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Vol. 16 No. 43 Des Moines, Iowa Nebraska News The Nebraska Bankers Association will offer its 1988 Human Re source Forum at three locations in February. Registration/continental breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. A t 9:00 attorney Thom K. Cope will present • “ Current Legal Issues in Personnel Management.“ Luncheon will be served at 12:00. From 1:00 to 4:30, “ Establishing a Total Compensa tion Program,” “ Managing the Per® formance Appraisal Process,” and round table discussions will be led by Gerald B. Dimon and Sally Schneider, human resource staff ^ from FirsTier Bank, Lincoln. Fee is ^ $70 and includes materials, break^ ^ a s t and lunch. Dates and locations ^Pare: 23rd—-Omaha Red Lion Inn; 24th—Grand Island Midtown Holi^ day Inn; 25th—North Platte Holi day Inn. Contact the N BA office by February 17 to register. * * * ® ® ^ ® q coln Hilton, 9th—Kearney Ramada Inn, 10th—Ogallala Holiday Inn. Register through the N BA office by March 1. HASTINGS: Am ong recent promo tions at Hastings State Bank were the naming of Richard Heishman to executive vice president and Gary D. Johnson to vice president. OM AHA: Steven C. Watts has been named president of Norwest Bank Nebraska at 10010 Regency Circle. He joined Norwest in Des Moines as a vice president in 1981, and served as senior vice president for the Norwest Bank at Marian, la. from 1985 until the move to Nebraska. OM AHA: L. W. “ W oody” Graham has been elected vice president and commercial lending officer at Ameri can National Bank. For the past eight years, he has been active in the commercial lending field with the First Interstate Bank System in Iowa, most recently with the bank in Spencer. The Nebraska Bankers Association will sponsor its 1988 Bank Dir Minnesota News ectors’ Forum at three locations in March. Topics include “ Gauging In SPR IN G FIE L D : Am ong recent stitutional Performance and Risk,” promotions at Farmers & Mer “ Managing the Regulators,” “ Maxi- chants State Bank was the naming mizing Board Efficiency’ ’ and ‘ ‘ How of Paul D. Pieschel to executive vice Boards Support M anagem ent.” president. He joined the bank in Registration/continental breakfast 1983 and has been serving as a loan is at 8:30 a.m., and the meeting runs officer. from 9:00 to 4:30 with a noon lunch Illinois News eon. Fee is $90 for the first regis trant and $70 for each additional. W ILM E TTE : Sheila Allen and Dates and locations are: 8th—Lin Janice Dubell have both been named February 8,1988 vice presidents of loan operations at Edens Bank. Ms. Allen has been with the bank since 1981 and Ms. Dubell since 1975. Both previously served as assistant vice presidents of loan operations. North Dakota News WILLISTON: The FDIC has ap proved the assumption of the deposit liabilities of Williston Basin State Bank by First National Bank & Trust Co. of Williston. The failed bank was closed on January 21, at which time it has total assets of $12.3 million. Its sole office reopen ed on January 22 as a branch of First National. First National will assume about $12.1 million in depo sits and has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $129,851. It also will purchase certain of the fail ed bank’s loans and other assets for $7.3 million. To facilitate the trans action, the FDIC will advance about $4.6 million to the assuming bank and will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $4.9 million. Wyoming News CASPER: Affiliated Bank Corpora tion has announced that the Federal Reserve System has approved its application to acquire First National Bank of Lovell in exchange for com mon and preferred stock of A f filiated. Affiliated proposes to ac quire the Lovell bank and to issue COUNTONIt Count on C om m erce for superior capabilities and personal attention to your correspondent banking needs. A com bination w e’ve upheld for m ore than 120 years. Give us a call. 1-800-892-7100 1-800-821-2182 # S s S S tBank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Outside Missouri) , NORWEST BANKS Norwest Bank Des Moines N.A. Estate Appraisals Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Purchase of Collections Member FDIC Sale o f Rare Coins Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. M ark Conway new common stock for cash of $5.5 million. Completion of this acquisi tion would increase Affiliated’s holdings to nine banks. Iowa News The Iowa Bankers Assocation and Collin W. Fritz & Associates will present “ IR A 1988: Insights in to the New IR A ” at three locations in February. Fee for this update seminar is IB A members—$100 for first attendee, $85 for each addi tional; subscribers—$125 for first attendee, $115 for each additional; non-members—$150 for first atten dee, $140 for each additional. Regis tration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the program runs from 9:00 to 4:00. Lunch will be served from noon to Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Dorothea Wolfe 1:00. Dates and locations are: 16th— Siebens Forum, Buena Vista Col lege, Storm Lake; 17 th—Airport Hilton Inn, Des Moines; 18th—The Highlander, Iowa City. Contact the IB A for more information. * * * “ Security Responsibilities and Liabilities,” a one day seminar de signed for security officers, opera tions managers and training of ficers, will be presented at two loca tions in March by the IBA. Jerry Kenna, president of Profit Protec tion, Inc., Miami, will lead the seminar. Fee is $165 for IB A mem bers, $200 for subscribers and $250 for non-members, with $20 additio nal for fees paid at the door. Fee in cludes training manual, a choice of three visual aid training programs, lunch and breaks. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the seminar runs from 9:00 to 5:00. Dates and locations are: March 2—Holiday Inn, Iowa City; March 3—Hotel Savery, Des Moines. Contact the IBA for more information. * * * A Residential Lending Seminar will be offered by the Iowa Bankers Call 319-398-4306 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 The Strength Eastern |owa_ Merchants National Bank m Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F D IC A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 913 Locust Des M oines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 Mortgage Corporation at four loca tions in March. The three hour seminar provides a review of the var ious mortgage loan products offered by IBMC. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and the program runs from 9:30 to 12:30. Fee is $25 for IBMC mem bers, $30 for non-members, and $5 additional at the door. Dates and locations are: 15th—The Highlan der, Iowa City; 16th—The Red Fox Inn, Waverly; 17 th—The Siebens Forum, Buena Vista College, Storm Lake; 18th—The Holiday Inn Uni^ versity Park, West Des Moines. F or more information, contact Jane Sex ton at the IBMC, 230 Liberty Buil ding, Des Moines, IA 50309. CEDAR FALLS: Philip S. Berg has retired from Midway Bank & Trust of Cedar Falls after serving nearly 24 years as bank president, and has been appointed chairman of the board. He began his banking career in 1955 at the First National Bank in Cedar Falls. He became first For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 Jerry Trudo MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accom plish Great Things Ben E . Marlenee Coins ThereJs A Difference In Banks... Valley National Bank ¡à Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipm ent S pecialist A ppraisals & A uctions Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorte;s-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 OVER 60% OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COM PANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e nine states w e serve w e h av e solved th e b on din g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 1 6 .4 % of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU D ID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M. TOWLE President DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d o f A m eric a sin ce 1909 OVER 60% OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED • BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e n in e states w e serve w e h ave solved th e b onding needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 1 6 .4 % of all banks In the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU D ID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m erica sin ce 1 9 0 9 BANKING Jean Eden 515-276-1151 quality service by experienced prof essionals Sandi Garner 515-832-1258 T/W /F 276-1253 M / T H ------------ BANKERS AVAILABLE--------------0 # • • • ^ LOAN OFFICER 1. Four years experience in commercial bank. Lots of enthu siasm . . . aggressive and good attitude towards work. Very personable individual. Ag is definitely his field. Enjoys appraisal work. B.S, degree. $25,000. ASST. V.P. 2. "For a young man his age, he's tops — absolutely tops," related a reference. Four years experience in a highly re garded major holding company. Ag, consumer, commercial and real estate lending expertise. Gets along very well with customers and fellow workers. I.S.U. grad. $29,000. OPERATIONS 3. Over five years in same bank. Now head of operations, also assists with loans and insurance. Reference states; "Does excellent job . . . very hard worker and responsible, gets in volved in community, good family man, and VERY persona ble." ISU grad, IA School of Banking, etc. $28,000. VICE PRES/BRANCH MANAGER 8. Responsible for $7mm in ag, small business and consumer loans, plus management of profitable insurance agency. Interested in advancement opportunity in a community with good school system. "A great credit man; we all go to him for advice — especially on ag or SBA loans. Established suc cessful loan policies and keeps a clean portfolio. Very dedi cated and hard working, yet a strong family man as well. He and wife really get involved in community activities conducive to new business development. One of the best!" Familiar with operations as well. Business degree, IA School of Banking, Installment Lending School, Ag Credit School, IA Insurance Licenses. $38,000. AG LOAN OFFICER 4. Two years in a $100mm bank, working with all facets of ag lending. References say, "One of the b e s t. . . lots of drive, really knows ag credit." Strong computer and documentation skills. B.A. Business, Ames Ag Credit School. $20,000. VICE PRES/SR. AG LOAN OFFICER 9. Currently in charge of sizeable ag portfolio in $100mm major holding company bank for past four years. (Previously held management position with Farm Credit for nearly ten years.) Trained and supervises five loan officers, has proven skills in loan servicing, workouts, and business development. Reference states, "Sharp eye for ag credits — can spot poten tial problems AND choice new business prospects — knows how to achieve results in both situations. Excellent track record, very personable, confident, and professional, with all the motivation and drive it takes to be a success." B.S. Economics. $42-$45,000. VICE PRESIDENT 5. Five years commercial bank experience. Outstanding with cash flows, computer, financial statements, etc. "Works late evenings and early mornings to get the job done. Not afraid of hard work and does it right," relates previous supervisor. Handles all facets of lending, attended various banking and computer schools. B.S. degree. $36,000. ASST. V.P. 10. Presently employed in $90mm bank. "Concise, prudent, and reads to keep abreast of changes. Makes good loans, and will do what it takes to get the job done!" expounded a reference. Primary responsibility is ag lending, also handles student loans and some consumer accounts. Very profes sional, Two years experience. $25,000. AG LOAN OFFICER 6. "A 'can do' person .., always willing to help. Looks for work to do!" states former employer. Two years of bank experience, previously with FmHA. A polished individual with a good sense of humor and great attitude. ISU grad. $24,500. VICE PRES/COMMERCIAL 11. Commercial lender handling portfolio of $10mm and credit lines of $750,000. Eight years of experience, holds degree in business administration. A reference describes this candidate as "A bright individual with an excellent future in banking. Does the necessary research to perfect a job to completion. A real self starter." $29,000. AG LENDER 7, Comes from a dairy background and offers four years of overall financial experience. Handles $6.5mm ag portfolio. "Very intelligent, takes charge and is hard working and con scientious," says reference. Very qualified and professional. College grad. $23,000. CASHIER 12. A real people person .., very sharp, Five years experience in commercial bank. In charge of operations, previous experi ence in consumer, ag and student loans. B.S. and extensive bank related seminars. $27,000. 5 2 5 M e rle H ay Tow er • Des M oines, Io w a 5 0 3 1 0 • (5 1 5 ) 2 7 6 -1 1 5 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 F irsT ier Correspondent Services More of what it takes to serve you well. FirsTier, B an ks Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC # # # % * £ operating vice president of Midway National Bank when it opened in 1961, and became president in 1964, when the bank changed its name to Midway Bank & Trust. Darrel E. Wilken, formerly senior vice presi dent, was elected president and CEO. He began at Midway in 1968 and was named senior vice president in 1983. He has been serving on the bank’s board since 1984. LeRoy H. Redfern has retired from the position of chairman, which he held since 1985. He will now be serving on the advisory board. Mr. Redfern is senior partner in a Cedar Falls law firm. W isconsin News APPLETON: Kenneth A. Swattler has been named president of Valley Bank, Northeast and regional vice president of the Bay Region for V alley B ancorporation . V alley Bank, Northeast has 11 offices in the Green Bay area. Mr. Swattler has been with Valley for 22 years, most recently as executive vice pre sident for Valley Bank, Green Bay. Dennis Wieber has been promoted to senior vice president, user sup port for Valley Systems, Inc. He has been with the company for ten years. David W. W itt has been GREENE: Daniel Castle has been named vice president, Vboss user appointed executive vice president support for Valley Systems. He has been with Valley Bancorporation for and CEO at First State Bank. 17 years. Former CEO Dale Schroeder will now be serving the bank as vice president and consultant and as a Colorado News director. In addition, Terry Sander son has been appointed vice presi DENVER: Am ong recent promo dent of the bank. He previously tions at United Bank of Denver was served as vice president of the First the advancement of Philip V. Hanel Fidelity Bank of Murdo, S. Dak. and and Stanley M. Solodky to vice the Farm Credit System Capital Corp. of Pierre, S. Dak. SIOUX CENTER: Dale L. VanDer To: Bank President... Wilt has been promoted to vice We can help you president at First National Bank of maximize the perfor Sioux Center. He joined the bank in mance of your people. 1982 and previously served as assis We specialize in: tant vice president and EDP officer. • Testing FORT M ADISON: A t the Lee County Savings Bank, J.F. Simmens has been named chairman of the board, Phillip J. Ingebritson was named president and CEO, Allen R. Kloess was named senior vice presi dent and chief loan officer, and Robert N. Siegfried was named vice president and trust officer. • Recruiting • Compensation Plans Call Us! □avid L. Hansen, CCP HAMILTON ASSOCIATES 100 Court Ave., Suite 306 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/282-0221 CEO Minnesota bank seeks conservative CEO. $35-$45,000. CEO N. Iowa bank. Ownership potential! $40-$50,000. AG LOAN OFFICER Upper Mid-west bank. Town has large trade area. $25$35,000. A G R Icareers, Inc. Marty 712/779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 Annette 515/394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 presidents. Mr. Hanel joined the bank in 1982 and manages commer cial banking services. Mr. Solodky joined the bank in 1984 and is an in vestment banker in the funds man agement department. BANKING e AVP. Make your move to commercial lending! have 2+ yrs. consumer ag lending, combined with ) credit analysis training, you can write commercial loans! Positive self-image, strong communicator. High performing bank, promotional opportunities, ; and outstanding community. Full benefits, base and I incentive bonus! ................................... Call Bruce, i TRUST MANAGER. Ripe Marketplace! Sell pro ducts, manage and direct staff, set strategic plan- i ; ning and administer some key accounts. Excellent , promotional opportunities. 4 + years of E.B. and/or personal trust with solid professional career record. • Full benefits, percs, base plus bonus! ..Call Bruce. ; ^ CREDIT ANALYST. High performing holding com pany! Analyze, review and recommend on their large \ credits. 2 + yrs credit analysis will open the door to j this opportunity. Community size 25,000! Full ; be n e fits!................................................ Call Bruce. INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER. $125MM lead hol ding company bank needs your consumer credit ex- ; perience and abilities. Excellent opportunities for : upward mobility! .....................................Call Marj. ; MARKETING/SECURITIES SALES OFFICER. Hol ding company bank $60 + mm needs brokerage or mutual funds experience with Series 6-7 license. ’ C.F.A. a bonus. Salary plus liberal commission ; structure! ................................................Call Marj. \ VP COMMERCIAL LOAN MANAGER. Competitive marketplace! Community with loan demand. Self- j starter with 4 + years in commercial lending. People management experience a must. Variety of clientele i in an outstanding university community. Full ben- | efits! ...................................................... Call Bruce. VP—TRUST OFFICER. Strong sales personality, in- s vestment background, managerial experience, j general trust knowledge for $170 + mm Metro area ; bank. Great opportunity!..........................Call Marj. I VP/C.L.O.. Mature lender with 3+ years experience, team player, larger bank background for $200 + mm bank. Permanent position, good benefit package, ; metro community...................................... Call Marj. i < PersonnelS earch Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1126 So. 72nd St. Omaha, Ne. 68124 POSITIONS AVAILABLE SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST COMMERCIAL LENDER with a minimum of 3 yrs. exp. Good advancement potential to aggressive, self starter with experience in business development. Send resume to File No. WMD c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VP—$18mm bank located in a rural suburban community near Mpls. looking for an individual with commercial & real estate loan & operations exp. Excellent opportunity. All replies kept confidential. Contact Clinton D. Kurtz or send resume to: Citizens State Bank, Box 98, Norwood, MN 55368. (612) 467-3000. (PA) Aggressive ag. bank looking for licensed INSURANCE AGENT to manage agency with premiums in excess of $600,000 per year. Excellent opportunity for growth, salary and compensation commensurate with experience, with bonus based on performance. Send resume to File No. WMQ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) POSITIONS WANTED 12 YRS. EXPERIENCE in lending, operations, investments, marketing & personnel. Graduate of CO School of Bank ing. Currently in lending full-time. Looking for a position with opportunity. Contact File No. WMP c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) R egency Diane Evans RECRUITERS, INC. PRESIDENT—$40mm bank looking for seasoned profes sional with solid operations and lending background. Must possess excellent interpersonal skills for training and development............................................... To $70,000. 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-3860 CASHIER/CONTROLLER—Expanding financial group needs a capable professional with 10-12 years experience in banking or combination of banking and public account ing......................................................................To $40,000. Financial Careers, Inc. Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 PRES/CEO POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER Farm credit or FmHa exp of 2 + years gets you into top notch inst. $25K. COMMERCIAL VP Fast track to a presidency. Senior person needed for mgt. pos. $45K. CREDIT ANALYST Make the break into comm’l lending. 1-3 yrs.analysis leads to lending pos. $27K. BR MGR Resort area Wis bank seeks mgr for ag branch. Must have banking exp. $31K. AG MGR Rural commty bank has opening forsmalltown banker who knows CF’s and W/O. $26K. EX VP Camel #1 rated bank in 10K + commty has super oppty for comm’l mgr. $50K. COMM’L LENDER Downtown metro bank needs 2-3 year comm’l lender wi/mktg & mgt skills. $42K. SR LENDER County seat bank near metro area looking for 5-6 year ag V.P. $38K. AG VP Profitable ag operation needs people person for communi ty bank. 3 + yrs ag. $27K. E.B. TRUST OFFICER One of MN’s top dept, looking for degreed admin, person w/new bus. skills. $35K. SR OPS OFFICER Strong midwestern bank seeks degreed acct., must have leadership skills. $30K. CONS LN HEAD Top notch consumer bank w/heavy floor planning dealer paper. 5-6 yrs banking. $32K. OPS OFFICER Progressive hold. co. bank in 3K + community seeks 2-3 year ops person. $27K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS ROBERT HALF OF IOWA. MC. 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Two Ruan Center/Sulte 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland con cerning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. Executive Search For Bankers Mark A. Abbey (515) 243-7576 Job Finders, Inc. BANK FOR SALE Looking for qualified individual with broad base of lending & operations experience for the Hawkeye State Bank, Iowa City, IA. Salary range of $40-$60K de pending on education & experience. Interested parties should send resume on a confidential basis to: Donald E. Holder Holder and Associates 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 or call (515) 232-0814. P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E TRUST OFFICER—Excellent opportunity for JD or CPA to join a progressive Iowa bank. Background should include probate experience............................................ To $35,000. Keystone, Inc. a bank holding company in north western Iowa is interested in selling its 96.98% inter est in Ashton State Bank. The assets of the bank are approximately $20 million. Interested persons will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and sub mit a letter of representation regarding various mat ters including their financial resources. Persons may indicate their interest by mail to P.O. Box 1600B, 699 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO—S.E. Nebraska needs 15-20 yrs exp. Degree. To $60K. CORP. MARKETING—Need heavy loan and mar keting exp. Omaha. To $50K. AG LENDER—E. Iowa needs 3-5 yrs exp. To $30K INVESTMENT BANKER—Central needed. To $43K. MN exp. Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 DON-®CHOOLER Ir AND- @ ) V)ASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT, regional bank; track record in plan ning, profit & adm inistration................. $100,000. 2708 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50312 Professionals Serving Banking POSITIONS AVAILABLE SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER—Are you a star who is ready to shine? Enjoy developing a $22mm portfolio of mixed credits? $40mm bank in excellent Minn, community needs take-charge lender with 10 + yrs. commercial/ag ex perience. Degree required. Salary to $45K plus bonus and car. Job #NW2820 COMMERCIAL LENDER—Tired of all the big bank politics? Growth opportunity for aggressive individual with 3+ years commercial lending experience and strong selling skills. The right candidate will develop this into a senior lending spot. Must be degreed and willing to make it happen now! Great Wisconsin location! To $40K. Job #NW2821 COMMERCIAL LENDER/CREDIT ANALYST—Are you ready for your career to take off? Growth opportunity in North Dakota bank for commercial lender with strong credit skills. Successful candidate must have 3 + years experience as credit analyst with 2 + years commercial lending experience. The right candidate will be able to move up the corporate ladder. Degreed required. Great hub city! To$30K. Job#NW2822 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR JAN PETERS [ml ROBERT HALF t* VM 4 OF M M N ESO TA,M C . 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 CASH MANAGEMENT EXPERT, multi-billion organization, funding experience . . . $70-$80,000. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID C.F.O., $300mm, strong analyst, acquisition ex perience, planner ...............................$40-$50,000. COMMERCIAL LENDER, top bank, 3-4 years ex perience, business development skills, excellent situation ........................................... $25-$35,000. TRUST MARKETING - large urban bank. Requires degree and trust experience. $35K FHA, Direct Endorsement Approved L e nder........ ................................................................. $28,000. PRESIDENT, $35-40mm ag bank, leading county town .........................................................$50,000. PRESIDENT, $25-$30mm commercial & consumer bank, top rating ................................ $45-$50,000. PRESIDENT, trade territory, high profile type bank, sophisticated market a re a ................OPEN. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE HEAD, excellent bank, top management..................... $30-$45,000. AG LENDER, top location, high profile b a n k ....... ...........................................................$25-$35,000. DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 PO SITION S A V A IL A B L E REAL ESTATE LOAN - single family residential and secon dary market experience required. Proximity of major metro area. $40K LOAN REVIEW - large bank experienced required. Both junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K COMMERCIAL LENDING • V.P. positions in urban and large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM to $50MM. $40 K BRANCH MANAGER - handle small business and con sumer credits. Med-size community affiliate of muttibank holding company. $24K Additional listings for commercial lending and trust officers. Resume’ requested. TOM H A G A N & A S SO C IA T E S P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 16 No. 43 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) Is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis