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Vol. 16 No. 35 Des Moines, Iowa December 14,1987 The Iowa Bankers Association will sponsor “Real Estate Finance: A Comprehensive Analysis of Fac HE House and Senate were busy President. tors Affecting It in Today’s Mar Hearings also continued last week ket” on January 19 at the Des late last week selecting their rep resentatives to the conference com- on the Proxmire-Garn bill to broad Moines M arriott Hotel. Presenter mittee to iron out differences in their en bank securities powers, as well as will be Dale A. Whitman, dean of the Farm Credit System rescue bills. two other bills introduced when the University of Missouri—Columbia Both S. 1665 and H.R. 3030 contain hearings opened. As noted here last School of Law. Advance registra provisions to form a secondary mar week, the Wirth-Graham bill would tion, which includes manual, conti ket for long-term farm real estate expand bank powers and realign the nental breakfast, lunch and ma mortgages that can be accessed financial services industry along the terials, is $120 for members, $150 equally by commercial banks, life in lines suggested earlier in 1987 by for subscribers and $180 for non surance companies and the FCS. New York Fed President E. Gerald members. After January 8 the fee is There is a possibility the conference Corrigan. The other bill, put in by $15 additional. For more informa committee could complete its work Sens. D’Amato and Cranston for the tion, contact the IBA office. by the Christmas recess; otherwise, Mayflower Group, is designed spe * * * it would probably be finalized by the cifically to make sure th at current The Iowa Commercial Lending committee early in January. The Ad non-bank banks would be grand School will be held February 7-13 at ministration has said S. 1665 is ac fathered under any new legislation. Iowa State University. Directed at ceptable and would be signed by the entry-level, exempt and mid-level commercial bank officers, the 200Licensing School will be held Janu level school costs $700 for tuition. Iowa News Wes Ehrecke has been promoted ary 18-20 at the Howard Johnsons For more information, contact Rob to senior vice president of the Iowa Motel in Des Moines. Fee for bank bie Adelman at the IBA office. Bankers Association by the IBA ers is $60 for the Life School and $90 board of directors and designated as for Life and Health, and includes a CLIMBING HILL: The Climbing second in command to IBA Execu Licensing Information Bulletin, in Hill Savings Bank was closed tive Vice President Neil Milner. Mr. struction, materials, refreshments December 3 by Iowa Superintendent Ehrecke has been serving as vice and lunches. Registrations are due of Banking Edward L. Tubbs. The president for government relations/ January 11. IBIS reminds bankers FDIC sold the bank to First Trust & ag director. He will continue those to register for the school and send Savings Bank of Moville and it was duties and now also will oversee the your application to the testing insti reopened the following day as a marketing and regulatory compli tute in Pennsylvania as soon as pos branch of Moville. First Trust as sible. Advance study assignments sumed $5.1 million in deposits. It ance departments. will be sent upon receipt of your was one of nine banks closed na * * * registration. For more information, tionally on the same date. Four of The Iowa Bankers Insurance & contact Heidi McCuddin at IBIS, the other banks were in Nebraska. The principal owner of those four Services, Inc. Life and Health (800) 532-1423 or (515) 286-4395. ( Secondary Market Bill to Conference T ^ 9 ^ ^ 0 0 0 Together We Can Accom plish Great Things Call Jerry Trudo, MNB Correspondent Banker 319-398-4306 or Toll Free 1-800-332-5991 .The" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Strength of Eastern ¡B |owa Merchants National Bank Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. NORWEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 mummm Member FDIC CEO N. Iowa bank. $40-$50,000. Ownership potential. Good town. CONTROLLER Seek person with bank controller and operations ex perience. N. III. $30-$40,000. aqncareers, in c . Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. John Cretzmeyer AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS Marty 712/779-3567 Massena, IA 50853 Jay Nichols banks and Climbing Hill Savings was reported to be Timothy M. Brennan of Center, Nebr., and Omaha. DES MOINES: George F. Milligan, 53, will step down in January, 1988, from his posts as regional president of Norwest Corporation and chair man and CEO of its flagship bank, Norwest Bank Des Moines, which has $1.5 billion assets. He will be succeeded in those posts by John C. Nelson, 43, currently regional man ager of 11 Norwest banks with $1.8 billion assets in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Mr. Milligan will continue actively as vice chairman of the Des Moines bank. He said “these moves begin the implementation of an orderly transition of management here in Iowa. The moves were initi ated by Mr. Milligan, who has in formed Norwest Corporation man agement of his desire to take early retirement at age 55 in February, 1989. H. Lynn Horak, 41, will con tinue as president of Norwest Bank Des Moines while assuming the ad ditional post of regional manager for Norwest banks in Iowa ouside the Annette 515/394-5827 New Hampton, IA 50659 Des Moines area, reporting to Mr. wife, Joan, were hosts last Saturday to Vice President George Bush when Nelson. Mr. Bush spent the afternoon at FT. MADISON: State Central Bank their home for meetings to organize of Keokuk has signed a definitive workers in his campaign for the agreement to purchase Iowa State presidential nomination. Bank of Ft. Madison. Presently, State Central has about $94 million Nebraska News in assets and Iowa State has $26 Four N ebraska banks w ith million in assets. The combined Omaha businessman Timothy M. assets of $120 million would make it Brennan as principal owner were one of the largest banks in southeast closed on December 3. They were: Iowa, with lending capacity based Center State Bank, with $7.8 million on capital in excess of $11 million. in deposits, and Crofton State Bank, William Logan, president of State with $10.6 million deposits, both as Central Bank, said regulatory ap sumed from FDIC by Farmers & proval probably would take about Merchants State Bank of Bloom five months. State Central is pur field; State Bank of Jansen, with chasing Iowa State Bank holding company stock of Larry Wenzl, $4.6 million deposits, assumed by Security National Bank of Superior, president of United Bank and Trust, and First State Bank of Oakdale, Ames; Jim Baier, owner of Jim Baier with $5.6 million deposits, assumed Ford auto dealership in Ft. Madison, by National Bank of Neligh, which and Doyle Hoyer, owner of Glasgow, is converting to a state charter and Ltd. high fashion clothing store in Ft. Madison. Iowa State Bank titled First United Bank, Neligh. Mr. Brennan also was fisted as prinwould be merged with State Central cipal owner of Climbing Hills Sav Bank and operated as an office of ings Bank in the northwest Iowa the Keokuk bank. community of Climbing Hill near KEOKUK: William Logan, presi Sioux City, and that bank also was dent of State Central Bank, and his closed December 3. For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 Valley National Bank ¡5 Main Office - Sixth and Walnut DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC JAMES F. MacLEAN Vice President H. PETER DeROSIER Vice President Our testing services significantly improve your ability to hire s u c c e s s fu l sa le s people. Call Us! □avid L. Hansen, CCP Appraisals, expert opinions and other management services SW ORDS ASSOCIATES. INC. P R O F E S S IO N A L B A N K IN G C O N S U L T A N T S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 Brush Creek Blvd. Kansas City, M O 64112 (816) 753-7440 £ % % # BELLEVUE: Rick R. Sanders has been named president and chief operating officer of Affiliated Mid west Bancs. He succeeds Michael J. q To: Bank President... ThereJs A Difference In Banks... £ HAMILTON ASSOCIATES 100 Court Ave., Suite 306 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/282-0221 A nr >. it * RI^rl^f^ r\jsf m >k » .......... p f¡ B^ i l l c ^ .^ C t^ M S T ^ M ./? '(T JB |M | Robert Half’s Banking Division «f Wishes YouA Happy Holiday Season iHPltli m pS §fi> jsgif ¡H I ►ANKERSm ►ANKERS V * Some special candidatesfrom Robert Half’s Banking Division AG LOAN WORKOUT SPECIALIST, B .A . Hard-hitting ag loan administrator who tackles a job with enthusiasm! This _ effective negotiator has 3 + years experience and has developed a loan workout program. Communicates effectively with ag clientele. 12112 ASKS: High *20’s PRESIDENT - AG BANK, B .A . Do you need an executive who will follow a job through to completion? This detail * oriented motivator has 10 + years banking experience with the last 4 as a president in a 30MM bank. A take-charge manager that can build teamwork in a bank. 12113 ASKS: Low $50’s Range • COMMERCIAL LENDER, B .A . A bright, resourceful lender with 5 + years commercial experience who desires a new challenge. Currently administers a commercial loan portfolio with over 50 accounts. Has a perfect blend of analytical skills and marketing abilities to really make things happen! # 12114 ASKS: High $40’s CREDIT ANALYST, B .S. Need an independent opinion on your loan portfolio? This analytical hard-charger can establish a set of internal controls to monitor credit quality. Has 3 + years experience with a bank holding company. Has solid experience in examination of commercial installment and real estate loans. Ready for a new challenge! *12115 EARNS: $28,000 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, CPA Operationally oriented financial generalist with extensive experience in bank accounting, budgeting, asset/liability management, mergers/acquisitions, taxes and investments. Flexible, but take-charge * personality, willing to dig into details, but able to make sophisticated board room presentations. Open to midwest location. 12116 ASKS: 140,000 Plus COMMERCIAL LENDER, B .A . How about a commercial lender who will be happy a while? This energetic person has formal credit training which includes the R.M.A. Omega program. A technician by nature with articulate business development skills. Has 7 + years commercial lending experience and currently manages a S26MM commercial loan ^ department. Ready for a new challenge. 12117 ASKS: Low $40’s Range Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CASHIER This profit-minded individual can identify and solve operational problems quickly! A dedicated, hard work- • ing individual who has shown steady upward advancement with more than 10 years banking experience. Would like to work in a I30-I60MM bank. 12118 ASKS: Mid I30’s BRANCH MANAGER, B .A . How about a real people person that still has technical credit skills? Has 3 + years experience in a $90MM bank and is currently responsible for a $7MM commercial loan portfolio. This person also _ offers experience in developing and implementing strategic marketing plans. A candidate that can do it all! Prefers * Twin Cities. 12119 ASKS: Mid I3 0 ’s Range • COMMERCIAL LENDER, MBA Highly competent banker with 8 + years lending experience in a medium size institu tion. This hard-driver currently manages a $8MM commercial loan portfolio to a variety of small business clients. Looking for an opportunity to settle in for a while! Willing to relocate! • 12120 EARNS: 132,000 PRESIDENT, B .S . Are you looking for an articulate manager with the perfect combination of analytical lending • skills and a commitment to community involvement? This proven professional has over 12 years banking experience with emphasis in credit administration. Currently president of a S30MM bank with excellent results. Open to relocation. 12121 ASKS: Low $60’s * COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LENDER, B .S. Do you need a team player that doesn’t need constant babysitting? This business developer has 5 + successful years experience in commercial real estate with an emphasis in construction loans. A technician who knows the importance of proper credit underwriting standards. 12122 EARNS: $50,000 AG LENDER, B .S. Are you looking for an analytical ag lender with both workout expertise and business development ability? Here’s an enthusiastic trouble-shooter willing to put in extra hours to get the job done. Has 7 + years ag lending experience in a small bank. Prefers S.E. Minnesota. 9 12123 ASKS: Mid $20’s Range Paul Gentzkow Placement Manager The Banking Division Robert Half of Minnesota, Inc. 3636 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 (6 1 2 ) J39-9001 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA BANKERS ' PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE AND SERVICES, INC. » 104 EAST LOCUST STREET DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 1-800-532-1423 or (515) 286-4344 KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 SOUTH DAKOTA BA NKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? AREYOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Are you FORCED to write one type of insurance with a company at a higher premium, just so they will write another type of policy for you? IF SO... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM CALL OR WRITE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OWNED BY BANKERS SERVING BANKERS ■ 3 F irsT ier Correspondent Services More of what it takes to serve you well. E F irs T ie r B a n k s Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC czHoCdex a n d cAf’i.s.ocuzte.i Specializing in the Purchasing and Sale of Banks 515-232-0814 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal Walts, who left Affiliated in late November. In 1977 Mr. Sanders joined the Bank of Bellevue, an Af filiated bank, as vice president and ) trust officer, and most recently served as senior vice president of Af filiated. He is also a member of the company’s executive committee. I Minnesota News The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion will conduct a workshop of “Establishing an Effective Internal Audit Process” on January 5 in 'Bemidji, January 6 in Bloomington and January 7 in North Mankato. David J. Leininger, a partner in Roath & Leininger Ltd. in Minnea. polis, will conduct the program. 'Topics to be discussed include proce dures, compliance and documenta tion. Contact the MBA for more in formation. ^MINNEAPOLIS: First Bank Sys tem has announced the formation of a new division named Wholesale Transaction Services. It combines Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale o f Rare Coins cash management sales, product management and operations sup port functions and is part of the Cor porate Banking Group. Terry Sandvik, senior vice president, has been named head of the new unit. He has been with FBS for six years, and previously headed the company’s metropolitan operations subsidiary. Other members of the management team include: Peter Raskind, vice president and head of product man agement; Jeffrey Tubbs, vice presi dent and head of sales, and Susan Scheerer, vice president and head of delivery services. Illinois News CHICAGO: Christine M. Long has been promoted to chief financial offi cer of Cash Station ATM Network. She also will retain her title as vice president of marketing and sales, which she has held since April. Wyoming News CASPER: Owen “Dan” Shively has been elected president, CEO and director of Norwest Bank Casper, Norwest Bank East Casper and Nor west Bank West Casper. He suc ceeds Robert W. Miracle, who con tinues as chairman of the Norwest banks and as president and CEO of Affiliated Bank Corporation of Wyoming. Mr. Shively most recent ly served as president and CEO of three Norwest banks in Butte, Mont. Reliable and respected service for over 20 years BANKING Used by bankers throughout the midwest CA REER S Ben E. M arlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Come to the Investment Specialists committed to quality. In these times of change and uncertainty, rely on the time-tested quality invest ment recommendations of the Investment Banking Division of United Missouri Bank. U N IT E D M IS S O U R I B A N K Member FDIC ^ 5 3 5 Q t y „ . 3 . 10th & Grand • P.O. Box 419226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 (816) 556-7200 ’Professional assistance in hiring and career advancement" quality service by experienced professionals 525 Merle Hay Tower Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-276-1151 Jean Eden Sandi Garner 515-276-1151 515-832-1258 Tues / Wed / Fri Confidential. Fees Paid by Employer. 4 POSITION WANTED POSITION AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE» AG LOAN OFFICER— Com m unity bank needs an aggres COMMERCIAL LENDER prefer formal credit training. Ex cellent advancem ent potential for that aggressive- self starter who wants to advance. Send resume to File No. WKX c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER— $300MM bank. Iowa. Re- PRES. OR #2 PERSON in sr. mgmt team with potential of pres, in 2 years in a com m unity bank. 25 years exp. with 20 years in sr. mgmt. Heavy in operations lending, workout situations & total bank adm inistration. Contact File No. W LL c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) quires 2-5 years com mercial lending experience & formal training in same. $25-$32,000. Contact File No. W LK c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) FOR SALE President N.E. Iowa bank of $18M M needs experienced CEO. Must be able to work independently. Salary open. Send resume to File No. W LM c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) KARDEX KV380 power rotary check file. 10 rows with 9 trays per row. Digital control. W ill deal. Call Pat Gibbons (402)467-1161.______________________________________(FS) MARKETING & LENDING. 3-5 years experience. Salary negotiable. Send resume to ELC, Box 1276, Columbus, NE 68601. (PA) PORTABLE BANK BUILDING. 14’ x 65’ w ith Mosler vault & drive-up equipm ent + m iscellaneous other equipm ent. Contact Wilton Savings Bank, Wilton, IA (319) 732-2077. (FS) ____________________________________ REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICER— also com m ercial and in stallm ent skills needed. Salary negotiable. Send resume to McCook National Bank, Box 1208, McCook, Nebr. 69001._____________________________________________ (PA) sive, promotable lender who has the desire to move up. Degree plus excellent people skills....................... To $30,000. TRUST OFFICER— W ill supervise and direct the Employee Benefits departm ent of a large Trust division. JD preferred but not required........................................................... To $40,000. COMMERCIAL LENDER— Polished professional with f o r £ mal credit training and proven leadership ability. Will supervise and direct 3 loan officers in a large commercial departm ent of a metro bank.................................... To $50,000. Financial Careers, Inc. Two Ruan Center/Sulte 1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 515/245-3786 Employer pays fee. £ Please contact Lorraine Lear or M alcolm Freeland con cerning these and other M idwest banking opportunities. D O N \S fcH Q O L E R In AG LOAN OFFICER. $17M M Illinois bank seeks ag lending officer. Requires 2-5 yrs. experience in all phases of ag lending, including docum entation, cash flows & workouts. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Contact File No. W LN c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) AND- O J ) V ) ASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel” POSITIONS AVAILABLE ASSISTANT CONTROLLER. Growing profitable organiza EVP, $25mm top rated ag bank......................$45,000. tion has a newly created position. A bachelor’s degree in accounting is required. Must be a CPA or working toward CPA status. Ideal candidate would have 1-2 yrs. auditing experience with a public accounting firm with exposure to income taxes & Lotus 123. Banking experience helpful but not necessary. Send resume with salary requirements to: National Bank of W aterloo, 100 E. Park Avenue, W aterloo, IA 50704, Attn.: Personnel Dept. EOE/M-F. (PA) PRESIDENT, $20mm top rated country bank. ............................................................................... $50,000. AG LENDER, $20mm bank, degree, cash flow lender............................................................ $25-$30,000. PRESIDENT, $15mm bank, private ownership, growth potential.................................................$40,000. GENERAL LENDER, small comm., real estate, consumer, $80mm, 50,000 pop..............$25-$30,000. COMMERCIAL LENDER needed in $200M M IL bank in AG LENDER, small town, strong organization, 3 yrs. min. exper. + degree........................$25-$30,000. community of 10,000. Would like 3 + years com m ’l loan exp. Good technical & analytical skills. Light industry. Seeking a self-m otivator with a strong work ethic. Send resume to File No. W LR c/o Northwestern Banker (PA) AG LENDER, medium size bank, county seat town, top rating.......................................... $25-$30,000. TRUST, JD degree, m anage estates, conservatorships, trust m arketing.............................. $24-$28,000. CASHIER, $90mm bank, good long range plan ning, budgeting, A/L managem ent.............. $35,000. COL. GORDON E. TAYLOR 1 Box 949 • Mason City, la. 50401 ■ 515/423-5242 Professional Auctioneer Real Estate Broker and Appraiser PRESIDENT, $150mm bank, strong ag back ground, top leadership & mgmt. skills. ...................................................................... $75-$80,000. H lw jggjjl DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 m “THE RIGHT FIT” BANKERS AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER Are you looking to expand your horizons? Top quality ag bank offers opportunity to become well versed in com m er cial, ag real estate, consum er and operations. Using a team approach this successful $50M + bank seeks 5 year ag person with desire to do it all. $28K. VP OF COMM’L Reach for the top! Dynamic staff in large bank com mercial dept, desires experienced lender w/supervisory exp., com m unications skills and ability to move up in an organiza tion. W ill be given $20M + Ian portfolio and 3 very sharp lenders to manage. $50K. RETAIL HEAD Run things your way. High visibility position in fast grow ing market place for sharp retail lender. Must have com m ercial, retail lending and be able to market to new cus tomers. Position has mgt team responsibilities and offers unlimited potential. $52K. TRUST OFFICER Get the recognition you deserve. One of the NW ’s finest organizations seeks 2-4 year trust person from small bank to move into metro market. New business coming in every day. $29K. Banking Placement Specialist CANDIDATES OF THE WEEK: SR. LENDER - Degree and nearly 8 years in banking with strong commer cial and ag skills. Presently #2 in bank over $100 million - a cash flow lender who knows the tools. Very community conscious. $ to 50K (incentive oriented). AG LOAN OFFICER - B.S. Ag Eco nomics with distinction and over 5 + years ag loans (sat on loan commit tee for all loans) and attended com mercial lending school. Big system trained. Super references. $25-30K. Members of a nationwide recruiting network for top selection. Contact our Bank specialists Sue Lundquist Mel Hansen CPC FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS R O B E R T ftM L F o r H H W .M C . jU g g 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID ELLS Ells Personnel Systems 1129 Plymouth Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 6 12 -3 3 3 -113l CELEBRATING OUR 75th ANNIVERSARY BY SERVING OUR BANKING CLIENTS WELL! S e rv in g b a n k e rs q u ie tly a n d efficie n tly. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRUST MARKETING • large urban bank. Requires degree and trust experience. $35K REAL ESTATE LOAN - single fam ily residential and s e c o n d dary market experience required. Proximity of major m e t r o ^ area. $40K LOAN REVIEW • large bank experienced required. Both junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K COMMERCIAL LENDING - V.P. positions in urban and large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM to $50MM. $40 K £ BRANCH MANAGER - handle sm allbusiness and con sumer credits. Med-size com m unity affiliate of multibank holding company. $24K Additional listings for com m ercial lending and trust officers. Resum e’ requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES ^ P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 ® “Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Voi. 16 No. 35 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden a Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at ’ Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis