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Vol. 15 No. 6

Des Moines, Iowa

May 26,1986

Bankers See Farm Econom y at Bottom
AN Y Upper Midwest bankers
think the farm economy is ap­
p roa ch in g the
bottom, accord­
ing to a recent
survey taken by
Norwest Corpo­
ration, Minnea­
Two-thirds of
the more than
800 bankers re­
sponding to the
survey said they
do not expect further deterioration
in the farm economy. The regional
economic survey is taken twice a
year by Norwest economists and
brings responses from bankers in
Minnesota, North and South Da­
kota, Iowa, Nebraska, Montana and
Wisconsin. Results of the survey
were released May 15 in Economic
Indicators, a bi-monthly publication
of the Norwest economics depart­
According to Dr. Sung Won Sohn,
chief economist for Norwest Corpo­
ration, 60 percent of the bankers an­
ticipate little change in overall eco­
nomic conditions during the next six
to 12 months, and another seven
percent anticipate improvement.
One-third o f the bankers expect fur­
ther deterioration.
Dr. Sohn said this is a more posi­


tive appraisal than was given in a
Norwest survey taken last fall and
represents the first upturn in the ag
bankers’ confidence since October,
1983, when the PIK program boosted
crop prices.
They point to the positive impact
on farm earnings of lower costs of
fuel, fertilizer, cash rent and inter­
est. Bankers also indicated that
farmers who carry little or no debt
are making a comfortable living and
reported that investors and financially-sound farmers are showing
more interest in buying farm land.
“ The most positive responses in
the agricultural sector came from
bankers in Wisconsin, where strong
dairy producers are still turning a
profit, and from eastern North Da­
kota, where the area is aided by pro­
fitable sugar prices and the presence
of other specialty crops,” Dr. Sohn
Optimism also was expressed by
bankers in the Twin Cities and in
northeastern Minnesota. The survey
indicates that bankers in Minneapo­
lis and St. Paul anticipate relatively
healthy economic conditions to con­
tinue. Bankers in northeastern Min­
nesota, as well as northwestern Wis­
consin, think the local economy has
b o tto m e d ou t and an ticip ate
im proving econom ic conditions.
Lower gasoline prices are expected

to spur tourism.
In the Twin Cities, bankers rated
local economic conditions “ good to
very good” and are optimistic about
the prospects for the balance of the
year, Dr. Sohn said. Nearly twothirds of the Twin Cities’ bankers
expect overall conditions to remain
near current levels, while the re­
mainder anticipates a pick-up in
both consumer and business spend­
ing, resulting in a stronger economy.
Twin Cities employment is cur­
rently 10 percent higher than the
peak reached before the 1981-82 re­
cession, a stronger performance
than the national average. Accord­
ing to Dr. Sohn, the fastest growing
sectors in the metro area include
construction, transportation, retail
trade, finance, insurance and real
estate. He said that, although the
computer industry has been in a
temporary slump, a recovery is anti­
cipated in the near future.
“ Introduction of new products, a
weaker dollar and completion of the
inventory correction all point to
stronger computer sales,” Dr. Sohn
Economic conditions also remain
relatively healthy in most other ur­
ban centers throughout the region,
including St. Cloud, Rochester,
Sioux Falls, Fargo, Omaha and Des
Moines, the economist said.

David Rismiller

Jonathan Kemper

Bill Sprenger



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one of the reasons
we’re first in Iowa.
John Rigler

Mark Conway

120 Years in Banking

heading up the bank, which he did
The Okey Vernon First National until the merger with the Corning in­
Bank of Corning, Iowa boasts a rari­ stitution.
Today both are actively serving
ty in banking: two employees who
their respective banks as consul­
have served banking for 60 years.
Thelma Heitsman began her tants. They can testify to the pro­
banking career in 1926 at Citizens g re s s iv e ch a n ges in b an k in g
State Bank in New Sharon. She has through the years, as electronics
been associated with Corning bank­ have replaced hand-operated machi­
ing since 1950. She has served Okey nery, and look forward to more pro­
Vernon First National as cashier, gress as they continue to serve Okey
vice president, board member and Vernon First National Bank.
The two were honored with spe­
secretary to the board.
Brad Outhier also started in bank­ cial open houses on May 12 in Com ­
ing in 1926 under his father, Francis ing and Prescott.
A. Outhier, at the First National
Bank of Prescott, which became a
Iowa News
branch of the Corning bank. In 1946
the elder Mr. Outhier’ s failing ALB I A: Harold L. Mick, local Albia
health caused Brad to take over businessman, and Catherine M. Bay
of rural Monroe County, have ap­
plied to regulatory authorities to
charter a new bank in Albia which
will be known as the Peoples State
Bank. They were successful bidders
on equipment, facilities and fixtures
of the former Peoples National Bank
and Trust Co. at Eddyville, upon
which action approval was contin­
gent. The new bank is being formed
to fill the void resulting from the
closing of the previous Albia bank
on Feb. 1, 1986. Garland C. Carver
will be the initial chairman, presi­
dent and CEO of the bank. He was
with the Iowa—Des Moines Na­
tional Bank (now Norwest Bank of
Des Moines, N.A.) for over 26 years.
Since 1981 he has been a financial

to make MNB
work for you.

National Bank


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

DES MOINES: James W. Eiler has
been elected executive vice presi­
dent of First Interstate Bank of Des
Moines, N.A. He previously served
as senior vice president and is re­
sponsible for the bank’s commercial
services division as well as the credit
review function for loan participa­
tion within the First Interstate sys­
tem in Iowa. He joined First Inter­
state in 1983.
DES MOINES: The Iowa Bankers
Association recently hired Frank
Gleeson as the new president for
Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser­
vices, Inc. He replaces A1 Tinder,
who will retire Sept. 1. Mr. Gleeson
came to IBIS from Hawkeye Securi­
ty Insurance Company where he was
president, CEO and director. He had
been with Hawkeye since 1953. His
duties with IB IS will include policy
decisions and directing the in­
surance and non-insurance activities
of the agency.
LEIGHTON: The name o f the presi­
dent o f Farmers Savings Bank is in­
correctly shown in the 1986 Iowa
Bank Directory as J. Gordon Frueh
through a typographical error. Mr.
Frueh’ s name should appear as J.
Gerald Frueh. Users o f the Direc­
tory should note this change.
INDIANOLA: Robert Davey, a vice
president at Peoples Trust and Sav­
ings Bank, has been named business
development officer, and will be lo­
cated at the West Roads office in Indianola. He has been employed by
Peoples Bank since 1967, in the ag
loan department. Beverly Nicholls
has been named marketing assistant
at the bank. She has been at Peoples
Bank since 1963, most recently as
motor bank manager. Succeeding
her in that position is Marilyn

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64114
Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 5-26-86
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

J-1 AG LENDER—Currently handles majority of ag loans in $50mm
major holding co. bank. Strong on workouts, servicing problem
loans. Over 6 yrs. experience. Insurance licenses. Reference
says, “ A big key to his success is his ability to organize and set
priorities...a hard worker who keeps at it til project is completed,”
and, “ Very mature, excellent appearance.” B.S. Ag, ISU.
$30,000. Call Jean.
J-2 CONSUMER/AG/COMMERCIAL LENDER-Three yrs. in $50 + mm
bank; handles ag, consumer, R.E. and some commercial loans.
FmHA approved lender, licensed in insurance. Presents himself
very professionally, exhibits maturity, self-confidence, and intelli­
gence. References report, “ Has gained a wealth of experience in
short time, and eager to learn more...a sharp young banker with
lots of potential.” FmHA official states, "Caught on quickly to
what we needed on guaranteed loans. One of the best I’ve
worked with.” B.A. Finance. $23*$25,000. Call Jean.
J-3 C0MMERCIAL/AG LENDER—Offers 4 yrs. current lending experi­
ence, plus top recommendations! Presently responsible for
$35mm commercial loans to ag businesses, handling credit lines
of $50,000 to $3mm. Experienced in financial analysis, cash
flows, loan documentation and workouts. Former PCA loan of­
ficer, strong micro computer skills, farm background, B.S. Bus.
Admin, (high GPA). “ Enthusiastic, energetic, cooperative young
man! Strong in both ag production and ag business lending. His
personality is useful in building rapport with borrowers. A very
promotable individual!” $25*828,000. Call Jean.
J-4 SR. LOAN OFFICER—Past 7 yrs. as V.P. and sr. lender in charge
of $40mm ag portfolio. Six yrs. previous PCA experience. Says
reference, “ Displays utmost integrity and professionalism. Able to
deal with borrowers in very difficult situations, and mastered the
complex legal and business problems.” B.S. Ag Econ. $40,000.
Call Jean.
J-5 SENIOR MANAGEMENT/AG—Six yrs. experience in charge of
up to $500mm in ag credits. Now administering a $180mm ag
portfolio servicing two commercial banking units. Provides techni­
cal expertise to lenders and credit dept, on all aspects of ag and
ag businesses. Skilled in staff supervision and development,
credit analysis, loan assessment and strategic planning. Highly
educated. $40,000 min. Call Jean.

S-6 AG LOAN OFFICER—Oversees $6 MM in ag, consumer and
commercial loans. “ Works with FmHA guarantees, very person­
able and easy to get along with. I would rehire him,” says refer­
ence. $18-$22,000. Call Sandi.
S-7 AG LOAN OFFICER—Two years short and long term lending,
cash flows, risk appraisals. “ Strong in credit, handles people very
well. We want to keep him,” says employer. $24*$27,000. Call
S-8 AG LENDER—Three years all areas of lending plus insurance.
“ Good in cash flows, analysis and financial statements. I would
recommend him to be hired,” reports reference. B.S. Ag Busi­
ness. $22-$25,000. Call Sandi.
S-9 LOAN OFFICER—Two years ag, consumer and real estate lend­
ing. “ Spends more hours than required...knows credit. I would
rehire him,” says reference. B.S. Ag Finance. $25*$27,000. Call
S-10 CEO—References are tops on this CEO of 40MM rural bank.
Former bank examiner. “ He has high standards, is a good credit
man arid his customers want to keep him,” says reference. B.S.
Finance. $45-$55,000. Call Sandi.
J-11 AG/C0NSUMER LOAN OFFICER—The right combination: 1 yr.
banking experience, 2 yrs. with FmHA. Currently ag loan officer
in small bank, & handles few consumer loans. Also interested in
operations and insurance areas. Very successful with FmHA gua­
ranteed loans, strong computer experience on main frame and
micros. ISU grad plus several AIB courses. IA farm background,
actively involved in community. $23,000. Call Jean.
J-12 VICE PRESIDENT—Nearly 10 yrs. banking experience, cur­
rently in charge of $5mm ag and commercial loans. Also involved
in operations and insurance. Set up farm loans on computer.
Handles workouts and all FmHA guarantees. Supervisory experi­
ence also. Bus. Admin, plus additional banking schools. $33*
$35,000. Call Jean.
J-13 BRANCH MGR/L0AN OFFICER—Seasoned banker offers all­
round experience in ag, consumer, and main street commercial
lending, operations, staff management and knowledge of invest­
ments. Twenty yrs. experience, dapper appearance, personable
and highly recommended. $25,000. Call Jean.

Our reputation of maintaining our candidates’ confidentiality enables us to at­
tract a select group of ag bankers and lenders... those currently employed and not
actively Job hunting, but ready to make a move for the right opportunity.
When you describe your needs to us, we contact our candidates who fit your de­
scription to discuss the position and location to ascertain their interest before
disclosing their names or sending you their resumes.
This not only protects our candidates identity, but saves you time...when we sub­
mit a candidate for your consideration, you’ll know he or she has an interest in
your bank, community and salary range.
712/779-3744 (M/T/TH)
515/263-9598 (W/F)
Hwy. 92 W.
Massena, IA 50853
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Let us know your needs without commitment; we won’t ‘hound’ you with phone
calls or ‘flood’ you with resumes, and there is no fee unless you hire.
We serve as the source to locate candidates who meet your qualifications and
are interested in your position. We are available to assist, not ‘insist.’ We allow
and encourage your direct contact with our candidates. YOU make the choice and
decision without pressure.

Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 5-26-86

Hwy. 63 S.
New Hampton, IA 50659

S-14 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—‘‘Handles commercial loans
well. Helped run the bank. Very personable. Strong at credit
analysis,” says reference. Mid-$30s. Call Sandi.
S-15 AG LOAN OFFICER—12 yrs. Farm Credit Service. “ Very ca­
pable. Presents self well. Easy to work with. Motivated. Good fol­
low-up,” reports reference. B.S. Ag Econ. $30-535,000. Call
S-16 SENIOR CREDIT OFFICER—Over five years with PCA. Supv.
four loan officers. “ Top notch at credit analysis. Lots of drive.
Communicates well, good looking...excellent attitude,” says
reference. B.S. Ag $34-$37,000. Call Sandi.
S-17 FORMER BANK EXAMINER—Exp. as chief loan officer and
managing rural bank. “ His strong point is his credit analysis.
Learns easily and gets along with others,” says ref. BS Finance.
$30*$35,000. Call Sandi.
S-18 SENIOR LOAN OFFICER—14 years ag credit with same em­
ployer. “ Thorough, detailed, persistent. Self-starter. Problem
solver,” reports ref. $32-$34,000. Call Sandi.
S-19 LOAN OFFICER—Skilled making both commercial and ag
loans. “ He turned things around in this bank,” says ref. B.S. Bus.
$33-$35,000. Call Sandi.

J-2 COMMERCIAL/CONSUMER LENDER—In charge of approximately
$5mm loans; consumer, commercial, and real estate. Four yrs.
bank experience. Involved in audits, some compliance. Refer­
ences say, “ Started in teller and operations area. Thorough,
good documentation and time management skills, and keeps
past dues to a minimum. Very popular and personable; the type
to attract new business. Ambitious. Deserves opportunity to ad­
vance.” Education includes ISU plus several AIB courses.
S23-$25,000. Call Jean.
J-5 AG LOAN OFFICER—An impressive young man with useful ex­
perience gained from his past three yrs. with FmHA. References
say, “ Top work habits...a real producer with lots of drive. Intense;
really gets into high gear on farm loans. Above average intelli­
gence, personality, and appearance. Good farm background,
energetic and results oriented.” Strong micro computer experi­
ence. Masters degree Ag Econ. $22,000 min. Call Jean.
J-9 V.P./SR. LENDER—“ Extremely good at working through ag
problems,” was one reference comment about this seasoned
young banker. Began his ag lending career ten years ago with
FmHA, then moved to PCA as branch manager. Has been with
this $90mm bank for past 4 years, now in charge of nearly
$20mm in ag loans and supervision of 3 officers. Another refer­
ence stated, “ He’ll be hard to replace if he leaves...has dramati­
cally reduced problem loans, and his style keeps customers
friendly and willing to work with us. Has the right personality and
image for banking...A good man!” B.S. Ag. $36-$38,000. Call

Continuous demand for banking professionals. Our CONFIDENTIAL service allows you to explore career opportunities in banking without risk to your
current position. No contacts are made without your prior knowledge and consent. All fees paid by employers.
1 . VP/AG—$50mm IA bank in sizeable town with
good schools, golf, swimming, etc. NOT a prob­
lem bank; good opportunity. Requires 5 yrs. ag
lending experience, degree preferred. Salary to

2. #2 PERSON—needed in rural IA bank, near
metro area. Highly rated bank, good chance for
future advancement. Requires 3-5 yrs. ag lend­
ing and loan analysis skills. $25-$35,000.
3. AG LOAN OFFICER—$20mm N. central IA area.
#3 loan officer. Do cash flows, credit analysis,
FmHA guarantees. Requires 1-3 yrs. ag lending
experience, degree and knowledge of micro
computers helpful. $20-$25,000.
4. AGLOANOFFICER—#2 in ag dept, of $50mm in­
dependent bank. Large town, attractive IA loca­
tion. Share ag lending responsibilities, including
farm visits and must be able to run cash flows on
computer. Two yrs. ag lending experience
needed. Offers excellent benefits, including pro­
fit sharing and 3 wks. vacation. $25,000.
bank. Requires sales-type personality for new
business development. 1-3 yrs. lending experi­
ence needed. $25,000 + full benefits.

SI 50mm bank, large college town. Handle
S8mm diversified commercial loans. 3-5 yrs.
commercial loan experience, ability to handle
$150-$200,000 lines of credit. Owner says, "We
pay to keep good officers!” $25-$35,000.
8 CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER—Excellent career
advancement opportunity with reputable hold­
ing company in $50mm bank, good condition,
great IA location. Will spend majority of time in
consumer loans initially, and work into commer­
cial and ag later. Requires 2-3 yrs. bank experi­
ence, 4 yr. degree. Must be a prominent and
professional individual $20-$25,000.
9. AG LOAN OFFICER—$40mm bank, small hold­
ing company, VERY clean! E. IA area, 10 mi.
from metro. Will be #2 in small ag dept. Keep on
top of loans to avoid problems, process FmHA
apps, make farm calls, etc. 2-5 yrs. ag lending
experience needed, from bank, Farm Credit
System or FmHA. Good advancement potential,
full benefits. $25-$30,000.

10. AGCREDIT REVIEWERS (4 )-M a jor financial in­
stitution, metro location. Will evaluate loans and
credit administration, prepare reports, etc.
Strong ag credit and analysis experience, oral
and written communication skills required.

6 VP/AG SPECIALIST—$40mm bank, MN resort
town of 5000. Highly rated independent bank,
future opportunity to advance to 2nd in charge.
Requires strong ag lending skills, micro compu­
ter experience, ability to handle work-out situa­
tions if necessary. Will be in charge of $5-$8mm
ag portfolio. $35,000 range.

11. AG LOAN OFFICER—$80mm IA bank, lovely
community. Will do cash flows, FmHA guaran­
tees, some workouts. Requires 3-5 yrs. bank or
PCA experience. Must be an outgoing, selfmotivated individual. $25-$30,000.


pendent bank, good condition, S. MN resort


Hwy. 92 W., Massena, Iowa 50853
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

aqri oirœrs, inc.

town. Excellent career opportunity for experi­
enced ag lender with well-rounded banking
background. Some investment knowledge help­
ful. $30,000 range.
13 CONSUMER LOAN 0FFICER-$35mm top rated
independent bank, within commuting distance
of major city in MN. Requires 3 yrs. lending ex­
perience. $20-$2S,000.
14. VP/AG LENDER—$40mm bank, NE county
seat town. Share #3 spot. Excellent condition
and earnings. Main responsibilities in ag dept;
requires 5-10 yrs. ag lending experience, good
technical skills. Individual must be promotable;
management potential within this system. $ 33-

15. COMMERCIAL LENDER—Oversee commercial
and installment loans in $20mm small holding
co. bank. Clean bank, good future advance­
ment. Metro ND location. Requires 3-8 yrs. ex­
perience. $24-$32,000.
16 SR. LOAN OFFICER—$25mm bank, good con­
dition, located in ND county seat town with pool,
golf course, and good school system. Will be in
charge of $8mm loans. $25,000 + .
17. AG LOAN OFFICERS (2)—N.W. IL. Potential for
management. Large, progressive town. $25-

18 C0NSUMER/REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICERLarge bank in beautiful Mississippi River town of
8000. Will make loans, handle collections, some
work with small commercial loans also. Bank in
good shape. Requires 3-5 yrs. experience, good
communication skills. $25,000.

Hwy. 63 S., New H am pton, Iowa 50659

Call on the “Experienced Professionals”
Ready to meet your
correspondent needs.
Nebraska News
The National Association o f Bank
Women, Mid Plains Group, will hold
their May meeting at the Omaha
Country Club, Omaha, on June 3 at
5:30 p.m. Guest speakers will be
Carol Hunter and Tim Rouse from
The Futures Group discussing
“ Women and Men: Colleagues and
Leaders for an Achieving Society.”
For reservations call Diane Long at
COZAD: G.S. Wittenberger, execu­
tive vice president of First Bank &
Trust Co., has announced his retire­
ment. He has been with the bank
since 1966. Jeffrey J. Konen has
been named as his successor. Mr.
Konen previously served the bank
as a vice president.
ELK CREEK: Kenneth L. Bartels
was recently promoted to vice presi­
dent at the Johnson County Bank,
Tecumseh office. He had been with
the former Johnson County Bank
for 32 years, and served in many ca­
pacities including vice president and

^FirsTierB ank
13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501

ROSEVILLE: The Roseville Bank
has promoted Robert L. Grasley to
vice president of the data processing
department. He joined the bank in
February, 1985.
ST. CLOUD: First Bank Alexandria
has elected Anthony C. Schneiderhan as chairman and Lowell C.
Peterson as president and CEO. Mr.
Scheiderhan, who had served as
president and CEO since 1976, pre­
viously served at First Bank Ro­
chester, First Bank Virginia and
First Bank Sauk Center. Mr. Peter­
son comes to the bank from First
Bank Minnesota, where he was vice
president and senior credit officer
since 1984. He has also served First
Banks at Edina, Hopkins and Virgi­
ST. PAUL: Bruce N. Davis has been
appointed as a vice president in the
commercial lending department at
The Commercial State Bank. Mr.
Davis was formerly with First Bank

Illinois News
Minnesota News
M IN N EAPOLIS: Norwest Bank
Minneapolis has promoted Lloyd W.
Simms and John R. Slifer to assis­
tant vice presidents as part o f a
move to intensify service to finan­
cial institutions. Mr. Slifer’s main
responsibilities are with insurance,
commercial finance, leasing, broker­
age and other large financial institu­
tions, while Mr. Simms specializes
in serving other non-bank financial
service companies and bank-holding
companies. Mr. Simms joined Nor­
west in 1983 and Mr. Slifer, in 1981.
NEW ULM: State Bank and Trust
Company has appointed Gerald Fesenmaier as president. He previously
served as a vice president of Com­
mercial State Bank in St. Paul and
of First Brookdale State Bank,
Brooklyn Center, and most recently
was executive vice president o f St.
Cloud National Bank Trust Com­
Digitized pany.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

NORTHBROOK: Stanley Bresler
has joined the board o f directors of
Cole-Taylor Financial Group. He is
president and CEO of Bresler’s 33
Flavors, Inc., a nationwide franchi­
ser of ice cream stores. He is also
vice president of Convenient Food
Mart, Inc. and president of Bresler
Realty Company.
Holland Trust Savings Bank has
elected Charles E. Waterman chair­
man and CEO. Mr. Waterman is the
third generation in the family to
hold this position at the bank. He
will also serve as vice chairman and
CEO of South Holland Bancorp.,
Inc., the bank’s parent company. He
has been with the bank since 1971.
His father, Carl T. Waterman, will
remain as chairman o f the holding

South Dakota News
RAPID CITY: Jon Oien has been
named trust officer for Norwest

Firslier Bank, N.A., Lincoln, Member fdic

Capital Management and Trust
Company. He joined the bank in
1983 as a personal banker, trans­
ferred to the north branch in 1984,
and in 1985 was promoted to perso­
nal banking officer.
SIOUX FALLS: Marly s Donner and
Diane Hovda have been elected per­
sonal banking officers at Western
Bank—West. They have a combined
total of 24 years of banking experi­
ence. Randy Jorgensen has been
elected commercial credit officer at
the bank. He joined Western Bank
in 1984 following several years as a
national bank examiner.

Wisconsin News
SH EBO Y G AN : First Interstate
Corporation of Wisconsin has an­
nounced that its board of directors
has approved a two for one stock
split, which will be accomplished by
a 100% stock dividend payable on
June 10, 1986 to stockholders of re­
cord on May 30, 1986. The board
also announced a cash dividend of
$.27 per share payable on July 1 to
shareholders of record on May 30.
The dividend is payable on all
shares held prior to the 100% stock

Colorado News
Central Bank’s continuing semi­
nar series “ Executive Strategies”
will feature “ A View from Washing­
ton” by popular commentator and
columnist George Will on June 17.
The seminar will be held at the Radisson Hotel Denver. Registration is
at 3:30 p.m. with the presentation
from 4:30 to 6:00, followed by a
cocktail reception for Mr. Will.
DENVER: Colorado National Bank
—Boulevard has promoted William
R. Vasa to vice president, commer­
cial loans & loan review. He joined
the bank in 1984 as credit analyst/
loan operations supervisor, and was
subsequently promoted to loan oper­
ations officer and assistant vice
president—credit analyst.
LONGMONT: Robert P. McWhor-

ter and L. Michael Finnegan have
joined Colorado National Bank—
Longmont. Mr. McWhorter comes
from First Interstate Bank o f Alas­
ka and holds the position o f vice
president and loan administrator.
He has 27 years banking experience
and was previously associated with
First Interstate branches in Oregon.
Mr. Finnegan, who is assistant vice
president and commercial loan ad­
ministrator, comes from Commerce
Bank o f Aurora. Previous associa­
tions have been with the United
Banks o f Littleton and Fort Collins.

Will be responsible for planning, organizing, and
directing the banks overall lending operations.
Applicant must have excellent track record. Send
resume to File No. WFK c/o Northwestern Banker.

D O N -rfc H O Q L E R Ir

"Successful Banking is Quality Personnel"

Positions now available in three choice locations in Upper
Midwest. Require minimum of 3 years experience and col­
lege degree. Salary to range from $35,000 to $60,000.


PRESIDENT, $5mm bank in a town of 5,000 close
to a reputable co lle g e $30,000
bank in a town over 20,000, 2 hrs. from metro, and
excellent schools ................................ to $30,000

Multi-bank group seeks qualified real estate lender. Ability
to package for sale to secondary market a plus. Salary
Open depending on experience.

ALL AROUND BANKER for a $40mm country
bank. Lending and some operations required__
................................................ $20,000 to $25,000
VICE PRESIDENT loan officer for a $50mm bank,
extremely progressive area, heavy ag background
required ............................................... to $40,000

Positions now available in three major banks in Nebraska,
Iowa, and South Dakota. Law Degree preferred. Experi­
ence in personal trust and/or employee benefits a plus.
Salary range to $35,000.

PRESIDENT $15mm bank in a most desirable rec­
reational a re a ................................... $40,000 + +
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT $65mm bank, town
over 10,000 ........................................... to $40,000
strong commercial technical skills, college town .
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT over lending in an
$80mm bank in an exceptionally fine small town
close to metro area .................................... OPEN
OPERATIONS OFFICER, $25mm bank with 2,000
acre lake ................................................... $25,000
2508 East Meadow
Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 882-2265

OPERATIONS MANAGER Southwestern Minnesota. Ex­
perience in operations, installment lending and real es­
tate. $20M facility. Salary open. Send resume to File No.
WFO c/o Northwestern Banker.
$50M Eastern Iowa Bank has an opening for an individual
with a minimum of two years experience in CONSUMER
AND INSTALLMENT LENDING. Send resume and salary
requirements to File No. WFP c/o Northwestern Banker.


Major bank holding company seeks CPA with bank audit
experience. Salary to $30,000.

Freeland Financial Service
1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309
Employer pays fee.
Please contact Malcolm Freeland concerning these quali­
ty applicants or for other types of banking officers.

S p e cia list in Executive
Search For Banks
“ A ll Inquiries C o n fid e n tia l!”
C ontact:
Adam s, Inc.
10050 Regency C ircle
Omaha, NE 68114
(402) 391-7325



COM’L LENDER - Dept head $70m + bk. 7 + yrs bkg
w/5m + com’l portfolio.
AG LENDER - FHA/livestock ag bkgd/2 yrs bk lending.
Quality bkw/1.5+ ROA.

5 VICE PRESIDENT. 7 + years lending, basically agri-

§ culture. Excellent opportunity. #3 person in the bank
; of $40mm. Rural community with fantastic golf
course ................ $35,000 .....................Call Dean
I COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER. Large holding company bank needs commercial lender with 3+ years
experience to handle $15mm portfolio. Progressive
career opportunity! ___To$30,000 ___ Call Dean
TRUST INVESTMENT HEAD. Heavy experience in
banking investments to manage this billion dollar
department! Work with other executives in the com­
munity ................ $50,000+ ................. Call Dean
s SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT. Oversee all lending of
what is primarily a commercial and real estate port­
folio. People supervision or administrative back­
s' ground. Community is known for its beauty. RetireSment p la n .................$50,000 ................. Call Bruce :
. LOANS. Large bank holding company. 2 + years ex- s
tensive commercial lending for this expanding mar- ;
I* ketplace...............$33-38,000 ................Call Bruce
; COMMERCIAL LENDER. $200mm bank. You will i
} work with businesses whose annual sales are at !
$20mm. Need a metro banker $35-40,000 Call Bruce ?
#2 EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT. Your 3 + years of ;
<dairy and ag lending could grab the #2 spot in this '
$45mm bank. New facility located in a progressive | community ............. To$30,000 ..............Call Marj j
; COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER. 2 + years commer- jj
icial and real estate lending is your ticket! Great ;
holding company bank is $120 + mm with excellent i
upward mobility ......... To$30,000 .......... Call Marj {
FARM MANAGER. Good farm operations experi- I
• ence or knowledge could qualify you for this excel- s
lent bank opportunity! Learn while you earn! ......... i
...................... To $22,000 ....................... Call Marj f

a career in banking and investment field. Graduate of Mid­
land College, Fremont, NE., with BSBA degree, concentra­
tion in management. Two years experience as bank teller
last two years of college. Available immediately for inter­
views. Good references. Bradford Cook Schiermeyer, 91
West 10th St., Fremont, Nebr. 68025 (402) 721-2213.

1126 S o. 72nd St. Om aha, N e. 68124


R/E LENDER • Top-notch organization in AK recreational
area seeks proven pro w/3 + yrs com’l, constr, & res R/E
lending exp.
PRES ■$35m + institution, strong capital base seeks CEO
w/5+ yrs exp in similar or smaller bk. Near metro lo.
$50K +.



TEMP. BANK BLDG.—12 x 65 ft. trailer for sale, rent or
lease available mid-June. Heat & AC, 2 teller windows, 1
drive-up window, 2 offices, computer room, 3 safes and all
under-counter equip, night depository. Contact John
Young, 1st United Bank, Bellevue, NE (402) 291-2000. (FS)

317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 244-4414

Short-changing yourself? Large outstate Minnesota com­
munity bank needs Com’l Lender. 2 + yrs com’l lending
exp & strong communication skills desired. Excellent
benefits & great location!
To $32,000 + Bonus.
You are needed now! #3 spot in bank! Progressive commu­
nity bank in South Dakota has opening for Controller. 2 +
yrs exp in financial reporting, operations and computer
$25,000 Flexible.
No future in sight? $25m outstate Minnesota bank desires
#3 person. 5 + yrs ag lending exp w/emphasis in cash flow
analysis & FHA dealings. Great mgmt team!
To $35,000.
Call Paul Gentzkow

(personnel S earch

SR AG OFFICER - Clean bk w/good community seeks hardnosed lender w/take charge attitude.

LOAN REVIEW - lead bank of major mldwestern holding
company. Requires degree and minimum of two yrs. loan
review experience in large bank environment.
COMML. LOAN - $100M suburban affiliate of large multi­
bank holding company. Strong technical skills and 3 yrs.
or more experience.
INSTL. LOAN • manage consumer department for $80MM
suburban bank. Ideal candidate will have five yrs. instal.
lending background including dealer paper.
CEO - small rural bank located close to recreational area.
Work out situation. Ag credits not the problem.
AGRI LOAN - primary responsibility for all Ag credits in
$25MM community bank. Assist with commercial loans.
Additional opportunities available. Resume requested.

3636 IDS Center
Minneapolis, MN 55402

(612) 339-9001

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116
“ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 15 No. 6 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden
Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at
Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis