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• Vol. 16 No. 3 Des Moines, Iowa Bank Legislation Is in Low Gear ANKING legislation is moving B through Congress at a slow pace, but the Senate and the House are using separate roadways and • maps, making it difficult to deter mine if and when they will ever wind up at the same finish line. The Senate’s S.790, approved re cently, is in limbo until House action • is forthcoming. Senate Banking Committee Chairman William Proxmire had to take a back seat to com mittee members and fellow Senators in the final shape of that bill when he ® couldn’t get the non-bank loophole closed as he had hoped, nor could he get expanded powers for banks— only one-year moratorium th at places banks on hold for a year but ® allows competitors to grow un checked. House Banking Committee Chair man Fernand St Germain is committed to a “clean” FSLIC bill that ® will allow no amendments in order to expedite the re-funding of FSLIC to take care of its cancerous s&l prob lems. That bill had generally been _ bandied around in the $5 billion ® range in the House as a “rescue” figure, although most Washington observers say a realistic minimum needed is $28 billion. Last week it ^ appeared that amount in the House bill would be raised to $15 billion. Whether any bill will get to the conference committee is conjecture at this point; also, House committee members have made it known they will not accept discussion of S.790 in conference since they have not held hearings this session on these topics. * * * Elsewhere in the nation’s capital, no further progress was reported late last week on discussions for an ag real estate loan secondary mar ket. ABA, IBAA and life insurance companies had their months of dis cussions rudely interrupted by the Farm Credit System’s proposal of two weeks ago, which effectively would place control of the entire secondary market mechanics in the hands of FCS and shut out the other participants from policymaking and control. * * * The FDIC continues to seek every possible means of expediting sales of newly failed banks, as well as the $12 billion of assets it holds from failed banks of the past several years. The innovative approach of injecting an interest-bearing note into the newly-formed bank in a pur chase and assumption was used May 4,1987 again recently when American State Bank in Osceola, la., took a $2.5 mil lion note as part of the assumption of $8.3 million deposits. In Montana and Utah, FDIC sold two failed banks at a discount so the purchasers could take over the en tire banks and FDIC did not have to assume any assets. As reported in last week’s issue, the new Peoples Bank of Deer Lodge, Mont., pur chased the $12.7 million assets of the failed Deer Lodge Bank and Trust Company at a discount of $1, 899,000. Similarly, FDIC sold the $20.1 million assets of Bank of Iron County in Parowan, Utah at a dis count of $3,575,000. FDIC said it takes this approach when a buyer is agreeable and the transaction will minimize FDIC’s loss. FDIC also said it is studying ways to improve the bidding process by giving prospective bidders more lead time to prepare bids than the present one or two days advance notice. A revised procedure, it is felt, would make for better bids and pos sibly improve the number of bid ders. These actions, along with the new capital forbearance action, that eli minates a requirement of 4% mini mum capital but relies instead on the viability of a submitted plan, reflect the intent of FDIC to seek more ways to assist banks and to minimize losses to the insurance fund. Together We Can Accom plish Great Things Call Jerry Trudo, MNB Correspondent Banker 319-398-4306 or Toll Free 1-800-332-5991 The l Strength of \ Eastern J A |owa f Merchants National Bank in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F D i C 2 funct bank, with Mr. Schipper as president. Mr. Schipper resigned as NORWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 president of Lamoni National Bank ^ Member FDIC in Lamoni to accept his new respon - w sibility. Osceola State Bank had $8.3 million deposits, with assets of $9.5 million. Clarke County State Teamwork: Bank in Osceola has assets of nearly a one of the reasons $70 million. They are the only two banks in Clarke County. The new we’re first in iowa. bank has been capitalized a t $600,000, assumed about $6.2 mil John Rigler lion in assets, and the FDIC injected f an interest-bearing $2.5 million * * * For more information about this worth note. This was the fourth bank to fail in while organization, call or write the IBA The ABA Leadership Conference office. Iowa this year. The last one, First at The Greenbrier last week saw a *** State Bank in Rockford, and the f reconfirmation of ABA’s pledge to Osceola State Bank, were owned by seek a secondary market with equity CEDAR RA PID S: Jeffrey D. the same parties, Donald R. Wubfor control and access to all partici Hagen has joined Brenton Bank and bena, president of both banks, and pants. In addition, participants re Trust Company of Cedar Rapids as Clarence DeBoom, chairman at newed support for non-bank loop vice president. He will be involved Rockford and a director of Osceola • hole closure, expanded powers and with commercial loans and business State Bank. proper re-funding of FSLIC. □ development. Mr. Hagen previously served as vice president of Brenton Bank and Trust Co. of Vinton. Minnesota News Iowa News MANSON: Roger L. Loerch, presi MINNEAPOLIS: E. Thomas Welch # The Iowa Bankers Association dent of Manson State Bank, has pur has been elected president of Re and Collin W. Fritz & Assoc, will co chased controlling interest in the source Bank & Trust. He will con sponsor “Qualified Plans, SEPs & bank from Mrs. Jane Youell, widow tinue to serve as vice president of 401-Ks After the Tax Reform Act of of the late Gene Youell who was a the bank’s Minneapolis-based hold 1986” at three locations in May. well-known banker in the area for ing company. He joined the Re- # Registration is at 8:30 a.m., with the many years. Mr. Loerch is a native source Companies in 1984. In addi seminar running from 9:00 a.m. until of Tekamah, Nebr., where he entered tion, Daryl Standafer was promoted 4:00 p.ip. Fee is $125 for first IBA the banking business in 1954 with to senior vice president. He joined member, $110 each additional; $150 First National Bank. He was presi Resource Bank & Trust in 1984 as • for first subscriber, $135 each addi dent of State Savings Bank in vice president. tional; $175 for first non-member, Aplington, la., from 1971-75, then $160 for each additional. Dates and moved to Manson as president of Nebraska News locations are: May 19—Stouffer’s Manson State, the position he con OMAHA: A t Packers Bank and Five Seasons Hotel, Cedar Rapids; tinues to hold. Trust Co., Terence J. Tvrdik has £ May 20—Savery Hotel, Des Moines; been promoted to vice president and May 21—Siebens Forum, Buena OSCEOLA: Osceola State Bank & cashier. He previously served as vice Vista College, Storm Lake. To regis Trust Co. was declared insolvent on president of operations, and has April 23 and was closed that after ter contact the IBA office. noon by State Superintendent of been with the bank since 1970. *** Banking William R. Bernau. The The Iowa Young Bankers Association FDIC accepted a high bid premium Illinois News has extended an invitation to entry and payment of $62,558 from a group mid-level managers from IBA-member headed by James M. Schipper. The CHICAGO: John E. Swearingen, 68, commercial banks to join their associa newly-formed American State Bank chairman and CEO, Continental Illi tion. There is no longer an age require opened the following morning in the nois Corporation, announced April ft ment for membership. same quarters occupied by the de 23 that the board will undertake a Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 aqri carers,inc. _J AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS ThereJs A Difference In Banks... Valley National Bank ft Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President Jean 712/779-3567 Massena, la. 50853 Sandl 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 Confidential. Employer paid fees X- BIN IS Our “free space” Is reserved Just for you! Believe it or not you can get something for nothing in today’s world. During the month of May our associates will give an office consultation free of charge to any banker who calls and mentions this advertisement. This is not a gimmick! Swords Associ ates is very serious about service and we want to prove it to you! So call now to arrange for your “ free space!” SWORDSASSOCIATES.INC. PROFESSIONAL BANKING CONSULTANTS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4900 Oak, Suite 301 Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Find The Right opening. JTumTo.. . Robert Half. • • Know Every Turn in The Job Search Maze. OVER THE YEARS, BANKING PROFESSIONALS HAVE TURNED TO ROBERT HALF FOR EFFECTIVE CAREER PLANNING ASSISTANCE. ROBERT HALF’S BANKING DIVISION IS COMMITTED TO STRATEGICALLY MATCHING YOUR SKILLS AND INTERESTS WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE JOB OPPORTUNITIES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JUST “ TEST THE WATERS” ROBERT HALF IS THE NAME THAT YOU CAN COUNT ON. LET US HELP YOU THROUGH THE MAZE. OUR EXPERIENCED CONSULTANTS OFFER A PERSONALIZED APPROACH TO YOUR CAREER PATHING NEEDS. FOR A CONFIDENTIAL CONFERENCE CALL ROBERT HALF. A Partial Listing of Currently Available Positions From Robert Half's Banking Division Minnesota Office (612) 339-9001 AVP/COMMERCIAL LENDER. Dynamic rapidly growing asset based lender is looking for a strong commercial lender with 3 + years lending experience. Must be a • tro n g technician with excellent communication skills. Job #1533 To:$38K + Bonus NEW-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER. New York based credit company desires an asset based lender with 3 + years commercial lending experience to start up and develop new business relationships in the 5 state area. An exciting and challenging opportunity! Job #1535 To: $45K + Bonus EXECU T IV E & PROFESSIONAL BANKER. Major Minneapolis bank has a position available for a top quality professional in its prestigious E & P area. Must have 2 + years commercial lending experience, a top image and proven comjnunication skills to interact with some of the Twin Cities top business leaders. Job #1534 To: $30K + great benefits VP/SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER. Large regional banking group seeks hard-charging individual to coordinate and direct its correspondent banking function in Twin Cities market. Desire 5 + years commercial lending experience, degree, and dynamic selling skills to make new business develop ment calls. Job #1536 To:$47K Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTROLLER OPERATIONS. $55mm bank in northern Minnesota needs a take-charge individual to oversee their bookkeeping, teller, security and plant maintenance functions. Qualified applicants will have 5 + years experience in operations and proven management skills. Job #1537 To:$35K BRANCH MANAGER. Prestigious Minneapolis banking group needs a branch manager ki a northeast suburb. This position will manage a staff of 14 ana direct the day to day operations of a $55mm branch. This high profile position requires previous branch management experience or strong supervisory skills, a degree and outstanding selling skills. Job #1542 To: $27K + Bon® VP MANAGER COMMERCIAL LENDING. Progressive $45mm bank in a great North Dakota location is look ing for a community-minded individual with 3 + years commer cial lending experience. Results-oriented candidates should have experience in all lending areas. Job #1538 To: $35K VICE PRESIDENT — TRUST ADMINISTRATOR. Rapidly growing trust company has a management o p p o rtu n e available for a sales motivated individual to manage a staff of 5. Must have strong knowledge of employee benefits programs. Located in great Minnesota location. Job #1543 T o :$ 5 (§ AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER. Clean bank one hour outside of the Twin Cities is looking for an ^ lender with 3 + years experience, strong technical skills and knowledge of spread sheet analysis. Terrific Opportunity! Job #1544 To: $30K AVP/COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LENDER. Major Twin Cities bank lender with a commitment to commercial real estate financing has an immediate need for a proven commer cial real estate lender with 4 + years experience. This position will both administer existing deals in addition to soliciting new credits. Unlimited career pathing! Job #1539 To:$45K CREDIT ANALYST. Major Twin City bank is in need of an articulate credit analyst with 1 + years experience in spreading financial statements and review ing trend analysis. Position will lead to commercial lending. • Job #1545 To: $25K PRESIDENT - MORTGAGE COMPANY. Top performing bank holding company is looking for an aggressive personality with the ability to build a key mortgage house. The in dividual who takes on this start-up-situation will need 5 + years mortgage banking experience with time spent originating, top im age, proven management skills and a degree. Super opportunity for an entrepreneurial individual! Job #1540 To: $100K + ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT— COMMERCIAL LENDER. • A premier bank in the Twin Cities is looking for a commercial lender with 3 + years experience and strong business development skills. Great opportunity with upward career pathing potential. Job #1546 To: $ 4 % INTERNAL AUDITOR. Take-charge personality is needed to establish an internal audj^ department in this Twin Cities bank. Looking for 3 + years inter nal audit experience, excellent communication skills and top image to report to the Board of Directors. Job #1547 To:$30K CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER. $35mm bank in Southeast Minnesota needs a market-driven con sumer lender with 2 + years experience. This career opportunity requires a degree with effective communication skills and top im age. Job #1541 To:$24K ForFurtherInformation RegardingAny of These Positions or to Arrange An Interview Call or Send Your Resume Paul Genztkow • — * T h e B a n k in g D iv isio n R o b e rt H a lf o f M in n eso ta , In c . 3 6 3 6 IDS C e n te r, M in n eap o lis, MN 5 5 4 0 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (612) 339-9001 # 3 F irsT ier More o f what it takes to serve you well. Correspondent Services ^ ^ ^ =£ FirsTier*.Banks „ Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC # # ® 4 0 % # # search for his replacement. Mr. Swearingen will remain in his pre sent position until a new chairman is elected. William S. Ogden, 59, chair man and CEO of Continental Illinois National Bank, has agreed to con tinue for the present in his current job and as a director of the holding company. They both joined Conti nental April 13, 1984, after the FDIC completed its assistance pack age following Continental’s severe troubles with loan losses and deposit withdrawals. Mr. Swearingen earlier had been CEO for 23 years of Standard Oil Company (Indiana) and retired in 1983 as its chairman. Mr. Ogden, after 31 years of service, retired in 1983 from Chase Manhat tan Corporation and Chase Manhat tan Bank as vice chairman and chief financial officer. CHICAGO: David W. Fox, 55, has been appointed president and chief operating officer of Northern Trust Corp. and its lead bank, Northern Trust Company. Mr. Fox previously was vice chairman of both the hold ing company and the bank since 1981 and was head of commercial banking. He succeeds Charles H. Barrow, who resigned as president l a s t S e p t e m b e r . W e s t o n R. Christopherson, chairman and CEO of the holding company, had held the presidency awaiting appoint ment of a new president. William A. Osborn, formerly head of the U.S. corporate group, has been named executive vice president and succeeds Mr. Fox as head of commercial banking. John H. Sutfin, executive vice president, will assume the additional position of chief financial officer of the holding company and the bank. ings, and John Vucurevich, who owns banks in Montana, South Da kota and Wisconsin. The sale was part of the package of 28 banks with a total of 45 locations that FBS put on the market in August, 1985, in an announced restructuring that would allow FBS to focus its resources on other selected markets and pro ducts. This reportedly is the 44th location to be sold or to have an agreement for purchase. package to maximize its return to give the Foundation the largest package of funds possible. The North Dakota bill, already signed into law by Gov. George Sinner, will be effective July 1 only if Minnesota passes its similar law permitting the Bremer Foundation to sell the banks to a holding company outside that state. The North Dakota law requires Bremer Foundation to continue its minimum of $3.46 million in grants in North Dakota, and also provides North Dakota News The North Dakota legislature has some protection for minority stock passed a bill that would permit the holders. Although the NDBA was neutral, Otto Bremer Foundation to sell its the IBND opposed the measure. nine North Dakota banks to a buyer Similarly, the Independent Bankers from outside the state of North Da of Minnesota oppose the same mea kota. The vote was 36-19, with sure in their state. heavy opposition from the Indepen The Bremer Foundation owns 25 dent Banks of North Dakota. The banks and 34 businesses in three Bremer Foundation, like all other states with a value of $110 million, charitable organizations, has until and maintains that a package sale May 26, 1989, to divest itself of in would attract an additional $60 to come producing properties. The $70 million in premiums over book, foundation wants to sell all the thus giving the Foundation more Bremer banks in North Dakota, funds for charitable work. Minnesota and Wisconsin in one Confused About How A Bank Consultant Can Help You? Jack Canaday and Associates, Inc. would like to help answer your questions. Call us (4 0 2 ) 551-7005 SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST We Can Help With Your Employment Needs! R eg en c y RECRUITERS. INC. Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-S860 Specialists in Bank Recruiting and Consulting Since 1971 David L. Hansen, CCP Montana News LEWISTOWN: First Bank System has announced the sale of First Bank Lewistown, with $ 101.4 mil• lion in assets, to Jim Bennett, presi dent of First Citizens Bank in Bill Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 HAMILTON ASSOCIATES 10Q Court Ave., Suite 3QB Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/282-0221 WANT ADS Rates are $5.00 par line per Insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per Insertion. Identify of file letter adver tisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden St., Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections CORPORATE TRUST OFFICER First Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A. is seeking a manager for its corporate tru st services depart ment. This position is responsible for the manage ment of the employee benefit, corporate trust and stock transfer functions of the tru st divisions. Can didate should have a business related bachelors degree, a minimum o f 5 years experience in em ployee benefits and should possess business devel opment skills. Professional credibility and good in terpersonal skills necessary. Competetive salary and benefits package available. Send resume and salary requirements in confidence to: Shirley Poertner, VP Human Resources, First Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A., 6th & Locust, Des Moines, IA 50309. E.O.E. NEW OPPORTUNITIES AG LOAN position for a promotabie ag lender w ith several years experience.................................................... To $30,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN POSITIONS. Prefer college grads w ith tw o to five years experience......................... To $55,000 EDP AUDITOR w ith two or more years EDP audit experi ence. IBM, DOS, MVS.............................................To $30,000 Financial Careers, Inc. Two Ruan Center/Suite 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. Sale of Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years POSITION AVAILABLE Used by bankers throughout the midwest PRES/CEO. $65MM Bank. Current PRES/CEO retiring. We are looking for an innovative, aggressive, and analytical leader. Excellent compensation. Send resume to File No. WIR c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Ben E . Marlenee Coins RETAIL LENDER • Progressive 26M bank seeks profes sional department manager experienced in all facets of retail lending. Excellent growth opportunities. Send resume or contact James O. Sodey, President, Iowa State Bank, Fort Madison, Iowa. (PA) 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-213-8064 AG LOAN OFFICER. $23MM com m unity bank seeking someone w ith 2-3 yrs. ag lending exp. Hiring replacement for a recent retirement. Excellent position for a person on the way up the career ladder. Micro com puter exp. helpful. Contact Larry Wangrud, Box A, New Sharon, IA 50207. (515) 637-4196. (PA) c^Hoidsx and. cz/hioaiatzi. Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 D o n a l d E . H o l d e r , Principal POSITIONS AVAILABLE CORP. BANK TRAINER—Need experience in training people in new products and use of same. Some travel. Omaha. To $32K. All fees are paid by our client employers. Richard L. Beem, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide OPERATIONS OFFICER - Eastern Nebraska location. Should be experienced w ith in house com puter system. Experience on NCR Banker 80, software a plus. Send resume to File No. WJA c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) CONSUMER BANKING MANAGER— Davenport Bank has an excellent opportunity. W ill manage several consumer banking functions, including: IRA, discount brokerage, main bank tellers, quality control. Preferred candidate w ill have a college degree, supervisory experience, consumer finance services, bank operations experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary commensurate w ith experience. Send resume and salary history to: Personnel Department, Davenport Bank & Trust Company, 203 W. 3rd St., Daven port, IA 52801. E.O.E. M/F. (PA) EVP—$91 MM bank. Overall bank functions. 10 yrs. exp. Develop, implement, supervise & document policies. Posi tion leads to Pres/CEO. Send resume to File No. WJB c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) D O n B c H O Q L E R It: AND- i S S M l ASSOCIATES POSITIONS AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE CONTROLLER, comes from billion dollar frame work, division head background.................. $80,000 SR. V.P. Sensational oppty in $45M bank seeks Sr. Loan Officer who has ag/comm’l exposure. This position offer #2 spot in fast growing small bank group. $42K. CREDIT REVIEW OFFICER, $100mm + , college town, top bank................................................ $25,000 COMM’L LENDER College community bank that has strong comm’l portfolio. Seeks senior comm'l lender to oversee $24M portfolio. Proven lender must have 5 + yrs lending in $120M + bank. $37K. AG LENDER Growing ag bank in 2K town seeks 1-3 yr ag person for lender position. Should have computer, operations & FmHA knowledge. Long term could lead to senior spot in $25M institution. $25K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS ROBERT HALF accounting, financial and edp personnel specialists 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE VP TRUST ADMINISTRATOR Have you been passed over? Ready for a new challenge? A top ranked MN tru st co located in a great city is looking for a sr level trust adm inistrator. This position w ill interact w ith the a ffilia te bank network to develop new business and adm inister existing relationships. To $50K. + Bonus. Job#NW1569. CORRESPONDENT BANKER Do you enjoy business development? How does managing the correspondent function of a top performing regional bank sound? This premier o utfit is looking for an aggres sive coml lender w ith 4 + yrs coml lending exp to develop correspondent relationships in the Twin Cities. Must be degreed and have proven business development skills. To $45K. Job #NW1570. AG LOAN OFFICER Time to leave those “ false promises” behind? A $43mm holding co. bank is' looking for a technically oriented ag loan officer w ith 3 + yrs exp. This is a clean bank located within an hour o f the Twin Cities. A thorough knowledge of spread sheet analysis and the FmHA guarantee program are desired. To$30K. Job#NW1571. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR JEAN TODD "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" AG LOAN OFFICER Fast track position for 3-5 yr bank ag lender who has insur ance & FmHA skills. Bank is high profit, high R.O.A. bank near Irg city. Person w ill be promoted to V.P. w/in yr. $29K. FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 COMMERCIAL LENDER w/secondary r.e. mkt. knowledge, 20,000 + pop., rated 2. . . . $32-$35,000 WORK OUT SPECIALIST, large credits only, metro area.................................................................. $50,000 VP, $80mm bank, 1 rated, strong ag & bus dev. . . . ........................................................................$35,000 PRESIDENT, $40mm, heavy ag, strong community relationships...................................................$55,000 ROBERT HiaLF OFMNNESOTA,HC accounting, financial and edp personnel specialists 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMML LOAN • $50MM suburban bank w ith excellent growth and earnings history. Handle m ajority o f commer cial credits. Report directly to President. $38K CEO • suburban de novo bank. Experience as CEO or COO required. Strong commercial loan and business develop ment skills desired. Open C O M M E R C IA L VP, e x p e r ie n c e fro m $300,000-$3mm, degreed, 5 years min. . . . $44,000 LOAN REVIEW • large urban bank affiliated w ith major midwestern holding company. Degree and 2-3 yrs. loan review/workout experience desired. $30K COMMERCIAL VP, 6-figure background w/strong r.e., top metro bank, $100mm................ $40-$43,000 TRUST OFFICER • medium size com m unity bank w ith growing trust dept. JD preferred but not mandatory. $27K SVP, #2, lake area, strong ag, strong bus dev, 2 rated, $50mm.................................................. $45,000 COMML LOAN • $100MM com m unity bank. Supervise com mercial lending function. Future advancement possible. $45K PRESIDENT, $35mm, under 3,000, solid group, strong cattle & dairy...................................... $55,000 AG LENDER, blue collar town, PCA or FLB back ground, near major metro & univ...........$35-$40,000 DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 Additional positions available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 16 No. 3 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Digitized forSt., FRASER #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis