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Vol. 17 No. 29 Des Moines, Iowa October 31,1988 Farewell, Thanks to Readers, Others 9 ^ ™ 0 ^ ^ Dear Readers: As we announced earlier (September 26 Weekly Newsletter and October Northwestern B anker), I have sold our company to Paul Blackburn, owner and publisher of Commercial West magazine of Minneapolis. He is combin ing the two publications under the name of N orthwestern F inancial R eview , effective with the first issue under that name on November 5. Details are in those earlier stories. This issue you are reading will be the last Weekly Newsletter we will publish and it completes to the day my 43rd year with the Northwestern B anker. A s we put this last issue to bed, it is most ap propriate to say “Thank You” to three groups of people—you, our loyal readers, for whom all of our more than 2,000 issues were created; our loyal, dedicated staff, and two special suppliers who contributed greatly to the high quality look of our publications. When I started work here in 1945, I was impressed with how many times bankers would tell me their bank, or their personal banking families, had been reading our magazine almost since it started in 1894. Now, after 43 years, I continue to be impressed with the conti nuing number of bankers who tell me they are the second and third generations in their families who have been reading the magazine in their homes. It is this kind of loyal readership that has made the N orthwestern B anker successful, so we are grateful to all of you for your continued readership. In addition, you have provided us con sistently with news about your banks % t f T o g e th e r W e C an A c co m p lish G re a t T h in gs Call Jerry Trudo, MNB Corresporident Banker 319-368-4306 or Toll Free 1-800-332-5991 • | f t ■ ■■A • l which we have been happy to publish in your own state news section. This per sonalized news from your banks is the heartbeat of our total news coverage. We invite you to continue sending your news to our office as you have been do ing, since our Des Moines editorial office will continue active here. “No man is an island“ is a book and movie title that is proved daily in the business world and ours is no exception. Throughout the years we have been blessed with outstanding talented peo ple carrying out our editorial, advertis ing and staff duties. Those with us at the tim e of this sale and merger include Robert Cronin, my associate publisher and principal salesman for the past three and one-half years; Diane Nelson, asso ciate editor the past three and one-half years; Elizabeth Evans, a more recent employee who is transferring to the Min neapolis office, and Debra Hibbert, my reliable bookkeeper and payroll ac countant for the past eight or ten years, who continues to work for us as an out side contractor. Bob Cronin, 28, will remain in the Des Moines office and will head up the sales force for the new owner. I am proud of the way Bob has developed his personal and marketing skills, and I am very ap preciative of the generous reception all of you have given him from the very start just because he was a represen tative of the N orthwestern B anker. Bob and his wife, Diane, expect their first child in late November and we wish them well in their family life, as well as continued success for Bob in his new duties. Diane Nelson, 32, will continue in this office as associate editor. Diane’s skills as an editor and creative writer reflect the high marks she received throughout her education that led to her teaching degree in English. She is our resident grammarian and we are glad to have her professional talents and happy dispo sition continue with the company. Beth Evans, 22, has been with us only three months, but long enough for us to know she is an inquisitive dynamo an xious to work hard and intelligently to show she can rise in the business world. Every office should have a happy Beth in its midst! We would also like to thank publicly two suppliers who have contributed so much behind-the-scenes to the success of our business. We are especially proud of our several years relationship with Kimberley Press, which prints all of our publications—the magazine, newsletter and annual bank directories. This com pany was started in our back room many years ago with a small duplicating press to print our Weekly Newsletter. One thing led to another and it ballooned into a full-fledged printing subsidiary. We sold it to Mike Freeland about ten years ago and he built it to an even higher level of sales. Three and one-half years ago, Mark Kimberley purchased the company, eventually moving it into the beautiful new quarters where it now operates, and has doubled the size of the firm. Mark has excellent credentials from his years of experience in the printing and graphics; but, in addition to his per sonal competence in the professional areas of his business, he has also dis played a keen sense of business manage ment and leadership for his staff. He has ■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Strength of k Eastern J A |owa r Merchants National Bank m ^ Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F D l C A BANKS OF IOWA BANK 2 mm^rnm N O R W E S T BANKS Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC Teamwork: one of the reasons we're first in Iowa. Mark Conway R eliab le and respected service for over 20 years U sed by bankers . throughout thé midwCst Richard Pedersen assembled an array of printing presses and skilled pressmen to operate them that are second to none in our city. All of his support staff people are equally com petent and dedicated in their work. This kind of esprit de corps stem s from the top and we would like to take this oppor tunity to salute our good friend, Mark Kimberley, for his accomplishment in building Kimberley Press to its accep tance as a first-class printing company for Iowa. Evidence of that accolade is seen in the high quality of printing his staff has given us consistently in each issue of the N orthwestern B anker. Further testim ony are the Awards of Excellence presented by his peers and that now adorn the company’s reception area walls. Two of Mark’s staff people deserve special mention here because they were hired by the N orthwestern B anker when our small printing effort was in its infancy. Denny Reynolds, who now pre pares the multi-page negative layouts for conversion to printing press plates, became our first printing employee in July, 1970. He was our full staff for two Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins years arid we relied greatly on him so we salute Denny now as he completes 18 years with the continuing company. The other early employee is a young man named Greg Chelleen, who started as an apprentice in May, 1978, and soon displayed a native talent for the printing business. A t Kimberley’s, he was selec ted by Mark to be the first presman to operate the new six-color press when it was installed two years ago. The fourcolor work he has produced for our readers is a work of art. We're especially proud of Greg because he was recently selected by Mark for promotion to the very responsible position of production manager for the entire plant. One other supplier deserving a special vote of thanks as we close out our business is Jim Belisle, founder, owner and president of Valley Papers, Inc. In addition to being a personal friend for many years, Jim never missed a dead line, and always had the necessary paper stock in place well ahead of press time. It’s his kind of service that has made Valley Papers one of the best known suppliers in central Iowa, amidst a bevy For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 L ocu st D es M oines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 of competitors. All of you readers have similar rela tionships with customers, staff and sup pliers on who you can rely just as surely as you know the sun will rise again. You will understand, then, and pardon us for taking time and space here to say “Thank You” to all of you readers, as well as to our staff and those behind-thescenes who have supported our endea vors. My very best to each of you. Ben Haller, Jr. Publisher ® £ Iowa News DES MOINES: David E. Pike has been named vice president and £ manager of the W est Des Moines locations for First Interstate Bank of Des Moines. He will oversee business development, retail sales and lending for each location. Before f joining First Interstate, Mr. Pike spent 13 years with Hawkeye Bancorporation, and m ost recently was bank manager for First Financial Savings Bank, where he managed of- £ fices in W est Des Moines. There jls A Difference In Banks... Valley National Bank ¡3 M ain O ffice - Sixth and W aln u t D E S M O IN E S , IO W A 5 0 3 0 4 A B A N K S O F IO W A B A NK M em b e r F D IC JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President Nebraska News KEARNEY: The P latte Valley • State Bank and Trust Co. of As part of the B IC S 10-Point Service and Support System , you get your very own executive account manager. One of these is Darrell Elkins. His job is to make sure BICS gives your bank state-of-the-art data processing.. .and more. One way Darrell does this is through his on-going service visits (point #3). At least once a month, he visits your bank to lend a hand and ensure that you’re getting the maximum return on your BICS investment. To find out how the BIC S 10-Point Service a nd Support System can give you 100% support, 100% of the time, call 1-800421-0059 or 1-800-332-5242 (in Iowa). 100% SUPPORT. 100% OF THE TIME. WTHE J W a re s B A N K IN G SYSTEM B A /V i 4333 Edgewood Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 1847 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 319/395-6600 W YSTi A Banks o f Iowa subsidiary Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OVER 60% OFM l BANKSIN OURMARKETAREAARENOWINSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e nine states w e serve w e h ave solved th e b onding needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 16.4% of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President DONALD M. TOWLE President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL IN STITUTIO N BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIA BILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTO RS AND O FFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIM ITED INDEM NITY PO LICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m erica since 1 9 09 OVER 60% OFALL BANKSIN OURMARKETAREAARE NOWINSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e n in e states w e serve w e h av e solved th e b o n d in g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. * That's over 16 .4% of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE • IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M. TOWLE President DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL IN STITUTIO N BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIA BILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTO RS AND O FFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIM ITED INDEM NITY PO LICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m erica sin ce 1 9 0 9 ^ ® • 41 ® 9 OT-1 INSURANCE SALES—While continuing education as a non-traditional student, individual worked as an independent insurance agent. Main responsibilities were soliciting, selling and servicing multi-line insurance products parttime. Has strong desire to continue in the insurance business. Seeks opportunity in a bank agency. Prefers IA location. $17,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-2 INSURANCE MANAGER—-Aggressive individual offers five years experience in insurance sales. Currently respon sible for selling and servicing all lines of insurance. Super vises sales force. Also responsible for bookkeeping of agency. Serves on the Board of Directors and the Loan Review Committee. Described as “ Aggressive. Very clientoriented. Ethical.” Candidate is seeking a challenging op portunity in the insurance field. $20,000 plus. Call 712/779-3567. OT-5 LOAN OFFICER—Very thorough and detailed in documentation skills. Candidate can be an asset to your bank. Worked one year as a loan officer for $24M bank and is in third year with FCS as a special credits officer. Has been responsible for servicing high-risk loans hand ling collections and restructuring loans through govern ment programs. References agree, “ Very thorough, very detailed. Strong documentation and analytical abilities. $30,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-6 LENDING/MGMT.—“ Analytical abilities are good. A cash flow lender. Greatest strength is that of a loan officer,” says former co-worker. Sharp individual brings strong farming background along with six years of lending. Develops own computer programs to set up cash flows. Open on location. BS degree. $30,000-$35,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-3 ASS'T VICE PRESIDENT—Aggressive individual began his banking career five years ago as an ag loan assistant and currently works as office manager for a branch office of $125M bank. Responsibilities include management of personnel and lending, working with customer call programs, computer analysis programs and marketing. Developed many bank programs using LOTUS, VISICALC and BASIC on IBM PC and Apple computers. Seeks challenging lending position offering advancement oppor tunities. IA location. $28,000-$32,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-7 LENDING/MGMT.—Currently works as a loan officer specializing in business development and ag lending. Ag gressive individual seeks advancement. Offers five years experience in lending. Former employer says, “ Good ver bal and written communication skills. Good analytical abilities. Motivated individual that sets goals for himself.” BS degree from ISU. Open on location. $35,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-4 MARKETING/FINANCE—Sharp professional offers a diversified background which can be a definite asset to the lending field. Candidate offers skills in collections and len ding. References agree, “ A take-charge individual. Selfstarter. Excellent knowledge of credit and its administration.” Seeks opportunity to utilize his many talents. BS degree. $25,000-30,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-8 SR. CREDIT 0FFICER/CE0—Currently works as Sr. Loan Officer for 30M bank. Seeks advancement oppor tunities. Former bank president says, “ Good problemsolver. Very good technical skills. Customers are very comfortable.” Community oriented individual offers over ten years experience in lending. Open on location. BS degree. $42,000. Call 712/779-3567. 4 ?C ' Ikm Be i&wÈÊ \Ne serve as th e s o u rc e to lo c a te c a n d id a te s w h o m e e t yo u r q u a lific a tio n s a n d a re in te re s te d in y o u r b a n k , c o m m u n ity , a n d s a la ry ra n g e . W e a re a v a ila b le to a s s is t, b u t a llo w a n d e n c o u ra g e y o u r d ire c t c o n ta c t w ith o u r c a n d id a te s . You m a k e th e c h o ic e a n d d e c is io n , w ith o u t p re s su re . ft jh O u r fBG i s p a i d b v 712/779-3567 Hwy. 92 W., Box 140 Massena, IA 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the e m D lO V e r a n d i s b a s e d n n a n e r n e n t a n o n f the first year’s com pensation. A ll placem ents are guaranteed. A com plete explanation of our services, fees, and guarantees will be sent a t your request. TAMMY JENSEN 712/779-2051 Hwy. 148 & 92 West Massena, IA 50853 OT-9 INSURANCE SALES/MGMT.—Had own agency for eight years and sold all lines of Insurance in rural area. Desires opportunity to become involved with a bank agency. Strong ag background. Described as “ Easy going. Eventempered. Pleasant individual.” Very family-oriented. AA degree plus location. $30,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-10 AG LENDING—Currently involved in family farming operations. Desires to return to the banking industry. Served as AVP for a $90M bank from 1981 until 1986. References say, “ Very professional. His communication skills are a definite plus. Is excellent when it comes to credit analysis.” BS degree from ISU. Prefers IA. $30,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-11 BRANCH MGR/SR. LOAN OFFICER-After graduating in 1977, went to work for FCS as an AVP of Special Credits. In 1987 became employed with a $30M bank as an ag loan officer. Currently responsible for a $3M ag portfolio plus some commercial and consumer loans. Former employer says, “ Good close working relationship with employees. Excellent in documentation. People have noticed his abilities because he has gone up the ladder.” $35,000-$40,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-12 LOAN OFFICER—Served one year as loan officer in country bank. Previous experience working as plant manager/salesman for FS. Excellent references! Best described as a mature, seasoned employee with lots of potential. AA degree. IA, MN location preferred. $22,000 plus. Call 712/779-3567. OT-13 AG LENDING—After seven years with FCS, individual has strong desire to get into the banking environment. Former supervisor says, “ He’s a common sense individual who gives attention to detail. Good self motivator. Expects a lot from himself.” BS degree from University of Illinois in Agricultural Economics. Prefers IL or Wl. $33,000-$38,000. Call 712-779-3567. OT-14 VICE PRESIDENT—Primary credit officer in a $16M bank. Works with agricultural, commercial and consumer loans. Experienced in form ulating loan policy, renegotiating and developing loan work out strategy. Also serves as compliance officer. Reference says, “ The best credit mind of those I work with. Thorough and complete. Very good lender.” Eight years in lending with prior ex perience in sales management. ISU graduate in Ag Business. Prefers NE, IA, MO. $32,000-$38,000. Call 712/779-3567. 712/779-3567 Hwy. 92 W., Box 140, Massena, Iowa 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OT-15 DATA PROCESSING MGMT.—Twenty years ex perience in commercial bank/thrift industry, with ten years in data processing and management information reporting systems. Very detail-oriented and dedicated to completion of projects. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Good references. Open on location. $28,000*$32,000. Call 712/779-3567. OT-16 VP/SR. LOAN OFFICER—Excellent in PR and new loan development, this sharp individual offers five years of len ding experience. Also has experience working as a sales rep and taught vocational agriculture. Former CEO says, “ Good judge of credit. Handles a lot of problem lines and loan work outs. Has ability to talk out problems with the clients.” ISU graduate. Prefers IA. $35,000. Call 712/779-3567. .. OT-17 CEO—Served six years as President and CEO for a S300M banking organization. Prior experience includes serving as VP for major banking company. Was involved in lending, investments, and legal work. Reference says, “ Has impressed me as being very goal-oriented with both the ability and tenacity to satisfactorily achieve any objec tive established by or for him.” Earned Juris Doctorate. Open on location. $75,000. Call 712-779-3567. OT-18 VICE PRESIDENT—Goal-oriented individual seeking advancement in the lending field. Currently handles a $9M commercial loan portfolio. Experienced in all aspects of commercial, agricultural, residential, consumer and SBA guaranteed loans. Improved loan quality from 14% A & B loans to 68% A & B loans. Also generated $3M in new loan volume. BS degree in Busines Administration with em phasis in Finance. Open on location. $43,000 plus. Call 712/779-3567. O T -1 9 ASS’T VICE PRESIDENT-Currently EVP for small country bank. Responsible for $4M portfolio, all regulatory reporting, budgeting, marketing, etc. Over nine years ex perience in lending. Reference says, “ Analytical abilities are above average. Visualizes where a loan is going. Good rapport with customers. Excellent communicator.” Prefers MN or IA location. $30,000. Call 712/779-3567. O T -2 0 LENDING/INSURANCE SALES- With two years ex perience as assistant manager of a finance corporation and one year of insurance sales, individual seeks oppor tunity to combine skills. Former supervisor says, “ Ex cellent worker. When hired he cut delinquency accounts in half within a month’s time. Super job.” BS degree. Must have metro area. $25,000. Call 712/779-3567. agri careers, inc. Hwy. 63 S., Box 307, New Hampton, Iowa 50659 # ^ • ^ ^ ierne « IN O O U N T B ^ i S " 5 handled- «»•»" s S $ f COUNTING ^ i S Automated com e P g 130rol(s t c l f ir iu t o o in ^ e , procedures g l 0 BY System products step sorting, b a to n * ¡> fit/unflt of mixed ban^. [V p O S lT MASTER determination,Dt % c o n t r o i, p fi order automation. CUBPeNCY^ ? g a n fv e rs a tile Compact s i m p f r currency, endorsing■ itfs« _ INFORMATION: aafsSBSsssr^--627 6fst Ave™e * f 52405 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis illC ‘ e r s s s r . Storm W * , 13 n F OUR B U S » Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Lincoln Follow the arrow to M uni Bonds. In Nebraska: 800-742-7462 Omaha In Nebraska: 800-642-9305 Outside Nebraska: 800-228-9175 Aim for your FirsTier Bank when you want Municipal Bonds. Our investment professionals will give you the direction you need to enhance your portfolio with any investment from Municipal Bonds to U.S. Government Securities. Your FirsTier Team. Here to serve you well. Call us today! FirsTierBanks FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., O m ah a, M em bers FD IC rney has been sold to a group of m ey investors headed by Wayne McKinney and Don Kearney. Mr. iinney, chairman of the bank, it is owned and operated by a bank holding company called it Circle Management Co. The rney investors purchased blocks itock from FirsTier Omaha and Moore Group of Colorado to obi the majority stock in the bank, name will remain the same and itaff changes are anticipated. RTH PLATTE: L.H. “Rick” kman has been appointed ex>tive vice president and a director (the First National Bank and T1t Company of North Platte. He iv recently served as president of -''West Bank in Brookings, S. I, which position he held since Prior to that he served at Iwest banks in Aberdeen and ank. DOES YOUR BANK NEED AN INVESTMENT CENTER? Your b en efits: • New high net worth customers • Added profit • Reduced deposit loss to competitors • Ability to offer complete financial services For information contact: INVESTMENT 1-800-544-7113 First Dakota Building P.O. Box 2796 Bismarck, ND 58502 or P.O. Box 65697 West Des Moines, IA 50265 banking in Sioux Falls. He joined W isconsin News Norwest in 1978 and held several MILWAUKEE: The board of direc positions before being promoted to tors of First W isconsin Corporation assistant vice president, business is proposing to change the cmpany’s banking in 1987. name to Firstar Corporation, accor ding to John H. Hendee, chairman. The company plans to add Firstar to North Dakota News the names of its banks in Minnesota, The North Dakota Bankers A sso Illinois, and an acquisition pending ciation will sponsor Session II of its in Arizona. All W isconsin banks and 1988 Professional Teller Develop a Florida trust subsidiary will con ment Series at four locations during tinue to use the name First Wiscon Minnesota News November. Topic is “The Business sin. A special shareholders meeting 5AUL: Anne Callan Trunzo has of Banking.’/, Schedule begins with will be held December 20 to vote on elected vice president—invest- registration/continental breakfast the neune change. ..¿,'s at Midway National Bank. at 8:30 a.m., with the seminar run SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST 6has served as an investm ent of- ning from 9:00 to 4:30. Fee includes * since joining the bank in 1986, materials and lunch and is $50 has been department manager before November 4 and $75 after. e 1987. Dates and locations are: 9th— R egency D oublewood/Ram ada Inn, B is RECRUITERS. INC. marck; 10th—International Inn, 1102 Grand Avenue, South Dakota News Minot; 16th—Holiday Inn, Fargo; Kansas City, MO 64106 17th—Holiday Inn, Grand Forks. UX FALLS: Lynn ThormodsDiane Evans 816/842-3860 i has been named senior vice Contact the NDBA to register. •ident and cashier and Dennis fman named senior vice presi'Professional assistance in hiring t of Norwest Capital Manageand career advancement" t and Trust Department for West Bank South Dakota. Mr. rm odsgard join ed N orw est it Services in 1976 and joined West Bank South Dakota in quality service by experienced professionals ). He was promoted to vice presi, finance in 1984. Mr. Hoffman W 525 Merle Hay Tower id Norwest in 1987 and was proJean Eden Sandi Garner Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515 276-1151 515 832-1258 id to vice president this year. In Tues / Wed / Fri 515-276-1151 •tion, Leonard Dankey has been Confidential. Fees Paid by Empie Digitized lotedfortoFRASER vice president, business BANKING career^ P - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 4 POSITION AVAILABLE BRANCH MANAGER—$50M southern Minn, banking organization requires manager for branch in city of 20K people. Successful candidate will have a min. of 5 yrs. ex perience in banking, Incl. lending, operations, and a record of community involvement. Salary and benefits commen surate with exp. Send current resume with salary history to File No. WOS c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Position available for experienced CASHIER. Send resume to: Union National Bank, P.O. Box 80, Massena, IA 50853. Salary open. E.O.E. (PA) CEO for new, $15 million Independent bank in Iowa metropolitan area. Send resume and salary history to File No. WOT c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) 1989 IB A A C O N V E N T IO N P re-C onvention T o u r and B anking S e m in a r February 17 through March 2 ,1 9 8 9 Tour features three days in Oaxaca, Mexico, five days in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and five days in Anaheim, California for the IBAA Convention. Tour Includes: Roundtrip airfare from Mpls./St. Paul • 3 Nights in Oaxaca and 5 Nights in Cabo San Lucas • Transfers, baggage and handling tips, room tax and service charges. FOR SALE Tour is open to directors and friends. For more information or for reservations call: FOur beige GLIDE FILES with trays. Excellent condition. $1000 each or best offer. Contact Monte at First Natl. Bank of Holdrege.NE 68949,308-995-4411._______________ (FS) Richard E. Holmes Marquette Bank Minneapolis 612-341-6572 Unisys B28 MICRO COMPUTER & B27 CLUSTER STA TION. This unit is about 11/> years old. Asking price $5,400, F.O.B. York. Call Ron Winquest at FNB-York Nebraska 402-362-7411, for further details. _________________ (FS) Texas Instruments Omni 800 PRINTER , Model 810 RO. $950. State Bank, Everly, Iowa, 712-834-2221._________(FS) NCR Model 1780 ATM w/Safe— Right Hand Hinge, Controller, Time of Day Clock & Single Cassette Recorder— $1,100. Contact: William D. Ellis, Vice President, First In terstate Bank, Box 2068, Sioux City, IA (712-252-0577). (FS) FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 CANDIDATES AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER - B.S. degree + MBA ad vanced lending school. 5 years experience - cur rently with a $40M Neb. bank. $35-40K EX. V.P JCEO - 6 years CEO of two branches - total ing $40M. 8 years bank examiner. B.S. degree + banking degree, Southwestern Graduate School of Banking. $40-45K BANK FOR SALE N.E. Nebraska community bank. Strong deposit base and excellent earnings potential. Total assets of $15 million. For more information call Ron George at 402-391-1344. Dorothy Minister, CPC QUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE 9802 Nicholas Street, Suite 370 Omaha, NE 68114 Phone: 402/3904)275 POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER Community bank seeks 1 0+ yr. person for senior mgt. spot. Stable position, all types of ag. $30K. DAIRY AG OFFICER Dairy ag bank looking for 3 yr. lender with strong dairy banking exposure. Great future. $26K. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER Holding co. bank seeks degreed lender who has prior comm’l exp. and formal credit training. Excellent technical personwhocansell. $45 K. 'ASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT, $70mm, well capitalized, highly rated, minimal charge o f f s ......................... $70,000. REAL E8TATE LENDER Metro area bank needs well-rounded real estate lender skilled In origination, servicing, etc. Stable organization offers super opportunity to move ahead. $28K. PRESIDENT, $250mm, likes southwest con ference football, has administered large staffs .. ........................................................................$90,000. RO BERT HRUF of nwn.MC. 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID 515-232-0814 Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder-Principal RYAN AUCTION CO., INC Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipment Specialist Appraisals & Auctions Call Dale Ryan 319 - 382-8648 Mike Keim & Associates (402) 496-0600 PRESIDENT, $55mm + , country bank, needs mature administrator ........................... $65-75,000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION C O N TAC T KURT ROSENCRANTS 405 Main D ( ) N 4 m C H C X X E R In TRUST INV. OFFICER Growing bank in leading Iowa community seeks banker for trust pos. Must have bank trust investment background and degree. $40K. CONSUMER LENDER If you have 3 + years bank lending and bus. development skills this is your future) Clean, well-run suburban bank has it all. $26«. anA cAhiociatzi. Specializing in the Purchasing and Sale of Banks PRESIDENT, $350mm, proven administrator, long range planning skills ............................... $100,000. AG LENDER, $5-10mm portfolio, operating & real estate c re d its ......................................... $26-28,000. COMMERCIAL/CONSUMER LENDER, college town, $10mm mixed portfolio, well regarded bank ..................................................................$25-30,000. PRESIDENT, $50mm, strong lending background, relates to farm customers ......................... $55,000. PRESIDENT, $60mm, turnaround or contract type candidate..................................................... $60,000. DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 Experienced assistance with: • Bank purchase or sale • Holding company formation • Work-out loan plans • Regulatory assistance • Other bank-related challenges POSITIONS AVAILABLE PERSONAL TRUST - positions In. urban and large munity banks. Trust exp. and degree required. $£ COMMERCIAL LENDING • upper level position medium to large suburban banks. $3 LOAN REVIEW - degree and experience with large merclal bank credits desired. $2E SECOND OFFICER - $40MM suburban bank. Empha^ commercial lending duties but prefer some backgro operations also. Additional positions available In mldwestern bar All inquiries confidential. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 17 No. 29 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) Is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Line* Street, Suite 201, Dee Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Lind St., #201, Dee Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis