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• Vol. 12 No. 31 Des Moines, lowa Novem ber 21,1983 Limited Experiment to Assess: form of financial assistance transac tion within the next 90 days • Monthly reports on all 4- and HE Office of the Comptroller of standing cooperative arrangements 5-rated banks and quarterly reports the Currency has invited the between the OCC and the FDIC to on all 3-, 4-, and 5-rated banks. Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora share information about bank ex In addition, since 1982, the FDIC tion to join in examinations of cer- aminations. OCC district offices has been invited to send a staff tain national banks in a limited ex routinely provide FDIC regional of member to the weekly meetings of periment to assess the value of joint fices with a number o f reports, in OCC’s Enforcement Review Com examinations. The experiment is ex cluding: mittee. Through its participation in pected to last one year. • Reports of Examination for all these meetings, the FDIC has been “ The OCC will continue to be the national banks kept fully informed about OCC’s en principal regulator for all national • N otification letters on an forcement actions. banks,” said Comptroller C.T. Cono ticipated administrative actions, The FDIC gives the OCC oral ver. “ By law, we are responsible for such as cease and desist orders or reports on all national banks that ensuring the safety and soundness civil money penalties the FDIC believes will require some of the national banking system.” • Lists of banks requiring special form of financial assistance within A t the same time, however, Mr. supervisory attention the next 90 days. A t the FDIC’s re Conover said the OCC recognizes • Memoranda notifying FDIC of quest, the OCC also has trained two that “ the FDIC has a legitimate in rating changes made between ex FDIC examiners in OCC’s multina terest in the condition of banks that aminations tional department for six months to it insures. To further that mutual in• Semi-annual summaries and up help them learn more about OCC’s terest, the OCC is inviting the FDIC dates on banks requiring special supervisory programs. to join in its examinations of a supervisory attention. No response has yet been made selected group o f banks. The banks OCC’s Washington Office also from the office of FDIC Chairman will include troubled banks as well provides FD IC’s Washington Office William Isaac. □ as healthy institutions o f all sizes, the following information: including multinational and regional • Notification letters regarding Iowa News banks.” anticipated administrative actions Under the terms of the invitation, • Weekly reports on banks requir KNOXVILLE: The Community Na FDIC examiners will work under the ing special supervisory attention tional Bank and Trust Co. has an supervision of OCC Examiners-In- and a rating changes made between nounced the hiring of Robert D. Charge (EICs). The EIC will deter examinations Grote as vice president of loans. He mine the scope of the examination • Weekly reports on all 5-rated most recently has been employed as and make assignments to individual banks and all other national banks an assistant vice president at the examiners. that are expected, by either FDIC or Brenton State Bank of Jefferson in The experiment builds on long OCC, to involve the FDIC in some ag lending and farm management. Value of Joint Examinations T 0 0 0 # • • Don't gam ble when choosing a correspondent bonk. Come to the professionals. For any correspondent bonking need . . . overline assistance, data processing services, investment counseling . . . just give us a call. W e're the professionals w h o put the response in correspondent bonking. I ucb JmagMI CENTRAL OF DES MOINES, N.A. • MEMBER FDIC • TOLL FREE NUMBER (800)362-1615 AFFILIATED W ITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES, INC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W illiam B. Greaves, Vice Presidenr 2 Norwest Bank Des Moines , N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC NORWEST BANKS Increasing Bank Deposits Through... T e a m w o rk: one o f the reasons w e’re firs t in Iowa. Mark Conway Bernie Kersey LA PORTE CITY: La Porte City State Bank has announced the addi tion of Kenneth F. Hanus as vice president. He previously served as agricultural representative at the Na tional Bank of Waterloo, where he re ceived three years of training in all aspects of banking while in its Bank Management Training Program. MASON CITY: Robert E. Westbee has been elected president and CEO of United Central Bank & Trust Company of Mason City. He suc ceeds Harold G. Haver, who re signed in October and has been elected president and CEO of American National Bank in Omaha. Mr. Westbee had been with First Bank Bismarck of Bismarck, N.D., since 1975, first as president and more recently as chairman. WEST LIBERTY: Dennis R. Batty has been elected vice president at West Liberty State Bank. He previ ously was vice president and cashier with La Porte City State Bank. Nebraska News GERING: C. Eldridge Scriven, 71, long time Gering banker, died last month. In his banking career, Mr. Scriven started the instalment loan department for the Scottsbluff Na tional Bank; purchased Bank of Ger ing in 1962 and served as president through 1978, and served as execu tive vice president of the Minatare State Bank, of which he obtained the bank charter in 1963. LINCOLN: Paul J. Amen, director of the Department of Banking and Finance, resigned last week. He is succeeded by John Miller, an Omaha attorney, who has agreed to accept the position as director on an in terim basis of two to three months. Mr. Miller, who has been practicing law for 25 years, resigned his post on the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, to accept the tem porary position. ASK D O U G K E IP E R to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 M e rc h a n ts A N a tio n a l B a n k 151 Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK LINCOLN: John E. Knight has been named president, chief ex %f KEITH w e ig e l IRA’s...Keoghs...Pension Plans Serving Banks in Iowa and Minnesota INDEPENDENT SERVICE COMPANY P.O. Box 171 • A lb ert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-8216 ecutive officer and a director of First Security National Bank, announced Donald O. Clifton, chairman. The bank is now occupying its new, per manent building and plans formal opening ceremonies for December 4. Mr. Knight served nine years as president of Packers National Bank in Omaha. OM AH A: The Mid Plains Group of N ABW will hold its regular meeting November 22 at the Plaza Club-Club Room at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be John Wanzenreid, PHD, pro fessor of communication at the University of Nebraska, with the topic being “ Communication: W o men as the Persuaders and the Per suadées.” OSMOND: Marion Adkisson, who joined Osmond State Bank in Janu ary o f this year in a part-time posi tion, was elected vice president and now serves as a full-time loan officer. SUPERIOR: Funeral services were held last month for Minor P. Baird, 79, chairman of Farmers State Bank and Trust Company. Mr. Baird served as president of the bank and was succeeded by his son Sam. He also served as president of the Nebraska Bankers Association in 1960-61. Recipe for success.. --------------i Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 11-21-83 W here success is etched in quality. he success of your bond portfolio is a function of quality investments. A fter all, quality is your best assurance of growth in earnings. United M issouri’s Investment Banking Division can make sure you’re investing in high quality securities. W e offer exactly what m you want. And, for over 50 years, our track record for making successful recommendations has been excellent. Undoubtedly due to our consistently high standards. Call or write us today. W e’ll hold your investment information in the strictest confidence. Investm ent Banking Division UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC of Kansas City n.a. ,J. JP M £T M United we grow.Together. 10th and Grand o P.O. Box 226 o Kansas City, Missouri 64141 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Send Your News Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER TELL US ABOUT. . . 306 Fifteenth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ........................................................................................ ...... OFFICER ............................................................................. TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM199 ■ where comm on transactions are handled uncommonly well. FI RST NATIONAL LI NCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Minnesota News Illinois News ROCHESTER: Randolph S. Koppa has been elected president and managing officer of First Bank Rochester, effective November 7. He succeeds Norbert J. Conzemius, who recently was elected chairman of the bank and managing director of First Bank System ’ s southeast Min nesota banks. Mr. Koppa has most recently been associated with Con tinental Illinois Bank, Chicago, where he served as vice president and manager of lending in the metropolitan division. VIRG IN IA: Linda Niskanen and Roger Suihkonen have been pro moted to vice president of Norwest Bank Virginia. Ms. Niskanen has been with the bank since 1975 and is presently managing the consumer banking division. Mr. Suihkonen started in 1974 and is now managing the commercial loan department. W HEATON: W.M. (Bill) Sanger, president and chief executive officer of First Bank o f North Dakota N. A., Wahpeton, has been elected chair man of First Bank Wheaton. Mr. Sanger will continue with his First Bank Wahpeton duties and Conrad Otterness will continue in his duties as president of the Wheaton bank. Does an airline flight attendant’s ap pearance impress you? Call us today and find how your tellers can do the same to your customers. M e A jy w e k & ~ ^ CAREER APPAREL 523^^ain^St^Carron^a^£H01^7^2-792-2748 | Portable M odular Bank Building ELMHURST: Robert W. Youngman has joined Elmhurst National Bank as vice president, responsible for new business development in the consumer banking division. Mr. Youngman brings with him 17 years of investment and banking experi ence, most recently having served as vice president of EDIE investment counsel at Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. of Chicago. GALESBURG: A t First Galesburg National Bank and Trust Company, four promotions were recently an nounced. They are: Alphonse H. General Bank Equipment Si Huels to senior vice president, fi Systems, Inc. nance; Patricia A. Mathers to vice president, retail banking; John J. Sircy to vice president, operations, and Connie M. Shryack to Sandburg RR45, Box 115 Drive Office manager. Hiway 73,3 Vi Miles North of Int. 680 NORTHFIELD: Patrick L. Doland Omaha, Nebraska 68152 has been appointed director of (402)453-3000 marketing at Bank of Northfield. He L e a s e * R e n t* Buy joined the bank as vice president in May of 1982. In addition, Susan M. North Dakota News DeRivera, assistant vice president, has been named personnel director. GRAND FORKS: On October 4, She joined in 1976. First National Bank marked its 50th year of operation by hosting a dinner Wyoming News for over 350 stockholders. Special GILLETTE: Roger Wagner recent guest speaker for the evening was ly joined Wyoming National Bank Frank Cappiello, an expert on the na and will be in charge of commercial tional economy and a recognized loans. He previously was vice presi authority on investments. dent at American National Bank in Riverton, where he had been for four years. Colorado News RIVERTON: A t American National COLORADO SPRINGS: Craig A. Bank, Bruce Brimmer has been pro Ockers has been appointed president moted from vice president to senior of United Bank of Academy Place. vice president. In his new position, Mr. Ockers had been serving as Mr. Brimmer who has been with the senior vice president and manager of bank three years, will serve primari lending at the United Bank in Ar ly in the lending area. vada since 1981. YAKE, SPRENGER AND JENNINGS Getting it done for you. ^ Ernie Yake Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings 234-2483 234-2625 234-2484 Commerce Bank of Kansas a ty A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FDIC Tplpnhnm» Telephone (816) 0T4.?nnn 234-2000 w W AN T ADS Rates a re $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 fo r file letters per insertion. Id e n tity o f file lette r advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 Ag Banking Personnel Let us help you. Call the ag lending personnel specialists without cost or obligation. Confi dential. Employers pay us to hire the best. Senior Ag Lender for Southern Minnesota Community bank. Excellent location and opportunity..................................... To $35,000. Ag Lender with bank experience for western Illinois banking o ffice .......................................................................................To$25,000 EDDIE A. WOLF Eddie Wolf Bank Sales 7202 Maple Drive, Des Moines, la. 50322 Phone: 515/278-2271 Senior Ag Lender for Eastern Iowa bank located near metro area.........................................................................................To $35,000. Linda: 515/394-5827 Jean 515/263-9598 if New Hampton, la. 50659 no answer, 712/779-3567 ■ Messena, Iowa 50853 Eighteen years banking expérience serving as president o f rural and m etro po lita n banks enables me to fin d the “ rig h t" banking p ositio n fo r you as a banker o r the “ rig h t” o ffic e r fo r yo ur bank. D O N -SICH O Q LER In A N D W J y ASSO CIATES Ban CAREERS, INC. J THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER FOR SALE 2508 East Meadow • Springfield, Missouri 65804 417/882-2265 CANON SV-10 PROGRAMED INSURANCE CALCULATOR. $400. Phone Gary Livesay, Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc. 1-800/532-1423. (FS) COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL ___________ “ Em ploym ent Service” IBM SYSTEMS 34 WITH 5211 (300LPM) PRINTER. Under maintenance. Phone 402/474-3211. (FS) POSITION AVAILABLE Opportunity for AGGRESSIVE SALES-ORIENTED IN DIVIDUAL w ith a fast growing bank holding company in northwest Iowa. Position involves selling of leasing ser vices. Salary $30,000-$35,000 and full benefits. Send resume to file VBM, c/o Northwestern Banker (PA) AG LENDING OFFICER— Need person w ith 1 to 3 years of experience in ag lending. Must have ag degree. Some knowledge of mini-computers beneficial. Send resume & salary requirements to George Mechem, president, Brenton Bank & Trust Co., Box 388, Clarion, la. 50525. (PA) LOAN OFFICER— Excellent opportunity for aggressive person w ith minimum of 2 years banking experience. Future for management. Send resume to Don Collins, First State Bank, Murdock, MN 56271. Phone (612) 875-2431. (PA) Sac City State Bank has an opening for an EXPERIENCED LENDER. Four years minimum w ith emphasis on ag lend ing. Contact George H. Pingrey, president, Sac City State Bank, Sac City, IA. Phone 712/662-4721. (PA) Independent bank in lake area seeking INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGER. Must be experienced and well qualified, able to manage people. Part ownership may be available. Agency premium $1 million. W rite file VBP, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) ROTARY CHECK FILE— LEKTRIEVER SERIES 80. Like new. NCR 775 PROOF MACHINE WITH 12 POCKETS. Con tact Wayne Mastin, First Farmers National Bank, Knox ville, IL. Phone 309/289-2346. (FS) NCR 499 POSTING MACHINE. Presently under mainten ance. Phone 319/728-2226. (FS) DIEBOLD SUPER ELEVATOR CHECK FILE MODEL 1074-11. Contact James R. Michaud, Union Story Trust & Savings Bank, Ames, Iowa. Phone 515/232-8200 (FS) 72” x 36” Early American Desk, 3 years old Traditional Stand-Oak Finish Sug. Retail $3,500.00 Arm Chair Br. Leather, Button Tufted, Traditional Wing Back Swivel Sug. Retail $1,200.00 Excellent condition-$1,800.00 Total Both FIRST NATIONAL BANK, G.C. Hunks, Chmn. 142 So. Main St. West Point, NE 68788 Phone 402/372-2488 SKI TH E SU M M IT One, two and three bedroom units for sale or rent. Most with hot tubs. Phone 1-800/922-2590. Dwayne Smith PARADISE PROPERTIES Box S Dillon, Colorado 80435 SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 CEO w ith 5 year earning average of 1.67 desires new challenge in Nebraska or Western Iowa community bank. Salary Negotiable CEO w ith top performance record as head of community bank for multi-bank holding company seeks new Iowa s itu a tio n .....................................................Salary Negotiable Top Ag Lender recognized as one of the best in the midwest seeks number one or number tw o position in ag gressive cummunity bank with deposits to $60 m illio n . . . . Salary Negotiable We have many other highly qualified bankers, so if you are seeking a person to either take over or to lighten your load, call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Services, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, la, 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. Number Two Person for N.W. Iowa community bank. Ex cellent conditions.................................................................. To $30,000 Senior Ag Lender for S.W. Minnesota Bank, located in key farming area Requires 5 yrs. experience............................. To $32,000. Commercial Lender for mulit-bank holding company in Up per Midwest. Will be in charge of commercial, ag and retail lending................................................................... To $36,000. Ag Lender for Western Iowa bank located in city over 5,000 population..............................................................................To $30,000. We have many other positions available. Write or call Malcolm Freeland in confidence c/o Freeland Financial Ser vice, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, la. 50309. Phone (515) 282-6462. BANKING OPPORTUNITIES VICE PRESIDENT-LOAN REVIEW-New sta ff posi tion for workout in Commercial and Installment loans. CASHIER-$11 M illion Nebraska bank. Requires bank operations experience -metro location. AG LENDERS-many opportunities ranging from one year to five years experience. All of thé above positions require a degree and an individual who is w illing to make a commitment. Please call: Phyllis S. Lynch GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport St. Omaha, Ne. 68154 (402) 330-3260 BANK PLACEMENT SPECIALISTS (Our 34th year) Call experienced professionals to locate the right candidate for your vacancy ... or the right “ move-up” for yourself. CORPORATE RECRUITERS MIDWEST BANKING DIVISION 202 S. 71st Street 402/393-5515 Omaha, Nebraska 68132 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins BANKERS AVAILABLE Operations/Customer Contact for major Iowa banking group ..................................................................................To $30,000. INSTALLMENT LENDER— 1 year experienceNebraska bank. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE FOR SALE Correspondent Bank Head for major midwest bank. Re quires strong lending and adm inistrative abilityTo $50,000. Commercial Lender for bank located in university city in M idw est................................................................................. To$32,000. BANK SALES AND PURCHASES BANKING PLACEMENTS “ Successful Banking is Quality Personnel” POSITIONS AVAILABLE Senior Ag Lender for larger m ulti-bank holding company bank in Upper Midwest. Requires strong ag lending back ground................................................................... To $40,000. R eliable and respected service fo r over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 OPERATIONS—$40MM com m unity bank seeks junior of ficer w ith “ day to day” operations experience to understudy cashier. $22K AGRI LOAN—$30MM agri bank located w ithin 30 minutes of major metro area. Handle all ag credits and some com mercial. $28K REAL ESTATE LOAN— manage and develop R.E. dept for $100MM suburban bank. Requires working knowledge of secondary market. $35K PRESIDENT—$30MM com m unity bank w ith excellent per formance record. Strong commercial and agri lending skills desired. $Open OPERATIONS—$75MM suburban bank seeks manager of internal operations. Prefer degree and 2-3 yrs. large bank experience. $22K TRUST OFFICER—manage growing dept, for affilia te of small holding company; 2-3 yrs. trust adm inistration ex perience required. $25K Forward resume and salary information. All inquiries con fidential. TOM HAGAN 8. ASSOCIATES 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ S erving th e B anking In d u s try Since 1 9 7 0 ” Vol. 12 No. 31 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis