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JUNE 1983 w T&C. V JÍ•JSU ■ •"■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i l P P f l H H p M flH I q M P H W im M S0M w00m im IlS lii® M M iiilliliWiiilMliiiri Ä f Ä Ä Ä ^ KÄ ^ ^ to w w s w s p E Ä J I^ Ä M ^ Il M P N M I M « w ^M ßw ßM ^ W Ä « *** Ä # Ä Ä iÄ tÄ Ä Ä # IÄ I^ P ^ » | 19 M M m m w I P ^ I Ä i# ^ l# * ilB liS i!illiiM | a ''Providing our customers with quality service demands more from us than simply a surface response. We go deeper. Take overline and liquidity loans, for example. "At MNB, we act decisively on all overline loan requests. But first, our qualified experienced loan specialists study the situation and apply fresh, innovative thinking in tailoring a loan package to your bank and your bor rower's individual needs." An opportunity to serve. "W e believe a loan request is an op portunity to serve — not only the bor rower but the respondent bank and the community it serves. So, the close working relationship we create and maintain with each of our respondent banks and their overline customers assures continued growth, stability and quality in their loan portfolios and ours." If quality service is important to you, too, call 319/ 398- 4320 , or call, toll free, 1- 800- 332-5991 and talk to Jerry or MNB Correspondent Banker John E. Mangold, Stan R. Farmer or Terry M. Martin. Merchants National Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK 3 The successful banking software company defines its priorities: people: founders o f integrated banking softw are products: banking softw are m ade as com plete and perfect as humanly possible quality: in banking software, our goal is perfection service: an important tradition carried forward in our banking softw are technology: pushing back the boundaries o f banking softw are pricing: m ore banking softw are per penny success: front-running banking softw are * commitment: providing banking softw are for all your tom orrow s 0 *In ^ * f years, we haven’t shuffled our priorities. KC FLORIDA SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC. A KIRCHMAN COMPANY P.Q. Box 2269 - Orlando, FL 32802 - (305)831-3001 International Headquarters: 711 E. Altamonte Dr., Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Los Angeles Office: 6033 W. Century Blvd., Suite 1150, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 4 Docutel/LeFebure Form ATM Marketing Agreement NOmWESTERN O JUNE 1983 W • lW 90th Year • No. 1437 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES COVER The scene on the cover of this issue captures the majesty and mystery of Mt. Moran, one of the major focal points in the Grand Teton Mountains in north western Wyoming. The artist of this beautiful oil painting is Keith Fay, a noted resident of Jackson who has become one of the area’s finest painters of The Tetons. His studio (open to the public) is on Teton Valley Road in the town of Wilson, just outside of Jackson, and offers a magnificent view of these majestic sentinels of the Snake River and famed Jackson Hole. This painting of Mt. Moran, done especially by Mr. Fay for this issue, shows in the upper center of the moun tain the snow-filled glacier that feeds Hidden Falls at a lower level and eventually Jenny Lake, which snuggles directly at the base of this towering mountain. D ocu tel/O livetti C orporation, Dallas, Tex., and LeFebure Corpora tion, Cedar Rapids, la., have for malized a special agreement under which LeFebure will market auto mated teller machines produced by Docutel/Olivetti to its financial in stitution customers nationwide. The agreement was announced jointly recently by Frank R. Marlow, senior vice president-marketing for D ocutel/O livetti, and M ylo D. Schultz, vice president-sales and marketing at LeFebure. Mr. Schultz said it represents a unique means of meeting the demands of commercial banks and savings associations for electronic banking systems. FEATURES 19 The Planning and building process Bankers, consultants join in giving readers some insights 20 Planning—a necessary pain Collin Fritz analyzes the steps that make the trip rewarding 22 Hire a consultant? Mylo D. Schultz (left), v.p.-sales and marketing of LeFebure, and Frank R. Mar low, sr. v.p.-mktg. for Docutel/Olivetti, discuss the advantages of Docutel’s latest ATM at LeFebure’s demonstration and train ing center in Cedar Rapids, là., following the signing of a special joint marketing agreement. Claude D. Dawson discusses how to find one, what to expect 24 Planning—a learned skill Consultant James R. Morgan helps develop trained managers 26 Minnesota project a success Ag-lending pilot via computer is a winner CONVENTIONS 31 Minnesota Program 46 South Dakota Convention Report 61 Montana Program 54 Wyoming Program 67 Nebraska Convention Report DEPARTMENTS 8 38 44 52 58 74 Bank Promotions Twin Cities Illinois North Dakota Colorado Omaha 79 92 94 Iowa Des Moines Index of Advertisers NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone (515) 244-8163 Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher Associate Editor Consultant Ben Haller, Jr. Steve Burch Becky McBurney Malcolm K. Freeland No. 1437 Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.50 per copy. $18 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ LeFebure has been analyzing the changing ATM needs of this market and examining the various products available,” Mr. Schultz said, “ and we are convinced that Docutel/Olivetti offers the finest ATM line available today. They were the first in the business and have been on the leading edge of this field from the start.” Mr. Marlow said the products will be made available across the United States through LeFebure’s nation wide network of over 200 highly trained sales engineers. LeFebure, a division of Kidde, Inc., is a major manufacturer of banking and security equipment with regional offices and service centers in all principal cities in the U.S. “ The addition of Docutel’s ATMs round out our line of cash handling equipment,” Mr. Schultz added. 5 CVM-4000 ™- CASH VAULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The Future is Now. Banks in the United States and Europe have asked for a total man agement solution to their cash vault needs. A s o lu tio n th a t goes fa r beyond the batch processing sys tems of today. Management System can provide the information and comprehensive m anagem ent re p o rts needed to make your cash vault more produc tive. And provide better customer service. The need? Make an appointment with your future. Call Brandt for a timely de monstration of the CVM-4000 Cash Vault Management System. On-line, up-to-the-minute infor mation. Instant response on such critical areas as: • Inventory status Brandt. The company that can pro • Delivery status vide all y o u r m oney pro cessin g • Teller status needs. Currency and coin counting. • Deposit discrepancy Cash settlement. And now, total • Order status cash vault management control and The Brandt CVM-4000 Cash Vault information systems. . BRANDT»,.«, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 200, Watertown, Wl 53094 (414) 261-1780 Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 6 Theultimate loanprocessing system . Now it’s available ona microcomputer. U ntil now, you needed an expensive m in ico m p u te r to provide a ll the services required o f an in sta llm e n t loan process ing package. But thanks to M onroe, now you can get e ve ryth in g you need on our a ffo rd a b le O C 88ÓOSeries m icrocom puters. You'll fin d th a t ou r In sta llm e n t Loan Transaction System (ILTS) w ill d ra stica lly cut the tim e it takes to process a loan, w h ile it decreases you r costs an d m a rk e d ly increases you r productivity. It a u to mates an d customizes yo u r entire loan processing system, fro m in itia l ca lcu la tions th roug h credit checks to fin a l form s p rin tin g . m ent loans. Some can even p rin t you r form s. But how m a ny can a d a p t to the ever-present changes in loan ca lcu la tions? M o nro es ILTS has the b u ilt-in fle x i b ility to a d ju s t to constantly c h a n g in g fees, insurance rates an d more. We teach you r sta ff to m ake the changes in the ba nk in m inutes. F le x ib ility M anagem ent Reports M ost in sta llm e n t loan softw a re program s can autom a te the processing o f in sta ll The ILTS produces m a n a g e m e n t reports autom a tically. Such as a Loan O ffic e r DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Custom ization A M onroe representative w ill custom ize the Installm en t Loan Transaction System to you r specifications. We use your insurance com pany in fo rm a tio n , your credit bureau in fo rm a tio n an d your form s layout. 7 Introducing M onroe’s • Installm ent Loan Transaction System . Report, w h ic h shows loans an d insurlli a nee totals by w ee k, m onth a n d yea r fo r in d iv id u a l officers or the en tire d e p a rt m ent. A n d the C ollateral Report, w h ich provides a te m p o ra ry tool to keep track of 0 paper w o rk un til a ll docum ents have been received. Single-Source W hen you purchase the ILTS package # fro m M onroe, you're purchasing more th a n just one o f the w o rld s most a d vanced professional m icrocom puters. You also get the leg end ary n a tio n w id e • tra in in g an d service fo r w h ich M onroes 3 5 0 -b ra n ch -o ffice n e tw ork is fam ous. N a tio n a l support o f our local branch offices assures you o f re lia b le , q u a lity ® service in your office. A n d it's o n ly a phone call away. So w h e n it comes to processing in sta llm e n t loans, ILTS m ig h t just be the best in sta llm e n t y o u 'll ever m ake. Call or w rite fo r a free de m onstration. 8 0 0 -5 2 6 -7 8 4 3 E x t . 4 4 4 (in N e w Jersey, 8 0 0 -5 2 2 -4 5 0 3 Ext. 444) Monroe Systems For Business The American Road, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950 I D Yes, I'd like a free demonstration in my office. □ Please send me more information on the ILTS package. I N a m e _____________________________________________________________________ I B a n k ______________________________________________________________________ | Title ________________________________ P hone_________________________________ | A d d re s s ___________________________________________________________________ | C ity ------------------------------------------------------------------- S ta te --------------- Z ip ______________ NTH 6/83 m mMONROE SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 8 r Bank Promotions ROMOTIONS and other announ cements have been made by the following banks: Centerre Bank, St. Louis: The following personnel have been elec ted assistant vice presidents: Irene Looker, who joined the bank a year ago as a commercial banking officer. Rita A. Nyhoff, with the bank 14 years, who has held various posi tions including business develop ment and commercial banking. Kenneth W. Schatz, who joined the bank in 1968 and has been a bus iness development officer. Robert H. Weiss, a 14-year vet eran with the bank, who has been an operations officer. Commerce Bank, Kansas City: William J. Sprenger, vice president, has been named assistant manager of the correspondent department. To gether with Ernie Yake, department manager, he is responsible for over seeing more than 900 correspondent account relationships nationwide. Mr. Sprenger jo in e d C om merce in 1979 as a ssista n t vice president in the correp on d en t department. Pri or to that, he had served 18 years w ith a la rg e K a n sa s W.J. SPRENGER C ity -b a se d f i nance company. He earned his B.S.B.A. from Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Mo. It was also announced that George L. Hiller, vice president, has joined the agribusiness department at Commerce after seven years in the bank’s international depart ment. He is serving as an ag loan of ficer. He will work with corporate accounts in the grain and milling in dustries throughout the midwest and at the Kansas City Board of Trade. Mr. Hiller joined Commerce in 1975 as an international banking re presentative and was made vice president and assistant manager of that department in 1980. He holds a BA from the University of Mexico at Albuquerque and a Master of In- P Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ternational Management degree from the American Graduate School of International Management, Glen dale, Ariz. Continental Bank, Chicago: John H. Perkins, president, was appointd last month to a two-year term as cochairman of Chicago United, a con sortium of black, white and His panic business executives and pro fessionals. Within Continental Bank, two bankers serving customers in the midwest were promoted. Beatrice V. Cook was named second vice presi dent in the U.S. banking services department. She serves correspon dent banks in Indiana. Joseph T. Koch was named second vice presi dent of Continental Illinois Commer cial Corporation, serving customers from the Northwest Suburban Chi cago office in Rolling Meadows. Promoted in the trust and invest ment services department were: Cor nelius A. Twomey to vice president; Carl C. Gargula and Emil J. Rai mond to second vice president, and Karen C. Szerszen to investment of ficer. In the financial services depart ment: Michael T. Manion to second vice president in worldwide cash management division; Patricia P. Scanlon and Rosemary E. Susalla to banking officers. Drovers Bank of Chicago: Thom as R. Williams has been appointed senior executive vice president, it was announced by James J. Carmody, president. Mr. Williams moved to Drovers in 1979 from First National Bank of Chicago. He had been a direc tor since May, 1980. Mr. Williams also serves as chairman of the senior loan com T.R. WILLIAMS mittee of Drov ers Bank, Main Bank of Chicago, and Bank of Yorktown, all members of the Cole-Taylor Financial Group. In his new position, Mr. Williams will be responsible for banking ac tivities, including commercial lend ing, personal banking, real estate lending, and credit policies. He will _ also oversee the bank’s correspon- ” dent network of more than 250 banks. First Bank La Crosse, La Crosse, Wis.: Kermit L. Newcomer, M.D., has been named to the board of di rectors. Dr. Newcomer, 52, currently is vice president of the American Group Practice Association and is a director of the American Academy # of Medical Directors. John D. Banker has been elected executive vice president of the bank, with responsibility for the credit and lending functions, it was announced ® by Stanton M. Jorgens, president. Mr. Banker, 37, holds an under graduate degree from the University of Notre Dame and received an M BA in Finance from the Universi- ® ty of Michigan. J.D. BANKER T. VAN PELT He began his career with First Wisconsin National Bank System, serving in its commercial and cor respondent banking divisions, spent two years at the bank’s London of fice and most recently was senior vice president of First Wisconsin National Bank of Oshkosh. Mr. Jorgens also announced the promotion of Thomas W. VanPelt from commercial lending officer to assistant vice president, commercial division. Mr. VanPelt, 26, has been with First Bank La Crosse since re ceiving his B.S. in Finance from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Harris Bank, Chicago: Jackson B. Lynch II has joined the bank as vice president and head of the card divi sion. He served previously with First National Bank of Chicago and General Finance Corporation, Evan ston. James W. Hill, vice president in the financial institutions division serving correspondent banks in Iowa, resigned recently to pursue other interests. His future plans were not announced at the time. BANK PROMOTIONS... (Turn to page 14, please) Your ATM. * Alone. Exposed. Vulnerable. Except for . Mosler. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Seven-day-a-week, 24-hour-aday operation and isolated loca tions make ATMs particularly vulnerable to fraud, vandalism, attack. But you can protect your investment anywhere, any time, through one trusted security source—Mosler. A full-time ATM needs full-time surveillance, and that’s what you get with Mosler Photoguard® TV— a continuous videotape record before, during and after every transaction. Mosler’s compact ATM alarm system fits neatly inside the cash container. Its economical protection is designed for single ATM installa tions. For multiple units, specify the Mosler 400C Alarm. Or safeguard an entire ATM network through our far-reaching COMSEC™ Security Communications System. Mosler also offers an Access Control System for vestibule and freestanding ATMs, Magna® Night Depositories with ATM interface and more. Our broad capability provides total ATM security with single-source convenience. And nationwide Mosler Service main tains that ATM security 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So buy your ATMs from the ATM company you prefer, but buy your security from the security company you trust: Mosler. For more information, write Dept. ATM-83, 1561 Grand Blvd., Hamilton, OH 45012. Mosler An Am erican-Standard Company H a m ilto n , O h io 4 5 0 1 2 10 Monroe M arkets Com puterized System for Installm ent Loans COMPUTERIZED Installment Loan Transaction System has been introduced by Moore Systems for Business to help financial in stitutions improve their productivi ty. The new microcomputer system is designed to decrease costs and im prove overall productivity for in dividual loan officers, as well as an entire loan department. Robert F. Kane, president of Mon roe, which headquarters in Morris Plains, N.J., says, “ Monroe’s ILTS A integrates all the aspects of install ment loan processing usually found in higher priced systems - calcula tions, credit checks, forms printing, disclosure and management reports - into one highly functional, affor dable microcomputer system. With our unique ‘customizing’ program, ILTS users enjoy a greater degree of flexibility, while they reduce pro cessing costs, increase productivity and offer their borrowers faster, more specialized service.” Monroe Systems For Business introduces the computerized Installment Loan Transaction System (ILTS), which integrates all the aspects of installment loan processing into one highly functional and customized microcomputer system. The unique programming ap proach permits Monroe to offer a standard, yet “ customized” pack age at a very affordable price on Monroe’s OC 8800 Series microcom puters. A system of software mod ules allows Monroe to construct an individual program, using the forms, the names of loans, fees, ser vice charges, interest and credit in surance methods currently in use in the bank. In addition, changes are made quickly and easily with stan dard maintenance programs. The user can change interest and in surance rates on-site, while the Monroe representative will make more complex changes to form structure or loan calculation meth ods virtually overnight, Mr. Kane said. The ILTS duplicates the loan pro cedures used by most banks so the loan officers need not change the loan processing methods to accom modate the computer. However, substantial time savings result from the elimination of duplicate data en try. Customer/loan data is entered once and can then be modified as often as necessary until the loan is finalized. The loan agreement and Dewbanks Banker, June, 1983 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 other forms are printed automatical ly, reducing the chance of manual er rors and eliminating tedious typing chores. The actual loan data may then be transferred directly to the bank mainframe via a communica tions link. Two optional reports may be pro duced by the ILTS. The Loan Of ficer Report provides follow-up totals for loans and insurance by week, month and year, individually or by department. The Collateral Report is an efficient tool for keep ing track of the paperwork on a secured loan until all forms have been received. Special program op tions are available for Single Pay ment Notes, Amortization and Re bate. Monroe’s customer service for the Installment Loan Transaction Sys tem is also unique in the microcom puter industry. Monroe Systems For Business al so manufactures and markets desk top and PROM cartridge calcula tors, ledger card accounting ma chines, and plain paper copiers, in addition to microcomputer hard ware and software. ^ SEC OKs “ W all Street of A m erica” Brokerage Firm for Nebraska Bank NDEPENDENT Community Bank N etw ork , In c., o f N orfolk , Nebraska has received the necessary approvals from the Securities & Ex change Commission and the Na tional Association of Securities Dealers for a wholly owned sub sidiary brokerage firm known as Wall Street of America, according to Raymond G. Tiedje, president of In dependent Community Bank Net work (ICBN) and its affiliate, Bank of Norfolk. ICBN, an organization initially providing community banks with a cash management micro computer software product called Money Mar ket Checking has developed a unique brokerage service designed for com munity banks. Unlike most broker age services, ICBN has developed its service in such a way as to allow member banks the flexibility to make their own choice as to the mix ture of fee income and discounted commissions in order that they may be profitable and yet maintain a competitive position I The brokerage service also is designed to give community banks complete customer contact and con trol without the requirement to house a registered broker, according to Kevin Olson, ICBN vice presi dent. To supplement the administration of the brokerage service ICBN also has developed a micro-computer software package. The package is designed to monitor and evaluate customer accounts and portfolios as well as printing stock confirmations, monthly statements and daily port folio reports on bank stationary. Banks Up Mortgage Share One out of four home mortgages originated in 1982 were made by commercial banks, according to the American Bankers Association. While banks’ share of the 1-4 family home mortgage market increased from 22 to 25 percent, savings and loan associations’ portion declined from 43 to 37 percent. Drovers Bank o f Chicago is actively seeking correspondent banks. Seeking and earning them. Fact: Drovers is one of the oldest correspondent banks in the midwest. Fact: Drovers now has over 250 correspondent banks across the midwest. new relationships last year. Old-fashioned 3636 new relat: words like service, responsiveness, personal attention, expertise and professionalism. And new-fash ioned words like discount brokerage for your customers and recycling Market Funds. Call John Crotty, Kathy Money Mark« Hardy, Max Roy or Andy Ruments... people who reflect a continuity in policy and commitment. Call toll-free 1-800-621-8991, m Illinois call 1-800-572-2498. in 1vear. • Drovers Bank o f Chicago 47th & Ashland A ve, Chicago, IL 60609 • 1-312-927-7000 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FDÍC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 ! | ! k I | L DELUXE EXPLAINS THEDIFFERENCE BETWEEN APRINTERAND APARTNER. ‘IU ■ -i t) i; 0 t . ®i o i 1- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ! i Printers may come and go, but a partner can be an asset for years to come. Deluxe shows you how. Most qualified check printers can help you solve your printing problems. Deluxe helps you solve your marketing and operations problems as well. Which is a skill we've developed during 67 years of paying persistent, long term attention to what is important to our customers. And like a real partner, we know how to help financial institutions reduce their costs and price their checking programs profitably. Case in point: Deluxe has developed a data management capability that offers financial institutions several unexpected advantages and benefits. For example, simplified pricing administration and unprecedented docum en tation of profitability for your checking program. Just as important, we can tailor a reporting system to fit your specific needs. In other words, when you choose Deluxe as a partner, you're capitalizing on our wealth of experience in check-related areas, plus getting a depth of marketing support as well. Take cross-selling: We know how important it is to make the most of every opportunity to crosssell your services. That's why we're dedicated to training your new accounts staff in both the product knowledge and people skills they need. We also supply them with a catalog that can be tailored to sell your services as well as our checking products. Not the kind of in-depth perspective you'd expect from an ordinary printer, is it? Naturally, Deluxe delivers the superior quality, accuracy and reliability you expect —backed up by our no-fault re-run policy: if there's a mistake, we reprint, no matter whose fault it is. A 1982 survey confirmed that bankers across the country consider Deluxe to be the quality control leader. (You know how important that is with the soaring costs of exception items in check processing.) And with a national network of 61 strategically located plants across America, we can provide consistent, uninterrupted service, whatever the need. Finally, Deluxe's well-qualified sales representatives are paid a salary to help you. Not a commission to sell you. Isn't that the kind of commitment you want from a partner? To find out more about the Deluxe difference, call toll free: 1-800-328-9584 and ask for Wayne Hansen, Senior Vice President. A D ELU X E CHECK PRINTERS, INC. W W f THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PRINTER AND A PARTNER. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 BANK PROMOTIONS... (Continued from page 8) ager of the commercial loan division. He joined the bank in that division in 1978. Mercantile Bank and Trust, Kan Dennis C. Riffle has been elected sas City, Mo.: James L. Lanning has vice president in the correspondent been elected vice bank department. He joined Mer chairman of the cantile in January, 1982. board. He will have direct re sponsibilities for Valley National Corporation, corp ora te and Phoenix: Following the recent un corresp on d en t timely death of board chairman banking as well Roger A. Lyon, as m arketing, 55, directors of and w ill co n the corporation tinue to serve as J.L. LANNING named Howard senior vice presi C. McCrady as dent of Mercantile Bancorporation, chairm an and Inc. chief executive officer of the corp o r a t io n and bank and Leo nard W. Huck as R.A. LYON p resid en t and chief administrative officer of the corporation and the subsidiary Val ley National Bank. At the same time, Timothy Creedon was elected executive vice president of both the W.P. MESSER D.C. RIFFLE corporation and the bank. William P. Messer has been elec Mr. Lyon died at his home in ted senior vice president and man Phoenix April 16 after an extended illness. He had been chairman since September 1, 1982. He joined the Valley organization in 1976 as presi dent of the Valley Bank after a 0 25-year career with Chase Manhat tan Bank, New York, from which he resigned as executive vice president of the institutional banking depart ment to move to the Phoenix bank. # He was president of the Arizona Bankers Association at the time of his death. Mr. McCrady, 51, had been presi dent of the corporation and vice • president and chief financial officer of the bank. Mr. Huck, 60, has been president of the bank and executive vice president of the corporation. Mr. Creedon had been senior vice • president. R elationship pricing and financial planning are now at your fingertips Relationship pricing on a customer-by-customer basis and complete financial reporting, planning and control are at your fingertips with P R O -FIN and CustomerCalc, two new computer software programs only from Microtech. Professionals at Microtech have years o f experience in writing financial software programs for banks ranging in assets from $5 million to S350 million. They understand the needs o f financial institutions, and they know how to write computer software programs that are easy to use. . . all you have to do is turn on the switch. P R O -FIN is the management information system designed by a banker for bankers. This financial reporting and planning model allows you to create and format your own accounts. From these you may maintain and report actual results, comparisons to budget, perform projections and “ what-ifs” . . .and so much more. With PR O -FIN , you’ll spend less time analyzing the past because now you’ll have help to control your future. CustomerCalc, the customer relationship pricing and profitability system, allows you to define the various products you offer. Then, by entering a customer’s total account relationship, it will calculate your return on equity for that customer’s relationship with your institution. CustomerCalc can also show you how to reach target returns as well as give you pricing decisions on new products. Best o f all, CustomerCalc and P R O -FIN are designed to operate on Apple computers, the largest selling microcomputer in the world today. That makes financial planning and customer relationship pricing even easier. Put PR O -FIN and CustomerCalc at your fingertips and control your future. Professional Computer Solutions. ill microtech 200 N. 66th St./L incoln, Nebraska 68505/(402) 467-5521 DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 THERE’S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY. There is. Just ask Citicorp, Docutel, LeFebure, and IBM. A ship won’t fit into a bottle unless you build it from the inside-out. The same thing’s true with ATM and branch buildings. Some companies design a building then try to figure out where the customer and hardware fit in. At JBA, we work from the inside-out. We take your objectives, the hardware of your choice and then design a building that encourages consumer use. That means higher transaction volume on each ATM in your system and greater market share for you. We’ve convinced the biggest. Some of the world’s largest financial suppliers choose our products. They do this for just one reason: quality. The kind of quality that comes only from a company with experience in ATM sales, bank ing, design and construction. We make it easy for you. We can deliver build ings with ATM, signage, and security systems in place. We’ll coordinate site work with your local contractor. If needed, our buildings are easy to relocate. And once in place, our functional designs are easy to service. Easy to install. Easy to use. Easy to service. Inside-out designs from too. Banking’s ^ A rc h ite c t and Builder 8446 Madison Omaha, NE 68127 402 592-7070 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 “With things changing so rapidly today, lenders want more than a free lunch and small talk. They want fast, knowledgeable advice and service. When my clients have a question or problem, I don't always know the answers. But I know I can get them in a hurry from the MGIC professionals who back me u p .. .the customer service reps, project specialists, underwriters, mortgage design analysts and secondary market specialists. “For example, a lender and his developer recently asked for help in preparing a project submission package for Fannie Mae approval. I called my regional project specialist who helped assemble all the necessary documents. And one of the project analysts flew in from our home office to write the detailed narrative sections of the FNMA submission package. Then, at the lender's request, they both accompanied the developer to make the formal FNMA presentation. They received immediate verbal approval. “Another thing my customers appreciate is the capability of our local underwriters. With today's many mortgage options and the uncertain economy, underwriting requires a lot of skill, experience, and knowledge of the local market. I'm proud of the way our people can quickly analyze the many variables of each loan. And on occasions when they just can't insure, they never say no without trying to work out a solution acceptable to everyone. “Our daims people are equally capable. They always respond quickly and thoughtfully. They strive to be as flexible as possible on forebearance to minimize losses and to help people keep their homes.” Kay Adams Account Executive Jacksonville, Florida. ©1983 MDA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis £ "More and more lenders are looking to M GIC for help in the secondary market Our specialists have an excellent reputation for knowing what's happening in the investment world at all times. They keep each other informed through our nationwide trading network and work hard at developing new investor contacts. That's why we're often the first to find out about a deal and the first to alert our customers to the opportunity. “M GIC’s computerized Truth-in-Lending service makes life a lot easier for lenders. My customers are amazed at the speed and simplicity of our system. It enables them to easily conform to the complicated federal disclosure regulations within the three-day time limit. In just minutes, our system provides complete, customized TIL disclosure information, including the Federal Box, for virtually any loan. It's not just fast and accurate, it's economical, too. "Our TIL system is really paying off for one of my customers with branch offices throughout California. They do all of their underwriting in the San Francisco area. With a high volume of loans and many distantly located branches, the threeday turnaround regulation is obviously a tough challenge. But our TIL system gets the job done. "Lender employee training is another very popular MGIC service. I recently arranged to have one of our underwriters conduct a seminar on underwriting self-employed borrowers. He told the attendees that by the end of the day they would be able to underwrite a loan from a 1040 in just 4 minutes. They laughed. But by the end of the day, they could do it. With the complexities of our business, and the shortage of experienced underwriters, training like this is invaluable to my customers." For complete information on any of our services, contact your MGIC Account Executive or call 800-558-9900 (800-242-9275 in Wisconsin). Eric Rice Account Executive San Francisco, California ■ MGIC Working hard to earn your business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 Hey, see that cute little bank across the street? Boy are her bricks stacked/' “Yeah, me and the other stores on the street really like the looks of her . . . kind of adds a little class to the whole block . . . y'know what I mean7 "Somebody named Kirk Gross Co. came in, started with her Foundations an ’had her put together in no time at all. Boy, they took care of everything from the bottom up . . . a real turn key operation. Why, it was just a matter of weeks and there she stood . . . her big beautiful self. "And believe me, I watched Kirk Gross put her together . . . Boy is SHE BUILT!” (See Kirk Gross Co. if your new bank plans call for "a little class”) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 J \ l NUMBER of months ago a good friend, who has years of experience both in a major regional bank and currently as president of a Community Bank, suggested we publish some articles on Planning and Budgeting, preferably in summer issues to give readers time to use the information for the following year. Initially, we weren’t sure how much this type of information is needed or would be received. However, as we began making plans for articles, we learned that actually few Com munity Banks go through a formal planning process, and all those contacted en dorsed this editorial project. Major banks consider strategic planning not as a one time goal to achieve but as a “ journey,” a continuing process. For example, A.D. Frazier, senior vice president and head of strategic planning for First National Bank of Chicago, says “ Planning is a dynamic is necessary to examine continually...and to reevaluate the appropriateness of our strategies. The need to plan for one’s future becomes critical. Strategic planning refers to the systematic approach to developing strategies. It is the process which determines how the crucial decisions which determine a company’s future are made. Profit planning, on the other hand, is the process for developing the annual budget.” To give our readers some insights into that process, three special articles by two experienced bankers and a CPA-consultant are on the following pages. The July issue will feature a special report from several Community Bank CEOs in midwestern states who will tell how they and their banks have benefitted from developing a formal strategic plan. Comments from readers about their experience with planning will be welcome. □ —The Editor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Planning and budgeting 1 a pain! • time-consuming! • necessary! • financially rewarding! A N orthwestern B anker interview with COLLIN W. FRITZ Banking Consultant Des Moines, la. £ 6 A CTUALLY, one of the most difficult things about planning is just knowing how and where to start.” With that plain statement, Collin Fritz pin pointed a basic “ reason” why so many Community Bank chief executive officers back away from the dis cipline of planning and budgeting. It is a process he describes not only as useful and financially rewarding to the bank, but one that will be essential for those bankers who want to make sure their banks continue to be recognized as the main financial centers in their communities. □ ABOUT THE AUTHOR— Mr. Fritz is well qualified to speak about his subject from his own personal experience. A native of Des Moines, he earned his BA degree at Grinnell College in 1943 and returned after World War II Air Force duty for his LLB from Drake University. He then joined Jasper County Savings Bank in Newton, la., where over a 21-year period he served as manager of the installment loan department, head of the trust department and was senior vice president and a director of the bank. He left that position in July, 1969, to accept appointment from Governor Robert D. Ray as superintendent of banking for Iowa. After serv ing in that post for two years, he moved across the street where he was elected president of Central National Bank and Trust Company of Des Moines (now United Central Bank of Des Moines, N.A.). In that position he gained another perspective of correspon dent bank service and the needs of community banks. Since leav ing the bank in 1974, Mr. Fritz has managed his own bank con sulting service, working with both Community Banks and major regional banks. Among his many assignments, he has conducted a number of IRA seminars for banker associations from coast to coast and has authored IRA and Keogh materials approved by the IRS and in use at hundreds of banks. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mr. Fritz suggests that a bank owner first ask some very personal questions, then answer them with com plete candor as a prelude to the actual consideration of short-term or long-range planning—such questions as: •Do I really deserve my charter? In what ways could O I possibly be criticized for my management, or lack of it, for this charter? •Just as professionals like doctors, dentists, lawyers, pharmacists in my community are expected to pass licensing tests, and take part in continuing ® education yearly to maintian a current level of compe tence, could I really pass a banker’s licensing test? Do I take the time to learn new products, new techniques so I will know how to serve my community better? •What do I want for my bank? Do I want to sell it • now, or get it into shape to be sold? Do I want to con tinue it as a “ family” bank; if so, what needs to be done, and how many years are needed to accomplish this? Do I want to lead my bank aggressively as a firstrate competitor for financial service in my community? ® More Decisions to Make Once these preliminary questions and selfevaluation are resolved privately by a majority of owner(s), or by a management team in a more widely ^ held bank, some serious attention can be turned to the strategic (long-range) planning process. “ Here again,” says Mr. Fritz, “ the owner or CEO needs to make a decision. ‘Can I do this job myself, or should I seek outside help?’ If it’s the latter, especially 9 for the CEO’s first effort at formulating a formal plan and budget, there are several alternatives. “ First of all, the CEO can do the job on his or her own within the bank. Generally, the process will go down some blind alleys and it may be found later that 4) unnecessary time was wasted, but it will be a home grown, personalized plan that will be well worth the discipline of doing it. “ An obvious alternative is to turn to the experience of others—your upstream city correspondent, or a % banking consultant who has experience with your kind 21 Six Steps in Planning and Budgeting 1. Develop management at the bank A. B. C. D. Plan for the future Set objectives—short term, long term Plan a way to meet the objectives Organize for the future 2. Review and develop asset management A. Cash and Due from Banks Reserve Requirements Liquidity Correspondent Services B. Government Bond Account Objectives, Program, Yields C. Government Agencies D. Municipal Portfolio Objectives, scheduling, planning Tax Consequences E. Other Securities F. Lending Division Objectives, Procedures, Policies, Rates, Maturities Agricultural Loans Installment Lending Commercial Loans Real Estate Loans: City, Commercial, Farm Insured Loans Participation Loans—Upstream, Downstream Federal Funds Development of SBA Loan Program 3. Liability Management A. Deposits Demand—Cost? Savings—Regular or Special Plans Time Certificates—Maturities of bank and community. Your correspondent can help yor with some basic planning ideas, and give counsel on selecting a consultant, if desired.” A Six-Step Plan When Mr. Fritz was asked what advice he would give bank owners who wish to consider initiating a planning and budgeting program for their bank, he of fered a concise, two-page outline. It is the same outline he uses when asked to assist bank management in formulating a strategic plan and drawing up a budget to implement it. (See accompanying illustration.) “ But first,” Mr. Fritz emphasizes again, “ we discuss overall objectives, especially continuity of management, and in each case I ask them, ‘Do you have a one-bank holding company?’ As most bankers know, this is an ideal method for developing continuity or consolidation of ownership. Quite often it’s true that a problem in many small banks is that ownership now is being held by second and third generations removed from the locale of the bank—frequently, they’re living in Florida, Texas, Arizona or California. “ The local bank in many cases takes care of only 10% of the shareholders. The other 90% have a tenden cy to hang onto their stock for emotional and not economic reasons. The holding company can provide a market for bank stock, and shareholders from estates living in removed states are more likely to sell.” All of this discussion about a one-bank holding com pany, says Mr. Fritz, helps resolve the question, “ What do you want to do with the bank?” A 1BHC also provides the vehicle through which many financial Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State and Local Government Certificates Large Commercial CDs Hedging? B. Expenses Fixed Costs Budgeting Interest Cost Controls C. Capital Accounts Capital Surplus Undivided Profits D. Loan Loss Reserves 4. Personnel A. Review of All Employees Fringe Benefits Job Descriptions Review Any Employee Manuals Maternity Leaves, etc. 5. General Operations Correspondent Bank Accounts Cash Requirements ATM ’s Computer Services Service Charges Directors Reports Spread Analysis 6. Review, Monitor and Up-date Plan Assign Responsibility Set Procedures Establish Reporting - to CEO, to Board services denied to banks may still be provided to the community. In addition, it affords a financial vehicle that can strengthen the bank, greatly increase earn ings, and make possible for owners some intelligent estate planning that was most difficult before forma tion of the 1BHC. Establishing this point about the bank’s future is essential, and actually is a part of the first point in his six-step outline he reviews with owners, and which he agreed to share for this article. Analyze Each Step in Detail Mr. Fritz points out that a highly important exer cise that encompasses both Steps 2 and 3 is Spread Analysis, an exercise that must be performed by each bank today, regardless of size. He pointed out that the recent addition of microcomputers in many banks has provided an ideal tool for quick and easy handling of this important task. So far as reviewing each of the six suggested steps is concerned, it follows naturally, he says, that the whole concept of planning and budgeting must originate from, have the total support of, and receive its push from top management. It is not an intermediate level management assignment, although each level of man agement and supervisors should be included in the pro cess at various points in the planning. He goes through each step point-by-point with the CEO or the planning team. For example, in Step 1, PLANNING AND BUDGETING... (Turn to page 45 please) Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Hire The planning and Budget'08 » « S it. process^ Handbook t a c o n s u lta n t? •how to find one •what should he do? « » ill. „. _________ Written especially for T he N orthwestern B anker By CLAUDE D. DAWSON Director of Consulting Services UCB Systems, Inc. Des Moines, la. HEN management announces at the officers’ meeting that a consultant has been hired to per form an evaluation of the bank, a general sense of uneasiness permeates the room. Supervisory personnel become somewhat concerned and begin to question management’s confidence level in their job perfor mance. There is an almost universal feeling of fear and apprehension. This feeling of unrest is caused by the generally accepted view that a consultant is a hotshot, a know-it-all, a person without feelings or compassion, a head-hunter. In many instances the bank’s supervisory personnel should have some apprehensions in that few con sultants are really professionally qualified to be bank ing consultants. In fact, many have never actually worked in a bank. Their inexperience is quite evident when you evaluate their standard approach. Their standard procedure is to take the work measurement methodology developed in a factory assembly line en vironment and attempt to apply those same principles to bank operations. What the inexperienced consultant fails to take into consideration is the basic fact that banking is a customer dependent business. This customer depen dency and interaction filters down into all areas of the bank, including operations. If the consultant could figure out a way to eliminate the customer, the factory methodology might work. Since he cannot eliminate the customer, his assembly line approach will be somewhat unproductive and something less than satisfactory. W What Do Most Consultants Do? Most consultants follow the same basic format. Consultant: “ Mr. Bank President, if I could show Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •What to expect you a way to improve your earnings by $ 100,000 per year, would you be in terested?” President: “ Yes! Tell me how.” Consultant: “ Hire me for 10 weeks and I will show you. I will perform an extensive review of your entire bank. I will optimize the performance level of your staff by analyzing procedures and standardizing work practices. I will organize; I will train; I will document. I will provide management with a comprehensive management reporting system detailing the techniques necessary to control float, to control staffing requirements, and to enhance the earnings of the bank.” President: “ That’s wonderful, can you start tomor row?” Once hired, the consultant spends considerable time interviewing your people. He then gets out his stop watch to determine how long it takes to complete every job in the bank. The final result of the ten week study is an extensively detailed 147 page report documenting how many seconds it takes to perform each function. The report will contain some clerical processing volume standards based on the assumption that everyone is fully trained for the job they perform and that someone else will handle all the customer calls and interruptions. All recommended staffing levels will be based on average volumes with no considera tion given to peak workload, vacations, or sick leave. There is usually one small section listing a series of recommendations outlining some basic modifications to some procedure or practice that will save one or two seconds per transaction. The final section of the report is the recommenda tion to reduce staff by eight people. Eight people at an annual salary of $15,000.00, including fringe benefits, represents an annualized savings of $120,000. The con sultant is happy; he exceeded his expectations by $20,000. Bank management is happy, and immediately implements a hiring freeze to reduce staff by eight peo ple. The supervisors are unhappy, as their apprehen sions were valid. The consultant has lived up to his reputation, he is a bona fide head-hunter. 23 Should I Hire Consultant? Your decision to hire a consultant to evaluate the bank, and hopefully enhance the earnings, can be very difficult. You may realize that your earnings are not what they should be; you may realize that some pro cedures in the operations area are somewhat out of date; you may realize that certain areas of the bank ap pear to be overstaffed. The first approach to correcting known problem areas is often performing an evaluation using existing employees. Unfortunately, this approach usually falls short of attaining management’s objectives or expec tations. • There is a tendency not to listen to in-house people. • In-house personnel are not looked upon as experts. • There is a fear among employees that their recom mendations might antagonize other supervisors or even management. • There is the belief that an employee should never concern himself with the internal workings of some other area or what another employee is doing. • Some people think that a good employee is one who does his job efficiently, and always minds his own business. Management expects that supervisory personnel will perform this function. Usually, management does not make any allowances for the additional time this type of evaluation will take to complete. Most super visory personnel are overloaded with desk work to the extent that they don’t really have enough time to supervise and train properly, let alone allocate the many hours required to perform an extensive review of the bank’s operational practices and procedures. “ It is the responsibility of the consultant to be extrem ely accurate and com plete in his investigations.” Utilizing an outside consulting service has several advantages over attempting to perform an in-house evaluation. • The consultant has time! He can devote 100% of his time to the evaluation process. • He has the experience, if carefully selected. He has had the opportunity to observe practices and procedures in many different banks of varying sizes, in different geographic locations, with a variety of competitive factors to consider. • He is objective. He has no long standing friend ships or prejudices that could color or inhibit his observations. • He has not been indoctrinated by preconceived ideas such as “ we have always done it that way,’ ’ “ the customer will object,’ ’ or “ management is opposed.’ ’ It is the responsibility of the consultant to be ex tremely accurate and complete in his investigations. He should be thorough and yet realize that the combined Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis efforts of both the consultant and the bank manage ment team is to upgrade methods and procedures with out noticeably affecting the bank’s primary objective of providing the optimum in customer services. His goal is to leave the bank staff with a better under standing of how to control income and expense items and the impact this control can have on profits. “ Ask som e basic questions about the specific person who will be working in your bank, w ith your personnel.” How Do You Find A Qualified Consultant? The search for a consultant who is qualified to per form an evaluation of your bank can be time consum ing. In most instances, the consultant actually perfor ming the review in your bank will not be the person who sold you on hiring the consultant firm. Therefore, you will want to find out as much as you can about the consultant who will be on-site evaluating your bank. Ask some basic questions about the specific person who will be working in your bank, with your personnel. • How much experience has he had actually work ing in a bank? If the answer is none, then keep looking. If the answer is 5 years or more, ask in what areas. If the answer is operations, that’s good. • How much experience has he had consulting? • What size were the banks in which he consulted? • Were the banks in an urban area or a rural com munity? Do not hire him yet! Check out his references. Ask for a list of those banks in which your personal consul tant has actually worked. Try to get on overview from senior managment and then talk to the supervisors to evaluate his ability to communicate and how well he relates to bank employees. He will be hired to review procedures and enhance the earnings of the bank, not to antagonize your employees and/or customers. What Should a Consultant Do? It is the function of the consultant to evaluate, docu ment, and make recommendations. All recommenda tions should be submitted to the president of the bank for consideration. Bank management has the respon sibility to discuss and evaluate each recommendation submitted and then either reject the recommendation as inappropriate or approve them and assign respon sibilities for the implementation process. The consul tant should never be responsible for the implementa tion process. An experienced consultant will concentrate his in vestigative efforts in four major areas. 1. Cash Management Cash management is the moving of deposited dolHIRE A CONSULTANT... (Turn to page 53, please) Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 tages. And, like businesses in other industries, more and more banks are beginning to turn to formalized planning processes to meet such demands. Planning is a learned skill Written especially for T he N orthwestern B anker By JAMES R. MORGAN Managing Partner Planning Professionals, Inc. Milwaukee, Wis. HE PROTECTIVE environment that in many cases has almost insured bank profitability is rap idly being destroyed by squadrons of regulatory, com petitive, economic, technological and social changes. As a result, many financial institutions are finding a need to change direction and redefine management philosophy and management processes. In the words of one of our clients, representing a 125-year-old midwestern bank, “ As the things that our industry has essentially been based on are rotted away, we’re going to need management in a way we’ve never needed it before.” The problem is, many banks have not developed managers capable of dealing with the new environ ment. Neither have they developed new systems for anticipating changes and creating competitive advan- T □ ABOUT THE AUTHOR — James R. Morgan, managing partner of Planning Professionals, Inc., directs activities of professional consultants on his staff and works with clients in evaluating, designing and implementing planning programs to increase management effectiveness. Before starting his firm in 1978, he was engaged in similar activities with a planning consulting firm in Pittsburgh, Pa., and was executive vice president for corporate development for Milwaukee Insurance, where he directed all strategic and operational planning efforts and related corporate functions. Earlier he was a counselor to clients of Price Waterhouse & Company, specializing in auditing and taxation. A certified public accountant and chartered financial analyst, Mr. Morgan holds M.B.A. and B.B.A degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and is a lecturer and seminar leader for the Graduate School of Business and the Management Research Center of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Experience of Client Bank One bank we serve admits to having no real direc tion or philosophy prior to involvement in a formalized strategic planning program. Since its implementation, the bank improved its earnings ratio from .65 on assets to more than 1.0. And, as regulatory changes have come, it has been in a position to actually take advan tage of them. The bank’s management course changed in 1979 fol lowing a commitment to develop a framework for an on-going planning program. The bank is the largest in its area, with five branch offices and about 30 percent of the market. Says the senior vice president of retail banking, “ Two and one-half years ago we were just moving along on our own inertia, not really going anywhere. We realized that we needed to better identify what we were, what our environment was like, where we wanted to go, and how we could best get there.” Upper management felt that an outside firm would provide the discipline and expertise needed for an effec tive planning process. They knew that outside profes sionals are often able to provide new insights which prevent a bank from building on the same, and some times stale, ideas about how to approach its business. Bank Establishes Objectives, Strategy A firm like ours provides the client with techniques and applications on how to make a careful analysis of its businesses, markets and customers, as well as the competition and external environment. The client then establishes objectives and proceeds to strategy devel opment and implementation. It is important to note that our client must do the actual planning and implementation, if the best results are to be achieved. Being “ all things to all people,” which often hap pens in the banking industry, isn’t always wise, be cause some business may not be profitable. Strategic planning forces a hard look at all services and areas of operation, and forces subsequent decisions on where competitive advantages lie and how to capitalize on them. And that leads to greater profitability. When a bank plays the numbers game, it looks at the number of accounts it has and wants to see that number grow. Expansion of the number is not the answer to improved profitability if the new accounts themselves are not profitable. A bank should know the price it is paying to add new accounts or maintain those it already has. One of our clients, for example, had a high number of regular savings accounts with millions of dollars in deposits. Fifty percent of those accounts maintained less than half a percent of the total balance. The bank found it could close half of those accounts, which had average balances somewhere less than $14, and tre mendously cut its processing and administrative costs. Commitment Makes Plan Work Strategic planning does resolve lack of direction, hitLEARNED SKILL... (Turn to page 53, please) There are some things our credit insurance specialists don’t know about. But not many. Hieroglyphics are foreign to them. But ask our specialists any thing about credit insurance and you’ll get an expert answer. Fast. You see, our people have to be experts. Because credit insurance is th eir only b u sin ess. W hich means the concerns o f their credit in su ra n ce cu stom ers are their only interest. The result: you get better, more personalized service. And more helpful advice. Whether you want to know the local laws or how credit insurance can help your loan business. And since you’re dealing with the USLIFE C redit In su ran ce Group, you also get the most com plete coverage that you can find— everything from disability cover age to line-of-credit insurance. What’s more, our people have another advantage w orking for them: the expertise o f USLIFE Corporation—the insurance-based financial services organization with over $3 billion in assets. So why depend on someone who thinks of credit insurance as gravy when you can do business with specialists who consider it their bread-and-butter? Talk to one o f our experts and see the difference. Just call us toll-free at 1-800-323-4747* IH.IFE CREDIT INSURANCE GROUP USLIFE Credit Life Insurance Company • Sooner Life Insurance Company • Security of America Life Insurance Company 1-800-323-4747 ‘ (within Illinois, call 312-490-6000) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Minnesota Bankers Association reports— Computer ag-lending pilot project is a big success A TYPICAL situation shows a banker (left) during an initial loan interview with a farm couple in the bank... Ed. Note: In the February, 1982, issue of the N orthwestern B anker , we published a feature article describ ing the Computer Assisted A g Lend ing Pilot Project that had just been initiated by the Minnesota Bankers Association in cooperation with the University of Minnesota. The accom panying article is a follow-up to give a one-year-later report on this highly successful program. N EXPERIM EN T putting 20 M innesota bank ag-lending ...then visiting with them on the farm for departments “ on-line” is showing followup discussion... that the marriage between the com puter and bankers goes beyond mak ing operations more efficient. It’s helping bankers work smarter. A year and a half ago, the Min nesota Bankers Association teamed up with the University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service to sponsor a pilot program helping bankers and their farm borrowers better judge the feasibility of agricultural loans by enlisting the help of custom computer programs. Since the experiment’s inception in December of 1981, the computer ...and then, with the terminal equipment in based ag-lending project has earned the bank, accessing the University of Min high marks from both bankers and nesota computer for pertinent data... farmers. Confidence is a Benefit “ Confidence is really the benefit,” said Clinton Kurtz, president, Cit izens State Bank of Norwood, one of the program’s participating banks. “ If you’re careful about the data you put into the computer, you can get a very thorough analysis of the loan decision in a matter of minutes. That degree of thoroughness gives you a definite sense of confidence about the decision you eventually reach.” Mr. Kurtz says his farm custom ...after which a printed reponse comes ers also appreciate the extra meas almost immediately to the bank terminal to assist in the loan analysis. ure of confidence gleaned from an A Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis alyzing future loan decisions with the help of the computer. “ Those who get credit proceed with the knowledge that, at least on paper, the venture they’re about to undertake looks economically feasi ble,” said Mr. Kurtz. He added that farmers who are turned down under stand that the decision was not reached without careful examina tion. “ I ’ve had customers go through the program, see the cash flow pro jections and change their minds about the loan on the spot,” said Catherine Adamec, ag-lending of ficer for First National Bank, Wor thington. “ It doesn’t take them long to see when an idea won’t fly,” she stated,” and farmers usually appre ciate getting the benefit of this type of analysis before they’ve sunk a lot of money into something. Ms. A d amec has found there is value in let ting farm customers watch her enter the data into the system and see the printout. “ Seeing this gives them the idea that making a good lending decision requires a degree of technical sophis tication along with good judgment,” she noted. Making good lending decisions is what the program is all about and is the key reason the program was un dertaken by M B A in 1981. The pro ject consists of four custom com puter programs answering basic fi nancial questions for Minnesota grain, hog, beef and dairy cattle pro ducers. Programs Help Farmers “ These programs help farmers answer three questions,” said Rich ard Hawkins, project coordinator and extension economist at the Uni versity of Minnesota. “ Where am I now? Where do I want to be? And, how can I best get there? Three of 27 Introducing the Sallie Mae Community Lender Sale Program It helps community lenders become the best full-service institutions they can be. • O ^ • If you're like many other commu nity lenders across the country, you'd like to be in a position to make more student loans. But like other lenders, you may have very real concerns about requirements, paperwork, collections and liquidity. Sallie Mae can help. • And because Sallie Mae takes care of collections, you don't have to hire extra staff or add computers. In simpler times, student loans were looked on by community lenders as a service they performed for their communities. But in todays econ omy, many local institutions are find ing that they must offer a full range of services to attract new customers and cross-sell to existing ones. Lenders are finding that student loans are a necessity, if they are to gain a competitive edge. We've had more than 10 years of experience dealing with community lenders coast-to-coast, helping them establish profitable student loan Why wait? The sooner you sell, the sooner you reap the rewards of easy ac cess to funds, in creased profits and improved customer service. portfolios. So, when you come to us, you get all the benefits of that experience: Call us today at (202) 965-7700, or mail the coupon below. Our cordial and experienced staff is waiting to help you start a student loan profit center now. ■ There's surprisingly little paper work required. And our applications are constantly being streamlined to make sales faster. We recently short ened our forms by 50% , for example. Sallie Mae Marketing Dept. Consumer Lender Division 1050 Thomas Jefferson St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 ■ Less paperwork means less time to process loan sales. YES, TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY LENDER SALE PROGRAM. ■ And chances are, you can sell to us at par. Most of our clients do. □ Please send me your Community Lender Guide. □ Please have a Sallie Mae representative call me. Name______________________________ SaHeMae Over $8 billion in student loan financing to over 1,500 institutions. Title_______________________________ Institution__________________________ Add ress____________________________ City___________State_______Zip______ Phone( )_______________ Best time to call_____________ AM PM □ □ NB6/83 CL# 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 “The program is an extremely valuable planning tool for farmers.” DAKTRONICS the programs are simulations - that is, they project outcomes for various alternatives a farmer may want to pursue. The fourth program is an analysis of what actually happened a check to ensure the first three simulations were on track. The first program, a long range budgeting plan, shows the profit ability of a venture at various debt levels. If a farmer wants to put 200 additional acres under plow, this program will show if the venture will be profitable and how much income will be needed to service the debt. Once banker and farmer agree the loan is potentially viable, the second program is used to project the farmer’s monthly cash flow for the upcoming year. This helps deter mine how large the loan should be. For very large new ventures - for ex ample, moving ino the dairy busi ness - a third program looks at the operating budgets and cash flow over at three year period. This helps determine the length of time before a venture becomes self-supporting. “ This type of analysis helps en sure that the farmer won’t go broke before the operation reaches the pro fitability point,’ ’ Mr. Hawkins said. with them - they were not given a stack of forms and sent off in a cor ner,’ ’ said Ms. Adamec. Programs Are Up-Dated Mr. Hawkins stresses that the projections given by the computer are only as good as the assumptions used in the programs and the infor mation supplied by individual farm ers. Mr. Hawkins and others in the pilot project have spent the last year fine-tuning the software to keep it current with changes in the agri markets. For instance, the programs were amended in January and February to reflect the impact of the Paymentin-Kind (PIK) program on overall farm profitability. Fine-tuning programs is one of many lessons learned by project par ticipants last year. Bankers also learned how to best take advantage of the system and how to present it to customers. “ I learned right away that I need ed to assure my customers that I would walk through the programs Lyle Nelsen, vice president at Nicollet County Bank in St. Peter, found that farmers are happily sur prised and impressed with the pro ject when it’s explained as a val uable planning tool rather than “ red tape’ ’ that a bank requires. “ The program is, in fact, an ex tremely valuable planning tool for farmers, and most of my customers can’t believe our bank could provide this sophisticated level of service to them until they see it,’ ’ said Mr. Nelsen. The association picked up spon sorship of the program after the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Minnesota com pleted 10 years of research and development of decision-aid com puter software for farmers. Since 1974 the Extension Service used the software in test situations at the Midwest Banking Institute, spon sored by the Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana bankers associations. In 1977, 6 county offices of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) began test ing the program and, in the past year, the 20 participating banks have used the computer decision aids in over 1,170 lending situations. The American Bankers Association also contributed to funding the pro gram in 1982. The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion is committed to continuing sponsorship of the program for another year and a half, during which time the system will be con verted from the University of Min nesota’s main computer system to micro computers. Once the programs are available for micro computers, the cost of run ning loans through the system will be reduced and other community banks will have easy and relatively inexpensive access to the program, says Wayne Berthiaume, M BA ad ministrative vice president. “ W e’re told by bankers in our state that micro computers are al ready becoming commonplace in community banks,” said Mr. Ber thiaume. “ Converting the computer assisted ag lending programs to micros is the logical next step. ’ ’ □ TIME & TEMPERATURE Our engineers will custom design a display to enhance the architec ture of your building. Color draw ing and quote at no cost. Call or write today - Hull, Iowa Custom designed Elmhurst, Illinois Attached display Warrensburg, Missouri Attached display united Missouri Eagle Grove, Iowa Custom market report x> DAKTRONICS, INC. DAKTRONICS, INC. P.O. Box 128 Brookings, SD 57006 (605)692-6145 Toll Free 800/843-9879 (exc. AK, HI & SD) Telex 29-5013 DAKTRONCS BKNG Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 Leavethesnarlsof MoneyOrder processingtothePaperTiger. Your back office has enough to do processing all your daily proof items without having to get involved in the problems of your M oney Orders. We supply drafts that are faster and simpler to issue; and do all the reconciling, tracing, storing, filing, payment stopping and handle all the other problems that occur daily. M oney Orders are probably only a service item with you, not the meat of your business. Find out more about how the Paper Tiger can help you lower your costs and reduce problems with Money Orders and Official Checks, too! He’ll work expressly fo r you. They are our main business. Travelers Express (the Paper Tiger) has been in the funds transfer field for over 40 years. W e’ll take over that back office workload and free your people for more cost-efficient work. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For more information call 1-800-328-5678 and ask for Gene Lewis. Travelers Express/y working fo r you. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 M innesota People* Hard working people. Going the extra mile today to enjoy the opportunities of tomorrow. With the help of Minnesota bankers. We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis, June 20 and 21, at the Minnesota Bankers Association Convention. # First Bank M inneapolis Correspondent Banking Department. First Bank Place, Minneapolis, MN 55480 (612) 370-4762 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 • MINNESOTA BANKERS ASSOCIATION ■ 1983 ANNUAL CONVENTION JUNE 20-21 ■ HYATT REGENCY HOTEL, MINNEAPOLIS CHANGED format in the state convention to re flect member banks’ keen interest in useful business information is evident in the program for the Minnesota Bankers Association’s 93rd annual conven tion. M B A President John Ingebrand, president of Kanabec State Bank in Mora, said the program com mittee devoted a great deal of time to fashioning a “ program of information.” In keeping with this “ Information Convention” theme, registrants will find three general sessions of just one and one-half hours each. The balance of the convention business time will be devoted to a dozen special interest sessions providing bankers with an up date on varied topics of concern in today’s bank man agement. These topics range from the technical (i.e., microcomputers, tax planning, laws and regulations) to the development and management of bank person nel. In addition to the general and special sessions, Con vention General Chairman Carl Pohlad, president of F&M Marquette National Bank, and his committee have included traditional events for spouses and social events for all participants. Men’s and women’s golf tournaments have been scheduled along with two re ceptions, the annual banquet and a casino party. Assisting M B A President John Ingebrand this past year has been First Vice President Herbert A. Lund, president, Security State Bank, Albert Lea; Second Vice President Galen T. Pate, president, Signal Hills State Bank, West St. Paul; Treasurer James R. Jorstad, president, Citizens State Bank, Hayfield, and E x ecutive Vice President Truman Jeffers. The program schedule follows: A j.p. INGEBRAND President G.T. PATE 2nd Vice Pres. T.L. JEFFERS Exec. Vice Pres. E.G. CORRIGAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A.M. Monday, June 20 7:30 Men’s golf tournament, Minnetonka Country Club, Excelsior, and Olympic Hills Country Club, Eden Prairie. 8:30 Women’s golf tournament, Lafayette Country Club, Minnetonka. 10:00 Registration desk opens, Nicollet Ballroom Foyer. P.M. 12:30 Women’s hospitality room open, Regency Room. 1:00 Exhibits open, Exhibit Hall. 2:30 General session: Nicollet Ballroom. Presiding: M BA President John P. Ingebrand. M BA treasurer’s report. Report of the resolutions committee. A B A meeting and election. •John Elkins, vice president, The Naisbitt Group and Trend Report, Denver, Colo. H.A. LUND 1st Vice Pres. J.R. JORSTAD Treasurer C. POHLAD J. ELKINS Northwestern Banker. June. 1983 32 Minnesota News DR. N.V. PEALE P. HACKES 4:15 Special interest informational sessions will be held concurrently three times during the con vention. Sessions to be offered include: ♦Emergency Preparedness; ♦Laws & Regulations Update; ♦Microcomputers in Banking; ♦Being All I Can Be; ♦Incentive Programs for Bankers; ♦Megatrends Impact on Banking (Monday only); ♦MBA Media Contact Bankers Meeting (Tues day morning only) ♦MBA Pension Program Participants Meeting (Tuesday afternoon only); ♦Managing the Troubled Employee; ♦Success and Survival of the Family Owned Business, and ♦Tax Planning for the Community Bank. 5:15 Reception hosted by exhibitors. 6:30 First Night Casino Party, hosted by Twin Cities correspondent banks, Nicollet Ballroom. Tuesday, June 21 A.M. 7:00 Registration desk opens. 7:30 Prayer breakfast. •Guest speaker: Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale. Music by Marilyn Sellars. 8:45 Tour of WCCO Radio and Television. 9:00 Exhibits open. 9:15 Tour of Bachman’s and Reindeer Square. 9:45 Tour of Fort Snelling. 9:15 General session. •Address: E. Gerald Corrigan, president, Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis. Report of the M BA nominating commmittee. Election of M BA 1983-84 officers. Report of M BA Executive Vice President Truman L. Jeffers. •“ Washington 1983: W ho’s Doing What to Whom and W hy’ ’—Peter Hackes, NBC News Correspondent, Washington, D.C. 10:45 Announcements, break. 11:00 Special interest sessions. P.M 12:30 President’s luncheon and program. Installation of 50-year bankers. Recognition of past officers. Introduction and installation of 1983-84 M BA officers and board members. Report of the president - John Ingebrand. •“ The Positive Principal Today’ ’—Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author and lecturer. 3:00 Announcements, break. 3:15 Special interest sessions. 5:00 Reception, Greenway Ballroom. 6:30 Annual Banquet. Entertainment - Paul Todd and Linda Eder Show. Dancing to the Jules Herman Orchestra. □ 1983 Convention Entertainment Marilyn Sellars Paul Todd and Linda Eder You Will See Them at the 93rd Annual Minnesota Bankers Convention HE following metropolitan bank ers and service and equipment dealers have indicated that they will be attending the 93rd annual con vention of the Minnesota Bankers T Banker, June, 1983 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Association in Minneapolis, June 20- 21. Minneapolis First Bank: Dennis E. Evans, chairman and chief executive officer; Richard W. Schoenke, president; Robert J. Anderson, executive vice president; Kenneth A. Wales, senior vice president; Michael E. Boncher and Lee C. Hamilton, vice presi dents; Allen G. Highum, Jerome R. Larson, Michael P. LaVigne, Sally A. Laux, J.P. Mansfield, III, Donald D. Mikelson, Jack L. Quitmeyer, ^ ^ £ £ • # # # 33 When the bank guaranteed that you would only deal with one person, you didn’t know they meant one after another. q ^ 19 Perhaps it’s happened to you. Just when you had built up a working relationship with your correspondent banker, the bank moved him up the corporate ladder and off your business. All too often, a large bank can be insensitive to the needs of small respondent banks. Yet smaller banks that can give you plenty of personal attention can’t always give you the expertise and the clout you need. And you’re caught in the middle. You do, however, have an alternative: Norwest Bank Midland. We’re big enough to handle any of your corres pondent banking needs. But we’re still small enough to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis respond to your individual concerns. correspondent bankers. Not one after another. We’ve deliberately kept our Correspondent Division small, so that you can deal directly with a decision maker. Each of our correspondent bankers has from 12 to 25 years of experience in the business, so they thoroughly understand the needs of respondent banks. They take the time to personally call on both the respondent bank and the respondent’s customers. We’re big enough to know how and small enough to know you. Norwest Bank Midland, N.A 401 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480 (800) 752-4200 Member FDIC If you’re tired of banks that are too large or too small, come to Norwest Bank Midland. You’ll develop a close working relationship with one of our Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 34 Minnesota News Minnie B. Schroeder, Dolores D. Walstrom, and Edward L. Whalen, assistant vice presidents; Beverly A. Kieffer and Mark B. Landreville, correspondent banking officers; Larry C. Nelson, bond investment officer; Brad Roberts, agricultural loan officer; Vincent McMahon, bond investment representative. F&M Marquette National Bank: Carl R. Pohlad, president; Philip Gallivan, E. Thomas Welch, Wm. C. Rosacker, senior vice presidents; William K. Klein, William J. Ad dington, Jack Campion, vice pres idents; Richard E. Holmes, Jim Kammerer, Dean Fordyce, Ralph Nelson, assistant vice presidents; Larry Kraayenbrink and Sandy Sickles, correspondent bank of ficers; Mark E. Schabert, correspon dent credit officer; Craig Bishop, in vestment representative; JoAnn Hinnenthal, investment officer. Norwest Bank Midland: Ernie Pierson, president; Loren Herbst, senior vice president; Stan Peterson, vice president; Michael Bodeen and Dick Erickson, assistant vice presidents. National City Bank: C. Bernard Jacobs, chairman; James H. Hearon, III, president; Walter Meadley, executive vice president; Donald Smith, vice president; and David Lamb, assistant vice president. Norwest Bank Minneapolis: W. James Armstrong, president and chief executive officer; Richard D. Schneider, executive vice president; Donald G. Pederson, senior vice president; Richard C. Storlie and John McCune, vice presidents; Scott C. Ulbrich, Clifford A. “ Ted” Taney, and James R. Holker, assistant vice presidents; Thomas A. Swan, Larry M. Lange, James J. Hilgenberg and Scott A. Faris, correspondent bank ing officers; David B. Butterwick, correspondent banking represen tative; Charles Maddux, William F. Bracken and Timothy R. Skildum, investment officers. New York Chemical Bank: J.A. Robb, vice president and C.M. Phillips, assis tant manager. Omaha First National Bank: Bob Meisinger, second vice president. St. Paul American National Bank & Trust Company: James W. Reagan, chair man; Joseph R. Kingman III, presi Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dent; David M. Hyduke, group vice president; Robert E. Sipple and William P. Langford, senior vice presidents; Thomas Olander, vice president; and Craig E. Redalen, of ficer, Jana Kirkeby, officer, Janis Kern, credit analyst, Paul McGee, representative, all in the correspon dent banking division. The First National Bank: Andrew G. Sail, president; John F. Mullen, executive vice president-investment division; Division 1—Banks and Bankers: Dale S. Hanson, senior vice president; James A. Russell, vice president; Kenneth A. Cain and Donald L. Lindeman, assistant vice presidents; Cynthia L. Gale and Thomas L. Mork, correspondent banking officers; Michael A. McArdell. Securities Sales: Richard C. Swanberg, senior vice president; Clayton L. Johnson, vice president; Jerome Borovansky, Robert F. Hall, Ira Smith and Roy T. Ziegler, assis tant vice presidents; Gene W. Anonsen and Doisey Landry, investment officers; Joan Joseph and Stephanie Moard. Bank Equipment and Other Firms HBE Bank Facilities, St. Louis: Carl Conceller, vice president/sales western division; Gerald Sano, ac count executive. North Central Life Ins. Co., St. Paul: Roland Allen, market center manager; H. Parker Rinehart, Ron Peterson and Richard Simmons. Elected in Maple Grove James Heig, president of Norwest Bank Maple Grove, has announced the election of Thomas A. Dudich as vice president in charge of mortgage banking. He replaces Roger Helm who has been elected an assistant vice president in charge of Norwest Mortgage, Inc. Mr. Dudich previously was with Union Bank and Trust, Minneapolis, and FBS Homes and First National Bank of Hutchinson. One Elected in Owatonna Kenneth E. Wilcox, president of Norwest Bank Owatonna, N.A., re cently announced the election of Kristin M. Meier from personal banking officer to the position of real estate loan officer. Ms. Meier has been employed at Norwest Bank Owatonna since 1977 in the personal loan department. Hutchinson President Named Arthur L. Cooper has been elected president and a director of First Na tional Bank of Hutchinson, accor ding to Arnold E. Witte, the bank’s chairman. Mr. Witte, who has been with First National Bank of Hutchinson for nearly 21 years, is retiring as president. He has been president and chairman of the board since January, 1981, and remains as chairman. Mr. Cooper, who for the past four years has been senior vice president of the First American Bank of Mar shall, is a graduate of the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks. His previous banking experience in Minnesota has been at Minneapolis and Mankato and at Fargo, N.D. Promoted in Brainerd Rod Rangen, personal loan officer at Citizens State Bank, Brainerd, has been promoted to the commer cial loan department to better serve the emerging business development in the community. Mr. Rangen will continue to handle the agri-business loans for the bank. A six-year em ployee of the bank, Mr. Rangen is a graduate of St. Cloud State Uni versity and of Brainerd Community College. He also attended the Min nesota School of Banking at St. Olaf. June Dates for School of Banking’s 18th Session The Minnesota School of Bank ing’s 18th Resident Session is sche duled for June 26-July 1 at St. Olaf College, Northfield. Over 25 prominent Minnesota bankers, educators, consultants and other specialists will combine their education and experience to provide a practical and meaningful exper ience to all students attending the two one-week sessions. Total registration fee per year is $350 and should be sent to: Minne sota School of Banking, d o Minne sota Bankers Association, 332 Bak er Building, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402. «> Minnesota The name com es from a Sioux w ord meaning "sky-tinted water." It's well know n as one o f the most scenic states in the nation, with more than 15,000 lakes scattered across the state. Join Jim Armstrong, President and CEO; Dick Schneider, Executive Vice President; Don Pederson, Senior Vice President; and their associates from the Correspondent and Bond Departments in the "N orth Star State" for the state bankers convention, June 20 and 21 in Minneapolis. Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N .A. Correspondent Banking Department mm , ^ # 1 ^ « I Member FDfC _____ — SSkSS J § ,.* iaS' NORWEST B A N K S BANKING. A N D A WHOLE LOT MORE. mu ; *L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :4 36 Upper Midwestern banks yet the total support they need with the comprehensive correspondent services offered by First Bank Saint Paul The services we provide to correspondent banks take many forms to help you stay in top form. Improving productivity and increasing profits. That's the bottom line of any correspondent banking relationship. Unfortunately, all too often, correspondents get only a partial commitment from their correspondent bank in regard to available services and personal attention. At First Bank Saint Paul, we provide a full array of services, including: Check Clearing Using the latest technology helps us to process more items, reduce your float, and speed up funds availability to optimize your investment potential. Bank Stock Financing We not only provide the funds you need, but also the technical experience of trained correspondent bankers. Loan Participation Overline loan participation requires a fast response and strong capital backing. You'll find them both at First Bank Saint Paul. Data Processing Up-to-the-minute data processing equipment allows us to apply current computer technology to help increase correspondent productivity and profits. Investment Services We provide a full range of investment options, such as government and agency securities, municipal bonds and money market instruments. Our correspondents know that our size affords them the financial resources they need; our flexibility assures them that we can adapt our services to their specific needs; and our professionals— from correspondent bankers to support staff— are always responsive and concerned about providing the best service available. Maybe this is the kind of performance you've been looking for from your correspondent bank. If you're not getting it, give us a call at (612) 291-5585. Like we said, "the services we provide to correspondent banks take many forms— to help you stay in top form." (lib First B an k Sain t Paul M em ber First Bank System Correspondent Banking Division Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 ¿i |*f| . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 Twin Cities F&M Marquette National Bank and Bank Shares Incorporated re cently announced the following pro motions. Patrick L. Stotesbery has been promoted to senior vice president in charge of the bank’s newly formed strategic planning division. Previ ously, Mr. Stotesbery was vice pres ident and credit manager. Bruce W. Gil more has been promoted to sen ior vice presi dent. Previously a vice president, M r. G ilm o re joined the organ ization in 1976 as a controller. Prior to that he P.L. STOTESBERY was an audit manager with Arthur Andersen & Co., and is a graduate of the Univer sity of Minnesota. Richard B. Hume has been pro moted to vice president and senior trust officer. He previously was vice president of Marquette Capital M.A. MAJEWSKI W. KLEIN Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Management Corporation. Margaret A. Majewski has been promoted to vice president, execu tive department, at F&M Marquette and Bank Shares Incorporated. She joined Bank Shares in 1967 and was assistant vice president before assuming the new post. William Klein has been appointed vice president and department head, correspondent banking. He has been with F&M Marquette since 1972, most recently as assistant vice president, correspondent banking. Promoted to assistant vice presi dent in the bank were: Debra Camp bell Potter; retail; Martha Berry, mortgage department, and Sandra B.W. GILMORE D.C. POTTER R.B. HUME M.BERRY Hagaman, trust officer. New officers include: Gary Ruhter, audit; Lynn Anderson, mort- ^ gage; Barbara Hedensten, retail training, and Marcy Peterson, retail administration. Kenneth Clemens has been named assistant controller. ^ * * * American National Bank, St. Paul, has announced the promotion of Robert B. Buck to senior vice president, finance and operations; Gary M. Senn to vice president and con troller; Duane G. Torfin to data pro cessing officer, and C. Andrew Rollwagen to personal banking officer. Mr. Buck joined American in 1975 as assistant controller and was made controller the following year. In 1980 he was promoted to vice president and manages central operations, controller and safekeep ing areas. Mr. Senn also joined the bank as assistant controller in 1980 and was made controller in 1981. Mr. Torfin joined in 1966 as a R.B. BUCK G.M. SENN 0 0 % # 39 Look for us in M inneapolis Jim Reagan Joe Kingman Bill Langford Tom Olander Jana Kirkeby Craig Redalen We look forward to seeing our banker friends at the Minnesota Bankers Association convention in Minneapolis. We hope to see you there and to talk with you about how our full line of correspondent services can benefit your bank. A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B A N K * S A I N T P AUL Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 40 Minnesota News computer operator. Mr. Rollwagen started in 1980 and in 1982 was pro moted to personal banker, senior. * * * First Bank Minneapolis has an nounced the elections of four vice presidents, 11 assistant vice pres idents and 13 officers. Elected vice president were: Otto V. Byhre, Jr., bond department. He will be responsi ble for a new public finance division. Stanley W. Kilbey, who had been assistant vice president of the bank’s Lon don branch. Paul S. Bauer, 0 .V. BYHRE, JR. from assistant vice president in the interim con struction loans division. Kathryn B. Brewer, from assis tant vice president in the corporate D division. Named assistant vice president were: James W. Shreve, national west division; Monte E. Deckerd, P.S. BAUER J.W. SHREVE K B. BREWER C. CALLAHAN T.J. PETERS L.P. FRANSEN K.M. SJOBERG R.L. VAN DUYN E.L. STIRRiUP LR. HILL natural resources division at the Denver representative office; Cathleen Callahan, natural resources division; Kent D. Carlson, interim construction loans division; Janet M. McKenzie and Thomas J. Peters, executive and professional banking division; Lavera P. Fransen and Karen M. Sjoberg, personal trust and probate division; Reid L. Van Duyn, trust agency/custody divi sion; Elizabeth L. Stirriup, trust securities and control operations division, and Larry R. Hill, funds management. New officers to the bank are: Bradley F. Roberts, correspondent banking; David P. Grandstrand, money market; Mark J. Ouradnik, Kathleen A. Drannen, Kathleen P. Geske and Jeffrey N. Miller, com mercial banking; Barbara G. Peter sen, commercial finance audit; Kimi Y. Martin, retail marketing; Gary L. Greenberg and Angela M. Vikesland, financial planning; Hattie S. Paige, personal banking; William L. Bohrer, systems, and Cynthia E. Fossey, training. * K.D. CARLSON J.M. MC KENZIE Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * * Twin City Federal (TCF) and First Bank System, Inc., have announced an agreement to share off-premise automated teller machines through out the state of Minnesota. According to D.H. Ankeny, vice chairman, metropolitan division of First Bank System, and Harvey M. Kuhnley, chairman and chief ex ecutive officer of Twin City Federal, customers of the First Bank’s and TCF will have access to 70 ATMs statewide for deposits and with drawals by mid-summer of this year. First Bank System’s member banks have 39 off-premise ATM s in the metropolitan area and 5 others in Duluth, Mankato, Rochester and St. Cloud. TCF has 16 off-premise machines in the metropolitan area plus two others in Mankato and St. Cloud. Both institutions have addi tional machines located within their bank buildings that will not be shared at this time. Other banks, savings and loans associations and credit unions that currently belong to either system may elect to participate in the shar ing arrangement. First Bank Sys tem has 88 First Banks and 45 other banks and savings and loans sharing its FASTBANK® network. AG-LENDER N o r w e s t B a n k M in n e a p o lis is o n e o f th e m a jo r A g f in a n c e b a n k s in th e M id w e s t. We a re lo o k in g f o r a n e x p e r ie n c e d p e r s o n to b e c o m e in v o lv e d in t h is i m p o r t a n t s t r a t e g ic a r e a o f o u r b u s in e s s . We n e e d a S e n io r L e n d e r w ith 2 -4 y e a rs o f e x p e r ie n c e to w o r k in o u r a g r ic u ltu r a l le n d in g d iv i s io n . T h is p e r s o n m u s t h a v e a s tr o n g c r e d it b a c k g r o u n d , s p e c if ic a l l y in A g c r e d i t a n d h a v e th e a b ilit y to g e t in v o lv e d in s o m e lo a n w o r k - o u t s itu a tio n s . T h is i n d i v i d u a l w i l l d o s o m e c a llin g a n d w ill b e in v o lv e d in p r o d u c t io n le n d in g as w e ll a s m a r k e tin g a n d b u s i n e s s d e v e lo p m e n t. T h is p o s i t io n is b a s e d in M in n e a p o lis w ith t r a v e l r e q u ir e m e n ts o f a p p r o x im a t e ly 20% . We p r o v id e a c o m p e titiv e s a l a ry , c o m p le te b e n e fits a n d a n e x c e lle n t p r o f e s s io n a l g r o w th a t m o s p h e r e . P le a s e f o r w a r d y o u r r e s u m e to : P a tti O ’L e a ry , S e n io r S ta ffin g O ffic e r, N o rw e s t B a n k M in n e a p o lis , 8 th S t r e e t a n d M a r q u e t t e , M in n e a p o lis , M N 55479. Equal Opportunity Employer NORWEST B a n ks mmmmm mm ümm ' ■ BANCOFINANCIALISNOW NORWESTBUSINESSCREDIT. FINANUNG.ANDAWII LOTIMORE. 41 • ^ ill» With our new name comes a renewed commitment to providing the business community with innovative, bold financial services. Norwest Business Credit serves customers nationwide from offices in Minneapolis, Dallas, Denver and Des Moines. Were part of Norwest Corporation which has over $17 billion in assets; we have the energy and the resources to put your best plans into action. Our custom-designed credit programs can turn your company’s assets like accounts receivable, inventories, machinery, land and buildings into working capital. And well do more than provide you financing. Well work with you on a day-to-day basis to help you meet your goals. And we’ll stand behind you with a broad network of financial expertise that’ll help you make the most of your resources. That’s what Norwest Business Credit is all about. Financing. And a whole lot more. M k M FINANCING. AND A WHOLE LOT MORE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N < M w S r busin ess credit 42 Minnesota News M etropolitan Bank C elebrates Grand Opening LEFT—Jim Freeman, pres, of Metropolitan Bank, St. Paul, (right), prepares to snip the ceremonial ribbon and kick off the bank’s Grand Opening celebration of its new location in downtown St. Paul’s Town Square complex. (Left to right) St. Paul City Councilman Hugo Masanz; Joe Sahli, gen. mgr., Town Square, and Princess of the East Wind Nancy Hertog, St. Paul Winter Carnival, assist. RIGHT—Jim Freeman welcomes the robot, Me-T-R-O, to the celebration. Special guest Me-T-R-0 is the Metropolitan Bank Group’s spokesman in televi sion advertisements and at special “personal” appearances. Metropolitan Bank previously was Gambles Continental State Bank until it was sold and changed its name in mid-1982. Clarence A. Adams and Alan Geiwitz, partners in Keystone & Orion Associates, have announced the appointment of George L. Michael as an Associate in the firm. Mr. Michael retired two years ago as a vice president of American Na tional Bank and Trust Company of St. Paul, where he headed a lending division and later served as mar keting director of the bank. * * * Carl R. Pohlad, chairman of ME I Corporation, has been cited as one of the nation’s leading chief executive officers for the third consecutive year by The Wall Street Transcript. Mr. Pohlad, president of F&M Mar quette National Bank, received the Silver Award in the soft drink in dustry. ME I is the third largest in dependent bottler of Pepsi-Cola pro ducts in the U.S. Joins Maplewood Bank Vern Oberle has joined Maple wood State Bank as senior vice pres ident in charge of the lending divi sion, announced G. Jack Hillstrom, president. In 1974 Mr. Oberle began his banking career as credit card officer with First National Bank, Elgin, 111., and from 1976 to 1981 was vice pres Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ident in consumer loans, Naperville National Bank, 111. Prior to joining the Maplewood State Bank, Mr. Oberle was vice president, senior loan officer with Security State Bank, Mankato. Northfield Elects President The board of directors of First Bank Northfield has elected Jack M. Lundeen president and managing of ficer. Mr. Lundeen succeeds Rodell L. Hofland, who has accepted a posi tion as senior vice president and se cond officer of First Bank Security, St. Paul. Mr. Lundeen has most recently been asociated with First Burnsville State Bank, Burnsville, where he served as vice president of commer cial loans. Prior to that time he held the position of assistant vice pres ident-retail division and commercial lending for American Bank and Trust Company, Moorhead. He began his banking career in 1971 at First Western State Bank, Minot, N.D. Bemidji Appoints Three Former Officer Dies The First National Bank of Bemidji has announced the appoint ment of Randy L. Frisk to the posi tion of agricultural loan officer. Mr. Frisk has been with First National for the past four years serving as in stalment loan officer. Helen Skeim was appointed to the position of personal banking officer. Ms. Skeim has been with First Na tional for 17 years and most recently served as manager of the detached facility. Judy Grimsley was appointed to the position of manager of the de tached facility. With First National for the past 16 years, she most recently has served as operations of ficer and supervisor of the check pro cessing department. William E. Davis, former vice president and agricultural loan of ficer of the First National Bank of Bemidji, passed away March 13th. Mr. Davis had retired December 31, 1982, after 42 years of service to the First National Bank. Hendricks Bank Sold to South Dakota College The application of Augustana Col lege Association, Sioux Falls, S.D., to become a bank holding company by acquiring State Bank of Hen dricks, Minn., was approved May 10 by the Federal Reserve Board. In its approval order, the Board said, “ the legislative history of the 1966 Amendments to the (Bank Holding Company) Act indicates that Con- mÊÊÊÊÊÊm GET INTO LEASING WITHOUT GETTING IN OVER YOUR HEAD. Our staff of experienced leasing professionals can put together a leasing package for your customers that increases your bank yields with low financing costs and minimum risk. We can handle full documentation, billing and pay ment collection services, as well as accounting and tax services for you. So you can profit from the substantial benefits of leasing with only minimum involvement from your own personnel. Leasing is profitable. Leasing works. Let our Financial Services professionals show you how. Call today at any of our offices listed below, or in Minneapolis at (612) 372-7617. O m aha (402) 536-2310, Des Moines (515) 245-3392, Fargo (701) 293-8136, Billings (406) 657-3581. LE A S IN G . A N D A W H O LE L O T M O RE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORWEST L E A S IN G 44 gress intended to permit nonprofit, tax-exempt institutions that were engaged in exclusively religious, charitable, or educational activities to own banks subject to the A ct’s provisions.” The Board said that Augustana “ holds certain real estate received as gifts which would not be permissible for a bank holding company to hold.” The order said Augustana has said it will divest these interests. The State Bank of Hendricks had total deposits of $3.4 million at 1982 year-end. Two Norwest Bank Presidents Named Two Norwest Corporation banks in northern Minnesota recently elec ted new presidents. Robert P. Hatten, formerly presi dent of Norwest Bank Eveleth, R.P. HATTEN J.R. OLTMANNS N.A., has been elected president of Norwest Bank Grand Rapids, N.A. Succeeding him as president in Eve leth is John R. Oltmanns, president of Norwest Bank Virginia, who will continue as president of the Virginia bank. Both Mr. Hatten and Mr. Olt manns began their banking careers at First National Bank of Duluth, and are graduates of the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Mr. Hatten was assistant vice president at the Duluth bank when he was elected president of the Eveleth bank in 1976. Mr. Oltmanns was vice presi dent and head of its correspondent banking operations when he was elected president of the Virginia bank in 1976. Applications Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of Min neapolis has announced its approval of the application by: Cottage Grove BanCorporation, Inc., St. Paul, to acquire the Minnesota Bank of Cot tage Grove; Eagan BanCorporation, Inc., St. Paul, to acquire the Min nesota National Bank of Eagan; Elmore Bancshares, Inc., Elmore, to acquire The First National Bank of Elmore; Hamburg Financial, Inc., Edina, to acquire the State Bank of Hamburg, and St. Charles Bane- shares, Inc., to acquire the First Na tional Bank of Stewartville. Chaska Directors Elected and Honored Three were recently elected to the board of directors of the First Na tional Bank of Chaska, according to Daniel G. Klein, chairman. They are: John C. Lenzen, ownermanager of Nelson, Lenzen Chevrolet-Buick, Inc.; Shirley M. Bruers, City Clerk of Chaska since 1972, and Mrs. George C. (Marcella) Klein, who represents a family interest in the bank. In other action by the board, two long-time directors were elevated to the honorary position of Director Emeritus. They are: Laura Born, a board member since 1963, and Ade line Gutzman, a board member since 1966. At the April 21 meeting of the board, it was also reported that the bank’s assets reached $39.4 million at the close of 1982 - a 20.7% increase over 1981. Commenting on the year’s re sults, Mr. Klein said “ First National is now in its 76th year of service to the Chaska community. It is strong ly capitalized and well-positioned to meet the individual and commercial needs of the community.” and also to perform research and development of new electronic funds transfer products. This new division is operated under the direction of Kenneth W. Sovereign, executive vice president with the Corporation. Galena Bank Celebrates 50th Anniversary, Promotes Two Promoted in Evanston First National Bank and Trust Company of Evanston recently an nounced promotion of Bruce I. MePhee to executive vice president. Mr. McPhee received his M BA from Loyola University. Promoted to vice president were: Bradley S. Vallem. Mr. Vallem is a CPA and will also serve as con troller. Roger C. Weissenberg will also serve as investment officer. He joined the bank in 1979 as a portfolio man ager. Veronica T. Mensch is in the real estate loan department. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Phillip K. Duncan, who received his M BA from Northwestern Uni versity, began his career with FirstBank in 1974 as a credit analyst. Elyse Cohen was also promoted to assistant controller. She is a grad uate of the University of Illinios and joined the bank in 1977. New Division Formed ATM Network Management Corp., developer of the SATM Network, has announced the formation of a special SATM Systems division, de signed to provide high-level soft ware support to the Corporation’s subsidiaries and systems customers, The First National Bank of Galena has announced the promo tion of Lynn Berning to auditor and Larry Cook to assistant cashier. Ms. Berning has been with the bank since 1976. Mr. Cook joined in 1981. Andy Rogers, executive vice pres ident, also announced that the bank will be celebrating its 50th anniver sary during 1983 and a Customer Appreciation Day is planned for June. Merger Approved Stockholders of the Bank of North Aurora, at a special meeting, approved the merger agreement pro- Illinois News viding for acquisition by Old Second Bancorp, Inc., announced Old Se cond President James E. Benson. The remaining steps in the acquisi tion should be completed early in June, at which time the Bank of North Aurora will become a whollyowned subsidiary of Old Second Bancorp, Inc. Oak Lawn Bank Declared Insolvent First National Bank of Oak Lawn, on April 29, was declared insolvent by the Comptroller of the Currency, who appointed the FDIC as receiver. According to the Comptroller’s statement, The First National Bank of Oak Lawn, which was originally chartered as American Bank of Oak Lawn, had been experiencing very serious asset losses and other earn ings problems over the past two years. Losses finally exhausted the bank’s capital funds, resulting in its insolvency. comprising the Cole-Taylor Finan cial Group have been named to the additional positions of chief ex ecutive officer in a move to decen tralize the management of the firm, presently being re-organized as a multi-bank holding company. Frank Bauder, president of the Cole-Taylor Financial Group and chairman of all three banks an nounced today that James J. C a rm o d y has been n am ed chief executive officer o f the Drovers Bank of C h ica g o; W il liam C. Olsen has been named chief executive officer of Main W.C. OLSEN PLANNING AN D BUDGETING... (Continued from page 21) after facing up to the need for management succession, they will proceed to setting the objectives and then finding a way to achieve them. Step 2, Developing Asset Management, has four principal areas, and again these are analyzed individ ually. For example, to the one whose responsibility it is to maintain Cash and Due you should ask, “ Do we have enough money to meet daily requirements? Any excess is lost earnings. Where do you invest and how do you spread it to reduce the risk? Are reserve re quirements covered? Have you analyzed correspon dent accounts (usually CEO’s responsibility)? The same procedure is followed for the other steps— Government Bond Account—set long-range and shortrange targets. Decide what maturities you want “ lad dered” into the program. An important decision will be arriving at the Loan/Deposit ratio desired for the bank—say 60% L/D. If that should be the target, then what percentage of the remainder should be in each type of invest m ent-governm ents, agencies, municipals? The same process then is true for the analysis of Lending Division. How much should ideally be in each type of loan? Basic to this, of course, is complete knowledge of the actual market, its opportunities and its possibilities that lie within the marketing area of the institution. Similar analyses and decisions are continued for Steps 3, 4 and 5. A final step is building in a means of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank, and Edward J. Shaw has been named chief executive officer of the Bank of Yorktown in Lombard. “ One of the reasons we have tak en this move is to improve even fur ther our responsiveness to the cus tomers of each Cole-Taylor bank,’ ’ Mr. Bauder said. “ We believe it is in the best interests of our customers to be able to work directly with the men who can make the decisions.’ ’ James Carmody joined Drovers Bank five years ago as executive vice president. Previously with First National Bank of Chicago, he was named president in 1981. William Olsen, formerly with La Salle National Bank, has been with Main Bank since 1979 and was named president in 1981. Edward Shaw has been with the Bank of Yorktown since its organ ization in 1968 and was instrumen tal in the banks’ affiliation with Cole-Taylor in 1982. Skokie Director Elected Cole-Taylor Bank Presidents Also Named to CEO Position The presidents of the three banks 45 E.J. SHAW Skokie Trust and Savings Bank, Skokie, recently announced the elec tion of Risley B. McFeeley, Jr., C.C.L., senior vice president, to the bank’s board of directors. measuring how you’re doing—a check-up or monitor ing process. Any program can look good on paper or sound good in the conference room but it is worth nothing unless it is actuated, Mr. Fritz stresses. When this is done, you’re entitled to be able to measure its results, what it is doing for your bank, how it can be improved. How to Form Planning Team The decision about who to include in the planning process is one that needs to be made within each bank. The more support the plan has at each level, the better it will be carried out. Conversely, a plan needs good leadership and can’t just be a consensus process of the lowest denomination of enthusiasm or ideas. This is one area where a knowledgeable consultant or an up stream correpondent can undoubtedly be of help. They can assist the CEO in determining the framework in which the entire planning process will take place. When should it start? Most major banks are into their 1984 planning at this time and have targeted September 1 as the latest date to start genuine bud geting for the coming year. Their organizations are larger and require more time. Mr. Fritz states that now is an ideal time for a Community Bank to consider and initiate strategic planning for the coming year, for it will allow a full six months to develop the plan, present it to the entire staff and have it ready to implement by year-end. The new competitors have their plans in place now! Now is a good time for banks to formalize plans the CEO have in their heads so banking can take full ad vantage of the lead it has in each community. □ Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 46 THE NEWLY elected SDBA officers for 1983-84 are: (left to right) Immediate Past President— Dean Mehlhaff; President—Charles Ekstrum; President-Elect—John Haerter; Vice President— Burdette Solum, and Executive Vice President— Milton Schwartz. Chuck Ekstrum to Head SDBA By STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher EAR LY 700 bankers and their spouses attended the 91st an nual convention of the South Da kota Bankers Association held May 15-17 in Sioux Falls. Convention ac tivities were highlighted with the election of Charles W. Ekstrum to the presidency of the association. Mr. Ekstrum is the president of First National Bank in Philip and succeeds Dean Mehlhaff. Advanced to president-elect was John Haerter, president of Farmers State Bank in Hosmer and Burdette Solum was elected vice president. He is presi dent of Norwest Bank Watertown. Other election activity included the advancement of Charles Undlin, president of Norwest Bank Black Hills in Rapid City to State A B A Council vice president and Glenn Waltner, chairman of First National N Bank in Freeman to a two-year coun cil term succeeding Chuck Seaman. During his presentation, South Dakota Governor William Janklow was questioned on his recent criti cism of high interest rates on loans made by South Dakota bankers. He prefaced his response by stating that historically the prime rates used in the nation’s money centers were not reflected in the loans made in South Dakota. He said that he is not critical of the prime rate, however, now that loan rates within the state are being based on the prime they should lower to match the recent declines in the prime. He went on to challenge that the cost of money to the bankers is not proportionate to the cost of money to the consumer and revealed that a recent poll con ducted by his office shows loan rates in South Dakota to be a full per centage point higher than in any of the neighboring states. He also remind ed the bankers that as governor he has access to individual tax returns within the state and he feels that “ ...banking has been very good to the bankers.” Keynote speaker Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, former head of U.S. Naval Operations, addressed the conven tion on “ Military and Regional Ten sions.” Using the nuclear capabil ities of the United States and the U.S.S.R. in the early 1960s as a re ference point, the Admiral outlined the political factors which have led to a complete reversal of the strategic nuclear and conventional superiori ty of the two world powers since the Cuban missile crisis. Possessing a significant weapons advantage and armed with the knowledge that all odds are against a nuclear confron tation, he charges that the Soviets continue to pursue a world-wide plan of aggression. He adds that they feel that their known military superiori ty will force the west to accept these aggressions. Looking to South and Central America, he said that the Soviets continue to use Cuba and Nicaragua as military outlets to distribute weapons and supplies, and forecasts Chile and Costa Rica as being the next countries to “ ...change their colors from blue to pink.” He warned that the long-range Soviet strategy in the Western Hemisphere points to the arming of insurgents in Mex ico and, finally, the takeover of the Panama Canal. Admiral Zumwalt feels that the “ anti-military” attitude of the U.S. following the Viet Nam War has al lowed a rampant Soviet arms build up since 1973. He reported that President Reagan must constantly counter a media which is 85% antidefense when he tries to gain sup- LEFT—State ABA Council Vice President Chuck Seaman, pres., First St. Bk., Warner with Doris and Lew Jenkins, immediate past presi dent., ABA, and vice chmn., Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., New York. RIGHT— Kathy and David Hyduke, gp. v.p., with Jana Kirkeby, corr. bkg. off., American Natl. Bk. & Tr., St. Paul. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis South Dakota News il il port for military spending to coun ter this clear path of aggression on the part of the U.S.S.R. In closing, he urged the bankers to become in volved at the local level by asking their federal delegation to consider all presentations made to them by the President and the Defense De partment and not to make pre-judgments based on the influence of the media. Representing the American Bank ers Association, Immediate Past President Llewellyn Jenkins, vice chairman of Manufacturers Han over Trust Company of New York, directed most of his comments towards recent A B A legislative ac tivity. He said that the Congress of the United States pays close atten tion to the agendas and direction of the A B A Leadership Conferences. This was very evident during the re cent withholding at source lobbying effort of the ABA . He hopes that this legislative success will en courage the bankers to offer direc tion to the Congress on the issue of 47 legislative banking. Speaking of his own bank, he said “ ...just because we don’t have facilities in South Dakota doesn’t mean that we don’t love you or think about you. In fact we think about you quite often.’ ’ Social activities included tennis, bowling and golf tournaments, a Ha waiian Luau, entertainment by the Four Lads and a dance featuring Myron Lee and the Caddies. The convention was brought to a close with the President’s Reception and Banquet. □ m ii» LEFT— David Johnson, exec, v.p., Farmers St. Bk., Estelline, with Dick Holmes, a.v.p., and Bill Klein, v.p., F&M Marquette Natl. Bk., Min neapolis. RIGHT—Scott Ulbrich, a.v.p., Norwest Bk. Minneapolis; Alex Squillace, Toni Jensen, a.v.p., and Dick Storlie, v.p., Norwest Bk. Minneapolis. m 0 LEFT—Herschel Page, pres., Farmers & Merchants St. Bk., Plankinton; Mike Moreland, sr. inv. off., Security Natl. Bk., Sioux City, and John Thompson, pres., Bank of Centerville visit with Security National Bank of Sioux City President Gene Hagen. RIGHT— Boyd Hopkins, pres., Livestock St. Bk., Mitchell; Steve Hatz, v.p., Security Natl., Sioux City, with Lois and Sherman Visscher, v.p., First Fidelity Bk., Platte. «i> LEFT— Houston Haugo, pres., Valley Natl. Bk., Sioux Falls, Jim Kämmerer, a.v.p , F&M Marquette Natl. Bk., Minneapolis, and Gary Steven son, v.p., First Natl. Bk., Sioux City. RIGHT— Lee Hamilton, v.p., and Dick Schoeneke, pres., First Natl. Bk., Minneapolis, with Nels Turnquist, chmn., First Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, and Bob Anderson, exec, v.p., First Natl. Bk., Minneapolis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Mason C ity Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49 . When Dick Holmes isn't on the road calling on bankers, he’s on the phone talking to them. Whether he’s on the road or in the office, Dick Holmes keeps in close contact with his respondent bankers. Dick knows that responding quickly to a question or problem is his most important responsibility; one he takes very seriously. That’s w hy he travels so often . . . uses the phone so m uch. . . and gets back to his bankers so fast. • • Correspondent services you’d expect from a bank our size. When you work with Dick Holmes, you not only benefit from his thirteen years of experience, you also gain access to a wide range of Correspondent Banking services. Check clearings, collections, wire transfers, Fed Funds, investment services, bond portfolio analysis, ag and commercial overlines, bank stock loans, leasing, lock box service, and CashLine for efficient, up-to-the-minute cash management are examples of the many services Dick can offer you. See how responsive we are. Call us today. If you think it’s time your Correspondent Banker paid a little more attention to you, call Dick Holmes or any of our experienced bankers at F&M Marquette’s Correspondent Banking Department. At F&M Marquette, we stay on top of your needs by staying in touch with you. A F&M Marquette National Bank " Member FDIC 6th & M arquette M inn e a p o lis Dick Holmes 612/341-6572 Bill Klein 612/341-6588 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bill Addington 612/341-6590 Larry Kraayenbrink 612/341-6587 Sandy Sickles 612/341-6571 Joan McCarthy 612/341-6561 Mark Schabert 612/341-6589 Phil Gallivan, Senior Vice President Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 50 South Dakota News LEFT— Bill Hamilton, a.v.p., First Natl. Bk., Minneapolis and wife Maxine with Dell and Darold Petersen, pres.-elect No. Dak. Bkrs. Ass’n. and pres., Lakeside St. Bk., New Town, N.D. RIGHT—Stan Peterson, v.p., Norwest Bk. Midland, Minneapolis with Lyle Paschke, v.p. & mgr., Norwest Bk. Aberdeen, Redfield, and his wife Bev. LEFT— Dwain Blackwell, exec, v.p., Tri Cnty. St. Bk., Chamberlain; Don Lindeman, a.v.p., First Natl. Bk., St. Paul, and wife Ev, and Fred Menzel, pres., Farmers St. Bk., Dupree. RIGHT—Tom Pohlman, v.p., Norwest Bk., Sioux City; Jill and Rob Frei, v.p., Commercial St. Bk., Wagner, and Laura and Don Waniata, regional v.p., Norwest Region VI, Sioux Falls. LEFT—Minn. Bkrs. Assn. Executive Vice President Truman Jeffers and his wife Leila with Judy and Milt Schwartz, exec, v.p., SDBA, and Deborah Gates, admin, v.p., SDBA. RIGHT— Dick Storlie, v.p., Norwest Bk., Minneapolis; Chuck Ekstrum, pres., First Natl. Bk., Philip; T.M. Reardon, dir., Western Bk., Sioux Falls, and Tom Hayden, v.p., Allison-Williams Co., Minneapolis. LEFT—Steve Boes, terr. mgr., BICS, Cedar Rapids; Mike Broderick, pres., First American Bk., Canton; Bob Meisinger, 2nd v.p., First Natl., Omaha, and Darrel Elkins, a.v.p., BICS, Sioux City. RIGHT—Jerry Feldhaus, v.p., First Natl. Bk., Sioux Falls; Stan Fredericks, v.p., Toy Natl. Bk., Sioux City; Chuck Rogness, pres., Sunbank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, and Dwayne Halse, pres., Farmers St. Bk., Flandreau. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis South Dakota News 51 LEFT— Burdette Solum, pres., Norwest Bk. Watertown and wife Phyllis with Mike Bodeen, a.v.p., Norwest Bk. Midland, Minneapolis and Jerry Miller, sr. v.p., Norwest Bk. Watertown. RIGHT— Bud Weisser, Daktronics, Inc., Brookings, visits with Joan and Loren Miller, pres., First Bk. South Dakota, Gettysburg. LEFT— Bob Reel, v.p., Fed. Land Bk., Omaha, Maurice Russell, v.p., Fed. Intermediate Credit Bk., Omaha, and George Gerza, acct. exec., HBE Bank Facilities, St. Louis. RIGHT— Boyd Hopkins, pres., Livestock St. Bk., Mitchell; Jeff Moran, acct. exec., Chiles Heider & Co., Omaha; Paul Nordstrom, pres., Security St. Bk., Geddes, and Jim Schnaidt, pres., Menno St. Bk. Staff Advancements Told The board of directors of First Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, has elected Patricia Morse as opera t io n s o ff ic e r , Sioux Falls main office; advanced Stephanie Mundhenke to assis tant vice presi dent in the trust d ep a rtm en t, Sioux Falls; ad vanced Ka A l berts and Den nis R is k e to assistant vice presidents in Rapid City, and promoted Richard Lam bert to vice president at Vermillion. Ms. Morse, who began her bank ing career in 1974 at First Bank Western Montana, Missoula, trans ferred to First Bank of South S. MUNDHENKE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis K. ALBERTS D. RISKE R. LAMBERT as chairman of the board. Raymond E. Knapp, vice presi dent, has been named managing of ficer of the bank. He joined in 1975 as cashier and was named vice presi dent in 1982. He is also a member of the board. Robert R. Christensen has joined the staff as agricultural loan officer. He received a BS degree in agricul tural business and agricultural eco nomics from South Dakota State University. Dakota in 1976. Ms. Mundhenke joined the trust department in 1979 as trust administrator. Mr. Alberts Approval Announced, joined the Rapid City bank in 1978, transferred to Sturgis in 1979, was Six Banks Consolidate elected an ag loan officer later that The Comptroller of the Currency year and returned to Rapid City in has approved the consolidation of 1982. Mr. Riske joined in Rapid City First Bank of South Dakota, First in 1978 as an instalment loan officer Bank Aberdeen, First Bank Clark, and in 1981 was named assistant First Bank Gettysburg, First Bank manager-timepay. Mr. Lambert Lemmon and First Bank Miller into joined First Bank Willmar in 1973 a single statewide banking unit and transferred to the Vermillion First Bank of South Dakota (Na bank in 1979 as assistant vice presi tional Association) according to an dent and assistant manager. announcement by Nels E. Turnquist, chairman, effective May 1. First Bank of South Dakota has Stockholm President Retires 24 offices statewide with assets of Stanley A. Berg has retired as $1 billion. Directors of the bank are: Oscar president of Stockholm State Bank of Stockholm. Mr. Berg began his M. Austad, president, The Austad employment with the bank in 1941 Company; David S. Birkeland, presi and succeeded his father, C.A. Berg, dent and chief executive officer, as president in 1956. He will remain First Bank of South Dakota; Sylvia Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 52 R. Henkin, president KSOO Radio Inc.; Charles A. Kearns, president, Kearns Machinery Company; Maur ice L. Murphey, president, Jordan Millwork Company; Max W. Pasley, president, Max Pasly, Inc.; Nels E. Turnquist, chairman, First Bank of South Dakota; all of Sioux Falls; Joseph H. Barnett, attorney, Siegel, Barnett, & Schultz; Warren G. Grebner, general manager, South Dakota Wheat Growers; Jack M. Thompson, president, northern divi sion, First Bank of South Dakota, all of Aberdeen; Sherwood L. Cor ner, president, Corner Construction Company; Reynold Klay, president, western division, First Bank of South Dakota; both of Rapid City; Sherwood O. Berg, president, South Dakota State University, Brook ings, and Daniel Cronin, Cronin Farms, Inc., Gettysburg. Sioux Falls Banker Receives Distinguished Service Award Nels E. Turnquist, chairman, First Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, has been awarded a distin guished Service Award from the University of South Dakota School of Business. T he aw ard w as g r a n te d , “ For having con tributed to the development of South D akota and whose life has been marked by interests and attainments far N.E. TURNQUIST beyond the de mands of his community and state.” Mr. Turnquist is a Montana na tive and graduate of the University of Montana, where he is presently vice president of the University of Montana Foundation. He was named president of First Bank of South Dakota (then the Na tional Bank of South Dakota) in 1972 and was elected chairman in 1982. Turnquist was elected as a di rector of the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis in 1977 and served for three years. Watertown V.P. Dies Robert A. Manatt, 29, vice presi dent and a trust officer of Farmer’s and Merchants Bank in Watertown, died last month of carbon monoxide poisoning at his home. Mr. Manatt was born in Atlantic, Iowa, and lived in Des Moines much of his life. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Parks Board in Wa tertown. Fargo Bank Elects New President Two Advance in Grand Forks The board of directors of First Bank Grand Forks has elected Lyle C. Sorum president and managing officer and Francis M. Schreder chairman, effective June 1. Mr. Sorum joined the First Bank System in 1979 and currently is vice president and manager of training. He previously was associated with American State Bank, Williston, where he served as vice president. Mr. Schreder has been associated with First Bank System since 1957. He joined First Bank Grand Forks as president and managing officer in 1980. He was elected managing di rector of First Bank System’s north- ern North Dakota affiliates in 1982, a position he will continue in addi tion to serving as chairman of the bank. Promoted in Crosby Farmers State Bank, Crosby, has announced the promotions of Jon Hanisch to vice president in charge of agriculture and Herbert Kleinsasser to cashier. Mr. Hanisch has been with the bank for 12 years, most recently as assistant vice president. Mr. Kleinsasser joined in 1982 as assistant cashier. He previously was an ex aminer for the State Banking Com mission for eight years. Joins ICBND Staff L.C. SORUM F.M. SCHREDER Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Arlene Leingang recently ac cepted a position as executive secretary of the Independent Com munity Banks of North Dakota, headquartered in Bismarck. Ms. Leingang joins ICBND after 17 years with the North Dakota State Government, serving 13 years with the Governor’s Office. Tim V. Stern, president of Norwest Bank St. Cloud, Minn., has been elected president, chief ex ecutive officer and a director of N orw est Bank Fargo, N.A. He succeeds George W. S ch w a rtz, who resigned in January. Mr. Stern has been with the N o rw e st C o r poration since he jo in e d N o r th T.V. STERN w e s te rn N a tional Bank in Sioux Falls, S.D., in 1960. He was vice president and manager of the bank’s Colonial branch in Sioux Falls, when he was named president of Northwestern National Bank in Norfolk, Neb., in 1974. He was named president in St. Cloud in 1978. The North Dakota Bankers Association annual convention was in progress as this issue was being printed. A complete report with pictures will ap pear in the July issue. Darold Petersen, president of Lakeside State Bank, New Town, was scheduled to be elec ted president of the NDBA, succeeding John M. McGinley, president of American State Bank & Trust Company, Wil liston. # <0 53 HIRE A CONSULTANT... (Continued from page 23) lars through the bank as fast as possible, thereby re ducing float and turning the money into investable funds. Virtually every area of the bank that handles debit and credit entries is a candidate for creating a loss of investable funds. 2. Operational Procedures. Evaluate all operational procedures, practices, and work flow to insure that all functions are performed ef ficiently, consistent with sound business practices and in concurrence with prevailing regulations. His efforts should be directed towards the work flow between the various departments of the bank. Of spe cial consideration is timing. The consultant has to be intimately aware of the timing requirements of clear ing deadlines. He should schedule all work flow to en hance the collectibility of checks and other types of cash items. 3. Fees and Charges Evaluate all fees and charges to assure the optimum structure, taking into consideration account profitibility, competitive factors, and management philosophy. Most banks follow the same basic format when re viewing fees and charges. A committee is formed to make the evaluation. The committee spends consider able time analyzing production statistics, personnel costs, overhead, equipment, etc., to determine the ac tual cost of providing the service. After the completion of this process, a reasonable profit factor is applied. Once the evaluation is done, a comparison is made with competition. The new fee structure is then determined by ignoring the evaluation and pricing the bank’s ser vices at a rate slightly below or slightly above the com petitive financial institutions’ rates. Basically, the types of serivces provided by the bank to their respective customers are quite consistent. There is very little difference in the types of service of fered. The primary difference is in the quality of the service. The bank that provides quality service can in crease its fees to offset the costs of providing that ser vice. Customers are more than willing to pay for good service. They are reluctant to pay a high price for just adequate service. 4. Staffing Levels Monitor production statistics and apply reasonable expectancies to those statistics to ensure that staffing levels are maintained at a reasonable level. Supervisory personnel should be instructed in the “ how-to” of measuirng departmental productivity. Many supervisors are of the belief that the more em ployees they are responsible for, the more critical and important their position becomes. A supervisor should not be rated on the number of employees he is responsi ble for, but rather on how few employees he needs to complete the assigned tasks correctly, and on time. The utilization of proper and valid statistical data in determinng adequate staffing levels is of paramount importance. The evaluation of proper staffing levels should be the final function of the consultant. This is a very sen sitive area and has to be approached with finesse. If the consultant is properly motivated and trained, and has the necessary experience, he will concentrate Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis his efforts in developing methods to control practices and procedures. If practices and procedures are con trolled properly, staffing problems will normally be self evident and will take care of themselves. Conclusion The utilization of a consulting organization to evaluate operational practices and procedures, identify reductions in balances maintained in non-earning asset accounts, rescheduling of work flow to eliminate un necessary holdover and float, and evaluating personnel staffing levels, can be a very profitable venture. A trained, experienced consultant provides an objective outlook along with the expertise to gather and tabulate data, evaluate current practices, and then make recom mendations for change. It is important that management implement the re commendations submitted by the consultant in an or ganized, timely manner. Procedures do not change by themselves. Management should assign responsibil ities and develop a follow-up procedure to control the implementation process. The consultant’s goal should be to work with your staff, in a joint effort, to develop a better understand ing of the importance of controlling non-earning assets and operational procedures. A consulting program in your bank can be successful provided you employ an experienced consultant who takes into consideration management philosophy, customer needs, and employ ee morale. □ LEARNED SKILL... (Continued from page 24) and-miss decisions and minimal profitability. It must be emphasized, however, that no matter how much money and time are spent on developing a good plan, it will be of little value without a commitment to make the plan work. All profit and cost center members must work together — e.g., business banking, retail banking, real estate, trust and investment divisions — toward common, bank-wide objectives. Additionally, before a bank takes the strategic plan ning plunge, it must make a strong commitment to face up to some of the information that may come to light from taking a good hard look in the mirror. There can be no “ sacred cows.” Greatest success will come to those who are completely honest and objective about their operations. On the basis of our experience and that of our cli ents, one thing is certain. If banks continue to apply yesterday’s answers to today’s problems, they will be making a serious mistake. Again the quote from that Midwest bank executive: “ W e’re going to need man agement in a way we’ve never needed it before.” Start with a modest, formal effort, building a foun dation that is further developed in each successive planning cycle. The key will be to train your managers in planning techniques and their practical application. Planning is a learned skill which is developed over time. The true measure of using planning successfully will be increased effectiveness of your managers’ decisions. Translated, that means results over time. A planning process is and will be the single most important man agement tool for banking through the end of this cen tury. □ Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 54 H.A. HITCH President D.H. BABBITT 1st Vice Pres. 75th Annual Wyoming Bankers Association Convention June 1 5-1 7 Jackson Lake Lodge Moran, Wyoming NOTHER exciting program has been lined up for the 75th Annual Convention of the Wyoming Bankers Association, June 15-17 at the Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran. M. Clare Mundell, executive vice presi dent of the W BA, has announced details in advance of the upcoming convention, W BA President Henry A. Hitch, president, First National Bank of Casper has been assisted this past year by First Vice President Don Babbitt, president, Stockgrowers State Bank, Worland; Second Vice Pres ident Robert T. Noel, president, First Wyoming Bank, N.A., Cheyenne, and Executive Director M. Clare Mundell. Activities will begin Wednesday morning, June 15, with the Annual Men’s Golf Tournament, Fishing Der by and Tennis Tournament, followed by social hour and indoor picnic that evening. Wednesday and Thurs day evenings will feature music to dance by “ Many Sounds of Nine.” The Annual Women’s Golf Tourna ment will be held Thursday morning as the first gen eral session is getting underway. Registration will be gin Tuesday, June 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A G.M. LOWRIE Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. GUFFEY R.T. NOEL 2nd Vice Pres. M.C. MUNDELL Exec. Vice Pres. Coaches for the different sport events include: Golf: John Edmiston, Evco, Inc., Denver; Steve Sheridan, Denver National Bank, Denver, and Gene McMillen, senior vice president, First Wyoming Bank, N.A. Rawlins. Fishing: Sherrod France, Rawlins National Bank, Rawlins, and Richard Welle, Central States, Omaha. Tennis: Dick Nelson, First National Bank, Powell; E.J. “ W oody’ ’ Haines, First Interstate Bank, Lar amie, and Bob Sutter, Hilltop National Bank, Casper. Athletic Director: John Easterbrook, American Na tional Bank, Laramie. Trainers: Bill Tumelty and Rick McElroy, Central Bank, Denver. A.M. Wednesday, June 15 7:30 and 8:00 shotgun starts for Men’s Annual Golf Tournament, Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club. 7:30 Joint Annual Fishing Derby, Colter Bay Mar ina, Jackson Lodge. Starting times also at 9:45, 12:00 noon and 2:15 p.m. 9:00 Joint Annual Tennis Tournament, Jackson Hole Lodge and Tennis Club. Lunch may be purchased at the clubhouse by golf and tennis participants. P.M. 6:30 Social hour, Stockade Terrace. 7:30 Indoor picnic, Explorer’s Room. 9:00 Dancing to the music of “ Many Sounds of Nine,’ ’ dress casual. A.M. Thursday, June 16 9:00 Women’s Annual Golf Tournament, Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club. Shotgun start. 9:30 First general session. D. BONHAM DR. B. ASMUS 55 Are Your Loan Officers Using A Cross Selling System? Let Us Show You Mow To... Take Five and Prosper! the Credit Insurance Division o f Central States of Omaha WESTERN AT 96TH • BOX 34350 • OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68134 PHONE: (402) 397-1111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 56 9:45 10:30 10:45 11:30 Wyoming News •Presiding: W BA President Henry A. Hitch, president, First Interstate Bank of Casper, N.A. «Address: Roger Guffey, president, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. «Address: Dwight Bonham, State Examiner, Cheyenne, “ The Hypo-Bank.” «Address: Dr. Barry Asmus, economist, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. Reporting of the nominating committee and election of officers. P.M. 12:00 Joint luncheon preceded by refreshments, Ante lope Room, ground floor. Afternoon free. 6:00 Social hour, Stockade Terrace. 7:15 Seventy-fifth Annual Banquet, Explorer’ s Room. 9:00 Dancing — “ Many Sounds of Nine.” A.M. Friday, June 17 8:00 PEEPS (Past Presidents’ Breakfast), Prospec tor’s Room. LES CHICKS (Past Presidents’ Wives Break fast), Vigilante Room. 9:30 Second general session, Explorer’s Room. Resolutions committee report. 9:40 «Address: Gerald M. Lowrie, executive director, Government Relations, ABA, Washington, D.C. 10:45 «Address: Congressman Richard B. Cheney, Washington, D.C. 11:15 Introduction and installation of new association officers and executive council. P.M. 12:00 Adjournment. 12:30 Luncheon, Prospector’s Room, for officers of W BA and members of executive council, hosted by newly elected president of W BA, Don Bab bitt. □ this spring. Early last month it of fered between 200,000 and 230,000 shares of stock for $10 a share, with priority given to account holders of James M. Dombek, vice president & the S&L. Officials of the institution region manager and John S. Madi stated they plan to become more in son, vice president, correspondent volved in commercial and consumer banking. loans. You Will See Them at the 75th Annual Wyoming Bankers Association Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers will be attending the 1983 Wyoming Bankers Convention June 15-17 at Jackson Lake: T Billings Security Bank: Dick Kjoss, presi Elected to ABC Board dent, and Gene Coombs, vice presi Robert W. Miracle, president and dent. chief executive officer of the A f Denver IntraWest Bank of Denver: Rob filiated Bank Corporation, Casper, ert E. Lee, chairman and CEO; announced that Dr. Donald J. Law Charles H. Green, executive vice ler has been appointed to the Board president, corporate banking; Rob of ABC. Mr. Lawler is a partner in ert S. McRae, senior vice president the Cheyenne Eye Clinic. and Harry J. Devereaux, vice presi dent, correspondent banking; Hal S. Casper S&L Converts to Fireman, correspondent banking of Mutual Savings Bank ficer. Guaranty Federal Savings and Lincoln Loan Association of Casper recently First National Bank: R. Mark announced its intention to convert Hahn, correspondent officer. to a federal mutual savings bank New York Chemical Bank: M.P. Bristoll, as sistant vice president. HE substantial savings avail Omaha able through Discount Broker First National Bank: Ralph Peter age is now being offered by First son, vice president. Wyoming Banks throughout the Norwest Bank Omaha: James R. state. Discount Brokerage can cut Campbell, vice chairman and CEO; commission charges for security John R. Cochran, president; Lee J. transactions by as much as 65%. Bachand, senior vice president; “ The Discount Brokerage Service Howard Nielsen, vice president. is designed for investors who know Omaha National Bank: John Cle the market and make their own in ments, Daniel Boehle, and Jack dependent investment decisions. Wheeler, vice presidents. The banks do not offer investment advise or provide investment re San Francisco search material,” said David R. Bank of America: Robert J. O’Neill. Johnson, chairman, chief executive officer and president of First W yom Seattle Seattle—First National Bank: ing Bancorporation. Evanston Promotions Told Alan W. Graban, president of the First Wyoming Bank - Evanston, re cently announced the promotion of Jane H. Jones to assistant vice president and cashier and Michael W. Frisbey to assistant vice presi dent. Ms. Jones, who had been serving as assistant vice president in opera tions, has been with the local bank for one-and-a-half years. Mr. Frisbey has been with the bank seven years and served as tel ler, auditor, consumer loan officer, operations officer and cash manage ment. First Wyoming Banks O ffer New Service T Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First Wyoming Bank is offering this service through its trading and clearing broker, Execution Service, Inc. With Discount Brokerage, First Wyoming is also offering the Finan cial Services Investment Account. This account allows securities to be recorded in book entry form rather than actually delivered as certifi cates to the client. The account pro vides prompt settlement on trade ac tivity, a confirmation invoice after each trade and a toll free telephone number for customers to use. The fi nancial services account will enable the customer to achieve even greater savings in commission charges. 57 Depend on IntraWest Computer Services for the financial systems you need to compete in the new environment of fast-paced change and deregulation. Your bank’s needs are special, which is why we offer some very specialized services in our Financial Data Processing package. And as we change to bring you new technological advances, our commitment to bring you the best personal attention will remain strong and on-lin e. IntraWest Computer Services, providing financial systems for the way you do business today—and tomorrow. Call Joe Phernetton today for more information. IntraWest Bank of Denver Computer Services 633 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80270 303 293-5491 Member FDIC Member IntraWest Financial Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 58 served in a variety of capacities in customer service and banking opera tions. ( C olorado Appointed in Montrose A.R. Koeneke, chmn. & pres., Rifle D. A. Childears, exec. m g r., Denver Three Elected at IntraWest IntraWest Bank of Denver has elected three new senior vice pres idents, according to Robert E. Lee, chairman and chief executive officer. Elected were: Susan M. Ash by, individual fin a n cia l s e r vices; Michael S. Dafferner, mar k e tin g , and Robert S. Web ber, human re sources. M s. A s h b y S.M. ASHBY joined the bank M.S. DAFFERNER R.S. WEBBER in 1981 after five years with Bank One in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Daffer ner joined IntraWest from Barnhardt & Company Advertising, where he was executive vice president. He also previously served as director of marketing for Affiliated Bankshares of Colorado for five years. Mr. W eb ber joined the bank in 1979 after 14 years with The First National Bank of Chicago, Central Bank Promotes Eight, Elects Two The board of directors of Central Bank of Denver has promoted eight staff members and elected two others to key positions. Promoted were Donald J. Horst to senior vice president and group head and Harlan L. Pepper to vice president and division head. Newly elected to vice president and divi sion head was William F. Shea. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Scott Brennan, A.W. Kuts-Cheraux and Phil Lyon were promoted to vice presidents. John P. Rabaglia was elected to a vice president position. Promoted to assistant vice presi dent were Norma J. Andersen, Greg ory P. Cooke and Cynthia S. Suther land. Senior Vice President and Head of the newly formed Trust Group, Don Horst, joined Central Bank in 1974 as vice president and trust officer, and in the same year was promoted to division head. Prior to joining Central he worked for Colorado Na tional Bank in Denver. Appointed in Denver Anita E. Butler has been ap pointed vice president and Richard J. Peterson has been named assis tant vice president at Denver Na tional Bank. M s. B u tle r previously has been with City E dition N ew s paper and Uni ted Bank of Sky line. She serves in the commer cial loan depart ment. Mr. Peterson most recently was cashier with United Bank of Boulder. He serves in corporate cash management. Boulder V.P. Named Mary F. Clough has been appointed vice president and executive officer for operations at A rapahoe N a tional Bank in Boulder. Ms. Clough, previously with First National Bank in Boulder, Greeley National Bank and IowaDes Moines Na M.F. CLOUGH tional Bank, has Dorothy E. DeJulio has been ap pointed person nel and benefits officer at the United Bank of Montrose, N.A., Montrose. Mrs. DeJulio joined the bank in 1973 and has served in the ac counting, teller D.E. DE JULIO and p e r s o n a l banking areas. Since 1981 she has held the position of personnel assis tant. Three Promotions Told First Interstate Bank of Denver has announced the promotions of Shirley J. Good to vice president and manager of the executive and professional banking department, and Michael R. Littlejohn and Joseph A. Helm to operations of ficers. Ms. Good, who had been assistant vice president and manager of health care professionals’ services, joined the bank in 1982 from First Interstate Bank of California, San Diego. Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Helm were computer operations super visors prior to their promotions. Elected in Denver C olorado N ational Bank of Denver recently elected Gregory J. Ellena vice president. Mr. Ellena joined the bank in 1977 as a trainee, was promoted to real estate loan officer in 1980 and was named assistant vice president later that year. The Colorado Bankers Asso ciation annual convention was underway as this issue was be ing mailed. A complete report with pictures will appear in the July issue. Norman M. Dean, chairman and president, United Bank of Greeley, was scheduled to be elected president of the CBA, succeeding Allen R. Koeneke, chairman and president, First National Bank in Rifle. Colorado News IntraWest Financial President Also Elected Chairman Omaha Based Realbanc Opens Colorado Springs Office Robert G. Boucher, president of IntraWest Financial Corporation, Denver, was recently elected chair man and chief executive officer by directors of the Denver-based hold ing company. Also promoted was Clayton G. Mammmel to executive vice president of administration for the corporation. Realbanc, Inc., a mortgage bank ing firm headquartered in Omaha, Neb., has opened a residential mort gage production office in Colorado Springs at 5875 Lehman Drive. Michael Duty has been named manager of the branch, which in it ia lly w ill have a staff of five. Mr. Duty formerly was a branch manager fo r C o lu m b ia S a v in g s and M. DUTY Loan. WESTNET Chairman Named R.G. BOUCHER C.G. MAMMEL Mr. Boucher succeeds Theodore D. Brown, who retired following the corporation’s annual meeting. Mr. Brown had been with IntraWest since 1970. Mr. Boucher, previously chair man, president and chief executive officer of IntraWest Mortgage Com pany, became the corporation’s pres ident March 3, a position he will re tain. Mr. Mammel has been with Intra West since 1974, most recently as senior vice president of administra tion. N. Berne Hart, president and chairman of United Banks of Col orado, has been named chairman of the W ESTNET Group. Mr. Hart, 53, succeeds former network chair man Roger A. Lyon, chairman and chief executive officer of Valley Na tional Corporation, Phoenix, who died April 16. Mr. Lyon was instru mental in establishing the initial groundwork for WESTNET and was named its first chairman when it was formed in June, 1982. Seminar Date Set For June 16 The Correspondent Banking Divi sion of United Bank of Denver is offer ing a one-day educational seminar en titled “ Application of the Uniform Commercial Code,” to be held June 16 at the Marriott Hotel, Denver. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with registration fee of $110 per person. Luncheon and re freshments are included. John E. Moye, partner in the firm Head & Moye, Denver, and currently chairman of the Colorado Bar Associa tion Uniform Commercial Code Revi sion Committee, will serve as faculty for the seminar. Promoted in Arvada Colorado National Bank, Arvada, has promoted Alan K. Parker to vice president. He joined the bank in 1972 and has held positions in the instalment and commercial loan departments. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N.B. HART L.W. HUCK Named to succeed Mr. Lyon on the WESTNET board was Leonard W. Huck, newly elected president and chief administrative officer of Valley National Corporation. 59 bank in 1979. Mr. Hall has been with the bank since 1981. Two Elected in Boulder Arapahoe N ational Bank in Boulder recently announced the elec tion of J. Edmund Lister and Kent Ingram to assistant vice president. J.E. LISTER K. INGRAM Mr. Lister most recently served as vice president at American Bank in Loveland. Mr. Ingram joins the Arapahoe bank from University Na tional Bank in Fort Collins, where he served as assistant vice president in the consumer and commercial loans department for three years. New President Named Alan L. Lord has been appointed president and chief executive officer of Cache National Bank of Greeley, according to J. Barney Flood, chair man. Mr. Lord originally joined Cache National Bank in 1962 as executive vice president and managing officer, becoming its president in 1964. In 1980 he transferred to Greeley Na tional Bank to serve as president and chief executive officer, a posi tion he has held until this most re cent appointment. Manager Appointed at Denver Energy Office G. Michael Moore has been ap pointed vice president and manager of the D enver Energy Office of N orw est Bank Denver Appointments Told M in n e a p o lis , United Bank of Denver has ap N.A., (formerly pointed William J. Powers to vice N o r th w e s te r n president, Kenneth D. Brown and National Bank of Sidney N. Held to assistant vice Minneapolis), ac president and John R. Hall to ex cording to Todd L. Parchman, sen ecutive banking officer. Mr. Powers, who joined the bank ior vice president in 1976, is a lender in the bank’s and head of the energy and minerals group. Mr. bank’s energy and natural resources Brown joined in 1981 and was named department. Mr. Moore will have re a commercial banking officer later sponsibility for the division’s oil and that year. Mr. Held started with the gas lending and investment activities. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Montana The name comes from a Spanish word meaning “ mountainous." It's the fourth largest state in the U.S., with the Rockies covering two-fifths of its total area. Join Jim Armstrong, President and CEO; Dick Schneider, Executive Vice President; Don Pederson, Senior Vice President; and their associates from the Correspondent and Bond Departments for the state bankers convention, June 28 and July 1, in Sun Valley. Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N.A. Correspondent Banking Department H kM M BANKING. AN D A WHOLE LOT MORE. mmmmm NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 61 80th Annual Montana Bankers Association Convention June 2 8 - July 2 Sun Valley, Idaho E.C. GROSS President R. SIZEMORE Vice Pres. HE breathtaking surroundings of Sun Valley, Ida ho, will be this year’s location for the 80th Annual Montana Bankers Association Convention being held June 28-July 2. M BA President Erie C. Gross, president of Little Horn State Bank, Hardin, will preside at the conven tion. Scheduled to succeed him as president for 1983-84 is Robert Sizemore, M B A vice president, Western Bank of Chinook. Also assisting Mr. Gross this past year has been M BA Treasurer Chuck Ped ersen, president, First Interstate Bank of Great Falls, and Executive Vice President John T. Cadby. Men’s golf and mixed doubles tennis tournaments, ladies putting contest and trap tournament will head up the schedule of activities that will begin Wednesday morning, June 29. Also planned are ladies golf and singles tennis tournaments and a fun run. Friday night entertainment will feature dancing with the “ Many Sounds of Nine.’’ A.M. Tuesday, June 28 9:00 Executive committee meeting. P.M. 1:00 Board of directors meeting, Walnut Room. 3:00 -6:00 Registration, Sage Room. 6:30 Board of directors reception, Warm Springs Restaurant. 7:30 Board of directors dinner. T J.T. CADBY Exec. V.P. R.L. REIQUAIM Past Pres. A.W, HART H. STEENSMA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A.M. Wednesday, June 29 8:00 Men’s golf tournament, Sun Valley Golf Course. 9:00 Mixed doubles tennis tournament, Sun Valley Tennis Courts. 9:30 Ladies putting contest, Putting Green. P.M. 1:00 Trap tournament, Sun Valley Trap. 3:00 -6:00 Registration and information desk, Sage Room. 3:00 Nominating committee meeting, Lodge TV Room. 3:30 BankPac Trustee meeting, Inn TV Room. A.M. Thursday, June 30 7:30 -9:00 Prayer Breakfast, Continental/Divide. Speaker: General Robert C. Mathis, Bozeman. 8:00 Registration and information desk, Sage Room. 9:15 Business session, Limelight Room. “ Welcome” —Erie C. Gross, M BA President and president, Little Horn State Bank. •“ It’s Later Than You Think” —Alex “ Pete” Hart, executive vice president, First Interstate Bank Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif. 10:15 Coffee break. 10:45 »William H. Kennedy, president, ABA. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 62 Montana News DR. B. ASMUS H. SIDEY 11:15 •“ International Agribusiness Trends’ ’—Hugo Steensma, senior vice president, Rabobank Nederland, N.Y. 10:00 Ladies golf tournament, Sun Valley Golf Course. 10:00 Ladies singles tennis tournament, Sun Valley Tennis Courts. P.M. 12:00 BankPac luncheon, Lodge Dining Room. 1:30 Special interest session, Robert McNellis, vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap olis, Helena Branch. 1:30 Special interest session, Federated Investors, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 6:30 Associates reception, Lodge Terrace. 7:30 Dinner on own. A.M. Friday, July 1 7:30 Fun Run, Sun Valley Golf Course. 7:30 25 Year Club breakfast, Rams Head Rest aurant. 9:00 Ladies champagne breakfast, Lodge Dining Room. 9:00 Business session, Limelight/Divide. 9:00 » “ The Reagan Revolution” —Dr. Barry Asmus, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. 10:00 Coffee break. 10:30 *“ The Presidency” —Hugh Sidey, Washington Contibuting Editor, Time Magazine. 11:15 Annual membership meeting. P.M. 12:30 Past presidents reception and lunch, Lodge Ter race. Afternoon open. 7:00 Reception, Opera House Lawn. 8:00 Nite-Club dinner/dance, Limelight/Divide/Continental. 8:00 Dancing with the “ Many Sounds of Nine.” □ You Will See Them at the 80th Annual Montana Bankers Association Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers have indicated they will be attending the Montana Bankers Association Convention June 28July 2, in Sun Valley: T Billings Security Bank, N.A.: Dick Kjoss, president; Bill Wilson and Gene Coombs, vice presidents. Denver IntraWest Bank of Denver: Rob ert S. McRae, senior vice president; Terry J. Tangen, vice president; Kirk D. Reed, assistant vice president. Minneapolis First Bank: Robert J. Anderson, executive vice president; Kenneth A. Wales, senior vice president; Ed ward L. Whalen and David O. Wil Our congratulations to President Erie Gross, the MBA Officers and Staff for planning an interesting and informative convention program! Be Seeing You at Sun V a lle y ... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GLENDIVE fyam ily ßatih Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis liams, assistant vice presidents; Leonard P. Kiskis, correspondent banking officer. F&M Marquette National Bank: Philip G alii van, senior vice presi dent; William K. Klein, vice presi dent; Richard E. Holmes and Jim Kammerer, assistant vice presi dents. Norwest Bank Minnneapolis: W. James Armstrong, president and chief executive officer; Richard D. Schneider, executive vice president; Donald G. Pederson, senior vice president; Richard C. Storlie, vice president; John D. Huston, corre spondent banking officer; Clifford A. “ Ted” Taney, assistant vice president. St. Paul American National Bank & Trust Company: Robert E. Sipple, senior vice president and Craig Redalen, correspondent banking officer. The First National Bank of St. Paul: Andrew G. Sail, Richard M. Carey, Richard E. Pringle and Dale S. Hanson. San Francisco Bank of America: Robert J. O ’Neill, vice president. Seattle Seattle-First National Bank: James R. Anderson, senior vice president & manager—national divi sion; John S. Madison, vice presi dent-correspondent bank depart ment. • M ontana • People* • Hard working people. Taking the world o f tomorrow into the hands o f today. With the help o f Montana bankers. We salute you. We look forward to seeing you in Sun Valley, Idaho, June 29July 2, at the Montana Bankers Association Convention. First Bank M inneapolis Correspondent Banking Department. First Bank Place, Minneapolis, MN 55480(612)370-4762 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64 Montana News Real Estate Lending Conf.— June 16-17 HE 1983 Montana Bankers A s sociation Real Estate Lending Conference will be held June 16-17 at the Colonial Inn, Helena. Repre sentatives from private mortgage insurance companies, private and secondary market organizations, FHA, VA, Montana Board of Hous ing and Montana Board of Invest ments will be in attendance to discuss recent trends and innovative ideas in marketing and insuring loans. The program schedule follows: T A.M. Thursday, June 16 8:00 Registration. 8:15 Continental breakfast/secondary marketers’ forum. 9:30 Welcome, M B A President Erie Gross, Little Horn State Bank, Hardin. 9:45 “ Stress Management” —Zella Jacobson, Great Falls. 10:45 Coffee break. 11:00 “ Commercial Real Estate L e n d in g ” —M .L. H anson, United Bank of Denver. P.M. 12:00 Luncheon & entertainment. Announced in Great Falls First National Bank of Great Falls recently announced the promo tions of two assistant vice pres idents. Deborah D. Ducas joined the bank in 1979 and has been promoted in the marketing area. She previous ly worked for the Atlanta Newspap ers, Inc., as a market analyst for the Minneapolis Star and Tribune and project supervisor for Medtronic, Inc. William J. Pledge, promoted in property and security, started with the bank in 1962. In the lending division of the bank two organizational changes have been announced. Jere B. Davis has been appointed chief credit officer and James L. D.D. DUCAS W.J. PLEDGE Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis most recently worked in this capaci ty as well as senior vice president in investments. Mrs. Kartevold will be responsi ble for the bank’s marketing divi sion, with special emphasis on bus iness development and public rela tions. 1:30 “ Commercial Real Estate Lending” continued, M.L. Hanson, United Bank of Den ver. 2:30 Coffee break. 2:45 “ E scrow L ia b ility ” —John Gordon, Kalispell. 3:30 “ Title Insurance Endorse ments” —speaker to be an Billings Bank V.P. nounced. Receives Certification 4:15 Free time. Don Hanson, vice president and 6:30 Attitude adjustment hour cashier of First Citizens Bank of Bil (with sponsors). lings, has received his certification as a Certified Public Accountant. A.M. Friday, June 17 Mr. Hanson began his banking 8:00 C ontinental b rea k fast & career as a staff auditor at North forum, FHA, VA, MBOH & western National Bank of Minneap MBOI. olis in 1969. He transferred to the 9:15 “ U nderw riting the SelfFirst National Bank of the Black employed Borrower” —Scott Hills, Rapid City, S.D., in 1971; joined Potter. the First National Bank and Trust, 11:00 Coffee break. Wibaux, in 1973, and joined First 11:15 Legislative report, John Cad- Citizens Bank of Billings in 1976. by, M BA executive vice presi dent, and George Bennett, M BA counsel. 11:45 Committee reports and door Promoted in Bozeman prizes. Susan J. Lien has been promoted 12:00 Adjournment. to operations officer of First Bank Bozeman, Boze man, according to H a rry W. N ew lon, p re s ident. Ms. Lien joined the bank staff in March, 1980, as an a ccou n tin g clerk and was p r o m o te d to S.J. LIEN operations assis J.B. DAVIS J.L. PURDY tant in 1981. Ms. Lien has an Purdy, manager of the commercial associate degree in accounting. loan department. Mr. Davis, who has served as president at First Bank Forsyth and First Bank Havre, Anaconda Election Told joined in Great Falls in 1977. Mr. The board of directors of First Purdy joined First Bank Great Falls Security Bank of Anaconda has elec in 1980 after serving as second of ted M a rlen e ficer at the Eastside Bank since Lewis as person 1976. nel & operations officer. Announced in Glendive The announce First National Bank of Glendive ment was made recently announced that Thomas W. by F.R. Bennett, Hughes was named executive vice p resid en t and president and Jane T. Kartevold chairman. Ms. Lewis has was named assistant cashier in been with the charge of marketing. M. LEWIS Mr. Hughes started his banking bank since it career in Helena in 1956, joined opened in March of 1968 and has First National in Glendive in 1965 been involved in most areas of bank as a commercial loan officer and has ing. Montana News 65 Managing Director Named For Eastern Region Cal Northam has been promoted to the Eastern Montana Regional sta ff of First Bank System as assistant to the managing direc tor. Mr. Northam joined the staff of First Bank Billings in Sep tem ber, 1981, and most recent C. NORTHAM ly held the posi tion as the bank’s manager business development. Mr. Northam will re main in Billings, headquarters of the First Bank System Eastern Mon tana Region. Great Falls Bank Adds One William B. Hurlbert has joined First Bank West Great Falls as assistant man ager of the timepay department, a c c o r d in g to Robert M. Pancich, president. Mr. Hurlbert began his bank ing career in 1978 at First B ank G re a t w.B. HURLBERT Falls as outside adjuster and was promoted in 1980 to personal banking officer. m Correspondent Banking, Two MOrds Say It All Security Bank W e o ffe r c o m p le te c o r r e s p o n d e n t b a n k in g s e rv ic e s . Trust Services in c lu d in g p e n s io n a n d p r o fit s h a rin g p la n s Investment Services in c lu d in g c o m p u te r iz e d in v e s tm e n t p o r tfo lio Rapid Clearing of Cash Letters Wire Transfers Participations and Overlines Bank Stock Loans Complete Data Processing in c lu d in g o n - lin e s e rv ic e Coin and Currency Shipments Fed Funds Transactions A t S e c u rity B a n k w e u n d e rs ta n d th e n e e d s a n d p ro b le m s o f b a n k in g in to d a y 's e c o n o m ic a n d d e re g u la te d b a n k in g e n v ir o n m e n t. A n d w e 'v e g o t th e e x p e rie n c e a n d th e re p u ta tio n th a t assures y o u w e k n o w h o w to h e lp . Let G e n e C o o m b s te ll y o u m o re . G iv e h im a c a ll a t 4 0 6 /6 5 7 -3 8 6 6 . New Bank to Open in Forsyth, President Named Verland A. Thomas, vice presi dent and cashier at Montana Bank of Billings for the past four years, has been named president of Mon tana Bank of Forsyth. An affiliate of Montana Bancsystem, Inc., Mon tana Bank of Forsyth is scheduled to open on July 1, 1983. Prior to his affiliation with the Billings Bank, Mr. Thomas was with First Northwestern National Bank from 1959 to 1979 in various positions including auditor, cashier and assistant vice president. Acquisition Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of Min neapolis recently announced ap proval of the application by Choteau Bancorporation, Inc., to acquire the Citizens State Bank of Choteau. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■* .-J r* I I Gene Coombs Gene looks forward to seeing you at the Wyoming Bankers Association Convention June 16-18 and at the Montana Bankers Association Convention in Sun Valley June 28 - July 2. Security Bank 29TH & 3RD AVE. N. • (406) 657-3600 • BILLINGS, MONTANA CONVENIENT BANKING AT SECURITY WEST, 3RD AVE. N. AT 31ST MEMBER FDIC Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 66 The toughest credit problem has the easiest solution. ® A call to N o rw e s t The toughest of the tough credit problems are the ones that give bankers gray hair and headaches. We’re talking about that extra difficult or complex credit transaction. The kind you see only in a credit or loan officer’s nightmare. It’s nice to know that when you’re face-to-face with this kind of credit transaction, you’ve got someone to turn to for help. Norwest. The Financial Institutions Group at Norwest Bank Omaha has the experts and the expertise when it comes to credit. If there’s a special credit problem confronting lenders, chances are we’ve seen it before and know how to handle it. * ^ • When you find yourself suffering from an extra painful credit head ache, you know where to call to get relief. Norwest Bank Omaha. # Call M yron P eterson, C re d it D epartm ent, 4 0 2 /5 3 6 -2 2 4 3 . A w Norwest Bank Omaha (formerly U.S. National Bank of Omaha) Member FDIC Affiliate of Norwest Corporation NORWEST BANKS mmmmm h Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # i m OFFICERS of the Nebraska Bankers Association are pictured in photo at left. From left to right, they are: Immed. Past Pres.— Harold P. Stuckey, pres., Lexington State B&T; Pres. — Don G. Johnson, pres., Farmers Natl., Pilger; Pres.-Elect.—A.C. “Skip” Hove, Jr., chmn., Minden Exchange Bank; Exec. Vice Pres.—Stan Matzke, Jr., Lincoln. RIGHT— Retiring NBA Pres. Stuckey (center) congratulates two new 50-year club members: Bernard M. DeLay (left), pres. & ceo , DeLay First Natl. B&T, Norfolk, and Walter L. Kupke, dir., 1st Natl., York. block south of the new Cornhusker Hotel. It also has plenty of parking and easy access.” Current NBA By BEN HALLER, JR. chairman and CEO, First National headquarters are in the Old Sharp Bank of West Point. Publisher Building, which was purchased by Personnel—Jeff L. Gerhart, vice the American Charter Savings & TRESSING the need for partici- president, First National Bank, Loan. Mr. Johnson also announced that ^ pation and cooperation byNewman every Grove. Planning—Gary Hall, president, the NBA advertising and general Nebraska banker, Don Johnson out lined at the 86th Nebraska Bankers Western National Bank, Scotts- budgets “ will be combined into one for all banks. The budget committee Association Convention in Omaha bluff. BankPac—Glenn M. Adair, ex and the Executive Council feel that early last month some of his goals as the new N B A president. Mr. ecutive vice president and cashier, all banks benefit from the statewide advertising and all banks should Johnson, who is also president of Springfield State Bank. Correspondent Banking—Lee contribute their fair share.” In con Farmers National Bank in Pilger, succeeded Harold Stuckey, presi Bachand, senior vice president, Nor- nection with this, it was announced at the convention that the NBA will dent of Lexington State Bank and west Bank Omaha, N.A. Voluntary Employees Beneficiary be a sponsor, with the exclusive Trust Company. Mr. Johnson made Assn.—Donald D. Stull, chairman, financial advertising portion, of it clear he intends to build further on Mr. Stuckey’s ’82 - ’83 slogan of “ in Guardian State Bank & Trust Co., Nebraska football and basketball Alliance. radio broadcasts in the coming volvement” by members. Mr. Johnson also announced that school year. He announced that the two weeks In his President’s Report, Mr. of “ organizational retreats,” or com the NBA building committee “ has mittee chairmen training sessions recommended and the executive Stuckey noted that the input of will be conducted again, this time at council approved yesterday, the members last year resulted in NBA Indian Hills Country Club in Beem- leasing of a new headquarters build conducting 42 workshops and semi er the last two weeks in June. He ing at 525 South 13th Street, Lin nars across the state. One factor was urged all members to make known coln. It is an ideal location, one block creation of a committee to deal only to the chairmen as soon as possible west of the State Capitol, and one with education. One of its results their input for the various commit Nebraska Convention Election Results tees. He appointed the following Nebraska Bankers Association NETS chairmen: Pres.— Don G. Johnson, pres., Farm Pres.—Alice Dittman, pres., Corn Agriculture—John Martin, vice ers Natl. Bank, Pilger. husker Bank, Lincoln. president, The Omaha National Pres.-Elect—A.C. (Skip) Hove, Jr., Vice Pres.—Jack Selzer, pres., ScottsBank. chmn., Minden Exchange Bank. bluff Natl. Bank. Immed. Past Pres.— Harold P. Stuck Bank Management—A.C. “ Jack” ey, pres., Lexington State B&T Co. Holmquist, president, York State ABA Council Bank & Trust Co. 2-year term expiring Oct. 1985— Har Education Committee—Homer Executive Council—3-year terms old P. Stuckey, pres., Lexington State Pierce, president, Seven Valleys Group 2—James L. Howe, pres., First B&T Co. Natl. Bank, David City. (Wm. W. Cook, Jr., pres., Beatrice State Bank, Callaway. Group 4— Rus Morgan, pres., First Natl. B&T Co., continues on ABA Government R elations—M el Natl. Bank, Elwood. Council until October, 1984 and is Adams, chairman and CEO, Keith Group 6—Jack Selzer, pres., Scotts- designated ABA Vice Pres, for County Bank & Trust Co., Ogallala. bluff Natl. Bank. Nebraska.) Group 7—Jim Hansen, pres., North ABA State Membership Chmn. (new Loans and Investments—G.E. Side Bank, Omaha. position)— Ray Tiedje, pres., Bank of Gunderson, president, Commercial Group 8— Max Callen, vice pres., Norfolk. State Bank, Wausa. Natl. Bank of Commerce, Lincoln. Marketing—Gerald C. Hunke, Don Johnson Assum es NBA Presidency • S £ • # # • • • ® Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 68 Nebraska News AMONG those addressing the convention were, from left: Nebraska Governor Robert Kerrey; Jeff Sternberg, First Bank Systems, Inc., Min neapolis; James Sexton, FDIC director of bank supervision, Washington, D.C., and Penny Damlo, futurist with Anticipatory Sciences, Inc., Minneapolis. was providing to members the video tape rental program. He also noted that reinstatement of the six group meetings last year drew well over 1,000 participants. Mr. Stuckey gave special thanks to Stan Matzke, Jr., who joined NBA one year ago as executive vice president. He thanked three staff members who were leaving NBA at the conclusion of the 1983 meeting. They are Dave McBride, communi cations director the past seven years, who will be starting his own business; Claudia Russell, office manager, who will be devoting more time with her two teen-age daugh ters at home, and Marcia Hecox, bookkeeper, whose husband recently graduated and is establishing his dental practice in Cozad. Details of the treasurer’s report, including the new dues structure to encompass the advertising budget, were outlined by Mr. Matzke. He also said NBA is dropping the quar terly magazine it started up last year. An amendment to the articles of incorporation (Article 10) requires that in the event two or more banks are under common ownership (25% or more of ownership or the power to control) then each such bank must be a member of the NBA. This is a requirement similar to that found in other states authorizing multiple ownership of banks, such as multi bank holding companies. Awards Luncheon Special recognition was given to several bankers and banks. 50-year Banker awards went to Walter L. Kupker, director and re tired executive vice president, First National Bank of York, and Bernard M. DeLay, president and CEO, the DeLay First National Bank & Trust Co., Norfolk. Andy C. Peterson, chairman of the First State Bank in Lodgepole, was recognized for his 65 years of ac tive service to the banking industry. Elijah A. (Lige) Levitt, president of The First Trust Co. of York, was presented a plaque on the occasion of his 99th birthday the day of the awards luncheon. Mr. Levitt, who is also president of banks in McCook Junction, Waco and Bradshaw, climbed the steps to the speakers rostrum by himself, thanked the “ young men” present for their re cognition, then returned unassisted to his table. Nebraska banks honored for ob serving 100th anniversaries the past year were First National Banks in Aurora, Falls City, Utica and York; Cones State Bank in Pierce, and Stanton National Bank. Outgoing members of the NBA Executive Council also were recog nized with plaques. Speakers James L. Sexton, director, divi sion of bank supervision for FDIC, Washington, D.C., referred to the problems many individuals and bus inesses, including banks, have ex perienced in the past year trying to adjust to an economy now going through disinflation. “ There is nothing like trouble, especially in large, 1982-size doses, to bring to the surface the latent weaknesses in borrowers, as well as banks. “ Across the nation, FDIC has identified as of this date, 458 prob lem insured banks, a little more than twice the number from year-end 1981,” he said. Mr. Sexton added that “ Last year 42 banks failed. There will undoubtedly be more than that in 1983.” He attributed to all the problem banks “ significant managerial and operational weak nesses which are either the direct LEFT—Stan Matzke, Jr., NBA exec, v.p., visits with ABA Pres. William H. Kennedy, Jr., chmn., Natl. Bank of Commerce, Pine Bluff, Ark., before Mr. Kennedy’s address to the convention. RIGHT—Special recognition was given to Nebraska’s oldest active banker, E.A. Levitt, pres., The First Trust Company of York, and president of several Nebraska banks, by Harold Stuckey, retiring NBA president. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nebraska News 69 LEFT—John D. Woods, chmn. & ceo, Omaha Natl., and Bill Cook, Jr., pres., Beatrice Natl. B&T. RIGHT—John Martin, v.p. & head of Omaha Natl.’s fin. inst. div.; Judd Wagner, v.p.-trust, Omaha Natl.; Roy Dinsdale, chmn., State Bank of Palmer; Dan Boehle, v.p., Omaha Natl., and Phil Jossi, pres., Farmers Natl., Grant. LEFT—Lee Bachand, sr. v.p., Norwest Bank Omaha, and Judy; H.L. Gerhart, Jr., pres., 1st Natl., Newman Grove, and Georgia; John Cochran, pres., Norwest Bank Omaha, and Bette. RIGHT—Gary Fenster, v.p., First Mid America, Omaha; Diane Herbolsheimer; Ted Wueibben, First Mid America, Omaha; Jim Herbolsheimer, v.p., Bank of Norfolk, and Mike Wincek, acct. exec., First Mid America, Omaha. LEFT— Don Ostrand, v.p., First Natl., Omaha, and Ginny; Eva Y. Knight, secy, to board, and Robert E. Knight, pres., Alliance Natl. B&T. RIGHT— Ed Batcheider, v.p., U.S. Check Book Co., Omaha; Don Harms, pres., 1st Natl., Syracuse; Judy and Ken Ward, v.p. & cash., Cornhusker Bank, Lincoln, and Joan and Rick Clabaugh, U.S. Check Book Co., Omaha. LEFT—Orrin A. Wilson, sr. exec, v.p., First Natl. B&T, Lincoln; Kelly Holthus, pres. & ceo, and Darrell Franklin, sr. v.p., both with 1st Natl, York, and William C. Smith, pres., 1st Natl. B&T, Lincoln; RIGHT— Kathy Votaw, corr. bk. off., 1st Nat!., Lincoln; Margo and H.L. Mac McKibbin, pres., Bank of Gering; Harriett and Don Stull, chmn., Guardian State B&T, Alliance, and Gary Bieck, v.p. 1st Natl., Lincoln. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 70 Nebraska News LEFT— Phil Straight, sr. v.p., United Missouri Bank of Kansas City; Rod Vandeberg, pres., and Jan, and Gus Scholz, chmn., and Lola, all four with First Natl. B&T, Falls City, and Dick Muir, v.p., United Missouri Bank. RIGHT— Ken Meredith, sales coordinator, and Deb Roberts, Nebraska sales repr., both with Financial Systems, Inc., Kearney, and Michael Braun, pres., Wymore State. cause of the problem or were a pro minent factor without which the problem could not have occurred/’ Mr. Sexton said an analysis of the 42 bank failures in 1982 and the 17 to date (May 5) shows “ typical in sider abuse, self-serving practices, and outright dishonesty. Nearly al ways, there was a permissive or dis interested board of directors.” He added that “ the good news is that 14,356 insured banks are not on the problem list...89% of insured banks are in the top two rating bands under the Camel system...and in Nebraska, that figure is 91% .” Mr. Sexton reviewed briefly FD IC’s proposed risk-related prem ium program whereby better-run banks would have greater premium rebates. He also tried unsuccessfully to sell Nebraska bankers on FDIC Chairman Wm. Isaac’s proposal to merge the FDIC and FSLI funds. Austin Donnelly of Australia, speaking on “ World Agriculture,” told Nebraska bankers “ Agriculture is not an island — it is affected by what happens in financial and cap ital markets. It must face up to F IR ST M ID A M E R IC A INC. First in Service to the M idw est. • • • • • M unicipal Bonds Corporate Bonds Government Agency Bonds Listed and Unlisted Securities Fiscal Agents For com plete investm ent service you can rely on... The Midwest’s Investment Professionals FIRST MID AMERICA INC. SfPC Member New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange and other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges. Municipal Bond Department, 100 Continental Building Omaha, Nebraska 68102 / (402) 444-1900 STOCKS, CORPORATE, MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT BONDS, OPTIONS, TAX SHELTERS AND COMMODITIES. Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island, Hastings, Columbus, Shelby, Plainview, Nebraska. Des Moines, Atlantic, Cedar Rapids, Fort Dodge, Marshalltown, Iowa. Kansas City, Missouri • Wichita, Kansas • Chicago, Illinois • Houston, Texas. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis those things necessary to overcome bad-time situations.” Don Cordtz, economic editor for ABC TV news gave a frank assess ment of much of the economic and business reporting seen on the tube. It has gradually improved, he feels, noting that “ TV is effective in con veying emotions, but not so much in conveying facts. People have a tough time absorbing facts, but the contrary is true for emotions, so you will see more shots of the victims of recovery. How many more farm closing scenes are we going to see? There’s no question that some of the young guys being portrayed who have gone broke, actually weren’t very good farmers, and some of them admit this and say there’s a point to be made on the side of the lender.” A B A President Wm. Kennedy got a warm reception for the dedicated work he has given to the industry this year - especially in the work that resulted in the Senate voting a four-year delay in the 10% with holding bill (and the House’s sub sequent outright repeal of it). Along with his review of A B A efforts to obtain full, competitive services for banks, Mr. Kennedy outlined rea sons for A B A support for U.S. aid to the IMF. Jeff Sternberg of First Bank Sys tems, Inc., Minneapolis gave a slidesupported review of FBS’ experi ment with home banking in three North Dakota cities, where 1,000 selected customers of local FBS af filiates were surveyed. From that number, 58% responded and from them the 200 for the test were selected. It was concluded February NEBRASKA CONVENTION... (Turn to page 72, please) Nebraska News 71 LEFT—Max Callen, v.p., Natl. Bank of Commerce, Lincoln, and Dean Niedan, pres. & ceo, American Security Bank, North Platte. RIGHT— Dick Moore, v.p.-credit ins., Central States Health & Life, Omaha; Doug Schuster, v.p.-inst. Ins., Council Bluffs Savings Bank, Council Bluffs, la., and Ted Batchelder, a.v.p.-credlt ins., Central States H&L, Omaha. LEFT—Jim Thomas, dist. sales mgr., Daktronics, Inc. of Brookings, S.D. RIGHT—An unidentified banker at left Is assisted by Bill Pierce (at right) and Dave Nevolti, eastern Nebraska sales repr., both with Modern Banking Systems, Omaha. Visiting at Chiles-Heider & Co., Inc., room during NBA associate members’ party were, from left: Fred Douglas, v.p. of Chiles-Heider, Omaha; Ted Armbruster, pres., Nebraska State, Broken Bow; Juhl Smith, chmn., 1st B&T, Cozad, and James P. Foley, sr. v.p., ChilesHeider, Omaha. LEFT— Roger Weiss, pres., Commercial Natl., Ainsworth, is having his shoes shined courtesy of this trio of lovely young ladies fron Packers Natl., Omaha; Carmen Vrbka (left), loan dept.; Donna DeWispalaere (center), mkt. research, and Lori Holbrook, teller. RIGHT— Bol Labenz, exec, v.p., Columbus B&T, with Rick Patton, bond repr., and Ernie Yake, sr. v.p., both with Commerce Bank of Kansas City. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 72 Nebraska News Holdrege Unveils “ Nebraska Textures” mile away). Also, a first night party ^ hosted by NBA city correspondent banks — Omaha National, First Na tional, Norwest (U.S. Natl.) and Packers National, all of Omaha, and First National and National Bank of n Commerce, both of Lincoln. After the Thursday night annual banquet, Mark Russell gave clever, hilarious entertainment with his political satire, often accompanied ||i by his piano novelty tunes. NBA associate members entertained later in poolside rooms. The second night dinner featured “ Up With People” and the dozens of 0 talented young people forming the cast from all over this nation and 15 foreign countries didn’t let the au dience down. It was a rousing cli max for a fine convention. □ ill Two Purchase Mitchell Bank ON May 19 in the lobby of The First National Bank of Holdrege, “ Nebraska Tex tures,” a Bas Relief measuring 30'x 4', was unveiled. Painted in acrylic and weighing in at 1,500 lbs., the sculpture was the culmination of a remodeling project that involved the entire bank interior. Jane Wilson, a Holdrege native, created “Nebraska Tex tures.” She is a 1977 graduate of Holdrege High School and furthered her studies at Kearney State College and Kansas City Art Institute. Miss Wilson’s sculpture has been placed behind the tellers and serves as the focal point of the business lobby. Other local artists are also represented by their work in other parts of the bank. NEBRASKA CONVENTION... (Continued from page 70) 1 after the control group used ter minals at home for eight months to perform a variety of banking func tions, and to select from a “ menu” of a dozen other services. A favorite was the current agricultural market prices and weather reports. Gov. Robert Kerrey made his scheduled appearance, making an extended case to Nebraska bankers for the budget he sees necessary to carry the state forward. William Rusher, publisher for many years of N ational Review, gave a conservatives view of the na tional political scene. He said Presi dent Reagan combined the forces of conservatives and economics to forge his big win, the only one to do that. He thinks President Reagan will run again, attempting to keep the social-conservative blocs in tow. If he doesn’t run, George Bush as a candidate would have to coalesce these forces and, Mr. Rusher point ed out, it was no accident that Mr. Bush’s photo adorned the front cover of the latest issue of Jerry Falw ell’ s national conservative paper. Mr. Rusher said the Democrats will try to focus attention strictly on economic issues, but their stance will be weakened by emergence of Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recovery then from today’s reces sion. Penny Damlo’s graphics presen tation of “ Future Perspectives” gave an astounding, bewildering ar ray of options for conducting tomor row’s business. Jack Whittle, president of Whit tle, Raddon, Motley and Hanks fi nancial marketing firm in Chicago, was a right choice as windup speaker. His aggressive, positive ap proach, laced with typical Whittle humor was the kind of message that made registrants feel they had got ten a new set of chips for “ Winning the Financial Services Gam e” (theme of the 1983 Convention). He gave two strong pieces of advice for openers, then elaborated on them throughout his talk: 1. Look at the possibility of expanding your ter ritory from 50 miles to unlimited -“ if there’s not loan demand locally, go elsewhere!” 2. Maybe look beyond loans to other services to be per formed for fees. In connection with this, Mr. Whit tle urges banks to set a goal of hav ing all staff income covered by fees within five years. Some of the more than 300 banks his firm counsels are already doing this, he stated. Entertainment features included a trip to the Ak-Sar-Ben races (one Roy Dinsdale, 56, of Palmer and Pat Hughes, 32, of Lexington, have purchased the First National Bank 0 in Mitchell from LeRoy D. Morse, president; Ken D. Hubbs, executive vice president; Quentin C. Morse, senior vice president and cashier, and Charles F. Lee, vice president # and ag rep. The two Morses and Mr. Hubbs have resigned their positions, and Mr. Lee will continue with the bank in his present post. Mr. Hughes, # who was assistant vice president of The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company in Lexington, owned by Mr. Dinsdale, is moving to Mitchell as president of First National. Dave ® Oakeson, assistant cashier in Mr. Dinsdale’s Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. of Torrington, Wyo., has moved to Mitchell as vice presi dent. • Newman Grove Bank Promotes Three The First National Bank of Newman Grove has announced the promotion of Jeffrey L. Gerhart to executive vice president and Tom King and Loren Babcock to vice president. Mr. Gerhart, previously vice presi dent, joined the bank in 1977 after working at several banks in Col orado. Mr. King had been serving as ag rep and joined the bank in 1978. Mr. Babcock just joined the bank in April of this year and previously was employed at the North Loup Val ley Bank, North Loup, in the insurance agency. ^ £ ^ q 73 Specialists in fulfilling your every correspondent need... GARY L. BIECK Vice President & Manager Correspondent Bank Division CURT DENKER Correspondent Bank Officer STEVEN L. ANDERSON Vice President CHARLES E. GREENWAY Correspondent Bank Officer CHARLES R. ELLIS Correspondent Bank Officer lllllllflilllllll FIRST N A TIO N A L LINCOLN 13th & M Sts. • P.O. Box 81008 • Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (800) 742-7462 Member, f .d .i .c . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker. June. 1983 74 James R. Campbell, chairman of the board of the United States Na tional Bank of Omaha, has named Robert R. Culver to head up th e rea l estate division of the U.S. Na tion a l B a n k ’ s financial institu tions group. Mr. Culver, a U .S. N ational R.R. CULVER vice president, will oversee the development and delivery of a full line of mortgage loan products and services designed to serve the cus tomers of U.S. National’s financial institutions group. A native of Omaha, Mr. Culver, 44, brings 14 years of real estate ex perience to the bank’s financial in stitution’s group. He began his car eer at the U.S. National Bank in 1964 as a loan counselor in the in stalment loan department. He joined the real estate division in 1969 and was later named vice president and manager of the division. * * * Norwest Corporation, at its an nual meeting held the end of April, elected Richard D. McCormick as a director. Mr. McCormick is presi dent, chief executive officer and a director of Northwestern Bell Tele phone Company, Omaha. He also holds directorships at Creighton University, the College of St. Mary’s, Health Futures, Inc., and the Omaha Symphony. Mr. McCormick is chairman of the St. Joseph Healthcare Founda tion, Omaha, and the Iowa State University Engineering College A d visory Council. Douglas King, previously vice president of the Ravenna Bank, has joined the staff of the Chase County Bank & Trust Company, Imperial, as vice president and trust officer. Bank Programs for Group«lndividual Life»Accident & Sickness Steve W. Sutton Vice President Jt LIFE W here B E N E F IT is m ore than a m id d le n a m e Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis q Gladys Titus Dies Call Toll Free in Nebraska 800-742-7335 or call collect 402-475-4061 Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Dennis R. Wood, president of Packers National Bank, has an nounced the ad dition of Patrick M. Coyle as a trust officer for the bank. Mr. Coyle received his bachelor of science degree in physics from the U n iv e rs ity o f Notre Dame and is a 1976 grad uate of the Creighton University School of Law. Mr. Coyle has many years of trust experience and most recently was the manager of the trust department of a large Iowa bank. Joins Imperial Bank Call Steve Sutton For Complete Credit Insurance Service . . . LINCOLN On April 10, 1983, an electrical d> fire extensively damaged the office areas of General Bank Equipment and Systems, Inc. Thomas C. Sternberg, president of the firm, announced that the ser- || vice and installation departments were not affected because, although located on the premises, they have their own separate building. Al though equipment damage was min- • imal, smoke damage was termed ex tensive. The fire, which was controlled quickly, came at a time that the firm was starting extensive remodeling in order to implement a telemar- # keting program. Day-to-day opera tions continue as remodeling plans are being completed. * * * The senior member of one of Nebraska’s well-known banker fami lies died recently. She was Mrs. L.W. (Gladys) Titus, 89, who had been associated with the First National Bank in Holdrege for 50 years. Her husband, Liscomb W. Titus, was an officer and later president of First National Bank for many years. When her husband died in 1944, Mrs. Titus was elected chairman of the board and served in that capacity until resigning the post in 1978. Since that time, she has continued as a vice presi- f q £ 75 Don Ostra nd Ralph Peterson Jim Flodine THE AN SW ER MEN Fred Kuehl Mark Sorensen CORRESPONDENT banking can be confusing, frustrating, time-consuming. Not so a t First National Bank of Omaha. Just call to g e t the answers from one of our five experienced correspondent bankers. Five men with the very latest financial technology at their fingertips dispensing profession al, d e p e n d a b le , confidential service. So call us for the answers to your correspondent banking questions — on electronic d a ta processing, cash letter processing, overlines, l fed fund transactions and more In Nebraska, call 1-800-642-9907. Outside Nebraska, call 1-800-228-9533. You'll g e t the answers from us, the answer men. U m r tlr f¡fSl HOllOnCIIDORK of omaha Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M e m b e r FDIC Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 76 Nebraska News O m aha N ational to Open New Branch CONSTRUCTION was to begin late last month on a new branch office for Omaha Natl. Bk. to be located at the southeast corner of the existing Lakeside Atrium Bldg, at 10407 Devon shire Circle, Regency development. The walk-in portion of the office, which will have its own entrance, will contain about 5,000 sq. ft. A six-lane drive-in facility will be added to the building, with the sixth lane containing a drive-up MoneyMat Day/Night Banking Center. Scheduled to open this fall, the new office will offer a full line of personal, commercial and trust services, as well as safe deposit. dent and director of the bank. Mrs. Titus’ nephew, L.J. (Joe) Titus, became president in 1944, then suc ceeded Mrs. Titus as chairman in 1978. At that time, his son, Louis G. Titus, was named president and continues in that position. Another son of Joe Tit us, John L., is a vice president of the bank. Mrs. Titus’ only daughter, Joan T. Swan of Hastings, also is on the First National of Holdrege board of direc tors. Bank Facilities Receive Recognition The Commercial Financial Center at 2121 North Webb Road, and the Commercial National Bank at 424 West Third, Grand Island, recently were honored by the Clean Com munity Systems, Inc. with their 1983 Beautification Award. Both awards were accepted by E.J. Thayer, president of Commer cial National Bank & Trust Com- ...WE WANT TO BE YOUR BOND PEOPLE... pany. The awards were presented on the basis of physical structure, ap pearance of grounds, shrubs, flowers and general maintenance. The Com mercial Financial Center, completed in 1979, was built and designed by Mid-Plains Construction. The Main Bank was originally built in 1963 and has under gone several beauti fication and remodeling projects in the past few years. The Commercial National Bank received the Hall County Regional Planning Commissioners Beautifica tion Award in 1975 for its South Locust facility. SBA Names Kearney Banker Nebraska Banker Advocate The Small Business Administra tion has named Larry Wangrud the Nebraska Bank er Advocate of 1983. Mr. Wang rud, who has been president of Kearney State Bank and Trust Company since 1979, received the award based on his leadership and assistance in helping small businesses. Mr. Wangrud serves as a member of the board of the Independent Bankers Association of Nebraska and is past chairman of the instal ment loan committee of the Nebras ka Bankers Association. Appointed in Crete Tom Grove Karen Lee Senior Vice President Bond Investment Officer William R. Fulton, president of City Bank & Trust Co., Crete, has an nounced the appointment of Tom Kozisek to vice president in the areas of operations and loans. Mr. Kozisek joins the bank from Midwest Federal Savings and Loan Association’s Crete office. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER r Mike Drahota Mary Herzberg Terry Reiff Investment Banking Officer Bond Investment Officer Bond Investment Officer p a c k e rs n a tio n a l b a n k BOND DEPARTMENT 4 0 2 -7 3 1 -4 9 0 0 O r T O L L FREE In N e b r a s k a 8 0 0 -6 4 2 -9 9 8 0 4710 South 23rd Street Banker, June, 1983 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Om aha, Nebraska 68107 American National Bank is seeking a Com mercial Lending Officer. Successful candi date will have 4-5 years experience In bank commercial lending. Position requires knowledge of secured and unsecured loans. Interviews will be scheduled for selected candidates. If qualified, submit resume and salary history in confidence to: Personnel Department AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 90th & West Dodge Rd. Omaha, NE 68114 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F ^ ( U * W ' b 1 ¡n a > » * r W e’ve got the m anagem ent tools for the right answ ers... and better profits. One more reason to call on the Correspondent Bankers from NBC. NBC has produced a specialized set of software management tools for use with todays microcomputers. These packages are designed to serve our client banks and their customers in key areas of risk management. Programs include our Asset Liability Management Program and an Interest Margin Program. We’ve developed over a dozen separate packages dealing with subjects ranging from a Commercial Business Forecast Model to an Agricultural Cash Flow Program. NBC offers all the traditional correspondent services, of course, but today the banks we serve need more and so do their customers. Call us at (402) 472-4321. Learn more about NBC’s approach to correspondent banking. Specialized m icrocom puter software for today’s com petitive financial environment is one more reason our bank clients say “ NBC works for me.” NSC. The C orresp on d en t B a n k in g D iv is io n o f N a tion a l B ank o f C om m erce N B C C en ter, 13th & O St., L in c o ln , N e b r a s k a 68508, T e le p h o n e (402) 472-4321 / Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We’ll buy your Ottum wa. Or sell you sam e Storm Lake. As a registered securities d eal er, Bankers Trust is an active mar ket maker in U.S. government and government agency securi ties and high-grade m unicipal bonds, specializing in Iowa, Kan sas and Missouri municipalities. We provide you and your cus tomers with a w ide selection of investment opportunities and fast, responsive service. And our Investment officers — Senior Vice President Robert M. Young, Jr., and Assistant Vice President Gregory R. Tucker — are always ready to provide in vestment suggestions, based on Northwestern Banker, June,, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis your needs and objectives. So, call on us...for som e m unici p al bonds, government agency paper, or simply som e wellgrounded investment counsel. Use our toll-free WATS line: 800-362-1688. Bankers ComeCrow I M |O t W ith U s m I U O I Iowa’s largest locally owned, independent bank Member: FDIC/Federal Reserve System • 79 r Iowa L.C. “Bud” Pike, pres., Grundy Center N. Milner, exec, v.p., Des Moines Promoted to V.P. in Dubuque Robert J. Donovan was recently promoted to vice president and trust officer o f the American Trust & Saving Bank, Dubuque. Mr. Donovan began his bank ing career with American Trust in 1969 and was appointed trust officer in 1979, R.J. DONOVAN specializing in estate administration and opera tions of the bank’s trust depart ment. he has been involved primarily with estate planning services. He previ ously was director of financially related services at the Federal Land Bank of Omaha, Neb., and prior to that was an assistant vice president and branch manager of Northwest ern National Bank of Omaha. Among his duties with the Fed eral Land Bank, Mr. McGarry direc ted the estate planning assistance program, supervising estate plann ing services through 22 attorneys serving a four state area. He is a 1977 graduate of the Creighton University Law School, Omaha, and a 1974 graduate of Briar Cliff College, Sioux City. Grinnell President Named Wellman Banker Appointed To IBAA Committee Ann D oyle, vice president, Wellman Savings Bank, Wellman, has accepted appointment as vice chairman to the Bank Education Committee of the Independent Bankers Association of America for the 1983-84 year. Mrs. Doyle joins 10 other bankers from different regions of the nation who will study, discuss and help frame association policy on issues related to banker education. Committee assignments will end with the 54th annual con vention in New Orleans, Louisiana. IB A A President James D. Herring ton, board chairman, Coldwater Na tional Bank, Coldwater, Kansas, an nounced the appointment. • £ ^ Larry A. Mindrup has been named president of Poweshiek County Na tional Bank, Grinnell, and Douglas R. Hill has been elected executive vice president. Mr. Mindrup suc ceeds Max A. Smith, who retired the end of April but will remain active on a part-time basis as vice chair man of the board. Mr. Smith has been affiliated with the bank since May 1, 1950, when he began his banking career as an officer trainee. Since that time he has advanced through all levels of the bank’s management becoming a member of the board in 1959 and president in 1966. Mr. Mindrup joined the bank in 1966 and has worked in all phases of the bank’s management. He previ ously was executive vice president, a position to which he was named in 1981. Mr. Hill has been with the bank since 1973. He has had responsibili ty for real estate lending, marketing and the trust department. Mary D. Donohoe, vice president with the bank, also retired the end of April. She had the distinction of serv ing 45 years with Poweshiek County National Bank, and has served as vice president since 1974. Webster City Vice Chairman Retires After 45 Years William F. Vance has retired as vice chairman of The Farmers Na tional Bank of Webster City, after 45 years of service. Mr. Vance started as a bookkeeper in 1938 and worked his way to the presidency by 1978. Since 1981 he has held the position of vice chairman. Steven M. VandeZande has joined the bank’s staff as loan officer. He has been with the State Bank of Waupun, Wis., for the past three years. He is a graduate of Central College, Pella. Missouri V alley RMA M em bers M eet Brenton Officer to Head Marshalltown Trust Dept. Craig V. McGarry, trust officer with Brenton Banks, Inc., in Des Moines, will assume the position of head of the trust department of Fidelity Brenton Bank and Trust Company, Marshalltown, according to Thomas R. Smith, president. Mr. McGarry, 34, joined the trust department at Brenton Banks, Inc. in September of 1982. With Brenton Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LENDING officers from banks in six states attended the recent annual spring conference of Missouri Valley Chapter of Robert Morris Associates in Des Moines. A principal speaker was RMA Pres. Douglas W. Dodge (left), exec, v.p., Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Com pany, Baltimore, Md., pictured with the host chapter outgoing pres., Bradley Burt, v.p., Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines. Succeeding Mr. Burt as president is Paul Stephenson, sr. v.p., Fourth National Bank, Wichita, Kan. Bankers from Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and South Dakota were registered. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 80 Iowa News LEFT—Gary Benjamin, v.p., Fed. Reserve Bk., Chicago; Clair Lensing, exec, v.p., Farmers St. Bk., Marion; Bruce Meriwether, pres., First Natl. Bk., Dubuque, and Ed Leahy, pres., Northeastern St. Bk. of Orange City. RIGHT—Chris and Ed Draisery, a.v.p. with Marilyn and Bill Beohm, chmn. & pres., Tama St. Bk. Iowa Bankers Attend Group M eetings By STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher ANKERS from eastern and cen tral Iowa attended the first week of Iowa Bankers Association group meetings May 9-12, The meet ings provide Iowa bankers with an opportunity to review the progress of the IBA and to address changes within the banking industry at a “ grass roots” level. IB A Executive Vice President Neil Milner brought each group up-to-date on the legis lative activities of the association on both the federal and state level. His reporting was highlighted by the daily progress and development of the withholding at source legisla tion. Mr. Milner stated that he was happy to also be pinch-hitting for Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corpora tion Head Sam Callahan. Due to re cent declines in mortgage rates, the IBMC staff was “ burning midnight oil and then some” in order to pro cess the increase in applications. Mr. Milner reported that the IBMC is not only doing well, but is also generating a profit for its members. Iowa Bankers and Insurance Ser B vices President A1 Tinder emphasized the role that his company plays in the education of IB A members. The schools sponsored by IBIS for pre paring Iowa bankers for state in surance examinations have the high est success ratios in the state. Addi tionally, IBIS conducts workshops that enable participants to comply with the state’s insurance continu ing education requirements. Mr. Tinder pointed out that often the IBIS role as a product developer is overlooked and explained the conti nuing efforts to come-up with new insurance products to meet the needs of Iowa bankers. ITS, Inc. President Dale Dooley unveiled an 8 minute audio-visual presentation which traced the growth of automated banking in the state. With ATM transactions sur passing the 630,000 per month mark in April, he announced that the next step for ITS will be the study of home banking in Iowa. He also dis cussed the effects of rapidly growing ATM networks and explained the ITS association with Nationet. Question: When is a group meet ing not a group meeting? Answer: When Superintendent of Banking Tom Huston is unable to attend. Be that as it may, Assistant Attorney General Howard Hagen did an ad mirable job of filling Mr. Huston’s shoes. “ What is a Bank?” was the over-simplified title for his presenta tion which focused on the products and services being offered by com petitive non-banks. Mr. Hagen also detailed some of the confusion which results when a savings and loan asso ciation changes its name to savings bank. Not to be outdone by Mr. Huston’s sometimes under estima ted humor, he also took a look at name changes within the commer cial banking field and suggested that a bank located in the pork pro ducing area of southeastern Iowa could change its name to SouEast. IBA President Bud Pike, presi dent of the Farmers Savings Bank in Grundy Center, spoke to each of the groups and encouraged the bankers to correspond with their respective group chairmen. He em phasized the need for involvement of the bankers to insure a successful and responsive state association. Group 7 was the only odd num- LEFT—-Jerry Gross, pres., Kirk Gross Co., Waterloo; Max Roy, sr. v.p., Drovers Bk. of Chicago, Dale Luckow, pres., Dyersville Natl. Bk., and Pete Cartwright, inv. bond rep., United Central Bk., Des Moines. RIGHT—Wayne Bismark, a.v.p., LaSalle Natl. Bk., Chicago; Lawrence McGrath, sr. v.p., Peoples Bk. & Tr., Cedar Rapids; Bill Stratton, a.v.p., Fed. Res. Bk. of Chicago, and Roger Hughes, exec, dir., Iowa College Foundation, Des Moines. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # Iowa News 81 LEFT—AI Tinder, pres., IBIS: Arnie Ripperger, v.p., Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines; Ruthie and Jerry Trudo, v.p., Merchants Natl., Cedar Rapids. RIGHT— Robert Holland, v.p., Continental Bk., Chicago; Tom McDermott, pres., LaPorte City St. Bk.; Rod Jensen, v.p. & cash., Norwest Cedar Falls, and Lynn Horak, exec, v.p., Norwest Des Moines. LEFT— Rod Brown, pres., Hardin Cty. Sav. Bk., Eldora; Henry Royer, pres., Merchants Natl., Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Bob Brown; John Mangold, sr. v.p., Merchants Natl., Cedar Rapids, and Gretchen and Jim Brown, exec, v.p., Hardin Cty. Sav. Bk., Eldora. RIGHT—Al Highum, a.v.p., First Natl. Bk., Minneapolis; Bernie Miller, corr. bkg. off., American Tr. & Sav. Bk., Dubuque, Bill Rickert, sr. v.p., National Bk. of Waterloo, and J.P. Mansfield, III, a.v.p., First National Bk., Minneapolis. LEFT—Mark Christen, v.p., Valley Natl. Bk., Des Moines; Jerry Schiermeister, pres., Mingo Tr. & Sav. Bk.; Terry Martin, v.p., Merchants Natl., Cedar Rapids, and Lowell Halfhill, v.p., Mingo Tr. & Sav. Bk. RIGHT— Claude Dawson, dir. customer support and Mary Beck, customer support rep., UCB Systems, Des Moines, with Gini and Gary Livesay, v.p., IBIS, Des Moines. LEFT— Dave Varnerin, a.v.p., First Natl. Bk., Chicago, Ivan Johnson, sr. v.p., United Central Bk., Des Moines, and Wes Ehrecke, diir., Iowa Bankers Assn. Center— IBA Treasurer Russ Spearman, pres., Citizens Sav. Bk., Sac City, and wife Le with Dick Flesvig, a.v.p., First Natl. Bk., St. Paul. RIGHT— Robert Millen, pres. & c.e.o., United Central Bk., Des Moines, with Joann and Scott Fetner, pres., Natl. Bk. of Waterloo. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 82 Iowa News LEFT—Walt Astor, data center mgr., UCB Systems, Cedar Rapids; Roger Busch, v.p. & cash., Baldwin Sav. Bk.; David Butterworth, a.v.p., Citizens St. Bk., Wyoming, and Roger Jerrick, dist. mgr., U.S. Life Credit Insurance, Des Moines. RIGHT— Dale Froehlich, inv. off., S.C.I.I Cedar Rapids; Russ Schmeiser, sr. v.p., 1st Natl. Bk., Iowa City; Pam Windham, bkg. assoc., Continental Bk., Chicago, and Terry Martini Cl v.p., Merchants Natl. Bk., Cedar Rapids. LEFT—Mike Bauer, corr. bkg. off., Davenport Bk. & Tr. Co., and wife Judy; Bill Logan, pres., The State Central Bk., Keokuk, and wife Joan; and Glen Piotter, comp. serv. off., Davenport Bk. & Tr. Co., and wife Mary Lou. RIGHT—Jack Rigler, pres., Central St. Bk., Muscatine, and wife June; Dick Muir, v.p., United Missouri, Kansas City; Marge and Richard Kautz, sr. v.p., Davenport Bk. & Tr. Co. LEFT—Tom Buelow, v.p., First Natl. Bk., Dubuque; Bernard Kersey, v.p., Norwest Des Moines; Mike Reilly, mktg. off., and William Kruse, chmn. & c.e.o., First Natl. Bk., Dubuque, and Bob Buenneke, v.p., Norwest Des Moines. RIGHT— Dave Williams, a.v.p., and Al Highum, a.v.p., both with First Natl. Bk., Minneapolis, with Artie and Eddie Wolf, Eddie Wolf Bank Sales. bered group to meet during the first week of meetings, and following the customer of odd numbered groups holding elections in odd numbered years, elected Gordon Wold to the office of group Chairman. Mr. Wold is the president of the Poweshiek County Savings Bank in Brooklyn and he succeeds Bill Beohm, chair man and president of the Tama State Bank. Bill Rickert, senior vice president of the National Bank of Waterloo, was elected group secre tary. Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Slater President Named Tom C. Dunlap, who continues as chairman of South Story Bank & Trust, Slater, has announced the election of John Walther as presi dent and a director of the bank, ef fective June 1. Mr. Walther is a graduate of Iowa State University and has been president and chief ex ecutive officer of the Renwick Sav ings Bank, Renwick, for the past 17 years. While continuing to own both till1 banks, Mr. Dunlap is moving to Bellevue to assume control of the Andrew Savings Bank as chairman. ^ The Andrew Savings Bank recently moved its charter from Andrew to Bellevue with full service offices also operating in Andrew and LaMotte. A new bank building is under contruction in Bellevue, with com pletion expected sometime this fall. Lorna H. Wissink, previously chair man, was elected honorary director and Everett N. Sather was elected to (§, the board. M anaging by the seat o f your pants could m ean losing your shirt. In the past, banking was simple — buy low and sell high. You could manage on instinct, by the seat of your pants. Unfortunately, deregula tion has sent that philosophy the way of the tellers cage. With change constant and com petition fierce, bank-management decisions are more complicated and crucial than ever before. A BICS management decision support sys tem can help you meet this challenge. With BICS, you can make decisions quickly — full automation of operations lets you instantly gather into one source all information on bank activity; at any moment you can determine the current condition of your bank. You can anticipate and prepare for the future by testing your ideas and exploring pos sibilities with on-line financial modeling. You can maximize marketing efforts with our central information system that stores every piece of customer information. A BICS system means you, and all your peo ple, can make more profitable decisions. Which means you get to keep your shirt and order a dozen more. Find out how you can profit; call BICS marketing at (319) 395-6600. ' Banks of Iowa Computer Services, Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A "Banks o f Io w a " subsidiary. i t7 ; 84 Hiisinsurance informationwinprobably beveryboringtoyou. Our portfolio of employee insurance plans is nothing new to 78% of Iowa’s banks. You’ve been working with it for years. But to prospective employees, an IBIS benefit package can make any job offer more lucrative. We offer many health plans to bank em ployees, d ire cto rs and retirees. P roviding medical, hospital, surgical and prescription drug coverages for employees and families. And three dental programs with coverage for check-ups, teeth cleaning, restorative work, dentures and orthodontia. There’s also group life insurance coverage of up to $250,000 guaranteed. With options to purchase up to an additional $100,000 at low group rates. As well as individual life insurance, both term and permanent, to meet individual needs. And two different plans for adding family coverage. Plus low cost, high limit 24-hour-per-day travel and accident coverage for officers, directors, employees and/or their families. Disability? Our portfolio includes a variety of short and long term plans to provide replacement income should disability occur. And IBIS Retired Lifes Reserve to help make getting off the ladder of success easier than climbing up. All designed by Iowa Bankers, only for Iowa bankers. At rates you don’t have to be a banker to like. Allowing us to tailor a benefit package to your bank that will be hard for a prospective employee to turn down. And even harder for a current employee to walk away from. Intrigued? Call Margie Schaefer or Millie Uding toll-free today. At 1-800-532-1423. Iow aBankersInsurance hdrl1 5 ) 4 &Services,Inc. 4 0 0 F in a n cial S e rv ice s B u ild in g , 5 0 8 T e n t h S treet r Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D e s M o in e s , Iow a 5 0 3 0 8 85 Andvery intriguingtoprospective employees. Our portfolio of employee insurance plans is nothing new to 78% of Iowa’s banks. fouVe been working with it for years But to prospective employees, an IBIS benefit package can make any job offer more lucrative. W e offer many health plans to bank employees, directors and retirees' Providing medical, hospital, surgical and prescription drug coverages for employees and families. A nd three dental programs with coverage for check-ups, teeth cleaning, restorative work, dentures and orthodontia. There’s also group life insurance coverage of up to $250,000 guaranteed. W ith options to purchase up to an additional $100,000 at low group rates. k As well as individual ; life insurance, both term and permanent, to meet individual needs. A nd two different plans for adding family coverage. Plus low cost, high limit 24-hour-per-day travel and accident coverage for officers, directors, employees and/or their families. Disability? Our portfolio includes a variety o f short and long term plans to provide replacement income should disability occur A nd IBIS Retired Lifes Reserve to help make getting off the ladder of success easier than climbing up. A ll designed by Iowa Bankers,only for Iowa bankers. A t rates you don’t have to be a banker to like. Allowing us to tailor a benefit package to your bank that will be hard for a prospective employee to turn down. A nd even harder for a current employee to walk away from. Intrigued? Call Margie Schaefer or Millie Uding toll-free today. A t 1-800-532-1423. Iow aBankersInsurance &Services,Inc. 4 0 0 F in a n cial S e rv ice s B u ild in g , 508 T e n t h S treet D e s M o in e s , Io w a 5 0 3 0 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 86 Iowa News OPENING the Iowa Independent Bankers recent seminar in Des Moines was a panel on “Mini and Micro Computers.” Shown at mike con vening the seminar is MB Pres. Don W. Heineking, pres., Security State, Hubbard. Participants, from left, were: Malcolm G. Risk, v.p., Farmers State, Independence; John W. Hess, sr. v.p., Decorah State, Decorah; Marlene Diddy, 1st v.p., 1st Natl., New Hampton, and panel moderator, O.J. Tomson, pres., Citizens Natl., Forest City. At far right is the seminar chairman, David Taylor, pres., Iowa T&S, Centerville. MB Sem inar Focuses on Com puter Strategy and New Services for Mem bers By BEN HALLER, JR. Editor and Publisher 100 senior officers of independent com munity banks took part in a “ What’s New for You?” seminar conducted recently in Des Moines by the Iowa Independent Bankers. The one-day session covered products and ser vices that can be utilized by banks in today’s changing financial scene, as well as services the members might develop through the I IB. Welcoming the registrants was IIB President Don W. Heineking, president, Security State Bank, Hubbard. Seminar chairman was David Taylor, president, Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, Centerville. Computer Panel Opening the seminar was a “ Bankers’ Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers: How to Reach a Decision — Implementation & Prac tical Application.” The four pan elists were O. Jay Tomson, presi dent, Citizens N ational Bank, Charles City, who was moderator; Marlene Diddy, first vice president, First National Bank in New Hamp ton; Malcolm G. Risk, vice presi dent, Farmers State Bank, Indepen dence, and John W. Hess, senior vice president, Decorah State Bank, Decorah. Marlene Diddy, who has a degree in computer science, has worked with an IBM-34 mini computer for A p p r o x im a t e l y Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis several years at First National, which has $45 million deposits. As guidelines to assist those consider ing the purchase of a micro or mini computer, she presented a series of incisive questions the banker should answer before making a decision. These encompassed questions about hardware, software, usage, person nel, conversion considerations, and continuing updating and mainten ance. John Hess said a decision to go inhouse with a computer at his bank was to keep the work in-house be cause of the feeling of independence and greater control it affords. “ A lso,” he said, “ one big value is the capability of advance decision making through exploring ‘what if’ situations. Mr. Hess cautioned his audience to determine whether the software supplier has solid, skilled people, whether they will still be in business next year and can udpate your system, whether they are in novative. “ There are a lot of ques tions you must ask yourself,” Mr. Hess stated, “ and then you must ask yourself a final question—‘do I want to leave the security and com fort of my correspondent’s womb?’ It’s very comforting to put all your records in a box at 4:00 p.m. and ship it off to someone else to do it.” He stressed again the overriding im portance of the capabilities of the software supplier as opposed to the type of hardware purchased. Malcolm Risk brought a degree in electrical engineering and exper ience with Collins Radio of Cedar Rapids to his banking duties. Described by Mr. Tomson as “ a fore runner in in-house processing,” Mr. Risk built his own software pro grams. That started in 1976 when he could not find any small bank software. “ Our beginning criteria have changed as the times have changed,” Mr. Risk noted, and cautioned that that should be a constant concern for those charged with computer responsibility. He started with one computer from Digital Corp., the largest maker of mini’s and the second largest seller of computers. He now has three mini’s, not connected, but with software written so that each can be divided into three smaller tasks. His bank recently purchased two Apples—one in the Lamont office, one at the main bank, and they have just begun using word process ing. Lamont also uses its Apple for the insurance agency. Looking at a decision as to whether to move in-house today, Mr. Risk said, the desire to be indepen dent is probably the main criterion, but this must be offset with the comfort of farming out the work. Also, a bank choosing to go in-house must have a commitment from top man agement. When faced with an array of good hardware, your most important control should be the software. “ Machines break down,” he cautioned, “ so make sure you have good main tenance behind it. We developed our system in connection with the Rowley Savings Bank, just 10 miles ® • ® ® _ ® ^ q ^ || Iowa News 87 Ida County State Bank Hosts Open House IDA County State Bank, Ida Grove, recently hosted an open house in its newly remodeled facility. Around 2,000 people visited the bank to see the results of the two-phase project. Phase I consisted of converting the empty basement into a new bookkeeping area (shown top left). Phase II Involved the work on the main floor, made possible by moving the bookkeeping to the lower level. Shown in the picture on the right Is the finished lobby area with new furniture. Nine private offices were made available for customer service as a result of the remodeling. away. We have an agreement that if one bank’s computer goes down, that bank can use the other bank’s equipment while the maintenance man is on the way and doing the repairs.” He also stressed the impor tance of bringing employees into the decision-making process. He has also made a link-up between the micro’s and the mainframe com puter. Panel Summary In his summary, Mr. Tomson reviewed the considerations of an inhouse computer: price, software, hardware, productivity improve ment, and payment system partici pation. He cited the cost of his IBM-34 system as $150,000 four years ago. “ We figured to write it off in five years,” he said, “ so divided that by 60 months to get $2,500 a month. We doubled that figure to $5,000 to account for capital tied up, supplies, maintenance and related costs. This is my rule of thumb. We were paying off-premise costs of $5,000 a month, so we plateaued our costs, plus achieving greater flex ibility. Somehwhere down the line, perhaps two years, we will have a cost saving.” Mr. Tomson referred to “ the pain of conversion” and suggested bank ers look at used equipment, some of which is good as new. He placed his $150,000 cost as $110,000 for hard ware and $40,000 for software. He is a strong believer in purchased soft ware because of the cost saving fac tor, as well as the speed with which software firms develop new, usable packages that are tested. He said his Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis equipment was only down once in four years. The panel concluded with a lively question and answer session. Two officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago reviewed “ Services Now Offered by The Federal Reserve Bank.” Allen Wolkey, vice president, went through the steps taken by the Fed to comply with the mandate of the Monetary Control A ct of 1980 to open Fed services to all financial in stitutions and to price those ser vices, plus a 16% private sector ad justment. He said, “ Our January, February and March production cost was covered by our revenue. The 16% adjustment was not fully covered, but we expect all this to be covered by the end of 1983. We ex pect to cover 40% of the ACH cost, plus the 16% factor, this year.” G. Wayne Tilman, v.p. & dir. of mktg. for Federated Cash Management Systems, Pittsburgh, presented details of his firm’s in-house discount brokerage services for community banks. Mr. Wolkey said Fed check vol ume since pricing had declined ap proximately 12%, “ due to reemer gence of local clearing house and ex pansion of some, plus some decline in check writing itself. W e’ve also noted a greater exchange of checks between large processors—for exam ple, Des Moines and Sioux City. We think all these lead to greater efficiences in the system.” Bill Stratton used a slide presen tation to display the Chicago Fed’s “ Customerized Services.” He said the Fed was to begin in April pro viding a much more detailed month ly statement to banks, one that will be much more easily reconciled. Cash Management Services G. Wayne Tilman, vice president and director of marketing for Fed erated Cash Management Systems, Pittsburgh, Pa., headed a three-man team from that firm that outlined “ In-House Discount Brokerage Ser vices, Cash Management & Sweep Accounts.” As a career banker who recently joined Federated, Mr. Til man said, “ The only thing to do to day is look ahead to opportunities and possibilities, instead of the negative things that are happen ing.” He reminded his audience that “ banks have the brick and mortar; you are here; you have the trust and confidence of the local community. We think Federated services can help keep you in the winner’s circle.” Mr. Tilman and his associates went through the services offered to community banks by Federated, the fees charged, the pass-through charges bankers can make to their Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 88 Iowa News Tipton Remodeling to Begin Soon REMODELING is scheduled to begin soon at the First Natl. Bk. of Tipton, according to Donald Young, pres. The architectural and interior design work, which was done by Kirk Gross Company of Waterloo, will tie the entire building design together. The exterior work will include a new front entrance and a night deposit in the vestibule. A new teller counter with a customer sit down station will be part of the interior remodeling, which will create more work space for tellers and provide additional customer services. The overall interior color scheme will be tied to the counter design. customers for providing these new, convenient services and the result ing margin of profit for the banks. One of these specific products is the D epositors’ Discount Brokerage Service, which can be contracted for with Federated in any one of three retail modes to fit the bank size, each of them offering potentially greater service fees. A direct 800 number, micro hardware and soft ware are combined to give the com munity bank a viable competitive approach to incursions being made by brokerage firms into the banking business. They assured the audience that the bank’s customer list re mains transparent to the transac tion in most cases and, in any case, is never divulged for any other pur pose. Closing Session A “ Personal Financial Planning” overview was given by two McGladrey Hendrickson & Co. partners from the Des Moines office—Bruce Cahill and Mitchell Morlan. In their one hour presentation they gave highlights of key elements of the subject, and reviewed material that normally would be covered in a full two-day seminar. After IIB Executive Vice Presi dent Richard Berglund gave his “ Legislative Update,” a wrapup report was given by seminar chair man David Taylor. He listed some of the projects being undertaken by IIB for the benefit of members. One is the “ Buy and Sell” assistance to member banks, as announced ear lier. A committee is continuing to in vestigate the possibility of IIB set ting up a Joint Purchasing capa Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bility to aid members in purchasing their equipment and supplies in larger quantities to achieve cost sav ings. Other programs currently be ing investigated, Mr. Taylor said, in volve seeking a broker to get low cost financing of bank stock, and the possibility of financing bank stock loans through the organization. □ Marion President Elected Clair J. Lensing has been elected president of Farmers State Bank, Marion, according to Morris F. Neighbor, president, who will ad vance to chairman of the board. Mr. L e n s in g has been with the bank since 1966 and prior to that was a senior bank examiner with the Iowa Department of Banking. The Neighbor family has been associated with FSB since 1945. Morris Neighbor has served as president since 1968. Gene R. Neighbor is vice president and manager of the Alburnett office. Douglas Neighbor is vice president M.F. NEIGHBOR B.L. NEIGHBOR in charge of the consumer loan q department. Kent Neighbor is a member of the board of directors. Newly elected to the board of directors is Betty L. Neighbor. Specific areas of responsibility ^ were assigned three officers: Eula Wood, teller operations officer; Allen D. Shedek, assistant vice president and personnel officer, and Johna McBurney, bookkeeping of- f ficer and assistant cashier. Promoted in Sioux City Charles R. Mikkelsen has been promoted to the position of trust of ficer at First Na tional Bank in Sioux City, ac c o r d in g to Richard C. Tay lor, president. Mr. Mikkelsen joined First Na tional in 1981 as a trust admini strator. Prior to C.R. MIKKELSEN joining the bank, he was an assistant professor of business law at Illinois State Uni versity. He received his BS in bus iness administration, M A in eco nomics, and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Cedar Falls Promotions Told Midway Bank and Trust, Cedar Falls, has announced the following promotions: Darrell Wilken has been promoted from vice president and cashier to senior vice president. He has been with Midway Bank for 15 years. Doris Westemeier will be serving Midway Bank in the position of as sistant vice president. She was pro moted from manager of consumer loans and has been employed by the bank 10 years. Midway’s new assistant vice presi dent and cashier will be Mike Butler, who has been promoted from operations officer. He has been at Midway five years. Jay Hall will be assuming the duties of loan officer. He has been promoted from consumer loan officer and joined the bank four years ago. Roberta Eller, who has been with the bank four years, was promoted to loan representative. She has been serving Midway as loan secretary. ® 9 ^ w ^ q £ Iowa News “ Invest In Yourself” Sem inar Held INE hundred and fifty people attended Security National Bank’s Sixth Annual Financial Sem inar, “ Invest in Yourself,’’ that was held April 7. The seminar was de signed to help people set and achieve their personal, professional and financial goals. The first speaker at the seminar was Mary Pekas, business consul tant, who spoke on goal-setting. She distributed personal planning work sheets that explained how to set and prioritize goals and monitor pro gress for achievement. Next Fred Young, former Harris Bank trust officer and self-made millionaire, presented “ How To Get N Rich & Stay Rich.’ ’ He shared his own practical and proven methods to achieving wealth and financial security. Dr. Joyce Brothers delivered the keynote address “ Money and Emo tion.’ ’ She is a renowned psychol ogist with an expert’s perspective on today’s economic and social issues. Dr. Brothers addressed the audience on how to prepare for, recognize and take advantage of op portunities for success in a changing world. Immediately following Dr. Broth ers’ address, the guests had an op portunity to enjoy the reception and visit with the speakers. 89 signation by passing a series of ten college level national examinations on employee benefits subjects and by meeting and attesting to high standards of business and profes sional conduct. Registrants in the CEBS program number over 13,000. Council Bluffs Names Two First National Bank, Council Bluffs, has elected Lee H. Wicht vice president of operations and pro moted Jerry Kelso to assistant vice president. Prior to joining the bank, Mr. Wicht served as vice president of planning with Omaha National Bank where he was employed for 10 years. Mr. Kelso has been a personal banking officer with First National since October, 1982. He has a degree in business administration from Southeast Missouri State University. BAI Central Iowa Chapter Elects New President LEFT— Keynote speaker Dr. Joyce Brothers related several Interesting and timely facts to her “ Money and Emotion” theme. RIGHT— Fred Young captivated the audience with humorous anecdotes of his own financial career. Ken Benda Honored By Iowa State Ag Society Kenneth J. Benda, chairman of the Hartwick State Bank, was in ducted recently into Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agri culture at Iowa State Universi ty, Ames. He was one of five alumni inducted during the re cent ceremonies. M r. B enda was cited for “ high scholar ship, outstand ing achievement (and) service to agriculture science. He is a 1940 Iowa State graduate, majoring in forestry. After return ing in 1945 from W W II duty with the U.S. Navy, he joined Hartwick Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Bank, serving as its president for a number of years. Mr. Benda has been active in con servation and is a former member of the Poweshiek County Conservation Board. He served two terms in the Iowa Senate and has served as a member of the Iowa Commerce Commission and the Governor’s Committee on Outdoor Resources. Sioux City Banker Receives Designation Richard L. Billings, assistant trust officer and employee benefits administrator for Toy National Bank, Sioux City, has been desig nated a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Billings qualifed for the de Timothy J. Byrnes, vice president and cashier of Union State Bank of Winterset, was recently elected president of the C e n tra l Iow a Chapter of Bank Adm inistration Institute. M r. B yrn es previously has served as secre tary, treasurer and most recent ly vice president of the chapter, which now serves over 75 individual banks in the central part of the state. CO M M ERCIAL LOAN OFFICER Must have a minimum of 3 years commercial lending experience preferably In a commercial bank. Position requires a working knowledge of State and Federal laws and regulations as they relate to banking. Responsibilities will in clude originating, negotiating, servicing, supervising, and collecting loans. Excellent benefits and salary commensurate with experience. All inquiries will be kept in strict confidence. Contact Lois Kriebs, AVP, Personnel, (515) 245-6142, for an interview or send resume to the Personnel Dept. Valley National Bank 6th & Walnut P.O. Box 906 Des Moines, Iowa 50304 An Equal Opportunity Employer Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 90 Iowa News C appiello Addresses UCB Bancshares GUEST SPEAKER for the noon luncheon during the annual meeting of United Central Baneshares, Inc., in Des Moines recently was Frank Cappiello, noted panelist on Wall Street Week T.V. program, author, professor and lecturer. He is pictured above, second from right, with four UCB officers, from left: Simon W. Casady, chmn.; James B. Fogt, sr. v.p.; Kenneth M. Myers, pres. & CEO, and Oliver H. Hagen, exec. v.p. Webster City Bank Promotes One, Ads Ag Rep Bruce Greenfield, assistant vice president of First State Bank in Webster City, was promoted to vice president. He was employed by the Production Credit Association in Boone before joining the First State Bank in 1981. B. GREENFIELD N. NOLL Mark Noll will be joining the bank’s staff on July 1 as an agri cultural representative. Mr. Noll, a 1979 graduate of Iowa State Univer sity with a BS degree in agricultural education, has been serving as voca tional agriculture instructor and FFA advisor in the Webster City Community Schools the last fourand-a-half years. Peat, Marwick Bank Seminar Draws 240 Approximately 240 persons at tended the Sixth Annual Bank Sem inar sponsored by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.’s Des Moines office last month at the Marriott Hotel in Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Des Moines. The majority of the reg istrants were bankers from across Iowa. The luncheon speaker was Mrs. Mary Garst, manager of the cattle division of The Garst Company in Coon Rapids, who is also on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Mrs. Garst gave a quick review of Federal Reserve history to show that the conflict between “ hard” money and “ soft” money advocates that has prevailed since 1787 has still not been resolved. She said a principal function of the regional bank board members is to provide input to the bank presi dent, who serves in rotating order on the “ heart of the Fed System—the Open Market Committee.” The in formation that she can bring from a farmer’s viewpoint provides valu able data for the president when he serves on that committee, she stated. She cited as an example the PIK program, noting that she was able to give first-hand comments from a number of farmers that were favorable to initiating PIK. She said the Fed’s effort since Oc tober, 1979, to control inflation by controlling monetary aggregates has done well, but the price has been high. “ It has had a devastating ef fect on agriculture,” she noted. Since agriculture in the 7th Fed area is key to so many businesses, from steel for farm equipment to local seed sales, then as agriculture goes, so goes the 7th Fed economy. The afternoon program was de voted to investment strategies, TEFRA amendments and effect on banks, microcomputer applications for banks, regulatory and financial reporting developments, and bank holding company update. It was also announced that Ar nold Golieb, managing partner of Peat, Marwick’s Des Moines office, will be moving July 1 to Los Ange les to become partner in charge of the firm’s tax department there. It is Peat, Marwick’s third largest tax office, with a staff of 150 persons. He will be succeeded in Des Moines as managing partner by Johnny Danos. Joins Oskaloosa Bank Lynn Howard has joined the Ma haska State Bank, Oskaloosa, as head o f th e fin a n cia l co n sulting division. This new depart ment will pro vide comprehen sive fin a n cia l p la n n in g s e r vices for all bank customers. Before joining L HOWARD Mahaska State Bank, Ms. Howard worked three years for Investors Diversified Ser vices as zone manager for Mahaska County. Osceola Bank Promotes One The Clarke County State Bank of Osceola recently announced the pro motion of Jeff Raines to assistant vice president. Mr. Raines has been with the bank since May, 1979. CBCT Branches Approved The Comptroller of the Currency recently approved the application for First National Bank Clinton to establish a CBCT branch at 1307 North Second Street, and First Na tional Bank of Ottumwa to establish one at 1001 Pennsylvania Ave. Iowa News Bank Custom er Rewarded 91 Joins ocheyedan Bank Richard J. Blahauvietz has joined the staff of Ocheyedan Savings Bank as an ag loan representative. Mr. Blahauvietz is a graduate of Iowa State University with a BS degree in agricultural business. He previously was with the Ciba-Geigy Corporation as a sales represen tative. Sioux City Director Elected James M. Earley, president of Hawkeye Bank & Trust Company of Des Moines, presents Gerald Wynn with a plaque in recognition of his role in the capture of two robbery suspects. Mrs. Wynn was presented with a dozen roses from the bank. Mr. Wynn was in the bank seeking a car loan when the robbery occurred. He followed the suspect into a nearby parking lot where the suspect jumped in the trunk of a car. Mr. Wynn noticed a key in the trunk which he removed and gave to the police when they arrived. (An open and shut case?) Mr. Wynn also pointed out a second suspect who apparently took part in the robbery and he was also taken into custody. In addition to the plaque, the bank rewarded Mr. Wynn with the auto loan he was seeking interest free. Cedar Rapids Elects Officers Merchants National Bank, Cedar Rapids, recently announced the pro motion of Steven L. Caves to assis tant vice president. He previously was a commercial loan officer. Also announced were the elec t io n s o f th e following people to officer status: Michael H. Kell, electronic bank ing; Carol R. M efferd, inter national bank ing; Patricia Von ^ Ahsen, consumer lending, and “ f r CAVES Beverly S. Wis- M.H. KELL Security National Corporation, Sioux City, has elected William T. Dible, president and chief executive officer of Terra Chemicals Interna tional, Inc., to the bank’s board of directors. Joins Mt. Pleasant Bank Donald F. Carmody, president of Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Mt. Plea sant, has announced that Dennis Giancola has joined the bank’s staff as assistant vice president. gerhof, check processing. Mr. Giancola, a graduate of the Elected to the board of directors University of Northern Iowa, began were: Joseph Hladky, III, president working in the instalment loan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, and department of Hawkeye-Capital, Henry Royer, president and chief ex Des Moines, in July, 1979, and was ecutive officer of Merchants Na promoted to manager of the bank’s tional. Pleasant Hill office in 1981. Committed to making your bank stand apart from the st! C.R. MEFFERD 19 Broaaway * aterto0' P. VON ASHEN B.S. WISGERHOF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 iaries of Hawkeye Bancorporation. Primary emphasis will be on sales and product knowledge training. Mr. Remillard, 33, is a graduate of Buena Vista College with graduate work at the University of Northern Iowa. He had been an educational consultant with Battan, Batten, Hudson and Swab, Inc., of Des Moines. In addition has had exper ience in sales, teaching and coach ing. * * * Robert G. Millen, president and chief executive officer of United Central Bank of Des Moines, N.A., has announced that James Eiler has been named senior vice presi dent - senior lending officer. Mr. Eiler will have the respon sibility for direction of the bank's commer J. EILER ci al services group and management of the over all loan portfolio. Mr. Eiler joined United Central Bank in February, 1983, as vice president and manager, loan admini stration division. Previously, Mr. Eiler was president and chief ex ecutive officer of the First National Bank of Colfax, where he had been since 1980. Prior to that, he was vice president in lending at University Bank and Trust in Ames from 1978 to 1980, and was a correspondent agricultural representative for the First National Bank of St. Paul, Minn., from 1976 to 1978. Mr. Eiler is a graduate of Iowa State University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business and a masters of science degree in agricultural economics. He is also a graduate of the National Commercial Lending School at Nor man, Okla., and currently is attend ing the A B A Stonier Graduate School of Banking. * * * Brenton National Bank officially opened its new headquarters in Cap ital Square last month, where it is Banker, June, 1983 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis located in the southeast corner on skywalk level. The bank previously was headquartered at 29th and Ingersoll, which will continue its full service operation. Brenton National joins its parent company, Brenton Banks, Inc., which opened a third floor office a month before. * * * Robert G. Mann, vice president of Brenton National Bank, has been named Banker Advocate for the Small Business Administration’s Des Moines District, according to Conrad Lawlor, district director. Mr. Mann has been an officer of three different Des Moines Brenton Banks and has headed various bank functions including marketing, bus iness development, operations and office administration. In these capa cities, he has shown leadership in small business issues. * * * Kevin D. Remillard has been named assistant vice president and director of training for Hawkeye Bancorporation. The newly created position is part of the new corporate developm ent division of the company which is responsible for sales and mar keting for the holding co m K.D. REMILLARD pany. The director of training will be responsible for developing and coor dinating companywide training pro grams for the 35 banking subsid J. Locke Macomber, president of Valley National Bank, has announced that Alanna Clutter has been elected assistant vice president, proof/transit. M s. Clutter previously had been manager of the proof/transit department and has been with A. CLUTTER Valley Bank since October, 1982. She attended Drake University. * * ★ Pamela Stark has been named managing officer of Hawkeye-Capi t al B a n k & Trust’s Pleasant Hill branch. She replaces Dennis Giancola, who has been trans ferred to Hawkeye B a n k & Trust in Mt. Pleasant. M s. Stark P. STARK began her bank ing career with Hawkeye-Capital in 1980, serving most recently as real estate loan officer. Hawkeye to Purchase Tipton State Bank Tipton State Bank stockholders voted recently to accept an offer to sell control of the bank to Hawkeye Bancorporation, according to Paul D. Dunlap, president of Hawkeye Bancorporation. Terms of the pro posed acquisition, which is subject to Federal Reserve Approval, were not disclosed. Tipton State Bank has assets of $42 million and is located in the county seat of Cedar County in eastern Iowa. NOW YOUR CUSTOMERS CAN BUY AND SELL STOCK WITHOUT ALL THE BULL GENERATE FEE INCOME United Central Bank’s Personalized Dis count Brokerage Service provides your bank with an excellent new source of fee-based incom e, without expensive start up costs for equipment or staff. And, unlike many other discount brokers, your bank maintains primary con tact with your custom er ...not some faceless 800 number hundreds of miles away. YOUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY Your customers may be able to save up to 75% o f the com m is sions charged by fullservice brokers. UCB’s personalized discount brokerage service will appeal to your high net worth, high incom e cus tomers, giving you a competitive advantage, an expanded relation ship, and a profit base that you can continue to build on. IF YOU'RE INTERESTED If you ’d like more information about how Personalized Discount Brokerage Services can work for you, contact a UCB Correspondent Banker at 1-800-362-1615. UNITED CENTRAL BANK OF DES MOINES. N.A. AFFILIATED WITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES, INC. MEMBER FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 94 Iowa News Norwest Bank Des M oines Unveiled w ith Flair AFTER the preliminary excitement of a press buildup, a staff dinner party to highlight the event, and a Continental Breakfast in the main lobby to get things off to a running start on the day— May 2— it only took about five minutes for executive management of lowa-Des Moines National Bank to officially change the corporate name to Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A.—and they did it with a flair fitting such an important occasion. Despite a brisk, cold wind, Pres. George F. Milligan (left); Chmn. & CEO Eugene G. Precht (center) and Des Moines Mayor IPete Crivaro teamed up outside the main entrance to make the formal pronouncement to an assembly of business people and bank staffers concerning the name change. At the conclusion of their brief remarks, the new name on the bank marquee was unveiled and dozens of balloons were caught up in the high wind and swirled up and around the downtown high-rise buildings. All staff members were guests of the bank the preceding night for a formal dinner at the Marriott Hotel. As a finale to that dinner, the lights dimmed, waiters streamed into the room with champagne and everyone stood to drink a “farewell” toast to the lowa-Des Moines National Bank, then one to the new Norwest Bank name. The name change involves putting into place the new Norwest name on every detached office and drive-in facility in Des Moines for the bank, as well as on all affiliated Norwest banks in Iowa. Norwest Region IV Open House INDEX OF ADVERTISERS JUNE 1983 Acorn P rin tin g .....................................................................94 American National Bank & Tr. Co., St. P a u l.................... 39 Bankers Trust Company, Des M o in e s ............................... 78 Banks of Iowa Computer S e rv ic e s................................... 83 Brandt, Inc............................................................................. 5 Central States Health & Life Co., O m a h a ......................... 55 Daktronics, Inc.......................................................................28 Dawson Hail Insurance Co.................................................. 95 Deluxe Check Printers, Inc.............................................. 12-13 Drovers Bank of C h ic a g o .............................................. 10-11 F & M Marquette National Bank, M in n e a p o lis ........... 48-49 First Mid-America Inc., O m a h a ......................................... 70 First National Bank, G le n d iv e .......................................... 62 First National Bank, L in c o ln .............................................73 First National Bank, M in n e a p o lis...............................30, 63 First National Bank, O m a h a .............................................75 First National Bank, St. P a u l........................................36-37 Florida Software Services, Inc........................................... 3 BUSINESS and community leaders from around Iowa attended a recent Norwest Region IV open house. The occasion marked the official opening of the Norwest Regional offices located on the 12th floor of the Financial Center in Des Moines. Pictured above are George While, gen. mgr., John Deere & Co., Des Moines; Steve Byrnes, v.p., and Harry Benson, pres., Norwest Region IV, and W.C. Caldwell, budget dir., State of Iowa Board of Regents. Norwest Region IV includes 11 banks and 24 other financial services located in Iowa. Ag Rep Joins Edgewood Bank Applications Approved Timothy Brown, formerly em ployed at the State Bank of Pennock, Minn., has joined the Com munity Savings Bank, Edgewood, as agriculture representative. Lytton Savings Bank recently received approval from the Comp troller of the Currency to convert from a state to a national charter and change the bank’s name to American National Bank. Also approved by the Comptroller was the proposed purchase of the assets and assumption of the lia bilities of Akron Savings Bank by The First National Bank of Akron. ACORN Registers “Accepted Sale Registers by Bank Clerks Everywhere" For i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t e THE ACORN PRINTING CO. Oakland, Iowa Northwestern Banker, June, 1983 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gross, Kirk Co., W a te rlo o ................................................... 18 IntraWest Bank of D e n v e r................................................. 57 Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc....................... 84-85 J.B.A., O m a h a ...................................................................... 15 Kooker, E.F. & A s s o c ia te s ..................................................90 Lincoln Benefit Life C om p a n y........................................... 74 Merchants National Bank, Cedar R a p id s ........................ 2 Microtech, Lincoln ..............................................................14 Monroe Business S y s te m s ............................................... 6-7 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp.............................. 16-17 Mosler Safe C o m p a n y ....................................................... 9 National Norwest Norwest Norwest Norwest Norwest Norwest Bank of Commerce, L in c o ln ............................... 77 Business C re d it....................................................41 Corporation, M in n e a p o lis................................... 96 L e a s in g ..................................................................43 Bank M id la n d ........................................................33 Bank M in n e a p o lis .........................................35, 60 Bank O m a h a ..........................................................66 Office Concepts, Ltd., W a te rlo o ....................................... 91 Packers National Bank, O m a h a ..........................................76 Sallie Mae ............................................................................ 27 Security Bank, N.A., B illin g s ............................................. 65 Travelers Express Co., Inc.................................................... 29 United Central Bank Des Moines, N.A................................ 93 United States Life Credit Insurance Co..............................25 We cut the red tape. We’re an insurance company that’s good for you as well as your customers. That’s because we’ve taken all the red tape out of hail insurance. Paperwork won’t stack up on your desk, so it won’t stack up on ours — and that means your policyholders get faster, better service. With more than 65 years’ experience, Dawson is a respected, vital force in hail insurance. We’ve served three generations of farmers with complete crop pro tection at competitive rates, backed up by what we feel is the best personal service in the business. And all without red tape. Because we believe hail insurance doesn’t have to be complicated. Crop Hail Insurance from Dawson. It couldn’t be easier. P.O. Box 1820 • Fargo, ND 58107 In North Dakota CALL TOLL FREE: 1- 800 - 437-4680 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1- 800 - 342-4848 IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR BANKING, LEASING, CONSUMER FINANCE, INSURANCE, MORPGAGES.INTERNATIONAL BANKING, BONDS, AG CREDIT, AND AWHOLE LOT MORELOOK TO NORWEST. V Í55 if NOf ■ ■ f <\ i i i W ereNorwest Corporation. You may know us as a leading banking group in the Upper Midwest with 86 banks in seven states. Were that. A nd a whole lot more. Were leasing. Corporate finance. Bonds. Money market invest ments. Insurance. Ag lending. It a ll adds up to an impressive range o f corporate and retail financial services, under one name. I t ’s the direction o f things to come. I t ’s the place to look to right now. Norwest. WHO’S NORWEST? Norwest Agricultural Credit—financing for farmers and ranchers. Norwest Leasing—equipment leasing to agriculture and all other industries. Norwest Mortgage—providing mortgage money nationwide to finance residential and commercial buildings. Norwest Financial Services—providing financing for consumers and small businesses through 460 offices in 38 states. Norwest Capital Management & Trust Companies—estate and capital management for individuals and corporations. Norwest Banks Minneapolis/International—customers of all Norwest banks have access to international markets through cooperation with Norwest Bank, Minneapolis, which has operations in Mexico City, Luxembourg, the Bahamas, London, Hong Kong, Miami and New York. Norwest Business Credit—providing tailored revolving working capital credit and term financing programs secured by inventory, accounts receivable and real estate. Norwest Venture Capital—providing venture capital to growing small businesses. Norwest Insurance—offers all types of insurance including life, property, casualty, auto, home owners and commercial. Norwest Information Services—for all information processing needs. ~ . , , . , Norwest Corporation Our stock exchange symbol will remain NOB. 2200 Peavey Building, Minneapolis, MN 55479 M M k H BANKING. AN DA WHOLE LOT MORE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mmmmm NORWEST CORPORATION mmmmm mmmm Members FDIC