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Vol. 14 No. 18

Des Moines, Iowa

August 19,1985

Legislative, Legal Issues Simmer








f \ O N G R E SS m ay be in recess
during A ugu st, but activity
continues at a high pitch in W ash­
ington, D .C . The A B A has revised
its stance on the regional banking
“ trigger” issue; A B A has sued the
Sec; IB A A has sued the F D IC , and
the Fed has told a St. Louis holding
company to get its M issouri bank
out of Kansas, and has told Citicorp
the same with its South Dakota in­
surance plan.
A B A “ Trigger” Change
The Government Relations Countil of A B A m et in Seattle July 29-31
and recommended an amendment to
A B A ’s position on the “ national
trigger” in its pursuit of an industry
agreement on regional interstate
banking. The new recommendation
requires nationwide interstate bank­
ing among all states that had
adopted regional interstate banking
arrangements one year after 34
states had adopted a regional law,
but not before January 1 ,1 9 9 1 . The
amendment effectively stipulates 34
states (a two-thirds m ajority). The
previous A B A stance would require
nationw ide banking am ong all
states in a regional pact five years
after adoption of such plans or by
July 1, 1990.
In neither case—the former position or the new one adopted—would
states who have not joined a re­
gional pact be obliged to allow inter-

state banking. A B A continues to
support with a consensus position
its other two objectives of closing
the non-bank bank loophole, and of
gaining new powers for banks.
W ashington observers feel that if
A B A opposes H .R . 2707, which con­
tains the controversial interstate
b a n k in g clause, that the Senate will
reject the bill.
A B A Sues the Sec
The A B A filed suit A ugust 5 in
the U .S . D istrict Court for D .C .
against the Securities and Exchange
Commission, challenging its juris­
diction over commercial banks in
adopting Rule 3b-9. Scheduled to be
effective January 1, 1986, the rule
would subject bank brokerage acti­
vities to SEC regulation. A B A seeks
a declaratory judgm ent against the
SEC and a permanent injunction
against Rule 3b-9.
IB A A Sues the F D IC
The Independent Bankers A sso ­
ciation of Am erica is suing the
F D IC over its disclosure rule, effec­
tive January 1, 1985, which would
require non-member insured banks
to disclose to the public any final en­
forcement action the F D IC decides
to take against them. It would not
apply to national or Fed-member
banks. Fed Chairman Paul Volcker
has told the Senate that “ public dis­
closure...could do irreparable and
unwarranted harm to the bank.”

M issouri Y es— Kansas No
The Federal Reserve Board on
A ugust 12 told M ark Twain Bancshares, Inc., St. Louis, M o., that it
will have to return its subsidiary
bank to Independence, M o. (subur­
ban eastern Kansas City) from Over­
land Park, Kan. (suburban southern
Kansas City). The Fed said the move
across a state line violates the Doug­
las Am endm ent.
The Fed and Citicorp
The Fed Board on A ugust 1 nixed
Citicorp’s application to acquire
Am erican State Bank of Rapid City,
S .D ., which effectively sidetracks
Citicorp’s plan to underwrite insur­
ance nationwide through that outlet.
The Fed said that circumvents hold­
ing company rules preventing the
writing of insurance by holding com­

In the July 15 W eekly N ewsletter
the lead story listed the names of
state banker associations who were
registered for the “ anti-trigger”
m eeting held a short tim e earlier in
Kansas City. The list of state names
supplied by the Oklahoma Bankers
Association, host for that meeting,
listed W ashington as one of the at­
tending states. W e have been in­
formed by Robert C. Anderson, ex­
ecutive vice president of the W ash­
ington Bankers Association, that is
incorrect and that the information
supplied to us should have included
W ashington, D .C ., not the W B A .

Call on the “Experienced Professionals”
Ready to meet your correspondent needs.

^ First N ational Lincoln
A FirsTier B a n k

M e m b e r. F .D .I.C .

13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Norwest Bank Des Moines , N.A.

Yearn work:
one of the reasons
we’re first in Iowa.

m f
i j

Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514
Member FDIC


Mark Conway

Iowa News
The Iowa Bankers Association is
sponsoring several workshops to in­
troduce the Residential Real E state
Forms and Procedures M anual. A t­
torney Richard Ram sey will be the
lecturer. D ates and locations are:
A ug. 26, Ironmen Inn, Iowa City;
A ug. 27, Airport Inn, D es M oines;
A u g. 28, M axw ell’s Harbor House,
Storm Lake, and A u g. 29, Sheraton
Inn, M ason C ity. R egistration
begins each day at 8:30 with ad­
journm ent at 3:00. Registration is
$60 for members, $75 for subscrib­
ers and $90 for nonmembers if paid
in advance, and $15 additional if
paid at the workshop. Fee includes
refreshments and lunch. Cost for a
full set of the form s and procedures

Dorothea Wolfe
manuals is $500, with additional
copies $80. The Real E state M anual
is $160. Register through the IB A
office in D es M oines.



The IB A is sponsoring several
workshops entitled “ The Basics of
Personnel M anagem ent,’ ’ designed
to cover the basics of personnel ad­
m inistration, including the area of
employee insurance benefits admin­
istration. D ates and locations are:
Sept. 3, Ironmen Inn, Iowa City;
Sept. 4, Red Fox Inn, W averly;
Sept. 5, M axw ell’s Harbor House,
Storm Lake, and Sept. 6, Airport
H ilton Inn, D es M oines. Registra­
tion begins each day at 8:30 with ad­
journment at 4:30. Advance regis­
tration is $80 for members, $100 for
subscribers and $120 for nonmem­
bers, and $20 additional if paid at
the workshop; fee covers refresh­
m ents, lunch and all m aterials.
Register through the IB A office in
D es M oines.

Nebraska News


The Nebraska Bankers A ssocia­
tion is sponsoring its 1985 A g Credit
Conference on Sept. 5-6 at the Com husker H otel in Lincoln. Registration/breakfast is at 8:30 each day.
On the 5th the sessions are followed
at 4:30 with a reception and then a
barbeque at 5:30. Tickets are avail­
able to see “ A labam a’ ’ that evening
at the State Fair, at a cost of $15
which includes bus transportation.

to make MNB
work for you.

Member F.D.I.C.


Minnesota News
The M innesota Bankers A ssocia­
tion will present a Qualified Plan
W orkshop on Sept. 12 at the H otel
Sofitel in Bloom ington. The pro­
gram will be conducted by James M .
Carlson, vice president of Collin W .
Fritz & A ssoc. For more information
contact K elly Swanson at the M B A
office in Minneapolis.
M IN N E A P O L IS : Norwest Corpora­
tion has named Darryl D . Hansen
senior vice president and manager of
the commercial business segment
for the corporation. H e joined the
Norwest corporate staff as vice pres­
ident in the commercial banking
group in 1983. H e previously was
executive vice president and chief
banking officer at Norwest Bank
M etroW est, Hopkins.
S A R G E A N T : Joseph M . Collins has
been elected vice president and se­
nior loan officer of the First Am eri­
can State Bank of Sargeant as well
as the bank’s W altham facility. He
joined the bank this spring and has
more than 25 years banking experi­

Wyoming News
R IV E R T O N : First Interstate Bank
of Riverton has named Jerry James
senior vice president. H is previous
position was with First Citizens
Bank, a sm all independent bank in
M ontana.

Vice President

Count On Our
Correspondent Bankers

Valley National Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

G R E S H A M : The Gresham State
Bank will be celebrating its 75th an­
niversary as of Sept. 19. The bank
will have a community celebration
with a barbeque on Sept. 14.


Toll free
1- 800- 332-5991

National Bank 151

On the 6th adjournment is at 1:30.
Advance registration is $115 and in­
cludes materials and m eals. Fee for
lunches and evening reception/barbeque for a spouse or guest is $35 in
advance. A t the door fees will be $15
additional. Reserve accom m oda­
tions in the N B A room blocks by
A u g. 22. Register through the N B A
office in Lincoln.

Member FDIC

Vice President



Call to ll free (800) 622-7262

Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 8-19-85



MU AG CREDIT—Present reference says, "Mature, emotionally stable person who
works diligently to accomplish goals set. Well organized and very competent.” Of­
fers close to two years with FLB and a year with a consumer finance company. B.S.
degree in Economics. Divorced. Age: 26. $25,000. Call Linda.

NL-2 A8 LENDER—Supervisor who trained him says, "A g is his long suit, he is as
good as a loan officer as you can get, knows all phases of banking. Wished I had an
opening in my bank...there’s not a hole in him.” Taught Voc-Ag twenty years and
has been in banking the past eight years as an ag loan officer for a $25MM ag bank
with $11 MM in loans. ISU grad. Married. $25,000 + . Call Linda.

NL-3 L0ANS/0PERATI0NS OFFICER—Sharp, young banker who is experienced in all



phases of lending and operations spending 60% of the time in loans and 40% of the
time in operations. Reference says, “ Excellent performance— one of the best em­
ployees I ever had without a doubt...very intelligent and a quick learner.” Wants to
locate nearer a college town to complete his education. Two years college. Married.
Age: 24. $22,000. Call Linda.

NL-4 CEO—Available due to the relocation of current employer to the South. Receives excellent recommendation from employer. Four-and-one-half years as senior
lender for $25MM ag bank in Minnesota and two years as consultant for five banks
with assets of $130MM (MN bank he was with 41/2 yrs. was one of the five banks).
Offers experience in loan administration, investments, audit, tax, marketing, data
processing and personnel. BBA Finance with minor in Computer Science. Married.
Age: 33. $45,000. Call Linda.
NL-5 DANK TRAINEE—Has close to two years in ag banking starting from the ground
floor to his present title of operations officer trainee. Does day-to-day banking opera­
tions, data processing supervision and student loan processing. Available due to
staff reduction. Strong dairy farm background. Tremendous references. B.A. in Sys­
tems Management. Single. Age: 24. $16,000 + . Call Linda.


NL-8 LOAN OFFICER—This salesperson offers two-and-one-half years starting a small


branch bank from scratch to $2MM in assets in one-and-one-half years. She is cur­
rently selling residential, commercial and farm property. Has insurance sales experi­
ence. Licensed in Real Estate and Insurance. Community involved. Two year ag
banking school. Single. Age: 38. $17-20,000. Call Linda.

NJ-7 A.V.P.—Handles over $7MM ag/real estate loans in $50MM bank for the past

two years; non-accruals, work-outs, restructuring, guaranteed loans, etc. Operates
Apple computers. Clean-cut, polished appearance. B.S. Ag Bus. Married. Age 25.
$24,000. Call Jean.

NJ-8 AG LOAN OFFICER—Has 3 years experience as an ag rep in small country bank.
Works with all types of loans, documentation, IRA’s, and makes farm calls. Com­
pleted first year of Ag Credit School, plus additional bank schooling. Graduated ISU
with 3.7 GPA (BS Ag Bus.) Married. Age 26. Lives IA. $20,000. Call Jean.


NJ-9 SR. LENDER/RANK M6MT-8 yrs. in same holding co. Currently #2 officer in
$75MM bank, responsible for $25MM ag/commercial loans. Strong collections &
work out skills, good people mgr. Ran $20MM bank previously. Excellent refer­
ences from former supervisors. Sharp appearance. Open to relocation in Midwest.
B.S. Ag Econ. plus bank schools. Married. Age 35. $42,000, Call Jean.

NJ*10 A8 LOAN OFFICER—An outstanding candidate with 5 yrs. PCA experience.
Handles large volume of problem loans with success. Reference from past supervi­
sor says, “ One of the best I’ve excellent credit man, strong analytical
skills...can meet and deal with people successfully in any situation...a hard worker
who makes every minute count.” Top notch appearance, knows how to handle him­
self; very professional and personable. Computer, Insurance, and marketing skills.
B.S. Finance. Age 28. $30,000. Call Jean.

NJ-11 V.P.—Currently in charge of $10MM ag portfolio in major holding company
bank. Three + years in banking, 1 year with FmHA. Heavily involved in problem
loan workouts and negotiations. Very community minded. B.S. Ag. Age 27.
$30,000. Call Jean.

NJ-12 A8 LOAN OFFICER—Ag rep for past 11/2 years in $50MM bank. Does all cash
flows, farm inspections, guaranteed loans and work outs. Handles few consumer
loans as well. Insurance licenses, hands-on computer experience, farm back­
ground. B.S. Ag. Married. Age 31. $20,000. Call Jean.
NJ-13 AG LOAN OFFICER-Offers 3 years current bank experience; responsible for
half of ag portfolio in $40MM bank; also works with commercial, R.E. and installment
loans. B.S. Ag Bus. (ISU—3.8 GPA) plus bank schools. Good experience with com­
puters. Sharp appearance. Married. Age 26. $23,000. Call Jean.

NJ-14 V.P. A8/C0MMERCIAL LOANS—Nearly 4 yrs. exper. in $50MM bank. Handles
tough ag loans and most commercial. Reference says, “ Able to clean up old prob­
lems and avoid new ones.” Portrays excellent ‘banker image’; has the right stuff for
todays banking needs. Strong computer and accounting skills. Degreed. Married.
Age 29. $33,000. Call Jean.
NJ-15 V.P.—Over 10 years lending and operations experience with same rural bank.
Handles all general lending duties (primarily ag; also main street commercial, R.E.,
installment); strong accounting background, active in community. B.S. Business Ad­
min. plus many bank schools. Married. Age 38. $30,000. Call Jean.

NJ-16 AG LOAN 0FFICER-3V2 yrs. current exper. with Farm Credit System. Very pro­
fessional manner & appearance. References say: “ thorough, organized, excellent
documentation, hard working, knows farming and what loans will or won't
work...EFFECTIVE...whoever hires him will get their money’s worth...the kind of ag
lender needed today.” Iowa St. grad. Married. Age 26. Lives IA. $23,000. Call Jean.
NL-17 EVP—Currently responsible for ag, real estate, commercial and installment
loans for a $13MM bank along with bank operations. Reference says, “ He has
super credit judgment-no question about it! Excellent rapport with customers.”
Looking for a challenge. Licensed in Insurance and Real Estate. B.S. degree. Mar­
ried. Age: 33. $35,000. Call Linda.

NL-18 AG LOAN OFFICER-Reference says, “ Excellent ag lending knowledge and
good rapport with clients.” This extremely sharp ag lender offers four years with
FLB most recently supervising a staff of two loan officers and two clerical. Very
knowledgeable in agriculture. Quick and accurate in credit analysis. Self-starter.
B.S. Ag. Married. Age: 26. $30,000. Call Linda.

Our reputation of maintaining our candidates’ confidentiality enables us to at­
tract a select group of ag bankers and lenders... those currently employed and not
actively job hunting, but ready to make a move for the right opportunity.

M eet us at booth # 83 at The Iowa Bankers Convention September 22-24!

W ir
Linda Heit
P.O. Box 307
New Hampton, Iowa 50659
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Call or write for our new free listing of 53 screened and experienced candidates.
Fees paid by employer

AGRI CAREERS: We offer assistance, not ‘insistence.’

Jean Eden
515/263-9598 (W/F)
P.O. Box 140
Massena, Iowa 50853

NL-18 SENIOR LOAN OFFICER—Tremendous references! Former supervisor says, "H e

NL-21 CEO—Responsible for analysis and review of the major commercial and

has a business air about him (professional), positive attitude, strong communication
skills and ag credit analysis.” Results oriented. Offers farm background and fourand-one-half years with PCA handling an ag portfolio of $9MM + + . Iowa State
grad. Married. Age: 31. $26-30,000. Call Linda.

agricultural credits of a large commercial bank holding company. Extensive ex­
perience in loan workouts (foreclosures, liquidation and bankruptcies). Receives
super references with high recommendation. B.S. degree. Married. Age: 33.
$40,000 + + . Call Linda.

NL-20 CE0f#2 OF COMMERCIAL RANN-Spent twelve of his twenty-one years in bank­
ing with a "blue chip” bank holding company. Diversified experience ranging from
bank trainee, management branch office (staff of 5 and $3MM office), to second
man position in a $10MM bank and handling real estate, installment and com­
mercial loans. Offers nine years as EVP, CEO of an aggressive $20MM ag bank.
Well rounded bank experience. Community involved. ISU grad. Married. Age: 42.
$40,000 (negotiable).

NJ-22 V.P. AO LOANS—In charge of $10MM ag loans at $50MM bank for the past 3
yrs., this candidate was formerly a PCA loan officer. Strengths include constant in­
volvement with loan workouts, as well as ample exposure to other areas of banking.
Highly praised by former supervisor. M.S. Ag. Married. Age 39. $34,000. Call Jean.

“In some cases, a bank’s employees are the only
distinguishing factor between the bank and its competition.
We were able to hire the kind of individual we wanted
through AGRicareerS.’’

Randy Schouten, Pres.
Norwest Bank
Montevideo, MN

CONFIDENTIAL. No contacts are made on your behalf without your prior knowledge and consent. Fees paid by employer.

N-1 A8 REP—$50MM bank of top holding company
seeks ag lender. Will have opportunity to work in other
loan areas and farm management. Must have 11/2-4 yrs.
ag lending exper. from bank or Farm Credit System,
plus degree. Excellent location, benefits, and advance­
ment opportunity. $20-$25,000.

N-2 A8 LOAN OFFICER—$35MM bank in S. IA needs per­
son with 2-3 yrs. ag lending exper. to assist with ag port­
folio (with relatively few problems). Room to move up in
bank group. Credit Life insurance licenses helpful.
dent bank near city. Must have min. of 3 yrs. exper.
handling ag-related BUSINESS loans. $28-$35,000.
N-4 VP—$35MM bank in good E. NE location needs
person with 3-8 yrs. bank ag lending exper. to work with
approx. $15MM in ag & ag bus. loans. Must have ability
to work into EVP slot in near future, with potential to
become CEO later. This is a well-capitalized, sound
bank. Benefits include good profit sharing program.

N-6 CASHIER/0PERATI0NS—$40MM ag bank seeking of­
ficer to be in charge of the day-to-day mechanics of
bank. Requires operations expr. Wl. $30,000.
N-7 BRANCH M8R—$14MM branch bank needs man­
ager in charge of operations and $10MM loan portfolio
with major loan volume in ag. Experience necessary in
banking and lending. Wl. $25-30,000 + .

N-14 CEO—$25MM ag bank is seeking executive officer
N-8 INSTALLMENT LENDER-Opportunity to increase
dept, loan volume for a $40MM bank. Installment and
leasing experience. Nebraska. $30-35,000.

N-9 AVP—Report to Senior VP assisting with ag loans
($10MM). 1-3 yrs. bank, PCA or FHA expr. Good op­
portunity for advancement. IA. $20-25,000.

N-10 A8 LENDER—$65MM ag bank seeking officer to
work with Senior VP in ag loans ($9MM), documenta­
tion, farm inspections, & new business development.
3-5 yrs. bank expr. Four year degree. IA. $25-30,000.

N-11 #2 IN A6 DEPT—#1 rated ag bank offers excellent
opportunity in ag lending. Needs strong analytical skills
and ag background. MN. $20-30,000.

N-5 VP—Bank holding company affiliate seeking ag

N-12 SR. LOAN OFFICER—$40MM western IA bank (major

lender responsible for ag loan portfolio and float over in­
to commercial lending. 4-5 yrs. ag credit expr. Business
development skills. IL. $30,000+ area with excellent

holding company). Will be #2 in bank, in charge of over­
all lending duties. Requires a minimum of 6 yrs. bank
lending experience, strong in ag. Good advancement
opportunity. To $40,000.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

N-13 VP—Good opportunity for growth within bank
chain. Ag lender needed in $20MM bank; small ag port­
folio in excellent condition. Handle documentation, farm
inspections, analysis, and new customer development.
Learn commercial lending. Requires 3-5 yrs. ag lending
exper. from bank or PCA, and Ag degree. IL.

to be in charge of bank operations, personnel and the
lending function. Bank has above average capital struc­
ture. 10-15 yrs. experience in ag banking (operations,
lending and management). Mature, idealistic, and goal
oriented. Located close to a college town in Minnesota.
Stock ownership available. $40-45,000.

N-15 CEO—Assume number two position and have ad­
vancement potential to become CEO for a $20MM inde­
pendently owned ag bank in southern Minnesota. In
charge of entire lending function (ag & comm.) $15MM
portfolio. 10-15 yrs. ag banking experience required.
Stock ownership possible. $45-50,000.
N-16 C.E.O.—$2 0M M + independent bank in Wl. Have
loan problems, but well capitalized. Need strong back­
ground in commercial and ag lending and collections.
This is a long-term position. $35-$45,000.

Getting it done for you.

Ernie Yake

Bill Sprenger

Tom Jennings

/J 4 -Z 4 Ö J S

M -l

¿ J 4 -^ 4 0 4


Commerce Bank of Kansas car

South Dakota News
The South Dakota Bankers A sso­
ciation is sponsoring a Bank Direc­
tors Seminar on Sept. 5 at the H oli­
day Inn in M itchell entitled “ The
Bank’s Board of Directors: The K ey
to Success in a Deregulated Envir­
onm ent.’’ Presenters will be Robert
D ye and Don W right. Registration
is at 8:30 and adjournment at 4:00.
Advance registration is $80 and cost
at the door is $90, and the fee in­
cludes refreshments, lunch and ma­
terials. Register through the S D B A
office in Pierre.
S IO U X F A L L S : A t W estern Bank,
Doyle Stern and Rob Brink have
been elected vice presidents. M r.
Stern joined the bank in 1971. He
has been manager of W estern Bank
North in Sioux Falls for the past
four years, and branch administra­
tor of W estern Bank in Hartford,
Hum boldt and Colton for the past
two years. H e will continue these
management functions in his new
position. M r. Brink becomes vice
president of the m ortgage servicing
department at the downtown loca­
tion. He has been with the bank
since 1981, m ost recently as assis­
tant vice president of the mortgage
servicing department.
STO C K H O LM : Norman Moldenhauer has been named president of
the Stockholm State Bank, succeed­
ing Ray Knapp. M r. Moldenhauer
has been with the bank since 1984
when he was named vice president


and senior lending officer. M r.
Knapp is now the manager of Farm­
ers State Bank, Kranzburg.

Illinois News
E L M H U R S T : A t Elm hurst N a­
tional Bank, A llen F. M cGuire and
Robert W . Youngm an have been
promoted to senior vice presidents.
M r. M cGuire joined the bank in
1981 as vice president and comptrol­
ler. H is position includes responsi­
bilities as secretary and controller of
the bank. M r. Youngm an joined the
management staff of the bank in
1983 as vice president responsible
for new business development in the
consumer banking division. In his
new position he will be responsible
for the consumer banking division
and the marketing activities for
Elm hurst National and its holding
company, Illinois Marine Bancorp,


He has been with United Banks of
W isconsin, Inc., M adison, for the
past eleven years, m ost recently as
assistant vice president-auditor.

Montana News
B O Z E M A N : Carl Bear has been
elected senior vice president and sec­
ond officer of First Bank Bozeman.
H e joined the bank in January 1984
as vice president and manager of
credit administration, and was pro­
moted last M arch to vice president
and manager of the lending division.

Correspondent Banking

Do you get
personal service
from your
If not, call
United Missouri.

F A R M E R S V IL L E : The State Bank
of Farmersville has been closed by
the state and its $11 million in de­
posit liabilities assumed by the
Litchfield Bank and Trust, Litch­
field, 111., the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Corp. announced. The Farmers­
ville bank is the second bank closed
this year in Illinois. It also is the
38th agricultural bank to fail so far
in 1985.

At United Missouri Bank, you
work on a continuing basis with a
personal representative, at no cost.
We make available to you the
expertise of our cash management
and balance reporting Specialists
and calling officers. The result is
continuity and a concern for your
day-to-day operations.
Personal attention makes the
difference, and United Missouri is
known for supplying that. Which
is why we are considered one of
the best in correspondent banking.
Give us a call, today.

Wisconsin News
A P P L E T O N : Valley System s, Inc.
has named Kenneth R. Nelson as
vice president/affiliate procedures.


Member FDIC q J K a O S a S C

it y

10th and Grand, P.0. Box 226
Kansas City, Missouri 64141
(816) 556-7900
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

tl* .

Buy Direct From Factory — and Save!

Financial Careers


Banking Specialists

CEO for $60 million Independent mid-west bank. Excellent
opportunity for person with good track record Salary open.

C oll ud’ . . . We liAien!

CEO for $20 million bank owned by multi-bank group. Re­
quires strong administrative and ag lending background .
............................................................................... Salary open

(Serving The Banking Industry Since 1947)
Send Sample - Indicate Quantity - We will quote
— You Be The Judge —
Standard Advertising Service, Inc.
Box 432 • Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501

Confidentiality Maintained

e Employer Paid Fees

MORTGAGE BANKER for major multi-bank holding com­
pany. Must have knowledge of secondary market and com­
mercial mortgages.............................................Salary open.


TRUST OFFICER with two or more years experience for
$90 million bank In college community .. Salary to $32,000

AG LOAN OFFICER—with strong ag lending skills to work
in 7 million + bank. Send resumes and salary require­
ments to Arnold E. Domke, Pres., Bank of Wesslngton, PO
Box 165, Wesslngton, SD 57381.
CASHIER—$25 million Iowa State Bank, Fort Madison,
seeks an Individual with 3 yrs. experience in bank operatlon/accounting. Excellent opportunity. Contact James C.
Sodey, President at 319/372-1134.__________________ (PA)
TRUST DEPT HEAD—$60 million Boone, Iowa, bank has
opening for Dept. Head for growing $4 million trust dept.
Business development and administrative skills a must.
Minimum 2-3 years trust experience or law degree. $24-32K.
Send resume to Bob Scott, President, Boone State Bank &
Trust Co., Boone, Iowa.

D O N -ficH O O LE R In
A N D - t p p P A S S O C IA T E S

"Successful Banking is Quality Personnel"

HEAD OF LENDING $70mm bank, 10,000 popula­
tion ........................................................... $40,000 + .
$50mm bank, 10% ag, excellent location, excel­
lent organization, growth a r e a ................... $40,000
COMMERCIAL HEAD $200+ bank, 60,000 popula­
tion ........................................................... to $70,000

INVESTMENT OFFICER for major multi-bank holding com­
pany. Requires experience In bank of $200 million or more
...........................................................................Salary $50,000




PRESIDENT $25mm 1,500 population, work out
situations ..................................... $50,000 - $55,000
PRESIDENT $50mm + bank, college town ..........
........................................................$50,000 $55,000
OFFICER eastern s ta te ............................. $125,000
CIAL LENDER Florida ................................. $55,000
Many years in bank management enables me to
find the right banking environment for you, com­
pletely confidentially. Send your resume or phone:
2506 East Meadow
Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 882-2265

RE LENDER • Excellent position in white collar college
town for an exp RE and comm’l lender. Must have mgmt
skills, be a motivator, a leader and a desire for promotion
to pres.
CEO/PRES • $350mm multi-bank holding co has an open­
ing In key MW location for strong ag person with good gen­
eral skills. Oppty to have an Impact on you and your com­
pany's future.
AG LOAN OFFICER • Well organized ag bank with $30mm
in assets. Cashflows, workout and spread sheet analysis
are big pluses. 3 + yrs exp In a bank and a commitment to
move up in organization.
KURT ROSENCRANTS AT (515) 244-4414

o n

317 6th Ave, Ste. 650
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 244-4414

COMMERCIAL LENDER with five or more years experi­
ence for bank of $125 million located in a city over 35,000 .
..............................................................................Salary open.
AG LENDER for $40 million ag bank in Iowa. Position leads
to number two person In the b a n k ..............................Salaryopen.


NUMBER TWO person for bank In university town. Must
have commercial lending and development experience . . .
..................................................................... Salary to $40,000.

TRUST INVESTMENT OFCR— large dept, 5 yrs
exp required. $30-40K. Contact Barbara J. Ritta.

MANAGER for $20 million eastern Iowa bank. Requires
some experience In commercial and real estate lending ..
..............................................................................Salary open.

PRESIDENTS— needed for 5 mldwestern open­
ings. 5-10 yrs exp required.
Salaries open.
Contact Pamela J. Swenson.

AG LENDERS for community banks in a variety of loca­
tions............................................... Salaries range to $30,000.

N.W. $100mm IL bank. Healthy bank.
Contact Barbara J. Rltta.

REAL ESTATE LENDER—$40mm bank central Wl.
4-5 yrs exp. Will handle all types loans. Compli­
ance an added plus.
Upper $20's.
Contact Pamela J. Swenson.

For Professional Assistance Call

1- 800- 225-2885

CEO for independent bank In north central Io w a ................
..............................................................................Salary open.
CASHIER for southern Wisconsin community b a n k ..........
........................................................... ..........Salary to $35,000.
Where will you be In your present job In five, ten or fifteen
years? In a rut? Maybe you should contact Malcolm
Freeland or Cy Kirk at Freeland Financial Service, 1010
Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone
515/282-6462. Employer pays fee.

In Nebraska 402-397-2885


ALL AROUND BANKER lake resort area, good
earnings b a n k .............................. $30,000 - $40,000
MENT $70mm top performing bank, growth area .
................................................................... to $50,000

NUMBER TWO person for western Iowa bank. Requires ag
lending background and all around banking experience ..
.....................................................................Salary to $40,000


Ashton Bank & Trust, P.O. Box 208, Ashton, IL. 61006 (815)

BOX 24227 • OMAHA. NEBRASKA 68124

Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file
letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers
cannot be revealed.
1535 Linden St., Suite 201
Dee Moines, Iowa 50309
Phone 515/244-8163

Serving bankers quietly and efficiently.

714 First Interstate Bank Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50309

WANTED—A bank that needs: NCR 7750-2501 12 Pocket,
NCR 7750-2201 12 Pocket, NCR 279-100 Teller, NCR 8251
Mini. Computer, NCR 9020 Mini. Computer and NCR
6420-2401 Printer. Call Bill or Bob at 308/384-5995, B.E.E.

Loan risk-rating, bank risk-rating, work-out loan
assistance, documentation audit, training. 8 yrs.
exp. loan review/loan officer/bank counsel.
Daniel W. Hansen
3827 Lindlavlsta, Des Moines, la. 50310
Phone: 515-278-9174

V.P. AG LOANS - $35M bank, E. Nebraska. 2-3
years ag loan experience, some work-out. Will
lead to CEO. $25-35K.
TRUST OFFICER • Head a $45 million trust dept.
Need 3 or more years experience. To $35K.
Nebraska. Need 3-4 years experience. To $30K.
Richard L. Beam, CPC
11246 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Phone: 402/330-3260

Member National Personnel Associates
We're Nationwide

COMM’L LOAN - $100MM suburban bank with aggressive
new ownership. Prefer five to seven yrs. experience in sim­
ilar size bank.
COMM’L LOAN/BIZ DEV - $80MM suburban bank affiliated
with major holding company. Emphasis on new business
development but need solid credit background.
SENIOR LENDER - $150MM suburban bank with large
comm’l and real estate portfolio. Second position in bank
with opportunity to advance.
REAL ESTATE LOAN - junior position in large suburban
bank. Will assume some duties in construction and
comm’l real estate depts. plus handle residential loans.
AGRI-LOAN - $25MM community bank with 50% of loans
in agri-credits. Prefer background in cattle financing. $30K
Additional positions available for experienced bankers.1

2024 Swift - Box 12346
North Kansas City, MO 64116

“ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970”

Vol. 14 No. 18 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden
Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at
Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis