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Vol. 13 No. 47 Iowa News The Iowa Bankers Association 1985 A g Credit Conference entitled “ Recovery: Today’s A g Challenge” will be held March 18-20 at the Scheman Center, Ames. The conference guarantees a full agenda o f experts, tim ely topics and worthwhile workshops. Presenta tions will explore: livestock hedging, bankruptcy alternative strategies, loan docum entation and security agreements, tax and legal liquida tion, stress, new options futures, and managing other foreclosure as sets. For registration contact the IB A office in Des Moines. * * * Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser vices, Inc. will hold its Credit Life Licensing School on March 28-29 at the Holiday Inn—Capital Plaza in Des M oines. The General Section will run from 9:00 - 5:00 on Thurs day, March 28 and the Credit Life Section will run from 8:00 - 5:00 on Friday, March 29. Lunch will be from 12:30-1:30 on both days. E x aminations will be offered at various tim es on Saturday, March 30. Registration must be received at the IB IS office in Des Moines by March 18. Space is limited! CH ARLES CITY: O.J. Thomson, chairman and chief executive officer of the Citizens National Bank, re cently announced the prom otion of Colin B. Robinson to president and Des Moines, Iowa March 11,1985 chief operating officer. Mr. Robin son, a graduate o f the University of Minnesota, joined the bank in 1972 and has served in various capacities including loan officer, cashier, trust officer and, more recently, executive vice president. Mr. Tom son also an nounced the prom otion o f Jo Ann M erfeld to assistant vice president. A graduate o f Purdue University, Ms. M erfeld heads up the bank’s ag loan department and has been with the bank since 1981. erations at the First National Bank of W ayzata, Minnesota. Previous to his banking career, he was associ ated with two CPA firms: Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, and M cGladrey Hendrickson & Company. Nebraska News M ITCHELL: The follow ing prom o tions have been made at The First National Bank in M itchell: David L. Oakeson from vice president to exec utive vice president, and Collyn FloDES M OINES: John Chrystal, pres rendo from installment loan officer ident o f Bankers Trust Company, to vice president. In addition, Larry has announced the appointment o f Janecek has joined the bank as vice Dennis R. W ood as executive vice president. Mr. Janecek form erly was president. Mr. W ood has been presi with the Federal Land Bank A ssoci dent o f the $120 million Packers Na ation in Scottsbluff. tional Bank, Omaha, Nebraska, for the past seven years. Prior to join O M AH A: In a join t statement re ing the Omaha bank, Mr. W ood leased last m onth b y M arvin served for three years as president Schmid, representing the selling and director o f Hawkeye Bank and stockholders, and Charles Garney, Trust, Eldora. Before that he was representing the purchasers, it was second vice president o f Omaha Na announced that the sale o f South west Ban Corporation had been com tional Bank. pleted. Southwest Ban Corporation IO W A CITY: Clark Houghton, pres is the bank holding company o f ident o f First National Bank, has an Southwest Bank and Trust Com nounced that Lynn E. Rowat has pany. The new owners o f the bank been prom oted to vice president. are Charles Garney, chairman o f Ms. Rowat joined the bank in Janu Garney Construction Company in ary o f 1974 and m ost recently Kansas City, M issouri; Mark Simp served as second vice president. son, a bank consultant in Kansas Ci W EBSTER CITY: The Farmers Na ty, and Gerald Karlin, previously ex tional Bank o f W ebster City has ap ecutive vice president and senior pointed Brandt N. Amlie as vice credit officer with Centerre Bank o f president. Mr. Am lie has been serv Kansas City. Charles Garney has ing as cashier and vice president/op been nam ed chairm an; M arvin Call on the “ Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Streets, Lincoln* Nebraska 68501 A Firslier Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member, F.D.I.C. 2 Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Schm id, form er chairm an, was named chairm an em eritus, and Perry Francis, former president of the bank, was named vice chairman. Gerald E. Karlin was named presi dent and chief executive officer. He had been a senior vice president with another Omaha bank for 15 years prior to joining Centerre o f Kansas City in 1973. Minnesota News GRAND RAPID S: Steven J. Sertich has been elected vice president in charge o f retail banking at Norwest Bank Grand Rapids, N .A. Mr. Sertich, who recently joined the Grand Rapids bank, has been associ ated with the Norwest Corporation since 1979 when he joined Norwest Bank Duluth, N.A. COLUM BIA HEIGHTS: Marquette Bank o f Columbia Heights has named Edward O. Hanson, Jr. as its vice president and cashier. He will manage the operations division of the bank. Mr. Hanson previously was audit officer at F&M Marquette National Bank. BURN SVILLE: Richard D. Hart man has been prom oted to vice pres ident, commercial division, o f First Bank Burnsville. He will continue to serve as manager o f the division, a M ANKATO: Craig A. Sinning has position he has held since 1980. joined the staff o f Norwest Bank Mankato as vice president o f agri cultural banking and Mark W . Mur phy has been prom oted to client ex ecutive-financial institutions group. Mr. Sinning joins the bank from Greenfield where he was branch manager and assistant vice presi dent o f the South Central Iowa Pro duction Association. Mr. Murphy has also served with Norwest banks in Faribault and Northfield. ASK S T A N FA R M E R to make MNB work for you. M IN N EAPOLIS: Norwest Corpora tion has announced the election of Lloyd P. Johnson as president and chief executive officer and a direc tor, effective March 4. John W. M or rison will continue as chairman. Mr. Johnson started his banking career Toll free 1-800-332-5991 Merchants A National Bank IS I Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK Illinois News SAVAN N A: Mark H. Sperfslage has joined the First Illinois National Bank as cashier. Mr. Sperfslage m ost recently was with Iowa Trust and Savings Bank in Oskaloosa and has also served with Community Savings Bank, Edgewood, and with the CPA firm o f O’Connor & Brooks & Co., Dubuque. SKOKIE: W alter Adreani has been appointed vice president at Skokie Trust & Savings Bank. He will be in charge of consumer lending opera tions and be responsible for residen tial real estate m ortgages. He pre viously was assistant vice president. SKOKIE: Ronald J. W alczyk has been prom oted to vice president, manager and marketing officer of the customer service department of the personal banking division of First National Bank o f Skokie. Mr. W alczyk joined the bank in 1970. W H EELIN G : Jeffrey W . Taylor has been appointed senior vice presi dent at Main Bank. In his new posi tion, he will be responsible for the corporate banking department at Main Bank in both W heeling and Chicago. He previously was vice president in the commercial loan de partment. Peter DeRosier... Our newest correspondent banking professional H.PETER DEROSIER Vice President Valley National Bank ili DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 1954 and his m ost recent position was as vice chairman and member o f the office of the chief executive o f Security Pacific National Bank and its holding company, Security Paci fic Corporation, Los Angeles. He also is a past president o f the Cali fornia Bankers Association. Member FDIC A BANKS OF IOWA BANK WÊÊÊËSSS^': ■HM W ÊÈÊÊm ÊÊÊÊm % w w www :\ ":V‘ , - ;' THINKING ABOUT PURCHASING A NEW MICR encoder? Consider These Features. .. • S IN G L E PASS F U L L FIE LD E N C O D IN G • F IE LD P R O G R A M M A B L E • C A R T R ID G E M IC R R IB B O N • C O M P A C T S IZ E -W E IG H T 16 LBS. • S E L F A L IG N M E N T O F FO R M S • P R O M P TIN G & ERROR M E S S A G E S • S O LID S TATE E LE C TR O N IC S • UPG RADABLE (a) A d d S o ftw a re L a te r (b) A dd H a rd w a re L a te r (P rin te r, etc.) • PRICED U N D ER T H E C O M P E T IT IO N . Manufactured by Maverick Microsystems Distributed by: Bankers Equipment Service 11561 12th A ve n u e S o u th B u rn s v ille , M N 55337 CALL TODAY: 612-890-6661 Y O U R B A N K IN G M A C H IN E S P E C IA L IS T S IN C E 1937 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 3-11-85 WE GUARANTEE * THAT your tellers will enjoy using the SHARP BE2510L because it i s . .. — Easy to operate, yet it is — Loaded with features —Compact — Reliable — Light weight You will also like the SHARP BE2510L because it i s . .. —The best available yet —Sells for LESS $$$$ than the rest (Many $$$$ LESS) We have installed thousands in Minnesota. Ask for names of users near you. Hear what they have to say about the machine—the installation—the teller training provided by Banker’s Equipment Service. PURCHASE — LEASE — RENT *Use for 30 days—If your teller personnel are not satisfied with the SHARP BE2510L—We will issue a full refund! THINKING ABOUT ON-LINE? We also have the NEW Off-Line/On-Line SHARP BE6500. CALL TODAY: 612-890-6661 YOUR BANKING MACHINE SPECIALIST SINCE 1937 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis about the IRA amendments required by the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (TRA). When can the IRA amendments be made? If the IRA plan document being used is Form 5305-A, the amendments can NOT be made until the IRS rewrites the Form 5305-A. The IRS has indicated that it intends to issue the revised 5305-A in late April/May of 1985. What if onr bank already purchased amendments believing that they had to be furnished by January 31,1985? These amendments served as a “ good notice” to your IRA customers that the law has changed. Your bank will be required to furnish another amendment when the IRS finally issues the revised Form 5305-A. Why should you purchase these forthcoming amendments from Collin W. Fritz and Associates, Ltd.? We are consultants specializing in IRAs and the pension products. We advise our clients to buy ONLY NECESSARY FORMS. Unnecessary buying eliminates repeat buy ing. We don’t want to sell forms or other products your bank doesn’t need. What amending forms w ill Collin W. Fritz & Associates, Ltd. have? 1. IRA “ Easy” Form. This form is designed to be the form used to open a new IRA. How ever, it can also be used to amend your IRAs when it is desired to enter into a whole new agreement (i.e. new 5305-A, including Article IX provisions, and disclosure statements). 2. Amendment I. This form is designed to update those 5305-A IRAs that have been opened after 1-1-84 or which have received only previously required amendments. 3. Amendment II. This form is designed to update those IRAs in your files which have not been amended or updated as they should have been. The amendment contains the first eight articles of Form 5305-A and a new disclosure statement. This form is an easy and inexpensive way to update those really old files, but it can only be used when you are not required to obtain your customer’s signature. □ YES! Please send me more inform ation on the IRA am endm ents. For more inform ation on services C ollin Fritz & A ssociates, Ltd. offer, call us at 800-346-3961 (in M in nesota 800-647-4415) or mail in the attached request form to: Collin W. Fritz & Associates, Ltd., c/o N orth western Banker, 306 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. In s titu tio n ____________ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ A d d re s s ___________ ____________________ ______________________________________________________ C ity__________________________________ Phone (_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Zip C ontact Person Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 3-11-85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Send Your News Today to the N O R TH W ESTER N B A N K E R TELL US A B O U T. . . 306 Fifteenth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ........................................... ............... ............................ ....... OFFICER .... ........................................................................TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SR. VICE PRESIDENT Commercial/Consumer Loans Count on the FNB Newly chartered federal savings bank in Long mont, Colorado is seeking a highly qualified indi vidual to establish and direct the bank’s commercial/consumer loan services division. team for any Candidate must have a minimum of 10 years in combined experience of consumer and commer cial lending. Must be sales oriented w ith manage ment abilities. Correspondent service. 712/277-0610 Gary Stevenson Excellent compensation and benefits package plus employee ownership plan. Lon Kelling Send confidential resume to: First National Bank n J. Richard Qrear, Exec. V.P. National Savings Bancorporatlon of Colorado P.O. Box 820 Longmont, Colorado 80501 Member FDIC • Sioux City • A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK South Dakota News ^ 0 0 # # ^ 0 ^ The South Dakota Bankers Assodation will be offering for the first time “ Career Challenge ’8 5 !" a teller/ staff conference, to be held two sep arate dates: Saturday, March 23 at the Holiday Inn City Centre in Sioux Falls, and Saturday, March 30 at the Howard Johnson’s M otor Lodge in Rapid City. This conference is recommended for all tellers, new accounts personnel, bookkeepers, new employees and personnel needing refresher training. It will be broken down into four sections: M oney Facts & Frauds, Time Management, Swindies, and Selling. Because this is the first year this seminar has been offered, early reg istration is encouraged. Each parti cipant is eligible to receive 0.5 CEUs at no additional cost. Registration can be made through the SDBA of fice in Pierre. SIO U X FALLS: First National Bank here has prom oted Todd J. Bernhard to vice president and trust officer, and Greg Holden and Connie Gravning to-a ssistan t vice presi dent. Mr. Bernhard joined the bank in 1979. Mr. Holden joined the bank in 1974 and m ost recently was audi tor. Ms. Gravning, with the bank since 1965, m ost recently served in operations. Y A N K TO N : R obert M acy has joined Live Stock State Bank as vice president, specializing in agricul tural lending. Mr. M acy previously was associated with the Federal Land Bank Association for the past four years and has been loan officer at the Yankton branch since 1983. An Equal Opportunity Employer the W hite House. Registration should be made at the N D BA office by March 22. Montana News North Dakota News North Dakota Bankers Associa tion Education Committee Chair man Terry Zeltinger, Towner Coun ty State Bank, Cando, has announced the association’s first ever Bank In vestment Seminar for chief execu tive officers and other bank manage ment personnel. The seminar is set for Thursday, March 28, at the Ramada Inn, Grand Forks. Randy Newman, vice president at First National Bank in Grand Forks and teacher o f investm ents at the North Dakota School o f Banking, will present information on invest ment policy, guidelines and im prov ing bank performance. The after noon session will address portfolio strategies on money market invest ments and tax swaps. Register by March 21 with the N D BA office in Bismarck. * * * April 15-17 are the dates selected for this year’s North Dakota Bank ers Association W ashington Legis lative and Adm inistrative Confer ence. Headquarters for N D BA will be the new JW M arriott Hotel at National Place, located on Pennsyl vania Avenue, just two blocks from BUTTE: Floyd A. Brinton has been prom oted to senior vice president and manager o f retail banking in both the Anaconda and Butte offi ces o f Norwest Bank AnacondaButte, N .A. Mr. Brinton has been employed by Norwest Bank for 27 years. M ALTA: Jim Sandsness has joined First State Bank o f Malta as cash ier. He began his banking career with Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Big Timber. Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 YAKE, SPRENGER AND JENNINGS Getting it done for you. ^ Ernie Yake Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings 234-2483 234-24Ö3 2 3 4 -26 25 234-2625 2J4-24Ö4 234-2484 Commerce Bank of Kansas city NA MEMBER FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tplpnhrmp 7Td.9nnn Telephone fftifii (816) 234-2000 v 3 4 POSITION AVAILABLE Ag Banking Specialists VICE PRESIDENT—$40 m illion southeast, Iowa bank seek ing individual w ith strong credit and operations back ground needed. Near major college town. Excellent bene fits and career opportunity. Send resume and salary his tory in confidence to file WCS, c/o Northwestern Banker. .____________________________________________ (PA) TRUST INVESTMENT OFFICER: Opening for an individual w ith 2 or more years experience in investments. Position involves extensive client contact and business develop ment. We offer excellent benefits and a salary commen surate with experience. Send resume and salary require ments in confidence to: Valley National Bank, Personnel Department, P.O. Box 906, Des Moines, la. 50304. (PA) Position in northeast Iowa. Minimum 3-5 years lending experience. Cash flow and loan documen tation necessary. Excellent benefits and career opportunities with growing multi-bank holding company. Salary commensurate w ith experience. Send resume and references to: (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE MARKETING DIRECTOR - Degreed. 5 + yrs exp. Omaha. S40-70K COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER - 4-5 yrs. Degreed. Omaha. To 40K AG LENDERS - Nebraska & Iowa. 4-8 yrs. To 35K Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide FOR SALE NCR 7750-2500 PROOF MACHINE— 12 pockets, auto-feed hopper, cassette handler, 3.7 m illion items, has been on maintenance. Contact: Mark Sams, First State Bank, Webster City. Phone: 515/832-2520. (FS) ^ W CEO for $23 m illion Iowa bank. A ffiliated w ith major hold ing company. Prefer experienced banker w ith good ag b ackground.....................................................Salary $40,000 CEO for $14 m illion Iowa community bank. Requires 5 to 10 years experience. Good ag background. . . . Salary open COMMERCIAL LENDER fo r $100 m illion bank. Requires 5-10 years experience. Job entails loan cleanup— both ag and c o m m e rc ia l........................................ Salary $40,000 + ^ COMMERCIAL LENDER for $600 m illion midwest bank. Must be experienced in handling major credits and good at d o c u m e n ta tio n ........................................ Salary $40,000. Linda 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 I COMMERCIAL-AG LOAN VICE PRESIDENT Charles V. Perry, President Parkersburg State Bank Box 70, Parkersburg, IA 50665 Phone: 319/346-2114 Let us help with your career advancement or staffing needs. Call in confidence, without obligation. Employ ers pay our reasonable fee to hire the best. Financial Careers V.P. & CASHIER for $32 m illion Iowa bank. College comm u n ity .................................................................Salary Open Jean 515/263-9598 (W/F) 712/779-3567 (M/T/TH) Massena, Iowa 50853 anr/ca r eer s , in c . -I A 3 BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISES NUMBER TWO person for $140 m illion bank. Must have loan experience in larger bank. Position leads to C E O ___ .......................................................................Salary $50,000 + COMMERCIAL LENDER for major southern Minnesota bank. Requires 5 or more years experience........................... .................... .............................................Salary to $40,000. TRUST OFFICER for $100 m illion midwest bank. Law de gree not necessary.....................................Salary to $35,000. WANT TO BUY AG LENDER for major eastern Iowa bank. Located in metro area. Candidate w ill work in rural office ..................... .....................................................................Salary to $30,000. WANTED— Minnesota, Iowa or Wisconsin $10-$20 m illion sound bank. File WCQ, c/o Northwestern Banker. (WTB) TRUST OFFICER for $70 million Iowa bank. Prefer lawyer with tw o or more years experience in handling trusts and e s ta te s ...........................................................Salary $30,000. $50,000 DIEBOLD CONTROLLER UNIT FOR $17,000 - YOU C A N T MISS Diebold Controller Unit for a network of Auto mated Teller Machines. Support 32 ATM’s - Dual Bunker RAMO Disk Drive - Problem Annunciator Teller Printer for input/output - all manuals and operating instructions included. Ask for specifica tions. Frank Odstrcll Adams Banks Computer Services Ogallala, NE 69153 Phone: (308) 284-4071 (FS) F IN A N C IA L PLAC EM EN TS a division of BANK NEWS Call Larry Vohs 816/421-7941 £ VICE PRESIDENT-COMMERCIAL LOANS for $40 m illion Iowa bank. Insurance license is a plus . .Salary to $35,000 ™ f t ^ CASHIER for eastern Nebraska bank. Requires 3-5 years experience................................................. Salary to $32,000. AG LENDER for northern Iowa bank. Prefer college grad w ith ag degree. Entry level position...................Salary open AG LENDERS fo r PCA, to serve as managers in excellent farming areas. Offices do not have major problem loans. Prefer college grads w ith 3 pr more years experience and farm background. Good documentation record is essential ...... ..............................................................Salary to $30,000. Write or call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk in care of Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer'pays" reasonable fee. Many other opportunities now available. 9 tk COM M ERCIAL LENDERS NEEDED $80MM ILL Bk. - 7 years bk. exp. must include at least 3 yrs. comm’l lending exp. To $40K. $50MM ILL Bk. - needs Sr. Comm’l lender. Wants 10 yrs. bk. exp. To $45K. J200MM ILL Bk. - needs Head of Comm’l Lending. Need 10 yrs. exp. Could be partly out of Fin. Co. To $40K. S100MM JA Bk. - needs Comm’l Lender with 4 + yrs. exp. Some Ag. $40K. POSITIONS AVAILABLE #2 MAN ■Extremely clean rural bank. Opportunity to play a vital role in the banks direction. 2 + years ag banking ex perience necessary. Degreed w ith insurance licenses a big plus. $30K COMMERCIAL LENDERS • Dynamic MW bank is seeking introductory level commercial lenders. Excellent oppor tunity to get Into strong banking system. High visibility, progressive philosophy and an excellent place to enhance lending skills. UPTO$30K. WORKOUT SPECIALIST — Innovative bank holding com pany. Must desire career growth and high responsibility. Positive workout attitude, strong ag banking background. $35K. SENIOR LOAN OFFICER - Well balanced $30m+ bank seeks an aggressive and knowledgeable key individual. 15-20 years ag background. A secure and active position. $38 K. CONSUMER LENDER - Smaller bank in strong aggressive metro location seeks a lender with consumer, commercial and real estate background. W ill be exposed to all phases of commercial lending and given the option of becoming a pure commercial lender. $20K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THESE AND OTHER POSITIONS RESPOND IN CONFIDENCE TO: R. KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414 <H M ► fHH> <H > ® R O B E R T M fB IJF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Job Openings VP # 2 AG OFFICER — Iowa, 5-10 exp., $36,000 AG OFFICER/COM’L — strong feedlot, $ Open VP CORRESPONDENT — Oklahoma, Accts/Sales, $40,000’s VP CORRESPONDENT — Illinois, 12 states + MO/KS, $45,000+ VP AG OFFICER— Nebraska, 5-10 exp., $36,000 INTERNAL AUD — Illinois, BS/Acct, $30,000 VP AG/COM’L LOAN — Nebraska, $30,000 VP AG OFFICER — for three banks, Nebraska, $24,000 INS OFFICER — Oversee two bank agency, $19,000 VP AG OFFICER — Iowa, possible #2 position, $50,000 If you are interested in a career move, mail your resume in strict confi dence to FINANCIAL PLACEMENTS, P.O. Box 13786, K.C., Mo. 64199, or call 816-421-7941. R eg en c y RECRUITERS. INC. Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-3860 POSITIONS AVAILABLE INSTAL. LOAN • $100MM suburban bank. Requires one or two yrs. consumer lending experience. Some supervision $18K COMML. LOAN - $250MM urban bank. Addition to staff. Future advancement possible $40K COMML/REAL ESTATE - heavy commercial loan experi ence and some exposure to large R.E. lines. Senior posi tion in $20MM suburban bank $40K AGRILOAN - share lending responsibilities with President for $30MM Ag bank. Some operations background desired $35K PRESIDENT - $30MM independent suburban bank. Must have previous CEO experience and strong marketing skills $Open TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 13 No. 47 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9 *