex perienced AG LENDERS to work in the areas of financial analysis and commodity sales management. Responsibili ties include analyzing client operations, development of client marketing plans and ongoing consultations. Send resume to File No. WGU c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) The NDBA will sponsor a Finan Immediate opening for an OPERATIONS OFFICER with cial Institution Insurance Seminar some loan experience in a $42 million dollar bank in a Southeast Iowa county seat town. Send resume and salary on Oct. 28 at the Kirkwood Motor requirements to file No. WGV, c/o Northwestern Banker. Inn, Bismarck. Topics discussed will _____________________________ (PAI include liability insurance, the finan CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER—$100K bank, central Iowa. Clean, strong loan portfolio. Salary commensurate with cial institution bond, safe deposit in experience. Send resume to File No. WGW c/o North (PA) surance, how to conduct a risk an western Banker. alysis, mortgage E&O insurance vs. mortgage impairment insurance and the package policy. The seminar is recommended for bank insurance agents, managers and members of senior bank m anagem ent. The North Dakota Commissioner of In surance has approved this course for six hours of insurance education credit. Contact the NDBA office for more information. Specializing in Bank Acquisitions P.O. Box 450 RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 CREDIT ANALYST Detail-oriented analyst w/sound judgment & 5 yrs of loan review in a Irg envirnmt. Proven technical skills, specifical ly talented at working w/commercial loans. $26K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS Ï 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID #2 PERSON with operations & lending background for Eastern Iowa b a n k ................................................... Salary to $32,000 LENDER with Ag and Installment background for commu nity bank near Des Moines.........................Salary high $20s. AG LENDER with extensive loan review background for solid western Iowa bank. Excellent future in good commu nity ................................................................Salary to $36,000 £ Freeland Financial Service 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. ^ Please contact Malcolm Freeland concerning these posi tions or for other banking opportunities. WANT ADS— Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 1535 Unden Suite 201, Dee Moines, Iowa 60309. Phone 515-244-8163 P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E PRESIDENT • £ Are you looking to upgrade your position? This Southern MN bank needs a strong coml lender with 5 + yrs exp and business development skills. Real estate lending a plus. Take advantage of this great opty to get ahead! To $35K. Job #NW9061. ® FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW ROBERT MRU 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 Estate Appraisals SR VP Sensible, outgoing achiever who has helped bank grow from $40m to $80m maintain profitability. Excel exposure to all areas of lending w/unusually good grasp of R/E loans. $33K. ^ V COMMERCIAL LENDER Donald E. Holder , Principal AG LOAN OFFICER Concentrated on clean-up of a $12m ag loan port. Toughminded indiv w/expertise in guaranteed loans. Executive caliber needing a few more yrs exp. $25K. REAL ESTATE LENDER with at least 5 years experience in sales, pricing and production. Knowledge of residential and commercial products. Will manage Secondary Market Activity ............................................................... Salary Open EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 C A N D ID A T E S A V A IL A B L E BANK AUDITOR for major western III. b a n k ........................ ...................................................................... Salary to $30,000 Are you ready for a mgmt opty? Suburban TC bank needs strong coml lender with 4 + yrs exp. This is an opty where you will be challenged & rewarded based upon perfor mance. Desire strong loan administration & excellent peo ple skills. To$45K. Job #NW9060. FOR SALE Bank Consultants 0 TRUST OFFICER with employee benefit experience. JD preferred but not required....................................... Salary to $40,000 New listing! Med sized MN bank needs decisive manager. This progressive organization has future upside career pathing with the holding co. Desire 7 + yrs heavy coml/ag lending exp, strong mgmt ability and a take charge per sonality. To $65K + + Flexible. Job#NW9059. GRAFTON: A t First American Bank & Trust of Grafton, Charles Thompson has been promoted from vice president to vice president in charge of agricultural loans. He started at the bank last November, having spent the previous 16 years at the Production Credit Associa tion in Grafton. <zMoCctsx a n d cdf’nocLa.tzs. FINANCIAL CAREERS CEO for western Nebraska bank. Located near recrea tional area ................................................... Salary to $45,000 Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID £ POSITIONS AVAILABLE CASHIER - $25MM Ag Bank. Requires background with inhouse minicomputers and some knowledge of Agri Loans. $30K PRESIDENT - Agri Bank with problem loans. Should have administrative experience and solid Agri Loan skills. $40K 9 OPERATIONS • manage department of 35 for large urban bank. Experience with deposit accounting and account services required. $38K AGRI LOAN - community bank with large Ag portfolio. Seven yrs. or more Ag Lending experience needed. $35K ^ COMMERCIAL LOAN • large suburban bank with $100MM loan portfolio. Degree and minimum 3 yrs. comml lending experience with six figure credits. $32K Additional positions available in Midwestern states. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 _ • “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 15 No. 23 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •