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Vol. 14 No. 35

Angered Farmer Slays Banker








B y BEN H A L L E S, JR.
IOLENT tragedy erupted in a
small Iowa com m unity last
week when a distraught farmer used
a shotgun to kill his wife, the local
bank president, a neighboring
farmer and then him self on the
morning o f December 9.
Dale N. Burr, 63, reported by
fam ily members to be in a critical
financial situation, apparently killed
his 65-year old wife, Em ily, first. He
then drove to Hills Bank & Trust
Company, located seven miles south
o f Iowa City, where he tried to cash
a check but was rejected until the
funds status was clarified. Bank em­
ployees said he became enraged and
left the bank.
However, he reappeared in several
minutes with his shotgun hidden
under his clothing. He walked
directly to the office o f John R.
Hughes, 46, president o f the bank,
who was in conference with a fellow
officer, opened the door and fired
one shot point blank at Mr. Hughes’
head, killing him instantly. He
paused at another office to aim the
gun at two other bank officers but
the gun did not fire, then left the
Authorities say Dale Burr then
drove directly to the farm home o f


December 16,1985

Des Moines, Iowa

Richard G oody, 37, with whom he
had quarrelled over an 80-acre lease
on land adjoining the Burr farm, and
killed Mr. G oody. He also fired at
the victim ’s wife, M arilyn G oody,
and her 6-year old son, who had ju st
arrived in the fam ily car. A s Mrs.
G oody shoved her child out o f the
line o f fire she sped away with Dale
Burr firing at them. A sheriff’s de­
puty stopped the Burr truck a few
minutes later, called for backup as­
sistance and when they arrived they
found Mr. Burr dead o f a self-in­
flicted wound.
The entire tragic incident took no
longer than a half hour, apparently,
but left a devastating trail o f grief.
Mr. Hughes is survived by his wife,
Karen, and tw o daughters, Emily,
17, and Am y, 14.
Iowa bankers and townspeople
alike were stunned by the sudden­
ness and viciousness o f the attacks.
Mr. Burr was decribed by fam ily
members and acquaintances alike as
a normally quiet, easy-going person,
but one who apparently had gotten
him self in deep financial trouble
with land purchases. A precipitat­
ing episode apparently involved a
$23,000 check from the ASCS made
out to Dale Burr that should have
been made out jointly to him and the
Hills Bank. When the bank asked
ASCS to remedy the error, ASCS

reportedly asked them to work it out
with Mr. Burr and, barring such an
agreement, ASCS would turn over
the com collateral to the bank. The
latter course was followed, which
angered Mr. Burr. The tragic events
o f M onday, December 9, then fol­
lowed in late morning when his
check could not be cashed until pro­
per financial plans were worked out.
Area bankers were alerted imme­
diately and the Lone Tree Savings
Bank, where Mr. Burr also did some
business, was locked since it was
reported he was headed in that direc­
tion. The Burr fam ily farm is at
Lone Tree. Other area bank staffs
were edgy through the day, but con­
tinued business as usual.
Bankers and farm leaders all
agreed, through numerous press in­
terviews, that this type o f violent
behavior is an aberration, cannot be
predicted, and cannot be allowed to
shackle the lives o f other farmers
and lenders. There are a number o f
crisis lines available to farmers and
other ag-related borrowers where
problem s can be discussed and, in
some instances, worked out.
Bankers associations have in­
cluded “ stress” counseling at ses­
sions in their seminars for many
months. For example, several out­
standing concurrent sessions ad­
dressing this specific topic from the
standpoint o f both the banker and
the farm custom er were part o f the

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Financial and other material prob­
lems can be resolved in some way or
coped with, for there are many com ­
petent individuals and organiza­
tions today who can assist in such
resolution, or in counseling how to
get a new start in life. And that is
far better than a senseless death. □

Farm Belt Bank Leaders
Meet in Kansas City

A m eeting o f Farm Belt banking
leaders, along with A B A and IB A A
officials, was scheduled for Monday,
nuine concerns and are working as December 16, at the M arriott Hotel
we are to find a meaningful direction in Kansas City. This follow s a simi­
to take to restore stability to the lar m eeting in November, reported
people o f our state. W e have the in the November 11 issue o f The
same overall objective, and it seems Weekly Newsletter. The position
to me that we should create a statement adopted at that time to
dialogue that will search for areas o f address short-and-long-term ag fi­
common ground to work together to nance needs, will guide formulation
meet this objective.”
o f proposed legislation to be pre­
W e endorse this foresigh ted sented to Congressional ag leaders.
leadership by Mr. Meriwether. W e The banking industry was rejected
hope that from his endeavor there by Congress and the Adm inistration
may com e a traveling Town Hall in its efforts to have all ag lenders
type o f panel com posed o f farmer, considered in the Farm Credit Sys­
banker, religious, civic and healing tem bill that has now passed both
arts representatives who can openly the House and Senate. Sen. Jake
discuss the concerns o f all rural peo­ Gam , chairman o f the Senate Bank­
ple at forums in rural communities ing Committee, said ag banklending
throughout the state. Similar action problem s will be addressed early in
and leadership by surrounding state the next session in January.
banker associations would give cre­
dence to such a move.
Iowa News
If, from this tragic event, there
y S. Beattie has been
will come an awakening by the A d­
m inistration and Congress to the named vice president and trust offi­
critical nature o f the farm problem cer at Boone State Bank. She has
we have all been trying for two years been engaged in a private law prac­
to convince them exists, then the tice for tw o and a half years.
senseless deaths o f John Hughes DU RAN T: Oliver Hansen, chairman
and the others will not be totally in and president o f Liberty Trust &
vain. The taking o f a human life as a Savings Bank, underwent successful
result o f one's problem s is unac­ double-bypass heart surgery Decem­
ceptable and abhorred in our so­ ber 6 at St. Luke’s Hospital in
ciety. W e pray that this sad drama Davenport. Mr. Hansen had suf­
will help all o f us keep financial and
fered a heart attack last month in
fam ily difficulties in proper perspec­ W ashington, D.C., and returned
tive, before it’s too late, by realizing home to be hospitalized in St.
that human life and dignity are Luke’s. He is in Room 423, St.
paramount in considering any solu­ Luke’s Hospital, 1227 E. Rusholme
tions to the problem s at hand.
St., Davenport, la. 52803.
John Cretzmeyer

A B A National Agricultural Bankers
Conference in Dallas, November
11-13, and all session room s were
com pletely filled.
The loss o f John Hughes to his
fam ily, his bank and his community
cannot fully be measured. He was a
true leader who genuinely cared
about and actively worked hard for
the success o f farm families. His in­
explicable killing is exactly opposite
to all that he believed in and what
his bank strove to achieve. His
death likewise leaves a void in the
Iowa Bankers Association where his
leadership and wise counsel as a
member o f the IB A Board o f Direc­
tors were recognized by all as evi­
dence that he was truly a state
leader for the industry, stated Neil
Milner, executive vice president o f
the IB A . Mr. Hughes also was
IB A ’s advisory board member to
the School o f Banking.
The day after news o f the Hills
slayings, IB A President J. Bruce
Meriwether, president o f First Na­
tional Bank in Dubuque, wrote a let­
ter to seven religious, farm associa­
tion and farm crisis leaders inviting
them to attend a m eeting Friday
afternoon, December 20 in the IB A
boardroom in Des M oines. Mr. Meri­
wether said, “ I have some very deep
concerns about the days that are
ahead o f us as we seek solutions to
the econom ic and social crisis cur­
rently affecting us so drastically. I
know that you have these same ge-

Make The National Bank of Waterloo
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Waterloo, IA 50703

NORTH EN G LISH : Les Johnson
has been appointed executive vice
president o f Farmers Savings Bank.
He was form erly executive vice
president at Andrew Savings Bank.
Serving bankers quietly and efficiently.

714 F irs t In te rs ta te B ank B u ild in g
Des M oines, Iow a 50309

M U CE0/#2—Extremely capable EVP currently in charge of
$40MM ag bank with responsibilities of administration of $27MM
loan portfolio. Three years bank examiner. Reference says, “Ex­
cellent banker...very good knowledge of all lending phases...
positive attitude...a SUPER PERSON.” B.S. Bus. Admin. Married
$40,000 + . Call Linda.
NL-2 AG LENDING/FARM MOT —Actively involved in cash crop farm­
ing and small livestock operation along with being a full-time
banker. 21/2 yrs. with a small, rural bank. Handles all lending and
operations. Reference says, “He’s very positive and personable...
good communication skills.” B.S. degree. Married. Age: 45
$28-30,000. Call Linda.

NL-3 LOAN OFFICER — 21/2 yrs. with major holding company.
Handles $3-4MM ag portfolio. Looking for career advancement
and relocation closer to university with undergraduate program
available. Good references. ISU Grad in Ag Education. Married.
Age: 24. $20-22,000. Call Linda.

NL-4 INSTALLMENT LENDER —Offers 4 1/2 yrs. with $70MM + +
bank as loan officer with duties in installment lending, student
loans and collections. Receives excellent recommendation from
current employer. Dairy background. A.A. Business. Married.
Age: 25. $25,000. Call Linda.

NL-5 AG BANKER-—31/2 yrs. with $20M M + + ag bank. Handles
$5MM in ag/commercial and R.E. loans. One year with FmHA.
Available due to limited advancement. Good references. B.S. Ag.
Married. Age: 26. Upper $20,000’s. Call Linda.
NL-6 BANK OPERATIONS — Reference says, “Efficiency and knowl­
edge of bank operations are her strongest points. Knows bank
operations inside and out.” Seventeen-and-one-half yrs. with
$18MM ag bank which included operations, loans, investments,
collections, data processing and secretarial duties. Has maxi­
mized her abilities at the bank and needs a new challenge. Com­
munity involved. Single. Age: 37. $20,000. Call Linda.
NJ-7 SR. V .P . —Over 7 yrs. with same $50mm. Responsible for ap­
proximately $5mm ag & $5mm commercial loans. A ‘conserva­
tively aggressive’ banker—able to recognize and add good
loans, and work out problems. Strong on cash flows. Thorough
understanding of wheat and cattle ranching. Qualified for C.E.O.
or E.V.P. positions, or will consider V.P. with growth potential.

Prefers Western U.S. location, in or near college town. B.S. Ag
Econ. plus numerous ag and commercial lending schools. Mar­
ried. Age 32. $36-$45,000. Call Jean.

NJ-8 JR . AG/0PERATI0NS OFFICER — References say, “Exceptional!
Bright and willing to work.” Offers 4 years bank exper. Started in
small ag bank running in-house computer and helping with ag
loan analysis and collections. Now handles general ledger and
loan accounting, and is assistant to comptroller and auditor of
Bancorp in $100MM ag bank. Has attended ag lending school
and Chicago Board of Trade Marketing Seminar. IBM-PC, Bur­
roughs, and Hewlitt Packed computer experience. Desires posi­
tion combining operations and ag lending duties. Farm raised.
B.S. Degree. Married. Age 25. $21,000. Call Jean.

NJ-9 SR. V .P . —With 4 yrs. current banking experience (VP/ALO,
responsible for $10mm ag loans and assists with commercial),
and 10 yrs. previous PCA and farm management experience,
he’s a versatile and seasoned candidate for your bank. Refer­
ence says, "Qualified to be Sr. L.O. in any $50-$75mm bank.
Able to bring in quality loans...spends time after hours calling on
farm customers helping them avoid problems. Excellent on cash
flows, documentation, counselling, and QUALITY!” B.S. Ag
Econ. and numerous credit schools and banking conferences.
Married. Age 39. $35,000. Call Jean.
NJ-10 AG LOAN OFFICER-Over 6 yrs. ag lending experience, past
2 yrs. with $50mm bank as #2 in ag dept. Very personable young
man with much to offer. Reference says, “Has all the tools to be
successful.” B.S. Ag Bus. from ISU. Married. Age 29. $30,000.
Call Jean.
NL-11 AG LOAN OFFICER — Fourteen months as ag rep. for major
holding company. Position eliminated due to consolidations.
Makes an excellent personal appearance. B.S. Economics
Single. Age: 25. $18-20,000. Call Linda.

NL-12 #2—Started banking career as a finance trainee, then con­
tinued in collections for six years with a savings and loan co. Re­
cent experience includes bank management, ag, commercial
and installment lending along with insurance sales for a small
chain bank. Highly recommended by present employer. B.S.
Bus. Admin. Married. Age: 36. $30,000. Call Linda.

Our reputation of maintaining our candidates’ confidentiality enables us to at­
tract a select group of ag bankers and lenders... those currently employed and not
actively lob hunting, but ready to make a move for the right opportunity.

When you describe your needs to us, we contact our candidates who fit your de­
scription to discuss the position and location to ascertain their Interest before
disclosing their names or sending you their resumes.
This not only protects our candidates identity, but saves you tlme...when we sub­
m it a candidate for your consideration, you’ll know he or she has an Interest in
your bank, community and salary range.
Let us know your needs without commitment; we won’t ‘hound’ you with phone
calls or ‘flood’ you with resumes, and there is no fee unless you hire.
Linda Heit
New Hampton, Iowa 50659
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

We serve as the source to locate candidates who meet your qualifications and
are interested in your position. We are available to assist, not ‘Insist.’ We allow
and encourage your direct contact with our candidates. YOU make the choice and
decision without pressure.

Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 12-16-85

Jean Eden
515/263-9598 (W/F)
712/779-3567 (M/T/TH)
Massena, Iowa 50853

NL-13 AG BANKER—Offers two years of well rounded experience in

NL-21 #2—Six years with a finance company in branch manage­

banking, including audit functions, operations (microcomputer
applications), compliance, consumer and ag lending. ISU grad in
Ag Business. Married. Age: 25. $20-22,000. Call Linda.

ment (receives excellent recommendations from supervisor).
Eight years in commercial, installment, residential real estate and
ag lending for a $60MM bank. Licensed in insurance lines. Mar­
ried. Age: 36. $32,000. Call Linda.

NJ-14 SR. V .P .—Workout specialist for past 2 yrs. in $25mm bank.
Successfully handles large loans and legal matters in clean up
process. Six yrs. previous experience as Branch Mgr. with PCA.
Strong military background. Reference says, “A high perfor­
mance individual...digs in and works through problems...a detailoriented, self started...good decision maker, who’s had experi­
ence by fire.” B.S. Ag. Married. Age 38. $43,000. Call Jean.



NL-22 AG/0PERATI0NS OFFICER—Reference says, “Aggressive,
works well with farmers and did an excellent job screening
clients.” Three years ag loan correspondent for finance company
and currently assistant branch manager and loan officer with a
major holding company. Well recommended. B.A. Ag. Married.
Age: 27. $23,000. Call Linda.

NJ-15 AG LOAN OFFICER—References say, "A hard credit man;
analyzes the total picture, makes a decision, and takes a firm
stand...results-oriented.” Over 7 yrs. PCA experience. Respon­
sible for collections, budget, marketing and personnel. Distin­
guished appearance, congenial personality. B.S. Ag Age 29.
$28,000. Call Jean.

NJ-23 V .P . AG LOANS—In charge of $10M M ag loans at $50MM

NJ-19 AG LENDER—Currently branch mgr. in charge of loans,

NL-24 AG LOAN OFFICER—Reference says, “Excellent ag lending

operations, and business development at small branch bank.
Has total of 4 yrs. banking experience, with first yr. spent as ag
lender and asst, cashier. An energetic, well-spoken individual.
M.S Ag plus bank schooling. Married. Age 34. $28,000. Call

knowledge and good rapport with clients.” This extremely sharp
ag lender offers four years with FLB most recently supervising a
staff of two loan officers and two clerical. Very knowledgeable in
agriculture. Quick and accurate in credit analysis. Self-starter.
B.S. Ag. Married. Age: 26. $30,000. Call Linda.

bank for the past 3 yrs., this candidate was formerly a PCA loan
officer. Strengths include constant involvement with loan work­
outs, as well as ample exposure to other areas of banking. Highly
praised by former supervisor. M.S. Ag. Married. Age 39.
$34,000. Call Jean.

“In some cases, a bank’s employees are the only
distinguishing factor between the bank and its competition.
We were able to hire, the kind of individual we wanted
through AGRIcareerS.’’
Randy Schouten, Pres.







Norwest Bank
Montevideo, MN
N J-17 V.P./AG—Four yrs. as ag lender with major holding com­

NJ-25 V .P .—Currently in charge of $10MM ag portfolio in major

pany bank, and past 2 yrs. as V.P. of $25mm independent bank,
in charge of problem ag loans and workouts. Reference says,
"Has experience in all areas...learns quickly and thinks before he
speaks...really works well with farm accounts.” Farm raised. B.S.
Business Admin. Married. Age 28. $28,000. Call Jean.

holding company bank. Three + years in banking, 1 year with
FmHA. Heavily involved in problem loan workouts and negotia­
tions. Very community minded. B.S. Ag. Age 27. $30,000. Call

NJ-18 C .E.O .—Offers 7 yrs. bank management experience plus 10
yrs. as bank examiner. Has established loan review procedures
and successfully implemented corrective action in problem loans
at current bank. Ag and commercial lending knowledge as well
as operations, personnel and investments. B.S. Ag. Married. Age
40. $50,000. Call Jean.

NJ-19 AG LENDER—Over 2 yrs. with Farm Credit System, plus
previous experience in ag sales and teaching vo-ag. References
report, "A dedicated and conscientious worker. Pays attention to
detail. A smooth and intelligent individual, who has thorough
knowledge of agriculture.” B.S. Ag. Married. Age 28. $27,000.
Call Jean.

NJ-20 AG LENDER—Has 4 yrs. bank exper. Started in installments,
is now ag rep handling $3 mil. of $5 mil. in ag loans in $22 mil.
bank. Reference says; “strong on cash flows, excells in ag lend­
ing...understands farming, analytical, good judgment, an outgo­
ing and popular individual.” Degree in Ag Banking plus MN bank
courses and ag lending school. Apple computer exper. also.
Married. Age 25. $25,000. Call Jean.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


NJ-26 AG LOAN OFFICER—Offers 3 years current bank experience;
responsible for half of ag portfolio in $40MM bank; also works
with commercial, R.E. and installment loans. B.S. Ag Bus.
(ISU—3.8 GPA) plus bank schools. Good experience with computers. Sharp appearance. Married. Age 26. $23,000. Call Jean.


NJ-27 C .E.O .—Currently C.E.O. of $50MM ag bank. 15 yrs. bank­
ing experience. Strong lending/administration skills. B.S./M.S.
plus advance banking schools. Married. Age 45. $65,000. Call


NJ-28 SR. MGMT—Now Pres/CEO of $10MM ag bank. Handles all
loans, bank management, investments. Prior exper. in correspon­
dent and trust areas. Strong ag background. Excellent appear­
ance. B.S. Economics plus graduate of banking schools. Mar­
ried. Age 37. Will relocate to midwest towns of 1000 or more.
$45,000. Call Jean.


NL-29 EVP—Currently responsible for ag, real estate, commercial
and installment loans for a $13MM bank along with bank opera­
tions. Reference says, “He has super credit judgment-no ques­
tion about it! Excellent rapport with customers.” Looking for a
challenge. Licensed in Insurance and Real Estate. B.S. degree.
Married. Age: 33. $35,000. Call Linda.


Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 12-16-85



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^ First N ational Lincoln
A FirsTier Bank

O M AH A: F. Phillips Giltner has
been appointed to the Federal Re­
BROKEN BOW : Security State
serve A dvisory Council effective
Bank was closed December 6 by
January 1,1986. The Council serves
James Barbee, Nebraska director o f
as an advisor group to the Board of
banking, the 10th Nebraska bank to
Governors o f the Federal Reserve in
fail this year. FDIC said no bids
W ashington, D.C. Mr. Giltner cur­
were received for the $6.9 million
rently serves as president o f First
deposit base and its agents pro­
National Bank o f Omaha and First
ceeded with liquidation last week.
National o f Nebraska, Inc., its hold­
Approxim ately $60,000 only was in
ing company. He represents the
excess o f the $100,000 FDIC insured
10th Federal Reserve D istrict. Mem­
lim it. Security State was the oldest
bers are selected for a one year term
o f Broken Bow ’s three state char­
b y the Board o f Directors o f each of
tered banks; however, the other
the eleven Federal Reserve Dis­
tw o— Broken Bow State Bank and
tricts. The Council meets quarterly
Nebraska State Bank & Trust Co.—
in W ashington with the seven mem­
have deposits o f approxim ately $25
bers o f the Board o f Governors.
m illion and $50 m illion respectively
YORK: The First National Bank of
in this town o f 4,000 population.
York has announced four prom o­
G RAN D ISLAN D : A t Omaha Na­ tions. Bruce Fagot was prom oted
tional Bank Grand Island, four offi­ from vice president to vice president
cers have been prom oted. Dennis L. and com ptroller; he has been with
Barkley, form erly vice president and the bank since 1977. Randy Shelden
manager o f the commercial and agri­ was prom oted from assistant vice
cultural loan department, has been president o f marketing to vice presi­
named vice president and senior dent o f marketing; he started with
credit officer o f commercial, agricul­ the bank in 1976. Kevin Henderson
tural and consumer lending. Patricia is presently operations officer and
A. Orendorff, previously vice presi­ was named assistant vice president
dent and operations manager, will in charge o f operations; he has been
serve as vice president and manager with the bank since 1981. Ray
o f operations and retail banking. McKenna is currently a consumer
Stephen M. Beachler, form erly vice loan officer and was named an assis­
president and retail banking man­ tant vice president o f the consumer
ager, has been named vice president loan department; he joined the bank
and marketing director. Gary Gan­ in 1980.
non, form erly marketing officer, will
serve as retail banking officer and
Illinois News
supervise consumer banking in the
CHICAGO: A t Colonial Bank and
bank’s Grand Island offices.
Trust Company, Robert E. Hahn
LIN D SA Y: Bank o f Lindsay has re­ has been elected senior vice presi­
cently announced the nomination o f dent and senior lending officer. He
James C. A rlt as president and previously was senior vice president
Daniel J. Korus as assistant vice and senior lending officer at North­
president. Mr. A rlt was m ost recent­ west National Bank, Chicago. Brian
ly executive vice president o f Bank F. Bara was prom oted to assistant
o f Lindsay and is replacing Barry V. controller. He joined the bank in
Marsh who has joined Tilden Bank 1983 after working for the Commu­
as executive vice president. Mr. nity National Bank o f Pontiac,
Korus was m ost recently assistant Michigan.
vice president o f Norwest Bank
MONTICELLO: Larry Harshbarger
Grand Island.
has been elected president o f the Na­
tional Bank o f M onticello. He was
form erly president o f the Bank of

Nebraska News

Seeks a bank partner. NASD member; general
securities business for 7 years. (414) 748-7788.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Member. F.D.I.C.

13th & M Streets, Lincoln, NE 68501

SPRIN G FIELD : Jeffrey J. Hargroder was recently named chief execu­

tive officer o f Independent Bankers’
Bank o f Illinois, a bank now being
organized by the Independent Com­
munity Banks in Illinois to provide
com m unity banks throughout the
state with an alternative in the cor­
respondence service area. Mr. Hargroder has extensive banking exper­
ience, m ost recently as a financial
consultant for tw o de novo banks,
an im port/export com pany and fi­
nance company.
STERLIN G: David Kingland has
joined First National Bank as execu­
tive vice president, according to
Joseph D. Henderson, president.
Mr. Kingland previously was senior
vice president at Norwest Bank,
M ason City.

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(serving the banking Industry since 1947)




Ag Lender-for small town IL bank. Need min. 3 years
lending experience. Be Involved In community. Ad­
vance to management. To $30K.

b a n k ............................................................Salary to $30,000

Sr. Lender-Need strong lender with management
skills for mid-sized Iowa bank. Must have some
workout. To $40K.
Dept. Head of Credit Services-Large metro bank. Re­
quire 5 years credit exp., working knowledge of
Comm’l Lending, Mortgage and 2 years supervisory.
Acctng. or FJnance degree. To $55K.

SENIOR INVESTMENT OFFICER for major midwest bank.
Requires experience in bank of $200 million in a s s e ts ___
................................................................................Salary open
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT for eastern Iowa bank, must
have well rounded background In both operations and
lending ...................................................... Salary High $40’s
SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER for $100 million bank In
community of 15,000 in upper mid-west.......... Salary open
LOAN REVIEW OFFICER for eastern Iowa bank, lending
and examiner experience a p lu s ................................ Salaryopen

The National Bank of Waterloo has an opening for a MAN­
AGEMENT TRAINEE. Must be degreed In Business, Fi­
nance, or Accounting. One to two years of previous bank
experience would be a plus. Please send resume to: Na­
tional Bank of Waterloo, 100 E. Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
50704. Attn. Diane Good
$900 million asset bank seeks results-orlented Commer­
cial Real Estate Loan Underwriter. Reporting to Manager
of Commercial Lending, underwriter will perform reviews,
calculations and make recommendations for all Invest­
ment opportunities, supervise construction payouts, and
review all appraisal reports. Desire person with 3-5 years
underwriting experience, keen understanding and working
knowledge of financial value concepts, and communica­
tive and analytical skills. Competitive salary and full bene­
fit package. For confidential consideration, submit
resume to: Human Resources, United Federal Savings
Bank, Locust at 4th, Des Moines, IA 50308.
$45 million dollar northwest Illinois bank has immediate
opening for experienced LOAN OFFICER with ag back­
ground and some commercial and real estate training. Ap­
plicant should be capable of handling all phases of farm
lending. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Full
benefits. Send complete resume and salary requirements
to File No. WDZ c/o Northwestern Banker.

SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER for major bank in univer­
sity city ................................................................Salary open.

R egency

Diane Evans

1102 Grand Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64106

WANT ADS— Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add
$3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity o f file letter
advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN
BANKER, 1535 Linden Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.
Phone 515-244-8163.

COMMERCIAL LENDER— 1-6 yrs experience. Oppty to head $25mm Commercial Dept. Highly re­
spected large MW holding company. Promote
from within.

CEO for $20 million Indiana bank, not a problem b a n k ___
..........................................................................Salary $45,000
AG LENDER for progressive South Dakota bank, located in
major com m unity..........................................Salary $25,000
Please call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk In care of:

Freeland Financial Service
1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309
Employer pays fee.

(zMoCdsx a n d < ^f’±±oc.iat£,±
Bank Consultants
Specializing in Bank Acquisitions
P.O. Box 450

405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010

D o n a ld E. H o ld er , Principal

COMMERCIAL LENDER—1 yr lending In metro
area. $300mm bank.

10 x 35 FIELD OFFICE TRAILER, Electric Baseboard Heat,
Two Wall Mounted Air Conditioners, Peaked Roof, Awn­
ings, Skirting; Excellent Condition - Ideal for temporary of­
fice space. - $4,000.00 or best offer. If interested - Please
call William D. Ellis at (712) 252-0577.

Contact Barbara J. Ritta at

Estate Appraisals

P.O. Box 24227
Omaha, NE 68124
1-800-225-2885, In NE (402) 397-2885

Purchase of
Sale o f Rare Coins


Consultant available on a temporary or an
Intermediate basis In an on line or
advisory capacity specializing In:

R eliable and respected service
fo r over 20 years


Used by bankers
throughout the midwest

22 years experience in acquisition and liquidation

Ben E . Marlenee

Immediate opening for Bank President to manage
two First American Banks In Rugby and Minnewaukan, North Dakota. Candidate must possess
extensive commercial and agricultural lending
knowledge and experience, strong credit adminis­
tration skills and proven management abilities. A
formal academic background In business or fi­
nance Is desired. This position offers a compre­
hensive compensation and benefits package.
Please submit a resume and salary requirements
Personnel Director
P.O. Box 1548
Minot, ND 58702-1548
An Equal Opportunity Employer


LOAN OFFICER • Diversified portfolio mainly composed of
R/E and small business loans. A strong lender needed to
take charge of this $25m portfolio. Located In college
town, part of 32 bank H/C offers quick upward promotion
and eventual CEO for right person.
EVP • Next CEO. Highly, visible spot in successful rural
bank. 5-8 yrs of ag lending In a rural institution, under­
stands ag business, cashflows, statement analysis and
KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414

317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 244-4414

2932 7th St., Moline III., 61265
— All Replies Confidential


Temporary Bank Building with canopies for sale.
Available Spring 1986
Equipment Optional

913 Locust
Des M oines, Iowa 50309


If Interested please call
Dennis Prchal at (612) 224-1371


AGRI-LOAN - senior lender for $40MM Ag Bank. Work out
loan experience desired.
COMMERCIAL LOAN • middle management position with
$100MM + suburban bank. Need two-four yrs. experience.

CASH MANAGER - Need several years of cash
management from a $500M+ bank. Greater
Omaha. To $45K.

SECOND OFFICER - Ag-oriented bank with large cattle
loan portfolio. Previous administration experience a plus.

CEO - S.E. Nebraska bank of over $20M. Need 10
years or more experience. $40-50K.

COMMERCIAL/INSTAL. LOAN - community bank with
large retail base. Time will be split evenly between com­
mercial and instal. credits.

COMMERCIAL LENDERS • Need 2 + years In com­
mercial lending. Omaha. To $30K.
All fees are paid by our client employers.
Richard L Beam, CPC
11246 Davenport Street
Omeha, NE 68154
Phone: 402/330-3260
Member National Personnel Associates
We’re Nationwide

CREDIT OFFICER • develop and oversee credit dept, for
growing suburban bank. Good advancement possibilities.

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116
“ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 14 No. 35 Northw estern Benker N ew sletter (USPS 873-300) Is published w eekly by the Northw estern Benker Company, 1535 Linden
S treet, Suite 201, Des M oines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at
Des M oines, Iow a. Address all m ail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), m anuscripts, m all item s to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis