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Vol. 13 No. 25 Des Moines, Iowa October 8,1984 Government Actions Affect Banking APPEARED late last week that IbeTnoreached compromise agreement would between the House and own moratorium on non-bank bank charter issuance until after the Con gress adjourned this fall, would Senate on any kind of bare bones begin processing those applications banking bill or a temporary mora on hand. It was not known whether torium that would prevent charter the Comptroller would adopt an ag ing of non-bank banks until the next gressive stance that would speed Congress takes up the matter. through the pending applications or, Sen. Jake Gam (R., Utah) chair if in view of the announced Congres man of the Senate Banking Commit sional intent to pursue action in Jan tee issued on October 3 a “ we’ll be uary, he would stall further with the back in the next session” statement, “ processing” procedure. affirming his commitment to push Farm Program Discussion ing for expanded powers for banks On another front involving the na and a closing of the non-bank loop tion’s banks, Under Secretary of holes. As reported here last week, Agriculture Frank Naylor was in Rep. Fernand St. Germain, chair Des Moines October 2 to participate man of the House Banking and Fi in a statewide teleconference con nance Committee, had given up a ducted by the Iowa Bankers Asso week earlier in even seeking a com ciation for nearly 1,000 persons rep promise of some kind between his resenting the Iowa banks, PCAs, bill to close the loopholes and the Federal Land Bank offices and Senate’s bill to do the same but also FmHA districts. Mr. Naylor re with expanded powers. Rep. St. Ger viewed in detail the farm assistance main’s sudden decision killed the program put together by Secretary legislation. of Agriculture John Block, Mr. Nay Both Congressmen put the Comp lor and their staff and announced troller of the Currency and non-bank September 17 by President Reagan. charter applicants on notice that That program has four main when they do get around to the offi points, as outlined in the September cial legislation, they will impose a re 24 Weekly Newsletter. troactive provision that will make 1. FmHA will agree to “ put on the void any charters issued after shelf” 25% (or up to $100,000) of a mid-1983. farm operator’s FmHA direct loan It was reported in Washington for a period of up to five years at no that the Comptroller’s office, which interest. earlier in the year had imposed its 2. A loan guaranty pool of up to $650 million will be provided by FmHA for banks and other private lenders—provided the lender agrees to write-off 10% or more of the dis tressed borrower’s note owed the in stitution, provided the reduced balance will cash flow. 3. Formation of county commit tees to assist lenders and farmers in debt restructuring plans for affected farmers, with the aim of returning the operators to profitability. 4. FmHA would be authorized to contract with lenders to handle and process necessary paperwork, utiliz ing its Approved Lender Program. The one-day teleconference pro vided an array of talented ag speak ers from banking, the private sector, government and the ag colleges. About two-thirds or more of the 1,000 attendees at the 14 sites were from Iowa banks. The rest were from the PCA, Land Bank and FmHA offices. The conference was closd to the press, thus affording a frank exchange of views between banks and their competitors. □ Iowa N e w s The Iowa Bankers Association Consumer Lending/Retail Banking Conference has been set for October 24-25 at the Hotel Savery in Des Moines. The two-day conference agenda includes roundtable discus sion, general sessions and concur rent workshops. Wednesday’s speakers include Dennis McCuistion of McCuistion & RISMILLER, WEAVER AND YAKE Getting it done for you. David Rismiller ^ Chairman ■ Warren Weaver President Ernie Yake Senior Vice Preside President CxmimerceBankrfKansascity M mm ^ ■ __ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ 'S NA M EM BER FDIC T plpnh nn p (816) 234-2000 9 ^ .9 n n n Telephone V We're Security for You A t Security National Bank, w e’re people you can count on to handle all o f your Correspondent Banking needs. So, start corresponding with us. W e’re Security for you! SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Iowa National Bank as vice president. Currently at the Fredericks burg office, he will eventually be re Dennis Nahnsen sponsible for operations of the new V ice President an d M anager SECURITY NATIONAL BANK C orrespondent B anking S ervices IN SIOUX CITY. IOWA. M EM BER F.D .I.C. Sumner facility. Mr. Martin joins 712-277-6768 the bank with eight years of financial experience at Production Credit The October meeting of the North Association and experience in farm Associates, a 20-year veteran of banking as president of the Ameri west Iowa Group of the National As operations and insurance. can Bank in Irving, Texas, and vice sociation of Bank Women will be chairman of Commercial National held Wednesday, October 10, at 5:00 N ebraska N e w s Bank in Dallas. Luncheon speaker is p.m. at Heibers in Battle Creek. The program will be presented by COLUMBUS: Lloyd Lunder has Jack Jackson, chairman of Jack Jackson and Associates. Three con Margaret Lindquist, vice president been named president of the Platte current workshops will be offered in and investm ent officer, M ont Valley National Bank. Formerly the afternoon including: “ Credit gomery County National Bank, Red vice president of the Dundas State Analysis: A Sales Tool,” “ Servicing Oak, and state council chairman. Bank in Dundas, Minn., Mr. Lunder the Customers of the 80s” and The meeting will be hosted by Phoebe started in the banking business in “ Telemarketing for Retail Banking Treiber of Farmers State Bank in. 1963. He succeeds former bank pres Danbury and Jean Hartman, First ident Timothy Rowan. and Commercial Lending.” A session on financial counseling Trust and Savings Bank, Anthon. IMPERIAL: Doug King has been will lead off the Thursday morning named president of Chase County session followed by a compliance up COLFAX: John Goodenow has been Bank & Trust Co. in Imperial. He re date by Kathy Giles, IBA compli elected president and Jerry Piper ex places John Adams, who recently re ance coordinator, and a talk by Wes ecutive vice president and chief op signed to maintain and resume other Ehrecke, IBA government relations/ erations officer of First National business interests. Mr. King has agriculture director, on “ The Banker Bank. Dean Schantz, formerly the been affiliated with the bank since bank’s president, has resigned to April, 1983, and prior to that time as Lobbyist.” pursue other interests. Mr. Goode was with Ravenna Bank in Ravenna. now, currently a director of the bank, formerly was with the FDIC and is also serving at the present Minnesota New s time as chief executive officer of sev The Minnesota Bankers Associa eral Iowa banks. Mr. Piper moved to tion announced last month the elec Colfax from Grand Island, Nebr., where he was a vice president of the tion of Larry L. Gilb, president, First Bank Duluth, to represent Omaha National Bank. MBA District 8 on the M BA board DUBUQUE: Donald A. Kimmel has of directors. Mr. Gilb was recom been elected executive vice presi mended by District 8 officers to dent in commercial lending at Amer serve the remainder of the term left ican Trust & Savings Bank. Mr. available by the retirement August Kimmel previously was executive 31, of Dennis Dunne, from Norwest vice president and cashier at United Bank Duluth, who was elected to Central Bank & Trust Co., Mason serve a three year term on the board City. in June, 1982. ^ £ • ^ • ® ASK L Y N N W H IT E M A N to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 M e rch a n ts A National B a n k 151 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FORT DODGE: J.P. Mansfield III BLOOMINGTON: American State has been named president and chief Bank of Bloomington has announced executive officer of United Central the election of Robert J. Facente Jr. Bank here. Mr. Mansfield, who also as executive vice president. He joined serves as a director, joined the bank the bank in 1976 as vice president. in April of this year. He succeeds Jim Hughes, who resigned. Prior to DORSET: Farmers State Bank of joining United Central Bank, Mr. Dorset officially changed its name Mansfield was with First Bank Min October 1 to Northwoods Bank of neapolis, Minn., and has been affili Minnesota, with offices in Dorset, ated with First Bank System for 12 Park Rapids and Nevis. In his an nouncement, Mark Hewitt, presi years. dent, stated that only the bank’s FREDERICKSBURG: Mel Martin name would change. There will be no has joined the staff of Northeast change in ownership. • q 9 Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 10-8-84 FIN A LLY . . . Asset/Liability Management made simple! Do you want an Asset/Liability Management Program developed by bankers that is simple to use and understand, yet provides the necessary data to manage your interest sensitive assets and interest sensitive liabilities effectively? We have developed a micro-computer program that w ill do that, as well as budgeting, repricing and more! Our program is simple because it deals with very few reports and very lim ited data en try time, making the process less com plicated than other programs. And it allows you to reprice assets and liabilities within the program to eliminate the “ what ifs ” from your decision making process. So if you’re looking for Asset/Liability Management Program that does all of the above while keeping the process simple, give us a call. INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY BANK NETWORK, INC. □ YES. I want to find out how easy Asset/Liability Management can be. Please send me information on how I can get set up on ICBN’s Asset/Liability Manage ment program. N A M E_______________________________________________TITLE_______ INSTITUTION ___________________ _________________________ ________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________ C IT Y ______________________________________STATE_____________ ZIP Mail to: INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY BANK NETWORK, INC. Corporate Offices: P.O. Box 1126 Norfolk, Nebraska 68701 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Phone: 800-228-3014 In Nebraska (402) 371-3407 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 10-8-84 Attention - All Iowa and Nebraska Bankers IOWA - NEBRASKA BANKERS IRA - QUALIFIED PLANS by COLLIN W. FRITZ & ASSOCIATES IRA AGENDA QUALIFIED PLAN AGENDA (Essentials) The IRA seminar’s purpose is to furnish a compre hensive explanation of IRA rules, regulations, admin istrative requirements & procedures & marketing is sues. The seminar is directed towards financial insti tution pesonnel who work with IRAs. The changes mandated by the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (TRA-84) & the Retirement Equity Act of 1984 (REA-84) will be thoroughly discussed and illustrated. These topics will be covered in detail. (Formerly HR-10 KEOGH) The purpose of the qualified plan seminar is to pro vide the BASICS of qualified plans in an easy to un derstand manner. After this seminar an individual should have the information needed to advise wheth er and in what manner a financial institution should seek pension deposits by offering pension services. HELP! Business customers are and will be looking for someone to help them with their pension needs. Every pension plan in the United States must be up dated to comply with these major law changes: (1) The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA): (2) The tax Reform Act of 1984; and (3) The Retirement Equity Act of 1984. All three laws make significant changes in qualified plans. Fees: Dates and Locations: October 24, 1984 November 5, 1984 November 7, 1984 November 19, 1984 November 20, 1984 November 27, 1984 November 29, 1984 Conway Civic Center Holiday Inn 72nd St. Harbor House Holiday Inn I-80 Holiday Inn Savery Hotel Highlander Waterloo, IA Omaha, NE Storm Lake, IA North Platte, NE Grand Island, NE Des Moines, IA Iowa City, IA $85 for first registrant $75 for each additional registrant Seminar Schedule: Registration - 8:15 Seminar Begins - 9:00 Morning Break - 10:30-10:45 Lunch - 12:00-1:15 Conclusion - 4:00 REGISTRATION FORM Site_________ _________________________________________________ Name of Bank__________________________________________________ City _____________________ State ____________ Zip _______ Phone ________________________________________________________ NAME AMOUNT _____________________________________________________________________ $_____________ _____________________________________________________________________ $_____________ _____________________________________________________________________ $_____________ _____________________________________________________________________ $________ _____ Total Enclosed $ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M AIL TO: Collin W. Fritz & Associates 3211 Wakonda Court Des Moines, IA 50321 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Call o n the “ E x p e rie n ce d P ro fe s sio n a ls ” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. m aTeS^uncoin, ne 68501 A FirsTier Company • # MINNEAPOLIS: Catherine Whit S ou th Dakota N e w s aker Van Velzen has joined First ABERDEEN: Richard Klein has Bank System, Inc. as vice president been elected vice president and man and manager of human resources for ager of the installment loan depart the financial services division. She ment at First Bank Aberdeen. Mr. most recently served as an area mar Klein joined First Bank System in keting manager for Burger King Aberdeen in 1958 while attending Corporation. school. He has also served at First ST. PAUL: Arthur J. Smith has Bank affiliates in Austin and Vir joined First Bank St. Paul as vice ginia, Minn., and Bismarck, North president of capital markets and Dakota. treasury. Prior to this position, Mr. SIOUX FALLS: The consolidation Smith served as assistant treasurer of South Dakota’s four Norwest for the Dayton Hudson Corporation. banks into a single national banking ST. PAUL: American National association became official October Bank has announced that James A. 1. The consolidation involved Nor Russell, vice president, has been ap west affiliates in Aberdeen, Black pointed the manager of the corres Hills, Sioux Falls and Watertown pondent banking department. He and their branches. C.P. (Buck) joined the bank earlier this year Moore is chairman and chief execu with over 20 years of correspondent tive officer of the consolidated bank and will also continue to serve as banking experience. president of Norwest Corporation’s ST. PAUL: Michael T. Zenk has joined Metrobank St. Paul as vice region VI. # president. For the past six years, Mr. Zenk was an officer of Riverside Community State Bank. Metrobank St. Paul is part of the Metropolitan Bank Group. a 0 Illinois N e w s # # # a ^ CHICAGO: Michael C. Keeling was recently elected senior vice presi dent, operations, and Carl A. Jan sen, vice president, commercial lend ing, announced Richard T. Schroeder, president and CEO. Prior to joining the bank in 1981, Mr. Keel ing was a vice president with Ameri can National Bank, Chicago. Mr. Jansen, who joined the bank in 1982, will have primary responsibility for the bank’s real estate division. W is c o n s in N e w s HAMMOND: Dale Crowley has been elected executive vice presi dent of Hammond State Bank. Mr. Crowley previously served at banks in Wilmont and Fulda, Minn. In making the announcement, John Huss, chairman of Hammond State Bank, announced that Mr. Crowley will eventually be elected president, succeeding Bob Burke, who plans to retire in a few months. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Member, F.D.I.C. to be announced. On the 15th, the morning session will consist of two presentations on “ Collections and Repossessions.” The first, by Keith C. Magnusson, associate director/staff counsel, NDBA, will be on the legal aspects. The second talk, by Richard L. Ray mond, senior vice president, First Bank, Sioux Falls, and Dave M cAdoo, American State Bank & Trust Co., Williston, will be on how to do it. Following a break at 10:00, Kathy Fischer will conclude the morning with a talk on “ Creative Stress Management.” Ms. Fischer is a human resources consultant from Des Moines. For more information contact the NDBA office in Bismarck. DICKINSON: Dennis White, execu tive vice president, has been pro moted to the additional post of chief executive officer of Liberty National Bank and Trust Co. and Richard Kingsley has been hired as a vice president. Mr. White has been with N orth Dakota N e w s the bank the past five years. Mr. The North Dakota Bankers Asso Kingsley previously was a bank ex ciation Consumer Credit Confer aminer with the FDIC and has had ence—“ L en din g—Setting New other banking experience. Trends” —will be held November 1415 at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. Regis FARGO: Gary Gibson, previously tration will run from 11:00 a.m. to vice president, cashier and chief op 1:30 p.m. on the 14th. The confer erations officer of First Bank ence will open at 1:00 with a talk on Helena, Mont., has been promoted “ Variable Rate Lending” by Steven to senior vice president at First Hite, vice president, Huntington Bank Fargo, effective October 15. National Bank, Columbus, Ohio. He will also assume other additional Following a short break, there will responsibilities to the Southern be small group discussions with top North Dakota region. Prior to join ics to be announced. The last presen ing the Helena bank, he had ten tation of the afternoon will be on years experience at First Security “ Lending to Executives,” speaker Bank in Bozeman. Strategy Your opponents in the financial field are getting more competitive every day. To stay ahead in the game requires a strategic plan that includes strong correspondent banking services and teamwork. American Trust has built a professional lineup and an impressive string of services. Call Bernie Miller today for the rundown. 319/582-1841. Americanlftrust & Savings Danl^ The Banl^qf O pportunity Town Clock Plaza Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Member FDIC and FRS ASSISTAN T VICE PRESIDENT LOAN DEPARTM ENT Positions Available Excellent career opportunity. Requires Bachelor’s Degree and a minimum of two to three years' lend ing experience. The individual will work in both ag and commercial loan departments. Salary com mensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. Contact: Steven L. Afdahl, President, Hawkeys Bank and Trust, P.O. Box 4068, Spencer, Iowa 51301. Member Hawkeys Bancorporation. Phone 712/262-1940. (PA) TR U ST DEPARTM ENT HEAD Well established Central Wyoming bank seeks ex perienced individual with successful track record to head its new trust department. Excellent growth potential and benefits for the right indivi dual. Salary commensurate with experience and abilities. Send resume and salary history to: CO N S U LTA N T ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 8776 Newport Beach, CA 92658 (PA) POSITION AVAILABLE SR. V.P.— #2 position In mid-size major hold. co. bank in central IA. Requires 10-15 yrs. bank exper. with pro EVP for $30 million bank in Northwest Io w a ......................... ven credit skills in ag and commercial lending, strong ....................................................................... Salary to $40,000 administrative exper. and ability to take over #1 spot NUMBER TW O person for major bank in Northern Iowa . . . In near future. To $50K ................................................................................. Salary open V.P.— (Soon to be #2) in $60mm independent E. IA CEO for eastern South Dakota community ba nk................. bank. Take charge of $25mm loan port, (primarily ag ....................................................................... Salary to $35,000 loans; very good shape). Requires min. of 7 yrs. bank NUMBER TW O person for major southern Iowa bank. Re ag lending exper., strong in analysis and cash flows; a quires strong commercial lending experience and college conservative lender. Stock ownership available. degree............................................................Salary to $60,000 To$60K NUMBER TW O person for $60 million central Iowa bank. V.P.— Head and develop small ag dept, in $40mm E. Must be ag-oriented with good commercialjexperience . . . IA. bank near metro area. 10 yrs. ag bank exper. re quired. To $50K .......................................................................... Salary $40,000 + CEO for small community bank in north central Io w a ........ AG LOAN O F F — In mid-size major hold. co. bank in central IA. 5-10 yrs. bank exper. To $40K .......................................................................... Salary low $30’s V.P.— To manage $25mm ag bank. Requires min. of 5 yrs. bank exper., strong in ag lending, some opera tions exper. and supervisory skills. Central IA. To $45K SR. AG LENDER for major Illinois bank. Must be ex perienced in working with large ag business customers and larger ag credits..................................Salary to $49,000 Your inquiries and resumes are completely confiden tial. Fees paid by employers. Call or write: NUMBER TW O for major Iowa bank. Must have proven commercial loan record...................................... Salary open. Jean 515/263-9598 (T/W/F) 712/779-3567 (M/TH) Massena, Iowa 50853 Linda 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 aqricjRttis, i n c . ■ J AG BANKING SPECIALISTS INSURANCE M ANAGER— Immediate opening for experi enced insurance agent. Base salary plus commission. Re plies confidential. Send resume to: Frank Osowskl, EVP, National Bank of Canby, Box 70, Canby, MN 56220. (PA) SR. LOAN OFFICER/ADMINISTRATOR— $22 million bank, southeast Wyoming. Salary negotiable with ability. Past experience as strong collector and administrator required. Operations, personnel desirable. Contact file WCD, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT— The Individual will supervise all loan departments. Requires Bachelor’s degree plus minimum five years’ lending experience. Salary commen surate with experience plus excellent benefits. Excellent career opportunity. Contact: Steve Afdahl, President Hawkeye Bank and Trust, P.O. Box 4068, Spencer, Iowa, 51301. Member Hawkeye Bancorporation. Phone 712/262-1940. (PA) Southwest Iowa bank with $15 million in deposits is look ing for a NUMBER TW O O FFICER experienced in general bank management, ag lending, and loan documentation. Salary commensurate with ability. Phone Mike Keim, 402/397-5161. (PA) AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER Immediate opening for ambitious agricultural loan officer in progressive Iowa bank. Must have at least three years banking experience. Applicant should be knowledgeable in the areas of bank op erations, public relations, insurance, micro com puters, and banking regulations. Applicant will be working for a one bank holding company. Compe titive salary and fringe benefits. Clean community with excellent school system. All replies confiden tial. Send complete resume, references, and sal ary requirements to file WCB, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) CEO for $20 million central Iowa ba nk .............Salary open COMMERCIAL LENDER for major Illinois holding company bank. Must have experience with large credit lines............... ........................... ......................................................Salary open We have many other opportunities. Call or write Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk at Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. WANT TO BÜY W A N T TO BUY ALL COM PUTERS— IBM, Apple, etc. Con tact Omaha Computer Exchange Inc. Phone 402/333-3203. (WTB) Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins D O N ^ C H O O L E R lr A N D O j ) VJ A S S O C IA TE S "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" FOR SALE Financial Careers COMM ERCIAL LOAN O FFICER for $50 million Iowa bank . ....................................................................... Salary to $45,000 SYSTEM III WORD P R O C E S S O R -D isc drive with Adler typewriter. Make offer. Call Duane R. Pearson, vice presi dent, Davis County Savings Bank, Bloomfield, la. Phone: 515/664-2006. (FS) If you would like to be informed of positions as they become available and if you are interested in chang ing your present position, send your resume or phone Don Schooler, 417-882-2265, 2506 East Meadow, Springfield, Missouri 65604. Information on you will be kept confidential until you are inter ested in a specific position. NCR-279-100 TELLER M ACHINES— $650 each. Sharp 2500 teller machines, $550 each. Contact: O M AHA COMPUTER EXCHANGE, 11212 Davenport, Omaha, NE 66154. Phone 402/333-3203. (FS) Eighteen years of banking serving as President of rural and metropolitan banks enables me to match you, technically and personally, with the right bank ing environment. FOR LEASE Missouri, Iowa Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Illinois, and Nebraska Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 POSITIONS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Do you want to test a site? Have a temporary facil ity while you build? Contact: DROMMER LEASING 401 Queens Court Sioux City, Iowa 51107 Phone: 712/239-2315 (FL) OPERATIONS, $65mm bank, 15 min. from Metro politan a r e a ................................................... $40,000 AG LENDER, #2 man in bank of $35mm, 5,000 pop. ....................................................................... $30,000’s SECURITIES, VAULT, SAFEKEEPING . $30,000’s PRESIDENT, $35mm bank, population 6,000 ........ ............................................................. . . . t o $50,000 POSITION WANTED SENIOR BANK OFFICER, with 23 years’ experience in operations, personnel, lending and management in medi um-size bank, desires relocation. Prefer management or senior position. Excellent record with emphasis on bank earnings and quality credit. Write file WCE, c/o North western Banker. (PW) INSURANCE DEPARTM ENT POSITION— Production of commercial and personal lines of insurance. Over 20 years company and agency experience. Write file WCC, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) CO M M ER CIAL, SEN IO R V ICE PR ESID EN T, $140mm bank, 95,000 pop.................................OPEN ALL AROUND lender, $30mm bank, 12,000 popula tion ...................................................................... OPEN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, $125mm, popula tion 160,000+ + .........................................$50,000’s EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, $15mm, metropoli tan a re a ............................................................$35,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER, $65mm bank, 15,000 population ................................................... $30,000's COM M ERCIAL LENDERS (Large Texas bank) . . . . ............................................................................. OPEN POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT - $25MM rural bank in small community close to southern Missouri lake area. Superior agri-loan skills re quired.................................................................................... $40K COMMERCIAL LOAN - $50MM suburban bank located in major midwestern metro area. Assist senior loan officer with commercial portfolio................................................. $32K PRESIDENT - $30MM community bank within fifty miles of large city. Requires commercial and ag loan experience... ............................................................................................... $45K AGRI-LOAN • $25MM community bank. Need ag loan background with some exposure to instal. credits.. . . $25K PRESIDENT - $35MM community bank. Majority of port folio in commercial and consumer credits. Prefer CEO ex perience................................................................................ $46K Additional career opportunities available for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970 Vol. 13 No. 25 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis