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October 26,1987 Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 16 No. 28 New ABA President States Views • L J E AVY emphasis was placed on the slogan, “Kill the Mora torium,“ during th e A m erican Bankers Asso c i a t i o n annual convention in Dallas, Tex., last week. B uttons proclaiming • “Kill the Mora to riu m ” w ere pinned on everyc.H. pistor one, while the same message was pursued vigo r o u s l y in general sessions, work shops and private conversations. Keynoting this important concern of bankers today was ABA’s new pres ident, Charles H. Pistor, Jr., who is •chairm an and CEO of First RepublicBank Dallas. Here are excerpts from his acceptance speech that di rectly address the moratorium issue: “Banking has two agendas: near • te r m and longer term. When we go to our offices Monday morning, March 2, 1988, it must be with the full knowledge that regulators will be free to provide us the tools we •n e e d to serve our customers. We must make no mistake about it; to lose this battle can make all others moot. Our attitudes and actions should be galvanized by the predic a tio n s that the moratorium — in part or in full — will be surreptitiously extended over a protracted time. “The industry’s united response thus far is highly encouraging, and it is not necessary to carry this point further — except to cry out that none of us, for one moment, can underestimate the danger and diffi culty of this fight and to reiterate the absolute imperative that each of us, and all those whom we can influ ence, be committed to staying the course. Those who suggest that bankers are merely Roman candles, to burn brightly for a moment and then be gone, will be proved wrong! “Second, and more optimistically, we must appreciate that we are fac ing a new window of opportunity. Public sentiment is shifting in our direction. Newspaper editorials sup porting the need to unshackle the banking industry are proliferating. “A t the same time, key figures in the United States Senate have pledged a sincere new look at our service opportunities between now and March 1. Senator Proxmire’s proposed repeal of Glass-Steagall is an enormously positive step in the right direction. “We all know that those who would challenge our new admissions are likewise gathering momentum and time is not on our side. ABA members must understand how cru cial unity has become in today’s political environment. Our priority m ust be to unite with intensity and common focus so that we can sur- vive and thrive in that environment. Obviously, our industry is too di verse for us to have a seamless, com mon agenda, but equally obvious is the necessity for agreement to work toward achieving the common good for banking. “The joint statement of the major financial trade associations on Sep tember 10 has, in my mind, a Magna Charta ring to it. The nation’s six largest hanking industry trade asso ciations agreed to a common legisla tive agenda, calling upon Congress to let banks more effectively serve their customers. “The whole of our legislative and regulatory agenda is encased in lan guage which implores the Congress, the courts, and the regulators to let banks compete. But we must do a better job of explaining how our competition benefits the customer. In fact, our case will be made only as our call for freedom to compete is heard as ... lower prices, additional services, and jobs. “This is banking’s long termagenda — of serving fully and equal ly. The particulars will always be changing. Product definition is not the issue — process is. It is a never ending course of assessing, educat ing, persuading, and winning the right to serve. “Our goal is for full and open com petitive capabilities for banks both now and going forward. The benefits may not impact every bank equally every year, but over the span of time mm l F irst In terstate Bank We’re setting the pace, 1- 800- 362-1615 J e ff S im s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondent Services S tu a rt Becker Correspondent Services Norwest Bank Des Moines , N.A. Nebraska News ^ MORWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 The Nebraska Bankers Associa Member FDIC tion encourages all NBA members to attend one of the Legislative Din ners being offered in November and December. At each location the re -£ Teamwork: ception is at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:45. Fee is $25 per person. Dates one of the reasons and locations are: November 5— we're first in Iowa. Ogallala Holiday Inn, November 19—Kearney Hobday Inn, Novem- 0 M ark Conway Richard Pederson ber 23—Omaha Red Lion, Novem ber 24—Lincoln Cornhusker and De they will enhance the position and sociation wib present their 1987 cember 8 —Norfolk Country Club. the value of the industry generally. Staff Training, “Your Bank’s Suc Cab the NBA office to register. * * * 0 ABA and the State Associations cess: A Reflection of You” at nine shah be player-coaches at the center locations during November. Pre The Nebraska Independent Bank of this effort whose key identifiers senter wib be Mary Jo Paloranta, vice president of Staff-Plus Inc. of ers Association Annual Convention shah be unity and franchise. “This franchise is ours, the time is Minneapolis. Registration at each wib be held November 19-20 at the now. In the year to come, I look for location wib be at 5:30 p.m., dinner Vihager Motel and Convention Cen- # ward to working with my fehow offi at 6:00 and program from 7:15 to ter in Lincoln. Registration wib be cer and board colleagues — and all of 8:45. Fee is $35 and includes dinner held from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on the you — as we strive to insure that and materials; at the door the fee 19th, with the Board of Directors this legacy which we have so richly wib be $45. Dates and locations are: meeting at 2:00 and a reception and inherited is preserved, protected and 4th—Nob Hill, Decorah; 5th—Red dinner in the evening. The 2 0 th # Fox Inn, Waverly; 9th—Siebens begins with a “Breakfast with Con enhanced for the future. “Together, we can make it hap Forum, Storm Lake; 10th—Lake gress” at 8:00. Speakers for the day pen.” □ Shore Country Club, Council Bluffs; include Vance Clark of the FmHA; 12th—Elks Club, Iowa Falls; 16th— Kirk Jamison, State FmHA direc Iowa News University Park Hobday Inn, West tor; Ken Guenther, IBAA executive • The Iowa American Institute of Des Moines; 17th—Beming Cafe, vice president; Cynthia Milligan, Banking and the Iowa Bankers As- Creston; 18th—Best Western Fair- Nebraska director of banking, and field Inn, Fairfield; 19th—High IBAA President Tom Olson. NIBA lander Inn, Iowa City. Contact the President Roy Yaley wib preside IBA office to register. over the annual meeting and election # WATERLOO: At Waterloo Savings of officers, and the President’s Cock Bank, Frederick Koch has been tail Party and Dinner that evening. named executive vice president. He For more information or to register, will chair the bank’s investment contact the NIBA office. # committee and continue to serve as head of the trust department, a posi OMAHA: First National Bank of tion he has held since 1957. Gerald Omaha has opened a temporary fa J. Curran, James R. Gerber and cility at 114th and Dodge Streets. Robert L. Smith were named senior Manager of the facility will be bank q vice presidents of the bank. Mr. Cur Vice President H. Frederick Kuehl, ran has been cashier since 1966. Mr. previously responsible for the Gerber is responsible for commer bank’s correspondent banking de Dennis Earhart cial, a g and real estate lending and partment. Succeeding him in that MNB C o rre sp o n d e n t B anker credit administration. Mr. Smith is position is Gerald J. Tomka, who £ in retail banking, and has served as has been promoted to vice president. manager of the Kimball Avenue of Plans are underway for a permanent fice and as head of installment loans. facihty at the new location. Together We Can Accomplish Great Things Call 319-398-4789 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 I Call 1-800-362-1688 or 515/245-2424. The------- Strength of Eastern |owa Merchants National Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t's easier to talk Iowa banking with people w ho live it — people like Ben Eilders and the correspon dent staff at Bankers Trust. Bank B ankers Trust Des Moines, IA Member FDIC Ben Eilders Senior Vice President Somespecial candidatesfrom Robert Ralfs BankingDivision DEGREED CASHIER •Here’s a strong operational technician who also has excellent people skills. Currently serving as an operations officer in a 60MMbank managing accounting, proof, transit and the teller area. Has 8 + years internal audit experience and asset/liability management skills. Ready for a •Challenge! ASKS: $30,000 CREDIT ANALYST B .S . #Do you need a credit analyst with formal training? This ambitious team player has 3 + years experience with a major bank group spreading and analyzing corporate and personal financial statements. Has successfully completed the R.M.A. “Uniform Credit Analysis” program. Ready ^to relocate! EARNS: $22,000 EXEC. AND PROF. BANKER B .A . Image Plus! Atop performer with 3years commercial lendingexperience with emphasis in small *business corporate credits. Successfully completed the R.M.A. Omega programs along with several consumer, commercial and credit analyst courses. Ready for a Positive Change! Areal people person who has the talent to cross sell bank services. Looking for a challenge working *with the upscale trade. ASKING: Mid $30 Range SENIOR LENDER B .A . •Does your loan department lack leadership and direction? Worriedabout deteriorating loan port folios? This formally trained, 14year commercial lending veteran has 10years commercial loan management experience. Has set up loan administration systems, loan policies, along with •training and calling programs. From credit analyzing to workouts, this individual has the solid background to meet a new challenge! Lookingfor a #2 Spot! EARNS: $45K #COMPTROLLER B .A . CPA Candidate. Very professional CPAknows the financial and operational requirements of small to medium sized banking organization. Has strong communication skills and a work ethic beyond ^ reproach. EARNS: Low $30’s TRUST OFFICER B .A . (Cum Laude) Is your trust department strategically set for the future? It’s time to plan ahead! This talented and * effective performer has 5solidyears ofequity and fixedincome trust investment experience. Has successfully managed a portfolio of 50MMthat outperforms the Standard and Poors 500 index. This officer is also active in department operations and the Trust Investment Committee. Atop * performer ASKING: $35K who knows employee benefit programs well! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JR . COM L LENDER B .S . Having trouble finding a technically trained lender to bring along through the commercial loan department? As a trainee for a bank holding company, this achiever has served on the loan audit and loan review teams over the past 4 years. Has excellent credit skills and a dynamic personality that will grow with future development. This banker is ready to move now! ASKING: I29K AG LOAN OFFICER B .S . Does your ag lender really have that business knack? With 6 years experience in crop and livestock management on a large farm, and 4 years ag lending experience, this candidate has learned what it takes to make a successful ag credit officer. With R.M.A., A.I.B. and Midwest Banking institute training, this energetic hard charger will contribute to your staff right now! ASKING: J32K PRESIDENT B .S . (AG) Do you need a fresh start to get your bank back on track? With 21 years ag and commercial len ding experience, this highly motivated individual has climbed the ranks to successfully head a 30MMloan department for 6 years and is now a CEOof a 15MMbank. As an active and visible member of the community, this leader is an advanced gradute of ag Banking School and has in structed agLendingClasses and held many civicpositions. Ready to move! ASKING: $50K M ID-M ARKET COM’L LENDER B .A . Do you need a lender who can hit the street running? This take charge business developer has 5 + years mid-market lending experience within a mega metropolitan market. With formal credit training and proven credit skills, loans will get booked exactly the way your credit com mittee requests. Apersonable individual lookingfor a greater challenge! ASKING: $50K Paul Gentzkow Placement Manager The Banking Division Robert Half of Minnesota, Inc. 3636 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 ® T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (612) 339-9001 The Farm Tax Saver Newsletter Editor Trenna Grabowski CPA, Farmer On the cutting edge... FARM TAX ...of cutting taxes for as little as 29è W e’ll im p rin t you r firm ’s lo g o on th e FARM TAX SA VER m on th ly n e w s le tte r and y o u ’ll g e t th e cre d it for c u ttin g you r farm c lie n ts ’ ta x e s . Every month remind your farm clients that your firm is always there with top-notch service and fresh ideas □ Send me a free issue of the FA RM T AX SA V E R □ I’d like to know about bulk subscription investment levels □ Send information regarding logo imprinting and newsletter delivery Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis your name, firm_____ address phone Return this card to FA R M T AX SA V E R Farm Progress Cos. 580 WatersEdge Lombard, IL 60148 312/953-1100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HAVE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE AND SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST STREET DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 1-800-532-1423 or (515) 286-4344 KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 SOUTH DAKOTA BA NKERS ' PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Are you FORCED to write one type of insurance with a company at a higher premium, just so they will write another type of policy for you? IF SO... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . .. AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OWNED BY BANKERS SERVING BANKERS FirsTier: Correspondent Services More of what it takes to serve you well. FirsTier, B an ks Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., O m a ha , M e m b e rs F D IC Minnesota News STILLWATER: At Oak Park Bank, Ronald G. Wenzel has resigned as •president. His successor is David A. Shem, elected president and CEO. Mr. Shem has nearly 40 years bank ing experience in Minnesota and was the state’s Deputy Commissioner of ^Commerce in 1983-85. BANKING "Professional assistance in hiring and career advancem ent" CAREERS quality service by experienced professionals 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 Jean Eden 515 - 276-1151 Sandi Gamer 515 - 832-1258 Tues / Wed / Fri Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer. W isconsin News •M ILW AUKEE: Dennis J. Kuester has been elected president and Gor don H. Gunnlaugsson executive vice president of Marshall & Ilsley Cor poration. Mr. Kuester has been the C orporation’s vice president since 1984. Mr. Gunnlaugsson became vice president and chief financial of ficer of the corporation in 1985. John A. Puelicher, former president, •w ill continue as chairman of the board. ^ Montana News “Montana Collection Law,” a oneday seminar, will be presented by Professional Educations Systems, Inc., Eau Claire, Wis. on November a 12 at the Billings Sheraton and on November 13 at the Rainbow Hotel, Great Falls. Fee is $115 per person. For more information, call 1-800826-7155. Colorado News BRUSH: The FDIC has approved • the assumption of the deposit liabili ties of The First National Bank of Brush by The Fort Lupton State Bank, Fort Lupton. Effective Octo- ber 9, The Fort Lupton State Bank will change its name to The First Security Bank. Its main office will continue to be located in Fort Lup ton, and the failed bank’s sole office reopened as a branch of the assum ing bank on October 9. The Brush bank had total assets of $22.3 mil lion when it was closed on October 8. The First Security Bank will assume about $21.3 million and has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase pre mium of $477,000. It also will pur chase certain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets for $16.8 mil lion. To facilitate the transaction, the FDIC will advance about $5.0 million to the assuming bank and will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $5.5 mil lion. COLORADO SPRINGS: Brenda B. Balzer has been elected vice presi dent at Colorado National B a n k Exchange. She is manager of the bank’s human resources depart ment. DENVER: J. Claudette Hamilton has been named senior vice presi dent, real estate banking at First In terstate Bank of Denver. She suc ceeds John L. Gray, who has been named senior vice president, real estate, at First Interstate Bank of California. Ms. Hamilton has been with the bank since 1976, most re cently as vice president. A Meeting Of The Minds. At Security National Bank, our minds are on meeting all your Correspondent Banking and Investment needs. We’re Security for you! Ron Kiel Linda Rodehorst Correspondent Banking O fficer 712 - 27 7 -6 7 3 6 Investm ent Representative SECURITY N A TIO N A L BAN K IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D.I.C. 712 - 2 7 7 -6 7 4 5 SPRENGER, JENNINGS AND DOLL Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings Outside Missouri call 1-800-821-2180 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Doug Doll In Missouri call 1-800-892-7100 Imi Commerce Bank of Kansas City M c m h sr F ni(2 • 3 WANT ADS—Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 1535 Linden Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/244-8163 aqri careers,inc. _J AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS VP/TEAM LEADER— Metro bank needs commercial lender with 5-10 yrs. exp., formal credit training, degree and pro ven management skills for #2 spot in a $50mm depart ment........................................................................................To$50,000. POSITION AVAILABLE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER is retiring. $55MM Bank look ing for an aggressive #2 man that wants the opportunity and challenge to run his own show. Send resume to File No. WKQ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VP. Immediate opening for 2nd officer position in $26MM bank located in scenic S.E. Minnesota community. Re quires proven experience in all areas of bank operations with expertise in agricultural, commercial & real estate lending with full knowledge of FHA & SBA programs. Com pensation will commensurate based on qualifications & experience. Send resume to File No. WLA c/o North western Banker. (PA) $22 MM bank seeking an experienced INSTALLMENT LENDER. Will also handle light commercial and real estate. Knowledge of secondary real estate lending help ful. Send resume and salary history to File No. WLB c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) PRESIDENT In $80MM bank in county seat town. Requires 10+ years experience in management of similar size bank. Send resume to File No. WLEc/oNorthwestern Banker.________________________________________ (PA) AQ REP in $75MM bank. Some farm management duties. 2 years lending experience. $25,000 salary. Send resume to File No. WLF c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) POSITION AVAILABLE CEO—Small Iowa bank needs a seasoned p ro fe s s io n a l with good operations, ag lending background. To $40,000. AG LOAN OFFICER—Well run Iowa bank looking for an exp. lender to manage department, degree preferred.......... ................................................................................To $30,000. Marty 712/779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 Annatte 515/394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 We are looking for an AG LOAN OFFICER who is an ef fective communlcator/extrovert/focused/assertive/ energetic/decisive/confident/self-starter/com petitive/with 5-8 years ag lending experience. You make your own rewards! Contact the Adams Bank & Trust, c/o Jim Prange Box 720, Ogallala, Nebraska 69153 Deadline November 20th, 1987. POSITION WANTED CEO/MANAGEMENT position by experienced CEO, mid size bank. Strong in bank administration, loan function & marketing. Graduate of advanced banking schools. Con tact File No. WLC c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) Financial Careers, Inc. Confidential. Employer paid fees Two Ruan Center/Suite 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. FOR RENT Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. CABIN next to Shimek Forest for deer & turkey hunters. Sleeps 4. Cal I Dan (319) 372-5141. ‘ (FR) mf FOR SALE ------- B o x 9 4 9 - M a s o n C ity , la . 5 04 0 1 P r o fe s s io n a l A u c tio n e e r Paul W. Olander Company ■ COL. GORDON E. TAYLOR 5 1 5 /4 2 3 -5 2 4 2 ^ Bank Stock Appraisals and Loan Reviews 1073 Plummer Lane S.W . Rochester, M N 55902 (507) 285-9271 Dwayne Smith Banking Insurance Specialist (515) 224-0830 SALES CONSULTANTS 1501 50th Street West Des Moines, IA 50265 Can’t anybody sell themselves today without a recruiting firm? Prove me wrong! POSITIONS AVAILABLE CASHIER—Well managed $90mm Iowa bank needs e x W perienced banker with good operations background. CPA preferred................................................................................ To $30,000. BRPs M r JEB RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 R e a l E s ta te B ro k e r a n d A p p r a is e r POSITIONS AVAILABLE < PRESIDENT RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipment Specialist Appraisals & Auctions Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 Is it time to move on to a new challenge? This small to mid size performing bank in a Western Montana "city,” desires that seasoned banker who can step up to the plate and deliver. Your 10+ years of proven mgmt. exp., degree, operations knowledge, and com’l lending exp with formal, credit training provide the keys to this once-in-a-lifetime" oppty! Ownership expects you to grab the reins and take charge! Performance driver. Stock options! Relocation Package! Don’t sit on the side line! To $55K. Job #NW2413. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT BANKERS AVAILABLE SR VP Time to get your career on the move? Large bank in excel lent locale seeks 8 yr. lender w/mgr exp. $50K. PRES Clean growing bank looking for go-getter who has exp in #1 spot. $45K. RETAIL HEAD $300M institution needs dept head in highest growth area. Must have large bank training and excellent people skills. $40K. AG LOAN OFFICER Are you a 2 + yr bank ag lender who seeks fresh oppty and career potential? $26K. EMP BENS HEAD Tremendous oppty for proven mgr. If you have employee benefits knowledge and supervisory skills this Is it. $35K. CORRESPONDENT LENDER Work with the best! Unbelievable chance of a lifetime position for individual w/correspondent or commercial lending exp. Super location. $42K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS HALF I Ï Ï ! OROBERT F M M W .M C . ft« ’ 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 *M 4 S e r v in g b a n k e r s q u ie t ly a n d e ffic ie n tly . CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRUST MARKETING • large urban bank. Requires degree and trust experience. $35K REAL ESTATE LOAN - single family residential and secon dary market experience required. Proximity of major metro area. $40K ALL FEES COMPANY PAID AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER No future in sight? Do you feel like your career pathing is! limited? A well performing bank of $40mm located in Western Wisconsin seeks an ag loan officer who under stands the agricultural economy. Desire 3 + years ag lend ing exp, strong selling skills and willingness to be commu nity involved. To$30K. Job#NW2415. AG LENDER COMMERCIAL LENDING • V.P. positions in urban and large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM to $50MM. $40 K Tired of workout loans? Need a fresh oppty in a profitable, well managed environment? This $40mm central Wiscon sin bank needs a #2 ag lender. Join their professional ranks with your 2 + years of ag and dairy lending exp. Change your job for this career oppty! Degree preferred. Act now! Pension! Don’t let it slip away! To$30K. Job #NW2416. BRANCH MANAGER - handle small business and con sumer credits. Med-size community affiliate of multibank holding company. $24K FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW, JAN PETERS OR MIKE HEDRIX LOAN REVIEW - large bank experienced required. Both junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K Additional listings for commercial lending and trust officers. Resume’ requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES Des Moines. IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 Are you ready for a step up? A profitable bank with a clean loan portfolio in N.E. Iowa, seeks a dynamic manager. Asf the Executive Vice President of the bank you will manage the daily operations and loan administration. Must have strong community involvement and 10 + years com’l bank ing exp with emphasis in ag or com’l lending. A great career climbing opportunity. To$50K. Job#NW2414. North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Ilf ! ROBERT HALF O F M M N E S O T A .M C . • 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Vol. 16 No. 28 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Ä Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at ™ Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis