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ua ^ Vol. 14 No. 36 )\tettev Des Moines, Iowa December 23,1985 Further Details on Hills Slayings £ # # # ® ® m ® A ® A S REPORTED in last week’s A t issue o f the N o r t h w e st e r n B a n k e r Weekly Newsletter, three people in Hills, la., were shot to death December 9 by a local resident who went berserk, then com m itted suicide. One o f his victim s was John R. Hughes, 46, president o f Hills Bank & Trust Company. Earlier, farmer Dale N. Burr, 63, had murdered his wife in their nearby farm home; then, after shooting Mr. Hughes at the bank he proceeded to a neighboring farm where he shot and killed 37-year old Richard Goody, with whom he had quarreled over land. When stopped within minutes on a rural road by authori ties, Mr. Burr killed him self with the same shotgun. Details o f the bizarre, senseless slayings last week indicated from initial sources that Dale Burr, after having killed his wife (it was learned later), went to Hills Bank “ to cash a check but was rejected until the funds status was clarified. Bank em ployees said he became enraged and left the bank.’’ That initial report then stated that Mr. Burr left the bank, got his shotgun from his truck, re-entered the bank and went directly to Mr. Hughes office where he opened the door and killed John with one shotgun blast. The latter statement concerning Mr. Burr going out to get his gun and killed Mr. Hughes was correct. However, we have learned after per sonal discussion with one o f the Hills Bank officers that Mr. Burr’ s first trip into the bank that morning o f December 9 was not one o f con frontation. This is the sequence o f events as related by this eyewitness to the entire tragedy: Dale Burr did enter Hills Bank shortly after 11:00 a.m. Monday, December 9, and proceeded to a tel ler to cash a check. The teller, upon checking the record and determining that Mr. Burr’s personal account was already overdrawn, asked him to see an officer o f the bank with whom Mr. Burr had been doing busi ness. The custom er agreed, went to the officer’s desk and was told that his account presently was over drawn. “ He accepted that,” the offi cer said, “ and said he’d take care o f it. He reached in his pocket, got his wallet and took out the cash needed to cover the shortage in his personal checking account. He said and did nothing more about cashing the check. There was some brief, casual conversation about other matters and he left the bank.” The officer said Mr. Burr re-en tered the bank within about five minutes time, apparently with the shotgun from his truck hidden under his clothing. He went directly to John H ughes’ office where he pushed open the door and with no words or warning shot John Hughes in the head, killing him instantly. He ran to the next office where a fellow officer had heard the shot and when Dale Burr stopped at the doorway o f that office pointing the gun at him, the officer dove under the desk. He was convinced that Mr. Burr was going to step around the desk and shoot him; however, a third officer, who was also in the office, was standing next to the wall by the doorway. When the gun barrel ap peared, he grabbed it, shoved it up in the air and said, “ Hey, you can’t do that. Get out o f here!” Authorities later discovered a spent shell and live shell on the floor of the bank by the two officers. It was theorized that the pump shot gun malfunctioned after the first shot and the next shell was inadver tently ejected. The life o f the man in the adjoining office was probably saved by that and the quick action o f his associate. A t that point, Dale Burr walked out o f the back door, the same way he had entered the bank. Other wit nesses said he waved casually to them as he drove away in his truck. He proceeded from there to the G oody farm where he killed Richard G oody without warning. It was also stated in the earlier report that Mr. Burr was given a Cali on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. ^ First National Lincoln A FirsTier Bank Member. F.D.I.C 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. NORWEST BANKS dent in Mason City for the North Central Iowa Federal Land Bank. C all (515) 245-3131 o r to ll-fre e (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC DES M OINES: Three officers at Valley National Bank have been pro moted. Verne C. Bates was named senior vice president in charge of ~l~eamwork: trust and retail banking. He joined the bank in 1975 and m ost recently one of the reasons was vice president and senior trust we’re first in Iowa. officer. Charles Leibold has been named vice president and senior John Rigler Dorothea Wolfe trust officer and will head the trust department. He joined Valley Bank in 1981 and previously served as check by the ASCS in his name for Burr’s farm. It was a week later that vice president and trust officer. approxim ately $23,000 and the Mr. Burr unexplainedly went on his Michael R. Hyzer was named vice check should have been made out shooting spree. president and trust counsel. He jointly with Hills Bank. The initial A s noted in many newspaper ac joined the bank in 1981 and was report said ASCS asked the bank counts, the irrational action o f Dale m ost recently senior trust officer. and Mr. Burr to work it out and if Burr was puzzling because Hills such an agreement could not be Bank had no legal actions pending DES M OINES: A t Bankers Trust, reached, ASCS would turn over the or planned against Mr. Burr and ac Bradley L. Burt has been named com to the bank. That earlier report tually was planning to continue its vice president and director of mar said “ The latter course was fol financing relationship w ith him keting. He joined the bank in 1973. lowed, which angered Mr. Burr.” through the com ing year. Even at re In 1983 he took a leave o f absence That report was erroneous, for the duced land values, the equity of from his duties as vice president o f bank and Mr. Burr had already held Burr land holdings far exceeded the commercial lending to pursue the a m eeting December 2 at which time loan at Hills Bank. The reason for proposed development o f the Iowa Mr. Hughes and a bank officer told the deliberate killings will probably W orld Trade Center. Mr. Burr that so long as he could never fully be known. □ make arrangements to pay that par DES M OINES: Richard N. Strang ticular loan the bank would not want has been elected to the office o f vice the com , which was sealed on Mr. president—investm ents at Brenton Iowa News Banks, Inc. He succeeds Betty L. AM ES: A t First National Bank, Ed Steele, vice president/secretary, ward Jacobson has been advanced upon her retirement on December to senior vice president. He joined 31, after 32 years of association with the bank in 1964 and has held a Brenton Banks. Mr. Strang brings variety o f positions there including over 25 years o f investment experi manager o f the University office. ence to the Brenton organization. Prior to joining Brenton Banks, he CLARION: Dale C. Dougherty will was em ployed for seven years with a retire December 31 from The First private investm ent counseling firm National Bank as senior vice presi in Chicago. dent and trust officer. He joined the bank in September, 1941. He was IN D IAN O LA: A t Warren County honored at an open house at the Brenton Bank, Eugene T. Smith has bank November 29. R.B. Bartholo- been named vice chairman o f the maus, president o f First National, board o f directors. He has been with also announced the recent appoint Brenton Banks since 1955, and has ment o f Neil W . Fell to the bank been president o f Warren County staff as an ag marketing loan officer. Brenton Bank since 1965. Clark Mr. Fell previously was vice presi Raney will succeed him as president ASK DICK RETZ to make MNB work for you. •Personal • Prompt •Professional Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants A National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BANKS OF IOWA BANK H. PETER DEROSIER Vice President Count On Our Correspondent Bankers MARK CHRISTEN Vice President Valley National Bank iii DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 Member FDIC A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Call toll free (800) 622-7262 # # • # # # ® ® • ® 3 YAKE, SPRENGER AND JENNINGS G etting it done for you. Æ k ^ • Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings 234-2483 234-2625 234-2484 Commerce Bank of Kansas City MEMBER FDIC ^ Ernie Yake and chief executive officer. He pre viously was senior vice president of the bank. Mr. Smith will continue his public relations responsibility, direct the bank’s real estate proper ties, and continue working in the trust area. He plans retirement from full-time duties in April, 1987. Mr. Raney has been with Warren Coun ty Brenton Bank since 1983. He has previously been with the Brenton Bank in Emmetsburg, beginning in 1975. LU AN A: Dale Linderbaum has been appointed director o f the Luana Sav ings Bank to fill the vacancy created was also prom oted to vice president of the bank. Tp>lpnhr»m> ( M f (816) * \ 9^4.9nnn Telephone 234-2000 president and CEO, and will direct proved the largest merger in Min the newly state chartered, federally nesota history by giving perm ission insured First United Bank o f Belle for Minnesota Federal and First vue. He has 23 years o f financial ser Federal to form First Minnesota vices experience including serving Savings Bank on January 1, 1986. as president o f two banks and parti The new savings institution will cipating in the form ation o f three have the largest branch office net newly chartered banks. Thomas R. work in the state and rank second in Edwards has been named vice presi assets with over $3 billion. First dent and will be responsible for the Federal President and COO Kenneth consumer, credit card and m ortgage D. Olson will be the bank’s new departments for the bank. In addi president and COO. Minnesota Fed tion, he will be marketing the bank’s eral Chairman and President Gor small business loan program. Mr. don R. M osentine will serve as vice Edwards brings ten years o f lending chairman and CEO o f the bank. experience with him and was former First Federal Chairman W ilfred E. ly regional director for the nation’s Lingren will becom e chairman of seventh largest bank holding com First Minnesota. pany. South Dakota News Nebraska News Minnesota News Three Nebraska banks owned by Robert W ekesser were closed the morning o f December 19 by James Barbee, Nebraska director o f bank ing and finance. They are Bank o f Panama (Lancaster County), assets o f $4.7 million; Farmers & Mer chants Bank o f Com stock (Custer County), assets o f $4.1 m illion and deposits o f $3.7 million, and the Farmers State Bank o f Sargent (Custer County), assets o f $13.1 mil lion and deposits o f $11.6 million. The Security State Bank in Broken Bow, which was closed De cember 6, also is located in Custer County and a PCA was closed ear lier in the same county, located in the center o f the state. The FDIC, acting as receiver, was taking bids on the three banks on December 17 and was to open those bids Thursday afternoon, December 19. The closing o f these three banks brings to 13 the total number of Nebraska banks closed in 1985. The Minnesota Bankers A ssocia tion Com m unications Com m ittee will sponsor a workshop on “ W hat to Do with the Death o f Reg. Q” at three locations in January. The workshop program will explore fi nancial product development oppor tunities in a deregulated environ ment. Speaker will be G. Michael M oebs, president o f G.M . M oebs and Associates, Chicago. The work shop will be held on Jan. 14 at the Holiday Inn, North Mankato; Jan. 15 at the H oliday Inn International, Bloom ington, and Jan. 16 at the H oliday Inn, Alexandria. A L B E R T L E A : Norwest Bank A lbert Lea, N .A . recently an nounced the prom otion o f Gerald K. Johnson to the position o f vice presi d e n t-co m m e rcia l banking. He joined the bank in 1983 as a real estate loan officer and has served as assistant vice president—commer cial loans since 1984. BELLEVU E: John R. Young has been elected to the board, named M IN N E A P O L IS : The F ederal Home Loan Bank Board has ap 9 # • • ® # Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V A LLE Y SPRINGS: Donald C. Clauson has been elected executive vice president o f the Dakota Heri tage State Bank. He has been in banking 18 years in both South Da kota and Nebraska. Wyoming News CASPER: Gary Wickam, president o f the Norwest Bank W est Casper, has been named executive vice presi dent o f Norwest’s downtown Casper bank. He at one time worked as a commercial loan officer as well as manager o f the downtown bank’s commercial loan department. Jay Bordewick was named executive vice president of the east and west Casper banks and will serve as man aging and executive officer. He has been in banking since 1959. Kevin Farrell will serve as senior vice president and chief financial officer at N orwest’s main bank. He is also senior vice president and chief finan cial officer o f the Affiliated Bank Corporation o f W yom ing, the parent corporation o f Norwest Banks in W yom ing. WANTADS Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden St., Suite 201 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 POSITION AVAILABLE Immediate opening for Bank President to manage two First American Banks In Rugby and Minnewaukan, North Dakota. Candidate must possess extensive commercial and agricultural lending knowledge and experience, strong credit adminis tration skills and proven management abilities. A formal academic background in business or fi nance is desired. This position offers a compre hensive compensation and benefits package. Please submit a resume and salary requirements to: Season’s Greetings to Our Banking Friends Malcolm Freeland Cy Kirk Personnel Director P.O. Box 1548 Minot, ND 58702-1548 An Equal Opportunity Employer FREELAND FINANCIAL SERVICE, INC. 1010 Equitable Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 FOR SALE r^d fo td sx a n d c ^ h io a L a ts .! Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions P.O. Box 450 D onald 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 E. Ho lder, Principal POSITIONS AVAILABLE $45 million dollar northwest Illinois bank has Immediate opening for experienced LOAN OFFICER with ag back ground and some commercial and real estate training. Ap plicant should be capable of handling all phases of farm lending. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Full benefits. Send complete resume and salary requirements to File No. WDZ c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) $55MM Northeast Iowa Bank needs an experienced EX ECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT. Send resume to WEA c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) BRANDT COUNTER MODEL 872 Cost $4,133 depreciated to $2,842. Sell for $2,000. Dave Smith (515) 828-7500. (FS) SHARP BE2500 TELLER MACHINES. Reconditioned & guaranteed by authorized dealer. Teller training available. Bankers Equipment - 612-890-6661 or 1-800-328-4827 exten sion 1905. (FS) BANKING OPPORTUNITIES SR MGMT—Commercial Lender to handle $15mm portfolio plus oversee bank loan portfolio, $60mm metro bank. $45K. BANKING PROFESSIONALS COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER/V.P.—70mm + Bank $30-35K. TRUST OFFICER— Business Development, Large Bank $30-35K DEPARTMENT HEAD—Charge Card, Sales/Mar keting $27-33 K AG LENDER—Accounting background a plus 36mm Bk $25-30K COMMERCIAL LENDER— New Business Develop ment 300mm Bank $30K + SR. LOAN OFFICER—40mm Bank in Ag Commu nity. #3 Spot $40K + TRUST DEPT HEAD— Metro, $30mm dept, empha sis Employee Benefits & Mktg. $40K. CEO—20mm Bank, privately held, 15+ years exp $40K + “ SEASONS GREETINGS** CEO—35mm Ag Bank, operations and ag lending exp. $45K + Contact Barbara J. Ritta at PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS, INC. P.O. Box 24227 Omaha, NE 68124 1-800-225-2885, In NE (402) 397-2885 FOR SALE A.V.P.—Ag emphasis, some commercial $30K + A.V.P.—Commercial lending, Business Develop ment 250mm Bank, Metro Area $30K + E.V.P.—#2, Sr. Loan Officer/Operations, 70mm Holding Co $40K + E.V.P.—#2, Sr. Loan Officer, Metro Bank 24x60 Temporary Bank Building with canopies for sale. Available Spring 1986 Equipment Optional If interested please call Dennis Prchal at (612) 224-1371 (FS) "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE COMMERCIAL LENDER, $100m bank, outstanding advancement potential, personal portfolio of $9mm, nice town, reputation organization............... $30,000 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 PRESIDENT, $50mm + bank, lending and organiza tional skills, work-out experience, and civic involve ment required. Excellent Schools, privately owned . ........................................................................... $60,000 BANKERS AVAILABLE NUMBER 2 OFFICER for a $20mm bank, 1,500 + population, private ownership high earnings bank .. ............................................................................$ 35 ,000-$ 40,000 PRESIDENT - Successful track record as a senior man ager. Currently head of $16m institution with an ROA of 1.45 has been In this spot for the last 9 yrs. 2 0+ yrs of banking exp in com’l, ag and operations. $50K. HEAD OF LENDING, requires skills in documenta tion & teaching of lending techniques. Will handle a $30mm portfolio, 10,000+ population, privately owned..................................................................$40,000 SR AG LENDER - Heading up a $17m portfolio consisting of ag, com’l & consumer loans; primarily ag. Large holding co training and a great deal of mgmt exp have given this indlv a step up on other bankers. $35K. PRESIDENT, problem Ag bank, 4,000 + population, quality ownership, requires solid work-out experi ence ......................................................$60,000-$75,000 AG LOAN OFFICER • Top-notch professional has 4 yr busi ness degree, 5 + yrs of lending exp and a good under standing of what it takes to keep today’s portfolios healthy. Currently at work in a $20m bank In rural commu nity looking for challenge & growth. $28K. PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE BANKERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414 WORLD’S LARGEST BANKING, FINANCIAL & EDP SPECIALIST no no on 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID $45K + Personnel Search BANKING DIVISION Omaha, Nebraska 1-800-638-1996-025757 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT and Senior Lender for a $100+ bank, Commercial, Commercial Real Estate, some Consumer. Supervises 4, great town $50,000 + NUMBER 2 OFFICER and HEAD OF LENDING, $60mm bank, solid ag background required. 5,000 + population near metro area, excellent ownership. . . ............................................................................ $40,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER for $60mm + bank, in a top outstate town, solid ownership, SVP level . .$30,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER for a $100 + bank, potential to become Head of Lending, top suburban location, requires business development experience.............. .............................................................. $40,000-$45,000 DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 WISHING YOU A SAFE AND MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! ! ;From the staff of Gumbert Executive j [ Exchange, Inc. Omaha, Nebr. i ; > Richard L. Beam, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 POSITIONS AVAILABLE AGRI-LOAN - senior lender for $40MM Ag Bank. Work out loan experience desired. $38K COMMERCIAL LOAN - middle management position with $100MM + suburban bank. Need two-four yrs. experience. $28K SECOND OFFICER - Ag-oriented bank with large cattle loan portfolio. Previous administration experience a plus. $40K COM MERCI AL/INSTAL. LOAN - community bank with large retail base. Time will be split evenly between com mercial and instal. credits. $25K CREDIT OFFICER - develop and oversee credit dept, for growing suburban bank. Good advancement possibilities. $20K ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL PLEASE FORWARD RESUME. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 "Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 14 No. 36 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873*300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mall items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis