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Vol. 15 No. 20 Des Moines, Iowa Land Bank Sets New Loan Rates By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher FOUR-TIERED interest rate A structure announced August 27 by the Federal Land Bank of Omaha offers qualified borrowers in Nebras ka, South Dakota, Wyoming and Iowa a range of risk-based rates from 10.5% to 12.75%. The rates are effective October 1 for current bor rowers, and September 2 for new borrowers. These rates apply to long-term loans. A similar interest rate program became effective for PCA borrowers July 1. The individual loan pricing pro gram has four interest rate classifi cations: AAA -10.5%, AA -11.25%, A - 12.25%, and B - 12.75%. An Omaha Land Bank spokesman from the public affairs office said 12.75% will be the highest rate charged any borrower, the rate which has been in effect since March 1, 1986. Land Bank borrowers will receive an additional .25 percent reduction from their new individual rates if they use the PCA of the Midlands as their primary lender for short or in termediate-term credit. The Land Banks are precluded by law from going into the market to sell new debentures at today’s lower rates unless they can show the money is needed to meet anticipated new loan demand. Consequently, the current average cost of borrowed funds has kept the Land Banks’ top rate as high or higher than those ob tainable by farm borrowers from local commercial banks, the tradi tional short-term and production lender. Two long-time ag lenders con tacted by the N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r said the move to tiered rates has been needed by the land bank but is late. One banker stated, “I t ’s a step in the right direction, and we’re pleased with it, but I ’d say it’s a little late. Some of their better customers have found new lenders, and at a better rate. We’ve had some good ones come in here and I know other bankers who have told me they’ve had good Land Bank customers now come back into their shops. Basically, we’re offering better loans to some good customers of ours. They’ve been with us for their short-term, production type loans for years, and now they’ve turned away from their Land Bank loans because they were grouped with all the Land Bank’s loan prob lems and they got a better deal from us.” That banker said he is making 20year amortized land loans at threeto-five year variable rates. Rates at his bank currently are 10% for a loan of 50% to appraised value, and 11% for two-thirds to appraised value. Both bankers pointed out September 1,1986 that Land Bank borrowers must also figure in the cost of their 5% stock they’re obligated to buy when determining a true lending rate. For a borrower paying the B rate of 12.75%, the actual Land Bank an nual rate then becomes 13.42%. For a AAA borrower at the new rate of 10.5%, the actual interest rate then becomes 11%. Another banker said, “It appears th at they’re formalizing what has been local bank lending criteria for some years (owner equity, current and intermediate position, payment history and collateral pledged as security). In our bank, for example, we offer a lower rate to an ag bor rower who is borrowing only for the current year. If it’s rollover money from a previous borrowing season, then a higher rate applies, and this reflects risk as we determine it. So far as rates are concerned, I know better borrowers can get 9.5% to 10% at some ag banks, because the local bank’s cost of funds has gone down.” (See separate story in Iowa News.) “Their big problem (at the Land Bank),” one banker stated, “is that they are not putting out any new money; they’re ju st working over their loan portfolios trying to pull themselves out of the current bad situation. Basically, this means agri culture has lost its long-term lender, and banks are trying to pick up the slack for solid borrowers.” Both bankers feel like many Call on the “ Experienced P rofessionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. Lincoln 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Firslier Bank, N.A., Lincoln, Member FDIC Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. Dorothea Wolfe Mark Conway chase or refinancing of farm produc tion land at an interest rate of 9.9% for the first two years. The rate will be adjusted every two years after that, pegged at three percentage points above the three-year rate for U.S. Treasury bills. All five banks share some common directors. Four have common owners—American National Bank of Bedford, Corn Belt State Bank of Correctionville, Union National Bank of Massena, and United National Bank of Sidney. Mike L. Keim is president of the first three banks and chairman of Sidney. The fifth bank is Security State Bank of Stanton, where James Iowa News W. Grotenhuis is president. Owners Five southwest Iowa banks an of the first four banks are awaiting nounced last week formation of a approval of their application to pur $20 million loan pool for the pur- chase the Stanton bank. Mr. Keim said common pooling of loans among the five banks will offer any borrower a maximum $750,000 individual loan. The program was made public on August 25 and near ly 50 inquiries were received in the first week, Mr. Keim stated. He added that it is hoped the loan pro gram will help stabilize declining farm land values in southwestern Iowa. others apparently do—that the Land Bank will finally work its way out of the current mess, but at the long term expense of the banks. With the help of government money, or gov ernment-sponsored funds, a several billion dollar infusion will eventually restore the Federal Land Banks. “That may take eight to 10 years,” one banker noted, “but when they come back after this period, look out. They offer the threat of being the biggest ag lender in the nation and they want all the business; th a t’s why they keep tying in their PC As with the Land Bank loans.” ASK DICK RETZ to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1-800-332-5991 M erchants N ational B ank M e m b e r F.D.I.C. A 151 A BANKS OF IOW A BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ANITA: Donald R. Runger, chair man of the board of the Anita State Bank, announced August 26 the sale of Anita Bancorporation, owner of the Anita State Bank, to a group of southwest Iowa investors. Darryl D. Smith, Atlantic is president of the purchasing group. Mr. Smith says the new owners plan no immediate changes and will work at keeping the Anita State Bank a very positive force in trying to bolster the area’s economy. The sale is subject to Fed eral Reserve approval. CEDAR RAPIDS: Robert J. Louvar has been promoted from assis tant vice president to vice president in the correspondent bank division of Merchants National Bank. David G. McQuown has joined the bank as vice president in the correspondent division. He formerly served as pres ident and CEO at Panora State Bank, Panora. CHEROKEE: Richard Carpenter has been elected vice president of Central Trust and Savings Bank, as well as a director. He is a director and cashier of the Ruthven State Bank, Ruthven. WATERLOO: Peoples Bankshares Ltd. was reported last week to have submitted an audited 1985 holding company statement to the Federal Reserve Board that restates the multi-bank holding company’s pre viously stated profits of 1985 down ward by $2.6 million to show now a loss for last year in excess of $ 1.1 million. The $2.6 million adjustment apparently was ordered by the state banking department to reflect in come statements at two subsidiaries —the flagship Peoples Bank & Trust Co. and the affiliated Parkersburg State Bank. The holding company also owns Kellogg-Sully Bank & Trust in Kellogg, Melbourne Sav ings Bank in Melbourne, and First State Bank in Britt. Earlier, R.K. “Rollie” Sverdahl was removed as chairman and presi dent of Peoples Bankshares, Ltd. Acting president of PBL is Steve G. Marlette, previously comptroller of the company. Several lawsuits have been filed by stockholders who claim the holding company failed to re deem their stock as promised. The We’re Security for You At Security National Bank, we’re people you can count on to handle all of your Correspondent Banking needs. So, start corresponding with us. We’re Security for you! SECURITY NATIONAL BANK IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D.I.C. Ron Kiel Correspondent Banking Officer 712-277-6736 3 Stress can play a detrimental role in the life of a banker, especially in this day and age when the future of banking is unsure. Dr. Richard Se bastian, associate professor at St. Cloud State University, gave a time ly talk on “Stress Management.” He said, “Ju st living in the 20th cen tury you encounter daily stress it’s inevitable.” 0 REPRESENTING the 1986-87 leadership of the IBoM are, from left: Second Vice Pres.— Gene LaFrance, pres., Elysian State; First Vice Pres.— Edward J. Zapp, v.p., Zapp Natl., St. Cloud; Treas.— Robert Jacobson, v.p., American Natl. Bk. & Tr., St. Paul; Pres.— Kermit A. Mahlum, pres., First Natl., St. Peters; Immed. Past Pres.—J. Stephen Schmidt, pres., North ern Bank, Anoka, and Exec. Vice Pres.— Norbert A. McCrady, Bloomington. Kermit Mahlum Elected President of IBoM By ROBERT CRONIN Associate Publisher ^ 0 0 0 0 # # ERMIT A. Mahlum, president, ■V First National Bank of St. Peters, was elected president of the Independent Bankers of Minnesota during the 1986 annual convention held at Breezy Point Resort, August 21-23. He succeeds J. Stephen Schmidt, president, Northern Bank of Anoka. Edward J. Zapp, vice president, Zapp National Bank of St. Cloud, was elected first vice president, and Gene LaFrance, president of Elysian State Bank, was named second vice president. Robert Jacobson, vice president, American National Bank & Trust, St. Paul, will continue as treasurer, and Norbert McCrady remains as executive vice president of IBoM, headquartered in Bloomington. IBAA President Chuck Doyle, president, Gulf National Bank, Texas City, Tex., was the keynote speaker during the first general session. In his presentation he told bankers that the IBAA is com mitted to resolving the agricultural problems facing America and to the elimination of the non-bank bank loophole. Mr. Doyle said, “ I t’s not fair to allow competitors into the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis banking circle without their having to play by the same rules as the rest of us.” R egarding current in te rsta te banking legislation, Mr. Doyle con ceded “The IBAA has been beaten by ‘Sears’ and ‘Citicorps,” but he emphasized, “we’re not down.” To attendees he urged, “ I encourage each of you to stand up for Main Street America and for America’s well being, for you people are the backbone of the IBAA.” Dr. Sebastian went on to say, “The old philosophy of ‘w hat’s good for the organization is good for us’ is now ‘what’s good for us is good for the organization.’” It is apparent that bankers must manage their stress. Dr. Sebastian explained three steps to accomplish this im portant management technique. 1. You must have controlled individual responsibility. 2. Balance in your life is needed; variety is the spice of life. 3. Wellness is important, including relaxation, exercise and proper diet. United States Senator Dave Durenberger (MN) was the featured speaker at the second day’s general business session. Senator Durenburger said, “Because of deregulation, there has been incredible impact on rural America and the banking in dustry.” He added, “Rural America is suffering because the things that were once taken for granted, like police and fire protection, Eire now being jeopardized.” He concluded his speech with the comment, “We can’t solve the problems in banking by recycling old debt into longer terms and lower interest rates. . . . we ju st can’t save everybody for ever.” Many interesting speakers were included in the general business ses sions. Richard Filippone, vice presi dent, Midway National Bank in St. Paul, gave his views on the economic outlook. He predicted the Dow Jones Average to be at or near 4000 by 1988 and money market interest rates to be at 4%. IBAA Pres. Chuck Doyle, pres., Gulf Natl., Texas City, Tex., told bankers “If you’re committed to your goals, you will be suc cessful.” There were many activities planned for bankers and spouses. A special workshop, “What Do You See As Your Role In The Communi ty?” hosted by Sue Carlson of Amer ican National Bank & Trust of St. Paul, was featured. There was boat ing, swimming and a men’s and women’s golf tourney during the convention. The annual dinner/ dance featured the music of the Jules Herman Orchestra. □ 4 LEFT—Visiting during the opening night social hour were, from left: Mary Ellen and Chuck Doyle, IBAA pres, and pres., Gulf Natl., Texas City, Tex., with Norbert McCrady, exec, v.p., IBoM, and wife Natalie. RIGHT— Dr. Richard Sebastian, assoc, prof., St. Cloud St., talked about stress management. * Sgsffe v ' LEFT—United States Senator Dave Durenberger talked about the situation in rural America. CENTER—Sue Carlson, a.v.p., American Natl. Bk. & Tr., St. Paul, hosted a workshop for spouses. RIGHT— Richard Filippone, v.p., Midway Natl., St. Paul, presented his views on the economy. How ADT became the largest processor of independent banks in the area It started 20 years ago. That’s when our parent. Amer ican National Bank of St. Paul, pioneered data processing services to com m unity banks throughout the 9th Federal Reserve District. And ADT h a s n ’t s to p p e d growing since. B a n k e rs seem to like o u r approach to data processing. They appreciate the fact that Largest processor of independent banks in the 9th Federal Reserve District Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis becoming an ADT client requires no heavy up-front investment. And that we always keep them current with new banking technology and regulations. They enjoy reliable reporting and the prompt, personal attention of their own ADT customer service representative. Each month, they get to tell us what we’re doing right or how we A M E R IC A N m i,„ . , I can make improvements. And in the end, they know that their total data processing costs with ADT are lower than other DP alternatives. ADT has b een su c c e ssfu l because we help our clients become successful. To see what we can do for you, call Dick Aird at 800/2373762 Extension 112. Or contact one of our data centers listed below. , PJ-/VJ-/V-------------- A D T M inot • Jerry Lee • 701/852-1274 ■ -T IL A D T Fargo • D oug M arquart • 701/237/5164 *E C H N D L D G Y A D T Sioux Falls • R ich M iller • 605/336-8704 w ATTENTION IOWA BANKERS Directors and Officers Limited Liability Insurance is now available coverage up to $100,000 Call or Write THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY 435 K a n sa s A ve n u e P.O. B ox 1654 T o p e ka , K a n sa s 66601 1- 913 - 234-2631 Serving bankers for more than 75 years Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-1-86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SPRENGER, JENNINGS AND DOLL Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings Outside Missouri call 1-800-821-2180 In Missouri call 1-800-892-7100 Federal Reserve System, which has responsibility for supervising activi ties of bank holding companies, is conducting an investigation. Nebraska News The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion is sponsoring a seminar entitled “Planning for Profits,” to be held Sept. 23-24 at the Kearney Holiday Inn. Registration/continental break fast on the 23rd is at 8:30 a.m. From 9:00 to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 there will be presentations, followed by a reception at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30. On the 24th there will be breakfast at 8:30 and programs from 9:00 to noon. Advance registration is $125 and includes materials and meals. Fee for the reception/dinner is $25. After Sept. 16 the fee is $15 addi tional. Contact the NBA to register. NEBRASKA CITY: Steve Darling has recently joined the staff at Otoe County National Bank Trust Co. as vice president. He was formerly the vice president and cashier with the First National Bank, Wisner. SEWARD: At The Cattle National Bank, Donald L. Bauer has been elected vice president, agricultural loans. Minnesota News MILTON A: The Federal Reserve Board has approved the acquisition of Miltona State Bank, by Tysan Corporation, which also owns State Bank of Long Lake. Jon Schmid will continue as president of Miltona State Bank. Rodger Bense, presi dent of the Long Lake bank, will assume chairmanship of the Miltona bank. MINNEAPOLIS: Robert D. Gor don has been named executive vice president and managing director of corporate relationship banking in First Bank System’s metropolitan Digitized for division. FRASER He was previously execu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Doug Doll »'££* Commerce Bank o f Kansas City Mpmher FDIC • tive vice president and manager of Late registration is $25 additional. the corporate development and stra For more information contact Bar bara Blough at Independent Com tegic planning department. munity Banks in Illinois at (217) MORA: Robert L. Nikodym, execu 753-4331. tive vice president of People’s Na tional Bank of Mora, has retired. He ARLINGTON HEIGHTS: Bobbye was in banking for 45 years and at DuPree DePaul has joined The Bank the Mora bank since 1969. He & Trust Company of Arlington served as secretary-treasurer, vice Heights as vice president/marketing president, and president of the 6th director. Previously she was associ district of the Minnesota Bankers ate m arketing manager/product Association. In addition, William F. manager at Citicorp Diner’s Club. King has joined the bank as vice CHICAGO: The board of directors president in lending. He previously of West Bancorp, Inc., holding com served at Stearns County National pany for the Bank of Westmont, has Bank of Albany. unanimously voted to enter into a letter of intent with Lane Financial, ST. PAUL: F. William Johnson has Inc., to acquire the bank. Terms of been elected to the board of Capital the agreement were not disclosed Bank, and was named president and and the acquisition is subject to CEO. He was previously vice presi shareholder and regulatory appro dent and head of corporate banking val. for Midwest Federal, a Twin Cities ROCK ISLAND: At the Rock Is s&l. land Bank, Charles W. Calhoun has been named senior vice president in charge of lending. He joined the Illinois News bank last August. J. Bryant GoodThe Independent Community all, tru st officer, has been promoted Banks in Illinois 12th annual con from assistant vice president to vice vention, “Growing Strong,” will be president. Sept. 27-30 at the Prairie Capital Convention Center in Springfield. South Dakota News On the 27th there will be a golf tour “ IRA ’86 New Horizons” will be ney, reception, dinner, and show fea turing Red Skelton. The 28th will presented by the SDBA on Sept. 23 feature concurrent sessions and a at Holiday Inn City Centre, Sioux candlelight reception at the Old Falls, and Sept. 24 at Holiday Haus, State Capitol. On the 29th there will Pierre. The presentation will be by be education sessions, the annual Collin Fritz and Associates. The business meeting, concurrent ses schedule is registration—8:00-9:00, sions, and an Oktoberfest Party. seminar—9:00-12:00, lunch—12:00The 30th will feature educational 1:00, seminar—1:00-4:30. Early re sessions and a recognition luncheon. gistration, which includes lunch and Before Sept. 12, registration is $160 materials, is $95. On-site registra for members, $120 for spouses, and tion will be $105. Contact the SDBA $50 additional for non-members. to register. B Magnum Vault Doors Ship from stock - Two on display in our showroom The industry’s highest quality and the industry’s lowest cost Bankers Security—Safe and Vault 9906 A E. 53rd St. Raytown, MO 64133 816-358-0883 _________________ BANK LOAN MANAGEMENT, INC. CONSULTANT TO BANKERS 7 73 S P R U C E STR EET, P.O. BOX 159, O C H E Y E D A N , IO W A 51354 PHONE 712/758-3660 • Loan Review and Credit Administration • Profit Planning FINANCIAL CAREERS CEO for western Nebraska bank. Located near recrea tional a r e a ...................................................Salary to $45,000 SENIOR LENDER for $60 million Illinois bank. Requires ag and commercial lending experience . . . . Salary to $45,000 TRUST OFFICER with employee benefit experience. JD preferred but not required........................ Salary to $40,000 BANK AUDITOR for major eastern Iowa b a n k .................... ..................................................................... Salary to $28,000 POSITIONS AVAILABLE JUNIOR AG CREDIT position. Ag/flnance or ag/economics background with 1-2 years on job experience, some com puter skills and financial analysis training. Send resume to Norwest Bank Grafton, N.A., P.O. Box 580, Grafton, ND 58237, Attn: Ray Charlton, Pres. (PA) aqri careers,inc. AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS $10MM bank near Sioux Falls, SD wanting to expand resi dential Real Estate Department through the use of secon dary markets, needs experienced REAL ESTATE LENDER. Send resume to File No. WGR c/o Northwestern Banker. _______________________________________________ (PA) CREDIT ANALYST— Immediate opening in $170MM east ern Iowa bank. Candidate will need strong background in accounting and financing. Work will involve heavy use of an IBM-PC. Prior credit analysis, bank examining, and or loan review services are preferred. Send resume and salary requirements to File No. WGS c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) LENDER with Ag and Installment background for commu nity bank near Des Moines........................ Salary high $20s. Freeland Financial Service Jean 712/779-3567 Massena, la. 50853 Sandi 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 Confidential. Employer paid fees 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. Please contact Malcolm Freeland concerning these posi tions or for other banking opportunities. RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. WANT ADS— Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per Insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 1535 Linden Suita 201, Das Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515-244-8163 D ecorah, Iow a 52101 Farm E q u ip m e n t S p e c ia lis t A p p ra is a ls & A u c tio n s C all Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST POSITIONS AVAILABLE R egency POSITIONS WANTED RECRUITERS, INC. EXPERIENCED community bank CEO seeks challenging position. Experienced in all phases of banking and man agerial decisions; 14 years in banking. Currently have re stored problem bank to acceptable and salable. Excellent references. File WGQ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) #2 PERSON with operations & lending background for Eastern Iowa b a n k .....................................Salary to $32,000 SENIOR LENDER for major Metro bank. Must have experi ence in larger bank ...................................Salary to $50,000. $12M eastern Iowa bank near Iowa City has an opening for individual with experience in LOANS AND OPERATIONS. Send resume and salary requirements to File No. WGI c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) $55MM bank in Western Nebr. needs experienced CON SUMER LOAN OFFICER to head department. Desire min. of 3 + yrs. consumer lending exp.; a working knowledge of floor plans, student loans and compliance desirable. Salary open based upon experience & background. Send resume to First National Bank Ogallaia, Box 179, Ogallala, NE, 69153.______________________________________ (PA) REAL ESTATE LENDER with at least 5 years experience in sales, pricing and production. Knowledge of residential and commercial products. Will manage Secondary Market Activity ............................................................... Salary Open Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-3860 PRESIDENT Fill a vital role with a top MN bank offering excitement & challenge. Desire 8 + yrs ag lending exp, proven mgmt & ability to get actively involved in the community. This is your chance to be the #1 person and call the shots! To$40K. Job #NW8969. MGR CONSUMER & REAL ESTATE Looking for potential? 90M Wl bank desires individual with finance co, consumer lending and real estate bkgd to go places. To$30K. Job#NW8970. Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 SENIOR LOAN OFFICER, VICE PRESIDENT for progressive bank, college town . $48,000 - $52,000 MARKETING DIRECTOR for a $400mm + bank .. ........................................................$29,000 - $33,000 AG LOAN OFFICER Don’t miss your chance! MN bank needs degreed ag loan officer with 3 + yrs exp, strong FHA and cash flow knowl edge needed now! To $35K. Job #NW8971. EXECUTIVE V.P., $70mm bank, 10,000 approx, pop................................................................. $50,000 -$60,000 OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR AND TR A IN E R ........ ........................................................$22,000 - $29,000 CANDIDATES AVAILABLE #2 MAN Sm town rural bk w/7 + yrs community bkg in clean bk. $28K. SR VP Hvy exposure to metro area lending handling com’l, ag & consumer. $35K. CEO Aggressive leader w/sr executive exp in both $100m + & Irg bank environ. $80K. CONSUMER LENDER 2 yrs hvy consumer loans. Floorplanning & new bus. dev. $21K. COMM’L LENDER Excel new bus. Proven pro In strong bk/$18m port. $28K. AG LENDER Good technician enjoys community involvement & leader ship role. Family oriented, very skilled. $26K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS io n to o on 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 ® (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER, college town . . . ........................................................$24,000 - $29,000 CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, metro ................ .....................................................$90,000-$110,000 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW ROBERT HALF 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID LOAN REVIEW OFFICER............................ $25,000 -$40,000 WORK-OUT LOAN SPECIALIST . $25,000 - $40,000 «2 POSITION, COMMERCIAL LENDER, $50mm b a n k .......................... $28,000 - $35,000 VICE PRESIDENT, AG LENDER, 10,000 approx, pop................................................................. $35,000 -$40,000 POSITIONS AVAILABLE CASHIER - $25MM Ag Bank. Requires background with inhouse minicomputers and some knowledge of Agri Loans. $30K PRESIDENT - Agri Bank with problem loans. Should have AG AND INSTALLMENT LENDER, $40mm bank, administrative experience and solid Agri Loan skills. $40K 4,000 pop....................................................... $25,000 -$32,000 OPERATIONS - manage department of 35 for large urban COMMERCIAL AVP, $5mm portfolio, ideal loca bank. Experience with deposit accounting and account tion ................................................. $25,000 - $35,000 services required. $38K PRESIDENT, $5mm, 6,000 approx, pop.................... AGRI LOAN - community bank with large Ag portfolio. ........................................................$45,000 - $55,000 Seven yrs. or more Ag Lending experience needed. $35K OPERATIONS OFFICER, $400mm .............. OPEN COMMERCIAL LOAN - large suburban bank with $100MM DON W. SCHOOLER loan portfolio. Degree and minimum 3 yrs. comml lending 2508 East Meadow experience with six figure credits. $32K Springfield, Missouri 65804 Additional positions available in Midwestern states. (417)882-2265 TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES DON <ficHO O LER In ANDASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 "Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 15 No. 20 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Digitized for St.,FRASER #201, Dee Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis