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Vol. 9 No. 41 Des Moines, Iowa February 2,1981 Expansion Report Gets Cool Reception R E A C T IO N to the recently re leased Presidential Report on the McFadden A c t and Douglas Amendments has ranged from a cool reception to critical comments by members of Congress so far. The W hite House Study was due originally in September, 1979, but was continually delayed, then was held up throughout 1980 so it wouldn’t be released during election year. It finally came out just before President Carter left office. That study recommends that any nationwide expansion of banking across state lines, as major money center banks are advocating, be done first through amendments to the Douglas Amendment to the Bank Holding Company A c t of 1956. This would phase out the Douglas Amendment in stages, first by allowing banks to branch into so-called natural market areas, even if state lines are crossed. The second part o f the phase-out would allow banks to set up E F T terminals in natural market areas, regardless of state lines. Recommendations for phasing out the McFadden A c t were in the study, but were subordinated to the proposed changes noted above. The House and Senate leaders, in their initial comments responding to the study, were not encouraging for passage of such legislation. Rep. Fernand St. Germain (D., R .I.), chairman of the House Banking Committee, stated, “ Interstate branching, to understate the case, is a highly emotional, highly charged issue and I do not think that this committee will be making major changes without a most thorough study of its own. Many of the recommendations in the Adm ini stration’s McFadden study have been discussed for some time in banking circles. There remain serious questions about the possibil ity of mustering a consensus for substantive change among the diverse interests in the financial community or among members of Congress.” The new Senate Banking Com mittee Chairman, Jake Garn (R., Utah), was quoted by an aide as saying he is “ negatively biased against interstate branching.” A l though Mr. Garn is quoted as saying he wanted to reserve detailed comment until he had read the Photo of the Week WHEN Bankers Trust Company of Des Moines hosted a reception recently for the local media, businessmen and other sports enthusiasts to introduce the new management of the Iowa Oaks baseball team., bank o ffic ia ls posed w ith one of major league baseball’s all-tim e greats. Ernie Banks, who kept things exciting fo r years fo r Chicago Cub fans, is pictured w ith (from left): Herman Kilpper, pres, of the bank; Joe Rosenfield, a dir. of Bankers Trust and trustee of General Growth Properties, and John Ruan, chmn. of the bank. The Iowa Oaks new field manager and some of his players, as well as executives from the parent Chicago Cubs, were on hand to meet guests. The Iowa Oaks are in the Triple A league. CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM ” where com m on transactions are handled uncomm only well. FI RST NATION AL LI NCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ASK JOHN MANGOLD to make MNB work for you. branches all over the nation. That is the real threat, in my opinion, to small banks and small savings and loans ... . I am not willing to give up on some tremendous personal services (offered by smaller institu tions in return for being) dominated by 10 or 12 superbanks from whom I don’t think you will get the same services.” Washington observers generally feel that this session of Congress will not become embroiled with any heavy banking legislation but will devote its efforts primarily to considering those matters related to the new President’s proposals to fight inflation and to implement proposed tax cuts and federal spending. □ Iowa News Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 A L G O N A : The Iowa State Bank increased its common stock from $500,000 to $1,000,000 by transfer of $500,000 from surplus. Merchants A National Bank 151 C O L F A X : The Federal Reserve Board has announced its approval of the application of Colfax Bancorporation to become a bank holding company by acquiring the First National Bank. Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK report thoroughly, his aide quoted Mr. Gam as saying, “ The big boys don’t need help’ ’ and his main thrust will be in “ maintaining the integrity of small banks.” M r. Garn said he would not cut off debate on interstate branching, however, and will await the Reagan Administra tion’s response to the W hite House study. A t the W hite House, there was no immediate comment from President Reagan’s aides on the study. A B A officials were quoted as saying the study gives further input to the issue at hand, but no action has been taken or will be taken by A B A without extensive Leadership Con ference discussion, and then only if that Conference of more than 400 banking representatives chooses to take action. Instead, the A B A will continue to press for more deregulation. The Independent Bankers Asso ciation of America, of course, opposes the suggestions made in the President’s Report for liberalizing the Douglas Amendment. In a recent report, the IB A A quoted Senator Garn as stating in a recent T V interview, “ I fear in the long run that we will see 10-12 big banks in Digitized for this FRASER country that have thousands of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DES M O IN E S : Kenneth M . Myers, president of Central National Bancshares, Inc., has announced approval by the board o f directors to change the name of the multi-bank holding company to United Central Bancshares, Inc. In addition, the name of each o f the 11 banking affiliates would be changed to include “ United Central Bank.” The lead bank, Central National Bank and Trust Company, Des Moines, would then be known as United Central Bank of Des Moines, N .A . Shareholders will vote on the name change A pril 16 at their annual meeting. DES M O IN E S : Capital City State Bank has applied for approval to establish a bank office in Pleasant Hill. Don't gam ble when choosing a correspondent bonk. Com e to the professionals. “C ” Central National Bank & Trust Company DES MOINES • MEMBER FDIC TOLL FREE NUMBER (800) 362-1615 years of banking from a small, one-man office in Lehigh to head of north central Iow a’s largest com mercial bank. H A Y E S V IL L E : C.J. M ertz, presi dent of the Hayesville Savings Bank, has announced that Newell K. Hart has been elected to the board o f directors to succeed his father, A rl D. Hart. Newell Hart is a fourth generation board member. His great grandfather helped organize the bank in 1912. M A R IO N : Farmers State Bank has applied for approval to establish a bank office in Lindale Mall, Cedar Rapids. N O R TH W O O D : The Northwood State Bank has increased its common stock from $450,000 to $485,000 by sale o f 350 shares at $385 per share. O C H E Y E D A N : Paul R. Dorr has W hen it com es to total service, you’ll get a lot of help for your money. % FO N D A : Tim Putney has been promoted to agency manager in charge of the First National’s insurance agency. Mr. Putney joined the bank staff in June 1980. Also at First National, Mardella Baumhover was promoted from bookkeeper to operations officer. F O R T DODGE: Peter Garatoni, 69, c.e.o. and chairman of the board of Union Trust and Savings Bank, retired recently. His career spans 45 Member f-DiC An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Banco- Chicago Bulls and DePaul University basketball games. Group 11 to Meet in Burlington T H E annual meeting of Group 11 I of the Iowa Bankers Association will be held in Burlington, Feb ruary 15 and 16. Group Chairman Robert H. Berg, vice presiden t and cashier of Iowa State Bank & T ru st C o., Fairfield, will preside at the meeting, which E.L. TUBBS will be held at the Holiday Inn, located at the junction of Highways Monday, February 16 T.H. HUSTON N. MILNER 34 and 61. The secretary of Group 11 is W illiam A . Logan, chairman of The State Central Savings Bank, K eo kuk, who is slated to move up to chairman this year to succeed Mr. Berg. # Group 11 O fficers—William A. Logan (left), secy., and Robert H. Berg, chmn. Sunday, February 15 P.M . 4:00 Registration—Holiday Inn Poolside. 5:30 Social Hour— Poolside. 7:00 Buffet Dinner—Banquet Room. 8:30 Dancing to 11:30 p.m. AM . 10:00 Business M eeting— Holiday Inn. Presiding—Robert H. Berg, Chairman, Group 11. Report of Nominating Committee. Minutes: W illiam A . Logan, secretary, Group 11. Guests: Edward L. Tubbs, Iowa Bankers Association, and president, Maquoketa State Bank; Thomas H. Hus ton, Iowa superintendent of banking; Neil Milner, execu tive vice president, Iowa Bankers Association. A social hour at poolside at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, February 15, will be followed by dinner and dancing. The business meeting commences at 10:00 a.m. on Monday. The luncheon speaker will be M ilo Hamilton, a native of Fairfield, la., who is now a P.M . sports announcer with W G N -T V , 12:30 Chicago. He assists Jack Brickhouse in announcing the Chicago Cubs baseball games, and announces the Luncheon—Holiday Inn. Speaker: Milo Hamilton, sports announcer, W G N -T V , Chicago. □ Welcome to Our Group Meeting BURLINGTON Monday, February 16 1 Headquarters and Registration at HOLIDAY INN Junction of Hwys. 34 & 61 Burlington banks extend a hearty invitation to all members o f Group Eleven and other bankers to attend our annual Group meeting. R E M E M B E R TO BE W IT H US A T OUR S U N D A Y E V E N IN G P R E C O N V E N T IO N PARTY! Hawkeye Bank & Trust Farmers & Merchants Bk. & Tr. First National Bank # Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 4 Bank on a BANKERS’ BANKER C a ll 1-800-362-1688, toll-free in Io w a joining First National last April, Mr. Engler was a vice president at National Bank of Washington, where he worked four years. Both banks are affiliated with Hawkeye Bancorporation. S IO U X C IT Y : Security National Corp., a Sioux city based multi bank holding company, and First National Bank, Akron, jointly announced that management of the two companies have reached an agreement in principle for Security National Corp. to acquire 82.9% of the outstanding common stock of First National Bank, and for a subsequent tender offer for the remaining shares of First National Bank common stock. The transac tion is subject to regulatory approval. No changes in bank personnel are contemplated. Illinois News been named vice president and agricultural representative at the Ocheyedan Savings Bank. Prior to coming to the bank in April 1980 he was the northwest Iowa loan representative for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. He received his ag business degree from Iowa State University in 1978. A N D A L U S IA : Andalusia Com munity Bank, which opened for business October 1979, moved into its permanent building recently. The architect was Kirk Gross Co. of Waterloo,. The bank held an open house for the banking community and one for the general public. Nebraska News S H E L L ROCK: A n application for consent to exercise limited trust powers by Security State Bank has been approved. B R U LE : Philip E. Jossi has been elected president of the Bank of Brule, replacing Melvin H. Adams, who is retiring from active management. Mr. Jossi has also been elected to the board of directors along with A .L . Spoeneman, s.v.p. of the bank. Mr. Jossi was most recently executive v.p. Mr. Adams was also recently elected chairman of the board. S IB L E Y : Leo Carlson, president, First National Bank, has announced the promotion of Daniel Engler to executive vice president and secretary of the board. Before F A L L S C IT Y : The First National Bank and Trust Co. has announced the following promotions: Verba L. Strecker from loan administration officer to assistant vice president O S K A LO O S A : A t the Mahaska State Bank, Rex L . Blom has been promoted to senior vice president and Roger Parlett has been promoted to data processing manager. ■■ Gary Stevenson Y ou r M an on th e F irst T ea m . 712/277-1500 GARY STEVENSON Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First National Bank m Sioux City • A ‘BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK " O p p o r t u n it y T a llr « I \Ji I fa 9 rr OO• Robert Scott, Correspondent Banker and trust administration officer, Ramona J. Godemann from opera tions officer to assistant vice president, Marie C. Pupkes from operations officer to assistant vice president and Evelyn E. Krug from assistant cashier to operations officer. K E A R N E Y : Hugh Hansen has been elected president of the First National Bank & Trust Co., succeeding Richard M. Fritz, who resigned that position after six years. Mr. Hansen will continue as executive vice president of Com merce Group, Inc., Lincoln. Mr. Fritz previously had served one year as corporate marketing vice presi dent at National Bank of Com merce, Lincoln, as vice president of Hawkeye Bancorporation, Des Moines, and as an officer for many years at Jasper County Savings Bank, Newton, la. L I SCO: A n open house was held recently at the Lisco State Bank. The newly-remodeled and expanded banking quarters were open for customers and the public to view. The 1200 square-foot addition contains a new directors and community room, new secretarial and office areas, and storage and restroom facilities. Approxim ately 125 attended the open house. M IN D E N : The First National Bank has filed for approval to open new CBCT branches in Heartwell, Upland, A xtell and at 129 E . 5th St. in Minden. OSCEOLA: D.R. Byers, director of the First National Bank, passed away recently. Mr. Byers was associated with this institution for 62 years. He began his work in 1918 and was serving in the position of executive vice president at his retirement in 1964. « 5 Gill our Bond Department ^ " For up-to-the-minute, accurate information To m Steffens John Henderson Tony Paugoulatos V ice President 234-2462 V ice President 234-2463 Asst.Vice President Asst.Vice President Bond O ffic e r 234-2647 234-2673 234-2674 Jim McLaughlin «Si Commerce Bank of Kansas city „hi Member FDIC Minnesota News ft ft 0 $ ^ q ^ D O R SE TT: Farmers State Bank has announced the appointment of Mark D. H ew itt as president. Mr. Hewitt has been executive vice president for the past three years. He is the fourth generation of H ew itt’s to serve as president of Farmers State Bank. E D IN A : John D. Gatzlaff has been named vice president and manager of the commercial loan division, First Bank Southdale. Previously he served as an assistant vice president at First Bank St. Paul. He received his M B A from the University of Iowa. ST. P A U L : Wallace L. Boss, former senior vice president o f the First National Bank and for 20 years head of its correspondent bank depart ment, died recently. H e was associated with the First for 47 years. H e was born October 31, 1905. A 1928 graduate of the University of Minnesota, Mr. Boss began working at the First Bank while still in school and remained there until he retired in 1970. He was then chairman of the board o f St. Anthony Park State Bank from 1971 to 1980. W idely known in the banking industry throughout the Upper Midwest, he served as president o f the Minnesota Bankers Montana News S ID N E Y : The Richland National Bank has announced the promotion of Robert J. Goss to president. Mr. Goss joined the bank in 1971 and has served in all lending areas and as a member of the board of directors. In August 1980 he was named c.e.o. He is a graduate of Montana State University in Missoula. Wyoming News T O R R IN G T O N : The Citizens N a tional Bank and Trust Co. has announced the following promo tions: Thomas J. Walrath from assistant cashier to assistant vice president, Bobbie L. Haught from assistant cashier to assistant vice president and Wanda J. Stienmetz was promoted to assistant trust officer. South Dakota News S IO U X F A L L S : The board of Western Bank has announced the election of Thomas J. Reardon as president and chief executive officer. Mr. Reardon, who has been with the bank since 1968, has served as senior vice president for the past three years. He is a graduate o f the University of Santa Clara in California. Thomas J. Reardon succeeds T .M . Reardon as president and c.e.o. T .M . Reardon will continue to serve as chairman of the board. North Dakota News The N D B A Bank Management Committee, chaired by Jim Lewis BANKERS PARTICIPATING asePlanJnc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Des Moines. Iow a 50312 R. L. “ DICK” SELLON Dave Wittenborn Bo nd Representative 234-2691 (816) 234.2000 1 Association in 1953-54 and on its board of directors in other years. 545 - 31st Street Rusty Reese □ My majority bank stock is for sale. □ I want to purchase majority stock in a bank. Please contact Ellis Jones, Broker Semi-retired, professional banker Jones Realty 205 South Eaton St. Lakewood, Colorado 80226 Phone: (303) 232-1189 from the National Bank of Harvey, has completed plans for its 1981 conference to be held February 11 and 12 at the Holiday Inn, Bismarck. A full agenda o f timely topics is scheduled to be addressed at this meeting. In addition, certain elected officials and all state legislators and spouses will be invited to be guests of. the N D B A at Wednesday evening’s social hour and banquet. B IS M A R C K : The Independent Community Banks of North Dakota will host a legislative dinner February 19 at the Holiday Inn here. F A R G O : W .J. “ Joe” Lempe has been promoted to vice president and controller of the Fargo National Bank and Trust Co., according to C.S. Miller, president. He is a graduate of the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Prior to joining Fargo National, he was a national bank examiner. W A H P E T O N : A t the First Nation al Bank, M argie Olson was promoted to vice president and cashier from her position as cashier. She is a graduate o f the North Dakota State School of Science. She joined the bank in 1943. UPDATE YOUR ALARMS Security and video system s profes sionally designed to fit all your needs. For inform ation and com plete survey call: SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. 3920 Delaware Des Moines, IA 50316 [515] 265-1161 Comprehensive Packages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blanket Bonds Automobiles Single Interest Fire & Liability SERVICE fiUTQFTlfiTED SVSTEfTlS □F iawfunc. 301 N. Ankeny Blvd., Suite 220 Ankeny, la 50021 515-964-1358 CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 Central National Bldg. 515-283-2545 _______ Des Moines, Iowa 50309_______ WANT ADS Rates 50 cents per word per insertion. Ad $2 for file numbers. Identity of file number advertisers cannot be revealed. Payment in advance, please. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th St. ____________ Des Moines, Iowa 50309____________ FOR LEASE Mobile bank unit, 12’x62’. Complete banking equipment, including drive-up window, night depository, two teller stations, private office off lobby. Available now. Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, Sioux City, Iowa 51104, (712) 239-2315. (FL) Portable drive-up window unit 8’x12’. Complete, heat, air conditioning. Available now. Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, Sioux City, Iowa 51104, (712) 239-2315._________________________________ (FL) POSITION WANTED CEOs with ag lending backgrounds $30,000 to $42,000 Second Person with strong ag lend ing............$26,000 Operations officer with lending e x p ................$26,000 ISU Grad with insurance licenses seeks bank position in or near major city ......................................... $17,500 Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, IA 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee. (PW) INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER: 5-6 years experi ence. $7MM department in Iowa Bank. Salary $18-21M. PRESIDENT: Eastern Nebraska bank needs energetic, experienced person to head a $7MM bank. Salary to $30 M. AUDITOR: Should be strong in bank credit review area. Would travel about 50% of the time. Based in Omaha. Salary $20-22M. PRESIDENT: Bank needs experienced small bank manager for 1-2 years. Nebraska. Salary $25-30M. The above are some current listings. We area banking and financial related personnel service. The employer pays our fees. For further information regarding our rates, or to list openings, call or write FINANCIAL PLACEMENTS, P.O. Box 13786, Kansas City, Mo. 64199, or 912 Baltimore, Kansas City. (816) 421-7941. BANK PERSONNEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Positions Available #484 #486 #475 #479 #488 #490 #492 #493 #494 #496 #487 Commercial Loan Manager Commercial Loan #2 Commercial Loan Trainee Insurance Agent Proof Supervisor S&L Manager Insurance Manager Ag-light Commercial Commercial Loan Officer Cashier Assistant Manager Installment Loan Department #483 Commercial Loan Officer 32K 28K 22K 18K + 17K 25K 15K + 22K 30K 18K 18K 24K TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES OF MINNESOTA 4901 W. 77th St. Edina, Minnesota55435 David Dahl 612-835-4121 Megan Maloney All positions employer paid LENDING • N.W. Iowa bank seeking ag lender with at least 2 yrs exp. $18,000. ASST. VP- Large Des Moines bank looking for heavily experienced commercial lender who has a keen sense of business judgment. $28,000. COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICER - Must have at least 3 yrs experience and ability to run a branch. $23,000. SENIOR TRUST OFFICER - Need heavily experienced indiv to come into trust dept and eventually assume full responsibility for trust dept. $21,000. GENERAL SERVICES LENDER - Nebraska bank seeks indiv with ten years of experience in commercial and especially agriculture lending. $25,000 + SCOTTSDALE-PHOENIX Interested in buying, selling, leasing, investing in homes, condominiums, or land. For personalized service call or write Peter Linsey, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Com pany, 4443 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251. Phone office (602) 945-7611 or Home (602) 991 -6109. (GS 2ND PERSON/INSTALLMENT LENDER - Need at least 2 yrs of exp handling installment loans, student loans, mastercharge and direct & indirect loans. $17,000. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RESPOND IN CONFIDENCETO: Bank Division SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS ROBERT HALF POSITION AVAILABLE $100 million + bank in North Iowa looking for experienced Commercial Lender (2-4 yrs.). Junior Officer in three man department with good potential for advancement. Business degree preferred. Salary 16,000. Write file MBH, c /o Northwestern Banker. _________________________________________ (PA) 2nd officer for rural Iowa bank. Ag lending experience required. Salary open. Write File MBF, c /o Northwestern Banker._______________________(PA) Operations officer for rural Iowa bank. Experience required. Salary open. Write File MBG, c /o Northwestern Banker._______________________ (PA) LOAN OFFICER - Central Illinois bank seeking individual for lending responsibilities, primarily consumer loans. Operations experience helpful, not necessary. Call Bart Solon, State Bank of Girard, Phone (217) 627-2112._______________________ (PA) LOAN OFFICER for $18 m illion Iowa bank. Some experience preferred. Write file MBA, c /o Northwestern Banker._______________________ (PA) An aggressive and growing company is looking fo r a combination banker-insurance agent to work in a rural Nebraska community. Good salary, incentives and benefits. Strictly confidential. Send resume to file MBE, c /o Northwestern Banker.______________ (PA) Immediate opening for installment loan officer in $75 million bank. Previous loan and collections experience preferred but not a requirement. Salary commensurate with experience. Bank is located in southeastern Montana. Send resume in confidence to: Les Mahon, First Security Bank, Box 250, Miles City, M T59301. Phone(406) 232-3620.__________(PA) COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER for a $50 million bank. Some agri experience a plus. Excellent opportunity in a growing county seat town. Contact Gary Major, Bank of Kirksville, Box 787, Kirksvilte, MO 63501.________________________________ (PA) E S iS ^ B Ag Banking Specialists5^ Whan it comes to agriculture, banking and perso n ne l. . . go to the specialists — go to AGRIcareers, Inc. Progressive bankers pay us to find tbe people they need. C R ED IT M A N A G E R S .........I A & O H ____ $18-23,000 AG LO A N O F F I C E R S .........IA .................$18-20,000 TW O FARM M A N A G ER S . . I A & I L ........$16-24,000 AG L EN D IN G O F FIC E R . . . N E IO W A .. .$15-20,000 C R ED IT M A N A G E R ............ K Y ..................$20-30,000 IN SUR A N C E M A N A G ER . . N E .............. $16-19,000 Ask our banking specialist, Linda, what's available without cost or obligation. (515)394-3145 > NEW H AM PTO N, IA 50659 aorrararas, inc. " J TH E ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER of iowa. ine 317 6th Ave. Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID BONDSALES We have an excellent opportunity fo r an individual with a proven track record selling municipal and government bonds to banks. This individual would service banks in Montana and South Dakota. We offer the security and excellent benefits of one of the area’s leading correspondent banks as well as a very competitive salary plus commission arrange ment. Call (612) 370-2239 or send resume to Jan Nolander Marquette National Bank 777 Marquette Ave Minneapolis, MN 55480 ________ Affirmative Action Employer FOR SALE MODULAR BANK UNIT: 12’x7’ equipped with drive-up window. Used as bank’s drive-up facility. Available immediately. Contact Northwestern State Bank of Dodge Center, MN 55927. Phone (507) 374-6311 (FS) 8’x14’ portable drive-up window with Diebold electric window, electric heat, carpet, and air conditioner. Picture upon request. $3,500.00. Call (712) 472-2581. _________________________________________ (FS) Burroughs S-1000 Proof Encoder, eight pockets, four years old, under Burroughs Maintenance Contract. $7000.00, Tom Hay, Security State Bank, Casey, la. Phone (515) 746-3366._______________________(FS) POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT - for ag-oriented bank located in Rocky Mountain State. Prefer Ag Degree and proven administrative s k ills ........................................ $30,000 SENIOR COMM’L LOAN - $75MM+ bank seeks seasoned lender with ability to assume administrative duties. Could be second p o s itio n .................... $40,000 CASHIER - excellent opportunity in small bank for good operations officer. Position may lead to number one s p o t............................................................. $25,000 SENIOR OPERATIONS-$25MM bank located in major Missouri city. Assume responsibility fo r all operations. Definitely a senior management position ........................................................................... $$Open TRUST OFFICER - head $10MM dept, for medium size county bank. Law Degree not necessary. Desire three yrs. minimum trust experience...................... $25,000 REAL ESTATE LENDER - fine opportunity for junio r officer with secondary market experience. Primary duty w ill be establishment of real estate dept, for $3 5M M b ank......................................................$20,000 AG LENDING - join $12MM rural bank with opportunity to be second officer. Prefer Ag Degree and one-two yrs. bank experience....................$15,000 If you are interested in changing positions, please forward a full resume and salary history to: TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City P.O. Box 12346/2024Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 ________________ (816)474-6874________________ Yol. 9 No. 41 Northwestern Banker Newsletter [USPS 873-300] is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscriptions 25 cents per copy, $8.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address [Form 3579], manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis