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N 0 B 1 HW E,S T E R N AUGUST 1975 »IN THIS ISSUE: „BMA Plans 60th Convention Financial Education a Success Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank Marketing Environment Special Marketing Programs Putting it all together to make good things happen in Iowa! Statement of Condition June30 1975(Unaudited) Board of Directors ASSETS: Cash and Due From B a n k s ....................................................................$ U.S. Treasury S e cu ritie s........................................................................ Obligations of Other U.S. Government Agencies and Corporations Obligations of States and Political S u b d iv is io n s ............................. Other S e cu ritie s...................................................................................... Federal Funds S o ld ................................................................................ Loans......................................................................................................... Bank Premises and E q u ip m e n t............................................................ Other Real E state.................................................................................... Accrued Interest...................................................................................... Prepaid Expenses and Other A s s e ts ................................................... 73,488,611 32,178,063 20,575,597 84,095,455 2,603,241 28,600,000 302,289,701 11,945,997 1,479,696 4,979,902 2,218,869 Total R esources....................................................................................$564,455,132 LIABILITIES: Demand Deposits ....................................................................................$200,187,474 Time D e p o s its ........................................................................................ 265,550,450 Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold Under Agreement to R e p u rch a se ................................................................ 32,000,000 Other Money B orrow ed.......................................................................... 2,748,000 Unearned Incom e.................................................................................... 4,494,361 4,087,269 Accrued Expenses and Other L ia b ilitie s ............................................. Total Liabilities ...................................................................................$509,067,554 RESERVES ON LOANS: Reserve for Losses on L o a n s ................................................................$ 4,640,255 Duane Arnold Chairman of the Board and President Iowa Electric Light & Power Company James E. Coquillette President The Merchants National Bank V. P. Cullen Chairman of the Board First National Bank E. Howard Hill Past President Iowa Farm Bureau Federation C. Bernard Jacobs Chairman of the Board and C. E. O. National City Bank of Minneapolis Oscar E. Johnson Senior Partner Johnson, Stuart, Tinley, Peters & Thorn J. Locke Macomber President Valley National Bank F. Forbes Olberg President Banks of Iowa John F. O’Neill President First National Bank B. T. Perrine CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: Capital Stock, Common, No Par V a lu e ............................................... $ 4,151,250 Stated Value $2.50 per share; Authorized 6,000,000 shares Issued 1,660,500 shares S u rp lu s ..................................................................................................... 17,542,875 Undivided P ro fits .................................................................................... 29,192,535 Less Cost of Common Stock Reacquired for the Treasury,1975 and 1974 - 5,81 2 shares ................................... [139,337] Total Stockholders E q u ity ..............................................................$ 50,747,323 Total Liabilities, Reserves and C a p ita l......................................... $564,455,132 Senior Partner Simmons, Perrine, Albright & Ellwood Ben Schwartz General Manager Schwartz and Schwartz Ed H. Spetman Jr. President Council Bluffs Savings Bank Max von Schrader Chairman of the Board Union Bank and Trust Company Max von Schrader, Jr. President Union Bank and Trust Company Banks of Iowa.2 First National Bank Burlington • The Merchants National Bank Cedar Rapids Council Bluffs Savings Bank Council Bluffs • Valley National Bank Des Moines Union Bank and Trust Company Ottumwa • Banks of Iowa Computer Services Cedar Rapids Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 H I - M osler helps you see eye to eye w ith your drive-up custom ers. A A>F|V >- yy V!vf *y y With new VISTRA windows. When you install a Mosler Vistra direct-vision window system, a couple of things become perfectly clear. The customer and the teller. Vistra windows are new, top to bottom. Outside, the look is clearly contemporary, and as inviting to customers as a window can be. The teller call button, microphone and speaker are clustered in a single sleek panel. Inside, the system is functionally engineered to make the most of your drive-up facility. New fingertip controls, top-mounted for maximum teller efficiency. A clean, uncluttered work surface. Even improved weather stripping. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis With three different configura tions, there’s a Vistra window right for your particular application. Each is compatible with all Mosler directvision transaction systems. And each is available as an “equipment package" to save you money over separately purchased components. The new Mosler Vistra windows. Look into them. You’ll get a whole new outlook on drive-up banking. Mosler An American-Standard Company The M osler Traffic C om m ander. F o r o p tim u m p e rfo rm a n c e , c o m p le te the V istra w in d o w system w ith any o f several M o sle r “ T ra ffic C o m m a n d e r ” s yste m s a nd a c c e s sories. A u to m a tic a lly , th e y m a tch w aitin g c u s to m e rs w ith u n o c c u p ie d tellers. Even a tra ffic c o p c a n ’t c o n tro l d riv e -u p tra ffic better! H a m ilto n , O h io 4 5 0 1 2 N orthw estern Banker, A ugust 1975 Convention Calendar Aug. 13-16—Independent Bankers of Min nesota Convention, Arrowwood Lodge, Alexandria. Sept. 21-24— ABA Bank Card Convention, Americana Hotel, Bel Harbour, Fla. Sept. 21-24— ABA Supervisory Training Workshop, Continental Plaza, Chicago. Sept. 28-Oct. 1—BMA Convention, Las Vegas Hilton, Nevada. Oct. 2-4—National Bankers Association, Inc., Convention, Washington Plaza Hotel, Seattle. Oct. 3—6th Annual Security Corporation Invitational Golf Tournament, The Play boy Club, Great Gorge (McAfee), N.J. Oct. 6-9— IBAA Junior Bank Officer Semi nar, Ball State University, Muncie, Ind. Oct. 4-8— ABA 101st Annual Convention, New York. Oct. 12-15—Southwestern Graduate School of Banking Conference on Planning and Execution of Policy, Tan-Tar-A Resort & Golf Club, Osage Beach, Mo. Oct. 17-18— Association of Registered Bank Holding Companies Fall Meeting, Kahala Hilton Hotel. Honolulu. Oct. 26-29—Iowa Bankers Association 89th Annual Convention, Hilton Inn, Des Moines. Oct. 26-29—BAI 51st Annual Convention, Marriott Motor Hotel, Atlanta. Oct. 26-29—BMA Trust Marketing Work shop, San Francisco Hilton Hotel. Nov. 2-5—Robert Morris Associates 61si Fall Conference, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. Nov. 5-8— Southwestern Graduate School of Banking Assembly For Bank Direc tors, The Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix. Nov. 9-12— ABA National Personnel Con ference, Marriott Hotel, New Orleans. Nov. 9-12—BMA Community Bankers Seminar, Stouffer’s Inn, St. Louis, Mo. Nov. 9-12— ABA National Correspondent Banking Conference, Century Plaza, Los Angeles. Nov. 16-18—Association of Registered Bank Holding Companies Fall Meeting. The Breakers, Palm Beach, Fla. Nov. 16-19—ABA National Agricultural & Rural Affairs Conference, The Shamrock Hilton, Houston. Nov. 20-21—Midcontinent Trust Confer ence, Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis. CSBS Elects Officers At their recent annual convention, members of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors elected the following officers for 1975-76: President and Chairman— James E. Faris, director, department of financial institutions, Indiana. First Vice President—John B. Olin, superintendent of banks, Oregon. Second Vice President— Harvel C. Adams, bank commissioner, Arkansas. Secretary-Treasurer—Harry Bloom, state bank commissioner, Colorado. Immediate Past President—W. Smoot Brimhall, commissioner of fi nancial institutions, Utah. Digitized N o rfor t h wFRASER estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Oldest Financial Journal Serving The Central and Western States for your August 1975 reading 82nd Year N o. 1343 FEATURE ARTICLES 6 10 20 31 32 EFT Is Developing Fast in the Midwest Bank Promotions and Changes Corporate News BMA Plans “Bonanza ’75” for 60th Convention in Las Vegas Bank Marketing in Today’s Competitive Environment— Larry Ronson 34 36 Family Financial Education a Success in High Schools How a City Bank Shares Its Computer With Community Banks— Ronald L. Ingersoll and Gary Wollan 38 Marketing Firms Offer Special Programs for Bank Promotions 42 Realities and Myths of Factoring— William R. Gruttemeyer REGIONAL B A NK IN G NEWS Illinois News Minnesota News Twin City News South Dakota News North Dakota News Wyoming News Montana News Colorado News Idaho News Washington News 45 49 50 56 57 58 59 60 60 62 62 62 65 66 70 73 80 Utah News Oregon News Nebraska News Omaha News Lincoln News Iowa News Independent Bankers Convention Report 88 Des Moines News OTHER FEATURES 75 How to Acquire Stable Leasing Business—Jeff Scherrman 90 In the Directors’ Room 90 Index of Advertisers NORTHWESTERN BANKER 3 0 6 15th S treet, Des M oines, Io w a 5 0 3 0 9 . Phone 5 1 5 — 2 4 4 -8 1 6 3 Publisher M alcolm K . Freeland Advertising Assistant Sherri N ielsen Field Representative Al K erbel No. 1343. N orthw estern B anker is F ifte en th Street, Des M oines, Iow a postage p aid at Des Moines and at address Form 3579, m anuscripts, m ail Editor Ben H aller, Jr. Circulation Department Dee Timm erman Field Representative Paul M asters Associate Editor Linda L. Larson Auditor M ildred Barnes Field Representative G len Hicks published m onthly by the N orthw estern B anker Com pany, 306 50309. Subscription $1.00 p er copy, $10 p e r year. Second class additional m ailing office. Address all m ail (subscriptions, change of items) to above address. 5 lb offera “free” checking account... > V A A >> doesn’t mean you have to give it away. + r When your bank gives away free checking, you are giving away profit. There is a better way. BanClub. According to the Unidex Report on Service Packages, 34% of a bank’s customers would consider changing banks ... for a package of services that costs $3.00 a month and includes free, unlimited personal checking. BanClub is such a package. It includes $10,000 accidental death insurance. BanClub Newsletters that offer national discounts, special purchases, and travel opportunities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A free Tax Saver® Checking Account. (That is a checking account that helps your customers remember and get all the tax deductions that are rightfully theirs.) And free personalized Tax Saver checks. In less than 30 days, you can offer your customers BanClub... a package of services which your competitors cannot duplicate... a package of services so valuable to customers that over 450,000 are now paying $3.00 a month for it... a package of services so profitable to banks that 550 have already chosen it. N orthw estern B a n k e r , August 1975 6 This advertisement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to buy any of these securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. NEW ISSUE July 18,1975 S%% Convertible Subordinated Notes Due 2000 Convertible into Common Stock of Citicorp at any time on or before June 30, 2000, unless previously redeemed, at a conversion price of $41 per share, subject to adjustment in certain events. Price 100% plus accrued interest from July 24,1975, if any Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained from any of the several underwriters, including the undersigned, only in States in which such underwriters are qualified to act as dealers in securities and in which the Prospectus may legally be distributed. The First Boston Corporation Goldman, Sachs & Co, Mi Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Morgan Stanley & Co. Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co. Incorporated Incorporated Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Drexel Burnham & Co. Securities Corporation Incorporated Hornhlower & Weeks-Hemphill, Noyes E. F. Hutton & Company Inc. Incorporated Kidder, Peabody & Co. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. A ffilia te of Bache & Co. Incorporated Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Lazard Frères & Co. Incorporated Lehman Brothers Incorporated Loeb, Rhoades & Co. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Reynolds Securities Inc. Incorporated Salomon Brothers M. A. Schapiro & Co., Inc. Smith, Barney & Co. Incorporated Wertheim & Co., Inc. N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 White, Weld & Co. Dean Witter & Co. Incorporated Incorporated 7 IVj ATIONAL attention is being ^ ^ focused on developments in ElecA tronic Funds Transfer taking place in Nebraska and Iowa at this time. Board members of Mid-America Payments System (MAPS) were to re ceive in late July final reports on the proposed standards and systems design specifications for EFT within the states of Nebraska and Iowa, which jointly operated MAPS between the two state banker associations. Each state asso ciation is continuing with its inde pendent approach to providing an ulti mate statewide EFT system, based in great measure on the voluminous, helpful data provided by the joint study. Last January, MAPS member bank ers sought as many options as possible so as to interface with other cards. They elected to allow a debit (trans action) card controlled by certain specifications. These included using only track 2 for debit functions as re quested by the ABA, which has not yet developed numbering for cards. MAPS members decided, in the ab sence of existing numbering standards, to formulate a reasonable approach to numbering hoping it will thus become the standard. This numbering allows for up to 19 characters on a variable length field on the face of the card. This will include the routing and transit numbers (up to eight numbers), a check number, then up to 10 digits for the cardholders number (Social Security, for example, has nine num bers) . The various reports to be studied now by Nebraska and Iowa officials include standards, systems design, sys tems standards, legal and marketing. These are considered a starting point for various phases of EFT implementa tion. For example, contracts will be available for banks to take to their own legal counsel for personalizing to the individual bank’s use. Costs are a highly important factor, spokesmen relate, and it is hoped that programs can be built on a modular basis, allowing later add-on to reach *the ultimate design of a totally sophis ticated EFT system. The Nebraska Bankers Association members have organized NETS, Inc., to serve as the service organization for possible developments and operation ..of electronic banking. It is a non-profit organization. Kermit Hansen, presi dent, United States National Bank of Omaha, was elected president. Vice Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EFT Is Developing Fast in the Midwest president is James D. Lutes, president, Scribner Bank; treasurer is Paul Amen, chairman, National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln; secretary is Rob ert Harris, executive manager of the NBA, Lincoln. Mr. Hansen told the N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r , “We are taking two di rections on a study basis: “ 1. Interim functioning of electronic transfer through the corresponding sys tem in Nebraska, and “2. Developing standards for a fu ture central switch (one or more) in which we will set standards on im pulse, the message, etc. “During the interim stage, NETS will monitor the activity of cor respondent banks so there will be uni formity.” In its initial stage operating through correspondent banks, NETS could per haps advance to serving 50 to 70 Ne braska banks. Beyond that, a central switch would probably be needed. Consequently, NETS will pursue rapidly its second study assignment, Mr. Hansen said, developing stan dards for a future switch. Mr. Hansen cautioned that too many bankers tend to consider costs in the light of what the switch cost will be. He pointed out that start-up costs should be taken into consideration — such as developing a central file, going on computer if not yet doing so (25% of Iowa and Nebraska banks are not on a computer, he said), and the ex pertise cost it takes to complete the start-up. EFT activity by major banks in Omaha, Lincoln and Des Moines em phasizes the correspondent bank ap proach adopted as phase one of the NETS, Inc., program. Here is an ac counting of the activity taking place in June and July in those cities: Lincoln The First National Bank and the National Bank of Commerce, the sec ond and fifth largest banks in Nebraska respectively, and both with strong cor respondent relationships throughout the state, have announced a shared program as well as their individual EFT programs. First National has two Docutels EFT DEVELOPING . . . (Turn to page 76, please) N orthw estern B an ker, August 1 9 75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T w o t im e ly m o n e y -m a k e r s fr o m T h e F irs t N a tio n a l B a n k o f C h ic a g o 1. Cash L e tte r S e rvice th a t d e livers fa s te r a v a ila b ility ; c u ts flo a t to th e bone. 2. C u s to d y S e r v ic e t h a t d e liv e r s fa s te r in fo rm a tio n fo r surer control o f fix e d in co m e s e c u ritie s . Being located 30 minutes away from the world’s busiest airport is an ad vantage. And we’ve got that advantage worked down to minutes. Not just hours. After your cash letter is processed, a detailed endpoint analysis can be prepared —so we can study your cash letter composi tion and counsel you to maximize your availability. Our availability schedule is out standing... and is constantly being updated with additions to our immediate-availability list and more convenient cut-off times. This helps you in arranging your shipping schedules. In addition, we have no two-day points. So 100% of your cash letters produce working funds fast! And to assure the fastest possible delivery of your cash letters to us, our corre spondent bankers have the experience and resources to custom-design a high-speed system for you. If fast availability is important to you, think First Chicago. We’re on-line; computerized. And have been for more than 2 years. • Initial receipts are sent within 24-hours of transactions. • Advices of credit for interest and maturity are sent within 24-hours. • Detailed statements of holding can be sent within 24 hours of request. • Pledge-receipts are sent to both you and pledgee within 24-hours of written authorization; faster with phone-call notice that authorization is coming. • Notices of maturing U.S. Treas ury bills and exchanges of U.S. Govern ment obligations are sent 2 weeks prior to required instruction time so you’ll have extra time for considered-decision making. • All records are tied directly to your initial receipts and assure you of “audit integrity”. Movement of securities into or out of our Custody —turn around time —is expedited, swift, and controlled. For fu ll information on Cash Letter Service and C ustody Service, call your First N ational Bank o f Chicago correspondent banker, (312) 732-4101, or write us. I t’s your time; it’s your earnings. INFLUENCE EARNINGS. Th e First N a tio n al Bank of C hicago (ff| The Banks, Bank Holding C om panies and R ela ted A c tiv itie s Division. M em ber FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, Ä u g e s t Î9 7 5 10 Bank Promotions and Changes O ROMOTIONS and other news announcements have been made by the following banks: American National Bank and Trust Company, Chicago: Keene H. Adding ton has b e e n named adminis trative vice presi dent by the board of directors. Mr. Addington, who was president of Pandick Press M i d w e s t , Inc., Chicago, will have administrative re K . H. A D D IN G T O N sponsibilities in the marketing and operations areas of the bank. A graduate of Amherst College, Mr. Addington, 43, was associated more than 13 years with the firm of MiehleGoss-Dexter, Inc., where he was vice president-marketing before becoming president of Pandick Press, a subsidiary of a New York based financial printer. At the same time, Rex A. Sinquefield and Harold L. Arbit have been promoted to second vice presidents in the trust investment division. Mr. Sinquefield joined the bank in June of 1972 as an investment research ana lyst. He became a portfolio manager and trust officer in 1973. Mr. Arbit joined the bank in August of 1971 as a management trainee. In 1972 he was promoted to trust investment officer. Bank of America, San Francisco: John Oliver Wilson, a former econom ics professor at Yale University, has joined the bank as vice pres ident and senior econom ist. Mr. Wilson, who has taught and lec tured at the Uni versities of Con necticut and Min J . O . W IL S O N nesota as well as Yale, was an assistant director to Don^ aid Rumsfeld in the Office of Economic Opportunity from 1969 to 1972 and later served as director of planning for b the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission ^ under James Schlesinger. Mr. Wilson most recently was president and chief r. executive officer of North Star Re search Institute, an organization estab lished by the University of Minnesota f and the Federal Reserve Bank of Min neapolis. The Bank of New York: Jerome P. Isoldi and John E. Otis, Jr., have been elected vice presidents. Mr. Isoldi <u joined the bank in 1957, was named, assistant operations officer in 1968 and 4 operations officer in 1969. Mr. Otis 4 joined the bank in 1969, became assis tant treasurer in 1970 and assistant a vice president in 1972. Central National Bank, Chicago: Arnold B. Peterson has been elected ^ senior vice president. Mr. Peterson joined the bank’s correspondent divi sion in July of 1964 with the merger of Central National and the National Bank of Commerce. Prior to that he ^ a also was with the Citizen’s National Bank of Chicago and the Federal Re- * serve Bank of Chicago. ^ Commerce Bancshares, Inc., Kansas The Board of Directors is pleased to an n o u n c e the election of Harry S. Schaefer to the office of S enior Vice P resid en t HIBBARD, O'CONNOR & WEEKS, INC. INVESTMENT BANKERS HOUSTON NEW YORK FORT LAUDERDALE N o rfor t h wFRASER estern Banker, August Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 11 J. INDIVIDUAL BANKS COMMITTED TO MUTUAL GROWTH w Ê H i J The Continental Correspondent Conununity V- > Consulting PA Bank M anagement * Objectives Investm ents * Structure • Policy Com m unications * Systems W here correspondents explore m anagem ent alternatives v► ► ► -A CONTINENTAL BANK CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO 231 S O U T H L A S A L L E S T R E E T , C H I C A G O . I L L I N O I S 60693 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern B an ker, August 1975 12 w City, Mo.: Michael S. Dafferner has joined the company as assistant direc tor of marketing. He most recently served as director of corporate market ing and advertising for the Indiana Na tional Bank in Indianapolis from June, 1973, to June, 1975. He also has worked in commercial lending for the State Bank in Freeport, 111. The board of directors of Commerce Bank also has elected Eric Eberhardt, 28, and Larry Swanson, 31, assistant vice presidents in the metropolitan di vision. Mr. Eberhardt joined the bank in June after serving as assistant vice president in the national and metropol itan divisions for Bank of The Com monwealth in Detroit since June, 1973. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and the National Commercial Lending School in Nor man, Okla. Mr. Swanson most recently served as commercial banking officer for the National Bank of Tulsa from June, 1972, until May of this year. Prior to that he was with the marketing divi sion of APCO Oil Corp. in Oklahoma City. Continental Bank, Chicago: Man agement responsibilities of three exec- utive vice presidents at the bank and its parent holding company, Continen tal Illinois Corporation, are affected by a senior-management realignment. Charles R. Hall, formerly head of the administrative services department, was named head of the trust and in vestment services department. He suc ceeds Ray F. Myers, executive vice president, who was appointed corpo rate counsel, secretary to the board and chairman of the trust executive committee. Gail M. Melick, head of the operations and management ser vices department, in addition, has been assigned responsibility for the corpo rate planning division under Herbert E. Johnson, senior vice president, as well as for the marketing services and area development divisions, both for merly under the administrative services department. The two remaining divi sions of administrative services also have been reassigned to eliminate that department. The personnel division will report to the executive office and the public affairs division will report to Mr. Myers in the corporate coun sel’s office. Eight vice presidents have been elected: David E. Maguire, adminis trative services; Harry J. Hanson, W . M. GOODYEAR J. R. RUCKER bond; Michael H. Bailie, real estate; Donald J. Baer, Robert E. Hendricks, and Theodore C. Kauss, Jr., trust; James M. O’Keane and James M. Voss, commercial banking, and Ter rance J. Bruggeman, Continental Illi nois Leasing Corporation, a whollyowned subsidiary of Continental Illi nois Corp. Elected second vice presidents are: William M. Goodyear and John R. Rucker, commercial banking, western division; James E. DeNaut, Ford G. Pearson, Stephen W. Scheetz, Bruce A. Simons and Bruce A. Smith, com mercial banking; Arnold E. Davis and Richard P. Grippando, bond; Paul E. Davies, Jr., and William I. Rau, inter national; Gregory D. Bruhn, real es- Join the Continental Western /A G E N C Y P O O L Fbr a Rsrmanent Refresher CONTINENTAL WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY Phone (515) 278-3000 CONTINENTAL WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone (515) 278-3345 HOME BUSINESS AUTO LIFE N ew Home Offices: 11201 Douglas Avenue (Interstates 35-80), Des M oines, Iow a 50322 DIVISIONS OF CONTINENTAL WESTERN INDUSTRIES, INC. Digitized N ofor r t h FRASER w e s t e r n B a n k e r , A u g u s t 1 9 75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T he Transit M anager. y He found a way out of the day-late, dollar-short dilemma. ► V T Dave has found a system that provides more cash on hand for his bank through: Our R a p id Transit S y ste m — The Northern Trust’s own direct send program accepts Dave’s unsorted cash letters later than most deadlines in Chicago and pro vides immediate availability for many finan cial centers throughout the country. Our Automatic Funds Program—a unique reporting system that gives him to day’s inform ation today on available deposits. Our Deposit Analysis Service—a peri odic, computerized analysis that provides complete, accurate data on deposit activity. End result: Dave has more money available to invest for more profit. You could too. Our Trial Cash Letter will help. To set it up, contact your Calling Officer at: The Northern Trust Bank, 50 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 60690. (312) 346-5500. The Northern Trust Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bring your financial future to us. 14 V- W hen w | the talk turns to ^ hospital financing... tu rn to Ziegler. It's a matter of good judgement to contact Ziegler before making a commitment. This is true, because you'll be tapping a well of specialized experience exceeding that of any other source. Nobody knows more about serving the capital needs of hospitals, schools and geriatric-care facilities than B. C. Ziegler and Company. We've been at it for well over 60 years — in which time we've underwritten well over $2 billion in institutional financing. . . all over America. Our bond issues cover a broad range —$500,000 to $40 million —conventional and tax exempt. We market bond issues to a wide cross-section of the public — not to just a few large investors. Your local hospital's financial control is protected. Our coast-to-coast facilities assure fast action, too. From the standpoint of your own portfolios and those of your bank's customers, consider this fact: many of our issues currently have bonds yielding over 9%. If your local hospital needs financing, write or telephone collect. Offices in leading cities, coast to coast. B.C. Ziegler and Company West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 • Phone (414) 334-5521 O ne of the financial service arms of Th e Z ie g le r Com pany, Inc. o r t hFRASER w e ste rn B an ker, August DigitizedN for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 tate, and Leonard P. Diorio and Ron ald F. O’Connor, trust. Mr. Goodyear, who joined the bank in 1972, works with correspondent and commercial customers in Colorado, Minnesota and Texas. He was elected a commercial banking officer in 1974. Mr. Rucker works with correspondent and commercial customers in Minne sota, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. He joined the bank this year. Mr. Rucker was with the First National City Bank, New York, from 1967 to 1968 and American National Bank, Chicago, from 1968 to 1974. The Drovers National Bank of Chi cago: Michael J. Whelan has been ad vanced to vice chairman from presi dent. Philip M. Lewin has been elected president, chief executive officer and a director. Mr. Lewin was vice presi dent of Continental Bank of Chicago and was with the bank for 19 years. He is a graduate of Northwestern Uni versity. Robert F. Corey, senior vice presi dent in charge of the investment divi sion, has assumed additional respon sibilities as head of the correspon dent banking di v i s i o n of The Drovers. He will work closely with Fred D. Cum in i n g s, Bernard D. Miller and Ed ward L. Rietz, Jr. who are presently the correspondent bankers in Illinois, Iowa and Wiscon sin. Appointed a member of the corre-. spondent team is Richard P. Griffith. Exchange National Bank of Chicago: William R. Bryan, senior economist and director of research for the bank and profes sor of finance at the University of Illinois, Urbana, has been elected to the boards of the bank and its parent company, Exchange Inter W . R. BRYAN national Corpora tion. Dr. Bryan has been with the bank since 1968 providing background anal ysis for its monthly “Economic Fore cast.” He also has been senior econo-, mist for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Mo., and from 1970 to 1971 assistant to the director of debt analy- 15 HARRIS BANK. DIRECTORS C onsolidated S ta te m e n t of C ondition WILLIAM ASSETS June 30, 1975 Cash and Due from Banks................................................... Time Deposits in Other Banks............................................. Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreement to Resell.............................................. Investment Securities: U.S. Treasury Securities.................................................... State and Municipal Securities........................................ Other Securities................................................................. Trading Account Securities.................................................. Loans...................................................................................... Direct Lease Financing................................................. Customers Acceptance Liability........................................... Bank Premises and Equipment............................................ Other Assets........................................................................... Total Assets............................................................................ $ 627,123,509 210,532,612 F. M U R R A Y Chairman of the Board S T A N L E Y G. H A R R I S , JR. Vice Chairman of the Board C H A L K L E Y J. H A M B L E T O N President BENNETT A R C H A M B A U L T 181,662,500 Chairman and President Stewart-Warner Corporation JOHN 320,886,014 419,307,003 10,301,086 139,402,225 1,797,756,670 56,911,534 60,550,896 88,264,488 60,716,516 $3,973,415,053 W . B A I RD President Baird & Warner, Inc. JOSEPH A. B U R N H A M President and Chief Executive Officer Marshall Field & Company J A M E S W. BUTTON Senior Vice President — Merchandising Sears, Roebuck and Co. S A M U E L S. GREELEY President and Chief Executive Officer Masonite Corporation R O B E R T C. G U N N E S S LIABILITIES Demand Deposits.................................................................. Savings Deposits and Certificates....................................... Other Time Deposits............................................................. Deposits in Foreign Offices.................................................. Total Deposits................................................................... Federal Funds Purchased and Other Short Term Borrowings......................................... Acceptances Outstanding..................................................... Accrued Interest, Taxes and Other Expenses..................... Mortgage Payable................................................................. Other Liabilities..................................................................... Total Liabilities..................................................................... $1,223,149,768 635,518,895 686,445,783 391,527,039 $2,936,641,485 561,711,484 60,664,637 43,625,431 3,944,763 77,105,420 $3,683,693,220 RESERVE FOR POSSIBLE LOAN LOSSES.................... $ 40,814,450 Former Vice Chairman of the Board Standard Oil Company (Indiana) HUNTINGTON HARRIS Trustee Estate of Norman W. Harris D O N A L D P. KELLY President and Chief Operating Officer Esmark, Inc. JOSEPH B. L A N T E R M A N Chairman AMSTED Industries Incorporated r e m ic k mcdow ell Retired Chairman of the Executive Committee Peoples Gas Company ARTHUR C. NI EL SEN, JR. President A. C. Nielsen Company J A M E S E. O L S O N President Illinois Bell Telephone Co. CAPITAL Capital Stock.......................................................................... Surplus.................................................................................... Surplus Arising from Assumption of Convertible Capital Notes by Parent Company.................................. Undivided Profits................................................................... Equity Capital......................................................................... Total Liabilities and Capital.................................................. $ 50,205,040 83,879,160 G E O R G E A. R A N N E Y Vice Chairman Inland Steel Company D A N I E L C. SEARLE 24,100,700 90,722,483 $ 248,907,383 $3,973,415,053 Chief Executive Officer G. D. Searle & Co. MAYNARD P. V E N E M A Chairman of the Executive Committee Universal Oil Products Company Harris Trust and Savings Bank W h o l l y o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f H A R R I S B A N K C O R P , I nc. MAIN BANKING PREMISES: 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60690 OPERATIONS CENTER AND BANKING FACILITY: 311 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60690 INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES: New York; St. Louis; San Francisco INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: London; Mexico City; Nassau; Sao Paulo; Singapore Harris Bank international C orporation: 77 Water Street, New York, N Y. 10005 Harriscorp Leasing, Inc.: 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60690 W h o l l y o w n e d subsidiaries o f H A R R I S TRUST AND SAVING S BANK ORGANIZED AS N. W. HARRIS & CO.,1882 • M EM B ER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o rth w e ste rn Banker, A u gust 197$ 16 >- sis for the United States Treasury. First National Bank of Kansas City, Mo.: J. Walter Peniston, senior vice president, has retired after a 45-year career with the bank. William O. Weis, vice president, has been named to suc ceed Mr. Peniston as officer in charge of the Missouri correspondent bank territory. Dean Howard, assistant cash ier, has been assigned calling responsi bilities in Missouri. Richard W. Brooks, assistant cashier, will become a new member of the correspondent division and will be calling on Missouri banks. William J. Fisher, a correspon dent division member since 1972, has been elected vice president and secre tary of First National Charter Corpo ration, parent company. He continues as a bank officer but will have primary responsibilities with First National Charter. Other promotions announced by the bank include: D. Thomas Chapman II and E. Marsh Douthat III, vice presidents; Steven N. Palmer, trust of ficer; Gregory A. Stauffer, James R. Brock and Daniel L. Enterline, assis tant trust officers; Larry Bedell, J. D. Chambers, Robin Bell and Michael S. Spafford, assistant cashiers, operations division. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chi cago: William M. Wilcox has been named a vice president, municipal bond division. Named assistant vice presidents are Valerie K. Hanna, mu nicipal bonds; James A. Ryser, person nel, and John M. Baly, data process ing. Other promotions include: Mi chael J. Paciorek, investment officer; Thomas J. Dolasky, systems officer; Robert E. Wassman, operations offi cer; Nancy B. Donati, trust officer, and Ralph B. Sandvig, trust counsel. LaSalle National Bank, Chicago: Louis Y. Corey has been named vice president, international d i v i s i o n . Named assistant vice presidents are Aratula G. Vedalakis, international di vision; Randall W. Hildeman, invest ment department, and M. Hill Ham mock, real estate loan division. National Boulevard Bank, Chicago: The following promotions have been announced, according to Irving Sea man, chief executive officer: Ronald F. Lorenz and Jeffeory E. Miller to assis tant vice president; Richard J. Duty and Henry S. Mazik to assistant comp troller; Mark A. Lustig to assistant auditor; Jean S. Anderson, Barbara Evan, Elizabeth E. Gimblett, G. Allen Cole, James F. Dickerson and Eduardo Digitized N ofor r t hFRASER w e ste rn B a n k e r , A u g u s t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 COLE DICKERSON HENSON A. Henson to assistant cashier; Augusto M. Oloroso to operations officer, and Wesley M. Martin to assistant sys tems officer. Northern Trust Company, Chicago: Directors have made the following changes in the official staff: In the banking department, Philip J. Carlson was named vice president. New second vice presidents include Andrew B Bernhardt, Robert A. Lennox, Harry R. Olsen and Thayer Rudd, Jr. Mr. Carlson joined Northern Trust in 1968 after earning his A.B. and MBA degrees from the University of Michigan. He was named assistant cashier in 1969, and second vice presi dent in 1972. He serves the northwest ern division of the banking department and is responsible for business in the states of Iowa, Nebraska and Wyom ing. P. J . C A R L S O N H. R. O LS EN Mr. Olsen is in division 2 of the metropolitan group. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Illi nois and his M.B.A. degree from Northwestern University before joining the bank in 1969. He was named a banking officer in 1972. He served as a calling officer in Iowa for four years prior to his transfer to the metopolitan division. J. Terrence Murray, Gifford H. Hampton, III, John J. Borland and James P. Giambalvo were named second vice president in the trust de partment. New appointments in the trust de partment include John W. Hogge, second vice president; Donald L. Aimone, trust officer, and Anthony Fieldhouse, investment officer. United Missouri Bancshares, Inc., Kansas City: Joe H. Vaughan, Jr., 27, has resigned from the staff of the Kan sas City Area Chamber of Commerce to become public relations assistant for this holding company. He had been in the Chamber’s economic development section since April, 1974. He was a broadcast journalist before joining the Chamber staff, working for radio sta tions in Topeka, Lawrence and the Kansas City area. Valley National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix: G. E. Wright has been elect ed cashier of the bank and secretary of the corporation. Mr. Wright has been with the bank for 24 years and has been a vice president for 10 years. He assumes the duties of Earl H. Brunken, cashier since 1964, who has been ill for several months. Mr. Bruinken has resigned the positions but will remain a senior officer. Heads St. Louis Ad Club Marjorie A. Longo, advertising and public relations officer, Mercantile B a n c o rp o ra tio n Inc., was elected president of the Advertising Wom en of St. Louis at jtSm A its recent annual membership meet ing. In addition, Mary Ellen Heldman, 1869 Ad M. LO N G O vertising Inc., was elected first vice president, Irma Strzelec, The Seven-Up Company, second vice president; Jeannine Morgan, The Catholic Hospital Association, secre tary, and Margaret Bittman KSD-TV, treasurer. >. 17 H -V IH [V r Iy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern B an ker, August 1975 Siili ;.^V'5:r' Vmt,1 É I |É 8 p f Ì i t e - • 1 1 - :•! m e m m im m m m ?; „ * W Ë Ê m m r; ly? : t x ^ S » - > . : ^ :* ' iW$m . |i giim m . Ì W ' . p W '- m • 1 •' : . *•- ’ im ■ ' c« . - . ■;/,' ' - ' _. ' fesisasii a iS s ll 1. jf lg g g s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 “MGIC gives us more Directors’ & Officers’ liability coverage than any other insurer, at a reasonable premium? Did you analyze coverage offered by a number of D & O liability companies? IV V > D ale L. Jern b erg, Exec.V.P. and D irector, N ational Bank of Washington, D.C. tells how MGIC provides coverage for directors and officers, plus an ex clusive combination of k ey features tailored to a bank’s needs. r r K \A “Yes. Four besides MGIC. And very thoroughly. We found that types and quality of coverage varied all over the lot. But only MGIC provided a complete protec tion tailored to our bank’s needs. And for a reasonable cost.” How do M GIC’s features compare with the others? “Their various plans, limits of liability, and deductibles offer extremely attractive options. The $5 million policy we have with MGIC protects all directors and officers. In any case covered, it pays 100% over the deductible limits we selected. “Also, when we indemnify to the extent permitted by law, MGIC’s coverage has far fewer exclusions than many other insurers. This ‘waiver of exclusions’ is most important to us. “In our judgment, MGIC’s D & 0 liability coverage is by far the best value we could buy. Other companies just couldn’t provide us the kind of protection that MGIC offers.” How do you feel about your right to participate in selection of counsel in the event of a lawsuit? “It is very important. MGIC would give us a free hand to choose counsel, subject to their approval. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis They also could advance legal fees in the event of a costly lawsuit which is covered. And they would cooperate with us to counter unfavorable publicity that could be damaging to the named individuals and to our bank.” Do you find greater awareness of your specific needs and greater flexibility in M GIC’s D & O policy? “Absolutely. The other policies seemed pretty general, and not tailored to a bank’s needs. MGIC, on the other hand, really knows the financial com munity, because they’re part of it. This, coupled with the fact that they did their ‘homework’ before the initial proposal, proved the key to our decision. MGIC thoroughly knew what we needed and the result is a very secure feeling that we have the best D & O liability insurance we could buy.” MGIC Totally tailored D & O liability protection. And we mean total. MGIC Indemnity Corporation A Subsidiary of MGIC Investment Corp. MGIC Plaza, Milwaukee, Wl 53201 N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 Corporate News ROMOTIONS and other news an P nouncements have been made by the following firms: The Firestone Tire & Rubber Com pany, Akron, Ohio: Robert P. Beasley, 61, has been elected vice chairman, a new staff position, and Kenneth W. Reese, 44, has been elected to succeed Mr. Beasley as executive vice presi dent in charge of finance. Both will re- Corporate Policyholders Counsel, Inc., Chicago: Ronald E. Seaver has been appointed director of profession al planning. Richard J. Burns has been named director of employee benefit R. P. BEASLEY R. E. SEAVER R. J. BURNS services. Mr. Seaver joined CPC in 1970 as account supervisor. Mr. Burns joined the company in 1973 as em ployee benefits consultant. IHEHIMB ...the BtSI m ilI for luxury ucuummndutiuns ■ Spacious suite with its own all-electric kitchen/bar. ■ Complimentary continental breakfast served in your suite. 1300 N. ASTOR ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 60610 William C. Wolf, Gen. Mgr. (312) 943-1111 30 FLOORS OF DRAMATIC SUITES & MASTER BEDROOMS U'here you dine in elegance de P A R I S TOW ER HOTEL1 Digitized N o rfor t h wFRASER e ste rn B a n ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 K . W . REESE port to Richard A. Riley, president and chief executive officer. Mr. Beasley will serve as special counselor to Mr. Riley. Mr. Reese, for merly vice president and treasurer, will be the company’s chief financial offi cer. Hibbard, O'Connor & Weeks, Inc., Houston: Harry S. Schaefer has been e l e c t e d senior vice president. Mr. Schaefer is a member of the National Associa tion of Securities Dealers and the Securities Indus try Association. He j o i n e d the company in 1972 H s schaefer and became as sistant vice president in December of that year. He was elected a vice presi dent in mid-1973. Information Systems, Inc., Omaha, Nebr.: Robert E. Myers, formerly in charge of the data processing depart ment in an Oma ha b a n k , has joined the compa ny which special izes in the sale of film and other micro-film s u p plies and services to financial insti R. E. MEYERS tutions. Mr. My ers, who has a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Kansas, was with the controller depart ment of Ford Motor Company in Dear born, Mich., prior to 1973 when he entered banking. lames Talcott, Inc., Oak Brook, 111.: Frank J. Pope has been appointed credit administrator for the firm’s busi ness finance division, according to Russell B. Donahue, executive vice president of the division. Mr. Pope joined the business finance division in 1968, was named credit manager for the Chicago district office in 1970 and was elected a divisional vice president in 1974. Western Securities Co., Omaha, Nebr.: Richard W. Johnson has been elected chairman and chief executive officer. Mr. Johnson, 46, was a gen eral partner in the firm of Arthur An dersen & Co., independent public ac countants, and was managing partner of its Omaha office for 14 years until his retirement from the firm in 1974. Ronald W. Hunter, 45, senior partner in the law firm of Hunter and Houli han, and a practicing attorney in Omaha since 1961, has been named a director. E. C. Spelman, 68, presi dent since 1963, has retired as presi dent and director. He will retain his stock ownership position. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hunter are majority stockholders in Johnson Equities, Inc., an investment company owned by Omaha area investors. John son Equities Inc., together with Charles A. Rasmussen, senior vice president of Western Securities Co., have acquired the majority stock inter est in Western. Mr. Rasmussen joined the company in 1946 and has been an officer for 17 years. He will continue to manage the Omaha office and will have additional supervisory responsi bilities for the Des Moines, la., and Denver offices. Ernest V. Butters and Russell D. Lovelace, two of the selling stock holders, have retired from the board, and Everett C. Spelman, Jr., has re signed as vice president and director. All other officer and directors will con tinue. Western Union Teleprocessing, Inc., Mahwah, N.J.: Peter R. Genereaux has been elected executive vice presi dent of the firm and appointed general manager of the firm’s Western Union Banking Systems division. He will di rect all division activities including marketing, engineering and financial operations. The firm provides systems to automate bank money transfer func tions and monitor reserve require ments. Prior to joining Western Union, Mr. Genereaux served as vice presi dent and group manager at Chemical Bank, New York. 21 A This advertisement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to buy any of these securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. N E W ISSUES July 23, 1975 •y $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 First Bank System, Inc. $50,000,000 8%% Notes Due June 30, 1983 Price 100% V ^ plus accrued interest from July 29, 1975, if any. $50,000,000 a» > A 6S% Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2000 Convertible into Capital Stock of the C om pany at any time prior to m aturity, unless previously redeemed, at a conversion price of $48.50 a share, subject to adjustm ent in certain events. Price 100% plus accrued interest from July 29. 1975, if any. Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained from any of the several underwriters, including the undersigned, only in States in which such underwriters are qualified to act as dealers in securities and in which the Prospectus may legally be distributed. The First Boston Corporation Morgan Stanley & Co. Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. Drexel Burnham & Co. Incorporated Goldman, Sachs & Co. Incorporated Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. Hornblower & Weeks-Hemphill, Noyes A ffilia te of Bache & Co. Incorporated E. F. Hutton & Company Inc. Incorporated Keefe, Bruyette& Woods, Inc. Kidder, Peabody & Co. Kuhn,Loeb&Co. Lehman Brothers Incorporated Loeb, Rhoades & Co. Reynolds Securities Inc. Smith, Barney & Co. Incorporated Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Incorporated Incorporated Salomon Brothers Warburg Paribas Becker Inc. Incorporated M. A. Schapiro & Co., Inc. White, Weld & Co. Incorporated Dean Witter & Co. Dain, Kalman & Quail Incorporated Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated Incorporated Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o rth w e ste rn B anker, A u gust 1975 22 number, amount of loan, total dollar figure, and loans rejected. Computer-Printed New Loan List — at the end of the month, a new loan list will be sent showing due date, account number, borrower name, yield, amount of loan, payment amount, term and much more information for account ing. Payment Book — No more than a typewriter or a ballpoint pen is needed to complete this payment book. In less than a minute, you can prepare the book with borrower name, account number, payment amount, due date, and give to the borrower with the dis closure papers. The initial loan information is sub mitted on an easy to fill out 4 x 6 inch form. This data is then computer pro cessed, the ledger and report are pre '■*) -4\ pared and mailed. Rand McNally reports this new loan service is the most accurate, economi cal, efficient answer to the non-computerized payment program designed for small to medium financial institu NEW loan service directed to the Precomputed Ledger — showing bal tion and company. small to medium size financial in ance, due date, payment amount, pay stitution has been announced by Rand off balance, rebate on interest, insur First Bank System McNally (Financial Systems Divi ance and other changes as well as Offers $50 Million Notes sion), Chicago. The new loan service monthly earnings. First Bank System, Inc., announced can provide the loan department with Computer-Printed Run List — each July 2 it has filed a registration state an up-to-date accounting system in time loans are ordered, a run list is ment with the Securities and Exchange sent for verification showing account cluding: Commission relating to proposed offer ings of $50 million of notes due June 30, 1983, and $40 million of converti ble subordinated debentures due in the year 2000. The First Boston Corpora The Second tion has been named manager of the Conference on Planning and Execution of Policy underwriting group which will offer the in Small and Medium Sized Banks issues publicly. Sponsored by Twenty-five million dollars of the The Foundation of the Southwestern G raduate School of Banking proceeds from the sale of the notes will New Rand McNally Loan Service A PLANNING YOUR BANK’S FUTURE Designed for Presidents, other Senior Officers and selected Directors A Three-day Conference covering Planning Strategy and Executive Control of Growth, Expenses and Profits Manpower Development for Growth and Continuity Planning and Financing the Banking House Scheduling Capital Requirements, Valuation of Bank Stock, and M arketing Bank Issues Conducted by a faculty of twenty with lectures, discussion sessions and work-shops at Tan-Tar-A, Osage Beach, Missouri October 12 - 15, 1975 For Information write: The Foundation of the Southwestern G raduate School of Banking, SMU Box 1319, Dallas, Texas 75275; or call A /C 214-691-5398. Digitized FRASER N ofor rthw e s te rn Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 be applied to the repayment of term loans, and $10 million will be investee as subordinated capital notes of $5 million each in the First National Bank of Minneapolis and The First National Bank of Saint Paul. The remaining $15 million will be used for various cor porate purposes. Thirty million dollars of the pro ceeds from the sale of the convertible debentures will be invested as equity capital of $15 million each in the First National Bank of Minneapolis and The First National Bank of Saint Paul. The remaining $10 million will be invested as equity capital in various other sub sidiary banks. The note offering is rated AAA by Standard and Poor’s and AAA by Fitch Investors Service. The rating by Moody’s Investors Service is pending. 23 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company O F N E W Y ORK -r % C onsolidated sta tem en t o f eondition J u n e JO. 107.* D irectors A ssets E L L M O R E C. P A T T E R S O N Cash and due from b a n k s ................................... $ 3,963,586,434 Interest-bearing deposits at b a n k s ........................ 3,082,459,542 U. S. T reasury se c u ritie s......................................... 1,275,793,904 Obligations of U. S. governm ent agencies . . . 129,773,461 Obligations of states and political subdivisions . 842,111,114 O ther investm ent s e c u ritie s................................... 458,668,967 Trading account securities —n e t ........................ 663,968,984 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreem ents to resell . . . 170,690,375 L o a n s ............................................................................ 13,245,412,867 Prem ises and equipm ent —n e t .............................. Custom ers’ acceptance lia b ility .............................. Other a s s e ts ................................................................. 128,553,223 729,736,290 712,258,708 Total a s s e t s ............................................................. $25,403,013,869 Chairman of the Board W A L T E R H. P A G E President J. P A U L A U S T I N Chairman o f the Board The Coca-Cola Company R. M A N N I N G B R O W N J R . Chairman o f the Board New York Life Insurance Company C A R T E R L. B U R G E S S Chairman, Foreign Policy Association F R A N K T. C A R Y Chairman of the Board International Business Machines Corporation Liabilities > v* D em and d e p o s i t s .....................................................$ 6,329,743,828 Time d e p o s i t s ........................................................... 3,788,794,739 Deposits in foreign o f f i c e s ................................... 8,507,144,597 Total d e p o s i t s ..................................................... 18,625,683,164 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreem ents to repurchase . . . 3,015,423,054 Com mercial paper of a su b sid ia ry ........................ 95,261,317 Other liabilities for borrowed money . . . . 515,007,777 Accrued taxes and e x p en ses................................... 317,879,268 Liability on a c c e p ta n c e s ......................................... 730,828,356 Dividend p a y a b l e ..................................................... 23,750,000 Convertible debentures of a subsidiary (414 % , due 1 9 8 7 ) ............................................... 50,000,000 Mortgage p a y a b l e ..................................................... 15,393,258 Other lia b ilitie s........................................................... 435,465,414 Total lia b ilitie s ....................................................... $23,824,691,608 D eserve for possible loan l o s s e s ........................$ 256,819,258 W . G R A H A M C L A Y T O R JR. President, Southern Railway System E M I L I O G. C O L L A D O Executive Vice President Exxon Corporation C H A R L E S D. D I C K E Y J R . Chairman and President Scott Paper Company J O H N T. D O R R A N C E J R . Chairman of the Board Campbell Soup Company LE W IS W . FOY Chairman, Bethlehem Steel Corporation THOMAS HOWARD W. JOHNSON Chairman of the Corporation Massachusetts Institute of Technology D O N A L D P. K I R C H E R President, The Singer Company Capital aeeounts Capital notes (6Vs% , due 1 9 7 8 ) ........................$ Capital notes (5% , due 1 9 9 2 ) .............................. Stockholder’s equity: Capital stock, $25 p ar value (9,500,000 sh ares) . S u r p l u s ....................................................................... Undivided p r o f i t s ..................................................... Total stockholder’s e q u ity ................................... S. G A T E S 100,000,000 85,000,000 R A L P H F. L E A C H Chairman of the Executive Committee J O H N M . M E Y E R JR. 237,500,000 427,085,000 471,918,003 1,136,503,003 Total liabilities, reserve, and capital accounts $25,403,013,869 Assets carried at $2,064,498,000 in the above statement were pledged as col lateral for borrowings, to qualify for fiduciary powers, to secure public monies as required by law, and for other purposes. Member, Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation H O W A R D J. M O R G E N S Chairman of the Executive Committee The Procter & Gamble Company De w i t t p e t e r k i n j r . Vice Chairman of the Board D O N A L D E. P R O C K N O W President W estern Electric Company, Incorporated T H O M A S RODD Vice Chairman of the Board A'eir Y o r k 23 W all Street, 522 F ifth A venue at 44th Street, 616 Madison A venue at 58th Street, 40 Rockefeller Plaza at 50th Street, 299 Park A venue at 48th Street W e s t C oast Morgan Guaranty International B ank of San Francisco, 400 M ontgomery Street, San Francisco, Ca. 94104 Soutlurest Morgan Guaranty International B ank of Houston, 1100 M ilam Street, Houston, T exas 77002 Canada J. P. Morgan of Canada Lim ited 25King S treetW est, Toronto M5L 1G2 A b roa d London, Paris, Brussels, Antw erp, F rankfurt, Düsseldorf, Munich, Zurich, Milan and Rom e (Banca Morgan Vonwiller), Tokyo, Singapore, Nassau; Representative offices in Madrid, Beirut, Sydney, Hong Kong, Manila, Säo Paulo, Caracas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WARREN M. SHAPLEIGH President, Ralston Purina Company GEORGE P. SHULTZ President Bechtel Corporation O L C O T T D. S M I T H Chairman, Executive Committee Aetna Life and Casualty Company H E N R Y S. W I N G A T E Director and Chairman Advisory Committee The International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 B of A Offers New Service Bank of America is offering unse cured revolving lines of credit to qual ified individuals. The new service, called PersonaLine Credit, offers lines of credit ranging from $3,000 to $15,000 depending up on qualifications of borrowers. It makes available under one commit ment funds for automobile purchases, home improvements, education, emer gency medical expenses and other long-term personal debts. The service offered through the bank’s offices statewide, saves borrowers the time and inconvenience of negotiating sep arate loans and waiting for new credit approval. Borrowers will be able to draw on their lines of credit automatically by writing special personalized checks in amounts of $300 or more. The method of repayment will be flexible, but a minimum monthly pay ment on the outstanding balance will be required. A borrower may pay more than the minimum monthly payment with no prepayment penalty. Finance charges will be computed on the daily outstanding balance. Borrowers will receive a monthly statement from the bank listing Per sonaLine transactions, the outstanding balance and finance charges. If the line is unused, there is no finance charge. A special checkbook register will be provided containing a payment sched ule and a budget guide to help estimate the impact of the new transaction on the borrower’s overall monthly income. The bank emphasized that appli cants will be carefully screened. Those who qualify for the service will receive counseling in the use of their credit lines. The lines are intended for long-term fixed personal debts and not for busi ness purposes. They will be reviewed annually. New Ad Campaign for Continental Bank, Chicago “We’ll find a way” is the theme for Continental Bank’s new image cam paign which broke in the June 23 Business Week. The campaign, created by TathamLaird & Kudner Inc., Chicago ad agen cy, features portraits and quotations of famous American industrialists and inventors, coupled with Franklin Mc Mahon paintings of their concepts and inventions as they appear in museums and other contemporary settings. The first five ads will be based on Alexander Graham Bell, Charles M. Schwab, Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison, and Booker T. Washington. The theme, according to Continen tal, underscores the Chicago bank’s commitment to excellence of service in meeting the financial needs of its customers. The Bell advertisement, used in Business Week, shows tourists viewing early telephones on display at Green field Village in Michigan. The Mc Mahon color illustration, which ap pears on the left page, provides a bridge to two columns of black-andwhite headlines and copy on the right page. The remaining column on the twopage spread will contain editorial ma terial. Continental feels that this col umn will increase readership substan tially. In addition to Business Week, the ads will appear in Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek E, Time B, and The Wall Street Journal. The Journal ads will use black-and-white line drawings. service in (lie Irm i if ion o f e x c e lle n c e . All credit insurance programs are not created equal! So in order for us to continue to grow, we know we haOe to perform. And we do. We provide service. Now, “service” is a nice word to banty around — it sounds great. But when we say service, we mean service . . . and we’d like you to know how good our service to you really can be. In the tradition of a Mutual of Omaha Company. After all, a credit insurance program is only as good as the servicing behind it. So if your credit insurance program isn't doing all you thought it would, write us. Or call us. Collect. Today. St. Paul£T) Hospitdl &Cüsuülty 4 Mil tu,il at Omaha Campami Dodge at 33rd Street • Omaha, NB 68131 • (402) 342-7600, Ext. 2910 Home Office: P.O. Box 1711 • St. Paul, MN 55111 • (612) 854-4515 N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 75 United Guaranty Corporation I3V* IrAt. ír< .#)4 17 IÍ6.-C0 LX * WVi UG1 C a I 3'>' 3’/5 U2/C :n<í • U,V)£T T r V1/; Ujwco .¿>3 57 V* 45Ve fi SV> 9*8 ¿5 U nC d:::p 3 U fiC d: 1> 3 «7 l;nC.>m 1.33 UrPon Corp Ur. £:«?<: 1.23 Unfc'J 2> G»£l *3>4 i;n S i ?*/: Un ÎLd«!«^ 32V: UnOCât :.?«* A3 ‘J O G * p f l . » Í2 U f'a c C îî î . » 17 l:nP*c $U7 88VîUn:rycv pfft .70 m o rt3 a 3 e 3v» U n it S r« *» » U f iB r * ; p i A 4 y a iiC y >«i y J?;nCa5 33 'G8 Ur.G as? .40 insurance. l?Vju:::c<a> 233 8v:< U n iti fid .34P <3* U niU r. pr *2 f-/ç y a ifin r i .fO % :J9V :j yjwBk !•/; U n itP k i.o< Now listed on the New York Stock Exchange M ir. 4 -Jr.imcty V .:5V>ys-po 243 :7Vi US^pS LSCte l i ' 8 USGyps 1.40 » USGy pG .30« 7*. i;r> Uvff.e 2 v> UÜ inci .33.7*8 US Shoe .95 33'A US S»: 2.30 : 3G ij.OTc.p^c .90 3:vV ndix T«h<npí;3 M ii vUiftT :3V? Ur,:r»J : 08 •4V«UnT: îfnl.50 •9 U r.'fo i ;vwf vi 12Vv-f Vi A growing force in private pi ^ f>:?72 63* y a i.-o v a i 33* y a y *e : ví 35 23 72 2 V'j 22-A; <3 : 38 p í í -rei yf 4 z n .n Un í îcteütv UnûCa? \ M UOC-i «u yparcppi:.a <;o Lv<Uii-'tXid PK rM \jrù r< . y c < : >C Unify*: p?8 1v: Ur.itPk Mir: 4 U nitRc-v; .40 USFsdG 3.40 7IA 3V V i ÜSFeS LX«* bUOGyPi L50 'o*v>Kjv«ri..p 2:íiV j Ur.ivU*r Uny*<h ri 2 1213 UrPTftí 7 08 ; 8VÖ U.-.Ti îp il.5 0 • V U r.ÏP i ptt.Sft p i i . 50 3 vj Unitföd« yr.Çi -Jr.c: Cp 3Vtumtrod« cp ; 48» U n iv a rC p : 2VV:< U n iv L * * i 2 7ÎV4 -JO? .30 7«3x U n iva rC p 2$Vt UnivLOcG l-V* UO? .30 1 2 fiVSUsliieF ,?4a 12 U SM Iv f* U >M 3V-Á- Utahiftt: 1 33;4t O te h P l. 17 U Y înd 2.34 1b |¡/i UV:;i í-G.28 ^ UAL ir » .¿ft* l.V.Vj s lo t .25 p iî.1 0 ,1 V/V •.iniVPK A4ir. 4 U rííííK tg .8 ’.'<••3 y>F1;:G 2.A W-'< USPfíG 7 90: : <v« USGyps 1.4« ?0 ’J OG y o f 7 3- Our sym bol: U G C Our annual report is availab le upon r e q u e st Hjnited Guaranty Corporation 826 N. Elm. Box 21567, G reensboro, NC 27420 • (919) 273-6961 Offices: Atlanta, Georgia • Baton Rouge, Louisiana • Bettendorf, Iowa * Dallas, Texas • Denver, Colorado • Greensboro, North Carolina • Indianapolis, Indiana • Los Angeles, California • New York, New York • Portland, Oregon • San Juan, Puerto Rico • St. Petersburg, Florida • Honolulu, Hawaii N o rth w e ste rn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banker, August 1975 26 BAI Selects Officers for 1975-76 EORGE W. Dennis, CPA, senior vice president in charge of ad ministration in the metropolitan divi sion of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, New York, has been elected chairman of the board of Bank Ad ministration Institute, headquartered in Park Ridge, 111. He is the first BAI of ficer to have the title of chairman, fol lowing a reorganization of the BAI board of directors effective July 1. Mr. Dennis assumed office on that date, succeeding Horace H. Harrison, executive vice president, United Vir ginia Bankshares, Inc., Richmond, Va. At the same time, it was announced that BAT has selected Ronald G. Burke, 43, as executive vice president. Mr. Burke is director of Federal Re serve Bank operations for the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D. C. He will succeed F. Byers Miller, who last December announced he will retire as BAI’s chief executive officer on De cember 31, 1975, following 19 years of service. Mr. Burke is expected to join BAI in September, and assume full responsibilities for the 9,000 mem ber organization on January 1, 1976. Named to serve with Mr. Dennis as vice chairman of the board and in line to succeed him in 1976 is Gerard V. Carey, CPA, executive vice chairman, First Pennsylvania Corp., Philadelphia. Joseph D. Watson, CPA, general audi tor of Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, will serve as national trea surer. Several new members of the board were elected from BAI districts. Among these was Chester N. Eggen, president, Richfield Bank & Trust Co., Richfield, Minn., who will guide BAI activities in District 6, which embraces member banks in Minnesota, Wiscon sin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota. Elected as state directors for twoyear terms from District 6 area were: Iowa—Walter A. Schloemer, execu tive vice president and cashier, North west Bank & Trust Co., Davenport. Minnesota— Duane C. Gronlund, vice president and cashier, Northern City National Bank, Duluth. North Dakota— Ruben E. Sailer, vice president and cashier, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck. South Dakota— Donald F. Bertsch, vice president and cashier, National Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls. Prestige Programs Pay Specialists in □ Credit Life Insurance □ Credit Disability Insurance □ Personalized Claim Service □ Sales Training by Experienced Personnel More Money in Your Pocket 1300 North Meacham Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60172 IM .IFE C R E D I T LIF E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y Credit Insurance Division fo r: GENERAL UNITED LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DES MOINES, IOWA N o rth w e ste rn Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Wisconsin— Kenneth A. Keller, vice president and cashier, Union State Bank, West Salem. Security Corporation Plans Invitational Golf Tourney Security Corporation’s 6th Annual Invitational Golf Tournament is slated for the Playboy Club at Great Gorge (McAfee), New Jersey, on October 3, 1975. The annual event, hosted by the Irvine, Cal., marketer of equipment and services for financial institutions, draws bankers and their wives from across the country to some of the finest golf courses close-in to the ABA con vention cities. Security’s 6th Annual Invitational takes place one day prior to the Ameri can Bankers Association annual con vention in New York City. The George Fazio-designed Playboy Club course, chosen by Security’s vice president and tournament director, Gary J. Griff, will provide invited guests with a challeng ing day of golf amid the spectacularly beautiful Indian Summer setting of Northwestern New Jersey’s Vernon Valley. Bankers and their wives will attend the traditional tournament breakfast which kicks off the day’s events. Fol lowing the full day of golf, tennis and other activities, Security’s guests will enjoy this year’s very special awards dinner when winning bankers will be presented with thousands of dollars worth of awards and trophies. Grand prize, for closest-to-the-pin honors, is a two-week European Trip for two. Additionally, any banker who makes a hole-in-one will be awarded a 1976 Cadillac. Besides honoring the tournament’s winning golfers, this year’s dinner also celebrates Security Corporation’s 20th anniversary as an equipment supplier to the financial institutions market. Top name entertainers will round-out the evening’s activities for Security Corporation’s guests. Last year, more than 250 bankers and their wives enjoyed the Security Invitational held at the Kuilima Club on Oahu, Hawaii. The European vaca tion grand prize was won by Paul Gandrud, president of Swift County Bank, Benson, Minn. Any banker interested in attending the 6th Annual Security Invitational Golf Tournament should contact Gary Griff at Security Corporation, 2055 S.E. Main Street, Irvine, California 92705; phone (714) 979-9000. 27 The world’s fastest travelers check First National City Travelers Checks ■IRST NATIONAL C pr Roger Penske’s Formula 1 Racing Car is carrying the First National City Travelers Checks message around the world. And your customers will be seeing this car— and the First National City Travelers Check identifica tion— whiz by ... at Grand Prix races in South America, Europe, Africa, Canada— all ; the way to the United States Grand Prix at Watkins Glen, New York in October, 1975 and throughout the 1976 season. It’s the biggest new promotion in the travelers check field. And, it’s one of several big reasons why you should sell First National City Travelers Checks. Best Refund Service More Profit Opportunity International Marketing Program Worldwide Acceptability Issued By Citicorp First National City Travelers Checks are Number One in the number of on-the-spot refund points, world wide.Morethan 35,000 authorized on-the-spot refund agents. That’s thousands more than any other travelers check. The best refund service in the travelers check business. That’s why with our checks, chances are your cus tomers are always closer to a fast, easy, on-the-spot refund than with any other travelers check. Among all leading U.S. travelers checks, you can’t beat the commis sions received for selling First National City Travelers Checks. This means that you can earn up to 34% more by selling our check, than by selling certain other leading travelers checks. First National City Travelers Check sales are promoted by a mul ti-million dollar mar keting and advertising program . . . including national magazines, network television— and sponsorship of the most important na tional and international auto racing events. For 70 years, First National City Travelers Checks have had worldwide acceptance and recognition with literally millions of re tail and service estab lishments. It’s nice to know that you are selling your customers a travelers check issued by a worldwide organization with the extensive financial resources of Citicorp. F irs t N a tio n a l C ity T ravelers C h e c k s . . . You s e ll ! . . . Th ey s e ll! N o rth w e ste rn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banker, August 1975 28 4 Fed Presidents To Conduct Seminar At School of Banking at Wisconsin A CANDID discussion of workings of the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve Sys tem by four of its members will be one of the evening seminar highlights at the forthcoming session of the Gradu ate School of Banking at the Univer sity of Wisconsin. The presidents of four Federal Re serve Banks, all of whom are members of the committee on a rotating basis, will appear at a panel on Monday, August 11, to discuss current mone tary policy. The Open Market Com mittee is the credit-policy determining arm of the Federal Reserve System. The four presidents are: David P. Eastburn, Philadelphia; Darryl R. Francis, St. Louis; Bruce K. MacLaury, Minne apolis, and Frank Morris, Boston. The Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin, sponsored by the Central States Conference, will hold its 31st annual two-week session on the Madison campus from August 10 through August 23. Attendance at three two-week sessions, plus the com pletion of certain extension problems, is required for graduation. Seminar programs scheduled during the two-week session at Madison are: Monday, August 11 — Federal Re serve Bank Presidents panel. Tuesday, August 12 — Nancy Teeters, assistant director of House commit tee on the budget, “The New Budgetary Process.” Wednesday, August 13 —• Albert Rees, director, Council on Wage & Price Stability, “Wage-Price Policies of the Ameri can Economy.” Thursday, August 14 — Paul Reistrup, president and chief executive officer, National Railroad Passenger Corporation, “The Future of Railroad Passenger Service in the United States.” Monday, August 18 — William Proxmire, U. S. Senator from Wisconsin, “The Work of the Senate Banking Committee.” Tuesday, August 19 — Thomas G. Ayers, president and chairman, Commonwealth Edison, “The Energy Picture.” Wednesday, August 20 — Robert W. Galvin, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Motorola, Inc. Thursday, August 21 — Geòrgie Ann Geyer, correspondent for Chicago Daily News. “A Foreign Correspondent Looks at the World.” Approximately 1,600 banks will at tend the two-week session of the Graduate School of Banking. Dr. Don ald P. Jacobs, Morrison Professor of Guaranteed building cost! That’s not an idle claim. It’s our way of doing business. We know you don’t need any surprises at the end of your building project. Our specialists study your needs, then design a building to suit your needs and your budget. It’s guaranteed. Call today and find out why so many financial institutions use the specialized services of the Kirk Gross Company. Kirk Gross Co. 110 EAST 7TH ST., WATERLOO, IOWA 50705 PHONE 319/233-6641 N o rth w e ste rn B anker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Finance and Dean of the Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. is the semi nar faculty leader. >7 ABA National Ag Meeting Slated for November 16-19 The ABA’s 24th National Agricul- ^ tural and Rural Affairs Conference will be held November 16-19 in Houston with the theme “Agribanking: Per spective, Professionalism, Profits.” Rex G. Plowman is chairman of the agri- 4 cultural bankers division. The confer ence will feature a wide offering of de tailed workshops on such topics as financing young farmers, techniques of customer counseling, strategies for < dealing with ag loan risks and uncer tainties, and loan quality control. Mr. Plowman, also president, and „ chairman of Lewiston State Bank in Lewiston, Utah, said “The popular Outlook Series on dairy, grains and seed, cotton and rice, beef cattle, hogs, energy and the general economy will a form a central segment of the confer ence.” First mailing for registrations will be sent to member ABA banks in Sep tember. RMA Plans Fall Convention Three major aspects of commercial ^ lending— its environment, its priorities, and its practice—will be the focus of the 61st annual Fall Conference of Robert Morris Associates November 2-5 in San Francisco. RMA— the national association of , bank loan and credit officers— has in vited a broad range of specialists, in cluding bankers, regulators, and pro fessionals who influence commercial lending, to examine this area of bank ing. This year’s national conference, 4 hosted by RMA’s northern California chapter, will be held at the Fairmont Hotel. About 1,800 members and spouses are expected to attend. R F. Dwyer, senior vice president, Wells Fargo Bank, NA, San Francisco, is general conference chairman. Presi dent of the RMA is Robert A. Young, president, Northwest Bank, Vancou ver, Wash., who will give the luncheon address on opening day. Keynote speaker at the opening ses sion Monday morning, November 3, will be A. W. Clausen, president of the Bank of America, San Francisco, whose topic will be “The Banking En vironment.” 29 IP""*** I» The check this proud father is handing his daughter is not an ordinary check. It’s a Deluxe Duplicate Check. She gets the original, “ Thanks, D ad.” And he gets an exact copy of the check for his records. Here’s how it works. Each check is bound v/ith a copy that requires no carbon. As a check is made o u t . . . a copy is made as well. Your customer then has an additional record-keeping tool. A conventional register is included and can still be used for keeping the balance if preferred . . . the copy just makes it a little easier. It’s not for everybody, but it may be just what some of your customers need. Find out what your customers really want. And don’t overlook the unforgettable check . . . DeLuxe Duplicate Checks for personal accounts. C H EC K PRINTERS, INC. SALES HDQTRS. • PO BOX 3399, ST PAUL, MN. 55165 S T R A T EG IC A LL Y LOCATED PLANTS FROM COAST TO COAST Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o rth w e ste rn B anker, August ? 975 Which bank gives your clients maximum m ileage for their short-term money? We do. Bank, of America. So when your clients tion and spur of-the-minute decision making advice come to you with short-term money to invest, why as easily as picking up a phone. And working hours after Wall Street has called it a day. not do what so many other banks do and come to It’s all part of why so many bankers look to us. Bank of America provides a wide variety of Bank of America to make their short-term money services, combined with years of professionally go a long way. If you’d like to find out more, our proven expertise. And experience like this is more security specialists will be pleased to fill you in important than ever in these uncertain times. on the details. Call Bank of America, Bank Invest Our Bank Investment Securities Division ment Securities Division: San Francisco (415) offers you and your clients the confidence that 622-2630; Los Angeles (213) 683-3512; New comes woth trading close to 3 billion dollars in an York (212) 747-5807. average day. W ith figures th at impressive, we must be doing something right. Such as keeping our BANKof AMERICA C o rre s p o n d e n t Bank Service financial experts available for one-to-one consulta m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 BMA Plans “Bonanza 7 5 ” for 60th Convention in Las Vegas v k .1»* T IVING up to its theme of “Bonanza ’75,” the 60th annual conven tion of the Bank Marketing Associa tion promises “A Gold Mine of Infor mation” for all registrants. The con vention will be held September 28 through October 1, with headquarters at the Las Vegas Hilton and Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nev. Advance word on the program states this year’s targets of golden op portunities are: Customer Bank Com munication Terminals (CBCTs); Indi vidual Retirement Accounts (IRAs); Bicentennial promotions; employee benefit packages; marketing planning in the small bank; Social Security di rect deposits; marketing to youth, new comer and female segments; the con sumer and automated clearing houses; truth in advertising. These topics will be covered in two general sessions, six departmental, six workshops, and smaller rap sessions. The 60th convention officially gets underway Sunday, September 28, with the First Timers’ Orientation and Re ception. The opening general session on Monday at 9:30 a.m. will feature former Governor Ronald Reagan as keynoter. The general session on Tues day, also at 9:30 a.m., is the time when 1975 BMA Awards will be pre sented—best of TV commercials, best film, Golden Coin Awards, and chap ter and membership recognition. The third general session at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday has Ed McMahon of The Tonight Show scheduled to discuss the Anheuser-Busch marketing story. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Throughout the three days, the departmentals, workshops and rap ses sions will be slated at various times, affording registrants an opportunity to visit various segments of the presenta tions, frequently by size group of bank. Departmental are conducted in a formal atmosphere with speakers using visual aids. A question and answer period is planned for the end of each session. The six departmental will cover new products, advertising, re search, sales development, planning and public relations/public affairs. Departmental are scheduled each morning after the general sessions. The six workshops are planned each day for specific bank size categories. At these meetings, concrete problems or topics in bank marketing will be dis cussed informally, with maximum audience participation. Workshops are scheduled for each afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Topics for large banks and com munity banks will include such sub jects as EFTS, ACHs, direct deposits, CBCTs, and various marketing mat ters. Rap sessions are strictly informal groups of 30-40 members with com mon interests. The discussion leader initiates the conversation and members take it from there. Rap sessions will start with a Continental Breakfast and also will be divided by large banks and community banks for greater member interest and participation. Each rap session leader will have a starting state ment and the ensuing discussion then is by members present. The nominating committee earlier announced its selection of candidates and members have voted by mail for their choices. Results of the mail elec tion will be announced during the con vention. Those nominated are: President— Eugene J. Callan, New York Bank for Savings, New York. 1st Vice President— Clifford Y. Davis, Jr., First Tennessee National Corp., Memphis. 2nd Vice President— Martin J. Al len, Jr., Old Kent Bank & Trust Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Treasurer— Jack W. Whittle, Con tinental Bank, Chicago. The following were nominated for the board of directors: Alan Eirinberg, Exchange National Bank, Chicago. D. Eugene Fortson, Worthen Bank & Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark. Ruth Harrison, Irwin Union Bank & Trust Co., Columbus, Ind. Richard F. Langan, Morgan Guar anty Trust Co., New York. Margie H. Muller, Maryland Na tional Bank, Baltimore. James W. Wentling, BancOhio Corp., Columbus, O. One of the hallmarks of BMA con ventions always has been the educa tional exhibits, which will be open for browsing each day. Monday and Tues day evenings are open for individual planning. The convention will close Wednesday evening with a reception, banquet and dinner dance. Music will be provided by Les Brown and his Band of Renown.— End N o rth w e ste rn Banker, A u g u st 1975 32 Bank Marketing In Today's Competitive Environment By LARRY RONSON Senior Vice President First Hawaiian Bank Honolulu, Hawaii . . . delivered at the Montana Bankers Association Annual Convention HERE IS, in my opinion, a tre mendous misconception as to the true function of marketing in banking today. To some extent, there has been a pendulum movement with the up ward swing now compensating exces sively for the reverse position when banks were not involved in marketing at all. Definitions of marketing activities generally emanate from the giant banks, primarily because they have the resources for extensive market re search and, also, because their markets are far more complex and, in many cases, the competition in the areas served is much more intense than the average bank of smaller resources. Consequently, if we are to assume that the giant banks’ marketing pro grams are proper examples, the at tempts by the smaller banks to emulate these programs are basically doomed to failure. T Value of Human Relationship Excessive research to minute detail and hysterical specialization are fre quently the major weapons of the mar keting programs established by the bil lion dollar banks. Lost somewhere in the scientific approach is the tremen N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 dous value of the human relationship between the bank’s representative and the customer. “Death of a Salesman” merited ac colades as an outstanding play and as a motion picture. At the time it was written by Arthur Miller it proclaimed the passing of a man and purported to claim the end of an era. Unfortunately, it precipitated misunderstanding by portraying the failure of Willie Loman as the symbol of the salesman who re lied purely on stale jokes, back-slap ping and fast conversation. To the ex tent that Willie Loman made a crutch out of affability, this projection was correct, but by implication it indicted fluent salesmen who could develop a human relationship by influencing peo ple. In this regard, it became a carica ture used for overkill. As a consequence, we now see in bank marketing a group of technicians who have intimate knowledge of the intricacies of finance but whose per sonality traits leave the customers or prospects with an image of a cold ma chine whose talents are grudgingly ac cepted but not with a sense of perma nence or loyalty. The danger here is that we are instilling in these financial experts a feeling that to serve a corpo rate treasurer, they must have a superi or knowledge more worldly than his. In a bank of adequate size, this type of specialization can be produced, but not necessarily with beneficial results. Making Friends Is Essential Dale Carnegie, who was a master marketer, coined the money making title “How to Make Friends and Influ ence People.” It is interesting to note that he intertwined these two activities and in this sense he was remarkably intuitive. He recognized that the art of making friends by itself was not the ultimate and he surmised with equal perception that in order to influence people it was necessary to convert the relationship to one of friendship. I admire technical perfection in fi nance but I abhor the development of a mechanical approach to business de velopment where the total relationship is based upon financial counseling (usually accepted unwillingly). I feel there is still a strong need for the de velopment of a warm, human, friendly relationship that inspires permanence and loyalty and withstands competi tion. If the sole premise on the acquisi tion of an account at the corporate level is that through technical concepts a treasurer is offered a reduction in float, it is quite obvious that this rela tionship will continue only until a com peting technician can offer a greater reduction in float. On the other hand, if there is a meaningful human rela tionship between the bank representa tive and the treasurer, the meager dif ferential between earnings on balances is not enough to overcome the friend ship involved. dise discontent, and this discontent has continued from generation to genera tion, each group vowing it wanted something better and demanding that superior products be produced by re jecting inferior products. Contrast this to the ancient European saying of “if it was good enough for my father, it is good enough for me.” And so, while the older nation stood still with the de ception of contentment, we in America progressed by making people dissatis- only be for customers and prospects but there should also be a form of in ternal marketing where the employees of the financial institutions are as much a subject of a sale to the superiority of his bank as is the customer or pros pect. When a marketing man attempts to convert a prospect into a customer, he makes a series of promises, but the question of whether or not these will be kept is frequently determined by the behavior of employees in the bank that become involved. No bank can grow without the con sent of its employees. It is fallacious to assume that executive ambition is matched by that of a teller whose total career at the bank might be no more than three years. This means it is essential that the marketing division and the personnel division combine to generate a concept for the motivation of transient employ ees. This motivation frequently is in contrast with employees of ambitions within the bank because the ambition itself, along with consequent rewards, serves as adequate motivation. But the employee who feels he or she will be with the bank for only a short time does not have the same ambition and cannot be categorized as part of the long term employee group. Motivation and Persuasion We cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that motivation, understanding of the behavioral science and the ability to persuade have been and always will be essential characteristics of a good marketing man. He deals with the motivations of the public and the rela . , superiority cannot tionship of these motivations to the be limited to commodity he sells or uses is most im portant. He needs to know more than service alone but simply the market facts or the techni must be equally cal information about the service to be rendered. He has to learn to under impregnated with stand the deeper meaning of the ser a close personal vices he is promoting. relationship . . In addition, it is essential that a good marketing man understand mod ern communication and it’s effect on fied with what they had so they would human behavior. buy the superior products offered to Dr. Ernest Dichter has defined them. "Bridges to the Mind” as specific Offer Something Better mechanisms of human motivation which act as go-betweens from objec This is not remote to bank market tions to the mental and physological ing because every conversion of a pros cogwheels of the human personality. pect or customer who terminates the relationship with his bank to yours is The American Story the consequence of a marketing man I would like to refer to the bi-cen having made him discontent with his Smaller Bank Approach tennial celebration of the birth of the existing relationship, but offered some It is quite obvious that the degree U.S. as an example of this contention, thing better. However, the superiority of financial specialization that can be even though it appears to be distant cannot be limited to service alone but offered by the larger banks in the from the topic involved. The celebra must be equally impregnated with a country cannot be emulated by the tion of our 200th birthday could well close personal relationship that will in smaller banks. However, in view of the raise the question as to why it is that sure account retention. difference in the markets, the approach a nation as young as ours, measured It is in this connection that market of the smaller bank to marketing in to in contrast to most European coun ing by giant banks can be paralleled day’s competitive environment can be tries, was able to bring to the world the by marketing at smaller banks. The be in the more intimate association with highest standard of living ever known. havior characteristics of the corporate the problems of a prospect or customer If we were to search for the single treasurer of a giant conglomerate are and the close cooperation in arriving common characteristic which exempli not different from the behavior char at a solution to these problems. In view fies the unique ability that is American, acteristics of a small businessman with of this, it is even more essential that we would be hard pressed to find com just a few employees. Both individuals the smaller banks recognize the be mon traits; however, there is one which remain human beings and have the havioral patterns of the individuals in I feel is of great significance. same human reactions, likes and dis volved because there is a greater fre All of our ancestors migrated to the likes. Nothing creates a barrier as quency of contact than that enjoyed U.S. because they were discontent with much as the concept that a man head by the larger banks and this leads what they had. There were those who ing a giant organization is not human eventually to the development of a felt they were stifled by prohibition in and does not have normal likes and greater intimacy. Europe and being dissatisfied, they dislikes as well as apprehensions and Bank marketing in today’s competi came to the U.S. Consequently, the on gratifications. tive environment also requires, particu ly common characteristic that bound Therefore, “Bank Marketing in To larly for smaller banks, a greater dedi immigrants from different countries to day’s Competitive Environment” re cation to the utilization of the bank’s gether was the fact that they were here quires more than ever the use not only mental assets as well as its financial as because they were dissatisfied. of technical information of finance but sets. In most instances the bank has From this there evolved the fantastic an equal perceptiveness in the human American concept that we do not mer relationships that are involved. BANK MARKETING . . . chandise contentment but we merchan In addition, marketing should not ( Turn to page 78, please) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 34 Family Financial Education a Success In High Schools UYING on credit is relatively easy B in an increasingly “cashless’ so ciety. But knowing when — and when not — to use credit, and knowing how to distinguish between manageable debt and overindebtedness isn’t quite as simple as filling out an application for a credit card or instalment loan. That’s why the Lincoln, Neb., Con sumer Credit Association started a pilot “credit workshop” for students at four high schools in Lincoln’s Public School District # 1 , and why a similar project is underway in Rapid City, S. D. The Lincoln association’s member banks, credit associations, retail stores, and lawyers view the new project, be gun last January, as a chance to reach a group of potential credit consumers with an educational program that will teach them how to use credit wisely — before they go out and unwittingly plunge themselves into debt over their heads. “We hope to provide the students with a basis for making good judg ments,” said James D. Robbins, pres ident of the association and collection officer for Lincoln’s First National Bank and Trust Co. “Everybody must borrow money at some time in their life, and young peo ple today have little chance to grow up learning the right way to use credit,” he added. Eight Credit Areas The association’s program focuses on eight key areas of credit: retail credit, credit bureaus and their opera tion, bankruptcy, services of the Bet ter Business Bureau, instalment loans, bank charge cards, real estate mort gages, and the economics of credit. N o rthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 “When we started thinking about sponsoring a program in the schools, we met with teachers to get their ideas on what information high school stu dents needed most,” Mr. Robbins said. “We came up with a preliminary list of 20 topics, which we narrowed down to eight we felt the association was par ticularly equipped to handle.” The association provides speakers on each topic: representatives from such association members as local de partment stores, local banks and sav ings and loan associations, the Lincoln Better Business Bureau, and local at torneys make up a credit “speakers bureau.” Several films also are available for showing to the high school classes. Key Is FFEP But the key to the program — and what gave Mr. Robbins the idea for the credit education program in the first place — is the Family Financial Education Program, a set of student workbooks and teacher guides devel oped in 1970 by Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago. These printed materials, which take a learn-by-doing approach, are divided into two parts: one unit focuses on basic management of personal income — checking, savings, and budgeting — while the second deals with the use of consumer credit. “I had received sample copies of the workbooks some time ago,” Mr. Rob bins said, “and they looked like what we needed. The teachers who helped us plan our program felt the work books were the most comprehensive of any they had seen on credit.” The association purchased the work books used this past semester, and if local school officials decide to make the association’s pilot project a regular part of high school curriculum, the cost of the workbooks “probably would be included in our textbook budget,” said Buford Jones, the school district’s con sultant for business education. 500 Students Enrolled Mr. Jones said the materials are be ing used in elective general business education, home economics, and mar keting and merchandising courses at the four high schools. About 500 stu dents currently are enrolled in classes taking advantage of the pilot program. “The program could be expanded next year,” said Mr. Jones, “by put ting more copies of the workbooks into use, and by encouraging additional teachers to incorporate consumer cred it education into their curriculum. “We think we’ve been able to make good use of the workbooks and supple mentary speakers and films so far,” he said. Mr. Robbins said the consumer credit association plans to continue providing local teachers, as well as civic groups, with lists of speakers on the topic of consumer credit, regard less of what happens to the school pro gram. “We know there are a lot of credit problems,” he said, “and young peo ple may have even greater problems than their parents. Young people have little chance to grow up with the right values and judgment if their parents don’t know how to handle credit. If a son or daughter can’t learn at home, we feel a responsibility to provide in formation in another setting.” 35 DAKTRONICS displays STUDENTS at East High School in Lincoln, Nebr., receiving instruction on “ Wise Use of C red it" from Jam es D. Robbins, collection mgr. of consum er lending division at First National Bank and Tru st Com pany of Lincoln. In the neighboring state of South Dakota, juniors and seniors at Rapid City’s two public high schools will be learning the basics of personal money management beginning in the fall, through this unique educational pro gram, sponsored by Rapid City’s four banks and the Credit Bureau of Rapid City. Using the Family Financial Educa tion Program, purchased for the schools by the credit bureau and the banks, teachers at Central High School and Stevens High School will be in structing students in the principles and responsibilities of using consumer credit, handling checking and savings accounts, making contract purchases, and obtaining loans. At the completion of each of the nine units in the FFEP, speakers sup plied by the banks, credit bureau, and local retailers will review material cov ered before the students move on to another section. “We’ve done some research into how the students will receive this kind of information, and the response has been almost unanimously favorable,” said Robert Malone, president of the credit bureau, who hit upon the idea for the special project after hearing a Continental Bank presentation at an International Consumer Credit Associ ation conference. “Many students in this age group have never handled their own finances, and are scared stiff about having a checking account for the first time, or buying their first car. “The response of school administra Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tors also has been very positive,” add ed Mr. Malone. With the assistance of Burt Rau, di rector of instruction for Rapid City schools, the credit bureau and partici pating banks will conduct an in-ser vice, one or two-day teacher workshop late this summer, to familiarize teach ers who will be using the financial edu cation program with the student and teacher workbooks. The workshop will be taught by rep resentatives of the participating banks, the credit bureau, and local retailers “who deal with subjects like credit daily, and can thoroughly explain these subjects to the teachers,” said Mr. Malone. Instruction will begin in September, with 200 students enrolled in classes using the money-management mate rials during the first semester. “We won’t be able to reach all ju niors and seniors during this first year,” said Mr. Malone, “but within a couple of years, the schools will require that every student graduating from Central and Stevens have taken a course built around this program, and additional supplementary material and visual aids.” Sponsors of the Rapid City pro gram, in addition to Mr. Malone and the credit bureau, are Charles Undlin, president, First National Bank of the Black Hills; Reynold Klay, president, National Bank of South Dakota; Dwight M. Guffey, president, Ameri can State Bank, and James Berry, se nior vice president, United National Bank. — End IM P A C T A Daktronics display is the efficient a d v e rtis in g m edium th a t c re a te s traffic, new business, image and pro vides community service. Daktronics has taken the service ex pense out of time and temperature disp la y s w ith 100% s o lid s ta te electronics. Our engineers will custom design a time and temperature display, that will enhance the appearance of your facili tyCall or write us today! Daktronics will give you the edge over your com petition with 100% solid state displays. MESSAGE CENTERS Daktronics offers entirely solid state message display centers with chang ing and traveling messages, and time and temperature information. DAKTRONICS, INC. BOX 299 BROOKINGS, S.D. 57006 PH. 605-692-6145 N orthwestern Banker, August 1975 36 NEW information handling technique is helping A small banks in the Upper Midwest take advantage of large bank computer technology. It helps them to re How a City Bank Shares its Computer With Community Banks By RONALD L. INGERSOLL, President Marquette Computer Corporation and GARY WOLLAN, Senior Vice President Marquette National Bank Minneapolis, Minnesota NEW SYSTEM for capturing and transm itting local bank tra n s action data on IBM 3 7 4 1 is inspected by Robert L. Ingersoli, president of M arquette Com puter Services. N orthw estern Banker, A u g u s t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 main in the competitive mainstream in terms of manage ment, operations and customer services. The new ap proach also enables a bank service organization to signifi cantly expand its data processing market, while sharply reducing operating costs for itself and its correspondent banks. Minneapolis-based Marquette Computer Corporation has found a better way to bring the benefits of modern computer-assisted banking to even the smallest bank in the most remote locale. Last summer, the bank service orga nization became the first in the nation to install the high speed IBM 3741 data entry system at customer bank loca tions to bypass the increasingly expensive courier route problem. The 3741 unit transmits the local bank’s daily transaction data directly to Marquette Computer Corpora tion’s data processing center, and at electronic speeds. Management Information Marquette Computer is a subsidiary of the bank holding company, Bank Shares, which also owns Marquette Na tional Bank. The daily customer transactions of the local banks using the new system now are processed with com parable dispatch and efficiency to those of Marquette Na tional Bank. The small bank now is able to offer its cus tomers essentially the same major financial services, such as daily interest compounding, overdraft checking and high-yield certificates, as larger institutions. Small bank officers enjoy the same level of sophisticated management information — daily average balance, loan yield and inter est yield reports. To date, 11 banks in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota have installed the 3741 units on their premises. The device captures the bank’s transaction data and stores it on a “diskette” record. What Bankers Say Later, the 3741 is used to transmit the data for process ing. Says Marwood Wise, executive vice president of Da kota State Bank in Milbank, S.D., a $13 million bank in a town of 4000 population: “This is what we have been waiting for. The 3741 assures fast, accurate and economi cal collection of our data, while allowing us to keep our transaction documents in-house where they are readily ac cessible, and not subject to loss.” Edward Buerkle, executive vice president of Farmers & Merchants State Bank in New York Mills, Minn., a town of only 800 population, also appreciates being able to re tain the bank’s documents on the premises at all times. He is even more impressed with the vast amounts of time the new system saves for bank personnel: “We finish up every day by 4 p.m. — previously, we were often still working on each day’s transactions as late as 6 p.m. In addition to the time savings, there are welcome economies in the elimination of the need for costly posting and coding equipment.’ Henry Reget, president of the Hamburg (Minn.) State Bank with $5 million in deposits, is impressed by the new system’s contribution to his bank's growth potential. “We are now in a position to absorb additional growth without hiring new employees, and without additional capital in vestment,” he points out. 37 All three of the local bank executives emphasize the im portance of the system’s versatility in handling a variety of transactions: the daily balancing of all accounts, the computer-produced exception notices, and management information reporting. Advantages of the new data entry method are not re stricted to the user banks, however. From an operations standpoint, perhaps the prime advantage to Marquette Computer Corporation is that all transaction data from user banks is now available for processing by about five o’clock in the afternoon — a time when the bank’s IBM System/370 Model 145 computer is not as busy. This fa cilitates much more efficient utilization of data center re sources, and permits a sizeable reduction in data prepara tion costs. On the marketing side, use of the 3741 terminals broadens the scope of Marquette Computer’s correspon dent bank market for its data processing services. The or ganization no longer has to be concerned about courier route structures, or user bank proximity to arterial high ways, for example. Plans presently are underway to extend services to banks as far away as Montana and Iowa. A rule of thumb is that the correspondent be within a reasonable rate charge area for the phone lines that link the 3741s at the local bank to the Marquette data center in Minneap olis. How the System Works Here is how the system works: Periodically during the day, as customer business is transacted at a user bank (usually a correspondent of Marquette National Bank), an operator keys pertinent transaction data into the 3741 terminal. Transactions are grouped for entry by type (DDA, savings, loan). For the individual transaction, the operator simply enters the customer account number, the dollar amount, and the appropriate code. A control program stored on the 3741 diskette (the me dium resembles a 45 rpm phonograph record) guides the operator through the entry steps. She can see the data she is entering on the terminal’s small visual display screen. Any keying error can be quickly corrected, and the ter minal will not accept invalid transaction codes or account numbers. After banking hours and before she goes home for the day, the operator simply pushes a switch to place the 3741 unit in the “transmit” mode. “The terminal is very easy to operate,” says Edward Buerkle of Farmers & Merchants State Bank. “We have several employees who are capable of using it. It saves us a great deal of clerical time and assures data accuracy. With the 3741, we need only basic proofing equipment and the savings over even one expensive posting-M ICR encod ing unit more than offsets the 3741’s $200 monthly rental cost.” Data Center Calls Banks Beginning at around four o’clock in the afternoon, the Marquette Computer Corporation data center dials up each local bank 3741 terminal, using an auto-call system. The Marquette computers automatically gather the disk ette-stored transaction data. It takes only about three to five minutes to capture the daily transaction data from each of the local banks on the system. The incoming data from all of the user banks is combined at the Marquette data center on a master transaction tape. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The daily transaction data is entered via the tape into the data center’s System/370 Model 145 computer, The computer sorts the tape data by transaction type, such as demand deposit, savings, instalment loans, certificates of deposit and Christmas Club. It then edits for the validity of user bank identity codes, transaction codes, account numbers and transaction amount reasonableness. Following the edit, the tape data is processed by trans action type classification in like manner to the daily trans action processing of the Marquette National Bank’s own customer data. A set of master record files is stored on magnetic disk for each user bank. They are online to the computer and all account records are automatically up dated during the processing run. As an extra service to correspondent bank customers, Marquette Computer Cor poration secures “not on us” checks from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, separates the checks by correspondent banks by means of an IBM 1419 MICR reader/sorter, then merges these transactions with the correspondent bank’s own daily transaction processing. Computer Produced Reports For each correspondent bank, the computer produces all the requested operating statements, exception reports and management information summaries. These are re turned to the local banks before the start of business the following morning. There is a full trial balance for every account, covering all classifications, reflecting the total and individual up-to-date status situation. The system handles daily interest compounding on sav ings accounts, furnishes stop/hold lists and overdraft no tices, and provides a variety of exception-type reports to individual user bank specifications. These include large de posit or withdrawal reports, overdraft account histories, and the like. New account and closed account listings are routine. The system also produces ready-to-mail customer account statements on a predetermined cyclical basis. Local bank officials receive a number of management reports from the system, again tailored to individual bank specifications. These summaries, for example, cover aver age balance information on demand-deposit and savings accounts, loan yield and interest yield calculations, loan delinquency lists by loan dealer and type, rebates on pre pay loan calculations, and so on. System Accessible to All With this new system, the latest in computer technology is just as accessible to the small bank in a small town or rural area as it is to the large metropolitan bank. The small independent bank now can take full advantage of very ad vanced technology and offer its customers the latest in banking services, without paying the full price to install it in-house. Right now, for instance, Marquette Computer Corpo ration is planning to implement a Customer Information File (CIF) system. This computer programming enables a bank to quickly associate account numbers with individ ual customer identities, and vice versa. This, in turn, en ables bank officers and employees to deal with an individ ual account transaction in terms of the customer’s total re lationships with the bank. The objective is to reinforce the personal touch in bank-customer relationships. When this important system is implemented, it, too, will be readily available to the local banks using our services. — End N orthw estern B an ker, August 1975 38 Marketing Firms Offer Special Programs for Bank Promotions DENVER advertising firm has developed a unique variation on the concept of pre-packaged cam paigns for small and medium sized banks. The program goes beyond the usual advertising to include marketing, promotion, and even a community ac tion program with a potential for sav ing lives. The package was developed by the Programmed Marketing Division of Frye-Sills, Inc., a division of Young & Rubicam International Inc. Frye-Sills President Malcolm Sills said, “PMD gives banks in smaller communities the total marketing skills, from creativity through production, of A N orthw estern B an ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 a full service, major city facility— and at an affordable cost.” Available on a protected territorial basis, PMD includes, as an option, an opportunity for the bank to take ad vantage of limitless public relations and publicity opportunities by donat ing a “Poisindex,” a complete poison information system, to a local hospital. Under PMD. the bank also has the opportunity to participate in the “Offi cer Ugg” program, a complete poison prevention campaign aimed at chil dren. The community service option of the Frye-Sills marketing plan also in cludes press releases, newspaper ad- vertisements, radio announcements, and othermaterials to publicize the bank’s involvement. As part of the Officer Ugg pro gram the bank can help distrib ute colorful “Offi cer Ugg” pressure-s e n si t i v e s t i c k e r s to be placed on hazard ous m a t e r i a l s throughout t h e household. T h i s Officer Ugg stimulates traffic through the bank. The Poisindex is a microfilm infor mation reader which enables medical personnel at the local hospital to iden tify and prescribe treatment for any one of more than 100,000 toxic ma terials in less than 30 seconds. Virtual ly every consumable product on the market is included in the index, listed by brand name, manufacturer, and composition. Both the Poisindex and Officer Ugg programs were developed by the internationally-renowned Rocky Mountain Poison Center at Denver General Hos pital. Center Director Dr. Barry H. Rumack said, “As a clinical toxicologist and pediatrician, as well as prime med ical consultant on the creation of Offi cer Ugg, I can assure you that he (Of ficer Ugg) can become a most reward ing symbol against accidental poison ing of children in any community.” According to Family Health maga zine, there are more than 700,000 ac cidental poisonings each year, 2,500 of them resulting in death, and nearly 250,000 in disabling injuries. 80% of these accidental poisonings occur in the home, Family Health reports, and the largest percentage of victims are children under five. Shortly after the Rocky Mountain Poison Center was established in 1974, a potential disaster was averted through use of the Poisindex. Since then, the Rocky Mountain Poison Cen ter has handled more than 18,000 calls per month from participating hospitals. The Poisindex and Officer Ugg pro grams are just part of the total PMD package. PMD’s principal thrust is to market the full range of bank services, including checking, loans, and where applicable, trust departments and drive-up facilities. 39 Frye-Sills Creative Group Supervi sor Bill Talley said, “The PMD ads deal, in a positive way, with attitudes in today’s economic situation. We promise the bank will sit down and talk with people about their money problems. Employee training is a big part of this. Any package we do will always include employees. The PMD bank package includes training in both counseling and cross-selling tech niques.” Do you want to open direct deposit accounts for Senior Citizens? You can open hundreds of d i r e c t d e p o s i t accounts for Social Security checks by reaching Senior Citizens directly at their home addresses. T ET Uncle Sam Do It,” is the title ^ of an educational and marketing sound/slide presentation on the sub ject of direct deposit of Social Security and recurring Federal payments now being distributed by The Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin. The slide show is intend ed for banker audiences and is a time ly and authoritative review of the op portunities for and requirements of banks choosing to participate in this new Federal program. This 25-minute slide show, with cas sette tape narration, is divided into four modules: Orientation, Operation al Considerations, Marketing Consid erations, and Preparation (how to get ready). It is possible for any one or combination of these modules to be used independently. The presentation is compatible with and may be supple mented by available Treasury mate rials. Further information on cost and availability can be obtained from The Graduate School of Banking, 122 West Washington Avenue, Madison, Wis consin 53703 (608/256-7021). TV/f 1DWEST banks looking for firstclass marketing materials to as sist them in the Direct Deposit Pro gram of the Social Security Adminis tration can obtain a complete market ing package from Riley Advertising Co., Omaha. The firm has developed a 20-minute slide presentation which reviews the background, benefits and guidelines for the direct deposit of S.S. checks. In addition, it provides a stepby-step guide to preparation of Form 1199, the direct deposit authorization which each customer must complete and sign. The slide film is accompanied by a standard cassette tape recording, programmed for manual or automatic slide synchronization. It is designed as a training film for bank personnel, as well as for showing to customers. The rest of Riley’s package offers Here is an opportunity to offer a service designed for people 62 or over. Each month Senior Citizens in your community receive Social Security, you can write to them offering a new service where their monthly checks are de posited directly to their checking account at your bank. By having their checks mailed directly to your bank by the U.S. Government and immediately credited to their checking account, you are offering them convenience and safety. They are assured of funds being immediately deposited and readily available. It eliminates check cashing problems and provides uninterrupted depos its. It reduces operating costs and generates increased deposits, new depositors, and improved customer relations. There are 21.3 million people 62 or older who receive Social Security benefits. In the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research 1971-72 Survey of Con sumers revealed this market segment have h i g h s a v i n g s p o t e n t i a l and a h i g h d e g r e e o f l o y a l t y . [63% maintained accounts for 10 or more years/38% had accounts of $5,000 or more.] To help you to promote a d i r e c t d e p o s i t Program to the Senior Citizens in your com munity, we can provide a current mailing list of the names and addresses of elderly married couples, widows and single persons over-62 on personally-addressed gummed mailing labels in zip numerical sequence that you can readily affix to your envelopes, at the rate of $40.00 per thousand names for one-time use. Once you select the cities and towns in your service area and send us your order, we will air mail your Senior Citizen mailing list on gummed labels in two weeks. Most important are assured of a 60-day exclusive of the Senior Citizen bank ing market in your service area, so you can secure the greatest number of Senior Citizens d i r e c t d e p o s i t accounts. Contact us direct or mail the coupon below: Please send information on your 1975 Senior Citizen list for the following cities/ towns/zip codes: gp Name ll Bank................ ■ ■ Address m 4 Phone City .... . . _ . ___ . . ___ State Zip J . Call (914) 632-1595 or 779-8585 SENIOR CITIZENS.u n l im it e d 273 Columbus Avenue, Tuckahoe, N. Y. 10707 N o rth w e ste rn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis h a n k e r, A u g u st 19 7 5 40 NEW Bicentennial envelope, featuring mural-like four-color il lustrations of historical events, dis played across the back panel and seal flap, has been introduced by Tension Envelope Corp., Kansas City, Mo. The pre-printed envelopes are ideal vehicles for organizations to participate in the upcoming Bicentennial. The envelope face has a small Bi centennial emblem, which allows plen ty of room for imprinting company logos, return address, slogans, and other copy to the buyer’s specifications. In addition to the four-color Bicen tennial envelope, Tension has created a series of special Bicentennial design elements that can be used in the devel opment of custom envelopes. A variety of styles is available for use on front or back panels, on seal flaps, or as artlining inside the envelopes. The pre-printed four-color enve lopes are available in size 10, either with or without address window. The design elements can be incorporated on envelopes of any size or style. For details, write: Tension Envelope Corp., Suite 327, 19th & Campbell Streets, Kansas City, MO 64108. A 2 ART WORK from Riley Advertising m aterials illustrates the m onths when direct deposit of Social Security paym ents goes into effect in different parts of the country. materials to advertise the direct deposit program to customers of financial insti tutions. These include pressure-sensi tive advertising labels of various kinds, statement enclosures, plastic counter display cards and teller badges. The high quality sound, slide film was produced for Riley by Sight & Sound, Inc., Omaha, the same firm which produced EFT films for the Ne braska Bankers Association and more recently produced “Let Sam Do It,” the direct deposit movie made for the Central States Conference. The film marketed by Riley is designed to com plement “Let Sam Do It,” if a bank or association wishes to show them in conjunction with each other. 1776 C ^ T ~ c llT flS 5 iA l 1076 LOC CABIN SANK LINCOLN REPLICA T H IS C O IN -B A N K IS T R U L Y A COLLECTOR’S ITEM. IT IS BEING AS SEMBLED AT LURLEEN B. WALLACE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, SHELTERED W ORKSHOP, DECATUR, ALABAMA. SAMPLE SENT BY REQUEST ON LETTERHEAD Prices 7 2 ................................ $2.00 1 4 4 .............................. $1.75 2 8 8 ..............................$1.65 4 3 2 ..............................$1.60 1 0 0 8 ........................... $1.50 each each each each each See Us at Booth 810 Bank Marketing Convention Las Vegas Some Territory Open For Representatives H IR E TH E HANDICAP PE D N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 M AD E IN T H E U.S.A. OF A S SO RT E D WOO DS YOUR NAME OR LOGO SILKSCREENED AT NO EXTRA COST ^iùalify Incentives 1305 U.S. 31 South, P.O. Box 700, Hartselle, Ala. 35640 Phone 205-773-4161 or 205-773-4595 SERVING OVER 1,000 FINANCIAL INSTITU TIO N S IN C . 41 Log Cabin Banks Bank Ad Wins Eagle Award By5£Q\\illyour money have done a dayswork too; Make money with your money. Open a MatchMaker Account. Today. EMPLOYEES and residents of the Lurleen B. W allace D evelopm ental Center, a Hartselle, Ala., institution fo r the handicapped, have been aw arded a contract to assem ble and package 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 coin bank rep licas of the Lincoln log cabin by Quality Inventives, a local advertising novelties dealer. The banks, which will be m arketed nationally as m em entos of the Bicenten nial celebration, will be assem bled in the Sheltered Workshop a t the W allace Cen ter. "1C American icanlSSionalBank LaSalle at Washington/LaSalle at Wacker 60690/Phone (312) 661-5000/Memher FDIC TOP HONORS in the outdoor category during the recent Chicago Finan cial Advertisers Eagle Awards com petition w ere won by Am erican N atio n al Bank and Trust Com pany of Chicago. The bank and its agency, Lee King & Partners, Inc., received the Eagle Award fo r th e ir outdoor/'transit advertisem ent entitled “ By 5 :0 0 Will Your Money Have Done a Day’s Work Too?” The cam paign is running currently in the Chicagoland area. Bank Planning Conference Announced HE SECOND Conference on Plan ning and Execution of Policy in small and medium-sized banks will be conducted October 12-15, 1975, at Tan-Tar-A, Lake of the Ozarks, Osage Beach, Mo. The Conference is spon sored by the Foundation of the South western Graduate School of Banking. Don Carlson, president of Elmhurst National Bank in Elmhurst, 111., and past-president of the Independent Bankers Association of America, will be the director of the Conference. Dr. George H. Hempel, professor of fi nance, Graduate School of Business, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., will be the co-director. The Confer ence is the second on planning spon sored by the Foundation. The first, held at the Greenbrier in March, 1975, was attended by bankers from 21 states. Bank presidents, other senior offi cers and selected directors are invited to attend. The Conference is designed for banks with resources as small as $10 million and as large as $250 mil lion. Topics to be covered include: Planning Strategy and Executive Con trol of Growth, Expenses and Profits; Manpower Development for Growth and Continuity; Planning the Banking House, including Site Selection, Facili ty Sizing, and Financing; and Schedul ing Capital Requirements, Valuation of Bank Stock, and Marketing of Bank Issues. Reservations for 200 conferees have been secured at Tan-Tar-A, and at tendance will be limited to that num ber. Nineteen faculty members will serve the Conference. A Planning Guide to be used in the laboratories of the Conference has been prepared which also should be useful to banks in their planning. Dr. Richard B. Johnson, president of the Founda tion of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking, in describing the Conferences, stated that their objective will be to give the senior bank officer the capability of designing a program which can be utilized in his bank with out calling on an outside consultant or utilizing a computer. Banks are advised to send no more than two officers to a Conference. Spouses are invited to ac company registrants, and will be in cluded in the social program of the Conference. The conference proceed ings as well, as the Planning Guide, and additional selected materials will be published and provided all registrants. Further information concerning the Conference can be obtained by writing Dr. Richard B. Johnson, president, The Foundation of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking, SMU Box 1319, Dallas, Texas 75275; or call A /C 214/692-2996. 503 17 AVE. N.W . ROCH., MN. 55901 CALL COLLECT 507-288-6580 N o rth w e s t e r n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B a n k e r, A v g u st 1975 42 REALITIES and MYTHS of Factoring (Editor’s Note: This article was pre pared by the author to explain the de tails of factoring for attorneys. Because it explains clearly the part played by factoring firms and banks in aiding commercial clients, the article is pre sented for the benefit of our readers.) By WILLIAM R. GRUTTEMEYER President James Talcott Factors New York, N. Y. N orthw estern B an ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 has been around for F ACTORING over 150 years. It has kept one of the country’s largest industries afloat. And to thousands of businessmen it has literally meant the difference be tween success and failure. And yet to a great number of at torneys in the United States, factoring is a dirty word. Mention factoring to many attorneys and they’ll probably say “That’s for somebody going un der,” or talk about exorbitant interest on loans, or people coming in and tak ing over a client’s business. Factoring, a Unique Tool The fact is they are dead wrong. Factoring is a unique business tool involved with the lifeblood of any com pany: credit protection and cash flow — the two areas that are high stakes in normal business situations, and could mean a business’ life or death in today’s economy. Not only do fac tors provide credit guarantees, but they are a source of unsecured, fast financ ing; modern, computerized bookkeep ing and collection; market forecasts and evaluations, and an array of man agement information, sales and mar keting counseling. And, through fac toring’s total services, a company can not only alleviate business problems, but grow. Why all the mystery about factor ing? It has a lot to do with the con centration of this service in the textile business for the past 100 years. Be cause of this, many attorneys have had little contact with the service and, worse, have succumbed to the myth ology surrounding factoring. Things are changing. Today, at torneys faced with helping clients cope with the enormous burdens of inflation and declining profits are looking be yond traditional financing sources for help. And when they take a hard look at factoring they’re discovering what the textile industry has known for a long time, that factoring is a very spe cial business tool that is unavailable anywhere else. For attorneys who have not taken that hard look at factoring or still think of it as a dirty word, it’s time to learn some basics about the business. At the very least, it will provide clients with an option to present financial re sources; at the most, a way out of diffi cult, and possibly traumatic business problems. Dispelling Some Myths First off, let’s dispel some myths. Factors are not loan sharks, company acquisition mills, or “shady operators.” Factoring is a $16 billion a year indus try practiced by many of the largest private finance corporations and banks. All factors offer a simple basic service. They guarantee businessmen’s credit by purchasing their accounts re ceivables, and make available ad vances, not loans, on the receivables to ease cash flow. Talcott, as well as other major factors, also offers credit checking, bookkeeping and collection services. And one final point. Factors are interested in taking on a “down and out” client. Now that we’ve dealt with myths, let’s get on to reality. To size up the impact a factor can have on your client’s business, certain key questions must be answered. Questions like: Is factoring right for your client’s par ticular situation? What does it really cost? Can he justify the service? What types of factoring plans are there? Which are best for him? And finally, how to choose a factor. Ask These Key Questions To determine your client’s need for a factor’s help, ask yourself the fol lowing: 43 • Does your client’s credit depart ment have sufficient expertise to make proper judgments in today’s complex economy? • Have credit exposures reached the point where if one or more of your client’s customers failed would profits and capital be seriously impaired? • Have customers’ late payments and insistence on extending terms put a heavy strain on working capital? • Is the cost of executive talent making credit decisions causing neglect in other important business areas? If the answer to many of these ques tions is “yes,” then a factor can be of great assistance, providing of course that your client can afford the service. A Look at Costs In looking at a factor’s costs, sev eral things have to be considered — the total range of factoring services, the degree of risk assumed by the fac tor, what your client can accomplish with the funds, and what he will lose without them. For receivable bookkeeping, collec tion and assumption of credit risks, the factor’s fee amounts to a single dis count ( 3A —• F / 2 % ) of the net re ceivables purchased. This fee is based on volume of sales, average character of customers, terms of sales, and aver age size of invoice unit. Interest for re ceivables advances or short-term sea sonal loans is usually at a rate slightly higher than prevailing bank rates. In ventory and long term loans unse cured or secured by mortgages on plants and equipment are slightly high er. Once factors’ costs are defined, com pare them to the cost of your client’s credit operation. The following sched ule can be used to calculate this: 1. COST OF CREDIT CHECKING & COLLECTION a. People b. Bad debt, credit history c. Credit agency report d. Cost of monthly statements, collection forms, postage, mailing e. Telephone expense Total 2. COST OF BOOKKEEPING a. People — Salaries plus Fringes b. Equipment c. Space utilized Total __________ _______ . _______ _______ _______ _______ _____ .__ _______ 3. COST AND TIME OF MANAGEMENT EFFORT IN CREDIT AND COLLECTION AREA _______ Total Four Basie Plans If your client’s financial problems point towards factoring as a possible solution, and he can afford the service, then the next step is to decide which factoring plan is best, a decision which Talcott and most factors can help you make by evaluating your client’s busi ness needs. Most factors offer several basic plans. 1. In notification or conventional factoring, the factor buys your client’s receivables for cash, if desired, and un dertakes credit checking, receivables bookkeeping and collection on a fee basis. The factor’s credit department checks credit on orders, and when the orders are shipped, the factor pur chases the sales invoices. These will tell your client’s customers that bills are due and payable to the factor. If, for any financial reason, any of your client’s customers can’t pay, it’s the factor’s problem not his. Your client receives payment from the factor on the due date of the receivables; if advances are required, the factor will make them as necessary. These are not considered as a liability or a loan, but simply an advance on monies due at a later date, 2. Maturity factoring differs from the conventional plan in that the fac tor pays your client on the maturity dates of the receivables whether his customers do or do not pay promptly. He still receives all credit guarantees, receivables bookkeeping, and collec tion service benefits, and can continue to borrow normally unsecured money from his bank. 3. Non-notification factoring is pri marily for manufacturers and whole salers who sell mostly to retail outlets. As in other factoring agreements, the factor purchases accounts receivable outright and guarantees credit on ship ments. But your client’s customers are not notified, and he assumes his own receivables bookkeeping and collection functions. The fee for this type of fac toring is usually lower than conven tional factoring arrangements. 4. An Export-Import factoring plan is offered for clients involved in foreign trade by Talcott, as well as other fac tors. Under this plan, the factor not only assumes all of the credit risk, but also covers currency and political risk. The service includes establishment of letters of credit, trust receipt interim financing, bonded warehouse loans, making advances for import duties and freight, complete with factoring of re sultant receivables. Checklist on Factors Knowing what factoring can and cannot do for your client is, of course, vital. But picking the right factor for the job is equally important. Factoring is a highly personalized business. A factor maintains close contact with your client, his customers, and mar kets. If the factor’s full range of ser vices are taken advantage of, he can become a valuable financial counselor. This kind of involvement demands serious thought. How do you help your client de cide? As a start, don’t rely on hearsay. After all that’s how factoring got to be a dirty word. Factors come in all shapes and sizes. And, like any busi ness, there are good and bad ones. What’s needed is an assessment of the pluses and minuses of factors. To help out, here’s a checklist of areas to look into: * Financial Backing: The factor should have sufficient financing to meet your client’s needs. * People: The best factor for your client is one who has people who are experts in his business, customers and markets, and flexible enough to adjust to situations that don’t fit neatly into a set plan. * Service: Since your client will be working closely with the factor, he should pick one that is close enough to respond quickly to his needs and is familiar with the region in which he operates. * Facilities: The heart and soul of factoring is credit checking. Make sure a factor has the most modern credit analysis systems, and professional bookkeeping and collection capabili ties. Once armed with the facts and figures, you should be able to help your client make a choice. The field is large and on the whole made up by professionals who value their industry, understand its importance and the role they can play in helping other businessmen. And, above all, it is made up by people who have a special interest in seeing a “dirty word” be come part of the vocabulary of top level financial management. — End N orthw estern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B an ker, August 1975 44 "A man’s got to get some mud on his boots before he’s any use out here.” T l h e city is th e city. T h e country is th e country. T h a t’s a difference w e’ve always appreciated at A m erican N atio n al. A n d so we offer our correspond dents several unusual services specially developed to m eet the needs of banks outside th e big city. | For exam ple, we have an au to m ated bond acco u n tin g service 1 th a t can stream line your in v estm en t pricing, and th e acco u n tin g on your w hole in v estm en t portfolio. A n d we can offer you a w hole range of m anagem ent tools, from expense reporting systems to em ployee benefit programs. W e’ve also staffed our corre sp o n d en t d e p a rtm e n t w ith m en who know th e country. O n e of them is W arner Frohm an. Before he got into banking, he ran his ow n farm and c a ttle operation. A n d we hope you’ll call him , th e n e x t tim e you need som ething from a hig-city bank. AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO LaSalle at Washington/LaSalle at Wacker 60690/Phone (312) 661-5000/Member FDIC N orthwestern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 197S 45 counting and James W. Iversen to di rector of auditing. Mr. Martin joined the bank service firm in December of 1973 and Mr. Iversen in September of 1974. Mr. Iversen previously had been cashier at University National Bank in Chicago. Illinois News A R TH U R F. BU SBO O M P r e s id e n t R o n to u l R O B ER T C. SC H R IM P LE E x e c . V . P. C h ic a g o > V Named To Head New Security Bank, Sandwich John E. Behrens has been named chief executive officer of the new First Security Bank of S a n d w i c h . He f o r m e r l y was cashier of the Yorkville Nation al Bank. Construction re cently began on the new b a n k which will be lo cated adjacent to J . E. B EH REN S the Indian Springs Shopping Center in . 5,500 square foot building. Elected at Oak Park Donald C. Henderson has been elected to the board of Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank and its p a r e n t company, the Oak P a r k Bancorp., Inc., according to Wallace Austin, bank chairman. Mr. Henderson joined the bank in 1950 and is a senior vice presiQ c HENDERSON d e n t , corporate secretary and senior lending officer. Harvey Bank Sponsors Bicentennial TV Series The First National Bank of Harvey, through its membership in the Ameri can Bankers Association, is co-spon soring a special series of “NBC Today” shows in tribute to the U. S. Bicen tennial, according to Donald G. King, bank president. The series began on July 4 and will continue for 52 weeks. Joins Decatur Bank Richard D. Minick has joined the Soy Capital Bank and Trust Company, Decatur, as administrative assistant, according to E. J. Arseneault, bank president. Mr. Minick attended the University of Illinois, Millikin Univer sity and received his Master of Arts degree in mathematics at Eastern Illi nois University last May. Elected at Des Plaines Egils H. Krolls has been elected vice president and trust officer of the First National Bank, of Des Plaines, ac cording to Arthur R. Weiss, bank president. Mr. K r o l l s , formerly assistant vice president and trust o f f i c e r , joined the bank’s trust department E. H . K R O L L S in 1969. He is a graduate of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb and holds a juris doctor de gree from The John Marshall Law School. First Ogden Corporation Announces Promotions First Ogden Corporation, Naper ville, has announced the promotions of Robert W. Martin to director of ac- Named at Oak Park William R. Langley, president of Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank, has announced the appointment of Frances J. Chuey to marketing officer. Miss Chuey joined the bank in 1973 as administrative assistant to the vice president of marketing. She formerly was on the marketing staff at Financial Technology, Inc. Ms. Chuey is a graduate of Western Illinois University. Michigan Ave. Facility SHOW N is th e new walk-in drive-in facility of The M ichigan Avenue N a t'I Bank o f Chi cago a t 7 2 E. Randolph opened recently. ARCHITECT'S sketch of the new Elm hurst National Bank drive-in facility. Elmhurst Nat’I Opens Drive-Up Facility P LMHURST National Bank recently held an opening celebra tion for its new drive-up facility. The structure has two upper levels and a sub level which provide more than 8,100 square feet of service area. Conference and meeting rooms are be ing planned for the second level. Six arched drive-up lanes feature an extensive canopy to shelter “in-car” depositors against inclement weather. Also included are six indoor teller walk-up windows, depository stations, kiosks and security areas. N orthwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B an ker, August 1975 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W ill your teller jeopardize this $70,000 customer? He:s one of your best customers. A man with a $10,000 secured loan, a $55,000 commercial mortgage and a $5,000 home improvement loan. But when he comes in to buy travelers cheques, does your teller sell him just the run-of-the-mill brand? If so, your best customer’s chances for a trouble-free trip may be jeopardized. Your teller should recommend American Express® Travelers Cheques. They are the world’s No. 1 cheque. A nd for good reason. ary or representative offices around the world. You can assure your best customers of a source of emergency funds should the original amount purchased prove to be insufficient. Help keep your best customers your best customers. To make certain your tellers are aware of the advantages of American Express Travelers Cheques, clip out the box below and send it to your head teller for distribution. After all, good customers are hard to find. 1. Am erican Express Travelers Cheques are good at more hotels, more restaurants, more retail shops and more gas stations across America than any other travelers cheques. 2. American Express Travelers Cheques are supported across America by an “Emergency Refund”5""system that never closes* Never. (Some travelers cheques’ refund systems can be closed as many as 120 days a year. T h at’s about a third of the time.) 3. Am erican Express Travelers Cheques are supported by a network of travel offices around the world. They can come to the aid of your customer should a problem ever develop. 4. Am erican Express Travelers Cheques Courtesy Card offers your best customers a very special advantage. Issued by one of your officers, this card enables your customers to cash personal checks up to $250 for the pur chase of American Express Travelers Cheques at most American Express Company, subsidi Attention Tellers • A m erican Express Tavelers Cheques are good at thousands of hotels, restaurants, gas stations and retail shops across Am erica where other travelers cheques aren’t. • A m erican Express Travelers Cheques are the only Travelers Cheques backed by a refund system that never closes. • A m erican Express Travelers Cheques are sup ported by travel offices around the world. • Last year more travelers used A m erican Express Travelers Cheques than any other. They are the world’s leading Travelers Cheque. i----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Only American Express Travelers Cheques can provide your customers extra service. Across America emergency refunds of up to $100 are available at night, on weekends and holidays. American Express Travelers Cheques American Express Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JL Can George, Tom and Dick make you an even better advisor? Your customers count on your good counsel, because you know what’s good for business in your area. What works. And what doesn’t. But say a particularly complex financial issue comes up. Like whether to build a new plant, a twist in tax laws, or business valuing. That may be the time to call Correspondent Banker George Palmer, Tom Hayden or Dick Storlie. And ask them to put you in touch with a specialist in our Business Advisory Division. That way, you can bring added expertise to bear on. just the kind of problem you’re facing. To help you probe it. Sort it out. Analyze it. And recom mend solutions. Whenever your customer could use some added counsel, remember the specialized business ad visory staff you have ready on call. Through George, Tom and Dick. At (612) 372-8123. We take your business personally. Helping you change things for the better. Q NORTHWESTERN National Bank Of Minneapolis N orthwestern Banker, A ugust Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Member.FDIC 49 Farmers State Corporation, Mountain Lake, to become a bank holding com pany through the acquisition of Farmers State Bank of Mountain Lake and to engage in permissible insurance agency activities. Minnesota News JO H N O. C H IS H O LM T. L. JE F FE R S P re s id e n t E x e c . V .P , Robert j, Zavoral Funeral services were held recently for Robert J. Zavoral, 60, president of the St. Clair State Bank. R o c h e s te r M in n e a p o lis the First Hennepin State Bank as as Duluth Bank Names President Dennis W. Dunne, vice president of sistant vice president in charge of mar Northwest Bancorporation, has been keting. Mrs. Brockhoff has been with elected president the bank since 1960. of the First Na Security State of Sebeka tional Bank of Moves to New Quarters Duluth. Mr . The Security State Bank of Sebeka Dunne succeeds recently moved into its new quarters Chester C. Lind and held an open house. Features in who has b e e n clude three private offices, lobby with elected executive blue and gold carpeting, new teller sta vice president of tions, and large window area. Northwest Bancorporation. The D. W . D U N N E To Head Northfield Bank appointments be Harry A. Shearer has been elected come effective September 1. president of the Northfield National Mr. Dunne began his banking career Bank succeeding in 1946 at the Northwestern National William L. Con Bank of Minneapolis while attending nelly who is now the University of Minnesota. Upon president of the graduation he was employed by North Red River Na west Bancorporation and Banco affili tional Bank and ates, Northwestern National Bank of Trust Company of Great Falls, Mont., and First National Grand Forks, Bank, Billings, Mont. In 1958 he N. D. joined the First National Bank of Mr. Shearer be Winona as a vice president and director gan his banking H. A . SH EA R ER and in 1962 the Northwest Bancorpo c a r e e r at the ration with responsibilities in public Southside National Bank of Missoula, affairs and planning. Mont., in 1962. He was elected assis tant cashier and tiinepay department manager in 1966 and assistant vice First Robbinsdale State president in 1969. In 1971 he joined Elects New Officers the First Bank System, Inc. Most re First Robbinsdale State Bank has cently Mr. Shearer was president of the elected Howard J. Groenke vice presi First State Bank of Babbitt. dent and cashier, and Mary A. Brock- Application Approved The Federal Reserve has announced its approval of the applications of First State, Litchfield, Plans New Facility The First State Bank of Litchfield has announced plans to construct a fa cility at Third Street and North Ram sey. The proposed facility would in clude up to four drive-up lanes and two walk-up windows, according to Les Herzog, bank president. Richfield Banker Named BAI District Director Chester N. Eggen, president of the Richfield Bank & Trust Co., has been named a district director of Bank JÉ ' f Administration In m stitute, national banking organiza tion headquartered in Park Ridge, 111. In his new post, Mr. Eggen will \ y/ ' X work with state C. N . EGGEN directors and local chapter officers coordinating the asso ciation’s membership activities in dis trict 6 which includes banks in Minne sota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota. He also will serve on the Institute’s 31-member board of directors. Promoted at Hector Cheryl L, Pederson has been pro moted to assistant cashier at the Se curity State Bank of Hector. Roger Newman has joined the bank’s staff. Minnesota Group Meetings Set H. J . G R O E N K E M. B R O C K H O F F hoff assistant cashier, according to Kenneth C. Sheehan, president. Mr. Groenke, who has served as cashier since 1970, joined the bank in 1953. From 1967 to 1970 he was with Date Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 District 6 8 9 7 3-4-5 2 1 Location Germain Hotel, St. Cloud Holiday Inn, Eveleth Holiday Inn, Moorhead Ramada Inn, Marshall Majestic Oaks, Anoka Orchid Inn, Sleepy Eye Holiday Inn, Rochester N o rth w e s te rn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banker, A u g u s t 197§ 50 National Bank of Min MIDLAND neapolis has announced major changes in the executive staff. John P. Knutson, president and chief executive officer has been elected chair- J. P. KNUTSON H. C. BENSON man of the board and chief executive officer. Harry C. Benson, Jr., senior vice president of Northwestern Nation al Bank of Minneapolis, has been elected president of Midland National Bank of Minneapolis. These executive changes are effective October, 1975. Ernest C. Pierson, group vice presi dent, Midland National Bank, has been advanced to ex ecutive vice presi dent of Midland Bank effective July 15, 1975. At a special shareholders meet ing July 14, both Mr. Benson and Mr. Pierson were e l e c t e d to the E. C. PIERSON Midland National Bank board of directors. Mr. Knutson began his banking ca reer by joining Midland in 1930 after graduation from Edison High School in Minneapolis. He served in many areas of the bank with various officer posi tions, was advanced to executive vice president in 1969 and was elected president in 1970. He became the bank’s chief executive officer on Janu ary 1, 1972. Mr. Benson began his banking ca reer at the Midland National Bank in N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 divisions. He is a director of the Jacob Schmidt Company and the American National Bank. Mr. Nash is general chairman of the 1975 St. Paul United Way Campaign, general chairman of the 1975 National Conference of Christians and Jews, a trustee of St. Paul Foundation, and a commissioner of the Port Authority of the City of St. Paul. H * First National Bank of Minneapolis has announced the addition of three new o f f i c e r s : Thomas C. Mar tin, assistant vice president in the human resources department; Thomas T. Rusk, trust officer, prop erty management department; and Robert M. Ferris, T. C. MARTIN Jr., marketing of ficer, marketing services department. Mr. Martin for the past four years has been personnel manager in the Minneapolis regional office of Em ployers Insurance of Wausau, Wis. Mr. Rusk joins the bank to head a new farm management division. For the past five years he has been farm loan officer with the Irwin Union Bank J. F. NASH J. W . REAGAN and Trust Company, Columbus, Ohio. continues as chairman of the board and Mr. Ferris has been a marketing re chief executive officer. Mr. Nash an search analyst at First Computer Cor nounced his intent to request an early poration since 1973, and also is an as retirement effective August 31, 1976. sistant professor of marketing at the Mr. Reagan joined the bank as as University of Minnesota. sistant vice president in 1962 after hav ing been comptroller of the Cryovac Division of W. R. Grace Company. In June, 1965, he became vice president of commercial loans and in January, 1966, was appointed division head and assumed authority for the overall com mercial loan function. In December, 1971, Mr. Reagan was promoted to ex ecutive vice president and at that time R. M. FERRIS, JR. was assigned responsibility for several T. T. RUSK 1940. After serving in various depart ments and capacities for 26 years, he was elected vice president of business development. In 1967 he joined the Northwestern National Bank of Minne apolis as a vice president, national ac counts; served from 1969 to 1973 as vice president-division head, national accounts, and since 1974 has been senior vice president, commercial bank ing. Mr. Pierson joined Midland National in 1965 as an assistant vice president. In 1972, he was elected a group vice president and in 1973 assumed chair manship of the officers’ loan commit tee. H* H * At their July 15 meeting, directors of the American National Bank and Trust Company of St. Paul elected Janies W. Reagan as president, effec tive November 1, 1975. John F. Nash 51 1tie United States is for sale in Minneapolis. Our people are strictly major market. Profes The Government Bond Market. sionals who have the latest technology and When Uncle Sam issues a bond, it’s for sale at financial systems at their command. Plus a full First Minneapolis. We deal in Government complement of dedicated staff to draw from. Bonds, Notes and Bills of every size and matu rity. We’re a major underwriter and dealer in Currently, we’re the Upper Mid Federal Agency Issues, Bank for Cooperatives, west’s leading bond dealer. We're Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Inter M m big, we’re growing. And you’re mediate Credit Banks, Federal Land invited to grow with us. Call (612) Banks, Federal National Mortgage 370-4427. The Government Bond Associations, and many more. Department of First Minneapolis. . First Minneapolis Government Bond Division • First National Bank of Minneapolis • 120 South Sixth St. • M em ber FDIG ► V« WJWi-U' /ÂUÙUWVUH MÍA *73/4% eu u uc* u c* uu» t tût u. cM exa aut». eu a ce eu c tu a. ex vu c*. « eu c* u a « o m a iu a w « o m c - c u ia t u o u i a I/-CCA ou <4 . Citf ua * o .» eeuo« uiu cu c 1 o u t Uut*u «te e ««* .* ve t e x * c * t .« c m .u e*_c» t u i u u « . i m <¡«.*4. w O ttu e u M tv ie a u u «eu. a x u « u « u -vum e t u a u v va ( CU U O .IU «AU a u i UUU£«MU.U(/((U « e u ai < **(«> « m a t t u « oUAA ext* < t e e a v etc# x u i c < u .i c m .u o t o u . a a t t e » ¿CAA«» UU cu.» LUUAtvCvU a U U U A c i. C tcet C* cvU . C A -tA ct c t t W « “ « - t u c* e u e x * * t t e x t e cvActvAA cxaaa a u aav a i u c u n u o u u u w i u u t CHlCeMJ C A l M t C t t A * | f C M J ./ C O O - t t t» H l y # t W t O A U C t C4JU. t V O u U . <* M A . Ç OAtte Ci uct a u . t CAWt et tA<X t u u c u <O ( U t a u t cevcvcc u * « a u a u x c a u -u < occx u u c a u .« « te a < x tu u M .U < ^ *-c t^ ^ D e S O ^ S ôctxcxi cxexct ceeti u m i c u u C u ce c* tee c*-cxtt ulaau c < «t> a u « e u u u a u e i o a u i a t i t u c t u c a a c t a c u ta caco t octet (tu eau a e u a u tc exxte tttet Cetete UUet CUJ.IU Ce CActt (U tiU l TREASU HOO T E B oatxvo MOUltMXJU UU cuto tU ttM lU U q ï OUtM» if CAAttocetee ctctc extt a u - i u c a t u t c A t u c e n t c í L t x . t ^ J ^ p f ¿ p y K \ ^ cu u x eu x e t i m o a u c o vvau * etn-wm n c . w o v e w # (« * eo ïtifteir •tUA» N orthw estern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banker, August 1975 52 Minnesota News Clarence A. Adams, president, Ban co Financial Corporation, has an nounced three additions to the staff. Elected accounting officer is Robert L. Johnson. Mark G. Anderson and Charles P. Bloome were appointed analysts. * * * Chester C. Lind and Walter C. Johnson have been elected executive vice presidents of Northwest Bancorporation effective September 1, 1975. Also announced was the creation of an executive office to consist of Henry T. Rutledge, Banco chairman; Richard H. Vaughan, president; John A. C. C. U N D W . C. J O H N S O N Sweeney, senior vice president, and the newly named executive vice presidents. Mr. Lind, 56, is currently president of the First National Bank of Duluth, a Banco affiliate. Fie began his banking career in the Mobridge branch of the First National Bank of Aberdeen in 1935 and was elected president of that bank in 1954 before moving to Duluth in 1966. Fie attended the University of South Dakota and is a past mem ber of the Federal Reserve Advisory Council representing the Ninth Federal Reserve District. Mr. Johnson, 49, has been with Banco since 1957 and is currently senior vice president for administra tion and finance. A certified public accountant, he was with Peat, Mar- wick, Mitchell & Company, before joining Banco. Mr. Johnson, a Min neapolis native, is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. Also announced was the election of Donn L. Waage as assistant vice presi dent, government re la tio n s . Mr. W a a g e formerly was le g isla tiv e counsel for the A sso c ia tio n of Registered Bank Holding Compa nies, Washington, D. C. A member of the District of D. I . W A A G E Columbia Bar, he graduated from the American Universi ty College of Law after receiving a B.A. degree from the University of Minnesota. * * * John P. Knutson, president, Mid land National Bank of Minneapolis, has a n nounc e d t h e election of Richard L. John son to assistant trust officer. Mr. Johnson j o i n e d the bank in 1974 as trust admini strator. He gradu ated f r o m St. Cloud State Col R. L. J O H N S O N lege in 1969 with a degree in management and in 1970 received his certificate of completion at the American Management Associa tion’s Management Internship Program in Saranac, N. Y. * * * First Bank System, Inc., Minneapo lis, has announced several promotions. Elected assistant vice presidents, First Bank System and First System Services are: Arthur E. Friday, and Thomas A. Hilt, operations officers, data process ing; John E. Jonas, manager of the computer audit group, and Mae Kushlan, purchasing manager. Elected assis tant vice presidents of First System Ser vices are John A. Marka, Henry T. Thompson and Stuart K. Miller, exam ination officers; Donald R. Nygaard, operations officer, and Robert E. Welchlin, trust examination officer. * * * At the July 10 stockholders meet ing of the Upper Midwest Automated Clearing House Association, new offi cers and four new directors were elect ed. They are: President— Loren A. Hagemeyer, secretary-treasurer, American Baneorporation Inc., St. Paul (holding com pany for American National Bank & Trust). Vice President— Hugh 1). Me Na ni ee. group vice president and control ler, Midland National Bank, Minne apolis. Secretary— Gerald A. Bilski, vice president-operations, Midway National Bank, St. Paul. Treasurer— David B. Krentz, vice president-manager of service division in operations, Northwestern National Bank, St. Paul. The four new directors are: Herb L. Thorndal, president, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck. James R. Smith, vice president-cash ier, Fidelity Bank & Trust Company, Minneapolis. Donald F. Bertsch, vice presidentcashier, National Bank of South Da kota, Sioux Falls. Alan Kirchner, president, The American Bank, Alma, Wis. * * * Plans for construction of a new North Side office of the First Nation al Bank of Minneapolis have been announced by Gordon Crum, assistant vice president and manager of the of fice. The new building will be on North Washington Avenue between 17th and 18th Streets, two blocks from the present location. The existing building will be razed for freeway development. The structure will be one-story with drive-in and parking facilities. Ground breaking is scheduled for September with completion in the summer of 1976. N o rth w e ste rn B a n k e r, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 197$ 53 The Bank P oll. Changes in Short-Term Interest Rates When asked to predict when short-term interest rates are most likely to bottom out, 3 out of 4 bankers believed rates would bottom in the second or third quarters of 1975. Of all bankers polled, 43% see short-term interest rates beginning to increase in the fourth quarter of 1975. Another 23% of the bankers see no increase in rates until sometime during 1976 or beyond. 1. W h e n do you th in k s h o r t-te rm in te re s t ra te s a re m o s t lik e ly to b o tto m o u t d u rin g th e c u rre n t c y c lic a l decline? R esponse: Assets under $ 1 00 M M Assets over $ 1 00 M M % S eco n d Q u a rte r 1975 T h ird Q u a rte r 1975 F o u rth Q u a rte r 1975 33 18 44 56 18 22 S o m e tim e D u rin g 1975 or B eyond 4 4 No A nsw er T o ta l 1 0 100 100 2. W h e n do you th in k s h o r t-te r m in te re s t ra te s a re m o s t like ly to begin increase ing again? S eco n d Q u a rte r 1975 Response: Assets under $ 1 00 M M Assets over $ 1 00 M M % 3 7 T h ird Q u a rte r 1975 F o u rth Q u a rte r 1975 S o m e tim e D u rin g 1975 or B eyond No A nsw er T o ta l 43 56 23 26 0 0 100 100 31 11 Correspondent Bank Division The FIRST NATIONAL B a lt ic i OF SAINT PAUL Your bottom line is our top priority. MEMBER F.D.I.C. N orthw estern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B anker, A u g u s t 1975 54 Minnesota News Ernest C. Pierson, group vice presi dent of Midland National Bank of Minneapolis, has been elected chair man of the Downtown Branch YMCA’s board of management. George G. Magnuson, bank vice president, has been re-elected chair man of the advisory board of the Sal vation Army for the 1975-76 term. Joins Winona Bank E. Ronald Dreas has joined the First Northwestern National Bank, Winona, as real estate loan officer, according to A. E. Stoa, president. Mr. Dreas was formerly a 14year partner of Winona County Abstract Compa ny and most re cently was field E. R. DR EA S underwriter for the New York Life Insurance Company. He is a graduate of DePaul University, College of Law, Chicago. Executive Changes at Detroit State Bank Detroit State Bank of Detroit Lakes has announced several executive changes. Parnell E. Sanford, president, will become chairman on September 1. C. LeRoy Larson, president of the Citizens State Bank of Brandon, will A career you can bank on Look no farther than Bankers Per sonnel. We maintain a substantial file of available banking positions, at all levels of employment. And we know banking and banking people throughout the country. W e’re the Twin Cities first and only em ployment agency designed, developed, directed and staffed by banking people. or w rite: Bankers Personnel, Inc. Fifth Floor, I.B.M. Bldg. 245 Marquette Ave. So. Mpls., Minn. 55402 All inquiries strictly confidential. N orthw estern Banker, Litchfield Bank Announces Promotion, Addition The Northwestern National Bank of Litchfield has promoted one staff mem ber and added a new employee. Ronald A. Arndt, who joined the bank as cashier in November of 1972, has been elected a vice president suc ceeding Ron Schmeits who recently took over as president of the North western Bank of Jordan. Mr. Arndt began his banking career in 1959 at the Security Bank and Trust Company in Owatonna. The new staff member is Larry Klimstra who has been named cashier. Mr. Klimstra began his banking career at the First State Bank in Litchfield where he worked from 1962-65. He also has been associated with banks in Lakefield, Foley and Staples. He was executive vice president of the Staple State Bank from 1972 to 1974. William A. Kuehl Funeral services were held recently for William A. Kuehl, president of the Citizens State Bank of Walnut Grove. Mr. Kuehl began his banking career in Springfield in 1935. He had served as bank president for 40 years and was recently honored for his 50 years of service in banking. Looking for a career or a better position in banking? Call 338-8111 become president and executive officer of the Detroit Lakes bank. LaVerne Olson recently assumed duties as cash ier. He formerly was cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Frederick, Wise. Mr. Sanford will reach retirement age on June 1, 1976, and will continue as an active officer of the bank until then. He joined the bank in March, 1931. Mr. Larson has been with the Bran don bank for the past 26 years. Mr. Olson had been with the Frederic bank for 11 years. August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ì9 7 5 Hibbing Bank Holds Ribbon-Cutting Ribbon-cutting ceremonies were held recently at the new drive-in fa cility of the Merchants and Miners State Bank of Hibbing, according to James Hansen, bank president. The new drive-in bank, located four blocks from the main building, features one direct and three remote tellers and a walk-in lobby. Donald Kirkpatrick assistant vice president, will manage the new office. First National, Hibbing, Promotes Two First National Bank of Hibbing has announced the promotions of Edith A. Gunderson to assistant cashier and Jeannine Y. Miskulin to customer ser vices representative. Named State BAI Director Duane C. Gronlund, vice president and cashier, Northern City National Bank, Duluth, has been named a state director of Bank Administra tion Institute, Na tional banking or ganization h e a d quartered in Park Ridge, 111. In his new post, Mr. Gronlund will D. C. G R O N L U N D represent the In stitute throughout Minnesota, as a vol unteer official, coordinating statewide membership services for the organiza tion’s 275 member banks and nine lo cal chapters. He will continue his duties at Northern City Bank while serving his two-year term. Northwestern State, Jordan, Announces Staff Changes Northwestern State Bank of Jordan has announced the election of Ronald L. Schmeits as president and chairman and the promotions of John A. Briemhorst to vice president and director and Gloria Krueger to cashier. Mr. Schmeits previously was vice president at the Northwestern National Bank of Litchfield. Before 1968 he had held positions at Northwestern Nation al Bank of Norfolk, Nebr., and on the examination staff of Northwest Bancorporation. Mr. Breimhorst joined the bank in 1957 and Mrs. Krueger in 1959. Roseville Bank Promotions Daniel Mortensen and Carol J. Goetz have been promoted to assistant cashiers at the Mid America National Bank of Roseville, according to Bernhard Loewen, bank president. Elysian Banker Retires William N. (Bill) Kennedy recently retired as cashier of the Elysian State Bank after over 33 years of service. The bank’s staff hosted an open house in his honor. Mr. Kennedy joined the bank in 1941. Mi nnesota News Executive Changes at First Nat’l, Rochester Ray L. Roberts has been elected chairman and Paul W. Olander presi dent of The First National Bank of R o ch ester. Mr. Roberts has been associated w i t h the bank since 1949 w h e n he joined it as man ager of the timep a y department. He was elected P. W . OLANDER assistant cashier in 1953, assistant vice president, in 1954, vice president in 1957, executive vice president in 1962 and president, and managing officer in 1966. Mr. Olander formerly was president of the Red River National Bank and Trust Company of Grand Forks, N. D., since March 1, 1973. He pre viously had been a vice president of The First National Bank of Great Falls, Mont., for six years, and a vice president of the First National Bank of Grand Forks. He also has been with the Minnesota State Banking Depart ment and an examiner with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Also announced were the elections of three new officers and the promo tion of another. Adelaide P. Reese was elected trust investment officer and Howard P. Gallatin and Joseph E. Borland were elected assistant trust officers. Douglas A. Wright was pro moted to personnel officer. To Head Forest Lake Bank Forest Lake State Bank recently elected Larry R. Lindeberg president replacing the late A. J. Grun. Mr. Lindeberg has been with the bank since 1959 when he began as bookkeeper. He was elected an as sistant cashier in 1961, vice president in 1965 and executive vice president in 1968. Benedict H. Hartmann Funeral services were held recently for Benedict Hartmann, director of The First National Bank of Waconia. Mr. Hartmann, 66, began his bank ing career as a bookkeeper at the First National Bank of Rosemont in 1929. In 1930 he joined the Waconia bank as assistant cashier, and at the time of his retirement in 1972 he had attained the position of executive vice president. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55 New NABW Groups Elect Officers OFFICERS of two newly organized groups of the N a t’l Assoc, of Bank Women were elected recently. Shown a t left are officers of the Central Lakes Group: s e c y ./ treas., Rose W ilmes, a.c., Plaza Park State, W aite Park; vice chm n., Erma Bettin, a.c., 1st Am erican N a t'i, St. Cloud, and pres., Betty Lam m , a.v.p., Princeton State. At right are officers of the Pioneerland group: chm n., Helen Wright, a.c., State Bank of Sleepy Eye, and vice chm n., W innifred Balkenoi, a.c. & aud., 1st NW N a t’i Bank, Redwood Falls. S ecy./treas. Helen M ahnke, a.c., Citizens State, Olivia, was not present. Enge Joins Staff of Vernon Center Bank Terry Enge, former vice president of Security State Bank, Mankato, has joined the staff of Vernon Center State Bank as vice president in insurance and banking. Littlefork Bank Observes 50th Year in New Facilities The State Bank of Littlefork recent ly observed its fiftieth birthday anni versary in its newly remodeled banking facility. Open house was held and spe cial souvenir gifts were given, accord ing to Jay Beasley, bank president. Lake Crystal National Promotes Two Edward Ellanson has been pro moted to vice president and Gail Thompson to cashier of the Lake Crystal National Bank, according to Donald Ackland, bank president. South Central AIB Elects Officers T. William Coughlan has been named president of the South Central Minnesota chapter of the American In stitute of Banking. He is assistant vice president of Valley National Bank of North Mankato. Other officers elected include: vice president, Art Cooper, cashier, Nation al Bank of Commerce, Mankato; secretary, Pat Kunkel, Valley Nation al, North Mankato, and treasurer, Ed Ellanson, cashier, Lake Crystal Na tional Bank. Board members elected are Gwen Outka, Security State Bank, Manka to; Linda Hines, Northwestern Nation al Bank, Mankato; Cal Johnson, assistant cashier, First National Bank, Mankato, and Roger Lovik, vice presi dent, American State Bank, Mankato. Hendrum Bank Celebrates 50th Anniversary The Norman County State Bank of Hendrum recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with an open house and the grand opening of its remodeled quarters. Robert V. Leiseth is the bank’s president. Joins Mankato Bank as Vice President, Director Todd P. Ward has joined the Securi ty State Bank of Mankato as director and vice president in charge of lending and administration, according to A. C. Norland, bank president. Mr. Ward previously was a director and president of Lincoln Trail Bank and Trust Co., Fairview Heights, 111. Hibbing Bank Holds Open House The Security State Bank of Hibbing recently completed a three-day open house and six-week premium promo tion celebrating the opening of its new quarters. Pioneer Bank, Duluth, Promotes Two June Ellefson, cashier, and Rose Mndrak, assistant cashier, recently were promoted to assistant vice presi dents of the Pioneer National Bank, Duluth. N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 South Dakota News TED SCHANZENBACH J. I. MILTON SCHWARTZ President S ecretary Selby Huron Major Changes Made At Northwestern, Sioux Falls Curtis A. Lovre was advanced to chairman of the board and chief execu tive officer of the Northwestern Nation al Bank of Sioux Falls, and Charles P. (Buck) Moore, currently president, First National Bank, Aberdeen, was named president. These changes, to be effective October 1, 1975, were an nounced following the board of direc tors meeting held July 15. Mr. Lovre’s career with Northwest ern spans nearly 40 years, starting as a teller with the Brookings branch in 1937. He became manager at Brookings in 1943, joined the Northwest Bancorporation staff as a bank relations officer in 1950 and was elected a vice president in 1954. Rejoining North western in Sioux Falls as a vice presi dent in 1957, he was named president and chief executive officer in 1960. Among Mr. Lovre’s many civic ac tivities, he serves as a director of the Sioux Falls Stockyards Cbmpany, Agri cultural Insurance Company, Crippled Children’s Hospital and School, South Dakota Council for Economic Educa tion, and the Sioux Falls Industrial De velopment Foundation. He is vice presi dent of the University of South Dakota Foundation, president of the Sioux Falls Community Hotel Company and is on the board of trustees of the First Lutheran Church. He is a member of the Northwest Bancorporation personnel advisory committee, and is past president of the South Dakota Bankers Association, past state vice president of the Ameri can Bankers Association, and past president of the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Moore, a native Montanan, graduated from Montana State College. He spent his early banking career at the Northwestern National Bank of Great Falls, Mont., and on July 1, 1969, was elected president of the First National Bank of Aberdeen. A gradu ate of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking, Rutgers University, Mr. Moore is a member of the executive N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ì9 7 5 committee of the ABA agricultural bankers division, and of the agricultur al committee, South Dakota Bankers Association. He is a director of the Northwest Agricultural Credit Compa ny, Greater South Dakota Association, Northern State College Foundation Board, Aberdeen Development Corpo ration Board and the South Dakota Council on Economic Education. He also serves as a member of the South Dakota State Investment Council. C. A. LOVRE C. P. MOORE Groundbreaking Held at First Potter, Gettysburg A groundbreaking ceremony was held recently to start construction of a new building for the First Potter County Bank of Gettysburg. The project, which will cost about $300,000, is scheduled to be com pleted by January 1, according to R. T. Wuttke, bank president. The new building will be 60 by 82 feet of brick construction with a glass and stucco front, and will include a drive-in window. It will be one-story with a basement which will house kitchen facilities, the main vault and safety deposit section. Security State, Emery, To Have New Building Construction of a new building for The Security State Bank of Emery be gan recently. The new building will be 50 by 50 in dimension with all facilities on one floor. It will include three offices, lob by, banking machine room, conference room, restrooms and storage. The bank will be of brick construction with a soffit front. Nioda Builders, Inc., of Sioux Falls is the general contractor. Construction is expected to be com plete by November 1. Sioux Falls Banker Named State BAI Director Donald F. Bertsch, vice president and cashier of the National Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, has been named a state director of Bank Admin istration Institute, national banking as sociation headquartered in Park Ridge, 111. Mitchell National Elects 2 Vice Presidents Glen Gedstad and Dale Holm have been elected vice presidents of the Mitchell National Bank. Mr. Gedstad joined the bank in 1971 after association with the Nation al Bank of South Dakota. He is super visor of operations and personnel. Mr. Holm, manager of the instalment loan G. GEDSTAD D. HOLM department, began his banking career in 1949 in Irene and joined the Mit chell bank in 1963. South Dakota Bankers Group Meetings Date Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 8 9 10 11 12 Group 4 5 3 1 2 City Mobridge Rapid City Chamberlain Brookings Watertown Location Mobridge Country Club Howard Johnson Motel Western Inn Staurolite Inn Guest House 57 Valley Exchange, Lennox, Holds Open House Valley Exchange Bank, Lennox, re cently held an open house in its new addition. New features include a drivein window and enlarged bookkeeping department and storage facilities. North Dakota News G. C. ANDERSON P resident Tioga W . J. DANER S ecretary Bismarck Huron Bank Display A FEEDER pig was the s ta r attraction of a display in th e lobby of the N at'l Bank of S. D., Huron, during a recent red m eat prom otion. The pig & feed necessary to fatte n it to m arket w eight w ere on display and given to M ike M iller who guessed th e ir costs. Pictured from I. to r. are bank employees Barbara Dietz, Barbara Tschetter, M ichelle H aggar, Vicki M iller, Sharlene DesLauriers, Juanita G lanzer & Linda W aldner. Northwestern, Sioux Falls, Announces Promotions The Northwestern National Bank’s new Marion Road office in S i o u x Falls has announc ed the election of Gene W. Mueller as assistant man ager. He joined the bank in 1969. Also announced was the promo tion of Alan G. G. W . MUELLER H o d g s o n from A. G. HODGSON R. M. VORTHERMS personal loan officer to assistant man ager at the Colonial office and the elec tion of Rose Mary Vortherms as credit officer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Elected President of Grand Forks Bank William L. Connelly has been elected president of the Red River Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Grand Forks, succeeding Paul Olander who is now president of the First National B a n k of Ro chester, Minn. Mr. Connelly began his bank W . L. CONNELLY ing career as a trainee at the First National Bank of Austin, Minn., in 1961 and from 196264 served as an examiner for First Sys tem Services, Inc., He joined the First Edina National Bank, Minn., in 1964, was elected assistant cashier in 1966 and assistant vice president in 1968. He was elected president of the First State Bank of Babbitt, Minn., in 1969 and most recently was president of the Northfield National Bank, Minn. N.D. Banking School Elects Class Officers Donovan L. Neprash, vice president of the Citizens State Bank, New En gland, has been elected president of the freshman class of the North Dakota School of Banking. Other officers elected are: vice pres ident, Theodore F. Foss, assistant cashier and agricultural representative, Citizens State Bank at Mohall and secretary-treasurer, Ella L. Nordby, manager, Motor Bank, First National Bank and Trust Company, Bismarck. The graduating class established a North Dakota School of Banking Scholarship Trust Fund with an initial contribution of the students or their banks of $1,000. The fund is to be used to award a scholarship each year of $500 or more to a junior or senior undergraduate student in the field of business or finance who intends to pur sue a career in banking in North Da kota, who has maintained a position in the upper one third of his class and is in financial need. Promotions at Kenmare Leonard M. Jorgenson, president of the State Bank of Kenmare, has an nounced the following promotions: Mert W. Coughlin, from cashier to vice president and cashier; Lila Gast and Verne! 1 Hanson, to assistant cashiers. The bank, which was first chartered in Mohall in 1925 as the Renville County Bank, recently observed its fiftieth anniversary. An open house was held. Joins Mandan Bank James L. Drege has been appointed assistant agricultural representative at The First North western National Bank of Mandan, according to J. E. Noonan, bank president. Mr. Drege is a 1967 graduate of North Dakota State University. He was associated with the Farmers Home Administration in Grant and Sioux Counties for a year and a half and Morton County for four years. He began his work with FHA working summers while in college at Rugby. Construction Underway at First National, Moorhead Construction has begun on a 50 by 150 foot addition to the First National Bank of Moorhead, according to W. R. Amundson, bank president. Com pletion date is expected to be March 1, 1976. The addition will house administra tion, agricultural and commercial de partments on the main floor and book keeping and safety deposit area of the lower level. The present facilities will be remodeled. The outside will have new facings of bronze, glass and alumi num. N orthwestern B a n k e r, A u g u st 197S 58 First Graduates of the North Dakota School of Banking SHOWN is the first graduating class of the N. D. School of Banking, University of N. D., Grand Forks. The school is a series of courses in banking consisting of a week each sum m er for two sum m ers in June of each year. M em bers of the graduating class are: Jon Goodman, a.c., 1st N a t’l, Fargo; Ronald Kuznia, a.v.p. & cash, Drayton St.; Gerald Thomte, a.v.p., Farmers St., Lisbon; Ivo M. Klein, a.c., 1st NW N a t’l, M andan; Gene Neumiller, v.p. & cash., Farmers St., Maddock; James Goetz, v.p., Security St., New Salem; Ronald Bartholomay, a.v.p., McIntosh County, Ashley; Dennis Schlittenhardt, a.c., 1st N a t’l B & T, Bismarck; Russell Slotten, v.p. & m ark, off., M erchants N a t’l B & T, Fargo; Victor L. Johnson, a.v.p. & cash., 1st N a t’l, Grafton; Melvin V. Heere, m arketing rep., Am erican N a t’l of St. Paul, M inot; Ralph Weisenberger, cash., The Farmers St., Richardton; Harlan D. Anderson, a.c., The 1st St., Casselton; Daniel M. Heide, a.v.p., Am erican St., Williston; Leonard L. Eaton, cash. & v.p., 1st N a t’l, Fessenden; LeRoy E. Lokken, v.p. & ag. rep., The Bank of Tioga; Joel A. Lindell, a.c., Walsh County Bk., Grafton; Floy Olson, a.c., Mandan Security; James Peterson, a.c., 1st N a t’l, Jam estown; Ruth E. Ramsey, v.p. & cash., Security St., Adams; Peter McKenzie, a.c., Lam b’s Bank of Michigan City; Roger Berglund, 1st v.p. & cash., The Bank of Rhame; Jon Hanisch, a.c., Farmers St., Crosby; Harvey O. Hoff, a.v.p., 1st N a t’l B & T, Bottineau; Jerry R. Hahn, a.v.p., Am erican B & T, Minot; Harold T. Knudtson, e.v.p.. Secu rity Bk., Hebron; Michael Dettmann, teller, Bank of Beulah; Monte S. Jerstad, Union N a t’l, Minot; Curtis Zimbelman, a.c., 1st W estern, M inot, and Ed S. Hagert, pres. & cash., Farmers & M erchants, W im bledon. Wahpeton National Bank To Build Auto Bank William Sanger, president, Wahpe ton National Bank, said his firm will soon build an auto bank in north Wahpeton. Plans call for three lanes for automobiles with room for three additional drive-up lanes. Also includ ed are plans for a station for truck traf fic. Joins Fargo Bank David Wanner has joined the First National Bank and Trust Company of Fargo as trust representative, accord ing to R. D. Flarkison, bank president. Mr. Wanner is a graduate of North Dakota State University in 1969 and a graduate of the University of North Dakota School of Law. Previously Mr. Wanner was associated with Barrett Mobile Home Transport, Inc., of Fargo as corporate counsel. He will work in estate and trust administration. Work Begins on Cando Bank Work has begun on a new $200,000 Towner County State Bank in Cando. Included in the 5,000 square foot building will be a community room, drive-in window and night, depository, according to W. D. Johnson, bank president. N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Wyoming News H. H. WATT M. C. MUNDELL President S ecretary R iverton Laram ie Bank of Wyoming, Sheridan, Announcements Patrick M. Meehan, Sheridan den tist, has been elected to the board of the Bank of Wyoming, Sheridan, ac cording to C. B. Metz, board chair man. Mr. Metz also announced the elec tion of Robert H. Miller, a veteran of 10 years banking experience, to the position of cashier. To Head Laramie Bank E. J. (Woody) Haines has been named president and chief executive officer of the The First National Bank of Laramie. Mr. Haines succeeds P. W. (Bill) Wilke, Jr., who has joined the Bank of Nevada, Las Vegas, as president and chief executive officer. Both banks are affiliates of Western Bancorpora- tion, a Los Angeles-based bank hold ing company. A third generation banker, Mr. Haines joined The First National in 1957 after attending The University of Wyoming. Wyo. Banco Sells Colo. Subsidiaries Wyoming Bancorporation, Chey enne, has announced an agreement to sell its three wholly-owned subsidiaries in Greeley and Fort Collins, Colo., to a group of Greeley businessmen for $1.85 million effective September 2. Under the agreement, the Greeley group headed by Everett E. Francis, president of Greeley Finance Co. of Colo., and a director of Wyoming Bancorporation, will purchase the Greeley Finance Co. of Colo., the Greeley Finance Co. and the Fort Col lins Finance Co. 59 Mr. Kjoss is a graduate of the Uni versity of Iowa, Iowa City; Central States Banking School and The Columbia University Bank Manage ment School. While in Kalamazoo, he served as a trustee of Kalamazoo College, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Junior Achievement and the Chamber of Commerce. Montana News A. F. WINEGARDNER J. T. CADBY P resident S ecretary Billings H elena Banco of Montana Elects Directors Bancorporation of Montana, Great Falls, has announced the election of C. H. Brocksmith and O. E. Markle as directors of the c o m p a n y and Francis E. Galla gher as an adviso ry director. All three are Glasgow residents and di rectors of First Security Bank of G. H. BROCKSMITH Montana, N. A., Glasgow, an affiliate acquired by Bancorporation in 1973. Mr. Brocksmith, an advisory direc tor since 1974, is chairman of the Glasgow bank and of Trust Corpora- staff members to officer positions. They include Robert Anderson to in stalment lending officer, Nancy Botchek to operations officer and Con stance Centoni to auditor. To Head Billings Bank Richard A. Kjoss has been elected president and chief executive officer of the Security Bank, Billings, accord ing to Homer A. Scott, bank chair man. Mr. Kjoss joined the bank as executive v i c e p re s id e n t and chief operating of ficer in April after serving as presiR A KJOSS dent of The American National Bank and Trust Company of Michigan, Kalamazoo. He replaces Warren F. Vaughan, who has retired after association with the bank since April 8, 1948. Mr. Vaughan will continue as a director. Bankers Donate Blood AN unusual conference took place recent ly in First N a t'I Bank of Billings 2nd floor conference room w here 3 8 First N a t’l e m ployees gathered to donate blood. The pro gram was adm inistered by Blood Services of M ontana. The Security Bank of Colstrip Opens O. E. MARKLE F. E. GALLAGHER tion of Montana, an affiliate of Bancorporation. He has been president of the Montana Bankers Association, in structor with American Institute of Banking, member of the regional ad visory council to the Comptroller, di rector of the Federal Reserve of Min neapolis, Helena branch, and secretary of the American Bankers Association nominating committee. Mr. Markle is president of Markles, Inc., Glasgow farm implement and hardware dealer. Mr. Gallagher, also a director of Trust Corporation, is an at torney with Gallagher and Archambeault, P. C. 3 Advanced at Southside Earl W. Johnson, president of the Southside National Bank, Missoula, has announced the promotions of three Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE Security Bank of Colstrip looked like an old-fashioned ‘land office' last week when it opened its doors,” said Tom Scott, pres. Colstrip is in the heart o f the Eastern M on tana coal strip minning area and is the site of M o n ta n a ’s newest bank. The scene shows potential custom ers filling the lobby and lined up across the parking lot. O ther officers are: Neal Thielen, v.p., & Ed Garding, a.c. N orthw estern B an ker, August 1975 60 Colorado News W . M . WATROUS Pres. ficer; Richard Eshelman, assistant credit officer; Greg Finley and Barbara Natelli, assistant consumer banking of ficers; Beatrice Seder, assistant opera tions officer, and David Spausat, as sistant accounting officer. Bush President, Operations Officer Named at Arvada Bank Northwest State Bank of Arvada has announced the appointment of Robert Central Bank, Denver, Mr. Tutt is president of El Pomar A. Leonard as president and the pro Investment Co., executive vice presi motion of Sal Boscia to operations of Elections and Promotions Max Brooks, chairman of Central dent of the Broadmoor Hotel, Inc., ficer. Mr. Leonard succeeds L. I. Paul Bank of Denver, has announced the president of Garden City Co., chair son, who has assumed the presidency election of Larry man of the executive committee of of Southeast State Bank of Denver re Varnell and Ben Holly Sugar Co., chairman of the cently opened at 3600 South Yosemite. Gibson to senior executive committee of Central Tele After a 12-year career with the v i c e presidents, phone and Utilities Corp., and a di Louisiana National Bank of Baton and the promo- rector of Affiliated Bankshares of Rouge, Mr. Leonard served in an exec t i o n s of Fred Colorado, Inc. utive capacity with the Corporate De Doud to v i c e velopment Group, a Louisiana-based p re s id e n t and Named Chairman of holding company which controls sev Helen Loehr and Import/Export Committee eral banks. He is a graduate of the A1 Finamore to H. George Capelo, assistant vice University of the South in Sewanee, operations offic president of the international division Tenn. Mr. Leonard joined the bank ers. of The First National Bank of Denver, in May. Mr. Varnell joined the bank in 1951. has been appointed chairman of the Mr. Boscia has been with the bank He was named assistant vice president Export/Import development commit since its opening in April of 1974. He and director of public relations in 1960 tee of the Federation of Rocky Moun was with the Arvada State Bank for six years. tain States. The Federation, with headquarters in Denver, is an organization which de velops policies and programs for trans portation, natural resources, housing, satellite communications, market de Idaho velopment, human resources and the arts. G. L. SCARBORO Exec. M g r. D en ver News First of Denver Announces B. GIBSON F. DOUD Promotions and Elections Charles E. (Chad) Snow and Gil and promoted to vice president in bert Romero have been promoted to 1965. Mr. Gibson joined the bank in vice presidents of The First National 1952 as a management trainee. He was elected an assistant cashier in 1961, as Bank of Denver. Mr. Snow, with the correspondent sistant vice president in 1963 and vice banks department, joined the bank in president in 1967. He heads the cus June of 1973 following 16 years of ex tomer services division. perience in banking. He served in the Mr. Doud has been associated with the bank since 1968. In 1970 he was corporate development department un named assistant cashier, in 1972 assis til December of 1974. Mr. Romero tant vice president and in January of heads the check processing division. 1975 manager of customer account He joined the bank in July of 1967 as an officer in the data processing and ing in the customer services division. Master Charge divisions before assum ing his present position. Named Chairman of Also announced were the promo Colorado Springs Bank tions of Craig Gammon, Master Russell T. Tutt has been named Charge officer, and Thomas L. Thom chairman of the First National Bank as, consumer banking officer. of Colorado Springs succeeding Joel Newly-elected officers are John A. H. Webb who has been with the Perizzolo, vice president, accounting; bank for 40 years and recently re Frances Rimer, consumer banking of tired. ficer; Nancy Williams, investment of N orthw estern B anker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 IBA Elects Officers J. Howard Gentles has been elected president of the Idaho Bankers Asso ciation. Mr. Gentles also is vice presi dent of the First Security Bank of Idaho, N. A., Boise. Other officers elected are Curtis E. Eaton, chairman and president of the Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co. as first vice president and Thomas H. Allen, senior vice president of the Idaho First National Bank, Boise, as second vice president Jay L. Nielsen, executive vice presi dent of D. L. D. Evans & Co., Bank ers, Albion, was elected treasurer. Opens Idaho Falls Office The Idaho First National Bank, Boise, has opened a facility at 1555 Broadway, Idaho Falls. 61 Get to know Bill Fleming. He's a Rocky Mountain correspondent banker. A correspondent banker who knows your area like the back of his hand can offer an even stronger helping hand. Because he knows the degree and direction of commercial growth. The goals and needs of the people. And the background which could influence today’s decisions. Bill Fleming knows the Rocky Mountain area. He graduated from Wyoming University. Worked with banks in both Sheridan and Laramie. And then brought this knowledge of the Rocky Mountain area to us. Almostadecade ago. Since then, he has had experience with almost every correspondent service. And this can be of great service to you. So, call him soon! fc w fl COLORADO NATIONAL BANK 17th and Champa, Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone (303) 893-1862 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthwestern Banker, August 1975 62 Western News Bank and Trust Company and Idaho Bank & Trust Company Corporation. Mr. Bischoff joined the bank in 1956 as assistant vice president and commercial loan officer. He was elected a director and executive vice president in 1966. Washington News R. E. POLACHEK E verett W ashington Bankers Association Promoted at Rainier Nat’l James A. Torkko has been pro moted to vice president and manager of the Longview office of Rainier Na tional Bank of Seattle. He succeeds Robert F. Crook who retired after 46 years with the bank. Mr. Torkko formerly was assistant manager and assistant vice president. Also announced was the election of Martin D. Walker as assistant vice president in the bank’s Vancouver of fice. Application Disapproved An application by The First Ameri can National Bank of Port Townsend for permission to establish an office in the area of Quilcene, Jefferson Coun ty, has been disapproved. Opens in Pasco The Ben Franklin National Bank has opened at 528 West Clark Street in Pasco. Robert W. Pischel is the agent. Utah News R. K. H E M IN G W A Y President Utah Bankers Association Executive Changes at Commercial Security Robert H. Bischoff has been named president and chief operating officer of Commercial Security Bank, Salt Lake City. Richard K. Hemingway has been named chairman and chief execu tive officer. Mr. Hemingway continues as chair man and president of Commercial Security Bancorporation and Mr. Bischoff continues as executive vice president of the Bancorporation. Mr. Hemingway is also chairman of Idaho Northwestern B a n k e r , August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Zions First National Elects 2 Senior Vice Presidents W. LeMar Webb and Noall J. Ben nett have been elected senior vice presidents of Zions First National Bank, Salt Lake City, according to Roy W. Simmons, president. Mr. Webb also was elected a director. Oregon News C. R. BOYLE. JR. Portland President O rego n Bankers Association OBA Elects New Officers Charles R. Boyle, Jr., has been elected president of the Oregon Bank ers Association. He is senior vice presi dent and manager of the Bank of Cali fornia, Portland. Other new officers are George D. Gratke, president of the Douglas Na tional Bank, Roseburg, president elect; E. George Ottum, president of the Commercial Bank, Salem, vice president, and Leonard L. Gibson, president of the Great Western Nation al Bank, Portland, treasurer. Members elected to the OBA execu tive council are J. Allan Gard, presi dent, Lincoln Bank, Lincoln City; Nor ris N. Heinbuch, executive vice presi dent, Oregon Bank, Portland; Howard Hickam, president, Citizens Valley Bank, Albany; John Segerstrom, presi dent, Pendleton Banking Company, and Alden L. Toys, president, Citi zens Bank of Corvallis. Named at Portland First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, has announced the election of Robert R. Ames to senior vice pres ident. Associated with the bank since 1963, Mr. Ames was named assistant vice president in 1966, and in 1970, was promoted to vice president and manager of the Fifth and Salmon of fice. He was appointed manager of the head office when it opened in 1972 and has served as regional vice presi dent responsible for a group of Port land offices since 1974. WBDPC Promotes Two officers of Western Bancorp Data Processing Company’s regional office in Portland have received new appointments. Dennis R. Fisher, region al planning officer, has been elected vice president, and Jerry R. Duncan, Portland technical support manager, has been named assistant vice presi dent. The company is a subsidiary of Western Bancorporation, Los Angeles. First Nat’l of Oregon Staff Changes First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, has announced the follow ing staff changes: Kenneth L. Stoutt, vice president and Far East rcpresenta- D. S. McCLAVE C. MARSHALL tive in Hong Kong, appointed vice president and manager of the interna tional division; Donald S. McClave, named vice president and marketing manager; Charles W. Marshall, vice president and manager of the main of fice, appointed regional vice president for a group of Portland metropolitan area offices, and Lloyd O. Randall, ap pointed trust officer at the main bank. Merger Approved An application to merge Southern Oregon State Bank with Valley of the Rogue Bank, the former of which to become the survivor, has been ap proved. Elected at Ogden Leon P. Coleman has been ap pointed vice president of the real estate and instalment loan division of Zions First National Bank of Og den. Formerly vice president of Bountiful State Bank, Mr. Coleman became manager of that bank when it was merged into Zions First National. 63 . > - C reative Banking is being able to th e trees through th e forest. You can t judge the potential of a customer's business or ideas only on the prevailing state of the economy. Some people have the knack for making things w ork, regardless of circumstances. W e realize that. It s just one difference between First of Denver and those w ho think less creatively. This philosophy, this confidence and this trust enable us to help you help your customers. First of Denver has more than 2 5 0 correspondent ^ banking relationships and now you know one of ^ the reasons why. A A W hatever your need, we'll find the solution. That's creative banking. It's our business. F ir s t m of Denver We create solutions. 17th and Welton (303) 893-2211 Member First National Bancorporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 64 WE PUT IT ALL TOGETHER! U.S. N a tio n a l B ank p e o p le are e x p e rts in s o lv ing y o u r p u zzlin g p ro b le m s. A nd it’s n e v e r a g am e w ith us. W e u n d e rs ta n d y o u r in d iv id u a l n ee d s and w e are e x p e rie n c e d in fig u rin g o u t h o w to m a ke o u r s e rv ic e s w o rk fo r you. It’s no m y s te ry w h y o v e r'^ S C " b a n ks in 10 sta te s brin g th e ir p ro b le m s to us. W e ll fit in p e rfe c tly w ith y o u r p eople, to o! U S NATIONAL OMAHA Banks in states adjacent to Nebraska can call us toll-FREE 800-228-9511. r t hFRASER w este rn B anker, August DigitizedN ofor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Nebraska banks can call usto ll-FR E E 800-642-9917. jqq 65 Joanne C. Stahl, with the bank since 1965, is manager of the facility. The building includes two drive-up windows, night depository, vaults and, teller equipment. Consultant, architect and general contractor was Bank Building Corp., St. Louis. Nebraska News ROBERT E. BURKLEY R. E. HARRIS President Foirbury Exec. M g r. Lincoln Executive Changes at Grand Island Bank Overland National Bank, Grand Island, has announced the elections of Wayne R. Morris to chairman; Phil lip J. Zeller, Jr., to president, and Willard W. Westover to vice chair man. Mr. M o r r i s , who joined the bank in 1947 and was elected presi P. J. ZELLER dent in 1964, will continue to guide the business develop ment efforts of Overland. Mr. Zeller, 48, has moved to Grand Island from the Security National Bank of Kansas City, Kan., where he was senior vice president for marketing and business development, having joined the bank in 1968. Prior to that he was engaged in Chamber of Commerce work in Kansas City, Kan. Mr. Westover, formerly senior vice president, has been with Overland Na tional 34 years. Elected at Grand Island Roy Dinsdale of Palmer has been elected to the board of the First Na tional Bank of Grand Island. He is a partner of Dinsdale Bros., Inc., a farm ing, cattle feeding, grain elevator and fertilizer business. Mr. Dinsdale has interests in a num ber of banks in Nebraska, Wyoming and Iowa, including the State Bank of Palmer, Nebr. He is a member of the board of directors of the Omaha branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Named Cashier at Norfolk Milford F. Weaver has been pro moted to cashier of the Northwestern ties, American Play World and North western Steel and Supply Co.; Richard National Bank of J. Spady, associated with McKinley Norfolk, accord and Lanning Farm Management and ing to Tim V. the Mary Lanning Hospital Trust, and Stern, bank presi L. Dale Watley, vice president of Ag- dent. Mr. Weaver, a Tronic. graduate of Northe a s t Nebraska Ag Credit Meeting Planned Technical Com The Nebraska Bankers Association munity College, has scheduled an Agricultural Credit has been associ 41 M. F. WEAVER Symposium September 21-23 at the ated with the bank Hilton Hotel in Lincoln. Complete de for 17 years. He is a 1965 graduate of tails of the Conference will be pub the Bank Administration Institute’s lished at an early date. auditing course, the 1971 School of Basic Banking and the 1973 Nebraska Bankers Association Security School. Controlling Interest Sold In Farmers Bank, Cook Controlling interest in the Farmers Construction Begins on Bank of Cook has been purchased by Mrs. Paul H. Naeve; her daughter, First National North Construction has begun on The First Mrs. Helen Douglas, and her grand National Bank North, York, drive-up, sons, Judson B. Douglas III and Paul walk-in bank to be located at 18th J. Douglas. Street and Lincoln Avenue. Also announced was the addition of The 17,000 square foot building will Kenneth Lipps to the bank’s staff. He include a lobby, two walk-up tellers, formerly was with a savings and loan private office, vault, employee lounge association in Lincoln. and restroom. Drive-up features will consist of a two-teller drive-up win Hastings State Opens dow and two lanes served by pneu New Drive-Up Facility matic tubes with capacity to expand Hastings State Bank recently held to five lanes. The building also will a grand opening at its new drive-up fa have a drive-up night depository. cility at the north entrance to Good Sa Completion is scheduled for early maritan Village on east Highway 6. fall. Nebraska Group Meetings Set ROUP meetings for the Nebraska Bankers Association this fall have been moved to the month of October, according to an announcement from the association. Complete information about the program will be printed in the next issue. Dates and locations are as follows: Date First National, Hastings, Elects 4 Directors Norman Nackerud, president of the First National Bank of Hastings, has announced the election of three new directors. They are James T. Hansen, president of Hansen Building Special Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 14 15 16 21 22 23 Group 5 4 6 1 2 3 Meeting Site Ramada Inn Elks Club Elks Club Radisson Cornhusker Holiday Inn Villa Inn N orthw estern City Kearney Holdrege Scottsbluff Lincoln Columbus Norfolk B an ker, August 1975 66 Sell, Social Settlement, Kiwanis, mem ber of the Kountze Memorial Choir for 47 years, and also a member and past captain of the Tangier Shrine Cantors. * T HE executive committee of the First National Bank of Omaha has announced the appointment of Charles H. Fries as a vice president in the com mercial loan department. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Mr. Fries previously was a vice president with the First Wisconsin National Bank of Madison. * * * Richard I). Moss has been elected vice president of the Banco Mortgage Co. He has been with the firm for five years and has been manager of the Omaha office for the last year. The firm also announced the promo tions of John Bintner and Ted Mench to assistant secretaries. * * * Ron H. Bielenberg, cashier of the Southwest Bank, has been elected pres ident of the Omaha chapter of the American Institute of Banking for 1975-76. Other officers elected in clude: first vice president, Edward Ostransky, assistant vice president, U. S. National Bank; second vice pres ident, Gary D. Peterson, assistant cashier, First Westside Bank; and sec retary-treasurer, Jan M. Larkin, The Omaha National Bank. * * * Arthur R. Larsen, vice president of Northwestern National Bank, Omaha, recently re tire d after 47 years of service. The bank held a reception in his honor. Mr. Larsen be gan his banking career as a car messenger driving a Model T Ford. He has worked A. R. LARSEN under five of the six presidents of the bank. Mr. Larsen is past president of Ad- * * Six new appointments, including two promotions and the elections of four new officers, have been announced by Kermit Hansen, president of the United States National Bank of Omaha. Larry T. Eischeid has been promoted to trust tax officer and Don ald L. Wolcott to trust investment of ficer. New officers are Joseph J. Borghoff, credit officer; Robert R. Rossel, assistant operations officer; Kay K. Sanders, assistant trust tax officer; Robin A. Waller, assistant trust offi cer, and Michael E. Yeshnowski, as sistant operations officer. * * * The executive committee of the First National Bank of Omaha has an nounced the ap pointment of three new o f f i c e r s : Bruce E. Cramer, operations officer, manager — Drive In; C. William Joe, marketing of ficer, and Harold A. Shelbourn, as sistant trust oper ations officer. WMmi S C. W . JOE W&Mmmm H. A. SHELBOURN Mr. Cramer, a native of Beatrice, graduated from the University of Ne braska in 1973 where he was a mem ber of the baseball team. He is current ly doing graduate work at the Universi ty of Nebraska at Omaha. Mr. Joe, a native of Sleepy Eye, Minn., is a 1968 graduate of Midland College at Fremont and is currently do ing graduate work at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. His responsibili ties in marketing include business de velopment and training. Mr. Shelbourn, a native of Valen tine, attended C. E. School of Com merce. He joined the bank in 1968 and has worked in trust operations since that time. N o rth w e ste rn B a n k e r, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 197$ 67 first national bank o l ornano • one first national center • omaha, nebraska 68102 • 341-0500 21961*5 7 00 JOHN SMITH 123 MAIN STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA CUSTOMER 68102 NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT ENCLOSED 2-26-75 STATEMENT PERIOD PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS COUPON WHEN: 1. YOU ARE MAKING A FIRSTCHECK PRO- NEW BALANCE 1 , 1*55)00 1 0 , 000)00 1 , 6 5 8 ( 1*9 371116 836Ì76 SAVINGS 1,282 L50 1,332 50 1,1*55 00 C.D. 30 INST, LN. CHECKING ® 10,000 00 50 1,658 1*9 80 317 35 287 35 Ä3 28 78 03 ni*. 03 61* 03 189 03 1,251* 02 1,217 1*0 1,071* 13 1,007 22 306 16 373 .16 371 ,16 check protection CHECK PROTECTION LINE 0 PAST DUE AMOUNT 0 AVAILABLE CREDIT 336.35 1,000 DAYS IN BILLING CYCLE 28 tool CURRENT PAYMENT AMOUNT CLOSE DATE OF CYCLE 2- FINANCE CHARGES., 3. TOTAL LATE CHARGE DUE 341-0500 661.65 26-75 MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE PAYMENT DUE DATE 33.08 3- 15-75 ACCOUNT FROM BECOMING DELINQUENT PAY THE ABOVE AMOUNT UNLESS YOU PAY BY AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION SERVICE CHARGE: NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION First in s e rv ic e . First in re ta il. First National Bank of Omaha now offers our customers the convenience of a con solidated statement of accounts. We call it (ftaccounts because each customer's checking, sav ings, certificates of deposit, in stallment loans and overdraft protection are all together on one simple statement, Now you too can offer this new customer convenience. Well be here to help with the practical experience plus on-line access to a central information file. Be the first in your area to otter con solidated statements of accounts. Call the Correspondent Banking Department at First National soon. first nation al bank of omaha you're in first national territory In Nebraska call us Toll Free at 800-642-9907, From States adjacent to Nebraska call us Toll Free at 800-228-9533, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N o rth w e ste rn B a n k e r, A u g u st 1975 68 Nebraska News Plan 19th Market Day John E. Kara, executive vice presi dent of First Stock Yards Bank in St. Joseph, Mo., has announced the Nine teenth Annual Market Day will be held September 10. Registration will begin in the lobby of the bank, located in the Livestock Exchange Building, at 9:00 a.m., and will be followed by a tour of Peach tree Doors Inc., in St. Joseph. Lun cheon will be served at the Feeder Pig Auction Center, at which time guests will be given a report on the current day’s market. The afternoon session will start at 2:00 p.m. at the St. Joseph Country Club. Featured speaker will be Samuel First National, McCook Adopts Career Apparel The First National Bank of McCook recently oufitted its female employees, in a career apparel wardrobe coordi nated with the interior of the bank’s new building. The interior of the public service Serving the Midwest... FIRST MID AMERICA INC. Municipal Bonds Fiscal Agents Corporate Bonds Listed and Unlisted Securities Government Agency Bonds Investment Banking M u n ic ip a l B o n d D e p a rtm e n t 100 C o n tin e n ta l B u ild in g 19th & D o u g la s O m a h a , N e b ra s k a 68102 Thoughtful moves., ' for your money F ir s r Mid America a Member New York Stock Exchange, Inc. and other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS • GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STOCKS • COMMODITIES * OPTIONS • INVESTMENT BANKING Omaha • Lincoln • Columbus • Grand Island • Hastings • Atlantic Cedar Rapids • Des Moines • Fort Dodge • Sioux City • Kansas City * Chicago w DON’I ^ w il l When you need bank supplies . . • Call Howard Yarwood, in Omaha, Ne braska, one of our experts in bank printing and supplies, or . . . Call US at ITS_ | Ihiill'll Sillies Check Hook Company P.O. Box 3644 N orthw estern B an ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Omaha, Nebraska 68108 1975 D. Addoms, executive vice president and treasurer, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Greeley, Colo., whose topic will be “Will There Be Cattle Feeding in ' 1985?” A panel discussion of present and future trends in livestock and grain marketing is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. As usual, the Annual Market Day will be climaxed with a social hour starting at 4:30 p.m. and a steak din-, ner at 6:00 p.m. (402) 345-3162 SHOWN with Harold E. Larmon, bank pres., in th e ir career apparel are Kathleen, Jankouitz, and Lavonne Ohlson, assistant cashiers. area was done in earthy tones, so brown, beige, gold and white were se lected for the career apparel ward robes. Each now has 16 pieces in her* wardrobe. Ellerbroek’s Career Apparel of Carroll, la., was selected to provide the clothing by Lavonne Ohlson, assistant cashier. Northeast BAI Elects Officers Raymond G. Tiedje, executive vice president of the Bank of Norfolk, re cently was elected president of the Northeast Nebraska chapter of the Bank Administration institute. Other officers elected include: vice president, Keith Redinbaugh, executive vice president, Bank of Tilden; trea surer, Barry Marsh, assistant cashier, First State Bank of Oakdale, and sec retary, Larry Wangrud, vice president,* DeLay First National Bank, Norfolk. pick our brain Our brain: one of the largest bank computer processing system s in the country. If you want to add speed and efficiency to your banking operation, NBC is the place to start. Through our Correspondent Division, you can “ pick our brain” . . . one of the most sophisti cated bank computer systems anywhere. We offer you: FIN A N C IA L SERVICES: • “ total proof and transit” (check processing) • demand deposit accounting Jim N orris D uane N elson • full range of loan accounting • time deposit accounting • general ledger accounting ON-LINE SERVICES: • total on-line teller system • central information system COM M ERCIAL SERVICES: • payroll • accounts receivable • accounts payable Get the details from our Correspondent Bank O fficers. Ray W eilage Richard N elson These men can put our brain to work for you. J ust give them a call. They’re fully committed to providing total data processing service for you. NBC National Bank of Commerce 13th and N Sts. Lincoln. Nebraska Member FD1C T he people place. WATS line: 800-742-7317 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 erations officer, and Nola Jean Newsham, operations officer. Other officers include David L. Patrick, president; Max Schneider, vice president, Thom as B. Fisher, secretary-treasurer, and Duane F. Schainost, executive loan of ficer. Board members are William C. Smith, David L. Patrick, Warren C. Johnson, Dale L. Young, and Duane F. Schainost. * T HOMAS a . ERNST has been elected a vice president in the cor respondent bank division of First Na tional Lincoln. A native of Columbus and a gradu ate of the University of Nebraska with a Master of Arts degree in education al psychology, Mr. Ernst began his banking career in 1969. He has been a correspondent bank officer for three years. Prior to entering banking, Mr. Ernst spent five years as an educator in the Lincoln, Fullerton and Sidney, Nebr., public school systems. * * * First Mid America Inc., investment bankers and commodity futures and cash grain brokers with headquarters in Lincoln, announced recently the transfer of its membership on the Kan sas City Board of Trade from Charles J. Burmeister, president of First Mid America Inc., to Kenneth E. Nelson, vice president and manager of First Mid America Inc.’s Kansas City cash grain office. First Mid America Inc., recently purchased the seat on the Kansas City Board of Trade to facilitate its en trance into the cash grain business. First Mid America is one of only two New York Stock Exchange, Inc., member firms to also be in the cash grain business. * * * First Savings Company of Lincoln, an industrial loan and investment com pany chartered and regulated by the Nebraska State Department of Bank ing, recently opened in the New F-N Building at 56th and O Streets. A subsidiary of First National Lin coln Corp., the company will special ize in loans for autos, furniture and ap pliances, home improvements, real estate, debt consolidation, taxes, vaca tions, business equipment, farm ma chinery, grain storage, irrigation sys tems, etc. The day-to-day operations are un der the direction of Julius M. (Bud) Peschel, vice president and chief op Let Me Help You W ith... Your Credit Insurance Needs G ro u p • In d iv id u a l L ife • A c c id e n t & S ic k n e s s Telephone-Quick Service on our WATS Line in Nebraska. Dial your Access Code, then 800-742-7335. Steve Sutton LINCOLN LINCOLN, NEBRASKA N orthw estern B anker, August 1 9 7 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * * First National Lincoln recently opened its new, permanent AutoBank East facility at 56th and O Streets. In conjunction with the opening, the bank held a three-day open house at which all persons over 18 were invited to en ter a Sweepstakes Drawing contest. Fifty winners received prizes ranging from $1,000 to a dozen 12 ounce New York cut steaks which were awarded to the thirty-first through the fiftieth prize winners. * * * Directors of Lincoln Bank East have announced the election of John A. Westerberg to president of the bank. Mr. Westerberg, a Lincoln native, has been a commercial loan vice president with First National Bank of Fremont for the past two years. Prior to moving to Fremont, Mr. Westerberg was in the commercial loan division of the Na tional Bank of Commerce in Lincoln. Observes 75th Year The Fullerton National Bank recent ly observed its seventy-fifth anniver sary. C. H. Hosier is chairman and Levetta Hosier is president. MACHA Signs Up 500th Bank The new Mid-America Automated Clearing House Association (MAC HA) has just signed up its 500th bank. This makes it the second-largest operational automated clearing house in the nation. Frank E. Boesche, MACHA presi dent, said that the 500th bank to join is Farmer’s State Bank of Kilgore, Nebr. Kilgore is a cattletown in the north central part of the state with a population of 110 people. Joins Nebraska City Bank Marvin L. Penning has joined the Farmers Bank of Nebraska City. He formerly was assistant operations of ficer in the bookkeeping department at the United States National Bank in Omaha. 71 -í FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN Box 81008 • Lincoln, NE 68501 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 19 7 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73 Dakota, and as copywriter and produc tion assistant with two advertising agencies. Iowa News J. L. CAMPBELL, JR. P resident Hum boldt NEIL MILNER Exec. V.P. Des M oines First National, Sioux City, Announces Staff Changes Richard C. Taylor, president of the First National Bank in Sioux City, has * announced a number of promotions and an addition to the bank’s staff. Paul A. Childers has joined the bank as assistant vice president and manager of the main office Family Banking Center in the banking centers and marketing division. A native of * Omaha, Nebr., Mr. Childers formerly served as second vice president and manager of the main bank facility at The Omaha National Bank. He also has served as computer systems officer with the First National Bank of Lin> coin, Nebr., and as systems representa tive for Burroughs Corporation. Vernon C. Roberts, who has served with the bank since 1962, was named vice president and auditor in the cashier and staff services division. He attended Morningside College. Other promotions include: Kent Mahler, assistant cashier; Don Tollefson, assistant auditor, cashier and staff services division; Wanda Wheeler, pur chasing officer, operations division, and Kent Wigg, marketing officer, banking centers and marketing divi sion. Mr. Mahler formerly served with the Iowa-Des Moines National Bank and more recently with the Northwest Bancorporation, Minneapolis, before com ing to First National in 1974. Mr. Wigg, who joined the bank in 1974, formerly served as a graduate research assistant in the Business Research Bureau of the University of South Farmers Savings, Traer, Holds Open House Farmers Savings Bank of Traer, with the second phase of a remodeling and expansion project completed, re cently held an open house on its sixtieth anniversary. The interior has been refurbished, a larger conference room has been added, staff kitchen and lounge areas have been expanded and private cou pon booths built. Towa art highlights the interior. Exterior work included re placing the front sidewalks. W. C. Talen is the bank’s president. Maquoketa State Bank Holds Open House The Maquoketa State Bank recently held an open house in its new facili ties in conjunction with the celebration of June Dairy Month. Visitors were served cookies, milk and ice cream by 4-H members who were helping promote dairy products. Drawings for dairy products and prizes were held. Ed Tubbs is president of the bank. Frisbee Winners Really Get Airborne P. A. CHILDERS V . C. ROBERTS K. MAHLER D. TOLLEFSON W . WHEELER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis K. W IG G TH E GREAT M NB Biggybank Frisbee Tou rn am ent sponsored by M erchants National Bank, Cedar Rapids, sailed to a resounding success with the winners literally “ floating on a ir." Held in Veterans M em orial Stadium , the Frisbee event attracted more than 7 0 0 contestants for the tw o-night elim ination trials in four age categories— 6 and under, 7 -12, 1 3-17, and over 18. First place winners in each division received a trophy, $ 2 5 savings bond and two box seats fo r the Cedar Rapids Giants 1 9 7 5 season. Second place winners received a trophy, $ 1 0 M NB savings account and two box seats for the season. O ther winners received various trophies box seats and gam e tickets. Winners w ere judged on the accuracy and distance of th e ir throws. As shown in photo above, targets consisted of an enlarged cartoon and photo drawings o f th e M NB building. N orthwestern Banker, A ugust t97S 74 Iowa News Bankers Were Guests at Amana V. I. P. Golf Tourney AREA BANKERS had an opportunity to m eet and watch m any of the n ation ’s top professional golfers during the recent Am ana V.I.P. golf outing a t Iowa City courtesy of The M erchants Natl. Bk„, Cedar Rapids. Shown here are John Mangold, sr. v.p., host bank, and Robert C. Wede, pres., Goose Lake Savings Bank. The bank hosted a reception and dinner following golf. Lawyer Placement Service The Young Lawyers Section of the Iowa Bar Association now provides a committee designated as The Lawyer Placement Committee for the purpose of assisting prospective employers and experienced lawyers who are seeking either new personnel or new positions. The committee will not serve to assist recent law graduates in obtaining posi tions but deals only with the placement of experienced attorneys. Individuals or firms with an avail able legal position in private practice, industry, banking, government or an administrative agency, or attorneys seeking relocation, may contact Dale Johnson, chairman, Lawyer Placement Committee, 6th Floor Snell Building, Fort Dodge, la. 50501. Emmet Tinley Joins Council Bluffs Savings Emmet Tinley III has joined the Council Bluffs Savings Bank, accord ing to Ed H. Spetman, Jr., bank presi dent. Mr. Tinley will be responsible for the marketing and public relations activities. He is a native of Council Bluffs and a graduate of Creighton University, Omaha. He has returned from Green Bay, Wise., where he was a sales rep resentative. Farmers Savings, Holland, Undergoes Face-lifting The Holland office of the Farmers Savings Bank, Grundy Center, which will celebrate its 70th anniversary next year, is undergoing an exterior face lifting. : [* i! The Vernon Bascome Co. of Vinton is sand-blasting and tuckpointing the building. Other improvements include a new door, windows, and complete re-wiring of the building. A. J. Scott Funeral services were held recent ly for A. J. Scott, director of the First State Bank of Sioux Rapids. Mr. Scott retired from banking on January 1, 1972, after serving 50 years on July 1, 1970. He began his career with the First National Bank, Linn Grove, on July 1, 1920. In 1936 the bank’s charter was transferred to Sioux Rapids. ACORN R egisters "Accepted S ale R egisters by Bank Clerks E veryw here" For i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t e THE ACORN PRINTING CO. O akland, Iow a N o rfor thw estern B anker, August Digitized FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 Io w a Banks of Iowa to Acquire 1st National, Sioux City F. Forbes Olberg, chairman of the board and president of Banks of Iowa, Inc., a C e d a r Rapids based holding company, and Gilbert C. S w a n s o n , Jr., O m a h a , Nebr., h a v e announced an agreement un der which Banks of Iowa, Inc. will pay $81.51 per F. F. OLBERG share for the 104,281 shares of outstanding stock of First National Bank in Sioux City owned byMr. Swanson. This repre sents approximately 95% of the out standing shares of First National Bank in Sioux City. The $8.5 million proposed transac tion is subject to approval by the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System. If this approval is obtained and purchase of the shares of First Nation al Bank in Sioux City is completed, Banks of Iowa will submit a tender of fer to the remaining shareholders at $81.51 per share. First National Bank in Sioux City had assets of $122,036,565 on June 30, 1975. Banks of Iowa had consoli dated assets of $564,455,132 on the same date. Banks of Iowa currently owns all of the outstanding stock of The Mer chants National Bank of Cedar Rapids; Union Bank and Trust Company, Ot tumwa; Valley National Bank, Des Moines; Council Bluffs Savings Bank; First National Bank, Burlington; Banks of Iowa Computer Services, Cedar Rapids, and has an application pending for approval by the Federal Reserve System to acquire 80.49% of the out standing shares of Key City Bank and Trust Company, Dubuque, Iowa. Chicago Fed To Monitor Consumer Banking Affairs The Federal Reserve Bank of Chi cago has established a Consumer Banking Affairs Division. The primary function of the division will be investi gation of banking matters of concern to customers of state chartered banks which are members of the Federal Re serve System. The division will be the responsibil ity of Assistant Vice President Harris C. Buell, a veteran in the supervision and regulation of banks, who is famil iar with the increasingly complex regu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lations involving banks and the bank ing public. Because the overlap of banking reg ulation is often confusing, the Fed said it is also prepared to act as a clearing house for customers of banks regulated by other federal agencies. Commercial Lending School Applications are being received now for the first resident session of the Spring 1976 graduating class of the National Commercial Lending Gradu ate School to be held October 26-31 at the University of Oklahoma in Nor man. A. Robert Abboud, chairman of N ew s 15 the ABA’s commercial lending division which is sponsoring the school, said it offers experienced lenders a man agerial perspective of the lending func tion and is organized to provide stu dents with a greater depth in the deci sion-making process. The entire school program, taught by a faculty from the top ranks of the banking industry, includes two one-week resident ses sions. Students must complete interim projects to qualify for graduation. Joseph Caramanica, associate di rector, ABA commercial lending divi sion, is in charge of registration. Helping You Sel l . . . . . . is our job DON NACHTMAN O u r e xp e rie n c e d personnel and fie ld tested p ro g ra m s o ffe r you: )► H elp in a d a p tin g q u ic k ly to indus try changes. ► H elp in p e rs o n a liz in g yo u r c re d it insurance p ro g ra m . ► H e lp in p e n e tra tin g to a h ig h e r get your p e rce n t of m arket loans cove re d . Service th a t goes b e yo n d the o r d in a ry to h a n d le y o u r “ out o f the o rd in a ry ” risks o r problem s. Ask us at the Iowa Bankers Convention how we can help you with your Credit Life program. National Fidelity Life 8555 Harbach Blvd. Des Moines, Iowa 50311 N orthwestern Banker, A ugust 1975 76 Iowa News EFT Is Developing Fast . . . ( co n tin u e d fro m p a g e (unmanned) in use at this time. One is located in the main bank and one is at its 56th and O facility. Both will be on line by this fall. After a 60-90 day pilot run of these machines on line, First National will offer EFT to its correspondent banks around the state who are currently on-line with the First’s computers in Lincoln (74 of its correspondents presently are on line). Customers of the First’s cor respondent banks would be issued cards enabling them to use any termi nals that banks might install in their home towns. Transactions activated with these cards would be switched by leased lines directly through to Lincoln where the customer’s records are on line, and would get immediate updat ing. Gerry Schmid, vice president of First National Lincoln, stresses that NETS standards are being followed throughout this entire procedure. National Bank of Commerce, as announced earlier, plans to begin op eration as early in the fall as possible with its EFT program called Bank in a Box. This will consist initially of un manned, automatic teller installations in the new NBC building under con struction and at one of its office facili ties. Both will be on-line. Although de tails were not yet available, it is as sumed this system also would permit NBC to offer a similar service to cus tomers of its correspondent banks as First National Lincoln plans to do. Omaha The three major banks in Omaha all have made a firm entry into the EFT field this summer. The Omaha National, the state’s largest bank, went operational with its Bank in a Billfold plan July 2 with terminals in 21 retail stores, available to 40,000 ONB customers. This in cludes 14 Hinky Dinky food chain supermarkets which the bank will share with First Federal Savings & Loan of Lincoln, the originator of this type of EFT terminal use in the United States. First Federal began its TMS service through two Hinky Dinky stores in Lincoln in January, 1974. At the Hinky Dinky stores, termi N o rfor thw este rn Banker, August Digitized FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 7) nals being used are First Federal’s IBM 2730 machines. These are manned terminals. To consummate ONB transactions, the clerk merely keys into the ONB computer. The other seven terminals, also IBM 2730s, are located in five Richman Gordman discount stores and two World Radio retail stores. The United States National Bank’s BancoCard system will be shared with Northwestern National Bank of Oma ha (also a Northwest Bancorporation member). They will be sharing five terminals utilizing IBM 3604 terminals which, can be accessed with MasterCharge or BancoMat cards. Terminals are located in two Food City super markets, Philips Department Store, and two other locations to be an nounced. Automated Clearing House First National Bank was to go op erational in mid-July with 18 terminals in 14 Safeway supermarkets in Omaha, Bellevue and Ralston, and four Richman Gordman department stores. The terminals are NCR 279s. About 10,000 cards have been distributed to cus tomers under the name of 1 Card fea turing the bank’s logo — a circled numeral 1. The terminals at Richman Gordman will operate beside the ONB’s terminals. No announcement has been made to date by any Omaha bank about ex tending its EFT program to cor respondent banks outstate. Des Moines The lowa-Des Moines National Bank, headquartered in Iowa’s capital city, began a six-month test program of EFT on July 1 with IBM 3604 terminals in three Hy-Vee supermar kets in the metropolitan area. So far, it is the only bank in the state to announce such a pilot program. The Iowa legislature passed an EFT enabling bill, but included an amend ment calling for a one-year limit on de velopments. This requires that pilot projects be experimental and a report on each be submitted to the state superintendent of banking by next January 1. lowa-Des Moines officials have indicated their experience report will be shared with other banks for fur ther study. The Iowa Bankers Association is sponsoring a study based on the premise that one or more banks will not dominate and capture the market. While studies and implementation con tinue within the two states, association officials plan to work closely with each other even though MAPS’ responsibil ity has been completed. Automated Clearing Houses The first active developments in EFT have been creation and activation of the several ACHs in the midwest. All of these belong to the National Automated Clearing House Associa tions (NACHA). The largest ACH at this time is Upper Midwest Automated Clearing House Association (UMACHA), located in Minneapolis. In the 9th Federal Reserve District, UMA CHA now has 1,100 participating members. i By mid-July, UMACHA had placed its 1,000th fully qualified member bank on the books and had an addi tional 107 applications awaiting com pletion of paper work. This total of 1 107 represents 88% of the banks and 92% of the deposits among the 1,255 banks in the Ninth Federal Reserve District, which UMACHA serves. UMACHA went operational one year ago and activity continues to in crease. In June, 1975, for example, it distributed $11,000,000 and 61,586 entries, including Air Force payroll for 21,800 entries. The second largest ACH in the na tion is the Iowa Automated Clearing House Association with 591 members, representing about 95% of all banks in the state. TACHA has maintained its planned schedule and will begin its pilot operations September 1, and go full operational October 1. Permission was received last month by the Seventh Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, from the Board of Gov ernors in Washington, for the Des Moines Regional Check Processing Center to operate and settle for ACH activities. The third largest ACH is Mid America Clearing House Association, which serves four and one-half states, including all of Nebraska. MACHA membership presently stands at more than 500 and is growing daily. —- End 77 W ant to Increase Your Installment Loan Department Yields? Richard D. Beatty, Sr. M anager M o d e rn iz a tio n C re d it Insurance D iv is io n D ic k is th e man yo u w a n t! He is manager o f o u r P ro p e rty Im p ro v e m e n t Loan Insurance D ivisio n . . . o r ganized to m eet the needs o f a g ro w in g nu m b e r o f A m ericans w h o are e xpanding o r rem odeling th e ir present homes because o f th e ever s k y ro c k e tin g costs o f new homes. T his is a n o th e r exam ple o f h o w C entral N a tio n a l is c o n s ta n tly designing new p ro d u cts to f i t the needs o f th e tim es. I t is also ty p ic a l o f th e in n o vative p ro g ra m m in g th a t is one o f the big reasons w h y C entral N a tio n a l is generally recognized as the N o. 1 S pe cia lty Insurance In s titu tio n in the c o u n try . D ick is a loan insurance professional in th e tru e sense o f the w o rd . His b ackground o f 18 years in th e fie ld includes: N ine years as a new business representative and branch manager w ith n a tio n a lly -k n o w n finance com panies. S ix years as in s ta llm e n t loan manager and o ffic e r fo r west coast n a tio n a l banks. Three years as vice president o f a n a tio n w id e P ro p e rty Im p ro v e m e n t Insurance Program . D ick w ill help yo u im p le m e n t o u r new 100% guaranteed P ro p e rty Im p ro v e m e n t Loan Insurance Program in to your In s ta llm e n t Loan D e p a rtm e n t . . . a program sp e c ific a lly ta ilo r-m a d e to f i t the unique needs o f y o u r fin a n cia l in s titu tio n . T h is should prove to be a very active and p ro fita b le m a rke t fo r yo u d u rin g the n e x t fe w years. Call Dick collect (402) 344-7600. You will be glad you did! / / C R E D IT L IF E A N D D I S A B I L I T Y P H Y S IC A L D A M A G E J V HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS / IN S T A L L M E N T S A L E S F L O A T E R </ P R O P E R T Y V E N D O R S S IN G L E IN T E R E S T IM P R O V E M E N T L O A N IN S U R A N C E A U T O M O B IL E S —M O TO RCYCLES—SNOW MOBILES—M O TO RBO ATS—M O B ILE HOMES—T R A V E L T R A IL E R S —FU RN ITU R E APPLIAN C E S—FA R M M A C H IN E R Y —LIV E S TO C K M O R T A L IT Y —A l RCRAFT T IT L E —LEASE G U A R A N T E E THE CENTRAL NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP of O M A H A 1 0 5 S o u th 1 7 th S tre e t O m a h a , N ebraska 6 8 1 0 2 T e le p h o n e (4 0 2 ) 3 4 4 - 7 6 0 0 A Fidelity Corporation Group of Companies M a u ric e G . O lson C h a irm a n and C h ie f E x e c u tiv e O ffic e r • The Central National Insurance Company of Omaha • The Insurance Company of Florida • The Protective National Insurance Company of Omaha • Security Assurance Company, Scottsdale, Arizona • Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Company, Richmond, Virginia (Credit Insurance Division) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern B an ker, August ! 975 78 Iow a N ews Plan Iowa Installment Loan Conference 1VC EMBERS of the retail banking committee of the Towa Bankers Association w i l l conduct the IBA A n n u a l Install ment L e n d i n g Conference Sep tember 16-17 at A d v e n tu re la n d Inn, located at the intersection of I80 and Highway 65 at the north E. C. DOYLE east edge of Des Moines by Altoona. Edward C. Doyle, vice president of the Merchants Nation al Bank, Cedar Rapids, chairman of the retail banking committee, will pre side at the conference. The program will feature three concurrent workshops the first afternoon. The program fol lows: Tuesday, September 16 A.M. 8:30 Registration (Lobby). 9:30 Call to order — Presiding —Edward C. Doyle, chairman, Retail Banking Committee, vice president, Merchants National Bank, Cedar Rapids. Welcome — Jack L. Campbell, president, Iowa Bankers Associ ation; president, Humboldt Trust & Savings Bank, Hum boldt. “Iowa Economic Out look” Jack Chapman, professor of economics, Coe College, Cedar Rapids. Coffee Break “Are You Banking On Women” — Dee Dee Ahern, Women’s Financial Consultant, Chicago. 11:45 Adjournment for Lunch Luncheon Luncheon Address — Dr. Wil bur Schaeffer, Kansas City. P.M. 2:15 Conference reconvenes (Three Concurrent Workshops) Delinquencies — Bankruptcies — Repossessions Ralph Ricketts, vice president, Davenport Bank & Trust Co., Davenport. Fritz Breitenstein vice president, The State Central Savings Bank, Keokuk. Don Vaudt, vice president, Toy National Bank, Sioux City. Developing Direct Lending (Including Bank Cards & Per sonal Banker Concept) Ronald L. Ritchey, vice presi dent, Davenport Bank & Trust Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Company, Davenport. Thomas W. Pickering, assistant vice president, Valley National Bank, Des Moines. Glen R. Subra, assistant vice president, First National Bank, Fort Dodge. Legal Aspects Embroidering on Consumer Credit Cards & Fair Billing Act, John T. Waters, vice president, Central National Bank & Trust Company, Des Moines. Thomas Salsbery, attorney, Thoma, Schoenthal, Davis, Hockenberg & Wine, Des Moines. R. Jack Lytle, Sr., installment loan officer, Iowa-Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines. 3:25 Workshops Repeated. 4:30 Adjournment. 6:00 HAPPY HOUR (Poppy’s Pub — Adventureland Park) Dinner — on your own. Wednesday, September 17 A.M. 9:00 Registration (Lobby). 9:30 Call to order — chairman Doyle. Cecil Dunn, superintendent of banking. Amendments to Regulation Z — representative of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Unfair Credit Practices — Dis crimination — Thomas Sals bery, attorney, Thoma, Schoen thal, Davis, Hockenberg & Wine, Des Moines. Electronic Funds Transfer/ Where We Are In Iowa — George Dishman, director of corporate development, First Data Resources, Inc., Omaha. 11:45 Adjournment. BANK MARKETING . . . ( Continued from page 33) expertise in areas which small business firms cannot afford. Consequently, when the mental assets of the bank are employed to help in the solving of problems of the prospect or customer, there is a development of a close and tenacious relationship. Sympathy is nothing more than two hearts tugging at the same problem. The greatest danger in bank market ing in today’s competitive environment is for banks of modest size to attempt to emulate the marketing functions and components of the giant banks. The smaller bank is perfectly capable of competing in today’s modern market*, by emphasizing its intimate knowledge of local factors, its ability to be of ser vice not only in financial areas but in supplemental areas as well, and in the development of a feeling within the bank of pride in the part that the finan cial institution plays in serving its com-’ munity. The greatest flaw would be for a bank to give lip service to marketing and my admonition would be to get in to modern marketing not with both lips but with both feet! — End Elects New Officers for Student Loan Company The American National Educational Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidi ary of the American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, has* named Richard M. Stellers president. Named executive vice president was Charles W. Trautner, and Richard Hawthorne and Robert Ras were elect ed vice presidents. American National Educational. Corporation is among the largest of the student loan servicing companies in the United States, providing programs to more than 350 colleges and universi ties around the country servicing in ex cess of 400,000 individual student loans. The corporation, which has been en-^ gaged in this business for over 15 years has just completed a revised updated program, incorporating the most mod ern equipment and techniques, to which existing accounts will be con verted over the next few months. Based on this capability, American* National was recently chosen over a number of other educational servicing companies by one of the most presti- , gious major midwestern Universities to service $17,000,000 of student loans involving some 10,000 of the school’s alumni. American National will provide all automated systems and program main tenance and will generate necessary re ports on all loans made by the school under the National Direct Student Loan Act. American will also provide1 the University with required statements of account, invoices and notices for forwarding these to alumni. Under the newly revised program, the school will continue to maintain direct contact with its loan participants. / American National Educational Corporation has offices in Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles and Washington. 79 ft Isn ’t it tim e you took a hard, n ew look at your cred it life com pany? H ere are a few facts about the Life Investors C redit Life and A & H package. We offer basic credit life and we offer the m axim um overline coverage available u n d er state laws. (And, if you w ish, w e ll sell you ju st the overline.) We are the largest cred it life service com pany in the state. Iowa is our hom e. T his m eans w e can offer you u n eq u aled personal service, as w ell as regular h elp w ith increasing your penetration. (How often do you see y o u r p resen t cred it life rep?) We are backed by a com pany w hose success is literally legendary. (Does your p resen t cred it life com pany in sp ire such confidence?) O ur banking custom ers are on an in d iv id u al accounting basis. Do w ell an d y o u ’re repaid. (A ren’t you tired of being p enalized for the bad perform ance of others?) A n d these are just a few of the benefits w e offer. So is n ’t it tim e you take a hard, n ew look at your credit life com pany? U nless it gives you the things w e’ve just discussed, m aybe it’s tim e yo u contact Life Investors. Because w e offer the best credit life deal going. Life Investors Insurance Companies of America 4333 Edgewood Rd. N.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 (319)398-8511 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 Elect Keith Campbell To Head Independent Bankers NEW O FFIC ER S— Seated from left are Pres. Keith Campbell and Past Pres. Ben E. Summerwill. S tanding from left are Treas. Tom W right and Exec. Secy. Richard Berglund. Bank, Keokuk; O. Ja y Tomson, president, Citizens N ational Bank, Independent Bankers Convention in Charles City, and Richard C. Taylor, Okoboji last m onth. Keith W. president, F irst N ational Bank, Campbell, president of the Citizens Sioux City. (Banks of Iowa has S tate Bank, Sheldon, was elected announced plans to acquire F irst president, succeeding Ben E. Sum N ational Bank, Sioux City. If the merwill, president, Iowa S tate Bank acquisition is approved, Mr. Taylor will not qualify as a board member.) and T ru st Company, Iowa City. Elected to assist President Cam p Key Speakers bell were vice president, Churchill T. Drawing a “ full house,” M artin W illiams, president, Oelwein S tate Bank, and treasurer, Tom W right, M ayer, author of “ The B ankers,” president, Bankers T rust Company, gave his impressions of the banking Des Moines. New directors are: business and predicted some things Richard S. Goos, vice president, for the future. He was pessim istic F irst N ational Bank, Council Bluffs; about the credit statu s of New York Edw ard A. Langley, chairm an and City, his home base. Some of Mr. president, Capital City S tate Bank, M ayer’s research was conducted for Des Moines; William Logan, presi his book in the Cedar Rapids area. dent, The S tate Central Savings He also spent tim e in Centerville in 500 delegates registered O VER for the F ourth A nnual Iowa preparing his companion book, “ The Law yers.” J J . Phil Campbell, Under Secretary of A griculture, elaborated on the reasons why grain reserves are not in the best interests of the American farmer. His talk is described in detail in the July 28 issue of the Newsletter. G eorge D ish m a n , d ire c to r of -< corporate developm ent for F irst D a ta R e so u rc e s, In c ., O m aha, presented a dynam ic story with „ slides on the current developments in electronic funds transfer system s. -* Delegates were divided on the EFTS issue. Robert Dixon, president, Rolfe S tate Bank, and Iowa State Director of the Independent Bankers of America, is strongly in favor of a ^ m oratorium . He would also like to AUTO GRAPHS— Harry Sizer, L isbon Bank & Trust C o ., and John W. Christensen, Farm ers N ational Bank, Aurelia, obtain auto g rap h e d # 1 copies of “The B ankers” from Martin Mayer, the author. M r. Sizer was p rom inently m entioned in the best seller. C E N T E R — George Dishman, convention speaker, and Dean Knudson, University Bank & Trust C o., Am es. R IG H T — Homer Jensen, Capital City Bank, Des M oines, and Dick Taylor, First N atio n al Bank, Sioux C ity. N o rth w este rn Banker, A ugust Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 81 GOLF HONORS w ere won by Gerald F. Knapp, Farm ers Savings Bank, G arw in, shown here accepting the trophy presented by Bernard Miller, Drovers N atio n al Bank, C h icag o. C E N T E R — T en nis w inners w ere Roger Borup, W ellm an Savings Bank, and Sue Marget, Iow a Trust & Savings Bank, C enterville. R IG H T — T en nis runnerup w inners w ere Tom Maser, Lakes N atio n al Bank, Arnolds Park, and Joan Houghton, First N atio n al Bank, Iow a C ity. see an additional law on the books in retary, emphasized the IIB is Iowa lim iting the num ber of banks continuing to work on the bill to controlled by m ulti-bank holding prohibit banking offices in unincor companies. Cecil Dunn, Iowa super- porated areas. He mentioned the > intendent of banking, addressed the continuing court case against the audience, taking a more liberal view N orthw est Bancorporation in its * on the subject of EFT S. proposed acquisition of Security S tate T ru st and Savings Bank, > President’s Address Bettendorf. I t appears now th a t the 1 President Summerwill stressed the case will go to the U nited States fact th a t officers of the IIB need a Supreme Court. On the question of continuous feedback from members, EFTS, Mr. Berglund suggested th a t v He said the IIB has earned “ a place members ask them selves, “ how does a t the tab le” w hether it be the the comm unity banker relate to the y legislative table or the com m unity cost factors of E F T S ?” service table. He suggested th a t the 425-m em ber o rg a n iz a tio n sh o u ld Ladies’ Luncheon work against (1) unnecessary big A rec o rd n u m b e r of lad ie s ness for bigness alone (2) unneces- attended the annual luncheon. Frank " sary regulation of banking and other Miller, cartoonist for the Des Moines v industries by adm inistrative edict, Register was the featured speaker. and (3) the old “ social disease” - Cartoons drawn during the luncheon >• greed. and auctioned included “ The B ank er” - “ The H ippie” - “ H appy M an” Secretary’s Report “ H angover” - “ O u t” - Lyndon >. Richard Berglund, executive sec Johnson and Richard Nixon. M ary Alice Campbell, wife of the new IIB president, purchased “ The B anker” for her husband! Children’s Party A total of 109 “junior bankers” en jo y ed a c ru ise a b o a rd th e E m p re s s , follow ed by “ y o u n g people’s picnic.” W ith many of the children and young adults attending their fourth annual convention, numerous close friendships have developed - further assuring the growth and developm ent of indepen dent banking. Closing Event Bankers and their families con cluded the F ourth Annual Conven tion by holding a barbecue on the New Inn beach. Prizes were awarded to golf and tennis winners, and tentative plans were made for the Fifth A nnual Convention, to be held at the New Inn, July 22-24, 1976. Terry and Gordon Mennen of LeM ars Savings Bank accom pany their guest Fukuko Noguchi from Kofu, Japan (cen ter), an exchange stu d en t. C E N T E R — A u th or Martin Mayer and Robert J. Sterling, Bankers Trust Com pany, Des M oines. R IG H T — Bill Rickert, N ational Bank of W a terlo o , Esther and G. M. Barnett, G uth rie County S tate Bank, G uthrie Center, and Carleton and Virginia Van Dyke Farm ers S tate Bank, M arcus. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, A ugust 1975 82 Photos Taken at Iowa Independent Bankers Convention SPEAKERS STAND— IBA Vice Pres. Richard Randall; IBAA S tate Dir. Robert Dixon, and IBAA Pres. Kenneth Benda FULL SPEED AHEAD fo r th e Em press carrying 109 ju n io r banks on lake cruise. R IG H T — John Hensley, W illia m s Savings Bank and Pete De Rosier, N atio n al Boulevard Bank, C h icag o, hold down the fan tail during adult cruise aboard the Em press. MB QUEEN Amy Linn Hensley, three-year-old d au gh ter of John and Linda Hensley of W illia m s Savings arm s. Jack Marget, m .c ., Iow a Trust & Savings Bank, C enterville, looks on. R IG H T — Honorary com m issi Dresented to Martin Mayer, auth or of “The B a n k e rs ,” and Kenneth Benda, IBAA pres., by tw o adm irals ( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83 CHRISTY ARM STRO NG President LEO F. KANE Executive Vice President KEITH DRALLE Assistant Vice President ROBERT G. SCOTT Senior Vice President We’ll help you add the advantages of being big to the advantages of being small. Smaller banks have the advantage of really knowing their communities. Often they’re personally acquainted with their customers. Big advantages. American Trust Correspondent Bankers are here to provide you with the advantages of being big too. Like providing cost-saving com puter services. Giving you fast clearing services. Participating in loans. In fact, just about any service you'd like to offer but d on ’t want to get into yourself. Let’s talk it over. We have what you want in a correspondent bank. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, Au gu st 1975 84 Iowa News Hansen Joins Durant Bank Ron Hansen, a former resident of Durant, has returned after five years to serve as assistant vice president at Liberty Trust and Savings Bank. Mr. Hansen is a graduate of Arizona State University, Tucson, in finance. He joined the Security Pacific National Bank in Los Angeles, Calif., after graduation where he participated in a management training program and most recently served as assistant branch manager. To Head Emmetsburg Bank James H. Crane has been elected president and managing officer of the Palo Alto County State Bank, Em metsburg, succeeding William J. Degnan who recently resigned. Mr. Degnan will continue in the capacity of vice chairman and trust officer. Having joined the bank in July, 1942, he had served as president since April, 1963. Mr. Crane is a graduate of Iowa State University, Ames, The Graduate School of Banking, Madison, Wise., and I. S. U. School of Agricultural Credit. He has been with the bank since January of 1960. John M. Hand has been elected executive vice president and cashier. He joined the bank in June of 1966. Mr. Hand is a graduate of Drake University, Des Moines. Monticello State Bank Celebrates 100th Year A centennial party was held in Mon- >. ticello recently as the Monticello State Bank celebrated its 100th anniversary,^ according to James A. Maurice, bank president. The festivities included a parade, dance and cash prizes. The bank, established in 1861, has v grown from 350 square feet of space in an early day building to 9,450 square feet of space in a large, sprawl ing, modem building; from three em ployees to 38; from capital stock of $100,000 to $800,000; and from a s - , sets of $200,000 to approximately $60 million. --------------------- ---- -------------------- Meet Ed, Gene, Wilma and Jim. At your service. Good business depends on good bankers. That’s why the Banks and Bankers Division at Security National Bank stays up-to-date on all the services you might need. But most important, we can give you the service you need whenever you need it. That’s what we’re here for. Phone: 712-277-6517 Security National Bank 6th & Pierce Street, Sioux City, Iowa N o rfor t h wFRASER e s t e r n B a n k e r , A u g u s t 1975 Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85 correspondent. During the last few years especially, more and more banks have named us the ir correspon dent bank. And we couldn ’t be happier. Because, you see, w e’ve really prepared ourselves to be a major correspondent bank. Take the areas of proof of d e p o s it. Or transit work. Or collection of checks. Or com puter work. Any correspondent banking problem you have, we can handle. So tha t’s why we say — we re happy to be named correspondent. k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N orthw estern Banker, August 1975 86 Io w a News Ottumwa Banker Retires Ralph Watson recently retired as executive vice president and cashier of the South Ottumwa Savings Bank. His banking career began 53 years ago at the Ottumwa bank. Mr. Watson, 73, has worked in nearly every posi tion in the bank since 1922. He worked on a part-time basis until 1955 when he was promoted to cashier. Mr. Watson will remain as secretary of the board, a position he has held since 1957. Joins Dubuque Bank William G. Kruse, president of the First National Bank of Dubuque, has announced that Dale P. Repass has joined the bank’s trust department as a trust officer. Mr. Repass formerly was an estate analyst with the Bankers Life, Des Moines. He is a graduate of Wartburg College, Waverly, and attended the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, and the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Also announced was the election of Carolyn A. Heeren as trust administra tion officer. Prior to joining the bank in 1957, Mrs. Herren was with the Epworth Savings Bank. Newton Banker Receives Honor for Thesis Donald R. Runger, president of the IF YOU ARE A BANKER IN A COMMUNITY OF UNDER 10,000 THE “THANK YOU” BANK CLUB WAS DESIGNED FOR YOU! The “Thank You” Bank Club is a profession ally engineered, continuous advertising package aimed at rapidly increasing—and holding—a large num ber of demand deposit accounts at your bank. It will help you: Build Community Goodwill Bring in New Customers Increase Traffic in Nearly All Bank Departm ents Jasper County Savings Bank, Newton, has received the highest honor a t tainable at the Stonier Graduate School of Bank ing. His thesis, entitled “A Stra tegic Plan for De veloping; and Im plementing a Trust Organization for D. R. RUNGER Hawkeye Ba n corporation,” has been selected as a library thesis. It will be placed in the libraries of Rutgers University, the Harvard Graduate School of Business and the American Bankers Associa tion. Mr. Runger joined the bank in 1971 as president and chief executive officer. He formerly was with the First Nation al Bank of Dubuque for 13 years. Fort Madison Bank Names 3 Directors Fort Madison Bank & Trust Co. has voted to enlarge its board from nine to 12 members and has elected three4 new directors. They are L. Gene Enke^ owner of the Hopkirk & Feightner In surance Agency; Gertrude K. Finley, owner of Kessler’s Ladies Apparel Shop, and Marilyn M. Wentzien, housewife. Mr. Enke moved to Fort Madison in 1973 after being manager of the- AND DO IT PROFITABLY! The “Thank You” Bank Club features checking account benefits, group travel and insurance for your custom ers. To you, it offers a continuous, wellserviced community advertising campaign at LOW, LOW Cost. Get in touch w ith us today to learn how your bank can better serve your community —and do it profitably! MAIL THIS COUPON TO Bill Moler, Box 934, M aquoketa, Iowa 52060. _________T itle __________ Z ip . N orthw estern Banker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 ENKE WENTZIEN FINLEY Ames office of the Kemper Insurance Group. Mrs. Finley has been owneroperator of the apparel shop since"1 1964. She is a member of the execu-^ tive board of the Chamber of Com merce retail committee. Mrs. Wentzien attended the University of Northern Iowa and the University of Iowa and taught elementary school for five years,. 87 These Iowa Bankers work with LaSalle in Chicago to build business for Iowa banks ■ Why do L aSalle’s c o rresp o n d en t balances con tinue to climb? Two big reasons are Cy Kirk and Max Roy, two Iowa bankers who work with LaSalle correspondent banks in Iowa. These life-long Hawkeyes know Iowa and Iowa credits. They keep our business growing by helping busi ness grow in the correspondent banks they serve. If you would like to find out what Cy Kirk or Max Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Roy can do for your bank and for Iowa, call them in Chicago at (312) 443-2774. Or call at hom e; Cy Kirk at (815) 398-9521; Max Roy at (319) 338-5224. © LaSalle e bank on the move LaSalle National Bank, LaSalle Bank Building 135 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60690 • Phone (312) 443-2774 N orthw estern B an ker, August 197S 88 University of Wisconsin, class of 1972. She has been active in National Secre- * taries Association, the Des Moines Fi-^ nancial Analysts Society, and the Na tional Association of Bank Women.y Inc., where she has been serving as national treasurer. * Des Moines News John R. Fitzgibbon, City Bank of Des Moines C APITAL recently won five first place chief executive officer awards for its advertising campaign, “Banking for a brighter future.” The campaign, prepared by Ayres and Associates Advertising, Lincoln, Nebr., was entered in the Advertising Club of Lincoln’s annual Eddy Awards competition. ED LANGLEY, pres., Capita! City Bank (rig h t), accepts Eddys for "T he brightest ideas of 1 9 7 4 ” from M ike Ready, acct. exec., Ayres and Associates Advertising, Lincoln, Nebr. chairman and of the lowaDes Moines Na tional Bank, has a n n o u n c ed the election of Ronald /y«g Kenyon to the bank’s board. Mr. Kenyon is president of Ken yon Construction C om pany, Des Moines Asphalt and Paving Com pany, and Bituminous Material & Sup ply and, in addition, has an interest in substantial farm operations in Tama County. He began his career in the highway construction business in 1949. The Central National Bank and Trust Company has announced the re tirement of Mary The awards won by Capital City F. Holstad after Bank: first place, individual outdoor 27 years of ser board; first place, outdoor series; first vice. She is leav place, television series; first place, ing the bank to complete local campaign; and first accept an applace, corporate identity (letterhead p o i n t m e n t by and graphic design). This is the largest Governor Robert number of first place awards ever won Ray as one of the by a single advertiser in the history of three commission ers of the Iowa the Lincoln competition. 4 ^ M. F. HOLSTAD * * * State Commerce Frank Augustine has resigned as re Commission. Mrs. Holstad joined the bank in gional director of development in east ern Iowa for Mortgage Guaranty Insur 1948 and has been with the investment ance Corporation to become executive department since May of 1950. She vice president of Scandia Savings & was promoted to assistant department Loan Association in Des Moines. Mr. manager in 1971 and investment offi Augustine, who has moved to Des cer in 1972. Mrs. Holstad has earned a graduate Moines from Crestón, has been associ ated with the mortgage lending busi certificate in the American Institute of ness for years and has been with MGIC Banking and received her diploma from the Graduate School of Banking, the past seven years. N orthw estern B an ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1975 * * Edwin A. Langley, president and, chairman of Capital City State Bank, has announced the promotion of Harold Wellander to vice president and manager of the trust department. Mr. Wellander began his career with * Capital City State in 1938 in the proof department. He has spent the past 134 years as a trust officer. Following the July meeting of the board of directors of Central National Bank and Trust Company B. C. Grangaard, chairman, announced the pro motion of Dwight LeRette to install ment loan officer. Mr. LeRette joined the bank o n 4 March 1, 1974, and has worked in the A installment loan department since that time. He currently is supervising collect tions for that department in addition to fulfilling his lending responsibilities. 4 First National, Pauliina, Announces Staff Changes Dennis Petersen and Richard Fid- ' delke have been appointed to the board of the First National Bank of Pauliina. In reorganizing the board the following officers were elected: Ver non Hibbing, president; Dennis Peter-' sen, vice president, and Richard Fid- _ delke, cashier. Grand Opening at LeGrand A grand opening celebration was^ held recently at the Citizens Savings Bank, LeGrand office, according to A1 Ward, president of the Gilman-based bank. An I. T. Verdin replica of the American Liberty Bell was on speciaj display and will remain throughout the bicentennial year. Leon Banker Retires Virgil Carlson, cashier of The De catur County State Bank, Leon, re cently retired after a 34 year associa tion with the bank. He will continuey as an advisor to the bank. k Mr. Carlson joined the bank in October of 1941. A year later he wa promoted to cashier. Availability in creases your earnings. We feel our availability schedule is the best in the continental (IS . For more details, call our Correspondent Bank Department toll free 800-362-1615. ♦ SEATTLE • PORTLAND j • HELENA . Jj. BOSTON MINNEAPOLIS • ST, PAUL A D E T R O IT :« / D ^ S M O lM E S ^ v /" ... A j CHICAGO BUFFALO: j* . :::::::::::::::: I NEW YORK CITY . CLEVELAND //{ PITTS BÜ R C H : • SALT LAKE C ITY SAN FRANCISCO * * / PHILADELPHIA IB A LT IM 0 R E . j t f RICHMOND • CINCINNATI • DENVER • • ♦ st: LQÜiisi. •töÜisVfLLE. • KANSAS CITY' • NASHVILLE . M rk in i nrr ■ • OKLAHOMA CITY MEMPHiS •U T T L E ROCK .• T O S ÄNCFLF^ w ;-O o ANGELES . • • CHARLOTTE •:ATiLÄNilÄ;, BIRM ING HAM ' * EL PAS° ' * \ JACKSONVILLE « DALLAS; iHÖDSTONVi-J Üüii rt.N E W ORLEANS SAN ANTißNjC; V KEY / / • ■ * i ^ DEADLINE AVAILABILITY ITEMS 11:00 P.M. 4:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. NEXT DAY SA M E DAY 4:00 A.M. NEXT DAY IOWA FEDERAL RESERVE CITIES DES MOINES AND SURROUNDING CITIES FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK-STATE TREASURERS ITEMS COUNTRY ITEMS NATIONWIDE ^ M 9 SA M E DAY 9 C« Central National Bank S-Trust Company DES MOINES (515)243-8181 MEMBER FDIC LOCUST AT 5IXTH/FIFTH & GRAND / 35TH & INGERSOLL / WEST DES MOINES U J a f f il ia t e d w it h c e n t r a l NATIONAL BANCSHARES, INC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 New Officers In the DIRECTORS 9 ROOM ' * NEW OFFICERS were elected by the 16state Central States Conference at the an nual convention at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Lake of the Ozarks, Mo., last m onth. Pic tured above, left to right, are: Seated— Trum an L. Jeffers, exec, v.p., Minnesota Bankers Association, M inneapolis, new president, and Neil M ilner, executive vice president, Iowa Bankers Association, Des Moines, retiring president. Standing— Bryan Koontz, exec, mgr., Wisconsin Bankers Association, M adison, first vice president, and J. I. Milton Schwartz, exec, mgr., South Dakota Bankers Association, Huron, secy.-treasurer. The new second vice president, not pictured, is Willis Moreman, exec, v.p., Kentucky Bankers Associ ation. Diebold Currency Counter N an economy alternately buffeted Irecession, by the pressures of inflation and the need for cost control measures is a continuing one for every business. Diebold, Incorporated sug gests that an avenue for both decreased costs and more productive use of per sonnel, particularly for banks, super markets, race tracks and others re sponsible for large volumes of cash, is represented by mechanized currency counting. The company points out that with the Diebold 502 Currency Counter, for example, currency can be counted five times faster than by manual methods and with significantly greater accuracy. As a result, personnel need not neces sarily make a full-time job of counting currency and can be used for duties more productive than counting pieces of paper one by one. For additional information, contact Diebold, Incorporated, Canton, Ohio 44711. N orthw estern B an ker, August Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 9 75 ' ' . 1 I -i Impressions A loud-mouth, name-dropping jun ior exec took his secretary to a swank club in New York. She was impressed. A couple of tables away sat Rex McGraw, one of the hottest properties in show biz. When the secretary got up to go to the powder room, the junior exec thought of a great way to impress her. He walked over to McGraw and said: “You don’t know me, but this is my secretary’s birthday, and 1 wonder if when she comes back you couldn’t just come over and put your arm around my shoulder and say hello, just as if we were old friends. She doesn’t get out much and she’d really be thrilled by that, and it’ll impress her no end.” McGraw agreed. A short while later, the couple were sitting over their dessert when McGraw came over and slapped the exec on the back and said: “Hi there, you old son of a gun . . . How’re ya doin’?” The junior exec turned to him . . . looked for a moment, and said: “Look, Rex, why do you keep bugging me? I N D E X OF A D V ER TISER S AUGUST, 1 9 7 5 A A corn P rin ting C om pany ..................................... 7X A m erican Express, T. C. .............................. 46-47 A m erican N ational Bank, Chicago .................. 44 A m erican T rust & Savings, D ubuque ............. 83 A stor T ow er H otel ............................................... 20 B B ankers Personnel, In c ........................................... 54 B ankers T rust C om pany ................................... 72 B ank of A m erica .................................................... 30 C C en tral N ational Bank, Des M oines ............. 89 C olorado N ational B ank ..................................... 61 C o n tin en tal Illinois N atl. B ank ...................... 11 C on tin en tal W estern Ins. C o................................ 12 D D aktronics ................................................................. 35 D eLuxe C heck P rinters ........................................ 29 D rovers N ational B ank ........................................ 91 F F in an cial In stitution Services ........................... 5 F irst Boston C orporation ................................... 6, 21 F irst Fin ancial M arketing .................................. 86 F irst M id A m erica ............................................... 68 F irst N ational Bank, Chicago ........................... 8 9 F irst N ational Bank, D enver .......................... 63 F irst N ational, Lincoln ........................................ 71 F irst N ational, M inneapolis ............................... 51 F irst N ational, O m aha ....................................... 67 F irst N ational, St. P a u l .......................................... 53 F irst N ational C ity Bank, T. C ............................. 27 G Gross, Kirk C o............................................................ 28 “You’ll be happy to know this came today.” How many times have I told you, leave me alone? Now beat it!” A Committee Is . . . A committee is a group of people who can talk for hours and produce a result called minutes. H H arris B ank ................. H ibbard, O ’C onnor & W eeks I ......................... 15 10 Iow a-D es Moines N ational B ank ....................... 92 K Kooker, E .F .................................................................... 86 L L aSalle N ational B ank ...................... ................ 87 Life Investors Insurance Co................................. 79 Lincoln Benefit Life ............................................... 70 M M erchants N ational B ank ................................... 2 M organ G uaranty T rust ..................................... 23 M ortgage G uaranty Investm ent C orporation 18-19 M osler Safe C om pany .......................................... 3 N N ational B ank of C om m erce ............................ N ational B ank of W aterloo ................................ N ational F id elity L-fe ............................................ N orthern T rust C om pany ................................ N orthw estern N ational Bank, M inneapolis . . P Packers N ational B ank ........................................ Q uality Incentives Q .................................................. S Saint Lou-'s T erm inal W arehouse C orporation St. P aul H ospital & C asualty ............................ Security N ational Bank, Sioux C ity ............. Senior C itizens, U nlim ited ................................... Southw estern G raduate School of B anking . . T T riad Sign C om pany .......................................... 69 85 75 13 48 66 40 17 24 84 39 22 41 U U nited G uaranty C orporation .............................. U nited States Check Book C om pany . . . . 68, U nited States N ational Bank, O m aha ............. U.S. L IF E C redit Life ........................................ V V an W agenen, G. D ............................................... Z Ziegler, B. C. Co.................................................. . 25 74 64 26 52 14 DROVERS - 1883 Worthwhile endeavors always take extra effort Extra effort is the principal ingredient we put into every correspondent banking endeavor. Enterprise of this sort has characterized our service since the first days more than ninety years ago when cattlemen arriving in Chicago made The Drovers their headquarters bank. We pioneered in crediting their newly-earned cash to banks back home and thus built strong ties of trust and integrity with banks from the Midwest to the Rockies. In Drovers Country you’ll find experienced help for just about every known correspondent banking need including loans and overlines, clearings and transit services, bond and investment portfolios. W on’t you call to tell us how we can exert extra effort on your behalf? Thel] rovers National Bank of Chicago Illustrated above is Frederic R e m in g t o n ’s " C u t t in g O u t A S te e r." A 14 x 17-inch reproduction suitable for fra m in g is available w ith out cost or obligation upon request. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47th & Ashland Ave. • Chicago, Illinois 60609 • Phone (312) 927-7000 • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. • Member Federal Reserve System • Member Chicago Clearing House Association YES . . . We’ll Be Happy To Help — I — I George Milligan Bob Buenneke Bernie Kersey Dwayne Smith 245-3300 245-3302 245-3301 245-3305 Dorothea Wolfe 245-3306 John Zdychnec ■ 245-3304 Voldy Vanags 245-3303 This group of people will be happy to help you with any of your banking needs. Just give them a call any time. If they don’t know the answer there are experts in every field of banking at the lowa-Des Moines . . . ready to help with your correspondent needs. Iowa-Des Moines National bank 7th & Walnut D e s Moines, Iowa 50304 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 245-3131 m e m b e r f d ic ^ a i i Banco