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• Vol. 16 No. 45 Des Moines, Iowa Iowa News Iowa Attorney General Thomas J. Miller has filed suit against First National Bank of Wilmington, Del., maintaining the credit card fees assessed by the bank against Iowa cardholders are illegal under Iowa’s Consumer Credit Code. About 1,700 of the Delaware bank’s 200,000 cardholders live in Iowa. Mr. Miller said the bank, owned by Commercial Credit Co. of Baltimore, may not “export” to Iowa any terms “other than the interest rate limitations of the State of Delaware.” A court rul ing in Iowa’s favor could cost many such banks nationwide millions in refunds and penalties, according to observers of the case. * * * The Iowa Bankers Association’s Consumer Credit School will be held March 20-25 at Drake University in Des Moines. This 200-level school costs $700 for tuition, room, meals, casebook and study materials. For more information, contact the IBA office. * * * The Iowa Bankers Association and the FDIC will present a telecon ference entitled “Call Report Prepa ration ’88” at three locations on March 22. Participants receive five hours of intensive instruction, a set of handouts and reference materials, a booklet and a two and a half hour videotape on technical instructions. February 22, 1988 Participants will also be able to ad dress their questions to the panel ists live, on the air. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. with the program from 10:00 to 4:00. Fee includes lunch, breaks and materials and is $125 for members, $150 for subscribers and $200 for nonmembers. After March 15 the fee is $20 additional. Loca tions are DMACC campus, Ankeny; Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids; Buena Vista College, Storm Lake. Contact Barb Lowe at the IBA for more information. * * * The 1988 Iowa Bankers Associa tion Ag Credit Conference is entitled “The Modem Ag Banker,” and will be held March 28-30 at the Scheman Center on the Iowa State University campus in Ames. The complete pro gram will appear in the March issue of T h e N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r . CEDAR FALLS: Steve Pape has been promoted to vice president and cashier at Midway Bank & Trust. He joined the bank in 1982 as a vice president in commercial loans after several years of serving as a state bank examiner. SAC CITY: William C. Hess has been appointed chairman and CEO and Gary L. Gilliland president and tru st officer of Sac City State Bank. Mr. Gilliland, formerly executive vice president, replaces Eldon Hoppenworth, who resigned to pursue other business interests. 1 n f — # F ir s t In te rs ta te WATERLOO: A t the National Bank of Waterloo, Erling Schmiesing has been promoted from senior vice president to executive vice president and cashier. He was also elected to the board of Peoples Trust & Savings Bank in Indianola and ap pointed vice president of Iowa Na tio n al B an k sh ares Corp. Mr. Schmiesing joined the staff of The National Bank of Waterloo in 1969. WEST DES MOINES: Among re cent promotions a t West Des Moines State Bank was the naming of Raymond G. Johnston to execu tive vice president and the advance ment of Edie H art and David Ringgenberg to second vice presidents. Mr. Johnston joined the bank in 1984 and is responsible for all lend ing functions. Ms. H art joined West Bank last year. Mr. Ringgenberg heads the newly created farm real estate division. Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion will sponsor a CEO Leadership Nebraska News OMAHA: Alan J. Rausch has been named vice president and controller of FirsTier Financial, Inc. He pre viously served as vice president and director of finance and credit for FirsTier Mortgage Co. He joined FirsTier in 1977. Bank We’re setting the pace, j 1-800-362-1615 Je ff Sim s Correspondent Services Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Stuart Becker Correspondent Services Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORMEST BANKS mmmmm Member FDIC H W R eliab le and respected service for over 20 years U sed by bankers throughout the m idwest Richard Pederson Program on March 22-23 at the Radisson Plaza in Minneapolis. Speaker will be Kelsey Tyson, presi dent of the Spectre Group, San Diego, an expert in management development. Fee is $250. For more information, contact the MBA of fice. Ronald V. Johnson has been ap pointed vice président for economic development a t the Minnesota Bankers Association. He will direct the activities of the MBA Enter prise Network. Mr. Johnson was for merly president of the First Na tional Bank in Jackson, where he served 27 years, and an active parti cipant in the Jackson Development Corporation. He has also been a Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins Teamwork: one of the reasons we're first in Iowa. John Rigler Estate Appraisals director of the MBA Enterprise Net work. MINNEAPOLIS: Norwest Corpora tion has named Richard J. DeVries to a new position as vice president and director of professional develop ment for corporate banking. He was vice p re s id e n t an d head of N o rw e st’s c o rp o ra te b a n k in g eastern division, based in New York City. He has been succeeded there by Kent H. Bergemann, former man ager of the capital lending division of Norwest’s corporate bank. In addition, N orw est has named Stephen L. Byrnes president of Nor west Agencies, Inc., its insurance subsidiary. He was vice president in charge of marketing and product management for Norwest’s banking group. Mr. Byrnes succeeds Gordon Singsaas, recently named to a new position as head of insurance and governmental affairs for Norwest Financial in Des Moines. Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 MINNEAPOLIS: National City Bank has announced several staff changes. They include: W. Randall Payant, senior vice president and manager of the investment depart ment; William Klein, vice president and manager of the executive and professional division; Harry G. McNeely, II, vice president of the commercial division; Kathleen A. Fix, vice president and manager of the international banking division; Brian Whitemarsh, vice president of the real estate division, and Jack G. Williams, Jr., vice president and( manager of the loan review division. MINNEAPOLIS: Patricia Goodwin has been named vice president, mar keting, for the financial services 'Professional assistance in hiring and career advancement" BANKING CAREERS quality service by experienced professionals Dick Retz MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accomplish Great Things m 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 i Sandi Garner 515 - 832-1258 Tues / Wed / Fri Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer. For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 Call 319-398-4806 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 Strength Eastern |owa National Bank isi Digitized for Merchants FRASER Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 Member F 0 1C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA bank Therejs ADiiference In Banks... Valley National Bank â Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President FA-1 CFO— Over 12 years experience as auditor, finance officer and controller in bank. Very knowledgeable in com puter operations. Experience also includes personnel supervision. Accounting Degree. Prefers E. IA. $35,000-$40,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-2 INSURANCE/LOAN CLERK—Nine years experience in in surance sales in bank owned agency. Responsibilities in cluded loan collections, computer and some operations. Attended AIB Classes & Continuing Education in Insur ance. Finance Degree. Will relocate. Prefers base plus commissions. Call 515/394-5827. FA-3 EVP— Over 15 years in banking and auditing. Experi ence includes lending, operations, investments and loan committee. Reference says, “ highly motivated, community minded, excellent operations man and could easily run small bank.” Attended various AIB and Graduate Bank Schools. Teaches computer classes. Will relocate in mid west. $40,000-$45,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-4 FINANCIAL CONSULTANT—Over 15 years in finance and lending field. Fieldman, VP with FCS. VP & consultant with FDIC. Consulted and supervised acquisitions for agricultural/financial businesses. Finance Degree with addi tional courses in Crop and Animal Science. Prefers SE U.S. $55,000-865,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-5 VICE PRESIDENT—Wants to continue 14 year banking career. Experienced in all phases of lending and has supervised operations department. Responsibilities also included call reports and monthly income and expense re ports. Reference says, “ has versatile bank background, very personable, knows ag and has excellent experi ence.” Bus. Admin. Degree and is familiar with computers. Available immediately and will relocate. $25,000*835,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-6 AG LOAN OFFICER— Ag, Consumer & Installment lend ing experience obtained past four years in bank and with FCS. “ Dedicated, solid, loyal young man. Very intelligent and has broad and rounded ag background,” com mented reference. Oustanding young man who is avail able immediately. Ag Bus. Degree with concentration in Fi nance. Familiar with Micro Computer. $28,000*$30,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-7 CF0/C0NTR0LLER—CPA with 15 years experience as Controller for multi-bank holding company. Experience highlights include: advise and counsel financial institutions in areas of management, asset quality, investment strate gy, asset liability management, operations, taxation, pric ing, liquidity, acquisitions and regulatory reporting. Has been interim Bank President and Trust Department Head. Accounting Degree. $40,000-850,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-8 VP/C0NTR0LLER—Ten years banking experience in cludes auditor, cashier and controller. Responsibilities in cluded overall management of accounting and operations department, personnel and funds investment portfolio. “ Excellent background in operations. Is a self-starter with utmost integrity. Is an asset to company,” comments refer ence. Accounting Degree. $35,000. Call 515/394-5827. FA-9 EVP/C00—As a CPA, candidate has ten years experi ence in accounting and banking. Currently administering entire accounting function including reporting, budgeting and procedures for Multi Bank Holding Co. “ Has excellent communication skills, hardworker, dedicated and very knowledgeable in banking,” said reference. “ A very NICE GUY,” says another reference. Accounting/Bus. Admin. Degree. $35,000-845,000. Call 515/394-5827. We serve as the source to locate candidates who meet your qualifications and are interested in your bank, community, and salary range. We are available to assist, but allow and encourage your direct contact with our candidates. You make the choice and decision, without pressure. MARTY REW 712/779-3567 Hwy. 92 W., Box 140 Massena, IA 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Our fee is paid by the employer and is based on a percentage of the first year’s compensation. A ll placements are guaranteed. A complete explanation of our services, fees, and guarantees will be sent at your request. ANNETTE FAHNING 515/394-5827 Hwy. 63 S., Box 307 New Hampton, IA 50659 FM-10 AG LOAN OFFICER— Over 7 years lending experi ence. In-depth work in cash flows, analysis, workouts, and supervising loan procedures. Qualified appraiser. Dairy and general Ag background. A reference states, “ He has sound judgment, and he has a high energy level.” $24,000. Call 712/779-3567. FM-11 FARM MANAGER— 14 years farming and farm man ager experience. 4 years as farm manager for Iowa bank. Most recently managed over 10,000 acres at 43 locations. Real Estate and Insurance licenses. Works in close asso ciation with trust department. $30,000. Call 712/779-3567. FM-12 PRESIDENT/CEO— Currently president/CEO in 90mm Bank. Responsible for bringing bank from non rated status to A + rating. Excellent lending and operation skills. Over 16 years bank experience. Well versed in recovering troubled banks. Call 712/779-3567. FM-13 LOAN 0FFICER/VP— Eleven years lending experi ence, solid Ag background and proficient in computers. Areas of experience include SBA and FmHA loans. Real Estate sales, Hail insurance sales and adjuster, and com modity broker. Excellent management skills. Works all loans. $30,000-$35,000. Call 712-779-3567. FM-14 VP/L0AN OFFICER— Primary credit officer of 9mm Portfolio. Proven capabilities in all facets of lending. 5 years as VP of 16mm IA bank. Two-and-one-half years with FmHA. BS in Ag Business. Numerous credit courses. Experience in appraisals. “ He makes good sound credit d e cision s,” quoted 712/779-3567. a reference. $31, 000. Call FM-15 CE0/CF0—Summa Cum laude in Economics and Fi nance. CPA with honors. 15 years supervisory experience. 5 years as president and 5 years as chairman of the holding co. responsible for turning troubled bank to profit ability. Knows insurance and computers. Strong leader. $40,000-$50,000. Call 712/779 3567 FM-16 VP/L0AN OFFICER— 4 years as VP in NE Bank. Re sponsibilities include all types of lending, budgeting, com pliance, planning. In charge of writing loan policies and bank marketing. 9 years in credit and 6 years as bank examiner. BS in Economics, excellent lending and man agement skills. $40,000. Call 712/779-3567. FM-17 LOAN OFFICER/INSURANCE MANAGER— Holds Real Estate and Insurance licenses. Responsible for 3.8mm loan portfolio. Ten years auditing and management experi ence. Good balance of farm and business background. A reference stated, “ He is articulate about his work, he pays attention to detail.” $25,000. Call 712-779-3567. FM-18 BANK MANAGEMENT/CASHIER— 13 years bank ex perience. Excellent cashier and CFO work performance. Strongest in operations but not weak by any means in lending. Holds BA in Economics and Business Administra tion. Has in-depth experience in all areas of the bank. $35,000. Call 712/779-3567. POSITIONS AVAILABLE F-1 VP/L0AN OFFICER-Eastern Iowa Bank in need of a lender with five years plus experience who is well versed in ag, real estate, installment and com mercial lending. Computer experience helpful. Must like to sell and develop new business. Excellent opportunity to live in nice community. $30,000- $35,000. F-2 LOAN OFFICER— Southern Iowa Bank of 80MM located in industrial, ag gressive community needs lender with five years experience. Must be adept 712/779-3567 Hwy. 92 W., Box 140, Masseria, Iowa 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in all phases of lending. Must be knowl edgeable with computers. Good ad vancement potential. $25,000-$32,000. F-3 CEO— Southern MN Bank of 40MM plus seeking #2 man. Requires knowl edge of all lending policies. Must be familier with investments, call reports and asset liability management. Great opportunity for someone who wants to grow with bank and community. Ac cess to excellent medical facilities and good school system. $38,000-$42,000. agrioirœrs, inc. F-4 JR. LOAN OFFICER— Northeast WY Bank of 10MM in need of lender to do ag and installment lending. Need to be knowledgeable with ranch and timber farming. Excellent hunting & fishing area. $18,000-$20,000. F-5 AG LOAN OFFICER—35MM Northern IL Bank seeking ag lender. Experience also needed in real estate and con sumer lending. Prefer three to five years bank experience and ag back ground. Close to metro area. Good ad vancement potential within bank hold ing co. $27,000-$32,000. 515/394-5827 Hwy. 63 S., Box 307, New Hampton, Iowa 50659 OVER 60% •OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e nine states w e serve w e h ave solved th e b on din g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 16 .4 % of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . | SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President DONALD M . TOWLE President 611 K a n s a s A v e n u e P .O . B o x 165 4 T o p e k a , K a n sa s 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 • FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d of A m eric a sin ce 1 9 0 9 OVER 60% « OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COM PANY That’s R ig h t. . . In th e n in e states w e serve w e h av e solved th e b on din g needs for 6 of every 10 banks. That's over 1 6 .4 % of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE MOST COMPETITIVE PREMIUMS REALISTIC UNDERWRITING PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE ( IF YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE SAME FROM YOUR BONDING COM PANY... GIVE US A CALL - YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU D ID. THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M . TOWLE President DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 K a n s a s A v e n u e P .O . B o x 165 4 T o p e k a , K a n s a s 66601 Phone 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Serving th e H e artla n d o f A m eric a sin ce 1 9 0 9 FirsTiet Correspondent Services ^ More of what it takes to serve you well. ^ ISill isl181^ FirsTier Banks Lincoln Omaha • FirsTter Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC division of First Bank System, Inc. She joined FBS in 1981 and most re cently served as vice president, pub lic relations. Scott D. Reitan has been named vice president, manage ment accounting. He most recently was associated with the Minneapolis office of Ernst & Whinney as senior manager in its financial services in dustry consulting group. Illinois News CHICAGO: Craig B. Collinson has been named executive vice president and senior lender of Michigan Ave nue National Bank. He previously served as executive vice president at American National Bank of Libertyville. He was employed by American National Bank and Trust Co. in Chi cago for more than ten years. CHICAGO: Debra J. Pawlik has been named vice president and direc tor of marketing of First Colonial Bankshares Corp. She previously îrved as assistant vice president Ffor Financial Shares Corp., where she specialized in sales and market ing. CHICAGO: First Colonial Bankshares Corporation has announced the formation of First Colonial Trust Company. The trust subsi diary is a consolidation of the three successful trust division already operating at First Colonial Bankshares’ Avenue Bank of Oak Park, Michigan Avenue National Bank and Colonial Bank. President of the company will be Frank J. Roth, who previously headed the trust depart ment at Avenue Bank of Oak Park. The company is headquartered at that bank and will oversee trust operations at all nine First Colonial Banks. South Dakota News FULTON: Among recent promo tions at Fulton State Bank was the Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis advancement of Rod Wolforth to chief executive officer and securities officer and of Brenda Blumenberg to vice president, compliance officer, cashier and loan officer. Mr. Wol forth joined the bank last August and is also a loan officer. Ms. Blu menberg was previously assistant vice president and student loan offi cer and will retain her duties in stu dent loans. W ESSINGTON SPRINGS: A t American State Bank, President Howard Peters has been promoted to chairman of the board. He is suc ceeded by former vice president Jack Steele. D O N S C H O O L E R In AND- t p P P ASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT, regional bank; track record in plan ning, profit & administration ................... $100,000. CASH MANAGEMENT EXPERT, multi-billion organization, funding experience . . . $70-$80,000. C.F.O., $300mm, strong analyst, acquisition ex perience, planner ................................. $40-$50,000. COMMERCIAL LENDER, top bank, 3-4 years ex perience, business development skills, excellent situation ................................................$25-$35,000. FHA, Direct Endorsement Approved L e n d e r........ ....................................................................... $28,000. PRESIDENT, $35-40mm ag bank, leading county town .............................................................. $50,000. PRESIDENT, $25-$30mm commercial & consumer bank, top rating ....................................$45-$50,000. PRESIDENT, trade territory, high profile type bank, sophisticated market a r e a ................. OPEN. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE HEAD, excellent bank, top m anagem ent....................... $30-$45,000. Colorado News DENVER: Phyllis Hogan has been appointed senior vice president and cashier at First National Bank of Southeast Denver. She will direct operations at the bank and will con tinue to serve as executive vice president of the service corporation. Randall G. Miller has been pro moted to senior vice president of the bank. His responsibilities include management of the tru st depart ment, financial services administra tion and securities portfolio manage ment. He joined the bank in 1983 as vice president, business develop ment and financial services. John Osher has been promoted to senior vice president of the bank. He will direct commercial and consumer lending and administration as well as loan operations. Prior to joining the bank in 1982, he was a commer cial lending officer with United Bank of Denver. AG LENDER, top location, high profile b a n k ........ ................................................................ $25-$35,000. DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 DENVER: Donald D. Hoffman, chairman of the board of Central B ancorporation, Inc., has an nounced the sale of Central Bank of Craig, with total assets of $20 mil lion, to the Weld State Company, a Colorado corporation and bank hold ing company with total assets of $57 million. The Weld State Company is owned by the Dinsdale family, who own small to medium sized banks in rural communities in Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado. The proposed name for the bank is First Security Bank of Craig. SERVING THE UPPER MIDWEST R egency FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 RECRUITERS, INC. Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 816/842-3860 Bank sales, acquisitions and other management services SWORDSASSOCIATES.INC. PROFESSIONAL BANKING CONSULTANTS 2 Brush Creek Blvd. Suite 100 Kansas 64112 (816) 753-7440 4 POSITIONS AVAILABLE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER is retiring. $43MM Bank look ing for a community minded individual to represent it in a very forward looking community. Send resume to File No. WMF c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Current President of 18 years from this 63MM community bank. Looking for PROVEN LEADER AND LENDER. Prior CEO experience is not mandatory. Send resume to File No. WMT c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) VP—$18mm bank located in a rural suburban community near Mpls. looking for an individual with commercial & real estate loan & operations exp. Excellent opportunity. All replies kept confidential. Contact Clinton D. Kurtz or send resume to: Citizens State Bank, Box 98, Norwood, MN 56368.(612)467-3000. (PA) Aggressive ag. bank looking for licensed INSURANCE AGENT to manage agency with premiums in excess of $600,000 per year. Excellent opportunity for growth, salary and compensation commensurate with experience, with bonus based on performance. Send resume to File No. WMQ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) A strong 26MM bank located in North Central Iowa has opening for the NUMBER #2 POSITION. Ag lending back ground a must. Operations experience also very helpful. Must be willing to relocate and become active in the com munity. Send resume to File No. WMW c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) anA cz/hiocLatEi Specializing in the Purchasing and Sale of Banks 405 Main 515-232-0814 Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E AG LENDER— Immediate opening for aggressive self starter with 5-6 years banking experience. Good opportunity for someone wanting a growth position.........To $32,000. £ TRUST OFFICER— Excellent opportunity for JD or CPA to join a progressive Iowa bank. Background should include probate experience................................................ To $35,000. CASHIER/CONTROLLER— Expanding financial g r o u p ^ A k needs a capable professional with 10-12 years experience^j^V in banking or combination of banking and public accounting.............................................................................To $40,000. BANKS FOR SALE BANK OWNERSHIP CHANGES —Our Specialty— SELLERS - if you already have a buyer for your stock and there is a question of whether or not it is a fair price - we can make an independent appraisal. BUYERS - If you are about to purchase control ling interest in a bank and there is a question of whether or not it is a fair price -we can make an independent appraisal. Those wishing to buy or sell - we can do the job for you if you are serious. CROWN BANKING SERVICES 325 W. Prospect Avenue Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056 (312) 392-5151 Financial Careers, Inc. Two Ruan Center/Sulte 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 E m p lo ye r p a y s fee . _ Please contact Lorraine Lear or Malcolm Freeland conearning these and other Midwest banking opportunities. ” RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipm ent S pecialist A ppraisals & A uctio n s Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 POSITIONS WANTED CEO/MANAGEMENT POSITION by position by experi enced CEO with 25 years of officer background, ranging from vice president-loans to seven years as CEO in banks from $35 - $125 million. Strong in bank administration, marketing and loan functions, especially in workouts, with ROA as CEO from 1.0 to 1.81. Graduate of college and ad vanced banking schools. Contact File No. WMR c/o North western Banker. (PW) BANK EQUIPMENT Modular U.L. vaults, vault doors, safe deposit boxes, night depositories, safes, drive-up windows, pneumatic tube systems, alarms, cameras and cash storage equipment. Buying and selling new and used equipment AMERICAN BANK EQUIPMENT, INC. (402) 571-5621 FOR SALE Bell & Howell Director II MICROFILMER & INDORSER. One camera, $300. Call (319) 446-7700, Dick. (FS) POSITIONS AVAILABLE CEO—S.E. Nebraska - Need 15-20yrs exp. Degree. $35 million bank. To $60K. CEO—W. Iowa -10-15 yrs. exp., + marketing. To $50K. CORP. MARKETING— Need heavy loan & market ing exp. Omaha. To $50K. Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E COMMERCIAL LOAN MGR Do you have community bank commercial exp. formal credit training and desire greater growth. Leading bank in $40K + city seeks proven professional who can build busi ness and service existing debt. $40K. AG LOAN OFFICER Make your move! Healthy, profitable $60M + institution in rural commty seeks 3 + year lender who has worked in a bank familiar w/cash flows, credit analysis and documen tation. Working microcomputer knowledge and business development talents seen as big plusses. $32K. OPERATION OFFICER Holding company bank in great location looking for com munity oriented banker who has ops and cashier exp. strong computer skills and internal control background will be big plusses. $26K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS B A N K IN G LOAN ADMINISTRATOR! $35,000! FDIC examiner background, credit analysis, documentation for lead bank in 6 Bank Holding Company. Good up ward mobility/terrific benefit package! . . .Call Marj. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER! $40,000! Lending, credit analysis, calling program experience helpful for $300 + mm bank. Nice benefits, economically strong community! ............ Call Marj. VICE PRESIDENT! $42,000! Metro bank needs mature, sales oriented team player for commercial loans. Formal credit training a plus. Decent bene fits! ................................................................ Call Marj. I.L.OI $25,000! Aggressive, experienced retail loan operator. Future Department Head in $100 + mm lead Holding Co Bank! Good benefits, nice commu nity! ..............................................................C a ll Marj. CONTROLLER-TRUST OPERATIONS! Upper $40s! Management spot with a profitable Bank Holding Company. Close to metro and professional sports, theatre etc. Responsible for financial reporting and procedural evaluation in the Trust Company. Out standing company! 401k, pension, life, LT/ST Dis ability, medical.......................................... Call Bruce. TRUST OFFICER-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS! To $40k! This spot will have you doing extensive business de velopment in E.B! Quality manager. Prosperous market. Major university. Full benefits! .Call Bruce. DATA PROCESSING! $32,000! Applications Analyst for large state of the art shop! IBM. MVS. COBOL. Design, implementation, maintenance. Advance ment opportunities! 4 0 1 k !...................... Call Nancy. Call or send resume in complete confidence to the BANKING DIVISION of PERSONNEL SEARCH. Partial Listing. Positions available throughout Mid west. [TiTI ROBERT HALF f <>+ (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID COMMERCIAL LENDER—Growth opportunity for sharp technician with dynamic personality. This mid-sized com munity bank in Western N.D. needs credit analyst/com’l lender with 2 + yrs exp. Career opty to be part of strong bank group with unlimited potential. Degree required. Salary To $30K. Job#NW2889 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER—Are you ready for the fast lane? This T.C. bank needs high energy profession^É^k with 2 + yrs com’l lending or credit review exp. Successf^^^B candidate will have a strong work ethic and a “make i^ ^ ^ happen” personality. Degree required. Salary To $35K. Job #NW2890 ^ FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR SUE KEITHAHN 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRUST MARKETING • large urban bank. Requires degree and trust experience. $35K REAL ESTATE LOAN - single family residential and secon dary market experience required. Proximity of major metro area. $40K LOAN REVIEW •large bank experienced required. Both ^ junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K COMMERCIAL LENDING - V.P. positions in urban and large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM to $50MM. $40 K BRANCH MANAGER - handle small business and con sumer credits. Med-size community affiliate of multibank holding company. $24K Additional listings for commercial lending and trust officers. Resume' requested. O F IO W A . m e . n | | 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 ....... Des Moines, IA 50309 P O S IT IO N S A V A IL A B L E SENIOR LENDER—Are you ready to step-up? This mid sized MN bank needs shirt-sleeve executive to wear many hats. Must be able to administer total portfolio, commer cial ag and consumer loans. 10+ yrs ag/comm’l lending exp, excellent business development skills and strong ^ knowledge of operations expected. Degree required. Car provided! Salary To $45K + Bonus. Job#NW2888 (personnel S earch TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 1126 So. 72nd St. Omaha, Ne. 68124 P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 ,402- 397- 2980. “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 16 No. 45 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Digitized for St., FRASER #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a ™