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Vol. 9 No. 40 Des Moines, Iowa A B A Pledges Support to President A J O R regulatory concerns of the American Bankers Associ ation and the na tio n ’ s bankers were outlined in a letter from A B A President Lee E. Gunderson on January 15 to then President e le c t R o n a ld R e a g a n . M r. Gunderson, who is president o f L-E- GUNDERSON the Bank o f Osceola in Osceola, W is., stated in his letter: “ The Reagan Administration can make an immediate change in both the tone and the ten or o f government. This could be done promptly, and we urge that you consider doing so.” On behalf o f A B A , Mr. Gunder son urged: • Forceful implementation of the 1980 Regulatory Flexibility A c t and the acceleration o f the timetables for conforming to this law; • A ll officials of the new administra tion to advocate common-sense alternatives to proposals that might otherwise inflict burden and hard ship on those who have to comply; • Government policies that reflect a criterion similar to that o f the A B A “ to assure that each and every M well-managed bank has the ability to maintain its viability and profitability regardless o f size.” In his letter, Mr. Gunderson cited the bank examination process as a good example. H e said examiners, in the past, worked “ cooperatively with the industry, applied their supervisory authority to assure the safety and soundness o f our enterprises.” He stressed how that has changed, saying “ compliance examiners who enter our doors today often are adversaries, deter mined to uncover perceived wrong doing.” M r. Gunderson gave personal testimony to government red tape when he recounted what happened after his Bank o f Osceola was gutted b y fire several m onths ago. “ Following the total destruction of my bank by fire, I was required just last month to spend nearly a day filling out the short change-oflocation form for one federal agency to justify the relocation o f my bank only yards from its former site.” Mr. Gunderson closed by stating it is A B A ’s “ number one priority” to get government o ff private business’ back, just as President Reagan has stated it is his priority. “ W e are ready to join you and to work with you in this effort,” the A B A president concluded. □ January 26,1981 John Karn Assumes Added Duties in St. Joe John E. Karn has been elected v ic e presid en t in charge o f correspondent banking and ag credit department at First National Bank in St. Joseph, M o., and will also continue his present post as president o f First Stock Yards Bank. Both banks are affiliates of First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. Iowa News A C K L E Y : Stan Squires, president, Ackley State Bank, has announced th a t G ary H om an has been promoted to senior vice president, Delbert Harken has been promoted to vice president and cashier and Chas. R. Ray has been promoted to vice president. BOONE: John T. Wassenaar, president of Citizens National Bank, has announced the following o ffic e r prom otion s: R o b ert P . Ritson has been named executive vice president, Steven L . Afdahl has been named vice president and commercial loan officer and Lori Herrstrom has been named market ing officer. BOONE: Robert F. Scott, president of Boone State Bank and Trust Co., has announced the promotion of A rvid E. Huffman to vice president and cashier in charge of operations, ASK STAN FARMER to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 Merchants National Bank isi Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK C a lla BANKERS’ BANKER 1-800-362-1688, toll-free in Iow a M O U N T A U B U R N : Wilson H. Hadley, director of Mount Auburn Savings Bank since 1953, has retired. Richard W . Hadley, vice president and operation officer and Craig E. Mahood, cashier have been elected to the board. We’re in te re ste d in services that give you a lot of help for your M T. P L E A S A N T : The Henry County Savings Bank has announed the election of David H. Carrick to executive vice president. R E IN B E C K : John Stull has joined the staff o f Lincoln Savings Bank as v ice p residen t in agricu ltu ral lending. He was formerly with P .C .A . at Traer. STO RM L A K E : New officers at Citizens First National Bank are A1 White, assistant vice president and Joan Radke, operations manager. Dennis Robinson has been pro moted to vice president from assistant vice president. and Steve Ketelson to vice president in charge of marketing. Mr. Ketelson previously headed the instalment loan department. C L A R IN D A : Funeral services were held last week for A . Donald Duncan, 58, majority owner and director o f the Citizens State Bank and Farmers Savings Bank, Fre mont. Mr. Duncan headed Duncan A v ia tio n in L in coln , N eb r. ED G E W OOD: Recently elected to the board o f the Community Savings Bank were Edward L. Funke and W ayne E. Thum, to fill vacancies created by the death of James F. Adams and the retirement of Clarence Thum. Mr. Adams was chairman o f the board at the time of his death and has been associated with the bank since 1937. Estate Appraisals Purchase off Collections Sale off Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V IL L IS C A : The Nodaway Valley National Bank has announced the addition of J. Fred Gourley, assistant cashier, to the staff. W E B S T E R C IT Y : Jack Marget, president o f the First State Bank, reports the election to the board of T im N eu roth , v ice presiden t; Ronald Mortenson, vice president, and Thomas A . Hollatz, cashier. W I L L I A M : W illia m s S a vin gs Bank is holding an open house to celebrate its 50th anniversary on February 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wyoming News The W yom ing Bankers Associa tion’s 27th Annual Credit Confer ence has been scheduled for February 5 and 6 at the Ramada Inn in Casper, according to Gary L. Wickam, chairman of the 1981 conference. Speakers will include Jack W hittle, W hittle, Raddon, M o tle y and H anks, Fin an cial Marketing Group, Chicago; Dr. Ed Dyl, Dean at the University of Wyoming; Samuel D. Addoms, president, Denver National Bank; Dr. Dan Miller, State Geologist o f Wyoming, and for the ladies, Patricia Fripp, a San Francisco speaker. B A S IN : The board o f Security State Bank has announced the election of Douglas M . Crouse to p residen t and chief e x e c u tiv e officer. C H E Y E N N E : Three officers were recently promoted at the First National Bank and Trust Company, B.R. Weber, president, announced. Craig E. Kerrigan was named vice president of the mortgage loan department, Grace N. Brown was also promoted to vice president o f the mortgage loan department and Steve S. Auger was named vice president and auditor. Nebraska News H A S T IN G S : Douglas W . Clarke, president of Hastings State Bank, has announced the fo llo w in g promotions: Everett N. Talcott to senior vice president, Jack Jackson We’re people you can turn to for investments. For investment services, data processing, ag lending and overlines . . . we’re the people you can turn to. We’re more than western Iowa’s largest bank. W e’re people. Jim Hongslo Vice President 712/277-6625 SECURITY NATIO NAL BAN K IN SIOUX CITY. IOWA. MEMBER F.D.LC. M Carleton D. Beh Co. 3 Investm ent Bankers/Financial C onsultants NEW ISSUE SALE DATE: January 14,1981 $2,390,000 EDGERTON, WISCONSIN MOODY’S: A General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds Dated: January 1,1981 Denomination: $5,000 Both principal and semiannual interest (April 1 and October 1, first coupon due on October 1, 1981) payable at First W isconsin Trust Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. MATURITIES 7.50% 8.40% $ 50,000 October 1,1984 7.50 $200,000 October 1,1991 8.40 7.60% 8.50% 75,000 October 1,1985 7.60 200,000 October 1,1992* 8.50 7.75% 8.60% 100,000 October 1,1986 7.75 250,000 October 1,1993* 8.60 7.90% 8.75% 125,000 October 1,1987 7.90 275,000 October 1,1994* 8.75 8.00% 8.90% 150,000 October 1,1988 8.00 300,000 October 1,1995* 8.90 8.10% 9.00% 175,000 October 1,1989 8.10 315,000 October 1,1996* 9.00 8.25% 175,000 October 1,1990 8.25 *Optional beginning October 1, 1991 at 101%. LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY QUARLES & BRADY, ATTORN EYS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The C ity of Edgerton contains 1,008 acres and is located approxim ately 30 m iles southeast of Madison in Rock County, W isconsin. The City is situated on U.S. Highway No. 51 and State Highway No. 59 and is about tw o m iles west of Interstate Highway No. 90. The C ity is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad and Greyhound Bus Lines. Charter airline service is provided by an airport located three m iles north of the C ity and by the Rock County A irport at Janesville, approximately 10 miles south. Rock County is one of the state’s leading agricultural counties and Edgerton serves as a farm service com m unity. Some of the largest employers in the City and the number of employees are: Weyenberg Shoe Manufacturing Company (280); Memorial Com m unity Hospital and Long-Term Care Facility (270); Dorsey Trailers, Inc. (225); l-K-l M anufacturing (75); and LeMans Corporation (50). These bonds have been issued in accordance w ith W isconsin Statutes, Section 67.05, to finance various sewer constructions, water main extensions, and street extensions, paving, curb and gutter. In the opinion of counsel, these bonds are legal and binding general obligations of the C ity of Edgerton, W isconsin, and all taxable property located therein is subject to the levy of su fficie n t taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds w ith o u t lim it as to rate or amount. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Equalized valuation of taxable property, 1980 Assessed valuation of taxable property, 1980 Net direct debt, including this issue Total direct and overlapping debt Population, 1980 estimate: 4,047 $99,466,420 33,693,622 4,166,000 5,371,697 Net direct debt per capita: $1,029.41 Total debt per capita: 1,327.33 Tax collections are 100% of taxes levied as according to Wisconsin Statutes the County assumes all delinquencies. We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion: ^ The information contained herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources we deem reliable and is that on which our purchase of these bonds are based. Bonds of a particular maturity may or may not still be available or may now be avai lable at a price or yield different from that indicated above. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Des M oine s B u ilding • Des M oines, Iowa 50309 • 515-288-2152 4 (zH 'oictsx a n d (z /f'iio a L a te .i Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 D o n a l d E . H o l d e r , Principal to vice president, instalment loans, and Kathy Anderson to operations officer. Also, Edward J. Schlachter, owner of E d ’s Pharmacy, is a new director. H O LD R E G E : First Security Bank has announced that W .M . P rit chard, Jr., has been promoted to vice president and vice chairman of the board. H e was fo rm erly executive vice president. Also, Dennis R. Kennedy has been named e x ecu tive v ice presid en t and cashier. H e was previously vice president and cashier. L IN C O L N : NBC Computer Ser vices Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of National Bank of Commerce, has elected John Miller, marketing department manager, to vice president. Also, Robert Keller, conversion center manager, was promoted to vice president. O M A H A : A n ap p lication for consent to establish a remote service facility by North Side Bank in the lobby of St. Joseph Hospital, 601 North30th St., has been approved. P L A I N V I E W : The board o f P la in v ie w N a tio n a l Bank has announced the promotion of Mich ael L. Shaffer to cashier. S A R G E N T : Lonnie Tvrdik has joined the staff of Farmers State Bank as cashier. Rejoining the staff is Randy Mauler, who has worked at the bank for six years prior to devoting full time to farming last spring. S P R IN G F IE L D : Promoted at the Springfield State Bank are John A . Novotny, from loan officer to assistan t v ic e p residen t, and Stephen J. Ingram, from operations officer to assistant cashier. E. Dean Kugler, vice president, has been added to the staff. W A U N E T A : Wauneta Falls Bank has announced the advancement of Delvin Lawson, former cashier, to executive vice president and Lela Marie Hamilton to cashier. Minnesota News B E L V IE W : About 1200 people turned out for the Belview State Bank open house appreciation day I BANKERS PARTICIPATING LeasePlan,Inc. 545 - 31st Street Des Moines. Iowa 50312 R. L. “ DICK” SELLON recen tly. Th e bank had ju s t completed a remodeling and expan sion project. B A R N E S V IL L E : Recent respon s ib ility changes at the F irs t National Bank include DeLoris Johnson, who will be in charge o f the internal audit program in addition to her duties as cashier, and Robert R. Buth, who has been promoted to loan officer. B R A IN E R D : The board of Citizens State Bank has announced the election of Thomas E. W elle to executive vice president. M r. W elle joined the bank as assistant vice president in 1975. COTTONW OOD: W illiam Hender son has joined the staff o f the Empire State Bank. He was previously executive vice president of the State Bank of Worthington. G R A N IT E F A L L S : W ayne Kaspari has been elected to the position A Comprehensive Marketing Conference designed for ALL members of the Banking Industry • A Midwest MUST for those concerned with Marketing in the ’80s Presented by the Iowa Bankers Association Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 9-11 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Look for more information in upcoming Northwestern Banker News Letters # Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 1-26-81 A Banking System Designed For “NOW” and the Future # # Applications □C.I.F. □Proof of Deposit □ D.D.A. □Savings □N.O.W. □Commercial Loans □Installm ent Loans □Real Estate Loans □ C .D .’s □General Ledger □Just ask Reports we have them all □Call Report □Participation Register □Yield Forecast □Financial Statements due □Annual Interest received □ Late payment notices □1099’s □Stop Payment Report □Closed Account Report □New Account Report □M aturity notices □Interest checks □ “Just Ask” (Allows you to choose your own report) Our typical system includesHardware, software, training and service for less than $800/month IVe Feature: SERVICE is the HEART of our business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Fully trained service technicians • Factory m anufactured parts • Experienced personnel (over 115 years worth) (Both systems and service) • Lower operating costs DATA BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, INC. OFFICES: 1228 - 2nd Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50314 (515) 288-3000 f , 625 - 1st Ave. S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405 (319) 366-6000 INTRODUCING theSHARP BE-2500 . ELECTRONIC TELLER MACHINE Are you interested in: □ Speeding up window transactions? □ Helping eliminate customer lines? □ Cutting down “cash over and shorts.”? □ Issuing neat machine printed receipts? □ “Cash control”? ___ _____________ You will be surprised at our low price! Let us prove their value with a 60 day trial period. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Data Business Equipment Inc. 1228 - 2nd Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50314 (515) 288-3000 □ Send me information on □ Teller equipment □ Set up a demonstration □ Bank System Name___ T itle ____ Company Street___ State___ Phone__ (Area Code) ^ .City_________________ - Z ip -----------------:----------- # GET THE COMPETITIVE EDGE SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking,Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE over savings and loan, credit unions, etc. 714 Central National Bldg. 515-283-2545 _______ Dos Moines, Iowa 50309_______ This “ on-premise” system gives you complete inde pendence, competitive flex ibility and control. the retail banking division. AG LENDING OFFICER. . NE Iow a.............$15 $20,000 LOAN OFFICER. . .M innesota.................... $19 $20,000 TWO FARM M A N A G E R S .. IA A I I .......... $16 $24,000 TWO AG LENDING OFFICERS.. .IA A II . . $22 $28,000 # of executive vice president and director of the Yellow Medicine County Bank, R .E . W iley, presi dent has announced. H IB B IN G : Robert D. Burk has recently assumed the presidency of Merchants and Miners State Bank. He joined the bank in 1975 as vice presid en t and w orked up to executive vice president. L A M B E R T O N : Dr. L .E . Trout has been elected a director o f Farmers and Merchants State Bank. S A U K C E N T E R : Shirley Ebensteiner has been appointed instal ment loan manager and assistant cashier of the First National Bank. S T IL L W A T E R : Steven J. Hirsh has been promoted to assistant vice president of Cosmopolitan State Bank, President A .R . Kircher has announced. M r. Hirsh joined the bank in 1974. North Dakota News B IS M A R C K : Robert E. Westbee, president of First Bank Bismarck, announced the following three prom otion s: S tew a rt Thom son, presently an assistant vice presi dent and manager of the agriculture department, has been promoted to vice president and manager of the agriculture loan department; Jon Morris has been elected personal bank officer in the retail banking division, and Jeff Engel has been elected instalment bank officer in M A Y V IL L E : A t the Goose River Bank, Lloyd C. Kempf, formerly president, was elected chief execu tive officer and chairman of the board; Wallace C. Martz, formerly execu tive v ic e p residen t and cashier, was elected president; Steven H. Dahlstrom has been promoted to cashier, and Esther M . Kuntz has been promoted to assistant cashier-bookkeeping. W A H P E T O N : W .M . Sanger, presi dent o f First Bank-Wahpeton, recently announced the promotion o f John E c k h o ff and Ju stin Reynolds to instalment loan officers and Connie Stromberg to personal banking officer. Get tighter instantaneous reporting in every phase of yo u r o p e ra tio n . At the sam e tim e reduce you r operating costs. A program for your every need — and m ore. The best banking system in the industry. South Dakota News A R M O U R : The First State Bank has announced the retirement of Ray Plowman as its president and the election of R .W . Hamilton to president, LeRoy Hofer to executive vice president and chief executive officer and N.C. Wenzel, vice president and cashier. Mr. Plowman will continue to serve as a director. G A R Y : Oliver Nelson, director of the Gary State Bank, retired recently after serving on the board for 20 years. A rvin Jesme has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Jesme has farmed since 1946. Colorado News D E N V E R : A t its regular meeting the board of directors o f Colorado National Bankshares, Inc. declared a stock split of 4 for 3. The shares were issued February 2, 1981, to shareholders of record January 16, 1981. The split will bring the company’s total outstanding shares to approx imately 4,100,000. The Federal Reserve Bank has given Colorado National Bankshares, Inc., permission to acquire 100% o f the outstanding shares of Modern Banking Systems, Inc. 6818 Grover St., Om aha, Nebraska 68106 (402) 392-0151 the Arvada State Bank. D E N V E R : A t the Denver branch of the Federal Reserve Bank o f Kansas City, William H. Vernon, director and former chairman of Sante Fe (N. M ex.) National Bank, will be succeeded by George Jenks, chairmana and CEO of Albuquerque National Bank. Delano E. Scott, president and chairman of Routt County National Bank, Steamboat Springs, Colo., has been reappointed to the Denver branch board by the Kansas City Fed, and A lvin F. Grospiron, retired p residen t o f the O il, Chemical and Atom ic Workers International Union, has been reappointed by the Board of Governors. CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEA M ” where comm on transactions are handled uncom m only well. » Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST N A T IO N A L LI N C O LN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. W ANT ADS Rates 50 cents per word per insertion. Ad $2 for file numbers. Identity of file number advertisers cannot be revealed. Payment in advance, please. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th St., Des Moines, Iowa 50309 INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER: 5-6 years experi ence. $7MM department in Iowa Bank. Salary $18-21M. PRESIDENT: Eastern Nebraska bankjieeds energetic, experienced person to head a $7MM bank. Salary to $30 M. AUDITOR: Should be strong in bank credit review area. Would travel about 50% of the tim e. Based in Omaha. Salary $20-22M. PRESIDENT: Bank needs experienced small bank manager for 1-2 years. Nebraska. Salary $25-30M. The above are some current listings. W e are a banking and financial related personnel service. The employer pays our fees. For further information regarding our rates, or to list openings, call or write FINANCIAL PLACEMENTS, P.O. Box 13786, Kansas City, Mo. 64199, or 012 Baltimore, Kansas City. (816) 421-7941. POSITION AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial loan officer with five or more years experience for major Iowa bank..................Salary open. Operations officer for $25 million Iowa bank ......................................................................... Salary open. PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS 1 □ My majority bank stock is for sale. | □ I want to purchase majority stock in a bank. | I Jones Realty ASST. V P - Large Des Moines bank looking for heavily experienced commercial lender who has a keen sense of business judgment. $28,000. 1 205 South Eaton St. Lakewood, Colorado 80226 Phone: (303) 232-1189 COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICER - Must have at least 3 yrs experience and ability to run a branch. $23,000. SENIOR TRUST OFFICER - Need heavily experienced indiv to come into trust dept and eventually assume full responsibility for trust dept. $21,000. FOR SALE Burroughs S-1000 Proof Encoder, eight pockets, four years old, under Burroughs maintenance Contract. $7000.00, Tom Hay, Security State Bank, Casey, la. Phone (515) 746-3366._________________________ (FS) 1969 Mosler Model 1868 BLD Drive-In window: BR Glass, communication system, tray heater, cash drawer, storage drawer and manually operated. Always under service contract. Polaroid picture sent upon request. Phone (308) 537-3684 First State Bank, Gothenburg, NE69138. (FS) NCR Mag Ledger Posting Machine (319) 728-2226. _____________________________________________ (FS) MODULAR BANK UNIT: 12’x7’ equipped with drive-up window. Used as bank’s drive-up facility. Available immediately. Contact Northwestern State Bank of Dodge Center, MN 55927. Phone (507) 374-6311 (FS) 8’x14’ portable drive-up window with Diebold electric window, electric heat, carpet, and air conditioner. Picture upon request. $3,500.00. Call (712) 472-2581. _____________________________________________ (FS) POSITION WANTED Second officer for eastern Iowa bank. Must have heavy lending experience in ag field . . .Salary above $25,000 POSITION WANTED W rite or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 3 0 6 - 15th Street, Des Moines, IA 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee._________ CEOs with ag lending backgrounds $30,000 to $42,000 An aggressive and growing company is looking for a Ag Lending officer with general banking experience combination banker-insurance agent to work in a rural Nebraska community. Good salary, incentives and benefits. Strictly confidential. Send resume to file MBE, c l o Northwestern Banker.________________(PA) LOAN OFFICER - Central Illinois bank seeking individual for lending responsibilities, primarily consumer loans. Operations experience helpful, but not necessary. Call Bart Solon, State Bank of Girard, Phone (217) 627-2112._________________________ (PA) LOAN OFFICER for$18 m illion rural Iowa bank. Some exp e rien ce p referred. W rite file M B A , c /o Northwestern Banker._________________________ (PA) Im m e d ia te o p en ing fo r COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER in$70 million bank located in St. Paul. Ideal candidate will have 2 + years in commercial lending and credit analysis; also, should have familiarity with SBA loans and SBA secondary market. Send resume and sala ry req u ire m en ts to file M B B , c /o Northwestern Banker._________________________ (PA) BANK PERSONNEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Positions Available #484 #486 #475 #479 #488 #490 #492 #493 #494 #496 #487 Commercial Loan Manager Commercial Loan #2 Commercial Loan Trainee Insurance Agent Proof Supervisor S&L Manager Insurance Manager Ag-light Commercial Commercial Loan Officer Cashier Assistant Manager installment Loan Department #483 Commercial Loan Off icer 32K 28K 22K 18K + 17K 25K 15K + 22K 30K 18K 18K 24K LENDING - N.W . Iowa bank seeking ag lender with at least 2 yrs exp. $18,000. Please contact Ellis Jones, Broker Semi-retired, professional banker Second Person with strong ag lend ing ............. $26,000 LENDER - Nebraska bank seeks indiv with ten years of experience in commercial and especially agriculture lending. $25,000+ 2ND PERSON/INSTALLM ENT LENDER - Need at least 2 yrs of exp handling installment loans, student loans, mastercharge and direct & indirect loans. $17 000 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RESPOND IN CONFIDENCETO: Bank Division I op portunity.......................... $28,000 ISU Grad with insurance licenses seeks bank position in or near major city ..............................................$17,500 Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, IA 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee. LOAN OFFICER POSITION WANTED: Experienced in Ag, Installment, Commercial Lending and Real Estate Mortgages. Rural background. Presently employed. Available to relocate immediately. W rite file MBD, c /o Northwestern Banker.________________________ (PW) MBA, farm background, 6 years management experience. Seeking initial banking position. W rite file MBC, c l o Northwestern Banker. _______ (PW) of iowa, ine ALL FEES COMPANY PAID FOR LEASE Mobile bank unit, 12’x62’. Complete banking e q u ip m en t, in clu d in g drive-u p w in d o w , n ig h t depository, two teller stations, private office off lobby. Available now. Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, Sioux City, Iowa51104, (712)239-2315. (FL) Portable drive-up window unit, 8’x12’. Complete, heat, air conditioning. Available now. Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, Sioux City, Iowa 51104, (712)239-2315._______________________________(FL) .................................................................................. $27,000 Commercial Loan officer in Twin Cities seeks new ROBERT HALF 317 6th Ave: Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 I I I I I I □ I would like to sell my majority bank stock. □ I would like to buy ma jority bank stock. Please Contact: J. Mason Henry Charles E. Walters Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1313, Omaha, Nebraska68101 Phone: (402)553-6400 | POSITIONS AVAILABLE INSTAL. LOAN HEAD — Manage dept, for $40MM Illinois bank. Must have - bank and supervision experience.............................................................. $22,000 AG PERSONNEL RECRUITING ENTRY LEVEL — Good opportunity for college grad with bank intern experience. Small rural Iowa bank with excel lent opportunity to adv a n c e ............. $12,000 As agricultural loan correspondents and farm management specialists, we know how to locate and evaluate the best personnel in ag lending and property management. SR. LOAN OFFICER — $50MM bank located in capital of midwestern state. Need 5-7 yrs. solid com m ’l loan experience............................................................... $38,000 To answer your recruiting needs in these and related fields, call on us. For complete information, call or write Lynn R. Loken. WESTERN FARM COMPANIES Ag Recruiting Division 332 Link Lane Fort Collins, Colorado80524 (303)221-2607 TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES OF MINNESOTA 4901 W. 77th St. Edina, Minnesota55435 David Dahl 612-835-4121 Megan Maloney All positions employer paid VEHICLES REPOSSESSED NORTH CAROLINA STATEWIDE SERVICE Since 1922-Field Divisions “Wanted Vehicle-Missing Persons Bulletin” HOME DETECTIVE COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 11431, Greensboro 27409 (919)299-1641 EXEC. VICE PRES. — $150MM S&L prefers a commercial lender with solid real estate background. Must have working knowledge of secondary market .................................................................................. $35,000 CALLING OFFICER — Handle national accounts for lead bank of major holding company. Minim um 50% travel ........................................................................$35,000 LOAN REVIEW OFFICER — $250MM metro-area bank needs seasoned credit officer to oversee credit and documentation fu n c tio n ..................................... $25,000 COM M ’L LOANS — Heavy demand in metro areas of midwestern states for both junior and senior commercial lending officers. Degree preferred .$Open CASHIER — Opportunity for aggressive operations officer to join management of $8MM bank. Close to major u n iv ers ity .................................................... $20,000 Resume and salary history requested. All inquiries confidential. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES OF KANSAS CITY P.O. Box 12346/2024Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816)474-6874 Yol. 9 No. 40 Northwestern Banker Newsletter [USPS 873-300] is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscriptions 25 cents per copy, $8.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address [Form 3579], manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis