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A B A A g Bankers To Meet Nov. 11-14
ESOURCES available to bank­
ers to handle the current turbu­
len t fin a n cia l
c o n d it io n s o f
their farm custo­
mers will be a
m uch-discussed
topic for agricul­
tural bankers at­
tending the 1984
National A g ri­
cultural Bankers
C on feren ce in
K a n sa s C it y ,
Mo., November 11-14, sponsored by
the American Bankers Association.
“ The greatest concern today is for
economic stability and time to meth­
odically restructure debts and
assets so that farmers can once
again operate at a profit,” explained
Alan R. Tubbs, conference chairman
and president of First Central State
Bank, DeWitt, Iowa.
“ Resources exist to handle the sit­
uation,” Mr. Tubbs asserted, “ if
borrowers, lenders and regulators
work together in partnership. A c­
ceptable solutions can be found that
will assure future success.”
New and helpful opportunities
and solutions for bankers to work
with their farm customers will be ex­
p lored du rin g the con feren ce
through a series of concurrent ses­
sions, roundtable discussions and
general sessions, each focusing on
aspects of banking, the economy


and strategic aspects of financing
agriculture. An exhibit area will of­
fer insight into the newest develop­
ments in technical systems, micro­
computers and software with agri­
banking applications.
The conference program will open
Sunday, November 11 , with a musi­
cal fellowship gathering featuring
nationally-known entertainer Pat
Boone. The exhibit area will be open
throughout the day, offering bank­
ers an opportunity to meet with in­
dustry consultants to discuss their
latest service innovations.
Richard L. Berkley, the mayor of
Kansas City, will welcome the bank­
ers on Monday morning followed by
a presentation by A B A President
James G. Cairns, Jr., president of
Peoples National Bank, Seattle,
Wash., who will offer a perspective
on the current and changing bank­
ing environment and set the tone for
the two-and-one half days of diverse
events as follows:
• A panel o f editors from a fore­
most new magazine, U.S. News and
World Report, will provide a per­
spective on general U.S. and world
economics, the outlook for invest­
ments, business and politics, and
will answer questions relating to
these subjects.
• A current issues forum will seek
to obtain an agricultural constituen­
cy consensus on provisions of the
1985 Farm Bill. Representatives of

the A B A Agricultural Bankers E x­
ecutive Committee will lead round­
table discussions that will offer
every banker opportunity to articu­
late individual concerns relating to
the drafting of that bill.
• A roundtable discussion ses­
sion, new to this conference pro­
gram, will offer an in-depth discus­
sion of many “ hot” agri-banking
issues. Topics such as loan agree­
ments, the future of agricultural
banks, using Fm H A’s guaranteed
loan programs, attracting good ag
customers, lease financing, measur­
ing productivity, correspondent
bank relationships, long term real
estate financing and auction sales
are all suggested topics to be raised
by industry experts and banking
• A futuristic look at America’s
agricultural industry and what lies
ahead in the areas of feed grains,
dairy, inputs, cattle, and hogs will
be explored in an agricultural com­
modities outlook session. Orion
Samuelson, renowned agricultural
newscaster and agricultural service
director, W GN Radio, Chicago, will
moderate this discussion with panel­
ists John Marten, staff economist,
Farm Journal Magazine; Harold
Heinold, chairman of the Board,
Heinold Companies, and Topper
Thorpe, Cattle Fax.
• A series o f 20 concurrent topical
sessions, repeated throughout the
program, offer a punctuation of edu­
cational discussion forums. Each

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Member FDIC

session, repeated so that attendees
can attend as many as six, will pro­
vide a unique opportunity for bank­
ers to discuss areas o f concern with
their peers and industry experts.
• More than 50 speakers will par­
ticipate in this, the nation’s largest
ag banking conference sponsored by
the A B A . Included in the roster of
speakers are: Fred Pryor, who will
provide a special motivational ad­
dress; Marlin Jackson, Commis­
sioner, Arkansas State Bank De­
partment; Michael Boehlje, profes­
sor of economics, Iowa State Univer­
sity; Freddie Barnard, agricultural
economist, Purdue University; Peter
Barry, professor of agricultural fi­
nance, University of Illinois, and
Myron Wirth, agricultural econo-

mist and professor, Washington
State University.
Still others include Walter Minger, vice chairman of the board,
M ASI; Kate Hathaway, Commodity
Futures Trading Commission; Dr.
William Herr, head, department of
agri-business economics, Southern
Illinois University, and Wayne
Sharp, assistant administrator, for­
eign agricultural affairs, USD A.
• In addition, many o f the
nation’s bankers who are recognized
spokespersons and trend-setters for
banking will be on the program shar­
ing their observations and concerns.
“ This conference is the nation’s
leading opportunity for agricultural
bankers to look toward the future
and take account of the past,” Mr.
Tubbs suggested. “ With the drama­
tic changes taking place in banking
and agriculture, being tied to past
experiences is a sure way toward ob­
solescence. The conference will look
ahead to future successes.”


Willis Alexander
Resigns From ABA

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National Bank 151

Member F.D.I.C.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


year. Harry Mitiguy, president of
Howard Bank, Burlington, Vt., con­
tinues in the second year of his two
year term as A B A treasurer and C.
Robert Brenton, president of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, la.,
will serve as chairman o f the A B A
Governing Council for the coming

Iowa News
BRITT: Controlling interest of the
First State Bank has been pur­
chased by Peoples Bankshares, Ltd.,
Waterloo, effective September 27,
according to R.K. Sverdahl, president of Peoples Bankshares. First
State Bank President Gary Northrup stated that no additional
changes in officers or staff are plan­
ned. First State Bank has total assets of $36,691,000.




field, executive vice president of
Corn Belt State Bank, will retire at
the end o f 1984 following a banking
career that spanned 39 years. Dur­
ing that 39-year career, Mr. Hatfield
has held virtually every position at
the bank, including his present post.
He will continue as a director.
DES MOINES: Thomas P. Killeen
has been promoted to vice president
at the Des Moines Office of the Fed­
eral Reserve Bank of Chicago. In his
new position, he will continue to
oversee operations and has assumed
responsibility for sales in the Iowa
territory. Mr. Killeen joined the
staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago in 1961. In 1972, he was
named assistant vice president and
moved to Iowa to assist in the estab­
lishment of the Des Moines Office.
He assumed overall responsibility
for check and electronic payment
operations at the office in 1978.

American Bankers Association
Executive Vice President Willis W.
Alexander will retire effective Janu­
ary 31, 1985. The announcement
was made during the recent A B A
Convention by newly elected A B A
President James Cairns.
While president o f Trenton Trust
Company, Trenton, Mo., Mr. Alex­
ander served as president of the Mis­
souri Bankers Association from
1959-60 and then as president of the
Nebraska News
A B A from 1968-69. He joined the
A B A as executive vice president in CLAY CENTER: Services were held
1969. Mr. Alexander has not an­ last month for Frank B. Tice, presi­
nounced his future plans, however, dent of The Commercial State Bank,
he will remain chairman of Trenton who died unexpectedly at the age of
Trust Company. A search commit­ 76. He had been taken to Fillmore
tee is being formed to select his re­ County Hospital in Geneva earlier in
the week for tests and observation.
In other convention activity, Don He and his wife, Clarice, have been
Senterfitt, vice chairman, Sun in the banking business for more
Banks of Florida, Inc., was elected than 45 years. Starting in 1938 they
as president-elect for the 1984-85 operated the Shickley State Bank.







Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 10-29-84

Attention - All Iowa and Nebraska Bankers

Cullili W. Fritz



The IRA seminar’s purpose is to furnish a compre­
hensive explanation of IRA rules, regulations, admin­
istrative requirements & procedures & marketing is­
sues. The seminar is directed towards financial insti­
tution pesonnel who work with IRAs. The changes
mandated by the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (TRA-84) &
the Retirement Equity Act of 1984 (REA-84) will be
thoroughly discussed and illustrated. These topics
will be covered in detail;
1. Plan documents & disclosure
2. Administration services
3. Tax changes
4. SEPs
5. New distribution rules

(Formerly HR-10 KEOGH)
The purpose of the qualified plan seminar is to pro­
vide the BASICS of qualified plans in an easy to un­
derstand manner. After this seminar an individual
should have the information needed to advise wheth­
er and in what manner a financial institution should
seek pension deposits by offering pension services.
HELP! Business customers are and will be looking for
someone to help them with their pension needs.
Every pension plan in the United States must be up­
dated to comply with these major law changes: (1)
The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
(TEFRA): (2) The tax Reform Act of 1984; and (3) The
Retirement Equity Act of 1984. All three laws make
significant changes, in qualified plans.


Dates and Locations:



$85 for first registrant
$75 for each additional registrant

Holiday Inn 72nd St.
Harbor House
Holiday Inn I-80
Holiday Inn
Savery Hotel

Omaha, NE
Storm Lake, IA
North Platte, NE
Grand Island, NE
Des Moines, IA
Iowa City, IA

Seminar Schedule:
Registration - 8:15
Seminar Begins - 9:00
Morning Break - 10:30-10:45
Lunch - 12:00-1:15
Conclusion - 4:00

Name of Bank____________________________________ ;_____________






Phone _______________________________ !_______________________


______________________________________________________________________________ $ _____________
______________________________________________________________________________ $ _____________
______________________________________________________________________________ $_____________
______________________________________________________________________________ $_____________
Total Enclosed $
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Collin W. Fritz & Associates
3211 Wakonda Court
Des Moines, IA 50321
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Then in 1951, they moved to Clay
Center where he owned and operated
The Commercial State Bank.



LYONS: Robert Kiester, president
of First National Bank of Lyons, has
been promoted to vice chairman.
Succeeding him as president is Doug
Friedli, who has been with First Na­
tional since 1974. Mr. Kiester, who
suffered a heart attack and subse­
quently had open heart surgery a
year ago, will concentrate on specific
projects for the bank.

Minnesota News






M I N N E A P O L IS : C. B ern ard
Jacobs, president and CEO of Na­
tional City Bancorporation and
chairman o f National City Bank of
Minneapolis will retire from both of­
fices December 31, but will continue
on the board of both companies. Mr.
Jacobs was the first CEO of Na­
tional City Bank from its inception
in 1964 until 1982 when he was
named president and CEO o f the
Bancorporation. Lowell W. An­
dreas, chairman o f National City
Bancorporation, will assume the ad­
ditional duties as president and
CEO. James H. Hearon, III, president and chief executive officer of
National City Bank, will also
become senior vice president and
chief administrative officer of the
Bancorporation. The post of chairman of the bank has not yet been
M INNEAPOLIS: William E. Lavin,
Jr. has been named vice president in
the personal trust services depart­
ment by First Bank Minneapolis.
He has been with the bank since
1976 and was named an assistant
vice president in 1980.

Illinois News



CHICAGO: William A. Bonifield
has been promoted to vice president
and will oversee all check operations
at the Chicago Federal Reserve
Bank. He began his career at the
Chicago Fed in 1960 while still at­
tending high school, and most re­
cently served in the bank’s electronic payments and fiscal agency opera­
C H IC A G O :

M id-C ity

N ational


An important new profit center
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N a tio n a l B a n k o f W a te rlo o
315 East 5th St. • W aterloo, IA 50704
Bank recently announced the elec­
tion of William M. Ogle as vice presi­
dent and facility manager at One
East Wacker Drive. He joined MidCity in 1983 as assistant vice presi­
dent for new business development.
Also elected at the Wacker Drive lo­
cation were Irene K. Wojtczak, as­
sistant vice president and assistant
facility manager, and Jo Ann M c­
Cauley, loan officer.
CHICAGO: William J. Buckley has
joined Amalgamated Trust & Sav­
ings Bank as vice president, opera­
tions, announced Eugene P. Heytow, chairman. Mr. Buckley joins
Amalgamated from Continental
Bank, where he has served in the op­
erations area since 1970.

Member Federal Reserve System FDIC

porate banking, at the Skokie Trust
& Savings Bank. Mr. Duncan pre­
viously was at First Illinois Bank of
Evanston, where he was vice presi­
dent, commercial loans.

North Dakota News
JA M E S T O W N : N orw est Bank
Jamestown, N.A. has announced
that Paul H. Olson has been pro­
moted to vice president and man­
ager, agri-business loans. Mr. Olson
has been associated with Norwest
Corporation since 1982.

South Dakota News

RAPID CITY: First Bank of South
Dakota has promoted Thomas Rau
to vice president at First Bank
DE K A LB : Midwest Financial Rapid City. Mr. Rau joined the
Group, Inc., Peoria, has completed Rapid City bank in 1977 in the in­
the acquisition of The DeKalb Ban­ stalment lending area at the North­
corp., Inc., a one-bank holding com­ east Office. M ost recently he served
pany which owned the DeKalb as manager of the timepay depart­
Bank. Midwest Financial paid $50 a ment downtown.
share for all 120,292 shares o f The
Wisconsin News
DeKalb Bancorp. Midwest Financial
Group now owns 19 banks and has KINGSTON: Stan Sielaff has been
assets totaling over $2 billion.
appointed vice president of Kingston-Dalton State Bank. Mr. Sielaff
SKOKIE: Phillip K. Duncan has has past banking experience in
been appointed vice president, cor­ banks in Freedom and Green Bay.

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Ag Banking Specialists

Excellent career opportunity. Requires Bachelor's
Degree and a minimum of two to three years’ lend­
ing experience. The individual will work in both ag
and commercial loan departments. Salary com­
mensurate with experience. Excellent benefits.
Contact: Steven L. Afdahl, Preaident, Hawkeye
Bank and Trust, P.O. Box 4068, Spencer, Iowa
51301. Member Hawkeye Bancorporation. Phone

Let us help with your career advancement or staffing
needs. Call in confidence, without obligation. Employ­
ers pay our reasonable fee to hire the best.

$25 million bank located in south central
Iowa. County seat town of 3,000. Strong
agricultural and operations background
necessary. Opportunity to take an equity
Send resume immediately to file WCG, c/o
Northwestern Banker.

What do you need? What have you to trade? Call
380 No. Walnut
Grand Island, No. 68801

International Trade & Promotion
Responsible for management of the Des
Moines International Office as well as offices in
Hong Kong & Frankfurt. Strong background in
trade development, international financing, and
marketing. Ability to deal with people represent­
ing different backgrounds & points of view. Posi­
tion requires extensive travel both in-state and
Closing date for resumes - November 15, 1984
Submit to: Mark Kapfer, Group Manager
Marketing Group
Iowa Development Commission
600 East Court Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50309

Need 10+ years of experience in banking.
Presently either CEO or Exec VP (possibly VP).
Bank size is in the $100MM range. Location is
close to Omaha, NE. Salary - $50-60K + many
choice benefits. Send resumes to:
Richard L. Beam, CPC
11246 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Phone: 402/330-3260

CEO, 45, now serving as president of $60 million bank in
metro area. Heads loan committee, and directs assetliability management. Twenty years banking, experience.
TOP references.
COMMERCIAL LENDER, 38, a results-oriented profes­
sional with 17 years of diversified commercial lending and
financial management experience. Extensive knowledge
of credit analysis, loan administration, workout and loss
control - and asset/liability management.

READER-SORTER with diskette capture capabilities in­
compatible with an IBM System 34. Contact Joseph R.
Lyman, President, Sheridan National Bank. Phone:

Bankers Available
CEO with 10 years commercial lending experience in $60
million bank. Graduate of ABA commercial lending school
and working knowledge of current banking practices.

Linda 515/394-5827
New Hampton, la. 50659

Jean 515/263-9598 (T/W/F)
712/779-3567 (M/TH)
Massena, Iowa 50853

a g n c 4R ra s,iN C .
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT—The individual will supervise
all loan departments. Requires Bachelor’s degree plus
minimum five years’ lending experience. Salary commen­
surate with experience plus excellent benefits. Excellent
career opportunity. Contact: Steve Afdahl, President
Hawkeye Bank and Trust, P.O. Box 4068, Spencer, Iowa,
51301. Member Hawkeye Bancorporation. Phone
CEO WANTED—$10 million rural bank in Marion county Il­
linois. Must be strong in ag lending and documentation.
Good salary and benefits. Write file WCF, c/o North­
western Banker.
AG LOAN OFFICER—with three to four years banking ex­
perience. Must be familiar with microcomputers, cash
flow, and documentation. Please send resume and salary
requirements to: Clair Hatfield, EVP, Corn Belt State Bank,
Box N, Correctionville, IA 51016.
SECOND OFFICER for north central Iowa bank. Experi­
enced in agricultural and commercial lending. Responsi­
bilities include loan workoui, documentation and collec­
tions. Salary commensurate with experience. Send
resume to file WCH, c/o Northwestern Banker.

COMMERCIAL LENDER, 40, now responsible for commer­
cial, agricultural and real estate lending in $80 million
bank. College graduate with additional degrees from ABA
commercial lending school and ISU ag lending school. OF­
FERS 14 years intensive banking experience.
COMMERCIAL LENDER, 37, now with $300 million bank;
five years’ experience in large bank environment. Detailed
knowledge of commercial and agricultural leasing. Good
people skills, as well as both credit and operations.
INTERNATIONAL BANKER, 45, with 12 years’ experience
in large bank environment. Extensive commercial loan
operations background. College graduate with degree in
banking and finance from NYU.
INVESTMENT OFFICER, 27, with MBA in finance. Now
serving as investment services officer in major metro
bank. Honor student.
TRUST OFFICER with college degree in accounting. Ex­
perienced in preparation of annual reports, court reports,
fiduciary returns, monthly cash flows. Responsibility in­
cludes employee profit sharing plans, trusts, estates, and
NUMBER TWO, 38, with eleven years ag and business loan
experience in banks of $50 million. Currently senior
member of three man loan committee.
BANK EXAMINER, 32, with ten years’ experience. College
graduate with major in economics and marketing. TOP
INSTALLMENT MANAGER, 28, with 3 years’ college and
five years managing $4 million portfolio of consumer, stu­
dent and floor plan loans in community bank.
AG LENDER, 34, with over 10 years’ experience and col­
lege degree in economics. Currently in charge of $11
million ag loan portfolio. Experienced in ag, commercial,
real estate, consumer and student loans. Graduate of ABA
Advanced Ag Credit School.
We have many other applicants. Call or write Malcolm
Freeland or Cy Kirk at Freeland Financial Service, Inc.,
1010 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone
515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee.

D O N -S C H O O L E R In
"Successful Banking is Quality Personnel"

If you would like to be informed of positions as they
become available and if you are interested in chang­
ing your present position, send your resume or
phone Don Schooler, 417-882-2265, 2508 East
Meadow, Springfield, Missouri 65804. Information
on you will be kept confidential until you are inter­
ested in a specific position.
Eighteen years of banking serving as President of
rural and metropolitan banks enables me to match
you, technically and personally, with the right bank­
ing environment.

Missouri, Iowa Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas,
Illinois, and Nebraska

NCR-279-100 TELLER MACHINES—$650 each. Sharp 2500
teller machines, $550 each. Contact: OMAHA COMPUTER
EXCHANGE, 11212 Davenport, Omaha, NE 68154. Phone
trays and 3 levels. $1,300.00. Contact: Ruth Politsch,
Hawkeye-Ankeny Bank, Box 10, Ankeny, IA 50021. Phone
IBM 5120 COMPUTER AND PRINTER. Contact: The Home
Bank, El wood, NE. Phone: 308/785-2530.

PRESIDENT • $25MM rural bank in small community close
to southern Missouri lake area. Superior agri-loan skills re­
quired................................................................................. $40K


CASHIER for a $50mm bank in nice town close to
c i t y .......................................................................... to$25,000

Trust Ofcr, large IA metro dept expansion posi­
tion, trust admin & business development $28K +

metro b a n k ..................................... $50,000-$60,000

Trust Ofcr, $100mm SD bank, to become dept
head in 3 yrs.
$25K +

country setting............................................. $35,000

Ag LO, $100mm IA bank, 1 yr Ag lending required

PRESIDENT, for a $30mm bank in town 45
minutes from c ity ................................................... to$45,000 AGRI-LOAN • $25MM community bank. Need ag loan
background with some exposure to instal. credits— $25K

Commercial LO, holding co’s in NE, SD, Wl, IA
metro area

b a n k ................................................................$40,000

COMMERCIAL LOAN - $50MM suburban bank located in
major midwestern metro area. Assist senior loan officer
with commercial portfolio................................................$32K
PRESIDENT - $30MM community bank within fifty miles of
large city. Requires commercial and ag loan experience...
............................................................................................ $45K

AG LO, E & central NE bankso $100mm + , ad­
vancement opportunity
$30K + .

cellent lo ca tio n ............................. $40,000-$50,000

PRESIDENT • $35MM community bank. Majority of port­
folio in commercial and consumer credits. Prefer CEO ex­

Installment LO, to head retail division in $45mm S.
MN bank

#2 MAN for $10mm bank, 2,500 population..........
.......................................................... $25,000-$30,000

Additional career opportunities available for experienced

Barbara J. Rltta
6818 Grover Street, Suite 102
Omaha, NE 68106
Phone: 402/397-2885

SENIOR LOAN OFFICER, $60mm bank, 12,000
population ..................................... $35,000-$40,000



AG LENDER, $95mm bank, 30,000 population . . . . $35,000

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970

Vol. 13 No. 28 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif­
teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des
Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis