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September 14,1987 Des Moines, Iowa board members will be chosen from the ranks of current and now CIR RUS issuers, and will include Mr. Hogg. Membership in CIRRUS will continue to be available to banks, savings and loan institutions, and credit unions. MasterCard and CIR RUS expect to conclude the defini tive agreement in October. They ex pect the telecommunications link between CIRRUS and MasterCard to be established by January 1, 1988. Current CIRRUS members will automatically participate in the “new” CIRRUS. Some MasterTeller members are already members of CIRRUS. CIRRUS will waive its initiation fee for M asterTeller members to encourage them to join the CIRRUS network. For more MasterTeller members, linking to CIRRUS will require minimal sys tems changes because they can con nect through their existing MasterCard interface. National Bank of De troit will continue to switch inter change transactions among CIR RUS members, with MasterCard’s full telecommunications capabilities being phased in over three to four years. The MasterTeller program, which accepts both credit cards and pro- MasterCard Will Acquire CIRRUS international Inc., New York, announced M September 3 it has entered into a let a stercard ter of intent to purchase CIRRUS System Inc., the largest of the elec tronic banking networks. Under the terms of the proposed purchase, CIRRUS would become Master Card’s worldwide service mark for sharing ATM services. Although the voting interests in the ATM net work will be wholly owned by Mas terCard, CIRRUS will operate as a separate entity with its own experi enced management team and will be governed by its own board of direc||j^£K 3 “The deal is a win-win situation for everybody involved including the consumer,” said Bruce Burch field, who will continue as president and chief executive officer of CIR RUS. “CIRRUS members gain ac cess to MasterCard’s international telecommunications capabilities and MasterCard instantly becomes the world’s leading debit card organiza tion through the consolidation of the CIRRUS and MasterTeller card bases. Consumers will soon get ac cess to funds in their bank accounts through use of their cards at approx imately 30,000 domestic and inter national ATMs. “There are real synergies in the union of MasterCard and CIRRUS, but we also recognize th at credit cards and debit cards are different products,” said Russell E. Hogg, president and chief executive officer of MasterCard. “Those differences mean CIRRUS will retain its debit card orientation and the guidance of experts in ATM operations and mar keting. The benefit of this new rela tionship is th at MasterCard can tap the electronic banking expertise that built CIRRUS into the largest ATM network, and CIRRUS gains access to MasterCard’s marketing capabilities and our international membership and electronic infra structure.” The CIRRUS network, which links the 17,300 ATMs of nearly 3,125 financial institutions in the United States and Canada, is cur rently controlled by its six principal members: Bank of Montreal, Mon treal; BayBanks, Inc., Boston; First Interstate Bancorp, Los Angeles; Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh; NBD Bancorp, Inc., Detroit; and Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis. As a result of the purchase, the six prin cipal members will give up exclusive marketing control over their service areas. These six financial institutions will remain on the CIRRUS board of directors, which will be expanded MASTERCARD.. . from its current six seats. The new (Turn to page 5, please) After m ore than 120 years of providing correspondent banking services to the / M idw est, you can say weVe had a chance to polish our trade. Find out for yourself. Count on Com m erce. 1-800-892*7100 1-800-821-2182 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Outside Missouri) b u h of Kansas City & i 2 Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. NORWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC mamma tm im m Y e a r n w o rk: o n e o f th e re a s o n s w e ’re fir s t in Io w a . John Rigler Jay Nichols MBA Compensation Survey Shows 5.3% Increase in ’87 The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion has released the results of its 1987 Compensation Survey to parti cipating banks according to MBA President James R. Jorstad. The re sults show a 5.3% annual increase in total compensation compared to last year’s survey. The MBA Compensa tion Survey measures data on officer and non-officer cash compensation, related salary administration poli cies, employee benefits, and board of directors’ compensation. Now in its eighth year, this year’s survey has been improved by the addition of new positions, new deposit size cate gories, comparisons to other indus tries, board of directors’ compensa tion, and a benefits section. Other highlights from the survey are as follows: • 37% of the banks reporting part-time tellers offer a full benefits package • 52% of the banks have a formal salary administration program for one or more groups of employees • 97% of the banks conduct salary reviews annually for officers; 87% for non-officers • 53% of the banks provide one or more cash bonus plans for officer and non-officer employees The survey was done by Arthur Young’s Human Resources Consult ing Group on behalf of the MBA Human Resource Committee which is chaired by Terry Ann Saber, American National Bank, St. Paul. The MBA 1987 Compensation Sur vey is available to MBA member banks at $320. Iowa News D e n n is E a r h a r t MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accomplish Great Things Call 319-398-4789 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 Strength of \ Eastern J |o w a _ J National Bank m Digitized forMerchants FRASER Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F 0 1C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK A seminar entitled “Sales and Service, the Inseparable Duo” will be offered by the Central Iowa Chap ter of the Bank Administration In stitute at 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 17. Speaker is Donald Bell, a senior con sultant for Batten, Batten, Hudson & Swab, Inc. The seminar will be at Elwell’s Restaurant in Ankeny and will feature dinner and a cash bar. Cost is $11 for BAI members and $14 for non-members. To register, contact Joyce Buck, Central State Bank, State Center. % * * * The IBA-sponsored Iowa Break fast, held annually during the ABA. National Ag Conference, will be Nov. 16 at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Iowa bankers will gather at 6:45 a.m. in the Thoroughbred Room. Cost is $16, and you may re gister by contacting Claudia Ross at % the IBA office. ALB I A: First Iowa State Bank will have a series of open houses this week for viewing of the bank’s new ^ office facility at Eddyville. A gen- w eral open house for the public was scheduled for September 13; local business people will be hosted on September 15, and a special open £ house for area bankers is slated for w Thursday, September 17 between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The office in Eddyville is located on Hwy. 137. Eddyville is halfway between Albia £ and Oskaloosa. OSCEOLA: Rick Oshel has joined American State Bank as vice presi dent of loans. For the past 15 years ^ he has been in banking and in the ^ Farm Credit System in Nebraska. His most recent position was as president of Home State B a n k ^ i Humboldt, Neb. ^ WATERLOO: R. Murray McGregor has joined Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Waterloo as vice presi dent in charge of special assets. Mr. McGregor previously served as an • independent consultant, and was also a commercial and agricultural loan officer for Live Stock National Bank Sioux City (now Norwest Bank, Sioux City). • WYOMING: Duane Lasack has joined the Citizens State Bank in Wyoming as vice president. He will be a loan officer. Mr. Lasack pre- f viously was executive vice president of the American Trust and Savings Bank in Lowden. I t's easier to talk Iowa banking with people who live it — people like Ben Eilders and the correspon dent staff at Bankers Trust. Call 1-800-362-1688 or 515/245-2424. B ankers Trust Des Moines, IA Member FDIC Ben Eilders Senior Vice President F irst In terstate Bank We’re setting the pace. 1-800-362-1615 I JeH Sims Correspondent Services Nebraska News • • ^ • Stuart Becker Correspondent Services supervisor at the Norwest Conve nience Banking Center in St. Paul. M O U N TA IN LA K E: R ichard Schlichte has been elected vice president/managing officer at Farmers State Bank of Mountain Lake. He previously served at the Fridley branch of Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis. The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion will present a Bank Investment Conference on Oct. 7-8 at the Mid town Holiday Inn in Grand Island. Registration/continental breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. both days, with the schedule beginning at 9:00. Ad journment on the 7th is a t 4:30 p.m., followed by a reception and dinner; the day ends at noon on the 8th. Ad vance fee (before Sept. 30) is $115 for bankers and $20 for spouses/ Wisconsin News guests. After that date it is $20 ad ditional. Register through the NBA BEAVER DAM: Terry L. Northwood has been named senior vice office. president at Valley First National * * * Bank of Beaver Dam. He will super Enrollment deadline for the KBAJ vise all lending functions. Mr. NBA 1987 School of Trust and Fi- Northwood has been associated with nancial Planning is Oct. 5. The Valley for 15 years, most recently as school will be held Nov. 2-6 a t the vice president a t the Valley Bank of Holiday Inn—Central in Omaha. En Oshkosh. rollment fees are $700 for single MILWAUKEE: William R. Sonnenhousing, $600 for double housing berg has been named president of and $550 for no housing. For addi First Wisconsin Bank of Waukesha, tional information about the school, succeeding James C. Bolton, Jr., contact Jone Beer, school adminis who has been named senior vice trator, at (402) 474-3313. president a t First Wisconsin Na OMAHA: Sharon Huey has been tional Bank of Madison. Mr. Sonelected vice president/cashier at nenberg formerly served as presi American National Bank. She has dent of First Wisconsin Bank of been with the bank since 1974, and Two Rivers. He is succeeded there by Carl T. Laveck, previously that has been cashier since 1985. bank’s first vice president. MILWAUKEE: First Wisconsin Corporation completed its first Minnesota News banking acquisition in Minnesota on MAPLE GROVE: Nancy Ten Braak Sept. 3, when it acquired Shelard has been elected vice president in Bancshares, Inc. of St. Louis Park. charge of consumer banking at Nor- The $171 million holding company west Bank Maple Grove, N.A. She operates two banks with five loca joined Norwest in 1980 and has been tions. First Wisconsin will pay Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis about $25 million in cash for She lard. South Dakota News The South Dakota Bankers Asso ciation is sponsoring its first annual “Landmark Awards” competition for marketing and advertising. The three marketing categories are pro ducts and services, institutional, and community relations. The six advertising categories are televi sion, radio, outdoor, newspaper, literature and point of purchase. En tries will compete in four bank-size categories. Multiply entries are en couraged; fee is $15 per entry and deadline is Oct. 1. Entries must have been published from Jan. 1, 1986 through Aug. 1, 1987. Awards will be presented at the SDBA Market ing Conference at the Crossroads Convention Center in Huron on Nov. 12-13. For more information, con tact the SDBA. The PC Reporter (1099*) is a new lowcost way to meet 1RS requirements for “ Magnetic Media Filing” on 5Va " disks for forms 1098, and all 1099s. It’s faster and easier than paper! Cost: only $349 plus $4.50 shipping. Demo disk available—$11.50 incl. shipping. Write or phone: R.C. Remer, Pres. Milada, INC. PO Box 191 Johnston, IA 50131 (515) 278-9540 Requires IBM® or compatible 384k RAM minimum. Iowa orders add 4% sales tax. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m ance oriented individual w ith 5 + years ag lending experience. Currently serves as lending # officer to a $15MM bank. This driver will “bum the m idnight oil” adm inistering problem loans. Willing to relocate. BB900 ASKS: $25,000 AG LOAN WORKOUT SPECIALIST, B.S. Hard hitting ag loan adm inistrator w ho tackles a job w ith enthusiasm ! 12 + years of successful ag loan m anagem ent. Has the ability to w ork f under stress and initiate effective w orkout loan strategies. Diligent em ployee w ho can get the job done! BB901 EARNS: $40,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER, B.A. A top-notch professional w ith the perfect blend of credit skills and business developm ent abilities! W ith 5 + years com m ercial lending experience, this • hard-hitting producer has w h at it takes to lead a lending staff. Currently m anages a 130m m com m ercial loan division. W ould w ork equally well in either cleaning up a problem situation 0 or developing a new loan portfolio. • BB902 EARNS: $35,000 PRESIDENT, B.S. Do you need a strong m anager w ith the credit skills to back up lending • decisions? Here’s an am bitious leader w ith 1 0 + successful years of m anagem ent in a m edium -sized bank environm ent. Currently serving as President of a $50mm ag bank th at has dem onstrated an excellent financial track record. This organized, take charge m anager is look• ing for a new opportunity. BB903 ASKS: $60,000 • MANAGER COMMERICAL LOAN DEPARTMENT, B.S. Here’s an aggressive leader w ith excellent m anagem ent skills! Has 10 + years line lending experience and currently m anages the com m ercial loan departm ent in a m edium -sized bank. This team player com m ands respect • from a lending staff! BB904 ASKS: LOW $40’s • JR COMMERCIAL LENDER, B.A. Here’s a m arket driven professional w ho gets results w ith P m inim al direction! An effective com m unicator w ith 3 + years experience in credit analysis and com m ercial lending. Form al credit training includes successful com pletion of the RMA • Omega Program . An image conscious professional ready to take on a new challenge. BB905 ASKS: MID $20’s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CREDITANALYST, B.S. Alert credit analyst has a keen sense of urgency but yet understands the need for detail. Form ally trained by a m ajor bank holding com pany in financial statem ent analysis. Has form ulated loan analysis and borrow er reviews by identifying trends and highlighting changes. A team player w ho can m eet the deadlines of an active lending staff. BB906 EARNS: MID J2 0 ’s OPERATIONS OFFICER, B.A. High energy person w ith stream lined ideas that generate cost savings. 5 + years experience includes m anagem ent responsibility for areas such as: internal audit, bookkeeping, teller line, proof and general ledger. BB907 ASKS: $35,000 EXECUTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL BANKER, B.A. Image plus! A top perform er w ith 2 + years experience in both consum er and com m ercial lending will m ake this industrious banker a wise addition to staff! Successful com pletion of the RMA Omega Program “ Commercial Loans To Business” give this candidate an extra plus! Has w orked in both w orkout and business developm ent modes. BB908 ASKS: « 0 ,0 0 0 SENIOR LENDER, A.A. This seasoned lender has over 8 years com m ercial and ag lending experience. An astute m anager w ho can effectively m otivate and lead a staff. Com m unity in volvem ent and outstanding com m unication skills give this applicant the ability to m ake any custom er feel right at hom e. Prefers M innesota. BB909 ASKS:« 5 ,0 0 0 REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICER, B.S. Successful residential lender w ith 8 + years experi ence! Has strong background in all phases of Real Estate including originating, underw riting, processing, closing and selling to the secondary m arket. Has a friendly personality and can com m unicate effectively w ith a client base. BB910 ASKS:« 0 ,0 0 0 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. This Certified Public A ccountant has had 8 years w ith a m ajor CPA firm . This m otivator’s experience is concentrated heavily in the BANKING practice and has gained substantial com puter system know ledge as well. Excellent group of regulatory reporting requirem ents. BB911 ASKS: Jt40’s Paul Gentzkow Placement Manager The Banking Division Robert Half of Minnesota, Inc. 3636 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 ( 612) 339-9001 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fe#'' BE-2520 2 i WÊÊmI H FEATURES |K receipts! ) f <l| • Cutste eL n adding machine! • Has I T w i n d ô ™ transactions! • Speeds up ^ aUC/jt trail.' C o m p le te te W « “ • Better cash comm teller line. Introducing R E -8 0 0 FEATURES ¡B IB ( • Designed ^ ^ fn iv o f encod/ngj xc(usiVe! . Exception iterri o. P d()(,ument feed an I — • optional a“ ' i ^5 branch office use. • l o w cost H H efficiency! tVS* "H- IP ^ ^ b i lir Inc. 3000 or (515) i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■BP handling ORV, ond counters _ up t0 30 rolls per m,n , Conveyor rpronCHiation snreu Inc. 3000 or (S15> I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Ne have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over • 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE AND SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST STREET DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 1-800-532-1423 or (515) 286-4344 • KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 # Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKERS ' PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Are you FORCED to write one type of insurance with a company at a higher premium, just so they will write another type of policy for you? IF SO... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OWNED BY BANKERS SERVING BANKERS FirsTier, Correspondent Services 5 More of what it takes to serve you well. FirsTier. B anks Lincoln FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC MASTERCARD... (Continued from page 1) • A Meeting Of The Minds. At Security National Bank, our minds are on meeting all your Correspondent Banking and Investment needs. We’re Security for you! Ron Kiel ■ P M li Linda Rodehorst Correspondent Banking Officer 712 - 27 7 -6 7 3 6 Omaha the FDIC a purchase premium of COL. GORDON E. TAYLOR 1 $63,267. It also will purchase certain Box 949 - Mason City, la. 50401 1 of the failed bank’s assets for 515/423-5242 JTw I >ì^t $748,000. To facilitate the transac Professional Auctioneer E Real Estate Broker tion, the FDIC will advance about and Appraiser $2.9 million to the assuming bank and will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $3.0 assistant in marketing, human re million. sources, accounting and data pro cessing. prietary debit cards, presently has over 9,000 live ATMs. Over 47 mil lion proprietary debit and credit cardholders presently have access to Qheir funds and credit lines in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Spain. “MasterTeller and CIRRUS are committed to maintaining the high DENVER: C.G. Kum has joined the National Bank of Denver Q u ality of service that cardholders Colorado as vice president and manager of the are accustomed to,” said Mr. Hogg. banking department’s special pro “Members can be assured that strict jects division. Mr. Kum had been as performance standards will be en sociated with United Banks of Colo forced during this critical period so * h a t the conversion is virtually rado as a vice president and regional manager of asset quality adminis transparent to cardholders.” tration. Meanwhile, Connie Wright Mr. Burchfield added, “This an has been elected a vice president of nouncement is important news for the bank. She is currently respon ^consumers in terms of banking con sible for the account services and ad v enience. Now 90 million cardhold- justments departments, and has ers in the U.S. and Canada will have been with the bank since 1960. dramatically expanded access to Cash when they travel domestically ^ o r abroad.” Mr. Burchfield predicts DENVER: A t United Bank of Den V h a t within a year 30,000 ATMs in ver, Susan R. Ferber, Nancy M. Ste 12 countries will bear the CIRRUS vens and Mark Williamson have logo. □ been promoted to vice presidents. Ms. Ferber works in consumer bank ing, Ms. Stevens in real estate bank ing and Mr. Williamson in energy and minerals banking. They have Colorado News been with United Bank of Denver DENVER: The FDIC has approved since 1966, 1985 and 1981 respec ^ h e assumption of deposit liabilities tively. of Citizens Bank of Glendale, Den ver, by Prudential Bank, Denver. The failed bank reopened on Aug. 28 DENVER: H. Daniel Pierson has as a branch of Prudential Bank. Citi been elected a vice president of Colo z e n s had total assets of $3.7 million. rado National Bankshares, Inc. He Prudential Bank will assume about joined the company in 1973. His cur $3.1 million and has agreed to pay rent position is as executive staff Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Investment Representative SECURITY NATIONAL BANK IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D.I.C. 712 - 2 7 7 -6 7 4 5 ENGLEWOOD: Ron James has been appointed vice president/controller at First Interstate Bank of Englewood, N.A. He is currently pursuing an MBA from the Univer sity of Colorado—Denver. Come to the Investment Specialists committed to quality. In these times of change and uncertainty, rely on the time-tested quality invest ment recommendations of the Investment Banking Division of United Missouri Bank. liu UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC Q f |¿ a „ S a S ^ n .a . 10th & Grand • P.O. Box 419226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 (816) 556-7200 BANKING POSITIONS AVAILABLE 'Professional assistance in hiring and career advancement" COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE—Opportunity for an aggres-^ sive, motivated lender with 2-3 yrs. exp. to join a profitable bank group.............................................................. To $26,000. c a r e e r s JUNIOR AG LENDER with strong ag credit training and lending skills needed for progressive $90mm Iowa bank. .................................................................................. To $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 ^ ^ quality service by experienced professionals REAL ESTATE LENDER—Illinois bank needs an e x p e ri-^ ^ H enced banker with knowledge of secondary marketing. w R w .................................................................................. To $25,000 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 Jean Eden 515 - 276-1151 mmmhW Financial Careers, Inc. Sandi Gamer Two Ruan Center/Suite 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 515 - 832-1258 Tues / Wed / Fri FOR SALE POSITIONS AVAILABLE POSITION AVAILABLE AVP COMMERCIAL LENDER NCR 775 SINGLE POCKET PROOF MACHINE. Good sec COMMERCIAL LENDER with a minimum of 3 yrs exp. ond unit. 308-254-5536, ext. 16. American National Bank, Sidney, NE. (FS) 3ood advancement potential to aggressive, self starter with experience in business development. Send resume to -ile No. WKD c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA] LEFEBURE NOTE CASE, 24”W x 24” deep x 40” high, 5 locking drawers with two removable trays in each with compressors. $500.00. Page County State Bank, Clarinda, IA., Kenneth F. Whitmore, (712) 542-5661. (FS) LEASE A DATALINE for $19.50 per month. Provides a bank lobby TV monitor giving stock/commodity prices, interest rates, Fed Funds, etc. Call Elmer Eggers. (515) 483-2213. (FS) 1981 S 558 SINGLE POCKET PROOF ENCODER & a re worked S 558 Single Pocket Proof encoder. Good working order, under maintenance agreements. $1,250.00 your choice. Plainview National Bank 402-582-4941. (FS) /ICE PRES, for large Iowa bank in very progressive county seat town. Join mgmt. team, supervise $35mm + loan lept, requires 4-10 yrs. ag loan exp., strong credit analysis skills. $30-$40,000 + excellent benefits. Send resume to File No. WKK c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA] CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER/AG—2-3 yrs. consumer fi nance exp., ag background. Will do cons, lending/light somm./cash flows. College degree. Western Neb. Write Adams Bank & Trust, Box 720, Ogallala, NE 69153. Attn.: Jim Prange. (PA] COMMERCIAL LENDER to supervise commercial depart ment in Mason City bank. Must have 3-5 years comm’l exp. with some ag background. Contact Jim Niemants @ (515] ♦23-2457. (PA] FOR SALE Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE New Warranty 402-571-5577 POSITIONS AVAILABLE CONSUMER LOAN MANAGER Take charge of successful dept. 3 + yrs exp. career oppty. $28K. AG LOAN OFFICER Progressive Wise, bank seeks ag lender who has worked with cash flow, FmHA’s. $25K. Are you performance oriented but tired of the urban clat-™ ter? Join a dynamic bank group in this Southern MN “hub” city bank. This high profile position requires that highly competitive individual who is ready to move ahead. Your ability to develop business and 3 + years of com’l lending experience are needed. Must be degreed. To $45K + Reloc. Job #NW2239. LOAN ADMINISTRATOR AVP COMMERCIAL LENDER Do you feel like your management team is holding you back? Do you enjoy the outdoor activities of Northern Min nesota? A well performing independent bank with a camel rating of 2 is looking for a Commercial Lender with e x c e l-A lent Analytical skills. As a key bank employee, you m a n -^ age a commercial loan portfolio of $7mm. Desire a degree with 3 + years com’l lending experience. A super package.. To $37K. Job #NW2241| OPERATIONS OFFICER 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 Are you a strong manager? Detail oriented with a solid grasp of the Burroughs Computer? Come to this wonderful^ resort area in Wisconsin. Join this high earning 50mm bank. Use your acct’g background and 5 + yrs. operations exp., and take this outstanding, rare opportunity. To$29K + Bonus. Job#NW2242. RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR JAN PETERS D ecorah, Iow a 52101 Farm E q u ip m e n t S p e c ia lis t A p p ra is a ls & A u c tio n s C all Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 AG LENDER 5 bank holding co. needs proven prof, for one of its most successful offices. At least 2 yrs banking exp req’d. $28K. COMMERCIAL LENDER 3 + yr lender needed. Position offers growth mgt exposure and quick promotion. $33K. PRESIDENT SUPER OPPTY! Clean, well-run $60M bank in key location seeks experienced Pres who can get community behind them. $50K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS ROBERT HALF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID j m \ ROBERT HALF 111 OF MINNESOTA, INC. ® 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 VP SR. LOAN OFFICER NEW BUS. DEVELOPER COMMERCIAL • Are you tough minded with a talent to negotiate? Are you a problem solver? This premier bank group in DT Minneapo lis has a highly visible challenge for you. Bring your skills, degree and 3 + years com’l lending exp. and join a leader dealing with problem credits. Your 20mm portfolio con tains a wide range of industries with sales between 1 m m ^ and 10mm. Leads to rapid advancement. w To $38K. Job #NW2240. (612) 339-9001 $50M organization in SD needs #2 person with generalist background. $40K. Street beater position must have 3-4 years developing commercial bus. $45K + COM MS. ^ Employer pays fee. Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con-w earning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMML LOAN - $50MM suburban bank with excellent growth and earnings history. Handle majority of commer cial credits. Report directly to President. $38K AG BANKING PERSONNEL CEO - suburban de novo bank. Experience as CEO or COO required. Strong commercial loan andbusiness develop ment skills desired. Open LOAN REVIEW - large urban bank affiliated with major midwestern holding company. Degree and 2-3 yrs. loan review/workout experience desired. $30K TRUST OFFICER • medium size community bank with growing trust dept. JD preferred but not mandatory. $27K COMML LOAN • $100MM community bank. Supervise com mercial lending function. Future advancement possible. $45K Additional positions available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” • • • • • Specialists in ag-oriented bankers. Experts in personnel since 1968. Serving Iowa and the Midwest. Professional and confidential. Employer retained. aqri C4RKRS, in c . «J AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS 515-394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 712-779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 4 Voi. 16 No. 22 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis