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mmammm -Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DECEMBER 1 9 6 6 h* M Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The M erchants National Bank of Cedar Rapids wishes you and your staff a M erry Christmas and for the N ew Y ear, happiness and prosperity. 3 ‘To our many friends in banking... ¿TVIerry Christm as —Tiappy ^ e w ‘Tear NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY BANK NORTHWEST CORNER LASALLE & MONROE C h ic a g o 6 0 6 9 0 • Financial 6 -5 5 0 0 • M e m b e r F.D.I.C. No. 1006. Northwestern Banker is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription 50c per copy, $4 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail (subscriptions, change of address, Form 3579, manuscripts, Digitized mail for FRASER items) to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 New Head of Division 7 For Chase Manhattan Oldest Financial Journal West of the Mississippi for your D E C E M B E R , 1966 reading 72nd Year No. 1006 ED IT O R IA LS 22 Across the Desk from the Publisher FEATURE A RTICLES 18 26 29 31 32 34 36 37 38 40 44 Kirby Whyte Heads Bank PRM A— Convention Report Central National Bank of Chicago Conference Report— Malcolm Freeland Frontispage— “ Christmas Eve” How Do You Rate in Your Community Relations?— A. H. Haakenson Christmas Ideas for Bank Programs A Look at H aw aii!— Malcolm, Freeland Egg Production— From “ Pin Money” to Big Business Record Number of Bankers Hear Farm Financing Ideas—Larry Nothwehr New Dimensions of Bank Supervision— Lewis E. Davids 1967 Business Will Slacken— 1st National of Chicago Conference Report— Ben Haller, Jr. A t 1st National, St. Louis Conference— Bankers Choose Winners in Recent National Elections STATE B A N K IN G N E W S Minnesota Twin City South Dakota North Dakota Montana Colorado Wyoming Nebraska Omaha News News News News News News News News News 51 54 60 61 62 64 64 67 68 74 78 83 88 90 Bank Financing Is Changing to Meet New Farming Demands Lincoln News Iowa News Des Moines News Iowa-Des Moines National Conference Report O TH ER FEATURES 98 100 100 Index o f Advertisers In the Directors Room Conventions Calendar NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306 15th S tre e t, Des M oines, io w a 50309, Telephone (A re a Code 515) 244-8163 Chairman G iffo rd De Puy Publisher M alcolm K. Freeland Business Manager L arry W . N othw ehr Advertising Assistant M ild re d Savich Circulation Department Lena Sutphin Field Representative A I Kerbel Field Representative Joe M. Smith Editor Ben J. H a lle r, Jr. Managing Editor D avid L, Lendt Auditor Bertha Soderquist Field Representative Paul M asters Frank P. Syms, Vice P resident, 550 F ifth A venue, N ew York 36, JUdson 2-7126 Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John E. Donaldson, vice president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, has been reassigned to head District 7 of the bank’s United States department. In this capacity, he succeeds Cornelius D. Howland, whose a p p oin tm e nt as e x e c u tiv e v ic e w p r e s i d e n t of C hase Internaal In v estm en t Corporation w a s * announced in a recent issue. Division 7 cov ers the states of Iow a, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, J. E. D O N A LD SO N Colorado and Wy oming. Mr. Donaldson has been in District * 3, which handles business in Ohio and Pennsylvania. A 1942 graduate of Syracuse University with a B.S. de gree, he was also graduated from the School of Banking of the South. He joined Chase Manhattan in 1949 and after several promotions became a vice president in 1964. St. Paul F&M Marketing Head Denver W. Swanson, vice president and head of The St. Paul Insurance Companies’ agency division, retired November 30. He was succeeded as head of production and marketing activities by Waverly G. Smith, secretary, cur rently in charge of the marketing de partment. Mr. Swanson joined The St. Paul in 1931. His 35 years of service have all been in production. He was a state agent and manager in Wisconsin, New York and Indiana until 1946 when he moved to the home office to organize and head the agency division. Under Mr. Swanson the post-war agency force was rebuilt. Today it numbers over 10,000 property-liability agents. He was promoted to assistant vice president in 1959; assigned the respon sibility for market research and ad vertising in 1960; and advanced to „ vice president last year. With the company since 1949, Mr. Smith began as an adjuster. He was claims manager in St. Louis from 1950 to 1956 when he transferred to the field as a special agent in Florida. In 1959 Mr. Smith was named head of the property-loss department, and in 1960 he joined the agency division * to establish the company’s marketing department which he has since headed. 5 Like the men from American National. he’ll get there one way or another to bring you our very best wishes for a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Correspondent Bank Division Am erican National Bank A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y OF CHICAGO /LA SA L L E AT W A SH IN G T O N 6 0 6 9 0 FRANKLIN 2-9200 AREA CODE 312 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 6 F ou n d a tion R e p o r ts on S u rvey RELIMINARY findings of the na tional survey of consumer attitudes P conducted for the Foundation for Com mercial Banks by Opinion Research Corporation of Princeton, N. J,, reveal that the full service banking theme is more familiar to the public today than it was four years ago, Richard B. Beal, Foundation executive director, announced recently. The survey follows the foundation’s 1962 Politz Study in measuring ‘‘bench mark” statistics and investigates other areas such as the rising influence of women in making financial decisions, and the role of new facilities such as computer services, credit cards and other innovations. The full report on the findings will be released. Preliminary tabulations confirm that “full service” is a promotable concept and a useful framework around which to sell banking services to meet the diversified needs of the public. More than 14 per cent more re spondents than in 1962 said they have heard of a full service bank, and three times as many of those surveyed this year reported seeing the full ser vice bank emblem. A full range of services under one roof ranked high in the factors which the public considered very important in their choice of a banking institu tion. When asked what new services they would be most likely to use, the two most popular selections of those sur veyed were: a bank identification card for cashing checks where they were not well known, and a full service bank statement showing all their deal ings with the banking on a monthly basis—services available only at full service commercial banks. The complete report on the survey will show that serving people’s future financial needs will require new forms of checking, saving and loan services as well, and will indicate how com mercial banks can best meet the chal I lenge of a checkless and cashless economy. The survey examined present be havior and attitudes in five areas of consumer finances to help define spe cific market opportunities. These areas are: when people receive in come; when family financial decisions are made; when people purchase goods V and services; when customers pay bills; and when people make provision for future purchasing through savings. The new survey also endeavored to delineate consumer attitudes toward full service banks, and measure the effectiveness of the foundation’s pro gram. * William B. Camp Named Comptroller of Currency William B. Camp, selected by Pres ident Johnson to succeed James J. Saxon as Comptroller of the Currency, is a veteran of r\ — s e r v ice in the Comptroller’s of fice, as announced a ft 1 in an earlier issue. F or the past three years, he has been first dep uty Comptroller, the highest posi W. B. CAMP tion to which a career employee can be appointed. Born in Greenville, Texas, Novem ber 25, 1913, Mr. Camp was educated at San Jacinto High School in Hous ton, at Texas Military College in Ter rell, and at Baylor University in Waco. He joined the staff of the Comptrol ler’s office in February, 1937, was named an assistant national bank ex aminer in 1941, and received his com mission as a national bank examiner ÊÊÊT J k Our brand of banking is to give prompt, friendly, expert help to you and your customers —based on 67 years of service — over $1 billion in deposits — and over 100 offices — the better to serve you. HOME O F F IC E : Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P H O E N IX >< Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis from Secretary of the Treasury Snyder in September, 1949. Mr. Camp served as a national bank examiner in the Fifth National Bank Region and, for several years, was responsible for the examination of the larger banks in the District of Colum bia, Baltimore and their related metro politan areas. On numerous occasions during this period, he was assigned special duties in other areas of the United States. In January, 1961, Mr. Camp was promoted to assistant chief national bank examiner in the Washington of fice and, in April, 1962, was named Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. St, l*iiuI F & 3 M F a rn in qs at f*eali St. Paul Fire and Marine In T HE surance Company’s net operating income for the first nine months of 1966 was $13,041,000, or $2.52 a share, compared with $10,907,000, or $2.11 a share for the first nine months of 1965. Earnings for the period were the best in the company’s history. Property-liability premium income was also at a new high. For nine months in 1966 written premium in come totaled $192.7 million, up 10.2 per cent over $174.9 million for the same period in 1965. BONDS for BANK INVESTING T h e n et in com e ad v an tag e offered by ta x -e x e m p t bonds con tin u es to figure The $758,000 property-liability un derwriting loss through nine months in 1965 was converted to an under- > writing profit of $794,000 in 1966. Un derwriting profit is the amount by which premium income exceeds claims and expenses. Contributing to the improved under- '-f' writing record was the reduction in catastrophe losses caused by severe storms. Through September of 1966 there were no storms to compare with * Hurricane Betsy. In September of 1965, Betsy ravaged wide areas of Louisiana, causing record insurance industry property losses in excess of $700 million. Investment income earned increased 12.5 per cent to $12,878,000, up $1,427,000 over the first three quarters of 1965. As of September 30, 1966 assets were $556.5 million. Capital and sur plus on September 30 was $246.2 mil lion, down $27.0 million from year-end 1965. The principal factor accounting for the fall in capital and surplus was the $33.5 million decline in the market value of securities held in the invest ment portfolio. Carte Blanche Chairman Thomas R. Wilcox, executive vice president of First National City Bank, New York, has been named chairman of Carte Blanche Corporation. Mr. Wilcox succeeds J. Howard Laeri, vice chairman of First National City Bank, who is resigning as Carte Blanche chairman because of new re sponsibilities as vice president of the American Bankers Association. p r o m in e n tly in th e in v e s tm e n t p la n n in g of m o st banks. O ur offering lists 5 - Y e a r P in a re w ell know n as a sou rce of th ese and o th e r in v e stm e n t quality bonds, notes, d eb en tu res an d equipm ent tru s t certifi c a te s —th e obligations of well estab lish ed public bodies and co rp o ratio n s. H A L S E Y , S T U A R T & CO. Inc 123 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET, C H IC A G O 60690 • 30 BROAD STREET, N EW YORK 10004 A N D OTHER PRIN CIPAL CITIES wes tern Banker, December, 1966 Digitized forNorth FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PLACING a five-year service pin in the lapel of Irving Seaman, Jr., chmn. exec. comm, and chief exec, officer of Natl. Boulevard Bank, Chicago, is Myron F. Ratcliffe, chmn., as President Hans W. Wan ders looks on. An anniversary par ty was held for the 300 members of the bank staff. 9 “Expect a lot from your correspondent when your correspondent is the Harris” Whatevery banker ought to know about women. Is your marketing still aimed exclusively at men—in a world largely owned by women? Our W om en ’s Banking group can show you how to attract n e w b u s in e s s by special appeals and special services for the ladies. Just ask us. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and " O \ \ T \ Z HARRIS Trust Savings B / i l M l V 111 West Monroe St. * Chicago, Illinois 60690 ORGANIZED AS N. W. HARRIS & CO. 1882. INCORPORATED 1907. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION . . . FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 10 Lonijh \ a m i’ll D ro vers P re sid en t election of Robert Lough as T HE president of the Drovers National Bank of Chicago is announced by Wil liam C. Cummings, Jr., chairman of the board. Mr. Lough succeeds the late Leo R. Gruber, who passed away No v e m b e r 19, 1966 (story below). O ther p ro m o tions announced by the Drovers’ board of directors include the eleva tion of Stephen O. B r a ttle a f a n d John F. Keeley to R. LOUGH senior vice presi- S. O. B R A T T L E A F J. F. K E E L E Y dents. All three of the newly-promoted officers will continue to serve as mem bers of the board of directors. Mr. Lough, a native Chicagoan, is widely known in financial and invest ment circles in the middle west. His service with the bank, located in the Chicago Stock Yards area, brought him from bank messenger to the presidency. He was named as sistant cashier in 1934; assistant vice president in 1945; vice president in 1949, and senior vice president and director in 1955. Mr. Lough has been active for many years in the American Institute of Banking. Mr. Brattleaf started his banking ca reer in 1922. In 1934 he was called by the government to serve with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Some years later he became chief of the loan division, and assistant man ager of the Chicago Office of the RFC. In 1951 he resigned that post to join the commercial loan division of the Drovers National Bank, as assistant vice president. In 1953 he was elected vice president, in charge of the Drov ers Bank’s commercial lending activi- i mÊSÊ JET AGE SALE CLERKING Requires Modern Supplies To Do the Job Right Designed by an experienced sales clerk, this o utfit combines all the features you require. ★ Receipts for Each Buyer ★ No Additional Listing ★ No Posting of Accounts ★ Buyers Like It ★ Speeds Up Settling ★ Pays For Itself ★ Combats Skip Buyers 'Ar Versatile— Com pact— Practical See how it w orks in the pictures above. Plastic sorting cabinet is shown a t left in left photo, mounted on steering wheel desk. Beside it is plastic, double clip listing board for the listing clerk. Photo a t right show s sorting cabinet and w riting desk mounted on steering wheel for convenience of sales clerk. Sold on a M one y Back Guarantee. BLACK SALE SYSTEM Telephone Nos. 536-2651 or 536-2522 FU LLERTO N, N E B R A S K A W rite Us for Sample Sheets and Information Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ties. He was named to the board of ^ directors in 1965. Mr. Keeley has been active in Chi cago banking circles for 40 years. He joined Drovers’ staff as assistant vice president in 1949, after previous serv ice with two other financial institu tions. He established the Drovers finance and installment credit depart ment which has become one of the 'D bank’s important lending activities. He became a vice president in 1950, and was elected to the board of di rectors in 1965. * His career in banking began in Plainfield at the Waushara County Bank (later merged with the Union * State Bank of Wautoma) shortly after his graduation from high school. After having been named assistant cashier of that institution at the age of 20, Mr. Gruber came to Chicago in 1926 and joined the staff of The Drovers National Bank where his duties took him through all phases of the hank’s operations. In 1937 he was appointed * assistant auditor and succeeded to the position of auditor three years later. The year 1943 saw his accession to the post of comptroller of Drovers. Two years later Mr. Gruber was elected to the position of cashier of the bank and in 1949 he was named to the addi tional post of vice president. As addi tional recognition the bank’s affiliate, v Drovers Trust & Savings Bank, estab lished back in 1902, appointed Mr. Gruber a vice president in 1954. Upon the death of his predecessor, George A. Malcolm, Mr. Gruber was elected to the presidency of both Drov ers banks on February 28, 1955, in which position he continued after the banks were merged on July 1, 1962. He was head of The Drovers National Bank at the time of his death. You can expect a little extra from Chase Manhattan The extras come from what we call Consolidated Correspondent Service. As we see it, any good bank can give you an adequate portfolio review, or dig up volumes o f routine credit information on order. But service goes a bit beyond the performance o f a profes sional chore.True correspondent service is a pack age concept. It consolidates all your needs as a matter o f course; then imaginatively seeks out additional ways to be helpful. And it’s who and what we are that makes it possible Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for us to consolidate service and give you more. People—plus knowledge, experience, tradition, facilities and size make us unique as a banker’s bank. That’s why we’re the nation’s number-one correspondent bank by quite a few galloping lengths. Call on us for anything. We’ ll show you the value o f Consolidated Correspondent Service— why you can expect a little extra from your friend at Chase Manhattan. o TH E CHASE M A N H A TTA N B A N K National Association/Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 12 ita nt; vvs W in S ta le O ffices ANKERS have been elected to state offices in a number of states B in the midwest and mountain areas. As announced in an earlier issue, N. T. Tiemann, president, Commercial State Bank, Wausa, was elected Gov ernor of Nebraska on the Republican ticket and will take office in January. Other bank officers and directors elected in this area, according to re ports received by the N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , are: Nebraska Legislature W. H. Hasebroock, vice president (inactive), First National Bank of West Point. Clifton B. Batchelder, director, The Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Minnesota Senate Clifford C. Sommer, president, Se curity Bank and Trust Company, Owatonna. Charles R. Hansen, president, State Bank of Rose Creek. William G. Kirchner, president, Richfield Bank & Trust Company. House Pat DuBois, president, First State Bank, Sauk Centre. F r en c h A w a r d South Dakota Senate E. C. Pieplow, vice president, First National Bank, Aberdeen. Leland L. Steele, executive vice president, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Huron. Dr. G. Robert Bartron, director, Farmers and Merchants Bank & Trust Co., Watertown. Carl T. Burgess, director, First Na tional Bank of the Black Hills, Rapid City. Carl T. Fischer, director, Pierre Na tional Bank. Herbert Heidepreim, director, First National Bank, Miller. Bill Hustead, director, First Western Bank, Wall. Holger Angerson, advisory board member, Stockyards Branch, North western National Bank, Sioux Falls. House James D. Jelbert, vice president and manager, First National Bank of the Black Hills, Spearfish, Dean Mehlhaff, president, Eureka State Bank, Eureka. Dexter H. G u n d erson , director, Farmers State Bank, Irene. Dr. G. W. Mills, director, First West ern Bank, Wall. E. W. Stephens, director, Pierre Na tional Bank. X * RECEIVING Prance’s second high est government service award is Bror W. Tinge, trade commissioner and consul of Prance, and consultant to the international department of City National B&T, Kansas City. Presenting the Ordre National du Merite is the Honorable Jean Louis Mandereau, Consul General of Prance. Mr. Tinge, often referred to as Mr. World Trade of Kansas City, joined City National in 1945 and organized the bank’s international department. He has numerous deco rations from foreign governments. It Iowa Senate Robert R. Rigler, executive vice V president, Security State Bank, New Hampton, minority leader, and Ken neth J. Benda, executive vice presi dent, Hartwiek State Bank, Hartwick. House A. L. Mensing, vice president, Amer ican Trust & Savings Bank, Lowden; J. E. King, president, Peoples Nation al Bank, Albia, and E. M. Watson, * president, First State Bank, Diagonal. North Dakota Senate PRUDENT MAN RULE ASSISTANCE FOR Community Bank 7rust Departments Covers Canada...Spans the World With over 1000 branches throughout Canada and around the world and an international network of correspond ents — the Bank of Montreal is well qualified to help you and your clients north of the border and throughout the world. Write or visit any one of our five United States offices. Ba n k of M ontreal CANA, PA’S FIRST BANK C ov & ia STUDLEY, SHUPERT Trust Investment Council 860 Suburban Station Bldg. Phila., Pa. 19103 Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ca/nada ..SpamAth& IbMcl CHICAGO: Board of Trade Bldg. 141 West Jackson Blvd. NEW YORK • HOUSTON • SAN FRANCISCO • LOS ANGELES MORE THAN 1000 OFFICES • ASSETS EXCEED $5 BILLION Robert Cresgrown, legal counsel, First National Bank, Linton, and Strasburg State Bank, Strasburg; H. O. Beck, vice president, First National Bank, Carrington; A. W. Luick, direc- * tor, Peoples State Bank, Fairmount; Evan Lips, director, First National Bank, Bismarck; J. D. Coughlin, direc tor, Union National Bank, Minot; Da vid Nething, legal counsel, Stutsman County State Bank, Jamestown; Gail Hernett, vice president, Grant County State Bank, Carson; John Decker, diV rector, First Western State Bank, Mi not; Grant Trenbeath, director, Citi zens State Bank, Neche; Earl M. Kelly, director, American National Bank, Valley City; Emil Ivautzmann, vice president and cashier, Mandan Secu rity Bank, Mandan, and Robert L. Stroup, director, Union State Bank, Hazen. House James Kent, director, Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Hatton; A re your profit dollars being compressed by the narrowing gap between interest paid on deposits and interest received on loans? The North Central Companies Plus P rofit Program offers you tailor-m ade insurance plans which not only enable you to give your custom ers needed protection, but to widen your profit margin as well: The Red Shield Creditor Life Insurance program covers the full range of chattel, home, autom obile and personal loan plans. Plus . . . special IBM accounting and billing, staff training and personalized prom otional effort all at no cost to you. T hink about the North Central Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Companies the next tim e you need the tools to minimize the effects of the 4 y % squeeze. W e ’d welcome the chance to discuss them with you. The North Central Com panies 335 Minnesota St. St. Paul, Minnesota Protection all ways M a in e F id e lity Life In su ra n c e C o . Portland, Maine N o rth C e n tra l Life In su ra n c e C o . St. Paul, Minnesota R o y a l O a k Life In su ra n c e C o . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania W e s t V ir g in ia Life In s u ra n c e C o . Huntington, West Virginia Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 14 410 Russell Duncan, director, State Bank of Fargo, Fargo; Lawrence Dick, direc tor, Farmers State Bank, Lisbon; Har ley Kingsbury, director, Grafton Na tional Bank, Grafton; Fred Hoghaug, president, Ramsey National Bank, Devils Lake; Gordon Aamoth, vice president and trust officer, First Na tional Bank & Trust Company, Fargo; Clark Jenkins, assistant vice president and manager of agriculture de partment, Merchants National Bank & Trust Company, Fargo, and Jack Bernabucci, director, Stutsman County State Bank, Jamestown. ^ ^ ^ * Montana Senate OUR PORTFOLIO ANALYSTS KNOW A DOG WHEN THEY SEE ONE. It’s hard sometimes. Portfolio analysis is very much a matter of opinion. But performance isn’t. Ours, for instance: 4.9% return over the past six years on our own portfolio. And correspondent banks for whom we manage portfolios have shown net earning increases of up to 46.3%. No dogs in these holdings. But how about yours? If you’re not completely satisfied, let a National Boulevard Bank portfolio analyst take a penetrating look at your current holdings. He knows each new situation requires a different solution so he doesn’t use tired formulas to arrive at his recommendations. And because of his up-to-the-minute knowledge of the present bond market, he can suggest new investments which will be to your greatest advantage. Get the full story about our investment portfolio analysis by calling Charlie Schoeneberger. He’ll send out one of our dog-catchers on the double. NATIONAL BOULEVARD BANK WRIGLEY B U IL D IN G • 400-410 N. M ic h ig a n Ave., C hica g o P hone (312) 467-4100 • M e m b e r F.D.I.C. Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Robert S. Cotton, director, First Na tional Bank, Glasgow. William L. Mathers, director, First National Bank, Miles City. Rex Hibbs, director, First National Bank, Billings. Carl Lehrkind, director, Security Bank and Trust Co., Bozeman. ,T. D. Street, president, Security Bank and Trust Company, Bozeman. Wm. H. Bertsche, director, Great Falls National Bank, Great Falls. Henry S. Hibbard, director, Union Bank and Trust Company, Helena. W. A. Groff, president, Farmers State Bank, Victor. Alex K. Sample, Jr., chairman and president, Conrad National Bank, Kalispell. Fred O. Broeder, director, Conrad National Bank, Kalispell. Stanley Nees, director, First State Bank Poplar. » r v V * House Jerry Wallander, vice president, First State Bank, Froid. Scott B. Stratton, vice president, First National Bank, Great Falls. Nels Hemstad, director, Montana Bank, Great Falls. Chase Patrick, assistant vice presi dent. First National Bank & Trust Company, Helena. H. O. Worden, vice president, West ern Montana National Bank, Missoula. New Building for Fed An official groundbreaking ceremony last month signified the start of con- * struction of a new facility to house the Denver Branch of the Federal Re serve Bank of Kansas City. The struc ture, designed in a “modern classic” style, will replace the bank’s outgrown building erected in 1925. Because of the increasing demand for Federal Reserve services from banks in Denver, in Colorado, and northern New Mexico, the present bank building has become inadequate. 15 /t ' M -Æ ® yo u r m en from M E R C A N T IL E Edw ard H. Schoor James J. R eedy M ichael Se arles Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John H O berm ann ames A Smith e w ic z C O M P A N Y Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 16 .Y#*fr P resid en t W ells Vavij» ICHARD P. COOLEY was elected president and chief executive offi cer November 10 of Wells Fargo Bank, San Fran cisco, the nation’s 11th largest bank. H. St e p he n C hase, fo r m e r p r e s id e n t, has been elected chair man of the board. Ransom M. Cook, who was chair man and c h ie f executive officer, R. P. C O O LE Y has been named chairman of the executive committee. Mr. Cooley, 42, joined the bank in 1949 and since then has worked in virtually every phase of the bank’s operation, including a period as vice president and manager of the Matson R Building office in San Francisco. In October, 1964, he was elected senior vice president and a year later named executive vice president, as suming general responsibilities in the senior management of the bank. He was named a director in January of this year. Mr. Chase, 63, joined the hank in R. M. COOK H. S. CHASE 1927, elected executive vice president in 1960, and in 1963 named a director. He succeeded Mr. Cook as president in 1964. Mr. Cook, 67, joined the bank in 1921 and was elected vice president in 1926, senior vice president in 1951 and a director in 1956. He was presi dent of the American Trust Company at the time of its merger with Wells Fargo Bank in 1960 and became president and chief executive of the merged institution. Under Mr. Cook’s leadership, Wells Fargo has grown from 122 branches to the present 216. Assets have in creased from $2.7 billion to $4.1 billion. With Mr. Cook’s election as chair man of the executive committee, he is relinquishing his responsibility for day-to-day operation of the bank. He will now, however, devote his main activities to the bank’s international operations and will remain president of Wells Fargo Bank International Corporation. -r ’ ^ ^ * 4 S&L’ s ‘On-Line’ at LaSalle actions speak louder than adjectives in correspondent banking Since 1860, the A C T IO N B A N K first of a ll! The First National Bank of Denver 17th and WELTON MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPOAATJON Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Four more Chicago-area savings and loan associations have signed up to use the new “On-Line” computerized accounting system now being installed for savings associations by LaSalle National Bank, Chicago. According to an announcement by LaSalle National Chairman Harold Meidell and President Milton F. Darr, Jr., the combined total assets of the four new institutions are in excess of $125 million. The associations were identified as the $55 million General Federal Sav ings and Loan Association, of Cicero; the $42 million Calumet Federal Sav ings and Loan Association, of Chicago; the $15 million Franklin Savings and Loan Association, of Chicago; and the $14 million Highland Park Savings and Loan Association, of Highland Park, 111. The bank’s computer network will enable individual tellers of outlying savings associations to send and re ceive financial information to and from a centrally-located computer by means of special window posting machines hooked up to the computer by con ventional telephone lines. It is being installed by the Bur roughs Corporation and is scheduled to go into operation the first of the year. +■ Mails Christmas Club Checks Security First National Bank, Los Angeles, has mailed more than $20 million in Christmas Club checks to its 116,265 club members throughout southern Californa. * 17 Christmas Happy New Year T he First National Bank of Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Building with Chicago and the nation since 1863 • Chicago, Illinois 60690 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Northwestern Banker, December, I960 18 K i r b y W h y te H ea d s Hank I 0ll.ilA Two members of Bank PRMA have been awarded lifetime memberships Indianapolis, was elected president of in the organization. In the associa Bank Public Relations and Marketing tion’s 51 year history, only 22 life Association at the annual convention time memberships have been awarded, last month in Bal Harbour, Fla. His denoting the high place accorded the one-year term began December 1. Mr. honor. Whyte has been active in affairs of the The two new lifetime members are association (formerly FPRA) for many Harold W. Lewis and Orrin H. Swayze. years and was advanced from the first Mr. Lewis who served as president vice presidency. Earlier this year, he of the Association in 1963-64, retired was appointed a trustee of the Foun this past summer as vice president of dation for Commercial Banks. The First National Bank of Chicago. Other officers elected to serve with He is now a consultant for Bank Mr. Whyte are: First Vice President— Building and Equipment Corporation. Edward M. Penick, president, Worthen Mr. Swayze was president of the Bank and Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark.; Association for the 1958-59 term. He Second Vice President—Donald F. plans to retire as executive vice presi Krusell, chairman, Peoples Bank, dent of the First National Bank of Trenton, Mich.; Treasurer—John W. Jackson, Miss., in January. Heddens, second vice president, Con Mr. Swayze also received a second tinental Illinois National Bank and honor . . . Bank PRMA’s annual Mem Trust Company, Chicago (re-elected to bership Award . . . a placque designat a fourth term). ing him as high man in the yearly Five bankers and a public relations campaign to bring new members into consultant were elected to the board Bank PRMA. Mr. Swayze personally of directors. They are: sponsored 17 new members during the E. T. Anderson, advertising man year. ager, Union Planters National Bank, Vernon E. Curran, vice president of Memphis, Tenn. First National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio, C. Alfred Bailey, vice president, Merhas been named National Development Chairman of the Association. In this cantile National Bank, Dallas. Buell G. Duncan, Jr., vice president, capacity he will spearhead the organ The First National Bank at Orlando, ization’s 1967 campaign for member ship growth. Fla. His seven regional development James F. Fox, president, James F. chairmen are: Fox, Inc., New York City. Gerald E. Warren, vice president, North Atlantic—Joseph J. DeVine, National Bank of Detroit. assistant vice president, Bankers Trust J. Robert White, assistant vice presi Co., New York City. It will be Devine’s dent, Valley National Bank, Phoenix. second term as chairman of this region. WHYTE, vice president R• KIRBY of the Indiana National Bank of Middle Atlantic—Carl L. N. Erdman, ’ vice president, American Bank & Trust Co., Reading, Pa. He is cur rently a member of the Bank PRMA board of directors. South Eastern—Buell G. Duncan, Jr., vice president, The First National Bank at Orlando, Fla., who was also elected to a three-year term on the board of directors. Mid-Central—William N. Flory, as sistant vice president, Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, and another member of the board of directors. North Central—Albert H. Heimbach, also a member of the board of direc tors and the vice president of Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank, Minne apolis, Minn. South Central—C. Alfred Bailey, vice president, Mercantile National Bank, Dallas, Tex. He is a newly-elected member of the board of directors. Western—J. Robert White, assistant vice president, Valley National Bank, Phoenix, and also a newly-elected director. BANK PRMA Exec. V. P. Raymond M. Cheseldine addresses convention. —r x. w * *■ ^ LaSalle Bank Promotions NEW OFFICERS of Bank PRMA (1. to r.) are: Treasurer—John W. Heddens, 2nd v.p., Continental Illinois Natl. B&T, Chicago; 1st Vice President—Edward M. Penick, pres., Worthen B&T, Little Rock, Ark.; President—R. Kirby Whyte, v.p., Indiana Natl., In dianapolis, and 2nd Vice President—Donald F. Krusell, chmn., Peoples Bank of Tren ton, Mich. Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Following the board of directors meeting last month, Harold Meidell, chairman, and Milton F. Darr, Jr., president, LaSalle National Bank, Chi cago, announced the promotion of Herbert A. Dolowy to assistant vice president from commercial loan offi cer, and the election of Philip L. Bond as commercial loan officer. Stanley A. Perry has joined LaSalle National and will serve as land trust administrator in the trust department. Mr. Perry is a graduate of De Paul University College of Law, and a member of the Illinois Bar. He had been chief trust officer with another Chicago bank. LaSalle directors also voted to rec ommend a ten per cent stock dividend for shareholder consideration and ap proval at the regular annual meeting of shareholders on January 17, 1967. y What goes on inside the mind of the customer who waits? His mind calculates a loss column . . . his tim e lost, his goodwill, too. Would your competitors keep him waiting like this? Bank B uilding’s answer for this agitated customer? The exclusive Engineered Rear Counter that reduces operating tim e at the te lle r window. We plan, build and equip rear counter areas to fit functions of both people and machines, as called for today or in the future. We plan and install the best combination of machines, work space, computers and other com ponents scientifically . . . and artfully. We consider beauty, too, but only as it suits function. slow burn... Furthermore, as functions change, changes can be made in the rear counter. Future expansion is made easier because of adequate planning today. And because Bank Building objectively plans to suit your needs, we give close attention to the requirements and installation of your automation equipment. Transactions go quickly. Possibility of error is m in i mized. The slow burn is elim inated. The Engineered Rear Counter . . . a product of our intim ate knowl edge of the work of financial institutions, the ex perience of half a century studying thousands of jobs like yours. And one theme should be kept in mind as you consider new construction or rem odel ing . . . we build for people . . . on both sides of the counter. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First Class Permit No. 1146 St. Louis, Mo. BUSINESS REPLY MAIL-No postage necessary if mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by i/ w i O F AMERICA 1130 HAMPTON AVE., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI att. Mr. Earl Klein 63139 s lo w b u m h o w to quench it 1 Bank Building designs, builds and equips rear counter areas w ith people and th e ir specific needs in m ind. And so your customers move at a pleasant pace w h e iv counter areas are engineered to facilitate teller functions. 1. Custom-designed to fit the teller, just as he needs his area in order to work efficiently and with accuracy^ 2. Anthropometric scale layout is engineer’s guide to deter mine where to place components for a particular teller’s use. 3. Rear counter areas vary according to mixture of accounts served. 4. Bank Building also provides the^ thoughtful little touches . .. like this “ shaver raiser.” Don’t let a case of slow burn drive customers to your competitors. Bank Building can definitely help you. Send for free brochure “ Banks are for people.” 3 Piasa S. A L. A sso c., A lto n , Illin o is Permanent S. & L. A sso c., Evansville, Indiana ~Y W 5 Send fo r brochure—"B a nks are fo r p e o p le ." On or about we contemplate : (date) I | new building Q new fixtures Q modernized quarters Q high rise I | Please send free brochure "B an k s are for people." | | Please send a Bank Building consultant to discuss our project with us. W e understand there is no obligation involved. Name Title _______________ Bank name Address Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State 1 4 Permanent S. 4 L. A ssoc., Evansville, Indiana > 21 Redemption Values Booklet The official Table of Redemption Values for Series A-E U. S. Savings Bonds, which was formerly available only to banks and other paying agents, is now available to the general public. Since the value of Series E Savings Bonds shows an increase each six months, the Table of Redemption Val ues is issued twice a year and shows the exact cash value of the bond for any given period. The general public, legal firms and others have found the tables invalu able in quickly determining the cor rect value of Series A-E U. S. Savings Bonds for estate and other tax pur poses. Anyone may order the 3-year sub scription for $1.00 (domestic mailings) or $1.50 (foreign mailings), or may order single issues at 20c each. Written requests with payment in full should be directed to the Super intendent of Documents, U. S. Govern ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. The redemption tables for the January-June 1967 period will be released in December. Hawkeye-Security Scores Several Record Highs Hawkeye-Security Insurance Com pany recorded several new highs in its operating results for the first nine months ended September 30, J. S. Tressler, president, announced at Des Moines headquarters last month. Net income after taxes for the ninemonth period was $408,559 compared to a loss of $575,579 for the first nine months of 1965. Operating income for the company was $111,927 compared with an op erating loss of $863,046 for the same period last year. Investment income of $443,205 represented a 70.7 per cent gain over the first nine months of last year when investment income was $259,595. Gross premiums written for the first nine months of 1966 were $18,297,683, representing an 8.5 per cent increase compared to the same period last year. The company’s pure loss ratio for the period ended September 30 this year was 51.6 per cent compared to 55.7 per cent. Combined loss and loss adjustment expense was 62.4 per cent compared to 65.7 per cent for the same period in 1965. Combined under writing ratio for the first nine months of 1966 was reduced to 96.8 per cent from 104.2 per cent for the comparable period last year. Hawkeye-Security is a member of the Financial General Corporation in surance group. r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LEAD SEALS . SEAL PRESSES • LINEN TAGS " S T E E L - S T R O N G " LEAD S EALS, equipped w ith steel pins, are die cast from non-porous M issouri virgin lead. W ill n o tc ra c k o rb re a k w hen embossed. They are strung w ith high tensile strength im ported hem p cord featuring w ell-w axed, tapered ends. When cord is drawn tig h t around neck of coin bag. steel pin penetrates and anchors it self in folded neck o f bag. Embossing the seal embeds the cord and provides a ta m p e r-p ro o f, secure lock. Seals are available w ith or w ith o u t pins of varying lengths to meet all requirements. " S T E E L - S T R O N G " S EAL PRESSES are light w eig h t (17 Ozs.) yet provide tw ice the leverage of ordinary seal presses. Improved design enables user — w ith one hand — to attach cord and pull until seal is forced into folds of coin bag neck. Very little pressure is required to make a perfect die im pression in seal. "S te e l-S tro n g " Seal presses meet all approved requirem ents fo r sealing coin and currency bags. "S T E E L -S T R O N G " LINEN S H IP P IN G TAG S assure safe delivery o f valuable shipm ents. These high quality tags feature superior 8 point w eight stock and reinforced eyelets. Im printed in tw o colors (red and black). Bank im prin t in red w ith o u t extra charge. Available in three sizes: No. 1 25g" x 6 V ' w ith "R e g ister" stub. No. 2 2 % " x 6 V w ith blank stub fo r desired copy. No. 3 x 4%" w ith o u t stub. (Also Special Sizes & Copy) A R O U N D M O N E Y T H E F I N E S T IS . . . . ST e e G M st r o K G See your dealer or write Dept. N trade mark® The C. L. DOWNEY COMPANY • HANNIBAL, MISSOURI Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 22 H (D s m A , (jJ h iq h L (p a tm a n ^ : Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, Washington, D. C. Your committee was rather ineffective in shaping banking legislation in the 89th Congress, and it appears now that yon will have an even rougher time “ selling” some of your pet bills in the upcom ing 90th session. Although the membership of the new House Banking and Currency Committee will not be for mulated until it meets in January, it is certain that its complexion will be changed due to the fact that seven Democrats on the committee were lost through defeats, retirements and resignation. In the 89th Congress, Democrats controlled the com mittee by a majority of 22 to 11. All 11 of the Republicans were re-elected. You can, of course, be consoled by the fact that all House committees will be faced with somewhat the same problem because of the Congressional election results, which added 47 more Republican seats in the House. It seems safe to predict that your committee will not be able for at least two more years to make any headway on reforming the Federal Reserve System or on regulating interest rates. Perhaps with this change and the change in the Comptroller’s office, the banking industry may be entering a period of tranquility. CDswüu (Roq&u (BivuqpL : Chairman, United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “ Automatic wage increases pegged to the costof-living index are 'engines of inflation’ which impart a kind of perpetual motion to the whirl ing wage-price spiral.” Horthwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This is the comment that you made in speaking before the Graduate School of Business Student Association at Stanford University recently. You defined your remarks by saying: “ The failure of government wage-price guideposts has demonstrated rather conclusively how impotent the government is, under existing laws, to cope with the virtually unlimited power of or ganized labor to raise the costs of production at will.” You expressed grave doubt that the temporary suspension of business investment tax incentives will bring any perceptible short-range relief from the inflationary problems that now plague us. “ There is absolute certainty,” you added that “ it will aggravate . . . the long-range inflationary problems that we face” to the extent that business firms do, in fact, postpone planned investments. You added that inflation can only be dealt with successfully by reducing the political hazards in volved in curtailing excessive government expen ditures and the too-rapid expansion of the money supply. It was pointed out that since 1950, the employ ee’s share of total national income has risen from 64 to 70 per cent, while the proportion going to profits has dropped from 10 to eight per cent. In the same period, government expenditures have more than doubled. “ Here is the real leak in the inflation bucket,” you concluded. Results reported in the November elections may be partially attributed to an attempt on the part of the voters to try to plug the leak in the bucket. We certainly agree with you that the suspension of the seven per cent investment tax credit will only work a hardship on industry and agriculture in America. Slowing reckless government spending seems like the most sensible way to halt inflation. V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 FIRST NATIONAL C ITY TRAVELERS C H E C K S M ILLION Take a giant step forward in assetswinoneof 72 prizes in the biggest banker’s event ever! ---------------------------■ § - This could well be the most rewarding page you ever turned... Northwestern Banker, December, J966 On December 29, 1967 First National City Travelers Checks will deposit twenty million interest-free dollars among the 72 winners of this competition. These deposits will remain with the winners for a full year. You are eligible Any insured commercial bank, savings bank or savings and loan association is eligible. All you do to compete is sell First National City Travelers Checks . . . and you compete only with institutions in your own assets category. Winners will be determined by their sales of our checks during the con test period (as recorded by us) taken as a percentage of their assets as of December 31. 1966. The higher your per centage, the better your chance of winning. See how large a deposit you can win . . . check all the prizes in your contest category as defined below. Competition started Nov. 1, 1966 The Bank Bonus Plan will run for eleven months—from No vember 1, 1966 to September 29, 1967. So get started now. Every FNCB check you sell can help you win. If you do not already carry First National City Travelers Checks, you still have plenty of time to get yours for a flying start. If you need checks or additional information, write Mr. I. Hayne Houston, First National City Travelers Checks, 399 Park Avenue, New York. New York 10022. Or phone collect to one of the following numbers: 212-559-4960/4961/ 4965/4969/4977/6787. See h ow m uch o f $20,000,000 in interest-free deposits you can w in : Institutions with assets of $500,000,000 and over. Institutions with assets of at least $100,000,000 but less than $500,000,000. 1ST P R IZ E .................$2,000,000 1ST PRIZE . . . 2ND PRIZE.............................. 3RD PRIZE.............................. 4TH PRIZE.............................. 2ND PRIZE............. 3RD PRIZE............. 4TH PRIZE............. 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 5th 6th 7th 8th Prize Prize Prize Prize 1ST P R IZ E ................$1,000,000 PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 . . 100,000 18th Prize 19th Prize 20th Prize 21st Prize 22nd Prize 23 rd Prize 24th Prize 25th Prize 26th Prize 27th Prize Banker, December, 1966 Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . .250,000 . 250,000 . 250,000 .250,000 .............................. 9th 10th 11th 12th Prize Prize Prize Prize 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH PRIZE.............................. PRIZE.............................. PRIZE.............................. PRIZE.............................. PRIZE.............................. PRIZE.............................. . 100,000 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 500,000 . . . . . 250,000 .250,000 .250,000 .250,000 1ST PRIZE.................... $500,000 750.000 500.000 250.000 200.000 150.000 150.000 . 1, 000,000 ............. Institutions with assets under $50,000,000. Institutions with assets of at least $50,000,000 but less than $100,000,000. 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH . . . . . . . $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ............. 1,500,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . .. .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 . . .50,000 400,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 19th Prize . . .50,000 20th Prize . . .50,000 21st Prize . . .50,000 22nd Prize . . .50,000 23rd Prize . . .50,000 24th Prize . . .50,000 25th Prize . . .50,000 26th Prize . . .50,000 27th Prize . . .50,000 28th Prize . . .50,000 29th Prize . . .50,000 25 Here are details o f First National City Travelers Checks RUL E S 1. The duration of the contest w ill be from November 1, 1966 to September 29, 1967 and only sales concluded by the close of b usiness on S eptem ber 29, 1967 and booked on our ledgers In New York by the close of business on October 4, 1967 will be taken into consideration. 2. The contest is open to all insured com mercial banks, savings and loan associa tions and mutual savings banks which sell FNCB Travelers Checks in the United States and Puerto Rico. Institutions owned by holding companies w ill compete as indi vid u a l C on te stan ts. F irs t N a tio n a l C ity Bank, its subsidiaries and affiliates w ill not be eligible. $20,000,000 BANK BONUS PLAN 3. The Contestants w ill be divided into four categories based on total assets as re flected by their December 31, 1966 state ments. Prizes w ill be awarded in each cat egory on the basis of each Contestant's dollar volume of FNCB Travelers Checks sold in the United States and Puerto Rico during the contest period, stated as a per centage of its total assets as reflected in such statement. Any openings, closings, mergers or reorganizations involving insti tutions occurring after December 31, 1966 which are Contestants or which desire to be Contestants w ill be covered by special arrangements. 4. The prizes w ill be non-interest bearing deposits maintained with the winning Con testants from December 29, 1967 to De cember 31, 1968. If in the opinion of our counsel it would be unlawful or unwise to establish or maintain such deposits with any winning Contestant then special ar rangements w ill be made in lieu thereof. 5. The determination of the winners in each category shall be in our sole discre tion and our determination shall be final giving rise to no right of action or claim of any kind by any Contestant. There shall be no right of any Contestant to obtain any information concerning the standing of any other Contestant in the contest but a condition of any Contestant receiving any prize w ill be that Contestant's con sent to the publication of his winning such prize. 6. The operation of this contest in any state, territory, possession, or Puerto Rico is dependent upon its legality being up held in such jurisdiction. 10 reasons w h y First National City Travelers Checks m ake good business sense even w ithout a contest. 1 They’re profitable because of the generous commission set-up. You keep 100% of the commission on all sales from $10 to $50 and 90% of all above $50. 2 Your customer benefits because the checks are accepted and available everywhere. .. over 1,000,000 places welcome them. And—-most important—more than 20,000 worldwide locations can give FNCB refunds on-the-spot. No other is suer of travelers checks provides so many. 3 They are pre-sold nationally and internationally in a power ful advertising campaign that tells millions of travelers and businessmen the real advantages of FNCB travelers checks. 4 They are backed by the leader in worldwide banking, with capital funds of almost $1.2 billion—more than any other bank in the world. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 Checks are issued by a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 6 They are available to you in the widest range of denomi nations. 7 If you wish, pre-packaged checks are available in both “ five packs” and “ ten packs.” 8 You get hard-selling point-of-sale signs and posters pro moting FNCB travelers checks. 9 You get advertising and promotional aids that help you sell your own services, imprinted with your name—and all free of charge. 10 You can be confident your customer is getting the best travelers check service in the world. Northw estern Banker, Decem ber, 196 6 26 Central National of Chicago Predicts: 't Oritfht Farm P r ic e O u tlook : Fu si tiff o f G en era l n By MALCOLM FREELAND Publisher HY have feeder cattle prices stayed so high despite a rela tively low fed cattle market? Answers to this question and others of similar importance on the agricul tural and general economic scene were presented at the Annual Correspond ents’ Conference, held during the In ternational Livestock Show by the Central National Bank, Chicago. Adopting a conference theme “Ex panding Profitable Banking,” Robert E. Hamilton, senior vice president, presided. He introduced William L. Evans and Robert I. Logan, senior vice presidents, who advised the group that loan demand is expected to stay high for at least the first six months of 1967, and that the growth curve of the economy may “flatten out” toward an unprecedented high level and a some what uneven plateau. Mr. Logan de scribed the period ahead as one where a recessionary psychology could de velop. Mr. Evans suggested a close adherence to sound credit judgment and increased operating efficiencies. Looking at “What’s Ahead in Agri culture,” members of the correspond ent banking division of Central Na tional (pictured on this page), dis cussed present and future price trends in livestock and farm prices. Here is a cross-section of conclusions and pre dictions: W “Feeder cattle have remained high compared to fat cattle because of rather extensive cow herd reduc tions. Increased cattle feeding on the west coast keeps adding to demand. A better corn harvest than expected is also helping to keep the feeder market moving.” “Prices for choice steers are ex pected to work irregularly higher dur ing the first three quarters of 1967, ranging from $27 to $32 during this period. Some quarters are even sug gesting $35 cattle during the last half of 1967. We are inclined to believe that they will not reach this level.” “Prices for hogs are expected to range in the area of $20 to $24 and with less seasonal fluctuations than 1966. Averages will be down from the $25.50 of this year.” “Net dairy income and dairy income per producer should be substantially higher than that of a year ago. The commercial market for dairy products appears strong.” “Corn should be held—at least to mid-winter. Profit prospects for the long term are not optimistic because winter price gains will pull some corn from storage, easing the supply squeeze, and corn acreage in 1967 will likely be up, depressing late season markets.” AG PANEL included from left: Wayne H. Obrecht, a,c.; Charles Y. Thompson, a.v.p.; Gerald E. Leighton, a.c.; Robert J. Norrish, a.c., and Howard H. Beermann, v.p. All are in central’s correspondent division. Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OUTLOOK is discussed by Morris Steph ens, pres., First Federal State Bank, Des Moines, and Frank E. Bauder, pres., Cen tral National Bank, Chicago. KEY SPEAKERS included Robert E. Hamilton, sr. v.p., and Joseph J. LaRocco, v.p. & exec, trust officer. “ Soybean prices are expected to re main strong (around $2.80). Seasonal price fluctuations may not be as great as last year, but should more than cover storage costs.” New Agricultural Forces Frank E. Bauder, president of Cen tral National, presided at the evening dinner program, introducing Paul C. Johnson, vice president and editorial director, Prairie Farmer, Chicago. Mr. Johnson expressed concern that there will be a real shortage of able farm management within 10 years. He predicted that the large family farm will prevail because of the problems of farm labor utilization. He elabo rated by saying that if industry tries to take over farming on a corporate scale, this will be their worst stum bling block. He concluded by express ing the hope that we can convince “ our nervous government” that there will be sufficient food if in the long run some healthy economic incentives are provided, rather than bribery in government payments. Guests of Cen tral National were entertained at the International Horse Show and Cham pionship Rodeo as a finale to the day’s activities.— End. Y" In a Park Avenue conference room. A rare pause for a man on the road some 26,000 miles yearly. THE COMMITTEE OF ONE Most of the top 100 corporations use him. Smaller companies give him $1 billion in business. They say this is the age of committees. If so, one of the world’s largest banks, Chemical New York, is bucking the age in its approach to serving corporate cus tomers. Our approach is the “committee of one”—and it may be one of the reasons our resources have increased two billion dollars in the last four years alone. Each of our bankers serving business throughout the coun try is an across-the-board banking expert, rather than a lim ited specialist. The result: Your time with him can be spent getting things done. Your Chemical banker serves not just one industry, but all Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis industnj in your area. (50% of our business accounts are smallto medium-size companies outside the New York area.) Fa miliar with businesses widely diversified in size, products, and problems, he can cope quickly and thoroughly with yours. If you could benefit from our kind of thorough banking knowledge and personal attention, why not meet with our “committee of one.” All you need do is to contact our man serving your area, or National Divi• ■ sion, Chemical Bank New York Trust iT O I T l lO c t l Company, New York, N.Y. 10015. XT' 1 The bank that works hardest for you. . 1 ^ 0 ▼▼ M O I. MV Norffrw estern Banker, December, 1966 II f < I wish you a merry Christmas, And a happy New Year. CENTRAL NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis An Old English Carol BANK AND T R U S T C O M P A N Y M e m b e r Federal D e p o s it In s u r a n c e C o rp o ra tio n • DES MOI NES , I OWA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t W e know California business from ste m ... to stern. Keeping the bloom on California’s flowers is a job for Bank o f America. We finance seed producers, growers and nurseries. And once the flowers are in florist shops, they m ove out fast with BankAmeri.card® credit sales. The same mixture o f knowhow and cold cash helps West Coast shipping firms keep up a full head of steam. Ship con stru ction , op era tion , and ca rg o financing— no matter how big the need— we have North wes tern Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the resources. With 80 banking services and almost 900 branches we can offer the financial counsel and resources to help business grow in California. For complete correspondent service get in touch with our National Division, 300 Montgomery Street in San Francisco, or 650 South Spring Street in Los Angeles. B A N K O F A M E R IC A NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION • MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 31 OES your bank measure up as a leader in Community Rela tions? Do you, Mr. Bank President, person ally reflect a good image of your com munity? Does your staff promote satisfaction and confidence in its day to day con tacts? Do you, your officers, and your di rectors feel a joint responsibility not only to build good will for your bank but to generate enthusiasm for your city? These are questions which merit high priority in any well managed bank. To have good community rela tions we must have good attitude. Unless there is a sincere desire to promote your bank and your commu nity, your effectiveness is nil and probably damaging. D Need Three-Way Approach The banker thoroughly responsive to the needs of his community must have at least a three-way approach to do a good job. He must first be alert to recognize opportunities and estab lish good follow up. Secondly, he must be aware, in a specific manner, of the advantages and disadvantages of his community. Third, he must be aggressive enough to attract interest in a highly competitive field. Not only must you as a civic leader be broadly knowledgeable about all facets of your city as a potential site for industry, you must be articulate and persuasive. To those in your city who are charged with the responsibil ff Off ff© 1 ©ff E ta tv /ff Vftar 0 'om m u n it y R e la t io n s ? ity of attracting such business, your help as a banker can be invaluable. This help must be offered with a cer tain amount of restraint to distinguish from purely selfish motives. Written Especially for THE NORTHWESTERN BANKER Help Find NeAv Leaders Perhaps the biggest contribution that we as bankers can make in our communities is to identify and help motivate capable people to accept leadership responsibility. Because of our unique position of having wide contacts with many people, we are in an ideal position to evaluate interests and abilities of such individuals. There is always a place in the civic or cul tural structure of a community—in fact, often a crying need—for men willing to accept such challenge. Finding the right slot for the right man is one of the keys to good com munity relations. It’s an area where bankers can be effective. Surely, many of us have had opportunity to recommend someone who seemed par ticularly suited for a specific job. By A. H. HAAKENSON President Austin State Bank Austin, Minnesota What a thrill to have such an individ ual respond with genuine enthusi asm. Also what an opportunity for him to respond to the challenge and to build his own image as a leader. Where Leadership Is Needed ONE ANNUAL PROJECT that always draws much favorable comment and partici pation by the community in upper midwest states is “ June Dairy Month” which is promoted by numerous banks. Photo above shows portion of the crowd at Austin State Bank’s last observance. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In what areas do we make use of our unique position to attract such people? A good place to start is in city, county or any form of local gov ernment. More and more it becomes apparent we should activate ourselves increasingly in the affairs of govern ment. Let us accept this responsibility as one of the primary ones of good community relations. Let us have good rapport with our elected officials and help them make right decisions. Belated criticisms are not warranted if we “hide our heads in the sand” when issues are discussed. Fund campaigns, Chamber of Com merce promotions, Industrial DevelopCOMMUNITY RELATIONS . . . (Turn to page 80, please) Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 32 # lir is it a a s f d r a s First National City Dolls. N KEEPING with the genuine spir it of Christmas, banks throughout the nation, despite their myriad ways of observing the holiday season, have one theme in common—giving. Practically all of them express this in a material way through gifts to charit able organizations or directly to needy families. But many others add that extra fes tive touch that not only produces a holiday “ lift” to the spirits of staff and customers, but also ties in with the practical aspect of the banking business. Numerous banks now an nounce to their customers that $1, or some stated sum, will be donated to local churches in the name of custom ers of the banks if they will just sign a card in the bank lobby during the Christmas season. The money given I by the bank is sent to the churches designated on the cards by the custom ers. Many have special window displays and lobby decorations. Here are some yearly Christmas programs that are typical of what is done by many banks: * * * First National City Bank, New York—For many years the staff has participated in a “dress-the-doll” con test. These dolls are then given, along with other toys purchased by the bank, to orphanages throughout the city at Christmas time. In the accom panying photo, pert Jane Cascio, a sec retary at FNCB, holds the doll she dressed last Christmas season like Mary Poppins to win first place in the contest. Besides the 400 entries from all over the bank, more than 2,000 other toys were distributed. In the 15 years since the program started at the bank, more than 20,000 dolls and toys have thus been given to orphans in metropolitan New York during the Holy Season. * * =t= First National Bank and Trust Com pany, Tulsa — Season’s greetings for employees and customers are sung during Christmas week by the pretty bank pages pictured here. They wear special Christmas red uniforms for the holidays. The carols were an “extra” attraction thought up by the pages themselves, who traditionally have dis tributed candy canes to customers at Christmas time. Another traditional feature at the bank is picture-taking of youngsters with Santa Claus in the bank lobby during the week preceding Christmas. Bank of the Southwest, Houston— Page Girl Chorus, First National Bank & Trust, Tulsa. Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For the 11th consecutive year, the bank’s Christmas kitchen will be the mecca for customers and other visitors during the Yuletide holidays. Tradi tionally, hot gingerbread and wassail are served all comers to the banking lobby where the striking Christmas tableaux is on display. It is estimated that more than a half million holiday visitors have been welcomed to this novel exhibit, which is an authentic replica of a typical American home as it appeared at the turn of the century. Originated in 1956, the “family” is composed of bank employees wearing period dress who occupy the kitchen and serve refreshments each season. They will do the same again this year from December 19 through December 23. Mrs. Ruby Goodson is the senior member of the family.” Now retired 33 for Bank Programs Harris Trust Choral Group. from the bank, she returns each year to portray “Grandma,” the role she created in 1956. In addition to the 17-foot square kitchen display the bank will have, for the seventh consecutive year, its cus tom-made Nativity scene with lifesized figures. * * * Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chi cago — The 65-voice employee chorus assembles near a 34-foot tree in the main lobby to sing traditional carols on each of the three days preceding Christmas. Directed by William Kuss, pro secretary in the trust department, the group last Christmas received a special treat when a CBS-TV camera crew arrived to film them in action. The sound film was later aired on Chi cago TV news programs just before Christmas day. * * * found such items as checking accounts with fashion-styled checkbook covers, high-fashion combination billfold and checkbook, alphabetical name and ad dress book, trust fund as gift to chil dren or grandchildren, and safe de posit boxes. Among the non-banking service items are such attractive gifts as uncirculated coins displayed in lucite blocks, Kennedy half-dollar key chains, table lighter with discontinued coins, coin-radio bank, and similar money-related gifts. Results showed that total cash pur chases at the “Christmas Store” almost offset expenses of operating it; in fact, total cost for the entire promotion was less than 10 per cent of the gross cash turnover. In addition, an average of three or four inquiries per day regard ing bank services were passed on to Family Banking Center officers, most of which resulted in new business. In effect, the net cost of the immediate promotion resulted in new business that has more than offset the cash out lay. Commerce Trust employees also dec orate a Christmas tree with hand made Christmas stockings made for the children at Mercy Hospital. These stockings are filled, and extra toys also are given to the children at Christ mas.—End. Commerce Trust Company, Kansas City — In addition to the extensive Christmas displays throughout its ex ecutive offices and the Tower building, the bank initiated last year another idea to tie in with Yuletide that offers practical financial ideas as Christmas gifts. Called the “Commerce Trust Christmas Store,” it offers customers a wide selection of gifts connected with money or banking services. The program is being followed again this year. A two-color direct mail folder was enclosed with statements starting in late November. The “Christmas Store” is located in the Family .Banking Cen ter, the latter being maintained by Commerce Trust the year-round as a regular service on the Tower ground floor. In the “ Christmas Store” can be Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, Ì 9 6 6 34 HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY tour group is shown on arrival at Honolulu International Airport. The 10-clay tour was sponsored by the NORTHWESTERN BANKER in conjunction with Lincoin Tour & Travel, Lincoln, Nebr., after the ABA Convention. H u n kers Fìnti ’ ’A loh a S p irit” P rev a ils on HatraT our By MALCOLM FREELAND Publisher of the n o r t h w e s t e r n recent ABA Post-Con vention Holiday Tour, agree that the Hawaiian Islands have every ingredi ent for the ideal vacation. Starting from San Francisco’s Inter national Airport, the group boarded a Jet for Honolulu and the start of a long-remembered 10-day tour through the tropical islands that make up our 49th state. A major share of the success of the M em bers B a n k e r ’s HAT CONTEST held by the tour group was won by Mrs. Fred Keepf of Hampton, Iowa, and Mrs. G-len. Waltner of Freeman, South Dakota. N oFRASER rth w e s te rn B anker, December, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tour was attributed to the careful ad vance planning made by Lincoln Tour and Travel, owned and operated by the First National Bank & Trust Com pany, Lincoln, Neb., and the personal guide services of its vice president, Van C. Duling. The friendly Aloha spirit shown by all the native sight seeing guides also helped to make the trip a most enjoyable one. Headquartering in Oahu’s famed Ha waiian Village Hotel, bankers and their wives enjoyed four days discov ering sun-warmed surf and sand, mistveiled mountains and lush green val leys. Trips through pineapple and sugar cane fields, tours to Pearl Har bor Punch Bowl National Cemetery and world-renowned Nuuanu Pali were just a few of the scenic areas covered on the main island. Free time was available for nightclub trips and shop ping tours. Leaving Honolulu behind (after picking up considerable extra baggage through souvenirs), the group flew to the Island of Maui for an all-day tour, stopping for lunch in the beautiful Sheraton Maui Hotel. Towards eve ning, a short flight was made from Maui to Hilo on the big Island of Ha waii, where headquarters were estab lished at the Hilo Bay Hotel. Touring the big Island of Hawaii the following day, the group stopped for lunch at the famed Volcano House, continued through the spectacular Rainbow Falls area and the Orchid Nurseries. Proceeding to Kona, ac commodations were arranged at the King Kamehameha Hotel. The next day, an extensive tour was made through the ancient homeland of the Polynesian chiefs in the Kona area. The group gathered in late afternoon for a flight to the Garden Island of Kauai, where reservations were wait ing at the world famous Coco Palms Hotel. Trips on Kauai included a boat ride up the Wailua river to the dense MOUNTAIN VIEW on Oahu is “ snapped” by T. C, Aarestad, pres., First Natl. Bk., Denison, Iowa. Fern Grotto, a visit to the 4,000-foot Kalalau Lookout, and a tour to the scenic spot where “ South Pacific” was filmed. Members of the tour included: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Aarestad, First National Bank, Denison, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ehlers, Citizens State Bank, Redwood Falls, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Galles, Citizens State Bank, Redwood Falls, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Giese, First Na tional Bank, Sumner, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Homberg, Citi zens State Bank, Redwood Falls, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keepf, First Na tional Bank, Hampton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manning, Plaza State Bank, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller, Capital City State Bank, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Novak, Bank of Brainard, Brainard, Neb. Herman J. Mohr, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schneider, First National Bank & Trust Company, Lin coln, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waltner, First National Bank, Freeman, S. D. Charles Walsh, Jr., West Burlington Savings Bank, West Burlington, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Wilson, Se curity Savings Bank, Marshalltown, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Freeland, Northwestern Banker, Des Moines, Iowa. Van C. Duling, Lincoln Tour & Travel, Lincoln, Neb. BANK ON MAUI is inspected by T. C. Aarestad of Denison, Iowa, and Paul Man ning of Des Moines. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TRAVEL PLANS are discussed by Paul Manning, Des Moines, and Fred Pacheco, tour guide on island of Hawaii. FRIENDLY SPIRIT prevailed as Max Schneider, v.p. First Natl. Bk., Lincoln, and wife, Eleanor, pose with native tour guide on island of Maui. UNIQUE NIGHT SPOT is inspected by Reid C. Giese, v.p. & cash., First Natl. Bk., Sumner, Iowa, and wife on island of Maui. NATIVE “STATUARY” is admired by Ralph Wilson, pres., Security Sav. Bk., Marshalltown, Iowa, on island of Hawaii. PRIZE CATCH is displayed by Louis No vak, cash., Bank of Brainard, Nebr., and wife, after deep sea fishing at Oahu. LONG AND SHORT OF IT—Martin Eh lers, dir., Citizens S t Bk., Redwood Falls, Minn., won prize for the tallest person on the tour, and Mrs. Glen Waltner, Free man, S.D., won equal honors for being “ somewhat shorter.” N o rth w e s te rn Banker, December. J966 36 t' E gg P ro d u ctio n — a From "IV ’i i to M E ditor’s N ote: N ot so m any yea rs ago, egg prod u ction teas con sid ered by m any to be strictly a sideline fo r the farm w ife so she could earn “ pin m on ey.” The accom panying article sh ow s the trem en d ou s transition that has taken place, m ovin g m od ern egg prod u ction to n ew high lev els through a highly su ccessfu f scientific approach that m eans big m o n ey fo r farm ers us ing this m ethod. T STARTED in the winter of 196263—and it’s still going strong. The central figure is Melvin Johnson, Alta Vista egg dealer, or to use a fast fading terminology, “local produce dealer.” Early in 1963 two farmers in Minne sota, Floyd Withers of Jackson, and Henry Soost, Jr., of Wells, invited the public to “ Open House” at their I O BUILT IN 1963 □ BUILT IN 1964 chicken house. That kind of invita tion was about as revolutionary in the middle west as were those laying houses at that time. Mr. Johnson organized a caravan of local farmers to go to both open house events. In both cases they saw hun dreds of layers in cages—3,300 at Jackson and 4,200 at Wells—in semi-auto mated “Hy-Line Midwest Cage Layer Units.” They saw farmers, farm wives and high school-age children doing all the “chicken chores” at the rate of less than an hour per day per one thousand birds. They saw records that gave convincing evidence that this new concept of egg production was tailor-made as a profit project for midwestern farm families. And several of Mr. Johnson’s friends and neighbors saw one thing more. They saw a place for this type of unit on their own farms. BUILT IN 1965 Q SCHEDULED FOR 1966 THIS CHART shows location of installations made around the Mason City area alone in past three years. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis During the summer of 1963, three Alta Vista “pioneers” put up Midwest Cage Layer Units for 5,040 birds each. Leroy Hilsman and Dale Hofman housed their 20-week old flocks in early August, and Vincent Schwickerath followed suit on November 4. Although none of the three con sidered himself to be enough of a poultry “specialist” to confidently manage 5,000 layers alone, all three launched their projects with confi dence that their management was in capable hands. Hy-Cross Chick Com pany, Mason City, put up the units and delivered the ready-to-lay pullets. Rather than ending with delivery of the pullets, Hy-Cross’s activities were just getting under way at that point. Stan Witham, trained and experienced Hy-Cross serviceman, kept in con stant, close touch with all three egg producers, watching with a practiced eye as the birds completed their growth; came into production; and continued through the year. Mr. Witham recommended management changes as their needs could be antici pated; supplying the skills not previ ously needed by the new owners of the expanded egg production units. In addition to management guid ance, Hy-Cross Chick Company and Melvin Johnson also assisted with a highly practical record-keeping serv ice and a unique accounting system. Both of these services have helped the producers not only to know where they stand at any time—performance wise and financially—but also to set dependable projections for basing fu ture steps. Hy-Cross also put up two other units in 1963 outside the Alta Vista trade area, both somewhat smaller than 5,000 birds. The first-cycle rec ords of the three units justified the confident expectations of many close FROM “PIN MONEY” . . . (Turn to page 99, please) A •L V 37 WORKSHOP SESSIONS—key part of the Ag Credit Conference program. Shown at left is the workshop on Farm Credit Competition in session. Leading the discussion are Ted Axton, pres., Lafayette Savings Bk., Lafayette, Ind., and Tom R. Smith, pres., First Natl. Bk. of Perry, Iowa. Shown at right are J. Francis Kennedy, pres., First Natl., New Hampton, Iowa, and Paul W. Gandrud, exec, v.p., Swift County Bk., Benson, Minn. They led the discussion in the Community Development workshop. At Ag Credit Conference research for International Minerals and Chemical Corporation. Dr. Davan, in prefacing his address, pointed out that, “ The major point I want you to keep in mind is the in creasing complexity of farming and that the decisions farmers will make in the future will become increasingly critical, complex and dependent on the business decisions of farm related in dustry. He will need more help plan ning his farm production in the future than he has needed in the past. “The big questions are: Where will he seek and obtain this help? How do we in the agricultural input industries profitably fit into these dynamic changes?” After establishing rather dramat ically the changes occurring in agri culture, Dr. Davan closed by saying, “The banks that lose their business will be those that continue with the traditional approaches—that is, offer ing credit only on assets or full re course paper. There is really small future in the world today for this kind of farm banking, just as there is small future for the marginal farmer.” * * * Another highlight of the conference was a panel discussion entitled “ Speak ing Frankly.” Moderated by Fred Bailey, Jr.,Farm Communications, Inc., Washington, D. C., the panel featured two farmers and two bankers. Members of the panel were Douglas F. Graves, vice president, First Na tional Bank of Freport, 111.; Robert L. Voss, vice president, First National Bank, Fremont, Neb.; Charles Berg, farmer from Chokio, Minn., and Wil liam R. Rothenberger, farmer from Frankfort, Ind. And speak frankly they did as the following quotations will indicate: I f y o u are going to k eep up to the K eeord X u m b er o f Ha niters H ea r Farm Finaneiaff Id ea s Hy LARRY NOTHWEHR Business Manager EMO to the American Bankers As Under the leadership of Ted Brown, sociation Agricultural C redit president of the Security State Bank Committee: “Bring the Annual Ag of Sterling, Colo., and chairman of Credit Conference to the midwest for the ABA Ag Credit Committee, an record attendance.” array of agricultural bankers, farmers That was the formula that worked and ag business executives discussed last month in Minneapolis when at the problems facing today’s Ag lenders. tendance at the ABA sponsored Ag Also featured on the program was Credit Conference stood at a record Jack Conn, ABA president and chair level of 702 registrants. man of the Fidelity National Bank & And it was a working session in the Trust Company, Oklahoma City, Okla. =t= * * true sense of the word as meeting rooms filled with delegates for the Setting the stage for the day and a first speakers and remained that way half conference was Dr. C. F. Davan, until completion of the sessions. Jr., manager of agricultural market M AG CREDIT CONFERENCE . . . (Turn to page 58, please) THE “SPEAKING FRANKLY” PANEL. Shown here are the panel members who spoke frankly regarding ag credit problems facing today’s country banker. From LEFT: Charles Berg, Chokio, Minnesota, farmer; Robert L. Voss, v.p., First Natl., Fremont, Nebr.; Fred Bailey, Jr., moderator, Farm Communications, Inc., Washington, D. C.; William R. Rothenberger, Frankfort, Ind., farmer, and Douglas F. Graves, v.p., First Natl., Freeport, 111. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 38 New Him en s ion s of Houli Supervision LTHOUGH there has been a rise in commercial bank failures over the last few years, a convincing argument can be made that (at long last) banking supervision is today moving in the direction of new di mensions of vitality, cooperation and strength. There is still much to be done in these areas. The improvement is increasingly becoming true at the federal supervisory level and at the state supervisory level. Unfortunately, a small number of state supervis ory staffs must be excluded from this generalization. A Must Rebut Public Apprehension In the face of the growing number and larger financial amounts involved in bank failures it is especially impor tant that commercial bankers recognize and rebut public apprehension or loss of confidence in the safety of their deposits, including those amounts which exceed the new $15,000 ceiling insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The general publics’ attitude is being shaped today by well-publicized, over-dramatized incidents such as the mid-October failure of the Public Bank of Detroit. Blown out of context, because of news value, it gives an unfortu nately biased view of the strength and solvency of our banks and our financial system. A review of some recent developments may help bank ers appreciate how the public could draw incorrect con clusions and help them recognize the obligation the in dustry has to put bank security and the public interest in proper light. San Francisco National Failure Publicity about the San Francisco National Bank’s failure properly raised questions in the public mind as to coordination between the various supervisory agen cies. Even more disturbing and misunderstood was the technical role and legal interpretation of the sizable pro portion of its liabilities in the form of brokered certificates of deposits. The man in the street simply does not have the banking background to appreciate the legal subtleties involved in the interpretation of Regulation Q. There was considerable, but somewhat misleading, publicity on o r tFRASER h w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, Ì 966 DigitizedNfor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis if; sm á mum x ¿ S É ?jSm LEWIS E. DAVIDS Hill Professor of Hank Management University of Missouri Colum bia, Missouri the lack of coordination of supervisory authorities. There it little awareness by the public that from that failure, steps along the line of improved coordination have been instituted. These steps, unfortunately, do not immedi ately become obvious and take time to be fully imple mented and operational. Looking back on the SFNB failure it would appear that some well-intentioned but misguided judgment decisions were made by supervisors. Logic tells us that super visors either were aware of a substantial dollar volume of substandard loans which should have been written down on published statements and that they tolerated the mis representation of these figures to the public or that their professional capacity as supervisors was so poor that they could not properly judge the quality of the loan port folio of the bank. If the latter were true why bother with examinations of loan portfolios at all? I suspect the decision was reached by supervisors that possible rehabilitation of SFNB would be impeded if its true state was known by the public. This type of well intentioned value judgment when observed by the public, unfortunately erodes the very credibility of the supervisors. It also prevents the efficient allocation of resources in a free capitalistic so ciety and defeats itself. From their experiences with SFNB failure two of our federal supervising agencies have learned some hard les sons. Public Bank of Detroit Failure Two other supervising agencies, one state, the other federal, are learning some additional lessons the hard way from the failure of the Public Bank of Detroit. According to responsible sources the immediate techni cal reason for PB of D being forced into receivership was the controversy over its accounting. PB of D apparently did not wish to write down its loan portfolio even though a national firm of Certified Public Accountants found that about one out of every five installment loans were clelinNEW DIMENSIONS . . . (Turn to page 46, please) 39 s**x» ' .^vs. '■ *;, I UNIQUE CORRESPONDENT SERVICE The Men from the City are always ready to provide that extra service—above and beyond your normal requirements. When necessary we can move as fast as Santa does on Christ mas Eve. We like playing Santa Claus for our customers . . . now during the holiday rush . . . and all through the year. The men...and the women . . . at the City wish you a Merry Christmas. . . and a Prosperous New Year Its great to grow with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... tire one Kansas City bank that has everything N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 7966 40 THESE senior officers form the executive management team of First National Bank of Chicago. At First National, Chicago, Conference 1 9 6 7 ISnsiness W ill Slacken By BEN HALLER, JR. Editor OUR nationally prominent econo mists and financial leaders stated in Chicago last month that they expect to see a distinct slackening in the economy in 1967 and possibly a re cession. One was definitely opposed to a 1967 tax increase, while the other three said they would reluctantly go along with one, but generally on a surcharge basis with expiration of it at the end of 1967. Their views were made known to more than 1,200 bankers attending the 20th Annual Conference of Bank Cor respondents sponsored by The First National Bank of Chicago. They pre sented a symposium at the concluding day’s noon luncheon on the subject, “What Should Monetary and Fiscal Policy Be in the Present Situation?” Most generally, their remarks could be interpreted to mean “We know what monetary policy is, and it’s been overworked and very stringent. But what kind of fiscal policy does the gov ernment have?” They delved into the causes and results of disastrous infla tion that overtook the economy in 1966 F while driving the economy to the brink of a crisis. Their analysis of monetary and fis cal policy of the government followed one and one-half days of the First Na tional’s well-established and success ful pattern of three rotating panels of three speakers, and an industry-by-industry report from the heads of First National’s 12 leading divisions. These 12 men look for a continued good level of economic activity next year, but not at the pace of the past 24 months. Definite caution signposts were noted in steel production, based on reduced auto sales and heavy appli ance manufacturing; in construction, where housing builders have been tak ing it on the chin due to the tight mortgage money market; and in farm ing, where a continued relatively high level of farm income will be offset by cost rises that continue to climb rap idly. Those panelists discussing the “Out look” and “ Investments” made these points: Bennett L. Hauenstein, assistant vice president for agriculture, Division F, First National Bank of Chicago: While farmers continue to increase their production at a 7 per cent annual rate, double that of factory workers, food costs the family less of its dispos able income than ever before. Farm ers are doing those things productionwise, and management-wise (control of herds and weights), but are running a treadmill with costs. “ In the first quar ter of 1967—expect fat cattle prices to be up, with a $30 Chicago price by next fall.” Martin R. Gainsbrugh, adjunct pro fessor of economics, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University: In 1967 we can expect some buoyancy from: 1. Substantial wage hikes. 2. Minimum wage in creases which will embrace an addi tional 4 million workers. 3. Social Se curity increases, which are being ad vocated by both parties. 4. Heightened demand for jobs as more people reach age 20. On the deficit side will be: 1. Capital expansion boom tapering off. 2. Slackening of demand in autos. 3. Slackening of funds. 4. Lower prof its. 5. Curtailed production in some areas. All of this will ease fiscal and monetary pressure, allowing the na tion to build through consolidation in 1967. Rudolph E. Palluck, vice president, First National Bank of Chicago: Nine teen sixty-seven still looks favorable, even with Gross National Product ad vancing at a slower rate. It will be more important than ever to adhere to basic credit principles, demanding that SPEAKERS at First National of Chicago Conference included, left to right in each photo: LEFT— Officers of the First National who formed the “ Question and Answer” panel. Seated: Nicholas J. DeLeonardis, a.c.; Howard B. Bouton, v.p.,; Robert K. Wilmouth, v.p. Standing: Arthur F. Stake, v.p.; Joseph C. Fenner, v.p., and Richard L. Thomas, v.p. RIGHT- Rudolph E. Palluck, Nevin G. Bowser, George B. Wendt and Tilford C. Gaines, all four v.p.’s of the host bank. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 * * y W HAT DOES TH E PROTECTION OF 2 2 BILLION DOLLARS’ W ORTH OF IN V E N TO R Y SUGGEST? That’s the value of the inventories we have field warehoused, and against which we have issued our warehouse receipts without one blemish on the record of fulfilling our obli gations to lenders. The pioneer in field warehousing, we are also the most modern: Instant electronic data processing from our IBM center to you; up to 10 million dollars of liability and fidelity coverage at any one location. Perhaps this does suggest something! Like promoting profitable inventory loans to pre ferred status by relying on our warehouse receipts. If you agree, we’ll happily supply all the details on our complete collateral protection service. We’re easy to reach with offices in all principal cities. T h e L a w r e n c e Co m pan y N A T IO N W ID E F IE L D W A R E H O U S IN G 200 Park Avenue, NEW YORK • 100 North La Salle Street, CHICAGO • 37 Drumm Street, SAN FRANCISCO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 42 loan customers follow good account ing and budgeting procedures. George B. Wendt, vice president, First National Bank of Chicago: Po tential encroachments are being made on tax exempt issues. The courts and legislators are looking with disfavor on industrial revenue financing. Some states with interest rate ceilings are finding revenue issues in their states going unbid. Federal aid to schools has affected issuance of revenue bonds for schools; this aid has increased from $4.1 billion in 1957 to $14.6 billion now. The low 3.8 per cent interest rate at tracts schools to federal loans and takes them out of the municipal issues market. This is a threat to the sur vival of many municipal firms. The possibility of a tax increase and other circumstances could have a favorable effect on the municipal market. Tilford C. Gaines, vice president, First National Bank of Chicago: The interest rate outlook: 1. We are in for a long period of time at higher rates. They will drift lower in the im mediate future, but gradually go up, with foreseeable high corporate loan demand and municipal financing needs. 2. In the short term market we have a unique situation. If the Federal Re serve eases bank credit, to that extent we could be in trouble on our balance of payments. I believe the Federal Reserve will maintain high rates to attract funds from outside to offset the balance of payments. 3. I think the banking system will run under tight restrictions by the Fed for a long pe riod of time, so analyze first and well your liquidity requirements for an ex tended period of time. Henry A. Kissinger, professor of government at Harvard University, gave an enlightening, fascinating ap praisal of United States commitments in Viet Nam, posing the problems en countered by the military as two wars —military (in the traditional sense) and guerrilla, as well as rebuilding a government and rebuilding an econ omy in the countryside. The essence of his talk was that American par ticipation in Viet Nam is vital, and to withdraw before the objectives are achieved would be fatal—for southeast Asia and for the Free World. The final afternoon, a group of offi cers of The First National Bank con ducted a question and answer period among several hundred bankers on m a tters pertaining to operations, trusts, and other daily banking duties. The four men who participated in the final luncheon panel were Milton Friedman. Paul Snowden Russell, Dis tinguished Service Professor of Eco nomics, The University of Chicago; Paul W. McCracken, Edmund Ezra Day, University Professor of Business Administration, The University of Michigan; Charls E. Walker, executive vice president, The American Bankers Association, and C. Richard Youngdahl, president, Aubrey G. Lanston & Company, Inc. Mr. Friedman said: If the Federal Reserve System continues its tight money policy, it will lead to lower in terest rates. What should monetary policy be? 1 would say a middle of the road policy between the 9 per cent expansion rate of 1965 and the tight program of 3 per cent now—the best is 5 per cent. We should move there and stay there. On fiscal policy, I op pose a tax increase. It will mean more government spending. The record shows that Congress will spend what ever the taxes raise, and a little more. I favor reducing taxes as the only way to force Congress and the gov ernment to hold down spending. The major increase in the budget is not in defense, but in non-defense spend ing. Mr. McCracken said: Our greatest lesson to learn is that government eco nomic policy itself tends to have more instability than any other factor. We have had both fiscal and monetary pol icies the past 14 months doing exactly that. The patient needed a tranquil izer and instead was given a pep pill! We need a January, 1967, budget with a more realistic base for making judg ment than the January, 1966, mess which estimated defense spending of $56.5 billion for 1967, but already reached that figure before getting to the fiscal year — and missed it by spending of $12-$15 billion higher. For 1967 the defense spending looks to be $10-$12 billion higher, Social Security is almost a certainty to add a $3 billion outlay, other increases appear to be $3 billion; so increased budgeting will be $16-$17 billion. Present revenue measures would not produce more than $10-$11 billion. There are several good factors arguing against a tax increase, but I think we should have sonic tax increase to pick up the ex cess of budget over revenue. Mr. Walker said: F isca l p o lic y should strengthen and monetary pol icy should ease. I still think we’re headed for trouble because of what’s been done. Monetary policy had to bear the brunt of restraint. As long as the Viet Nam war continues, the inflationary trend will continue in 1967. I would plan for a budget surplus of at least $1 billion by cutting non-defense spending. If a deficit is apparent, I would have a tax increase to cover it and to expire December 31, 1967. I do not believe a surcharge tax increase of a temporary nature would increase (government) spending, be cause it would cut in only after the budget is announced, and would be temporary and out after one year. CHICAGO CONFERENCE . . . (Turn to page 56, please) SPEAKERS at First National of Chicago Conference, left to right, are: Bennett L. Hauenstein, a.v.p., and Jack W. Hallberg, v.p., both with the host bank; James L. Hayes, dean, School of Business Administration, Duquesne University; Martin R. Gainsbrugh, adjunct professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University; James C. Downs, Jr., climn., Real Estate Research Corp., and climn., Bank of Oak Brook, 111., and Richard E. Kelley, v.p., First National of Chicago. N o FRASER r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ L/ * ~ ^ ^ * ^ ^ 43 C H A N G I N G OVER T O FÜLL MI CR AUTOMATION IS A BIG J O B How banks are easing check conversion work and expense through the DeLuxe Merchandising Program. Most bankers agree that a change over to full automation is a tre mendous undertaking. It requires thought, planning and serious consideration of the cost factors involved. It’s hard to do if you’ve never done it before, but there is some satisfaction in the knowledge that, once accom plished, it will never have to be done again. Here is where DeLuxe has helped hundreds of banks with a planned conversion program based upon bank check merchandising to re duce out-of-pocket expense. Our rep resentatives will help you develop flow charts outlining an orderly and economical method of conver sion to MICR account num ber checks for all customers . . . and they will provide the know-how for com plete im plem entation o f the program. In addition, we provide file and survey cards, address correction forms, customer notification letters and envelopes, advertising and sales aids . . . all at no cost to you. This is a tested 100% Imprint check program that will improve bankcustomer relations and result in a successful conversion for you as it has for others. If you’re about to start planning y o u r program, please call us and let us demonstrate how effective our plan can be. D ELU XE CHECK P R IN T E R S IN C . NORWALK • CLIFTON • PAOLI • RICHMOND • PITTSBURGH • SYRACUSE • CLEVELAND • DETROIT • INDIANAPOLIS CHICAGO • KANSAS CITY • ST. LOUIS • ST. PAUL • HOUSTON • DALLAS • CHATSWORTH • SANTA CLARA • PORTLAND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern B a n k e r , D e c e m b e r , 1 9 6 6 44 LUNCHEON SPEAKER Dr. Paul S. Nadler (center) is flanked by John B. Mitchell (left), pres., and James P. Hickock, chmn., of the host bank. At First National, St. Louis Conference Itan h ers Chouse W in n ers in tteeen t N a tion a l E lection s A poll of 750 bankers from 18 states attending the 20th Annual Conference of Correspondents sponsored by the First National Bank in St. Louis, proved to be completely accurate in forecasting winners in the November election. They correctly chose the winning Governors in six key states and winning U. S. Senators in two states. They made the following choices in the races for Governor: ALABAMA: 81 per cent chose Mrs. George C. Wallace, Democrat, over James D. Martin, Republican. ARKANSAS: 75 per cent chose W in th r o p Rockefeller, Republican, over James D. Johnson, Democrat. CALIFORNIA: 77 per cent chose Ronald Reagan, Republican, over Ed mund G. (Pat) Brown, Democrat. GEORGIA: 63 per cent chose Lester G. Maddox, Democrat, over Howard N o FRASER r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Calloway, Republican. (Being con tested in court since neither man won a majority vote.) MICHIGAN: 97 per cent chose George Romney, Republican, over Zolton Ferency, Democrat. NEW YORK: 88 per cent chose Nel son Rockefeller, Republican, over Frank O’Connor, Democrat, who was chosen by eight per cent, and Frank lin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Liberal, who was picked by four per cent of those in attendance. In senatorial contests 84 per cent of the bankers chose Republican Charles Percy to win over Democrat Paul Douglas in Illinois. In the Oregon race, 83 per cent selected Republican Mark O. Hatfield to win over Demo crat Robert Duncan. Looking to the 1968 presidential race, 47 per cent of the bankers thought Richard Nixon would be the likely Republican presidential nomi nee, with George Romney a close sec ond with 42 per cent of the poll. Others chosen included John V. Lind say, six per cent, and Ronald Reagan, three per cent. Charles Percy was a write in candidate for two per cent of the poll. Regarding the current tight money situation and how long it would con tinue, 51 per cent thought it would be a part of the banking scene for the next six months. Thirty-six per cent thought the situation would remain for the next year, and only seven per cent thought the tight money would ease in three months. Other estimates of the situation ranged from two months to two years. Three bankers thought the situation might go on in definitely and one said it had already started to loosen. Asked if, as of today, they would recommend a general increase in Fed eral taxes, 56 per cent said no and 44 per cent said yes. Some of those answering yes qualified their answers by stating “if coupled with a decrease in Federal expenditures” and “if the Viet Nam war continues.” *• * * Keynote speaker at the noon lunch eon was Paul S. Nadler, associate pro fessor of finance at the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University in New York City. Other participants at the oneday conference were officers and staff members of First National Bank in St. Louis and St. Louis Union Trust Company. James P. Hickok, chairman of board of First National, presided at the luncheon and at the evening dinner program. Dr. Nadler told the group that Fed eral Reserve policies can have farreaching, and possibly adverse, effects on the nation’s commercial banks as the tight money market eases. He said the pace of our national economic ad vance should abate during 1967 and that the level of interest rates should continue the modest declines which set in last August. “As interest rates begin to fall,” he said, “a question of real importance to banking and the economy at large is whether the banks will continue to be restrained in their competition for time and savings deposits by rate ceilings below those offered by sav ings and loan associations, savings banks and open market investment instruments. “ If the Federal Reserve lowers the ceiling under its Regulation Q as in terest rates fall,” he added, “banks BANKERS CHOOSE . . . (Turn to page 48, please) 45 Banker A rth u r M entz knows the importance of follow-through. N o t just on the golf course, but in business. That’s why he turns toTalcott Financing. It might help improve your “score’,’too. W hat do you do w hen a c o m m e rc ia l loan c u s to m e r’s q u a lifi c a tio n s fo r a loan are “ below p a r” ? O r y o u ’ve reached yo u r lim it fo r fu rth e r se cu re d o r u n se cu re d cre d it? A d m it yo u 're “ s ty m ie d ” and ju s t express regrets? N ext tim e , jo in th e pro ra n ks w ith th is k in d o f fo llo w th ro u g h : “ W hen you c a n ’t say ‘y e s '.. . say T a lc o tt.” A fte r all, w h a t’s good fo r y o u r c u s to m e r m eans g ood-w ill fo r you. H ere's w h y . . . T a lc o tt can o fte n ta ke over w hen you c a n ’t. By p ro v id in g secu re d loans a g a in st c u s to m e r’s in v e n to ry , a c c o u n ts re ceivable , p ro d u c tio n e q u ip m e n t, re a lty o r o th e r c o lla te ra l. For expansion, seasonal needs o r in te rim p ro b le m s. Y our c u s to m e r m oves ahead. You re m a in the bank o f a cco u n t. Or you m ay p a rtic ip a te up to 50% o f th e fin a n c in g .. .sh a re in th e in te re s t in co m e also. W e’d like you to know m ore o f th e ways we can help you help yo u r cu s to m e rs . T h e y ’re all in o u r b ro ch u re s, “ B a nke rs T a lk to th e M an fro m T a lc o tt” and “ B asic Data File on Jam es T a lc o tt, In c .” Send fo r y o u r copies o r call any T a lc o tt office . TALK TO THE M AN FROM T A LC O T T JAMES INC. 820 Northwestern Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 * (612) 339-771 Atlanta • Boston • Chicago • Dallas • D etroit • H artford Kansas C ity * Los Angeles • Miami • Newark • New York Philadelphia * Phoenix * Puerto Rico • San Francisco Seattle Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Commercial Financing * Factoring * Equipment Financing and Leasing • Acquisition and Merger Financing • Real Estate Financing • Rediscounting N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 46 N ew D im en sion s o f Supervision (Continued from page 38) quent. It is estimated that over $30,000,000 of $66,000,000 in modernization loans were submarginal. Since the Bank of the Commonwealth agreed to buy the assets of Public Bank if the FDIC would provide a $10,000,000 guarantee it appears that they believed that a majority of the submarginal loans may still be collected. Examinations Showed Irregularities It has been reported that the 1965 examination by super visors did not reveal major trouble even though PB of D had been increasing its proportion of modernization loans since 1962. A joint examination by government super visors in the spring of 1966, however, did uncover suffi cient irregularities to have them order an increase of $5,700,000 in capital and to back this with the threat of removing deposit insurance if the capital was not in creased. Seasoned installment loan officers are highly aware that uncollateralized modernization loans, especially those made for debt consolidation purposes carry some calcu lated degree of risk but they are put to difficulty to ex plain how a leading operation which had been in effect since 1962 and had been able to pass examination could deteriorate so rapidly. Disregarding the possibility of fraud for the moment, one area that probably might be singled out for atten tion is the accounting system used. Accounting Systems Essential For the last several months in my meetings with bank ers I have generally raised the question on the accounting systems they use in their banks. Relatively few of the bankers seem aware of the strong criticism made by certi fied public accountants of the ways banks maintain their books. It is not uncommon for example to find a bank with its commercial lending operation on a cash basis while its installment loan operation is on an accrual basis. Though such a system has been tolerated in the past by bank supervisors and public accountants, it is recog nized that the resulting statements are misleading. Though I am not and have not been privy to how Public Bank kept its books I strongly suspect that it carried its installment loans on an accrual basis. This would over state earnings in at least two ways. It would indicate a “ profit” before it was earned and it would not give proper recognition to delinquencies. Deep in Consumer Loans A bank, such as Public, which plunged deeply into con sumer loans would present a distorted earnings picture ^ much more so than a bank whose installment operation had been in level operation for some time. The accounting firm of Touche Ross, after a limited review of Public Bank’s loans found that losses “would ^ exceed by a very substantial amount allowances by Public Bank.” It is true that with hindsight one may wish to further ponder the true meaning of the footnote (a) which ap peared at the bottom of the most recent statement of — Public Bank in Rand McNally’s Bank Directory. On the surface of the footnote is a logical explanation of an accounting change. Most bankers would not consider the bank’s statement y with footnote as indicating a distressed financial institu tion. True, the bank was under capitalized but what similar sized bank which had grown over $10 million in a six month period is not suffering from similar growth pains. Security of over $40 million of U. S. Government -< securities (including $11 million in U. S. guaranteed loans) seemed adequate to provide needed liquidity. Conclusion The failure of Public Bank, while very regrettable, is providing additional arguments to back bank supervisors in their attempts to strengthen our banking system. Reg ulation F and similar directives for large national banks are regulatory steps along the line of more meaningful v financial statements. Public Bank was neither a national nor Fed member and its size, though large by most stand ards, was not large enough to some under the public dis closure requirements. Yet, its failure is leading super- V visors to reappraise the consistency of the accounting sys tem of each supervised bank. Prudent bankers should examine their own banks’ ac counting system and be sure that they are in order. It is much better to make needed financial modifications T at one’s own initiative than being forced to by regulatory bodies.— End. Before coming to Bank Building Corporation, Mr. Donahue worked in the advertising departments at Lin D. E. Mosby, vice president-adver coln Engineering, division of the Mc tising and public relations of Bank Neil Corporation, and Garrison-WagBuilding and Equipment Corporation ner Company in St. Louis. of America, St. Louis, announces that Don V. Donahue has been named Record Highs for Mosler The Mosler Safe Company an public r e la tio n s nounced record nine months sales and director. Mr. Donahue, a earnings last month. Net income for the nine months University of Mis souri S ch o o l of period ending September 30, 1966 was Journalism grad $3,218,265, equivalent to $1.43 per uate, jo in e d the share, for an increase of 13.4 per cent co m p a n y as a over the net of $2,838,268 or $1.27 per copywriter in 1962 share for the same period last year. and was appoint Sales for the period rose 15.4 per cent D. V. DON AH U E ed assistant pub to $45,870,131 from $39,743,780 in the lic relations director in 1964. He is a similar period of 1965. The above results and comparisons member of BPRMA. Named PR Director for Bank Building Corporation B a n k e r , D e c e m b e r , 1966 Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis < include, for the respective periods, A, under a pooling of interest, operations of The American Bank Stationery Company and those of its whollyowned subsidiaries. On April 1, 1966, The American Bank Stationery Com pany was merged into The Mosler Safe Company. Bankers Trust Promotions George E. Beatty, Stuart M. Ensinger and Alan F. Rothmayer have been elected vice presidents of Bank ers Trust Company, New York, it was announced by William H. Moore, chairman of the board. Mr. Beatty is with the bank’s install ment loan division, Mr. Ensinger is with the pension trust division and Mr. Rothmayer is with the corporate agency division. -f w 47 The checking service you offer is just like any other bank’s. Mr. Robert E. Hamilton Senior Vice President Correspondent Banking Department Central National Bank In Chicago 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 □ Please send me more information on r e c -c h e k ™ service. □ Please have one of your correspondents call me right away about re c -c h e k service. Address Phone City___________ - State A n d , C e n t r a l N a tio n a l B a n k I n C h ic a g o w ill s h o w y o u h o w to e sta b lish a c o m p e titiv e a d v a n ta g e in a ttr a c tin g d e m a n d d e p o sits. This little coupon will bring you information on how you can offer rec -c h e k ™, the first really new hank service in a long time. It attracts the business you need the most — demand deposits. rec -c h e k means record checks. It is the first workable system by which you can print out auto matically complete money records for your farm, business and personal customers, from the infor mation on the checks themselves. In addition to his normal statement, your cus tomer gets (for a nominal fee) a comprehensive report containing periodic and year-to-date totals of expenditures by business or tax category. In r e c -c h e k is addition, he receives a Transaction Journal that lists each check and deposit by category number. U ie system is easily tailored to any customer’ s specific needs. rec -c h e k can be installed simply into your own data processing system or the entire processing of checks and reports can he handled for you by Central National Bank. Either way, it provides you with a customeroriented service that you can get nowhere else. If the “ Better Mouse Trap’' proverb is true, we expect you and others will beat a path to 120 South LaSalle Street. But, who will be first? available through Central National Bank In Chicago. Central National Bank In Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o rth w e s te rn Banker, D e c em b er, 1966 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS panel (left to right): George F. Engel, William H. Harrison, sr. v.p.’s; John B. Mitchell, pres.; William J. Chapman, Virgil F. Sassmann and J. Robert James, v.p.’s. BANKERS CHOOSE . . . (Continued from page 44) will remain dependent on the Federal Reserve discount window to meet fund outflows. This would place banking’s asset composition under the direct influence of Federal Reserve money managers.” If the Federal Reserve does not lower the ceiling under Regulation “Q” as interest rates fall elsewhere, Dr. Nadler predicted, the banks can once more become the fastest-growing financial institutions—able to attract enough money to allow them to pur sue lending and investing in a variety of areas. FOR BUSINESS IN MINNEAPOLIS OR ST. PAUL “ If the effectiveness of the rate ceil ing hobbles are thus removed, com mercial banking will again be able to serve as a major force providing com petition in the major capital markets,” Dr. Nadler added. “This competition, in turn, will serve to lower borrowing rates for mortgage buyers, installment borrow ers, state and local government bodies and corporate borrowers. “ But one new advantage that the banks will have in this new competi tion is likely to be that corporate customers will be more loyal to their banks and less willing to leave them for a slight rate advantage elsewhere than they were in 1960 to 1965.” ... where prime steaks get their nam e 1rs MORE CONVENIENT TO STAY IN THE MIDWAY Where ihe Twin Cities Meet TTUdwaij ROOM for K.C. steaks and roast beef . . . succulent, tender, charcoal broiled to your or der. For luncheon, dinner and late supper in down town ______ KANSAS CITY ] M O T O R LODGE c OR Twins M O T O R HOTEL Take your Pick — 2 Famous Restaurants and Cocktail Lounges — Mr. Joe’s and Inn of the Black Knight. 2 Swimming P ools— Indoor Heated Pool / Large Outdoor Pool and Patio. 230 Luxurious Guest Rooms and Suites — All Air-Conditioned, Radio and TV. Singles-?9.75 For (612) Prior St. Doubles-512.75 Twins-514.75 Reservations Phone 645-8681 or 645-0311 & University Avenues, Paul, Minn. 55104 o rFRASER th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized Nfor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in the Missouri hotel of d is tinction .. .the Phillips. 500 air-conditioned rooms with tub/show er, TV from $6.50 singles $10.75 double see your travel agent or call (816) GRand 1-5020 12th and Baltimore Kansas City, Mo. A 117-page manual on bank advertis ing, publicity, and sales promotion was released by First National Bank at its conference. The manual, prepared by C. Arthur Hemminger, vice president-public re lations, employs a loose-leaf format to permit future changes and additions. Twelve major topics are covered in sections separated by tabled dividers for easy reference. Advertising mediums discussed and evaluated are newspapers, radio and television, direct mail, outdoor, pre miums, novelties, window and lobby displays, exhibits and films. A copy of the excellently prepared and illus trated manual may be obtained from the bank. Executive Committee Member R. Crosby Kemper, .Jr., has been elected a member of the executive committee of Interstate Securities Company, Kansas City, replacing the late J. Frank Hudson. Mr. Kemper has been a director of Interstate Securities Company since 1964 and a director of the Old Security Insurance Companies, wholly owned subsidiaries of Interstate, since 1963. He is president of the City National Bank and Trust Company of Kansas City and chairman of the board of the Grand Avenue Bank and Trust Com pany of Kansas City. > v 'V A Dial Sells Debentures Dial Finance Company’s 6 V2 per cent senior debentures due January 15, 1972 reached the public market at par on November 16. The debentures are not redeemable before maturity and are rated A by Standard and Poor’s. The net proceeds received by Dial from the sale of the debentures will be added to the company’s general funds and will be used initially to reduce short-term debt. Dial is engaged in the consumer finance business and currently oper ates 315 offices in 33 states. Head quarters of the firm is in Des Moines. 4 A 49 Why should you use this coupon? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Richard B. Beal, Executive Director Foundation for Commercial Banks Philadelphia National Bank Building Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 I Dear Mr. Beal: I’m interested in becoming a member o f the Foundation. __ Please send complete information. ___ Enroll me as a member and bill me later. __ Enroll me as a member. Here is my check for $ __ ____ based on rate o f $10 per million o f deposits. Name-----------------------------------------------------------Title----------------Bank------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Address____________________________________________________ !_______________________________________________________ i See why on December 18th! .. . because th a t’s the big date o f the m ost spectacular national p rom otion in the history o f Full Service banking! T w o trem endous T V "firsts” that w ill pay o ff for you all year long. For the first time ever— the fabulous D r. Seuss com es to T V w ith the enchanting C h ristm as classic, "H o w the G rin ch Stole C h ristm a s” ! For the first time ever — the F ou ndation for C o m m ercia l Banks w ill be telling your Full Service banking story on national television, as full sponsor o f this exciting e v e n t—expected to bring your m essage to m ore than 45 million people! A n d this is just a part o f the F ou n d a tio n ’s year-round 1.8 m illion dollar cam paign w h ich includes dynam ic magazine adver tising in Life, Newsweek, Look and Time. Y o u can be a part o f this outstanding prom otion and help support the F oundation in this increasingly im portant advertising program . If y o u ’re not already a Foundation m em ber, start the N ew Y ear right. D o n ’t w a it—clip the coupon above and join your Foundation. Foundation for Commercial Banks N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 196 6 50 a n k e d 'i- A Best wishes for your happy season ♦ 4 4 y D B ob C a r l s o n ic k D ic k W eyrauch Parnell E d K a ra fax P at Bavin T H E C O R R E S P O N D E N T B A N K D IV IS IO N F IR ST N ATIO N AL B A N K H a n k <p th e k tp p je -i M id ,u > .e ii o r tFRASER h w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 DigitizedNfor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of M inneapolis M ember Federal D eposit Insurance Corporation r 51 Harry S. Muir Harry S. Muir, president of the First National Bank of Winnebago, died re cently. He was 81. Minnesota NEW S R. J. HUBBELL K. A . WALES President S e c re ta ry Feted on 40th Year S t. Paul M inneapolis Building Construction Starts Construction has begun on a new building for the State Bank of War ren. The new building, which will cost about $200,000, is scheduled for completion in about a year. H. A. Bustrack is president of the bank. Celebrate Anniversaries Several long-time anniversaries were celebrated in separate Minnesota com munities last month. The Oakley National Bank of Buf falo celebrated 80 years and the com pletion of a remodeling job. H. F. Dickson is executive vice president. At Chatfield, the Root River State Bank celebrated its 110th anniversary. George A. Haven, president of the bank, is celebrating his 61st year with the bank. The First State Bank of Fountain celebrated its 65th year and the 60th year of its president, Hiram Johnson. Sixty-five years was celebrated by the Triumph State Bank in Trimont with a public open house. Arthur Peterson is president of the bank. Cannon Falls Appoints William Sutherland has been named assistant vice president of the Secu rity State Bank and assumed his new position last month. He had been senior assistant bank examiner with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo ration. Recognized for 4-H Support Marvin Rye, executive vice presi dent of the State Bank of Conger, ac cepted recognition on behalf of the bank recently for outstanding support of the 4-H program. Bank of Welcome has been authorized to increase the amount of capital stock from $25,000 to $50,000 by sale of new stock. Mora Names Directors Peoples National Bank of Mora has announced the addition of two new members to the bank’s board. Elected were Russell Bergren, local farmer, and Robert Wurzl, area roofing con tractor. Director at Alexandria Shareholders of the First Farmers National Bank of Alexandria have ap proved the expansion of the bank’s board of directors from five to six. Dr. Donald Bongard was elected to fill the sixth position. Henry S. Swan, cashier of the Com mercial State Bank of Two Harbors, was honored last month on the com pletion of 40 years of service to the bank. He joined the bank in 1926, was elected assistant cashier in 1945 and cashier in 1955. Put On Industrial Board Two bankers have been elected to the board of directors of RockwellStandard Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. They are John J. Balles, vice president of Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Roy L. Reierson, senior vice president of Bankers Trust Company, New York. Named to Youth Board Edwin H. Mosler, Jr., director of Mosler Safe Company, has been pointed to serve as a member of New York City Youth Research stitute. the ap the In .Veir Unitili tiif fo r F or ifns Fulls THREE-DAY celebration marked plays of similar size for commercial the recent completion of the new customers. building for the First National Bank A mezzanine area houses bookkeep of Fergus Falls. Open house was held ing facilities and the directors’ room. each day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to Two drive-up teller windows, with permit the public to tour the building closed circuit television and pneumatic before banking business commenced tube service are provided on the north side of the building. Both stalls are at the new location. under shelter. Parking for 23 autos The 92- by 70-foot ground level cus also is available on the bank’s quartertomer area has a 12-foot wide arcade block space of ground. President of the 82-year-old bank is extending the full length of the build ing. Massive glass walls are on the Samuel F. Adams. Other officers are: south and west, with electrically oper Earl Grundei, executive vice president; ated drapes to close off the windows Samuel P. Adams, Jr., vice president when desired. A large room off the and assistant cashier; Rowan McAl lobby is big enough to accommodate lister, cashier; Elmer Froelich and N. a large automobile and any other dis- Rollie Lake, asssistant cashiers. A Elected to Board J. L. Larson, attorney, has been elected to the board of directors of the First National Bank of Sauk Centre. He succeeds Walter Kleinschmidt, who asked to be relieved as director, but will continue as executive vice presi dent and cashier. Increases Capital In recent action by the State Bank ing Department, the Welcome State Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW BUILDING for First National Bank, Fergus Falls. N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 52 Here’s a new microfilmer for the bank on the way up..... n o r t h w e s t e r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53 and up! B u ilt by K o d a k to K o d a k -q u a lity s ta n d a rd s , th e n ew R e c o r d a k R e l ia n t 4 0 0 M ic r o f iim e r is ru g g e d , d e p e n d a b le , a n d s u r p r is in g ly lo w in p r ic e . . . is id e a l fo r th e s m a lle r b a n k o r b ra n c h w h o s e v o lu m e is on th e w a y up. W ith th e b a s ic u n it (s h o w n at le ft) you ca n m o d e rn iz e y o u r m ic ro film in g o p e ra tio n s rig h t fro m th e s ta rt. A n d y o u ’re a ll s e t to u p g ra d e th e m s till m o re w ith “ a d d -o n ” a c c e s s o rie s (sh o w n b e lo w ) as y o u r n e e d s g ro w . A d d th e fa m e d R e lian t P re c is io n F e e d e r to th e R elian t 400 M ic r o fiim e r , fo r e x a m p le —a n d y o u a u to m a te its m ic ro film in g ra te at 400 c h e c k s p e r m in u te . A d d a R eco rd ak E n d o r s e r - a n d you can Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e n d o rs e o r fa c e -s ta m p c h e c k s a u to m a tic a lly as th e y a re m ic ro film e d . A d d a K odam atic in d e x e r and you ca n h ave th e film re c o rd in d e x e d as p a rt o f th e m ic ro film in g o p e ra tio n . G et an e x tra in te r c h a n g e a b le film u n it (c h o ic e o f re d u c tio n ra tio s — 20 and 32:1) and you a re a b le to s w itc h fro m one d e p a rtm e n ta l m ic ro film in g jo b to a n o th e r—even in m id -ro ll. B e st o f all, “ a d d -o n ” a c c e s s o rie s fo r th e R eliant 400 M ic ro fiim e r can be in s ta lle d on a w hen, as, and if n e e d e d basis. F or fu ll d e ta ils , w rite : E a stm an K o d a k C o m p a n y, B u s in e s s S y s te m s M a rk e ts D iv is io n , D e p t. 0 - 12, R o c h e s te r, N.Y. 14650. N o r t h w e s t e r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 54 W ILLIAM R. CHAPMAN, presi dent of the Midland National Bank, and Miss Downtown Minneap olis, Ginny Mondale, recently turned over the keys to the newly completed headquarters of Reliance Insurance Companies to Aivali C. Schuck, gen eral m an ager of the Minneapolis branch of Reliance. The “key” cere mony was the final event in the post construction tour just before the final move-in was completed. AT OPENING— Miss Mondale, William R. Chapman and Alvah C. Schuck. Due to its need for expanded facili ties, the Reliance branch has taken over the entire fifth floor of the Mid land Bank Building. Reliance has also increased its staff to 101 persons to service the 500 agents in the five up per midwest states served by the office. * * * A new educational filmstrip, The Economic Circle, will be used to im plement teaching the basic economic concepts of earning, saving and spend ing to Minneapolis and suburban ele mentary students. The 18-minute col or, sound filmstrip was produced by Paul Amidon and Associates for Farm ers and Mechanics Savings Bank. Designed for the primary grades, the filmstrip weaves into its story line N o FRASER r t h w e s t e r n Honker, D e c e m b e r , 1 9 6 6 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the economic choices in the areas of “earning, savings, spending.” Free distribution of the filmstrip to elementary schools participating in the school savings program with Farmers and Mechanics will be after the first of the year. Other schools may obtain the filmstrip at a nominal fee. * * * The First National Bank of Saint Paul recently held a series of noon hour shows on the main banking floor where youngsters ranging in age from 7 through 14 years demonstrated their artistic talents. * Miss Betty Ann Malcolm recently ad dressed the Inter-Club Council lunch eon meeting at the Women’s City Club of Saint Paul. Se is the newly ap pointed chairman of the Women’s Committee and member of the Gov ernor’s Commission on the Employ ment of the Handicapped. Miss Malcolm is an assistant cash ier of the Stock Yards National Bank of South St. Paul and vice chairman for the Minnesota Group, National As sociation of Bank Women. * * * Ray C. Anderson, executive secre tary and educational director of the Minneapolis AIB Chapter for the past six years, presided at the fall meeting of the Association of AIB Resident Secretaries held in Detroit, Mich., last month. Mr. Anderson was elected chairman of the Resident Secretaries group at the convention in San Diego last June. * * * The Saint Paul Chapter of AIB Women’s Committee last month spon sored a tour of the Indian Reservation and Industry in Onamia Minn. Ar rangements were in charge of Marian Klostermann, women’s chairman, and her committee. st= ♦ ♦ Two officers of The First National Bank of Saint Paul addressed national meetings of bank officials last month. Auditor Roger R. Palmer appeared be fore the NABAC annual convention in New Orleans and Assistant Vice President Charles L. Nesbitt addressed the annual meeting of the Bank Mar keting and Public Relations Association in Bal Harbour, Fla. * * * Four promotions at Northwestern National Bank of St. Paul have been announced by H. William Blake, presi dent. Eugene Jackels has been named auditor. Charles P. Driscoll, William A. Reeves and William G. Umphress have been named assistant cashiers. r ^ —End. C h ech S a vers E C K -S A V E R S carry mutilated CHand/or mis-encoded documents in unbroken audit trail through automatic sorter equipment. Because such processing becomes more and more sophisticated, now original documents inside Check Savers’ carriers can be microfilmed with excellent legibility. Photo-Lucent paper, a new, exclusive Check Savers development for such reproduction purposes, is available in a new line of Check Saver forms recently announced by Harold Wood, president of Check Savers, Inc. This newly developed Photo-Lucent paper is a perfection of the translu cent stock used in regular Check Sav ers. The improvement is obvious. Seen through Photo-Lucent Check Sav ers, all printing, encoding and writing on any check can be easily read. So any “encased” document can now be read and encoded on carrier, filed by account name by reading signature, and micro-filmed. Free samples of new Photo-Lucent Check Savers are available on request. Please specify type of encoding/sort ing equipment in which they may be used. Write: Check Savers, Inc., Dept. NB1, P. O. Box 329, Park Ridge, 111. 60068. ^ * v 55 Left to right: Jack Weber, John Ordos, Doug Johnson. J.V 11 SVSl C l 1IS g o . T h e right perigee.The right apogee. A n d the right answers to all your banking problems from Midland’s Jack W eber, John Ordos, and D oug Johnson. For transits, invest ments, credits, operations, collections, or any personal services— these Midland correspondents will adjust to your orbit. A nd fast. W h en you need space-age full service banking, give Midland a call. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE BANK WITH THE BIG WELCOME Midland National Bank o f Minneapolis Call 332-0511 401 Second Ave. So. • Minneapolis, Minn. 55440 M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 56 Minnesota News ------------------------------------------- N Your man At the American! ARTHUR A. HAESSIG Vice President BANKS and BANKERS To Our M any Friends in Banking . . . Best W ishes for a H ap p y H olid ay Season " The Largest Independent F u ll Service Bank in the Upper M id w e s t” AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY S even th and Robert S aint Paul 2 2 2 -6 6 6 6 M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance C orporation • Federal Reserve System Digitized Nfor o r FRASER th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PRESIDENT AND MRS. POHLAD were on hand to welcome Mayor and Mrs. Naftalin as Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis marked the completion of its remodeling program with a three-day open house. The Naftalins were among 30,000 people who toured the bank November 1, 2 and 3. In addition, the bank reports that thousands of visitors became bank customers as part of the bank’s special premium offer for new business. The remodeling program, which began 10 months ago, included all departments of the bank from the lower level safe deposit department to the bank’s quarters on the second floor. CHICAGO CONFERENCE . . . (Continued from page 42) Mr. Youngdahl said: In my opinion our greatest problem is inflation — present and prospective. Our future depends on slowing the inflationary upswing in our price structure. Em phasis now must be changed and other steps taken to correct this. In the past 12 months our monetary policy has been one of restraint while fiscal policy was vigorous the other way. A sound fiscal policy is our only source of additional restraint. Too little is known about the 1966-67 budget and it looks like at least a $10 billion deficit this year. Budget restraint of $10 bil lion in the next year would be a good target, since most of this can be done in non-defense spending. I am for a tax increase. I believe in getting this mainly from individuals by surcharge in the income tax, but would settle for a surcharge on both individuals and corporations. Recession is predicted by some, but our monetary policy has the leeway to ease, and the removal of the surcharge tax and the invest ment credit repeal can be done to off set recession. St. Paul Promotions Directors of The St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company have ad vanced three officers and elected a new one, company President Ronald M. Hubbs announced last month. Advanced were Carl B. Drake, Jr., to vice president and assistant to the president; Iwan J. Fertig to vice pres ident and comptroller, and Culver Davis to secretary. Kernel L. Armbruster, head of the insurance law department, was elected assistant sec retary. * Municipal Issues Increase Statistics just released by the In vestment Bankers Association of America in its quarterly Municipal Statistical Bulletin show that $8.4 bil lion of municipal bonds have been issued in the first nine months of 1966. Borrowing during the third quarter in the face of an extremely tight money market was over $300 million less than the previous year. Reoffer ing yields continued to rise in the third quarter and reach levels not seen since the early 1930’s. The trend was reversed in September for Aaa and Aa rated issues, however the yields for A and Baa rated issues continue to rise. Seven states each issued bonds total ing more than $100 million in the third quarter. California was the largest issuer with $314 million followed by New Jersey with $211 million, and V-. Minnesota News Kentucky with $196 million. For the first three quarters of 1966 California was the largest issuer of bonds for education with $353 million, New Jersey led in issues for transpor tation with $179 million, and California led in bond issues for utilities and con servation with $446 million. The Bank of America, San Fran cisco, was the leading underwriting manager for the third quarter with management credit of $181 million For the year-to-date, however, First National City Bank of New York con tinues as leading manager with a three quarter volume of $763 million. After the very heavy slate of the first two quarters, the volume of fin ancing up for voter approval declined in the third quarter. Thus far in 1966 voters have approved future bond issues of over $1.6 billion for elemen tary and secondary schools and $1.2 billion for water and sewer systems. For all uses, voters have approved bond issues of over $3.9 billion in the first nine months. According to IBA statistics, as of October 1 of this year bond elec tions that were scheduled for the month of November exceeded two bil lion dollars. The $8.4 billion in bonds for the first three quarters is up $69 million over the same period of 1965. Receives “ NABAC Key” Arthur C. Suhrbier, auditor of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, re ceived the highest award NAB AC. The Association for Bank Audit, Control and Oper ation, can confer on a banker—the NABAC Key. The p r e s e nt a tion was made at the - closing ban quet of NABAC’s A. C. SU H R B IE R 42nd annual con vention in New Orleans by NABAC President Walter C. Mercer, who is also executive vice president of the Ohio National Bank, Columbus. Mr. Suhrbier is the 22nd person to receive the Key in the 42-year history of NABAC. The Key is presented for excellence in service to the banking industry. In making the award, Mr. Mercer said presentation of the Key proves the recipient “has devoted much of his time and talent to the furtherance of his profession, has given unselfishly of his abilities, has supported our col lective efforts towards progress in the banking industry, and has helped Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis train those who will succeed us in the years ahead.” Mr. Mercer cited Mr. Suhrbier’s many activities for NABAC, as presi dent of the Chicago chapter, as na tional president in 1960-61, as an instructor at the NABAC School, as a speaker and chairman of various meet ings, and as a member of the special task force working on the chartered bank auditor program. “Regardless of what he has been asked to do,” Mr. Mercer declared, “he has ever been willing to serve. No trip, no speaking assignment, no special task, has been too burdensome for him to undertake. He has been willing to go anywhere, and serve on any group, if it helped banking, his chosen field of auditing, or NABAC.” A record attendance of 2,400 bankers and their wives were at the three-day convention. 57 ------------------------- N Your man At the American! First Wisconsin Promotions First Wisconsin National Bank has named two new assistant vice presi dents and six new assistant cashiers. Promoted to assistant vice president from assistant cashier were E. Wayne Sams, manager of electronic data proc essing (EDP) systems and program ming, and Edward R. Claussen, man ager of clerical operations supervision. Named assistant cashiers were Ed ward J. Burkholz, Thomas A. Glomski, Jr., John W. Menard, Steve A. Pavleje, Jack P. Reiners and Glenn A. Solsrud. NASSB Executive Committee J. F. M. Slade, newly-elected presi dent of the National Association of Supervisors of State Banks, has an nounced the appointment of executive committee members. Officers elected at the association’s recent convention, held in Salt Lake City, are: President Slade, superintendent of banks, Oregon; first vice president, Marvin A. Bryan, superintendent of banks, Tennessee; second vice presi dent, Philip Hewes, bank commission er, Connecticut; third vice president, Harry Bloom, state bank commission er, Colorado, and secretary-treasurer, Raymond H. Wesner, deputy commis sioner of banking, New Jersey. The chairman of the executive com mittee and the immediate past presi dent is William E. Nuesse,. Wiscon sin’s commissioner of banks. Appointed members of the 12 geo graphic divisions are: John B. Hynes, Massachusetts; Frank Wille, New York; G. Allen Patterson, Pennsyl vania; John D. Hospelhorn, Maryland; W. M. Jackson, Georgia; Dick Simpson, DONALD H. JOHNSON Assistant Vice President BANKS and BANKERS To Our M any Friends in Banking . . . Best W ishes for a H ap p y H olid ay Season "77ie Largest Independent F u ll Service Bank in the Upper M id w e s t " AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY S even th and R obert Saint Paul 222-6666 M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance C orporation • Federal Reserve System N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r. 1966 58 Minnesota News -------------------------------------------- s Your man At the American! DigitizedN for o r t FRASER h w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Arkansas; Charles D. Slay, Michigan; Charles McCall, Illinois; Herman Lerdal, South Dakota; J. O. Wilson, Kan sas; Franklin J. Stowell, Arizona, and Jack C. Hood, Washington. Messrs. Hynes, Wille, Jackson, Mc Call and Lerdal are newcomers to the executive committee. Robert Morris Officers At its Annual Fall Conference busi ness session in Houston last month, Robert Morris Associates installed its new officers for 1966-67: President—D. Rice Longaker, vice president, The Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.; First Vice President—James H. Styers, sen ior vice president, Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, Winston-Salem, N. C., and Second Vice President— Lloyd A. Birnson, president, The Arizona Bank, Phoenix. Also installed at the meeting were four new directors who will serve three-year terms. They are John J. Fawley, vice president, First Pennsyl AG CREDIT CONFERENCE . . . (Continued from page 37) fast-m oving trends in agriculture you m ust get out on the farm s. —farmer. I f w e are to g et accurate inform ation fo r our credit decision, it m ust be based 07i coynplete record s, n ot gu essw ork . —ban ker. W e as bankers are su b ject to criti cism fo r n ot show ing our custo?ners w hat w e n eed in the w ay o f records. —banker. I f y o u cannot provid e our credit 7ieeds, w e w ill find som eon e w ho can. — farmer. W e will have no trou b le if w e are ready, w illing and able to give the am ount and ty p e of help our cu s tom ers need, stop blaming the farm er, and put the resp on sibility w h ere it belongs— in y o u r office.—banker. vania Banking & Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa.; Charles V. Lane, senior vice president and secretary, Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse, N. Y.; Charles T. McGarraugh, vice president, Northwestern National Bank, Minne apolis Minn., and Howard W. Rathbun, first vice president, First National Bank, San Jose, Cal. Firm Donates Computer Hawkeye-Security Insurance Com pany presented a Univac SS 80 com puter to Drake University at cere monies held at the company’s head quarters in Des Moines and attended by company and university officials. The computer will be moved to the Drake campus later this year. It is already available to Drake faculty for research and analysis work. At the university the computer will be used primarily as a research and teaching tool, and will supplement a less sophisticated computer now on campus. A most important part of the con ference were the workshop sessions devoted to a variety of subjects rang ing from Community Development to Agricultural Data Processing to Cor respondent Agribanking. Bankers were assigned to specific sessions and rooms were filled to overflowing. In fact, some took in the information from standing positions in the halls outside the rooms. Bankers from across the country acted as discussion leaders in the workshops. Success of their efforts could be gauged by the ensuing dis cussions which took place between bankers in the lobby of the Leaming ton during free time. Speaking at the Ag Conference ban quet was The Honorable George Mc Govern, United States Senator from South Dakota. BANK FUNDS FOR AN EXPANDING AGRICULTURE was the title of this panel’s discussion. Panel members are: Linton C. Lull, pres., The Smith County State Bank, Smith Center, Kan.; Edward M. Norman, moderator, pres., First Natl., Clarksville, Tenn.; William W. Phillips, Jr., pres., The American Natl. Bk., Beaumont, Texas; and C. P. Moore, sr. v.p., The Great Falls Natl. Bk., Great Falls, Mont. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m ong th e mw e a re th a n k fu lfo r a t th is tim e a n d a il th rou gh th e yea r is th e p rivileg e o f servin g you a n d you r ban k. W e a re g ra te fu l fo r th e la stin g frien d sh ip s w e h ave m ade. M on g w ith ou r gra titu d e, w e sen d you ou r sin cere w ish es fo r a m ost p lea sa n t M olid a y S ea son -a n d th e b lessin gs o f g ood h ea lth an d g ood ch eer in th e com in g yea r. President C. BERNARD JACOBS Vice Presidents ANDREW BOSS PATRICK W. COLBERT, JR ROBERT M. WARZETHA Assistant Vice President DONALD M. JERPBAK Cashier DONALD L. GUIMONT Assistant Cashiers ROLF F. BJELLAND LOIS M. JOHNSEN WILLIAM E. MacDONALD ERNEST J. TAYLOR DENNIS H. VAN HEEL NATIONAL CITY TRAVEL CENTER MICHAEL A. KAJU, Manager 60 and carpeting put down and the ser vice areas were rearranged. Soul li Dakota E. P. Theim E. F. Theim, 83, died last month in Pierre. He was formerly president of the First National Bank in Pierre and was a member of the bank’s board of directors at the time of his death. NEW S i . S. HOLDHUSEN P resident Ipsw ich R. W . TERWILLIGER S e cre ta ry Huron Y Continental Promotes Five Colman Bank Remodeled The Dakota State Bank of Colman is back doing busines in its building. S The bank had moved out for a time while the building was being remod eled. Walls were paneled, a new floor \ f G"etin eciSon j O J STAN EV A N S President JO H N r\ H AVER V.P. ED N EW EL L A.V.P. Directors of Continental Illinois Na tional Bank and Trust Company, Chi cago, have promoted five officers and elected five others. In Continental’s commercial bank ing department, John L. Hines was promoted from second vice president to vice president. Elected second vice presidents from assistant cashiers were Philip M. Lewin and George O. Podd, Jr. John H. Woods was named assistant cashier. In the trust department, James R. Nolan moved from trust officer to second vice president and Gabe W. Burton was advanced from assistant secretary to trust officer. Max Katz and T. Webb Sexton, Jr., were appointed assistant cashiers in the bond department. In the international banking de partment, John P. Weaver was made assistant cashier. Emil E. Schuster was elected as sistant cashier in the operating de partment. l « * t Jr 50th Year at 1st of Chicago J IM M c G IL L A.V.P. M ALCO LM E R IC K S O N Cashier BEN H OLTDO RF A.V.P. Samuel Sachnoff, assistant vice pres ident in the municipal bond depart ment of The First National Bank of Chicago, marked his 50th anniversary with the bank November 13. Y K Evans Named Treasurer C L IF F D A H L A.C. & Aud. R. M. M c G R E G O R A.C. G. M U L L IN S A.C. CWb*. G. E. SEUBERT A.C. I GARY H ARW ARD A.C. L IV E STO C K NATIONAL SBANK IO U X C IT Y N o r for t h wFRASER e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis William F. Evans has been elected treasurer of Bankers Security Life In surance Society, Leslie P. Schultz, president, has an nounced. Mr. Evans was previously treas urer for Liberty L i fe I n s ur a nc e Company, Green ville, South Caro lina, and served on its operations and i n ve s t m e n t committees. The new treas urer will be responsible for the So ciety’s overall accounting and invest ment operations and the functions of the comptroller. Bankers Security is a member of the Financial General Corporation in surance group. V J V T; 61 Celebrates 8 0 Years North Dakota NEW S A . A . MAYER P resident Bismarck W . J. DANER S e c re ta ry Bismarck . A y C redit C on feren ce The Agricultural Committee of the North Dakota Bankers Association has announced program details for the NDBA Fifth Annual Agricultural Credit Conference. Dates for the con ference are December 8-9 at the Oak Manor Lodge in Fargo. O. V. Stenehjem, vice president of the First International Bank at Wat ford City and chairman of the NDBA Agricultural Committee, has requested that reservations be submitted as soon as possible. The conference program includes a discussion of the Uniform Commercial Code and its application. Program for the business session is as follows: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 196(5 tivity and Management, Peter H. Wasche, Wascvhe Agricul tural Service; Past President of North Dakota Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 10.4511:45 “A Second Agricultural Revolu tion,” Sister M. Thomas More OSF, Professor of History, Holy Family College, Manitowoc, Wis. Luncheon P.M. 12:151:30 Presiding: A. A. Mayer, Presi dent, NDBA Guest Speaker: U. S. Congress man Mark Andrews, “Washing ton D. C. and the North Dakota Agri-Banker” A.M. Afternoon Sessions 8 : 00- Presiding: Ray Skorheim, First National Bank, Minot, N. Dak. 9:00 Registration Oak Manor Lobby Morning Sessions P.M. A.M. 2: 00- Presiding: O. V. Stenehjem, Chairman, NDBA Agri. Com mittee, First I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bank, Watford City, N. Dak. 8:55 Remarks: A. A. Mayer, Presi dent, NDBA; President Dakota National Bank, Bismark, N. Dak. 9:009:15 Tri-State Agricultural Institute; A. M. Severson, President, Graf ton National Bank, Grafton, N. Dak. 9:1510:00 Uniform Commercial Code and Its Effect on Farm Lending; G. M. Johnson, President, First National Bank, Minot, N. Dak. 2:45 Fred D. Sobering, Extension Economist, NDSU; Farm Credit Analysis 2.453:15 N. D. Livestock Development Committee, Ray Schnell, Presi dent, N. Dak. Livestock Associa tion 3:153:45 Factoring the Formula for Farm Financing, Richard C. Crockett, Executive Vice President, GNDA 5:006:15 Social Hour, Royal Room 6:308:30 Banquet — Presiding, Roy H. Johnson, Vice President, West Fargo State Bank Speaker: O. Robert Gadberry, Vice President and Trust Officer, Fourth National 10: 00- 10:15 Coffee Break 10:1510:45 Real Estate, Its Value, Produc Ihe National Bank { OF SOUTH DAKOTA Member o f Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f C O R SIC A HURON PLATTE P R E SH O V E R M IL L IO N The First National Bank of Oakes last month celebrated 80 years of ser vice to the community. An open house for the public was held in the bank. The bank was opened for business on November 16, 1886, and chartered under the laws of the Territory of the Dakotas. In 1902 the bank was con verted to a national bank. Glenn V. Dill is president of the bank. Capital structure is $260,000. Branch Approved The American National Bank of Valley City has received approval from the Comptroller to establish a branch at Tower City. K. B. Cummings, president of the bank, stated that a permanent location has been chosen, but the branch will open as soon as suitable temporary quarters can be arranged. Marks Anniversary The Citizens First National Bank of Wahpeton last month celebrated its 75th anniversary with a public open house. Refreshments were served and roses were presented to some of the ladies. Named President Directors of the Liberty National Bank and Trust Company in Dickinson have elected A. J. Martin, Buffalo, S. Dak., president. He has been on the board of the bank since 1955 and chair man since 1964. Mr. Martin is also president of The Bank of Rhame and vice president of the First National Bank of Hettinger. Hold Livestock Forum Over 180 ranchers, farmers and Fu ture Farmers of America attended the Third Annual Livestock Forum in Williston, sponsored by the American State Bank of Williston and the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association. According to Lyle Sorum, assistant vice president of the bank, speakers included Bennett Hauenstein, assist ant vice president, First National Bank of Chicago, a rancher, a repre sentative of the packing industry, and several other outstanding authorities on livestock. W E S S IN G T O N SPR IN G S S IO U X F A L L S M a in a t 8th S . M in n e so ta at 33rd E . 10th at O m ah a Affiliated with F IR ST B A N K STOCK CORPORATION N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 62 A M ontam i Your man At the American! T R U M A N PORTER R epre sentative B A N K S and B A N K E R S To Our M any A. S. BRUBAKER P resident R. C. W ALLACE S e c re ta ry T e rry Plan Bank Merger As p r e v i o u s l y in the anker, shareholders of the First National Bank of Butte and the Daly National Bank of Ana conda have ratified action of the boards of directors of the banks ap proving an agreement for consolida tion of the two banks. According to Irving H. Bolitho, pres ident of The First National Bank of Butte, this clears the way for a deci sion by the Comptroller of the Cur rency. Mr. Bolitho will be chairman of the consolidated bank and Lowry Kunkel, president of the Daly National Bank, will be president and chief ex ecutive officer. The consolidated First Nat i onal Bank will be a subsidiary of the Northwest Bancorporation as the Daly National Bank has been heretofore. N reported o rthw estern for a H ap p y H olid ay Season " The Largest Independent F u ll Service Bank in the Upper M id w e s t” B Bank Officials Sentenced Donald C. Taylor, a former Great Falls National Bank vice president and controller, has been sentenced to serve two concurrent two-year prison terms after he pleaded guilty to charges of misapplication of $47,794 and embezzlement of $6,179 from the Great Falls bank. In similar action, Mrs. Caroly Arland, an employee for 10 years and head teller for three years at the First State Bank in Shelby, was given a provisional two-year sentence. She pleaded guilty to embezzling $6,500 from the Shelby bank. Celebrate oO Years AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY S even th and Robert S aint Paul 2 2 2 -6 6 6 6 M e m b e r F e de ra l D e p o s it In s u ra n c e C o rp o ra tio n • F e de ra l R e serve S yste m o r t hFRASER w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 DigitizedN for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N Helena Friends in Banking . . . Best W ishes r\ NEWS A staff party was held recently to honor S. Fred Martin, vice president and cashier of the First National Bank of Butte, w h o c o m p l e t e d 50 years of service with the bank on December 1. Mr. Martin, a natWe of Butte, has worked in all d e p a rt m e n ts of the bank during his tenure. He was named an as S. F. M A R T IN sistant cashier in 1951 and moved up the ladder to his present position in 1962. In 1965, he was also elected to the bank’s board of directors. L To Head Glendive Bank T. A. (Tully) Vashus has been ad vanced from executive vice president to president of the First National Bank, Glendive, to succeed the late John F. Sterhan. Ted Sell, vice president, was e l ec te d to the board, along with John F. Sterhan, Jr., and Carolyn Bogart. Mr. Vashus, 49, is a native of T. A. VASHUS Glendive. He be came affiliated with the First National in 1948, and was named executive officer upon the death of the late G. P. Drowley, then president, in 1955. He is a graduate of the School of Banking at the University of Wash ington in Seattle, and in 1962 attended a summer session for senior bank offi cers held at Harvard University in Boston. He holds a certificate in ad vanced accounting from IAS, Chicago, and in credit and financial analysis Finn anrl V *4- A >- A P i r n <i Q t r P P t i Suit Asks Court to Halt Merger of Montana Banks A suit has been filed by Albert E. Leuthold, Montana superintendent of banks, and two Butte banks asking a Federal Court to bar Acting Comp troller of the Currency William B. Camp from approving a merger they claim violates Montana’s law against branch banking. The proposed merger is between First National Bank, Butte, and Daley National Bank, Anaconda, as reported on earlier. Daley National is an affil iate of Northwest Bancorporation. The two banks claim a 1933 state law permits merged banks to continue operating both locations after the mer ger. y V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SEASON'S GREETINGS from Kent Olin, Don Ferrel, George Alff, Terry Ryan and all the folks at Denver U.S. ' t h a t 's t h e b a n k f o r m y m o n e y ! DENVER U.S N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 b4 diameter at the base to nine feet in diameter at the roof. Each column weighs approximately five tons. One of the most unique features of the bank is the completely landscaped mall at the front. The bank, which first opened its doors in July, 1963, showed total as sets of more than $8 million on the September 20 call report. 4 k Joins Colorado Springs Bank The appointment of Lee G. Fisher to assistant manager of the mortgage loan department of the Central Colo rado Bank in Colorado Springs has been announced by Winford Griffin, president. Mr. Fisher was formerly with Kassler & Company of Denver. THIS FLOAT, “ Montana Trail Portraits by Charles M. Russell,” won first place and $300 in the 19(56 Western Days Parade. The float included three life-sized reproductions of paintings by the famous western artist. W in s S ecom l of Midland National EMPLOYEES Bank, Billings, have found that winning parade float contests pay off in a big way. The bank’s first major entry was in 1964 when the employees designed and built a replica of “Josephine,” the steamboat that one time paddled the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers to the present site of Billings. This year the employees again worked together to build a float en titled “Montana Trail Portraits by Charles M. Russell.” The float in cluded three real-life reproductions of F C on test the famous western artist’s most popu lar paintings. Both floats won first prize in local parades which drew thousands of viewers and front page publicity. And each first prize was accompanied by a $300 cash award which the employees used to buy paintings by Billings’ ar tists for permanent display in the bank lobby and lunch room. Each float took about 600 man-hours to build and cost approximately $500 for materials. Nearly half of the Mid land Bank staff of 130 employees pitched in to work on the floats. C o lo r a d o W y o m in g .\e w s Appointed by ABA Harley N. Patton, Jr., vice president of the Central Bank and Trust Com pany and manager of its installment loan department, has been reappointed as a member of the Advisory Board to the American Bankers Association Installment Credit Committee for the Tenth Federal Reserve District. W y o m in g N ew s J. W . H A y , JR. Rook Springs President W yom ing Bankers A ssociation Wins TV Set L. M. VanderStowe, executive vice president of First National Bank in Golden, won a portable television set awarded by the Bancardchek Division of First Financial Marketing Group of Boston for guessing the total number of dollars in Bancardcheks in a gold fish bowl. The contest was conducted at the Bancardchek display booth at the re cent American Bankers Association convention in San Francisco. The to tal figure was $1,970, which, according to Arthur R. Greene, First Group pres ident, symbolizes the fact that Ban cardchek is the checks of the 1970’s. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1966 Mr. VanderStowe, who has been with First National in Golden since 1958, was previously with Valley State Bank in Rock Valley, Iowa, where he started his banking career in 1941, and was later with Security National Bank, Sioux City, Iowa. Open New Building; Grand opening ceremonies for the new Aurora National Bank Building were held last month, according to Edward F. Hanifen, president of the bank. The new building features 11 tee shaped columns flaring from a 10-inch V A A Bank Presents Awards Ray Faure, executive vice president of the Security State Bank, Basin, presented checks totaling $50 last month to three families for having the most improved homes in the city. The checks were presented at a meet ing of the Basin Woman’s Club. Periodic inspections were made by three judges of the homes and yards during the past summer to determine the winners. Centennial Medallion NEIL F. ROBERTS Denver President C olo rad o Bankers Assn. A All four Cheyenne banks are now selling the official Cheyenne Centen nial Medallion, proceeds of which will be used to promote the Centennial in 1967. Priced at $15 each, the medal lions will be sold on a first come, first served basis until the 15,000 coins are sold. A i New Director at Casper Thomas F. Stroock has been elected a director of the Security Bank and Trust Campany in Casper, filling the vacancy created by the death of H. Pete Nagel. Mr. Stroock, 41, is the senior partner of Stroock and Rogers, oil and gas brokers and producers, Casper, a director of Great Plains Life Insurance Co., and vice president of the Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas As sociation for Wyoming and South Dakota. He was recently elected to the Wyoming Senate on the Republi can ticket. V r 65 Another graduate o f the CNB Correspondent Banking Training Program By Gene Huitman, Vice President, Correspondent Banking Speaking o f training, no one knows Gene Hultman, V. P. more about the subject than Hap Angelo. With three degrees and a distinguished business and financial teaching career (U. o f Michigan, the Am os Tuck School o f Dartmouth College and the U. o f C olorado) behind him, he joined CNB in 1963 as VP and Director o f E conom ic Research. N ow he’ s Cashier and in charge o f our computer program and the Operations Department. So we’re ready to admit that he’ s completed his “ on-the-job-training” and more qualified than ever to help you with your correspondent Harold Angelo, VP o f Operations banking needs. So are scores o f Our training program takes a other tried and true banking while. But when we say a man s § specialists at CNB. ready to help you . . . he’s ready. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... D , , , I CN B! Ml COLORADO NATIONAL BANK T he “ B a n k T h at L ooks L ike A B a n k .” 17th and C h a m p a . M embers F .D .I.C . N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 66 wm^rn * . „ # T ' je A ' '» ! Farm Factory, U. S. A. Another bumper crop has been harvested.. .the eleva tors are bulging, and large numbers o f cattle have moved from the range to the feedlot. This is."F arm Factory, U .S.A.” ...the most efficient and productive in the world. To build and run this modern agricultural plant, in creasingly greater cash flows and bigger investments have been required. This means sound and constructive fin an cin g.. .and we’re proud o f our close association with the banks and bankers who have supplied the credit for farmers and ranchers in this area. In the year ahead, you’ll find the depth of our sup port confirms our sincerity in wishing for you and the customers you serve... a most successful and prosperous New Year. M e m be r, o rFRASER t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 Digitized Nfor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal D e p o sit In s u ra n c e C o rp o ra tio n 67 activities in connection with the anni versary are being deferred until the remodeling is completed. The new project involves remodeling of the Falk Building on Main Street. It will be the third home for the Bank of Brainard since it was founded Novem ber 18, 1886. Nebraska NEWS THOM AS J. ARON President HARRIS V. OSTERBERG Exec. V.P. C rete Approval to Move Omaha Earl C. Burdic Funeral services were held last month in Norfolk for Earl C. Burdic, 79, a well-known civic leader in Nor folk for many years. Mr. Burdic was associated with his father in the Plat eau State Bank in his home town of Herman until 1932. At that time he entered the real estate business at Norfolk. He is a past president of the Nebraska Realtors and Norfolk Cham ber of Commerce. Among survivors are his widow, Maude, and a son, Eugene W. Burdic, president of Malvern Trust & Savings Bank, Malvern, Iowa. Occupy New Building The First National Bank in Atkin son opened for business November 21 in its new building, according to Leo T. Adams, executive vice president. Formal opening c e r e m o n ie s were slated for a later date in the near fu ture. George Miles Funeral s e r v ic e s were held last month for George Miles, 76, at Stockham. He was a former cashier of the Cedar Rapids State Bank at Cedar Rapids, Neb. Plattsmouth Bank Opens building. Construction was to be com pleted December 1. The added space will allow for a new directors’ room as well as other services. Wauneta Directors Woodrow S. Moody and Russel E. Polly have been elected to the board of directors at the Wauneta Falls Bank, Wauneta. Other directors are Wiley Green, president of the bank; his father, John W. Green, and R. E. Cocklin. A. W. Hoff, 73, a long-time director of the Wauneta Falls Bank, died ast month. Plan Brainard Remodeling Remodeling of the Bank of Brain ard is being undertaken at this time, according to Charles Novak, president, and Louis F. Novak, cashier. The two brothers have operated the bank since 1928, when they purchased con trolling interest. The 80th anniversary of the bank was observed last month with an open house at which souvenirs were pre sented to all visitors. Other special The FDIC last month granted ap proval to the Bank of Valentine to move from 205 North Main Street in Valentine to 402 North Main Street, according to Willard Lynch, executive vice president. Federal Reserve Report Nebraska banks who are members of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kan sas City had total assets on Septem ber 20, 1966, of $1,875,591,000, a gain of more than $120,383,000, IVz per cent, according to the November report re leased by the Federal Reserve Bank. The 139 member banks in Nebraska had total loans, including federal funds sold, of $975,350,000, a gain of $75,216,000 over the October 13, 1965, report ing date. Deposits showed a gain of $90,361,000 to a new high of $1,665,029,000. This included a drop of $10,747,000 in demand deposits from indi viduals and businesses, and a gain in time and savings deposits of $80,427,000 to a total of $561,584,000. The only other decrease noted in the figures released was a drop of $23,707,00 in U. S. Government obliga tions, which totaled $267,979,000 on September 20, 1966. Nebraska Governor Familff The newly-chartered Cass County Bank began operations last month in a mobile trailer unit while its bank building is under construction at 2020 West Holdrege Street, Plattsmouth. Officers are John Van Horne, presi dent; Robert H. Stillinger, executive vice president, and David J. Duey, cashier. Mr. Van Horne is also presi dent of Van Horne Investments, Inc., Omaha. Kiwanis President Lee Sage, cashier of the Security National Bank, Superior, was elected last month as president of the Supe rior Kiwanis Club. Expansion at Valentine The First National Bank, Valentine, is expanding its present banking quar ters by 916 additional square feet of floor space at the back of its present Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE NEW FIRST FAMILY of Nebraska is the Tiemanns from Wausa, Nebr., where N. T. Tiemann is president of the Commercial State Bank. The picture above was taken by the N orthwestern B anker, when Mr. Tiemann was elected president of the Nebraska Bankers Association in May, 1964. The four Tiemann children are two years older now and even more handsome, and their father is now Governor-elect of the State of Ne braska. He will be sworn into office for a four-year term (the first to hold the extended term) in January. Left to right, are: N. T. “Nobby” Jr., 11; Mary Katherine, 13; Mrs. (Lorna) Tiemann; Governor Tiemann; Amy Eileen, 6, and Lorna Christine, 8. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 68 Il inah a News (Ivan is cashier of The First State Bank in Scottsbluff) selected October 28-30 as their weekend in Omaha. Included in the prize were: Bridal suite accommodations in one of Oma ha’s newest motels; unlimited week a end use of a 1967 Mustang; tickets and transportation to the Nebraska-Mis souri football game; all meals for the three days at Omaha’s finest restau K 4 X T E N S IV E remodeling of the that this is a long awaited dream of all South Omaha Stockyards Bank its employees and with the complete was announced last month by Donaldnew appearance it will provide addi tional space in all areas of the bank. J. Murphy, president, and the board Completion plans are scheduled for of directors. He said the W. Boyd Jones Company bid was accepted and late spring or early summer. * * * signed for plans that call for a new front entrance and a complete revamp Mrs. Lucy Gunderson of Lake Platte ing of the inside of the bank. View, Waterloo, Neb., won the $500 Changes will include a complete scholarship offered during First Na new teller counter and rearrangement tional’s “ Salute to Education” promo of officers’ desks. The inside furnish tion. Seated awarding the prize is ings and decor have been carefully Harry W alker II, who recently came chosen to provide a restful but not to First National Bank from the Wells monotonous atmosphere. The bank’s Fargo Bank in Sacramento. Mrs. Gunderson and her husband, management followed a pattern of keeping the best of the old while add Frank S. Gunderson, d iv id e d the ing the best in new facilities. With money equally between their two the complete renovation of the pres grandsons, Mark A . Schere, 12 years ent banking quarters and the new en old, and Scott D. Sphere, 8, of Cres trance into the bank, it will bring a cent, Iowa, to start their college fund “new look into the heart of the stock- with a savings account from First yards” and should be well accepted by National Bank of Omaha. * * the bank’s customers, Mr. Murphy Last spring at the Nebraska Bank said. To further enhance the beauty of the area a large planter will grace ers Association convention The United States National Bank held a sweepthe opening. With the merger of the South Oma stakes drawing in its hospitality room. ha Bank and the Stock Yards National The prize, a “Wonderful Weekend in Bank, limited space has created its Omaha” for two, was won by Mrs. problems and Mr. Murphy remarked Faye Troy of Scottsbluff. The Troys E NEW ENTRANCE for South Omaha Stockyards National. N o FRASER r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4. 4, FAYE and Ivan Troy accept keys to their Mustang from Howard W. Nieisen, a.v.p. of U. S. Natl. Bank. rants; free barber and beauty shop services; theater tickets; flowers, cham pagne; breakfast in bed; etc., etc. On hand to welcome the Troys were Howard W . Nielsen, assistant vice president of U. S. National’s corre spondent bank division, and Robert 1). Satrapa, assistant vice president and advertising manager, who handled the arrangements. * * Donald J. M urphy, president, South Omaha Stockyards National Bank, with the assistance of Miss “ Sunny” Durham, this year’s Queen of Ak-SarBen, presented to Newell & Oberg Ranch, Agate, Neb., a trophy for the latter’s exhibit of the grand champion calves at Omaha’s Annual Calf Show. As a service to the livestock industry and to help encourage breeding of su perior cattle, each year’s winner will receive a replica of the large trophy. The large trophy is on display in the lobby of the bank and will have each year’s winner’s name engraved on it. * * * Roy N. Crosley, charged with rob bing the United States National Bank of $3,489 June 17, was found guilty by a jury in Federal Judge Richard E. Robinson’s court last month. Senten cing was deferred to a later date. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69 M en do not often take the opportunity to put aside the affairs of business and lift their eyes to the larger view. When the time presents itself we realize how fortunate we are in having many good friends and associates throughout the Midwest. W e hope that each and every one of you be blessed with the peace and jo y of Christmas all year long! Omaha National TH E BANK N o r th w e s te r n B a n k e r, D e c e m b e r, 1966 70 Nebraska News M iniature M od el T Given Mil/ Mtiinh THE HALF-SIZE 1910 Model “ T” Ford shown here with Nancy C. Allis, teller for The First National Bank of Omaha, was utilized for promotional work in connection with the First Charge Department of the hank. It was left on display in various shopping cen ters with leading First Charge merchants throughout the city of Omaha. Over 5,000 entries were submitted in one weekend alone in the drawing for the winner of the car. The drawing was held last month. Sixty-one members of the United National Bank staff recently completed the Action Course in Practi cal Politics offered by the bank. The course is sponsored by the United States Chamber of Commerce. These 61 men and women bring to 89 the number of U. S. National employees States t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 Digitized Nforo rFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis who have completed the course, the largest total among other Omaha-area banks. A pilot course was held earlier to stimulate interest among officers and supervisors. Response to the offered course was so great that four discussion groups were established, using “graduates” of the pilot course as instuctors. In structors for the four sections were: Robert W . Hasebroock, vice president; George E . W inslade, vice president and trust officer; Gary F. Sibert, as sistant vice president, and W illiam E . Clark, assistant cashier. The program will be conducted again next year, a bank official an nounced. * * * Following the regular November board of directors’ meeting, W . B. Millard, Jr., chairman, made the fol lowing announcement: The board declared a dividend of 27% cents a share, payable December 15, 1966, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 2, 1966. In addition, the board declared a special dividend of 30 cents a share, also payable on December 15, 1966, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 2, 1966. The board also expressed the hope that earnings would permit an annual dividend of $1.20 per share, payable quarterly, in 1967. * * * The Omaha National Bank gave Boys’ Town a $20 compound interest note issued by the United States in 1864. The gift was part of the bank’s Centennial observance. The unusual note has been appraised at $1,600, ac cording to a bank spokesman. Already in Boys Town’s collection are the other notes in this series—the $10, $50 and $100 denominations. * * * Pictured here is Carl W ashburn, who promotion to assistant vice presi dent in the data processing d i v ision of The First National Bank of Omaha w as an n o u n c e d in an earlier issue. Mr. Washburn received his B.S. degree from Corn e 11 University and sin ce then C. W A S H B U R N has spent most of his working career with National Cash Register Company, first in Chicago, and later in Omaha. He joined the bank June 1, 1964. * * * No baby should go two years with out a name, and the Henry Doorly Zoo’s new African elephant is no ex ception. Zoo officials announced last month that the newcomer has been named “Malika,” a Swahali word meaning “Little Angel.” The name was se lected from about 1,500 entries sub- 71 Thanks to you our year has been busier than ever. Don R. Ostrand Vice President Merv. Aegerter Asst. Vice President Bob Brown Asst. Vice President Ralph Peterson Vice President Don Miller Special Representative During this year we’ve helped solve a lot of problems. W e’re glad you asked us. W e’re proud that our staff is experienced and versatile enough to handle the toughest problems relating to investments, livestock, equipment, small or large business and city, town or farm business. W e’re even happier that so many of you called on our services. Because at the First, our main concern is service. Service to you and your customers. Our hope now is that we will be working even more closely with you during the coming year. W e wish you a joyou s Holiday Season and a profitable N ew Year. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA M em ber Federal D eposit Insurance Corporation Always the First to Serve You. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, Î9 6 6 72 Nebraska News executive vice president, it was an nounced last month by B. M. DeLay, president of the Norfolk bank. Mr. Mohl will remain on the board of directors of the First State Bank. Banks also are continuing sale of the first souvenir medal which sells for $1 and has been available for some time. DeLay Bank Has Open House Third Anniversary Refreshments were served to visit ors at the David City Bank last month on the occasion of the bank’s third anniversary in that city. It was relo cated to David City in November, 1963, by a transfer of the Ulysses State Bank charter from Ulysses. Lester E. Soubs, president, said assets have grown from $819,561 at that time to their present total of $2.4 million. PETE MARR (left), Kathleen Ryan and Dr. Warren Thomas. Centennial Medals on Order mitted in a contest sponsored by The Omaha National Bank. Winner of the contest was 12-yearold Kathleen Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan of Lincoln. Neb. Pete Marr, the bank’s advertisingpublic relations officer, presented Kath leen a $100 United States Savings Bond. Dr. Warren Thomas repre sented the zoo at the ceremonies. The Omaha National presented the female elephant to the zoo in August as part of the bank’s Centennial cele bration. The 850-pound “baby” cost $5,000 and will eventually stand nine to 10 feet high at the shoulder and weigh-in at four and one-half to five tons. Joining Norfolk Bank Elmer E. Mohl, president of the First State Bank of Newcastle, Wyo., will join the DeLay First National Bank of Norfolk about January 15 as The Nebraska Centennial Commis sion is taking orders at this time from Nebraska banks for three Centennial Medals that will go on sale in the month of December. Each of the med als will be sold by the banks at a price 50 cents to $1 higher than they pay for them. The extra money from each sale will go to the County Cen tennial Commission for its activities. The first medal is the official Silver Nebraska Centennial Commemorative Medal. Only 10,000 of these will be available. Banks sell these for $10. The second is the Bronze Nebraska Centennial Commemorative Medal. This is the same as the silver medal but will not be serially numbered. The third is the Bronze Nebraska Centennial Commemorative Medallion, of the same design as the first two medals, but in a two and three-fourths inch size. ' . . . and a n oth er PROSPEROUS New Y Edwin V a n H orne John V an H o rn e More than 8,000 cu sto m e rs and friends of DeLay First National Bank, Norfolk, visited the remodeled and ex panded bank building last month dur ing the one-day open house on a Satur day. The beautiful new interior was enhanced by 144 floral bouquets from banks and Norfolk businessmen. President B. M. DeLay and other officers and directors greeted the vis itors and assigned them to tour guides who took them through the bank. A special party for bankers attracted a group of 400 bank officers from north eastern Nebraska and many metropoli tan centers. A special bouquet was one delivered to J. J. DeLay, 83, board chairman, and it was made up of 60 red roses and one white rose, each flower com memorating a year that Mr. DeLay has been in the banking business. Carnations and key chains were given as souvenirs. More than 2,000 balloons were distributed to young sters, and background music was pro vided by several local organists. By incorporating the building space adjoining the original bank, the De Lay First National has doubled its for mer space. This provides, among other things, for an entirely new small loan department. The exterior of the two buildings has been unified with a fac ing of smooth New Mexico lava rock, a nine-foot band at street level of man ufactured black granite, full glass front, and upper windows shaded by vertical aluminum vanes. The interior has walnut paneling, gold formica surfaces, mint color vinyl wall covering, ceramic tiled pillars, and a lava stone interior wall with its color brought out by the use of green carpeting. The DeLay First National Bank first opened for business December 20, 1930. A year later the name was changed to DeLay National Bank, and several years ago the word “First” was incor porated to form the present name. J. J. DeLay was one of the organizers and headed the bank. His son, Ber nard, is now president. Paul Zutz, executive vice president, has been with the bank 36 years. i n v e s t m e n t s #• I n c . YOUR STATE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL SAFE, VAULT AND TIMELOCK EXPERTS FARM CREDIT BLDG. F. E. DAVENPORT & CO. OMAHA PHONE 345-2241 Over 70 years of banking and investment experience o r FRASER th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized Nfor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OMAHA j. > A A A 73 Number 1 SERVICE to match the Number 1 MARKET No one is as close— physically or in business experience— to the world’s NUMBER 1 livestock market as the South Omaha Stockyards National Bank. We live with this business every day. So when it comes to banking transactions that involve the live stock industry, we can give you NUMBER 1 service to match the NUM BER 1 market. Call Frank Sibert, vice president in our Correspondent Bank Department. That’s Frank, in the picture above ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 74 Nebraska News Hank Fi mi ht-iitif Ms M'linnifinif To M eet Dieir M m r in in if Miema mis BEN HALLER, JR. Editor ORE than 400 persons interested evidence continues to point to in in a better agriculture for Ne creases of around $14-$15 billion in gross national product in the third braska attended two Agricultural Sem inars at North Platte and Lincoln and fourth quarters of this year. With early last month. Sponsored by the this kind of an increase, gross nation Nebraska Bankers Association in co al product for this quarter can be ex operation with the University of Ne pected to be at an annual rate of about braska department of education and $761 billion. With defense spending cooperative extension service, it drew accelerating at a rapid pace, the na bankers, vocational agriculture in tional economy is likely to remain structors from high schools, county strong with resources tight and costs extension agents and personnel from rising. Under these conditions, de mands for credit are likely to remain the University Ag College. The gist of the talks from the 13 quite strong. Although there is variation region speakers was that Nebraska agricul ture, and that of the midwest, is far ally and by type of farm, the farm from dead; in fact, has an even situation in Nebraska has shown sub brighter future when viewed in the stantially more improvement than for perspective of population food de the nation. Higher cattle prices and mands and the means for production improved production have been a real in years to come. Omaha and Lincoln help to the Nebraska economy during bankers gave important pointers on the past two years. It now appears loans, management practices and rec as if cash receipts for the state may ord-keeping by farmers. Several of be up a fifth this year over last year’s them emphasized the importance of levels. Because of the relative importance new lending developments to keep pace with changing financial demands of the meat animal industry in Ne braska, the livestock situation is of of the agricultural industry. crucial importance to the state. For Excerpts from the talks follow: tunately, the outlook for meat animals continues to be favorable. Raymond J. Doll, vice president and senior economist, Federal Reserve J. Carroll Bottum, assistant head, Bank of Kansas City: The general economic situation con Department of Agricultural Econom tinues to remain quite buoyant. Most ics, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.: M MORNING SPEAKERS at the Ag Seminars were, left to right: Seated—Raymond J. Doll, J. Carroll Bottum and Thomas J. Aron. Standing—Walter E. Nolte and H. Keith Newton, N oFRASER r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J966 While there is a recognized food deficit in the world and while there appears to be a concensus by both the citizens and Congress that we should supply food in time of disaster, there is not a clear concensus of how far we should go in making up a continuing deficit for the low income food deficit countries. What we decide about this will influence our exports in the years ahead. It seems to me that we will be fac ing an agriculture in Europe which is improving its efficiency rate rapidly or about the same as we can expect to improve ours. N e v e rth e le ss, this should still leave us as a lower crop producing cost area than Western Eu rope because of our present high levels of efficiency even recognizing the dif ferences in the price structure. Rough ly, they are now about where we were 25 years ago in the efficiency or output per man. W alter E . Nolte, executive vice pres ident, First National Bank & Trust Company, Lincoln: Banks and farms in Nebraska must be partners in progress and the continuecl changing picture in banking must continue to parallel or pre-date the needs of agriculture, for the cities’ prosperity, for the industrial custom er’s prosperity and for the bank’s suecessful continuation in existence. u K Jk r * ^ y National and international events seem to propose an increasingly sig nificant role for Nebraska’s soil in the V future of the world. Its potential can not be realized without the persistent changes required of financial and ag ricultural entities to stay abreast. Dr. James G. Kendrick, associate pro fessor of agricultural economics, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln: To summarize the points that have been made, it would seem that: (1) terminal markets and associated feed ers and packers will continue to com mand a shrinking relative share of the market. Alternative methods of trans portation, the production of small vari able quality lots, and older, less effi cient plants seem to be the cause. The trend might be reversed through alter native marketing organizations — a pooling system would be one example; (2) the cost and capacity structure of the packing industry dictates a level of operation near plant capacity. Plants with inadequate financing, and faced with suppliers that insist on higher than average prices for their animals, face a bleak future; (3) the increasing pressure for more accurate y ^ • y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75 Ll i i* i 1 S ìic l ò j m a , ÿ h M d i n q A ,p w ìr t jp w i, ß a p iL a l. Ç Ü if Q ohh& A pom kuL National Bank of Commerce M E M B E R F.D. I. C. in L i n c ol n , Neb r a s ka 68501 Norf#«western Banker, D ecem ber, Ï966 76 AFTERNOON SPEAKERS at the Ag Seminars were these representatives of Omaha and Lincoln correspondent banks, and the Seminar chairman. Left to right: Frank J. Sibert, Lester Curran, H. Keith Newton, Thomas J. Waldo, Wayne M. Thorndyke, M. F. Aegerter and David R. Johnson. evaluation of the livestock product will force selling on a carcass basis. The changes that will be coming to the livestock industry seem clear. Fiscal Records and Financial Counseling Robert E . Johnson and David R. Johnson, vice presidents, The Omaha National Bank, Omaha: In our shop we are beginning to think in terms of cash flow projec tions, operating budgets and much more frequent financial statements. The good old days of visiting with our agricultural customers once a year and taking one financial state ment and then flying by the seat of our pants for the balance of the year are rapidly disappearing. We are seeing many banks, partic ularly some of the large city banks, becoming involved with some severe problems by attempting to continue financing agriculture on the old basis. With the rapid developments of technology and the large amounts of money needed, the old rules of debt-toworth ratios and working capital must of necessity be adjusted; however, you and I both know that when we deviate too far from these old tried and true rules, we ultimately wind up in trou ble. In the not too distant future, our bank and others will have computer record keeping available for our agri culture and livestock customers. We must begin now to lay the groundwork for that time. If we do our work prop erly, we can be a part of the tremen dous future ahead for agriculture. If we do not do our job now, Big Broth ers in Washington will fill the “vacu um” with new programs. Operational Loans W ayn e M. Thorndyke, vice presi dent, The United States National Bank of Omaha: It should be pointed out that a new type of operating loan has emerged from our changing agriculture. These N o rFRASER th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis loans have developed because of the capital requirements resulting from further specialization and mechaniza tion of farms. They would include the funds needed for such items as farm machinery, irrigation systems, feedlot automation. These are loans which must be paid out of net income rather than gross income. And, these loans are by nature longer than one-year term. The need for operating capital loans of this kind, as well as for operating expense loans, has created some of our basic problems in the handling of agri cultural credit. The businessmanfarmer of today needs “package” financing. This is the coordination of all types of credit needs—short term, intermediate term, and long term— into one program. Banks can and do provide this complete financial service at one location. This does not mean, however, that all of the borrower’s capital needs are thrown together into a single short-term or long-term loan. Each of these different types of credit should be clearly identified. Each type has different characteristics, each is extended for different purposes, and each should be repayable on different maturity dates. The changes in farming have dic tated the changes that have been tak ing place in lending practices. This has brought a shift from collateral lending to income lending, and budgets and cash flow information are a must. The day is past when a banker can base his credit decisions on the basis of the security offered. Security is im portant, but no matter how much se curity you have, it is not a good loan if the farmer is not able to make the payments required. Trust Services Thomas J. W aldo, vice president, Na tional Bank of Commerce T&S, Lin coln: The basic purpose of a trust depart ment is to manage money matters for people or business entities who are either unable, unwilling, or legally prohibited from doing it for them selves. Specifically, such management must be in accordance with the direc tions imposed by the creator of the trust. Because of tax savings, flexibility and protection, the trust arrangement is the most valuable, the most versa tile and the most widely used property arrangement in estate and income planning work today. Intermediate Credit Machinery and Equipment Mervin F. Aegerter, assistant vice president, The First National Bank of Omaha: Most machinery and equipment loans are made on the basis of 30 to 40 per cent of the list price being re quired as down payment and then the balance divided for the length of the term required. Oftentimes the tradein value of the used machine will qual ify for the down payment. In a diver sified farming area payments can be made oftener than once a year because of the fact that the farmer will have hogs or cattle to sell or a cash wheat crop in July or later in the season corn or beans. Costs of owning and operating ma chines have climbed 58 per cent since 1947 while custom rates have risen only 11 per cent. This clearly indicates in some cases that rather than make a marginal machinery loan it may be much wiser to make a short term operating loan to include the cost of custom hiring. Making the right decision between owning machinery and hiring custom operators can make a big difference in a farmer’s net in come. Annual cost of ownership is estimated at 15 per cent of their ma chine’s original cost. This estimated percentage includes depreciation, in terest, repairs, taxes, insurance and B A N K F IN A N C IN G . . . (Turn to page 78, please) r * \ T y x - A : Meet our Five Earnest "BROTHERS IN THE BOND” department Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Here you have Earnest Harris Laing, Earnest Joe Bartels, Earnest Jim M iller, Earnest Stan Lee and Earnest Je rry W ard. Besides being earnest, they're ready, w illin g and able to fu lfill your government and municipal bond needs. These men, constantly in touch w ith the bond m arket, provide the fast, efficient, personal service you get at Commerce Trust. For all your bond requirements, do as hundreds of other banks do, contact the earnest Bond Department of Commerce Trust. EARNEST (ommerce Jrust (ompany Kansas City's Oldest and Largest Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 78 cial investment are being offered by the University of Nebraska Extension Service. The advanced common stock investment course is held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Social Science Building. The data processing course is an introduction to punch card accounting machines and is of fered in eight sessions, held each Tues day at 6:30 p.m. in Nebraska Hall. NEW electronic computer proc ing of the business on the computer essing package is being intro follows, and updated account informa tion and other essential reports are duced to Nebraska banks by First Na tional Bank & Trust Company of Lin returned to the bank the same night. coln, according to Burnham Yates, Among the numerous advantages as president. outlined by First of Lincoln are reten The new PAM system (Proof-Ac tion of all types of bank items on the c o u n t i n g Ma bank’s premises, development of in c h i n e ) u s e s a formation for computer processing as p r o o f -accounting a by-product of the proving operation machine to which so that no extra handling is required, is attached data and important cost advantages to the capturing equip local bank. ment in the local * * * bank. As items Frank J. Sibert, vice president of are p rov ed , the South Omaha Stockyards National necessary data on Bank, Omaha, spoke on livestock loans checking accounts at a meeting of the Cornhusker Con are captured on ference of NABAC at the Cornhusker paper tape. These Hotel last month. data are transmitted to First of Lin * * * coln’s computer facilities in Lincoln Two short courses for persons in over ordinary telephone circuits at the close of the business day. Process terested in data processing and finan A BANK FINANCING . . . (Continued from page 76) housing. Penn State engineers give this rule of thumb to determine when mechanization pays, “Mechanization is a good investment if costs are no more than five times the amount of labor saved in a year.” This formula allows 10 per cent for depreciation of equipment, 5 per cent for interest on the value of equipment, and 5 per cent of original costs for all other costs. Having p e r s o n a l strong feelings leaning toward the livestock business I think, personally, that bankers might consider financing beef cows for as long as 36 to 60 months—just like they do cars, trucks or farm ma chinery. The longevity of a cow is better than that of an automobile. She doesn’t go out of style nearly as fast and she has only one speed and her chances of survival are far greater. Furthermore, she produces income where the average car is an expense. Livestock Loans Lester Curran, vice president, First N oFRASER r th w e s te r n B an ker, D ecem b er, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis National Bank & Trust Company, Lin coln, and Frank J. Sibert, vice presi dent, The South Omaha Stockyards National Bank, Omaha: I do want to mention a couple of points that I feel you should be stress ing to your students and cooperators which will be of assistance to the credit man who is advancing money on livestock. The first thing I want to discuss is farm records. I want to call your at tention to the fact that the use of farm records is becoming more and more important in the agricultural lending field and this is especially true in livestock lending. The days of lending a man money because he is a good citizen in the community is not gone, but in addition to being a good citizen it is necessary that a credit man know that the borrower can take the tools of capital and make them work. The way to do this, of course, from the borrower’s standpoint is to have an accurate, complete, up-to-date set of records that he can show to his credit man and prove in black and white that his livestock enterprise and * ^ * The board of directors of the Na tional Bank of Commerce has an nounced the promotion of Paul R. Scott from auditor to assistant vice president. Mr. Scott’s new position is systems analyst in NBC’s expanding computer services department. Sueceeding him as auditor is Larry L. ^ , y, A ^ Nelson. Mr. Scott joined NBC after gradua tion from the University of Nebraska in 1953. Mr. Nelson has worked in the NBC auditing department since his graduation from the University of Ne braska in 1963. P. R. SC OT T r L. L. NELSO N other enterprises have been making money in the past and will continue to make money in the future. Secondly, you folks are going to play a vital role in assisting farmers ^ and ranchers in taking the tools of la bor and capital, putting them together in a mix, and making them pay off in dollars and cents down through the S i’ years. Outlook for Freedom Allan B. Kline, Western Springs, 111., past president of American Farm Bu reau Federation: The people of America believe in the Constitution. They are for private en terprise and the free market. We are a self-reliant and a productive people. Look at the record. Let us not be seduced by power hun gry politicians with promises of easy money, or something for nothing. Now is the time to make up our minds to preserve for ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty by disciplining ourselves and our government. It is still ours. So is the responsibility.— End. L ^ 79 FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. T ru s t Company of Lincoln 12th & N Street —Lincoln, Nebraska Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member: F.D.I.C. N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 80 On State School Board Nebraska Farm V alue Gene C. Eaton, 42, senior vice presi dent of the National Bank of Com merce T&S, Lincoln, has been ap pointed by Nebraska Governor Frank Morrison to a six-year term of the State Normal Board, succeeding Henry Freed of Chadron. The board super vises state colleges at Chadron, Wayne, Kearney and Peru. Mr. Eaton, a Re publican succeeds Mr. Freed, also a Republican. The new term begins January 1, 1967, and must be con firmed by the legislature when it con venes in January. The United States Department of Agriculture reported recently that as of last March, the 76,000 farms in Ne braska have a land and building value of $5,670,000,000. This is a $446,000,000 increase, or 7 per cent, over the pre ceding yearly report. The average farm is valued at $73,600, triple that of 1950 and $12,000 more than just two years ago. Since 1964, Nebraska’s total farms have dropped from 80,163 to approxi mately 76,000. COMMUNITY RELATIONS . . . Joins Harris Trust Warren F. Prince has joined Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, as vice president and administrator of the information systems division in the operations department. For the past five years, Mr. Prince has been Manager of the midwest region, General Electric Company computer department, in Chicago. Prior to this he served this depart ment in various capacities, beginning with the original computer installa tion at the Bank of America in Cali fornia. JYvtrspaper A ds (Continued from page 31) ment, cultural and educational com mittees, and special events have a con tinuing need for the right kind of manpower. Bankers of our area are in the forefront in many of these proj ects now. But we can make our own task easier and supply a better bal ance of leadership if we’ll make use of our “fountain of knowledge” and find those treasured people in our commu nity who can and do respond willing ly. All of us know there is a good res ervoir of such people. It’s up to us to help find them and get them “on the team.” Motivate Own Bank Staff Relating community relations as a SERIES of 14 illustrated bank bank function is a matter of staff ori advertisements has been prepared entation and periodic review. Start by Farm Business Council. They areing with the president, entire officer shown in a special brochure titled staff, and board members we try to “ Pixure Ads for 1967.” They can be be alert, aware, and aggressive. We used in newspapers or other media. feel this philosophy is contagious and The ads can be purchased for as like to think our entire personnel op little as $5.00 each for reproduction erate on the theory that what’s good rights (mats are $2.00 extra). They for our city is good for our bank. We can also be used in the bank’s im believe our customers feel we have a printed mailing of The Farm Picture. genuine enthusiasm for our city and A copy of the brochure and com hence for our entire business commu plete information on the ads, which nity. There are many original and proven cover principal bank services, may be obtained from Farm Business Council, ideas that are used effectively in build ing customer and community rela P. 0. Box F, Urbana, Illinois 61801. A o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized forNFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tions. It’s important to remember that generally, commercial banks of fer the same services. It follows rea sonably that our image in the commu nity will develop from our ability to be distinctive and different. A word of caution—along the lines of promo tions—we must remember that bank ing services should always have a quality of dignity and good taste. This leaves plenty of room to the bank with a real desire to be both interest ingly individual and a source of pride in its community. Banking has come a long way in the field of community relations in recent years. Willingness to accept change, as opposed to the old philos ophy of bankers “status quo,” is generally now the story. New, modern banking methods spearheaded by for ward thinking bankers have changed the image. No longer are we the dour, old foggies of the cartoon age but rather hard chargers both for our banks and for our communities. Summ ary In summary, community relations in a bank are what we make them ourselves. The principles which ap ply in our contacts to bring customers to our bank should also govern our efforts to bring good will to our community. Here again we think of sincerity and fr ie n d lin e s s , which might be called the frosting on the cake of banking “know how” and cornunity spirit. To be effective, let’s remind our selves continually to be alert to opportunity, to be aware (with specifics) of what we have to offer, and to be aggressive in our efforts to attract peo ple to our individual banks and com munities. This is the challenge to bankers to day. Many are already leaders in this field. More are needed to stimulate original and positive thinking. The image of banking will be greatly af fected by the quality of our response to this challenge.— End. y *-■ 4,- r ^ ^ y ty A -y 81 Our new DC-9 j e t is the strong, silent type It all began w ith sm ooth, p ow erful on the plane. So You w h isk ahead the Douglas people. They took a pair of je t engines . . . and m ounted them far back w h a t little sound there is, is left behind. of it at 560 miles an hour. So it's very q uiet aboard Ozark D C -9 Jets. A lm ost silent. You enjoy your continental breakfast more . . . your cocktails and snacks. Sure, read if you like. But w e th in k catching a fe w w in ks of sleep is probably the best w ay to enjoy the quiet. The quiet the Douglas A ircraft Com pany b u ilt into the D C -9 Je t that Ozark brought to M id-A m erica. G o-getters go Ozark A ir Lines . . . quietly. go-getters go See? The tw o Pratt & W hitney jet engines are in the rear. Y ou fly ahead of the sound all the way. O Z A R K A I R L I N E S OC 9 J E T S by Do ugl as O zark D C -9 Je ts n o w s e rv in g : C e d a r R a p id s , la ., C h ic a g o , III., D e n v e r . C o lo ., K a n s a s C ity , M o ., M i n n e a p o l i s / S t. P a u l, M in n ., M o lin e , III./ D a v e n p o r t , la ., P e o ria , III., S t . L o u is , M o ., S io u x C ity , la ., S i o u x F a lls , S . D ., S p rin g fie ld , III., S p rin g fie ld , M o ., T u ls a . O k la ., W a te rlo o , la. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 82 m ode //ta n /a in /o a n y o //te i /¿ m e , o u d //o rty /t/t c a / t t e d f id t e n d d m A o d e / o y a / / y a n r / c o n fid e n c e te e /d e a d a d e . //n //e d ftr ir / o fi r y o o d t m / / / / a / n ta i/d / / lt d y o y o t t d d e a d o /t, r / id a f i t / e a d u d e / o r c r d / i y e n a o f i a / r m t / a n / A a fiifitn e d d . . . a JV em o fi/te a c e a n d / t d o - d f ie it / y . N o FRASER r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / / t i t 'd / m a d //e -a d '-Y' 83 Open West Bend Facility I o w The Iowa State Bank, West Bend, opened its new drive-up window last month. It will be open during regular banking hours. a NEW S Observe 80th Year DALE C. SMITH President A . E. LINDQUIST, JR. S e creta ry Des Moines Des Moines Kaionu Hunk Control Sold Featured speakers for the forum in ONTROLLING interest in the Kalona Savings Bank, Kalona, has cluded: P. A. Mack, agriculutral loan been sold by V. D. Hochstetler andofficer for the Harris Trust and Sav interests to a group consisting of John ings Bank, Chicago, and Herb Howell, W. Evans, Earl Nelson and John Gra extension economist from Iowa State ham, all of whom are associated with University, Ames. the Hawkeye State Bank, Iowa City. On January 2, 1967, Ray L. Hen Estherville Brochure drickson will resign as vice president An attractive brochure has been and cashier of the Peoples National published by the Iowa Trust and Sav Bank, Columbus Junction, to accept ings Bank, Estherville, on the occasion the position as president of the Ka of the bank’s 40th year. lona bank. Illustrated with pictures of Francis Mr. Evans is the owner of Cashway T. Shadle, president, and the other Lumber Stores, headquartering in officers of the bank, the brochure Mason City, and a vice president of the Hawkeye State Bank; Mr. Nelson is points out present-day services and the fine growth made by the bank president of the Hawkeye State Bank since 1926. Deposits at year-end in and of the First State Bank, Thornton. 1950 were $3,933,000. Today, deposits Mr. Graham is chairman of the Hawkeye State Bank and president of Leas exceed $10,382,00. ing, Inc., Des Moines. C Honor Melvin Banker New Allamakee Officers John C. Shover, Jr., cashier of the Citizens State Bank, Postville, has been elected president of the Allama kee County Bankers Association. Named to assist Mr. Shover was vice president, James Campbell, assistant cashier, Farmers & Merchants Sav ings Bank, Waukon, and secretarytreasurer, Harris A. McKee, Kerndt Bros. Savings Bank, Lansing. Thomas E. Benz, president of the Melvin Savings Bank, was honored last month for his 50th anniversary in the banking business. Stockholders, directors and employees of the bank attended a special dinner in Mr. Benz’s honor. The Farmers and Merchants State Bank observed its 80th year in Neola last month, according to T. L. Hall, president. The bank was incorporated in 1893 after being started in 1886. Arlington Bank Gift The Arlington State Bank has pre sented pocket dictionaries to students in grades 4 through 9. Each class room was also presented with a cal endar. Approve Oskaloosa Facility A parking lot facility was approved by the Iowa Banking Board for the Mahaska State Bank, Oskaloosa, at the November board meeting. The facility will be located at 122 First Avenue East. The board has previously approved a facility for the Iowa Trust and Sav ings Bank in Oskaloosa. Honor Decorali Banker Ray W. Kaster, retired Decorah banker, was honored recently for 50 years membership in the Decorah Masonic Temple. Polk City Open House The Polk City Savings Bank ob served its 63rd anniversary last month by holding an open house for the pub lic. Free gifts, coffee and cookies were offered. Iddova Construction Sturts Jefferson Open House Open house was held last month by the Jefferson State Bank, Jefferson, in observance of its extensive remodel ing. A highlight of the opening was the showing of a series of color slides illustrating bank premises of the past. A special feature of the new struc ture is a community room, which can be completely isolated from the main bank. A i:Jefferson” motif is being used with both Thomas Jefferson and the City of Jefferson as the theme. Harlan Farm Forum A forum for farm customers was sponsored by the Shelby County State Bank in Harlan last month, according to Rand Peterson, vice president. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW BUILDING for First National Bank of Eldora. has started on the used in the construction. Drive-in new building for the First Nation facilities and off-street parking will be al Bank of Eldora. It will be locatedprovided. A special feature of the on the former First Baptist church building will be a 21 by 76 foot com munity room. site. The First National Bank opened in The exterior will measure approxi mately 76 by 41 feet. Extensive use Eldora in May, 1965. An office is main of glass and colorful brick will be tained in Steamboat Rock. o n s t r u c t io n C N o r th w e s te r n B anker. D e c e m b e r, J966 84 Iowa News A -4 SPEAKERS at the 24th annual Feeders Banquet sponsored by Council Bluffs Savings Bank are shown in photo at left. From left to right are: Lew W. Ross, chmn. of the bank board; E. H. (Shorty) Shoemaker, Jr., and Ray Monsalvatge, program speakers, and Ed H. Spetman, Jr., president of the bank. RIGHT—Connie Timm and Sandra Trede receive cash awards from the bank for 4-H livestock champion activities, presented by Dale Shires, county extension service. Miss Trede was exhibitor of the Grand Cham pion Steer at the West Pottawattamie County 4-H Club Show. Miss Timm was exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion. Tells Western Iowa Feeders P resent Siffns Paint in ta ttle B rices A fter hundred cattle feeders SEVERAL from western Iowa were told last month, “We must determine to maxi mize efficiency on our farms and bank ers must be determined to supply the capital needed to perform this task.” The speaker was L. W. Ross, chair man of the board, Council Bluffs Sav ings Bank, in his opening remarks greeting the farm operators to the bank’s 24th annual Cattle Feeders’ Banquet. He listed four needs of farms today as: 1. Higher capital re quirements of fixed and operating ex penses. 2. Scarcity and high cost of farm labor. 3. Desire for efficiency and conveniences. 4. Desire to live more like people in the city with time for leisure and travel. “The basis of the entire agriculture in this area is the amount of corn and/or soybeans we can raise. It is time to think of more than just good black top soil that produces the corn and beans. We are lagging behind our sister states who have greater yields. I am convinced we must make the maximum effort to get maximum effi ciency from our land. For example, we are gaining nothing by using cheaper seeds rather than Wayne seeds or other high class seed. To utilize these grains we turn to feeding Digitized Nfor o rFRASER t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # stock. Therefore, we must determine to maximize efficiency.” Toastmaster for the evening was E. H. Spetman, Jr., president of Council Bluffs Savings Bank, who just a few days earlier had completed his term of office as president of the Iowa Bank ers Association. After Mr. Ross’ brief remarks, he introduced E. H. (Shorty) Shoemaker, Jr., president of the Ne braska Stock Growers Association and president, The Milldale Ranch Com pany, North Platte, Neb. Mr. Shoemaker commented first on the housewives’ recent boycotts of re retail stores in several cities. “We must look for the cause of inflation, not the result. Farmers and ranchers should not be the scapegoat.” He fur ther reminded his audience of 1963 im ports that resulted in the Hruska A m en d m en t (U. S. Sen. Roman Hruska, Rep., Neb.) curtailing im ports. Increased domestic prices re sulted. But now, Mr. Shoemaker, stated, we are back up to 800 million pounds of import “and there were 46 million pounds on the water 10 days ago headed here.” (The meeting was held November 3.) In turn, the government restricted the export of hides, further hampering domestic livestock trade, he said. Mr. Shoemaker said farmers are be ing forced to subsidize the Viet Nam war to the tune of $2 billion a year in controlled prices. On the positive side, Mr. Shoemaker stated, he would endorse the remarks of Mr. Ross. He said our beef supply, with its largest slaughter of cows and heifers this year, is 6 per cent ahead of the first six months of 1965. “ If we realize our feed supplies are getting thin,” he said, “you can see the in creasing importance of agriculture in the next 10 to 20 years.” The lower cattle inventory by pos sibly two million head, mainly in heif ers and cows, and a 5 per cent drop in slaughtering, and a 2 per cent drop in calving all adds up to better prices after January, 1967. Mr. Shoemaker concluded by stat ing, “ If we keep our feet on the ground, we will be an important part of this economy. But just remember, any government big enough and pow erful enough to give you everything you want, is also big enough to take everything you have.” The concluding speaker for the eve ning was Ray Monsalvatge of Dayton, Ohio, whose inspirational talk, “Un cork Your Hidden Talents,” has been so enthusiastically received through out the midwest by numerous banker audiences. He was just as warmly received by the farm owners, who found his philosophy of relying on oneself for progress and success a re freshing departure from the routine news of the day that shows so many looking to welfare and security pro grams for their care.— End. y O b u e r s z t u for* h a p p y j i s h e a h s % o l i d a y y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VALLEY BAN K a n ò T R U S T C O M P A N Y D e s M o i n e s , lo c o a M em beß F e â e c a l D e p o s it lo s u R a o c e C o R p o ß a f io n N o rth w estern B anker, D e c e m b e r, J966 86 Iowa News A Frank look at trust problems... Frank Price, Senior Vice Presi dent and head of La Salle’s Trust Department, is an authority on the operation of bank trust de partments. He’s a man bankers can look to when they want an swers to their own trust problems. Need Frank’s help? You can call him at STate 2-5200 (Area Code 312). And you’ll find him at La Salle National Bank, 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois 60690. Member FDIC. Com plete Trust Services. Digitized for N oFRASER r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Santa Claus ** Is Them e for Noriotra Ita TV Santa ciaus” is the is an excellent traffic and goodwill theme of the special four-week builder. promotion being conducted by some The North Iowa Banks sponsor 50 banks in the north Iowa area over three 10-minute news programs per week, 52 weeks a year, as a part of a station KGLO-TV in Mason City. Chairman of the group this year is continuing effort. Also, the group Lou Cox, executive vice president, sponsors special programs such as the live telecasts of the North Iowa Band First State Bank, Belmond. Festival, and the Boys’ State Basket During the last two weeks in No ball Tourney. Started 10 years ago vember and the first two weeks in by a handful of banks in one county, December, the public is invited to stop the group has continued to grow to its and register at any of the participating current number of about 50 sponsor banks. Each individual banker con ing banks. ducts a drawing from his registrations and this winner is awarded $25 cash on a special live telecast prior to Webster City Changes A number of officer changes were Christmas on Saturday afternoon. The winners and bankers come to the TV made in the executive staff of Farm studio and participate in the special ers National Bank of Webster City, program, with the banker introducing effective December 1, when G. E. Alex the winner and presenting his prize. ander retired as president after 50 Each winner drops his winning regis years’ service to the bank. Mr. Alex tration ticket in a drum and after ander will continue as a director and a brief interview is completed a draw to serve in an advisory capacity. Rodney B. Amlie was advanced from ing is held on the program for the three grand prizes of $500, $300, and vice president to chairman of the $200 which are presented immediately board. L. S. Wood was promoted from to the winners. Following the pro vice president to president. William gram, the bankers treat their winners F. Vance, cashier, was also elected vice to a dinner as a group at a local re- president. George B. Aden, vice presi dent and trust officer, was advanced taurant. Operation Santa Claus includes post to senior vice president. Carl T. ers for the banks and registration cou Palmer was promoted from assistant pons delivered by the station as a part cashier to assistant vice president. Delmar K. Deischer has resigned as of the program. The promotion has proved to be one of the outstanding assistant cashier and is joining the features of the North Iowa Bank Fidelity Savings Bank of Marshall group advertising over the years. It town. p e r a t io n O Our best w ishes fo r a Happy H oliday Season — and for good health, good friends and good fortune throughout the coming year Council Bluffs Savings Bank Broadway at Pearl Carson, Iowa 27th and Broadway McClelland, Iowa -V y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W e 're a s m a ll p a r t o f so m a n y h e re a t F irs t w h o w is h fo r y o u th e v e ry n ic e s t k in d o f C h ris tm a s a n d th e v e ry b e s t fo r th e y e a r a h e a d . i r ,s t N a t i o n a l B a n k MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION in S io u x C ity N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, J966 88 lie s M o in e s The mural was displayed for the MURAL 35 feet long and seven feet high, painted in seven sep first time at a special press showing arate panels, will be hung as one piecelast month in the Art Center, and a on the south wall of the main lobby in public showing later the same evening. the new Central National Bank and In receiving the mural from the ar Trust Company building. The mural tists, B. C. Grangaard, president of was painted by Cornelius Ruhtenberg Central National Bank, told the as and Jules Kirschenbaum, a husband sembled group. “We didn’t have it and wife artist team known promi done for the money. We don’t expect nently in art circles in the United it to boost our accounts. We had it States. Mr. Kirschenbaum is artist-in done as part of our participation in residence at the Des Moines Art Cen community affairs.” The mural depicts in sensitive color ter. A VIEWING- the mural for Central National Bank & Trust Co.’s new building are: left to right: Clyde W. Lighter, architect, Tinsley, Higgins, Lighter & Lyon; B. C. Gran gaard, president of the bank; the artists, Cornelis Ruhtenberg and her husband Jules Kirschenbaum; Ivan L. Johnson, v.p. in charge of business development and public relations for the bank, and George T. Nelson, a.v.p., business development and public relations department. selected scenes in the history of Iowa, from the time of the Indians, through the periods of its settlement and devel opment into a great state, and to its present position in a modern world. <•*■1 From left to right, the seven panels * of the mural, pictured below, repre sent: Panel 1—Iowa’s participation in the Civil War. 2—Carillon Tower at Ames, University Hospital, space age ^ missile, Iowa bridges, its capitol, and state birds. Panels 3 and 4—A grow ing city with new buildings taking the place of old ones, Iowa industry, the i Art Center, a church, and Iowa’s great agricultural background. Panel 5— Tractor and windmill representing two ages of farm power, a silo symbolic of the state as a storehouse of food, com- -a munications, transportation and power. Panel 6—Iowa’s common denominator —corn, Iowa swine, three types of cat tle, and the oldest Iowa building—the \ lead Shot Tower at Dubuque. Panel 7—Iowa’s early rugged pioneers rep resented by covered wagons, spinning wheel, horse-drawn plow, and Indian culture. ± * * * In the November issue of Municipal Statistical Bulletin, published by the Investment Bankers Association of America, Iowa-Des Moines National Bank is ranked among the leading 125 managing underwriters of new mu nicipal issues during the first nine months of 1966. The bulletin reports « that the bank was managing under writer for 13 issues in the first three quarters of the year, for a total of $8,738,000. V This volume placed Iowa-Des Moines National 104th among the leading managing underwriters. Robert J. W issler is manager of the bank’s bond department. <Only 13 midwest banks are included in the list of 125 and Iowa-Des Moines National ranks 11 among the 13 in vol ume of issues. >* * B. C. Grangaard, president, Central National Bank and Trust Company, has been reappointed as a member of the advisory committee on federal leg islation of the American Bankers As sociation. He also served on the com mittee during 1965-66. -r -, « « m o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 Digitized forNFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 89 A Most Joyous Christmas Season and a Prosperous New Year C H R IS TY ARMSTRONG LEO KANE CALL C H R IS T Y O R LEO a t 5 8 2 -1 8 4 1 fo r S e r v i c e on: TRANSIT ITEMS BOND PORTFOLIO EXCESS LOANS CURRENCY SHIPMENTS BANK OPERATIONS COLLECTIONS CREDIT INFORMATION TRUST AFFAIRS On the Spot Service for the Tri-State Area EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH Location is one of the reasons why American Trust's services are always a little faster for banks in the Tri-State Area. Its con venient location allows banks in this area to benefit by receiving fast, efficient correspondent banking service. H Christy Armstrong, Leo Kane and Leo Schlueter are familiar with the Tri-State Territory and are anxious to give personal and expert service, backed by American Trust's complete staff and banking facilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis american trust and s a v in g s b a n k 9TH AND MAIN, DUBUQUE, IOWA M E M B E R : F D IC • F R S N o r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 90 Iowa News HW7 I s c m The credit-able Mr. Cone Keith Cone, Senior Vice Presi dent heading La Salle’s R etail Banking Division, has earned a worldwide reputation in instal ment credit. W hether the sub ject is auto, boat, aircraft, edu ca tio n or h om e im p rov em en t financing, the personal loan field, busin ess in sta lm e n t loan s or leasing, Keith knows. W hen you w a n t to k n o w , c a ll h im at La Salle National Bank, 135 S. La Salle S t., C h ica go, Illin ois 60690. STate 2-5200, area code 312. M em ber F D IC . Com plete Trust Services. N o FRASER r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iio in i / fjr o o r f, t i n t Slower IVE industrialists and an econo be justified for producing badly needed mist told 485 Des Moines business revenue, but will not be needed for men early this month that the na“cooling off” the economy, which has tional economy would still run at a received a deep chill already. Corporate profits leveled off at $80 high level of activity, although ad justed lower from the 1966 peak. billion after the 1966 first quarter and Speaking before the Eighth Annual have fallen since. They will drop fur ther in 1967, and will be accelerated Iowa Business Trends c o n fe r e n c e sponsored by the Iowa-Des Moines disproportionately in automated indus National Bank, each man noted the tries if production should be curtailed increasing effect of the Viet Nam war from high inventories now being built on the psychology of business and its up. Construction is unlikely to improve effect in consuming a greater number in 1967. Wage levels will increase dur of dollars and men. Calvin W. Au- ing the coming year. The stock mar rand, president of ket will not change drastically from t h e Iow a - Des activity of recent months, favoring Moines National, those firms innocating needed services presided at the and goods, and on a selective basis. meeting. At the Harry B. Cunningham, president, S. luncheon meeting S. Kresge Company Detroit: We think he in tro d u ce d 1967 national personal income will be Governor Harold up 5 or 6 per cent over the 1966 total. E. Hughes, who Assuming no material change in in reviewed b r ie fly come taxes, we the a d m in is tra can expect a com tive reforms he p a ra b le increase has sought to make in Iowa. in c o n s u m e r Richard Carey, trust officer of the spending—in oth host bank, read the speech prepared er words, to a to for delivery by Harry B. Cunningham, tal a p p ro a ch in g president of S. S. Kresge Company, $500 billion. Re Detroit. Bad weather made Mr. Cun gardless of what ningham the first casualty among happens to interspeakers in the eight years of the con e s t r at e s , we ference. Following is a digest of each would not antici H. B. CUNNINGHAM speaker’s remarks: pate any great F Dr. Ross M. Trum p, economist, Washington University, St. Louis: The year 1967 will be a good one, although not as productive o r profitable a s 1966. Three fac tors surrounding the Viet Nam war must be consid ered. I. If peace develops through the C h ristm as tru ce or oth er means, the econ omy would under R. M. T R U M P go substantial re adjustment, although a substantial por tion would continue for some time or be converted to civilian production— such as delayed commercial aircraft contracts. 2. If war escalation comes, increased production will be needed, straining production and full employ ment, moving us to a “war footing” which would undoubtedly bring wage and price controls. 3. The most likely alternative is that the war will con tinue in 1967 much the same as at its present pace. Renewed sentiment for tax increases will be felt; these will change in savings as a percentage of income. We think Iowa retailers will fare considerably better than the national average. Your rate of growth in con sumer income so far this year is about two points above the national average. We expect this comparison to continue in 1967. Lee L. Morgan, executive vice presi dent, Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, 111.: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company has forecast that new construction by 1970 will have increased to more than $87 billion, a 17 per cent in crease over the ex pected 1967 level. We are in full ac cord with this forecast. Highway spend L. L. M ORGAN ing will continue to grow. Allen S. Boyd, Secretary of the recently established Department of 1967 ECO N O M Y . . . (Turn to page 94, please) Season’s Greetings and best wishes for the finest New Year ever W e ’re starting out the new year with new banking facilities — new ways in w hich to serve you better and a host o f new wishes for the best in ’67 for you and yours. v a Marquette \Æk National Bank SEVENTH AT M ARQUETTE, M IN N E A P O LIS, M IN N E S O T A / 3 3 3 -5 4 1 1 Carl Pohlad, President : R. W. (Bill) Crouley, Senior Vice President • Otto H. Preus, Vice President Stewart Stotesbery, Correspondent Bank Officer • W. J. Addington, Correspondent Bank Representative Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Avery Fick, Assistant Vice President Len Erickson, Credit Officer 92 Iowa News Spencer O bserves 5 0 Years First Choice for trust service in Northeast Iowa THESE EXPERIENCED TRUST AND ESTATE SPECIALISTS WELCOME PRIVILEGE OF SERVING YOU ERIC R. MILLER jD A e - ------------— SPECIAL five-day open house nieres. Coffee and doughnuts were was held last month by the Farm served continuously each day during ers Trust and Savings Bank, Spencer,banking hours. A four-tiered golden in observance of the bank’s 50th anni anniversary cake prepared by a local versary, according to W. E. Lundeen, bakery was on display in the bank executive vice president, president lobby on Thursday and Friday morn ing, and was cut and served early elect. Roses were presented by the bank Friday afternoon. Free gifts were to the first 50 “lady” customers coming presented to all customers who called into the bank each morning. Female at the bank during the five-day observ tellers, secretaries, etc., wore corsages ance, including a medallion specially each day and the men wore bouton- struck to depict the observance and 50 years of service, key chains, letter openers and other special gifts. Fifty stadium robes, in carrying cases, were given away free to customers on a surprise basis, via an alarm secretly ^ ìlìe r r ij C ^ L r iá tm u ó placed in the various teller windows, the customer at the window wherein the alarm went off being the recipient cl a ana of the blanket. This was done at ir regular times throughout each day’s business. * NATIONAL BANK O F W ATERLOO _À i a Ì J e a r 1 1 0 EAST PARK AVENUE W A TERLO O , IOWA PHONE 235-03 31 V A THE , ______— THE HONOR of cutting the Farmers Trust & Savings Bank golden anniversary cake went to Miles Taylor (left), a customer of the bank since its opening in 1916. Others, left to right, are officers of the bank: Wm. E. Lundeen, exec. v.p. and pres.-elect; Karl R. Tuttle, exec, v.p., and G. Kenneth Edge, cash. (Area Code 319) MEMBER Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System Digitized for N oFRASER r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c em b er, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Start Grundy Construction ïY lifro n (Y. J Y u râ te n R ic k a r d C . f ie J i n Jfenrif (f^yerS J f annette -J lfl fiton BANKERS SERVICE CORPORATION ‘ ■SERVING B A N K S A N D B A N K E R S S I N C E 194 8 " 1301 R & T BLDG. PHONE 515-244-3113 DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Work on the construction of the new building for the Grundy National Bank is underway, according to Wm. Groote, president. The new building will be 75 by 55 feet. There will be a large concrete parking area to the rear and south of the building. The bank will provide a drive-in teller. Arnold Schultz, vice president, is serving as chairman of the building committee. Work is ex pected to be completed by June, 1967. V 93 M a y th e J o y s o f th e C h r is t m a s S e a s o n A l i d e w it h -J ■ Y o u a n a Y o u rs Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ÌT A H ^ ZPo M EM BER F.D.I.C. UNION S T O C K Y A R D S * C H I C A G O 60609 N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , December, 1 9 6 6 94 Iowa News 1 9 6 7 ECONOMY . . . (Continued from page 90) Transportation, has estimated that there will be at least 120 million ve hicles in use by 1975 compared with 90 million today, a one- third increase in less than 10 years. Higher expendi tures are in prospect for airports as the jet age brings larger aircraft to every commercial airport in the nation. Railways are also scheduled for major attention, requiring reworking of road beds (to accommodate 160 m.p.h. trains) and considerable relocation. There is every reason to believe that the pause in construction probable for 1967, will be followed by rapid developement in subsequent years. IN T E R N A T IO N A L Max Baughman, V ic e P r e s i d e n t in c h a r g e o f La S a l l e ’ s I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e p a r t m e n t , has m a s te re d th e p a p e r w o rk of in te rn a tio n a l tr a d e , a nd his w o rld-w ide perso nal c o n ta cts m a k e it possible for M a x to c u t th ro u g h in te r national red ta p e to g e t th e job done . U se M a x as yo u r Foreign D e p a r t m e n t . H e ’s a t La Salle N ation al B an k , 1 3 5 South La Salle St., Chicago, III. 6 0 6 9 0 . S T a te 2 - 5 2 0 0 , a re a code 3 1 2 . C o m plete T ru s t Services. M e m b e r FDIC. N oFRASER r th w e s te r n B anker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W . A . Strauss, president, Northern Natural Gas Company, Omaha: If, in the last 50 years the state of Iowa had grown at the rate of the nation as a w h ole, there would be nearly 2 million more peo ple in the state to day. The Iowa Development Commission says, on the basis of employment g r o wt h, that Iowa’s population is n o w 2,838,000 W. A. STRAUSS w h i c h , if pro jected to 1970, would represent a 6.2 per cent increase—a somewhat higher rate of growth than between 1950 and 1960. All available measures of manufac turing activity indicate a healthy growth during the first half of the 60’s. Employment in manufacturing increased 7.6 per cent between 1960 and 1965 compared to the national growth rate of 7.1 per cent during the period. Recently Business Week published a survey of changes in personal in come for all the states between 196566. It is worth noting that Iowa showed a growth in this important sta tistics of 12.9 per cent for that year, which made it second highest in the IO W A S E A R C H , IN C . B O X 1 0 3 D E S M O IN E S . IO W A 5 0 3 0 1 UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE REPRESENTATION G. M. STRAND. President W . N. BUMP. Secretary Phone: 515-243-3271 nation and well above the U. S. aver age of 8.1 per cent. Edward .). McAdams, president, Ar mour and Company, Chicago: Farm ers now indicate that they intend to have 6 per cent more sows farrow in December - Feb ruary. If this hap pens it f o l l o w s •r that hog slaugh tered next fall will probably be lighter than dur 4 ing the past year. The trend is be ginning to appear. W h e re a s h o g s E.J. McADA MS have reached a low point in the slaughter cycle, cattle have reached a peak in slaughter. Cattle and calf slaughter in 1966 is now estimated to y total 41 million head, slightly above 1965 and a new record. USDA pre dicts 1967 slaughter to be moderately lower than 1966, reasoning that cattle rè men are beginning to expand their breeding herds. Declining cow slaugh ter confirms this reasoning and we expect this trend to continue. With this situation, the demand for "V feeders will be strong and the price of feeders is expected to be higher. Imports of feeder cattle are expected to continue large this fall and next * winter which will partially offset the smaller domestic feeder suppply. As fed cattle prices improve in 1967, feed er cattle prices are likely to advance. V vice president-manu facturing, Massey-Ferguson, Inc., Des Moines: By the early 1970’s America will be spending $200 billion a year on recreation—more than the total pro jected gross na tional product of any other country in the world. The Midwest Research Institute predicts that d i sp osabl e personal i nc o me will i nc re ase 25 per cent in the next decade and that 28 per cent R. E. K I DDE R of family spend ing will be for recreation. It makes sense to me that some of our new manufacturers might produce goods now in growing demand for recrea tional use. More and more people will be in the prime recreational-spending age groups, under 30 and over 55. There will also be more white collar workers with strong tendencies to go, see and do. And with strong inclina tions toward self-improvement. R. E . Kidder, 4 4 V 95 * r i i Y AND ALL OF US AT SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 6TH AND PIERCE STREETS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . SIOUX CITY, IO W A • MEMBER F.D.I.C. N o r th w e s te r n Banker, D e c e m b e r, Ì9 6 6 96 Iowa News Completc Clinton limili Sole sources have disclosed OFFICIAL that negotiations have been com pleted involving the sale of a sub stantial block of stock in the First National Bank of Clinton, Iowa. The purchaser, Paul Dunlap, is president of the Houghton State Bank, Red Oak, Iowa, and with associates has other banking interests in Iowa and Ne braska. The shares involved were holdings of G. E. Wilson, Jr., and Richard O. Wilson, who have recently moved to We mean business Last year Dial Finance C om pany g ra n ted credit to nearly halfa - million consumers. We are on our way to doing better than that in 1966. S ince 1897, Dial’ s participation in the financing of con su m ers’ n eeds has created business throughout the nation. Our cu stom e rs buy, pay b ills, tak e trip s. We continue to grow in 1966—30 new offices since January 1— and our expansion means more economic activ ity, more business. Florida, and George M. Curtis who is terminating active business connec tions in the local family plant. Also included in the sale is a portion of the stock holdings of the Bruce Townsend family. It is further reported, how ever, that Mr. Townsend has agreed to remain as president and managing executive officer of the bank. Mr. Dunlap explained that, in seek ing an investment in Clinton, he is particularly impressed with the strong economy and future business pros pects offered by eastern Iowa. All negotiations were conducted by the Bankers Service Corporation of Des Moines, Iowa. Dubuque TV Unit A TV Drive-in window is being added to the parking lot facility by the American Trust and Savings Bank, Dubuque. The facility has three other regular-type windows, and this will be the first of its type in the Dubuque area. The equipment is being installed by Diebold, Inc. Heads Colchester Bank Francis W. Huff has resigned as second vice president of the Central National Bank of Chicago to accept a position as executive vice president of the Colchester State Bank, Col chester, 111. He replaces Eugene House as executive officer, who has resigned to go into another business. Mr. House was with the State Savings Bank, Cantril, Iowa, prior to 1963. Mr. Huff has a Masters Degree in agriculture. Most recently he has traveled Illinois for Central National’s correspondent banking division. Chieftain To Be Sold The Chieftain Hotel in Council Bluffs, meeting place for many Group 5 bankers’ conclaves, will go into re ceivership February 28 under a dis trict court order. The hotel will continue to be open until this date. It is anticipated that the hotel will be , sold at a sheriff’s sale in late December. A Question Charge Cards It was reported at press time that legal opinions are currently being obtained by various sources regarding the use of charge cards and/or credit cards by Iowa banks. Under the Iowa installment loan A law, banks are not permitted to charge more than a 6 percent add-on rate, ex cept for filing fees and insurance charges. Many of the charge card plans (such as those now being issued by a number of major Chicago banks) carry a rate of as much as 1 percent per month plus a % of one percent service charge. Pressure to affiliate with a charge card system is perhaps greatest along the Mississippi River area where banks on the Illinois side have launch ed plans to distribute the charge cards in the area. Elect New Director Directors of the Peoples Savings Bank, Crawfordsville, have elected Arvid H. Anderson to the board, accord ing to William R. Bernau, president and chairman, following the November meeting late last month. Mr. Ander son has been engaged in farming in Crawfordsville for 17 years. In 1964 ( he was honored as an Iowa Master V " Swine Producer, and has been an offi cer of several leading farm and civic groups in the area. Mr. Bernau also announced that cap ital stock of the Peoples Savings Bank ^ had been increased from $32,000 to $64,000. Remodeling of the bank is in progress at this time and new equip ment will be installed. '*V City National Director BUYING OR SELLING A BANK? W rite or call collect 3 6 5 -9 1 1 7 Paul Hamilton, Jr., was named to the board of directors of City National Bank & Trust Company, Kansas City, at their recent monthly meeting. Mr. Hamilton is president, chief executive officer and a director of Interstate Se- y curities Company and of the Old Se curities Insurance Companies, Kansas City. A rea C o d e 3 1 9 AUTOMOBILE REPOSSESSIONS U lA .lL T in an cz C om pasiy 207 Ninth Street Des Moines, Iowa 50307 r t h w e s t e r n B an ker, D e c e m b e r, 1966 Digitized forN oFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REGINALD FIGGE ASSOCIATES DES M O I N E S . I O W A C o n f id e n t ia l C o n s u lt in g S e r v ic e M e r c h a n t s N a t io n a l B a n k B u ild in g C e d a r R a p id s , Io w a Jack Dwyer Organization, Inc. Area Des Moines, Iowa 515— 283-1751 M em ber: A m erican Repossessors Assn.— Bonded V- Her D a d d y That’s right. Susie’s daddy insured their home the other day when he fi nanced it through the local bank. Act ually, he didn’t insure the home, he insured his life so that if anything happens to him, Susie, her mother and her two brothers won’t have to worry about a place to live. Susie doesn’t know anything about this, nor would she understand it if she did. Her world is a small one, today. Her only concerns at the moment are her doll (Mary Jane) and her girl friend (Betty Ann), who lives next door. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Insured Susie loves and trusts her daddy and mommy. She knows they both take good care of her. The thought has never entered her mind that her daddy might not be around as she grows up. But their family banker has thought about this possibility and that’s why he advised Susie’s daddy to insure the payments on their home. Sometimes the banker may be re luctant to urge his customers to insure their home payments or the payments on a large installment purchase. But if the banker will remember little Susie’s face, he will know he is doing the right thing. Insurance dollars can never re place a daddy, of course, but at least part of the family’s financial load will be lightened if the family banker will help all the daddies make the right decisions. If you are not offering Home-Saver and Credit Life insurance to “all of the daddies” who borrow from your bank, perhaps you should reconsider your bank’s position. A National Fidelity representative will be glad to show you the value of a positive and consistent insurance program for your bank. Ask him the next time he calls, or drop us a note. No obligation, of course. N a t io n a l F id e lity n o w ra n k s a m o n g the to p 12% o f A m e r i c a n a n d C a n a d i a n life c o m p a n i e s A SSET S . . . $40 Million M o re in s u r a n c e can th a n 3 ,0 0 0 p o r t f o li o C A P IT A L & SURPLUS . . . $6,788,415 m id w e s t e r n of b e n e fit y o u r b a n k . NFL! D ro p banks a re Let us show a n o te to now you our u s in g how hom e th e NFL b ro a d p ro g ra m s o f f ic e . One o f the Nation s Strongest by Any Standard o f Comparison ^S^ational fidelity L ife INSURANCE COMPANY KANSAS CITY 6, MO. Northwestern Banker, December, 1966 98 Iowa News WANT ADS .lOth Ann i r r if. t * > n sn r Rates 25 cents per word per insertion. Minimum: 12 words. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306 15th St., Des Moines, Iowa NEED EQUIPMENT? You select the machine or equip ment, new or used, from any sup plier. We will buy and lease to you. For details call or write Pioneer Leasing Company, Box 467, Norfolk, Nebraska. Phone 402-371-2123. LEGAL FORMS Any form you need we stock, or will print. S p e c ia l forms then stocked for prompt shipment on reorders. IO W A LEGAL BLANK & PRINTING CO. Box 238, Webster City, Iowa BANKERS — We are confidential recruiters exclusively for bank clients. Our coverage is nation wide. Send resume including your present salary and requirement, and geographical preference to DON HOW ARD PERSONNEL, 179 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. 10007, or phone 212— BA 7-9000 for info. Y O U R STATE BANKERS A S S O C IA T IO N O F F IC IA L SAFE, VAULT A N D T IM E L O C K EXPERTS F. E. DAVENPORT & C O OMAHA ACORN Registers "Accepted Sale Registers by Bank Clerks Everywhere" For information write THE AC O R N PRINTING CO . Oakland, Iowa IN THIS photo published in last month’s issue, the men were incorrectly identified. W. Loren Parr (center), shown with Mrs. Parr, was being honored for his 50 years of service with Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, Charles City. He is exec. v.p. of the bank. At left is Carl Magdsick, a director of the bank, and at right is C. M. Frudden, pres, of the bank. New Business Officer The Dallas County State Bank, Adel, has established a department of public relations and business development, it was announced last month by H. B. Jacobson, president. Russell Horn, vice president, who has been with the D E C E M B E R . 1966 A Acorn Printing Company .......................... 98 American National Bank and 5 Trust Company-—C h ica g o ..................... American National Bank and Trust Company— Saint Paul . . . . 56, 57, 58, 62 American Trust and Savings Bank— Dubuque ........................................ 89 It Bank Building and EquipmentCorp. 19, 20 Bankers Service C orporation................... 92 Bankers Trust Company— DesMoines. 82 Bank of America ........................................... 30 Bank of Montreal ........................................ 12 Black Sale System ...................................... 10 C Central National Bank— Chicago ......... 47 Central National Bank and Trust Company— Des Moines ............................ 28 Central States Health & Life Co............. 101 Chase Manhattan Bank ....................... 11 Chemical Bank New York Trust Co. . . 27 Chiles & Company ........................................ 70 City National Bank & Trust Company— Kansas City .......................... 39 Colorado National Bank ............................ 65 Commerce Trust Co.— Kansas City . . . . 77 Council Bluffs Savings B a n k ................... 86 Curtiss 1000 Inc............................................... 98 D Davenport, P. E., & Co............................... DeLuxe Check Printers, Inc....................... Denver U. S. National Bank ................... Dial Finance Company .............................. Downey, C. L., Company ......................... Drovers National Bank .............................. F 98 43 63 96 21 93 Farm Business Council, Inc....................... 99 Figge, Reginald, Associates ................... 96 First National Bank— Chicago ............ 17 HF ( S IN C E Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Banker, December, 1966 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C U R T IS lO O O First National Bank-— Denver ............... First National Bank— Minneapolis . . . . First National Bank— Omaha ................. First National Bank— Sioux City ......... First National Bank and Trust Company— L in c o ln .................................... First National City Bank— New York .................................... 23, 24, Foundation for Commercial Banks . . . 16 50 71 87 Gross, Kirk, Co................................................ 98 Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc........................... Harris Trust and Savings Bank ........... 8 9 Gr H 1 79 25 49 Iowa-Des Moines National B a n k ............102 Iowa Legal Blank & Printing Co.......... 98 Iowa Search, Inc............................................. 94 L LaMonte, George & Son ............................ 7 LaSalle National Bank .................86, 90, 94 Lawrence Company, The .......................... 41 Live Stock National Bank— Sioux City ................................................... 60 M Marquette National Bank ....................... 91 Mercantile Trust Company ..................... 15 2 Merchants National Bank ....................... Midland National Bank of Minneapolis. 55 N National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings— Lincoln ............................ National Bank of South Dakota ........... National Bank of Waterloo ..................... National Boulevard Bank ....................... National City Bank— Minneapolis ......... National Fidelity Life Insurance Co. . . North Central Companies .......................... Northern Trust Company .......................... o 75 61 92 14 59 97 13 3 Omaha National Bank ................................ 69 Ozark Air Lines ............................................. 81 P Phillips, Hotel ............................................... 48 R Recordak Microfilming— Eastman Kodak Company ................................ 52, 53 S Security National Bank— Sioux City . . 95 South Omaha Stockyards National Bank .......................................... 73 Studley, Shupert Trust Investment Council ................................ 12 T 1 8 8 2 ............... Talcott, James, Inc........................................ 45 Twins Motor Hotel ...................................... 48 s u p p l i e r to t he ba nki ng i n d u s t r y ') bank since 1938 and manager of the Dexter office since 1944, will be in charge of the new department. Mr. Jacobson said Leland Goodrich, vice president, will be in charge of the Dexter office until a resident manager is named. IN C . 1000 University Ave. • St. Paul, Minn. 55104 U United States Check Book Company . . United States National Bank— Omaha . V Valley Bank and Trust Company— Des Moines ................................................... Valley National Bank of A r iz o n a ......... Van Horne Investments, Inc...................... 80 66 85 6 72 V 99 F ro m 7*/n M o o r y *to Iti y B u sin em (Continued from page 36) ^ ^ S ^ -J' k 4 'V ■d observers in the Alta Vista coramunity. First-Year Records In late September of .1964, Mr. Hilsman retired his first flock after 13 months of lay, and Mr. Hofman’s house was emptied the first week in October after 13.4 months of lay. Mr. Hilsman had produced an operating income (return for labor and use of facilities) of $1.65 per bird and Mr. Hofman $2.17. Both had experienced less than 5 percent depletion during the complete flock cycle; had feed con version rates of 4.2 and 4.0 pounds of feed per dozen respectively; and both flocks averaged over 280 eggs per pul let housed or one egg every 7 out of 10 days. When flocks are retired, some re covery is made on their original pur chase price of about $1.80. Prices have varied from 4 to 11 cents per pound for these “retired” birds, but generally they have brought 25 cents per pullet when sold to food processors for chicken soup and other canned chick en products. On a 5,000 bird flock, for example, and assuming just under 5 per cent depletion, the pullets might be sold at the 25-cent rate for about $1,200, or about 13.3 per cent recovery on purchase price. Mr. Schwickerath’s first flock was kept until February, 1965. By that time Hy-Cross Chick Company had put up Midwest Cage Layer Units on two more farms in the Alta Vista area and six other farms outside that gen eral trade area; and plans were well along for three more new units and one 4,000-bird extension that were built in 1965. During the summer of 1964 Melvin Johnson’s “colony” of egg producers grew as both Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gerhardt and Ed Schwickerath put up units for 5,040 birds each. Mr. Schwickerath later completed plans to increase his unit to 10,000 birds in 1966, demonstrating his confidence that egg production offers the kind of return he’s looking for in his farm operation. Another Hy-Cross customer, Roland Clement, at Garner, Iowa, has put his money where his experience indicated his confidence should be, when in 1965 he increased to 9,000 birds ca pacity the 5,620-bird unit he put up in 1964. Unit Sizes Increase Experience is an effective teacher < via the object lesson route under the V direction of Melvin Johnson and his supplier, Hy-Cross Chick Company. There have been no drop-outs in their Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis system, and new recruits are joining the ranks all the time. It is interest ing to note the larger size of cage units that were constructed in 1966: Birds Roger Weitzie, Nora Springs 5,500 Clarence Cliizek, Garner 6,300 John Hanke, Stacyville 7,500 Lawrence Weinberger, Osage 7,500 Each year the average size of units built or enlarged by the Hy-Cross organization seems to increase: 1963— 1964— 1965— 1966— Birds Each 6 units built—averaged 6,286 (i units built—averaged 5,640 4 units built—averaged 5,512 7 units built—averaged 5,607 The 23 farmers whose units total over 120,000 layers are not only adding is what a banker in the HERE locality discussed in the accompanying article has to say about this program: “We are pleased with the operations of the local poultry farms around Alta Vista, and feel that, with proper manage ment and an average of 30c per dozen for eggs, that they will prove a good investment and will take care of the payments, if financed, and feed. “We do feel, however, that proper management has much to do with the success, as well as the Hy-Line method of financing and their picking the proper parties to build a house. What impresses us is the cash coming in every week to take care of the feed and other expenses.” Joe Menges, President Alta Vista State Bank Alta Vista, Iowa much new production to their own operations, but are also contributing much to the local business economy of their business communities through input purchases of the flocks, build ings to house them, insurance cover age, thousands of dollars for feed, and bank loans needed to finance the busi ness. In Iowa and adjoining states, for the years 1963 through 1966, there have been 161 Hy-Line Midwest Cage Layer Units set up with 919,000 layers. Egg production is a growing busi ness—an enlarging new concept of a major segment of agriculture in this section of Iowa. By contrast, egg production is somewhat of a diminish ing tradition in other parts of the mid west—largely as a result of changes in marketing processes that place a premium on consistent high quality the year around, and large volume marketing units. Farmers in the Alta Vista area, and elsewhere, who had the wisdom to follow the leadership of people like Melvin Johnson and such organiza tions as Hy-Cross Chick Company are fast realizing the economic return value of changing their production methods to meet the requirements of changed marketing concepts—which in turn merely reflects the methods used to cater to the preferences of Mrs. American Housewife.—End. Robert E. Driscoll Services were held in Rapid City December 3 for Robert E. Driscoll, 77, a prominent former banker and legis lator in South Dakota. Mr. Driscoll died November 29 in Santa Monica, Calif. A native of Central City, he was former board chairman of the First National Bank of the Black Hills, Rapid City; a former director of North west Bancorporation; a former state legislator; former president of Ameri can Colloid Company, and had served the South Dakota Bankers Association for one term as president. Survivors include Mrs. Driscoll, one son, three daughters and one brother. YES— W e d e live r full se rvice banking to farmers, ranchers and agribusinessmen. The best in franchise News-Letter service THE FARM PICTURE. R A N C H - F A R M * D A I R Y - F A R M * SO UT H- FAR M , t O BOX F URBA N » , IL L IN O IS 61802 Nor th wes tern Banker, December, 1966 100 Sad Affair Who s W rong? A city was staging a mock air raid and the Boy Scouts had been called on to act as wounded persons to be picked up and tended by members of the civil defense organization. The first-aid people got considerably behind schedule and one little Scout lay awaiting his rescuers for over an hour. W hen they finally arived at the spot, they found a note in a childish scraw l: “ I bled to death and went home.” Note found under a windshield w iper: “ I have just smashed into your car. The people who saw the accident are watching me. They think I am writing down my name and address. They are wrong.” Only Once One of the first things a boy learns with a chemistry set is that he isn’t likely to get another one. Three in One An Irishman, after paying his re spects in the cemetery, walked about looking at some of the tombstones. He stopped before one engraved: “ Here lies Sandy McGregor. A generous father, and pious man.” “ Humpf,” said the Irishman. “ Just like the Scots— burying three men in one grave.” Just One It takes a thousand nuts to hold an automobile together, but just one to spread it all over the landscape. N o Jams Russia every 56 have any even put jam ? has only one automobile for persons. H ow can the world respect for a nation that can’t together a respectable traffic Big Enterprise The manager heard that a 30-dollara-week clerk had a new car, and asked him how he could afford it with four children. “ Oh, that’s easy,” said the clerk. “ There are five hundred of us employed at this factory, and I raffle off my wages every week at four bits a chance.” Sign of l imes Today’s supermarket sells almost everything, but if you find tires among 4 the groceries, you’re in the wrong place. That’s a drugstore. CON VENTIONS January 30-31—ABA 19th National Credit Conference, Hotel Utah and Motor Lodge, Salt Lake City, Utah. February 5-8—ABA 48th Midwinter Trust Conference, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City. February 12—Iowa Bankers Associa tion, Group One Meeting, Sioux City. February 22—Iowa Bankers Associa tion, Group Eleven, Burlington Hotel, Burlington. March 2-4—Annual Convention, Inde pendent Bankers Association of America, Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, La. March 13-15—ABA 64th National Sav ings Conference, Atlanta Marriott Motor Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. March 20-22—ABA National Instal ment Credit Conference, Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. May 7-9—Nebraska Bankers Associa tion Annual Convention, Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, Omaha. May 7-10—ABA National Automation Conference, The Americana of New York, New York City. May 9-12—Iowa Bankers Association, First Week of Group Meetings. May 10-12 North Dakota Bankers Association Annual Convention, Fargo. May 16-19—ABA National Mortgage Conference, Chase-Park Plaza Ho tel, St. Louis. May 18-20—South Dakota Bankers As sociation, Rapid City. May 23-26—Iowa Bankers Association, Second Week of Group Meetings. May 29-June 2—AIB National Con vention, Statler Hilton Hotel, Detroit. June 14-17—American Safe Deposit Association Convention, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. June 15-17—Montana Bankers Associ ation Convention, Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, Wyo. October 8-13—Bank Public Relations and Management Association An nual Convention, Denver Hilton Hotel, Denver. October 9-13—Nebraska Bankers As sociation Group Meetings. October 22-25—Iowa Bankers Associ ation Annual Convention, Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines. V > 4- Sr V 4 4 “Of course I didn’t enter it . . . your books wouldn’t have balanced if I did.” Banker, December, 1966 Digitized forNorthwestern FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This low-cost insurance is now available at more than 1200 banks. Your bank sim ply deducts the premiums from checking accounts and receives a profitable fee for the service. BANK-CARE is an an swer to already high hospit al costs — which are expect ed to mount still higher in months ahead. It can sup plement present insurance. It pays expenses other in surance doesn’t cover. BANK-CARE is SOLD ONLY BY MAIL — NO SALESMAN WILL CALL ON YOUR DEPOSITORS. Perform a valuable serv ice in your community — earn good will and profit able extra revenue. Write or phone collect — area 402 348-1333 — for complete details. Ce n t r a l States H e a l t h & L if e Co . o f Om a h a T. L E S L IE K IZ ER , C h a irm a n of the B o a rd 504 So u th 18th Street O m ah a, N e b ra ska 68102 in 1,200 With all our best wishes for a happy, prosperous 1967! fMerrf Io w a -De s Mo in e s National BanK SIXTH AND W ALNUT • MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN SURANCE CORPORATION • 2 8 4 - 8 6 8 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "yes, w e ' r e h e r e to h e lp y o u s e t w h a t y o u w a n t ! " Bob Buenneke Assistant Vice President, George Hamagel Assistant Vice President, Jerry Nelson Vice President, Dale Luckow Assistant Vice President.