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Vol. 10 No. 15 Des Moines, Iowa August 3,1981 Fed Proposes Currency, Coin Charges for Comment T HE Federal Reserve Board has proposed for public comment revised fee schedules for its transportation services in supplying currency and coin to the nation’s banks and thrift institutions. The Board also proposed a policy for access to its cash processing services. Comment was requested by September 25, 1981. The Board acted under the Monetary Control A ct o f 1980, which requires pricing of Federal Reserve services, and after consideration of comment received on a proposal published in August, 1980. The proposed schedules o f fees for specific services are set forth in the attached table (for Fed districts 7, 9, 10). The fees would become effective at the beginning o f 1982. The proposed fee schedules apply a mark-up o f 16% as a private Sector Adjustm ent Factor (PSA F), to the System ’s administrative costs in providing coin and currency trans portation services. stop. The per stop charges appear in the fee schedule by zone. The Board proposed a $75 ceiling on the per stop charge for 1982, and proposed that this ceiling be retained for not longer than 1982 and 1983. It is to be reviewed, however, within a year, and efforts are to be be made to reduce costs o f services to remote points. Federal Reserve Banks will supply information on what delivery points are included in a zone. Registered mail service Proposed fees for shipment of A ccess policy The board regards currency and coin processing (paying, receivin g , and verifying coin and currency, and Proposed Fee Schedule—Armored Carrier Cash Transportation Service. Effective January. 1982 VOLUME CHARGE: $0.50 per bag for each bag of coin and currency. The fee will be assessed for both deliveries and deposits of cash. PER STOP CHARGE: Shown below. TOTAL CHARGE: For a single incidence of armored carrier service, the total charge will be the sum of the volume charge and per stop charge. The minimum total charge will be $10 per incidence for endpoints covered by the stop/volume charge structure. ARMORED CARRIER PER STOP CHARGE In dollars FEDERAL RESERVE OFFICE CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ZONES 1-5 ZONES 6-9 ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONE ARMORED CARRIER PER STOP CHARGE In dollars FEDERAL RESERVE OFFICE ** ** 129* 165* 29 201* 56 238* 93* 1-5 6-10 11-15 16 14 42 75 107* 17 23 46 . 55 81* 87 * 29 62 93* 35 68 100* 40 117* 55 133* HELENA ZONES 1-5 ZONES 6-10 ZONES 1-5 ZONES 6-7 17 60 7 50 66 78* 73 0 10 65 30 30 4 29 25 45 60 65 10 40 60 77* 98* 30 50 60 113* 64 50 60 91* 6 34 28 41 47 42 34 46 DENVER MINNEAPOLIS Transportation services The proposed revised fee schedule for armored car carrier service consists of a volume charge (a fee per delivery or deposit of a bag o f t currency or coin) and a charge per currency and coin by mail include the cost of postage, registered mail fees and full insurance. The previously proposed charges for delivery to or pick-up from post offices have been eliminated, and there is no volume charge since fees reflect actual mail service. The Board proposed a ceiling of $37.50 for one-way mail service for 1982. ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 OMAHA 10 71 0 88* 18 102* Z0ICS 1-5 ZONES 6-8 Don't gam ble when choosing o correspondent bonk. Com e to the professionals. For any correspondent bonking need . . . overline assistance, d a ta processing services, investm ent counseling . . just g ive us a call. W e're the professionals w h o p ut the response in correspondent banking. Raym ond Schneider, Corsp. Bk Officer OF DES MOINES, N.A. • MEMBER FDIC • TOLL FREE NUMBER (800)362-1615 AFFILIATED W ITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES, INC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iowa News irst in Iowa, by Fputting Iowa first. John Rigler IOWA-. nesMoines M mNATIONAL BANK Member FD ic issuing, sorting, cancelling and destroying currency) as governmen tal activities, and processing, therefore, is not priced. As for access to these processing services, the Board proposed that by the end of 1983 all Federal Reserve offices will offer access, at a minimum, to all depository institutions seeking direct processing services on the following basis: • One office of a depository institution per municipality (subject to adjustment for special circum stances), or • One office per institution. □ Gabriel Hauge Dies Gabriel Hauge, former chairman of the board o f Manufacturers Hanover An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Banco Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-25 14 Trust C o., New York, died July 24 at the age of 67. A native o f Hawley, M inn., Mr. Hauge was noted internationally as a leading intellect ual, educator, banker and statesman, whose personal high moral standards permeated every endeavor in which he was involved. A fter helping get Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower elected president in 1952, Mr. Hauge served as a special assistant for economic affairs, then joined Manufacturers Trust Co. in 1958 as a director and chairman of the finance committee. He helped steer the merger of that bank and Hanover Trust into Manufacturers Hanover Trust C o., and helped it grow from $7.7 billion at merger time to $55 billion in 1980. W illiam Isaac Named Head of FDIC A SK JE R R Y TR U D O to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants A National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A ‘BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK William M . Isaac, 37, has been elected chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, ef fective today, August 3. He succeeds Democrat Irvine M . Sprague, who has served two and a half o f his six-year term as a director o f FDIC. Mr. Sprague offered to step down so Mr. Isaac, a Republican, could be elected the chairmanship by the three man FDIC board. The W hite House then asked Mr. Sprague to fill out the rest of his six-year term, which other former chairman have never done. Mr. Isaac was appointed FDIC director in March, 1978. M p rR a K g » jc Y I y i - ’ 1m A series of 10 meetings, with one scheduled for each o f the 10 groups com prising the Iowa Bankers A ssoci ation, are scheduled to begin today. Two teams o f IB A officials will discuss the proposed purchase o f the American Republic Plaza Building in Des Moines for new IB A head quarters. Each session will start at 3:00 p.m ., commencing today, August 3, on this schedule: Western Iowa • August 3 - Starlite Village, Ft. Dodge. • August 4 - Farmers Trust & Savings Bank, Spencer • August 5 - Ida Grove Commun ity Hall, Ida Grove • August 6 - Atlantic Country Club, Atlantic • August 7 - Osceola Country Club, Osceola Eastern Iowa • August 3 - Charles City Country Club, Charles City • August 4 - Fireside Inn, Toledo • August 5 - Henry Co. Savings Bank, M t. Pleasant • August 6 - Tipton State Bank, Tipton. • August 7 - Manchester G olf & Country Club, Manchester. DES MOINES: Steven L. Quigley has been promoted to corporate services officer for the electronic banking programs of Bankers Trust Co. Mr. Quigley has been with Bankers Trust since 1978. FA R LE Y : Over 1400 people attended Farley State Bank’s recent open house celebrating its 75th year of business. M AN LY: Manly State Bank has acquired Citizens Savings Bank of Hanlontown through merger and will retain an office in Hanlontown, according to Tom W . M asey, president of Manly State. He also Gary Stevenson S m BË& GARY STEVENSON Vice President Your Man on the F irst Team . 712/277-1500 First National Bank ini S ioux City • A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 8-3-81 Carleton D. Beh Company Investment Bankers / Financial Consultants 1300 Des Moines Building / Des Moines, Iowa 50309 5 1 5 /2 8 8 -2 15 2 NEW ISSUE SALE DATE: July 29, 1981 $450,000 CHARITON, IOWA General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds Dated: August 1, 1981 Denomination: $5,000 Both principal and seminannual interest (June 1 and December 1, first coupon due on December 1,1981) payable at the office of the Treasurer, Chariton, Iowa. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION AND ALL PROPERTY TAXATION IN THE STATE OF IOWA. MATURITIES 10.00% $30,000 30.000 35.000 40.000 40.000 45.000 June June June June June June 1,1983 1,1984 1,1985 1,1986 1,1987 1,1988 9.60% 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 $50,000 June 1,1989 9.75% 9.60 55.000 June 1,1990 9.90% 9.75 60.000 June 9.90 1,1991 10.00% 65.000 June 1,1992 10.00 LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY BELIN, HARRIS, HELMICK & HEARTNEY, ATTORNEYS, DES MOINES, IOWA The City of Chariton, incorporated in 1857, is the county seat of Lucas County and located in south central Iowa about fifty miles south of Des Moines. Chariton is located on the main line of the Burlington-Northern and the Minneapolis to Kansas City line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. The City serves as a trading, financial, industrial, commercial and educational center for the surrounding prosperous agricultural area. Chariton has a fine school system consisting of a junior-senior high school and four elementary grade buildings. Chariton has two banks with total deposits as of December 31,1980, in excess of $88,325,000. The City has owned and successfully operated for many years its municipal waterworks and a complete sanitary sewer system, including treatment facilities. These bonds are being issued under the provisions of Chapter 384, Code of Iowa, 1981, as amended, for the essential corporate purposes of paying the cost of constructing works and facilities useful for the collection and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes in a sanitary manner; constructing works and facilities useful for the collection and disposal of surface waters and streams; the construction, reconstruction and repair of street improvements; and equipping the City’s fire department (rescue truck). In the opinion of counsel, these bonds are legal and binding general obligations of the City of Chariton, Iowa, and all taxable property located therein is subject to the levy of sufficient taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds without limit as to rate or amount. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual value of taxable property, 1980 Assessed value of taxable property, 1980 $76,300,001 60,040,632 Net direct debt, including this issue Total direct and overlapping debt Population, 1980 estimate: 5,100 2 , 100,000 2,210,658 Net direct debt per capita: $411.76 Total debt per capita: $433.46 Tax collections have approximated 100.435% for taxes levied during the past four years. W e ow n and o ffe r su b je ct to p rio r sale and change in price and s u b je ct to o u r a tto rn e y ’s appro ving o p in io n : The information contained herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources we deem reliable and is that on which our purchase of these bonds are based. Bonds of a particular maturity may or may not still be available or may now be available at a price or yield different from that indicated above. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 CALL ON THE “PERFORMANCE TEAM” where com m on transactions are handled uncomm only well. FIRST N A T IO N A L LIN C O L N 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. # 0 ^ announced a name change for the bank to First State Bank. Offices of the former Manly State at Kensett and Plymouth will be continued. The merger was approved by the Iowa department o f banking and will be effective by September 1. A t mid-year, deposits at Manly were $19.8 million and at Hanlontown they were $6.6 million. OELW EIN: David Helscher has been appointed vice president and trust officer of Oelwein State Bank. He was formerly with a trust department in Geneseo, 111. Minnesota News 0 0 0 a ™ • The Independent Bankers of Minnesota will hold its annual state convention August 13-16 at the Arrowwood Lodge in Alexandria. Events will include a W elcome Nite Dinner/Dance August 13; men and women’s golf and tennis tourna ments; guest speakers and panel discussions; officer and committee reports, and the Annual Dinner Dance with the Jean Arland Peterson Orchestra the evening of August 15. GLENCOE: Calvin A . Johnson has been elected president of First National Bank, Chairman Lowell Wakefield has announced. Mr. Johnson was previously vice presi dent of First Bank-Mankato. STILLW ATER: Cosmopolitan State Bank has prom oted Ronald R. Pine to vice president. Before he joined Cosmopolitan in 1980, Mr. Pine was assistant vice president at United National Bank of W atertown, S.D . W A Y ZA TA : Steven E. Rykkeli has been elected executive vice president of First National Bank. The past 10 Call our Bond Department For up-to-the-minute, accurate information years he has been with the American National Bank of St. Paul, m ost recently as vice president-corres pondent banking. W INNEBAGO: C. W . (Clem) Burkett has joined First National Bank as vice president. He was previously vice president and cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank o f Sac City, la. Nebraska News CHADRON: Tom Cummings has been named president o f the First National Bank, succeeding Bill J. Blough, who has moved to American State Bank in M cCook. Mr. Cummings has 23 years o f banking experience. Michael L. M attson, loan officer, has been named vice president and cashier. GORDON: The Gordon State Bank formally unveiled its remodeled facilities to hundreds o f visitors at a recent open house. McCOOK: Bill J. Blough has been elected executive vice president and cashier of American State Bank, according to Ken H. Niedan, president. Mr. Blough formerly was president of First National Bank in Chadron. North Dakota News W AHPETON: A lex R. Zier has joined First Bank W ahpeton as vice president. Mr. Zier began his banking career at First National Barfk of Bozeman in 1973. Montana News HELENA: A t Northwestern Bank, Curtis B . Briggs has been named vice president-commercial lending, and Thomas E. McGowan, instalment loan officer. Wyoming News CHEYENNE: Ralph L. Owen has been promoted to senior vice president o f W yom ing Bancorporation, according to David R. Johnson, president. A lso announced was the election of Randall L. Dancliff to president and c.e.o. of First W yom ing Bank-North Cheyenne, filling the vacancy caused by Mr. Owen’s prom otion. LAN DER: Ralph Williams, presi dent of First National Bank, has announced the bank has changed its name to First W yom ing Bank. l'Opportun ity^k Knocks..." South Dakota News Demie Miller, Correspondent Danker ABERDEEN: C .L. “ Bud” Koch, executive vice president of First National Bank and supervisor of the bank’s nine branches, has retired sifter 44 years o f service. W EBSTER: Duane Podoll has been promoted to executive vice president and cashier of the Day County Bank. Mr. Podoll joined the bank when it opened in 1974. rkan Trus^fi Savings Dank ||§ L Tom Steffens John Henderson Tony Paugoulatos Vice President Vice President Asst.Vice President Asst.Vice President Bond Officer 234-2462 234-2463 234-2647 Jim McLaughlin 234-2673 Rusty Reese 234-2674 n|r C ommerce Bank of Kansas city m u,.,n,i«.,1,™ . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M em b e r FDIC ' Th#:%ank of O pportunity fe w f^ lo c k Plazo. Dubuque, lowo 319-562-1641, COLLECT Dave Wittenborn Bond Representative 234-2691 (816) 234-2000 UPDATE YOUR ALARMS Professionally installed closed circuit television and 35mm auto cameras. Autom atic tape dialers and police panel connection are available to suit your needs. SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. 3920 Delaware Des Moines, IA 50316 [515] 265-1161 BANK PLACEMENT SPECIALISTS (Our 33rd year) Call experienced professionals to locate the right candidate for your vacancy . . . or the right “move-up” for yourself. CORPORATE RECRUITERS MIDWEST BANKING DIVISION 525 Commercial Tower 402/393-5515 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 POSITIONS WANTED Administrative Officer 14 years exp. Presently v.p. in charge of loans for$15 m illion b a n k .................. $28,000 Installment Lender with 5 years exp....................$16,500 — WANT ADS — Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. Northwestern Banker 306 - 15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 Ag Lender with insurance licenses.................... $22,000 Senior Loan Officer with 8 years experience . . $30,000 Cashier with seven years experience in $30 million b a n k ..........................................................................$25,000 Operations Officer fam iliar with in-house com puter..........................................................................$23,000 W rite or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 246 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515)282-6462 for details on these and other applicants. Employer pays fee. POSITION AVAILABLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE BANKS WANTED - Paying 1 Vito 2Vz times book for controlling interest in profitable banks. Send details to file NBP, c /o Northwestern Banker, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.______________ (WTB) ATM SUPPLIER We can supply a variety of on-line and off-line machines; all at fractions less than new. We handle Docutell, IBM, Diebold and NCR. Now Available • 1 -N C R 1780 NEW - on-line, never been used. • DocutellTT300’s - on-line and off-line. Can be upgraded to a TT2300. • 2-IBM 3601 - on-line with off-line fallback. Contact Mark Berryman at 214-757-7760. FOR RENT OR SALE Refurbished Burroughs Series L posting machines, arogrammed to your specifications. Call or write MSCI, 14609 W . Center Road, Omaha, NE 68144. Phone 402/330-4682.______________________ (FRorS) Commercial Loan Officer for central Iowa $60 million b a n k ..........................................................................$24,000 Ag Lender with at least two years experience and col lege degree for N. lo w a b a n k .........................$20,000 Senior Loan Officer for southern Minnesota bank of over $30 m illio n ..................................................... $28,000 CEO for major bank in Iowa Great Lakes area . . . salary open Loan Review Officer for $300 million south Texas b a n k ............................................................ salary $32,000 Operations Officer for western Wyoming bank. Knowledge of in-house computer preferred — salary $22,000 Write or phone Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 246 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays fee.________________________________________ Insurance for Financial Institutions I BANKERS PARTICIPATING L e a s e P 545 - 31st Street l a n . I n c . Des Moines. Iowa 50312 R. L. “DICK” SELLON 4 g Banking Specialists m SINCE 1968 When it come« to ogricvltvro, banking and porsonnal. . . go to the «podalioto — go to AGklcaroors, Inc. Progressive bankers pay vs to find the people they need. Retail Finance Rep . . . IA / N E . $20-22,000 2 Ag Lending O ffic e rs .. . . N D . $20-24,000 Ag Loan O fficer/ Insurance IA . $15-20,000 Professional Farm Mgrs. ( 2 ) .........IA & I L . ......................................................$20-25,000 Ag Lending O ffic e r........... N E . $15-16,000 Sales & Mktg. R ep............. N Y . $20-25,000 Ask the ag banking sp ecialists what’s available without cost or obligation. Automated Systems of Iowa, Inc. 301 N. Ankeny Blvd., Suite 220 Ankeny, la 50021 515-964-1358 NEW HAMPTON. IA 50659 MASSENA. IA 50853 1 (515)394-3145 (712) 779-3744 dan CAREERS, INC./ —J THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER AGRILOAN - $40MM bank heavy in cattle and feeder lot financing. Prefer5 yrs. or more experience.$28,000 OPERATIONS - medium size rural bank needs seasoned operations officer. Prefer accounting degree and somedataprocessing background.$30,000 SENIOR CO M M ’L LOAN - manage portfolio for $60M M ag/com m ercial bank. Good administrator will move into EVP position in short tim e. $$Open CASHIER - second position in$20M M suburban bank. Prefer generalist from small bank although primary responsibilities will be operations and reports.$22,G00 TRUST OFFICER - position requires employee benefit experience. Excellent opportunity for individual with 2-4 yrs. experience. $23,000 SECOND OFFICER - small community bank in resort area seeks commercial lender with good administra tive skills. $23,000 Salary history and resume’ requested. All inquiries confidential. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City WANT TO BÜY Individual wants to acquire Iowa or Neb. bank. Contact in confidence: Mike Keim, 9916 Fieldcrest Drive, Omaha, NE 68114, phone 402/393-8160. [WTB) PRESIDENT-CEO for $20 million bank in Nebraska small town. Minimum age 40— no maximum. W rite file NBW. c /o Northwestern Banker.____________ (PA) Excellent opportunity fo ra senior loan officer in a $35 million bank close to metro area. A candidate should have supervisory knowledge in all lending areas, with heavy emphasis in commercial and agricultural credit. Knowledge of overall bank operations a plus. Write file NBV, c /o Northwestern Banker.____________ (PA) Ag loan officer for $42 m illion northwest Iowa bank. Must have loan experience to handle $12 million loan department. Excellent opportunity. Send resume and salary requirements to file NBY, c /o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Excellent opportunity— CEO for Central Minnesota $10 million bank. Looking for the experienced individual that is ready to tackle management responsibilities. Community minded and insurance licenses are needed for this interesting and challenging position. All inquiries kept confidential. Please send resume to file NBZ, c /o Northwestern Banker. (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRUST INVESTM ENT - manage pension fund investments for large midwestern trust company. Bank or insurance company experience preferred. CFA designation helpful. $30,000 g / SERVING PROFESSIONALLY P.O. Box 12346,2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “Senring the Banking Industry S ln ce l 970” FOR SALE Burroughs S-1000 12 pocket proof machine. Purchased new 1978. $5,500.00. Towner County State Bank, Cando, North Dakota. Phone 701-968-4421 .(FS) NCR 7750-2211 12 pocket proof machine. Used 1 % years, excellent condition. State Savings Bank, Cantrll, lowa52542. Phone(319)397-2401. (FS) Two ledger carts and trays. Cart dimensions, 16” high, 14” wide & 19” deep. Tray dimensions, 14” high, 10” wide & 18” deep. Contact Peoples National Bank of Columbus Jet., Columbus Junction, Iowa 52738. Phone 319-728-2226.__________________________(FS) Three reconditioned electronic message signs, 2 time and temperature signs. Quality units at low prices. Contact Mr. Carl Mayhew, United Signs, Inc., P.O. Box 263, Grand Island, NE 68801. Phone (308) 384-0111._____________________________________(FS) Burroughs continuous forms burster. Three years old. High-low speed. Carbon removal feature. Price $2,150. Call G il, phone (402)592-1790.___________(FS) Mosler 3 W stainless steel vault door— new condition. Mosler modular four position teller counter (oak finish)— new condition. Contact Brenton First National Bank, Davenport, Iowa. Phone (319) 326-4001._________________________________ (FS) PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS VP LENDING - Dairy a + + ................................ $28,000 AG LENDER - 2 yrs e x p ........................................ $23,000 INSTALLMENT LOAN - BA, 2 yrs Cons Loans. $18.000 AG LENDER - Ins license a m u s t....................... $20,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER- 3 yrs e x p .................. $23,000 R E LOAN O F FIC E R - 2 + yrs e x p .....................$19,000 OPERATIO NS-1 -2 yrs e x p ................................. $15,000 #2 POSITION -A g Business b k g d ...................... $27,000 TRUST - ERISA exp a m ust................................... $24,000 C E O -M ortgage b a n k in g ..................................... $60,000 PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE APPLICANTS LOAN O FFIC E R -W ei I versed in Instal, R E, Commc’l. ................................................................................. $18,000 BRANCH MGR - BA, 1 % yrs S & L exp............. $15,000 #2 MAN -8 yrs banking exp................................... $28,000 VP CASHIER -1 4 yrs heavy operations..............$23,000 AG LENDER - Ag Bus Degree, 3 1/2 yrs e x p ---- $19,000 VP COMMERCIAL LOANS - 5 + yrs e x p ........... $32,000 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RESPONDIN CONFIDENCETO: Bank Division Banking, Financial & Business Personnel iowa and Nationwide ROBERT HALF CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 317 èth Ave. Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 714 Central National Bldg. 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 • of Iowa, Inc. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID Vol. 10 No. 15 Northwestern Banker Newsletter [USPS 873-300] is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address [Form 3579], manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis