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Vol. 13 No. 17 Des Moines, Iowa “ Behind Every Cloud . . B y BEN H ALLER, JR. Publisher T IS certainly difficult to look for any positive sign when consider ing a problem o f the magnitude posed by the FD IC’s recent rescue plan for the Continental Bank o f Chicago. There is no question that FDIC Chairman William Isaac handled that pending insolvency differently than his staff had been handling a number o f smaller bank insolvencies when d ep ositors in excess o f $100,000 were put at risk with other general creditors. Because o f the magnitude o f the effect a Continental failure could have had on hundreds o f other banks, and the econom ies o f all their communities, as well as foreign na tions whose deposits were involved, Chairman Isaac exercised an alter native that practically all bankers, wholeheartedly or grudgingly, have conceded was necessary. However, one m ajor point seems to have been overlooked in all the trauma and gloom and doom talk connected with the Continental Bank situation: For exactly 50 years the nation’s commercial banks have paid insurance premiums into the FDIC fund to make sure the depos its up to lim its set by Congress are protected for bank depositors. The system has worked, without fail, for that entire half- century! I August 13,1984 — Real F acts The fact that some banks and de positors were helped more exten sively than others is a separate dis cussion. The main fact is that the FDIC concept has worked. Consequently, the nation’s commercial banking system has a m assive example in Continental to show the public that the commercial banking system does, in fact, protect depositors. Another fact is that one o f the ma jo r problem s facing banks today is the com petition from non-bank enti ties with their incursions into the various services offered traditional ly by commercial banks. An addi tional fact about them is that their depositors or custom ers are not FDIC insured! From behind the dark cloud o f the Continental rescue plan isn’t there a silver lining displaying a message? To me it says, “ American banks, you have som ething really solid to offer your depositors! You can offer them what people have sought for ages—security o f their earnings, their savings, their investm ents.” The message is clear and simple. A t a time when they are being as saulted on all fronts by these non bank com petitors, banks have a su preme example and proof thrust within their grasp—emphasize in a massive and united campaign from banks o f all sizes, through A B A and IB A A , or in unity, hopefully, that , there is a difference and that differ ence for the average American is safety o f their funds! Perhaps the FDIC should or could take part in such a campaign. It would be an ultim ate beneficiary in increased premium collections if the deposits o f banks would increase from those recognizing safety o f funds. If nothing more, such a hard-hit ting campaign by the banks would help Americans face up to the deci sion they’re really making—do you want to accept “ risk” o f all your funds by dealing with a non-bank, or do you want guaranteed “ safety” o f the first $100,000 o f your funds in whatever type o f deposit instrument you choose with your commercial, regulated bank? For those o f the non-banks who say, “ Y ou’re dealing with old-line, solid, giant com panies,” one can point quickly to the unfortunate Continental to show that even the great ones can have problem s—but at least it belonged to a banking system that was able to give it—and its depositors—new life! This opportunity is an immediate one because the im pact o f FD IC ’s Chicago action is still prominent in the daily press. Perhaps from behind that dark cloud has come some ray o f positive approach that the na tion’s bankers should seize immedi ately. □ SPRENGER ROWLAND AND Getting MESSINA it done for you. Bill Sprenger ^ Z34-ZK>Z5 234-2625 Frampton Rowland ZM -Z W O 234-2485 John Messina Z M -Z W o 234-2486 Commerce Bank of Kansas oty A MEMBER FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tplf>nhr»ne> Telephone(R'if.'i (816)9Xd.9nnn 234-2000 w 2 FDIC Proposes New Reg on Minimum Capital Adequacy The FDIC has issued for public comment a proposed regulation to be used in determining capital ade quacy o f insured nonmember com mercial and savings bank. Deadline for subm itting comments is Septem ber 18. It would apply to examina tions as well as new applications. It would establish definitions and min imum requirements for primary and total capital. The basic points are: 1. Minimum acceptable level o f total capital to assets is 6%, o f which 5Vz must be in primary capi tal. 2. Those banks below this level will be given a reasonable time to bring capital into compliance. 3. Higher capital levels will be mandated for banks that exhibit more than a moderate degree o f on or off-balance sheet risk or other characteristics that indicate the need for maintenance o f higher capi tal levels. 4. The FDIC may require more primary or total capital if conditions warrant. Primary capital consists o f com mon stock, capital surplus, undivi ded profits (less intangible assets), reserves for contingencies and other ASK D IC K R E T Z to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants A National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis capital reserves, net worth certifi cates issued to the FDIC, m inority interests in consolidated subsidi aries, allowances for possible loan and lease losses, and certain manda tory convertible instruments lim ited to 20% o f the other primary capital com ponents. * * * Another fact that will be imping ing on FDIC and/or Congressional decisions in the near future is that foreign deposits in United States banks are not currently subject to F D IC prem ium charges. That makes no difference to the m ajority o f the nation’s banks, except that a m ajor share o f Continental Bank’s deposits were from abroad; there fore, any potential adjustm ent in premium charges to the nation’s banks makes them pick up the pre mium tab for those deposits which were not insured. O f the 22 banks with more than $10 billion in deposits, it is esti mated by FDIC that they would have paid $120 million additional yearly in premiums, or a total o f $400 million, if foreign deposits had been included. Yet, those foreign de posits are, in effect, being protected by FDIC. It is estim ated the highest amount, about $28.5 m illion addi tional, would be paid by Citibank. It actually paid about $13.8 million, while 74%, or $47.7 billion o f its total deposits, were foreign depos its. If it had paid FDIC premiums o f about $42.5 million on the entire de posit base, it is estim ated Citibank’s net incom e would have been reduced by 3%. Similar reductions in net would have resulted at a dozen o f the other leading banks, whose foreign depos its range from 38% to 64% o f their total deposits. Iowa News H ARTLEY: Jack Cuttell has been appointed vice president o f the Se curity State Bank. He previously was with Everly State Bank, Everly, for 12 years as a vice president. HORNICK: State Savings Bank in H om ick has made application to the Iowa Banking Department to relo cate its main office to Onawa and es tablish a bank office in H om ick. A hearing will be held August 15 to de cide on the application. M ANCHESTER: Eric C. Anderson has been prom oted to assistant vice president o f the Farmers & Mer- OSKALOOSA: John Pothoven, ex ecutive vice president o f Mahaska State Bank has been named president. He succeeds R ussell S. Howard, Jr., who will remain as chairman. In addition, Rex Blom has been advanced to executive vice president from senior vice president. Mr. Pothoven joined the bank in 1976 as vice president and loan offi cer. Mr. Blom has been with the bank since 1966 and has served the past five years as head o f the loan department. RENW ICK: Two applications in volving Renwick Savings Bank will be decided on at a hearing scheduled for August 15 by the Iowa Banking Department. The first is for Ren wick Savings Bank to dissolve its corporate existence. The second is for Hawkeye Bank & Trust o f Humboldt to purchase and assume the assets and liabilities o f Renwick Savings Bank and establish an of fice in Renwick. STANW OOD: July 30 marked the com pletion o f a merger o f the Clarence Savings Bank with the Union Trust and Savings Bank o f Stanwood and Olin, form ing Com munity State Bank. The merged bank, which will have facilities in Clarence, Stanwood and Olin, has total assets o f $50 million. Only one personnel change has occurred with the merger, according to Bob Bunn president, and that is the hiring o f David Detwiler from Amboy* 111., to serve as vice president and office manager at the Stanwood branch. Loren M ortvedt will remain in Olin as vice president and office manager and Tom Jepson, executive vice president, will manage the Clarence office. W H EATLAN D : Douglas A. Gibson has joined the staff o f First Trust and Savings Bank as assistant vice president and office manager at the Dixon Branch. Mr. Gibson m ost recently was a loan officer at the Grand Mound branch office o f First National Bank o f Clinton. % # # ^ ^ • • ® ® ^ # Nebraska News • The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion is conferring with State Bank ing Director Roger Beverage about the assessments announced by the banking department for state char- _ ® Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 8-13-84 There's no substitute for finely-tuned investm ents! hen it com es to investm ents— long-term or short-term -r- nothing outperform s q u ality.. ; : And when it com es to quality, no one beats the outstanding track record of United Missouri’s Investm ent Banking Division. Sound bond portfolio recom m endations are our business. They have been since the 1920’s. ..'■X > You can rely on our ability to adapt in this changing financial world. Today and tomorrow, your bond portfolio will benefit from our consistently high standards. p ! C all or w rite United Missouri Bank today. W e’v e m astered the art of quality. fo Investm ent Banking Division U N IT E D M ISSO U R I B A N K of Kansas C ity n.a. Member I DIC United we grow. Together. 10th and (irand o P.O. Box 22b Kansas City, Missouri 64141 o{816) 556-7200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 • m ® ^ ^ ^ ^ • • tered banks in the 1984-85 fiscal year. The new schedule boosts the hour ly charge by 25%, from $24 to $30 an hour, and the asset-based assessment by 300%, from 5$ per $1,000 to 15$ per $1,000. G RAN D ISLAN D : Omaha National Bank recently com pleted the acquisition o f Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. o f Grand Island and its branches, effective August 3. This follow s Omaha N ational’s re cent acquisition o f Commercial Savings Co., both which were owned by Commercial Bankshares o f Nebras ka. The operations o f Commercial National and Commercial Savings have been consolidated and reopened as full-service branch offices o f Omaha National. Lawrence Com ine, Jr., has been named to serve as senior officer in charge o f the Grand Island operation, as well as being in charge o f the recently acquired First Investm ent Co., Kearney, now oper ating as Omaha National Bank Kearney, a branch office. O M AH A: John F. K otouc has been elected president and chief executive officer o f American National Bank. He succeeds Harold G. Haver, who resigned. Mr. K otouc will continue with his present duties as president o f three K otouc fam ily banks— Home State Bank & Trust Com pany, Humboldt, State Bank o f Elk Creek, and The Dawson Bank. • Minnesota News _ 9 ^ # ® BLUE EARTH : August A. W il liams has been elected president o f First Bank Blue Earth. He succeeds Peter L. H ollister, who has accepted a position with Security State Bank o f Cannon Falls. Mr. W illiams pre viously was senior vice president o f agricultural lending at First Bank Rochester, where he had been associ ated since 1962. ties o f Guaranty State Bank have South Dakota News been assumed by Shelard National Bank, St. Louis Park. Guaranty ALCESTER: W illard J. Lenners has State Bank was closed July 19 and been appointed vice president and reopened July 20 as a branch o f senior loan officer o f the State Bank Shelard National Bank. Shelard Na o f Alcester. He previously served tional has agreed to pay the FDIC a tw o years as the senior loan officer purchase premium o f $1,710,000 at First National Bank, Council and purchase G uaranty S tate Bluffs, Iowa, and 12 years as vice Bank’s instalment loans and certain president o f Bank W est, N .A., other assets. The FDIC will advance Pierre. cash amounting to $14.4 million to VERM ILLIO N : Ron W right has Shelard National and retain assets been named vice president and man o f the failed bank with a book value ager o f American State Bank in Ver o f approxim ately $17.3 million. million. He replaces Jerry Paulsen who is returning to American State in Yankton. Mr. W right joined the Illinois News Vermillion bank from Oakland Sav The Illinois Bankers Association, ings Bank in Oakland, Iowa. He pre along with the Independent Commu viously was with American State in nity Banks in Illinois, Illinois Farm Yankton for seven years before m ov Bureau, Farmers Home Adm inistra ing to Iowa. tion, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service and Farm Credit Banks will Wyoming News be co-sponsoring tw o Agricultural CASPER: Neal T. Allred has been Lender conferences to be held Tues appointed vice president and man day, August 21 at the Ramada Inn, ager o f the real estate department at Rock Falls, and W ednesday, August 29 at the Holiday Inn, Jacksonville. W yom ing National Bank. Mr. AllEach o f the two conferences will red previously was vice president include a presentation by extension and manager o f the real estate de specialists and federal bank exami partment at First Interstate Bank ners. Attendees will also be chal in Kalispell, M ont. lenged by sample case studies, which will involve credit analysis. The conferences will be held from 1-8 p.m. on each day. W H EELIN G : Cole-Taylor Financial Group, Inc., based in Chicago, has signed a letter o f agreement to ac quire W heeling Trust & Savings Bank. Under terms o f the agree ment, Wheeling Trust would be merged into Main Bank o f Chicago and assume the Main Bank name, according to a join t statement by Chairman Sidney J. Taylor and De puty Chairman Irwin H. Cole. Wisconsin News RICE LAK E: Alan G. Cronk has been prom oted from senior vice pres M IN N EAPOLIS: The Federal Re ident to chief executive officer o f the serve Bank o f Minneapolis recently Dairy State Bank. A s the bank’s top named Theodore E. Umhoefer, Jr. as executive officer, Mr. Cronk suc vice president, responsible for the ceeds Harvey E. Lorfeld, who re bank’s personnel department. Mr. signed as president in M ay. Mr. Umhoefer joined the bank in 1974 as Cronk joined the bank in 1976 and a management science analyst. was advanced to vice president in ST. PAUL: The deposits and liabili 1982. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BIG PIN EY: Dale Smith has been named vice president and senior loan officer o f First W yom ing Bank, N .A. - B ig Piney. He started with First W yom ing Bancorporation in 1981 at the Kemmerer affiliate. Montana News The Montana Bankers A ssocia tion, in cooperation with the Am eri can Bankers Association, will pre sent an Insurance and Risk Manage ment Seminar September 13 at The Colonial Inn, Helena. Instructor for the seminar is Stephen L. Marley, president o f Marley & Associates, Inc., Coral Springs, Florida, and a nationally re cognized bank insurance expert, se curity management educator, au thor and consultant. The seminar will begin at 8:30 a.m. with registration and run until 4:30 p.m. Registration fee is $150 for the first registrant and $95 for each additional registrant from the same bank. For more information contact the Montana Bankers Association. W A N T ADS Rates are $5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. N orth w estern B Ag Banking Positions Let us help you. Call the ag lending personnel specialists without cost or obligation. Confidential. Employers pay us to hire the best. Sr. Ag Lender for large Minnesota bank. Must be experi enced in handling large ag credits........ Salary to $45,000. anker Sr. Ag Lender for major Illinois bank. Must be experienced in working with large ag business customers and larger ag c re d its ........................................................Salary to $49,000. Jean 515/263-9598 if no answer, 712/779-3567 Massena, Iowa 50853 sonc4Rras,iNa J AG BANKING SPECIALISTS Commercial Lender/Mgtmt, No. 2 in $45mm bank near twin cities, $35K Trust Officer, Employee Benefit Administration and Investments in $120mm bank, Central IA,$30K Ag Lenders, 8 openings in MN, IA, SD, NE, to $40K All inquiries are held confidential. Contact Bar bara Ritta PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS, INC 6818 Grover, Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 397-2885 SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 PAPPAS & ASSOCIATES Confidential Consulting, including: LOANS—Ag & Commercial: Prob lems, Workouts, Documentation, Training Act now—save Capital! Chris Pappas, Principal 27 Years’ Banking Experience 4020 Woodland Plaza #12 West Des Moines, la. 50265 515 225-1625 Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins Reliable and 'respected serviee for over 20 years lised by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E . Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 . 515-243-8064 CEO for Nebraska community bank. Excellent opportunity ............................................................................. Salary open. Sr. Ag Lander for large Wisconsin bank. Must have experi ence in major ag credits and ag degree .Salary to $45,000. 306 - 15th Street Des M oines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 CAREER POSITIONS Financial Careers CEO for $60 million bank in midwest city of 35,000. Experi ence in commercial lending and administration essential ............................................................................. Salary open. P O SIT IO N A V A IL A B L E COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICER— Immediate opening for an experienced commercial lender to fill number two spot in $16MM bank. Knowledge of bank operations useful but not required. Send resume and salary requirements to President, P.O. Box 5003, Great Falls, Montana 59403. (PA) AG LOAN OFFICER-lmmediate opening for ag loan officer in $24 million western Nebraska bank. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience and background. Farm credit system experience a plus. Emphasis on cash flow lending and ability to analyze credits. Insurance licenses a plus with good opportunity to earn substantial premiums. Send resume and salary requirements in strict confidence to: file WBW, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Trust Officer to handle trust and estates and make up tax reports. Investmentexperience and law degree not neces sary .Salary to $35,000. Commercial Lender with experience in handling larger credits. Texas location. Excellent opportunity.................. ......................................................................Salary to $50,000. Commercial Lender for major Oklahoma institution. Must have experience in large credit lines, cash flow, etc........... ......................................................................Salary to $50,000. Number Two man for $30 million Illinois community bank located on major duck flyw ay................ Salary to $38,000. Ag Lender wanted by southern Illinois bank of $60 million located on major goose fly w a y !.............. Salary to $26,000. Number Two person for larger northern Iowa bank. Must have both commercial and ag lending experience. Former examiner background a p lu s ................... Salary to $42,000. Operations person with experience. To head all operations in $60 million bank in Io w a ....................... Salary to $35,000. Installment person with a year or so experience wanted by community bank in eastern Iowa for compliance/collections and lending..................................... Salary to $18,000. EDP Auditor for billion dollar bank. Wisconsin location . . . ......................................................................Salary to $35,000. We have many other opportunities. Call or write Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk at Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1010 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. LOAN WORKOUT SPECIALIST Available on a permanent or temporary basis in an on line or advisory capacity for: • LOAN WORKOUTS • LIQUIDATIONS • DOCUMENTATION 22 years experience in acquisitions and liquidations, write: WBX c/o, Northwestern Banker — All Replies Confidential — (PW) FOR S A L E ONE MOSLER WALK-UP WINDOW 26” x 56” W/Built in microphone and speaker. Contact: Mary Jo Meyer, Waukon State Bank P.O. Box 246 Waukon, IA 52172. Phone 319-568-3451. (FS) LEASING OFFICER DON- (SScHOOLER Ik A N D - Q j J J ) A S S O C IA TES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" If you would like to be informed of positions as they become available and if you are interested in chang ing your present position, send your resume or phone Don Schooler, 417-882-2265, 2508 East Meadow, Springfield, Missouri 65804. Information on you will be kept confidential until you are inter ested in a specific position. Eighteen years of banking serving as President of rural and metropolitan banks enables me to match you, technically and personally, with the right bank ing environment. POSITIONS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Missouri, Iowa Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Illinois, and Nebraska DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES, metro bank.......... .............................................................................. $40,000-$ 50,000 PRESIDENT, CEO, $15,000,000 bank.......................... ........................................................ $35,000 Minimum ASSISTANT CONTROLLER, population approx. 50,000................................................. $20,000-$25,000 PRESIDENT, New Charter.............. $50,000 Minimum INSTALLMENT, #2, large bank, over 100,000 popula tion ................................................... $25,000 Minimum COMMERCIAL VICE PRESIDENT, $50-$100mm Bank, ideal to w n ..............................$40,000 Minimum COMMERCIAL LENDER, $60mm bank, population approx. 35,000.................................$30,000 Minimum HEAD CASHIER, $35mm bank, high growth area . . . .........................................................$25,000 Minimum PRESIDENT, $40mm bank, small town, excellent benefits............................................ $40,000 Minimum Omaha National Bank has a unique opportunity available for an individual with a strong back ground in accounting and/or commercial banking. Position involves marketing and servicing of true, conditional sale and tax exempt leases. Success ful candidate will preferably possess: CPA and/ or 2-3 years bank operations experience including leasing or commercial banking; a degree in ac counting, finance, or related area; customer con tact experience and abilities; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to market bank products and services required. Position of fers excellent compensation and benefits pro gram. If qualified, please apply to: OMAHA NATIONAL BANK 17th & Famam Omaha, NE 68102 Equal Opportunity Employer POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT - $30MM community bank. Requires ag and commercial lending background................................. $Open COMMERCIAL LOAN - $100MM + bank with growth poten tial. Need five yrs. or more comml. lending and good busi ness development skills...................................................$35K JR. COMMERCIAL LOAN • background in instal. credit, with some exposure to commercial lending for $25MM bank.................................................................................... $25K SR. AGRILOAN - responsibility for all agricredits in $40MM rural bank. Opportunity for promotion to EVP...............$38K Additional opportunities available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 13 No. 17 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fif teenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis