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Vol. 11 No. 6

Des Moines, Iowa

May 31,1982

South Dakota Seeks Super N O W









FTER extensive consideration
to adopting an interest-free
deposit instrument with a minimum
deposit o f $2,000, to allow the banks
in its state to fight back at the un­
regulated money market mutual
funds that are confiscating billions
in bank deposits, the South Dakota
Division of Banking and Finance at
its May 25 meeting backed off in fa­
vor of a Super NOW account for all
state and national banks in South
Glen F. Ritterbusch, director of
the South Dakota department, said
the banking board went with the
Super NOW as advocated by the
A B A before the Depository Institu­
tions Deregulation Committee. The
DIDC was supposed to take some
action May 24, after having delayed
from previous meetings at which it
was supposed to come up with a vi­
able alternative in its mandated-byCongress road to deregulation. How­
ever, its staff still couldn’t get its
act together and the DIDC again
chickened out, saying it would wait
until the scheduled June 29 meeting.
The South Dakota action actually
petitions DIDC to grant an exception to states or regions, lacking fur­
ther positive action by the DIDC.
Mr. Ritterbusch said that if there
are no snags in the banking board
proposal after review by the South
Dakota Attorney General, then the
banking board will adopt the resolu­


tion, providing a 30-day delay. This
would put the effective date after
the June 29 DIDC meeting. If such
state action is taken authorizing a
Super NOW in South Dakota, it
would then be up to individual
banks as to whether they will “ test
the waters’ ’ against current regula­
It was learned that all the federal
regulators emphatically opposed the
South Dakota original proposal for a
ceiling-free instrument with a $2,000
minimum deposit. They pressured
the banking commission to drop the
proposal, indicating that although
they wouldn’t take the South Da­
kota Division of Banking and Fi­
nance to court, they would immedi­
ately take punitive action against
any South Dakota bank trying to of­
fer such a new instrument.
Monitoring the outflow of funds
from banks in any given state to the
MM MFs is difficult, Mr. Ritter­
busch stated. “ There is no way to
know how many livestock and grain
c h e c k s fu n n e l d ir e c t ly in to
M M M Fs.’ ’
The closest bankers have been
able to come to fighting back, in
many instances, is through repur­
chase agreements. FDIC is taking a
dim view of these uninsured transac­
tions in many cases, especially
where they are openly or by innuen­
do offered on an automatically re­
newable basis. FDIC Chairman Wm.

Isaac is one of the DIDC members
who favors moving rapidly on the
path toward a competitive deposit
instrument for banks.
Whether the “ sagebrush’ ’ or
“ short grass” rebellion will gain any
ground for bankers remains to be
seen. In the meantime, the unreg­
ulated firms have approximately
$193 billion in their MMMFs, much
of it taken from commercial banks
and savings and loans that can’t
fight back because of the DIDC. One
member of the DIDC is the National
Credit Union Administrator, who
has unilaterally deregulated his in­
dustry, but still sits on the board
controlling the banks.
Chairman of the DIDC is Trea­
sury Secretary Donald Regan. In his
previous position as chairman of
Merrill Lynch, he helped create the
MM MF at that firm, and as a DIDC
member refuses to allow banks to
defend themselves from the incur­
sions of the securities industry.
MMMF funds are not insured.
As another irony last week, The
Investment Company Institute,
which represents mutual funds,
went to federal district court in
Washington, D.D., asking it to force
the FDIC to make the Boston Five
Cents Savings Bank cease its plans
to establish a money market fund.
The Institute said this violates the
1933 Glass-Steagall Act which calls
for a separation of banking and se­
curities businesses.

where com m on transactions
are handed uncomm only well.




Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501

• Member,




One of the
reasons we’re
first in Iowa.

Linda Collins



The 28th Annual Conference of
the Upper Midwest Agricultural
Credit Council, featuring national
and regional experts speaking on
topics related to agricultural bank­
ing, will meet July 7, 8, and 9 at the
Fairmont Hot Springs Resort in
Anaconda, Mont.
Frank Naylor, Jr., the Undersec­
retary of Agriculture for Small Com­
munity and Rural Development, will
open the conference on July 8 with a
discussion on current policies at
FHA. Other conference speakers in­
clude Gary Stern, senior vice presi­
dent and director of research at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap­
olis; C.P. “ Buck” Moore, president
of Northwestern National Bank in
Sioux Falls; Gene Nelson, extension
farm management specialist at Ore­
gon State University, Corvallis, and
Glenn Pederson from the depart­
ment of agricultural economics at
North Dakota State University,

Iowa News
Offices of the Iowa Independent
Bankers have been moved from 222
Equitable Building across the street
to the new Carriers Building, located
on the northwest corner of Sixth and
Locust Streets. The new address is
1000 Carriers Bldg., 601 Locust St.,
Des Moines, la. 50309. The new tele­
phone number is 515/255-5609.


Ruth Willits, vice president of
Northwest Bank & Trust Company,
Davenport, was voted the new Na­
tional Association of Bank Women
State Chairman for the 1982-83
year. Ms. Willits is a member of the
southeast chapter o f NABW .
DES MOINES: Sherry A. Rissman
has been elected to the position of
com m ercial services officer of
United Central Bank. She joined the
bank in 1979 as a credit analyst and
promoted to senior credit anaDigitized for was
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Capital Personnel Service
714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545
Des Moines, Iowa 50309

M itch Christensen
Electronic Banking

An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation B a n c o »
Member FDIC

UMACC Annual Conference
July 7, 8, & 9 in Montana


Banking, Financial & Business
Personnel, Iowa and Nationwide

Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 36 2-25 14

lyst and supervisor in 1981.
DES MOINES: Craig E. Wierson
has been appointed vice president
and director of internal audit at
Bankers Trust. He previously had
been with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell
and Co. for eight years, most recent­
ly as manager of the management

the new group will be named Ne­
braska Financial and Economic Development Association. The organ­
ization apparently will have several
types of business firms as members,
notably some of the larger banks in
the state. One of its goals will be
banking structure change. Mr.
Moors will continue as chairman of
American National Bank of Sidney.

Minnesota News

DULUTH: Clarency E. Maddy has
been named vice president-admin­
istration of First Bank-Duluth, an­
nounced James H. Claypool, chair­
man. Mr. Maddy, who served as adMASON CITY: First National Bank minstrative assistant to the mayor
has announced the election of James of Duluth for 21 years, will have
L. Garver as correspondent banking responsibilities for the building pro­
officer. He began his banking career ject of First Bank Place.
in 1960, serving most recently as as­ GRAND RAPIDS: Dave Groshong
sistant cashier at the Admire Bank has been promoted to vice president
and head of the commercial loan
in Emporia.
department of First Northwestern
MUSCATINE: D. Scott Ingstad National Bank. He has been with
has been named chief operating of­ the bank since 1977.
ficer of Community National Bank. ST. PAUL: Phil Hunt has been elecHis appointment follows the recent
resignation of Charles S. Bullock.







Nebraska News
LINCOLN: Thomas D. Potter has
been elected president and chief ex­
ecutive officer of National Bank of
Commerce, succeeding James F.
Nissen, who resigned to accept a
management position with a region­
al banking firm. Mr. Potter pre­
viously was senior executive vice
president of NBC and was elected to
the board in 1981. He has been with
the bank since 1975. The rest of
NBC’s executive management team
continues as before. Mr. Nissen will
run Nebraska Management, Inc.,
Lincoln, owned by Lincoln busi­
nessmen Gene Tallman and Paul
Schorr. They own First National
Bank and First State Bank in Fre­
mont, Lincoln Bank East, First
Westroads Bank in Omaha, and are
acquiring Citizens State Bank in
LINCOLN: H. Jack Moors plans to
leave his post as chairman of Cit­
izens State Bank in July and will
head up a new statewide business or­
ganization dedicated to the financial
and economic development of Ne­
braska. Although not yet officially
certified by the State of Nebraska,



to make MNB
work for you.
Toll free
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National Bank 151

Member F.D.I.C.


Supplement to
Northwestern Banker Newsletter

Carleton D. Beh Company
Investment Bankers / Financial Consultants
1300 Des Moines Building / Des Moines, Iowa 50309
5 1 5 /2 8 8 -2 15 2



We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion:

Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1982
DATED: June 1,1982


Both principal and semiannual Interest (June 1 and December 1; first coupon due December 1,1982) payable at
the office of the City Treasurer, Fort Madison, Iowa.

$ 55,000


$165,000 December 1, 1990 10.25

11.00 %
December 1, 1982 8.00
December 1, 1983 8.40
December 1, 1984 8.70
December 1, 1985 9.00
December 1, 1986 9.25
December 1, 1987 9.50
December 1, 1988 9.75
101/2 %
December 1,1989 10.00

$185,000 December 1, 1991


$205,000 December 1, 1992 10.75*
$230,000 December 1, 1993 11.00*

•Optional for redemption in inverse numerical order on December 1,1991 or any interest payment date thereafter at par
plus accrued interest to the date of redemption.

The City of Fort Madison, one of two county seats of Lee County, Iowa, is located on the Mississippi River in southeastern Iowa approximate­
ly 90 miles south of Davenport, Iowa. Fort Madison serves as a retail trading area and service center for the surrounding prosperous
agricultural area and has long been the home of several sizable local and nationally based industries. Some of these companies include:
Sheaffer-Eaton (world’s largest manufacturer of fine pens); E.l. duPont deNemours & Co. (manufacturers of paints); The Chevron Chemical
Company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil of California (petrochemical facility producing anhydrous ammonia fertilizer and liquid carbon diox­
ide); Fruehauf Corporation (van trailers); and Armour-Dial, Inc. (canned and frozen meats). The world’s greatest inland commercial waterway
flows past Fort Madison’s flood proof banks providing barge service from April to December, and at the present time, shipping is available
nine months out of the year. The City is also served by AMTRAK, U.S. Highway 61, Iowa primary highways and an Interstate Toll Bridge pro­
viding highway access over the Mississippi to Illinois. Fort Madison has three commercial banks with deposits exceeding $104,200,000 and
one savings and loan association with total assets of $43,878,912 as of December 1, 1981. The population is currently estimated at 13,520.
The proceeds of this issue will be used to refund $898,571.37 of Fort Madison, Iowa Water Revenue Pledge Orders issued to contractors and
suppliers and for professional services in connection with the construction of major improvements to the Municipal Water Works Plant and


Total Revenues
Total Operating Expenses
Net Income Operating Fund
Net Revenue Available for Debt

Calendar Year

Average Annual Principal & Interest
Maximum Annual Principal & Interest



Fiscal Year

The information contained herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources we deem reliable and is that on which our purchase of these bonds is based.
Bonds of a particular m aturity may or may not s till be available or may now be available at a price or yield different from that indicated above.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Division of


& Company Inc.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

ted vice president of First Bank
Security. He began his career in
1958 with First Bank Minneapolis.
ST. PAUL: Thomas C. Olander has
been promoted to vice president at
American National Bank. Mr. Olan­
der, who joined the bank in 1976,
was named assistant vice president
in 1980.

Illinois News
The Association for Modern Bank­
ing will be holding their 1982 annual
meeting this week, June 2-4, at the
Indian Lakes Resort in Bloomingdale. The schedule of events follows:
P .M .

W ednesday, June 2

1:00 Golf and tennis tournaments.
6:00 Loop Bank reception.
A .M .

Thursday, June 3

7:30 Registration.
9:00 General session.
“ The Future is Now” —William H.
Kennedy, Jr., pres.-elect, A BA; chair­
man of National Bank of Commerce,
Pine Bluff, Ark.
10:00 “ The View From WashingtonE x p e cta tio n s vs. R e a litie s” —
George F. Will, syndicated colum­
nist, TV news commentator, author.
11:45 Lunch.
P .M .

A .M .

General session reconvenes.
AM BI Business meeting.
AM BI reception.
AM BI annual banquet.
Floor show. Roger & Roger from Las Vegas.
Friday, June 4

7:30 Chapter breakfasts.
8:30 General session reconvenes.
Multi-media presentation.
8:40 Multi-bank Holding Compan­
ies in Illinois—Where Are We
•Bernard E. Adee, vice president/
corporate finance department, Rob­
ert W. Baird & Company, Mil­
waukee, Wis.
•Judy Blacklidge, administrative
bank holding company examiner,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
•Thomas B. Hart, senior partner,
Pope, Ballard, Shepard & Fowle,
•James W. Haugh, Liaison Tax Part­
ner, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.,
SEND M E ...
A 20« stamp, a check for $1.00, and your bank let­
terhead and I will send you a sample of the most
unusual Christmas “handout” of 1982.

10:15 W hat’s In It For M y Bank?—
•Willard Bunn III, moderator; presi­
Estate Appraisals
dent and chief operating officer,
Purchase o f
Marine Bancorp, Inc.
•David E. Connor, president, Mid­
west Financial Group, Inc.
Sale o f Rare Coins
•Harry E. Cruncleton, vice chairman
and board member, First Bancorp of
Reliable and respected service
Belleville, Inc.
for over 20 years
•James F. Oberwortmann, presi­
Used by bankers
dent, First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.
throughout the midwest
11:30 Adjourn.
11:45 Closing luncheon.
Ben E . Marlenee
The A ssociation for M odern
R a n k i n g in Illinois has selected
Hughes, Martindale & Associates to
913 L ocust
D es M oin es, Iowa 50309
conduct the first in a continuing
seris of educational teleconferences
throughout the state.
The inaugural program June 8 action is subject to the approval of
will take place in 17 major cities or­ Federal and State Authorities.
South Dakota News
iginating from the AM BI “ BANKN ET” Network studios in Chicago. SIOUX FALLS: Northwestern Bank
The one-day seminar, conducted by recently announced the advancement
H M A President Robert M. Martin- of Keith C. Goodhope from assistant
dale and Vice President Michael R. vice president and assistant manager
Chy, will focus on the rapidly to vice president and manager at the
spreading bank service called Sweep Parker Branch. Mr. Goodhope joined
Accounts and the impact of Sweeps the bank’s Lake Preston Branch in
in the community banks today and 1972 as an insurance representative.
in the long term.

North Dakota News

ELMHURST: Arnold E. Bruns re­
cently was promoted to vice presi­
dent, trust division, and Michael
Stoltz to vice president, commercial
loan department, of Elmhurst Na­
tional Bank.
MOLINE: Richard M. Bishop has
been elected president, effective
June 1, of First National Bank of
Moline. He has been president at
First Galesburg National Bank and
Trust Company, which he joined in
1971. He fills the vacancy created by
the resignation in March of Richard
A. Shultz.
N APERVILLE: The board of direc­
tors of Northern Trust Corporation,
Chicago, recently approved a defin­
itive agreement to acquire The First
Bank, Naperville, from the First
Naperville Bancorporation, a onebank holding company. The trans­

HALSTAD: Jean P. Bennett was
named president of the Red River
State Bank of Halstad at the recent
annual meeting. Randall C. Aarestad, who has been president, was
named chairman. Also at the meet­
ing, Mary Trandem was elected vice
president and cashier.

Montana News
BILLINGS: Robert P. Gibbs has
joined Security Bank as vice presi­
dent o f the energy division. He
previously was vice president with
Continental Illinois National Bank
and Trust Company in Chicago.
PLENTYWOOD: Dallas Johnson
has been promoted to vice president
of Security State Bank. His promo­
tion follows the recent resignation of
Alan Dale, vice president, who will
be taking a position in Denver.

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Availability of funds.. .availability of people...
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Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Member FDIC

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Challenging opportunity for a professional indi­
vidual who has worked in commercial banking for
5 to 10 years w ith experience in loan operations,
documentation, credit analysis, and the laws and
regulations pertaining thereto. This position re­
quires personal contact w ith other professionals,
customers, and co-workers. Must be capable of
supervising several departments. Attention to de­
tail work is essential. This position involves a
great deal of pressure and ability to meet numer­
ous deadlines. We offer excellent benefits and a
salary commensurate w ith experience. Send
resume and salary requirements in confidence to:

If you have two or more years of ag lending experience and want
to move up, we have a select number of positions open in the
midwest. A degree from Iowa State University or other agoriented university will be a definite plus. Write or call Malcolm
Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 246 Insurance
Exchange Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/
282-6462. Employer pays fee.______________________ (PA)
$160 m illion bank in northeast Iowa looking for an ex­
perienced operations person. Two years or more banking
experience in bank operations required. College degree in
business preferred. Salary and benefits commensurate
w ith qualifications. Excellent opportunity for growth and
advancement. All replies confidential. W rite file QBD, c/o
Northwestern Banker.
SECOND MAN—$9 million bank. Resort area in northern
Minnesota. Write file QBF, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA)
Experienced INSTALLMENT LOAN MANAGER—for south
central Nebraska $25 m illion bank. Also additional respon­
sib ility in agricultural and commercial lending. Send sal­
ary requirements w ith resume. W rite file QBE, c/o North­
western Banker.
CEO POSITION available for $75 m illion midwestern bank
in rural community. Send resume and salary history to file
QBG, c/o Northwestern Banker.
years experience required. Banking background useful.
Growing multi-bank holding company. Salary open. Send
resume to John L. Calton, Executive Vice President,
Peoples Bankshares, Ltd., P.O. Box 360, Waterloo, Iowa
50704._________________________________________ (PA)
a $70 m illion bank in southeast Iowa county seat. Write
file QBI, c/o Northwestern Banker.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER—A $20 m illion bank located
in western Illinois is seeking an individual w ith agri­
cultural loan experience to become chief executive o f­
ficer. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual with
an agricultural loan background interested in managing a
bank. Ownership has interests in several Illinois banks so
that advancement opportunities are unlimited. Salary
commensurate w ith experience and ability. Please send
resume to file QBH, c/o The Northwestern Banker.

MODULAR OFFICE DIVIDER. Fabric panels w ith oak; 1 4 'x
9' (Allows for doorway). Consists of: 1 credenza, 1 desk
unit, work surface, storage cabinet, 1 executive swivel
chair and 2 side chairs. Contact Gary Burke, State Bank,
Waverly, IA 50677. Phone (319) 352-4556.
Two NCR 7750, Model 2201 proof machines with 16
pockets. Inquire to Rick Strudthoff, Peoples Bank & Trust
Company, Waterloo, Iowa.
Brandt Model 952 Demonstrator coin sorter counter-save
over $800. C all Money H andling M achines Inc.,
1-800-228-2581. In Nebraska, 1-800-642-1522.
NCR 755-1000 single pocket proof machine. Has been
under maintenance contract. Contact Andrew Kobs or
Diane Hanna, First National Bank, Fort Dodge, Iowa
50501. Phone (515) 576-6811.
Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file
letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers
cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER, 30615th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 5 15 /

What does your employees’ appear­
ance tell your customers about your
bank? “We want to please you” or
“We don’t really care?” Call us for the
look of “ Service” and “ Success.”

I 523 N. Main St„ Carroll, Ia„ 51401 712-792-2748 |



Personnel Department
6th and Walnut
Des Moines, Iowa 50304
An Equal Opportunity Employer

Ag Lender w ith Iowa State Univ. degree and one year with
PCA ....................................................... .................. $16,000

Operations person, now cashier of $40 m illion bank, seeks
new opportunity in progressive b a n k ...................... $25,000
Ag Lender w ith Iowa State Univ. degree and 10 years e x p ..
..................................................................................... $28,000

Commercial Loan Officer in a $65,000,000 Missouri
Holding Company bank in suburb of metro area. Business
Development experience required. Salary range to $30,000
All Around Loan Officer for a $15,000,000 bank in 30,000
population Kansas town. Salary to $26,000
#2 Man for a $30,000,000 country bank. W ill assist Presi­
dent in adm inistration and Commercial lending. Salary
$25,000 - $28,000.
Trust Analyst-Senior Portfolio Manager in a large metro
bank. Leading Regional bank. CFA required & strength in
technical analysis. To $40,000.
Trust Securities Operations Analyst for large trust depart­
ment reviewing internal controls and operations pro­
cedures. Salary to $21,000.
Senior Lending Officer strong in adm inistration for a
$30,000,000 privately owned bank in a good Missouri town,
10,000 plus population. $25,000 - $30,000.
Commercial Loan Officer for a $100,000,000 plus bank in Ci­
ty under 300,000 population. Holding Company Bank, com­
plete benefit package, Country Club. Salary to $30,000.
Agriculture Loan Offier for a $30,000 bank in small
Oklahoma town. Top advancement potential. Salary
Range $25,000 - $30,000.
Trust Department Head for an $80,000,000 trust dept,
growing rapidly. Suburb town. Personal interests, some
probate, employee benefits. Location is a definite attrac­
tion, strong com m unity bank. Salary to $40,000.

Generalist in com m unity bank seeks new situation in S.
Iowa or M is s o u ri..........................................................$27,500
Installment Mgr., now in $28 m illion bank, wants to move
to N. Iowa or S. M in n e s o ta ........................................$24,000
Senior auditor w ith CPA degree seeks position near Twin
C it ie s ............................................................................$25,000
Installment Lender w ith four years experience . . . .$18,000
Operations specialist w ith $100 m illion bank seeks job in
Upper M id w e s t............................................................$24,500
Commercial Lender w ith emphasis on ag seeks new op­
portunity ......................................................................$32,000
Insurance Agent running successful bank agency wants
to move to a better growth situation in western Io w a ........
................................................................................. $28,000 +
Cashier in $30 million Nebraska bank wants to find new
o p p o rtu n ity ..................................................................$24,000
Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Ser­
vice, Inc., 246 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Des Moines,
Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Em ployer pays
reasonable fee.

MODULAR BANK UNITS—14' x 36' and 14' x 66'. Fully
equipped with alarm, camera, night depository, drive-up
window and furniture. Ready for delivery. Contact Finan­
cial Products, Inc., Box 1035, Eau Claire, Wl 54701. Phone

Commercial Loan Officer for a $125,000,000 Arkansas
bank in a town undr 70,000 population. Salary range to


Vice President title, Commercial lender w ith strong ag
overtones. Bank is $50,000,000, town is 10,000 approx­
imately. 8 years minimum experience and must have ag
lending background. Salary to $40,000.

17 Year community banker, age 42, extensive experience
In all areas, graduate of banking schools desires 2nd man
or cashier position. Write File PBM, c/o Northwestern

We are a banking placement firm and assure confidentiality
with every candidate. Eighteen years of banking background
serving as president of metropolitan and rural banks
enables me to find the position you want. Phone me collect,
or send resume to: Don W. Schooler & Associates, 901 A.
West Jackson, Ozark, Missouri 65721. Phone (417) 485-6020.

SENIOR COMMERCIAL LOAN—$200MM affiliate of major
holding company. Will report to Exec. Vice Pres.

D O N Ä C H O Q L E R In
"Successful Banking is Quality Personnel"

COMMERCIAL LOAN—$60MM suburban bank. Need 2-3
years commercial lending experience and good business
development skills.
COMMERCIAL LOAN—$50MM resort area bank seeks ad­
dition to staff. Must be calling oriented and have superior
lending record.
JUNIOR COMMERCIAL LOAN—opening in secured len­
ding division of $250MM urban bank. Formal credit
analysis and 2-3 yrs. commercial lending required. $25,000


COMMERCIAL LOAN— lending experience with $150MM
plus bank requested. Excellent opportunity for advance­
ment due to anticipated retirement of several senior of­
AGRI LOAN—small rural Iowa bank. Handle all Ag loans
and some adm inistrative duties. Five years or more ex­
perience requested.

Also paying top prices for other
“types” of U.S. currency and finan­
cial paper.
Box 1, Adel, IA 50003 • 515/ 270-8170

SENIOR AG LENDER— responsibility for all Agricredits in
$30MM rural bank. Superior documentation skills a must.
Additional opportunities in rural and urban banks. Salary
history and resume' requested.

of Kansas City
Box 12346 - 2024 Swift
North Kansas City, MO 64116
_______ “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970’’

Vol. 11 No. 6 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company 306 Fifteenth
Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des
Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis