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0 Vol. 13 No. 45 Des Moines, Iowa February 25,1985 Minnesota Senior Bank Management To Meet March 4-5 in St. Paul HE 24TH AN N U AL Senior Bank Management Conference, sponsored by the Minnesota Bankers Association, will be held March 4-5 at the Radisson Hotel in St. Paul. Registration will be from 1-7:00 p.m. on March 4 with the conference get ting underway at 2:30. The after noon’s program will center around legislative issues. On March 5, speakers will focus on bank manage ment issues. The following advance program has been released: T • S 0 # • # 6:30 Monday, March 4 P.M. 2:30 O 5:00 5:30 Call to order. Presiding: Richard Klingen, chairman of the M B A Bank Management Committee, and presi dent, Norwest Bank St. Paul. Panel Discussion— “ Bank ing Legislative Issues ’85” Moderator: Truman Jeffers, M B A executive vice presi dent. Panelists: John Lundsten, chairman of the M B A legislative committee, and presi dent of Buffalo National Bank. Leslie W. Peterson, chair man of the M B A agricultural conditions task force, and president of Farmers State Bank, Trimont. 12:00 John Jackson, M B A general counsel. “ 1985 Legislative Session” — Speaker o f the House and Senate M a jority Leader (tentatively confirmed). Concluding comments. Reception. Theme for the evening: Salute to Legisla tors. Dinner and program Presiding: Galen Pate, M B A president, and president of Signal Hills State Bank, West St. Paul. Entertainment by The Cas tle Family. Tuesday, March 5 A.M. 9:00 Call to order; Patrick Col bert, vice chairman, M B A Bank Management Commit tee, president, American State Bank, Bloomington. “ The Role of Lending in the New De-regulated Environ ment” —John Barrickman, senior vice president, Bank Earnings International, A t lanta, Ga. “ Security and Safety—The CEO Responsibility” —Jerry Kenna, president, Profit Protection Inc., Miami, Fla. “ Financial Planning: The Upside/Downside” —Marilyn , 2:00 MacGruder Barnewell, pres ident, MacGruder Agency, Inc., Aurora, Colo. Luncheon and concluding program. Guest speaker. Concluding comments and adjournment. □ Minnestoa News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion Human Resource Committee will sponsor a Supervisory Work shop Wednesday, March 13, at the Holiday Inn, Rochester. Pat Coleman, president, The Training Company, St. Paid, will conduct the program. He is a train ing consultant with over 20 years of experience and he is the author of several articles published in national magazines. BLOOMINGTON: Larry Element has been elected vice president at American State Bank o f Blooming ton. He succeeds Robert J. Facente, Jr., who is now executive vice presi dent. Mr. Element has been with the bank since 1974. DUNDAS: Dundas State Bank has changed its name to Cannon Valley Bank, effective February 1. The name change was approved at the annual shareholders meeting held in January. In addition, Cannon Valley Bancshares Inc. has acquired 98% of the outstanding stock in Cannon Valley Bank, pursuant to approval by the Federal Reserve Bank in Min neapolis. SPRENGER ROWLAND AND MESSINA Getting it done for you. ^ «Iti Bill Sprenger 234-2625 Frampton Rowland 234-2485 John Messina 234-2486 mrCommerce Bank of Kansas aty A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FDIC Telephone (816) 234-2000 * Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC SKI COLORADO Stay within minutes of 4 major Colorado ski areas. Luxury and economy condomin iums and townhomes. Call: Dwayne Smith, Anne Marie or Sue at PARADISE PROPERTIES Toll Free 800-922-2590 _______Denver, 892-9367 or 303-468-5846._______ Teamwork: one of the reasons we're first in Iowa. M ark Conway ministrative assistant. Mr. Schu macher formerly was a loan officer with the First National Bank of Woodbine. Dorothea Wolfe INWOOD: The Inwood State Bank, founded in 1945, was declared insol vent and closed at 3 p.m. on Febru ary 19 by Thomas Huston, Iowa su perintendent of banking. FDIC was named receiver and accepted a bid of $327,500 premium from Security Savings Bank o f Larchwood, also in Lyon County and about 10 miles W A Y ZA TA : Mark Olson has been north o f Inwood, for assumption of named vice president of commercial approximately $6.7 million in depos loans at First National Bank. He its. Security Savings also took over had been assistant vice president in $500,000 of installment loans and commercial loans at Norwest Bank $100,000 in real estate loans. The Midland and prior to that was with new building constructed in recent the office of the Comptroller of the years by Inwood State was reopened Currency. the following morning as an office of Security Savings. Harold Bonander Iowa News is principal owner of the one-bank CANTRIL: James Harward has been holding company that owns the Se promoted to vice president of the curity Savings Bank. Charles C. State Savings Bank. He will assume Riter and Eugene Eisma were prin the duties of Tom J. Larson, who cipal owners o f the holding company had been serving as executive vice that owned the Inwood State. Mr. president and has accepted a posi Riter was president of the bank and tion as president of West Chester Mr. Eisma vice president and cash Savings Bank. ier. CLEAR LAK E: Larry Svoboda, M ISS O U R I V A L L E Y : Peoples vice president and officer at Clear State Bank in Missouri Valley re Lake Bank & Trust since 1969, has cently promoted Gary W oods to vice been elected executive vice presi chairman and CEO. Mr. W oods has dent. Mr. Svoboda is a graduate of been with the bank since March, the Graduate School of Banking, 1984, and has 22 years of banking University of Wisconsin, and the experience, most recently as presi N ation al C om m ercial L en din g dent and CEO of Manilla State School, University of Oklahoma. Bank. He replaces Dick Goos, who served as CEO during the transition of new bank ownership. Mr. Goos re B A N K IN G SP E C IA L IST S tired December 31. In addition, LENDING • TRUST • OPERATIONS Charles Schumacher has joined the staff as vice president and senior loan officer and Dale Ward as ad- FULDA: The Citizens State Bank was closed by the state banking de partment February 15 due to insol vency. A new state charter for Fulda State Bank was issued to Frank Far rar, well-known banker with hold ings in several states, and it opened for business February 19. t For Prompt, Courteous, Professional Attention T o Y o u r S ta ffin g Needs, Call On Us. Diane Evans 816/842-3860 R e g e n c y RECRUITERS, INC. 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COMMERCIAL-AG LOAN VICE PRESIDENT Position in northeast Iowa. Minimum 3-5 years lending experience. Cash flow and loan documen tation necessary. Excellent benefits and career opportunities with growing multi-bank holding company. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume and references to: Chartes V. Perry, President Parkersburg State Bank Box 70, Parkersburg, IA 50665 Phone: 319/346-2114 (PA) W AVERLY: State Bank of Waverly has named James D. Mormann vice president and Betty Suntken assis tant vice president. Mr. Mormann has been with the bank 13 years, most recently in commercial and real estate loans. Ms. Suntken has been employed at State Bank for 16 years. Nebraska News The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion’s officers will meet at 2 p.m., February 26, with Paul Rooney, who was advanced recently to be regional director of the FDIC in the Omaha office. The N BA said this will be an attempt to clarify some of the ques tions that have been raised over the FD IC’s role in Nebraska’s six recent bank closings. Charles Thacker from FDIC’s Washington office also has been invited to the meeting. * * * The National Association of Bank Women, Mid Plains Group, will hold their February Meeting at Ross’ Steak House, Tuesday, February 26, at 6:30 p.m. The guest speaker at this month’s meeting will be Roger Beverage, who is the director of the Nebraska Department of Banking. Mr. Beverage will give an update on “ The Current News in Banking!” Following Mr. Beverage’s presen- Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins R eliable and respeeted service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 3 Call on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. FI RST N A T IO N A L LI N C O L N 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, NE 68501 A Firslier Company ^ • ^ ^ ^ tation, the Mid Plains Group will hold its monthly business meeting. To make reservations - please call Liz Csethey, Douglas County Bank & Trust, 551-4310. BANCROFT: Dick Sturm has joined First National Bank o f Bancroft as executive vice president and chief executive officer. Mr. Sturm has had nearly 30 years of financial business experience and has served the past two years as president of the First Federal Bank, F.B.S., of Shenan doah, Iowa. E L K H O R N : A fte r the recent change in control of Bank of Elkhorn, Phillip W. Zeleny was elected to president and chief executive officer. Other officers include Richard L. Aldinger, vice president; Dennis B. Friese, vice president, and D. Sonja Pohl, cashier. GERING: John McLellan, Jr. has been appointed senior vice president of Gering National Bank and Trust Co. He has been with the bank since June, 1975. ^ IM PERIAL: Dana Siekman, for merly with the Federal Land Bank in Broken Bow, has joined Chase County Bank & Trust, according to Doug King, president. ® K EARN EY: First National Bank and Trust Co. recently promoted Byron Hansen to vice president and Debra Bank to cashier. Mr. Hansen joined the bank in 1983 and previously was with First National Bank of Syracuse. Ms. Bank has been with the bank since 1976. ® • A SOUTH SIOUX CITY: Four officers were recently elected at The Nebraska State Bank: Jeffrey C. Dible, executive vice president; Jeffrey BELLE FOURCHE: Bank o f Belle Fourche recently announced the pro motion of Kevin G. Whitelock to vice president, accounting and fi nance, and John Heimbaugh to vice president and manager o f the Spearfish Office. Mr. Whitelock joined the staff as an auditor in 1981. Mr. Heimbaugh has been with the bank since 1971 and has served as vice president, commercial loans, since 1980. SALEM: A t McCook County Na tional Bank, Gary E. Williams was elected vice president; Casey L. Derflinger was elected assistant vice president, and Darwin J. Miller, vice president and cashier, was elected to the additional post of secretary to the board. Mr. Williams joined the bank in 1982 and has been involved with agricultural loans since then. Mr. Derflinger has been an agricul tural loan representative since he joined the bank in October, 1983. Mr. Miller joined the bank in May, 1973. CANTON: John M. Ripley has been promoted to vice president and se- POSITIONS AVAILABLE BANKING OPPORTUNITIES AG LOAN OFCR—NE, near college, 1 of 3 handle $20mm portfolio $25K. Contact Barbara J. Ritta. TRUST OFFICER - 2-3 years experience. N.E. Iowa. To $30K A South Dakota News BANK MARKETING SPECIALIST • Omaha - To $60K COM’L LENDER • To start dept - E. Central NE To 45K + Car ^ L. Gebauer, vice president; Owen Buckley, assistant vice president, and George Klotzbach, cashier. Prior to joining the bank in 1979, Mr. Dible was a national bank ex aminer with the U.S. Treasury De partment. Mr. Gebauer was em ployed by Burroughs Corporation before joining the bank in 1982. Mr. Buckley is a 1982 graduate of the University of Kansas. Mr. Klotz bach was an examiner with the Iowa Department of Banking before join ing the bank in March, 1984. 6 AG LENDERS - E. Nebr. & W. Iowa - 4-8 years. To $35K Richard L. Beam, CPA GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PRESIDENT—$30mm rural bank near Des Moines, strong ag bckgrd required. Salary open. Contact Barbara J. Ritta. AVP/TRUST OFFICER—$80mm dept. Arkansas metro bank. E/B and marketing. $25-30K. Contact Pamela J. Swenson. AG LENDER—Central MN $30mm Bank, 1-5 yrs exp. Salary $18-24K. Contact Pamela J. Swenson. PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS 6818 Grover Street Omaha, NE 68106 Phone: 402/397-2885 • Member, F.D.I.C. nior loan officer at First American Bank. North Dakota News BISM ARCK: Stanley Benson has been named vice president, manager in the credit/compliance department of Norwest Bank Bismarck. A grad uate of Bismarck Junior College and Mary College, Mr. Benson has been with the bank since 1977 and was named assistant vice president in 1979. D EVILS LAKE: Dwight F. Willard has been elected president of First National Bank and continues as CEO. Patricia N. Olsen, formerly president, was named chairman and public relations officer. Duane Pesek was promoted from assistant vice president to vice president, and Kyle Olsen was elected assistant vice president and a member of the board. First National is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 1985. 4 TRUST ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR MICROCOMPUTERS MBS, Inc. 7387 Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68114 Phone: 402/399-8021 Ag Banking Specialists Let us help with your career advancement or staffing needs. Call in confidence, without obligation. Employ ers pay our reasonable fee to hire the best. PRESIDENT—$25 million Fort Madison, Iowa bank. Good earnings, not a problem bank. Must have lending back ground. Contact Larry Wenzl, P.O. Box 450, Ames, Iowa 50010. Phone: 515/232-6200._____________________ (PA) VICE PRESIDENT—$40 million southeast Iowa bank seek ing individual with strong credit and operations back ground needed. Near major college town. Excellent bene fits and career opportunity. Send resume and salary his tory in confidence to file WCS, c/o Northwestern Banker. ___________________________________________ (PA) NEEDED IMMEDIATELY—2nd officer in $12 million SE Iowa bank. Prefer minimum of 2 yrs. experience in Ag. len ding or operations. Send resume, including salary require ments to file WCT, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) INVESTMENT OFFICER for small regional midwestern bank. Needs 10 years’ experience. Investment portfolio $250 million. Must have excellent credentials. Salary com mensurate with experience. Contact file WCV, c/o North western Banker. (PA) TRUST INVESTMENT OFFICER: Opening for an individual with 2 or more years experience in investments. Position involves extensive client contact and business develop ment. We offer excellent benefits and a salary commen surate with experience. Send resume and salary require ments in confidence to: Valley National Bank, Personnel Department, P.O. Box 906, Des Moines, la. 50304. (PA) ASSISTANT FARM MANAQER/AQ LENDER wanted. Eastern Nebraska. Junior position working under experienced Ag Officer. Ag degree required, Ag Econ preferred. Experi ence desirable but not essential. State salary range re quired. Send resume to file WCW, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE VICE PRESIDENT - Solid community bank near metro area seeks indiv with strong commercial lending and banking bkgd. 4 + yrs comm’l or ag lending in a $35mm + environ ment. $35K. PRESIDENT/CEO - Dream position for young, fast tracker. Rural holding co bank seeks degreed ag lender with 3 + years experience to be top man. Oppty to take charge and move up through holding company’s executive ranks. $33K. TRUST • WARM WEATHER. Trust department in sunbelt seeks JD or CPA with business development skills. 2-3 yrs experience. $30K. COMMERCIAL LENDER - Large progressive bank offers high visibility, good pay, and growth potential in growing bank. 3+ yrs comm’l lending experience, leasing knowl edge and large bank environment are all musts. $30K. INVESTMENT MANAGER • Top-notch large institution with exceptional reputation is in search of 4 + years ex perience in portfolio management, hedging and A&L man agement. Degree necessary. $35K +. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THESE AND OTHER POSITIONS RESPOND IN CONFIDENCE TO: R. KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414 1M H > <H H > <M > RO BERT WULF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID CEO for $28 million Iowa bank. Affiliated with major hold ing company. Prefer experienced banker with good ag background............................................. Salary $45,000+ COMMERCIAL LENDER for $100 million bank. Requires 5-10 years experience. Job entails loan cleanup—both ag and com mercial...................................... Salary $40,000 + AM COMMERCIAL LENDER for $600 million midwest bank. Must be experienced in handling major credits and good at documentation..................................... Salary $40,000. Linda 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 Jean 515/263-9598 (W/F) 712/779-3567 (M/T/TH) Massena, Iowa 50853 agri careers,inc. NUMBER TWO person for $140 million bank. Must have loan experience in larger bank. Position leads to CEO . . . . ..................................................................Salary $50,000 + A COMMERCIAL LENDER for major southern Minnesota bank. Requires 5 or more years experience......................... ............................................................... Salary to $40,000. TRUST OFFICER for $100 million midwest bank. Law de gree not necessary..................................Salary to $35,000. FOR SALE AG LENDER for major eastern Iowa bank. Located in metro area. Candidate will work in rural office................... ............................................................... Salary to $30,000. NCR 7750-2500 PROOF MACHINE—12 pockets, auto-feed hopper, cassette handler, 3.7 million items, has been on maintenance. Contact: Mark Sams, First State Bank, Web ster City. Phone: 515/832-2520.__________________ (FS) TRUST OFFICER for $70 million Iowa bank. Prefer lawyer with two or more years experience in handling trusts and esta te s......................................................Salary $30,000. POSITION WANTED CASHIER for eastern Nebraska bank. Requires 3-5 years experience.............................................. Salary to $32,000. ENTRY LEVEL POSITION. Graduate of the University of South Dakota. With interest in finance and economics. Contact Jeff Wollman, 803 Dakota St., Yankton, SD 57078. Phone:(605)665-8293. ____________________ (PW) LOAN WORKOUT SPECIALIST Available on a temporary or an intermediate basis in an on line or advisory capacity for: • LOAN WORKOUTS • LIQUIDATIONS • DOCUMENTATION 22 years experience in acquisitions and liquidations, write: WBX c/o Northwestern Banker — All Replies Confidential — (PW) VICE PRESIDENT—COMMERCIAL LOANS for $40 million Iowa bank. Insurance license is a plus .. Salary to $35,000 V a ™ AG LENDER for northern Iowa bank. Prefer college grad with one or two years experience. Must know documenta tion ........................................................ Salary to $25,000. AG LENDERS for PCA, to serve as managers in excellent farming areas. Offices do not have major problem loans. Prefer college grads with 3 or more years experience and farm background. Good documentation record is essential ................................................................Salary to $30,000. Write or call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk in care of Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. Many other opportunities now available. £ A BANKING LOAN REVIEW OFFICER W ANT TO BUY AG LENDER • Clear path to bank president in a MW rural bank. Degreed indiv with 2-5 yrs ag lending exp. Will be #1 man within 10 yrs. Strong bank with no loan problem. $26K. _ V CEO for $14 million Iowa community bank. Requires 5 to 10 years experience. Good ag background. . . . Salary open POSITION AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—Immediate opening for head of commercial loan department. This person will also supervise officer in charge of consumer loans. Minimum of 3 years commercial experience required. Salary com mensurate with experience. Excellent benefits and career opportunities. Contact: Robert S. DeWaay, President, United State Bank, P.O. Box 309, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52406. Member Hawkeye Bancorporation. Phone 319/366-8413. ______________________ ____________________ (PA) Financial Careers V.P. & CASHIER for $32 million Iowa bank. College comm u n ity........................................................... Salary Open WANTED—Minnesota, Iowa or Wisconsin $10-$20 million sound bank. File WCQ, c/o Northwestern Banker. (WTB) LENDING OFFICERS Norwest Corporation has openings for ex perienced loan officers in several locations in Iowa. Successful candidates will have 2 to 7 years experience in Commercial Lend ing. We prefer candidates with degrees in Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, or Accounting and/ or advanced training obtained in various ABA or other professional banking schools. These positions would provide for salary ranges from $25,000 to $42,000, depending upon past experience, and very attractive benefit programs including: profit sharing/savings investment programs, pension benefits and liberal medical, life, and dis ability plans. Norwest Corporation is a $21 billion diver sified financial services organization with Region IV banking locations in Keokuk, Ot tumwa, Bettendorf, Marion, Cedar Falls, Des Moines and Fort Dodge, Iowa. Please contact in complete confidence: Will C. Smith, Regional Vice President Human Resources 1201 Financial Center Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Telephone #515-245-8441 (We are an equal opportunity employer.) We are seeking an individual to as sist in our internal loan review pro gram. Some lending or auditing ex perience preferred. Job involves 18-20 weeks travel per year. Please send resume and salary requirements to -or call: Mark Matthews HAWKEYE BANCORPORATION 6th Floor, First Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50307 Ph (515) 284-1930 An Equal Opportunity Employer POSITIONS AVAILABLE INSTAL. LOAN - $100MM suburban bank. Requires one or two yrs. consumer lending experience. Some supervision $18K COMML. LOAN - $250MM urban bank. Addition to staff. Future advancement possible $40K COMML/REAL ESTATE • heavy commercial loan experi ence and some exposure to large R.E. lines. Senior posi tion in $20MM suburban bank $40K AGRILOAN - share lending responsibilities with President for $30MM Ag bank. Some operations background desired $35K PRESIDENT • $30MM independent suburban bank. Must have previous CEO experience and strong marketing skills $Open TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES Q 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 13 No. 45 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis #