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^ Vol. 13 No. 21 Septem ber 10,1984 Des Moines, Iowa Proxmire W ants Major Banks to Pay FDIC Premiums on Foreign Deposits NDER an amendment that Sen. reduced by 3% .” That story noted that similar re William Proxmire (D., Wis.) says he will introduce today (Sep. ductions would have taken place at a 10) to S. 2851, the nation’s banks dozen other leading banks whose would have to pay insurance pre foreign deposits range from 38% to miums on deposits they hold in for 64% of their total deposits. Sen. Proxmire’s amendment also eign branches of their U.S. banks. That bill is the one sponsored by Se would reduce the FD IC’s insurance nate Banking Committee Chairman premium from one-twelfth of 1% to Sen. Jake Garn (R., Utah) to bring one-fifteenth of 1%. The effect of broadened services to the financial this reduction, and including pre mium payments on foreign deposits, industry. The amendment proposed by Sen. would be to keep the total amount of Proxmire August 9 in the Congres premiums paid to the FDIC about sional Record would actually affect the same, “ while shifting more of the 22 banks with more than $10 bil the cost to the large money-center lion in deposits, as noted in the Aug banks that take in deposits through ust 13 issue of the N o r t h w e s t e r n their foreign branches,’ ’ Sen. Prox B a n k e r Weekly Newsletter. That mire stated. Graham Northrup, a congres article said the FDIC estimates those banks would have paid $120 sional liaison for FDIC, said the cor million additional yearly in pre poration is neutral on the proposed miums, or a total of $400 million, if amendment, but is concerned that foreign deposits had been included. attaching the provision to S. 2851, Presently, those deposits, in effect, which the FDIC supports, could bog are being protected by the FDIC. down the bill. A Treasury working group re The August 13 article said “ It is es timated the highest amount, about sponsible for considering changes in $28.5 million additional, would be the insurance system also has been paid by Citibank. It actually paid considering the idea of requiring about $13.8 million, while 74%, or banks to pay premiums on their for $47.7 billion of its total deposits, eign deposits. That group has not were in foreign deposits. If it had yet made any formal recommenda paid FDIC premiums on the entire tions. The FDIC itself considered re deposit base, it is estimated Citi bank’s net income would have been commending premium payments on U foreign deposits when it submitted to Congress last year its study of de posit insurance. FDIC said it de cided against the proposal because it would not increase revenue from in surance premiums and would be highly controversial, pitting large banks against small banks. The Fed and the Comptroller have not taken a formal position on Sen. Proxmire’s proposed amendment, but indicate they think such a step should be considered in a review of the insurance system and not at tached to S. 2851. Sen. Proxmire pointed to the FDIC rescue plan of Continental Bank of Chicago as the basis for his amendment. The Continental relied heavily on foreign deposits, holding $16.6 billion at its foreign offices at the end of 1983, compared to $13.4 billion in domestic deposits the same date. “ In the end, the principal beneficiaries of the Continental rescue program were its foreign de positors,’ ’ he said, adding that this amounts to a “ built-in discrimina tion against small banks.’ ’ He said the money center banks’ advantage “ will become even worse now that we have firmly established the pre cedent that we will not allow a large bank to fail.’ ’ Sen. Proxmire estimates that for eign office deposits of U.S. banks hit $247 billion, or about 20% of total U.S. bank deposits, by the end of March 31,1984. □ RISMILLER, WEAVER AND YAKE G e t t i n g it d o n e f o r y o u * , , Æ ^ David Rismiller Warren Weaver Ernie Yake Chairman President Senior Vice President Commerce Bank of K an sas city ■ MEMBER FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'M ^ Telephone (816) 234-2000 MICROFILM SYSTEMS SERVICE AND SUPPLIES We’re Security for You Eastman Kodak m icrofilm supplies, cameras, and processing in our certified lab. For Information contact: LeRoy Swedlund INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8939 “J” Street Omaha, NE 68127 Phone 402/339-6111 At Security National Bank, w e’re people you can count on to handle all o f your Correspondent Banking needs. So, start corresponding with us. W e’re Security for you! SECURITY NATIONAL BANK IN SIOUX CITY. IOWA. MEMBER F.D .I.C. Dennis Nahnsen V tae Presklent an d M anager C orrespondent B anking S ervices 712-277-6768 Iowa News ITS, Inc., Iowa’s bank-owned, statewide shared electronic transfer system, recorded another first for the system when it recorded in A ug ust more than 1 million transactions through the central switch. ITS President Dale Dooley said 1,026,153 transactions were switched by ITS in August. ITS was activated in February, 1977, with 32 banks and recorded a total of 499 EFT transactions that month. ITS now has 250 participa ting financial institutions including two in Illinois, one in Missouri, five in Nebraska and three in South Da kota. Also, ITS has 683 shared ter minals, including two in Illinois, two in Missouri, 21 in Nebraska and five NPv Wr&z- sH I ¿¡¡BBSfw èJb B asiliiJlP ASK JERRY TRUDO to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants ^ National Bank 181 Member F.D.I.C. A 'BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK in South Dakota. In addition to the million switched transactions in August, it is estimated that another three million on-us transactions went through the 683 ATM s in Aug ust. DES MOINES: Herman Kilpper was appointed president o f the Iowa World Trade Center Corporation last week, as announced by John Ruan, Des Moines businessman. At the same time, the board of directors of Bankers Trust, of which Mr. Ruan is chairman, announced the naming of John Chrystal as presi dent, succeeding Mr. Kilpper. Mr. Kilpper has been president and chief executive officer of Bankers Trust since 1977. Mr. Chrystal, 58, moves to Bankers Trust from Iowa Savings Bank, Coon Rapids, where he has been president since 1960. He formerly served as president of the Iowa Bankers Association and Iowa Superintendent of Banking. Both men will assume their new duties October 1. PERRY: John Halvorson has joined the staff of Perry State Bank as cashier. His responsibilities will in clude supervision of bank operations and personnel. Prior to joining the Perry bank, Mr. Halvorson served five years as cashier of Norwest Bank in St. Cloud, Minn. The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion’s 1984 Funds Management Conference will be held October 2-3 at the Kearney Ramada Inn. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. on the first day, followed at 9:00 by “ Bank Investment Alterna tives.” This session will run until 12:00 and feature the following six bankers: Larry Carlson, vice presi dent, Omaha National Bank; Tom Grove, senior vice president, Pack ers National Bank; Dwain Carlson, vice president and manager, First National Bank - Lincoln; Ray Otte, vice president, National Bank of Commerce; Bob Billmeyer, vice president, Norwest Bank Omaha, N.A., and Bill Feser, vice president, First National Bank - Omaha. After lunch, John Segerstrom, Segerstrom & Company, Portland, Ore., will present “ Asset/Liability Management & Portfolio Objec tives,” which is scheduled to run from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The second day of the conference will start at 8:30 a.m. with “ Call Bond Options & Hedging Your Port folios” by John Labuszewski, Senior marketing manager, Chicago Board of Trade. A t 10:00, Neil Balfour, tax partner in the firm Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co., Lincoln, and a repre sentative from a regulatory agency will discuss “ Regulations & A c counting Changes.” Following a noon lunch, a panel of six speakers from throughout the conference, will address any ques tions or concerns that have arisen Strategy Your opponents in the financial field are getting more competitive every day. To stay ahead in the game requires a strategic plan that includes strong correspondent banking services and teamwork. American Trust has built a professional lineup and an impressive string of services. Call Bernie Miller today for the rundown. 319/582-1841. A m crkanW lYust & Savings Danl^ The BanKqf O pportunity Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nebraska News Town Clock Plaza Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Member FDIC and FRS Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-10-84 Ag Banking Personnel Specialist Linda Heit spends many hours on the phone checking references and screening candidates, “ My time is spent saving our clients’ time,” she says. Jean Eden looks up from studying ag banking resumes at AGRIcareers’ Massena, Iowa office. “We don’t use high pressure sales tactics,” points out Eden. Ag Bankers Attribute Success in Hiring to Jean & Linda’s Personalized Service a ^ q % f “ I liked the way Jean Eden pri Says Heit, “ Many personnel marily answered questions when we firms try to serve all interest areas. called about locating a new ag loan W e’re strictly ag-oriented, and that man,” remarks Dale Strickland, gives us an edge when it comes to president o f Hawkeye Bank and meeting tight ‘specifications’ for a Trust, Centerville, Iowa. new employee. “ She didn’t try to tell us what to “ The result is that our bankdo! Finding someone who fit our clients succeed in obtaining the specific nitch was her main goal. She right person for the position. If none and AGRIcareers did it very well.” of our candidates currently on file The 16-year-old firm has offices in meet the bank-client’s requirements, the Iowa communities o f New Hamp we conduct a specific search.” ton and Massena. Linda Heit, along Eden adds, “ Our candidates and with Eden, are the ag banking per resumes are our own, not applicants sonnel specialists. Heit was the who’ve been bounced around in a firm’s first employee; Eden has been personnel ‘network’. We promise our on the staff six years. candidates confidentiality, and Both work full-time locating, don’t feel we can maintain this by screening, and personally interview joining a network.” ing potential bank candidates. Says Heit, “ The more we know about what a client wants, the better job we can do.” “ When clients call to describe their needs, we ask for details about the position, experience required, and what type of personality charac teristics will fit in best at the bank, (51 5) 3 9 4 - 3 1 4 5 with co-workers and customers.” NEW HAMPTON, 1A 5 0 6 5 9 Randy Schouten, president o f the (71 2 )7 7 9 -3 7 4 4 Norwest Bank at M ontevideo, MASSENA, IA 5 0 8 5 3 Minn., worked with both Heit and Eden in hiring ag loan rep Brad Hen- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See AGRIcareers at... IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. Look for booth #64. nig. “ They did a particularly good job pre-screening job applicants,” remarks Schouten. “ So we were able to employ the kind o f individual we wanted.” Eden notes that AGRIcareers places qualified bank personnel at all levels, including presidents. “ A verage salaries range from $25,000 to $45,000. Our clients are banks that make ag loans; some are small, family-owned banks and many are large, multi-bank holding companies.” Bankers attending the Iowa Bankers Association Convention at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines Sept. 16-18 can meet Linda and Jean at the AGRIcareers booth, number 64. AG BANKERS NOW AVAILABLE Personnel Specialists Serving America’s Ag Lenders Our candidates have been thoroughly screened, referenced, and in most cases, personally interviewed and evaluated by us. This information is passed on to you, w ith the candidate’s permission and prior knowledge...Our clients depend on us for QUALITY! IBJ-1 JR. AG OFFICER— Has much to offer: over 1 yr. in officer training program of $100MM ag bank, including rotation through all depts. & hands on exper. in all func tions o f bank. Summer internship with FLB, teacher's asst, o f AGNET computer system, and ag marketing class. Excellent appearance. Open on relocation. B.S. Ag Honors (3.9/4.0 GPA) Age 23. $17,000. Call Jean. IBJ-2 BANK OPERATIONS/ACCOUNTING— Has 3 yrs. as accounting officer and regional auditor for major bank holding company, and 2 yrs. previous w ith CPA firm. Strong ag business background. B.S. Accounting. Married. Age 31. IA. $28,000. Call Jean. IBJ-3 PRESIDENT—Over 20 yrs. exper. in ag banks, including cashier, E.V.P. and president. Current expertise in working w ith problem loans, developing profitable o p e ra tio n s , and tra in in g lo a n p e rs o n n e l. Very professional. B.A. Bus. Admin. Married. Age 52. $50,000. Call Jean. IBJ-4 AG LENDER— Bank and PCA experience! Now PCA Br. Mgr. (since office opened in 1981). Loan quality rated the best in area. He rated at top on recent performance review. Also has mgmt. experience in Savings & Loan, and worked his way through college as bkpr/customer svc. rep in bank for 2 yrs. Strong in both ag and consumer loans, and operations. A driving individual w ith an analytical mind. Farm raised. BS/BA Management/Finance. Married. Age 30. $28,000 + . Call Jean. IBJ-5 AG LOAN OFFICER— Now County Supervisor; with FHA over 2 yrs. Responsible for over $26MM in loans in very depressed area. Wants to leave government lending for bank position. Very personable and professional, active in church and community. Married. B.S. Farm Op. from ISU w ith 3.64 GPA. Age 24. IA. $22,000. Call Jean. IBL-6 SENIOR AG/COMMERCIAL LENDER— Performance ratings are consistently rated as very good w ith current employer who says, “ He’s very intelligent, creative, inno vative, good delegator and a positive thinker. I have no hesitation to recommend him.” Eight years w ith PCA, six as administrative vice president, on the loan review committee and tw o years as loan officer. B.S. Agri/Education (double major). Married. Lives IA. Age: 35. $35,000. Call Linda. IBL-7 AG BANKER—Wants to return to career in ag bank ing w ith a bank of $65MM on up in size. Currently involved in farming (crops and livestock). Close to seven years in correspondent banking fo r a $200MM + + bank along with appraising and farm management experience. Receives outstanding reference w ith a very high recommendation. B.S. Business Adm inistration. Married. Age: 39. Lives IA. $27,000 + . Call Linda. IBL-8 SENIOR CREDIT REVIEW OFFICER— Reference says, “ He does an outstanding job...strong analytical skills...meticulous...self motivator...a real gentleman. A bank would be lucky to have him on s ta ff!” Analyzes ex amination reports and monitors condition o f banks in dis tric t for the Federal Reserve Bank. BBA Business Finance. Single. Age: 47. $38-40,000. Call Linda. IBL-9 AG LOAN OFFICER—Two years ag lending experi ence w ith long term lender. Available due to limited career opportunities. Farm raised. B.S. Ag Economics. 3.2/4.0 grade point. Single. Age: 24. Lives IA. $22-24,000. Call Linda. IBL-10 AG LENDER— Experience includes ag lending, RE and installm ent loans along w ith being insurance agent for a $10MM bank the past eight years. Strengths include loan analysis, projection and documentation. Licensed in all lines of insurance. Self taught computer operator. B.S. Sales & Marketing. 3.3/4.0. Married. Age: 45. Lives MN. $30,000 + . Call Linda. IBL-11 VP— Diversified lending skills which include four years in long term area and currently tw o years in short term lending w ith the farm credit system. Responsible for $6-7MM in ag loans, life and crop insurance and compu terized record keeping system. Experienced in workout situations. Wants more diversification to banking opera tions and management. B.S. Ag Economics. GPA 3.2/4.0). Married. Age: 28. Lives IA. $25-30,000. Call Linda. IBL-12 CEO/EVP— Fifteen plus years of overall ag banking experience which includes ag lending (has good loan judgement), trust management and fam iliar w ith setting up and implementing new bank policies using computers. Reference says this ag banker has a strong farm clientele Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ...a TOUGH com petitor in the banking field. Community in volved. Degreed. Married. Age: 45. $35,000 + . Call Linda. IBL-13 AVP/VP—When asked On a reference regarding this candidate the reference said, “ Put it this way, if we had an opening for him - we would hire him .” Currently w ith $16MM bank as loan o fficer and responsible for loan port fo lio of $10MM which includes ag (Ag Credit Corp.-$2MM), Real Estate, Installment, consumer and commercial loans. B.S. Ag Economics. GPA 3.00/4.00. Married. Age: 26. Lives MN. $25,000 + . Call Linda. WANTED: BANKERS Never a Fee From an Employee Confidential If you have been considering a change, now is an excellent time while the demand for qualified ag lending candidates is especial ly strong. As a third party, we can offer confidentiality required by the applicant. Your information is confidential and will not be devulged to a prospective employer without your approval. Either Linda or Jean would be happy to discuss what kind of exciting career opportunities might be available for a person with your ex perience. IB-1 #2/$35MM BANK— In charge of entire loan portfolio and supervise s ta ff of four loan officers. Requires 7 years bank lending expr. w ith commercial lending exposure. MN. $30-35,000. IB-2 COMM. LOAN OFF—Commercial lending and some cross over activity in other loan areas. 1-2 yrs. direct com mercial expr. MN. Mid $20,000’s. IB-3 OPERATIONS VP—Supervise 20-25 people in opera tions. Strong operations background required and data processing exposure. IA. $30,000 + . IBJ-14 AG BANKING—Offers nine years loan experience, including tw o years w ith a bank. Currently managing two branch offices in Farm Credit System w ith $15 m illion loans. Trained and supervising loan officers and clerical staff. Exceptional references: “ Gets the job done right... good to work for, and with...lots of drive...a polished and sophisticated man, yet able to put farmers at ease.” Col lege degree. Married. Age: 35. Lives IA. $36,000 + . Call Jean. IB-4 AG DEPT. HEAD— needed in $70MM central Iowa bank. Requires 10 yrs. experience in Iowa bank, B.S. in Agriculture, and a bility to handle over $10MM ag loans. $35,000-$40,000. IBJ-15 AG LOAN OFFICER—Three years ag banking ex perience in lending (ag, commercial and consumer), opera tions and insurance. Reference says, “ Mature and depen him something once and turn him loose... does the job right...well trained.” Helped w ith conversion to in-house digital computer system. Ag Banking gradu ate. Single. Age: 24. Lives SD. $25,000. Call Jean. IB-6 V.P.—$80 m illion bank in E. Iowa. pop. 10,000. Promis ing advancement opportunity. Requires 3-8 years current bank ag lending experience. $30,000 plus benefits. IBJ-16 AG LENDER—Seven years ag credit experience (one year w ith PCA, past tw o years in $18 million bank) cur rently VP in charge of $8 m illion ag loans. References say, “ able to handle a heavy load of problem loans, strong technical expertise, good w ith numbers." Very profes sional, no-nonsense individual. Four year degree plus computer courses and insurance licenses. Married. Age: 37. Lives IA. $30,000. Call Jean. IBL-17 AG LOAN OFFICER—Close to four years w ith farm credit as loan officer responsible for $6MM in ag loans, new business development and related services. Refer ence says, “ He’s analytical, industrious, and has an out going personality...mixes well w ith people.” B.A. Business Management. Married. Age: 26. Lives IA. $25,000+ + . Call Linda. IBJ-18 VICE PRESIDENT—Six years experience in all areas of, commercial, real estate and con sumer loans, operations, insurance sales (holds all li censes) and marketing. Set up call program sim ilar to PCA’s. Micro computer experience too... reference says, “ Really has the Apple figured out...excellent in lending, operations and PR.” Finance Degree. Married. Age: 28. Lives IA. $28,000. Call Jean. IBJ-19 AG LOAN— Nine years of solid experience w ith Farmers Home. Currently a county supervisor w ith two other employees working w ith him. He has the appearance and polish you would expect from a progressive country banker. B.S. Agriculture. Lives IL. $30,000. Call Jean. IBJ-20 AG BANKING—Offers 9 years loan experience, 2 w ith a bank. Currently managing tw o branch offices in Farm Credit System w ith $15 m illion loans. Trained and supervising loan officers and clerical staff. Exceptional references. College degree. Married. Age: 35. Lives IA. $36,000 + . Call Jean. IB-5 JR. AG LOAN OFFICER—Share responsibility for $8MM in ag loans In major holding company bank in north ern Iowa. Must have tw o years experience In bank or PCA, plus college degree. $18-$22,000. IB-7 A.V.P—$30 m illion Central Iowa bank, member of major holding co., choice location and position, good chance for rapid advancement. Requires 3-10 years current short term ag lending experience plus 4 year ag degree. $30,000-35,000 plus complete benefit package. IB-8 AG LOAN OFF— Resp. for $6MM ag and commercial portfolio. Requires 3-4 years ag lending experience. IL. $20-27,000. IB-9 AG REP— Performance oriented ag bank ($72MM). Seeks a strong ag loan o fficer w ith business development skills. Minimum of 5 years ag lending.'IL $28-32,000. IB-10 CORRSP. BANKER—Calling on country banks and new business dev. for an independent bank. Exp. in bank ing, lending and oper. IA. $22-28,000. IB-11 AVP/VP— Experienced banker to make ag loans for $100MM+ + bank w ith ag loans of $20MM. Large m ulti holding company. MT. $25-33,000. ^B-12 ASST. MGR— Banker needed for m ulti holding com pany w ith a branch o f $30M M + + . Ag background re quired. $25-36,000. IB-13 FARM DEPT HEAD—$150MM bank, in charge of $13MM ag loans, supervise one ag loan officer, work on loan problems. Excellent bennies and advancement potential. Metro location. 5-10 years ag and commercial loan expr. in $30-$75MM bank, finance or acctg. degree. IL. Up to $37,000. IB-14 EVP/PRESIDENT— Bank management for $25MM bank w ith $15MM in loans. Must have bank mgmt. skills. NE. $50,000. IB-15 VP— In charge of ag loans, loan analysis, fin. state ments, etc. for a small ag bank. Five years ag lending. MN. $25-30,000. IB-16 VP— In charge of ag loan dept, o f $8-10MM in loans for a large holding company. Aggressive, ag oriented and good documentator. Good advancement potential. IL. $3235.000. Ag Banking Personnel IB-17 CEO—Small ag bank needs senior Danner to come in and manage ag bank of $15MM. Ag background, communi cation skills and bank management needed. IA. $3540.000. Let us help you. Call the ag lending personnel specialists without cost or obligation. Confi dential. Employers pay us to hire the best. IB-18 COMM/AG LDR— Handle $6-8MM in loans for a $70MM bank. 4-5 years ag lending, know banking (commer cial area). IA. $25-30,000. Linda: 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 I Jean 515/263-9598 if no answer, 712/779-3567 Massena, Iowa 50853 aqn careers, in c . AG BANKING SPECIALISTS IB-19 AG REP—Start as ag rep then progress to VP with resp. of ag loans for a $20MM + bank. SOLID ag loan expr. required. Bus. devel. skills. IA. $30,000. IB-20 AG LOAN OFF— Performance oriented ag lender in $60MM+ bank. 1-3 years ag ending expr. IA. $21-23,000. IB-21 #2—$18MM bank needs a strong ag credit person to be in charge of all ag loans ($14MM) and other phases of bank. High performance, service oriented bank. MN. $2530.000. Send Your News Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER TELL US A B O U T. . . 306 Fifteenth street 50309 d e s m o in e s , io w a Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ......... ....... .......... .............. ...... ....................... ......... ............ OFFICER ............... .......... ................. ....................... ........ - TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Call on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. ™ sr natJONALUNCOLN A FirsTier Company ^ from attending the various confer ence sessions. Adjournment is set for 2:15 p.m. * _ ® ^ • • • * * In last week’s newsletter, the dates for the Nebraska Independent Bankers Association annual fall con vention were incorrectly reported in the program schedule. The convention is Wednesday through Friday, October 10-12. GORDON: First National Bank recently approved the promotion of Robert Connealy from executive vice president to president and Gary Ruse from vice president to execu tive vice president. Mr. Connealy joined the bank in 1966. Mr. Ruse has been with First National since 1971. Minnesota News • # # • The Minnesota Bankers Association nominating committee has re commended the following candi dates for the 1985-86 association of ficer positions: Clinton D. Kurtz, president, Citizens State Bank of Norwood, and currently first vice president, has been nominated to succeed Galen T. Pate as president. Roy W. Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank, Eden Prairie, has been proposed for first vice president to succeed Mr. Kurtz. James R. Jorstad, president, Citi zens State Bank, Hayfield, is the recommended candidate for second vice president. Sale o f Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515 243-8064 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member, F.D.I.C. Scott Jones, president, Goodhue County National Bank, Red Wing, is proposed to serve a second term as treasurer. on the new bankruptcy law. For more information or registra tion, contact the SDBA office in Pierre. M INNEAPOLIS: Four vice presi dents were recently named at First Bank M inneapolis. T hey are: Thomas W. Bugbee, national west division; Sara M. Lilienthal, manu facturers division; Kathleen A. Hyduke, commercial banking training division, and Wallace W. Norlander, human resources group. BERESFORD: Patrick J. Cleberg, president of First National Bank, has announced the election of Paul S. Jordahl as executive vice presi dent. Mr. Jordahl, who also was named to the board, brings with him 12 years of experience in agriculture lending. He most recently served as manager of the Federal Land Bank Association office in Webster. M INNEAPOLIS: William K. Stern has been promoted to vice president at the St. Anthony Falls Office of First Bank Minneapolis. He has been with the bank 25 years and has served as manager of the ST. An thony Falls Office since 1983. WHEATON: William A. Harbeke has been named president of First State Bank, according to W.M. Sanger, chairman. Mr. Harbeke has served the past four years with First Bank Valley City, North Dakota. Wyoming News ROCK SPRINGS: First Wyoming Bank, N.A.-Rock Springs recently announced the appointment of Lyle D. Perry as cashier and vice presi dent. Mr. Perry has been employed by First Wyoming Bank Corpora tion for 10 years. Also appointed was Gale A. York as vice president of the commercial loan department. Prior to assuming this position with First Wyoming Bank, Mr. York was a loan officer for Union State Bank in Upton. Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections • South Dakota News The South Dakota Bankers Asso ciation recently purchased a video tape from an A B A sponsored Con sumer Bankruptcy teleconference held in August in Sioux City, Iowa, and has scheduled two locations for the showing of this teleconference in South Dakota. The dates are Sep tember 26 at the Kings Inn, Pierre, and September 27 at Staurolite Inn, Brookings. In addition to showing the tele conference video, SDBA legal coun sel Tom Adam will be on hand to answer any questions you may have AN INVITATIO N Stop for a visit about job opportuni ties or your personnel needs during the Iowa Bankers Convention. Freeland Financial Service, Inc. 1010 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Com e to the quality investment specialists in Nebraska and Iowa. u / e’reyour * * best authorities for bond portfolio management recommendations. Our quality is your key to success. Jeff Goble lb Dave Dickens Investm ent Banking D ivision UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC Q f 10th and Grand o P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (816) 556-7200 WANT ADS— Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 306 15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/244-8163 BANKING SPECIALISTS LENDING • TRUST • OPERATIONS Financial Careers CEO for $60 m illion bank in midwest city of 35,000. Experi ence in commercial lending and adm inistration essential ............................................................................. Salary open. CEO for Nebraska com m unity bank. Excellent opportunity ......................................................... Salary open. For Prompt, Courteous, Professional Attention T o Y o u r S t a ffin g Needs, Call On Us. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER Continued loan growth at Valley National Bank has created a need in the Lending Division for an experienced Commercial Loan Officer. Valley Bank is a member of Banks of Iowa, Inc. which has over $1.8 billion in assets. Our bank’s ap proach to commercial banking is relationship oriented, professional, and personal. We seek an individual who shares this philosophy. The ideal candidate w ill possess strong credit skills, port fo lio management abilities, and a background in commercial business development. We are able to offer the right applicant an immediate oppor tunity w ith excellent career potential. Please send current resume and salary history to: Lois Krlebs, A.V.P., Personnel, Valley National Bank, P.O. Box 906, Des Moines, Iowa 50304. (PA) AGGRESSIVE LENDING OFFICER—w ith 1-2 year experi ence preferably w ith ag background. Send resume to James A. Clark, Lake Crystal National Bank, Lake Crystal, MN 56055. (PA) POSITION WANTED BANK OFFICER w ith many years experience in all phases desires relocation. Heavy in credit and licensed for all lines of insurance. Prefer management or number two position in small to medium size bank. Resume upon re quest. Write file WCA, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) FOR SALE Sr. Ag Lender for large M innesota bank. Must be experi enced in handling large ag c r e d its ........ Salary to $45,000. Sr. Ag Lender for major Illinois bank. Must be experienced in working w ith large ag business customers and larger ag c r e d its ....................................................... Salary to $49,000. Diane Evans 816/842-3860 Trust Officer to handle tru st and estates and make up tax reports. Investment experience and law degree not neces sary ............................................................. Salary to $35,000. R e g e n c y RECRUITERS, INC. Commercial Lender w ith experience in handling larger credits. Texas location. Excellent o p p o rtu n ity .................. ..................................................................... Salary to $50,000. 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 Commercial Lender for major Oklahoma institution. Must have experience in large credit lines, cash flow, etc........... ..................................................................... Salary to $50,000. Number Two man for $30 m illion Illinois com m unity bank located on major duck fly w a y ................. Salary to $38,000. FOR SALE POSITION AVAILABLE Sr. Ag Lender for large W isconsin bank. Must have experi ence in major ag credits and ag degree .Salary to $45,000. BURROUGHS B-80 COMPUTER—Screen and disc drive. Contact Eugene Schulke, Corn Belt State Bank, Correctionville, Iowa. Phone 712/372-4421. (FS) REFURBISHED PROOF MACHINES— Programmed, delivered and installed. Look and operate like new. Phone 308/384-5995. Bankers Electronic Equip. Inc., 380 N. Wal nut, Grand Island NE. (FS) 50 MICRO COMPUTER PROGRAMS— Fixed asset program list $1,995. Special $495 until September 15, 84. Phone 308/384-5995. B.E.E. Inc., 380 N. Walnut, Grand Is land NE. (FS) MICROS FOR SALE: 2 Monroe personal computers, Model OC 8820, 8 bit 128 K, double disk 5 1/«” . Monroe service contract continuously. One is 1 yr. old; the other 2 yrs. old. $3,000.00 each including Supercalc spreadsheet, Word star, Calendar program for financing statements, em ployee scheduling and insurance and a trust program. Page County State Bank, Floyd or Kenneth Whitmore, Box 237, Clarinda, IA 51632. Phone 712/542-5661. (FS) LEFEBURE EXT. FLUSH WALK-UP WINDOW: Model FW-8460, complete w ith window, heater, sound and drawers. LEFEBURE INT. FLUSH WALK-UP WINDOW: Model BK-3340, with 5’ window, storage pedistal, forms organizer, and 5’ L shaped counter top. Both in excellent condition and under continuous maintenance. Phone Betty Roth, Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Mason City, Iowa. Phone 515/423-2457. (FS) Number two for major Iowa bank. Must have proven com mercial loan record.............................................Salary open. Number Two person for larger northern Iowa bank. Must have both commercial and ag lending experience. Former examiner background a p lu s ................... Salary to $42,000. CEO for smaller eastern Iowa community bank. Salary open. Installment person w ith a year or so experience wanted by com m unity bank In eastern Iowa for compliance/collections and le n d in g ..................................... Salary to $18,000. EDP Auditor for billion dollar bank. Wisconsin location . . . ..................................................................... Salary to $35,000. CEO for $20 m illion central Iowa bank. Salary open. We have many other opportunities. Call or write Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk at Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee.___________ SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES T O N -ylcH O O LE R Ik CEO - $30 Mil. Bank - NC Nebraska AND- ig O V j ASSOCIATES "S u ccessfu l Banking is Q uality P ersonnel" TRUST OFFICER - $75 Mil. Bank - E. Iowa If you would like to be informed of positions as they become available and if you are interested in chang ing your present position, send your resume or phone Don Schooler, 417-882-2265, 2508 East Meadow, Springfield, Missouri 65804. Information on you w ill be kept confidential until you are inter ested In a specific position. To $50K SR. AG LENDER - $25 Mil. Bank - W. Nebraska To $32K To $38K BRANCH MANAGER - $170 Mil. Bank - E. So. Dakota To $35K EQUIPMENT WANTED— NCR-279 on-line teller machines, m icrofiche readers, cash safe to hold teller drawers, elec tric check imprinter, proof machines, and coin counter. Phone Bob at 402/331-2224, First Nebraska Savings, Papillion, NE. __________________(WTB) Eighteen years of banking serving as President of rural and metropolitan banks enables me to match you, technically and personally, with the right bank ing environment. BANKING POSITIONS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Personnel - Wage & Salary Adm inistrator: metro to $33K bank; Missouri, Iowa Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Illinois, and Nebraska President - CEO: $24 m illion ag bank; DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES, metro b a n k .......... ................................................................ $40,000-$50,000 PRESIDENT, CEO, $15,000,000 bank.......................... .........................................................$35,000 Minimum ASSISTANT CONTROLLER, population approx. 50,000................................................. $20,000-$25,000 PRESIDENT, New Charter............. $50,000 Minimum INSTALLMENT, #2, large bank, over 100,000 popula tion ................................................... $25,000 Minimum COMMERCIAL VICE PRESIDENT, $50-$100mm Bank, ideal to w n .............................................. $40,000Minimum COMMERCIAL LENDER, $60mm bank, population approx. 35,000...................................................$30,000Minimum HEAD CASHIER, $35mm bank, high growth area . . . .........................................................$25,000 Minimum PRESIDENT, $40mmbank, small town, excellent b e n e fits ............................................................. $40,000Minimum No. 2 Person: $17 m illion ag bank; Call or send resumes to: Richard Beam, C.P.C. or Dorothy Minister, C.P.C. GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 402/330-3260 POSITIONS A V A IL A B L E to $50K PRESIDENT • $30MM com m unity bank. Requires ag and commercial lending background................................. $Open to $27K COMMERCIAL LOAN - $100MM + bank w ith growth poten tial. Need five yrs. or more comml. lending and good busi ness development s kills...................................................$35K No. 2 Pereon: $65 m illion ag bank. Commercial Lender $150 m illion metro bank; to $35 K Are you degreed and ready fo r the next move up in your banking career? Do you want to work hard and be paid well? I want to tell you about my clients, if you meet the above prerequisites. Please call, in confidence: Phyllis S. Lynch STAFF AMERICA, INC. Commercial Federal Tower Suite 900 2120 South 72nd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68124 (PA) Phone 402/391-2065 JR. COMMERCIAL LOAN - background in instal. credit, w ith some exposure to commercial lending for $25MM bank.................................................................................... $25K SR. AGRILOAN • responsibility for all agrlcredlts in $40MM rural bank. Opportunity for promotion to EVP...............$38K Additional opportunities available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM H A G A N & A SSO CIA TES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 13 No. 21 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis