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Des Moines, Iowa

Consumer Tips on Home Equity Loans


ORROWERS and lenders should
exercise prudence when it
comes to home equity loans, it is
urged by the American Bankers As­
sociation. Home equity loans are an
important, yet complex financial
tool according to Robert Moyer of
the American Bankers Association,
but they’re not for everyone.
Mr. Moyer’s comments were pro­
mpted by the final release of the
ABA’s new consumer brochure —
What You Should Know About
Home Equity Loans. The brochure,
which is available to all consumers,
marks the second part of ABA’s
home equity public-awareness pro­
gram. Earlier this year, the associa­
tion published a Home Equity Alert
Kit that provides bankers with
guidelines for home equity loan ad­
“ A lot of institutions have
jumped on the home equity band­
w agon
m a k in g
c o n su m e rs
particularly vulnerable to aggres­
sive home equity marketing,” said
Mr. Moyer, who is chairman of
ABA’s Consumer Issues Task Force
and vice chairman and chief execu­
tive officer of Wilber National Bank,
Oneonta, N.Y. “Bankers and other
responsible lenders should take the
lead in educating the public about
the pros and cons of home equity
ABA’s home equity brochure,
which will be distributed through

banks nationwide, outlines the fol­
lowing benefits and pitfalls of home
equity loans:
Consumers should keep in mind
home equity loan benefits:
• Convenience - the revolving line
feature and the higher credit limit
give consumers the ability to accom­
modate most of their lending needs
on their own, thereby avoiding re­
peated visits to the bank.
• Competitive Rates - home equity
loans often are available at more
competitive rates than other con­
sumer loans.
• Liquidity - a house is a valuable,
albeit non-liquid asset, but a home
equity loan offers consumers a way
to tap dormant equity by converting
part of that built-up equity into per­
sonal cash flow.
• Time - consumers have the op­
tion of longer repayment terms
which appeal to disciplined bor­
• Tax Advantages - some interest
payments on home equity loans are
still deductible, even though Con­
gress will phase out other consumer
loan interest deductions by 1991.
But they should keep in mind po­
tential home equity loan pitfalls:
• Debt Overload - don’t risk the
equity in your home if you are not
able to take on additional debt.
• Variable Rates with no Limits —
many home equity loans don’t have
limits of “caps” on how high rates

July 20,1987

can go.
• Foreclosure Risk - if you are
unable to meet loan payments, fore­
closure is a feasible, but (to date) a
rare occurrence.
• Aggressive Lenders - beware of
aggressive home equity marketing,
especially from non-traditional lend­
ers who may cut corners, skip tho­
rough appraisals, provide only mini­
mum information on loan terms and
make inappropriate loans.
• Interest-only Payments - think
twice about interest-only payments,
they may encourage perpetual debt.
• Temptation toward Frivolous
Spending - home equity loans have
been blamed for encouraging un­
necessary spending. Generally,
these loans should not be used for
something that will depreciate in
value over time.
• Closing Costs - like any other
mortgage, a home equity loan has
up-front costs and some also have
annual fees.
The brochure also warns con­
sumers that home equity loans
should not be used to cover current
living expenses or to increase your
standard of living beyond your
means. Appropriate uses include
major purposes such as home im­
provement, education, medical ex­
penses, and prudent debt consolida­
In addition, the brochure features
ABA’s standard home equity check­
list of questions consumers should

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ask lenders when shopping for a officer of the correspondent bank
home equity loan.
division at Commerce Bank (then
Consumers may contact then- Commerce Trust Company) for
local bank for a copy of How To many years. He is survived by his
Shop For Home Equity Loans or wife, Lucy, and one daughter,
they can order a free copy by writing Scotty.
to “ Home E quity B rochure,”
Iowa News
American Bankers Association,
1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 8th
Ju st a reminder to register for the
Floor, Washington, DC 20036.
□ 4th Annual President’s Golf Tourna­
ment Aug. 17 at the Thunderhills
Golf and Country Club in Peosta,
Richard Dunlap Dies
Dubuque. $50 covers green
Richard L. Dunlap, 90, who re­
cart and a prime rib
tired from Commerce Bank of Kan­
cart is $45. Tee
sas City in 1965 as a vice president,
cocktails fol­
died suddenly on July 8 at his home
at 7:15. To
in Kansas City. Mr. Dunlap was
at the
widely known throughout Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa as an

Jerry Trudo
MNB Correspondent Banker

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Great Things
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or toll free 1-800-332-5991

Merchants National Bank isi

Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401

Member F 0 1C
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


The IBA will offer Self-Directed
IRA and Discount Brokerage semi­
nars at ten locations during July.
The two-and-a-half hour meetings
are being presented by Collin Fritz
and Association, and are free. Dates
and locations are: 22nd—IBA
Boardroom, Des Moines; 23rd—
First Interstate Bank, Crossroads
Mall, Fort Dodge; 23rd—Manufac­
turers Bank & Trust, Forest City;
24th—Dickerson County Savings
Bank, Milford; 28th—Security Na­
tional Bank, Sioux City; 28th—Iowa
Western Community College, Coun­
cil Bluffs; 29th—First National
Bank, Fairfield; 29th—Hills Bank &
Trust, Coralville; 30th—First Na­
tional Bank, West Branch office,

Dubuque; 30th—The National Bank
of Waterloo, Crossroads Drive-Up
office. The seminars begin at 9:30
a.m. at the Des Moines and Milford
locations, at 8:30 a.m. at Fort
Dodge, Sioux City, Fairfield and Du­
buque, and at 2:00 p.m. at Forest
City, Council Bluffs, Coralville and
Waterloo. To register, contact Lori
Graf at the IBA office.
The IBA and Collin Fritz & Asso­
ciates will present “An Introduction
to the Individual Retirement Ac­
count” at three locations in August:
Aug. 11—The Highlander, Iowa
City; Aug. 12—Savery Hotel, Des
Moines, and Aug. 13—Siebens
Forum, Buena Vista College, Storm
L ake. R e g is tr a tio n for IB A
members is $100 for first attendee,
$85 for each additional; for subscrib­
ers is $125 and $115 for each addi­
tional, and for non-members is $150
and $140 for each additional. For
more information, contact the IBA.
CEDAR RAPIDS: The story on
page 59 of the July N o r t h w e s t e r n
B a n k e r that mentions Merchants
National Bank of Cedar Rapids,
should have correctly identified the
bank involved as Merchants Na­
tional Bank of Winona, Minn., as
correctly reported under the “Min­
nesota News” heading in this issue
of the Newsletter.
ELDRIDGE: Banks of Iowa has an­
nounced the completion of the acqui­
sition of Central Trust and Savings
Bank of Eldridge. Central Trust had
assets of about $42 million on June
30, and Banks of Iowa had consoli­
dated assets of about $2.2 billion.
Banks of Iowa will add $1.8 million
to the capital account of Central
Trust, which will increase the bank’s
capital and reserves to about $4 mil­

Nebraska News
Nebraska Bankers Association
Area Bankers Meetings will be held


t's easier to talk Iowa banking
with people w ho live it — people
like Steve Brewer and the corre­
spondent staff at Bankers Trust.
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a n k e rs T ru st
Member FDIC

Des Moines, IA

Steve Brewer
Commercial Banking Officer


NJ-1 VICE PRESIDENT—Six years lending experience.
Handles $5mm portfolio for major holding company bank
^ f o r past 3 years. Deals primarily with ag, also involved with
^com m ercial, real estate, and consumer loans. Skilled in
analysis, very thorough in documentation. Reference de­
clares, “ An honest, hard working young man who puts
forth 100% effort. A good thinker, and able to make deci­
s io n s . EXCELLENT people skills; makes friends quickly
^ a n d fits in easily. Customers, co-workers, and supervisors
are all pleased with his performance.” B.A. Bus. Admin.
f i n $75mm bank. Equally experienced in lending and
operations. Handles ag, commercial and real estate loans,
supervises tellers, in charge of asset/liability management,
government reports, computers, etc. Interested in advanc­
ing his career to a senior management position in smaller
f bank. Prefers W. IA or E. NE area. B.A. Business with Ac­
counting emphasis. $30,000.
NJ-3 0PERATI0NS/ACC0UNTANT-Has spent the past four
years as VP/Cashier with major holding company bank. In
charge of operations, personnel, investments, supervising
• tellers, customer service, reports, and marketing. Pre­
viously employed as accountant for a smaller bank holding
company. References include, “ Really top notch account­
ing and operations skills. Gives 100% to the job.” B.A.
double major in Accounting & Economics. $26-$30,000.
^ NA-4 AG LOAN 0FFICER/INS. AGENT—Two years experience
in ag lending. Some consumer and real estate. Has insur­
ance and real estate license. Knowledgeable with IBM and
Cado Computers. Vo-tech school. Will locate in midwest.
m $20,000.

Graduate. Ag Business/Marketing Management. Ten
years of banking experience. Oversee more than 50MM in
loans. Completed AIB courses, plus other related semi-

nars. Received awards for sales ability. “ Does good job
handling problem loan portfolios and analyzing credit
problems. Thinks on his feet. Could run a small bank,”
were comments from a reference. $48,000.
NA-6 ASS’T V.P./L0AN OFFICER—12 years of ag credit ex­
perience with bank and FmHA. Some experience in con­
sumer and real estate lending. Familiar with Lotus 1-2-3
computerized ag documents. “ Good head on his shoul­
ders... knows the technical aspects of farming and credit
analysis...very conscientious,” says reference. 4 year de­
gree in Animal Science and Ag. Business. $35,000.
NA-7 VICE PRESIDENT—Administered all types of credit.
Has complete charge of bank functions. Worked with audi­
tors and examiners. “ Is accurate and has good documen­
tation. Good decision maker and works well with staff,” re­
ported reference. Prefers Iowa. 15 years bank experience.
B.S. Degree. $35,000.
NA-8 VICE PRESIDENT/CASHIER—Handles 18mm in ag,
commercial, consumer and real estate loans. Recently
became chief operations officer. Involved in new business
development and asset liability management. Insurance
license for life and health. 4 year degree in Ag. Economics.
Completed one year in Graduate School of Banking.
three years in ag sales and nine years in ag lending. “ Has
excellent analytical abilities, good documentation with very
strong agricultural background. Admired by peers,” says
reference. “ Very business like and good personality,”
commented another reference. MS in Ag. Finance. Avail­
able August 1st. $35-$40,000.
NA-10 CASHIER—Comes with three years as bank exami­
ner, ten years in bank operations at #2 position. “ Very pro­
fessional and relates well to other people. Knowledgeable
and documents well,” quoted reference. Prefers metro
area or close by. BA degree. $26,000 plus benefits.

We serve as the source to locate candidates who meet
your qualifications and are interested in your bank
community and salary range. We are available to
assist, but allow and encourage your direct contact
with our candidates. You make the choice and
decision without pressure.




Hwy. 92 W., Box 140
Massena, IA 50853
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Our fee is paid by the employer and is based on a percentage of
the first year’s compensation. All placements are guaranteed. A
complete explanation of our services, fees, and guarantees will
be sent at your request.

Hwy. 63 S., Box 307
New Hampton, IA 50659

NA-11 AG LOAN OFFICER—BA degree in Management. Of­
fers experience in ag and consumer lending and cash
flows. Proficient on computer. “ Customers go out of their
way to do business with him...most likeable chap,” relates
reference. $18-$20,000.

the years. Experienced as bank auditor and operations e x -^
aminer. Prefers midwest. $37-$40,000.

NA-12 LOAN OFFICER—Handles 45MM in ag and commer­
cial loans. Has experience in FmHA guarantee loans. Has
worked with collections and bankruptcies. Computer skills
include spreading financial statements, preparing cash
flows and developing programs. “ For the short time he
has been in lending, he possesses very good technical
and analytical abilities. Has excellent documentation and
good deductive thinking,” relates a reference. I.S.U.
Graduate. BS in Ag Business/Finance. $27,000.

NJ-16 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER-Currently employed
(for past 4 yrs.) by one of nation’s leading bank holding
companies. Responsibilities include development, evalua-^
tion and maintenance of business lines of credit and term
loans. In charge of $5mm loans to wholesalers, high tech
companies, contractors, and small retail businesses. De­
veloped over $3.5mm in new business last year. Extensive
training in commercial loans, asset conversion, financial^
statement analysis, sales, pricing commercial loans, real
estate, LOTUS 1-2-3 and FAST software. Numerous
awards and recognitions in banking. B.A. Finance. Wants
NE, IA, MO, CO location. $25,000.

experience includes FmHA, ASCS and grain sales. Knows
cash flows and budgets. Can appraise real estate and
chattels. Has insurance licenses for Credit Life, Accident
and Health. Working on license for securities, bonds and
mutual funds. A reference commented “ does a real good
job in number analysis and documentation. Very conscien­
tious and well liked by customers.” BS Degree $25,000.

NJ-17 AG/C0MMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER-Four years in bank '
ing, in charge of $6mm ag and $1,5mm main street com­
mercial loans. Very successful in getting FmHA guaran­
tees accepted. Excellent references: “ One of the most
competent and efficient loan officers I’ve seen, and so
pleasant to work with.” Holds all insurance licenses, col­
lege degree, and several job related seminars. Prefers NE
or W. IA. $28,000 + bonus.

NA-14 ASS’T VICE PRESIDENT—“ Has had good exposure
to ag lending. Can handle commercial loans also,” re­
ported reference. Has been involved in business develop­
ment and customer relations. Offers operations experi­
ence. Has ten years of banking. Prefers IL, IA or Wl. BS
Degree. $32,000.

NJ-18 LOANS/MANAGEMENT—Eight yrs. total bank experi­
ence, now serving as #2 officer in $25mm bank. Respon-#
sible for branch office, $6mm in loans and supervision of
staff. Spent five yrs as #2 in ag dept, of large bank. Now
works with installment, real estate, and main street com­
mercial loans as well as ag. Handles SBA and FmHA gua­
rantees. B.S. Bus. Admin. Grad. School of Banking, A g #
Credit School, adept with personal computers, and holds
insurance licenses. “ An excellent loan officer, keeps on
top of past dues and collection problems, thorough docu­
mentation, and can bring in choice new accounts,” relates
reference. $30-$35,000.

NA-15 EVP/PRESIDENT—Comes with almost 20 years of
banking and operations experience. “ They don’t come
any better...highly motivated...good communicator...can
supervise. Wish I had him back,” quoted reference. A
prize employee!!! Vast knowledge of computers. Attended
Graduate School of Banking and many AIB Courses over

position in strong bank located in W. IA
town of 5000+ . Primarily involved in
customer relations, promoting con­
sumer financial services, advertising.
Will also supervise teller line. Should
understand accounting and EDP side
as well. Requires 5-10 yrs. bank exper­
ience. $28’$32,000.

3. EVP—Sound bank located 1 hr. from
Omaha and 5 minutes from town of
10,000. Thriving community, good
schools, etc. Responsible for $5mm
loans (consumer, student, ag, R.E.)
and overall bank management. Mini­
mum of 3 yrs. bank experience
needed, operations and computer
skills helpful. $25-$32,000.

2. CEO—Small but very profitable bank
in N. IA; good condition, strong owner­
ship. 7-10 yrs. experience required;
emphasis on ag lending and opera­
tions. Attractive location. $35-$40,000
+ extras.

4. VP/0FFICE MGR.—Excellent N. IA
location! Clean bank with good growth
potential. One of several banks held by
progressive owners. Requires 3-5 yrs.
lending experience, a good business

Hwy. 92 W., Box 140, Massena, Iowa 50853
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


developer and PR person. Great ad­
vancement opportunity. $25-$28,000.
5. AG LOAN OFFICER—$50mm bank on
IA/IL border. Growing community,
close to several metro areas. Serve as
#2 in ag dept. Duties include loans,
farm calls, updating documentation
system, and business development.
Opportunity to work with commercial,
consumer, & R.E. loans and opera­
tions. Can advance to VP rapidly. Mini­
mum of 2 yrs. ag lending experience
needed. Bennies include full insurance, retirement, profit sharing, yr. end
bonus. $25,000.

Hwy. 63 S., Box 307, New Hampton, Iowa 50659




FirsTier Correspondent Services
J ll f l k

ffiffla i


More of what it takes to serve you well.



x w lllP >

F irs T ie r B an ks

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throughout August. The program
begins at 2:30 p.m. with registra­
tion, followed by a welcome address
y NBA President Don Blaha at
:00, government relations report at
3:15, economic development report
at 4:30, NBA services report at 5:15,
VEBA update at 5:30, reception at
^ :4 5 and dinner at 6:30. The dinner
will feature a motivational presenta­
tion by Dan Baker. Fee for the meet­
ing is $35 for bankers and $25 for
spouses/guests. You must register
f r ith the NBA office by Aug. 6.
Dates and locations are: Aug. 11—
Omaha Ross’ Steakhouse, Aug. 12—
Beatrice Elks Club, Aug. 13—Col­
umbus New World Inn, Aug. 18—
^ co ttsb lu ff Country Club, Aug. 19—
McCook Elks Club, Aug. 20—Kear­
ney Ramada Inn.

Chapter will sponsor a Bank Secrecy
Act Seminar for bank customer con­
tact personnel, in cooperation with
the Internal Revenue Service. It will
be offered in 23 locations during
July, August and September. For
more information, contact the MBA
* * *
The American Institute of Bank­
ing will hold the following seminars
at the AIB Education Center in
Minneapolis: July 23—Management
and Supervisory Skills; Aug. 4— In­
troduction to Lotus 1-2-3; Aug.
4—Making the Transition to Super­
vision; Aug. 5—Interim Construc­
tion Financing; Aug. 6—Your Pro­
fessional Development; Aug. 6—
Working Effectively with Your
Supervisor; Aug. 12—Communicat­
ing Assertively. For more informa­
Minnesota News
tion, contact Judy Clark at (612)
# Minnesota Bankers Services, Inc. 338-8482.
(MBSI), a subsidiary of the MBA,
has developed a 401(K) plan for MINNEAPOLIS: Cordell Cleveland
MBA member banks and their em­ has been named vice president, com­
ployees with Universal Pensions, mercial loans at Norwest Bank Old
« n c . as administrator and with in­ St. Anthony’s Eagan office. He
vestment options provided through joined the bank in 1985 and pre­
Investment Advisers, Inc. A semi­ viously served as assistant vice
nar to introduce the plan is being of­ president and branch manager.
fered at three locations in August: WINONA: R. Peter Roehl, presi­
• i t h —Holiday Inn, New Ulm; 5th— dent of Merchants National Bank,
Sheraton Inn Northwest, Brooklyn announced recently th at directors of
Park; 18th—Holiday Inn, Bemidji. the Merchants holding company had
Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and the declared the bank’s 195th consecu­
seminar runs from 9:30 until noon. tive, semi-annual shareholder divi­
• I t is free. The seminar has been ap­ dend. This followed the board’s
proved for 2.5 hours of insurance April decision to declare a four-foragent continuing education credits. one stock split. The $1.05 dividend
Register through the MBA office.
was mailed June 15 to all share­
* * *
holders who owned stock May 15
® The MBA and the American In­ and the dividend is 12% greater
stitute of Banking’s 17 Minnesota than the dividend payment a year
study groups plus the Southwest ago. On page 59 of the July N o r t h ­

Randy Steig
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Lincoln • Omaha

w e s t e r n B a n k e r , this story was in­
correctly identified with the Mer­
chants National Bank of Cedar
Rapids, la., whereas it should pro­
perly be identified with the Mer­
chants National Bank of Winona, as
noted above. We apologize for this
editorial error.

Wyoming News
The Wyoming organization of the
American Institute of Banking has
announced its “ 1st Annual State
A.I.B. Leadership Workshop” will
be conducted September 25 and 26
at the Downtown Motel in Casper.
Full program details and registra­
tion information have been mailed to
each Wyoming bank.

Colorado News
BOULDER: The management team
at the merged United Bank of Boul­
der has been announced. It consists
of Michael Austin, executive vice
president and senior credit officer;
Donald E. Martin, cashier and se­
nior vice president—commercial
loans; James D. Bostwick, vice
president and senior tru st officer,
and Sharon L. Powell, vice president
and chief financial officer.
DENVER: Harlan L. Pepper has
been named chief financial officer of
Central Bancorporation, Inc. He
continues in his current position as
vice president for Central Bancor­
poration’s investm ent strategic
business unit and senior vice presi­
dent for Central Bank of Denver’s
investment and funds management
division. He succeeds Thomas B.
Walker, who will become president
of First in Palm Beach, a subsidiary
of Southeast Bank, N.A. of Miami.



A Meeting
Of The Minds.

CEO—Small Iowa bank needs a seasoned p ro fe s s io n a l
with good operations, ag lending background. .To $40,000^
JR. REAL ESTATE LENDER—Top rated group is looking
for a sharp, aggressive professional with 2 years experi­
ence and desire to move up................................To $24,000

At Security National Bank, our minds
are on meeting all your Correspondent
Banking and Investment needs.
We’re Security for you!

COMMERCIAL LOAN—Prefer large bank training and ex­
perience for a $40mm commercial department. To $38,000
BANK AUDITOR—CPA/CIA or CBA with bank audit expert-®
ence and supervisory skills................................ To $28,000

Ron Kiel
Correspondent Banking

712- 277-6736

Michael Moreland



AG LOAN OFFICER—Good opportunity for a Jr. Officer to
improve career path........................................... To $23,000

Vice President

Financial Careers, Inc.

712- 277-6616

Two Ruan Center/Sulte 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309


Employer pays fee.

Holding company formations
and other management services


2 Brush Creek Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64112
(816) 753-7440


VAULT DOORS, U.L. Rated. American Bank Equipment,
Inc. 402-571-5621. A sensible alternative. Serving the
banks of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Sales - Service - In­

Walker State Bank, Walker, IA seeks CEO. Insurance ex­
perience helpful. Friendly community. Good bank. Send
resume to Terry Engelken, Iowa State Bank, Center Point,
IA 52213. (319) 849-1838.

ONE NCR 8271 PROCESSOR and 28-956 Disk Packs. Contact Ron Warford or Al Eygabroad, First Trust & Savings
Bank, Armstrong, Iowa 50514. Phone (712) 864-3250. (FS)

BANK OFFICER. Due to pending acquisition & promotion,
an immediate opening exists for a lending officer. In confi­
dence, contact Jerry Tack, VP, Hawkeye Bank & Trust,
Mason City, IA 50401. (515) 423-2427.

Repossession of complete fixtures for a 4000 square foot
clothing store include CASIO 32 department electronic
cash register. Purchased new in 1984. Original value
$12,500.00, will sell for $5,000.00. Contact John or Frank,
National Bank of Canby, Canby, MN, 507-223-7231.

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER is retiring. $48MM bank look­
ing for an aggressive #2 man that wants the opportunity
and challenge to run his own show. Send resume to File
No. WJQ c/o Northwestern Banker.

1 WHITE POWER FILE for check size media & bank notes
and 1 DIEBOLD POWER FILE for 6x4 media (microfische).
Call John Hrupek @ (402) 339-9671.

Excellent rural bank near metro area seeks #1 person.
Must have 5+ yrs of ag lending, good operations and en­
joy running the show. Insurance license a plus.
Progressive holding co. bank needs 2+ year ag lender for
#3 spot in bank. Will get to go to all schools, make all
types of loans and have access to holding company open­
$23 K.
Growing bank wants 5 + year ops cashier-type.

#2 person in small town bank will have chance to be #1.
Head-up strong department. 6 yrs ag and good mgmt skills
for 2500 person town.



317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 244-4414

TRUST OFFICER. $125MM bank has an excellent oppor­
tunity for a Trust Officer in a growing department. Candi­
date will be responsible for managing & expanding the
current $4.5MM assets. Prefered candidate will have a law
degree with 1-3 years of trust experience. Send resume to
Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Box 279, Indianola, IA
50125 Attn: Personnel. EOE/M-F
VP/LOANS 2nd officer. $10MM new bank In progressive
county seat community. 5 years experience in bank lend­
ing. Strong marketing skills required. Send resume & salary
history to Jim Schipper, Pres., American State Bank,
Osceola, IA 50213.

Decorah, Iowa 52101
Farm Equipm ent S pecialist
A ppraisals & A uctions
Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648
Are you ready to “ step up” your career? A $200mm holding
co, 1 hour from Mpls needs a strong coml loan o ffic e r.^
Must be degreed with 1 + yrs either coml lending o r ^
proven credit analysis exp. An outstanding opty!
To $24 K.
Job #NW1969.

Team up with a leader! Top performing holding co in major
Wl city needs a hard charger to join the coml division of a
$300mm bank. Must be degreed with 3+ yrs coml lending®
exp, formal credit training and a professional image. HOT!
Job #NW1970.

Do you have aggressive business development skills? A
nat’l banking organization has a terrific spot for a high
energy mid-market coml lender. Must be degreed with 5 + a
yrs coml lending exp and excellent selling skills. High v is i- ^

3636 IDS Center
Minneapolis, MN 55402

(612) 339-9001


Clean bank in metro area. 3 + years comm’l exp. New bus
development. ,

Take charge of $20M portfolio and 3 lender dept.

EXECUTIVE VP. $16MM bank, seeking an aggressive #2
person. The challenge involves working with loans, peo­
ple, and a knowledge of bank operations. Send resume to:
Ivan D. Husa, Security State Bank, Stanton, IA 51573. (PA)

Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con­
cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities.

COMML LOAN - $50MM suburban bank with excellent
growth and earnings history. Handle majority of commer­
cial credits. Report directly to President.
CEO - suburban de novo bank. Experience as CEO or COO
required. Strong commercial loan and business develop- A
ment skills desired.
LOAN REVIEW - large urban bank affiliated with major
midwestern holding company. Degree and 2-3 yrs. loan review/workout experience desired.
TRUST OFFICER ■ medium size community bank with
growing trust dept. JD preferred but not mandatory. $27K
COMML LOAN ■$100MM community bank. Supervise com- 4 9
mercial lending function. Future advancement possible.
$45 K
Additional positions available in midwestern states
for experienced bankers.

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116


“ S erving th e B anking In d u stry Since 1970”

Vol. 16 No. 14 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden
Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at
Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden

St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis