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Vol. 14 No. 43 Des Moines, Iowa February 10,1986 Legislatures Study Banking Bills EG ISLATO RS in several mid west states are deep into their annual sessions and trying, in m ost cases, to cope with the financial bur dens thrust upon them by continued severe withdrawal o f federal funds that support various program s ad ministered by the states. Banking bills also continue to surface in m ost legislatures. Here is a quick summary of some of the bills that were active ly under consideration last week: down payment and that the bill is an opening vehicle to allow S&Ls to have access to public funds. Another bill N BA has to oppose is one that would reduce the usury lim it from its present unlimited status to 9%. Such a move, bankers say, would ob viously dry up credit in the state in today’s econom y. N BA supports LB 767 which would allow a branch bank office to be placed in a town where a financial institution had failed in the past Minnesota three years and no other institution The House on February 5 de was there. Nebraska has had several feated the G overnor’s farm m orator banks fail in such communities in ium bill. the past two years and no financial facility is available in those towns. Nebraska LB 849, the Agricultural Revitali No banking bills were acted upon zation Authroity A ct, would autho up to press time last week, but sev eral key issues are under considera rize $100 million bond borrowing to tion. The Nebraska Bankers A sso provide relief to borrowers stressed ciation opposes LR 11 which would by high interest rates and other fac delete the Constitutional provision tors. Details of the bill appear to be against giving the credit o f the state unclear. N BA is watching. Various bills dealing with the ag for any private corporation or asso ciation purpose. N BA also opposes crisis, double jeopardy and m orator LR 35 which would establish a state iums are under consideration. The ag bank for making ag loans, stating final blow was LB 1248. It would it could be a holding tank for the place a 100% tax on all interest in come received by a financial institu w orst loans. LB 645 would allow S&Ls to ac tion in excess o f 10% and on interest quire real estate broker trust ac received by an individual in excess counts, and N BA opposes this on o f 8% ! the grounds that the account really South Dakota belongs to the person making the The G overnor’s moratorium bill L (in committee) is opposed by the South Dakota Bankers Association, while a bill to authorize 110% pledg ing on public deposits (also in com mittee) is supported by SDBA. Another bill to allow credit unions to have public funds is on the Senate floor and is opposed by the SDBA. Iowa One piece o f key legislation being opposed by the banking industry would combine the supervision o f all financial institutions—banks, s&ls, credit unions—under a Department of Commerce with one top political appointee. The bankers oppose this, obviously, because their fees make this department totally self-support ing so that no other state funds have to be allocated for the management or supervision o f the department. Incorporating it into a new depart ment would bypass a system that has worked successfully for the en tire life of the department of bank ing and would make it subject to the whims o f legislative edict, other types o f budget guidelines, and per sonal control. A regional interstate banking bill with reciprocity for contiguous states was introduced February 5. The Iowa Bankers Association has drafted an Em ergency Bank A c quisition Bill that would allow outof-state bids on a failed financial in- ASK JERRY TRUDO to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 hants National Bank F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bi A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORWEST BANKS Member FDIC S ii « h é l I s........................... Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. John Rigler stitution if there are no in-state bid ders. The Governor has proposed an in terest buy-down bill that would offer a 2% interest reduction to farmers on their loans if their financial insti tution also reduces the interest by 2%, for a total o f 4% interest reduc tion. The value and workability of the bill at this time is questioned because the effect of it is needed at this time when ag loans are being negotiated, whereas such legislation could very well take until spring to be heard and enacted. SF 2064 has been sent to the G ov ernor for signature. It would in crease by 30 days the time allowed for an elevator or warehouse to ob tain bonding. The definition of a bond would include an irrevocable letter o f credit that could be offered by a bank to cover the necessary bond. IB A did not oppose, but ques tions the workability o f such a clause for a bank. The Illinois legislature does not reconvene until April 1 and the North Dakota legislature does not meet until January, 1987. □ Iowa News The N ational A ssociation o f Banking Women will hold their Iowa state convention on M ay 14-16 Dorothea Wolfe at the downtown H oliday Inn in Iowa City. This year’s theme is “ Managing for Profit—The Key to Power,” and will feature humorous and inform ative speakers, a legisla tive panel, workshops, a theater pro duction and banquet hospitality. The Southeast Iowa Chapter of N ABW will host, and invite anyone to attend who is interested. For more information, contact Patti Johnson, Iowa State Bank and Trust Company, P.O. B ox 1700, Iowa City, IA 52244; (319) 356-5963. CEDAR RAPID S: A t Peoples Bank o f Cedar Rapids, several staff changes have been announced. John M. Sagers, former president and COO, has been appointed to serve as president and CEO. Don Ellis, exec utive vice president, has been desig nated COO. He will continue as chief lending officer heading up the com mercial banking division. Three se nior vice presidents have been ap pointed to manage newly created di visions at the bank. Gary Ernst will head the financial services division; Larry M cGrath, the finance and bank development division, and Jim W est, the retail banking and opera tions division. Am ong other prom o tions were James L. W est from vice president to senior vice president, Gary Ernst from senior vice presi dent and trust officer to senior vice president and senior trust officer, and Peter B. W elch from trust offi Inquire about FLEX-OPAY® ■ a com puterized billing/credit system ■ generates additional incom e from present staff and equipment ■ means o f increasing your local commercial business ■ plan developed by bankers for bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cer to vice president and senior trust officer. CALL: COU N CIL B LU FFS: Jerry G. M oritz has joined State Bank and Trust as vice president in charge of the ag loan department. He joins the bank from United National Bank in W atertown, S. Dak., where he served as president and chairman of the board. He has served at several banks in Minnesota and North and South Dakota since 1970. DES M OINES: Janice Fitzgibbon, 64, died February 5 at M ercy H ospi tal in Des Moines after a lingering illness with cancer. She is survived by her husband, John Fitzgibbon, a widely-known Iowa banker. Mr. Fitzgibbon is president o f John R. Fitzgibbon & Associates, Inc., a bank consulting firm, and is vice chairman and CEO of First Finan cial Savings Bank, Des Moines. He retired several years ago as presi dent and CEO of Norwest Bank Des Moines, N .A. OSKALOOSA: A t Mahaska State Bank, Michael L. M attson has been appointed senior vice president and cashier. He previously served as vice president and marketing director at First State Bank o f Fremont, Neb raska. SAC CITY: A t Citizens Savings Bank, David C. Jones has been pro m oted from assistant vice president to vice president. He joined the bank last June after having served the Production Credit Associations in Sac City and Storm Lake for the pre vious ten years. W EST DES M OINES: Four have been prom oted at First National Bank o f W est Des M oines. Larry Tibbetts was prom oted from assis tant vice president to vice president, Janice Cross was advanced to vice president and cashier, Jeanette W hite was prom oted from office manager to assistant cashier and of fice manager, and Joy Rosenbaum was named assistant cashier. 1-800-772-2411 W R IT E : L eR oy Bell The National Bank o f Waterloo 315 East 5th Street Waterloo, IA 50703 Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 Burlington Hosts Group 11, Feb. 16-17 10:00 Ladies program. Style show by Kardan’s at The Holiday. P.M. ROUP l l bankers and spouses will meet February 16-17 at The H oliday in Burlington for the annual meeting. W ith the recent appoint ment o f W illiam R. Bernau, presi dent, Peoples Savings Bank, Craw ford, to the position o f state banking superintendent, Group 11 Secretary, Edward K. Johnstone, president, Keokuk Savings Bank & Trust Co., will preside at this year’s meeting. An official vote will be taken for group chairman and secretary dur ing the meeting. Guest speaker will be Robert H. Helmick, president, U.S. Olympic Committee. An Iowa native, Bob is a lawyer and senior partner with the Belin law firm, Des Moines. The com plete program follows: G E.K. JOHNSTONE R.H. HELMICK Sunday, February 16 P.M . 4:00 5:30 7:00 8:15 8:45 A.M . 10:00 2:00 Registration - The H oliday Social Hour - The H oliday Buffet Dinner B ruce M eriw ether, IB A president Dancing to midnight featur ing The Night-Liters M onday, February 17 Business M eeting - The Hol iday. Presiding, Edward K. Johnstone. Minutes o f previous meet ing. S p ea k ers: B ru ce M e ri wether, IB A president and Neil Milner, IB A executive vice president. B. MERIWETHER N. MILNER Luncheon - The Holiday Invocation - Father Carlos Leveling, St. Paul’s Catholic Church. Choral Selections - Notre Dame H igh School Theatri cal and Choral Group. Program - featuring Robert H. Helmick, president, U.S. Olym pic Committee. Nebraska News BELLEVU E: Michael J. W alts has been named president o f Affiliated M idwest Bancs, Inc. The organiza tion is the management com pany for six banks in Nebraska, Iowa, M is souri and North Dakota. Mr. W alts joined A ffiliated in 1981 as a vice president and trust officer, and was named senior vice president and chief financial officer in 1983. His prior employment was as a senior vice president at University State Bank o f Lawrence, Kansas. HEBRON: A t Thayer County Bank, Patrick W . Kenner has been named CEO. Other recent changes at the bank include the retirement of senior vice president A ndy Zeek and the appointment o f Lloyd Schepler to that position. Welcome to Our Group Meeting BURLINGTON M onday, February 17 Headquarters and Registration at TH E HO LID A Y Junction of Hwys. 34 & 61 Burlington banks extend a hearty invitation to all members of Group Eleven and other bankers to attend our annual Group meeting. REM EM BER TO BE V /I^H US A T OUR SUNDAY EVENING PRECONVENTION PARTY! Hawkeye Bank & Trust Farmers & Merchants Bk. & Tr. First National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I t 3 O M AH A: Northern Bank (formerly N orth Side Bank) has named Gor don H. Fleer and Robert C. Stringer vice presidents. Mr. Fleer form erly was assistant vice president o f com mercial loans. Mr. String was assis tant vice president o f installment loans. BANK LOAN MANAGEMENT, INC. CONSULTANT TO BANKERS 773 SPRUCE STREET, P.O. BOX 159, OCHEYEDAN, IOWA 51354 PHONE 712/758-3660 • Loan Review and Credit Administration • Profit Planning M IN N E A P O L IS : S tew a rt M . Schacter and Deborah J. Van Valkenburgh have been prom oted to vice presidents by First Bank Min neapolis. Mr. Schacter joined First Banks in 1975 and was serving as assistant vice president in the m etro marketing research division. Ms. Van Valkenburgh join ed F irst SOUTH SIO U X CITY: Recent pro Banks in 1983 as assistant vice m otions at Dakota County State president o f communications for the Bank included the prom otion o f m etro consumer marketing division. Bruce Krueger from vice president to senior vice president and o f Mer M IN N E A P O L IS : F ive changes rill Hale from assistant vice presi have been made in staff at National dent to vice president. Both Mr. City Bank o f Minneapolis. M ary C. Krueger and Mr. Hale have been Paidosh was named vice president and manager o f the newly created with the bank since 1983. commercial division—D. W illiam J. Klein was named assistant vice president o f executive and profes Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers A ssocia sional division—E. M. Don Bolke tion is sponsoring an ag bankers was named vice president and man workshop on the 1985 Farm Bill, to ager o f national/correspondent divi be held February 20 at the Radisson sion—N. Kathleen A . Fix was South H otel in Bloom ington. The named assistant vice president and workshop will feature a videotape manager o f international banking di prepared by the A B A and a panel vision—I. Harry G. M cNeely, III discussion. The program begins at was named assistant vice president 10:00 a.m. and concludes at 3:00 o f commercial division—A. p.m. Contact the M B A office for SARG EAN T: First American State more information. Bank o f Sargeant has announced the CARRINGTON: Randy Kruger has prom otion o f Joseph M. Collins to been elected vice president o f opera the position o f executive vice presi tions and Lori Solberg, assistant dent and director. He joined the vice president o f personnel and mar bank last March as vice president keting at First American Bank & and senior lending officer and has 27 Trust o f Carrington. years banking experience. SOUTH SIO U X CITY: A t Nebras ka State Bank, South Sioux City, Merle Long has been prom oted to vice president. He joined the bank in 1984 in the commercial loan depart ment. Prior to that he served as an examiner with the Iowa Department o f Banking. U.S. CHECK BOOK COMPANY W ELCOM ES YOU TO Iowa Bankers Group 11 Annual Meeting February 16-17, Burlington Visit us in our hospitality room at The Holiday United States Check Book Company 1201 SOUTH 16TH STREET • OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68108 In Nebraska Call 402-345-3162 Out of State Call WATS Line 1-800-228-9246 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Illinois News COAL CITY: Keith Roseland has been elected president o f the First National Bank o f Coal City. He joined the bank 18 years ago as a teller. Freeman Trotter, who had been president since 1981, will re main a consultant to the bank and a director. MORTON GROVE: D avid W attenberg has been prom oted to senior vice president o f the M orton Grove Bank. He had served as vice presi dent since 1984. Previously, he was vice president at the First National Bank o f Highland Park. Wisconsin News PU LASK I: A t Pulaski State Bank, Norbert J. Peplinski has been named chairman, C. Michael Allen was pro m oted to president and D avid H. Shepardson was prom oted to assis tant vice president. Mr. Peplinski had served as president since 1958. Mr. Allen joined the bank in 1981, and Mr. Shepardson in 1983. North Dakota News FARGO: Jerome B. W oods, Jr. has been elected chief executive officer o f First Bank Fargo as well as man aging director for the First Banks in North Dakota. He has served as the bank’s president since 1983. He suc ceeds Donald R. M engedoth, who has served as managing director of the North Dakota region since 1984. Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years l sed by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243 8064 Call on the “Experienced Professionals” ^FirsTier Banks Ready to meet your correspondent needs. First National Lincoln Member fdic 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Mr. M engedoth will have supervi workshop manual. Register through sory responsibility for the banks and the W B A office. offices that are in the process of Colorado News •being purchased by employee and AU RO RA: Linda M. Bedinger has com m unity groups in southern been elected president o f United North Dakota, South Dakota and Bank o f Aurora—South. She pre central Minnesota. Succeeding Mr. viously served as executive vice W oods as president o f First Bank president. M s. Bedinger joined Fargo is N. Thomas Wiedebush. He United Banks in 1967 and played a previously served as president of key role in opening the A u ro ra First Bank St. Cloud. South bank in 1984. GRAND FORKS: Several officers D EN VER: Recent prom otions at have been prom oted at Community United Bank o f Denver included National Bank of Grand Forks. three advancements to vice, presi Janet Elshaug, form erly assistant dent. Donald R. Sail, head of the vice president, was prom oted to vice president. Don Anderson, former as bank’s energy and minerals group, was named senior vice president. sistant cashier, was prom oted to ' Daryl D. Moellenberg, a commercial vice president. John Guradnik was banker in correspondent banking, advanced from assistant vice president/cashier to vice president/cash- and Sarah W . W oods, manager of asset management services corpo ier. In the installment loan depart rate trust division, were named vice m ent, A u drey T hom pson was named loan officer and Larry Mor- presidents. DENVER: A t Colorado National ken was named assistant cashier. Bank o f Denver, Thomas A. Comer JAM ESTOW N: A t Norwest Bank and William S. Mackenzie have been Jamestown, three have been pro prom oted to vice president. Mr. moted. Paul Olson, former vice presComer acts as the dealer operations ident/manager of the agricultural manager in the funds management loan department, was prom oted to senior vice president/loan adminis division. Mr. Mackenzie is the com tration. Thomas Cotton, form erly ag mercial group manager and is re sponsible for energy, correspondent loan officer, was prom oted to vice banking, agriculture and special president/manager of the ag loan de assets. partment. Mark Finstad, m ost re cently an ag loan officer, was pro m oted to assistant vice president of the ag loan department. CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Consultant available on a temporary or an intermediate basis in an on line or advisory capacity specializing in: PROFESSIONAL BANKING CONSULTANTS 4900 OAK SUITE 301 KANSAS CITY, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 * * * BANKERS * * * Qualified bankers available. Experience ranging from ag/commercial lenders, operations and top level bank executives. Call or write. • “ Professional Service •••Confidentiality • * ‘ Competitive Fees-Employer Paid LINDA R. HEIT (515) 394-2325 MIDWEST PERSONNEL 22 years experience In acquisition and liquidation — All Replies Confidential — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U N IVERSITY HILLS: Blair J. Lindberg has been elected president of United Bank of University Hills. She was previously vice president, cashier and the senior lender of the bank. Ms. Lindberg joined the United Bank organization in 1982 and participated in the planning and organization of the University Hills Bank. She has over 14 years bank ing experience. SW ORDS ASSOCIATES. INC. • LOAN WORKOUTS • LIQUIDATIONS • DOCUMENTATION D.E. CHYMA 2932 7th St., Moline III., 61265 ENGLEW OOD: Craig Miller has joined First Interstate Bank of Englewood as vice president and manager of commercial banking. He previously served at Denver Na tional Bank and First Interstate Bank of Denver. James A . W orley has joined the bank as assistant vice president and commercial loan offi cer. He has over ten years experi ence at Bank of Dallas. Loan and investment reviews and other management services Wyoming News The W yom ing Bankers A ssocia tion will present a seminar on loan docum entation and analysis of A r ticle Nine o f the Uniform Commer cial Code. It will be held at the H oli day Inn in Casper on March 6. Re gistration is $105, which includes lunch, breaks and an extensive DENVER: A t Affiliated Lakeside National Bank, Denver, Richard A . W alter has been elected president. He has been with the bank for 13 years. W alter M. Orr, Jr. will remain as chairman and CEO o f the bank. Additional prom otions include Gre gory R. Vartanyan, executive vice president; D. Jay Grubbs, vice presi dent o f operations and administra tion, and Clayton Collier, vice presi dent o f commercial loans. Banking Specialist Route 3-Box 48 New Hampton, IA 50659 5 6 POSITIONS AVAILABLE $55MM Northeast Iowa Bank needs an experienced EX ECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT. Send resume to WEA c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) BANKING OFFICER— Positions available in the Rocky Mountains, southwest and midwest. All fees employer paid. Contact Dunhill of Fort Collins, 2120 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Phone: (303) 221-5630. (PA) LENDING OFFICER—Junior position. $10M bank. Send resume to: Cascade Bancorporatlon, Inc., 1101 Midland Financial Bldg., Des Moines, la 50309. Phone (515) 244-8036. ' (PA) VICE PRES. & OFFICE MANAGER—$45 million N. Central Iowa Independent Community Bank needs take charge in dividual to manage full service office. Ag lending skills in cluding financial statements and cash flow analysis. Ex perience a must. Send resume and salary requirements to File # WEI c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) AG LOAN OFFICER—$25M bank in southwest Minnesota town of 2,500 needs Ag Loan Officer immediately-mlnimum of 2 years experience necessary-salary commensu rate w ith experience-excellent opportunity for career ad vancement. Send resume to file No. WEK c/o Northwest ern Banker. (PA) COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER— position w ith progres sive Iowa City Bank. Minimum 3 yrs. lending experience w ith college degree. Excellent benefit package w ith salary commensurate w ith experience. Send resume and salary requirements to File No. WEJ, c/o Northwestern Banker. _______________________________________________(PA) OPERATIONS OFFICER—w ith lending experience for $20 million Minnesota bank. Send resume w ith salary requirements to Box 776, W orthington, MN 56187. (PA) SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT $100M bank, rural area, close to college town. Banking degree, solid lending experience, man agement skills are necessary. Salary and fringe benefits commensurate w ith experience. Send resume to File No. WEG c/o Northwestern Banker. BANKER-FARMER CHANGING RELATIONSHIPS Join us: MUIR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS Presents* “TEAMING UP FOR THE FUTURE” - CHANGING TIMES A tim ely seminar that addresses the issue of Farmer-Banker relationships and how your Ag Loan Officers can effectively and profitably com municate w ith to d a y’s fin a n cia lly stressed farmers. ON: February 11,1986 at 9:00 a.m. AT: Marina Inn, South Sioux City, NE COST: $150 ($50 RSVP reservation fee by 2-4-86) $200 at door if space available FOR MORE INFO. CONTACT: Julie A. Langerman VP Operations P.O. Box 2742 Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 277-5143 POSITIONS AVAILABLE E.V.P. • For a western Nebraska bank of $85 m il lion. Need heavy ag loan experience. W ill be supervising 6. W ill lead to CEO in 3 years. To $50K + 20% Bonus CREDIT ANALYST - Need 3-4 years in ag credit. East central Nebraska. To $24K. CEO - S.E. Minnesota. $30 million ag bank. 10 + years experience. To $45K. All fees are paid by our client employers. Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMM. LOAN OFF. for central Iowa bank . . . . Salary open TRUST OFFICER for northern Iowa bank Salary to $35,000 SENIOR CREDIT ADMINISTRATOR for Minnesota bank .. .....................................................................Salary to $35,000 EVP for $60M Iowa bank ..........................Salary to $50,000 VICE PRESIDENT AG LENDING OFFICER, possible #2 per son ................................................................Salary to $40,000 EVP for community bank in northwest Iowa ...................... ......................................................................Salary to $35,000 AG LOAN OFFICER, for eastern Iowa b a n k ........................ ......................................................................Salary to $25,000 TRUST OFFICER for central Illinois bank .. Salary $35,000 EVP for eastern Iowa bank ........................... Salary $40,000 COMMERCIAL/RE OFFICER for major bank holding com pany ......................................................................Salary open VICE PRESIDENT RETAIL BANKER for major holding com pany bank ........................................................Salary $35,000 VICE PRESIDENT AG LENDER for major holding company b a n k ..............................................................Salary to $38,000 AUDITOR for major banking group, Illinois & I o w a ............ ........ ..........................................................Salary to $30,000 SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER for major Iowa bank . . . . ................................................................................Salary open CEO for $50 million asset bank, m id w e s t.......Salary open CEO for $15 m illion asset com m unity bank .. .Salary open CEO for $40 m illion asset com m unity bank .. .Salary open AG LENDER for $40 m illion asset com m unity bank .......... ............................................................................Salary $25,000 AUDITOR/CPA for Iowa holding c o m p a n y ___ Salary open Please call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk In care of: Freeland Financial Service 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide FOR SALE 3-BURROUGHSL-9000—2-NCR 8 Pocket proof machines; 1 - Bell & Howell Director II Microfilmer; 1 - Bell & Howell SRM Microfilmer; 1 - Bell & Howell Classic Microfilmer. All fo r sale due to mergers. Contact Dale L. Adams at 402-362-7411 or P.O. Box 69, York, NE 68467. (FS) SMALL TEMPORARY-DRIVE-IN FACILITY. Equipped with two Diebold drive-in windows, for walk-up and drive-in customers. Please call Jim Hoshor at 402-721-1050. (FS) POSITIONS WANTED PRESENTLY EMPLOYED, energetic and professional banker desires management team opportunity in midwestern $50 million or larger community bank. Experienced in adm inistration, loans, cost control and strategic planning. Box WEH, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER $25m community bank in good rural area near larger city seeks good ag lender w /3+ yrs of exp. Take charge type who wants career oppty and challenge. Profitable history and well capitalized. $30K + . SR TRUST OFFICER Highly profitable bank in strong economic area seeks #1 trust person for growing $100m + dept. Exp in personal trust, mgmt and new busi ness development. $45K + . COMMERCIAL LENDER To handle $20m portfolio consisting of com’ l clients with $5-150m in sales. Good knowledge o f credit analysis, call ing exp and desire to join top-notch com’ l organization. $35K. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THESE & OTHER POSITIONS RESPOND IN CONFIDENCE TO: KURT ROSENCRANTS ROBERT HALF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 WORLD’S LARGEST BANKING, EDP, & FINANCIAL SPECIALISTS ALL FEES COMPANY PAID BANKING CLO MANAGER. Solid commercial lending could q u a lify you fo r th is e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity . $150m + mm bank In cultural university oriented c o m m u n ity .................................................To $40,000. SENIOR LOAN OFFICER. Heavyweight commercial skills for th is tremendous opportunity. $150 + mm bank offers chance to reach your goals. . To $55,000. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT/COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER. 2 + years commercial experience can make you a member of this progressive bank team. Superb upward m obility plus benefits.............. ..................................................................... To $31,000. TRUST OFFICER. Farm management background for this trust generalist position. $30 + mm holding company bank is located in historical area of the Midwest....................................................... To $30,000. VICE PRESIDENT. #2 person, community oriented. Great opportunity to show your skills in this ag bank. Some operational knowledge and strong lend ing qualities......................................................$30,000. PRESIDENT. Opportunity to take charge of this rural bank. Use your marketing skills to obtain your goal. ....................................................................... $40,000 + . COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER. Chance to work with accounts up to $1mm in size. Use your market ing and communication skills to expand with this major holding company bank. Large metro area. . . . .......................................................................$40,000 + . AG LOAN OFFICER. Number two in department. Definite chance for advancement. This is an ag lend ing position with a holding company. 20 miles from major city......................................................$28-33,000. VICE PRESIDENT. Number three In the bank. Can lead to number two spot-President retiring. Ag lend ing experience. Excellent compensation.................... ......................................................................$35-38,000. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT. If you’re ready to handle a diverse commercial portfolio (average loan $250,000) in a large metro bank, this is for you. Will do business development...........................$25-30,000. Toll Free #1-800-638-1996-025757 <Personnel Search 1126 So. 72nd St. Omaha, Ne. 68124 POSITIONS AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE LOAN - manage dept, for large suburban bank. C onstruction lending experience a must. $35,000 LOAN REVIEW • assist senior loan review officer of $200MM bank. Prefer degree. $24,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN - junior position w ith $200MM subur ban bank. Requires degree and experience w ith large credits. $28,000 AGRI-LENDER - senior position which requires strong background In financing of cattle operations. $35,000 TRUST OFFICER - manage small dept, for $40MM subur ban bank. Does not require Law Degree. $24,000 INQUIRIES ARE CONFIDENTIAL RESUME’ REQUESTED. TOM H AGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 S w ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 14 No. 43 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873*300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mall items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis