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February 23,1981 Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 9 No. 44 Fed Board Sets Pricing HE Federal Reserve Board earlier this month phased in the T first part of its explicit pricing for services as required by the Monetary Control Act of 1980. One of the points of contention between the Fed and the nation’s banks was the initial method selected for pricing, which banks maintained was unfair compe tition because it calculated too low a private sector adjustment, as re quired by the law. The Fed originally figured this adjustment at 12 %. The recently announced schedule now has set that figure at 16 %. That figure is intended to reflect “imputed costs which takes into account the taxes that would have been paid and the return on captial that would have been provided had the services been furnished by a private business firm.” In its adopted principles, the Board adds the caveat, “except that the pricing principles shall give due regard to competitive factors and the provision of an adequate level of such services nationwide. The first fee schedules announced cover wire transfer and net settle ment. The charges for wire transfer range from 80 cents for originator on-line to $3.50 for originator off-line, with no telephone advice. If telephone advice is added, those fees rise to $2.60 and $5.30, respectively. Net settlement fees will be 80 cents charge per entry, with surcharges of $2.70 for a settlement originated off-line and $1.80 if telephone advice is requested. On August 1, 1981, ACH fees will be effective where the Fed provides clearinghouse services to ACHs. The New York Reserve bank will charge .3 cents per item for Intra-ACH debits originated and credits received, and 1.2 cents for Inter-ACH items. All other Reserve banks will charge 1 cent per item for Intra-ACH and 1.5 cents for Inter-ACH debits origina ted and credits received. The announced fee schedule dates • Coin and Currency Transporta tion—January 1, 1982. • Coin Wrapping—January 1, 1982. The Board deferred action on pricing for float pending further study. Actions to reduce float through operational improvements are underway. The Board will review its prices at least annually. Fees will be national for services that are uniform across the Fed System. Where there are significant differences in costs among Fed Districts or offices, differing schedules of prices will be used. □ Iowa News The Iowa Bankers Association’s 1981 Agricultural Credit Conference will be held March 16-18 at the Scheman Continuing Education Center in Ames. An outstanding array of timely topics and prominent speakers, including key noter Marlin Jackson, a nationallyknown bank advocate from Paragould, Ark.; Jam es Gill of Illinois Ag Associates, Bloomington; IB A President Edward L. Tubbs of Maquoketa, and William Greiner, executive director of the Family for other services will be as follows: Farm Development Authority, will • Check Collection & C learing- be on hand to discuss past, present Full access and pricing on August 1, and future relations between the 1981. banking and agriculture industries. • Purchase, Sale, Safekeeping and Registration fee is $50. Transfer of Securities—October, The Bank Administration Insti 1981. • Noncash Collections—October, tute, in conjunction with the IB A, is conducting the second annual 1981. C A L L O N T H E “P E R F O R M A N C E T E A M ” where common transactions are handled uncom m only well. ■ ■ ■ III FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. 2 Seminar for Bank Directors Febru ary 26 at Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel in Cedar Rapids. Topics to be covered include: the role of the bank director, the financial performance of Iowa banks, an update on the regulatory scene and banking and public policy. Registration fee is $ 55 . ADEL: The name of Dallas County State Bank has been changed to Brenton Bank & Trust Company. A LBIA : First Iowa State Bank has embarked on an expansion project which will include the remodeling of the former Brawdy building. ALTOONA: Earl Freel, president of the Altoona State Bank, has announced the promotion of Carolyn Mendenhall and Phyllis Knox to assistant cashiers. AM ES: The University Bank & Trust Company has announced the promotion of Robert O. Grathwohl to executive vice president and cashier. Mr. Grathwohl has been associated with the University Bank since 1979 and was previously vice president and cashier of the bank operations department. D ES MOINES: The Iowa-Des Moines National Bank will host a series of banking management conferences throughout Iowa, star ting March 18. Titled “Insights ’81,“ they will be held in five cities, with Eugene G. “Bud” Precht, the newly-elected president and chief executive officer of the bank, presiding. The March 18 meeting will be in Crestón at the Elks Lodge; March 19 at Lake Creek Country Club, Storm Lake; March 24 at Gateway Center Motor Hotel, Ames; March 25 at Holiday Inn, Muscatine, and March 26 at Sunnyside Country Club, Waterloo. Further details are in the March Northwestern Banker. Two members of the Iowa-Des Moines National correspondent de partment have been promoted. John P. Rigler has been named second vice president and Mark E . Conway has been named Iowa banking officer. A SK JE R R Y TR U D O to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 D ES MOINES: David G. Wright, president of Northwest Brenton National Bank, has announced R.C. Remer has been elected to the board. Mr. Remer is senior vice president and has been associated with the bank since 1970. Member F.D.I.C. GRUNDY CENTER: Tom Batty has joined Farmers Savings Bank as ag representative. He replaces Doug Van Dyke, who recently accepted the position of president and c.e.o. of Citizens State Bank, Donnellson. Pruin, Rockwell farmer, was elected to the board to fill the vacancy. Mary M. Gallagher was elected president and Richard Galloway was elected e.v.p. and cashier. KNOXVILLE: Richard L. Hixson, vice president of Iowa State Savings Bank, has been elected to the bank’s board. He has been with the bank since 1964. NEWTON: A major remodeling and expansion of the downtown facilities of the First Newton National Bank is underway, President E . James Karlin has announced. Completion is expected in June. ROCKWELL: J .B . McGaheran, 75, president of the Community State Bank, died recently. Paul We’re people you can turn to for investments. For investment services, data processing, ag lending and overlines . . . we’re the people you can turn to. Merchants ^ National Bank 151 A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK SIGOURNEY: L .E . Williamson has been named board chairman of First Trust & Union Savings Bank. TAMA: Duane Felton has joined the Tama State Bank. He formerly was vice president of the Hayesville Sav. Bk. THORNTON: Promoted at First State Bank were Willard Krabbe to vice president and Gerald Haugland to assistant cashier. W ILLIA M S: Justin L. Collier, e.v.p., has been elected a director of Williams Savings Bank. Illinois News CHICAGO: Directors of the National Bank of North Chicago have advanced Howard C. Heyer to We’re more than western Iowa’s largest bank. We’re people. BANKERS PARTICIPATING Stephen J. Hatz Sr. Correspondent Bank Officer 712/277-6526 SECURITY N ATIO N AL BANK .N SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D.I.C. @ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis asePlan,lnc. 545 - 31st Street Des Moines. Iowa 50312 R. L. “ DICK” SELLON Carleton D. Beh Co. Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 2-23-81 Investment Bankers/Financial Consultants NEW ISSUE SALE DATE: February 19,1981 $3,920,000 NOBLE COUNTY HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, INDIANA MOODY’S- A Hospital Building Bonds of 1981 Dated. March 1,1981 Denomination: $5,000 Both principal and semiannual interest (January 1 and July 1, first coupon due on July 1, 1981) payable at the Kendallville Bank & Trust Co. o f Kendallville, Indiana; or at the Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, Illinois. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. MATURITIES 11. 00 % $ 25,000 July 1, 1983 30,000 July 1, 1984 35,000 July 1, 1985 40,000 July 1, 1986 45,000 July 1, 1987 50,000 July 1, 1988 55,000 July 1, 1989 60,000 July 1, 1990 65,000 July 1, 1991* 70,000 July 1, 1992* 80,000 July 1, 1993* 90,000 July 1, 1994* 100,000 July 1, 1995* 110,000 July 1, 1996* 7.50 7.65 7.80 8.00 8.15 8.30 8.50 8.60 8.75 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 $120,000 135,000 150,000 165,000 185,000 205,000 225,000 245,000 270,000 300,000 325,000 350,000 390,000 11. 00 % July 1, 1997* July 1. 1998* July 1, 1999* July 1, 2000* July Si 2001* July 1, 2002* July 1, 2003* July 1, 2004* July 1, 2005* July 1, 2006* July i 2007* July 1, 2008* July 1, 2009* 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 * Optional beginning January 1,1991 or before 7-1 -95 at 104%; 1-1 -96 or before 7-1 -00 at 103%; 1-1 -01 or before 7-1-05 at 102%; 1-1-06 at 101%; and 100% thereafter. LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY ICE, MILLER, DONADIO & RYAN, ATTORNEYS, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Noble County Hospital Association was organized under Indiana Statutes for the purpose of erecting and leasing hospital facilities to Noble County. To accomplish this purpose, the Association is now undertaking to issue $3,920,000 Hospital Building Bonds. S ! ! i®.secur?d by »Tru s t Indenture entered into with the Kendallville Bank & Trust Co. and the bonds are issued pursuant to the huiw lnn«*?2 ? 0f SaiJ? Th ® proceeds of said bonds will be used to acquire the site of and to construct and equip new thUfi h?Iihi a Ph rt Kf the Mf Cray.Men" or,al Hospital. A twenty-nine year lease commencing on the completion of the erection of h?h b?6n entered,nt? b y the N°b'e County Hospital Association with Noble County for the use and occupancy of S m i «^nM«ffnllLnmon?og ' I i ! ,eKSe Pw°Vid!f !for an annual lease renta| of $461 >500 W ab'efrom tax®®- The annual rental, payable in equal S n c l M r i n r i intlSSSif ini n i be fedli Ced anam °unt eb.ual to $1,000 plus the multiple of $1,000 next highest to the highest sum of A s s o d a i o n t o n a v ® »?ond maturity date on the Hospital Building bonds issued by the Noble County Hospital new h S t a f hnSn/nn i ?f sa,dI buildings, including the acquisition of the site thereof and other expenses incidental thereto. The new hospital building is to be located on a site owned by the Noble County Hospital Association, in Kendalville, Indiana. t0 TH E LEVY AN D C O LLE C TIO N O F AN UNLIM ITED AD VALORUM TA X W ITHIN TH E C O U N TY , A D E Q U A TE TO PAY TH E LEASE RENTAL, W HICH IS P AYABLE FROM TA X ES, IS M AN D A TO R Y UNDER TH E GOVERNM ING A C T. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed value taxable property, 1980-81 Total direct and overlapping debt $142 592 OOO ^ y 866 500 Population, 1980 estimate: 35,035 Total debt per capital: Tax collections have approximated 104% of taxes levied for the past four years. $509.96 We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion: The Information conta^ed herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources we deem reliableand is that on which our purchase of these bonds are based Bonds of a particular maturity may or may not still be available or may now be available at a price or yield different from that indicated above. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Des M oine s B u ilding • Des M oines, Iowa 50309 • 515-288-2152 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AMERICAN SOCIETY OF FARM MANAGERS AND RURAL APPRAISERS® 1981 Education and Publication Announcement • BASIC PRINCIPLES OF RURAL APPRAISING Fresno, California June 14-19 Ames, Iowa July 26-31 • ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF RURAL APPRAISAL Yakima, Washington June 21-26 Guelph, Ontario July 5-10 Columbia, South Carolina August 2-7 West Lafayette, Indiana August 16-21 • ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF RANCH APPRAISAL Fort Worth, Texas May 24-29 • ADVANCED FARM MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Madison, Wisconsin July 12-17 • BASIC FARM MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Indianapolis, Indiana September 8-10 • RANCH MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Lubbock, Texas September 20-25 • MINERALS APPRAISAL SEMINAR Billings, Montana September 10-11 PUBLICATIONS Journal (Semi-Annual) Rural Appraisal Manual (5th Edition) Farm-Ranch Management Manual (3rd Edition) Membership Directory (Available in May) $ 8.00 Year $18.00 $18.00 $35.00 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® P.O. Box 6857 Denver, CO 80206 Phone (303) 388-4858 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Help Prevent Birth Defects— The Nation’s Number One Child Health Problem. Banking,Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 Central National Bldg. 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 executive vice president and Michael C. Abraham to loan officer. CHICAGO: Donald D. Thornburg will join Sears Bank as vice chairman and a director March 1. He will have senior management responsibility for the commercial, correspondent and international banking divisions and will directly supervise the commercial banking division. He succeeds Raymond C. Hamilton in the latter assignment, who will retire May 31 after 28 years at Sears Bank. Mr. Thornburg has spent his entire banking career with United Califor nia Bank, where he is presently senior <zdfoÜcUx a n d c/h ioa C a t& i Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder , Principal S u p p o rt th e « March of Dimes IBIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION! This space contributed by the publisher. vice president of the U .S. banking division. Nebraska News ALBION: J . Patrick Breen, formerly with the Federal Land Bank for six years, has been elected vice president and ag lending officer at the First National Bank. ATKINSON: Daniel L. Kramer has been advanced to executive vice president at First National Bank. Sharon Wenner, cashier, also has been elected vice president. ATKINSON: At the First National Bank, Paul Seger is a new director, Daniel L. Kramer has been promoted to e.v.p. and Sharon Wenner to vice president and cashier. CLARKS: Craig Swedenburg has been appointed assistant vice presi dent at Bank of Clarks, where he has been employed since September, 1978. DAVID CITY: Bill Souba, presi dent of David City Bank, has announced the following promo tions: Larry G. Novak and Patricia R. Vaca from assistant vice THE 1981 IOWA BANKERS ASSOCIATION’S MARKETING CONFERENCE M ARCH 9 - 11 ST O U FFE R ’S FIVE SEASO NS H OTEL CEDAR RAPIDS Hurry! Our M arch 4 registration, deadline is rapidly approaching. You won’t want to m iss the best hank m arketing convention in the Midwest. . . fill out the attached registration form right away! 1981 IB A M A R K E T IN G C O N F E R E N C E Stouffer’s Five Seasons For Office Use Date ree’d ____ Date Ack’d ____ M arch 9 -1 1 , 1981 NAM E NAM E _ZIP_ BANK T E L E P H O N E I Please answer the following questions: W ill you be attending the reception/dinner on M arch 9 , at 6 :0 0 ? D Y E S □ NO W ill you be joining our trip to the A m ana’s on M arch I 0 ? D Y E S □ NO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REGISTRATION FEE: For IBA members: $95.00 for members and $125.00 for non-members. All registrations postmarked after March 4 will be $115.00 for members and $145.00 for non members. Please return this form w ith check to: BANK N A M E C IT Y R E G IS T R A T IO N F O R M Cindy McCroskey Iowa Bankers Association 430 Liberty Building Des Moines, Iowa 50308 C A N C E L L A T IO N P O L IC Y : If cancellation is received before February 24, a refund minus a $10.00 cancellation fee will be returned. No refund will be accepted after this date. • • • 5 Estate Appraisals GET THE C O M P E T IT IV E EDGE over savings and loan, credit unions, etc. Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins This “ on-premise” system gives you complete inde pendence, competitive flex ibility and control. Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 presidents to vice presidents and Deborah Pelan and Diane Hofpar from tellers to assistant cashiers. B 0 ^ B _ ™ B DORCHESTER: At Citizens State Bank, Jean Bobolz, vice president and cashier, has been elected to the board. Promotions include: Bernice Weber to assistant vice president and assistant cashier and Joel Bergmeyer to assistant vice presi dent and insurance manager. FREMONT: First State Bank has announced the election of Steven W . Calta as loan officer. He joined First State in 1977 while attending Midland Lutheran College. Wentz, cashier, and Evelyn Weinmeister, assistant cashier. Minnesota News FRAZEE: Dennis D. Dalziel was advanced from executive vice presi dent to the office of president at Peoples State Bank, succeeding Q.P. Walseth, who had been president of the bank since the death of his father, H .E. Walseth, in 1965. Other promotions were: Douglas Hilmoe to vice president, secretary and direc tor; Beulah Frank, cashier, and Linda Hesby, assistant cashier. GRAND R A PID S: Wm. V. Sommer will retire February 25 as senior vice president of First Northwestern National Bank after more than 38 years of service with that institution. M INNEAPOLIS: Among recent promotions announced at First National Bank was the advancement HYANNIS: Jeanne K. Davis has of Jack L; Quitmeyer to assistant been promoted to assistant vice vice president in the East -West president at the Bank of Hyannis. - correspondent banking division. M ITCHELL: Je ff Jones has been STILLW A TER: A .R. Kircher will promoted to assistant vice president retire as president of the Cosmopoli at First National Bank and Marsha tan State Bank at the end of this Blackburn was advanced to adminis month. He joined the bank in 1960 trative assistant. and has been its president since 1964. He will be succeeded as president by SCHUYLER: Mark Kruger has James H. Gillespie, who joined the been promoted to assistant cashier bank last August. Howard M. at the Schuyler State Bank. Guthmann, a director, has been SC O T TSBLU FF: John A. Koenig, elected chairman. president of the First State Bank, has announced the following VIRG IN IA : R.O. Johnston, presi promotions: Sheron Dinnel, assis dent of First Bank Virginia, will tant vice president; Robert B . retire April 1 following 31 years of Single Svstem Banking with Bank Data Processing Professionals Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f iH * . Modern Banking System s, Inc. 6818 G ro v e r St., O m a h a , N e b rask a 68106 (402) 392-0151 banking, the past Virginia bank. 11 with the North Dakota News The North Dakota Senate on February 13 passed 50-0 the NDBA-sponsored bill that would exempt all loans made by North Dakota banks from state usury limitations. The bill, SB 2330, now is in a House committee. Montana News LEW ISTOW N : Joan Felke has been named vice president and cashier, and Mary Jo Ritchey has been appointed human resource officer for Northwestern Bank. Wyoming NOW ACCOUNTS Now! National Bank of W aterloo Get tighter instantaneous reporting in every phase of yo u r o p e ra tio n . A t the sam e tim e reduce you r operating costs. A program for your every need — and m ore. The best banking system in the industry. Phone Milt Hennick at 1-800-772-2411. SHERIDAN: Robert L. Ferril has been elected vice chairman of the board at Bank of Commerce. He has been president of the bank since 1974 and will continue as chief executive officer. Succeeding him as president is William H. Ruegamer, who has been president for the past two years. PA RTIA L L IS T OF AV A ILA BLE POSITIO NS VEHICLES REPOSSESSED NORTH CAROLINA STATEWIDE SERVICE Since 1922-Field Divisions “Wanted Vehicle-Missing Persons Bulletin” HOME DETECTIVE COMPANY, INC. ________ P.O.Box11431, Greensboro 27409 (919)299-1641 W ANTADS PO SITIO N S A V A ILA BLE Insurance agent for Nebraska bank located near major c ity ..................................................................... Salary open Number Two Person for $60 million Iowa bank. Should be generalist with solid commercial lending e xp e rie n c e ...................................................... Salary open Cashier needed by Nebraska bank in town of 10,000 .................................................................................. $25,000 W rite or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee. A northeastern Iowa county seat bank, with assets of $27 m illion is looking for someone with trust and marketing experience. This person should have an ag background and knowledge in making loans. W rite file MBO, c /o Northwestern Banker._______________ (PA) LOAN OFFICER immediate opening. Familiar with all types of lending including agriculture for a $40 million bank located in Central Nebraska. 3-4 years experience. Send resume to file MBN, c /o Northwestern Banker._________________________ (PA) LOAN OFFIC ER - Central Illinois bank seeking individual for lending responsibilities, primarily consumer loans. Operations experience helpful, but not necessary. Call Bart Solon, State Bank of Girard, Phone (217) 627-2112._________________________ (PA) Young CPA with bank holding company knowledge. W rite file MBM, c /o Northwestern Banker._______(PA) BANK PR ESID ENT/C .E.O . with opportunity to invest to 25% of capital. Newly chartered bank in central Minnesota. Send resume and financial statement to File MBI, c /o Northwestern Banker.____________ (PA) FOR SALE OR LEASE COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICER • Must have at least 3 yrs experience and ability to run a branch. $23,000. PO SITIO N S WANTED CEO of $8 m illion bank seeks new opportunity as either number one or number two p e rs o n ...................... .............................................................. $28,000 to $30,000 Operations person with ag lending exp. and insurance licenses ready to accept greater challenge . . .$26,000 Second man with outstanding track record in ag lending and operations wants to move to progressive b a n k ......................................................................... $28,000 Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee. FOR SALE For sale by executors of estate, 87.9% of a$1 4 million asset bank in southeast Kansas. Please send inquiries to flle MBK, c /o Northwestern Banker.__________ (FS) MODULAR BANK UNIT: 12’x7’ equipped with drive-up window. Used as bank’s drive-up facility. Available immediately. Contact Northwestern State Bank of Dodge Center, MN 55927. Phone (507) 374-6311. (FS) NCR Proof Machine Model 482-Printer and Sorter. Mid City Bank, Omaha, Nebraska, (402) 558-8000. (FS) Docutel Series 300 Total Teller Machine. Used approximately 3 years. On line capabilities. Call Steve at (308) 324-5691._____________________________ (FS) NCR 775-2100 proof machines, 20 pockets. Cost $25,000 new. W ill sell for $10,000 each. Call (512) 250-0794.____________________________________ (FS) WANT TO BUY CAPABLE-PERSONABLE-AGE 39. Want to learn management from bank owner with timetable toward purchase of same. Initial equity available. W rite File MBP, c /o Northwestern Banker.______________ (WTB) NCR 279tellerterm inals. Call (512) 250-0794. (WTB) i PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY— Sale or lease modular bank buildings. Available immediately: 12’x40’ w /2 DUW’s in Nebraska, 14’x60’ in Missouri, 24’x60’ in Illinois, and 12’x50’ in Minnesota. SON CORPORATION, Box 684, W ichita, Kansas, 67201, (316)942-8167, call collect. (F S o rL S ) Ag Banking Specialists3^0/ PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNER W e have a career opportunity available for a profes sional individual able to provide a functional service to clients with varied financial needs. The position reports to the Director of Financial Planning and will be responsible for acquiring new clients and performing financial services including exercising and refining current marketing plans, giving personal financial consultations, formulating comprehensive financial plans, and presenting & explaining financial options and strategies to clients and working with those clients to put the plans into operation. Management responsibilities are likely in the future and a great deal of emphasis will be placed on self development. The qualified candidate will have a bachelors degree in Finance, Accounting, Bus. Ad. or related field. MBA or JD highly desirable. Additional accreditation such as CFP, CPA, CFA, CLU, or CPCU definite plusses. Applicants should also have 3 to 5 years experience In one or more of the following areas: Financial counseling or lending, Risk Management, Investment sales, Tax preparation or Tax planning, or Estate planning. Also required are strong oral & written communication skills and a willingness to travel to seminar and presentation sites as needed. This is not a life insurance sales position. W e offer an excellent salary, commensurate with experience, plus our comprehensive package of company benefits. Inquiries held in complete confidence. Call or send resume to: Brian Cornish AID Insurance Company 701 5th Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50304 __________________ (515)280-4348__________________ ASST. V P - Large Des Moines bank looking for heavily experienced commercial lender who has a keen sense of business judgment. $28,000. POSITION WANTED Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file tetters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 3 06- 15th St. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 LENDING - N.W . Iowa bank seeking ag lender with at least 2 yrs exp. $18,000. Whan it comas to agriculture, banking and personnel. . . go to the spedalists — go to AGRIcareers, Inc. Progressivo bankers pay us to find the people they nood. CREDIT M A N A G E R S .........IA & O H . . . . $18-23,000 AG LOAN O F F IC E R S .........IA .................$18-20,000 TWO FARM MANAGERS . . I A & I L ....... $16-24,000 AG LENDING OFFICER . . . NE IO W A .. .$15-20,000 CREDIT M ANAGER.............K Y ................. $20-30,000 INSURANCE MANAGER . . N E ................$16-19,000 Ask our banking specialist, Unda, what's available without cost or obligation. (515) 394-3145 > NEW HAMPTON, IA 50659 aqncairers, inc. • J i THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER SENIOR TRUST OFFICER - Need heavily experienced indivto come into trust dept and eventually assume full responsibility for trust dept. $21,000. LENDER - Nebraska bank seeks indiv with ten years of experience in commercial and especially agriculture lending. $25,000 + 2ND PERSON/INSTALLM ENT LENDER - Need at least 2 yrs of exp handling installment loans, student loans, mastercharge and direct & indirect loans. $17,000. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RESPONDIN CONFIDENCETO: a a ! | Bank Division ft# ROBERT HALF I T T 317 6th Ave. Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 of Iowa, Inc ALL F E E S COMPANY PAID EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL AVAILABLE #1042 Operations Officer, lending, auditing, personnel #1148 Asst. Manager Installment Loans, 12mm dept. #1016 Senior Commercial Loan, Commercial School grad. #1174 Branch Manager, looking for growth (lending) #1172 Regional Manager Finance Co. (marketing and management) #1156 Ag-Loan Officer, 3 yrs. experience, good training #1164 Installment Loan, 3 yrs. exp., T. C. area preferred #1157 Auditor-Holding C o., wants credit and lending #1165 Installment Loan Manager #1135 Ag-trainee, 1 yr. exp. #1137 Operations Officer #1175 Ag-Loan V.P. 25K 18K 35K 25K 25K 20K 20K 16K 20K 13K 22K 25K These people are representative of the qualified bankers we recommend to you. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES OF MINNESOTA 4901 West 77th St. Edina, M innesota55435 David Dahl (612) 835-4121 Megan Maloney All positions employer paid F e e R ang e8-15% ’ POSITIO N S A V A ILA BLE PRESIDENT- $40MM ag-oriented bank. Prefer ag related degree and solid background in cattle-feeder lot financing............................................................. $40,000 SECOND OFFICER- opportunity to assume CEO duties in 2-3 yrs. $10MM rural southern Missouri bank. Desire ag experience................................... $20,000 LOAN OFFICER- oversee consumer lending function and handle commercial credits. $50M M Rocky Mountain bank.........................................................$25,000 SENIOR AG LENDER- prefer 5 yrs. or more lending experience. Position will develop into Exec. VP............................................................................... $28,000 TRUST OFFICER- head dept for$35M M rural oriented bank. Position requires 3-5 yrs. general trust experience. Law degree not necessary..............$25,000 CASHIER- small but very busy bank seeks strong operations officer. W ill also handle regulatory reports. Future advancement possible..............$25,000 □ I would like to sell my majority bank stock. □ I would like to buy ma jority bank stock. CORRESPONDENT BANKERsenior position available for strong commercial lender with seven-figure credit experience. Knowledge of agri-credits helpful................................................. $$Open Please Contact: J. Mason Henry To inquire, please forward full resume’ and salary history to: Charles E. Walters CoM Inc. TOM HAGAN & A SSO C IA TES of Kansas City 39 Ginger Woods Road, Valley, Nebraska68064 Phone: (402)553-6400 P.O. Box 12346- 2024Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 __________________ (816)474-6874____________ Voi. 9 No. 44 Northwestern Banker Newsletter [USPS 873-300] is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscriptions 25 cents per copy, $8.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address [Form 3579], manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis