The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If managing your investments is taking up more time than you'd like it to, call Chase. Instead of spending hours on the phone talking to dozens of people, you'll talk to just one person. Your Community Banking Account Manager. Your Manager will handle everything. From telling you about our high yield, liquid investment options to filling you in on how events in the financial world may affect your investments. We do all this so you can make better IBM is a registered tra d em ark of th e IBM C orporation. © 1986 T he Chase M anhattan Bank, N. A ./M em b e r FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis investment decisions. And so you can make them faster. But if this still isn't fast enough, Chase has lust the thing. The Chase MicroStation. It lets you manage your cash, information and investments all from one location: your IBM compatible PC. All at the speed of light. Which makes it perfect for those of you who are in a real hurry. For more information, call Dave Larsen, Vice President, Chase Community Banking Division, (212) 552-4153. 3 BOND SERVICE vs. BANK SERVICE Chances are, your bank has been exposed m ore than once to “bond service.” I t’s transaction-oriented service from people who know bonds, not banks. So th e advice you g e t too often goes no fu rth er than offerings and oc casional bids. Bond service is not w hat L. F. Rothschild, U nterberg, Towbin provides. O ur specialty is BANK SERVICE.® O ver 25 years of service th a t combines intim ate knowledge of bonds w ith in-depth understanding of banks. BANK SERVICE views your portfolio in th e sam e light as you do: As a crucial com ponent of your b ank’s overall position. N ot as an independent entity. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T hat’s why before we make a recom m endation we conduct a thorough study of your bank. Then our BANK SERVICE com m ittee m eets to discuss the Bank R eport w e’ve p repared specifically for you. The recom m endations from the com m ittee are tailored to your bank’s p resen t position and future objectives in a chang ing m arketplace. O ur PMS system can help you m onitor and m anage your portfolio. W e’ll introduce you to our Fixed Income Com p u te r Service, our investm ent banking group, our fixed income research, send you our new s le tte r and invite you to appro priate sem inars th a t we host in your area. All these services are de signed for one goal: To help you achieve your bank’s overall aims in a w ay no m ere bond service can. So, while you m ay be g e t ting bond service, w hat you really need is BANK SERVICE. Call M ark Rosen, Principal, at (212) 412-2600. IB L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG,TOWBIN, INC. BANK SERVICE® Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 4 NO M W ESTERN 'j^ a m p u SEPTEMBER 1986 • 93rd Year • No. 1476 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES ON THE COVER The stylized logo on the cover depicting a well-deserved salute to the Iowa Bank ers Association on the occasion of its 100th Convention is a far cry from the more formal, typeset treatment that was used by almost every business firm and asso ciation when the IBA came into existence a century ago. However, a comparison of the “old-fashioned” logo with modern art techniques is a small example of the tremendous changes and advances made in the banking industry in that same century. This issue pays special tribute to the IBA and its 100 years of progress. FEATURES 17 Across the Desk from the Publisher A peek behind the scenes at preparing a Centennial Issue 19 A Century of Growth! How the Iowa Bankers Association helped build the state 47 New Norwest Center A jewel for Minneapolis in expanding crown of its skyline IOWA CONVENTION SECTION 59 62 64 66 72 74 96 “Renewal - Involvement - Celebration”— 100th Convention Program Spouses’ Program Offers Variety of Interests Interview with IBA Pres. Bruce Meriwether and E.V.P. Neil Milner You Will See Them at the 100th Iowa Convention IBA Officers Are Elected Group Chairmen Report Area Conditions Des Moines News DEPARTMENTS 6 33 34 36 Calendar Nebraska Omaha Lincoln 39 41 42 44 46 55 56 57 98 Illinois Minnesota Twin Cities South Dakota North Dakota Wyoming Wisconsin Colorado Index of Advertisers NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher Ben Haller, Jr. Robert Cronin Phone (515) 244-8163 Associate Editors Melinda Sauers Diane Nelson No. 1476 Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.50 per copy. $18 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. POST MASTER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. — Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis □ Sell * □ Swap □ All of the * above The gnomes ^ f know that lenders have I different " needs at difl ferent times. So Freddie Mac offers two choice ways to par ticipate in the se c o n d a ry market. When you want to raise funds and lock in servicing income, Freddie M ac’s O Cash Program may be the way to go. Using this program to manage your pipeline limits your e x p # sure to interest-rate risk and lowers your inventory costs. If you want securities^ with exceptional m arket ability that can also serve as choice collateral, Freddie M ac’s G u aran to r Program is the answer. You can swap as little as $250,000 in loans for Freddie Mac PCs. Our timely principal guaran tee and exact decimal point coupons raise their collateral value even more And you can always ar- ® range for Freddie M ac’s Security Sales and Trading Group to sell your PCs for cash. • Sell or Swap? Your Freddie Mac representa tive can tell you why the answer is a ll o f the abo\% And that’s a piece of gnome knowledge that is just too good to file away. 5 30-Yeor Fixed Rote % Second Wortgos® Multiplechoice. THE G N O M ES W hatever the m ix o f m ortgages y o u ’re originating, the gnom es o f Freddie M ac can put their hands on the program that w orks best for you. E very Freddie M ac product line has features that provide real flexibility. T h a t’s w hy lenders know they can alw ays find the m akings o f a very choice deal. Freddie Mac ■ Marketing Communications ■ 1776 G Street, JV.W ■ P.O. Box 37248 ■ Washington, D.C. 20013-7248 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ©1986, FHLMC Freddie Mac Owned by America’s Savings institutions 6 Convention Calendar 's J Oct. 7-10— BAI Contemporary Issues in Cash Management Conference, Wash ington, D.C. Oct. 14-17— RMA Conference on Securities Lending, Boca Raton Hotel and Club, Fla. Oct. 19-22— BAI Asset Liability Manage ment Conference, Dallas, Tex. Oct. 24-29—ABA Annual Convention, San Francisco, Calif. Nov. 16-19— BAI ATM9 Electronic Delivery Systems Conference, Los Angeles, Cal. Nov. 16-19— BMA Trust & Personal Finan cial Services Marketing Conference, New Orleans Sheraton. Nov. 16-19—ABA National Ag Bankers Con ference, Opryland Hotel, Nashville. Nov. 16-19— BAI ATM 9, The Electronic Delivery Systems Conference, Los Angeles, Calif. Nov. 17-21 — BMA Southwestern Essentials of Bank Marketing School, University of Houston, Houston, Tex. Dec. 9-12— BAI Money Transfer/Corporate Operations Conference, New York, N.Y. ABA—American Bankers Association AIB—American Institute of Banking BAI — Bank Administration Institute BMA— Bank Marketing Association IBAA— Independent Bankers Association of America NABW— National Association of Bank Women, Inc. RMA— Robert Morris Associates National Conventions & Schools 1986 Sept. 14-17— NABW National Convention, Ceasars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada. Sept. 21-24—ABA National Conference on Human Resources, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Sept. 21-24— BMA Annual Convention, Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C. Sept. 21-26— KBA, NBA Professional Devel opment Program Intermediate School of Banking, Holiday Inn, Manhattan, Kan. Sept. 22-26— BAI Basic Bank Auditing Con ference, Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 23—The College for Financial Plan ning, Financial Planning Practice Semi nar, Part II, Atlanta, Ga. Sept. 28-Oct. 1— RMA Annual Fall Confer ence, Shamrock Hilton, Houston, Tex. Oct. 5-8— Microbanker Expo ’86, Hyatt Re gency at Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, Ga. State Conventions & Schools Colorado: Oct. 6-7—Asset/Liability Mgmt Seminar, Den ver. Illinois: Sept. 16-17—IBAA Commodity Marketing Seminar, Chicago. Iowa: Sept. 14-16— IBA 100th Annual Convention,^ Convention Center, Des Moines. Sept. 30—IBA Loan Documentation, Marriott, Des Moines. Oct. 19-25— IBA Consumer Credit School, Drake University, Des Moines. Dec. 4— IBA Bank Directors Seminar, Holi-^ day Inn, Ames. Nebraska: Sept. 23-24—NBA Planning for Profits, Kear ney Holiday Inn. Oct. 29-Nov. 1— NBA/ABA Convention Post-0 Trip, Monterey, Calif. North Dakota: Sept. 15— NDBA Northeast Group Meeting, Veterans Club, Grafton. Sept. 16— NDBA Northwest Group Meeting,# Turtle Mountain Lodge. Sept. 17— NDBA Southwest Group Meeting, Golden West, New Salem. Sept. 18— NDBA Southeast Group Meeting, Eagles Club, Valley City. Sept. 24-26—Independent Community B anks# of North Dakota Annual Convention, Kirk wood Motor Inn, Bismarck. South Dakota: Sept. 15—SDBA Group II Meeting, Sheraton0 Inn, Aberdeen. Sept. 16—SDBA Group IV Meeting, Wrang ler Motor Inn, Mobridge. Sept. 17—SDBA Group V Meeting, Rapid City. Sept. 18—SDBA Group III Meeting, Holiday0 Inn, Mitchell. Capital. Another reason for selecting Swords Associates. and an examination of the bank’s operations, Swords Associates was back within a week with what they considered our most viable solution. Swords Associates recommended that our bank offer to exchange variable rate preferred stock for our soon-to-be-due debentures. An austerity program was to be launched immediately to enhance our profitability. With Swords Associates assistance a prospectus was developed, a meeting held with the Comptroller and the exchange idea presented and approved by the debenture holders. “We as the directors of a $200 million national bank had to make some drastic decisions. Our R0A had dropped below .60% and our capital-to-assets ratio stood at 4.8%. We had dismissed most of the upper level management, and had received a warning from the Comptroller’s office. Swords Associates was called to help us organize our chaos. After a meeting with management Today after carefully following Swords Associates suggestions and further consultations on other minor problems, our bank has fully recovered. Our R0A is presently running at a respectable 1.26%, capital-to-assets ratio is up to 6.8%. We have recently lifted our austerity program and are viably competing for business in the community.” JP W SWORDSASSOCIATES.INC. PROFESSIONAL BANKING CONSULTANTS 4900 OAK Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SUITE 301 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64112 (816)753-7440 7 # 0 # ® ^ w ^ 0 0 0 Sept. 19—SDBA Group I Meeting, Holiday Inn City Centre, Sioux Falls. Sept. 23— IRA (Beginner) Seminar, Sioux Falls. Sept. 24— IRA (Beginner) Seminar, Holiday Haus, Pierre. Oct. 9-10— Installment Credit/Retail Banking Conference, Holiday Inn City Centre, Sioux Falls. Oct. 22-23— Economics Seminar For Young Adults, Holiday Inn, Mitchell. Nov. 11— IRA (Advanced) Seminar, Sioux Falls. . Nov. 12— IRA (Advanced) Seminar, Holiday Haus, Pierre. Rocky Mountain Bank Note Promotes W illiam Ellis William J. Ellis has been pro moted to vice president and general manager of the Rocky Mountain B an k N o te ’s Forms Products Division, accord ing to John H. H olm an, company president. Mr. Ellis was previously direc tor of market W.J. ELLIS ing. The division, with 160 employees, produces a wide range of MICR en coded business forms for financial institutions and commercial organi zations. Rocky Mountain Bank Note also announced the promotion of Doris Mullen to director of customer ac counting and assistant corporate controller. The company’s Check Products Division also announces the follow ing promotions: Craig Vanderlain to manager of product planning, custo mer check programs; Peg Smith to services development manager; Ken Bier to sales manager, and Walter Derr to pricing administration man ager. Yvonne Schell Joins W ells Fargo Realty Yvonne Schell has joined the Den0 ver regional office of Wells Fargo Realty Advisors as vice president. In her new position she will be re sponsible for reviewing and struc turing equity real estate investment ^ opportunities for Wells Fargo Real ty Advisors and for funds under its advisement. Ms. Schell was former ly associated with Carley Capital Group as vice president of develop0 ment in its Denver office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Unbeatable Support. LaSalle National Bank supports you. With more than halt a century of e x p erien ce... innovative products... responsive service... and deep commitment to the market. Our goal is to help you enhance your over all performance. LaSalle takes a consulting approach to correspondent banking, working closely with you to develop strategies that improve profits, growth and efficiency. We offer individualized service an d comprehensive capabilities, including: • multiple investment consulting • credit and financial services • global trade finance • merger and acquisition consulting • trust, treasury an d m any other services In addition, LaSalle ensures dependable, cost-effective check processing, collections, loan overlines and the other standards of cor respondent banking. As your Midwestern neighbor, we share your perspective an d regional loyalties. As a Chicago bank with international resources, LaSalle c a n share m oney-center b an k in g opportunities as well. Through our affiliation with ABN Bank, a leading global institution, w e offer m a n y a d v a n ta g e s w ell w o rth investigating. Get acquainted with LaSalle's Correspondent Bankers. Call Wayne Bismark or Del Rogers at 312-443-2769. Wayne, Del a n d the LaSalle Correspondent Banking team will give you u n b e a ta b le support —with b etter service, better products an d better ideas. LaSalle National Bank 135 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Member FDIC Member of the ABN/LASALLE group ABNOLASALLE Your Correspondent Banking Bridge ©1986 LaSalle National Bank Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 8 Leading a discussion on “Devel oping and Enhancing Business Part nerships with Line Managers” will The 1986 National Conference on be Irving R. Margol, executive vice Human Resources, Sept. 21-24 in president, Security Pacific National San Francisco, is designed to help Bank, Los Angeles, and William L. human resources managers meet an Ricci, senior vice president and per important new goal. sonnel director at Security Pacific. “In Good Company: Human Re Another general session highlight sources and the Bottom Line” is the is “Banking in a Turnaround Situa conference theme, with speakers in tion,” with G. Robert Truex, Jr., cluding William M. Issac, former chairman and CEO, Rainier Na FDIC chairman and now president tional Bank, Seattle. Also, Dr. War and CEO, Secura Group, Washing ren Bennis, Joseph DeBell Professor ton, D.C., discussing current and of Management and Organization, University of Southern California, emerging industry trends. San Francisco Hosts ABA Human Resources Conference Most lease programs lack a certain flexibility. Any leasing company can keep you from tying up your capital. Bankers/Plus can keep you from being tied down to unwanted equipment. In fact, we’re probably the most flexible leasing company in the country. Unlike other lease programs, ours allows you to upgrade whenever you need to. Because ours are designed with a genuine understanding of your needs. Call us today. (612) 331-1164. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis will discuss the findings of his new book, Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge, and apply them to* the human resources professional. Concurrent sessions feature a variety of experts, with topics in cluding “Bank Culture ChangeDanger or Hidden Opportunity?”, “Mergers, Acquisitions, and Dives titures Update”; “Incentive and Variable Compensation”; “Manag ing Non-Interest Expenses”; and. “Enhancing Productivity Through1 Technology: New Tools of the Trade.” The 1986 conference also includes expanded asset-size discussion^ groups and new “mini-workshops” on “Strategic Planning for Human Resources”; “Analyzing Benefits Products” ; “ Staffing Strategies That Pay Off”; “ Internal Consult-^ ing Skills for Human Resources”; and “AIDS: Hard Facts on a Deadly Issue.” To register for the 1986 ABA Na tional Conference on Human Re-| sources, contact the Conference Re gistration Coordinator, ABA Na tional Conference on Human Re sources, 1120 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20036, or^ call the ABA Banker Education Network (BEN), (202) 663-5430. The cost of the conference is $725; ABA member discounted cost is $575. For more information, contact A1 Hinkle^ in the ABA Human Resources Cen ter, (202) 663-5280. United Missouri Bank ( Announces Promotions The following officer promotions have been announced by United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N.A.: ( Thomas E. Brusnahan to senior vice president in the business devel opment department. He joined the bank in 1980 and previously was af filiated with Boeing Airplane Com pany, Wichita. J. Robert Loar to vice president in the commercial bank operations division, managing wire transfer ac tivities. He joined the bank in 1984 after previous bank experience. He attended the University of Missouri —Kansas City. Stephen R. Bates to assistant vice ( president in the business develop ment department. He joined United Missouri Bank in 1984 after gradua tion from Babson College in Welles ley, Mass., with a marketing degree. | Relationship R Because you want a banking )artner who never tops earning )ur business. „ i after we have it. That’s * what relationship banking Î 2 means to us. Building the kind l? 4 \ V closeness that earns your I À trust. That’s why we placed our -\ C/Ze/if Executives close to you. cT ; To keep our ears tuned to your J needs, and give you what you | SA as/c for. Even anticipate it ■\ before you need it. \ I It may mean working a I I ? few /aie nights. It definitely è % means not taking your busi ness for granted. And, it means using all the resources of Norwest for your benefit. That’s what we mean by I relationship banking. If you l use our financial institutions m ' services, you already know m what we’re talking about. If you m . \ ' ; don’t yet, you will definitely m * want to try us. Welcome a call m . from your Client Executive m very soon. K Financial Institutions Group NORWEST BANKS Members FD1C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 BAI Will Launch New Executive School at Duke Bank Administration Institute and Duke U niversity’s Fuqua School of Business have announced plans to launch a new bank execu tive program that responds, accord ing to Ronald G. Burke, president of the Institute, “to intense and grow ing demands placed upon banking M ARKETING FOR SUCCESS Douglas Austin & Associates, Inc. can provide you with specialized marketing expertise to assist you and your organization with becoming more competitive and profitable. Our experience in working with both small and large community-oriented financial institutions enables us to diagnose quickly and effectively your organization's marketing opportunities and challenges. Whether it's strategic or marketing planning, product development and pricing, advertising, shareholder relations, sales training, or business development, w ere the one to call. (4 1 9 ) 8 4 1 -8 5 2 1 DOUGLAS AUSTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3178 Republic Blvd. N., Toledo, OH 43615______ _____Toledo * Chicago * Indianapolis___________ Downtown Chicago's modern and economically priced ESSEXflNN, <xitip park. Ê '¿MI ì The Essex Inn's one-price $52 corporate peckage rata gives the traveling executive everything he wants guaranteed rate, a newly remodeled guest room (we'll upgrade you to a suite if it's available), complimentary Wall Street Journal w ith your Continental breakfast, and your spouse can stay free w ith you. Free parking, too! The corporate package is one of the new programs designed to complement the Essex Inn's recently completed New, modern, economical, informal and frie n d ly . . .and downtown Chicago. C all fo r Guaranteed Rate Corporate Program Plan Another fine Aristocrat Inn of America m ESSEX INN $3 million remodeling; new rooms, suites and lobby, New 1 1 1 d°wn,own at York style deli for breakfast, lunch, dinner, late snacks, a I— Michigan Ave at 8th St Chicaqo. Illinois 60605 comfortable lounge with entertainment, along with a swimming pool and sun deck. Vi Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis details: John Castillo, 3 1 2 9 3 9 2 8 0 0 L I Across from Chicago Hilton & Towers ® m for highly competent and versatile general managers. The future of our^ industry rests with managements,w ability to adapt to change, compete aggressively and motivate an in creasingly diverse work force.” The program’s inaugural tw o-^ week session, scheduled for fallw 1987, will draw senior bankers who have had extensive experience man aging varied and complex busi nesses and who demonstrate poten-^ tial for greater responsibility, ac cording to Dr. Kurt Elster, senior executive for Professional Develop ment at BAI. The program, advised by a b o ard s of top bankers, ensures its relevancy to immediate and pressing manage ment problems through a careful fa culty balance between highly suc cessful bank executives and leading# faculty members drawn from Fuqua and other prestigious business schools. The Fuqua School of Business, founded in 1970, has ra p id ly # achieved recognition as one of the country’s premier schools of busi ness and management. According to Dr. Thomas Keller, Fuqua’s dean, this executive program “should# have a very positive and lasting ef fect on the entire banking industry. We’re proud to bring his powerful program to the banking communi ty.” © Bank Administration Institute is a specialized, professional organiza tion concentrating on research, fi nancial publishing, and professional/ m anagem ent development pro-© grams for banking and other finan cial services executives. Joins Kansas Bankers i Surety Company, Topeka Peter W. (Pete) McDonald has joined the Kansas Bankers Surety Company, Topeka, Kan., as man ager, financial institutions. ’ Mr. McDonald is a graduate of Rockhurst College with graduate work at Emporia State University. He has been a teacher and coach at Wyandotte High School in Kansas City and a parole officer for the Kan sas in Wyandotte County. His great-grandfather, Peter W. Goebel, was one of the original incor porators and directors of the Kansas Bankers Surety Company, as well as a past president of the Kansas Bankers Association and American Bankers Association. HO W WELL WILL YOUR BANK WEATHER THE STORM? Deregulation and today’s economy continue to increase competition between institutions and open up competition from outside sources, while squeezing margins to just pennies per dollar. What’s the solution to bank survival and growth in the 80’s? Information. Information that keeps you in touch w ith the impact of past decisions, current conditions, and future considerations. Information that allows you to meet and beat whatever competition comes along. Information provided by an ITI inhouse computer system. Contact Information Technology, Inc. for the solution to the challenges you face today...ana tomorrow. Find out why more banks are turning to ITI to weather the storm. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INC. P. O. Box 2705 / Lincoln. NE 68502 / (402) 423-2682 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 Knight, ME PC marketing director. Occupancy is scheduled for falW 1987. leading financial services company Facing the downtown Minneapo and subsidiary of The Greyhound lis skyline, Travelers Express Tower Corporation. Travelers Express, a will be the focal point of Minneapolis company founded in Minneapolis in West Business Center with its soar® 1940, has been a Minneapolis West ing granite spire and gleaming, tenant since 1977. The company will peaked roof. With aesthetic detail occupy approxim ately 135,000 totally appropriate to its environ square feet in the new building. ment, yet unique in Minnesota, Tra The signing of the Travelers Ex velers Express Tower will command® press lease signifies that 60 percent visual respect in an elegant business of the Tower is pre-leased, said Kym environment. The dramatic sculp tured facade with recessed, tinted, reflective glass windows and pol ished Finnish red granite will boast® a two-story mall of granite and soar ing skylights. Tenant spaces will feature fullheight cherry wood doors with brass hardware, fully carpeted interiors® and stylistic vinyl and painted walls. Off-white lay-in ceilings with bi-level switched parabolic light fix tures will provide airy, spacious work environments for tenants. # Travelers Express Tower will be surrounded by a granite-paved plaza and verdant landscaping, high lighted by park-like outdoor seating at focal points for maximum v is u a l Travelers Express Breaks Ground r o u n d b r e a k in g and con G struction of the new Travelers Express Tower, centerpiece for the Minneapolis West Business Center (Minneapolis West), is under way, announces David Gruber, president of ME PC American Properties, Dal las and Minneapolis. The nine-story Travelers Express Tower will serve as corporate head quarters for Travelers Express, a P erformance Speaks. O v e r t h e y e a r s , B r o c k R e p o r t s u b s c r ib e r s h a v e PROFITED CONSIDERABLY FROM THE MARKETS. HAVE YOU? $/bu. CORN 3.50 □ Brock Report Net Avg. Price 0 National Average Price 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1978-79 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85- 86* 86- 87’ *Preliminary statistics as of July 7, 1986. THE BROCK REPORT is America’s most complete farm marketing service. Each 32-page weekly issue contains everything you need to make key marketing decisions. For your free three-week trial subscription call 1-800-558-3431 (in Wisconsin call 414-351-5500). For the years 1978-80, the numbers represent farms managed by Richard A. Brock individually before Brock Associates was formed. For the years 1980 to the present, the results are the recommendations of T he B rock Report. Subscribers may or may not have taken every recommendation. For 1982-83, the average cash price includes sale of reserve com and government deficiency payments. The results for 1983-86 do n o t include deficiency payments (approximately 48<t) or any government program benefits. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 enjoyment. A six-level parking ramp will provide completely-sheltered pedestrian access to the building. Architect is HMBH of Dallas, Texas; M.A. Mortenson Company, Minneapolis, is general contractor. O The Travelers Express Tower will be managed and leased by ME PC American Properties as part of the Minneapolis West Business Center. 0 Charles Barrow Retires From Northern Trust Charles H. Barrow, president and a director, took early retirement from The North ern Trust Com pany and North ern Trust Corpo ration effective S e p te m b e r 1, 1986. Mr. Barrow, age 56, joined Northern Trust of Chicago in C.H. BARROW 1952, rose through various positions of respon sibility in the banking department, and became a member of executive management in 1974. He has served as president of the holding company and the bank since 1981. In 1984 he assumed responsibility for creating the bank’s capital markets unit. Commenting on his decision to take early retirement, Mr. Barrow said, “ I have thoroughly enjoyed my 34 years with the bank. It has been an honor to have served as president, and I leave Northern Trust with genuine regret. Unfortu nately, the opportunities for further expansion of my responsibilities within our present organizational structure are limited. Under those circumstances, it makes sense for me to seek another challenge outside the bank while I am still young enough to do so. The corporation is in a very strong financial condition with record profits and this seems like an appropriate time to make such a move.” Weston R. Christopherson, chair man, said: “Charlie is leaving North ern Trust with an excellent, well-ex perienced management team in place and at a time when the com pany’s progress attests to its broad strengths. He deserves his full share of credit for all that he has contri buted to Northern Trust.” Mr. Christopherson will assume the additional title of president. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S T A T E -O F -T H E -A R T HARDW ARE D ESER V ES S T A T E -O F -T H E -A R T SO FTW A R E • PLATFORM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • TELLER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • COMPARATIVE RATING SYSTEM • COMMUNITY BANKING SYSTEM ADVANCED RESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 9910 N. 48th St., Suite 201 Omaha, Nebraska 68152 (402) 451-8440 Toll Free-1-800-255-2255 ext. 8440 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 United Missouri Bancshares Opens Brokerage Services As Subsidiary NITED Missouri Brokerage U Services, Inc. officially began business July 1, 1986, as a whollyowned subsidiary of United Mis souri Bancshares, Inc., Kansas City, Mo. The subsidiary is a registered' broker dealer and is a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. It effects brokerage transactions for the gen eral public, including all United Mis souri affiliates and correspondent banks. “Our customers won’t see much difference now that we are a subsi diary,’’ Sharon J. Johnson, presi dent of the subsidiary, said. “We filed and received registration as a broker dealer in order to be in com pliance with regulations from the Se curities and Exchange Commission and State Commissioners of Securi ties. We will continue to offer bro kerage services to individuals, cor respondent bank and affiliate bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis customers at substantially reduced costs from full-service brokerage houses.’’ United Missouri Brokerage Ser vices, Inc. is registered in the follow ing 10 states: Missouri, Kansas, Il linois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and California. United Missouri Bank created its Brokerage Services Department in 1983 as a section of its investment banking division. The department offered brokerage services for indivi duals who choose to designate their own stock, option and corporate bond purchases or sales. United Missouri Brokerage Services, Inc. continues to provide brokerage ser vices with lower commissions than those charged by full-service brok ers. However, the company does not provide any investment advice nor does it conduct any investment re search for its customers. As a department of the bank, the brokerage services operation con ducted more than 18,000 transac tions in 1985 for individual and cor- £ porate customers from all United Missouri affiliates and more than 280 correspondent banks. It aver aged $10 million in securities trades each month last year. During t h e ^ first half of 1986, the division aver aged more than 11,000 calls a month and had more than 13,000 open ac counts. The new company, under current regulatory requirements, 0 hopes to match or exceed the bank’s level of activity and service. Ms. Johnson had been with United Missouri Bank since 1972 when she was elected July 21 as ^ president of the new subsidiary. Other officers of UMBS are: Chair man—Malcolm M. Aslin, president of United Missouri Bancshares, Inc., and United Missouri Bank; # Secretary—David D. Miller, cor porate secretary of the holding com pany and executive vice president of the bank; Treasurer—William M. Teiwes, executive vice president of # both the holding company and the bank; Assistant Treasurer—Gary L. Lasche, senior vice president of both the holding company and the bank. Ms. Johnson joined the commer- • 15 ^ 0 cial bank operations division in 1972, moved to the trust depart ment in 1975, then to the invest ment banking division in 1984 where she was responsible for the opera tions area of the Brokerage Services Division. Central National Ins. Co. ^ Of Omaha Has Been Sold A major investment organization located in Puerto Rico has agreed to purchase The Central National In surance Company of Omaha and its 0 affiliated companies, according to Frank J. Barrett, president and CEO of the Omaha-based insurance companies. The sale price was not disclosed by Champion Interna# tional, parent of the CN companies. The purchasing firm, Professional Underwriters Investment, Inc., is headed by Hector L. Gonzalez, who has a long-time affiliation with Cen# tral National since the company ini tiated operations in Puerto Rico in 1968. Mr. Gonzalez’ group of compa nies includes a number of diversified firms in Puerto Rico ranging from # insurance to container manufactur ing to real estate holdings such as the popular Puerto Rican resort, Rio Mar. Mr. Barrett said the purchaser stated that current management will be retained and future plans call for some of the Professional Under writers’ national operations to be consolidated and m anaged in Omaha. Tom King to Represent Michigan H.C. in Illinois Daniel R. Smith, chairman and CEO of First of America Bank Cor poration, Kala mazoo, Mich., announced last m o n th th a t Thomas M. King has been elected a vice president of the company. Mr. King, 59, re cently re tire d from First Na T.M. KING tional Bank of Chicago where he served as vice president/head of community bank- ing. In making the announcement Mr. Smith said Mr. King will assist in First of America’s interstate bank ing expansion plans. Mr. King will maintain a First of America Bank Corporation office which is currently located in Olympia Fields in Illinois. Mr. King is a 1949 graduate of the University of Notre Dame. He spent ten years as an account executive in the bank division of NCR Corpora tion before joining the LaSalle Na tional Bank of Chicago where he served as an assistant vice president in the correspondent division for eight years. He had been with First National Bank of Chicago for 19 years prior to retirement, where he served in various managerial capaci ties of correspondent banking for 15 years and for four years as head of the public funds division of the bank. For ten years Mr. King has served on the Minority Bank Task Force of Chicago United, the last year as its co-chairman. The Minority Bank Task Force group assists minority banks with management ideas to en sure their success. Yes, Drovers has money to lend to correspondent banks. That’s no surprise. But what may surprise you is just how m uch Drovers has to lend. As part of the Cole-Taylor Financial Group, Drovers has a multi-million dollar lending limit. So if your bank needs a small overline loan, Drovers can cover it. And if your bank needs a large loanlet’s say a bank stock carry loan-chances are good we can cover it, too. But you’ll never know unless you pick up the phone and ask. The call is free. Phone 1-800-621-8991. In Illinois, call 1-800-572-2498. Remember, you can ask a lot from Drovers. 1 2 / Drovers Bank of Chicago 47th & Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60609 • 1-312-927-7000 MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND ED.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Cole-Taylor Bank SWGSB THE SCHOOL FOR PROFESSIONAL BANKERS When our graduates talk bankers listen. , W rite o r call fo r y o u r a p p lica tio n to the 1987 session: Southwestern G ra d u a te School o f Banking a t Southern M ethodist University, SMU Box 214, Dallas, Texas 7 5 2 7 5 (214) 692-2991 THE FO UN D ATIO N OF THE SOUTHWESTERN GRADUATE S C HO O L OF BANKING/INTERMEDIATE B A N K IN G SCHOOL/ASSEMBLIES FOR BANK DIRECTORS Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 • Across The Desk from the Publisher Dear Readers: In preparing any kind of brief history of banking for an individual state, and especially for all the United States, there is such a wealth of information that it is difficult to glean all the basic, important facts because every page, every item exudes a nostalgic significance that sings out, “Hey, include me!” So it was with the process of getting ready to pre pare the fairly brief assortment of stories we are able to present in this issue that honors the 100th Anniversary Convention of the Iowa Bankers Association. This is the second Association Centennial we’ve had the pleasure of preparing in the past few years. The first was when the North Dakota and South Dakota Bankers Associations joined together to celebrate the 100 th Anniversary of the founding of their joint association in 1885 when they were still the Dakota Territory. When the territory was divided in 1889, the bankers in each of the two new states formed their individual state associations. For this September issue honoring the Iowa Bankers Association Centennial Convention we had access If you have personal recollection of important, or equally interesting or humorous incidents from those earlier years, no matter what state your banking exper ience is in, we invite you to send us some details that can be shared with our readers in later issues. I would be remiss if I did not also give proper credit to two diligent associate editors, Melinda Sauers and Diane Nelson, who pored over dusty old volumes for many hours, frequently interrupting their chores with a soon familiar refrain, “Wait ’til you read this!” Space does not permit us to publish all their interesting arti cles in this issue, so some of them will be printed in the October issue, which will give our staff report with ex clusive pictures from the Centennial Convention. We hope these stories will give most of today’s bankers—those who started after W WII—some in sights into those years that helped formulate the bank ing business as we know it today; not only here in Iowa, but in all states, for similar stories and experi ences woven together from many states have formed the fabric of today’s interdependent banking that has come to serve the public so well. to a wealth of information available through IBA re cords, various historical books from libraries, and espe cially our own files at the N o rth w estern B a n k e r . We _ are especially proud of these in-house files because 9 they remind us that the N o rthw estern B an k er was founded here in Des Moines 93 years ago to serve banks in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota initially, and it is thus the oldest ^ financial publication from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean. But this particular issue is dedicated to the 100 th convention of the Iowa Bankers Association and its Centennial Year of Service which will conclude next 0 July. We acknowledge with deep thanks the generous cooperation of IBA President Bruce Meriwether and Executive Vice President Neil Milner and their IBA staff for all the story leads and assistance given. We invited a number of senior Iowa bankers who 0 have anywhere from 50 to 75 years of active service to share with our readers some of their insights into the events, the legislation, the ups and downs of banking from as far back as 1911! Those stories relating details of some of the dark days, the good days and humorous 0 events are a treasure we have decided to share with you in successive issues starting this month and con tinuing through 1987 until they are all published in a “Vignettes of the P ast” column. We hope you will en joy them as much as we did in gathering them and pre0 senting them to you for your reading. These and similar stories form the heritage for your banking profession that has helped build America; the profession through which all of you are serving admir ably the needs of this nation, and many foreign coun tries, in our own turbulent times of today. So, this re counting of a bit of history from a place called Iowa is intended not only to pay tribute to those who built the foundations of these past 100 years but also, by re counting how they successfully coped with their ad verse times and opportunities of growth, to give hope and encouragement to you who are building further foundations that will provide a stronger Iowa, a stronger midwest, a stronger nation for all of our fol lowing generations. We invite you to read these stories and enjoy them, keeping in mind that someone else 50, 75 or 100 years from now will walk down the dusty, distant, but excit ing pages of our own chapter of history, measuring you and your times against the entire book of banking, but from the perspective of a later time we will never ex perience. Considering that the God who created all of us will someday ask for an accounting of our talents, perhaps an occasion like this Centennial should give each of us pause to ask, “What am I doing to make my profession, my little corner of the world better than how I found it?” • • ® ^ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ben Haller, Jr. Publisher Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 W ho’s the ATM network leader? “We looked at all of them and chose the Plus System* network.” “We were introducing a new debit card that we wanted to tie into a national ATM system,” cites William C. Nelson, executive vice president of InterFirst Bank of Dallas. “It was critical for us to be able to issue these new cards to our customers as soon as possible. The Plus System* network’s technology and expertise proved to be what we needed to meet our objectives. “Another important factor in our decision was the inter- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis national scope of Plus System, Inc. which is unique among ATM networks,” reports Mr. Nelson. “InterFirst customers like to travel and now with Plus System'ATMs in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rico and Japan, as well as the U.S. and Canada, they have safe, reliable access to their funds on a truly world wide basis.” Isn’t it time your financial institution joined the Plus System* network— the premier choice for international ATM sharing? For complete information regarding membership, please contact your local Plus System® member, or call Plus System, Inc. at (303) 573-7587. 'W lu s System The premier choice. 19 A Century of Growth! How the Iowa Bankers Association Helped Member Banks Build Their State his 50 years as secretary; the third was the relatively ESEARCHING the history of banking in Iowa, R short span from 1966-72 when banker Art Lindquist _ especially for this occasion honoring the 100th An returned to the state as IBA secretary, and the fourth niversary Convention for founding the Iowa Bankers • # # • # • • Association, can run the gamut of emotions. However, one emotion that seemed to recur as more records were uncovered was that elusive, haunting feeling of deja vu. Whenever a page was turned in whatever history book was at hand, the problems, the grief, the legiti mate concerns, the opportunities, the examples of civic-minded and strong character bankers that were recorded, all seemed to be experiences of our own times!! The distrust of banks by many people in the history of Iowa up until the Civil War was not exactly un founded. Bankers in Iowa had an uphill battle from the beginning of their state in 1846. It is factual history that, except for the brief period from 1859-65 when the State Bank of Iowa and its 15 branches brought stability out of earlier financial chaos, that the real turning point for acceptance of bankers as valuable, respected citizens of the community came with the founding of the Iowa Bankers Asso ciation at the formative convention in Des Moines on July 26, 1887. Since that founding convention was the first day of the IBA’s existence, that makes the 1986 convention in September the 100th annual meeting of the IBA. In that 99-year span occurred a spectacular period of growth, both for the banking industry and the State of Iowa, as well as for the nation on several specific issues. This brief article will look first at the period of Iowa banking history up to formation of the IBA in 1887, and then the following years to the present. In addi tion, during the course of IBA’s nearly one century of service four periods of growth seem evident. The first was from 1887 to 1916; the second was 1916 to 1966 when Frank Warner compiled a phenomenal record in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is the period from 1972 to the present, encompassing the service of Neil Milner as executive vice president during which new highs in member service have been achieved. Birth of Iowa Banking T WAS into this infant, basically unprobed land of I“bank” plenty that what was apparently Iowa’s first came into existence. A historic source* tells us The Miners’ Bank opened its doors for business in Du buque on October 31, 1837. “ Its history was made up of one investigation after another,” the article states, “charges, counter charges, and repeated attempts to repeal the bank’s the Wisconsin Territorial legislature.” After recounting a continuing series of in cidents revolving around Miners’ Bank failure to redeem notes in specie as required, the article says “on May 21,1845, an act repealing the charter was adopted by the Iowa Legislative Assembly, unanimously in the House and eleven to one in the Senate...For the next three years the Miners’ Bank dragged out a shadowy existence, while appeals were presented to the courts... The last meeting of the board of directors was held on February 25, 1849.” Iowa officially gained statehood in 1846, when its population totaled less than 95,000, and a parade of banks came on the scene, primarily in the Mississippi River cities where the centers of early population were located. Major Hoyt Sherman, writing from Des Moines on March 1, 1901, prepared an “Early Banking in Iowa” essay.* Major Sherman recounts that land agents were the Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 20 “The general assem bly shall provide for the organization of all* other corporations, except with banking privileges, the creation of which is prohibited.” —Iowa’s first C onstitution-1846. # bankers of the day, buying up $1.25 per acre govern ment land and re-selling it to incoming settlers for $1.75 per acre—“a 40 percent interest”—on one year’s credit. He said a few of these early land agents “be came legitimate bankers by gradual development from their land business, and thus were the founders of pros perous and well-established banks in existence today” (1901). He said “Emigrants and speculators from the far eastern states” came to Iowa with “drafts on New York, Boston or Philadelphia banks” but found that the land-agents and government land offices would deal only in gold. Unfazed, those draft holders would suffer huge discounts to obtain gold to buy Iowa’s priceless land at $1.25 an acre. The shrewd land agents, then, would make arrangements to present the drafts at their origin and have them redeemed at full price for “an important source of profit.” Banking Prohibited By Law In a second lengthy article titled, “The State Bank of Iowa,” which was written June 1, 1901, Major Sher man took great pains to point out the difference be tween the scoundrels who called themselves bankers and the land agents who were, in fact, the legitimate businessmen forerunners of the bankers as we know them today. In his inimitable style, Major Sherman wrote: “The statesmen of that day did not look with kindly interest on the banker. In their eyes he was an outlaw—a maker of ‘wild-cat’ currency, a usurer, a man who robbed the settler of his claim to a portion of Uncle Sam’s domain, a usurper generally. The pio neers who formed our first constitution, in serted in it a stringent provision. ‘That the general assembly shall provide for the orga nization of all other corporations, except with banking privileges, the creation of which is prohibited.’ And also, ‘The general assembly shall prohibit by law any person or persons, association, company or corpora tion from exercising the privileges of bank ing, or creating paper to circulate as money.’ “ In order to give force and effect to those provisions of the constitution, the general assembly enacted statutes under the head ing of ‘Offenses Against Public Policy,’ which included punishment for sale of lot tery tickets, selling liquor to Indians, bring ing paupers in the State and transacting any business without license; that also provided penalties of one year in the county jail, and a fine of $ 1,000 , for any company or any per son who subscribed to, or became a member of, or in any way interested in, any associa tion or company formed for the purpose of putting in circulation any bill, check, ticket, certificate, promissory note or other paper Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to circulate as money, etc., etc.; and other sections were added, in which the words were repeated, reversed, and others of simiO lar meaning substituted, in the manner familiar to all who are acquainted with the proper legal way of stating things.” Land Agents Were Bankers _ Major Sherman then went on to explain the key role® that land agents played in settling the state and treat ing new residents with honesty in his dealings. “This description of these early land agents is given here at some length,” he stated, “because they are at the v e ry ^ beginning and foundation of the banking profession in ® this State today” (1901). It was into this confusing mixture of transient note bandits who called themselves bankers, and the land agents who were, in fact, fledgling bankers, that th e ^ State Bank of Iowa and its branch offices developed. Major Sherman recounts that the new Constitution of Iowa was framed by a convention and went into effect by proclamation of the Governor on September 3 , 1857. That new constitution “provided, among other ^ things, that the legislature might create corporations with banking powers.” State Bank of Iowa Formed The framework for the State Bank of Iowa was fashioned after those of Ohio and Indiana. It autho- # rized up to 30 branches, no more than one to a town, and those towns had to be of 500 population or more. When the initial commission of 10 determined that “the stockholders, directors and officers were men of responsibility and integrity,” they so certified to the • Governor. The Governor then appointed three direc tors for the State and each branch appointed one direc tor to the controlling board of directors. Each branch was required to assume responsibility for meeting the obligations of the other banks. • Initially, branches were authorized in these eight towns and each was called “Branch of” followed by the name of the town-Muscatine, Iowa City, Des Moines, Dubuque, Oskaloosa, Mount Pleasant, Keokuk and the last called Merchants Branch of Davenport. They com- ® menced business January, 1859. Seven other branch offices were admitted as follows: Lyons City (2/17/59), Burlington (3/18/59), W ashington (3/18/59), Ft. Madison (8/11/59), McGregor (2/15/60), Council Bluffs (11/60) and Maquoketa (2/10/64). • The State Bank of Iowa, headquartered in Iowa City with the Governor, had no ownership of the branches. Its authority encompassed the initial responsibility for the printing and issuance of notes, which were backed with substantial amounts of specie, and continuing ® reports on a monthly and other basis that it required of each branch, as well as examinations conducted by the president of the State Bank of Iowa. The State Bank of Iowa was dissolved January 2 , _ 1865, because it had served its purpose. It brought ^ 21 stability, integrity and confidence out of chaos to Iowa’s early economy, thus allowing those who owned and operated the branches to convert easily into the new national banking system authorized by the Na tional Banking Act of 1863, or into state supervised banks. The ensuing confidence between banker and customer can be attributed in great part to the profes sional, statesmanlike way those officers and directors conducted the affairs of the 15 branches. On only one occasion, when “the Muscatine branch had made un safe investments, and weakened its standing financial ly,’’ were the other branches called in to shore up an ail ing branch. A reorganization of ownership and officers followed “without the loss of a cent to its customers and note holders of suspension of its regular business.” One of the major accomplishments of the State Bank of Iowa was its successful financing of Iowa’s military forces in the Civil War and its assistance to the United States Treasury in the purchase of and mar keting of U.S. Obligations to finance the war. National Banking Act’s Impact The other major factor that brought stability to the banking scene in Iowa and the nation was the National Banking Act of 1863, mentioned above. It did not pre clude the continuance of or the organization of new private and state banks, but it set a standard for bank conduct and operations, along with a nationwide cur rency that became accepted. Birth of Iowa Bankers A sso c. WAS in this climate of growth that the Iowa IthenTBankers Association was conceived. G.L. Tremain, president of the Peoples State Bank in Humboldt, which he founded and opened December 23, 1881 with capital of $25,000, wrote this account of the IBA’s founding for the May, 1913 issue of the N orth w est ern B a n k e r on pages 34 and 35 : “I attended a meeting at Chicago of the American Bankers Association. I there met Gov. Samuel Merrill and R.E. Graves. The A.B.A. had urged state organi zations and the Governor and Graves had been autho rized to organize an Iowa Bankers Association...It was understood I was to be a clerk, take up the details, while Gov. Merrill and R.E. Graves would be the main spokes in the wheel. I went at it by postal card to every bank in Iowa and the response was general and hearty.” At the first meeting, which apparently was held in Des Moines at the Grant Club, 516 Walnut Street, where Valley National Bank now stands, Mr. Tremain was elected the first president of the new Iowa Bank ers Association. Mr. Tremain was highly respected in Iowa banking circles for many years for he continued his interest in building the IBA. He was accorded special recognition at the 1917 convention on the occa sion of the 30th anniversary of the association’s found ing and Mr. Tremain died the following year. A History of the Iowa Bankers Association, written by Howard E. Bell in June, 1950, for his M.A. degree from the University of Iowa that year, states in his Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis opening paragraph that Texas was the first state to organize, in 1885, a state bankers association. N orth w ester n B an k er records show that honor belongs to the Dakota Bankers Association, which organized in ’84-’85 and the two states became separate associa tions in 1889 ûpon achieving statehood. They held a joint 100th convention in 1984. Kansas was third in February, 1887, according to this source, followed by Iowa. Early Progress Slow Early progress for the IBA was slow—in fact, the presidents didn’t even show up for the conventions in 1890-91 or ’92!!! Much has been written in textbooks about the panic of 1893; however, out of some 1,000 banks in Iowa at that time, only four actually failed, several temporarily suspended business but resumed later. Banking gained in public confidence by weather ing the Panic of ’93 in such good shape. Mr. Bell reports that the convention of 1898 noted a continuing matter of non-bank intervention in the banking business; i.e., the government and express companies issuing money orders which they expected banks to cash for customers. IBA achieved its objec tive when it got ABA help that pushed the express companies out of the banking business in 1897. IBA Establishes Groups One achievement of lasting importance from this era was the formation of groups within the IBA structure, the same as the Missouri and Illinois Bankers Associa tion did earlier. After a year of discussion, during which the argument was rejected that groups would destroy the need for an IBA, it was voted in 1897 to have nine groups, with the chairman of each group serving on the Council of Administration as an execu tive council of IBA. This format continues today, near ly 90 years later. The numbers of IBA groups fluctu ated several times, then in 1905 was set at 11. That number continued until 1942 when the groups were re duced to 10, the number existing today. An interesting footnote to the history of IBA groups is that after they were formed, attendance at the state convention went up, reaching 1,192 by 1910. Deposit Guaranty Insurance Another subject of continuing, heated discussion that lasted for three decades was the insurance of bank deposits against failure of a bank. It was brought up at the 1906-07-08 conventions and was discussed by the 1909 state legislature, all without avail. Emerson DePuy, then publisher of the N o rth w estern B a n k e r , wrote in the June, 1905 edition of the magazine that “some day a practical plan along this line will be worked out to the greater betterment and safety of the banking business.” The debate continued for many years, while such deposit guaranty funds were created in several states, but all went broke eventually because they insured all deposits. Later, Clifford DePuy succeeded his father in 1912 as publisher after the senior DePuy died suddenly fol lowing surgery. Clifford DePuy continued the fight against deposit guaranty insurance because it had no limit, and also because he felt that wide open deposit insurance encouraged loose banking practices when a banker knew an insurance entity would bail out his de positors. In 1933-34, when the FDIC was born in the Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 22 “At the 1910 convention, as a result of the ensuing voting, Mr. R.W. Hall of Sheldon was elected secretary. His salary was the magnificent sum of $2,400 (yearly).“ early days of the Roosevelt Administration, Clifford DePuy editorially backed the concept of FDIC when its initial insurance coverage was proposed to protect up to $2,500 of a depositor’s money. Full-Time Secretary Needed The 1909 convention also took up the matter of a full-time association secretary, a topic that had sur faced almost yearly since 1891. J.M. Dinwiddie, a Cedar Rapids bank officer, became IBA secretary in 1889, holding that position for 22 years concurrently with his bank duties until 1910. At the 1898 conven tion President Hannan suggested a full-time secretary be hired when the membership would justify. The IBA had reached the 1,000 mark of membership in 1905, making it the largest state association in the nation, yet much foot-dragging took place about employing a full-time secretary. It was recommended strongly at the 1909 conven tion but met with opposition and defeat of the motion. However, after thorough reports were submitted to the 1910 convention that associations in “ Illinois, Mis souri, Wisconsin and Minnesota all had shown re newed growth and vigor as a result of the appointment of a full-time secretary, the (1910) convention accepted the committee’s recommendation and as a result of the ensuing voting, Mr. P.W. Hall of Sheldon was elected.’’ His salary was the magnificent sum of $2,400. Des Moines was selected as headquarters and an office secured in the Fleming Building. In 1921 the office was moved to the Observatory Building, then in 1924 it was moved to the Liberty Building, where it has remained to this day for 62 years. Mr. Hall is reported to have done “splendid work” in the six years he was on the job but he resigned shortly after the 1916 convention. Little else is known or said in various records about Mr. Hall, although his name surfaced with regularity in N o rth w estern B ank er news stories in connection with association matters. Two Iowa Families Served ABA One 1913 story that took this writer by surprise was the fact that Iowa has had two family combinations serve as presidents of the American Bankers Associa tion. We were well aware that W. Harold Brenton, president of Brenton Brothers, Inc., followed his ser vice as IBA president in 1946-47 by later becoming president of the American Bankers Association for 1952-53. Then, just 30 years later, his son C. Robert Brenton, president of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, followed his father as IBA president for 1976-77 and ABA president for 1983-84. It was written at that time to be the first and only such family shar ing of ABA’s top job. It was with great surprise, then, that we read in the October, 1913 N o rthw estern B a n k er on page 22, “Charles H. H uttig of St. Louis, president of the ABA, Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis died last July. The honor of presiding at the Boston convention will come to First Vice President Arthur Reynolds, president of the Des Moines National Bank.” The following issue in November reported that the 4,217 delegates to the ABA convention in Boston elected Mr. Reynolds of Des Moines as president. It was recorded that Arthur Reynolds’ brother George M. Reynolds, president of the Continental National Bank of Chicago, had served as ABA president in 1908-09. Iowa had 344 ABA members that year, sixth largest number in the nation. Birth of Federal Reserve System By far the biggest story of that day was the fierce struggle that was culminated by creation of the Fed eral Reserve System. Federal Act S 2639 and H.R. 6454 were introduced June 26, 1913 to create a central bank through which all currency would be issued and which would control the nation’s monetary affairs. An extensive article reviewing the proposal was printed on pages 7-9 and 23-25 in the August, 1913 N orth w est ern B a n k er and authored by the noted James B. Forgan, president of the First National Bank of Chicago. He sharply criticized two points. First, the seven-man board consisted of four appointees by the President and only one had to have a banking background. The other three appointees to the seven-man board were the Secretary of the Treasury, Comptroller of the Cur rency and Secretary of Agriculture, also Presidential appointees. All seven were to serve at the pleasure of the president and could be removed at any time, de spite the eight-year appointments. Second, the low $10,000 salary for directors, with no extra remunera tion for the one appointed chairman, was a disgrace, Mr. Forgan said. # • ^ q q q % “Changes were made in the bill and the Federal Reserve System came into being. Those later changes finally gained endorsement for the Fed from the IBA in 1918.“ Mr. Forgan decried such mixture of politics in such an important matter to the welfare of the nation, add ing that the salaries offered would not attract people of quality. He also urged that banks needed representation since their money and that of their stockholders was being used to create the Fed. At the 1913 ABA convention, N orthw estern B an k er reported 2,000 country bankers voted in pro test against the Glass-Owens Currency Bill, as it was called. George M. Reynolds, president of Continental & Commercial National Bank of Chicago, wrote similar articles and made similar addresses to Mr. Forgan’s, one being at the Minnesota Bankers Association con vention, as reported in that issue. Apparently, satisfactory changes were made in the bill and the Federal Reserve System came into being and has operated, with later changes, with distinction to this day. Those later changes finally gained endorse ment for the Fed from the IBA in 1918. • • ® • W hen it comes to financial service companies, ours stands out. In many ways. And one of the most important is the personalized service you get through a team of Field Representatives who are well aware that banking has changed, and who know the needs of today's banks. They offer you bank-designed programs that build profits for you and are a valuable service for your customers—a complete line including Credit Life tailored to fit your loans, Commercial and Real Estate protection for larger loans, Collateral Protection, Financial Planning, and Executive and Director Programs. What's more, IAC gives you important service, training and fee income advantages. To find out more, give us a call. And find out for yourself why so many thousands of lending institutions in the United States and abroad agree that the IAC Group is outstanding, in many ways. A Full Service Company for The Full Service Bank E9 » M l ..r r n ^ W Individual Assurance Company 1600 O ak St. • Kansas City, M O 64108 Phone toll free in Missouri (800) 892-5890, other states (800) 821-5434. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 Frank Warner Era Begins ITH the Federal Reserve System fight resolved, W and WWI underway in Europe, the Iowa Bankers Association quickly filled the vacancy of IBA secre tary with a young man from Waterloo named Frank Warner. Mr. Warner had graduated from the State University of Iowa at Iowa City in 1912, had taught school for one and one-half years, then joined the staff of the Leavitt and Johnson National Bank and Farm ers Loan and Trust Company of Waterloo. Although they didn’t know it at the time, IBA members of 1916 were setting in motion a.phenomenal record of 50 years of achievement for association service, a record of ac complishments that remains unmatched in banking annals. A quiet, diligent, relentless and totally dedicated worker on behalf of the association, Frank Warner ini tiated one program after another for the benefit of the people of Iowa and member banks. His unquestioned integrity with State of Iowa officials and legislators was gained by their knowledge that Frank Warner never offered any proposal or bill that was adverse to the public interest. Thus, when he sat down quietly with legislators and governors, they listed respectfully and attentively. Early on, Frank Warner perceived the value of IBA’s groups and their annual meetings. The year fol lowing his employment, he began a classic tradition of the Group Train Special that was used yearly from 1917 until auto travel forced its discontuance in 1946. Frank was well aware of earlier headaches among some groups that scheduling of group meetings without re gard for dates selected by other groups was causing problems, especially for association personnel and city correspondent bankers who were trying to cover each meeting. A system was worked out at an early date for Groups 1 and 11 to meet in Sioux City and Burlington respectively on Lincoln’s birthday February 12 and Washington’s birthday February 22 . The other eight groups met in the first full week and third week of May. Vigilantes Formed By Counties Frank worked tirelessly in WWI helping bankers get organized in every part of the state to assist in the marketing of U.S. bonds to support the war effort against Germany. That successful experience led to formation of county bankers associations in practi cally all of the state’s 99 counties. Their value as a unified group in selling war bonds was pressed into ser vice within two years when Vigilance Committees were formed by the IBA to combat increasing bank robber ies, within the state. The Vigilantes are described in more detail in a separate article. The N o rthw estern B an k er reported in 1923 that this campaign stacked up results that grabbed the at tention of the entire United States. While other states Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis continued to be harassed by bank robbers, the Vigilan tes, and tough anti-bank robber legislation Mr. Warner persuaded the legislature to adopt, brought robberies in Iowa to a screeching halt. Robbers knew they not only faced a cordon of 3,000 armed police, bank offi cials and deputized citizens, but they were well aware that if they got caught in Iowa they faced mandatory life imprisonment for even attempting such a robbery. As a result, while banks in other states faced rising bond costs, Iowa banks received a 14% drop in theirs. Taking note of this, surety company and government officials took steps to have the Iowa plan emulated elsewhere. IBA Founds Radio Network As a follow-up this this, Frank Warner recognized radio in its infancy as an ideal business communication medium. He had a radio system installed in IBA head quarters. When a robbery did occur, details were phoned by the robbed bank immediately to Frank’s of fice. He would radio police units all around the area of the holdup so that dragnets were instantly formed to catch escaping robbers. That radio alarm system was so successful in its communications principle that it was given by IBA to the State of Iowa in 1937 to become the basis for the statewide network for the Iowa Highway Patrol. Incidentally, only one Vigilante was killed in all this lengthy program, and his family was the recipient of a remuneration program Frank Warner had earlier set up in anticipation of such an oc currence. In 1938 it was suggested the Vigilantes be dis banded, for their work was accomplished. A few hung on to them in a nostalgic sense, the most notable being the Scott County Bankers Association which enter tained visiting bankers for years at its famed Vigilan tes Shoot, a yearly contest for marksmen. Educational Programs Advance While Vigilantes were doing their duty, Frank was busy building a new program that would serve the IBA exceedingly well in the years to come. As banking advanced in its service to the public, to industry and to nations, he and member bankers perceived that along with the increasing number of young people attending schools of business at the universities, there was a need for two things—education for entry level bank employes, and continuing education for bankers as they progressed through their banks. He strongly supported at all times the efforts of the American Institute of Banking. In addition, he estab lished a Bankers’ Short Course at the University of Iowa, forerunner of today’s Bank Management twoyear course at the same university. A number of association-sponsored educational seminars were conducted. One result was estab lishment of a Trust Conference in 1929. During all of this period of the ’20s, the IBA concerned itself in establishing blue sky laws that cli maxed in 1927 when a law was enacted providing cri minal penalties for those who mislead Iowa citizens in the description and sale of securities considered blue law. Legitimate securities firms backed the IBA proposai. History-Making Legislation In his reports to members, Frank Warner considered the decade from 1919 to 1929 as history-making for the « 9 q ^ • # • • ® ^ From the 1948 N orthwestern Banker: Something to Think About... 