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-- ~ ~ i\~~ &:' j ~ ! • !Ji Volume IL Number 9. D es Moines, I owa, September, 1897. E STABLISHED 1876. S. A. ROBERTSON, President. CAPITAL, SVRPLUS, GEO. A. DIS8MORE, Cashier. ~--;z:J I CITIZENS · s100,ooo . 30,000, EDITORIAL, low A NATI 0 NAL BANK. T HE NEW IOWA B ANK LAW, - 5 7 - NATIONAL BANK~--~•· 15 I O WA AT DETR OIT, • .... .,. .... ~.... DES noINES, IOWA . NEBRASKA REPORT AT DETROIT, -si,,11~,,~2111► •------Des Moines, Iowa Accounts of Banks and Bankers solicited on favorable terms. School and Municipal Bonds negotiated . Collections handled promptly. Designated reserve agent for National Banks. DIRECTORS: S. A. Robertson, Pres't, Jas. Cunningham, Geo. A . Dissmore, Cash'r, Geo. S. Redhead, H. A . Elliott, Frederick Field, E. H. Hunter, H. R . Heath, J. M. Goodman. M. T. V. Bowman, Dr. W. H. Dickinson, E. D. Samson. Theo. O. Sherwood, - 16 MINNEAPOLIS BANKERS E N TE R TAIN COMPTROLLER ECKELS, 16 CAPI TAL, MINNESOTA REPORT AT DETROIT, - 18 - MINNESO TA N EWS AND NOTES, I OWA NEWS AND N OTES, SURPLUS, - $200,000.00 - 100,000.00 18 C ONDITION OF I OWA B ANKS, PROSPERITY N OTES , - 17 - J. G. ROUNDS, President. A . LEDERER, Vice-President. GEO. E. PEARSALL, Cashier. - 21 NATIONAL B ANKS NOT ASS E SSABLE, 26 ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Davenpo:rt Savings Bank. DAVENPORT, IOWA . ... THE ... Capital, - $ 250,000 Undivided Profits, 81,000 Deposits, - 1,963,605 People's Savings Bank ... Business O FFICERS: Solicited. ANTHONY BURDICK, President. LOUIS HALLER, Vice-President. HENRY 0. STRUCK, JR., Cashier. OTTO L. L4-DENBERGER, Teller. ~ e s Moines, Iowa. ~ ... DIRECTORS ... A Sheuerman . 0 . H. Perkins . .Martin Tuttle . C. H. Martin. C. c. Loomis . A . Dickey. : Adam Dickey. V. -Pres. it ~ ... .OFFICERS.... Martin Flynn, Pres. DIRECTORS: J . A. Garver. W. R. Warfield. Mar t in Flynn. ~ I I '"""""ror?Tt......,,.,.....,,..,~ C-~ ~~a.~~~~:.Cash~e~ .•• • .~:~~~~~~:.~~.~~~~~~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. Burd ick, Louis Hall er, A. Steffen, W. 0 . Schmidt, F. R. Hancock, J. F. Dow, H. Kohrs, W. H. Wilson, H. U. Struck, Jr. 5 PER CENT INTEREST PAin ON DEPOSITS. MONEY LOANED ON RE~ ESTATE SECURITY IN THE STATE OF IOWA. THE TRI- S TA TE BANKER. 2 ®®®®@®®®®®®®®®®®®@®® @ . I ...CAPITAL, $1,200,000 .•• · September, 1897. ... The National Bank ... I! National... Union Bank,; R E p u B L I C OF THE @ Mutual _Life Building, 32 Nassau Street, NEW YORK CITY... .. Staten1ent July 23, I897. '(JS/ I ®oo ASSETS ... ISi:>.. '<!SJ ISi:>.. '<!SJ I.Si). Y/tJ /SJ:). '(]!:;;/ ISi:>.. '(JS/ ® I @ ® United Stfltes bolll1H ............ . .................. $ 600,000.00 Premium on same .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . 37,42!.66 Other bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520,429.3:'i Time l oans on Poll It e ra! . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,157.171! .83 Hill s di;;couuted. . .. .. .................... , .. .. .. 3,714,125.16 D emand lou.n s 01 1 col lat crnl . . ......... $5,222,';'4:-i 26 Due from ban ks.... .. .................. ';'55,610.69 Exchanges for e learin!! house .. . ...... l,604,060.!l8 riepos it with Uuited States treasurer 27.000.CO Gold ................................... 1,838,192 50 Legal-tenders .... . . ... . ....... ...... ... 2,54782,554045.1000 12 068 "66 5._, Silver, etc............................... ,. . - , ,,1 ..... 97 724 5 LIABILITIES. $20 ' ' j Capital stock .................... .. ... $1 ,200,000.00 ° ... Directors... SAMUEL D. B ..\BC0CK. AUGUSTUS D. JUILLIARD. JOHN D. CRIMMINS . DAN IELS. LAMONT . FREDERIC CR•>MWELL. RICHARD A . MCCURDY . G. G. HAVF N. FREDERIC P. OLCOTT. R . SOMERS H AYR!- . HENRY H. R0GJ..RS, Jos. C. HENDRIX. H. McK. TWOMBLY. \VIJ,LIAM C. WHITNEY. J os. H~: NDRIX , ..... ..... . . . . ............ .. . ... ... .. President. G. G . HAVEN ................................... . Vice-President. E 0. L EEC H . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Second Vice-President and Cashier. I I I '(JS/ /:ii>.. '<!SJ ! " !SJ),. '(]SJ ISJ:>.. '<IS/ @ ISJ>. '<!SJ !SJ>. Circu lating notes.. ... .. . .... ........... 53 1, 120.00 Due d epllsitors; Indiv idu a ls ........ .. 12,807,363.89 Banks . ...... ... ... . . 4,828,481.39-17,635,845.28 $20,097,724.53 '<IS/ " $1,500,000. SURPLUS, 500,000. CAPITAL, OFFICERS: OLIVER S CARTER, President. EUGENE H. PULLEN, Vice-President. CHARLES H . STOUT, Cashier. W. B. T. KEYSER , Asst . Cashier. @ c. ISJ>. '(JS/ Accounts of Banks and Bankers Received. '(JS/ /SJ),., '(]SJ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ISJ:>.. 1SJ:>.. '<IS/ trD. "r:Jtj ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@®®® LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PEN oF NEw .voRK. United Bank Build ing, Cor. -Wall Street and Broadway. t~Jl:\~oiiii <less ·e~i>.· a·~ci- 1ia:x: ·pa."-> 1g&~gg gg _1,930,759.25 @ 00 @ @ @ @ Buy and sell United States Bonds a1;1d make transfers and exchanges in Washington without additional charge. NEVER DRIPS NOR SKIPS. The best known, and known to be the best fountain pen in the world. Hard rubber· reservoir holder fitted with finest quality 14 K Gold .Pen and guaranteed satisfactory in every respect, or money refunded. Mailed to any address upon receipt of $r.50. (Sent to responsible parties upon approval. ) Write for Catalogue. Address LAUGHLIN MFG. co., DETROIT, MICH. WE carry in stock all kinds of CHECK PROTECTORS. Prices from $6.oo to $25.00. Have some bargains in SECOND HAND MACHINES. Will exchange new for _old. Write to us before purchasing elsewh~re. ScHwAAB STAMP & SEAL Co. MILWAUKEE, Wis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE TRI-STATE BANKER. September, 1897. -----THE ---- FIRST,:. NATIONAL 3 - Best Bankers' The Publications. f' K Corner rlonroe and Dearborn Streets, .CHICAGO. CAPITAL, $3,000,000. SURPLUS, $2,000,000. 1l tlegula:tr Banking Business T:transaeted. TRAVELERS' CREDITS issu ed available in any part of t h e world. TRA SFERS OF MO EY MADE BY TELEGRAPH AND CABLE and EXCBA GE DRAWN at c ustomary usances, on th e principal cities of the United States, Europe, Japan, China and U1e East Indies. All kinds of FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT SECURITIES dealt in. Constantly on hand and for sale at eurrent rates a full line of GOVERNMENT BONDS, Municipal and Local Bonds, Choice Railroad Bonds. Collections carefully made and proceeds promptly accounted for on moderate terms. Accounts of banks and bankers solicited. The Bankers' Magazine - oldest bankers' publication in America. Established 1846. Term_s, $5.00 a year. Has over double the circulation of any other bankers' pub/Jcat,on in the United States. Advertising Rates low considering the large circulation guaranteed. Rhodes' Journal of Banking and the Bankers' Magazine have been consolidated. The Bankers' Directory. Issued in January and July - corrected to date. Price with marginal index, $4 a copy; both editions, $7. Plain, $3 a copy; $5 a year. Practical Banking (Methods and Machinery of). By Claudius B. Patten, for many years Cashier of the State National Bank of Boston. " The best Book on Banking in the English language." Price, $5 a copy, or to Bank Clerks $3.50 a copy when ordered in lots of ten copies and over. The Bankers' Reference Book. Ratings of National and State Banks, Private Bankers, Loan, Trust and Investment Companies, Collection Agents, Brokers, etc .., for confidential use. Terms on application. BRADFORD RHODES & CO., Publishers. BANK OFFICERS: S. M. NIOKERSON, President. JAMES B. FORGAN. Vice-Pres GEO. D. BOULTO , ~d Vice-Pres. RICHARD J. STREET, Ca.shier. HOLMES HOGE, Asst. Cash. FRANK E. BROWN. 2d Asst. Cas h. 78 William Street, NEW YORK.___........ NOTICE. Orders for the Bradford Rhodes & Co.'s Bankers' Publications received at publisher's rates by THE TRI-STATE BANKER, Des Moines, Iowa. ---------~ You Get the Profits r I Dust Proof ..... . Filing Cabinets, !in~~YTYTYT~~l Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying direct from the manufacturer. For the preservation of Letters, Documents, Checks, Signature Cards, Blanks, Stationery, Bills, etc., free from dust and ready for instant reference, are the No better wheel made than the BEST ~ ~ IN l THE j iwoRLD; L~~~..J Every bank should have at least one suitable cabinet. Write for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, and make a selection. Special designs and estimates for Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. We have no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. ► t Bank and Store Fixtures. • If you are erecting a new building, or refitting your present rooms, write WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The M. Ohmer's Sons Co., Dayton, Ohio, U.S. A. THE 4 TRI-STA TE BANKER. September, 1897. "1_~ I CENTRALLY LOCATED t I And Well Equipped For Handling Country Accounts l J . R. CHAPMAN, CASHIER . JOY MORTON, VICE-PRESIDENT. W . L . MOYER , L . C. WACHSMUTH, 2D VICE•PREST . _0. C . DECKER , ASSISTANT 2D ASST . CASHIER. CASHIER $1 ,000,000 . LSTATEMENT.l CAP,TAL, ..• THE •.. I G . B . SHAW, PRESIDENT . I \ Cedar Rapids National Bank of Iowa I THE AMERICAN TRUST ) AND SAVINGS BANK .. ·.. NORTHWEST CORNER LA SALLE AND MADISON STREETS, Transacts Strictly A .. Commercial Business. . .. CHICAGO ... G. F. V ANVECHTEN, Vice-Prest. A . T. AVERH,L, President. RALPl:I V ANVECRTEN, Cashier. STATEMENT OF CONDITION. AUGUST 2, 1897 . RESOURCES. Capital, $200,000 ........ . Undivided Profits, $30,000. $3,495,650 87 75,000 00 174,838 . 62 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, UNITED STATES BONDS, OTH£R BONDS AND STOCKS, CASH AND CASH ITEMS, DUE FROM OTHER BANKS, - 795,837.38 1,389,790 87 2 185,628.25 $5,931,117 .7 4 Davenport National Bank, DAVENPORT, IOWA. LIABILITIES. CAP,TAL STOCK PAID IN, SURPLUS FUND , UND ' VIDED PROFITS, DEPOSITS , INDIVIDUAL, D~POSITS, BANKS, ~ $1,000,000.00 80,000 . 00 22,583 . 07 - $2,844 ,091. 80 1,984,442.87 4.828,534.67 $5,931,117 . 74 Your Accounts and Collections Solicited. General Commercial Business .. Officers and Directors. W. C. HAYWARD, President. HENRY EGBERT, Vice-President. s. D. BAWDEN, Cashier. S. F. SMITH. A. F. CUTTER. J. B. PHELPS. M. J EAGAL . . W. H. SNIDER. JOHN W. BAI,LARD. S. L. ELY. P. • F. PETTIBONE (Incorporated .) SPECIAL ATTENTION G I VEN TO ACCOUNTS OF STATE AND PAIVA IE BQ.NKS . . . . . . . Acts as Trustee and Transfer Agent for Railroads and other C<Jrjorations. Accepts Trusts created by J,Vi/1 or otherwise. Issues Interest Bearing Certificates of Deposit Leg al Depository for Executors and Trustees. Transacts a General Banking Business and S olicits Accounts f Corporations, Firms, and Individuals. . . . . . . . . . . . WE SOLICIT CORRESPONDENCE & Co. CAPITALCIIYSTATEBANK DES MOINES, IOWA . ... CHICAGO ... Bank Stationers and Lithographers • • et1&a1aea · Fine Russet . . . . Leather Pass .. . Books and Pocket Check Books a .. Specialty.. AC au LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BANK REGISTERS _ ........ '°'""""- And other Forms kept in stock. Capital and Surplus Additional Liability of Stockholders $115,000 $100,000 OFFICERS. DIRECTORS . A. HOLLAND . ..... ... . .... . .. . ... . ... . ........ President M. P. TURNER ............ . ............... Vice-President J. A. McKINNEY .... . . .. ... . . ..................... Cashier M. M. PATTEN .... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Cashier Jas. Callanan, J. S. Patten. J. D. McGarraugh , M. . P. Turn e r , A. Holland, J. A. T. Hull, Leander Bolton, Henrw~l~Re:~d . Under direct supervision and jurisdiction of the Auditor of the State of Iowa Interest Allowed on Special Deposits. We R.espectfully Solicit Your Patronage Bankers' Mutual Casualty Company DES MOINES, IOWA . DIRECTORS: CHAS. R. HANNAN, Cashier Citizens State Bank, Council Bluffs, a. J. Ill . WOODWORTH, Cashier Com' l State Bank. Marshalltown, Ia. J.M. DINWIDDIE. Cashier Cedar Rapids Sav. Bank, Cedar l{apids. .J. G. ROUNDS, President Citizens National Bank, Des Moines, Ia. A. U. QUINT, President State Bank, Scranton, Ia. . S. O'DONNELL, Pres. Citizens National Bank, New Philadelphia, 0. WM. A . GRAHAM, Cashier Citizens Bank, Sidney, Ohio. F. M. RODD, Cashier L. Rudd & Son Bank, Bronson, Mich. M. D. WAGNER, President Huron County Bank, Sand Beach, Mich. ·>=- DIRECTORS : G. R. MOORE, President State Bank, Jackso n. Minn. JOHN H. LEATHERS, Cashier Louisville Bankin g Co., Louisville, Ky. C. F . SMITH, Cashier First National Bank, McGregor, Texas. JAS . FERGUSON, V.-P . Northwestern Nat. Bank, West Superior, Wi s . A. E. SPALDING;,._ Cashier Ainsworth Savings Bank, Ainsworth, Ia . E. H. HRANCH. vmaha, Neb. EDWJl'T GOODALL. Des Moines. Iowa. li'. ELMORE, Cashier Bank of Winchester, Kansas . J. D. GERLACH, Cashier First National Bank, Chester, Illinois·. INSUR.ES against burglary and robbery of bank. Absolute security at actual cost. The safe delivery of money and securities shipped by registered mail. Better, safer, cheaper than by express. Organized and conducted by bankers. Con. fines its business to banks. Correspondence solicited. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~be ~ri==State l3anRer. VOLUME II. DES MOINES, IOWA, SEPTEMBER, 1897 . $2 . 00 PER ANNUM . THE TRI-STATE BANKER, PUBLISHED BY T HE T Rl=STATE BANKER COMPANY GEO . G. HUNTER , MANAGER , MANHATTAN BUILDING , DES MOINES, IO W A . A mo nt hly ban ker s' J ournal d evoted to t h e i nterests of b a nker s in t h e Midd le-West. All comm unicatio ns a nd news items of local i nterest to b a nker s in t hi s territory a r e req u ested. Subscript ion , $2.00 per a n n u m; sin gle copies, 20 cents. Adverti sing r ates on a pplicat ion. Entered at Des Moines Postoffice as second cl ass m a tter. THE social features of the annual convention of the American Bankers' Association are becoming more prominent year by year, the wives nnd daughters of members attend in increasing number:; - a fact that largely accounts for the increased enjoyment these annual meetings afford . ** * WE CALL especial attention of Iowa bankers to the banking bill printed in this number, which will become a law on October rs t. This bill was introduced by Senator Gilberts<rn ~ of Forest City, as a substitute for the banking bill recommended by the CoJe commissioners . It passed both houses with few amendments. *** THE annual convention of the American Bankers ' Association at Detroit was, as it was expected it would be, the most successful in its his tory. The bankers and citizens of that city were lavish in their hospitality and welcome. The business proceedings of the convention were of unusual interest and importance. The various papers presented were of a high order. No one attended the convention who did not feel more than repaid for the time and money expended. * ** THE nomination of L. M. Shaw for governor of Iowa is a triumph of the rank and file of the Republican party as ag ainst the machine and m achine methods. The withdrawal of Governor Drake came so late that there was little time for the manipula tion of county conventions in the interest of any q mdidate, and as a consequence the great majority of delegates were left to thtir own judgment in the sele.ction of the nominees, with the result that a candidate h as been nominated against whom there cannot be urged-the slightest objection a man of large ability and high principles, with no political debts or promi ses, a successful lawyer and business man, a man of the common people. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NUMBER 9. A B ankers' Journal for the Middle- W est. SINGLE COPIES 2 0 CENTS. people of Iowa are to b e congratulated on the selection of the Republican p.irty for the next governor. *** WHAT is being done by the various gr,>Up chairmen toward the organization of the groups and an acdve campaign to interest bankers who have never joined the state association? We have heard of one group where the chairman already has eighteen new members more than the entire growth of the state organization last year. There is much work to be done. The success or failure of the system will depend very largely on the work of the various group presidents. Let all the bankers co-operate to increase the interest and build up the association. *** To A CERTAIN class of people the word banker is synonymous with wealth easily acquired by other and more successful means than the close competition and hard knocks experienced by most men in their attempts to make headway in the great struggle of life. They do not know of the early struggles, the lifetime of effort, that has made the accumulated wealth possible. They only see the result and therefore lose no opportunity to decry the banker and his money. Such people would be surprised to learn that most western bankers now over forty-five years of age have attained their position from the lowliest walks of life and earned their wealth by their own unaided efforts, many of them starting life with no other help than a willingness to work and a determination to succeed. These qualities combined with good habits, goodjudgmentandeconomy have been the foundation stone on which have been built many of the fortunes of the west. Such a man was A. R. Loomis, of Manchester, who at his death was one of Iowa's wealthy bankers. Mr. Loomis and G. L . Tremain, the well-known banker of Humboldt, were once exchanging stories and incidents of their early lives. Said Mr. Tremain : ' ' One of the happiest moments of my life was when I found a certain merchant who agreed to let me have a new ax for making him four hundred rai ls.' ' Mr. Loomis responded : '' The happiest moment of my life was when a farmer gave me my breakfast and closed a bargain with me to pay me fifty cents a hundred and board for making rails. " *** No BETTER man could have been elected to the first vice-presidency of the American Bankers' Association than the gentleman on whom the· honor was conferred, George H. Russell, of Detroit. However, his election THE TRI-STATE .BANKER. 6 demonstrated again one weakness of the Association that has yet to be remedied. The nominating committee, composed of representatives from each state, reported the name of one gentleman to the convention for election to the vice-presidency, and another was nominated from the floor of the convention anq elected. On first sight this would seem perfectly proper and just, but when we consider that the defeated candidate was the nominee of a representative body and the suecessful nominee elected because the convention was held in Detroit, and largely by the votes of delegates from the immediate vicinity, the result can be looked upon as neither proper nor just. The objection we raise is not to the gentleman named by the convention, but to t~e weakness that permits the local vote, that is, the attendance on account of the location of the convention, to outvote the balance of the convention. Is the precedent to be established that the city entertaining the convention is to have the vice-presidency? If so, it bars out every man from the two highest offices in the gift of the association who is unfortunate enough to reside in a city unable to entertain the convention. It is the judgment of the writer that all questions in the association to be decided by a vote should be voted upon by a strictly representative body. Each state should be entitled to a vote proportionate to the number of members it has in the National Association or in its own state association. September, 1897. The course of the officers and members of the executive committee is now clear. Let a committee be appointed to co-operate with Messrs. S. & S. to bring the association to the highest possible standard of perfection. Such brazen assurance marks The American Banker as no amateur. It comes only after sixty-two years of experience. * * * IN ITS iss_u e of August 11th, the American Banker published a tirade against Bradford Rhodes, editor of the Bankers' llfagaz ine, and in the same article attempts to belittle THE TRI-STATE BANKER because it spoke of Mr. Rhodes as "one of the most prominent bankers of the country, and one of the earliest advocates of measures calculated to popularize the American Bankers' Association.'' These statements are not misleading, nor were they due to the "writer's rather limited knowledge of what has been going on in the banking world for several years." Mr. Rhodes is a practical banker, as well as editor of the Bankers' Magazine, and while the banks of which he is one of the active ~fficers are not large when compared to the metropolitan banks, still we can truthfully say that his identity for almost a quarter of a century with the leading bank journal in America, and the active part he has taken in the bank history of that time has certainly made him one of the best known and most prominent bankers of the country. He is a practical THE wonderful growth of the American Bankers' and successful banker, while Messrs. Stumpf & Assodation during the last few years ha~ been re- Steurer, like the. writer, are only newspaper men. Mr. marked on every hand. Many bankers have been led Rhodes has always taken a prominent part in the to inquire the cause of such phenomenal growth in so annual meetings of the American Bankers' Association, short a time. At last the cause has been discovered working with the other members for its greater usefulthe secret can no longer be kept. Messrs. Stumpf & ness and upbuilding. The prominent. part taken by Steurer, publishers of The American Banker, with Messrs. Stumpf & Steurer has been limiteq to getting characteristic modesty have confessed to the world that out advertising pamphlets. The truth of the matter is they are responsible. It was thought, until this con- that Mr. Rhodes has not been making himself obnoxfession was made, that the protective feature was par- ious so much to the banking fraternity as to the tially responsible for the increased usefulness and American Banker. growth of the association. Some have even thought The editor of THE TRI-STATE BANKER may be an that the leaders in the association - the great bankers amateur, but he is willing to learn, and also to accord from every section of the country - were in a measure to others a reasonable credit for their achievements. responsible for this great growth ~ but this was evi- The bankers in this section of the west take very dently a mistake. The whole matter was brought kindly to his journal, and the advertisers say, compared about by a "c.r iticism " which appeared in The Amer- \ to the cost, it is one of the best bank advertising meican Banker in 1892. Said criticism slumbered a year diums to be had. or two before its full import dawned upon the minds of the banking fraternity, and the association began to Judge Gaynor rendered a very important decision have its remarkable growth . Not only have the afore- when he overruled the motion to strike in the Gross vs. said Messrs. Stumpf & Steurer admitted that they Tompkins case. This decision means that the assess'' had the largest share in arousing the spirit which ment made by the rec;eiver on the stock of the Sioux to-day animates the American Bankers' Association, ' ' City Savings Bank outstanding is valid and legal and but they further assure the anxious bankers that '' so that it cannot be attacked on the ground that there long as it persists in policies now more definitely formed was no necessity for it. The decision establishes a it shall have the cordial and enthusiastic support of precedent that will likely be followed in all of the The American Banker," thus lifting a great load from other bank cases and it means much to the depositors the shoulders of those on whom the responsibility rests. of failed savings banks. :.,: * * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sept em her, r 897. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. Acts as Reserve Agents for National, State or Savings Banks THE Capital, $300,000.00 ...• •••..• . . . . . . . . . . Details . of Accounts Carefully Attended To. DES MOINES NATIONAL BANK, OF DEs Mo1NES, lowA ... ... Correspondence Invited. THE NEW IOWA BANK LAW. Substitute for senate file No. 12 and house file No. 19. By Gilbertson. An act to revise, amend and codify the statutes in relation to banks and banking institutions. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Iowa : CHAPTER 9 ( OF TITLE IX.) OF SAVIN GS BANKS. SECTION 1. Corporations, designated savings banks, may be formed by not less than five persons of lawful age, a majority of whom shall be citizens of the state, and must be organized as provided in this chapter. SEC. 2 . Savings banks may receive on deposit the savings and funds of others, preserve and invest the sam~, pay interest or dividends thereon, and transact the usual business of such institutions, but shall not have power to issue bank notes, bills or other evidences of debt for circulation as money. SEC. 3. The articles of incorporation of a savings bank shall be signed and acknowledged by the corporators before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, and give the corporate name, the object for which it is formed, the amount of capital, the time of its existence which shall not exceed fifty years, ·the number of its directors, the n·ame and postoffice address of each person or officer who shall manage its affairs until the first election, and the name of the city, town or village, and the county, in which the principal place of business is to be located. Such articles shall be filed and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county of the principal place of business and in the office of the secretary of state. Notice of its incorporation shall be given by publication in some newspaper published in the county wherein the bank is located, for four consecutive weeks, which notice shall state in substance the matters required to be given in the articles of incorporation. • SEC. 4. The paid up capital of any savings bank shall not be less than ten thousand dollars in cities, towns or villages having a population of ten thousand or less, nor less than fifty thousand dollars in cities having a greater poJ?ulation. The corporation may Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 .... OFFICERS .... G. M . REYNOLDS, President, E. A. LYND, Vice-President, C. B. ATKINS, Vice-President, ARTHUR REYNOLDS, Cash ., C. M. SPENCER, Asst. Cash. commence business when its first directors or officers named in its recorded articles of incorporation shall have furnished the auditor of state proof under oath that the required capital has been paid in and is held in good faith by said bank, and he has satisfied himself of such fact, for which purpose he may make a personal examination or cause it to be made at the expense of such _bank, and he is also satisfied that the preceding sections of this chapter have_been complied with, and has issued a certificate to that effect, naming therein its first board of directors, notice of which certificate shall be given by the publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper printed in the county where its articles are recorded, at the expense of such bank, and proof of such publication by the oath of the publisher or his foreman filed with such auditor. SEC. 5. The corpora tors and their s~ccessors shall be a body corporate, with the right of succession for the period limited, and shall have power : 1. To sue and be sued; 2. To have a corporate seal, and alter it at pleasure; 3. To purchase, hold, sell, convey, and rele~se from trust or mortgage such real and personal estate as provided for in this chapter ; 4. To appoint such officers, agents, employes, and servants as the business of the corporation shall require, to define their powers, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation, and to require of them such security as may be proper for the performance of their duties ; 5. To loan and invest the funds of the corporation, to receive deposits of money, to loan and invest the same as provided in this chapter, and to repay such deposits without interest, or with such interest as the by-laws or articles may provide; 6. To make by-laws for the management and regulation of the corporation, its property and affairs, prescribing the CO!Jdition on which the deposits will be received and interest paid thereon, and the time and man'ner of dividing the profits, and for carrying on all business within its power. SEC. 6. The business and property of such banks shall be managed by a board of directors of not less than 8 THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. five nor more than nine, all of whom shall be shareholders, :-ind at least three-fourths of the directors must be citizens of the state. No person shall be eligible as director of any savings bank, nor can he qualify or serve as such, unless he owns in his own right shares of stock in snch bank, as follows : In those having a capital of not less than twenty thousand dollars, one share ; in those having a capital of twenty thousand dollars or over, bnt less than thirty thousand dollars, two shares; in those having a capital of thirty thousand dollars or over, bnt less than forty thousa~d dol, lars, three shares; in those having a capital of _forty thousand dollars or over, but less than fifty thousand dollars, four shares; in those having a capital of fifty thousand dollars or over, five shares. Each director before acting as such shall take ·an oath that he will diligently, faithfully, and impartially perform the duties imposed upon him by law, that he will not knowingly violate or willingly permit to be_ violated any of its provisions, that he is the bona .fide owner in his own right of the number of shares of stock required to be owned by him as provided in this chapter, that the same is not hypothecated nor in any manner pledged as security for any loan obtained or debt owing by him, which oath ·shall be signed by each director and certified by the o_ffice1; before whom it was taken, and filed with and preserved in the office of the auditor of state. The call for the first meeting of the directors or trustees · shall be signed by one or more persons named in the auditor's certificate, stating the time and place of meeting, and · be delivered to each director or published at ' least ten days in some newspaper in the county wherein the principal place of business of the corporation is located. At their first meeting, and as often thereafter as the by-laws require, they shall elect from their number a president and one or more vice-presidents for the ensuing year, and appoint a treasurer or cashier or such officers and employes as may be required, who shall bold their office during the pleasure of the board, and give such security for the faithful performance of their duties as may be required of them by the by-laws. SEC. 7. · All vacancies in the board of directors shall be filled at its next regular meeting after such vacancy shall arise from among the stockholders, and the person receiving a majority of the votes of the whole number of directors shall be duly elected to fill such vacancy. . The directors to succeed those named in the auditor's certificate shall be elected at the first annual meeting thereafter, at such time and place, in such manner, and upon such notice as sh~ll be provided by the by-laws, and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified, which shall be annually thereafter. All such elections shail be by ballot, and the person receiving the greater number of votes cast shall be directors. If an election of directors should not be held on the day designated, it, may be held on any other day after giving the notice required by the by-laws. A majority of directors shall constitute a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, I 897. quorum for the transaction of business, but in no case shall a measure be declared carried unless receiving three affirmative votes. · SEC. 8. At all stockholders' meetings and all elections held thereat each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote. Any stockholder may vote upon his shares in person or by proxy in writing; shares belonging to an estate may in like manner be voted by the administrator thereof, and shares belonging to a corporation, association or society may be voted by any person authorized by its board of directors to do so, but no stockholder shall be entitled to vote who owes the bank any past due indebtedness. SEC. 9. All savings banks organized under this chapter may receive on deposit money equal to ten times the amount of its paid up capital, and no greater amount of deposits shall be received without a corresponding increase of paid up capital, which capital shall be a guaranty fund for the better security of depositors and invested in safe and available securities. The deposits so received shall be paid to such depositor or his representative when requested, with such interest and under such regulations as the board of directors shall from time to time prescribe, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, which shall be printed ana conspicuously exposed in the business office of the bank, in some place accessible and visible to all; and no alteration which may at any time be made in such rules and regulations shall affect the rights of depositors acquired previously thereto in . respect to deposits or interest thereon. '- Savings banks may require sixty days' written notice of the withdrawal of deposits, but when there are sufficient fu11ds on hand the officers thereof may, in their discretio?, waive this requirement. They may close any account upon such written notice as may be provided for in the by-laws directing a depositor to withdraw his deposit, after which it shall cease to draw interest : But nothing in this chapter shall prevent such banks, in their discretion, issuing certificates of deposit payable upon demand. SEC. IO. All accounts upon which no dep9sit or drafts shall be made for a period of ten years in succession shall be so far closed that neither the sum · deposited, nor the interest that ·s hall have accrued thereon, shall be entitled to any interest after the expiration of the ten years from the date of the last deposit or draft. This provision, however, shall not apply to endowments for children, to trust estates, nor to other cases where s·p ecial provision is made therefor at the time of the deposit thereof. SEC. 1 I. Each savings bank shall invest its funds or ·capital, all moneys deposited therein, and all its gains and profits only as follows : 1. In bonds or interest bearing notes or certificates of the United States; 2. In bonds or evidences of debt of this state, bearing interest; September, 1897.' THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo .. Surplus and Profits 9 $15,200.00 The Iowa National Bank DAVENPORT CHAS. BEIDERBECKE, Presi d ent. A. P. DOE, Vice- Presi de nt. CHAS. PAS CH E, Cas h ier. 3. In bonds or warrants of any city, town, county or school district of this state issued pursuant to the authority of law; but not exceeding twenty-five per cent of the assets of the bank shall consist of such bonds or warrants ; 4. In notes or bonds secured by mortgage or deed of trust upon unincumbered real estate in this state, worth at least twice the amount loaned thereon ; 5. It may discount, purchase, sell and make loans upon commercial paper, notes, bills of exchange, drafts or any other personal or public security, but shall not purchase, h old, or make loans upon the shares of its capital stock; 6. -In all cases of loans upon real estate, all the expenses of searches, examinations, and certificates of title, or the inspection of property, appraisals of value, and of drawing, perfecting and recording papers, shall be p aid by such borrowers ; if buildings ar~ included in the valuation of real estate upon which a loan sl!all be made, they sha_ll be insured by the mortgagor for at least two-thirds of their value, in some solvent company, and the loss, if any, under the policy of insurance shall be made payable to the bank or its assigns, as its interests may appear. When the mortgagor neglects to procure the insurance as above provided the mortgagee may procute the same in the mortgagor's name for its benefit, and the premium so paid therefor shall be added to the mortgage debt. SEc. 12. A savings bank may purchase, hold and convey real estate only as follows: 1. The lot and building in which its business is carried on; 2 . Such as shall have been purchased at sales upon foreclosure of mortgag~s owned by it, or upon judgments or decrees obtained or rendered for debts due it, or such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings or such as it may obtain by redemption as junior mortgagee or judgment creditor and which shall be sold by said bank within ten years after the title sha11 be vested in it. SEC. 13. N o dividends shall be declared or paid to stockholders save out of the surplus on hand after pay Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis New Business Invited ing or setting apart sums sufficient for the payment of all expenses in operating the bank and of interest to depositors according to the rate rate fixed therefor by the board of directors from time to time. The bank shall pay interestto the depositors when due upon presentation of deposit book, or certificate. SEC. 14. The capital of savings banks shall be divided into sh.ares of one hundred dollars each, issued or acquired only upon full payment of the sums represented by them, transferable on the b~oks of the corporation in such manner as s_h all be prescribed by law and in its by-laws. Stock owned by any corporation, association, or society, may be transferred by any person authorized to do so by its board of directors or trustees. SEC. 15. Deposits made by a person as executor, administrator, or in any other official capacity, shall be payable to him as such official ; if personally nfade by a minor, to him although he have no guardian, or his guardian shall not have authorized such payment, and the check, receipt or acquittance of the minor therefor shall be valid and binding. If a deposit be made in her own name by a woman, then afterwards married payment shall be n:iade to her upon her check or receipt; if made by any corporation, association, or society, to any person authorized by its board of directors or trustees to receive the same. SEC. !6. No savings bank, its directors, or trustees, shall contract any debt, or liability against the bank for any purpose whatever, except for deposits and the necessary expenses of managing and transacting its business, and to pay obligations incurred for the purpose of obtaining money with which to pay deposits. SEC. 17. T he capital of savings banks may be increased by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the shares thereof, at a stockholders' meeting called upon a notice signed by the officers of the bank and a majority of its directors, specifying the object of the meeting, its time and place, and the amount of the proposed increase, published once a week for four consecutive weeks before the time fixed, in some newspaper of the county where the bank is located. If at such meeting the required vote is given, a certificate of the proceedings showing compliance with the foregoing provisions, IO THE TRI-STATE BANKER. the amount of capital paid in, the amount to which' it is to be increased, and the manner thereof, shall be signed and verified by the affidavit of the chairman and secretary of the meeting, certified to by a majority of the board of directors, and filed and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the proper county and with the secretary of state, and a certificate shall thereupon be issued by him in the manner required in the original organization of the bank. When this is .done, the stock shall bP increased to the amount stated in the certificate. SEC. 18. Savings banks may be dissolved prior to the period fixed in the certificate of incorporation by the affirmative votes -of the stockholders holding threefourths of the capital, at a meeting of stockh_olders to be called for this purpose in the manner and after publication of notice as required in case of the increase of its capital. In case of dissolution of the bank or proceedings to close the sa e as authorized in this chapter, no receiver appointed thereunder shall be allowed to sell the assets thereof at forced sale, but he shall collect the same with all diligence and make distribution of the proceeds from time to time to those entitled thereto. SEC. 19. Any bank existing under any law of the state may be reor~anized under the provisions of this chapter by filing with the recorder ·of deeds of the county in which the business is to be conducted articles of incorporation as required for the organization of savings banks, or such amendment of its articles as will comply with the provisions of this chapter, but such articles or amendment shall be signed by a majority of the directors of such bank, acknowledged before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds and recorded in the office of the proper recorder of deeds and secretary of state, as if original articles, whereupon the auditor of state shall issue his certificate as in the case of the original organization of savings banks, which, when received and published as in such cases required, shall authorize it to 'transact business, and all the provisions relating to savings banks shall apply to banks thus reorganized, and all its securities, real estate or property may be then. transferred to such new organization; but sue~ reorganization shall not discharge the original bank, its directors or stockholders from any liability to its depositors or any other person ; arid such new savings bank shall be liable for every claim or demand existing against such former organization. SEC. 20. Any bank, banking association, private banker or person not incorporated under the provisions of this chapter, or any officer, agent, servant or employe thereof, who shall advertise, issue or circulate any card or other paper, or exhibit any sign as a savings bank or savings institution, and any savings bank advertising in any way a greater amount of capital than it has actually paid in, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars for each day the offense is continued, to be recovered in a suit brought in the name of the September, 1897. state by the county attorney, of and for the use of the school fund of the county where such bank is located, and in addition thereto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for e8:ch day the same is done or continued. SEC. 21. Savings banks doing a commercial business located in towns having a population of not less than three thousand inhabitants shall at all times k~ep a cash reserve fund equal to fifteen per cent of their commercial deposits and eight per cent of their savings deposits. and all such banks lqcated in cities and towns having a population of three thousand or over shall at all times keep a cash reserve fund equal to twenty per cent of their commercial deposits and eight per cent of their savings deposits. Savings banks doing an exclusive savings bank business shall at all times keep a cash fund equal to eight per cent of their deposits. Three-fourths of such reserve fund provided for in this section may be kept on deposit subject to call with other banks organized under state or national laws. CHAPTER IO ( OF TITLE IX) OF STATE BANKS. SECTION 1. Associations organized under the general incorporation laws of this state, for transacting a banking business, buying or selling exchange, receiving deposits, discounting notes and bills, other than savings banks, shall be designated ·state banks, and shall have the word '' state '' incorporated in and made a part of the name of such corporation, and no such corporation shall be authorized to transact business unless the provisions of this Code have been complied with. SEC. 2. No partnership, individual, or unincorporated association engaged in buying or selling exchange, receiving deposits, discounting notes and bills, or·other banking business, shall incorporate or embrace the word "state" in its name, but this section shall not apply to associations organized under the laws of the United States. SEC. 3. State banks may be hereafter organized by not less than five persons of lawful age, prior to the commencement of business, sign and acknowledge articles of incorporation before s~me officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds. Such articles of incorporation shall state : 1. The object of the incorporation and the name by which it shall be known. 2. The principal place of business. 3. The time of the commencement and termination of the corporation, which shall in no case exceed twenty years. 4. The amount of capital stock authorized; and the times and conditions in which it shall be paid in. 5. By what officers and persons the affairs of the corporation are to b conducted, and the times at which they will be elected. 6. The highest amount indebtedness to which the corporation may at any time subject itself. 7. Whether private property in addition to the liability fixed by law, shall be liable for corporate debts. I I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • September, 1897. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. SURETY BONDS II FURNISHED Fidelity and Deposit Compaiiy of Maryland, ~:=~==~:~~~,~S HOME OFFICE, BALTIMORE , MD. Des Moines, T. W. Phillips. Cedar Rapids, J. S. Anderson & Son. ·• Sioux City, Peters & Perkins Company. ·. ~ Burlington, Hutchin~on & Wesner. Dubuque, Coates & Robinson. {fJ 1 ~~,$;~~,$;~~~,$;~~~ ECOMES SURETY on bonds of bank officials and employes, also on bonds for contractors and employes of mercantile houses and all others occupying positions of trust. Accepted as SOLE SURETY on bonds given in Judicial Proceedings in Iowa. These bonds executed on application for same. Cash Resources , Over H E RMAN E. BOSLE R, Treasurer. 8. The name and post-office address of each officer or person who shall manage the affairs of the corporation until the first election. 9. Such other provisions not contrary to law which the corporation may adopt for the conduct of the business of the corporation. rn. Such articles shall be filed and recorded, and notice of incorporation given as provided in section three of chapter nine of this title, in reference to savings banks. SEC. 4. No state bank shall be organized under the provisions of this chapter with a less amount of paid up capital than fifty thou~and dollars, except in cities or towns having a population not exceeding three thousand, where such association may be organized with a paid up capital of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars. But no such organization shall have the right to commence business until its officers, or its stockholders, shall have furnished to the auditor of state a sworn statement of the paid up capital, and, when the auditor of state is satisfied as to tpat fact, he shall issue to such association a certificate authorizing it to commence business, and it shall cause said certififiate to be published in some weekly newspaper printed in the city or town where th_e association is located, for at least four weeks, or, if no newspaper is published in such city or town, then in a weekly newspaper published nearest thereto in the county. SEC. 5. The capital of state banks hereafter organized shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, issued or acquired only upon full payment of the sum repr~sented by them. SEC. 6. The business and property of each state bank shall be managed by a board of directors of not less than five, all of whoTI? shall be sbareholders. No person shall be eligible as director of any state bank, nor shall he qualify or serve as such, unless he owns in his own right shares of stock in such bank as follows : In those having a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars or over, but less than thirty thousand dollars, two shares; in those having a capital · of thirty thousand dopars or over, but less than forty thousand dollars, three shares ; in those having a capital of forty thou Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $2 ,000, 0 00. E DWIN WA RFIELD, President. sand dollars or over, but less than fifty thousand dollars, four shares ; in those having a capital of fifty thousand dollars or over, five shares. Each director before acting as such shall take an oath that he is the bona fide owner in his own right of the number of shares of stock required in this chapter ; that the same is not hypothecated nor in any manner pledged as security for any loan or debt, which oath shall be signed by each director and certified by the officer before whom it is taken, and filed with and preserved in the office of the auditor of state. SEC. 7. All state banks. locat~d in cities and towns having a population of less than three thousand inhabitants shall at all times maintain a reserve of not less than ten per cent of their total deposits, and all such banks locatad in cities and towns having a popula~ion of three thousand or more shall at all times maintain a reserve of not less than fifteen per cent of their total deposits ; three-fourths of said reserve may be kept on deposit subject to call with other banks organized under state or national laws. CHAPTER XI ( OF TI't'LE rx) OF BANKS. SECTION 1. The misnomer of any savings or state bank in any instrument, shall not vitiate or impair the same if such bank be sufficiently described to ascertain the intention of the parties. SEC. 2. Officers of savings and state . banks may receive for their services a reasonable compensation to be fixed from time to time in the by-laws or by vote of the board of directors, but no director as sucp. shall be paid for his services. No officer or em ploye of the ban'k shall in any manner directly or indirectly, use its funds or deposits or any part thereof, except for the regular business transactions of the bank, and no loan shall be made by it to them except upon the express order of the board of directors, made in the absence of the applicant, duly entered in the records of the board proceedings, and only upon the same security as required by others. Any officer or employe of the bank violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement. 12 THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. SEC. 3. The total liabilities to any savings or state bank of any person, corporation, company or firm for money borrowed, including in the liabilities of a company or firm the liabilities of the several members thereof, shall at no time exceed twenty per cent of the actually paid up capital of such bank, but the discount of bona fide bills of exchange drawn against actuatly existing value and the discount of commercial or business -paper actually owned by the person or persons, . corporation, company, or firm negotiating the same shall not be considered money so borrowed. SEC. 4. The board of directors of each savings and state bank shall at its annual meeting appoint from its members an examining committee of not less than two, which shall examine the condition of the bank at least every quarter, and report the same in writing duly signed to the board, who shall cause such report to be recorded in- the directors' minute book of the bank. Members of such examining committee shall receive for their services a reasonable compensation to be fixed by the board at its annual meeting, but in no case shall such compensation exceeed· five dollars per day for each day's actual service to each member. SEC. 5. All savings and state banks shall make a full, clear and accurate statement of the condition of the bank, verified by the oath of the president, vicepresident, cashier, or assistant cashier, and attested by the signatures of at least three of the directors, or verified by the oath of tw0 of its officers and attested by two of the directors, which statement shall contain: 1. The amount of capital actually paid in ; 2. The amount of debts of every kind due to banks, bankers, or persons other than regular depositors; 3. The amount due depositors, including sight and time aeposits ; 4. The amount subject to be drawn at sight then remaining on deposit with solvent banks or bankers of the country, specifying each city and town and the amoqnt deposited in each and belonging to such bank; s. The amount of gold and silver coin and bullion belonging to such bank at the time of making such statement ; , 6. The amount then on hand of legal tender and national bank notes and subsidiary coin ; 7. The amount of drafts and checks on other solvent banks and other cash items not dishonored then on hand and belonging to such bank ; 8. The amount of bills, bonds, and other evidences of debt discounted and purchased by such bank and then belonging to the same ; -9 . The value of real or personal property owned by such bank, specifying the am.o unt of each ; 10. The amount of undivided profits, if any, then on hand; · 1 I. The total amount of liabilities to such association on the part of the directors thereof, which statement shall be transmitted to the auditor of state within Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. ten days after the receipt of a request or requisition therefor from him and by him filed in his office. SEC. 6. The auditor of state may, at any time he may see proper, make, or cause to be made, an examination of any savings or state bank, or he shall call upon it for a report of its condition upon any given day which has passed, as often as ~our times in each year, which report shall contain the information under the preceding section, and the auditor shall cause it to be published in one regular issue of some daily or weekly newspaper printed in said county, and the expense of such publication shall be paid by said bank. SEC. 7. The auditor of state shall also have power to call for special reports from savings and state banks whenever, in his judgment, the same are necessary in order to obtain a full and complete knowledge of its . condition, which report shall be verified and attested in the same manner as required in this chapter. SEC. 8. The auditor of state may appoint one or more bank examiners, to hold office at his pleasure, who shall give bond to the state, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their d~ties, in the sum of two thousand dollan, which shall be filed with and the sureties therein approved by said auditor. SEC. 9. Each of such banks shall pay the expense of its examination; which, when made by the auditor of state, shall be his necessary expenses only ; when such examination is made by an examiner, he shall receive from banks having a paid up capital of fifty thousand dollars or under, the sum of fifteen dollars ; from banks possessing a paid up capital of more than fifty thousand and under one hundred thousand dollars, twenty dollars ; from banks possessing a paid up capital of one hundred thousand and under two hundred thousand dollars, twenty-five dollars; and from banks possessing a paid up capital of two hundred thousand dollars or over, thirty dollars. SEC. ro. When it shall appear to the auditor of state that any savings or state bank has refused to pay its deposit in accordance ~with the terms on which such deposits were received, or bas become insolvent, or that its capital has become impaired, or has violated the law, or is conducting its business in an unsafe manner, he shall, by an order addressed to such bank, direct a discontinuance of such illegal or unsafe practices, and require conformity with the law. The auditor of state may appoint an examiner to investigate the affairs of any savings or state bank, who shall have power to administer oaths to any person whose testimony may be required on · such examination, and to compel his attendance for the purpose thereof by subprena or attachment in the manner now authorized in respect to witnesses in the courts of the state, and all books and papers which it may be found necessary to inspect on the examination so ordered shall be produced, and their production may be compelled in like manner ; all expenses thereof shall be paid by the banks examined, in such amount as the auditor of fixing the amount of assessment required, and the board of directors shall, within thirty days after the receipt of such order, cause such deficiency to be made good by a ratable assessment upon the stockholders. for the amount of stock held by them, by giving such stockholders notice in writing, signed by the president or vice-president, attested by the cashier· or secretary of the bank under its seal, if it had one, and deposited in the posto-ffice addressed to the last known residence of ~he stockholders, proof thereof to be made by the affidavit of the person so making the deposit, which notice shc:1.ll state the entire sum to be raised and the amount due from the addressed stockholder. SEC. 12. Should any stockholder neglect or refuse to pay his assessment within ninety days from the date of mailing notice thereof, the board of directors shall cause a sufficient amount of the capital stock held by such stockholder to be sold at public auction to make good the deficiency, after giving thirty days notice thereof by posting the same in the bank, and publishing it in some newspaper of the county in which the bank is located, which notice shall recite the assessment, the amount due thereunder from the stockholder and the time and place of sale, proof of all which may be made in the manner provided in the preceding section. After such deficiency is made good the balance of the proceeds of said sale, if any, shall be paid to the delinquent stockholder. state shall certify to be just and reasonable, but costs taxed as such shall not exceed those allowed for like services in the district court. If any such bank shall fail or refuse to comply with the demands made by the auditor of state, or if the auditor of state shall become satisfied that any such _bank is in an insolvent or unsafe condition, or that the interests of creditors require the closing of any such bank, he may authorize a bank examiner appointed by him to take posse~sion of any such bank, whereupon the right of levy, of execution, or attachment against such bank or its assets shall be suspended, and the auditor of state may forthwith, with the assent of the attorney-general, apply to the district court or judge thereof for the appointment of a receiver for such bank, and its affairs shall be wound up under the direction of the court and the assets thereof ratably distributed among the creJitors thereof, giving preference in payment to the depositors. Tbe auditor of state, with the assent of the attorney-general, shall have authority to apply for the appointment of receivers of savngs and state banks, who shall be residents of the county where the bank is located, and no general assignment . for the benefit of creditors shall be of any validity. SEC. I 1. Should the capital stock of any state or savings bank become impaired by losses or otherwise, the auditor of state may require an assessment upon the stockholJ.ers and shall address an order to the several members of the board of directors of su·c h bank, r~~••m•,•••no~••. • •. ••••.......,,.•m•••••••VTTTO'••~••yY••••••7 • j ~ CAPITAL . SURPLUS. $,00,000:00 500,000.00 ORGANIZED 1851 ...... .. The National Bank of North America.: r . . . . . . .~~!"""'•~~·············~. . . . . . . .~•TY••~J Conducting its business along legitimate commercial lines, loaning money, in moderate amounts to reputable business houses for mercantile uses only, the lI NATIONAL l I ! BANK Ofc!!~G~_EPUBLIC I I Ii offers its services to the business public, expecting to receive a fair share of patronage. l CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS 1 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. IN NEW YORK .... 25 NASSAU STREET t WARNER VAN NORDEN . . . . . . President WILLIAM F. HAVEMEYER . . . . Vice-President AL VAH TROWBRIDGE . Cashier HEMAN DOWD . . . . . . . Assistant Cashier ,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....; L .~.~~~~-u ~~•~••~~~u• ... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 13 THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. September, r 897. I ~ ~i j ◄ , ......... m . ~ ~ LOUIS F. SWIFT, of Swift & Co., Packers. JOHN A. LYNCH, of Thos. Lynch & Sons, Capitalists. FRANK 0. LOWDEN, Attorneyat-Law. H. S. DURAND, of the Home Insurance Co. J.B. GREENHUT, Peoria, Ill. HENRY SIEGEL, of Siegel, Cooper & Co. A . M. ROTHSCHILD. of A. M. Rothschild & Co., Dry Goods. E. B. STRONG , of the iate firm of Foss, Strong & Co. ALEXANDER MACKAY, President Globe Stone Company. W . T. FENTON. JOHN A. LYNCH PRESIDENT. J. H. CAMERON,} AssT . CAsH ' RS A. M. ROTHSCHILD, V1cE-PRESIDENT, H . R. KENT, w. T. FENTON, 2D VICE-PRESIDENT & CASHIER . L ... ♦♦ •ww•uw•www•~: ~~.~:~.'.~~=~-~:.~~•S•~~~~~~l:J THE TRI-STATE BANKER. 14 SEC. 13. Should the board of directors of such bank having an impaired capital neglect or refuse to proceed as above provided for a period of thirty days after receipt of such order from the auditor of state, they shall become severally liable for any deficiency, which liability may be enforced at law by any creditor of or stockholder in the bank, or receiver appointed to wind up its affairs. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the auditor of state to communicate to the governor in .his biennial report a statement of the condition of every bank from which reports have been received for the preceding year, and to suggest any amendments in the law relative thereto, which in his judgment may be necessary or proper to increase the security of depositors. SEC. 15. All stockholders of savings and state banks shall be individually liable to the creditors of such corporation of which they are stockholders over and above the amount of stock by them held therein and any amount paid thereon, to an amount equal to their respective shares, for all its liabilities accruing while they remained such stockholders, and should any such association or corporation become insolvent its stockholders may be severally compelled to pay such deficiency in proportion to the amount of stock owned by each, not to exceed the extent of the additional liability hereby created. The assignee or receiver of any such corporation, or in case there is none, or of his failure to act, any creditor thereof may maintain an action in equity to determine the liability of the stockholders, and the amount to which each creditor shall be entitled; and all parties interested shall be brought into court. SEC. 16. Should the whole amount for which the stockholders are made individually responsible 8S provided by the preceding section, be found in any case to be inadequate to the payment of all the debts of any such association or corporation after the application of its assets to the payment . of such debts, then the amount due from such stockholders on account of their individual liability created by said section, shall be distributed equally among all the creditors of such corp~ration in proportion to the several sums due them. The Havill Deposit Ledger Arranged with the Ledger Index Balance .Sheets . ( PA TENTE D N O V. 26, 1995.) O~BI~ES the best poin!s of the ol~-style Dep?sit Ledger, with its compact groupmg of debits and credits and daily balances of accounts, rendering the examination of an ~ account in all its details easy and satisfactory with the advantages of the Boston System, in its grouping together the accounts in alphabetical order and the arrangements of the balances so that a daily trial balance can be taken easily. For circular, address 0 . H. HA VILL, St. Cloud, Minn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. SEC 17. No bank, banking house, exchange broker, deposit office, firm, company, corporation, or person engaged in the banking, brokerage, exchange or deposit business shall when insolvent accept or receive on deposit, with or without interest, any money, bank bills, or notes, United States treasury notes, or currency, or other notes, bills, checks, or drafts, or renew any certificate of deposit. SEC. 18. If any such bank, banking house, exchange broker, deposit office, firm, company, corporation, or person, shall rec<dve or accept on deposit any such deposits, as aforesaid, when insolvent, any owner, officer, director, cashier, manager, member or person knowing of such insolvency, who shall knowingly receive or accept, be accessory, or permit, or connive at receiving or accepting on deposit therein, or thereby, any snch deposits or renew any certificate of deposit, as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not more than ten years, or imprisonment in the county jail not more than one year, or by both fine and imprisonment. SEC. 19. Any officer or officers whose duty it is to make statement of the condition of its bank, and make publication of same, who shall wilfully neglect or reuse to perform such duties imposed upon them or either of them, shall be deemed guilty of a ·misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not less than three months nor more than three years in the penitentiary. SEC. 20. Any owner, director, officer, agent, employe, or clerk of any bank who shall knowingly subscribe or make any false statements or false entries in the books thereof, or knowingly subscribe or exhibit false papers with intent to deceive any person authorized to examine its condition, or shall knowingly subscribe and make false reports, or shall knowingly divert the funds of the bank to other objects than those authorized by law, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars and .be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than five years, and be forever after barred from holding any office created by this chapter. SEC. 21. Any owner, dir~ctor, officer, agent, employe, or clerk of any bank who is guilty of intentional fraud or of deceiving the public or individuals in relation to the means or liabilities of such bank, or who aids, assists or consents to the payment of dividends which leave insufficient funds with which to meet the liabilities of the bank shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment of not less than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court, and such act shall · cause a forfeiture of all the privileges of said bank and the court may proceed to close the same in the manner prescribed by law. September, 1897. THE TRI-STATE BANKER. SEC. 22. The president and cashier of every savings and state bank shall cause to be kept at all times a full and correct list of the names and residences.9f the officers, directors, examining committee, and of all the stockholders in the bank, and the number of shares held by each, in the office where its business is tran~acted. Said list spall be subject to the inspection of all the stockholders and creditors of the bank during business hours of each day in which business may be legally transacted. A copy of such list, verified by the oath of the president or cashier, shall be transmitted to the auditor of state within ten days after each annual meeting. SEC. 23. No corporation shall engage in the banking business, receive deposit-;, and transact the business generally done by banks, unless it is subject to and organized under the provisions of this title, or of the banking laws of the state, heretofore existing-, except that loan and trust companies may receive time deposits and issue drafts on their depositories, but such companies shall be subject to examination, regulation, and control by the auditor of state and any corporation violating this section shall forfeit its charter at the suit of the attorney-general, and said corporation, its officers, directors and agents, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment of not less than two ( 2) years in the penitentiary, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Stockholders shall be liable to the creditors of such companies· as provided in section 15 of this chapter for stockholders in savings and state banks. Provided that loan and trust companies organized under the general incorporation laws of the state, which were engaged in the banking business prior to the first day of January, 1886, and have continued therein since said date, may by the proper additions to their articles of incorporation, become state banks within the provisions of this title, without incorporating the word ''state'' in the name of such corporation. 15 [ STATEMENT.] l THE BANKERS I NATIONAL l BANK, X Chicagof Illinois, X Ifi;l~~ll @l l@l l@~l6rn~;;,,g,,1s111s11,;~,;,;,:~~~1~;~~~11 ► CAPITAL $1,000,000. ~ Report of the Condition at the Close of Business on • the 23d Day of July, 1897, I IOWA R.EPOR.T AT DETR.OIT. X t RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts . . . . . . . . Overdrafts . . . . U. S. Bonds and Premium thereon . Other Bonds (Chicago Drainage 5s) Stocks and Securities . . . . . . Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures Cash and Sight Exchange . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,094,019 5,7°3 331,625 124,191 3,253 26,938 3,103,842 . $6,689,574 20 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . . . . . Surplus and Undivided Profits . Circulating Notes Deposits . . . . . Dividends Unpaid ~ Total . . . . . . $1,000,000 u6,697 . 34, roo . 5,537,684 1,092 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oo 08 oo 62 50 . $6,689,574 20 . $3,048,427 05 . ~ Deposits July 23, 1896 l~~,.~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~:l:~I IS~~:':~:'~~:':~:l:~:':~:l:~:l:~:':~j OFFICERS1 Fred Heinz, president of the Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank, of Davenport, reported Iowa as follows: " When to-morrow's sun rises over the fertile soil of Iowa, a soil now covered with the garnered g-rain of a bounteous · harvest, and with the corn stalks as tall as the black alluvial soil wherein they grow is deep, corn stalks taller than our worthy president, and still growing and promising an abundant yield, it will find 1,043 bank cashiers, of which 1,042 are males and one a female, r_e ady to grasp the hands that bring the funds that keep the machinery of the banks in motion. Iowa has four kinds of banks, besides those known to the navigator, namely: 201 state banks and 169 state savings banks under state control; 163 national banks under national control, and 5 ro private banks partly under the control of the state, the common law _ and the law of nature - being more banks in number 46 98 00 65 • 19 j 31 ~ 61 ' I E. S. LACEY, President. D. B. DEWEY, Vice-President. GEORGES. LORD, Second Vice-President. JOHN C. CRAFT, Cashier. J.C. McNAUGHTON, Asst. Cashier. FRANK P. JUDSON, Asst. Cashier. The accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms ~ and Individuals received upon the most favor- able terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. Correspondence solicited with those contemplating a change or division of their Chicago ~ accounts. ~A~A 16 THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. than any other state in the Union, excepting p0ssibly New York. According to the report of May 14, 1897, these national banks had a capital of $r2,958,ooo; surplus, $3,000,000; undivided profits, $r ,326,000; deposits, $24,879,000; showing a decrease of the year before of capital stock, $4-90,000, and of deposits, $1,317,000. . The state banks, according to last report, June 30, 1897, had capital stock, $9,135,000; surplus, $1,0001 000; undivided profits, $864,000; deposits, $16,857,000 ; showing an increase over a year previous in stock, $271,000; in deposits, ·$1,121,000. The state savings banks, according to report of June 30, 1897, pad capital, $7, 15 r ,ooo; deposits, $28,585,000; showing a decrease over a year previous in capital of $295,000, and an increase in deposits of $;)58,000. The private banks making no official reports, their standing cannot be arrived at sufficiently to make any statistics of value. Since the above official reports have been made, however, there has been a noted increase in deposits, so that it is fair to presume that the Iowa banks to-day have at least $3,000,000 more dep~sits than as above stated, and are holding large sums in excess of the legal requirements. There have been about ten failures during the past year, resulting with more or less disaster to the ones interested, being loss to the depositors and stockholders, and a gain of a fixed term at the expense of the state to some of the bankers . . It is believed, however, that most of these failures were frost-bitten by the chilly winds of 1893, and collapsed when warmed by the dawn of prosperity; and now that prosperity for all is, or is supposed to be, in sight, the next year will make a better showing, especially in view of the fact that the price of farm products is rising, and that our industries will be able to work full time, and that, too, with no danger of the most important ones going on a strike, more particularly meaning that trio of money earners, the hen, the hog, and the cow." NEBRASKA REPORT AT DET ROIT . H. W. Yates, pre~ident of the Nebraska National Bank of Omaha, reported for the condition of Nebraska as follows : '' In the apparent absence of any one else to speak for Nebraska, I feel constrained to say something; and I .shall differ somewhat from the gentlemen who have preceded me in speaking of the signs of approaching prosperity. They have spoken to you in general terms. I propose to give you a few features. Our state banking board has recently issued a statement, showing that our state banks have gained in deposits during the past year $1,000,000. There are very few state banks in the cities. In Omaha there is not one. The loan companies doing business in the state report that the farmers have paid within the past Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sept_ember, 1897. year $28,000,000 of their mortgage indebtedness. I do not vouch for the accuracy _of these figures, but they are, to a large extent, sustained by facts. Last year we raised nearly 300,000,000 bushels of corn. This year we confidently expect a crop of 350,000,000 bushels. We have more than double the wheat crop this year, and Nebraska will, for the first time in her history, be in the front ·rank of the wheat-producing states, with a total of 40,000,000 bushels. Our state has large, diversified crops. I am informed by a gentleman who knows, because he is in a position to know, that a careful estimate of the value of the crops raised in Nebraska this year would be $300,000,000. More than the product of all the silver mines in the world; more than the total product of all the gold in the world. For a state which for a number of years has been drought-stricken, and to which only a short time ago you consigned car loa~s of grain and food for the support of our famishing families, I think that is a pretty good statement. One thing is certain, that the golden glean from our ripening crops does not reflect the calamity tint to which. the utterances of so many pubIle men, and of the vote of our state last year, seemed to commit the state. I do not feel that I can take my seat without referring to the Trans-Missouri Exposition, which will be held next year in Omaha. It is believed that it will be second to none of recent years, except, of course, the Chicago exposition. It has received the support of all the .states west of the Missouri river, and of a number of those east; it has received a large appropriation from the United States government and I believe I am safe in saying that every one who will visit Omaha next year will be well repaid for his visit. MINNEAPOLIS BANKERS ENTERTAIN COMPTROLLER ECKELS. T he bankers of Minneapolis gave a dinner Saturday evening, August 28th, in honor of James H. Eckels, comptroller of the currency. Mr. Eckels was a guest of friends in the city prior to a trip to the National Park. Those who acted as hosts were the officers of the Northwestern National; First National, Nicollet National, Swedish-American National and Flour City National Banks, the National Bank of Commerce and the Security Bank . The officers of these institutions did the honors at the reception which preceded the banquet, in the parlors of the Minneapolis Club. After the s·u mptuous feas~ had been disposed of, J. W. Raymond, as toastmaster, announced that there was something still better to come. He paid a neat compliment to Mr. Eckels in introducing him to the assembled guests. Mr. Eckels said in part : "I have been more than plea~ed to witness upon all sides the evidences of prosperity that seems to be surely returning to this great September, 1897. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. and glorious northwest. The business interests of this section of the c9untry are not entirely its own, however. This great Misssis'.)ippi valley and great northwest will always be an important factor in the making of the wealth of the United States. It:::; interests are and always will be largely determined by the business interests of other parts of the country. "Great as has been the prosperity of the west, we of the west know that the business interests of this section are dependent upon the great wealth and resources of the east. There is no room in the west for financial heresy, no room for any doctrine on money that does not coincide with that of the east and long settled and _ established countries. They make the financLl systems. " It is only by the union of the ~urplus capital of the east, and the undeveloped resources of the west, we can expect prosperity. '' Let the people of the west be ever mindful that their ideas upon finance and currency must be such that people have unbounded confidence in them ; they must be sound and based upon actual business needs, and must be like Cresar's wife, above suspicion. '' Banking and commerce are interests indefiably dependent upon one another, and both are subject to the same rises and depressions. A distinguished economist has said that banking is the handmaid of commerce, and the history of both, from the foundation of sound money principles, bear witness to this truth. Bills of exchange, mediums of exchange found their origin not in any action of a legally constituted legisla.: tive body, but in the actual demands of commerce. It was a necessity, and came as a matter of course. "People who say that legislative bodies can make and unmak~, by their enactments, standards of valu·e and impose values upon material things are ignorant of the history of finance and commerce. Commerce wants and will only use a dollar which is worth one hundred cents. Silver bas lost its value to finance. It is gone, and can never be returned to its old position. There is not strength enough in the United States, no, not in all the nations of the world, to bring silver back to its old value. Commerce destroyed it and will never give it place again. The judgment of commerce is final. '' The solution of the financial problem does not lie in the direction of a metallic currency. The business world demands only the best, and that which will easiest meet the demands of their transactions and transfers of property. It is not in the metallic money, or even in the bank note, that the solution lies, but in the check which has been devised by bankers as the most convenient medium of echange. It was an enactment of the. banks. We have had a banking system which gave us a safe currency, but the bank note has not yet received the amount of attention which it should have. Law-makers have not paid it the proper attention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 '' There should be a system of banking that would allow the grain of the west to be handled without the troublesome methods now resorted to. The northwest needs a system of currency not based upon a depreciated silver dollar, but upon actual worth. Then the west and northwest would be prosperous, and that condition would be felt all over the land. '' If this prosperity which is bringing a ray of sunshine into the business world is to be profited by, it does not lie in the province of the law to do that. We must live within our incomes. Let every man live within his income. It is the extravagance in private and public life that has brought us to the ruin of the past few years. A continued extravagance will lead to inevitable destruction. A settling day will come when matters must readjust themselves, and · then the utter foolishness of private and public extravagance will make itself manifest. '' Who dares to say that in the ten years prior to the disaster of '93 there was not an undue public and private expenditure? It could result in nothing than what we have witnessed to our sorrow. Let every citizen, let every community do its duty, live within its income, and make the hope of to-day the realization of to-morrow. This country, the most highly developed the sun shines upon, will be then forever blessed. You of the northwest do as you did last time, stand for a dollar that is worth 100 cents at home and abroad and your credit will then be unquestioned.'' Following Mr. Eckels came a long list of toasts, but the various speakers thought that enough had been heard upon the great question, and spoke briefly. Good stories and repartee was the general order. During the day, previous to the dinner, Mr. Eckels was shown the sights of the city by Gilbert G. Thorne, of the Northwe·s tern National Bank. MINNESOTA REPORT AT DETROIT. Mr. L. L. Bennett, president of the National Farmers Bank, Owatonna, reported for Minnesota a~ follows : ''When my colleagues from the state of Minnesota requested me to respond for the state, I accepted the invitation with pleasure, for if there is any subject on which I love to dwell, it is upon the past, the present, and the future of the state of Minnesota. We can produce more bushels of number one hard wheat, and more tons of the richest iron ore in the world than any other state, and we are close after any other state in the production of dairy products, of hog products, of cattle products, and in fact, of every article that goes to make up the immense volume of our diversified farming interests; but you may suggest that I was to speak of the banking interests of our state, yet I need not say to any practical banker that this condition of our prosperous state, speaks in unmistakable language of the actual banking condition of the state also. The banking interests of the State are in a sound and THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. 18 solvent condition. In common with the rest of the United States, for the last two or three years we had our share of misfortune, but not a bank that was founded on the rock of good banking principle moved from its solid foundation. The banking interests of Minnesota are now all right, and in the hands of legitimate bankers will pay fair dividends on capital invested, and make honorable records for the managers having them in charge.'' LIABILITIES. Capital stock. '. ...... .. .. . ............ .. ...... $16,287,200.00 Due depositors ........... . .... .. . ..... . ....... 45.442.894. 16 Due banks and others. .. ........ ........... .... 330,732.58 Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r,797.367.02 Undivided profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,941,247.20 $,65, 799,440.96 The above statements made at the close of business June 30, 1897, show the following changes in the conditions of the banks as compared with the statements made at the close of business June 30, 1896: ASSETS. CONDITION OF IOWA BANKS. The auditor of state has issued a statement giving the condition of the savings and state banks of Iowa at the close of business on June 30. The statement is made up from the semi-annual reports which have just been made ·by the banks. The banks of the state are shown to be in excellent condition, and the statement also shows that the people of the state are making money. The deposits have increased nearly one and a half millions, and the cash held by the banks bas increased over three million of dollars. The statement given out by the auditor is appended. SAVIN GS BANKS. ASSETS. Bills receivable .. ...... ...... . .. ...... . ........ $28,903,442.55 Cash and cash items .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,663,150.25 Credits subject to sight draft........ . ........... 5,309,077. 41 Overdrafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182,075.56 Real and personal property.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,536,948.91 Cash - increase . . . . . . . . . . . .... $ 264,794.23 Credits subject to sight draft-in • crease ......................... 2,781,204.17 Real and personal property-increase...... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 249,923.15 Total increase .... .. ....... . $ 3,295,921.55 Less bills receivable- decrease .$ 2,094,222.91 Less overdrafts-decrea-;e . . . . . 30,738.76 Total decrease. . .......... . Net increase of assets . .... . $1,170,959.88 LIABIPTIES. Deposits -increase ........... . $ r,476, mo 37 Undivided profits-increase . . . . 24,519.97 Total increase . ." ........... . Less capital stock- decrease .. . $ Less indebtedness to banks and others- decrease . ......... . Less ,surplus - decrease ....... . $ 1,500,620.34 124,200.00 160,519.82 44,940.82 Total decrease ............ . $ 329,66o.46 Net increase of liabilities ... . $ I, 170,959.88 PROSPERITY NOTES. LIABILITIES. Capital stock ................................ . $ 7,151,500.00 Due depositors .... . . ... ..................... 28,585,654.74 Due banks and others. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,020. 61 Surplus ........ ...... ....... ........ ...... . : . 784,160.75 Undivided profits............. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976,358 38 $37,596,694.68 STATE BANKS. ASSETS. Bills receivable ...... ........ . ................ $19,988,r45.04 Cash and cash items... .... . ... ................ 1,727,769.84 Credits subject to sight draft .. .... . ......... .... 4,171,050.80 Overdrafts.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347,5ro ..51 Real and personal property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,968,270.09 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ............................... ... $ 9,135,700.00 Due depositors ................................ 16,857,239.42 Due banks and others .... . . ·. . . ................ 23I,7r1.97 Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,013,206.27 Undivided profits.... ... . ... .. . .... . ........... 964,888.62 $28,202' 746. 28 Consolidated statement of the assets and liabilities of the state and savings ·banks : ASSETS. Bills receivable ...................... . ......... $48, 89 r, 587. 59 Cash and cash items... . ....................... 3,390,920.09 Credits subject to sight draft..... . ....... . . . . . . . 9,480,128.21 Overdrafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529,586.07 Real and personal property ~. .................. 3,507,219.00 $65,799,440.96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. The crops are still in the hands of the farmer and the prices are going up every day. Better times are beginning with the class of people whose prosperity means the prosperity of all. The savings banks of New York state have 36,000 more depositors and $26,000,00·0 more deposits than they had a year ago. The demand on the banks for money is steadily growing. This fact, when coupled with the increased bank clearings, bespeaks better times. The prairies of the west are covered with the b~untiful harvests for which there is a demand sufficiently s~rong to pay the farmer a handsome profit. Have you noticed the decrease in business failures for the month past? There can be no better proof that general business is improving all along the line. There seems to be a great conspiracy, with n2.ture, the farmers and the majority of the American people as chief conspirators, to bury forever the heresy of a need for dishonest money. Even Kansas, the home of calamity bowlers, bas money to loan. The banks there are holding open the doors until 9 o'clock P. M. to accommodate the farmers who desire to make deposits after selling their wheat. The bank clearings in almost every city in the west show an increase of 5 to 35 per cent ~or the month of September, 1897. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. August as compared to the corresponding month last . year. What does this mean? Does it mean that there is more money in circulation? That there is more business being transacted? That people are paying their debts? That we are beginning another era of good times? MINNESOTA NEWS AND NOTES. A second dividend of ten per cent has been declared to the creditors of the Columbia National BJ.nk. The delegates to the Detroit convention from Minnesota, were J. C. Hunter, of Duluth ; George H. Prince, of St. Paul, and S. McKinnon, of Marshall. J. C. Hunter, of Duluth, was elected to the executive council at the Detroit convention. Minnesota now has two representatives in the council ; A. C. Anderson is the other one. The Washington Bank of Minneapolis, insolvent, will declare another roper cent dividend for the benefit of depositors in October. The city had $260,ooc in the bank at the time of the failure. The German societies of St. Paul have appointed a committee of twenty-seven, to act with the executive committee of five, to organize and incorporate a savi13gs b:mk under the state law. 1'he societies represented were the Sons of Herman, Druids and Workmen. The rec~ivers of the Bank of Minnesota have arranged a compromise with the bondsmen guaranteeing the money deposited by the city in the failed bank. The basis of the compromise is that the bondsmen pay the city the amount of the general deposit, $26 1 939, and be released from all further liability. been served, and denies any legal liability for any part of the $127,000 demanded by the city. The answer sets up that the defendants are not liable b~cause there were changes in the bond, made without their consent or knowledge ; that the bond was not approved, and that no new bond was demanded or given when a fresh proposal from the Allem::innia Bank was accepted by the city in November, 1896. The whole story of the failure of the Bank of New England has been told at last, and the result is that not a creditor will receive one cent from the wreck. The state of Minnesota had a preferred claim of $6r ,000, which was paid, but there remains an item ot interest of $2,475 yet unpaid. The assignee has left in his hands, after paying himself and his attorney, $353.30. This is turned over to the state, which leaves the state still short $2, roo, its preferred claim, and nothing for the other. creditors. . The estate is closed up and the bondsmen of the assignee released.-E.x. The report of the condition of the national banks of Minnesota at close of business on July 23, inclusive of St. Paul and Minneapolis, has been received by the comptroller of the currency and compared with the last previous report in May. Healthy increases are noted in the average reserve held by the banks and in the individual deposits, while a shrinkage is shown in loans and discounts. The report in May showed individual deposits at that time to have been $14,324 310, which '[HE RIGHT WRITER THE The following changes have been made m the Nation~! Citizens Bank of Mankato: W. G. Hoerr, president in place of J. F. Me,i.lgher; Lorin Cray, vicepresident in place of L. Patterson ; John B. Meagher, cashier in place of W. G. Hoerr; W. C. Henlein, as~istant cashier in place of John B. Meagher. WILLIAM s The ONLY machine combining strictly visible writing and direct inkingPrints like a press. New 1897 Models Numbers 2 and 3. NEW LINE LOCKING DEVICE AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. Colonel Albert Scheffer, president of the failed Allemannia Bank, on trial on an indictment charging him with embezzlement because of an alleged overdraft in his accounts with the bank, has been acquitted. It was shown that the overdraft was a matter of bookkeeping and that the checks in the case were drawn to pay the debts of the bank and were not personal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~, TYPEWRITER. The safe in the Farmers' Bank of·Waconia, which robbers attempted to loot August 5th. was opened by experts from Minneapolis and the money and papers found to be all right. There was $3,000 in the safe, and the expert says that one more shot would have given the robbers access to the money. Loss to safe, $400. The ans,ver of fhe suretie.;; on the Allemannia Bank bond, to the suit brought against them by the city has 19 First-class agents wanted in Iowa and Nebraska. for New Catalogue and sample of work. Write THE WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER COMPANY, OFFICE AND FACTORY, DERBY, CONN . ' New York, 273 Broadway. Chicago, 152 La Salle St. Cleveland, 23 Euclid Ave. Boston, 147 Washino-ton St. Dallas, 283 Main St. San Fran<'isco, 508 Ola.v St. Denver, 3:!1 Sixteenth St. Atlanta, 16 o. Pryor St. Philadelphia, 1019 l\larket St. London, 104 Newgate St. Montreal, 200 Mountain St. ~ ' - --------- ~ THE TRI-STATE BANKER. 20 September, 1897. treasurer's statement, and refer of course only to money tied up since he came into office. The granq total, representing suspended banks in the Twin Cities and elsewhere over the state, is $270,586.05, and of this sum there has been paid to date $201,244.05, leavThe Bank of Minneapolis, at Minneapolis, bas closed ing a balance uncollected of only $69,341.20. It is its doors for a few days and will probably go out of significant that of this amount $28.565. r 1 is owed by business. The bank has a capital of $roo,ooo, and its banks outside of Minneapolis and St. Paul, showing liabilities consist mostly of deposits, which aggregate that the city banks have proportionately done better by about $150,000. The closing of the bank has been the state than those in the country. Since Mr. Koerexpected for over a year. The other bankers of the ner came into office there has been tied up in the St. city say that the clo~ing was inevitable, as the invest- Paul banks$r57,188.19, of which $r30, rr2.70 has been ments of the concern were unproductive and that tbe paid, leaving a balance of only $27,075.09. The Mindeposits had almost ceased. As a matter of fact the neapolis suspended banks had a total of $57,687.83 state institution had been undergoing a process of dissolu- money, of which $43,987.03 has been paid, leaving a baltian for several years, the capital having been reduced ance of only $13,700.80. Outside the cities the amount from _$ 300,000 to $100 ,000, and the deposits from of state money tied up in suspend . . d banks was $55,$500,000 to about $150,000. As .a well known mem- 709.43, and of this sum $27,144.32 has been paid, leavber of the clearing house said, the corporation found it ing still to be collected $28,565.11.-Ex. [It is very unprofitable to carry on the_ business any longer and doubtful if all the money still tied up can be collected, quit. Officials of rival concerns predict that the cred- but even if it could, what is to be said of the 1oss to the itors will be paid in full, or very nearly so, as the bank public on account of funds tied up, expense in collecbad not failed in the ordinary sense of being bankrupt. tion, etc., etc.? Most of the money tied up ought never to have been given to the banks. However, -Ex. sound business judgment does not always enter into State Treasurer A. T .. Koerner has compiled a state- public business.-En.J ment showing the amount of money the state bas in suspended banks, and it is highly gratifying. He says that every dollar of this money will be collected before The Security Savings Bank of Wellman is now his term of office expires. This will be good news, for transacting business in its new quarters. The new at one time, and as late as last winter, it was generally rooms have been fitted throughout with new counters understood that the state would eventually lose quite· and furniture, all modern in style. The room is finished heavily. The figures given below are totals from the in oak. The floors are of tile. increased to $14,984,732 in the current statement, and the average reserve has also increased from 34. 11 per cent in May to 37 .22 per cent: The loans and discounts decreased from $13,244,941 in May to $13,2u,437 in the present report. We Make a Specialty of_ ____ Bank Printing and Lithographing........ . THE lowA PRINTING CoMPANY DES MOINES, IOWA. We recommend for Bankers' use The National Safety Paper. This paper has be,en in the market for twenty-five years and is the only sure protection against fraudulent alterations. Don't send your work out of the state until you have first given us .an opportunity to submit samples and prices. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. 21 THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. PEOPLES TRUST t---X SAVINGS BANK OFFICERS. Pre:.'t. CHAS. F. ALDKN, V.-Pres. J. H . INGWRRSEN, Cash. G. E. I,AMB, Asst. Cash. ARTEMUS LAMB, CLINTON. IOWA. DIRECTOR-S. Chas. F. Alden . S . W. Ga rdiner. T. M. Gobble. A. M. Ingwersen. A. Lamb, C. Lamb. L. Lamb, Daniel Langan. P. S. Towle. IOWA NEWS AND NOTES. The foundation is being laid for a new bank building at Corydon. Donellson is endeavoring to organize a bank among local capitalists. The Security Savings Bank of Wellman have moved to their new banking rooms. The Bennett Savings Bank has been incoporated with a capital stock of $20,000. Fred Daley, cashier of the Dickinson County Bank, Spirit Lake, bas returned from California. The Citizens Bank people of Decorah expect to get into their new building about the 1st of September. A bill raiser was captured at Sheldon a few day ago . . He had succeeded in passing several of the raised bills. Banker Wm. Briggs, of the Savin~s Bank of Primghar, is taking a vacation and visiting at Clinton and other points. 11 CCOUNTS of Responsible Banks, merchants and corporations solicited, X Business conducted strictly along the lines laid down by the Iowa Banking Laws, X X X X X X Receiver F. B. Goss says there are about one hundred and twenty-five depositors in the Sioux City Savings Bank who have not yet called for their dividend checks. The ·new Security Bank of Maxwell, Dewel & Gridley, proprietors, opened up for business August 4th. The bank has for its home a fine brick building -just completed. Ed Herwig has taken a position in Darrow Bros.' Bank, of New Hampton, as bookkeeper. He is an excellent accountant and a young man well known to the business element of that community . Receiver Lewis, of the defunct Wyland Bank at Harlan, has paid to County Treasurer Pritchard, by order of the court, $14,275.81, the amount of the county funds on deposit when the bank failed. Henry Bruhns has retired as assistant cashier of the State Bank of Germania, and Mr. Finn took his place at once. Mr. Bruhns has launched out into the real estate business and expects to remain in Germania. The auditor 01 state has authorized the Farmers SavThe Farmers Bank of Packwood went out of existings Bank of Packwood, in J 1::fferson county, to comence August 15. It was succeeded by the Farmers ,, mence business at once. The bank capital is $10,000. Savings Bank. A. RyD?an is the president and T. Z. Gillette the Banker Slocum, of Minburn, is now located in his cashier. new quarters. He now has one of the best looking George H. Rathman, cashier of the Live Stock Nabanks in the state. tional Bank, Sioux City, returned August 20th from a Donnellson is to have a savings bank. Mr. Mac two weeks' trip to Coloraclo and Utah points. Mrs. Leish, a son-in-law of J. W. Lease, of Mason City, is Rathman will remain in the west for a few weeks' visit a candidate for cashier. with relatives. Banker Steckel, of Bloomfield, a'r rested on charges Capt. E. B. Soper, of Emmetsburgh, has been elected of fraud, has been given preliminary hearing at Har- to the presidency of the First National Bank of that lan and released on $7,000 bail.-Ex. place. Capt. Soper is one of Iowa's foremost citizens J. E. Greenfield, vice-president of the Bank ~f Manso1J has made a proposition whereby the people of Manson will most li!fely secure a park and a race track. T. W. Brown, of Anita, a candidate to succeed himself, is the nominee for county treasurer. His faithfulness to the county during the Cass County Bank troubles won him the nomination without opposition. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the banking fraternity are glad to welcome him into the fold of active bankers. C. B. Reinhart, of Gowrie, has ordered a large new safe and a fine desk and will now go into the banking business on a larger scale. He has for some time been selling drafts on Chicago and will now make this a leading feature of his business. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. 22 Mrs. Brown, of Sheldon, has accepted the cashiership of the Larchwood Bank. Frank J. Finn, of .Radcliffe, is the new assistant cashier of the State Bank of Germania. J. B. Santee, a banker of Danbury, Woodbury county, has been nominated for representative. The Citizens State Bank of Grand Junction has filed article of dissolution with the secretary of state. Ackley Hubbard, the banker of Spencer, was one of the active campaigners at the Cedar Rapids con_v ention. Articles of incorporation of the Farmers Savings Bank of North English have been filed. The capital stock is $10,000. Plans have been accepted for Cass' new bank building at Sumner. When finished it will be the finest building in that city. . John Gray, late cashier of the Exchange Bank of Exira, has fitted up a neat office and will run a private bank on a small scale. T. E. Johns, of the Keswick Bank, is touring Europe. His folks received a cablegram announcing his safe arrival at Liverpool. Cashier Wilson, of the First National Bank of Mal-· vern, and family, are spending their vacation with relatives and friends at Rome, Ill. Miss Tena Rasmuson has resigned her position in the Commercial Bank of Britt. Wm. Erwin succeeds her as assistant cashier in the bank. G. H. Wilson & Son, of Iowa Falls, have made an assignment to the State Bank of that place for the benefit of their creditors. Their line is agricultural implerqents. A den of counterfeiters has been broken up just across the line in Ringgold county, and the members placed under arrest. The coin was circulated in southern Iowa and northern Missouri. Knowlton is about sure now to have a bank, as $2,000 have been subscribed to its stock in the town alone. Mr. Read, of Des Moines, is working the matter up and is well pleased with the prospects. the Mrs. L. E. Bopp, wife of cashier in Bopp Bros. Bank at Hawkeye, dieq recently after a brief illness. The remains were taken to Union, Iowa, for burial. Six brothers of the bereaved husband acted as pall bearers. . Look out for counterfeit $ ro bills on the Marine National Bank of New York City and the Union National Bank of the same city. These are being worked off in Iowa at the present time and they are such good imitations that detection is.difficult. They are slightly smaller than the genuine and the paper is of a somewhat inferior quality. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. The Phillips Bank building of Sheil Rock, has been purchased by L. E. Sherwood for $50,000 from the assignees. , Sherwood will have the building fitted up and used for the post-office during the present administration. The dire~tors of the Hardin County Bank, of Eldora, have elected Mrs. Alice D. Hubbard, of Marshall, Michigan, their vice-president. This woman has the distinction of being the only female bank vice-president in America. D. K. Harbert, a young banker of Shellsburg, has no opposition to the nomination for representative from Benton county to succeed Byron McQuinn. Mr. Harbert is a graduate from Cornell. He will give Benton county a strong representation. Articles of incorporation of the Farmers Savings Bank of North English have been filed. The capital stock is $10,000. The directors are Henry Goodman, John Axmear, Adam Greenlee, Theodore Wagner, J. W. Brown, John Kelly and J. J. Bushman. The Stockyards Bank, of Walnut, a local concern, suspended • payment owing to the speculations of the bookkeeper who decamped with the funds during an altercation between the president and the cashier as to which one of them should cash up the checks.-Ex. The First National Bank of Waterloo recently received two forged checks which had been cashed, one by a bank at Hampton and the other by a bank at Prairie du Chien. They were drawn on the bank in Waterloo for small amounts and evidently by the same party. Receiver Wigton, of the Sioux City Savings Bank, has begun action aiainst the resident stockholders of the failed bank. The suits are based upon that section of the statute which provides for double liability of a stockholder of a savings bank. The law has been tested and upheld. A. F. Gunther, of Ft. Dodge, president of the Ft. Dodge National Bank, and president of the Craig Coal Company and Pleasant Valley Coal Company, died August 24th in Baden, Germany, where he had gone to take medical treatment. He was a man of wealth and was widely known in the ::itate. The illustrated souvenir number of the Washington Gazette publishes a sketch of J. A. Young, cashier of the Washington National Bank. It also contains a good advertisement of the First-National Bank of that place, and also an interesting history and description of the Security Savings Bank of Wellman . In the case of First State Bank of Hawkeye vs. McGoon, being an action on a note with a counter claim of between $4,000 and $5,000 which was submitted tq Judge Fellows upon written pleas, the Judge forwarded his decision giving plaintiff judgment for full amount of claim, not allowing any of counter claim. September, 1897. Prominent among Mr. P. D. Minick, private capital than Iowa. Mr. Minick securities. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. Villisca's representative men is who probably represents more any other one man in southern makes a specialty of gilt edge Iowa. bankers are feeling very happy. They have made no money in the last four years and now that the farmers are doing better, money is getting easier and they are expecting a payment of debts and a reasonable prosperity. A sharper tried to swindle one of the Story City banks the other day, by forging the name of a couple of farmers to a note for $450. The bank declined to He then tried to buy a threshing_ casµ the note. machine with another forged note, but failed again. The marriage of Miss Edith Maxwell and Mr. Frederick Schutt occurred at the home of the bride's parents in Minneapolis, August r rth. Mrs. Schutt is the daughter of Mr. Geo. E. Maxwell, formerly an Iowa · banker and now promi11ent in the banking circles of Minneapolis. Mr. F. F. Jones, cashier of the Farmers Bank of Villisca, has just returned £'rom a two-weeks' fishing and hunting trip at Shandy's Bridge, Missouri. This is a famous resort for lovers of the sport,- and fish stories of prodigious size are floating on the zephyrs in that lively little city. J. A. Bradley, of Centerville, one of the proprietors of the Bradley banks in southern Iowa, told the writer they were sparing neither time nor money in hunting down the criminals who burglarized their bank at Eldon. Hereafter criminals will doubtless give the Bradley banks a wide berth. Five years ago Henry Wirth, assi stant cashier of the Battle Creek Savings Bank, traveled through Alaska, following the Yukon river up way beyond the rich gold finds of the last year. He says he was all over the Klondike fields, but the rich finds seem to be no temptation for him to make the trip again. The large safe in the Rock Island depot at Oskaloosa was blown open Monday night. The huge door was thrown through the building thirty feet away and every window in the building was shattered and yet it did not awaken the police. This safe was larger and stronger than many of the safes we have seen in Iowa banks. Bankers ought not to be a day without burglary insurance. Cedar Falls ,bankers and merchants were recently the victims of a flood of counterfeit bills. Four of the fraudulent pieces of paper were detected. They are each of the denomination of $ro and ·a re very clever imitations of regular national bank bills. One of the spurious bills was on the Marine National Bank and three on the Union National Bank of New York. It is believed the bills are being circulated by local parties. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In regard to the Iowa State Bank of Hull, the Index of that place says : · '' This banking house is one of the sound financial institutions of northwest Iowa, and has long enjoyed the full confidence of the people. During the months of fearful strain on such institutions, the Iowa -State Bank pulled through without even an odor of the fire of disaster about its transactions. ;' The Iowa State Fair promises to be the best ever held by the association. Secretary Fowler has been tireless in his efforts to promote its success and the officers report unusual interest manifested in each of the ·departments. The great Seni Om Sed carnival will add very largely to the attraction and interest. Special low rates on all railroads. No Iowan can afford to miss the 1897 State Fair. In the district court yesterday the Dorr Cattle Company, with headquarters in Des Moines, and feeding grounds in Calhoun county, renewed its damage case against W. W. Lyons by filing a new petition, in which it asks to be allowed judgment against Lyons for $25,000. This suit is the outgrowth of business troubles between the company and Mr. Lyons, who· is at the head of the Bankers Iowa State Bank- D es Moines L eader. The First and Commercial National Banks of Waterloo have discovered several petty forgeries on their checks. One forged check was sent to the First National from Prairie du Chien and another from Hampton, both for small amounts. The Commercial National Bank has had a similar exJ:1erience, three forged checks coming from Shelbina, Mo. The latter forger has just been captured at Shelbina . He gave his name as Watson. A statement received from the Bank of Hopkins, Hopkins, Missouri , shows that bank to be in fine condition. Mr. E. C. Wolfers, the cashier, informs us that the banking business in his state is decidedly better. The state law enacted by the legislature of that state two years ago requiring the examination of private banks caused a sudden winding up of a number of the private concerns, which has added materially to the standing of this class of bankers. An abstract of the reports from one hundred and sixty national banks in Iowa, exclusive of Des Moines, of their condition on July 23d has been made public by Acting Comptroller of Currency Coffin. The principal items are as follows: Loans and discounts, $27,819,516; due from banks, national and state, $2,098,009; reserve in banks and deposited with reserve agents, $8,715,766, of which $1,639,589 was gold; total reserve, $47,989,292. Liabilities: Capital stock, $12,220,000; surplus fund and undivided profits, $3,947,802 ; due to banks, national and state, $4,832, r 50 ; deposits, $23,41 r, 650. The average reserve was 34.48 per cent. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. The Eldora bank robber was positively identified by a secret service man who claimed . to know the crook well, and picked him out of a gang of twenty prisoners. On the other hand, Sheriff Stodgill and Dick Dodd, one of the robbers, who went from Ottumwa, failed to identify the man. A man giving his name as Watson recently got possession of some checks on the Commercial National Bank of Waterloo, and has been cashing them in Missouri. He was captured recently at Shelbing, Mo., where be had negotiated a check. He had passed one at Boondlle for $20. The boys have something of a joke on L.A. McMurray, president of the Hamilton County State Bank. A friend presented him with half a· dozen prairie chicken, and the chicken season not having been formally opened by Uncle Sam, Mr. McMurray had to pay for his friend's indiscretion. The gang of counterfeiters unearthed in Harrison county, Mo., near the Iowa line, have been apprehended and are now in custody at St. Joseph. A complete set of counterfeiters tools were found in their possession, and the spurious dollars, half dollars and dimes now in circulation in Harrison and adjoining counties show to what extent the fraud bas been successful. The counterfeit national bank bills are in circulation in many Iowa towns. They are fine imitations, the only possibility of detection being in the size, and this fault none but educated eyes would notice. The en graving and quality of paper is almost identical with regular issues of national banks. It is thought they will be circulated in other towns. Look out for them. The Farmers Bank of Packwood is being reorganized by Packwood. and Fairfield people, at least onehalf of the stock being retained by Packwood parties. The president, cashier, assistant cac;;hier and a majority of the board of directors will be residents of Packwood and vicinity. The bank will be incorporated as a savings bank under the state law, with a paid up capital of $rn,ooo, and will be known as the Farmers Savings Bank of Packwood. The First National Bank's statement appears in this issue. All should read it to learn and know bow substantial an institution Albia is honored with. J. H. Drake, Tom D. Lockwood and Roy Alford, who may be seen every day conducting the business of the bank, are earnest workers and courteous gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to transact business. Their amibility and integrity bring a large and well deserved patronage.-Albia Republican. Frank Novak, who it is claimed burned his store and in it bis friend, Edward Murray, February last, was arrested at Dawson City, Alaska, July 12th, by detectives acting under the direction of County Attorney Tobin and Sheriff Metcalf, of Benton county. and officers are on the way after him and in a few days he will Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, I 897. be in jail to await trial for murder. Novak was for several years a well known merchant, stock and grain dealer and later a banker at the town of Wal ford m Benton county. The remaining assets of the defunct First National Bank of Redfield were sold at public sale by Receiver Bourne. The entire assets were sold in gross to L . C. Issenhuth, a banker, as agent for Henry A. Taylor, of Lafayette, Ind., brother of W.W. Taylor, .for $10,860. There were two other bidders. The amount realized will be sufficient to pay the remaining rn per cent dividend and complete full payment to all depositors of principal and interest, substantiating Taylor's claim when the bank closed that the bank would pay dollar for dollar. Two of the banks at Waterloo have been haviug some experience with light weight coins as well as counterfeit bills. One of them took in a silver quarter which resisted all acid tests to tell whether it was silver, yet it was considerably below weight. Careful examination disclosed the fact that the piece had been sawed "in too thin pieces and had been hollowed out , making only a thin shell of each . The two thin pieces were then stuck together. The bank was of the opinion that this was simply a test of some genius to ascertain if the same method could be used to shave gold coins. The work was so expertly done that it was next to impossible to detect where the pieces were fitted together. Suit in the federal court has been commenced by the Keene Five Cent Savings Bank against Lyon county, which involves $35,000 worth of Lyon county bonds issued by the county between the years 1885 and 1889. The suit is similar in every respect to the old Lyon county bond cases which have been pending in the United States courts for ten years. The claim in this case is based on facts similar: in effect to the allegations made in the Ashuelet National Bank petition which was some time ago decided in favor of the plaintiff. The bonds have been repudiated b:y Lyon county. The Farmers Savings Bank of Emmetsburgh began business August 1st with a capital of $25,000. The stockholders are prominent farmers and business men of that vicinity. The bank starts out under the most favorable auspices and will undoubtedly be successful. Col. Ormsby, who is president of the new institution, has been engaged in the banking business for twentyfive years. He has taken a prominent part in the development of the state and is to -day one of her best citizens. His many friends am01;1g the bankers are glad to know that .the Colonel will remain in the banking business. The announcement is made that the Cattlemen's Bank, located at Council Bluffs has gone into voluntary liquidation. The bank, and the building in which it is located, are owned by W. L. Kerney, and September, 1897. THE TRI-STATE BANKER. the withdrawal from the banking business is not made necessary by any financial embarrassment. Mr. Kerney explains that there was simply not . enough business to justify him in tying up the large capital necessary to operate the bank, especially when he could use it in other ways more profitably. All of the depositors of the bank will be paid promptly in full upon presentation of their checks. The bank is the youngest financial institution in the city. Mr. Kerney announces that he will hereafter confine himself to a straight loan business. The Des Moines Savings Bank has bought one of the best business corners in the Capital City, the Good Block. Tne building is . now being remodeled. The floor, which is now about five feet above the walk, will be brought down to a level with the walk and the basement lowered. The front will be torn out and remodeled and a plate glass front put in, and an entrance made which will be at the corner and will be on a level with the sidewalk. The front of the building will be entirely new. The bank will occupy the first floor when completed, and the upper floors will be divided into office rooms. The Des Moines Savings Bank people are to be congratulated on securing one of the most desirable locations in the city. The Fayette County National Bank of West Union has put in an electric burglar alarm which will make it absolutely impossible to raid the bank either by day or night. Should a bank robber present a gun and order the cashier to throw up his hands, his hands can go up while his foot touches a button that rings a bell in some adjacent store. Other buttons, artfully concealed in different parts of the bank, accomplish the same object. Should _raiders get behind the counter and force the occupants of the room into the vault - as has heen many times done in the history of bank raids - an electric button inside the vault sets the bells to jingling. At night, should any one be incautious enough to approach the safe, an electric alarm will set . a bell ringing that will arouse the town. On Sunday morning, August 12, the residence of . Clarence Rice, cashier of the City Bank of Boone, was entered by burglars. They gained an entrance by forcing a window on the south side of the house and were having things t~eir own way when they made a noise which awakened Mr. Rice and he bounded out of bed when the fellows went out of the window head-first and sought safety in flight. On looking about Mr. Rice discovered that his gold watch was gone and with it a few dollars in money which had been left in a conspicuous place. Had he not been awakened they would probably have made a big haul. CONVENTION NOTES. Frank Crocker and family went from Detroit to northern Michigan for a two weeks' outing. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Huxford may always be depended upon to be at the national convention of bankers. T. E. Stevens, cashier of the Blair State Bank, Blair, Neb., attended the convention and met most of the Iowa boys. Iowa bad twenty-five bankers at the Detroit convention, the largest delegation she has ever sent to the national convention. The Iowa banker bachelors, Messrs. Whiting and Edwards, expected to take a vacation among the summer resorts of northern Michigan before returning home. C. B. Mills, of Sioux Rapids, was missed from his accustomed place in the Iowa delegation. C. B. intended to go but was obliged at the last moment to forego the pleasure. Calvin Manning met with much encouragement among the officers and executive committee in his candidacy for appointment as one of the commissioners to the Paris exposition in 1900. The bankers ought to be represented and Cal Manning is the man. His honor, Mayor S. F. Smith, of Davenport, was elected vice-president from Iowa for the ensuing year. The boys have something of a joke on Mr. S. in connection with his election and the prominent part his bank has heretofore taken in the American Bankers' Association. The Iowa delegation were placed under many obligations to the American Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago for the courtesies extended by the officers of that institution to their party while in Chicago. That bank was made._Chicago headquarters for the party and its officers devoted considerable time to the entertainment of the visitors and in directing them about the city. The Bankers Mutual Casualty Company of Des Moines killed two birds with one stone by arranging a meeting of their board of directors at Detroit during the national convention. This company has had a wonderful growth during the past year, and as it is a company of bankers doing business at the lowest possible cost for bankers, it is destined to a still larger growth. Two eastern bankers with whom several of the Iowa party became acquainted were Mr. Geo. B. Baker, president of the Third National Bank, and Mr. William Marriott, assistant cashier of the Western National Bank, both of Baltimore, Md.- the city where bank failures are unknown. A great deal of grain and other northwestern products are exported from this point and as a consequence the banking business between the two sections is growing. THE TRI-STA TE BANKER. 26 In all the Iowa party numbered thirty people. Some of the delegates were accompanied by their wives and daughters. The [names of those in attendance are: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Huxford, of Cherokee; Mr . .and Mrs. J. M. Woodworth, of Marshalltown; Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Quint; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heinz and daughter, of Davenport; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Payne, of Carroll; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reynolds, of Des Moines; Messrs. Frank Crocker, of Chariton; J. H. Inguerson, of Clinto~; A. E. Spaulding, of Ainsworth ; C. R. Hannan, of Council Bluffs ; James A. Patton, of Council Bluffs ; Geo. E. Pearsall, of Des Moines ; W. W. Lyons, of Des Moines ; J. K. Deming, of Dubuque; S. J. Patterson, of Dunlap; J. A. Bradley, of Centerville; J. F. Whitney, of Mount Pleasant; S. F. Smith, of Davenport ; Calvin Manning, of Ottumwa; J. L. Edwards, of Burlington; R. A. Crawford, of Des Moines ; F. R. Davis, of Atlantic; J. T. Hackworth, of Ottumwa ; 0. P. Miller, of Rock Rapids, and Geo. G. Hunter, of Des Moines. WANTED. A gentleman, at present officially connected with a bank in northwestern Iowa, wishing to make a change in his business location, would entertain a proposition from any bank needing an experienced bank man. Twenty years' experience and first-class references. Address Cashier, -care TRI-STATE BANKER. NATIONAL BANKS NOT ASSESSABLE. The attorney-general, Mr . Milton Remley, has just submitted an important opinion relative to the taxation of national banks which will be of general interest. Mr. Remley holds that the assessment made against a national bank is illegal, and that the individual stockholders are the one's to be assessed. His opinion is given below in full : "M. W. HERRICK, Esq., County Attorney, Monticello, Iowa : . "Dear S£r,-Your favor of the 30th ult. at hand, in which you make the following statement of facts: "For several years the Anamosa National Bank bas been assessed as a bank ; no assessment has been made against the individual stockholders for the stock owned by them. Until the present year the tax has always been paid by the bank. About the 8th of January last some of the stockholders transferred their stock to other parties. The bank as now constituted has paid a portion of the tax of 1896, viz., the portion thereof assessed against the stock of those who did not sell their stock, and refuses lo pay the balance. · On this statement of facts you ask : ''First. 'Wa.:;, the assessment against the bank illegal?' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis September, 1897. "Second. ' If illegal, may the county auditor now assess the individual stockholders for the stock owned by them on January r, 1896, for the year 1896, under the provision of section 1322 of McClain's Code?' '' Third. ' May · the auditor assess the individual stockholders on the stock owned by them January 1, 1897, for the year 1897 ? ' '' I think all three of your inquiries should be answered in the affirmative. There is no question that the assessor had no authority to assess the capital stock of the bank to the bank itself. It should be assessed to the individual stockholders (sec. 1279, McClain's Code; National Bank vs. Hoffman, 93 Iowa, 119). "An assessment under such circumstances of the national bank at Oskaloosa was held to be void. This case has been approved by subsequent decisions. '' The theory of our law is that all property not exempt from taxation should be assessed. If the assessor fails to make an assessment vf property subject to taxation, and the auditor knows thereof, he is required to make such a~sessment (sec. 1322 of McClain's Code). It is likewise the treasurer's duty to assess any real property subject to taxation which may have been omitted by the assessor.· He may make sucli assessment within two years after the tax list shall have been delivered to him for collection, and not afterward. There is no express limitation of time in which the auditor may make an assessment or correction of an assessment, nor is he limited to correcting errors in regard to real estate. "The tax levied for the year 1896 is payable in 1897. The sale for delinquent taxes does not occur until December, 1897. Section 1322 of McClain's Code contemplates that the auditor may correct errors, which includes making an assessment of property omitted, even after the tax books have passed into the treasurer's hands, and I am clearly of the opinion that at any time before the time fixed for the sale of property for delinquent taxes the auditor has authority to make such correction::; as he sees necessary to carry out the policy of the law. "No injustice or wrong is done to those who owned stock in the Anamosa National Bank on the 1st · of January, 1896, and also the rst of January, 1897, by changing the assessment of stock from the bank itself to the stockholders. By so doing they are required to pay no more than their just burden of taxation. '' It cannot-be disputed that there·was an error in the assessment. The stock was assessed, but assessed in the wrong name. To correct this error is clearly within the power of the auditor given by section 1322, and has been sustained by the supreme court in Parker vs. Van Steenburg, 68 Iowa, 174; Fuller vs. Butler, 72 Iowa, 729; Ridley vs. Doughty, 77 Iowa, 226. "The case last cited holds it was his duty so to do. "Yours respectfully, "MILTON REMLEY, ''Attorney- General.'' THE TRI -STATE BANKER. September, 1897. The Leading Hotel in Iowa. _9a'1erQ ~ose. -- DES MO I NE S, IOWA . _ I___R_a_t_e_s_$_2_.s_o_to_$_4._s_o_p_er_~_,_.__ , .. .. W. L. BR.OWN, Manager. CAPITAL $300,000.00. FAST LINE BETWEEN Des Moines Savings Bank CHICAGO DUBUQUE ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS WATERLOO CEDAR FALLS M ARSHALL TOWN D E S MOINE S . ST. J OSEP H KANSAS CIT Y Des Moines, Iowa. P . M . CASADY , .. SIMON CASADY, PRESIDENT . CASH I ER . LELAND WINDSOR , ASS ' T CA o HI E R . F. H. LORD, NATIONA~ State Bank of Burhngton t Oldes t E s tablished Bank in Iowa.) CAPITAL , $ 1 SO , OOO . ~ r- ~ -~ G. P . & T. A. , C HICAGO TO COLORADO AND · CALI FO RN IA SURPLUS AND PROFITS : Take the (C.R. I. & P. Ry. ) OFFICERS : J. T. REMEY, President. UHAS. STARKER, Vice-Pres JOHN J. FLEMING, Cashier'. J . w. BROOKS, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS : C. E. P e rkins. J.C. Peasley . Ohas. W. Rand. CLINTON J. T. Remey. Chas. Starker. J. W. Brooks, NouRSE,.............0..Architect of Oity Bank, Boone. Union National, Ames . Citizens Na tional, Knoxvill e. First National, Ne vada. Stilson 's Bank, Corwith. Citize n s State, Eagle Grove. Hamilton County, Web st e r City. Fi rs t Na tion a l. Ft. Dod~e. Ia. Citizens State. Goldfi eld, Ia. CORRESPONDENCE . . . I NVI T ED ADDRESS, DES MO I NES , IOWA . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Elegant Equipment, Pullman Service, Chair Cars Free. IT IS THE BEST LINE TO COLORADO. Through Service to California in the Pftillips ' Tourist Cars . Do you want a farm in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas? Send to address below for our new Emigration Folder. A lso, Descriptive Folder, giving full particulars as to rates, etc., to Colorado and California, sent on application . A ddress JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chicago. THE TRI-STA TE BANKJJR. 28 JHE September, 1897: The A. H. Andrews Co., NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, 300 Wabash Ave., Chicago. CAPITAL, $1,250,000. Designers and ... Manufacturers of SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $500,000. Pine Bank Fixtures MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. . .. and ..• GEORGE A. PILLSBURY, Prest. JAMES w. RAYMOND, Vice-Prest. GILBERT G. THORNE, Cashier· w ILLIAM COLLINS, Asst.Cash CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE NO R THWESTERN NA· TIONAL B ANK, OF' MINNEAPOLIS , MINN. , AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JULY 23, 1897 . COMPTROLLER ' S CALL ...... If you are erecting a new building or refitting your present banking room ASSETS. Gold and Silver Coin ....... . . . ..... .... ..... ..... $ 508,298.24 U.S. & Nat. Bk. Notes. .... ..... ....... ......... .. 310,374.00 Cash Balance with Banks ................... . ... 1,594,717.06 U.S. Bonds ........................ . . .... .. . .................. . ~if::.nR~iNs1:.~ ~lstoc:°k~:: .. :: :.:: :: :: ::::: :::: ::: :·:: ::: .:::: Overdrafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . ... . 1 $2,413,389.30 50,000.00 2,250.00 153,046.21 None. Bills Discounted ... . ..... ...... . .. . ... . . . .. ... . ...... ........ . 2.859,038.88 $.5,477,724.39 LIABILITIES. Capital Paid up..... . .. . ........ .. . . ......... . ... $1,250,000.00 Surplus.. ........... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undivided Profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250,000.00 201,104.35 Total Liabilities to Stockholders .... . . . . . . $1,701,104.35 Notes in Circulation.... . ............. . . . . . .. . . . . 10,850.00 Due to other Banks. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . ..... 1,323,071.81 Demand Deposits .. . .. . .. ....................... .. 2,442,698.23 Total Liabilities to the Public..... . ......... 3,778,620.o, $5,477, 7:M.39 Two per cent paid to correspondent banks on balances averaging over $1,000.00 . . . . . . VALLEY· "~ NATIONAL I BANK • • • • • ~ OF Dl:S MOINES. Write Us and we will be ... pleased to have one of our expert specialists call on you. We have furnished, with complete equipments, more than three thousand of the b est banks in the United States. .. .List sent on application. It's all Fol-de-rol t.. to think that because we make ' the BEST desks, we can not beat them all In LOW PRICES. TRY us. We use only honest ma- A . terials and ... ' . construction. Report 9f the Condition of the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, At the Close of Business, Friday, July 23, 1897. RESCURCfS . Loans and Discounts ....... ... . ... . . .. . . .. .... .. .. $855,016 12 Overdrafts . ..... .. ... . .. ...... ... .. '.... ..... . ... 260 08 U.S. Bonds, 4 per cents ............. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 60 000 00 Other Bonds ............. ...... . ... .. ............ 200,280 40-$1,105,556 60 Furniture and Fixtures... . . ... .. .. . ... . .. .... . . . 5.000 00 Due from Reserve Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45::J,207 70 Due from other Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,550 34 Cash on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9!.460 76 Redemption Fund .... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2.250 00- 617,468 80 Total . ... .. J. J. TOWN, President. 0. R. DILWORTH, Vice-Pres't. R. A. CRAWFORD, Cashier. W. E. BARRETT, Ass't Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . Office Furniture..... . . $300,000.00. $l,728,025 40 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock............... .. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . Surplus Fund ................ ........ . .. .... ...... $ 68,000 Undivided Profits .... . .. ... ..... ,.................. . 3,494 Circulation.............. . ........ . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . Deposits (Individuals) ... ... . . . . ..... ..... ......... 6~2,679 Deposits (Banks) .. . . ... . .. . ......... . ............. 548,850 Total .................. ... .. .. ... ...... . $400,000 00 00 96- 71 ,494 g6 45,000 00 62 82-1,211,530 44 $1,728,025.40 OFFICERS . Accounts of Banks, Firms and Individuals solicited, and will receive. careful attention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GEO. B. BURCH, President. J. K. DEMING, Vice-Pres. and Cashier. HERM ESCHEN, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. GEO. B. B_uRCH, WM. L. B;RADLEY. w. H. DAY, H.B. GLOVER, J. K. DEMING, F. A. RUMPF, GEO. ·\V. KIESEL.