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March 7,1988 Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 16 No. 47 Now AIB Takes Training to the Banker OW bankers don’t have to go N to ABA’s American Institute of Banking for bank training, as they have for almost 90 years. AIB is coming to them. “ In-bank training is the fastest growing market segment of AIB, and AIB trains more than a quarter of a million men and women in bank ing every year,” said Richard G. Kelley, president of AIB as well as chairman and CEO, Citizens First National Bank of New Jersey, Glen Rock. “ In fact, an AIB survey of large units showed that last year, in-bank training enrollments increased by 100 percent.” Expanding into new spheres, such as in-bank training, is one of many training developments discussed during this year’s AIB Leaders Workshops. These workshops are designed to train AIB professionals in areas such as developing the right mix of courses and seminars for area bankers, or the right mix of inside and outside programs, chapter management, long-range planning, program content, curriculum, pro gram evaluations, research, pro gram marketing, CEO call pro grams, and an accreditation system. Throughout the program, new educational products will be on display, and small focus groups will Iowa News The Iowa Bankers Association will present a seminar for directors discuss future product needs and will network about successful pro and management entitled “Lead, grams. These small focus groups Follow or Get Out of the Way,” on and roundtables are integrated into April 5 at the Hotel Savery in Des sessions to contribute to peer inter Moines. Using a discussion group action and encourage open discus format, the seminar will give parti sion of issues, trends and products. cipants ideas to improve bank per AIB workshops will be held in formance. Registration is at 8:00 several cities around the U.S. to pro a.m., and the program runs from vide a more effective discussion of 8:30 to 4:30 with a noon lunch. Fee regional problems and opportunities includes lunch and breaks and is $75 for members, $100 for subscribers in banker education. Locations and dates are as fol and $125 for non-members if paid in lows: AIB Regions V & VI, March advance. At the door, fee will be $20 11-12, The Red Lion Hotel, Salt additional. Register through the Lake City, Utah; AIB Regions III & IBA office. * * * IV, March 18-19, The Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Terni., and AIB The IBA’s 1988 Washington visit Regions I & II, April 29-30, Adam’s will be held April 9-13 at The Westin Mark Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. Hotel. Room reservations must by “Banks are more closely manag made through the IBA by March 18. ing the training and development of V arious special activ ities are their people,” said Mr. Kelley, “so planned for attendees. For more in that they can achieve the proper mix formation, contact Barb Lowe at the of inside and outside training, which IBA office. helps banks become more competi * * * tive in the new environment in The 1988 IBA Marketing Confer which they operate. “The ABA is helping the banking ence, “Maximize Marketing with industry in this process by pro Sales and Service,” will be held viding both high quality external April 18-20 at the University Park programs, internal programs and Holiday Inn in West Des Moines. As materials that can be used in inter usual, the conference will feature the Best of Iowa Banquet and Awards nal programs.” For more workshop information Presentation, which will be held Tuesday night, April 19. Fee is $165 or registration, call (202) 663-5395. □ for members, $200 for subscribers Now th e largest regio nal processor in th e M idw est show s you exactly w h at w e provide. If you’re not getting this, you’re not getting what you deserve. - Full on-line capabilities for all applications with CIF, G/L and platform automation interface. ff\ Guaranteed same day disaster recovery service for your protection, compliance, and peace of mind. Cost effective pricing to meet your needs. Gfl Free initial and on-going training on all applications, (to name just a few). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For more information on how we can help you succeed in meeting your goals, eliminating the concerns inherent in data processing and all at a very cost effective price contact: Dick Ormond Sr. Vice President, Customer Group 1-800-332-5242 (In Iowa) 1-800-421-0059 (Out of Iowa) ¡TH E Bits / b a n k in g ISYSTEM 4555 E d g e w o o d Rd. N.E. PO. BOX 1847 Cedar Rapids. Iow a 52406 519/595-6600 A Banks of lowa subsidiary Norwest Bank Des Moines , N.A. Ilk ll mmmmm NORWEST BANKS mmmmm mmimm Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC Yearn work: one of the reasons we're first in Iowa. Tom Q uinlin John Rigler and $250 for non-members, with $20 additional if paid after April 15. Tickets to the award banquet only are $25. A complete program will ap pear in the April issue of T he N orthwestern B anker . IOWA CITY: Among recent promo tions a t First National Bank was the advancement of Helen Dailey to vice president and cashier. She joined the bank in 1973, served as auditor from 1973-1983 and was named second vice president in 1984. LE MARS: At Le Mars Savings Bank, several officers have been pro moted. They are: Harold H. Harms, vice chairman and senior trust offi cer; Henry A. Ahlers, president and COO; Norris Hawkins, senior vice president and trust officer; Ruth Ahlers, senior vice president; Robert Scheitler, vice president and loan manager; Ross Harden, vice presi dent and trust manager, and Gary Mennen, vice president, cashier and operations manager. MARSHALLTOWN: Richard E. Ingledue has joined the staff of Com mercial State Bank as vice president in charge of the agricultural loan department. He previously spent four years in the loan department at Hawkeye Bank & Trust in Eldora. STANTON: Ivan D. Husa has been elected chairman of the board of Security State Bank. He has served as president since January, 1987. VINTON: Dennis P. Weiss has been named senior vice president and manager of the loan department at the State Bank of Vinton. Prior to joining the bank in 1983, he worked as a national bank examiner and as a lending officer at banks in Harlowton, Mont, and Eldora, la. Nebraska News Dennis Earhart MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accomplish Great Things The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion, in cooperation with the FDIC, will present “Call Report Prepara tion ’88,” a videoteleconference, on March 22. Registration is at 9:00 and the program runs from 10:00 to 4:00. Participants receive handouts and reference material and a two and a half hour videotape on technical in structions. Fee is $125 and includes refreshments. The Nebraska site for this nationwide teleconference is the Holiday Inn in Kearney. For a regis tration form or more information, contact the NBA. BELLEVUE: Among recent promo tions at the Bank of Bellevue was the naming of Jack G. Brown to vice president and senior tru st officer. He will manage the bank’s financial planning department. He joined the bank last year as trust officer. BLOOMFIELD: A t Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Executive Vice President Jens J. Jensen has re tired. He joined the bank in 1953. He will continue as a director. Suc ceeding him is Ryan Bloomquist, who has been with the bank for 30 years. HASTINGS: David W. DeRosear has joined City National Bank and Trust Co. as vice president of com mercial loans. He was previously as sociated with Norwest Bank of Has tings and has 18 years of experience in consumer, real estate and com mercial lending. MINDEN: Kelley Ayres has been promoted from assistant vice presi dent to vice president of First Na tional Bank of Minden. WAUNETA: Mike Borowski has joined the Wauneta Falls Bank as ( vice president, consumer, commer cial and ag loans. He previously served as an ag lender at the Adams Bank and Trust in Ogallala. Illinois News NILES: Avenue Bank Northwest has changed its name to First Colo nial Bank Northwest. The bank is an affiliate of First Colonial Bankshares Corp. Wisconsin News RICHLAND CENTER: Judith L. Davis has been named executive vice president of the Richland Coun ty Bank. She has been with the bank since 1970. For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 Call 319-398-4789 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 Strength Eastern |owa National Bank isi Digitized forMerchants FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F 0 1C a ban ks OF IOWA BANK ThereJs A Difference In Banks... Valley National Bank iffi Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President "HHf^^BHBB**m 9* ||i BIS The process system « * * * t0 l r M sort Off 'ice. lM l ■ m m 20” deep, TVie W i« iM a r m o last • 300 to 600 documents Per • ,*p dep©0^ '0^ mode ot operation and document length- iv-m11 » I /TT7 ■ ¡s WniWtaHk hS^iili I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cond Avenue Isfes»* . „ S H A aP-800 MODULAR p R P £ E ° Customer Service p ü oompp» encoder »— RE-800 æ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & d ü L m OVER 60% • OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COM PANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e nine states w e serve w e h ave solved th e b on din g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 16.4% of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M. TO W LE President * DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 f 0 FINANCIAL IN STITUTIO N BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIA BILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTO RS AND O FFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIM ITED INDEM NITY PO LICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m erica since 1 9 0 9 OVER 60% OF ALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COM PANY • That’s R ig h t. . . In th e nine states w e serve w e h ave solved th e bon din g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 16.4% of all banks In the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DAVID E. ABENDROTH Se nior Vice President DONALD M. TO W LE President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 * Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 ? FINANCIAL IN STITUTIO N BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIA BILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTO RS AND O FFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIM ITED INDEMNITY PO LICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m erica since 1 9 0 9 £ Send Your News Today to the NORTHWESTERN BANKER TELL US ABOUT. . . 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201 DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ...... ................... ;.................................. .......................... : OFFICER ..................... ............................... ! .................. TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public Starkey and Mr. Schuette have been with the bank since 1941 and 1961, respectively. 11:30 Luncheon and address—Sen. MINNEAPOLIS: Norwest Corpora Tom Daschle, sr. member, tion has announced numerous recent appointments and promotions. They Sen. ag. committee. include: Paul G. Sedio, senior vice P.M. 1:30 “A Practical Guide to Rela president and group head of cortionship Building with Custo porate banking services, Norwest mers and Non-Customers”— Technical Services; Rita B. Chamblin, senior vice president and man Michael R. Chy. 4:00 Central Filing Update—S. ager of corporate investment sales Dak. Secy, of State Joyce for Norwest Investment Services, Inc.; Michael A. Graf, senior vice Hazeltine. president and corporate controller 4:30 Legislative Update—SDBA Exec. V.P. J. I. Milton for the corporation; Judith W. Mares, vice president and manager Schwartz. director of investments, Norwest 5:00 Adjourn. Capital Resources; Adaire C. Peter 5:30 Reception. son, vice president and manager of 6:30 Buffet dinner. Norwest Capital Management & Thursday, April 7 Trust; John T. Lenertz, vice presi A.M. dent and director of administrative 7:00 Buffet breakfast. services for the banking group of the 8:00 Update: Farm Credit System corporation; Bruce P. Wagner, and National Banking Is manager of tax and planning ser sues—Floyd Stoner. vices for Norwest Capital Man 9:00 “ C hapter 12: One Year agement & Trust. Later”—Thomas L. Flynn, MINNEAPOLIS: Marquette Bank Des Moines atty. 10:45 “Trends and Economic Out Columbia Heights has named David B. Carstensen vice president and look”—Richard Brock. 11:45 “Staying Alive”—Mike Mc manager of consumer lending. He joined the bank in 1971. Michael J. Kinley. Butala has been named vice presi P.M. 1:00 Adjourn. □ dent, commercial lending. He has been with the bank since 1977, and his previous positions include inMinnesota News stallment loan officer and manager The Minnesota Metro AIB has of the Fridley office. announced seminars to be held dur ing March. Dates and topics are: 8th —Analyzing Financial State MINNEAPOLIS: William H. Quick ments of the Self-Employed Appli has joined First Bank System, Inc. as senior vice president and head of cant, 10th —Knowing When and How to Sell in Banking, 16th & corporate development and strate gic planning. He most recently 17th—Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3, served as partner at Bank Street 17th & 18th —Analyzing Financial Consulting Group in New York City. Statements: Beyond the Basics, 30th—Intermediate to Advanced MINNEAPOLIS: Tim McCarthy IRA’s, 31st—Procedure Writing for has joined Marquette Insurance Bankers. All seminars will be held at Group as group vice president, the AIB office in Minneapolis. For benefits division, and Ward Ring more information, contact Judy has joined the staff as vice president Clark at (612) 338-8482. of m arketing. Mr. M cC arthy MAPLETON: J. R. Starkey has previously was advanced sales been elected chairman of First Na manager for Great W est Life tional Bank, succeeding Robert C. Assurance Company. Mr. Ring was King, who passed away on January director of sales training for Min 20. Robert L. Schuette has been nesota Mutual Life. elected president and cashier. Mr. 4 SDBA to Hold Ag Credit Conference ££ A NEW Spirit” is the theme of M the 1988 South D akota Bankers Association Agricultural/ Commercial Credit Conference, which will be held April 6 and 7 at the Ramkota Inn River Centre in Pierre. Featured speakers include Floyd Stoner, senior federal legis lative representative from the ABA; Jack Whittle, chairman of Whittle and Hanks, a marketing group in Chicago; Richard Brock, president of the commodity marketing consul ting firm of Brock Associates; Michael R. Chy, president of Per sonal Motivation Institute, and Michael McKinley, author of Wait Until You ’re Dead Before You Die. Pre-registration fee is $148 per person and includes luncheon, ban quet, breakfast, breaks and m at erials. On-site fee will be $158. Register through the SDBA office. The complete program follows: Wednesday, April 6 A.M. 8:00 Registration. 9:00 Call to Order, Lynn Schnei der, chmn., SDBA Ag/Commercial Credit Committee, pres., Farmers & Merchants Bank, Huron. Welcome, Larry Ness, SDBA pres., pres. & CEO, First Dakota Natl. Bank, Yankton. “SD Rural Economic Deve lopment Program, Ag Bond ing Authority & Community Assistance Programs,” The Hon. George Mickelson, gov. of S. Dak. 9:30 “How to Make Money in a Rural Bank”—Jack Whittle. Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins R eliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the m idwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipment Specialist Appraisals & Auctions Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 ^ # • • • £ 0 % 0 # • F irsT ier C o rre sp o n d e n t S e rvice s More of what it takes to serve you well. F irs T ie r B an ks Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC ST. PAUL: Arthur L. Cooper has been elected senior vice president of St. Anthony Park State Bank. He has 18 years of banking experience, most recently as president of First National Bank in Hutchinson. ST. CLOUD: Among recent promo tions at Zapp Bank was the advance ment of Bernie Gruenes to vice president/business development. SILVER LAKE: Arvid B. Evensvold has been named president and director of the Citizens State Bank of Silver Lake. He will also assume those duties at the First State Bank of Lake Wilson, an affiliate of the Silver Lake bank. He previously served as president of the Hawkeye State Bank in Iowa City, la. In addi tion, Floyd Lhotka was named senior vice president. He has been with the bank since 1956 and had been acting president since last September. Ol STEPHEN: Among recent changes t Farmers State Bank was the apintment of former President R. C. Johnson to vice chairman of the board, promotion of Vice President Robert A. Brolin to president and cashier, and the addition of Lloyd J. Wang as vice president. % pected to be completed in the second Kehr has been named vice president, quarter of 1988. business banking. DENVER: United Banks of Colo Wyoming News rado, Inc. announced on February CASPER: Affiliated Bank Corpora 26 that it has filed an application tion of Wyoming and Norwest Cor with the Comptroller of the Curren poration have announced they have cy to merge United Bank of Univer agreed to end the franchise arrange sity Hills into United Bank of Cher ment entered into by both com ry Creek. Both banks are in Denver. panies in 1984. They will be proceed A t year-end 1987 the University ing with an orderly conclusion to the Hills bank had assets of $10.3 relationship although no final date million and the Cherry Creek bank, has been announced. The eight $56 million. banks owned by ABC will be chang ing their names to Wyoming Na DENVER: Matthew J. Lynett has tional Bank. No changes are expec been named senior vice president at ted in bank staffs or services. United Bank of Denver. Manager of executive and personal banking, he North Dakota News joined the bank in 1979. The North Dakota Bankers Asso ciation will sponsor a Compliance Seminar on March 22 at the Holiday Inn in Bismarck. Featured speaker will be Timothy D. Marrinan, senior corporate counsel for First Bank System in Minneapolis, and an ex pert on compliance. Registration is quality service by experienced professionals at 8:30 a.m. with the seminar run ning from 9:00 to 3:15. A luncheon is included. Fee is $110 before March BANKERS AVAILABLE 11 and $145 after. Contact the NDBA to register. OPERATIONS BANKING CAREERS WILLI STON: Wallace Herreid will WEST ST. PAUL: Signal Bank has join Farmers State Bank on April 1 announced it has reached an agree as vice president. ment with the Suburban National Colorado News Bank of Eden Prairie to acquire the Savage and Highview offices of the COLORADO SPRINGS: Darold L. Suburban National Bank. Signal Drew and Gary L. Kehr, both for Bank has assets of $100 million. The merly of Pueblo Bank and Trust in Savage and Highview offices have Pueblo, have joined Central Bank of combined assets of $22 million. Sig Colorado Springs in the commercial nal Bank plans to keep both offices lending department. Mr. Drew has open and to maintain existing staff been named senior vice president and services. The acquisition is ex and business loan manager. Mr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over 5 yrs. in same bank. Now head of operations, also assists with loans & ins. Reference states; “ Does excellent job...very hard worker & responsible, gets in volved in community, good family man, and VERY per sonable. ISU grad, IA School of Banking, etc. $28,000. AG LOAN OFFICER Two yrs in $100mm + bank, working with all facets of ag lending. References say, “ One of the best...lots of drive, really knows ag credit.” Strong computer & documentation skills. B.A. Business, Ames Ag Credit School. $20,000. JEAN EDEN SANDl GARNER 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 Peggy Thompson D avid Bryant Correspondent Services Correspondent Services 5 Holding company formations and other management services SWORDS ASSOCIATES. INC. PROFESSIONAL BANKING CONSULTANTS 2 Brush Creek Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Looking for AG/COMM’L OFFICER who is effective communicator/extrovert/focused/assertive/energetic/decisive/confident/self-starter/with 3-8 yrs exp. Send resume to File No. WMH c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) PRES/CEO needed for a 35MM Bank in a town of 2000. Must have strong Ag background. Metro area one hour drive away. Ownership possibilities. Send resume to File No. WMV c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VP—$18mm bank located in a rural suburban community near Mpls. looking for an individual with commercial & real estate loan & operations exp. Excellent opportunity. All replies kept confidential. Contact Clinton D. Kurtz or send resume to: Citizens State Bank, Box 98, Norwood, MN 55368. (612) 467-3000. (PA) FOR SALE 500 line per minute BURROUGHS LINE PRINTER, model #B9249-50. $1,500. Also, giving away a B92 system FIXED DISK DRIVE. Battle Creek State Bank, Battle Creek, NE (402)675-2035. (FS) POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO—S.E. Nebraska - Need 15-20 yrs exp. Degree. $35 million bank. To $60K. CORP. MARKETING- -Need loan & marketing exp. Omaha. To $50K. Richard L. Beem, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 WANT TO BOY WANTED: Used MODULAR BANKING FACILITY approx imately 600 square feet, two walk-up windows, 1 drive-up window. Contact Dean Phillips, Peoples Trust and Savings Bank, Indianola, Iowa 50125, (515)961-6241. (WTB) Modular U.L. vaults, vault doors, safe deposit boxes, night depositories, safes, drive-up windows, pneumatic tube systems, alarms, cameras and cash storage equipment. Buying and selling new and used equipment AMERICAN BANK EQUIPMENT, INC. (402) 571-5621 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST R egency CEO RECRUITERS, INC. N. Iowa bank. Ownership potential! $40-$50,000. AG LOAN OFFICER Marty 712/779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 Annette 515/394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-3860 AG LENDER Thoroughly trained ag person with two years experience in $30M organization. Enjoys small communities and dealing with new customers. Works in both lending and opera tions and has a 4 year degree from Iowa State. $21K. OPERATIONS Save $. Proven individual has technical capacity to reduce overhead and save on employee costs by increasing effi ciency. Four year operations person who has done it all in $25M institution. Don't overlook this $ saver! $21K. JR. COMM’L Main street lender with two years beating the streets in near metro community. Built up $8M portfolio consisting of strong commercial credits. Now looking for more spe cialized market. Excellent image and personality. A proven professional who can get the job done. $24K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS HI ROBERT MfVLF OF H IW n.M C . 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. Executive Search For Bankers Mark A. Abbey (515) 243-7576 Job Finders, Inc. 2708 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50312 Professionals Serving Banking Specializing in the Purchasing and Sale of Banks 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal REAL ESTATE LOAN - single family residential and secon dary market experience required. Proximity of major metro area. $40K LOAN REVIEW ■ large bank experienced required. Both junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K, COMMERCIAL LENDING - V.P. positions in urban anJ large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM tc $50MM. $40 K BRANCH MANAGER - handle small business and con sumer credits. Med-slze community affiliate of multibank holding company. $24K Additional listings for commercial lending and trust officers. Resume’ requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES DON-yScHOOLER In AND- C o V)A S S O C IA T E S "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" POSITIONS AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Financial Careers, Inc. Two Ruan Center/Suite 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO AGRIcareers, Inc. TRUST OFFICER—Excellent opportunity for JD or CPA to join a progressive Iowa bank. Background should includes probate experience.........................................-.To $35,000." TRUST MARKETING - large urban bank. Requires degree and trust experience. $35K Minnesota bank seeks conservative CEO. $35-$45,000. Upper Mid-west bank. Town has large trade area. $25$35,000. AG LENDER—Immediate opening for aggressive self starter with 5-6 years banking experience. Good opportuni ty for someone wanting a growth position..... .To $32,000. czHoCdzr and. cdhioaL ate.! Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE BANK EQUIPMENT P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E BANK AUDITOR—Prefer CPA with experience in bank auditing. Must have excellent people skills. .. .To $22,000. PRESIDENT, regional bank; track record in plan ning, profit & administration ..................$100,000. CASH MANAGEMENT EXPERT, multi-billion organization, funding experience . . . $70-$80,000. C.F.O., $300mm, strong analyst, acquisition ex perience, planner ...............................$40-$50,000. COMMERCIAL LENDER, top bank, 3-4 years ex perience, business development skills, excellent situation ............................................$25-$35,000. FHA, Direct Endorsement Approved L e n d e r........ ................................................................. $28,000. PRESIDENT, $35-40mm ag bank, leading county town .........................................................$50,000. PRESIDENT, $25-$30mm commercial & consumer bank, top rating ................................ $45-$50,000. PRESIDENT, trade territory, high profile type bank, sophisticated market a re a ................OPEN. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE HEAD, excellent bank, top management..................... $30-$45,000. AG LENDER, top location, high profile b a n k ........ ...........................................................$25-$35,000. DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT—Are you ready to step up to the #1 position? Dynamic trust company seeks a proven manager for its of fice in western Minn. Must be a generalist with 5+ years trust exp. Your commitment to the local community is a plus! Salary To $60K. Job#NW2911 AG LENDER—Are you seeking growing bank in a larger community? Profitable well managed South Dakota bank has a unique opty. for a team player with 5 + years ag len ding exp. Your exp. with small grains and cattle lending a plus! Salary To $40K. Job#NW2954 SENIOR LENDER—Are you at a dead end? This mid-sized bank in southern Minn, seeks an industrious growth mind ed lender. Desire 4+ yrs. com’l and ag lending exp. and proven mgmt. Position yourself with a successful bank! Salary To $50K. Job#NW2953. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR SUE KEITHAHN ROBERT HALF OF MMNESOTA. MC. 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Vol. 16 No. 47 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St.Moines, Louis