1923, a very important meeting was held at the I NEdgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. Attending this meeting were nine of the world’s most successful finan ciers. Those present were: The president of the largest independent steel company The president of the largest utility company The president of the largest gas company The greatest wheat speculator The president of the New York Stock Exchange A member of the President’s Cabinet The greatest bear in Wall Street Head of the world’s greatest monopoly President of the Bank of International Settlement Certainly, we must admit that here were gathered a group of the world’s most successful men. At least, men who had found the secret of making money. Twenty-five years later, let’s see where these men are: The president of the largest independent steel com pany, Charles Schwab — died a bankrupt man and lived on borrowed money for five years before his death. The president of the largest utility company, Samuel Insul —died a fugitive from justice and penniless in a foreign land. The president of the largest gas company, Howard Hopson —is now insane. The greatest wheat speculator, Arthur Cutten — died abroad insolvent. The president of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney — was recently released from Sing Sing Penitentiary. The member of the President’s cabinet, Albert Fall —was pardoned from prison so he could die at home. The greatest bear in Wall Street, Jess Livermore — died a suicide. The head of the greatest monopoly, Ivar Kreuger — died a suicide. The president of the Bank of International Settle ment, Leon Frazer —died a suicide. All of these men learned the art of making money, but not one of them learned how to live. association in that a total recodification of Iowa bank ing law was laid out carefully, piece by piece, for the legislators of those days and they agreed to update Iowa banking law to make it as current with the times as possible. IB A history likens the 1929 legislative achievements to the McFadden Act at the national level, which was passed in 1927. A well-organized coun ty representative system assisted the IBA legislative committee in keeping every Iowa legislator posted on how bankers regarded each step of the bill. With this unified support statewide, the recodification was final ly completed and became law April 17, 1929. That legislation enabled the banking department to function more efficiently by granting more examiners, set a minimum of $25,000 capital for a bank charter, gave the superintendent the authority to require a fi nancial statement for all loans of $500 or more, re quired monthly meetings of boards of directors, and re quired bank officers and employees to be bonded. Its impact on the public by assuring more responsible banking and more responsible supervision by the bank ing department, helped to further solidify legislative Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 confidence in IBA integrity, an accolade that was to be a key to another bank legislation crisis two years later. Earlier, the IBA had convinced the state legislature to enact a new law in 1923 that created a receivership division within the department of banking. Prior to 1923, the courts appointed a receiver when a bank failed, and that had been proven costly. The depart ment receivership division served admirably in the fol lowing years as numerous Iowa banks failed in the ag depression of 1921 and ensuing years, as well as those that failed immediately following the Stock Market Crash of November, 1929. Within a short time in the early part of 1930-31, 2,427 banks failed nationwide. Iowa had 2,400 banks at one time and in the 16-year period starting with January, 1919, the state lost 1,400 banks. With diminishing returns on capital in the 1920s and early ’30s, the IBA through Frank Warner per ceived a need “to ascertain the weaknesses in the profit and loss structure of the banks’’ and thus “it became the pioneer state association to undertake the analysis of the earnings and expenses of its members. This accomplishment was of immeasurable value to each bank in that it could compare each item of its earnings and expenses with that of other banks of com parable size in the state.” This procedure was soon copied nationwide. IBA Saves Banks with S.F. I l l These statistics aided greatly in a leadership role the Iowa Bankers Association next assumed in 1933. The continuing bank closings created an acute problem that demanded immediate diagnosis and surgery, for “losses to Iowa bank depositors and stockholders alike were great.” It was in this time of hysteria that the IBA came forth with a “bank stabilization” bill that had two objectives: to make banks “run proof” and to avoid receiverships. Senior bankers who are still active generally credit Frank Warner with conceiving and carrying through with the legislature this “bank stabi lization” bill that became known as S.F. 111. While the Senate was considering the bill on January 20, 1933, shortly after it had been introduced, time became of the essence for word reached the Se nate that more than 30 Iowa banks closed their doors the day before on the 19th, and while they were deli berating that day of the 20 th “nearly a dozen had been suspended.” After a few amendments, S.F. I l l passed the Senate at 11:45 a.m., then went immediately to the House, which passed it at 4:00 p.m., January 20, 1933. It was published in Ottumwa and Des Moines news papers the following day. A special messenger who took the Act to Ottumwa waited there until the paper came off the press, grabbed the first copy and sped back to Des Moines with the certified copy for the Sec retary of State, making the bill operative January 23, 1933. S.F. I l l provided that if the banking superinten dent should determine a bank is in an unsafe condition, or its directors asked the superintendent to step in, then the superintendent could assume management of the bank for one year with full power to continue the bank with whatever changes were needed, liquidate it or re organize it. Half the bad, slow pay or otherwise nonac cruing loans were removed from the bank’s official re gister and held by the banking department. To balance Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 26 “The lesson of the entire exercise (S.F. I l l ) was clear. The 1BA had acted in the interest of the customer first, the banker second.” this, depositors were allowed access to only half their deposits, the rest being held by the superintendent in a separate account at the bank. As the bad loan portfolio was gradually paid off, that money was returned to the bank, which issued dividend checks to depositors, thus restoring their withheld deposits by that amount. “Warehousing” Proves Successful The records show that in practially all instances, this “warehousing” of loans proved that farm and other loans were not bad but only that the borrower needed time to pull through the depressed economy, for 97 % of all these loans were paid off, mostly within five to seven years! In effect, then, the IBA and S.F. I l l had bought time for borrowers and depositors alike so they would not lose all their funds as they would if the bank had gone under as thousands did in the stock market. In the end, Iowa bank depositors at S.F. I l l banks, recovered 97% of their deposits, as well as losing whatever interest they might otherwise have gained on the funds. This was considered phenomenal at the time and established statewide the reputation for Iowa banks that they were after all the safest place to have money. Bank depositors had funds, while neighbors victimized by the stock market and earlier bank failures had nothing. The fallout from this swift, decisive IBA action was stunning. It was immediately picked up by other state legislatures and Mr. Bell’s interview with Frank War ner in 1950 states that S.F. I l l of Iowa “quite definite ly sowed the seed for the enactment of a law with like principle by the Congress of the United States, ap proved by President on March 3,1933.” That was when President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the Bank Holiday, during which time examiners certified those banks capable of re-opening immediately, while others were allowed to re-open with controls similar to S.F. 111. Many banks were forced to merge and never re opened. The lesson of the entire exercise during a trying time in the nation’s history was clear, however, and it was that the IBA acted in the interest of the customer first, the banker second. That credibility of IBA and Frank Warner persuaded the Iowa legislature early in the 1930s to pass what became known as Iowa’s “bank of fice” law. Because 1,400 banks failed in Iowa between 1919 and early 1930s, many towns were left without banking services. Frank Warner and IBA bankers felt these people not only needed some type of banking ser vice, but bankers needed to be able to expand to the customers. The “office” law was the compromise with the long-standing principle of independent banking adopted by IBA. It permitted a bank to open an office in a non-banked community, but close it if a charter should later be issued there. At a later date, IBA got Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the law amended giving the bank operating the office first right of refusal for a charter. Iowa banking department records (AnnualReport to Governor, 1985, pg. 10) show that the 620 state-char tered banks on June 30, 1933, included 288 S.F. I l l banks, indicating 46.5% of state banks were under that protection. On June 30, 1934, the report shows 487 state banks, not including S.F. I l l banks, and a year later in 1935 it shows 535 state-chartered banks, so apparently 85 banks in the two-year interim were either liquidated or were merged with other banks, a small number compared to the 288 who might have gone under without S.F. I l l assistance. Membership Services Expand The Iowa Bankers Association continued to expand its member services and legislative activities. A year after its success with S.F. I l l , the IBA showed the public it was sincere about policing its own activities in an effort to provide first-class banking service to all Iowans. It adopted at the annual convention on June 27,1934, “a voluntary banking code of ‘fair trade prac tices’ for Iowa banks.” These “rules and ethics consti tuted a Code of ‘Fair Competition among Iowa banks.,’ ” based on months of research. Other IBA innovations and successes followed: • In 1938 IBA sponsored the first annual meeting of Iowa bank auditors and comptrollers. • In 1938 the Iowa Junior Officers group appeared at the convention for the first time. • In 1940, IBA met in the fall for the first time to avoid early summer heat, selecting September 8 . • In 1943, IBA established its Income Tax Schools. • In 1944, IBA organized county banker associa tions statewide as War Bond sales outlets. • In 1944 IBA initiated life, accident and health in surance for bank employees, and it became effective 1946. • In June, 1946, IBA began its now highly success ful Ag Credit School at Iowa State University, Ames. • In 1946, IBA’s public relations committee insti tuted a statewide “spot” radio advertising campaign, keyed to the slogan, “See Your Local Banker.” • In 1946, IBA began exploring a pension plan for bank employees, later adopted. • In 1948, Harry W. Schaller, then president and now chairman of Citizens First National Bank, Storm Lake, was elected IBA president. His father, George J. Schaller, had been IBA president in 1927-28 and was later elected Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which his son, Harry, later served as a direc tor. They became the first father-son combination to serve as IBA presidents. The only other one was W. Harold Brenton in 1946-47 and his son, C. Robert Brenton in 1976-77. • In 1955, IBA was successful in establishing the first parking lot office law. Another of Frank Warner’s achievements was the part he played in establishing what is considered to be the mother of today’s regional banking schools. He was president of the Central States Conference (made up of executive officers of 16 north central state banker associations) when the idea was worked out for the Central States Conference to sponsor a School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin, known today as the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin. In the month of his retirement Frank was 27 If we're not your correspondent bank, you're writing off the best service in the region. Frankly, you're short-changing your self and your custom ers by not using First Interstate Bank of Denver as a correspon dent bank. That's because no other bank in the Rocky M ountain region approaches our experience, resources, and breadth of products. You’re missing the business know how of the region's oldest bank, one that understands your m arket and has helped large and small financial institutions suc ceed for over 100 years. You're missing the strength and flex ibility of the m ultistate First Interstate B ank system, w ith m ore than $49 billion in assets. And you're missing a range of com prehensive and technically advanced products that can be tailored to your needs today and tomorrow. Specifically, you’re overlooking: Cash letter processing that gives you excellent availability and competitive pricing. A proven com m itm ent to extending c re d it Participations that offer flexibility and fast turnarounds. Investment products and expertise from the region's leading investment departm ent. International services th at offer access to First Interstate's worldwide network. The m ost advanced cash m anage m ent systems, along w ith complete consulting and support. Third-party cash m anagem ent ser vices that will m eet the needs of your customers. And you can buy federal funds at national rates in am ounts as low as $50,000 on approved credit. To learn more, call Bob Swartz now at (303) 293-5600. W hether your operation is large o r small, you have a lot to gain from the best correspondent banking services in the Rocky M ountain region. G . F n s t Interstate Bank First Interstate Bank of Denver 633 Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado 80270 M em ber FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 28 presented a special testimonial at Madison by the Graduate School. All of the first bulletins on the School were prepared and mailed by the Iowa Bankers Association under Frank Warner’s direction. The End of an Era The end of a 50-year era with Frank Warner at the helm as secretary of the Iowa Bankers Association came with his voluntary resignation effective August 31,1966, or until a successor could be named. Since the 1966 convention was already planned and ready to go, Frank Warner agreed to serve through the end of the convention and he officially turned over the reins of his office on October 19, 1966. The 1966 convention was not without emotion for all who had known, respected and admired Frank Warner for the exemplary work he did on behalf of IB A and the people of Iowa. This writer’s account of that conven tion, as reported in the November N o rthw estern B a n k e r , attempted to capture the feeling of that fine meeting. Retiring IBA President Ed Spetman, Jr., de clared October 19, the final day as “Frank Warner Day” and the honors began pouring in. J.F. “Rusty” Kennedy, former IBA president and chairman of the special program committee and presi dent of First National Bank, New Hampton, stated, “Frank is the essence of courtesy and old-fashioned courtlines, but I would warn any who would attack the Iowa Bankers Association that his glove contains an iron fist...He is personally responsible for the Iowa Bankers Association’s high standing in our own state and in the nation. He would always stand up for the small bank when it was in the right.” After several other presentations, Frank was great ly moved when the president of the Iowa Bar Associa tion presented Frank Warner with a framed, honorary membership in the Iowa Bar Association. “Mr. Iowa Banker” Ten years earlier, he had been honored by IBA mem bers at their 70th annual convention as “Mr. Iowa Banker,” and they presented him a large bronze por trait plaque designed by Gilroy Roberts, chief en graver for the Philadelphia Mint. The handsome bas relief plaque continues to be displayed in IBA offices in a place of honor. In addition, the beautiful roll-top desk Frank used throughout his 50 years at IBA, which had been purchased several years before his 1916 arrival, occupies a corner of honor in the IBA board room today. It was at that desk where this writer had the first of many personal interviews and visits with Frank Warner. In the 21 years of our ac quaintance he was always most gracious, never ruffled by events of the day, and a man dedicated to detail so that no one would have to backtrack later to find out what was meant or needed yet to be done with any matter at hand. His thoroughness was a trademark. Frank Warner, in his typical humble way, withdrew from the IBA scene as soon as he retired at the age of 78 so he would not interfere in any way with his succes sor. He lived in near seclusion at his long-time Des Moines home and another home in Sun City, Ariz., until his quiet death on May 11, 1982, at the age of 94 in his Des Moines home. He is survived by his widow, Dora Springer Warner, who was his secretary at IBA for 40 years and retired when Frank did. She continues to make her home in Sun City. Dora recently forNorthwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis warded to the IBA office some memorabilia of past Iowa conventions for display this month at the Centen- 0 niai Convention. In addition, she has been invited by IBA to be an honored guest at this convention. IBA Hires Art Lindquist T THE conclusion of the 1966 convention on OctoA ber 19, the IBA executive council elected Arthur • E. Lindquist, Jr., as secretary. Art was a long-time friend of Frank Warner and had worked on various IBA committees, so he was familiar with the task at hand. Art was a native of Gowrie, la., where he was born October 29, 1911. After graduating from the University of Iowa in 1933 with a B.S. in Commerce degree he went to work for the First National Bank (now First State Bank), which was founded in 1883 by his grandfather. A rt’s father, A.E. Lindquist, Sr., and his father’s brother, Frank, worked in the bank for more than 50 years. Art joined the farm loan division of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. in Ft. Dodge in 1935, resigning in 1939 to join the Ft. Dodge National Bank. For three years during WWII he was with the FBI, returning to the Gowrie bank in 1945. In 1950 he went with the cor respondent bank division of Merchants National Bank in Cedar Rapids, where he remained until the end of 1963, when he joined a Chicago bank. He moved back to Iowa to accept the IBA secretary position. He knew he was following a tough act, but with his knowledge of Iowa bankers and the banking scene in the state, he took up his duties promptly. Speaking of that transition period, current IBA Executive Vice President Neil Milner told us recently, “The heritage that Frank brought was recognition by bankers that an awful lot of projects could be accom plished better through the association than as indivi dual banks. Because he did the job so exceedingly well, many members figured it was best to ‘let Frank do it. ’ Art got involved with the membership in a discussion of the issues, which required more personal involve ment by bankers. “Those two approaches became the cornerstone for the past 14 years of growth during which membership services have expanded to serve member needs that could be provided better—more economically and effi ciently—than by members alone. We were able to do this in Iowa because of the good work by Frank and Art, whereas many associations didn’t have this foun dation and sense of participation with their state association that Iowa enjoyed.” N o rth w estern B a n k er volumes for the six years from 1966-72 show that Iowa banking underwent a continuing period of expansion of physical facilities as more and more banks constructed new buildings, re modeled and expanded old ones, and built additional drive-up facilities as the changing laws permitted. At the conclusion of his fairly short tenure as IBA ® _ 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ £ # # # 29 Tom Webster, Vice P resid en t Facilities M an ag em en t C om m ercial Feder al S avings & Loan, sp e a k in g from th e newly c o m p leted b ran ch in Lin coln, N ebraska. "O ne S o u r c e R e lia b ility " "With over a half billion d o llars in p ro p erty an d an ag g ressiv e b u ild in g / e x p a n sio n p ro g ram , I know th e h e a d a c h e s of g e ttin g new facilities b u ilt on tim e, on b u d g e t - w ith o u t h itc h e s an d glitches," says Tom W ebster. T h ey C an P ric e As T h ey D e sig n "As N ebraska's le ad in g Savings Loan, we have been u p d a tin g m an y of o u r facilities, a d d in g fre e -sta n d in g ATM buildings, a s well as d e sig n in g a n d b u ild in g new b ra n c h facilities. I b ecam e a c q u a in te d w ith th e p eo p le a t H eritage In d u strie s w hen I h ad th e m build so m e ATM K iosks for an e x is t in g site in O m aha, NE. I w as im p ressed w ith th e ir d e sig n a n d c o n s tru c tio n know ledge, so I knew they were th e peo p le to work on a new fa cility in Lincoln, NE. In February we pro cu red w h at w as a d ifficu lt site to w ork w ith - th e ir s ta ff a rc h ite c t an d d e sig n e rs b eg a n prelim in ary d e sig n s th a t h ad to com ply w ith city o rdi n an ces. By w orking w ith a firm th a t ca n price as they d esig n , we could ch o o se a p lan to fit o u r site, m a in ta in o u r im ag e c o n tin u ity a n d still fit o u r budget." c h a n g e s. They did all th e site work in c lu d in g th e la n d s c a p in g a n d m a tc h e d sp ecial b u ild in g m a te ria ls to o u r im a g e sta n d a rd s. H aving th e m build it w as a lm o st a p le a su re - 1 call it One S ource Reliability." L e s s T h an T h re e M o n th s "S ta rt to finish - less th a n th re e m o n th s of c o n stru c tio n h a s to be so m e kind of record!" says Tom Web ster. "T heir se c re t - factory b u ilt m odulars! O ur 1800 sq u a re foot b ra n c h in Lincoln w as b u ilt in th re e m od u les, th e 14' x 3 6 ' can o p y an d th e 5' x 10' Isla n d e r ATM in two m ore. All five m o d u le s were s e t on th e fo u n d atio n w ith a c ra n e in o n e day - c o m p lete w ith S an sp ray S to n e Siding, 20 year ru b b e r roof, w indows, d o o rs a n d all ele c tric a l a n d p lu m b in g . Even th e can o p y a n d sig n lig h ts were wired a t th e factory. The telle r s ta tio n s, light fixtures, ceilings, o ak cab in etry, oak d o o rs an d trim a n d drywall w ork w as b u ilt an d fin ish ed a t th e factory b e fore shipping." "H eritag e In d u strie s h a s b u ilt over 1000 b u ild in g s in th e p a s t n ine years, so I g u e ss you c an e x p e c t th e m to be real p ro fessio n als. 1 did, a n d they d e livered q u ality an d reliability a t a very c o m p etitiv e c o st. They c an h an d le yo u r b u ild in g n e e d s - j u s t m ak e one call!" a d d s W ebster. N ob od y D o es It B e tte r H eritage In d u strie s h a s th e c o m p lete d e sig n service, b u ild in g p ro fessio n als a n d p ro m p t delivery to m ak e your n e x t c o n stru c tio n jo b ru n sm oothly. We re th e h igh p erfo rm a n c e b u ild er you n eed . O ur m o d u la r b u ild in g sy s tem m e a n s we c an build w herever you are! It's a b e tte r way to build. Name: _ Firm: __ O ne S o u rc e R e lia b ility "E lim in atin g c o o rd in a tio n p ro b lem s h a s to save everyone!" c o n tin u e d Web ster. "H eritage In d u strie s h a n d le d th e b u ild in g p e rm it an d so m e zoning A ddress: Phone: _ BENTHOS DfODSTBIES, INC. East Highway 35 • Wayne, Nebraska 68787 • 402-375-4772 n o b o d y D o es I t B e tte r Bank Facilities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P hoto Labs - It's O u r T r a d itio n ! M odular S ales O ffices Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 30 secretary, Art Lindquist and his wife, Dean, were hon ored at his final IBA convention in October, 1972. The story we wrote for the November issue reported that, “Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist ‘kept their cool’ during the ceremony until they were surprised by the entrance of 10 members of their family...Mr. Lindquist’s mother, Mrs. Lindquist’s mother and brother, the Lindquist’s three daughters and their husbands, and the youngest grandson, livewire Ben...The happy ceremony was cli maxed by three-year old Ben who had restrained him self long enough, and finally raced from his front row seat to the edge of the platform, threw his arms around A rt’s neck and yelled out, ‘Hi Grandpa!’ ” Neil Milner Builds IBA Further HAT same November, 1972 issue carries a separate T story about the selection of Neil Milner as execu tive vice president of IBA by a committee headed by retiring president Thomas H. Huston, president, Columbus Junction State Bank, and the newly-elected president, John Chrystal, then president of Iowa Sav ings Bank, Coon Rapids, and now president of Bankers Trust Company, Des Moines. Mr. Chrystal and Mr. Huston both served as Iowa superintendent of bank ing and they were elected this July as president and vice president respectively of Iowa Independent Bankers. Mr. Milner’s appointment was effective January 1, 1973. Mr. Milner came to the IBA at the age of 36 from his former position as executive director of the South Dakota Bankers Association, a position he had held since September 1, 1968. Previously, he gained his ini tial experience with the Ohio Bankers Association. A native of Ohio, he was graduated from the Ohio State University in 1958, majoring in ag economics with a minor in marketing. He completed numerous banking and management courses with AIB and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. While in South Dakota, he re ceived the Distinguished Service Award from the Huron Jaycees in 1971. Neil’s 14 years as chief staff officer for IBA have been marked with a distinctly new growth period for IBA: first, in the legislative arena; second, in member ship services; third, in relations with ABA and other associations; fourth, in staff development and profes sionalism. Many forces that trace their origins directly to the technological and social developments that began with the end of WWII have converged in the past decade and a half with such speed that traditional concepts and methods of doing business are challenged on all sides legislatively. Bankers Became Involved As these issues directly affected Iowa’s bankers, they have become deeply involved at all levels of IBA in pursuit of newer ways to compete and to gain new Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis legislation. Iowa bankers at the grass roots level have taken part in this action in several ways. First, they carefully select those who will represent them as group chairman and secretary, for the 10 group chairmen continue to form the board of directors with IBA officers, and the secretaries now form the core of the IBA legislative committee. The latter innovation, begun a year ago, provides great continuity in a continuing legislative scene. Second, another innova tion of the past two years has been formation of the Committee of 99, which brings a banker representative from each county together with the other 98 and the group secretaries, providing grass roots contact with bankers and their hometown legislators. Third, any in dividual banker may attend the IBA board meeting and ask to be heard. After the Committee of 99 and the Legislative Committee offer proposals, the board of directors meets with the association president as presiding officer and adopts a course of action. On state issues, IBA’s staff legislative officer and outside legislative counsel re ceive their instructions on how to proceed as lobbyists with the legislature on each issue. Similarly, IBA offi cers make the board’s position known forcefully at the national level, both with Iowa’s Congressional delega tion and with ABA’s government relations division. All of this process has mandated that IBA change from quarterly to monthly board meetings due to the speed and complexity of continuing change. These meetings are held in the IBA board room in the head quarters at 430 Liberty Building, Des Moines. Because of fast-paced action in Washington and in the Iowa legislature at times, board members also meet by telecon ference when all need to be informed simultaneously on an issue or when a quick decision is needed. Expanding Membership Services Membership services have become a trademark of IBA with its members and several of these are incor porated as for-profit subsidiaries to preserve IBA’s tax-free association status. • Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc., was formed to deal with the rapidly expanding base of per sonal health and life coverages initiated in 1944 and to add a widening variety of modern coverages both for bank staff and the banks themselves. IBIS was incor porated in 1971. Art Lindquist introduced credit life into IBIS at that time. During Neil Milner’s tenure, IBIS has taken on a truly professional status with the employment of ex perienced career insurance sales and executive person nel. Leading the principal development of IBIS to its present high level has been A1 Tinder, who took retire ment as a regional executive of a major, national pro perty and casualty firm to accept the challenge of broadening and building IBIS. The success of his ef forts and the professional staff of 32 employees he has assembled is attested to by the fact that the company now has annual premiums of $19 million, three times more than when he started in 1978. Nearly 100% of IBA members take advantage of one or more IBIS of ferings and the value of them is shown by the fact that in excess of $600,000 will be distributed back to mem ber banks this year as dividends. • ITS, Inc., the IBA’s statewide shared electronic funds transfer system, had its origins in a 1974 study aimed at determining whether the Iowa and Nebraska ()> # €> €> ® ® ® (p # O • • 31 Bankers Associations could operate EFT jointly to compete with an s&l that was offering modified EFT to attract bank customers. From this grew Iowa’s own Iowa Transfer System in 1979, later incorporated as ITS, Inc., the only truly statewide and shared EFT system in the nation. Early on, Neil Milner hired Dale Dooley, with the concurrence of the ITS board, as man ager of ITS. Under Dale’s guidance, ITS has grown from a fledgling in the totally unchartered field of bank electronics transfer to highly respected senior member of a sophisticated industry serving the financial insti tutions of the nation. ITS has nearly 100% participation among Iowa banks and 100 % participation of the state’s banks in IACHA—Iowa Automated Clearing House Associa tion—which ITS operates through the Federal Reserve Bank office in Des Moines (six southwestern counties operate the Fed of Kansas City). ITS has extended its service beyond Iowa borders, working currently with 48 banks, credit unions and s&ls in the neighboring states of Nebraska, South Dakota, Illinois and Missouri. On May 17, 1984, Presi dent Dale Dooley signed a contract at the direction of the ITS board that interfaces ITS with CIRRUS, a multi-state EFT system. Earlier, Dale had done extensive work with his coun terparts at other regional systems and those halfdozen groups formed a new organization called Nationet. This allows any member of the group to access the system of the others, so that a cardholder in one group can use the card in ATMs (Automatic Teller Ma chines) of the rest of the group. Now, ITS has agreed to act as the central switch for Nationet members. Thus, through Nationet and CIRRUS, Iowa bank customers can access their hometown bank accounts through an ATM in virtually every state in the union. ITS scored another major victory for the state when it developed and put into use the first POS (Point-ofSale) device in the nation for automatic accessing of bank accounts at a retail store location. The pilot pro ject was initiated through two Iowa grocery chains in one supermarket of each chain in Des Moines in Sep tember, 1981. This was the first such POS in the na tion and was picked up immediately by other vendor banks. ITS has since expanded POS use to numerous other retail locations throughout the state, including filling stations. ITS now services 1,310 electronic terminals in Iowa and the other four states mentioned earlier. Of this number, 819 are ATMs, of which 714 are located in Iowa and 105 in adjoining states. The other 491 units are POS stations, 465 of them in Iowa and 26 in adjoin ing states. Together, these 1,310 terminals had annual volume at the end of 1985 of 15,611,483 switch trans actions; i.e., transactions in which the customer was using a terminal owned by a bank other than where the account was kept. These switch transactions consis tently account for one-third of total volume, so the total volume processed through the system for 1985 was more than 47,000,000 transactions and should easily top 50 million for 1986, a leading number when looking at the central switch operations of any other single center. • Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporation, another sub sidiary, was organized by interested members in 1979, as a response to their need for a secondary market for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis From former Publisher Clifford DePuy’s “ News and Views” column, page 13 March, 1934 N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r : RECENT survey shows that the 10 most favored A stocks held by 78 leading investment trust compa nies are as follows: 1—General Motors. 2—American Gas and Electric. 3—Du Pont. 4—Chrysler. 5—Union Carbide. 6—Standard Oil of N.J. 7—J.C. Penney. 8—Chesapeake & Ohio. 9—Public Service of N.J. 10—American Telephone. Comparing this list with the 10 most favored stocks in 1920, only Union Carbide, Standard Oil of New Jer sey, and American Telephone are still among the fav ored group. Also, during the last five years, only the American Telephone has appeared among the most popular 10 in each of these years. real estate mortgages developed by the banks. Through this vehicle, IBMC now offers its members a full range of conventional, FHA and VA loan products. Such an undertaking is always at the whim of current and volatile interest rates; nevertheless, IBMC now is running an annual volume of $20 ,000 ,000 , and is work ing with 175 IB A members who belong to IBMC. Sam Callahan is president of the company. IBA Involved with MABSCO An important involvement for IBA is its interest in MABSCO, incorporated in September, 1981 by 12 midAmerica states to provide needed services that the in dividual associations felt could be done better by a con sortium. The Iowa Bankers Association was very ac tive in formation of MABSCO and Neil Milner was act ing secretary at its organization. It was at that time that Money Market Funds, operated by securities firms unfettered by the close regulation to which banks are subjected, began invading the deposit ac counts of the nation’s banks, drawing off in excess of $2 billion bank deposits in less than two years. MABSCO responded to this non-bank incursion by es tablishing its American Money Market Fund, starting January 4, 1982. This action brought a sudden end to the wholesale invasion by securities firms, for Con gress then acted quickly to change the law, although permanent damage had been done to many banking re lationships. MABSCO then organized MASI, an agricultural subsidiary, that has become the centerpiece of activity for MABSCO members. Several Iowa bankers, notably Edward L. Tubbs, chairman of Maquoketa State Bank and a past president of the IBA (1980-81), worked dili gently with other dedicated bankers from MABSCO states in arranging a $100 million financing package with Europe’s major ag bank, Rabobank of the Nether lands, to back up the ag financing offered by MASI to member banks. MASI headquarters initially were Iowa Banking History. . . (Turn to page 54, please) Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 32 O ur Correspondent Commitment Knows No Boundaries. o us, the best thing about state __1 __bankers association conventions is that they give us the opportunity to continue our commitment to regular personal contact. The more we participate, the more we can discover about your bank’s needs and concerns. Naturally, it takes a heavy commitment of personnel and man hours. But, you’re worth it. That’s why even members of United Missouri’s top management will be attending various conventions. See you there! Crosby Kemper Mick Aslin Lyle Wells Phil Straight Larry Russell Chairman of the Board President Vice Chairman Executive Vice President Correspondent Bank Division Executive Vice President Investment Banking Division Missouri Kansas George Crews Kirk Vaughan Noel Shull Bob Chamberlain Bob Hardin Randy Klein Matt Grzybinski Ralph Lampton Bob Heinsohn Phil Youngs Maxine Hahs Dan Spencer Hal Hollister Joe Smith Joyce Nelson lack Beets Bob Chamberlain Rahn Tieman Randy Klein George Crews Ralph Lampton Maxine Hahs Phil Youngs Hal Hollister Dan Spencer Kirk Vaughan Joe Smith Joyce Nelson Nebraska Dick M uir Jeff Coble Alan Sack Mark Bailey Illinois Colorado Matt Grzybinski Bob Heinsohn Phil Youngs Dick M uir Jeff Goble Mark Bailey Oklahoma Arkansas Joe James Kirk Vaughan Sean Doherty Greg Bernard Steve Loveless Joe James Kirk Vaughan UNITED MISSOURI BANK of Kansas City, n.a. Member FD IC 11th and Grand ° P.O. Box 419226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141-9946 ° (816) 556-7000 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis __ 11111 lililí _ r 33 been with the bank since 1978, ex cept for a period when he was vice president of the North Loup Valley Bank. Jim Guptill has been hired as vice president and loan officer. He was employed by the Broken Bow Pro duction Credit Association, and also worked for the Farm Credit System in Martin, S.D., Ord and Broken Bow. In addition, Steve Vech, a vice president in charge of lending, has assumed new duties at the bank. He has been named to direct the newly formed agricultural real estate lend presentation on current legislative ing division which will begin mar issues facing Nebraska bankers. In keting farm and ranch real estate cluded in his talk were comments on loans in the central Nebraska area. the Uniform Commercial Code and He has been with the bank for three Prenotification problems, and the years and has a total of 11 years ex farm bankruptcy bill currently perience in ag finance. being used which Mr. Brandt said “allows a farmer to extend his filing Named in Bellevue out to 240 days from the old 120-day The Bank of Bellevue has named method.” Concluding the afternoon busi Rick R. Sanders senior vice presi ness session was a presentation by dent and senior NBA Executive Vice President, trust officer. He joined the Stan Matzke, Jr. who told of the new Nebraska bankers advertising slo bank in 1981 as gan to be used soon. It will read vice p resident “Nebraska Bankers — We want you and trust officer, and in 1985 was to know us even better.” named to head the bank’s finan Changes Announced in Ord cial planning deJim Bodyfield, vice president in p a r tm e n t. In R.R. SANDERS charge of operations, has been pro January he was moted to executive vice president of named an associate member of the Nebraska State Bank, Ord. He has management company’s (Affiliated Midwest Bancs) executive commit tee. Prior to joining the bank, he served as a vice president and trust officer at Centennial Bank and Trust in Mission, Kan. NBA Conducts Area Bankers Meetings # By ROBERT CRONIN Associate Publisher • # • • HE Nebraska Bankers Associa tion held its 1986 Area Bankers T M eetings last month. In all, there were six meetings across the state beginning in Omaha at R oss’ Steak House, followed by meetings at Bea trice Country Club, Norfolk Country Club, Scottsbluff Country Club, Mc Cook Elks Club and ending at the Kearney Holiday Inn. NBA President, C.G. “Kelly” Holthus, welcomed bankers to each meeting. He said, “One of the top priorities of the NBA is legislative action—-even at the Federal level.” Mr. Holthus foresees a lot of future informational meetings, “because bankers have told me they want them .” Bill Brandt, general counsel for the NBA, gave a very informative Bid Made in Farwell Sherman County Bank in Loup City has made a bid to take over the deposits and assets of the Farwell Credit Union, which was closed last month by the State Banking De partment. The FDIC is expected to approve the application, which would permit the bank to establish a branch office in Farwell, which is 20 miles east of Loup City. Elected in Wisner # PARTICIPATING in the Area Bankers Meetings were, from left: NBA Pres.-Elect, Donald E. Blaha, pres., First Natl., Ord; William B. Brandt, general counsel, NBA; NBA Exec. Vice Pres., Stan Matzke, Jr., and NBA Pres., C.G. “ Kelly” Holthus, pres., First Natl., York. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mike Edelman has been elected vice president at The First National Bank of Wisner. He has served as loan officer for the past three years at The Bank of Clarks. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 34 Jim Fougeron has been named se nior vice president/loan support ad- q ministration manager at the bank in Omaha. He began his Norwest ca reer in Minneapolis in 1963. In 1972 he moved from the bank to the cor porate office in loan administration. (|, After ten years at the bank in Bill ings, Mont., he became senior vice president/loan administration for the Grand Island and H astings Nor west Banks. He will office in the Ser- 0 vice Life Building in Omaha. The Packers Bank & Trust Co. of Omaha has named Edward A. Ro llout as presi dent and CEO, to replace Jay L. Dunlap. The appoint m ent follow ed an a n n o u n c e m en t th a t a group of inves tors has offered to buy at least E. KOHOUT $3.5 million of Packers’ stock. The offer was made at the invitation of the board of di rectors of Packers Service Group, a one-bank holding company that owns Packers Bank stock. Mr. Kohout has resigned his for mer position as senior vice president for Norwest Bank Nebraska, where he was in charge of the financial in stitutions and agricultural business groups. Prior to that he was presi dent and chairman of Norwest Bank South. In addition, bank director Rodney P. Vandeberg was named chairman of Packers’ loan committee. He is president and CEO of the First Na tional Bank & Trust Co. in Falls City. The position is newly created. Mr. Dunlap already had an nounced his intention to leave Pack ers Bank and return to the Union Bank in Lincoln, which he headed before joining Packers about 18 months ago. Duane Acklie, president of LRC Inc. of Lincoln, leads the group of in vestors. According to him, they have promised to pay $18 a share for the stock. They have put up $3.5 million for the deal, or 50 to 56 perNorthwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cent of the company’s book value of $7 to 8 million. R. ZABACK Various staff changes have been announced by Norwest Bank Neb raska, N.A. H a r o ld M. Walton has been promoted to the new ly created position of exec utive vice presi dent at the bank in Omaha. He began working for Norwest in 1956 in Mason ».ML WALTON City, la. In 1969 he was advanced to vice president of bank relations for the corporation. In 1974 he became president of Center Bank in Omaha, which later became Norwest Bank Omaha W est and merged with the Millard Bank in 1985. Timothy J. Coughlon has been promoted to president of Norwest Bank in Millard. He joined Norwest in 1973 as a management trainee in Mason City. He served in various positions in Billings, Minneapolis and Sioux City before moving to Omaha in 1984 as senior vice president/special loan administration. Robert Zaback has been promoted to senior vice president/administrative services manager in Omaha. He started in banking in 1956, and moved to the Norwest Bank in H ast ings in 1964. Since then he has headed up almost every department in the bank, and m ost recently was senior vice president/administration. His new responsibilities will in clude management of property man agement, security, purchasing and communications. Ken George has been promoted to vice president/consumer credit man ager at Norwest in Omaha. He began working at the Grand Island bank in 1962. Since then, he has worked in nearly every department in the bank including managing a facility. He became manager of in stallment loans in 1984. He will manage sales finance, credit adjust ment and consumer credit from his office at 2 0 th & Farnam Street. D.L. JORGENSEN T.J. COUGHLON J. FOUGERON K. GEORGE 0 # # • • J.M. KEYSER Donald Lee Jorgensen and Janet M. Keyser have been promoted to assistant vice presidents/trust de partment. Mr. Jorgensen joined the Omaha bank in 1952 and has held 0 35 • • various positions there. He is an account administrator, handling large institutional accounts. Ms. Keyser joined Norwest in 1969 and was m ost recently corporate trust offi cer. Both will office at 20th & Farnam in Omaha. * * * • • FirsTier Bank Omaha has an nounced several officer appointments. James E. Stewart was named vice president. He joined the bank in 1984 as assistant vice president and senior commercial banking officer in the corporate group department. He went to the Metro II banking de partment last September, and is cur rently team leader. The Old P instripes Ain’t W hat They Used To Be. J.E. STEWART T.D. CLABAUGH It’s the hard truth. Because operating a successful bank today is unquestionably different than it was 10 years ago. Or 10 months ago. Today you’re faced with uncertainty. Increased competition. New laws and regulations. The list goes on. And, there are countless questions concerning directions to take. The answers to which are critical. FirsTier Management Consultants can help. J.S. MORRIS J.M. PAUL We offer fully-independent, fully-confidential consulting to provide you with the answers you need. Answers that are based on proven, workable solutions; on a changing financial environment; and on our more than 100 years of combined experience as bankers. Specifically, we offer a full range of services tailored to meet your needs. Some of which include: • Strategic Planning • Loan Administration Review • Asset/Liability Management R.T. RILEY # • S.A. SCANLAN Thomas D. Clabaugh, John S. Morris, Jean M. Paul, Robert J. Riley and Steve A. Scanlan were promoted to assistant vice presi dents. Mr. Clabaugh joined the bank in July as lending officer in the fi nancial institutions department. Mr. Morris started in March with OMAHA NEWS. .. • To find out more about the experience, expertise and advice we can bring to your bank, contact Pat Reisdorff at FirsTier Management Consultants today. In Nebraska call (800) 223-4489 Outside Nebraska call (800) 443-1142 FirsTierM anagem ent Consultants Ron George, President (Turn to page 36, please) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 36 1985. Mr. Scanlan came to the bank in 1982 as an investment represen- # tative in the bond sales department, and was appointed officer in 1984. Other officer appointments were as follows: Nancy Delong, human re sources officer; Tony John, personal ® banking officer; Cheryl Miller, human resources officer; Cindy Phipps, operations officer; Jerry Schweiger, commercial real estate officer, and Shirley Smulling, trust ® tax officer. * * * Lincoln Several promotions have been an nounced at FirsTier Bank Lincoln. M ichael J. Thrasher, for merly assistant vice president, real estate lend ing, has been e le c te d v ic e p r e sid e n t. He joined the bank in 1983 as a real e s ta te len d in g Mj t h r a s h e r officer. Three officers were elected to as sistant vice president positions: Donna M. Dudney, municipal & gov ernment bond division, and Gerald D. Ficke and Steven L. Schmidt, commercial lending division. Ms. Dudney joined the bank in 1985 as an underwriting officer. Mr. Ficke joined the bank in 1981 as a com m ercial b a n k in g officer. Mr. Schmidt began his FirsTier career in 1978 working part-time. Other officer promotions include: Susan R. Staehr, collections depart ment operations officer; Sharon L. Strate, administrative accounting operations officer, and Ed Woolman, III, assistant collections manager, consumer lending. Ms. Staehr has been with the bank since 1976. Ms. Strate joined the bank in 1980. Mr. Woodman joined the bank in 1984. * * * Michael J. Balters has been pro moted to trust investment officer of National Bank of Commerce. Prior to joining the bank in 1983, he was a professor at the University de Con cepcion in Chile. Kathy L. Christensen has been promoted to bank investment offi cer. She worked at a savings and loan prior to joining NBC in 1980. A number of promotions has been Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis announced at NBC computer ser vices corporation. P r o m o te d to s e n io r v ic e presidents were Duane Drahota and Daryl Irmer. Mr. Drahota was pro gramming and operations manager at Union Insurance prior to joining NBC/CSC in 1983. Mr. Irmer joined the company in 1983 as a manager of customer support. Michel Cobb has been promoted to assistant vice president. He joined the organization in 1974 and is currently manager of computer operations. In addition, Craig Slaby has been promoted to customer services offi cer, and Bob Heydon and Dennis Brown to system s officers. Mr. Slaby joined NBC/CSC in 1981, Mr. Heydon joined in 1985, and Mr. Brown in 1985. * * * F irsT ier B rokerage, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln has announced the commencement of its operations as a registered broker dealer. The organization is a member of the Na tional Association of Securities Dealers and Securities Investor Pro tection Corporation. Jerry A. List is manager of the new FirsTier subsidiary. OMAHA NEWS. . . (Continued from page 35) FirsTier Management Consultants as senior field consultant, and moved to credit services in June. Ms. Paul came to the bank in 1972, and is manager of personal banking and teller operations in the personal banking department. Mr. Riley joined the bank in 1983, and was ap pointed both officer and branch manager at the Grove Plaza office in A.J. Canaday, who resigned re cently as chairman of the American N ational Bank in St. Joseph, M o., h a s r e turned to Omaha and h a s a n nounced forma tion of Jack Can aday & Associ ates, Inc. The bank consulting firm will offer a A.J. CANADY fu ll ran ge of bank management and operational consulting services, including all phases of management and loan re view, investm ents, personnel, com munications, operations at all levels, and handling of bankruptcies. The new firm is located temporari ly at 6701 Davenport, Omaha 68132, phone 402-551-7005, while new offices are being readied in Re gency in west Omaha. Mr. Canaday resigned three years ago as executive vice president at First National Bank of Omaha to ac cept the American National post. Previously he had been president at Bank of Independence in Missouri from 1958 to 1967 before moving to First National of Omaha. A native of Springfield, Mo., he joined the FDIC in 1952. Mr. Canaday said associates of the new firm are located in Pitts burgh, St. Louis, Houston, Kansas City and Denver, in addition to Omaha. Retired in Falls City An open house was held recently • in honor of Evelyn Krug, who has re tired from First National Bank and Trust Company, Falls City, after 40 years of service. She most recently served as operations officer. • 37 ! KEEPING BANKS EFFICIENT We’ve been doing it for twenty years. F u ll L ine of P roducts CSC offers a com p lete lin e of p r o c e ssin g s e r v ic e s for banks of all siz e s . T h is in clu d es on -lin e and ATM support, a p p lic a tio n s y s te m s , and fin a n c ia l p la n n in g p ack ages. Y ou can r e ly on the k n o w led geab le staff of CSC to p rovid e the kind of s e r v ic e and back-up that you need in tod a y ’s fastm o v in g b an k in g en viron m ent. E sta b lish ed C om pany CSC a lso m a n a g es data p r o c e ss in g c o s ts w ith a v a r ie ty of product d e liv e r y m ethods, in c lu d in g M icro B an kin g, R em ote C apture and B alan ced Bank. D ependab le S e r v ic e The h ig h le v e l of se rv ic e provided after c o n v e r sio n s h a v e been m ade h a s kept CSC a data p r o c e ssin g lead er for banks in the m id w e s t . T e c h n i c a l back-up and cu stom er su pp ort are provided throu gh s ix com puter c e n te r s s t r a t e g ic a ll y lo c a t e d in L in c o ln , G rand Isla n d , N o rth P latte, S co ttsb lu ff and N orfolk, N ebraska; and in D enver, Colorado. CSC h as been in the data p r o c e ssin g b u sin e ss sin ce 1966. The com p an y is the la r g e s t p r o v id e r o f b a n k d a ta p r o c e ssin g s e r v ic e s in N ebraska. A n a ctiv e e x p a n sio n p o lic y h as opened up n ew m ark ets in Colorado, K a n sa s and W yom ing. B an k ers W orking for B an k ers CSC und erstands banking. F in a n cia l softw are is d evelop ed by bank ers for bankers, u s in g the trad ition al form at bank ers are alread y fa m ilia r w ith. They are r e sp o n siv e to banker’s needs, and h a v e the e x p e r tise and the back-up to keep b ank s efficien t. ■ If y o u ’d lik e a CSC r e p r e s e n t a t i v e to c o n ta c t y o u fo r a c o m p reh en siv e an a l y s i s o f y o u r d a ta p r o c e ssin g needs, c a ll 1-800-245-3103 in C olo rado. In N ebraska, c a ll 1-800-742-7633. N S C /C S C N a t io n a l B a n k o f C o m m e r c e C o m p u te r S e r v i c e s C o r p o r a tio n P.O. Box 82408 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 NBC/CSC is a w h olly owned subsidiary of N ational Bank of Commerce a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iilF irst C ommerce bank. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 38 Get a correspondent relationship that’s as individual as you are. No two banks are exactly alike. And the same can be said for their correspondent banking needs. That’s why we develop each and every one of our correspondent bank plans on an individual basis. Whether it’s loan participations, computer services, discount brokerage, MasterCard/Visa, or our new and improved cash letter proc wéllshotu Ç » essing service, you can depend on the fact we’ll work with you to adapt that service to better meet your individual needs. And we’ll be around to make sure it fits your needs in the future, too. Experience correspondent banking on a truly “individual” basis. Call one of our correspon dent bankers today. yo u houj Commercial National Bank of Peoria Member M idwest Financial Group, Inc, COMMERCIAL BANKING DIVISION Phone: (309) 655-5423 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 301 S. W. Adams • Peoria, Illinois 61631 WATS LINE 1-800-322-2212 Member FDIC 39 President Elected in Peoria 0 0 ^ 0 0 Donald S. Robinson has been elected president and chief executive officer of Madi son Park Bank, Peoria. He was also elected to th e M a d iso n P ark B a n k ’s board. M r. R o b in s o n r e p la c e s John Busey, who became a principal D.S. ROBINSON owner and presi dent of Community Bank of Maho met. Mr. Robinson has over 20 years banking experience, joining First Galesburg National Bank in 1969. He most recently served at the Galesburg bank as senior vice presi dent and vice president of First Illini Bancorp, Inc. Changes Made in Galesburg ager of the Sandburg Drive office. Lynn Stevenson has been pro moted to personal loan officer of the bank. She joined the bank in 1980 and most recently served as per sonal loan representative. IBA Elects New Members Five new members have been elected to the board of directors of the Illinois Bankers Association. Marvin Boyer, president and CEO, The First Bank & Trust Com pany of Murphysboro, William Mit chell, chairman and president, Lake Shore National Bank, Chicago, and Michael Travelstead, president, DuQuoin State Bank, have been elected for terms ending June 30, 1987. Leo F. Mullin, executive vice president, First National Bank of Chicago and Kenneth Ozinga, president, First National Bank of Evergreen Park, have been elected for terms ending June 30, 1988. Marvin H. Dahl berg has been named senior vice president of lend in g a t F ir s t G alesburg N a tional Bank and Trust Company. He has been a Galesburg banker for the past six years. P reviou sly, he has served as bank consultant, M.H. DAHLBERG assistant profes sor of business at Sauk Valley Col lege, and as credit manager for Borg Warner and Montgomery Ward. Diane E. Larson has been pro moted to manager of the bank’s Sandburg Drive office, and Connie M. Shryack has been promoted to manager, retail financial services. Ms. Larson has been with the bank First Colonial Bankshares Corpo since 1978 and most recently served ration has announced it has com as m a rk etin g a s s is t a n t. M s. pleted its purchase of the $243 mil Shryack joined the bank in 1972. lion asset Avenue Group Bank. She most recently served as manThe Group includes the $170 mil Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lion asset Avenue Bank & Trust Company of Oak Park; the $35 mil lion asset Avenue Bank Northwest, Niles; the $20 million asset, The Northlake Bank, Northlake, and the $18 million asset Avenue Bank of Elk Grove Village. The acquisitions involved a cash transaction of approximately $30 million which was funded by private sales of debt and equity securities, $15 million of which was subscribed to by European investors. This acquisition brings First Colonial’s assets to nearly $1 billion in 10 Chicago and suburban loca tions. * * * Robert F. Sherman has been named chairman and chief executive officer, and Thomas A. Caravello has been named president and chief operating officer of All American Bank. In addition, Mr. Sherman has been named vice chairman and chief executive officer of the Community Bank of Edge water and vice chair man and CEO of Avenue Bank Northwest, Niles. R.F. SHERMAN T.A. CARAVELLO Mr. Caravello, who will succeed Mr. Sherman as president and COO, was previously senior vice president and senior lending officer at All American. Prior to joining the bank, he served as manager of the com mercial loan department at Colonial Bank & Trust Company, Chicago. * * * Maryanne C. Kennedy has been appointed vice president in the training division of Financial Shares Corporation. She joins the company from Burroughs Corporation, where she was an account executive. In addition, Susan V. Heuer and Dr. Robin Pratt have been ap pointed as senior consultants in the firm’s training division. CHICAGO NEWS. . . (Turn to page 56, please) Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 JO E N O R D LU N D PRESIDENT & C E O FIRST STIATE BANK O F APPLE VALLEY As President of First State Bank of Apple Valley, Joe Nordlund’s philosophy is simple—the com munity you serve determines what type of bank you have to be. In his fast growing, suburban community, that means anticipating rapidly changing needs, filling them, and doing so with absolutely top quality personal service. Recently, First State Bank moved their correspondent business to American, because our philosophy is the same as Joe’s, and because we don’t compete for his customers. For Joe, top quality personal service means professionals like Jim Russell, Vice President and Manager of Correspon Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dent Banking, who brings value to a correspondent relationship that goes far beyond quality products. That value includes a personal commitment to exceptional service and a real desire to help correspondents, like Joe and the First State Bank, succeed. If you’re looking for a partner to help you succeed, perhaps it’s time for a change. A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L B A N K . S A I N T P A U L cashier in 1982 and currently is manager of the insurance agency. In addition, Randall A. Jones has joined the bank as assistant cashier and auditor. He was previously as sociated with Norwest Bank, Des Moines, la. as financial analyst and First Interstate of Iowa Inc., Des Moines as staff auditor. Candidates Recommended for MBA Top Elected Officials The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion nominating committee has re commended James R. Jorstad, A. William Sands, R. James Gesell and James H. Hearon, III, for endorse ment for the top elected officers in the association for 1987-88. succeed Mr. Jorstad. Recommended for the 1987-88 candidate for MBA second vice president is Mr. Hearon, III, chair man, National City Bank, Minnea polis. Mr. Gesell, president, Cherokee State Bank, St. Paul, is recom mended to serve a second term as MBA treasurer for 1987-88. C. WILLET P.J. CLEMENTS R. JONES A. PETERSON President Elected in Duluth R.J. GESELL J.H. HEARON, III The nominating committee in cludes the nine M BA district presi dents. Recommendations will be acted upon at each of the nine MBA dis trict meetings in September. Elec tions will take place at the June 1987 M BA convention in Minneapo lis. Mr. Jorstad, president, Citizens State Bank, Hayfield, is the pro posed candidate for 1987-88 MBA president to succeed Roy W. Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank, Eden Prairie. Mr. Jorstad is currently first vice president of the association. Mr. Sands, chairman, Western Bank, St. Paul, is proposed for MBA first vice president for 1987-88 to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. Joseph Lindsley has been elected president, chief executive of ficer and a direc.,, tor of First Bank Duluth. He re places Larry L. Gilb, who was named m anag ing director of First Bank Sys t e m ’s N o r th / Central Minne sota region June J.J. LINDSLEY 1, 1986. Mr. Gilb has also been named chairman of First Bank Duluth and will have management responsibility for First Bank Cloquet. Mr. L indsley m ost recently served as executive vice president of regional banking for First Bank Sys tem. He began his banking career in 1965 at the United Bank of Denver. In 1973, he joined the First National Bank of Stillwater, Okla., until 1978 when he joined the United Bank of Fort Collins, Co., as executive vice president and COO. He joined First Bank System in 1983 as president of First Bank Billings, Mont. Changes Made in Bayport The First State Bank of Bayport has elected Carolyn Willet and Peter J. Clem ents to a ssista n t vice presidents. Ms. Willet joined the bank in 1976. She was elected to auditor in 1981 and assistant cashier in 1982. Mr. Clements joined the staff in 1976. He was elected to assistant Astrida Peterson has also joined the bank. She brings many years ex perience in real estate loan origina tion, closing and supervision. She was previously employed by Nor west Title. Named in Hutchinson Richard R. Wilhelmi has joined The First National Bank of Hutchin son as vice presi dent and senior commercial loan officer. He was for merly employed as vice president of The F ir s t Bank, B lu e Earth, and prior to that, as assisR WILHELMI tant vice presi dent of First Bank Park River, North Dakota. Elected in Rochester Norwest Bank Rochester has an nounced the election of A1 Moschner, Rochester system s plant man ager, IBM, to its board of directors. He replaces Stephen Shewbrooks who has recently moved to New York. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 42 Twin Cities Kim W. Dorland has been named president of First Bank Lake. He succeeds New ton R. Fuller, who will become vice chairman at First Bank Lake and is assuming new responsibili ties within the metropolitan di v isio n of the First Banks. K.W. DORLAND Mr. Dorland most recently served as senior vice president and manager, credit ad ministration and commercial bank ing at the bank. He will continue as head of commercial banking in addi tion to his responsibilities as presi dent. He began his career with First Bank System in 1974 at First Bank Western of Missoula, Mont. In 1981 he joined First Bank Bloomington Lake, which merged with First Bank Lake in 1984, as vice president of credit. * * * Norwest Bank Minneapolis has named Richard C. Westergaard se nior vice presi dent and head of its national de p a r tm e n t. He had been with Morgan Guaran ty Trust Com pany, New York, since 1968, most recently as vice p r e s id e n t s p o n s ib le re fo r RC WESTERGAARD worldwide business development with large corporations in Minne sota and Wisconsin. In his new positions, he will have responsibility for Norwest Bank cor porate customers with annual sales Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of more than $250 million located in the Twin Cities area and throughout the U.S. * * * The First Banks have promoted the following individuals to vice president status: Calvin C. Meury, Jr., corporate marketing administra tion; James K. Thornes, special de p o sit se rv ic es a d m in istration ; Frederick T. Green, telecommunica tions; Michael J. McGroarty, corpo rate asset funding, and David M. Thompson, syndications. John N. Norris has joined the bank as vice president in the transportation, equipment leasing group. most recently served as assistant vice president in corporate D emerg ing industries. Mr. McGroarty has % been associated with the bank since 1978, and had been assistant vice president in corporate asset funding since 1984. Mr. Thompson joined the bank in 1981, most recently ser- # ving as assistant vice president in the syndications division. Mr. Nor ris has been with Manufacturers Hanover Leasing since 1979, most recently as branch manager. # * * * Marquette Bank Minneapolis has announced that Marcia S. Hanson has been a p p o in t e d v ic e president of re tail banking for the three Mar quette banks in the dow ntow n area. She has an ex tensive banking F.T. GREEN M.J. McGROARTY background. She M.S. HANSON Mr. Meury joined the bank in worked for the 1971 and had been assistant vice First Bank System since 1979, president in corporate marketing where she held a number of positions and marketing research since 1978. before being promoted to vice presi Mr. Thornes, who joined the bank in dent and manager of the First Bank 1975, most recently served as assis St. Paul office in Shoreview in 1982. tant vice president and division M ost recently, she served as vice head in special deposit services. president and commercial lender for Joining the bank in 1982, Mr. Green First Bank St. Paul. 43 The First Banks have promoted investm ents in 1985. Mr. Carlson Douglas E. Barnes and Carlene joined the bank in 1976 and was pro Crnkovich to moted to investment officer in 1981. Ms. Donath joined the bank in 1974, serving most recently as personal banker II. * * * vice presidents and have named Duane A. Senneseth vice presi dent in the FBS Capital Markets Group. Mr. B a rn es joined the First Banks in 1980 D. BARNES and had been as sistant vice president and manager in the professional dealing unit/in- C. CRNKOVICH* D.A. SENNESETH ternational money markets. Ms. Crnkovich, who joined the bank in 1977, had been assistant vice presi dent in international money mar kets. Mr. Senneseth, who joined the bank in 1979, had been vice presi dent and group manager in data pro cessing sales, FBS information ser vices, since 1983. * * * American National Bank of Saint Paul has promoted Diane L. Quinn to vice president-executive and pro fessional; Bruce C. Bennett, vice president, investment; William J. Carlson, assistant vice president, in vestm ents, and Joy J. Donath, per sonal banking officer. D.L. QUINN Douglas A. Peterson, vice presi dent, will manage the newly created mortgage banking division of Na tional City Bank of Minneapolis. He has worked in the banking industry for 33 years and has been with Na tional City Bank for 17 years. Mark E. Johnson, vice president, has been appointed manager of the real estate division. He has been with the bank since 1984. Brian K. Whitemarsh has been named assistant vice president of real estate division. He joined the bank last year. Sheila M. Fleming has been named executive & professional banking officer. In the banking in dustry for nine years, she has been B.K. WHITEMARSH S.M. FLEMING P. ALEXIU P.J. STRAND with the bank for five years. Paul A. Alexiu has been named credit officer of the credit and loan accounting division. He joined the bank in 1983. Named personal banking officer and assistant manager of the per sonal banking department, Phyllis J. Strand has been with the bank for nine years. American National Plans Larger Facility B.C. BENNETT Ms. Quinn has been with the bank since 1968, most recently serving as assistant vice president, executive and professional. Mr. Bennett began his career with the bank in 1978. He was promoted to investment officer in 1981 and assistant vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Edward A. Klun has been elected a commercial banking officer at Norwest Bank Old S t. A n th o n y , N.A. He jo in e d N orw est Bank M in n e a p o lis , N.A. in 1983 as a senior commer c ia l b a n k in g auditor. In 1985, he participated E.A. KLUN in the Norwest banking training program at Nor west Bank St. Paul, N.A. * * * AMERICAN National Bank & Trust Co. of St. Paul is moving its Highland Village office to new, larger quarters on Cleveland Ave. Refurbishment of the 12,500 sq. ft. building on that site is scheduled for completion in the fall. Remodeling will include a new facade on the ex terior and the addition of a clock on the front of the building. The office will also have two drive-up banking lanes and a large parking lot. The interior of the building is also being remodeled. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 SDBA Group Meeting Agenda Announced HE agenda for the five South T Dakota group meetings has re cently been announced by the South Dakota Bankers Association’s head quarters in Pierre. The program will be as follows: P.M. 1:30 Registration. 2:00 Call to Order B. M ich a el B ro d erick , SDBA president; president of First American Bank, Canton. Program: * • “M ainstreet” - A video of the South Dakota banking industry. • PEP - A personal econom ics program. • “ 1986 Federal Tax Law Review” - McGladrey, Hen drickson & Pullen, CPA firm. • “ IRA Products & Services Dakota State Bank Of Tripp Acquired Mr. H. Lauren Lewis, chairman of First State Bank of Armour-Delmont, has announced that the FDIC and the South Dakota Banking Commission have approved the ap plication of the First State Bank of Armour-Delmont to acquire the Da kota State Bank of Tripp. Dakota State Bank became First State Bank, Tripp branch during the first week of September. The election of Jon Klatt to the board has also been announced. LeRoy Hofer, president and CEO of First State Bank of Armour-Del mont will continue in that capacity, with Gerald Wenzel as senior vice president and manager of the Delmont branch; Jon Klatt, vice presi dent and manager of the Tripp branch, and Jerry Altenburg, vice president and manager of the main Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A vailab le Through The SD B A ” - Collin Fritz & A s sociates. • “South Dakota Update: 1985 Federal Farm B ill” -May Adams Gerdes and Thom pson, S D B A legal Firm. • “Bonding & Chapter 12 B a n k r u p tc y R e v ie w ” -Gerdes and Thompson. • “SD BIS & Bancinsure Products” - Russ Hendrix, SD BIS vice president. 5:45 Adjourn. 6:00 Reception and Social. 7:00 Dinner. The group dates and locations will be as follows: Sept. 15-Aberdeen-Group II Sept. 16-Mobridge-Group IV Sept. 17-Rapid City-Group V Sept. 18-Mitchell-Group III Sept. 19-Sioux Falls-Group I his new position he will serve as senior credit officer. Vic W. Anderson has been elected operations officer, First System Services-South Dakota region. He joins First Bank from Citibank South Da kota where he has been employed for the past two years. Prior to joining Citibank, he worked for 10 years at Republic Bank in Dallas, Tex. as as sistant vice president. In addition, Alan Zwart has been elected as loan officer of First Bank Corsica. He worked most recently as the Nor west Agencies office in Dell Rapids. Norwest Changes Told Norwest Bank South Dakota, N.A., has announced the promotions of Vicki Sieck to system s analyst in Sioux Falls, and Sharon De Jong to personal banking officer in Mitchell. Ms. Sieck joined Norwest in 1975 in Lake Preston. In 1979, she was transferred to the Sioux Falls Colo nial branch, where she most recently served as account maintenance supervisor for deposit operations in Sioux Falls. Ms. De Jong joined Norwest in Mitchell in 1974 and most recently served as personal banking super visor. Named in Huron Farmers & Merchants Bank, Huron, has elected Judy Boetel operations officer. She will supervise the input/output and proof depart ments as well as balancing of certifi office at Armour. Other officers at cate of deposit and savings applica Tripp will be: Harrison Brosz, vice tions. president; Maynard Hieb, agricul The bank also announces the addi ture loan officer; Candyce Mogck, tion of James D. Laird, trust officer, assistant cashier, and Connie Rei and Martha Fullerton, personnel di ner, administrative assistant. rector to its staff. Mr. Laird man Mr. Lewis said the board does not ages the operations and services of anticipate any major changes in the trust department in downtown policy or in personnel at Tripp. Huron. Ms. Fullerton coordinates After the acquisition of the Tripp performance review and new em Bank, total assets of First State ployee orientation program. Bank, Armour-Delmont-Tripp are at $39 million. SDBA Seminar Offered First Bank of South Dakota Announces Elections The board of First Bank of South Dakota has elected Don Wenell as senior vice president of First Bank Aberdeen. He rejoins the bank from an affiliate, First Bank System Credit Services, Inc. where he has served as the Aberdeen site man ager for the past seven months. In The South Dakota Bankers A sso ciation, in cooperation with the ac counting firm of McGladrey, Hen drickson and Pullen, will hold The Bank Director’s Dilemma, Septem ber 30 at the Holiday Inn in Mit chell. The one-day seminar will be pre sented by a group of highly skilled and competent professionals. Cost is $25 per registrant. Some things have to change At Marquette Bank Minneapolis, we feel some things should endure. Pride in a job well done. A high standard of performance. A tradition of excellence. These are the foundations of Marquette’s Correspondent Services Division. And it sh o w s . . . in our ability to pinpoint and analyze your problems and oppor tunities. Our w illingness to roll up our sleeves, to work w ith you, to deliver all the resources of a billion dollar bank to help you meet the challenges of today, and tomorrow. Technologies and services change, but our attitude hasn’t. Because Marquette Bank Minneapolis w ill never put aside our oldest promise to our customers: professional service with a personal difference. Marquette Bank Minneapolis Member FDIC Correspondent Services Division Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9:40 10:45 11:00 HE 19TH annual convention of the Independent Community T Bankers of North Dakota will be held September 23-26 at the Kirk wood Motor Inn, Bismarck. This year’s convention theme, “A t the Crossroads and Growing Stronger,’’ focuses on ICBND’s goal to move its member banks forward into the future while preserving local ownership and control. The convention will be enhanced by excellent speakers such as Dr. D.D. Warrick, professor of manage ment, U niversity of Colorado; Jerome C. Darnell, professor of fi nance, University of Colorado, and William A. Lovett, professor of law and economics, Tulane Law School, New Orleans, La. A mexican accent will add to this year’s festivities. The program fol lows: Tuesday, September 23 P.M. 1:30 Men’s and Women’s Golf Tournament Riverwood Golf Course 8:00 Executive Council Meeting Cologne Room Wednesday, September 24 A.M. 8:00 IC B N D A p p r e c ia tio n Breakfast Gary Nelson, ICBND Presi dent presiding Invocation and Welcome: Kelly Dakken, ICBND Pres ident-elect “The Story of Independent Banking’’—Gene Hamilton, v.p., Farmers & Merchants Bank, Beach “Current Issues of Indepen dent Banking’’—A1 Wolf, Wheeler Wolf Law Firm. 9:00 Exhibit Booths to be A s sembled—Courtyard 11:00 Registration Desk O p e n Courtyard P.M. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12:00 Welcome Buffet R eceptionCourtyard 1:30 “Moving Bankers From the Crossroads to the Highroads —Of Marketing and Selling” —Jerry Simmons, pres., The Idea M anagem ent Com pany, Sioux Falls, S.D. 2:30 Bankers Centennial Pioneer P r o g r a m —“ B u s k s h o t ” Hoffner, ND Centennial Commission 2:40 Ice Cream/Soda Break 2:55 ICBND Annual Business Session—Gary Nelson, ICB ND President presiding. Of ficer and committee reports. 4:00 Recess—Visit to Exhibits and Exhibitors Hospitality Rooms 6:00 Social Hour—Courtyard 7:00 South of the Border Festival Thursday, September 25 A.M. 7:45 Prayer Breakfast Terry Zeltinger, pres., Tow ner County State Bank, Cando, presiding Speaker and Music: Trish Lenihan, Circle C Ranch, Bismarck, N.D. 8:30 R egistration C on tinues— Courtyard 9:00 General Session—Dresden Room Call to Order—Gary Nelson, pres., Scandia American Bank, Stanley. I n v o c a tio n —P a sto r Ted Heaston, Evangel Temple Color Guard P resen tation Century High School 9:15 Jam es Jorgenson, IBA A S ta te Director, Kenmar presiding Address: Tom H. Olson, In dependent Bankers Associa tion of America pres.-elect, pres. Lisco State Bank, Lisco, Neb. 9:35 “You Know Us, We Know 11:15 You” Video view of the IBAA Marketing Program Tom H. Olson “Interstate Financial Insti tu tions: E v o lv in g P ros pects”—William A. Lovett, Prof, of Law and Economics, Tulane Law School, Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Coffee and Muffin Break “What You Have Always Wanted to Know About the Benefits of ICBND General Services—And Have Been Afraid to A s k ” —Myron Pfeifle, chmn., General Ser vices Committee; pres., B is marck State Bank. “ If Banking is Contagious, I Hope You Never Get Well!” —Janie Jasin, pres., Creati vity No-Limits, Minneton ka, Minn. P.M. 12:15 Bankers Luncheon “Sharing Profitable Ideas” —Peer Group Discussions Speaker: Dr. D.D. (Don) Warrick, Prof, of Manage ment University of Colo rado. 2:00 General Session—Dresden Room Greetings: Governor George Sinner, State of North Da kota 2:15 ICBND Business Session Election of Officers Adoption of Resolutions Adoption of By-Laws Greetings: Jane Lundberg, Commissioner, Department of Banking and Financial In stitutions 3:00 Coffee and Fresh Fruit Break 3:15 “How to Achieve Organization/Bank Excellence”—Dr. D.D. (Don) Warrick, Prof, of Management University of Colorado and Pres, of The Warrick Agency Training and Development Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 4:30 Visits to Exhibits and Exhi bitors’ H ospitality Suites— 6:30 Reception—Courtyard 7:15 C o n v e n tio n B a n q u e t — Frankfurt-Essen Room 8:30 Entertainm ent: Comedian G len n H a y w o o d — ‘ ‘The Haywood Happening” NORTH DAKOTA NEWS. . . (Turn to page 55, please) 47 New Norwest Center: A Jewel for Minneapolis ONSTRUCTION of the new Norwest Center, a 57story office tower being built in downtown Min neapolis, has gotten underway. Located on Marquette Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets, Norwest Center is being constructed on the site of the old Northwestern National Bank •B uilding, which was destroyed by fire on Thanksgiv ing D ay 1982. The 772.5-foot tower will contain 1 , 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 rentable square feet above street level, plus 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 square feet of parking and storage space on four levels below ground level. Of the 57 stories, 55 will • b e occupiable. Lloyd P. Johnson, Norwest chairman, president and CEO, said the primary objectives in the project planning were “to have an architecturally significant building that would be an asset to us and this community and •co n stitu te a sound financial undertaking for Norwest.” Gerald D. Hines, whose firm is the developer and manager of the property, said the structure is more than 65 percent leased. Norwest Corporation, Norwest Bank Minneapolis and other Norwest affiliates will oc•c u p y approximately 450,000 square feet, housing 1,900 Norwest employees. The law firm of Faegre & Benson will have about 160,000 square feet of office space. Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, an accounting firm, will lease approximately 46,000 square feet. Other ten a n t s will include major financial services, legal and ac counting firms. The exterior facade of the Norwest Center tower will feature a combination of glass and beige-colored “Kasota” stone, accented with white marble. Kasota stone ®is quarried at Mankato in southern Minnesota. Architect Cesar Pelli said there will be a series of well-defined setbacks at the lower levels, matching the heights of surrounding buildings and additional set -b a c k s toward the top of the building. The setbacks w start occuring about one-third of the way up, occur again about two-thirds of the way to the top and finish C NORWEST CENTER. . . .(Please tu rn to page 54) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j ÊSs i 3 . filf Si E ffectiv e leadership is a p u zzle with m any p ieces. You’ve already d isco v ered that a lead er doejs the right things, with a clear se n s e of direction and the ability to com m unicate it. •3 Jà I JPPRIP ■ m3 SII Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. lead er listen s m ore than sp ea k s The m astery of com m unication is in sep arab le from leadership. A lead er is*consistent, reliable, and trustworthy — lead in g for the ben efit of your people. A lea d er ulses power w isely, know ing p eo p le support that w hich they create. And w hen your work is done, your p eo p le say, “ We did it o u rse lv e s.“ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ *> 1 here are m any m ore p ieces to the ead ersh ip puzzle. And a good lead er lisco v ers new o n es every day. These thoughts on leadership are broûght to you by the correspondent banks of Banks of Iowa Inc. M erchants N a tio n a l B ank C edar R apids * 1-800-332-5991 Mattonai B ank s M oines [1-622-7262 M e m b e rs o f Iowa? A Statewide Banking Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 520 W alnut Des Moines. Iow a 50306 (515)245-6320 First N a tio n a l Bank S io u x C ity 712-277-0618 54 NORWEST CENTER. . . (Continued from page 47) THE history of the old Northwestern National Building will live on in the new Norwest Center. Several chandeliers were saved from the old building and will be hung in the rotunda of Norwest center, and installed in the elevator lobbies. 49 with a succession of closer setbacks towards the top. The tops of the setbacks and the top of the tower will be crowned with polished gold-colored elements. Mr. Pelli said the tower will “gleam like a jewel” from t h ^ center of the city. The building will have two main entrances, one on Sixth Street and the other on Seventh. The Sixth Street entrance will lead to a great hall, or rotunda, almost seven stories high, that will serve as a gath er^ ing place and entrance to Norwest’s retail banking fa cilities. Many artifacts saved from the old Northwestern National Bank building have been incorporated into the design of Norwest Center. These include six m onu^ mental 1 0 -foot high chandeliers to be installed in the elevator lobbies, sculptured bronze plaques that will serve as decorative elements in the lobby, and cast plaster commemorative medallions forming a frieze on the fifth floor level of the rotunda. ft The Minneapolis skyway system will connect to the project at the second floor level adjacent to the rotun da. The Norwest Center skyway system will include a “skybridge” across Marquette Avenue. The center of the skyway will be filled with color and light as theft space will be enclosed in yellow-tone glass that will be very strong and glassier than the rest of the skyway. The building is scheduled to be ready for occupancy during the summer of 1988. □ Iowa Banking History. . . (Continued from page 31) operated in the offices of the IBA, but for the past three years have been in separate offices in Des Moines. Leading the present staff of 105 people, including the subsidiaries, requires the talents of a dedicated professional association executive and Neil Milner has brought those qualifications to his job as IBA execu tive vice president. Recognizing the growing complexi ties of the task of properly serving a large, professional association, Mr. Milner soon began his own separate program of self-improvement that would enhance his ability to give IBA the kind of staff direction it would need in a rapidly changing political and economic cli mate. Few members know how many hours he spent nights and weekends studying courses furnished by the American Society of Association Executives, and traveling weekends to appointed locations for written examinations. His executive talents and organizational abilities were recognized by his fellow ASAE members when they elected him to the ASAE board in 1982, an as signment he completed last month. In addition, fellow ASAE members awarded him the Golden Key Award as one of the only three members recognized for out standing executive management. He was the only state executive so honored that year. Neil also served on the ASAE executive committee in 1985-86. Professional Staff Developed A s economic pressures drove IBA members to ask Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and expect more from their association, services were expanded to meet those needs. This made it incumbent to initiate a search for the m ost qualified personnel who could be added to the staff to address each of those specific needs. Neil Milner carefully designed® each step in staff formation, always in close consulta tion with the president and the board. The result has been assembly of a professional staff at every level, with a continuing monitoring plan in place to make sure IBA goals and budgets are being met. After hir-ft ing these professionals and making sure they receive continuing education of their own as needed, Neil lets them handle the tasks at hand in their own way, but obviously each being accountable for the end results. A strong mark of his tenure has always been his willing-# ness to recognize each individual for accomplishments on the job. This ability to fashion a team that provides IBA with first-class legislative, educational, marketing and other services has further enhanced the reputation of® IBA, not only within the state but in national circles of banking and legislation. Evidence of this high stand ing came when it was made known that Neil was one of the five finalists being considered for the post of A BA executive vice president in 1984 when that position® became vacant. When any discussion arises on accom- Iowa Banking History. . . (Please turn to page 98) f 55 Assumption in Sheridan 0 • # # • The board of the FDIC has ap proved the assumption of the deposit liabilities of The First National Bank of Sheridan by First Wyoming Bank-Sheridan. The First National Bank of Sheri dan, with total assets of $65.9 million, was closed July 17, 1986 by Robert J. Herrmann, deputy comp troller of the currency and the FDIC was named receiver. The failed bank’s office reopened July 21, 1986 as First Wyoming Bank-Sheridan. The FDIC had announced initially that a direct payoff of insured de p ositors would be undertaken because no acceptable bids were re ceived for the failed bank. First Wyoming Bank-Sheridan will assume about $59.8 million in 11,300 deposit accounts and has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase NORTH DAKOTA NEW S. . . (Continued from page 46) • _ ™ ^ w m A 9:30 Last Visit to Exhibits and H ospitality Suites (Piano sing-a-long music in th e C ou rtyard —H a rriet Klein) Friday, September 26 A.M. 8:30 C on tin en ta l B r e a k fa s t— Dresden Room 9:00 In vocation : “ Old Farm W ives’ Tales”—Pat Leimbach, Vermillion, OH. 9:45 “America Under Deregulation”—Jerome C. Darnell, Prof, of Finance, University of Colorado; pres., Darnell Associates, Inc., Boulder, CO. 10:45 Coffee Break 11 :0 0 Drawing of Prizes 11:30 Convention A djournm entKelly Dakken, ICBND President □ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis premium of $185,000. It also will purchase certain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets for $37.6 mil lion. The FDIC will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $28.3 million. In lieu of making a cash advance to the assuming bank, the FDIC will provide a note receivable of about $ 2 2 million, payable in one year and bearing an interest rate of 7 percent. The assuming bank elected this op tion instead of receiving the custo mary cash advance. Pay Off Approved In Medicine Bow The FDIC has approved paying off insured depositors in Medicine Bow State Bank. The bank, with total assets of $4.6 million, was closed on August 8 , 1986 by Wyom ing State Examiner Stanley R. Named in Bismarck Lenae Iverson has been named as sistant vice president, credit depart ment manager of Norwest Bank B is marck, N.A. She was previously assistant vice president, commercial loans for the bank. Ms. Iverson has also worked as an accountant for the city of Bis* marck and as a bank examiner for the North Dakota department of banking prior to joining Norwest in 1983. NDBA Group Meetings Planned The North Dakota Bankers A sso ciation has recently announced the agenda for the four North Dakota group meetings. The program fol lows: P.M. 2:30 Opening remarks - group president. 2:30 Address: Ray Pritchett, re- Hunt, and the FDIC was named re ceiver. A payoff of insured depositors was required because no bids were received for the failed bank. Deposits in Medicine Bow State Bank totalled about $4 million in 900 accounts, including about $4,000 in 11 accounts that exceeded the federal insurance lim it of $100,000. Owners of such uninsured deposits will share proportionately with the FDIC in the proceeds rea lized from liquidation of the failed bank’s assets. V.P. Retires in Casper Howard Bauder, vice president of Norwest Bank, Casper, is retiring, after 46 years in banking. Beginning as an auditor in 19 4 0 a t th e H a s t in g s N a t io n a l B a n k , Hastings, Neb., Mr. Bauder, in turn, served as vice president of H.L. BAUDER P u e b lo B a n k and Trust, Pueblo, Colo.; president of Boulder National Bank, Boulder, Colo.; vice president of First Na tional Bank, Fort Dodge, la., and most recently as vice president of the Norwest Bank. view examiner, FDIC, Kan sas City, Mo. 3:15 Association update - ND BA President Harvey Huber, p resid en t, U nion S ta te Bank; N D B A PresidentElect John Pierson, Norwest Bank Minot. 3:30 Presentation on benefit pro grams available through NDBA Insurance Services, Inc. 4:00 “ The Thrill of M anage m ent” - J.N. Chris Chris tianson, Idea M ountain, Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. 5:30 Social Hour 6:30 Dinner 7:30 Remarks by group president 7:45 Adjournment The group dates and locations are as follows: Sept. 15-Park River-Northeast Sept. 16-Lake Metigoshe-Northwest Sept. 17-New Salem-Southwest Sept. 18-Valley City-Southeast Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 56 other things, the tender of at least 51% of the common stock of FNB Bancorp, Inc., and to regulatory ap proval. * * * Three Named in La Crosse Aaron J. Hanson, vice president of the Exchange State Bank in La Crosse, has been appointed presi dent of the bank, succeeding Donald Rice, who died recently. Mr. Hanson joined the bank in 1962 and was appointed vice presi dent in 1964. He has also worked with the First National Bank of Dekalb, 111. and the Dakota National Bank in Fargo, N.D. Howard T. Mills and Richard O. Peterson, assistant vice presidents of the bank, have been appointed vice presidents. Mr. Mills joined the Exchange State Bank in 1978. He worked pre viously as a bank examiner for the Office of Commissioner of Banking for Wisconsin for 10 years. Mr. Peterson joined the bank in 1985. Prior to that he worked for the Office of Commissioner of Banking for Wisconsin as a bank examiner for three years, and was vice presi dent of the Bank of Onalaska for 12 years. Staff Changes in Madison New staff responsibilities have been announced by First Wisconsin N ational Bank of Madison. Ron ald E. Roder, senior vice presi dent, has been named manager of th e r e ta il b a n k in g d iv i sion. He will be responsible for the Money Cen ter and the facili ties management department. Wil liam O. Steinberg, who previously headed the retail banking division, has left the bank to pursue other in terests. Norbert J. Christopher, vice presi dent, has transferred to the retail banking division to coordinate the Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lending activities of that division. Kenneth A. Poniewaz has been named to replace Mr. Roder as con troller and manager of the control ler’s and operations division and promoted to first vice president. N.J. CHRISTOPHER K.A. PONIEWAZ David D. Sullivan has joined First Colonial Bankshares Corporation as vice president of investments. He joins the bank from Paine Web ber, Inc., Chi cago, where he was a regional investment sales e x e c u tiv e . He was also vice president of ino.D. SULLIVAN v e s tm e n ts for the Millikin National Bank of Decatur. * * * William H. Samuels has joined Affiliated Banc Group as manager of commercial real estate. Previous ly, he was executive vice president and chief credit officer for Heller Fi nancial, Chicago. * * * In addition, Londa J. Dewey, manager of First W isconsin’s West Towne office, has been promoted to assistant vice president. Three employees of the Bank of Commerce & Industry have been elected to officer positions. Newly elected are: Linda D. Ciasnocha, Joined in Appleton teller operations officer; Anna Marie John D. Brewster has joined the Dwyer, building services officer, and Valley Trust Company, Appleton, as Bernice Pacholski, personal banking vice president, sales. He will be re officer. sponsible for the marketing of retire Ms. Ciasnocha and Ms. Dwyer ment plans in the Fox River Valley has been with the bank since 1980. area. Mr. Pacholski joined the bank in Prior to joining Valley, he was 1973. with John M. Floyd and Associates, * * * Inc. as midwest marketing represen tative. Lake View Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago has completed an extensive Named in Brown Deer expansion and remodeling of its Lin Ann Horning has been named a coln Park facility, located at 538 W. commercial banking officer by Diversey. Brown Deer Bank. She joined the The renovation, which nearly bank as a credit analyst in 1985. doubled the size of the facility, pro vides for additional teller and per sonal banking stations. CHICAGO NEWS. . . (Continued from page 39) First Oak Brook Bancshares, Inc., an Oak Brook based multi bank holding company, has offered to purchase up to 1 0 0 % of the com mon stock of FNB Bancorp, Inc., holding company for First National Bank in Chicago Heights, for $72 per share cash. The offer is subject to, among Two Promoted in Elmhurst Peter S. Groninger has been pro moted to vice president, and Cheryl Giacobbe to assistant vice president at Illinois Marine Bank, N.A., Elm hurst. Mr. Groninger joined the bank in 1982. Ms. Giacobbe has been with the bank for almost eight years. 57 in the industrial products market of metropolitan banking. Mr. Carlson joined the bank in 1981 and is man ager of asset management services’ securities movement and control de partment. Ms. Hoffman joined United Bank in 1974 and is a securities trader with United Capital Management. Ms. Kaboth has been with the bank since 1981 and is a loan analyst in loan administration services. United Banks to Acquire IntraWest Financial Corp. ® ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 % # into the present First Interstate Bank of Denver. The remaining banks in Intra West and other subsidiaries have continued until now as a separate holding company. IntraW est’s larg est bank at this time is the $152 mil lion asset IntraW est Bank of Greeley, N.A. United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and IntraWest Financial Corpora tion, both based in Denver, have signed a definitive agreement for the acquisition of IntraWest by United Banks. The agreement provides for the issuance by United Banks of 4,320,000 shares of its common stock in exchange for all IntraWest CNB Makes Staff Changes stock, which will result in an exMichael J. Matthews has been change of approxim ately .7234 elected president of Colorado Na shares of United common stock for tional Bank—Southwest, Littleton. each share of IntraWest common He replaces Edward B. Sturges, who stock. The acquisition is subject to is pursuing other banking interests. approval by both IntraWest stock- Mr. M atthews has ten years bank holders and the Federal Reserve ing experience, most recently with Board. Columbine Valley Bank & Trust. The transaction will be in the At another CNB affiliate, in Pueb form of a merger, and is intended to lo, Debbie Valdez has joined the qualify as a tax-free reorganization, bank as mortgage loan officer. She accounted for as a pooling-of-inter- has nine years of experience in mort ests. gage loans. IntraWest, organized in 1967, is the fifth largest bank holding com Promoted in Denver pany in Colorado, with total assets At Cherry Creek National Bank, of $1.15 billion at June 30, 1986. The Denver, Patricia Cook and Ronald company currently operates 16 Reich have been promoted to vice banks in Colorado, a mortgage bank ing company, an insurance agency, a president in the lending division, reinsurance company and a leasing and Marena Tharnish was appointed loan operations officer. company. Ms. Cook and Mr. Reich both United Banks, with $4.7 billion in assets, is one of the largest multi joined the bank in 1985 and had bank holding companies in the been assistant vice presidents in Rocky Mountain region, with 32 af- commercial lending. Ms. Tharnish filiate banks in the state and several joined the bank in 1975 and held positions in customer service, loan non-bank subsidiaries. operations, executive secretary and IntraWest formerly was a part of supervisor of loan processing. First N ational Bancorporation, whose principal subsidiary was First National Bank of Denver, then United Bank Names Five the largest bank in Colorado. The At United Bank of Denver, Eve name was changed to IntraWest M. Dann has been named vice presi about five years ago, then in 1982 dent and Andrea G. Burton, David the lead bank, IntraWest of Denver, M. Carlson, Leona F. Hoffman and was sold to First Interstate Bancor Linda P. Kaboth were named assis poration of Los Angeles. First Inter tant vice presidents. state had earlier acquired the Ameri Ms. Dann joined the bank in 1979 can National Bank of Denver, so it and works in the corporate banking merged the former American Na- group. Ms. Burton has been with tional and the former First National United Bank since 1978 and works Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * School Honors Denver Banker At its commencement exercises held last month, The Graduate School of Banking at Colorado pre sented a special award in memory of Merlin C. Williams to his widow, Marguerite Williams. Mr. Williams, who died last year, was president of the Colorado State Bank in Denver. Throughout his 40year career in banking, he had been very active in the educational pro grams for commercial bankers. He was a 1956 graduate of The Gradu ate School of Banking at Colorado and a 1961 graduate of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rut gers University. He taught “Bank Management’’ at the American Institute of Bank ing in Denver, was president of the Suburban Clearing House Associa tion, chairman of the Rocky Moun tain Chapter of Robert Morris, chaired several Colorado Bankers Association committees and served on the board of trustees of The Graduate School of Banking at Colo rado. Three Named in Englewood First Interstate Bank of Engle wood has announced the addition of Joan Adkins as vice president, cash ier and manager of operations. Ms. Adkins moved to Englewood from Hobbs, N.M., where her most recent position was vice president, opera tions administrator for the First In terstate Bank of Lea County. She has over 13 years experience with the First Interstate system. Jan Nevers has joined the bank as vice president and manager of per sonal financial services. She has nine years experience with First Inter state. The bank also announced the ap pointment of Ron James as control ler. He has eight years experience with First Interstate Bank of Engle wood. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 58 Welcome from the Bankers' bankers Whether you come to talk business, to renew long-term friendships, or to make new ones, the Iowa Bankers Associ ation convention is a valuable get-together. While you're here, we hope you'll take time to come in and visit with our Bankers' bankers — Steve Brewer, Patti Campbell, Ben Eilders, Brad Hansen and Don Jordahl. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BankersTrust Des Moines, Iowa 50304 Member FDIC, Federal Reserve System 59 * “ Renewal-Involvement-Celebration” Iowa Bankers Association 100th Annual Convention Des Moines Convention Center September 14-16 ROMISING to be one of the m ost celebrated, the Iowa Bankers Association’s th annual conven P tion will be held September 14-16 in Des Moines. The 100 convention center will serve as the official headquar ters for the festivities and offers a convenient, central location in downtown Des Moines. “Renewal, Involvement, and Celebration’’ is this year’s theme. The opening ceremonies on Monday morning will begin the convention festivities with a bang and are something you won’t want to miss. The convention will look back on the last century of service and look forward to the beginning of another. In announcing the convention program, IBA Presi dent J. Bruce Meriwether noted the strength of the IBA over the last 100 years. Although there have been hardships to overcome - two world wars, the Depres sion, the issues of the 1960s, the current ag crisis and criticism from the press - Mr. Meriwether says the as sociation remains strong, and what better way to cele brate than at the convention. Working with Mr. Meriwether this past year as IBA president-elect has been Russell Howard, chairman of Mahaska Investm ent Company, Oskaloosa. He is sche duled to assume the presidency during the annual busi ness session. Treasurer this past year has been Fred Hagemann, president of the State Bank of Waverly, Waverly. The IBA full-time staff is headed by Neil Mil ner, executive vice president, who is assisted by Wes Ehrecke, vice president, government relations; Marva McCarty, vice president, membership services, and John Sorensen, vice president, administrative services, in the Des Moines headquarters. Highlighting this year’s convention will be “ Sunday In The Park,” an evening of musicial celebration planned especially for Mr. Meriwether and his wife Shirley. Held at Hoyt Sherman Place, the casual even ing will be a return to nostalgia as a kick-off to this centennial celebration. Entertainment will be per formed by “Liberty,” a 150-member choir and 35-mem ber orchestra who also performed at the Statue of Liberty presentation. Roger Williams will perform two concerts on Mon day evening at the Des Moines Civic Center. A new feature has been added to this year’s conven tion. Concurrent sessions have been scheduled for Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Topics are varied and highlight such important subjects as product pric ing and non-interest income; sales strategies; asset/liability management; the federal tax reform plans; hand ling regulators effectively; banking in stressful times; EFT/POS and their impact; the double jeopardy issue, and managing problem agricultural loans. Twelve con current sessions will be offered, and everyone is en couraged to participate in four sessions. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. BRUCE MERIWETHER RUSSELL S. HOWARD President President-Elect FRED HAGEMANN NEIL MILNER Treasurer Exec. Vice President A number of education sessions have been planned, including talks from native Iowans Hugh Sidney, con tributing editor for T im e Magazine, and Steve Bell, ABC-TV newsman. Johnny Orr, Iowa State Univer sity ’s basketball coach will also speak. The grand finale of the 1 0 0 th convention will be the Tuesday Night Inaugaral dinner and show. The evening will include dinner, formal installation ceremonies for IBA officers, entertainment and a drawing for fabu lous prizes. Following the dinner, incoming IBA president, Rus sell S. Howard will be introduced, along with the new president-elect, Clair J. Lensing, and treasurer Fred Hagemann. Providing the evening’s enterainment will be “The Great Pretenders,” a four-man Minnesota group fea turing country and gospel music, sprinkled with come dy. The convention program follows, along with the spouse program. Spouses are invited to attend any of the general sessions. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 60 Iowa News S. BELL N. AUSTIN H. SIDEY Sunday, September 14 P.M. 1:00 Registration desk opens, first floor, Conven tion Center. 1:00 Exhibit Hall opens, second floor Convention Center. 4:30 “Sunday In The Park,” Hoyt Sherman Place. Monday, September 15 A.M. 8:00 Registration desk and Exhibit Hall open. 8:30 General Session; second floor Convention Cen ter; Opening Ceremonies. 9:15 Nancy Austin, co-author of the book “A Pas sion for Excellence.” 10:00 Steve Bell, news anchor, ABC’s “World News This Morning” and the news segments of “Good Morning America.” 1 1 :0 0 Entertainment and prize drawing, Exhibit Hall. Lunch available at your own expense in the Exhibit Hall. P.M. 1:00 Concurrent Sessions; second floor Convention Center: • “Product Pricing and Non-Interest Income” —Mike Moebs, G.M. Moebs & Associates, Lin coln wood, 111. • Regulator Panel Representatives from the FDIC, Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve and the State Department of Banking. • “McDonalds and Banking?”—Peter Vergis, Sales Earnings Group, Inc., Greenlawn, New York. • Asset/Liability Management—Phillip Rowley, senior vice president and chief financial of ficer, First Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A. • Profitable Investment Portfolio Manage D. BURRUS Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. BOEHLJE 2:15 2:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 5:00 6:00 8:00 J. ORR m ent—Nick De Leonardis, senior vice presi dent and treasurer, and Joan LaPiana, trea sury officer, LaSalle National Bank, Chicago. • When the Media Knocks, Don’t Panic—Arch Lustberg, president, Arch Lustberg Communi cations, Washington, D.C. Break Concurrent Sessions repeated Break General Session; President’s Report Johnny Orr, Iowa State University Head B as ketball Coach Approximate adjournment Roger Williams, Des Moines Civic Center Roger Williams, Des Moines Civic Center Tuesday, September 16 A.M. 7:00 Registration desk and Exhibit Hall open Ag Breakfast • “The Grain Outlook: Storage or Fire Sale?”— Lawrence De Witt, president, Flour Milling Di vision, Cargill Inc., Minneapolis • “The Transition in Agriculture”—A1 Tubbs, president, First Central State Bank, DeWitt, and former chairman, A g Division of American Bankers Association, Washington, D.C. and Mike Fitch, current A BA A g Chairman, and vice president, Agri Business Affairs, Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco 9:00 General Session; second floor, Convention Cen ter “Futureview: A Look Ahead”—Daniel Burrus, science futurist, Waukesha, Wis. 10:00 “The Presidency”—Hugh Sidey, Washington contributing editor for T im e magazine 11:00 Fifty-year banker/past officer reception and luncheon; entertainment and prize drawing in Exhibit Hall. Lunch at your own expense in the Exhibit Hall. M. MOEBS M. CURTIN „lallation & Training * compl 1 i , ¿ & ser«« r ¡« d e(,tlTocations : S “S s » „ “ " MS Ï 0 & , : í S ? S i - " “ "' BE-2WU -J J U ^ 0 MAGIAR c^ nPp°sí,rte°r/Counter is s a s s d packaging i s-— „ • REIS USA counterW raPpe.r,S c systems ? 2om n a n d W systems ^ a n ^ ^ ^ independent distributor Competer System pPP^ ban'cadu q QI\ITEL (¿O'' i - 5 : m í^ á 'e o ? ! 4 A™'S — q «« *— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Remote data íK « S Ï Ï .« . transmission to data center point distri^nd°budgets ’ JL 62 Iowa News 2:15 2:30 3:45 P.M. 12:30 Anniversary Party, Exhibit Hall 1:00 Concurrent Sessions • “Banking in Stressful Tim es“—Dr. Stephen Douglas, psychologist, W hetstone Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio • “EFT/POS — Their Impact on Tomorrow’s Banking“—Dale Dooley, president ITS, Inc., Des Moines, and vice president, IB A • “ M anaging A g Problem Loans“ —Dr. 5:00 6:30 Michael Boehlje, Head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Univer- ^ sity of Minnesota, St. Paul • “When Push Comes to Shove: Controlling Your Regulator“—Mary Curtin, attorney, Lindquist & Vennum, Minneapolis • “L et’s Talk Double Jeopardy’’—(speaker to q be announced) • “The Impact of the Tax Reform B ill“— Charles Orr, tax partner, McGladrey Hen drickson & Pullen, Iowa City Break q Concurrent Sessions repeated General Session; second floor, Convention Cen ter Executive vice president’s report “State of the Economy’’—Murray Weiden- q baum, former chairman of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisors; director, Center for Study of American Business, Washington University, St. Louis. Approximate adjournment £ Inaugural Dinner and Show featuring the Great Pretenders. □ S p o u ses’ Program Tuesday, September 16 8:00 Exhibit Hall and Crafters Gallery Open 8:00 Scherenschnitte workshop Mushroom Baskets workshop 8:30 Village Welcome Sign workshop Tin Punch Luminary workshop 9:00 The Art of Accessories workshop 10:00 Kate Kasten Brunch 11:45 Neil Simon’s “Sunshine Boys,” Luncheon Buffet Dinner P.M. 1:00 Shopping at Southridge Mall 1:30 Your Personal Creation workshop Ribbon Roses workshop 1:30 Santa With Toys workshop 1:45 Reception with Iowa’s First Lady and Terrace Hill Tom4:15 Spouse Program Closing Ceremonies and Grand Prize Drawing 6:30 Inaugural Dinner and Show featuring Great Pretenders A.M. A.M. P.M. Monday, September 15 8:00 Exhibit Hall and Crafters Gallery Open 8:15 Church and Synagogue Tour 8:30 Tin Punch Luminary workshop Village Welcome Sign workshop Rag Basket workshop Smocked Christmas Ornament workshop 9:00 Your Personal Creation workshop 11:45 Younkers Luncheon & Style Show 1:45 Shopping at Valley Junction (If rain, Valley West Mall) 1:45 Stenciled Lampshade workshop 2:00 International Wine Tasting Seminar 2:00 The Art of Accessories workshop Ribbon Roses workshop 4:00 Johnny Orr, head basketball coach, Iowa State University—General Session 6:00 Roger Williams concert 8:30 Roger Williams concert TO OUR 100 YEAR OLD “ PARTNER,” THE IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION: CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS. F D I C IN S U R E D FA R M ER S STA TE BANK 20 F A C IL IT IE S S E R V IN G Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • M A R IO N • ALBURNETT • H IA W A T H A • C E D A R R A P ID S 63 FLEX- -PAY 0 an important new profit center for your bank The unique Flex-O-Pay» computerized billing system was developed to solve one of the current problems faced by many bankers. How do you generate additional income from your present staff and equipment? This simple, flexible plan is easy to operate, yet it can become one of your most important profit centers. This is a computerized local billing/credit service that provides a consistent source of cash flow for your local business customers. You generate income for your bank through the discount on receivables. And you profit by the finance charges on accounts with balances that have been billed over 30 days. For complete information, call Toll FREE anywhere in Iowa . . . 1 800 772-2411 or call collect outside Iowa at 319-291-5415. Ask for LeRoy Bell or write The National Bank of Waterloo, R 0. Box 90, Waterloo, IA 50704. - - T he National Bank OF WATERLOO F.D.I.C. Insured up to $100,000 Subsidiary of Iowa National Bankshares Corp msm Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 64 Iowa Newa “My thrust was to remain positive in seeking a solution for our ag crisis” A N orthwest ern B a n k e r interview with J. BRUCE MERIWETHER and NEIL MILNER President Executive Vice President Iowa Bankers Association THINK when I decided I might I be a candidate for president of the Iowa Bankers Association that I had really little actual perception of what the timing was going to be when I actually became president. Especially, relevant to the economy of the state and particularly as it af fects banking, but driven, of course, by the deterioration of the ag eco nomy. I have to be very honest and say that had I known that, or had I foreseen the severity of that, then in all honesty I probably might have had second thoughts about my abili ty to serve as president because I do not come from a real strong agricul tural background.” That frank assessm ent of the situ ation in Iowa as it affects the IBA presidency is typical of Bruce Meri wether’s always open, frank discusion of any situation. He analyzes carefully and speaks directly. Con tinuing with that same openness, he said: “ I think one of the other things that was a great concern to me, one of the disappointments, was the ap parent need to re-do the image of banks and bankers, because I thought that was something, at least, that was not necessary or was a bad rap. “It became very apparent to me that if we—and when I say ‘w e,’ that Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis goes for the ABA, the IBA, the inde pendents or any other group con cerned with the problem—if we spent the entire year defining the fault of the whole thing w e’d com pletely waste our time. What had happened, had happened. We had to get on with the attack on the solu tion. So, I guess my hope is that my thrust as president of the associa tion was to remain positive in an ap proach for rebuilding the credibility of the banking industry as well as the economic future of this state, maybe even the midwest, because I did have an opportunity to participate on a national scale relative to agri culture and its problems.” The regional and national level participation was described as fol lows: “We had spent time in dialo gue with the Central States Confer ence group, which are all midwestern bank association executives and presidents, on the midwest problem and, of course, the ag crisis has been the Number One subject with that group. Then, on perhaps a farther reaching level than just totally re gional discussion was my participa tion on the A BA Special Presiden tial A g Task Force, which included representatives from all the midwestern states. “ It was a joint effort between the ABA and the IBAA. That Task Force operated primarily at the fed eral level, where we tried at times it seemed in vain, to present a pro gram we had established to the regu lators in particular, as well as mem bers of the Congress; but, I say in vain, trying to emphasize the seri ousness of the agricultural situation in all of the states represented. It was our combined feeling that the impact was n o t being measured pro perly in Washington. We asked for capital forbearance consideration by the regulators, for which we ulti mately received some success by the later joint resolution of the FDIC, Comptroller and the Fed to allow some capital forbearance under some rules. That in itself was a breakthrough in attitude, I think, which gave banks some hope that there would be more understanding between the regulators and bank management people.” Neil Milner interjected by saying, “I might mention that a bank could be in a problem situation and it would not be a reflection on the man agement of the bank. The economic conditions were such that even a well-managed bank could be having problems with their bottom line.” Bruce picked up on this point by stating, “We made it clear that we were not asking for a bailout of poor management, but only recognition that there were some adverse eco nomic influences there. We wanted to give banks that had earning capa bilities the opportunity to earn their way out of these problems.” Neil added that “The same kind of assistance we felt the farmers and businessmen needed to work their way out was needed by the banks that were financing them .” Bruce agreed, noting, “That’s the same ap proach we used in our Task Force meetings. But the fact remains that it was ‘not fashionable to make di rect assistance to banks.’ If we could have contrived a way, and we were to ld this, to structure assistance for farmers, then that would be more politically acceptable, particularly in an election time frame here. We were told that the capital forbear ance program, even though accep table by the regulators, would have problems if it became a legislative question; so, thereby, the political process gets involved in all of this, you see.” With all of this frustrating, ad verse reaction from Congress and other bodies, how did an IBA plea Io w a N e w s for optimism and a positive attitude set with IBA members? Bruce com mented readily on that. “In regard to the Phil Donahue Show (special broadcast last Febru ary from Cedar Rapids on the farm issue), there was one thing about the experience a fte r the show which made a great impact on me. Any body who was there after the lights were off could have observed that there was literally a line of people waiting to come up to me and say something and I was wondering, ‘My goodness, what is that going to be?’ “There were obviously all farm people at this program and every one of them—and I think there were about 50—came up and expressed first, their gratitude for our partici pation in that program and second to make sure that I understood and could tell somebody that they were ‘not mad at bankers, just the countrary. W e’re relying on you bankers as we have for so many years, just as our fathers did before us, to exer cise your contacts and your abilities to get us out of this crisis.’ And some of them—and I don’t mean to be traumatic here—but some even with tears in their eyes said, ‘If you bankers don’t help us, because you understand us the best, then who can we turn to? The government isn’t going to do it, the activist groups aren’t going to do it. We need your influence on not be discouraged.’ “That made a significant impact on me because it would not have sur prised me if all those 50 people had come up to me and said, ‘You no good, rotten banker! You got us into this problem because th at’s what I ’ve been reading all along!’ That was one experience that was most significant to m e.’’ What was the reaction of bankers around the state to their president’s call for positive action! “They appre ciated the fact that the Iowa Bank ers Association was diligent in its ef forts to look for solutions and not dwell on the problems. They compli mented us many times on our will ingness to meet with the social groups that had become involved in this problem, and rightfully so. “That, I would have to say, was another major part of the year that I felt very good about, that we did reach out and create a dialogue with the Prairie Fire people, Rural Life Conference, the mental health group Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65 “50 farm people told me after the Donahue show: ‘We’re not mad at bankers ...we’re relying on you ...if you don’t help us, who can we turn to?’ ’’ —Bruce Meriwether people and all the genuinely inter ested farm groups. And, I think that although it takes a long time for those kinds of activities to sift out, that we still made a difference in the attitude out there, that neither the banking side nor the social group side could any longer say we weren’t interested in the people portion of the problem. The people on the other side could not say they hadn’t been exposed to the economic side of the problem.’’ Was this dialogue with the Ag Social Concerns Group of short-term or long-term duration? Bruce said, “That needs to be taken further, in my opinion. It needs to be put in a priority mode so that a meaningful agenda can be established by the group because I think they can do great things. We can do great things together. I can recall in one instance that on legislation in regard to the mediation bill in the part dealing with m a n d a to ry mediation, that it almost blew the legislators away when they saw the IBA and all those groups working together in agree ment, addressing this particular issue from that standpoint. It can be done. There are things we can agree on. There are things we will probab ly n e v e r agree on.’’ Neil Milner, who was actively part of that group with Bruce Meri wether and a couple of other IBA of ficers and staff people, recalled also that “the farm group members of the A g Social Concerns Group sup ported the IBA in the legislature on another important issue. That was to authorize foreign loan protection in the event of real estate loans fore closed in the event of default. It was a change in the Corporate Farm Bill, which is sacred to those groups. That was a direct result of what Bruce was talking about. The fact was that we recognized the need for mediation and the Hot Lines, both of which we supported not only philosophically, but financially, in their need to work with people, and they recognized this change we sought was one of the tools we were asking for as a way of helping us to be able to work with people. This enabled Rabobank, for example, to take over loans in default that had been through M ASI by banks in Iowa and other midwest states a part of MABSCO.’’ Bruce stated emphatically, “ I be lieve we bankers would never have considered mediation, even seen the importance of mediation, had we not been meeting with these groups, particularly with the mental health people at that organization. Is that saying we’re short-sighted? Some times we are, but I just don’t think w e’d have gotten to where we are now without the dialogue. Other wise, mediation would have been another red tape involvement for us that normally, as bankers, we would not have perceived as in our interest. “Finding that we could agree with them was a direct result of just sit ting down and talking. Not arbitra tion, you understand, but mediation, and Mike Thompson, who is in charge of the mediation process, made that distinction clear—that ar bitration is n o t a part of this pro cess.’’ Bruce chimed in again, “But with out visiting with him and those other groups we would never have defined it that way. W e would have defined it, I think, in a negative way. Because of those contacts with Mike and others in that Social Concerns Group, I was also personally able to refer three bankers who were having real stress difficulties to the right people. You always wonder if that may have saved another tragedy like the one that we all lived under this year, too, which happend to oc cur in my year as president.’’ (Bruce referred to the senseless shotgun slaying of popular John R. Hughes, 46, president of Hills Bank & Trust INTERVIEW. . . (Turn to page 8 8 , please) Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 66 Io w a N e w s You Will See Them at the 100th Annual Iowa Bankers Convention dent; Peter H. McGuire, Wayne L. Bismark, Delmar Rogers, Jr., James R. Daly and William Crawford, vice presidents; Therese Kammholz, as T HE 100TH annual convention of Lawrence E. McGrath, senior vice sistant vice president; William Mouthe Iowa Bankers Association president and cashier, and Harlan cka, investm ent officer, and Ken will be held September 14-16 at the D. McCaw and Margaret E. Billings, neth Petropoulos, assistant to offi cers. Des Moines Convention Center. Of vice presidents. ficers and representatives of larger Northern Trust Company: Mr. Chicago banks from major banking centers and Mrs. John V.N. McClure, senior American National Bank: Dennis vice president; Mr. and Mrs. in the Midwest will be attending the F. Reher, second vice president and Michael L. Kubacki, vice president; convention. Following the list of bankers plan Peter S. Hilton, correspondent bank James F.T. Monhart, second vice ning to attend is a list of personnel ing officer. president; Susan Lang Berry, com from investment, service and equip Continental Bank: Robert C. mercial banking representative, and ment firms registered for the con Vasko, senior vice president; Philip David Bishop, bond sales represen vention. C. Adams, vice president; Mary K. tative. Nihlean and David C. Johnson, sec Cedar Rapids Des Moines Merchants National Bank: Henry ond vice presidents; James E. Bankers Trust Co.: John Ruan, Royer, president; Robert S. De- Honan, Jr., banking officer; Wil chairman; John Chrystal, president Waay, executive vice president; liams W. Buford, treasury and se and CEO; Dennis R. Wood, execu Jerry N. Trudo, Terry M. Martin, curities officer, and Barry L. Bob- tive vice president; Ben G. Eilders, Richard E. Retz and Dennis O. Ear- row and David U. Drake, banking senior vice president; Donald H. Jorhart, vice presidents, and Stanley R. associates. dahl, vice president; Bradley J. Han Drovers Bank: Frank E. Bauder, sen, assistant vice president, and Farmer, Gary L. Bartlett and Robert J. Louvar, assistant vice chairman; Robert F. Corey, execu Steven D. Brewer, commercial bank tive vice president, and John J. ing officer. presidents. Peoples Bank and Trust Co.: Ted Crotty, Jr., and Max A. Roy, senior First Interstate Bank: Robert G. J. Welsh, chairman; John M. Sagers, vice presidents. Millen, president and CEO; James president and CEO; Don G. Ellis, ex LaSalle National Bank: Nicholas W. Eiler, executive vice president; ecutive vice president and COO; J. De Leonardis, senior vice presi- Randy P. Steig, Kenneth D. Danilson, William V. Mullins, vice presi dents; Kenneth R. Malecha, corres pondent banking officer; Eric Paul, manager, investm ents; Dean E. Roth and Joan Thompson, invest ROUP ment officers, and Brian Hughes, in B an k In s u ra n c e S p e c ia lis ts vestment representative. 8555 Harbach Blvd., Des Moines, IA 50311 • (515) 223-6205 We’r e H elping B anks Change the Word Insurance’ Into Investm ent Mark Havemann Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ask us how at the Iowa Bankers Convention Sept. 14-16 Norwest Bank Des Moines: George F. Milligan, chairman and CEO; H. Lynn Horak, president and COO; John P. Rigler and Gary McClimen, vice presidents; Mark E. PERIMA ■T A M P MAKES BETTER IMPRESSIONS THE STAMP YOU CAN BANK ON S A V E S T IM E ! SAVES M O N E Y ! • NO INK PAD • THOUSANDS OF NEEDED IMPRINTS • THE INK IS IN • NO RE-INKING THE STAMP REQUIRED Won’t leak or dry out. Imprints crisp & clean every time. Available in all sizes. Black, red or purple imprints. DES MOINES STAMP MFG. COMPANY Manufacturers o f Marking Products Since 1880 851 SIXTH AVENUE • BOX 1798 DES MOINES. IOWA 50306 • PHONE (515) 288-7245 Left to right: Jim Perkins, Assistant Vice President; Dave Howell, Correspondent Banking Officer; Barry Richards, Vice President; Mike Bauer, First Vice President; John Oliger, Correspondent Banking Representative M eet the team that will show you results. Know us by our reputation. Davenport Bank has a record of performance that's hard to beat. At Davenport Bank we focus on perfor mance—not promises. When you work with us, you're working with one of the safest financial institutions around. We're able to bring stability to a correspondent relationship—an important consideration in today's changing banking environment. Our correspondent team has the talent— and the tools—to back its commitments with the results you expect. The proof is in performance. Let us tell you more about what we can do for you—then give us the chance to prove it. Technology tempered with personal atten tion. We have the technology and the resources to provide you with a full scope of services to fill your day-to-day operational and investment needs. Call us today to set up an appointment—or write us at the address below. Phone (319) 383-3429 But we won't stop there. We'll not only respond to your needs, we'll anticipate them. We'll work closely with you to find creative solutions to problems big and small, to help improve your profit picture. That's perfor mance. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis □AVEINPORT BANC ----------------------A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y ---------------------- 203 WEST THIRD STREET, DAVENPORT, IOWA 52801-1977 M EM B ER FDIC Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 68 Io w a N e w s Conway, Tom Quinlin and Jay D. Nichols, second vice presidents; Dorothea A. Wolfe, administrative officer; Kent C. Mericle, assistant vice president, NIB and, Lowell Barkley and Bill Kloberdanz, NIS. Valley National Bank: H. Peter De Rosier, vice president. Dubuque American Trust & Savings Bank: Nicholas J. Schrup, chairman; Wil liam D. McGeehan, president, and Leo F. Kane, executive vice presi dent. Kansas City United Missouri Bank: Mick Aslin, president; Lyle Wells, vice chairman; Phil Straight, Larry Rus sell and Kirk Vaughan, executive vice presidents; Dick Muir, Janet Kelley and Jeff Goble, vice presi dents; Mark Bailey, bond invest ment officer, and Steve Loveless, in vestment representative. Minneapolis First National Bank: Richard C. Swanberg and Kenneth A. Wales, senior vice presidents; Sally Laux, vice president; Donald D. Mikelson, assistant vice president; Christo pher Wilson, bond investment repre sentative, and Peter J. Mehlhaff, correspondent banking officer. Marquette Bank Minneapolis, N.A.: Jack Campion, vice president, and Craig Bishop, investment offi cer. merly, vice presidents, and Leroy Bell, assistant vice president. Investment, Equipment and Service Firms AGRIcareers, Inc., New Hamp ton: Jean Eden and Sandi Garner, ag Omaha Norwest Bank Nebraska, Omaha: banking personnel specialists. Chuck Undlin, president; Bill DewBell & Howell, Waukesha, Wis.: hurts and Howard Nielsen, vice presidents; and Tim Tewes, financial institutions group officer. Gary K. Nickerson, regional sales manager and Byron Williamson, Robert Lidgett, and John Bailey, sales representatives. Sioux City Brandt, Omaha: Jim Grimes and First National Bank: Max J. Lar son, chairman, president and CEO; Ed Bruns, district managers; Steve Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stevenson, vice Bruns, Herbert Duysen, and Kent president, and Mark R. Paradise, Marcek, sales representatives, and Dick Martin and David Grimes, correspondent banking officer. Security National Bank: R.E. sales managers. Central State Health, Omaha: Hagen, president; Dennis A. Nahnsen and Michael Moreland, vice John Benson and Brenda Frey, re presidents, and Wilma Weeks and gional managers. Ron Kiel, correspondent officers. Creditor Resources, Inc., West Des Moines: Frank Shimsky, presi Waterloo National Bank of Waterloo: R. dent; Joe Grabenstein and Jim Scott Fetner, president; William J. Woolard, directors; Tim Bird, man Rickert, Erl Schmiesing, James aging agent; Robert Okerstrom, ac Freet, Milt Hennick, Willis Crees count executive, and Dave Carlson, and Byron J. Loving, senior vice account representative. Cummins-Allison Corp., Des p residents; John Cunningham , Everett P. Brown, and Dale T. Zim- Moines: Tom Faunce, regional man- Committed to making your bank stand apart from the N o P a ra c h u te That’s how most companies release or retire employees. Soften the blow. Give your employees outplacement services and career consulting from DEEMS ASSOCIATES 2330 Lincoln Way Ames, Iowa 50010 515/292-0404 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69 From one “old tim er” to another. * • First National Bank of Omaha is pleased to salute the Iowa Bankers Association on its 100th anniversary of service to die people of Iowa. We have much in common. We both know responsive bank ing service is vital to the stability of our communities and our regions. We’ve both stayed close to o u r roots, devoted to the interests of our customers. And while we both maintain die Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis values and traditions of our suc cessful past, w ere both pursuing our visions of excellence in the banking industry for die future. Since 1863, the First National Bank of Omaha has provided strength and dependability for its customers. Since 1886, the Iowa Bankers Association has provided leadership and responsive serv ice to the banking industry and the people of Iowa. And that’s something to be proud of. Congratulations, from one old-timer to another. ® first n a tio n a l b a n k of o m a h a one first national center, om aha, nebraska 68102 m em ber FDIC • 341-0500 Toll-free In Nebraska 1-800-642-9907 Surrounding states 1-800-228-9533 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 70 Io w a N e w s First Interstate Information Sys ager; Ralph Haskins, branch man ager, and Tom Catton, representa tems of Iowa, Inc., Des Moines: Jim Fogt, president; Richard Davis, ex tive. Data Business Equipment, Des ecutive vice president and COO; Moines: Waldo F. Geiger, president; Larry Glass, Richard Bro and Tim Kolb, marketing manager; Jim C lau d e D a w so n , se n io r v ic e Landuyt, marketing representative, presidents, and Gerry Graff and Bill Heinzig, vice presidents. and Lynn Groen, manager. Kirk Gross Company, Waterloo: Deluxe Check Printers, Inc., Des Moines: Bruce A. Christensen, sales Gerald L. Gross, president; Mike manager, and Dave Roy, sales repre Schaefer, sales representative, and Bob Jamerson, architect. sentative. HBE Bank Facilities, St. Louis: Diebold, Inc., Des Moines: Roger Swanson, regional manager; Tim Dennis Whittington, account execu Messamer, customer services man tive. ager, and David Brown, sales repre IAC Group, Des Moines: Craig sentative. Ross, Kathryn I. Foster and Mark Douglas Austin & Assd., Toledo, S. Havemann, sales representatives, Oh.: Dr. Douglas V. Austin, presi and Mark Kessel and Mary Quigley. dent and CEO, and John E. MacArIowa College Aid Commission, thur, vice president. Des Moines: Gary W. Nichols, act Electronic Office Systems, Des ing executive director; Robert W. Moines: Edgar A. Herrman, George Paton and John Heisner, directors, Cochran, and Gary Walther, repre and Robert Redman, JoAnn Barnes and Rose Chapman, field representa sentatives. Evergreen Systems, Inc., Omaha: tives. Kansas Bankers Surety Co.: Don Ralph Noren, president, and Ken Towle, president, and Dave AbendMeredith, sales manager. roth, vice president. M & I Leasing Corp., Des Moines: CONGRATULATIONS Gene Monroe, vice president, and McGladrey, Hendrickson & Pul- ® len, Des Moines: Kevin L. Prust, John L. McCune, Paul D. Hayes, and Michael D. Wheeler, partners. Modern Banking Systems, Inc., ^ Omaha: M.J. Reynolds, sales man ager, and Jim McCormick, account representative. NCR Corporation, Des Moines: Nancy Shaver, Margaret Kuble, % John Peglow, Kalon Sarby, John Evans, Kevin Fields, Lori Bents, Jay Deinst, Dan Lein and Robert Lapinski. Office Concepts, Waterloo: Har- ® old W. Schoonover, president; Ross D. Schoonover, vice president; Jerry B. Spurgat, vice president/senior de signer, and James H. Jones, sales person. ^ PCA International Inc., Mat thews, N.C.: Geoff Squire and John Phillips, regional account directors. Swords Associates, Kansas City, # Mo.: Tom C. Cannon, associate. US Check Book Co., Omaha: Ed Batchelder, president, and Chuck Strattan, Glen Altfillisch, Tom Potthoff, Jim Kohrin, Mike Strattan and ® Randy Roan, representatives. Congratulations to the Iowa Bankers Association on its 100th Anniversary IB A ON 100 YEARS M T.A U B U R N SA V IN G S B A N K .Æ Tim Mercer, leasing officer. Farmers Savings Bank Traer, Iowa ,ÿî-uÂuAw, ¿fc4wa 52333 CONGRATULATIONS IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION YEARS 1 0 0 ^ TW O RUAN CENTER D ES M O IN E S , IO W A 5 0 3 0 9 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r Hutton 2 4 3 -1 2 0 3 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 2 -1 4 4 3 Over 250 Iowa financial institutions have used Kirk Gross Co. services! Do they know something you don’t? Kirk Gross Co. has a solid reputation in Iowa for designing new financial institutions and remodeling present ones. If you are thinking about a new facility, put the responsibility and worrying in the hands of the TURN KEY professionals. We keep up on the latest ideas on planning, designing, construction and furnishings. That’s why we have completed more than 250 projects since 1971. The best part of this unequaled record is that so many are repeat, satisfied customers. Let Kirk Gross Co. explain how our complete TURN KEY program will save you time and money. O 0 fc - ■' ' ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' ' If you’d like to know what other bankers know about Kirk Gross Co., call at your earliest op portunity. (How about right Now! Phone 319-234-6641) m KIRK GROSS CO. 4015 Alexandra Drive RO. Box 2097 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 72 Io w a N e w s I BA Off icers Are Elected USSELL S. Howard, chairman of Mahaska Investment Com pany, Oskaloosa, holding company for Mahaska County State Bank, will be advanced to the presidency of the Iowa Bankers Association dur ing the 1 0 0 th annual convention in Des Moines on September 16. Mr. Howard, who has served as IBA president-elect the past year, will succeed J. Bruce Meriwether, presi dent of the First National Bank of Dubuque. In the mail ballot submitted to members last month according to IBA by-laws, the only candidate for 1986-87 president-elect was Clair J. Lensing, president of Farmers State Bank in Marion. Under the present procedure of officer succession, Mr. Lensing would assume the IBA R Die re e l^ e ó t a u r a n t %n J J o u rich e Visit the Crystal Tree Restaurant where fine food is served in an elegant atmosphere. Serving groups up to 70. Serving dinner from: Sun.-Th., 5 P.M.-10 P.M. Fri.-Sat., 5 P.M.-11 P.M. • N ew ly D ecorated • 1986 ★ ★ ★ ★ Rating by Grumpy G ourm et 287-2032 6111 Fleur Drive Across from the Airport Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R.S. HOWARD C.J. LENSING presidency in September, 1987, and would be the presiding officer at the 102nd annual convention in Septem ber, 1988. Fred Hagemann, president of the State Bank of Waverly, was named treasurer in the 1985 election for a two-year term, so will continue in that office until the 1987 conven tion. Mr. Howard was born March 5, 1931, into a distinguished Mahaska County family who has served the banking interests of Oskaloosa and surrounding area for 103 years. His grandfather, Harry S. Howard, founded Mahaska County State Bank in 1883, serving as its manag ing officer from opening day until his retirement in 1934 as president. He died in 1940 at the age of 8 6 . Russell S. Howard, Sr., who joined the Mahaska County State Bank in 1920, became managing officer in 1934 when his father retired. He was elected chairman and president in July, 1945. He retired as president in 1969, continuing as chairman un til his death in 1978 at the age of 8 6 . Russell S. Howard, Jr., was grad uated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, in 1953. After com pleting graduate work at the Univer sity of Iowa, he joined the family bank and was elected a vice presi dent in 1963. He succeeded his father as president in 1969 and then was named chairman also at the time of his father’s death in 1978. He is a 1962 graduate of the Grad uate School of Banking at the Uni versity of Wisconsin and has com pleted several management schools of AMA. Mr. Howard has been extremely active in the Iowa Bankers Associa tion. He served as treasurer in 197374, and two terms as chairman of the IBA legislative committee. As a member of the Iowa-Nebraska Joint EFT Study team, he took part in the initial development of electronic funds transfer in Iowa. When the Iowa Transfer System was formally organized, he served as its first president from 1975-77, continuing on the ITS board until 1982. He served also with the American Bankers Association’s Fund for Economic Education from 1981-83 and was chairman of the Fund in 1983. Mr. Lensing attended the Univer sity of Iowa and graduated from the Graduate School of Banking in Mad ison, Wis. He also attended the Agricultural Credit School in Ames and the School of Bank Examining in Urbana, 111. Mr. Lensing spent 10 years as a banking examiner for the State De partment of Banking in Des Moines. He was a senior examiner for five of those years. His association with Farmers State Bank in Marion has spanned 20 years. He has been president of the bank for the past three years and is also on the board of directors. He is also president of Citizens Savings Bank in Hawkeye and Maynard Sav ings Bank in Maynard. Mr. Lensing has been chairman of Group 4 for the past two years and has served on the IBA board of di rectors. He is also an ex-officio member of ITS, Inc. He currently serves on the board of the Marion Chamber of Commerce and the Marion Industrial Developm ent Commission. He is a past president of the Linn County Bankers A sso ciation. In addition, Mr. Lensing pre viously served as treasurer for Kirk wood Community College, and as a director for the Cedar Rapids Cham ber of Commerce, Indian Creek Country Club and the Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Hagemann has served as chairman of Group 3 and has served on the IBA board of directors. He is chairman of the IBA Finance Com mittee. Named in Manning Howard H. Hansel, executive vice president of Walnut State Bank has been named president and chief ex ecutive officer of Manning Trust & Savings Bank. Mr. Hansel served in various capacities at Walnut State Bank for eight years. 73 Hills Bank & Trust Company, Hills. He was shot Dec. 9 by Lone Tree farmer Dale Burr, who also shot and killed his own wife and a neighbor ing farmer, and then took his own life. Io w a N e w s Sanford, Elbert Win Hughes Scholarship HE John H ughes Memorial Scholarship winners for this year, chosen to attend the Iowa School of Banking, were Michael Sanford and David Elbert. Mr. Sanford is a banking and fi nance major at Buena Vista College, Storm Lake. He was recommended for the scholarship by his economics professor, Paul Russell, who is also a board member for Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, Storm Lake. T M. SANFORD D. ELBERT Mr. Elbert is a business writer for The D e s M o in e s R e g is te r , assigned to cover the banking beat. He holds a B.S. degree in journalism and poli tical science from Iowa State Uni versity, Ames. Before joining the staff of the R e g is te r , ten years ago, Mr. Elbert was employed with the Q u a d -C ity T im es, Davenport. The John Hughes Memorial Fel lowship will be awarded annually to a representative of an Iowa news or ganization, to enhance his/her under standing of the commercial banking industry, and to a junior business major attending a four year Iowa college or university who has ex pressed an interest in banking as a career. Recipients of the scholarship are chosen by the Iowa School of Banking Advisory Board of which Mr. Hughes served as both a mem ber and chairman. Member banks have, to date, donated $ 2 0 ,2 0 0 to endow the fel lowship. The IBA is continuing to accept contributions to the fund and plans to use additional donations for other special projects of interest to the industry. In a letter to the IBA, Mr. San ford praised the course material and Congratulations to IBA for a job well done from all the staff at the MELVIN SAVINGS BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis instructors at the Iowa School of Banking. “ I probably gained more from the school than any of the other students,” he wrote, and spoke of the benefits to his future career. Mr. Elbert also wrote prais ing the school for augmenting his knowlege of banking. He acquired a page full of story ideas, he said, “which have nothing whatever to do with bank failures.” He was grateful for the opportunity to learn banking basics, pick up a little history, and make friends. The Iowa School of Banking is sponsored by the IBA in coopera tion with the University of Iowa Col lege of Business Administration. It was held at the University of Iowa, Iowa City on June 22-27. Because of Mr. H ughes’ devotion and contributions to the Iowa School of Banking, IBA President J. Bruce Meriwether felt a scholarship fund was the best way to com memorate a lost friend. Mr. Hughes was the president of Appointed in Waterloo Kendall Messer has been ap pointed to assistant vice president in the farm divi sion at The Na tional Bank of Waterloo. He brings to the bank many years of ag-related experience, which includes: s a le s , G reen C ounty, Farm K. MESSER Service, Monroe, Wis.; district sales manager, Asgrow Seed Company, Des Moines; branch manager at Southeast Iowa Product Credit Association, and assistant vice president and ag rep resentative at the First National Bank of New Hampton. BRANDT MONEY HANDLING MACHINES, INC. AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE JIM GRIMES SERVING IOWA BANKERS FOR 33 YEARS STOP BY FOR A FREE GIFT Money Handling Machines, Inc. 10607 Bondesson Circle, Omaha, NE 68134 402-571-5577 THE CENTRAL TRUST A N D SAVINGS BANK OF CHEROKEE W ISHES TO CONGRATULATE THE IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION ON ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY President John B. Keeline — 77th IBA President 1958 - 1959 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 74 Io w a N e w s Group Chairmen Report Area Conditions ROUP chairmen of the Iowa Bankers Association have sub mitted the following reports on farm and business conditions in their areas: G Group 1 William C. Hess, Iowa Savings Bank: From Coon Rapids to Sioux City the report on farm condi tions for Group 1 are the same. O v e r a ll our grain crops for the entire area will result in ter rific yields and s to r a g e p ro b lems. Excellent yields will soften the impact of poor grain and until re cently poor livestock prices, but will not be sufficient to spur farm spend ing for anything but essential and necessary items. Our land values continue to be something to wonder about. More people talk about the good values available but only a few want to fi nalize a purchase considering poor grain prices and huge surpluses, and lower interest rates a good possibili ty. The consensus on land values seems to be that we m u s t be close to the bottom. On the commercial side, top re gional shopping centers of the area report satisfaction for the times we are in but smaller communities with their main street merchants are find ing the cash flows difficult at best in too many instances. Unwanted changes in our rural communities which cannot be reversed easily are evidenced by empty store fronts, closed dealerships, talk of school mergers, and declining values. Neither state or national policies or world markets are expected to change and provide the near term improvement we seek for our farm/ business economy. The consensus is 0 that we do have difficult times ahead that require we “hunker down” a bit longer. Group 2 ^ Norm Skadburg, First State Bank, Webster City: Rainfall in our area has been ex c e lle n t t h is spring and sum mer leading us I H to believe we will WÊÊ have record corn an d soyb ean crops this fall. There are a few iso la te d areas ■ ■ w here rain fall has been too heavy and yields will suffer, but ^ these areas are few and far between. The current prices of $1.75 for corn and $5.00 for soybeans leave a lot to be desired. Until these prices im prove we will continue to see a per- ^ centage of our farmers leaving the farm or cutting back their opera tions. Storage for the bumper crop this fall is a top priority now. The drama- Q tic shortage of storage space means 1 0 0 YEARS OF EXCELLENT SERVICE IBA President 1887 G.L. Tremain IBA President 1987 R.S. Howard Best W ishes for the Next 1 0 0 Years! Mahaska Investment Co. Mahaska State Bank Oskaloosa, IA First National Bank Sumner, IA Farmers Savings North English, IA Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U.S. Financial Institutions Division Community Banks Jim Meehan Jack Clark Bud Cross Garth Dunn Keith St. Pierre Art Stake Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST CHICAGO The First National Bank of Chicago 76 Io w a N e w s that millions of bushels of Iowa grain may be unhoused. Due to the low market prices and government price support programs, existing storage facilities and many country elevators are full of 1984-85 crops. Many elevators have added storage space that is now fully allocated to farm customers. Some farmers are constructing new storage facilities on their farms, but many farmers can’t support any more capital debt. They will have to seek other alterna tives to their storage problems. The Cooperative Extension Service is now conducting meetings to inform farmers of these alternatives. The bright spot in the agricultural picture in our area is the $60 -f hog market. The profitable situation in the swine industry will help retire some carryover debt, which should insure that many of our hog produ cers will still be in business for a while longer. The producers with low debt or no debt situations can now look at some possible purchases of low cost land or additional equip ment. Communities in our area are con tinuing to seek new jobs to help off set some of the problems the sag ging agricultural econom y has caused. We are all vying for new in dustry to come to our towns, but the competition is keen. Many commu nities are buying industry. This may be a short-term solution that could be a problem in the long run. More realistically, many of us need to see if there is a possibility of job expan sion within some of our present in dustries. Whether the new jobs come from within our communities or from new industries moving in, the jobs are badly needed. Main streets are showing signs of deterio ration even in the most progressive towns. Em pty storefronts are very evident and are a depressing sight for most of us. Our communities have the labor pools available. We have displaced farmers or farmers seeking off-farm equipment; we have young people who want to stay in their home areas. We have spouses who are willing to work for needed additional family income, and we have others who would like to move to our communities from cities if a job existed. There is no finer place to live, raise and educate a family, and work than in rural Iowa. The next year is a crucial year for Iowa. The next year is a crucial year for Iowa agri culture and for banking in our state. We need to be as positive as possi ble. “Tough times don’t last, tough people do!” Group 3 Donald E. Snyder, president, Manufacturers Bank & Trust Com pany, F orest City: Crop yield prospects in the Group 3 coun ties are general ly e x c e lle n t . While crops got off to a slow start in many areas, tempera ture and mois ture conditions have allowed them to catch up. In fact, in some places the corn is ma turing faster than normal. Current ly, corn prospects appear better than soybeans. In contrast to a year ago, hog pro fits have been good and look good for the next several months. There are relatively few cattle feeders left, but the numbers would indicate the BEST WISHES to the Iow a Bonkers Association on 100 years of outstanding service Amcr kan rust 0 Savings Dan< T h e B enk^of O p p o r tu n ity DUBUQUE and DYERSVILLE DUBUQUE, IOWA 52001 Member FDIC LEO F. KANE Executive Vice President Commercial and Correspondent Bonking Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A m tru s t 77 From one centenarian to another... Happy Anniversary Iowa Bankers Association from Brenton. Extra effort. Expect it from Brenton. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 78 Io w a N e w s potential for higher prices. in my opinion, comes in the area of cial area, but on the other hand, new Grain storage capacity is going to customer attitude or attitude ad housing construction is up consi be a real problem with many farmers justment. There seems to be some derably, as much as 30% in some scrambling to make a place for the bright signals flashing in many seg areas. Confidence is strengthened by coming crop. If the excellent yield ments of the economy, which is very prospects materialize, producers encouraging to all of us concerned, some favorable aspects within the have storage, and livestock prices the banker and the customer. This economy such as lower interest hold, 1986 should be less painful within itself creates a great amount rates, increasing housing markets, of encouragement and optimism etc. It is vital to keep the ag than previously thought. The retail sector of the area is flat that will eventually produce even economy healthy in order to keep the Iowa economy prosperous. to weak with the exception of the greater results. The agricultural outlook is superb major trade centers where volume is Group 5 growing. This is an extension of a as the crops are excellent with pos Thomas D. Whitson, Council long-term trend. sible record grain yields in several The industrial base of the Group 3 counties and very favorable live Bluffs Savings Bank: This year I am area is doing reasonably well. While stock prices, particularly the hog happy to report there are ups and downs among the market. The majority of the agri some very good individual companies, the area’s in cultural newsletters indicate that we things happen dustrial component is relatively will continue to see livestock prices ing in southwest at the current level for both cattle Iowa. In Council healthy. To repeat a statement from last and hogs. In addition, land values B lu ffs, B lu ffs year, “Agriculture and all that it are decreasing in valuation at a Run, the dog touches is undergoing dramatic much larger percentage rate and track, has opened changes. But given time we can and even some experts are saying that and employs ap land values have bottomed-out. The proximately 550 will adjust.’’ T he only unfavorable condition at this p e o p le . time are the lower grain prices. We track itself is Group 4 Clair J. Lensing, president, Farm would all agree that the grain mar breaking all projections and expec ers State Bank, Marion: It is gratify ket is too low in relation to produc tations. Our pork plant in Council tion cost and other related expenses. Bluffs is open, and it is employing ing to report H opefully, we w ill see som e 350 people. The pork plant was re that in eastern strengthening in the markets within opened by IBP, Inc. In addition to Iowa the econo these two things, a new shopping the next six months. my in general is U n em ploym ent figu res have center will be opened in Council fairly h ea lth y shown some improvement in the last Bluffs this fall, which will employ an and has even year, down 0.3% from approximate additional 500 to 600 people. With show n further ly 4%, which is a favorable indicator the addition of these jobs to our im p r o v e m e n t for the Group 4 area. We hope this economy, it will do a lot to alleviate over the past trend will continue in future years. year. One of the The construction industry seems more significant Congratulations to be lagging behind in the commerchanges, at least on 100 Years FIRST STATE BANK U.S. CHECK BOOK COMPANY “Visit our hospitality room at the Savery.” United States Check Book Company Looks Forward to Seeing You September 14-16 During The Iowa Bankers Association Annual Convention JgL United States Check Book Company 1201 SOUTH 16TH STREET ■OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68108 In Nebraska Call 402-345-3162 Out of State Call WATS Line 1-800-228-9246 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ida Grove Congratulations To The Iowa Bankers Association On Their 100th Anniversary Security State Bank Hubbard, Iowa 79 A I O W T T A E N T I O B A N K N E R S PROBLEMS W ITH YOUR BLANKET BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERW RITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? We have been able to solve many bonding problems for bankers at the lowest possible premium. Call or Write THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY 435 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 1-913-234-2631 Serving bankers for more than 75 years Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 80 Io w a N e w s some of our unemployment prob and held in bins on their farms. lems. Because of the record corn crop last The agricultural scene remains year, practically all storage facilities somewhat cloudy. In recent weeks are full. With the impending crop fat cattle prices have made a re coming, there will be a real problem covery which are allowing small pro as to storage. fits on feeder cattle. Hogs have also I have been advised by various been reasonably good property this bin dealers that they already have year. construction scheduled through this The big challenge facing south fall and probably would not be able west Iowa, and I am sure the rest of to complete construction in time for the state of Iowa in the next few harvest. I am certain both bean and corn months, will be the grain storage situation. A large number of farmers prices will suffer because of the stor will have their 1985 corn crop sealed age problem. First National Bank Of Dubuque 122 Years of Service To Our Banking Friends: The First National Bank of Dubuque has been serving the needs of our community and market area continuously for over 122 years. We are well positioned with top profes sionals and a corporate structure that will allow us to ex pand our financial delivery system throughout our market. We are in step with the times and excited about the oppor tunities that will challenge us in the years ahead. The Iowa Bankers Association is to be congratulated for their ability to proficiently serve the many needs of Iowa’s banks and bankers for the past 100 years. And we are proud to have our President, J. Bruce Meriwether, serve as President of the Iowa Bankers Associa tion during its 100th year cele bration. Best wishes to the IBA for another 100 years of suc cessful service. William G. Kruse Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUBUQUE Seventh at Town Clock Plaza Kennedy at Wacker Jackson and White at 22nd Asbury at Hales Mill Road Mem ber F.DilC Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Generally, I think the attitude of agriculture is much better this year # than it has been in recent years. When one reads about the terrible drought situation in the southeast ern United States, we should be glad we have what we have. • Group 6 James M. Schipper, president, Lamoni National Bank: The economy of South Central Iowa appears to be showing signs of at least stabi lizing and possi bly even some im p ro v em en ts, especially com pared with last year. We are again experienc ing an excellent growing season for crop develop ment. Most planting was completed on time and we have had adequate rains throughout the summer. It looks as if many farmers have the potential of matching or improv ing last year’s record crop yields, and livestock market prices are con tinuing at very favorable levels. Vir tually all farmers are participating in the government program, and will place their crop under commodity loan providing they can arrange storage. Our most serious problem may be the lack of adequate storage to participate in the commodity loan program. M ost producers and grain elevators are unwilling to invest in new storage structures, and existing storage is already full from last year’s crop. Most mainstreet businesses are continuing to do okay, and some are operating very profitably. However, any business that is highly lever aged, either farm or commercial, is continuing to have difficulty in gen erating adequate profit to service high debt loads. It seems as if the banking indus try in our area has found itself in a rather unusual environment. We have certainly seen our share of bank closings in Group 6 , and many banks are operating at very low earning levels, trying to digest loan losses and non-earning assets. How ever, at the same time, several banks are enjoying the benefits of lower deposit costs and favorable positions in bond portfolio’s. Group 6 also includes the Des Moines market area. Many of the medium and larger banks in the 81 “What a pleasure it is to shop where people who serve you know what they’re doing.” T h a t’s w h at one of our custom ers said about th ese m en in our m en ’s c lo th in g d e p a r tm e n t. W e a d v e r tis e w e h a v e c o m p e te n t a n d know ledgeable personnel who will give you th e ir courteous and undivid ed atten tio n w hen you shop a t R eich ard t’s. In this im personal com puter age, and w ith such know ledgeable m en to help you as m y associates p ictured here, th a t is indeed a prim e exam ple of an added value for you. f Herb l HeinÉ R eich ard t’s has alw ays sold top quality clothing a t fair prices b u t you g et added values in m any w ays w hen you shop here. H ere a re o th er ex am ples. Example 2 No sale is ever final a t R eich ard t’s.This m eans if you’re dissatisfied in any w ay a t any tim e, b rin g th e m erchandise back and w e’ll replace it F R E E . I believe th is is th e only clothing sto re in th e U nited S tates th a t offers you such an added value. Example 3 Don O’Brien W e ’ll a lte r y o u r c lo th in g fro m R e ic h a rd t’s fo r th e life of th e g a rm e n t-F R E E . Did you ev er h e a r of such an added value? I haven’t. Example 4 W e’ll re p a ir (while you w ait if necessary) buttons, zippers, o r o th er n eed ed re p a irs for life of yo u r R eich ard t g a rm e n t-F R E E . A n o th er excellent exam ple of added value. Example 5 John Reese If we don’t have w h at you w an t o r if you’re difficult to fit, w e’ll have your suit m ade to your m easu re a t re g u la r rack prices. An added value in com plete satisfaction for you. Example 6 F o r over 30 y ears w e’ve k ep t all th e prom ises w e’ve m ade and people know it. E v ery th in g we sell m u st m easu re up to yo u r expectations not ours. W e keep our trad e. Mike Millin The en tire R eich ard t’s organization has a passion for excellence seldom found in businesses now adays. Yes you g e t added values w hen you buy from R eich ard t’s. I prom ise you will be satisfied for a long tim e w hen you shop here. I ’ll see th a t you a re because I ’m here. I ’m Bill R eich ard t and I own th e store. s j^ /p S rirh a rò t’s Local telephone 274-1558 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Just off the Freeway at 42nd St. Des Moines IA Toll Free 1-800-652-9602 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Io w a N e w s metro area are reporting a rather price. Generally m ost agree that strong and active business environ government programs provide the ment. Those banks with a large con best possible strategy in farming sumer base, and commercial ac and banking plans - even though counts representing retail and ser many bankers resent government in vice industries are enjoying favor tervention. Deposits appear to be holding able performance this year. with weak loan demand causing heavy investm ents in the fed fund Group 7 William J. Rickert, National Bank market. Weaker yields on govern of Waterloo: The worst is over! Pro ments are putting pressure on rates paid to customers. Bankers know bably not for they have to keep bringing rates every customer down - even with smaller spreads - to or every banker, keep from having legislative pres b u t g e n e r a lly sure on rates changed. this is the feel One banker reports having some in g o f m a n y people moving back into the area Group 7 bank and getting area jobs - perhaps at ers. low pay. Apparently, they didn’t O verall p e s like the quality of life in some other simism of a year parts of the country. ago has been re With the proliferation of bank of placed - not by optimism - but a cautious expecta fices, there is a concern about an tion of hope and a more realistic ap equitable dues structure for IBA. proach to problems. I doubt if many There is a strong concern about the bankers or customers expect a future of small independent banks return to the careless, carefree days with no apparent help to be derived of the 70’s, but rather a feeling of from permitting interstate banking. operating with smaller margins and Generally there is a feeling that more consolidation will occur and improved efficiency. Crops universally are good to ex that there will be more merged cellent with concerns for storage and banks with more full-service offices. Most banks have found that the slow process of litigation is frustra- • ting and expensive and probably negotiating, even with the help of mediation, may be a better answer for both banker and customer. Alm ost every banker talked to • reports much higher legal expense and non-productive officer time in problem solving. The legislature surely has not made our job any easier. w Generally, however, Group 7 banks are performing well - with only a few showing higher classifica tions than state averages. Group 8 Donald M. Kout, Farmers & Mer chants Savings Bank, Lone Tree: The eight coun ties in our group have excellen t look in g crops. We did not get very much fall work done in 1985. However, the spring work was timely and it paid to have th e corn and beans in early. CONGRATULATIONS FROM YOUR FRIENDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Io w a N e w s Soybean yields have more poten^ tial than earlier this year and have improved in the past two weeks. The lack of sunshine will have some lim iting yield effects and could be con ducive to soybean diseases. £ The corn crop looks good from the road. Field checks indicate many ears have 14 kernel rows which will limit the yield to 155 bushels per acre on what looks like 175 bpa • while driving by. This is due to stress conditions of early plant de velopment and during extremely wet spring conditions in May and June. Local seed corn company agro• nomists stated 1985 test plots aver aged 18.7 kernel rows per ear. We have more stalks with two ears and the seed corn companies feel they have excellent yields in their seed • fields. The senior ag officer who brought me the above figures quali fied them by commenting that with all the early noise the katydids are making, we could have an early frost • which would cut yields... In visiting with banks of our group, m ost feel we have an excel lent crop that will have a low cash sale value. The majority of our pro• ducers are in the government pro gram, so most of this crop will be sealed under government loan. This will compound the storage problem as the storage is being used for 1985 crops. Banks that have loan re quests for storage bins have been slow to respond. With the change announced for the lowering of stan dards for storage with ASCS, the producers will attempt to store grain wherever they can. Livestock prices are better than projected in our cash flow this spring. The numbers must not be out there or the markets would ad just. We don’t see much expansion to create numbers at this time. Retail sales in the small towns are down and our merchants will have to be innovative to exist. Even the number of people using the malls in the larger towns seems less. Our cus tomers are being very careful and will come through this time frame better managers and better in formed of their cost of doing busi ness. Banks are reporting slower de posit growth. Earnings will not be strong as reserves are being strengthened and all m argins watched. The regulators have gotten their message across and banks are cautious. In regard to FmHA programs, we have submitted for 90% guaranty operating loans and interest rate buydowns on several customers. We work with three field offices repre senting six counties. Each office we found to be different in its view of the buydown program. Field repre sentatives of FmHA varied as to how the regulations were to be im plemented. We did contact Cooper Evans and Jim Leach for support. Both of their staff were very knowl edgeable and did what they could to speed processing delays. We currently have three approved and closed interest rate buydowns and two more tenatively approved pending rule changes that were to be written into the Federal Register (“any day now”) since July 1st. Con gressional intent concerning the in ter e st buydow n program and FmHA administration of the pro gram have not always followed the same vein. Supportive local FmHA offices were very helpful in imple mentation, the opposite is also true. We have actively utilized the Level II IAD A State interest buydown program. William Greiner’s office and John Judge in particular have been excellent to work with. They T BANKS CORRESPONDENT BANKING. r® First Banks Members First Bank System Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83 Members FDIC 84 Io w a N e w s have moved quickly with minimal ery will take a number of years. General business conditions vary turnaround time. We feel the State of Iowa did a good job of administer widely in the Group 11 region. ing the legislature’s intended pro Where the economy is wholly depen gram. Banks need to pursue this dent on agriculture, the business program. It is a viable effort by the community is presently suffering legislature to help ease the pressure perhaps more than the farmers. Elsew here, b u sin ess conditions on farm operating interest costs. One thought that I received when relfect the degree of non-agricultural visiting in our group—We need more diversification in the local econo active participation from ALL bank mies. Some communities are seeing ers on the state level. We did not the positive results of the emergence fare well in 1986 and have to get of new local leadership in seeking more involved in 1987 or we will solutions to these continuing eco again be left out. We need to support nomic problems. the state buydown programs and Group 12 support our- local legislators. Wes Thomas M. Awtry, president, and the other people supporting our Valley State Bank, Rock Valley: The industry in Des Moines cannot do general farm and the job alone... business econo my in the Group 12 region con Group 11 Edward K. Johnstone II, presi tinues to be de dent, Keokuk Savings Bank & Trust pressed with lit tle possibility of Company: improving great Group 11 bank ly w ithin the ers in southeast very near future. ern Iowa report Crop p r o s t h a t g r o w in g pects over most crops look uniof the area are good to excellent with form ally good above average production antici throughout their pated. This is good news for the part of the state. farmers. Grain prices however are This good news way below production costs, and if it is offset to a were not for U.S. Government defi large degree by low grain prices and the inability of ciency payments, many additional many farmers to take advantage of producers would be forced out of government programs because of business. Livestock producers have had the lack of adequate storage facili some relief from the low prices over ties on the farm. Land prices remain very soft gen the past couple of years. Hog produ erally; a glimpse of stability and cers have been experiencing some even some buying interest is seen in excellent marketing opportunities, the northwest corner of the group both near-term and into the first region. Bankers seem to feel that quarter of 1987. It would appear major losses are now behind them, that feeder cattle and hog prices will but that overall agricultural recov continue to be extremely high this fall due to the low price of corn and overabundance of roughage available around the area. New tax laws being considered by the U.S. Con gress could also have a positive and lasting economic effect on our live stock producing areas, if they are enacted as proposed. Land, machinery and equipment prices have appeared to stabilize for the near term. If the USD A does not measurably change the farm program for the next couple of years, we may have seen the bottom in land and machinery prices. I see one other positive thing for land values, and that is the decline in short and longterm investment rates. Real estate loan interest rates continue to be high based on the inflation rate but show signs of coming down and re maining down for some time. This is encouraging as it will allow new capital to be brought back into agri culture. In conclusion, economic times are not favorable in the area and probably will not improve greatly in the near term, but if we can just stabi lize them it would be a big improve ment. £ £ £ 0 • Two Named in Iowa City Terrence N. Vorbrich has been promoted to vice president and head of the commercial loan division of £ Iowa State Bank & Trust Company, Iowa City. He has been with the bank for three years as second vice president, commercial lending. Also, Jo Anne M. Lick has joined £ the bank as auditor. Ms. Lick is a C.P.A. “Happy 100th Birthday” # fA R M ER S TRUST I A N D S A V IN G S BANK E A R L IN G , IO W A 51530 # IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 100 PROUD YEARS OF QUALITY BANKING SERVICE Our congratulations and appreciation for a job well done! DECORAH STATE BANK DECORAH, IOWA 52101 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ /A FULLA {s e r v ic e ) -$\BANKy£ 85 IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL CONVENTION Credit Life and Disability Insurance Specialists LIFE INVESTORS, INC. 4333 Edgewood Rd. Cedar Rapids, IA 52499 (319) 398-8511 CREDITOR RESOURCE CENTER 2700 Westown Pkwy. West Des Moines, IA 50265 (515) 225-2051 CRJ Creditor Resources, Inc. A LIFE INVESTORS COMPANY Helping “Celebrate Iow a” for over 25 years! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 m oday more than ever, Iowa banks depend on a strong correspondent rela tionship to thrive in the ever-changing world of banking. At First Interstate Bank, our Iowa Corre spondent Services Division offers the highest level of expertise and service to assist you in managing an efficient and profitable community bank. Because of our ability to anticipate and react to the changing needs of Iowa banks, we’re setting the pace in achiev ing results. Results that translate into a strong bottom line...your bottom line. IO W /K C O R R ES P O N D EN T S E R V IC E S Compare us to the correspondent you now use, then make the right choice. First Interstate Bank. The bank that’s setting the pace. Randy Steig Vice President and Manager (515) 245-7251 F irs t ® In te rs ta te We’re setting the pace First Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A. Locust at Sixth Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Randy’s experience as Vice President and Executive Director of the Iowa Banker’s Asso ciation and ten years experience in various positions with the Iowa Department of Bank ing, including responsibility as Assistant Superintendent of Banking make him an excellent resource for questions you may have regarding your bank’s financial struc turing, asset quality and compliance with state and federal regulations. You will find his knowledge valuable to you in your daily management of a community bank. A C E Ken Danilson Vice President Bill Mullins Vice President (515) 245-7148 (515) 245-7157 Ken has spent three years managing our agricultural production and farm real estate lending programs. His previous eleven years managing a county seat bank ag department and as a FmHA county supervisor gives Ken the experience that you can utilize to retain and solicit your top area farmers. Bill has spent two years serving your corre spondent needs at First Interstate Bank of Des Moines. His seven years prior experience as a bank examiner gives him first hand knowl edge in credit analysis, banking laws and all bank examination procedures and reports. You will find Bill a valuable resource to your bank’s management, operations and auditing staff. Ken Malecha Assistant Vice President (515) 245-7262 Ken’s background in commercial and agricul tural lending in Minnesota and Iowa will be valuable to you when analyzing your bank’s loan portfolio needs. His experience in cash letters and end point analysis can assist you in optimizing your cash availability. Joan Thompson Investment Officer Investment Department (515) 245-7069 Joan’s previous experience with a securities brokerage firm and her four years experience in the investment department at First Inter state Bank is valuable to your bank’s invest ment area. Joan is a licensed Principal of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and is ready to assist you in government and municipal bonds and money market investments. Diane Grotenhuis Administrative Assistant (515) 245-7173 Diane’s support experience in the correspon dent division requires her to be knowledge able in all bank areas and functions. Her background in this area will prove valu able in answering your specific operations questions. Brian Hughes Investment Services Representative Investment Department (515) 245-7295 Brian’s experience in government securities and municipal bonds, as well as his certifica tion as a Municipal Securities Representa tive, brings you a correspondent banker with expertise to assist you with investment and portfolio decisions. Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 Io w a N e w s “The members of the Ag Social Concerns Group supported IBA in the legislature to change the Corporate Farm Bill.” —Neil Milner INTERVIEW. . . (Continued from page 65) Co., in the Hills bank last December 9 by a crazed bank farm customer.) “Following that, and seeing the militancy that had been reported on both sides out there, or unrest or whatever you want to call it, I felt it was necessary to address that issue. I’ve done a couple of other inter view s—U S A T o d a y and W all S tr e e t J o u rn a l—on the stress of banking in dustry and I was continuing to get some direct calls and evidence that the problem was growing rapidly out th ere—the lender/borrower fights in the parking lots, threaten ing phone calls requiring guards for children to go to school, and all that sort of thing. So, we had to do some thing. I am hopeful that what we did slowed that process down, or maybe just talking to those people brought it some visibility that lessened the problem somewhere. I don’t know if it did everywhere, but hopefully it helped someone, and the reports are that understanding did help.” The m ed iation process was worked into law by the Iowa legisla ture last spring, with time frames worked out in cooperation between IBA and other farm group members of the Ag Social Concerns Group. Not content with what is being done at the regional and national level, Mr. Meriwether has appointed his own Iowa Special Task Force, composed of eight to ten bankers, whose mission is to identify and describe the options IBA might deal with. “One thing they did,” Bruce noted, “and which has been sent to the ABA Task Force, was to state the need for a secondary market for farm real estate loans. ABA now has this under study.” Neil Milner added that “The Graduate School of Banking at Madison has funded a study of this at another university.” Returning to a discussion of IBA itself, Bruce commented, “We are fortunate in maintaining our mem bership level at 600 plus of the 620 banks in the State of Iowa. There is still a strong belief in the viability of IBA. I think the problems we’ve operated under in this state have made it more difficult for some bankers to participate who would otherwise have done so. They are needed at home, and this is too bad because these often are the people we need. However, we certainly un derstand th e ir need to be at home at this particular time. “In legislation, where we are usually successful, we got beat upon pretty good. The reasons? I don’t believe we had the grass roots parti cipation we needed and have had in previous years when the issues real ly got hot. Perhaps that is a commu nications problem we need to ad dress at the association level; I don’t know. W e’ve developed the Commit tee of 99. I don’t know that we’ve had the most successful combina tion yet, but we’ll find it. For my part, I ’m pleased with the support from the membership.” Neil added, “One thing w e’ve noticed in the IBA office is that as banks reduce staff to meet their eco nomic needs, they’re calling on the IBA more and more to assist them in operating their institutions.” On the legislative front again, CONGRATULATIONS to Iowa Bankers Association for a job well done, £ M \ m ST. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . \AAQC\j L b a n k Stacyville, Iowa 50476 St. Ansgar, Iowa 50472 Since 1891 DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s t a t e Bruce stated, “Our request for grass roots participation is more than ju st^ asking bankers to do something for their association. Regardless of whether we are bankers or not, we need to hold our legislators account able. I think the legislature needs to^ re-identify its process. I think w e’ve been too apathetic in not really hold ing our legislators’ feet to the fire! Legislators are s till accountable to those who ch oose to hold them ac-^ countable. Find out from your legis lator how he studied an issue, even beyond our banking perspective; what he considered; why he voted the way he did. The bridge from# bankers to the legislature breaks down if legislators tell us they have no calls from bankers; then it be comes an irresponsible system . The legislators n eed to a sk their people# and vice versa.” In concluding this interview, Bruce said, “One thing I wanted to get sold and didn’t start was devel opment of a Charitable Trust th at# bankers could put together for farm family needs. We’ve been waiting for an IRS letter, but we don’t have de tailed goals or objectives. Perhaps earnings from such a fund should g o # to young farm people for scholar ships, or perhaps as contributions to Prairie Fire, the mediation service and similar groups.” Every president’s term of office is # marked by successes and some dis appointments, some work left un done, but th at’s why the association has officer continuity so there will be a continuing effort in the sam e# direction. The past term will be re membered by Iowa bankers for Bruce Meriwether’s leadership in addressing unusually deep economic problems head-on, but maintaining a® positive attitude that kept IBA faced to the front to address the problems, rather than looking back to find out the causative reasons that everyone already knew so well.® □ Happy 100th to IBA From 2 Old-Timers Page County State Bank Clarinda, Iowa Since 1866 Okey Vernon First National Bank Corning, Iowa Since 1900 89 W E ARE YOUR B A N K S IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y ! IOWA BANKERS RANCE & SERVICES FULL SERVICE INSURANCE AGENCY B il I V VICE BANKS” Visit our booth at the Iowa Bankers Convention Sept. 14-16 and find out how your bank can take advantage of our services. Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. 104 E. Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50308 (515) 286-4300 Call our toll FREE WATS number 1-800-532-1423 IBIS—Owned by ALL Iowa Banks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 90 Io w a N e w s He would succeed O. Jay Tomson, Adel, and six years as president of chairman and CEO of Citizens Na Brenton National Bank of Des ^ tional Bank in Charles City, who has Moines. He has been in charge of Arnold Schultz, president and served on the Fed board for the max loan administration for the Brenton chairman of The Grundy National imum of six years. Mr. Schultz Banks for the last one-and-one-half Bank in Grundy joined Grundy National in 1959, years. Center, is a can serving as president since 1972. He didate for elec is presently secretary of Group 7 of Banks of Iowa Chairman tion to the board the IBA. He is a member of the leg Forbes Olberg to Retire of directors of islative committees of the IBA and the Federal Re F. Forbes Olberg will retire Janu I IB. Mr. Schultz also was president serve Bank of ary 1, 1987 as chairman of the board of the IIB in 1983-84. C h ic a g o . If of B a n k s of elected during Iowa, Inc. Mr. President Named in Waverly Olberg, who will m ail b a llo tin g Robert D. McKee has been ap be 63 in October, that begins Oc A. SCHULTZ pointed as president and chief execu will retire after to b er 31, he would represent Class A (banks) in tive officer of The First National 34 years of asso Group 3, which is banks with capital Bank of Waverly. He succeeds Jim ciation with The and surplus of less than $3 million. Arens, who served the bank in vari M erchants Na The term as a director is for three ous capacities for more than 28 tional Bank of years, elected by all Group 3 banks years. Cedar R a p id s Mr. McKee has been affiliated and Banks of in the 7th Fed district, and he may F.F. OLBERG be re-elected for one additional with Brenton Banks, Inc. for more Iowa, Inc. than 30 years. He served 15 years as three-year term. After practicing law in Cedar Mr. Schultz has been endorsed by president of Brenton Bank & Trust Rapids for three years, Mr. Olberg both the Iowa Bankers Association Co. of Clarion, five years as presi joined The Merchants National and the Iowa Independent Bankers. dent of Brenton Bank & Trust Co. of Bank trust department in April, 1953. He transferred to the commer cial loan division after five years and served as executive vice president of the bank. In 1968, he was a founding direc tor of Banks of Iowa, Inc. and STEAKS • GOURMET • SEAFOOD • BAR B-Q RIBS served as president and chief execu WE ALSO OFFER tive officer from 1971 to 1981. • 21 ICE CREAM LIQUEUR • STEAK DE BURGO • ROAST DUCKLING Although not involved in the day-toDRINKS • PRIME RIB EVERY NIGHT • ROCK CORNISH GAME HEN • BROOK TROUT STUFFED • HOT HORS D’OEUVRES • STEAK DIANE day operation of the bank, or hold WITH CRAB MEAT TRAY • POULET EVANGELINE ing company since that time, he has been chairman of the board since 1978. Long active in the civic affairs of Cedar Rapids and the state, he will Restaurant anb lounge continue to maintain his offices on 243-9649 1901 Ingersoll Reservations Suggested the ninth floor of The Merchants Na tional Bank building. He is current ly serving as Chairman of the Iowa Department of Economic Develop ment. Mr. Olberg is president of [LEE COUNTY SAVINGS &ANK Greengate Farms, Inc., a family Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 farming corporation in Jones Coun ty Iowa. Arnie Schultz Candidate For Chicago Fed Board b eca u se you enjoy going first c la ss uty? J m p m a l Miniar CO NG RATULATIO NS IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 100 YEARS OF INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP Mem ber FDIC AW.RIGIN STATEBANK t iVJBW TOiV N A T IO N A L BANK Newton, Iowa 50208 Member F.D.I.C. Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONGRATULATIONS IBA 100TH ANNIVERSARY! of Sioux Center Congratulates The Iowa Bankers Association on 100 Years of Service lo w a N e w s ^ f 0 • • A.V.P Joined in Davenport Elected in Gilman Cindy S. Hall has joined Brenton Banks, Inc. as assistant vice presi dent, region al marketing direc tor. She will be officed at the B ren ton F ir st N ational Bank of D a v e n p o r t and will also assist the market ing staffs of the Brenton Banks in Cedar Rapids and Marshalltown. Prior to joining the bank, she was marketing officer for First National Bank of the Quad Cities, Rock Is land, 111. Her career experience in cludes marketing and advertising positions with First Bank Lacrosse, Wis., and Davenport Bank and Trust Co. Timothy J. Marcsisak has been promoted to cashier at the Citizens Savings Bank, Gilman. He is in charge of the operation department. John Hlas has been elected to the bank’s board. He is in charge of Citi zens Insurance Agency. Agreement Signed in Marshalltown For Eldora Bk. 91 cies, should be completed by early next year. In addition to its main bank in Marshalltown, Security also has banking locations in Gladbrook, Laurel and Prairie City. Bus Trip Planned For 1986 Farm Progress Show Farmers State Bank of Marion is offering a one day bus trip to the Security Bank of Marshalltown 1986 Farm Progress Show at Allehas signed an agreement to acquire man. The trip will be made on the Hawkeye Bank & Trust of Eldora, show’s first day, September 30. which will be operated as an office of Plans are for the bus to depart the Security Bank. from Collins Road Square Shopping Hawkeye Bank & Trust has Center, Marion at 7:30 a.m. and re assets of $16 million. Upon consum turn at 6:30 p.m. Show programs mation of the purchase, Security will be available for $1 each. Bank will have total assets of $200 For reservations, send $10 per million, according to bank president person to Farmers State Bank, Ronald Fenton. The transaction, P.O. Box 569, Marion, Iowa 52302. which is subject to approval by state Checks are made payable to the and federal bank regulatory agen- bank. ^ Staff Changes in Spencer • • • • Jack Easter has retired as CEO and chairman of Farmers Trust & Savings Bank, Spencer. He was with the bank for 19 years, and will remain as a director of the bank. Gary Tolzmann, president of Farmers Trust & Savings, has been selected to replace Mr. Easter as chairman on a temporary basis. Dale L. Peters has joined the bank as vice president in the commercial and agricultural loan area. He was with the Ludlow National Bank in Ludlow, Mo. Dale Boswell has joined the bank as assistant vice president in the ag department. He joins the bank from the Newton office of the Farm Cred it System. In addition, Debbie Sundall, an employee of the bank since 1974, has been promoted to trust officer. ^ Joined in Belie Plaine • Ben Morris has joined the Chelsea Savings Bank, Belle Plaine, as vice president and senior trust officer. He has served on the board for 16 years. He joins the bank from Tama where he practiced law for 29 years. 417 Sixth Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 ‘A Tradition in Des M oines” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CAREERS, INC. AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS Welcome You To The Iowa Bankers Association’s 100th Convention Be Sure To Stop By Our Booth And Visit With Jean Eden And Sandi Garner JEAN EDEN SANDI GARNER 712/779-3744 Hwy. 92 W., Masseria, Iowa 50853 G4REERS, INC. 515/394-3145 Hwy. 63 S., New Hampton, Iowa 50659 Our Congratulations and Sincere Thanks to the Iowa Bankers Association for 100 Years of Service. F ir s t N Io w a City, Iow a a t i o n a l B a n k MemberFDIC D o w n to w n • Towncrest • Coralville 356-9000 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 92 Io w a N e w s assistant cashier in 1948 when he 1958. He has served two one-year joined the FDIC as an examiner in terms on the IB A Correspondent * Iowa. He continued in that position Bank Relationship Committee. The appointment of Bernard D. until 1953, leaving to join the corres Miller as vice president-correspon pondent bank department of Drov Two Named in Kellogg dent banking at ers National Bank of Chicago (now A promotion and an election have Dubuque Bank Drovers Bank of Chicago). been announced at Kellogg- Sully ( & Trust Com Mr. Miller worked with Drovers Bank and Trust, Kellogg. pany, was an Bank 24 years and was a vice presi Ronald G. DeNooy has been pro nounced in Du dent at the time of his resignation in moted to vice president of the bank. buque la st 1977. In that year he joined Ameri He has been with the bank since month by Lynn can Trust & Savings Bank of Dubu 1982. Prior to that, he was with the i S. Fuller, presi que as a correspondent banking offi Federal Land Bank Association of dent and CEO of cer and remained with American Sheldon. the bank. Trust until resigning in recent weeks as second vice president in Mr. Miller is a b .D. MILLER native of Wil the correspondent bank division. liams, la., where he was born Febru While he was with FDIC, Mr. Mil ary 1,1926, and where he started his ler attended a number of AIB banking career in 1945 with Wil classes. Later, he was graduated liams Savings Bank. He was drafted from the Iowa Bankers Associa into the Army shortly thereafter but tion’s A g Credit School at Ames in was discharged after seven months 1955 and was also a graduate of the when WWII ended. He joined Liver Graduate School of Banking at the more State Bank and was serving as University of Wisconsin, Madison in « Bernie Miller Joins Dubuque Bank & Trust R.G. DENOOY T I T^ % i ^ \J ^ Hotel Savery 4th & Locust 28- WELCOME TO THE IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION J.C. ANDERSON James C. Anderson has been elected to cashier and vice president of the bank. Most recently, he has served as president of Peoples Bankshares, Melbourne Savings Bank. Assumed in Prairie City We are pleased to announce that AID Securities Corporation a member of the ALLIED Group has changed its name to ALLIED Group Securities Corporation A IX IE D G R O U P S e c u r itie s ALLIED Group S ecurities C orporation 380 C apital Square 400 Locust Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2334 Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The FDIC has approved the as sumption of the deposit liabilities of < The First National Bank of Prairie City by Security Bank, Marshall town. The bank, with total assets of $18.9 million, was closed July 24, i 1986, by Robert J. Herrmann, comp troller of the currency, and the FDIC was named receiver. The failed bank’s only office re opened on July 25, 1986 as a branch < of Security Bank. Security Bank will assume about $18.3 million in 4,900 deposit ac counts and has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase premium o f 1 $102,000. It also will purchase cer tain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets for $11.6 million. The FDIC will advance $6.9 million to the assuming bank and retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $7.3 million. CONGRATULATIONS IBA FOR A JOB WELL DONE FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEW HAMPTON, IA 93 THE 28C WITHDRAWAL. Introducing the m idw est’s low est price on the nation’s m ost popular EFT transaction. When you compare the costs of EFT systems, and you should, you’ll discover the familiar magenta lightning bolt of SHAZAM. Our transaction fee for withdrawals is the lowest in the midwest. Just 28 cents! But don’t stop there. Compare ATM support costs. ATM communication costs. Host costs. File maintenance charges. Sharing fees. Once again, ITS, Inc., SHAZAM’s provider, offers you an EFT system de signed for cost efficiency. Effi ciency that will certainly enhance the overall profitability of your financial institution. Couple that cost efficiency with SHAZAM’s marketing support, record of success, POS technology and unique managerial approach and you’ll discover why ITS, Inc. is ITS, Inc. 200 Financial Services Building ■ 508 Tenth Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 ■ 1-515-286-4377 ■ In Iowa: 1-800-532-1423 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recognized as one of the leading EFT providers in operation today. Through recent expansion efforts, w e’re able to offer these exclusive ITS, Inc. features to even more midwestern financial institutions. So to find out how your financial institution can profit from “The 28<t With drawal,” call ITS, Inc. today. And discover SHAZAM. SH A Z A M Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 94 Io w a N e w s Creative Space Planning Provides More Room in Cedar Falls Bank MIDWAY Bank & Trust, Cedar Falls, will soon have a new atrium entrance which will pro vide convenient after hours access to ATM and night depository. HEN Midway Bank & Trust, Cedar Falls, was built nearly W 25 years ago, it was half the size it is today. An addition to the building in 1975 increased its size by 40% which satisfied the needs of customers at that time. In recent years, however, continued growth and the addition of new services and equipment has filled the bank. Welcome To The I BA Convention Qualified bankers available. Experience ranging from ag/commercial lenders, operations and top level bank executives. Call or write. “ ‘ Professional Service “ ‘ Confidentiality ‘ “ Competitive Fees-Employer Paid L IN D A R. H E IT (515) 394-2325 MIDWEST PERSONNEL Banking Specialist Route 3-Box 48 New Hampton, IA 50659 “Growing With Crestón... Helping Crestonland Grow” CONGRATULATIONS IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 100 YEARS OF SERVICE W e Are Proud of our Mem bership and Association CENTRAL STATE BANK MUSCATINE, IOWA Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member FDIC Kirk Gross Architect Bob Jamerson analyzed the situation and de termined that a zoned approach* would solve the existing problems without adding on to the building. The first step was to study inter action among the bank’s depart-, ments and the flow of customer traf fic and then design a plan to increase efficiency and offer maximum pri vacy to both customers and bank employees. ^ A study of traffic through the* bank determined that customers use the south entrance most of the time. Convenient parking was added to that side of the bank when the addi-| tion was built in 1975. The new plan calls for adding an atrium-type ves tibule on the southwest corner of the bank. The atrium provides a conve nient after hours access to the ATM^ and night depository. The atrium’s glass enclosure also adds natural light and created the illusion of a much larger space. By closing off the north end door^ and small vestibule area, additional space is made available for work sta tions and another enclosed office on the main floor. Grouping the teller stations and< the customer service area at the south end, close to the public’s en trance, provides easy access to the customer service area. Additional privacy for custom ers’ business < transactions is provided by attrac tive screens and the arrangement of furniture in the loan and new busi ness area. On the lower level, the bookkeeping space was evaluated ( and consolidated into a more effi cient arrangement. Additional insulation will be added to the building during the re modeling and windows along both< sides of the building will be made smaller to increase energy efficien cy. Outside, a minimum amount of lighting needs to be added to the* new atrium entrance. All new land scaping is planned to enhance the south side parking lot. Islands be tween sections of parking will be planted with trees and flowering shrubs to enhance the appearance of what is now a huge expanse of as phalt. New signage at the north end of the building will increase visibili ty from the street. Total cost of the 4,300 sq. ft. remodeling job, including the atrium entrance, furnishings, signage and la n d s c a p in g is e s tim a te d at Io w a N e w s $250,000. Kirk Gross Company has earned national recognition for its design work, being named the 1983 Re modeling Designer of the Year. The architectural and interior design £ staff work together under the turn key philosophy to provide func tional, attractive work place design with one-source responsibility. For more information on the design 0 work, contact Jerry Gross, presi dent, Kirk Gross Company, 415 Alexandria Drive, Waterloo, Iowa, 50704. ^ • Graettinger Bank Fails ® • • The Graettinger State Bank was declared insolvent August 7 by state banking superintendent Wil liam R. Bernau. The bank was sold for a $32,000 premium to the lone bidder, Swea City Bancorporation, which re-opened it the following day as the Graettinger branch of Swea City State Bank. The purchaser assumed deposits of $11.4 million in 2,600 accounts and just over $9 mil lion in assets, and the FDIC ad vanced $2.3 million in cash. Swea City State’s assets will now stand at about $25 million. The FDIC re tained problem loans and other assets with a book value of $ 2 .8 million. Mr. Bernau said the bank failure was due not to ag loans, but to out-of territory commercial loans. Appointed in Hudson Hudson State Bank has an nounced the appointment of Thomas H. Witry to as sistant vice pres ident and cash ier. Prior to join ing the bank, he w as w ith another area fi nancial institu tion for eight years where he T. WITRY was loan officer, staff appraiser and manager of the Traer branch. 95 with Hawkeye Bank & Trust in Bur lington, most recently as vice presi dent, senior loan officer. He began his banking career in 1960, serving for five years as a senior bank ex aminer for the Iowa State Banking Department. Two Named in Marcus Walter Sterrett, Jr. has joined the Farmers State Bank of Marcus as a vice president. He started in 1955 with the First Trust and Savings Bank in Anthon and remained there until 1985. He then became associ ated with Carleton C. Van Dyke’s American Bank Services office in Sioux City. Also, Steve Kunzweiler has been promoted to assistant cashier at the bank. He joined the staff in 1984. Promoted in Clarion Elected in Muscatine The board of First National Bank of Muscatine has elected Jerald A. Eckerson vice president, commercial loans. For the past 10 years, he has been Kevin Geis has been promoted to vice president of Brenton Bank & Trust Co., Clarion. He has been asso ciated with the bank since 1984 and has had previous loan experience with the Farm Credit System in Nevada and Iowa Falls. WE CAN ACCOMPLISH MANY MORE THINGS TOGETHER THAN WE CAN SEPARATELY... CONGRATULATIONS TO THE IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION ON SERVING THE NEEDS OF IOWA BANKERS FOR 100 YEARS Edward L. Tubbs, Chairman Maquoketa State Bank former IBA President 1980 - BEST WISHES TO IBA FOR ANOTHER PRODUCTIVE CENTURY! 1981 Barbara R. Marcus, V.P. & Cashier Maquoketa State Bank former IYB President 1984 - 1985 We’re proud to have played a small part in IBA’s progress and success. Over the years, MSB has provided personnel to serve on IBA boards and committees, including an IBA President and an Iowa Young Bankers President. FDIC Main Bank 203 North Main Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MAQUOKETA STATE BANK MAQUOKETA, IOWA 52060 Westside Office McKinsey Drive Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Norwest Corporation has an nounced that George F. Milligan has been named regional president of its Iowa banking group, effective Aug ust 4, 1986, succeeding Harry C. Benson, who will be retiring in 1987. Mr. Milligan, based in Des Moines, will continue to serve as chairman of Norwest Bank Des Moines. Prior to retiring, Mr. Benson will undertake a number of special as signments involving strategic and acquisition planning and interstate banking while serving as regional administrator in Norwest’s retail and business banking division. He has returned to corporate headquar ters in Minneapolis, Minn. A former president of Norwest Bank Midland, Minneapolis, where he began his banking career in 1940, Mr. Benson had been regional presi dent in Des Moines since Norwest organized its banking group into re gions in 1982. Besides Des Moines, Norwest banks in Iowa are in Atlan tic, Bettendorf, Cedar Falls, Deni son, Fort Dodge, Keokuk, Marion, Mason City, Ottumwa and Sioux City. ly-chartered subsidiary of Green Belt Bancorporation, Iowa Falls, £ has assumed the deposit liabilities of Citizens State Bank, Iowa Falls. Citizens State, with total assets of $51.9 million, was closed on July 31, 1986 by Iowa Superintendent of £ Banking William R. Bernau, and the FDIC was named receiver. The failed bank’s two offices re opened on August 1, 1986, as Green Belt Bank & Trust. # Green Belt Bancorp, is principally owned by Iowa Falls businessman Merle R. Weaver. Green B elt’s presi dent is William Hurd, who was re cruited as a troubled loan specialist • by the failed bank’s former owners. The assuming bank has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $1,060,000 and will assume about $50.9 million in 10,000 deposit a c - # counts. It also will purchase certain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets for $31.1 million. The FDIC will advance $19.3 million to the as suming bank and will retain assets • of the failed bank with a book value of about $20.8 million. Citizens was the largest of the 10 Iowa banks that have failed so far this year. ® Advanced in Cedar Rapids G.F. MILLIGAN H.C. BENSON Mr. Milligan, a former Iowa state representative and senator, has been with the Norwest organization since 1961. He was president of Norwest Bank Des Moines from 1981 until January 1986, when he was elected chairman. Iowa Falls Bank Assumed Green Belt Bank & Trust, a new Gary Maiden has been appointed cashier at City N ational Bank in Cedar Rapids. He had been as sistant cashier, vice p resident since 1985, and assistant cashier since 1982. He joined the bank in 1978 as a G. MAIDEN bank trainee. Peoples National Bank of Columbus Junction and Community National Bank of Muscatine Extend Our Best To The Iowa Bankers Association For 100 Years Of Outstanding Service To The peoples national bank of columbus junction CONGRATULATIONS IBA! Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banking Industry. C O M M U N IT Y N ATIONAL BANK | THIRDS MULBERRY . BOX 699 • MUSCATINE. IOWA 52761 • (319)263-1122 • Member FOIC • 97 Dunshee, cashier, and other person nel of Exchange State will continue in their present positions, he said. Mr. Hested was graduated from the University of Iowa in 1972 and joined the Iowa department of bank ing as an examiner for three years, then joined the staff of Norwest Bank Atlantic, N.A., where he re mained until joining Farmers State Bank in Jewell four years ago. Mr. Rude is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa and worked for ITT Commercial Credit before joining the Jewell bank four years ago. Io w a N e w s Dubuque Bank Names Three • Patrick H. McGraw has been elected as executive vice president and senior loan officer of Ameri can Trust and # Savings Bank, Dubuque. Prior to joining the bank, he was vice president • and commercial loan manager for First Bank of South Dakota, p. McGRAW Sioux Falls. Collins Bank Is Sold Gary Hested and Mike Rude of Jewell head a group of investors who have purchased Exchange State Bank of Collins. The bank was pur chased from Bankers Trust Com pany, Des Moines, which had taken title in 1985 from former owner William W. Burrell. Mr. Hested has been elected presi dent of Exchange State Bank, but will remain in Jewell, where he is ex ecutive vice president and cashier of Farmers State Bank. Mr. Rude has resigned from the Jewell bank as vice president to become executive vice president of Exchange State. William C. Hamilton, who has been president and trust officer of Exchange State Bank, will continue as senior vice president, Mr. Hested announced. In addition, Dorothy C. Cherokee Banker Dies Lawrence C. French, vice presi dent and director of the Central Trust and Savings Bank, Cherokee, passed away recently. C O N G R A T U LA T IO N S T O THE D. WILLENBRING R. PEACOCK Daniel C. Willenbring has been elected as vice president and officer in charge of the bank’s office in # Dyersville. He was associated with Security State Bank in Guttenberg as vice president previously. Robert I. Peacock has been elected as business development and • community affairs officer. Prior to joining the bank, he was general manager for Armstrongs depart ment store in Dubuque. IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION FOR 100 YEARS O F O U T S T A N D IN G SERVICE Oliver A. Hansen President - I.B.A. 1967-1968 86th President of I.B.A. * IBA Consumer Credit School Thanks to Ollie For 40 Years of Service To Liberty Trust Set For Oct. 19-24 The Iowa Bankers Association consumer credit school will be held ® October 19-24 at Drake University in Des Moines. Cost of the 200-level consumer credit school is $700, which includes room, meals, casebook and study ® materials. The curriculum has been de veloped in cooperation with the American Bankers Association, industry experts from throughout the country, ABA staff members, the school advisory board and IBA staff members. Our Thanks to IBA, for a Century of Excellence!!! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAVERLY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIB E R T Y sSJiSg! BANK DURANT. IOWA O ffice at New Liberty, Iowa The directors, officers and staff of First National Bank of Muscatine congratulate the Iowa Bankers Association on its 100th Anniversary. First National ofBank Muscatine Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 98 Io w a N e w s Iowa Banking History. . . (C ontinued fro m page 54) plishments of IBA today, Neil is quick to point out, “You know, this wouldn’t have been possible without the solid foundations and structure built by Frank Warner and Art Lindquist.’’ Reflection Truly, it has been a long, arduous, exciting, some times volatile, but never dull journey for Iowa’s bank ing industry since it set forth with one institution, The Miners’ Bank of Dubuque in 1837. That was an inaus picious beginning, considering the extremely adverse public opinion of that bank and its owners. It was another 50 years before solid, public-minded bankers 0 formed the Iowa Bankers Association at a founding convention July 26, 1887. It seems poetic justice, therefore, that the strong leader who will preside at IBA’s Centennial Conven tion this month should be a most capable, professional 0 banker from Dubuque, the birthplace of Iowa’s bank ing industry. It is truly fitting that J. Bruce Meri wether, president of the First National Bank of Dubu que, the oldest chartered national bank (1864) in Iowa to continue in operation under the same name, should 0 preside at the meeting that will launch IBA into a year-long celebration not only of the association’s 100th year, but also of the entire industry’s 150th year of serving the people of Iowa! □ Named in Cedar Falls Appointed in Waterloo Appointed in Winterset Donald D. Lindaman, chairman and president of Cedar Falls Trust and S a v in g s Bank, has an nounced the ap p o in tm e n t of Bryon J. Huff as controller. Mr. Huff, a 1985 graduate of Sim pson Col lege, was former ly affiliated with R I UIIPP First Interstate Bank of Des Moines. Larry D. Fox has been appointed to director of community relations of The National Bank of Water loo. Mr. Fox is also a teacher in the business de partment at Cen tral High School in Waterloo and will continue to teach on a parttime basis, as well as perform his bank duties. Jeanne Utsler has been appointed assistant cashier of the Union State Bank, Winterset. She has been with the bank for 18 years. ® In d e x o f A d v e rtise rs v Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc...............................13 AgrICareers, Inc..................................................................... 91 Allied Group Securities, Des Moines................................. 92 American National Bank, St. Paul ..................................... 40 American State Bank, Sioux Center................................... 90 American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque....................... 76 Austin, Douglas & Associates, Inc...................................... 10 Babe’s Restaurant, Des Moines......................................... 91 Bankers Plus, Inc.................................................................. 8 Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines ..........................................58 Bank Loan Management, Ocheyedan............................... 84 Banks of Iowa, Inc............................................................ 48-53 Brandt Money Handling Machines, O m a h a ..................... 73 ^ 77 12 Central State Bank, Muscatine.............. Central Trust & Savings Bank, Cherokee Chase Manhattan, New Y o r k ................ Commercial National Bank, Peoria . . . . Community National Bank, Muscatine . Creditor Resources, Inc........................... Crystal Tree Restaurant, Des Moines .. 94 73 Data Business Equipment, Inc............... Davenport Bank & Trust Co..................... Decorah State Bank................................ 61 67 84 U lellm an Savings b an k Wellman, Iowa . 4 - . 0 Farmers Savings Bank, T ra e r..............................................70 Farmers State Bank, Marion................................................62 Farmers Trust & Savings Bank, Earling............................. 84 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp................................... 4-5 First Bank Minneapolis/St. P a u l................................... 82-83 FirsTler Management Consultants, O m a h a ..................... 35 0 First Interstate Bank, Des Moines................................. 86-87 First National Bank, C hicago..............................................75 First National Bank, Dubuque ........................................... 80 First National Bank, Iowa C ity ........................................... 91 First National Bank, M uscatine......................................... 97 First National Bank, New Hampton................................... 92 First National Bank, O m aha...................................................... 69 First National Bank, W averly............................................. 97 First Newton National B an k............................................... 90 First State Bank, Ida Grove..................................................78 Gross, Kirk Co., W aterlo o .................................................. 71 Guido’s Restaurant, Des M oines....................................... 92 Heritage Industries..............................................................29 2 38 96 85 72 IAC G roup...............................................................................23,66 ® Imperial House Restaurant, Des Moines........................... 90 Information Technology, Inc................................................ 11 Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc.............................89 Iowa State Savings Bank, Creston..................................... 94 ITS, Inc.................................................................................... 93 Kansas Bankers Surety Co...................................................79 LaSalle National Bank, Chicago ....................................... 7 Lee County Savings Bank, Fort Madison ......................... 90 Liberty Trust & Savings Bank, D u ran t............................... 97 Mahaska State Bank, Oskaloosa....................................... 74 Maquoketa State B a n k ........................................................95 Marquette Bank, Minneapolis ........................................... 45 Melvin Savings B an k ............................................................73 — Midwest Personnel ..............................................................94 w Mt. Auburn Savings B a n k ....................................................70 National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln............................... 37 National Bank of W aterloo................................................. 63 North Central Life, St. P aul................................................. 99 Norwest Bank, Des Moines................................................100 Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis................................... 9 Office Concepts, Ltd., Waterloo................................................. 68^ Okey-Vernon First National Bank, Corning....................... 88 Congratulations Iowa Bankers Association 100 years of service to your Members . - i ^ W e ’re working on 84 years. EXCHANGE STATE B ANK, Collins, Iowa “Oldest Bank in Story C ounty” Northwestern Banker, September, 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E.F. Hutton & Co., Inc............................................................ 70 Essex Inn, Chicago .............................................................10 Exchange State Bank, Collins ........................................... 98 0 Brenton Banks, Des M oines.............. .. . Brock Associates, Milwaukee .............. CONGRATULATIONS, IBA Deems Associates, A m es....................................................68 Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co.................................................. 66 Drovers Bank of C hicago................................................14-15 Page County State Bank, Clarinda..................................... 88 Peoples National Bank, Columbus Junction ................... 96 Plus System, Inc., D enver....................................................18 Reichardt’s Clothing, Des M oines..................................... 81 Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin, L.F., Inc........................... 3 Security State Bank, Hubbard ........................................... 78 Southwestern Graduate School of Banking..................... 16 St. Ansgar State B an k ..........................................................88 Swords Associates, Inc., Kansas C ity .............................. 6 United Missouri Bank, Kansas C ity ................................... 32 U.S. Check Book Company, Om aha................................... 78 Wellman Savings B a n k ........................................................98 VtfeTake Care of the Paperwork... So You Can Take Care of "four Custom ers. At North Central, years of experience working with thousands of banks, have taught us the value of sim plicity. H ow to e lim in a te th e hassles an d administrative red tape of most typical credit insurance programs. And, how to free up the energies of your bank’s loan officer for what they do best—banking. We call our approach, “A BETTER WÆT. And it m eans just that. It m eans generating profits—not problems. It m eans installing a proven, loan-related insurance program that can protect your entire loan portfolio. It m eans a com puterized claims system that settles your custom ers’ claims nearly 50% faster than the industry average. It m eans a “BETTER WAf DESK” that puts solutions to complicated rate calculations and approvals for overlimit loan applications, just a quick, toll-free phone call away. It m eans training your loan officers and adminis trative people to make them m ore productive and professional. And it m eans that we take care of the paperwork so that y o u ’re free to take care of your customers. And that’s what banking’s all about. Right? We d o n ’t have the answer to headaches caused by the com m on cold. But if you’re looking for a rem edy to headaches caused by the com m on credit insurance program, call “Am erica’s #1 Credit Insurance Service Organization.’’ North Central Life Insurance Company NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER, 445 MINNESOTA STREET, BOX 64139, ST. PAUL, MN 55164 In Minnesota Call 800-792-1030, all other states 800-328-9117. Protection all ways Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Top row: George Milligan, H. Lynn Horak, John Rigler, Mark Conway. Bottom row: Tom Quinlin, John Cretzmeyer, Jay Nichols, Dorothea Wolfe. Iowa Bankers Convention September 14-16,1986 Marriott Hotel of Des Moines will be there. We look forward to seeing you and hope you’ll pay a visit to our bank while you’re in Des Moines. The winds of change are b lo w in g in the economy, in agriculture, and most certainly in banking. We’ve never had more pressing reasons to get together, discuss these changes, and listen to some expert opinions on topics vitally important to our business future. All of us from Norwest Bank Des Moines Norwest Bank Des Moines, NA. 7th & Walnut, Des Moines, Iowa 50304 (515)245-3131 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We KnowTheWky We Are Norwest. S3 NORWESTBANKS