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Vol. 13 No. 3

Des M oines, Iowa

May 7,1984

Senate Looks to “ Non-Bank” Action


RESSURE continued to mount
in Washington last week for
Congress to take some legislative ac­
tion in regard to either closing, ap­
proving or limiting the non-bank
loophole in the Bank Holding Com­
pany Act. Helping apply the pres­
sure was Comptroller of the Curren­
cy C.T. Conover, who was sitting on
applications for more than 200 non­
bank charters in 91 cities in 36
states and the District of Columbia.
Mr. Conover addressed the Lead­
ership Conference of the American
Bankers Association last week but
did not reveal what his action on the
applications would be. He is well
aware o f the ramifications of what­
ever he does, and by holding onto
the applications he keeps the pres­
sure on Congress to do something.
It appeared late last week that
Congress was ready to do just that.
Sen. Jake Garn (Rep., Utah), chair­
man of the Senate Banking Commit­
tee, was calling his fellow Republi­
can committee members together to
determine what their course of ac­
tion should be following completion
of hearings on the subject. Demo­
crat committee members were doing
the same huddling with Committee
minority leader Sen. William Proxmire (Dem., Wis.).
Over in the House, Banking Com­
mittee Chairman Fernand J. St. Ger­
main (D., R.I.) was playing his usual

and make consumer loans but not
commercial loans.
Federal Reserve Board Chairman
Paul Volcker told the leadership of
the Independent Bankers Associa­
tion of America in Washington last
week that he had no choice by law
but to approve the U.S. Trust deal.
He told the IB A A leaders, who were
assembled for their annual commit­
tee meetings at the Vista Interna­
tional Hotel, that he believes the
loophole in the Bank Holding Act
that permitted the Florida action
should be closed. He also said he
feels the South Dakota loophole and
the thrift loophole should be closed,
but offered no specifics on how any
of this was to be accomplished. Mr.
Volcker’s remarks were mainly in re­
sponse to questions. During that
session he expressed support for
banking powers to underwrite muni­
cipal bonds, and thought “ passive”
real estate participation would be
Senate Majority leader Robert J.
stand him in good stead for trade­ Dole (Rep., Kan.) addressed the
offs in conference.
IB A A breakfast meeting last Tues­
Meanwhile, the application num­ day on “ The Tax Bill—Implications
bers seem to balloon. The current of the Deficit.” He did not address
game began, as noted here last week, banking matters specifically, but
when the Federal Reserve Board on did state, in response to one ques­
March 23 approved the application tion, that Congress should define a
o f U.S. Trust Co. of New York to “ bank” to clarify the confusion that
change its nondepository trust sub­ now prevails.
sidiary in Florida to a “ non-bank”
Rep. St. Germain was the Tues­
charter which will accept deposits day luncheon speaker and gave a
clever game o f “ wait and see what
the Senate comes up with.” He was
still having committee hearings on
the topic of the non-banks. Conven­
tional wisdom in Washington is that
Rep. St. Germain will look to the Se­
nate first for a bill, then introduce to
the House one of his own with fa­
vorable circumstances that will

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Yearn work:
one o f the reasons
w e’re firs t in Iowa.
Mark Conway

Bernie Kersey

“ bam burner” speech about closing
the non-bank loophole and stating
he was against interstate banking
and branching. However, he was
vague in particulars, preferring to
wait for introduction o f Congres­
sional bills that would deal more di­
rectly with those subjects.
Just before IB A A members con­
vened, Citicorp held its press confer­
ence in Omaha, as reported here last
week, and did announce as predicted
that it is now offering its Citibank
Financial Account to Nebraska resi­
dents through its South Dakota sub­
sidiary national bank, Citibank of
S.D. Sioux Falls, N.A., for $2.67 a
month. All this can be accomplished
by contacting the Sioux Falls bank
through a W ATS number toll-free.
Omaha residents can stop in at any
one of three Citicorp Centers that
will begin opening in late May in
downtown Omaha and two shopping
centers and ask Citicorp employees
to help service their accounts. Ne­
braska residents may then access
their money that goes into South
Dakota or New York by using their
debit card at ATMs.

Iowa News
The banks of Louisa County will
host the Group 11 Annual Golf Day
June 20 at Indian Hills Golf and
Country Club near Wapello and
Morning Sun.
* * *

Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser­
vices, Inc. is sponsoring a Credit
Life Licensing School on June 4-5 at
the Fort Des Moines Hotel.
On June 4, a general session will
run from 12:30-5:00 p.m. On June 5,
a credit life section will run from
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:30-5:00
p.m. Examinations will be given at
various times on June 6.
Registrations will be accepted by
mail only on a first-come, first-served
basis. Send to Jeanette M. Elling­
ton, Iowa Bankers Insurance and
Services, Inc., 400 Financial Ser­
vices Building, 508 Tenth Street,
Des Moines, Iowa 50308. Registra­
tion must be received by May 25.
SIOUX CITY: Dennis Larive has
been promoted to senior vice presi­
dent of Toy National Bank. He joined
the bank in January of this year as a
vice president in charge of asset
management. Before joining Toy, he
was assistant vice president and
controller at Norwest Bank in St.
Paul, Minn.
TIPTON: Wayne F. “ M oon” Miller,
retired president of First National
Bank of Tipton, died last month in
Tucson, Arizona. He was born in
Moline, Illinois, and lived most of
his life in Tipton.
W ILLIAM SBU RG: Farmers Trust
and Savings Bank recently announced
the promotion of Dennis D. Huedepohl to senior vice president in loans
and Nancy L. Turner to assistant

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First National Bank in
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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vice president. Mr. Huedepohl joined
the bank in 1969 as a teller and now
assumes responsibility for monitor­
ing the bank’s entire loan portfolio
and senior management functions.
Ms. Turner joined the bank staff in
1973 as a bookkeeper and now man­
ages the general ledger functions.

Nebraska News
FRIEND: Funeral Services were
held April 28 for Stanley H. Southwick, 64, president o f the First Na­
tional Bank here. Mr. Southwick
graduated from the University of
Nebraska in 1941 and received a
doctorate from the Massuchusetts
Institute of Technology in 1951. He
then became a senior research engi­
neer and geologist with Humble Oil
Co. in Houston. In 1967 he returned
to Friend to become president o f the
family bank.
LINCOLN: Services for banker Cecile Meyer Frampton, 85, were held
last month. She and her husband,
G.A. Frampton, who died in 1981,
owned banks in Nebraska, Iowa and
Oklahoma. The late Mr. Frampton
started the Iowa State Bank in Des
Moines, where they lived for eight
years. Mrs. Frampton served as a di­
rector o f the Comhusker Bank of
Lincoln until January. Her daugh­
ter, Alice M. Dittman, is Comhus­
ker Bank president.
LINCOLN: Michael J. Rooney has
been named board chairman of City
(Turn to page 5)

Estate Appraisals
Purchase of
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Reliable and respected service
for over 20 years
Used by bankers
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Ben E . Marlenee
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Des M oin es, Iowa 50309

Iowa Group
• Meetings Continue


Group I I Annual Meeting
M ay 22—Starlite Village Ft. Dodge



Group 2— Fort Dodge
Dr. Roy Park, president of A p­
plied Management Associates, Ltd.,
A n k e n y , w ill
present a work­
shop, “ Manag­
ing in the 80s—
The Changing
Role o f Bank
M a n a g em en t,”
during the busi­
ness session of
the G roup II
meeting. Group D MC DERMOt t
Chairman Doug­
las McDermott will preside over the
session which will be held May 22, at
the Starlite Village in Fort Dodge.
First Class Male, a barbershop quar­
tet, will provide the entertainment
following the evening banquet.



Dr. Roy Park, President
Applied Management Associates
Ankeny, Iowa
“Managing In the 80s—
The Changing Role of
Bank Management”

Dr. Roy Park is founder and president of Applied Management Associates,
Ltd., a human resource consulting firm. His organization provides a wide
variety of consulting services. These include organization design, conflict
resolution, team building, and management development. Dr. Park has
specialized in helping improve employee morale, labor/management rela­
tions, and the responsiveness of organizations and their work environments
to inevitable change.

Golf—Please make reserva­
tions by calling Craig Gra­
ham at (515)-955-8551.
Fort Dodge Golf & Country

• Golf • Social Hour and Banquet • Entertainm ent
For Reservations Contact: Doug McDermott, Home St. Bank, Jefferson.

Group 12 Annual Meeting
May 23 - The Lodge at Okoboji

The entertainment following the banquet will be provided by
The Dutch Dozen. This group, also known as the Goodwill Am­
bassadors for Orange City, performs by invitation throughout the
year. This year they were the main attraction at Oklahoma City’s
ethnic celebration. The group is composed of 12 girls ranging in
age from 15 to 18 years. Because the Dutch girls are noted mainly
for the pointed white hats, the Dutch Dozen members wear the
authentic costume of Valendam.
______ _____________

• Golf Tournament • Business Session •
•Social Hour and Banquet •
For Reservations Contact: Ed Leahy, Northwestern St. Bank,
Orange City.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Registration—Starlite Vil­
lage Motel.
3:00 Business S ession—Chair­
man Douglas McDermott
will call meeting to order.
Managing in the 80s—The
Changing Role o f Bank
Management by Dr. Roy
Park. Reports by Tom Hus­
ton , S u perin ten d en t o f
Banking; IB A Executive
Vice President Neil Milner,
and Howard Hagen, Assis­
tant Attorney General. Both
men and women are welcome
to attend this afternoon
5:00 Social Hour.
6:30 Banquet. Steak dinner.
8:00 Remarks by IB A President
A1 Maser followed by the en­
tertainment of First Class
Male, a barbershop quartet.
For reservations or further infor­
mation, contact: Doug McDermott,
Home State Bank, P.O. Box 351,
Jefferson, la., 50129

Group 12—Okoboji
The Group 12 bankers will meet
May 23 at The Lodge at Okoboji.

Get Your Tickets
Early To The
Group 3
Annual Meeting
May 24 • Clear Lake
Surf Ballroom
“ Life” - It’s a Celebration
Life is an unforgettable musical experience. More than just songs,
this highly professional veteran show group offers a visual display of
music; a whirlwind of sight and sound! Their unbeatable format com­
bines dazzling choreography and designer costumes with tight vocal
harmonies and super talented brass and rhythm players. Their uni­
quely well paced show runs the broad musical spectrum from coun­
try to Broadway and traditional to contemporary. More than just a
music group, LIFE will make this year’s group meeting one to

— Ladies Program —
Pheasant Run Restaurant

Live Music • Luncheon • Style Show
For further inform ation and reservations contact: Fred Hagemann, State
Bank of Waverly, P.O. Box 58, Waverly, la., 50677.

The Dutch Doz­
en, a sin gin g
group o f high
school girls from
Orange City, will
be the featured
entertain m en t.
Also known as
the Orange City
G oo d w ill A m ­
bassadors, the
group was the
main attraction this year at Okla­
homa City’s ethinic celebration. The
day will start off with a golf tourna­
ment at Brooks Golf Course.


Social H our—W im bledon
7:00 Banquet—Grandview Show­
room. The entertainment of
the Dutch Dozen will follow
the banquet.
For registration information, con­
tact: Ed Leahy, president, North­
western State Bank, Orange City,
Iowa 51041.

Group 3—Clear Lake

Veteran show group “ LIFE” will
dazzle and delight those attending
the G rou p 3
Meeting May 24
at the Surf Con­
Golf—Brooks Golf Course.
vention and Civ­
Registration—Lobby of The ic Center in Clear
Lake. “ L IF E ”
Lodge at Okoboji.
p e r fo r m
Business Meeting—Sobeck w ill
Room. Group Chairman Ed everything from
Leahy will call the meeting country to Broad­
to order. Session will include way, traditional
the election of officers and to contemporary
reports from: IB A President to provide an eve­
A1 Maser, Superintendent of ning of non-stop entertainment.
Banking Tom Huston, and Group Chairman Fred Hagemann,
IB A Executive Vice Presi­ president of State Bank o f Waverly,
will preside over the meeting. A prodent Neil Milner.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

gram for the ladies has also been
planned and includes live music,
lunch and a style show at Pheasant
Run Restaurant.
10:30 Registration—lobby of Surf
12:00 Libation time, cash bar—
Surf Ballroom.
12:30 Ladies program—live music,
Pheasant Run Restaurant.
12:30 Business Luncheon—Surf
1:00 L adies L u n ch e o n —sty le
1:00 Business session —Chairman Fred Hagemann will
call meeting to order. Re­
ports will be presented by
IB A Executive Vice Presi­
dent Neil Milner; IB A President A1 Maser; Superintendent of Banking Tom Hus­
ton, and Howard Hagen, as­
sistant attorney general,
Des Moines.
5:00 Cocktail hour.
6:00 Banquet.
“ Life” - It’s a Celebration.
For further information and reservations contact: Fred Hagemann,
State Bank of Waverly, P.O. Box 58,
Waverly la. 50677.








Wisconsin News
CLINTON: Leon J. Holschbach has
been promoted to executive vice
president and a member of the board
at Citizens State Bank. He succeeds
Gordon Chapman, who recently was
named president of the Farmers and
Merchants Bank in Racine. Mr.
Holschbach has been with Citizens
since 1979.
MINOCQUA: First National Bank
of Minocqua and W oodruff has ap­
pointed Douglas J. Andre a senior
vice president. He joined the bank in
1981 after 16 years of financial experience in rural, suburban and met­
ropolitan banking.
SHEBOYGAN: Joseph H. Schilder,
chairman and CEO o f Security Financial Services Inc., has relin­
quished the title o f chief executive
officer of both Security First Na­
tional Bank and its holding com­
pany. He will continue as chairman
o f both institutions. Succeeding Mr.
Schilder as CEO is Gerald M.
Thorne, president of Security Finan­
cial Services since 1980 and presi­
dent of Security First National
Bank since 1981.







Send Your News Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER


306 Fifteenth street

d e s m o in e s , io w a

Staff Changes
Business Campaigns
Mergers, Consolidations
New Departments at the Bank
Remodeling or New Building

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Open Houses
Anniversary Parties
Deaths or Retirements
Speeches Made by Bank Officers
Special Announcements to the Public
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

where comm on transactions are handled uncommonly well.
13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C.

(Continued from page 2)










Bank and Havelock Bank in Lincoin, City Bank in Crete and Fill­
more County Bank in Geneva. He
takes over the duties of Roger L.
Anderson, majority stockholder in
the four banks, who will more actively pursue other activities he is
involved in. Mr. Rooney is president
of the City Bank o f Lincoln and also
has been serving as interim presi­
dent of the Havelock Bank until a
permanent successor to Gordon
Kuhn is appointed.

Minnesota News

Montana News

Dr. Barry Asmus, one o f the na­
tion’s most sought after speakers of
free market, limited government
economics, will address the Minne­
sota Bankers Association 94th An­
nual Convention June 11-13 at the
Radisson St. Paul Hotel.
Dr. Asmus is on the faculty of
Boise State University and is the au­
thor of several books and papers.
C. Robert Brenton, president of
the American Bankers Association
and president of Brenton Banks,
Inc., Des Moines, Iowa will also ad­
dress M B A convention delegates.
“ Focusing on our Strengths’ ’ is
the theme o f M B A ’s 94th Annual
Convention, which will include two
general sessions and six special in­
terest sessions (repeated twice
daily). Special events during the con­
vention include: men’s golf tourna­
ments, women’s golf tournament,
tennis classic, hospitality rooms, fel­
lowship breakfast, various tours
women’s luncheon, pioneer and past
officers luncheon, annual banquet
and president’s luncheon.

John Moye, partner in a Denver
law firm and professor o f law at the
University of Denver College of
Law, will be the keynote speaker for
the Montana Bankers Association
1984 Commercial Lending Con­
ference May 14-15 at Village Red
Lion Inn in Missoula.
Mr. Moye will give a detailed pre­
sentation on loan documentation
and Article 9 of the UCC. He will
also provide an extensive handout
on Article 9 with a special Montana
supplement. Attorneys can earn
5.75 hours of CLE credits by attend­
The conference schedule also in­
cludes former Great Falls banker
Robert Pancich, who will give an im­
portant presentation on the newly
formed Montana Economic Develop­
ment Board of which he is the de­
puty director.

YORK: The Federal Reserve System
has approved the ownership by First
York Bern Corp., a one bank holding
company, o f The First National
Bank o f Bradshaw, The Blue River
Bank, McCool Junction, and the
Farmers & Traders Bank of Waco.
First York Ban Corp. currently
owns The First National Bank of
York and The First Trust Company
o f York. First York Ban Corp. own­
ers Robert V. Jones and C.G. “ Kelly ” Holthus, who have been active
in banking in York County for the
M IN N EAPOLIS: First National
past 34 years, purchased the banks
Bank of the Lakes, Navarre, recently
from E.A. “ Lige” Levitt, principal
received approval from the Comp­
owner o f the four banks and trust
troller of the Currency to open a
company. Mr. Levitt celebrated his
branch at 3101 Hennepin Avenue
100th birthday May 5. The change
South in Minneapolis.
o f ownership will formally take place
May 10, at which time Mr. Jones
will become chairman and Mr. Holthus will become president of each of
North Dakota News
the three banks. The acquisition of
the three banks completes a long- CROSBY: First National Bank of
range plan for Mr. Levitt to transfer Crosby has received approval from
ownership of the four banks and the Comptroller of the Currency to
trust company to Mr. Jones and Mr. locate a branch office at North Da­
Holthus, two of his long-time em­ kota Highway 5 and State Line,
East Westby.

GLENDIVE: Thomas W. Hughes
has been elected president and CEO
of the First National Bank of Glen­
dive, succeeding T.A. Vashus, who
recently retired. Mr. Hughes’ bank­
ing career started in 1954 at First
National Bank of Helena, and he has
been with First National o f Glendive
since 1965.
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Ernie Yake

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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Ag Banking Personnel
Let us help you. Call the ag lending personnel
specialists without cost or obligation. Confi­
dential. Employers pay us to hire the best.

Financial Careers
Senior Commercial Lender for central Iowa bank. to $40,000.
Senior Commercial Lender for southern Minnesota M ulti­
bank holding company bank. Experience w ith ag loans a
p lu s ......................................................................................... to $39,000.
CPA/Auditor for multi-bank holding company in midwest . $28,000.
Ag Person for com m unity bank located in.scenic north­
east Iow a
Low $20s.
Commercial Lender for major bank in Iowa Great Lakes
a r e a ...................................... ..........................Salary $30,000.
Number Twoman w ith ag lending experience for northern
Iowa bank....................................................................... Salary Open.

EXPERIENCED TRUST OFFICER to form and head a trust
department in a $200 million financial institution. Position
requires law degree w ith approximately 5 years experi­
ence in all phases of trust services. Applicants should be
aggressive and personable in order to be considered. Ex­
cellent benefits and salary commensurate w ith experi­
ence. Send resume, salary history and requirements to file
WAH, c/o Northwestern Banker. All inquiries confidential.
ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AG LOANS—college degree plus “ hands on” farm operations experience. Credit
experience necessary, but banking experience not essen­
tial. Excellent career opportunity. Contact James C.
Sodey, EVP, Hawkeye Bank and Trust, Spencer, IA. Phone
LOAN REVIEW POSITION: Must be experienced in all
phases of lending. Excellent opportunity for advancement
in progressive, growing organization. O ffice in Omaha,
NE, traveling required. Send resume to Jack Ayres, P.O.
Box 486, Bellevue, NE 68005.
SENIOR COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—$100 m illion asset eastern Nebraska bank desires seasoned commercial
loan officer to manage portfolio. Salary commensurate
with experience. Contact 402/727-1100.
INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER—Job opening for an ag­
gressive person w ith at least tw o years o f bank lending ex­
perience. This job will consist of direct and indirect install­
ment lending, wholesale flooring, and collections. Send
resume to: First Security Bank of Bozeman, P.O. Box 910,
Bozeman, MT 59715.
BANK OPERATIONS OFFICER—Job opening for a selfmotivated person w ith a minimum o f 2 years of bank oper­
ations experience. Applicant must have proven super­
visory skills, good accounting background, experience
w ith governmental reporting, and knowledge of govern­
ment regulations. Send resume to First Security Bank,
P.O. Box 910, Bozeman, MT 59715.
CASHIER—$26 m illion southwestern Minnesota commu­
nity bank seeks experienced operations officer. Salary
open. Send resume to file WBB, c/o Northwestern Banker.
_____________________________________ (PA)
CEO— For midwestern bank. Agricultural lending experi­
ence required. Salary open. Send resume to file WBC, c/o
Northwestern Banker.
INSURANCE AGENT— Licensed agent needed immediate­
ly for bank insurance agency jp north central Iowa. Send
resume to file WBD, c/o Northwestern Banker, or phone
Norm at 515/832-2520.
AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER—for a $25 million north­
west Iowa county seat bank. Salary commensurate w ith
experience. W rite file WBE, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA)
business sells machines, computers and systems to finan­
cial institutions. Business growing. Phone 308/384-5995.

loan background and experience for $100MM Oklahoma
Salary $50M plus good benefits.

CEO for sm aller southeast Iowa bank. Must be ag-oriented
..........................................................................Salary Open.
New Hampton, la. 50659 no answer, 712/779-3567
Massena, Iowa 50853


Eddie Wolf Bank Sales
7202 Maple Drive, Des Moines, la. 50322
Phone: 515/278-2271

Ag Lenders fo major Illinois multi-bank holding company.
Opportunities located throughout the state for qualified
people.................................................. ............. To $38,000.
Strong Number Two Person for $60 m illion in Iowa bank.
Must have ag and commercial lending experience............
..............................................................................Salary Open.
Ag Loan Officer for northern Iowa bank, located in topnotch farming area. Required ag degree and proven experi­
ence $28,000.
Mortgage Lender with some operations experience needed
by growth-oriented savings and loan association.............. $32,000.

$ 6 , 000,000

G.O. Bond & Grant Anticipation Project Notes
City of Newton, Iowa
Tuesday, May 15,1984 @ 11:00 A.M.,
C.T. (Award @ 12:00, Noon, C.T.) City
Hall, Newton, Iowa
June 1, 1984
June 1, 1987
June 1, 1986
Opinion: Ahlers, Cooney, Dorweiler, Hay nie,
Smith & Allbee. Des Moines, Iowa

We are looking for someone w ith 3-5 years of com­
mercial lending experience to work in our corre­
spondent bank area. Additional requirements are
correspondent banking experience (or extensive
AG lending experience) and a college degree with
at least 1 year of accounting. For more informa­
tion phone Mary Nerhaugen 612/341-6579.

For further information please contact:



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TELEPHONE: (612) 333-9177

50 BANK MICRO COMPUTER PROGRAMS— Franklin/Apple/IBM PC and others. Overview, Sample Reports, Demo
Disk. Send $19.95 to: Bankers Elec. Equip. Inc., 380 N. Wal­
nut, Grand Island, NE 68801. Phone 308/384-5995.
1981 DIEBOLD 910 FREE STANDING ATM— Floor model
auxiliary printer name display. Under service contract.
$18,000. Contact Fred or Dick, Phone 319/353-7111.

VICE PRESIDENT of $30 million bank seeking new
challenge and opportunities. Presently managing 3.5 m il­
lion installm ent loan department, as well as other con­
sumer services w ithin the bank. Send inquiries to file
WAX, c/o Northwestern Banker.
35 year old AVP in $16M bank looking for position in
western Iowa. Experience in all areas. All insurance
licenses and r.e. brockers license. Phone: 712/337-0240.



Metropolitan Areas
years experience required, IA and ID, $30’s.

COMMERCIAL/INSTL. LOAN - $80MM bank with large con­
sumer loan portfolio seeks experienced lender to under­
study senior loan officer.

$160mm bank, IA, $25K.

CASHIER ■ $25MM com munity bank. Handle operations,
personnel and regulatory reports. Third man position.

Dept, head in

AG LENDER, One of the top 25 U.S. ag lending in­
stitutions, SD, $25K.

AG LOAN OFFICER: Northern Kansas bank of $20MM. 3-5
years experience in ag loan field.
Salary $24-30M.

CORRESPONDENT BANKER, Ag lending and op­
erations background, 50% travel, IA, $30K.

AG LOAN OFFICER: Nebraska bank. Good community
and benefits.
Salary $28-35M.

commercial lender, formal credit training required
ID, $25-30K.

Above are some recent listings. We are a fee-paid-by-employer employment service. We specialize in banking and
related industries. If interested, mail your resume in strict
confidence to FINANCIAL PLACEMENTS, P.O. Box 13786,
Kansas City, Mo. 64199, or 912 Baltimore, Kansas 'City,
Mo. 64105. 816-421-7941. Mike Wall, Manager. Tom Can­
non, Consultant.

Potential President for Chicago suburban bank of $20
million. Must have commercial lending experienceTo $45,000.

Write or call in confidence to Cy Kirk or Malcolm Freeland
in care of Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable
Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 282-6462.
Employer pays fee.


COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER: Should have 2-5 years ex­
perience, know SBA loans, analyze financial statements
and project cash flow. Salary $32-35M plus good benefits.

DATA PROCESSING MANAGER: Capable o f setting up
IBM computer operation involving several banks. Salary
$30-40M. Degree.

Data Processing Manager for $95 m illion northern Illinois
bank..................................................................... to $35,000.

EX VP, AG LENDER w ith operations, career path
CEO 2-5 years, rural NE, $30-35K.
All inquiries are held confidential.
Barbara J. Ritta
6818 Grover Street
Omaha, NE 68106
Phone 402/397-2885

AGRILOAN • senior position in $35MM rural bank. Some
experience with commercial credits desired.
COMMERCIAL LOAN - $60MM suburban bank. Requires
three or more yrs. commercial lending experience and
good business development skills.
PRESIDENT • major midwestern holding company seeks
experienced CEO w ith strong agricultural loan back­
ground to manage $45MM affilia te bank.
$ Open
All inquiries confidential. Resume’ requested.

P.O. Box 12346 - 2024 Swift
North Kansas City, MO 64116
“ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 13 No. 3 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth
Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des
Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis