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Vol. 14 No. 22

Des Moines, Iowa

September 16,1985

From Arkansas Banking Commissioner

Straight-Talking Advice to Bankers
PEAK IN G directly to the effect
o f current farm problem s on in­
d iv id u a l
banks, Marlin D.
J ack son , com ­
missioner o f the
Arkansas State
Banking Depart­
m e n t, sh a re d
w ith N ebraska
bankers on Sep­
tem ber 5 his
view s on how
b a n k s sh o u ld
conduct themselves in this agricul­
tural crisis. It was a return visit to
the Nebraska Bankers A ssociation’s
Annual A g Credit Conference for the
popular Marlin Jackson. He ad­
dressed the N BA A g Conference in
Lincoln several years ago when he
was president o f a bank in Paragould, Ark.
Mr. Jackson’s address covered
several m ajor points o f special im­
port to com m unity ag banks.


The FCS Problem
First, he recalled that several
years ago he and other bankers
waged a futile battle to warn Con­
gressmen o f future difficulties if the
Farm Credit System was given the
extra farm and off-farm power the
FCS w an ted.4’Now look at the deep
hole FCS is in,” he noted. Mr. Jack­

son also cautioned that “ any m ajor
bailout o f FCS could create the na­
tion’s largest holding company. It
would permit the holding o f mem­
bers reserves - deposits, to you bank­
ers - and payment o f interest.”
N oting the number o f banks on
various regulatory “ w atch” lists,
Mr. Jackson said, “ Many communi­
ty banks are hostage to their agra­
rian surroundings. A D es Moines
R egister editorial o f 1921 warned
that the nation could not long sur­
vive with unbridled wealth and
growth in cities and abject poverty
on farm s.”
W atchword—Good Management
Speaking directly to banking it­
self, Mr. Jackson said “ a lethal com ­
bination is bad econom ic conditions,
bad loans and bad management, all
at the same time in the bank. The
watchword o f the day in banking is
-G o o d M a n a g e m e n t! - G o o d
Management! - G ood Management!
“ In the early 1980s, banks lost
10% as much money on rate fluctua­
tions as on loans. Now that’s chang­
ing—the big, bad loans are now sur­
W ith these increasing loan losses
in mind, Mr. Jackson offered this ad­
vice. “ Decide by self-analysis if
you’re a problem bank, or a bank
with problem s. If you are a problem

bank, decide now what you can do—
and do it!
“ Other watchwords that need to
be em phasized con sta n tly are
-H onesty! - Integrity! Prior to 1984,
historically, in almost every in­
stance in Arkansas and, perhaps, in
the nation, the crisis in banks re­
sulted in people going to prison.
Now, it’s the econom ic environment.
There’s no room in banking for peo­
ple looking for excuses and seeking
illegal or immoral ways to get out of
a situation.”
Suggestions to Bankers
Drawing on his extensive experi­
ence as a banker and his more recent
tenure as Arkansas commissioner o f
banking, Mr. Jackson offered these
suggestions to bankers:
“ 1. If you do nothing else, go
through your note case and identify
problem custom ers. There’s a world
o f difference between a problem cus­
tomer and a custom er with prob­
“ The day your custom ers sense
you’re anything other than a mean,
junk yard dog, you’ve got trouble!
Take total command o f the situation
and you can do that by identifying
your problem custom ers, as opposed
to custom ers with problem s - and do

something about themI
“ 2. G o through your note case and
find those who have changed from
cash flow loans to asset - based
loans. I f you don’t identify them and
work out a strategy and communi-

AND Getting
it done for you.


Bill Sprenger

Frampton Rowland

John Messina




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cate it to your custom er and your
board o f directors, and see that it
works, then the jo b won’t get done.
Despite what some may think, there
is no ‘tooth fairy’ to make it change.
You must work at it ... and your
board must support you.
“ 3. If collateral is in stocks, bonds
or other investm ents, gather it up,
sell it and run with your money!
Banks have to quit being last on the
block. Seek out and stake out hidden
assets. Keep on top o f perishable col­
lateral and make sure it’s yours.
“ Let the word be out in your com ­
munity that when things go bad you
don’t expect to have to go looking
for them .’ ’
W hat Examiners Look For
Mr. Jackson then posed the ques

to make MNB
work for you.

tion he said he’s often asked, “ W hat
do examiners look for?” He then
listed these points:
“ • Past dues.
“ • Technical exceptions - not hav­
ing documents. W e often hear, ‘W e
can’t get a financial statem ent.’ The
hell you can’t! D on’t make the loan!
One bank wrote all its custom ers on
whom it lacked docum entation and
said, ‘You have 10 days to get this
inform ation to us, or to pay your
loan in full.”
“ • The banker hasn’t seen the
custom er in a long time. You can’t
know your custom ers if you don’t
see them.
“ • He has always paid. Bull! The
fact that the borrower is ‘my
cousin’s uncle’ cuts no ice.”
How a Bank Changes
Mr. Jackson then listed several
ways an examiner - or the banker can tell a bank is changing:
“ • Capitalization o f interest -loan­
ing the borrower money to pay in­
terest he couldn’t otherwise pay.
“ • Speculation on rates. One man
I know ran his bank 43 years, made
good money, had a 1.5% ROA. A t
the age o f 69 he gave the bank to his
son, an attorney, who thought the
horse should run faster, and in 11
weeks he did $800 m illion in bond
trading and lost $1.5 m illion! The
father had to recapitalize the bank.
How sad it is what we let greed and
laziness do to us.
“ • Loans away from home. It
always defeats me how a banker in

1- 800- 332-5991

Member F.D.I.C.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Iowa News
The Northwest Iowa group o f the
N ational A sso cia tio n o f Bank
W omen had their first meeting of
the 1986/87 program year in LeMars, Iowa on Sept. 11. Ann M.
Schulz, assistant cashier o f the LeMars Savings Bank, was hostess of
the meeting, which featured Frances
Schmeling, Past M idwest Region
and Vice President o f N ABW and
Roma Kroll, Past State Council
Awards and Scholarship Chairper­
son. New officers installed at the
m eeting are as follow s: President—
Phyllis A . Davis, cashier and secre­
tary to the board, Citizen’s Savings
Bank, Sac City; Vice President—
Beverly J. Jensen, vice president
and cashier, First National Bank,
Sioux Center; Secretary—Phoebe
Treiber, assistant cashier, Farmer’s
Savings Bank, Danbury; Treasurer—
Joyce W agner, assistant cashier,
Security State Bank, Hartley, and
P arliam entarian—M arilyn Dam man, vice president and cashier,
M elvin Savings Bank, Melvin.
A N IT A : Martin L. Jacobs has been
prom oted to vice president o f the
Anita State Bank. He joined the
bank in 1984 as assistant vice presi­
dent, working primarily in the loan
Turn to page 3, please . . .

• Personal

Toll free

National Bank ISI

one state can hear from G od it’s OK
to loan money to a venture in Dallas
that the banks and S&Ls there
wouldn’t make! That’s another war­
Closing Comments
In his closing comments, Mr.
Jackson said, “ I don’t see banks fac­
ing Armageddon, but rather I would
paraphrase Carl Sandburg’s Dis­
cover America poem he wrote for
John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. I
don’t see banking as in a setting
sun, but as a golden sunrise.
“ M y father told me I could make
it ‘if you won’t eat the seed corn, or
drink the prim ing water, and if you
believe in God and work.’ ”

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Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-16-85

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NL-1 AG CREDIT— Present reference says, “ Mature, emo­
tionally stable person who works diligently to accomplish
goals set. Well organized and very competent.” Offers
close to two years with FLB and a year with a consumer fi­
nance company. B.S. degree in Economics. Divorced.
Age: 26. $25,000. Call Linda.
NL-2 AG LENDER-Supervisor who trained him says, “Ag is
his long suit, he is as good as a loan officer as you can get,
knows all phases of banking. Wished I had an opening in
my bank...there’s not a hole in him.” Taught Voc-Ag twen­
ty years and has been in banking the past eight years as
an ag loan officer for a $25MM ag bank with $11 MM in
loans. ISU grad. Married. $25,000 + . CaH Linda.

NL-3 L0ANS/0PERATI0NS OFFICER-Sharp young banker
who is experienced in all phases of lending and operations
spending 60% of the time in loans and 40% of the time in
operations. Reference says, “ Excellent perform anceone of the best employees I ever had without a doubt...very
intelligent and a quick learner.” Wants to locate nearer a
college town to complete his education. Two years col­
lege. Married. Age: 24. $22,000. Call Linda.
NL-4 CEO— Available due to the relocation of current em­
ployer to the South. Receives excellent recommendation
from employer. Four-and-one-half years as senior lender
for $25MM ag bank in Minnesota and two years as consul­
tant for five banks with assets of $130MM (MN bank he
was with 41/2 yrs. was one of the five banks). Offers experi­
ence in loan administration, investments, audit, tax, mar­
keting, data processing and personnel. BBA Finance with
minor in Computer Science. Married. Age: 33. $45,000.
Call Linda.

NL-5 BANK TRAINEE— Has close to two years in ag banking
starting from the ground floor to his present title of opera­
tions officer trainee. Does day-to-day banking operations,
data processing supervision and student loan processing.
Available due to staff reduction. Strong dairy farm back­
ground. Tremendous references. B.A. in Systems Man­
agement. Single. Age: 24. $16,000 + . Call Linda.

NL-6 LOAN OFFICER— This salesperson offers two-and-onehalf years starting a small branch bank from scratch to
$2MM in assets in one-and-one-half years. She is currently
selling residential, commercial and farm property. Has in­
surance sales experience. Licensed in Real Estate and In­
surance. Community involved. Two year ag banking
school. Single. Age: 38. $17-20,000. Call Linda.

NJ-7 A.V.P.— Handles over $7MM ag/real estate loans in
$50MM bank for the past two years; non-accruals, work­
outs, restructuring, guaranteed loans, etc. Operates Apple
computers. Clean-cut, polished appearance. B.S. Ag Bus.
Married. Age 25. $24,000. Call Jean.
NJ-8 AG LOAN OFFICER— Has 3 years experience as an ag
rep in small country bank. Works with all types of loans,
documentation, IRA’s, and makes farm calls. Completed
first year of Ag Credit School, plus additional bank school­
ing. Graduated ISU with 3.7 GPA (BS Ag Bus.) Married.
Age 26. Lives IA. $20,000. Call Jean.

NJ-9 SR. LENDER/BANK MGMT— 8 yrs. in same holding co.
Currently #2 officer in $75MM bank, responsible for
$25MM ag/commercial loans. Strong collections & work
out skills, good people mgr. Ran $20MM bank previously.
Excellent references from former supervisors. Sharp ap­
pearance. Open to relocation in Midwest. B.S. Ag Econ.
plus bank schools. Married. Age 35. $42,000. Call Jean.
NJ-10 AG LOAN OFFICER— An outstanding candidate with 5
yrs. PCA experience. Handles large volume of problem
loans with success. Reference from past supervisor says,
“One of the best I’ve excellent credit man, strong
analytical skills...can meet and deal with people success­
fully in any situation...a hard worker who makes every
minute count.” Top notch appearance, knows how to
handle himself; very professional and personable. Compu­
ter, Insurance, and marketing skills. B.S. Finance. Age 28.
$30,000. Call Jean.

Meet us at booth # 83 at
The Iowa Bankers Convention
September 22-24!
Linda Heit
New Hampton, Iowa 50659
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major holding company bank. Three + years in banking, 1
year with FmHA. Heavily involved in problem loan work­
outs and negotiations. Very community minded. B.S. Ag.
Age 27. $30,000. Call Jean.

cial. Reference says, “Able to clean up old problems and
avoid new ones.” Portrays excellent ‘banker image’; has
the right stuff for todays banking needs. Strong computer
and accounting skills. Degreed. Married. Age 29.
$33,000. Call Jean.

NJ-12 AG LOAN OFFICER— Ag rep for past 1 1/2 years in
$50MM bank. Does all cash flows, farm inspections, guar­
anteed loans and work outs. Handles few consumer loans
as well. Insurance licenses, hands-on computer experi­
ence, farm background. B.S. Ag. Married. Age 31.
$20,000. Call Jean.

NJ-15 V.P.— Over 10 years lending and operations experi­
ence with same rural bank. Handles all general lending
duties (primarily ag; also main street commercial, R.E., in­
stallment); strong accounting background, active in com­
munity. B.S. Business Admin, plus many bank schools.
Married. Age 38. $30,000. Call Jean.

NJ-13 AG LOAN OFFICER— Offers 3 years current bank ex­

NJ-16 AG LOAN OFFICER— 31/2 yrs. current exper. with Farm
Credit System. Very professional manner & appearance.
References say: “thorough, organized, excellent docu­
mentation, hard working, knows farming and what loans
will or won’t work...EFFECTIVE...whoever hires him will get
their money’s worth...the kind of ag lender needed today.”
Iowa St. grad. Married. Age 26. Lives IA. $23,000. Call

NJ-11 V.P.— Currently in charge of $10MM ag portfolio in

perience; responsible for half of ag portfolio in $40MM
bank; also works with commercial, R.E. and installment
loans. B.S. Ag Bus. (ISU—3.8 GPA) plus bank schools.
Good experience with computers. Sharp appearance.
Married. Age 26. $23,000. Call Jean.

NJ-14 V.P. AG/C0MMERCIAL LOANS— Nearly 4 yrs. exper. in
$50MM bank. Handles tough ag loans and most commer­

“In some cases, a bank’s employees are the only
distinguishing factor between the bank and its competition.
We were able to hire the kind of individual we wanted
through A G R I c a r e e r S Randy Schouten, Pres.
Norwest Bank
Montevideo, MN

N*1 Ml REP— $50MM bank of top holding company

N -t CASHIER/OPERATWNS— $40MM ag bank seeking of­

N*13 VP— Good opportunity for growth within bank

seeks ag lender. Will have opportunity to work in other
loan areas and farm management. Must have V/2-4 yrs.
ag lending exper. from bank or Farm Credit System,
plus degree. Excellent location, benefits, and advance­
ment opportunity. $20-$25,000.

ficer to be in charge of the day-to-day mechanics of
bank. Requires operations expr. Wl. $30,000.

chain. Ag lender needed in $20MM bank; small ag port­
folio in excellent condition. Handle documentation, farm
inspections, analysis, and new customer development.
Learn commercial lending. Requires 3-5 yrs. ag lending
exper. from bank or PCA, and Ag degree. IL.

N-2 AG LOAN OFFICER— $35MM bank in S. IA needs per­
son with 2-3 yrs. ag lending exper. to assist with ag port­
folio (with relatively few problems). Room to move up in
bank group. Credit Life insurance licenses helpful.
dent bank near city. Must have min. of 3 yrs. exper.
handling ag-related BUSINESS loans. $28-$35,000.

N-4 VP— $35MM bank in good E. NE location needs
person with 3-8 yrs. bank ag lending exper. to work with
approx. $15MM in ag & ag bus. loans. Must have ability
to work into EVP slot in near future, with potential to
become CEO later. This is a well-capitalized, sound
bank. Benefits include good profit sharing program.

N-7 BRANCH M6R— $14MM branch bank needs man­
ager in charge of operations and $10MM loan portfolio
with major loan volume in ag. Experience necessary in
banking and lending. Wl. $25-30,000 + .

N-8 INSTALLMENT LENDER— Opportunity to increase
dept, loan volume for a $40MM bank. Installment and
leasing experience. Nebraska. $30-35,000.

N-9 AVP— Report to Senior VP assisting with ag loans
($10MM). 1-3 yrs. bank, PCA or FHA expr. Good op­
portunity for advancement. IA. $20-25,000.

N-10 AG LENDER— $65MM ag bank seeking officer to
work with Senior VP in ag loans ($9MM), documenta­
tion, farm inspections, & new business development.
3-5 yrs. bank expr. Four year degree. IA. $25-30,000.
N*11 #2 IN AG DEPT— #1 rated ag bank offers excellent
opportunity in ag lending. Needs strong analytical skills
and ag background. MN. $20-30,000.

N-5 VP— Bank holding company affiliate seeking ag

N-12 SR. LOAN OFFICER— $40MM western IA bank (major

lender responsible for ag loan portfolio and float over in­
to commercial lending. 4-5 yrs. ag credit expr. Business
development skills. IL. $30,OCX) + area with excellent

holding company). Will be #2 in bank, in charge of over­
all lending duties. Requires a minimum of 6 yrs. bank
lending experience, strong in ag. Good advancement
opportunity. To $40,000.

N-14 CEO— $25MM ag bank is seeking executive officer
to be in charge of bank operations, personnel and the
lending function. Bank has above average capital struc­
ture. 10-15 yrs. experience in ag banking (operations,
lending and management). Mature, idealistic, and goal
oriented. Located close to a college town in Minnesota.
Stock ownership available. $40-45,000.
N-15 CEO—Assume number two position and have ad­
vancement potential to become CEO for a $20MM inde­
pendently owned ag bank in southern Minnesota. In
charge of entire lending function (ag & comm.) $15MM
portfolio. 10-15 yrs. ag banking experience required.
Stock ownership possible. $45-50,000.

N-1G C.E.O.— $20MM + independent bank in Wl. Have
loan problems, but well capitalized. Need strong back­
ground in commercial and ag lending and collections.
This is a long-term position. $35-$45,000.

CONFIDENTIAL. No contacts are made on your behalf without your prior knowledge and consent. Fees paid by employer.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-16-85

Call on the “Experienced Professionals”
^ First National Lincoln

Ready to meet your
. . . Iowa news cont. from p. 2









department and managing the Anita
Insurance Agency. Previously he
had worked as assistant vice president and branch manager o f the
First Trust & Savings Bank o f
W heatland for tw o years. In addi­
tion, Judy Van Aem am has been ap­
pointed vice president. She joined
the bank in 1964 as a bookkeeper, in
1974 was prom oted to assistant
cashier, and in 1981 was named as­
sistant vice president.
GRIN N ELL: A t the Brenton National Bank-Pow ashiek C ounty,
D avid S. Burrell has been named
senior vice president and Jerald B.
Sullivan and Daryl K. Petty have
been prom oted to vice presidents.
Mr. Burrell has been with the bank
since 1976. He was previously vice
president and is in charge o f com ­
mercial and agricultural loans for
the bank. Mr. Sullivan joined the
bank in 1982 and has been respon­
sible for the bank’s consumer loan
department and student loans as
well as agricultural and commercial
loans. Mr. Petty joined the bank in
1982 and has been prim arily in­
volved in agricultural and consumer
TIPTON: Edward J. Leahy has been
elected president and chief executive
officer o f Tipton State Bank. For the
past eight years he served as presi­
dent o f Northwestern State Bank at
Orange City. James E. M oore, former president, will continue as chair­
man o f the board until his retire­
ment in 1986.



streets, Lincoln, n e e a s o T T

Prior to joining Skokie Trust, Mr.
Taylor was vice president o f com ­
mercial lending at Drovers Bank o f

13 years, m ost recently as president
o f Valley Bank o f Casco.

South Dakota News

The South Dakota Bankers A sso­
Wisconsin News
ciation is sponsoring an Installm ent/
First Interstate Corp. o f W iscon­ Retail Banking and M ortgage Loan
sin will sponsor the 26th annual Conference O ctober 10-11 at the
Bankers’ Forum on Sept. 26 in Koh­ H otel A lex Johnson in Rapid City.
ler. The forum is entitled “ Products Registration on Oct. 10 will be at
and P rofits” and will discuss new 9:30 a.m., with a noon luncheon and
approaches to profitability. Regis­ presentations from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
tration begins at 12:00 p.m. with There will be a 5:30 reception and
sessions from 1:00 to 5:15, cocktails 6:00 banquet. On Oct. 11 presenta­
at 5:30 and dinner from 6:30 to 8:30. tions will run from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Dinner speaker will be W isconsin Registration fee is $98 in advance
Banking Commissioner Richard E. and $108 at the door, and includes
Galecki. T o register call Julie Krier meals and all materials. Cost for re­
at (414) 459-2135.
ception, banquet and entertainment
KOHLER: Bruce E. Rappeler has only is $26 in advance and $36 at the
been prom oted to vice president and door. Register through the SDBA
general auditor at First Interstate office in Pierre.
Corp. o f W isconsin. He will be re­
sponsible for adm inistration o f the
North Dakota News
internal audit and com pliance func­
The North Dakota Bankers A sso­
tions. Mr. Kappeler has served as
ciation will conduct tw o one-day
general auditor for the firm since
seminars on upcom ing changes re­
garding Individual Retirement A c­
OREGON: W illiam D. Bushner has counts. They will be held Oct. 9 in
been named president and CEO of Fargo and O ctober 23 in Bismarck.
the Valley Bank o f Oregon. He has The seminars are designed for any
been with Valley Bancorporation for bank personnel involved with IR A

We’re Secu rity fo r You
At Security National Bank, w e’re people you can
count on to handle all of your Correspondent
Banking needs.
So, start corresponding with us.
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Minnesota News
ST. CLOUD: Michael A . Bue has
been named president, chief execu­
tive officer and director o f St. Cloud
National Bank and Trust Co. M ost
recently he was senior vice president
and second officer o f First Bank Bis­
marck. Prior to that he was senior
vice president at Norwest Bank,
Maple Grove.


I j j


M E M B E R F .D .I .C .

Illinois News

SKOKIE: Scott W . Taylor has been
named president and CEO o f Skokie
Trust & Savings Bank. He previous#
ly served as executive vice president
in charge o f commercial lending.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Dennis Nahnsen
Vice President and Manager
Correspondent Banking Services


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administration. Early registration
(before Sept. 30 for Fargo or Oct. 11
for Bismarck) is $65 and late regis­
tration is $75. Register through the
N D BA office in Bismarck.

COMMERCIAL LENDER—Small stable holding
company, 2 years experience needed, near metro.
TRUST OPS SUPERVISOR—$90 million depart­
ment N.W. Arkansas metro bank.
Contact Barbara J. Ritta.

Colorado News
FORT COLLINS: Fae L. Hicks has
joined Colorado National B a n k Fort Collins as vice president-lend­
ing. She brings 13 years experience
to the bank, and has managed large
loan portfolios at several area banks.

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$3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter
a dvertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN
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SR AG LOAN ADMINISTRATOR— Mid-western bank hold­
ing company seeks strong Ag Lender to oversee entire Ag
Loan Portfolio. Must have record of sound credit judg­
ment, ability to deal with problem credits, thorough work­
ing knowledge of loan documentation and related laws In
the areas of UPC, bankruptcy, real estate, ATC. Must also
have complete understanding of Community Bank Opera­
tions. Contact File WDR, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA)
COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—2-3 years minimum experlence required, excellent career opportunity. Contact
either Larry Gelsinger or John Bowen, Hawkeye Bank &
Trust, Spencer, IA 51301 or call (712) 262-1940._______ (PA)
CASHIER—for $15MM central Iowa bank. Seeking person
with 5 years experience in all phases of small bank opera­
tions. Prefer accounting background with experience with
an In-house computer. Excellent opportunity and benefits.
Send resume and salary requirements to File WDQ, c/o
Northwestern Banker.

pany and agency experience. Contact File WDP, c/o North­
western Banker.

CRT. Contact: John W. Hopkins, Albert City Savings Bank,
Box 128, Albert City, IA 50510. (712)843-2211.

$1,000 or best offer. Contact Mike Mattson at First State
Bank, Fremont, Nebraska. Phone 402/721-2500.
KODAK RELIANT 560 MICROFILMER with endorser. Purchased 12/82. Excellent condition. Call (402) 455-4337. (FS)
IBM DATA MASTER 23 AND PRINTER—2 years old. Con­
tact: Gary Samek, 1st Trust & Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids,
IA. (319) 364-1000.

Loan risk-rating, bank risk-rating, work-out loan
assistance, documentation audit, training. 8 yrs.
exp. loan revlew/loan offlcer/bank counsel.
Daniel W. Hansen
3827 Llndlavlsta, Des Moines, la. 50310
Phona: 515-278-9174

"S u cce ssfu l Banking Is Q uality P e rson nel"

PRESIDENT $10mm bank, 8,000 population, lim­
ited ag, large growth potential ................. $50,000.
bank, excellent town and location, strong organi­
zation ...............................................
Ozark area ................................................... $40,000.

EVP • Must want to be CEO of $100mm + metro bank and
have excellent knowledge of commercial loans (3100K+).
Key position for a commercial lending executive looking
to enhance future. Good benefits and total package.
$50K + .
COMM’L/ RE LENDER • Growth oriented bank In white col­
lar community of 100K-f. New business development
skills, degree and 4 + yrs of exp are all + ’s. Oppty Is
unlimited, definitely a position for an achiever.
$40K + .
AG LOAN OFFICER • Excellent location near university
town seeks Indlv with cash flows, restructuring, spread
sheets and 3 + yrs bank exp. Advancement potential,
good benefits and a very new facility.
KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414


TRUST OFFICER for $50 million bank In eastern Iowa.
Must have law degree and two or more years experience .
..................................................................... Salary to $30,000.
COMMERCIAL LENDER with three or more years experi­
ence for $75 million bank In midwest city of 100,000..........
.................... .............................................Salary to $35,000.
AG LENDER for $45 million bank In northern Missouri. Pre­
fer two or more years experience plus college degree ___
..................................................................... Salary to $30,000.
CASHIER for southern Wisconsin community b a n k ..........
..................................................................... Salary to $35,000.
COMMERCIAL LENDERS for Illinois banks located In
North & Central a re a s ...............................Salary to $35,000.
FARM MANAGER for $160 million Illinois bank..................
.................... ........................................................ Salary open.
AG LENDER for major Central Illinois b a n k .........................
..................... ............................................. Salary to $35,000.
#2 OFFICER for bank In university city... Salary to $42,000.
COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE person for major multi-bank
group . . .
............................... .......................Salary open.
Please call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk in care of:

Freeland Financial Service
1010 Equitable Bldg. Dee Moines, IA 50309

Employer pays fee.

Serving bankers quietly and efficiently.

714 First Interstate Bank Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50309


AG LENDER - 3-5 years exp. • N.C. Iowa. 330-35K.
SR. OPERATIONS OFFICER - All operations &
cashier duties. E. Central Iowa. $90mm bank. To
Richard L. Beam, CPC
11246 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68164
Phone: 402/330-3260

Member National Personnel Associates
We’re Nationwide

excellent location, colleges, strong bank, middle
market c re d its ............................... $30,000-335,000.


PRESIDENT $50mm + bank, requires proven tech­
nical social, and leadership skills, Independent
bank, 20,000 population............................. $50,000.

COMM’L LOAN - 3100MM suburban bank with aggressive
new ownership. Prefer five to seven yrs. experience in sim­
ilar size bank.

HEAD OF LENDING $200 + bank, requires mature
administrator, 5 years In a bank over $100mm, 15
yrs. In banking, de g re e ............................... $75,000.

COMM’L LOAN/BIZ DEV - $80MM suburban bank affiliated
with major holding company. Emphasis on new business
development but need solid credit background.

strong commercial, some ag, population 30,000,
high ROA bank ........................................... $50,000.

SENIOR LENDER • 3150MM suburban bank with large
comm'l and real estate portfolio. Second position In bank
with opportunity to advance.

ALL AROUND BANKER $25mm bank, lending, op­
erations, administration, 10,000 population, high
earnings b a n k ............................... $30,000-335,000.

REAL ESTATE LOAN - junior position In large suburban
bank. Will assume some duties In construction and
comm’l real estate depts. plus handle residential loans.

college town, Independent b a n k ............... $40,000.
Many years In bank management enables me to
find the right banking environment for you, com­
pletely confidentially. Send your resume or phone:

317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 244-4414

SENIOR AG OFFICER for major midwest correspondent
bank. Must have ag loan experience In larger b ank............
..................................................................... Salary to $42,000.

V.P. AG LOANS • $35M bank E. Nebr. 2-3 years ag
loan experience, some work-out. Must have man­
agement potential. Will lead to CEO. 825-35K.


Financial Careers
CEO for $60 million Independent bank In midwest. Excel­
lent opportunity for person with good track record............
......................................................................... Salary $65,000.

2508 East Maadow
Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 882-2265

AGRI-LOAN • $25MM community bank with 50% of loans
In agri-credits. Prefer background in cattle financing. $30K
Additional positions available for experienced bankers.

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116
“ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 14 No. 22 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden
Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at
Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis